Ammonia for indoor flowers, application. Ammonia: a safe nitrogen fertilizer for plants and a pest control agent What plants love ammonia

Ammonia is formed by combining ammonia and water. This substance is successfully used by amateur gardeners to protect plants from pests and feed. The use of ammonia in the garden is safe method non-accumulating harmful substances in fruits, therefore it can be used in the cultivation of environmentally friendly products.

Do not confuse ammonia and ammonia. The first is the very substance that will be used in the garden in a diluted form, which has a characteristic odor. The second is ammonium chloride - colorless, odorless crystals, but if it is heated, then the smell of chlorine will also be mixed with ammonia.

Interesting! Ammonia does not contain ethanol. Its name comes from the English spirit, which means spirit. Chemists called all volatile substances that way.

Why you need to use ammonia in the garden

Ammonia for plants is a source of nitrogen nutrition. Why is it necessary to apply ammonia as fertilizer, if plants can get nitrogen from the air? There are several reasons for this:

For each case, you need to correctly calculate the dosage so that the problem is solved in favor of the plants.

How to use ammonia to feed plants

Using an ammonia solution for fertilizing horticultural crops is quick, easy and safe. Therefore, when asked which plants can be watered ammonia, the answer is everything. Dosage is another issue. For top dressing - one concentration, for pests - another.

Vegetable crops in open ground and greenhouses are fed with nitrogen. Someone prefers to make fertilizing on schedule, regardless of the state of the foliage and shoots. If there is no discipline in the garden, then you will have to feed the vegetables urgently, when all the signs of nitrogen deficiency are visible:

  • pale green leaves;
  • delayed growth of shoots;
  • shedding of the ovaries;
  • small fruits.

Nitrogen nutrition is applied in the spring during the growth of greenery. Top dressing is applied by root and foliar method, using solutions of different concentrations:

  • For root - 10 ml / 1 l of water.
  • For foliar - 10 ml / bucket of water.

For spraying against pests, laundry soap is added to the solution.

For cucumbers and tomatoes

Ammonium in the garden is used for cucumbers and tomatoes, starting from the seedling stage. Some people prefer to soak cucumber seeds in a solution before germination. This method works well if the shell is tough. Seeds sprout in 3 - 4 days.

The forum on the Internet describes a way when a 10% solution was simply dripped onto the seeds, kept for 1 - 2 minutes, washed and planted in the ground. Result - fast shoots and healthy plants... The same was tried on the seeds of squash and pumpkin - the result was confirmed: ammonia for cucumbers is a germination accelerator.

At the stage of growing seedlings, they are sprayed with a solution of a lower concentration in order to maintain the amount of nitrogen in the tissues. This will determine how the transplant will go in open ground and how the cucumbers will bloom. Fruiting depends not only on nitrogen, but also on potassium and phosphorus, therefore, along with ammonia, nutrition must be added for the development of the root system.

Seedling tomatoes need 5 ml of ammonia solution per 10 l of water. This will help the plants survive the transplant and continue to grow. Especially you need to pay attention to weak plants, because feeding them is more useful. If the leaves and shoots are in good condition, feeding is not necessary.

For adult tomatoes, the dose is doubled. You need to feed with ammonia three times a season. This is especially true for light sandy soils, where fertilizers are poorly retained in top layer and after the rain they go to the lower horizon, where the root system does not reach.

For cabbage

It is not possible to grow cabbage without using top dressing and pest repellent. One of the universal drugs is ammonia, which scares away:

  • cruciferous flea;
  • cabbage fly;
  • slugs;
  • caterpillars;
  • grape snails.

The concentration of the substance is 100 ml / 10 l of water. Spray regularly once every three days if there are signs of damage to the leaves or head. If slugs attack, you can spill soil around with the same solution. At the same time, nitrogen reserves will be replenished, so it is better not to add other nitrogen fertilizers in order to avoid an overdose.

Cabbage seeds are also treated in ammonia solution before planting. Because of this, they sprout faster. The seeds are put in cheesecloth and dipped in a solution prepared for 10 minutes. from 1 part ammonia and 3 parts water.

For strawberries

Ammonium for strawberries is useful in spring, so that the bush gains strength for flowering and fruiting. Ammonium is used in the garden for strawberries in concentration 40 ml per bucket of water. Held in late March - early April when the first leaves appear.

Video: Using ammonia for strawberries

This is both feeding and preventing the appearance of pests, because in the spring not only plants wake up, but also spores of the fungus, and the larvae of beetles and caterpillars that eat foliage. You can add half a piece to stick to the leaves. laundry soap... The procedure is performed in the evening after sunset to avoid chemical burns.

It is practiced feeding strawberries with ammonia three times per season. The second time is applied before flowering for 7 - 8 days, so that the solution acts on the plants, but does not scare off the bees, which are involved in pollination and affect the harvest.

For the third time, the soil and bushes are watered after harvesting in the fall. Feeding strawberries after fruiting with ammonia is needed to destroy pests preparing for wintering and a fungal infection in the form of spores. This will save the strawberries from the spring outbreak.

For flowers

Pharmacy ammonia solution contains 82% nitrogen. This is more than any other nitrogen fertilizer. But plants absorb it without much enthusiasm: just as much - as needed. It is impossible to overfeed plants with ammonia.

Ammonia for indoor flowers and garden ornamental plants is a complete and safe source of nitrogen. The most commonly recommended dosage for root application 30 ml of ammonia per 10 l of water, or 3 ml / 1 l.

For foliar spraying and for young plants it is enough 1 teaspoon per liter or root.

Ammonia is used:

  • for peonies;
  • dahlia;
  • pansies;
  • bulbous plants.

If ornamental plants are infested with aphids or other insects, the concentration can be increased to 50 ml / bucket.

Video: Fertilizing with ammonia works wonders

Ornamental crops that were not fertilized at the beginning of the growing season will have inappropriate appearance... If, at the stage of green mass gaining, undernourishment with nitrogen, then the flowering phase will come with a delay, there will be few buds, because half of them will crumble.

They do not work well without nitrogen fertilization potash fertilizers, which are responsible for the color and brightness of plants. In addition, midges, flies, caterpillars start on sick and weakened flowers.

Ammonia from pests in the garden and in the garden

Ammonium in the garden is used against the following pests:

  • Medvedki. These pests can swim, dig tunnels underground, and try to fly. It is very difficult to fight them. conventional methods... The only way out is to scare off the insect with chemicals or ammonia with a pungent odor. The solution is poured around the plants so that the bear cannot get to the root and cut it with its claws.
  • Wireworm. Has a solid body, so crush it will not work. An adult - click beetle - lives for about a year.

The wireworm is a larval stage that lasts 2 years and is much more harmful than adult beetles. In spring, it rises to the surface to find food. At this point, you need to start etching the soil with an ammonia solution. Or plant legumes near vegetables, because the click beetle doesn't like them and leaves.

  • Aphid. Sucks juice from leaves and shoots. 2 sprays with an ammonia composition with laundry soap are enough for the colony to die.
  • Cabbage whites, whose larvae eat cruciferous plants.
  • Summer Shield.

Many amateurs indoor plants rarely pay attention to them. Basically, it is enough only for a rare transplant - once a year, periodic watering and wiping dust from the leaves. But experienced florists they know that in order for flowers to feel good and to please the eye, you need to take proper care of them: organize adequate lighting and a sufficient level of humidity, choose the most suitable soil mixture and organize the correct wintering. And besides, the plants need feeding - making nutrients... And here the most unexpected substances can come to the rescue. So, the topic of our today's conversation will be the well-known ammonia and its use for indoor flowers.

Ammonia is inherently a transparent white liquid, has a pungent odor and is widely used in medicine and everyday life. Chemists call it ammonium solution or ammonia tincture. Florists have figured out how to use ammonia for plant care, including its use for indoor flowers. This substance can be a good nitrogen source for domestic crops. And this element, as you know, is extremely important for the full growth and development of plants, without it, the course of photosynthesis processes and the production of chlorophyll are impossible. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become pale and discolored, over time they begin to die off, and flowers and buds also fall off.

How to saturate a plant with nitrogen using ammonia?

To cook nitrogen fertilizer for indoor plants is very easy. You need to take five liters of ordinary settled water and pour three tablespoons of ammonia into it. House flowers need to be watered at the root. It is especially important to feed geranium and clematis with nitrogen, as well as decorative foliage crops.

Some experts claim that ammonia is excellent for foliar dressing... To prepare such a fertilizer, fifty milliliters of the product should be diluted in four liters of water. The use of ammonia in breeding - for spraying foliage.

When using ammonia for watering or spraying indoor plants, its toxicity must be taken into account. So, if you water your home crops with ammonia solution, apply it exclusively to moist, loose soil.

Be careful not to inhale the vapors of such a product, do not let it get into the eyes, and also move children and animals out of the room. Be sure to provide excellent ventilation in your home. And it is even better to process the foliage with ammonia on the balcony.

Aphids, otherwise they are called plant lice, have a very detrimental effect on almost all plantings.

If plants are attacked by these sucking pests, they stop growing, become weakened, and often die. For this reason, even if the initial symptoms of a lesion are detected, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate them.

In terms of their size, the pests are quite small, the adult individual reaches a length of only 2 mm. There are a huge number of their species in nature; pests can live on various crops different colors, from green to black.

The use of ammonia in the country

Fight pests in summer cottages and garden plots all kinds of folk ways, one of them is ammonia.

It can significantly improve the life of amateur gardeners, because in addition to the poisonous effects on plant lice, it has a beneficial effect on plants in the form of fertilizer.

If necessary, you can get rid of the resulting solution, it will not harm them.

Salmon as a source of nitrogen for plants

Suffice it to recall that ammonia is a nitrogen compound, this indicates that it is an excellent source of nitrogen. Everyone knows that with a lack of nitrogen in plants, leaves turn yellow and wither, with a lack of nitrogen, chlorophyll is not formed.

Top dressing is prepared in this way: in 10 liters. water is diluted with 3 tbsp. l. alcohol and produce watering under the spine.

The ammonia solution is perfectly absorbed without exception (the question is only in quantity). Most of all, onions, cucumbers, different kinds flowers and much more.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country or in the apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect on pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

Pest control

Ammonium is an excellent aid in the fight against various pests.

For example:

  • Onion and. It will be enough to dilute only 5 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water and water the beds.
  • Against aphids. Dilute 50 g in a bucket of water. alcohol, add baby or laundry soap (for better adhesion), spray it. For vegetation, this is an excellent fertilizer, for aphids - death.
  • Fighting the bear. It is required to take clean water(10 liters), pour 10 gr. ammonia. When planting seedlings, mainly cabbage, water each hole (half a liter is enough).
  • Against the wireworm. Prepare a solution from a bucket of water and 10 ml of alcohol, ½ l. pour liquid into each well when planting tomatoes.
  • in indoor colors: it is enough to water them with a weak ammonia solution.

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Aphid harm

The vegetable louse causes colossal damage to plants. At the beginning spring season it appears in vegetable gardens and orchards. All berry and fruit bushes, as well as flowers, suffer from the aphid infestation.

Sucking out the sap, the aphid secretes honeydew, which covers the leaves, allowing a sooty fungus to develop, which interferes with photosynthesis. If you do not get rid of pests in a timely manner, all vegetation may die.

Features of the fight against aphids

Having chosen a certain method of struggle, one should not forget that a one-time treatment will not bring the desired effect. The fact is that a single spraying will not completely destroy all representatives, those that remain will quickly restore the population, and the work done will be reduced to zero.

After the initial treatment, after a few days, it should be repeated. If necessary, process a few more times, in which case the pests will be completely destroyed.

Stories from our readers!
"We have always used fertilizers and top dressing in our garden. The neighbor said that he was soaking the seeds by applying a new fertilizer. The seedlings grow strong and strong.

Ordered, followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We have reaped a wonderful harvest this year, now we will always use only this tool. I recommend giving it a try. "

Treatment of vegetation from garden lice with ammonia is one of the most effective ways.

Dissolving in 10 liters. water 2 tablespoons of the drug, adding before spraying 40 gr. of any soap, it is necessary to process not only damaged plants, but also, as a prophylaxis, the rest of the vegetation. For greater efficiency, the treatment should be repeated several times.

Important! After the plants have been sprayed with the ammonia solution, the plants should not be watered for several days.


Spray treatment should take place in the evening. During this period, beneficial insects have already completed their labor activity, and the aphid will gather for sleep. Work should be done within 10 days, maintaining a period of 1-2 days between treatments.

Tree processing

It is necessary to process various trees with a standard prepared composition. Work is carried out in the evening, when the aphid falls asleep.

In addition to spraying with ammonia, preparatory work should be done with trees in the spring:

  • Collect fallen leaves and burn them. Everyone knows that a huge number of pests winters in last year's foliage.
  • Remove damaged and dry branches.
  • Blank lime mortar tree trunks.
  • Thoroughly treat all parts of the trees with an ammonia solution.

Garden processing

To process fruit bushes you can use pesticides, but we should not forget that they, in addition to aphids, will destroy and beneficial insects... For this reason, it is necessary to process the garden completely and at short intervals of several days. Repeat the procedure at least 3 times.

It is very important that the ants simply adore aphids, protect and preserve them. Therefore, before starting to destroy pests, it is necessary to get rid of the anthills located nearby.

For used both folk remedies and chemicals.

Plant processing

All plants growing in the garden area should be treated with an ammonia solution. This will not harm them, since ammonia is an excellent source of nitrogen.

When planting seedlings in the holes, you need to spill each one with an ammonia solution, this will perfectly fertilize the vegetation and prevent the appearance of aphids on their branches and leaves.

If the aphid is still on the leaves, it is necessary to pollinate it with an alcohol solution several times. The addition of soap will increase the efficiency of the work.

How does ammonia work on pests?

Salmon, due to its irritating effect, acts locally on pests, affects the respiratory system and the digestive tract. In these cases, a dosage that is safe for humans causes respiratory paralysis in pests. Getting into the gastric system, it leads to edema and burns of the mucous membrane, convulsions and, as a result, death.

The drug can be safely used both during flowering and waiting for fruits, it will not cause harm.

Instructions for the use of ammonia from aphids

Do not be afraid to treat trees and plants with ammonia. The smell of ammonia will evaporate very quickly, and a certain part of the drug that penetrates into the plant will play the role of additional protection, fertilizer and will be processed rather quickly.

In all folk recipes The use of ammonia includes the addition of soap, shampoo, dishwashing detergent (for greater adhesion to branches and leaves).

To make a working solution, a bucket of water is taken, 2 tbsp is added. l. ammonia, the same amount of soap or shampoo. Thanks to the soapy solution, the protection against aphids will last much longer.

Folk remedies

Before processing against aphid infestation, it is necessary to carefully examine the damaged plants and trees. Cut off the affected areas, leaves and burn them. After this work, spray.

There are two most effective ways:

  • Take 60 ml of alcohol on a bucket of water, grate ¼ a piece of any soap, mix thoroughly. Fill the spray bottle with the resulting solution and process everything completely.
  • Take an incomplete bucket of water, add 2 tbsp. l. rubbing alcohol and a spoonful of laundry detergent. Move and spray plants and trees.

The effectiveness of ammonia

When processing, it is considered a huge plus that it can be used at any period of development, which cannot be said about pesticides.

The effect of the action of ammonia does not differ from powerful factory preparations, however, the first will not harm the plant itself and its fruits. Using this drug, any gardener knows that, in addition to destroying pests, ammonia will compensate for the lack of nitrogen.

It should be remembered that a one-time treatment of the desired effect will not bring, it should be repeated several times.

Precautionary measures

When using ammonia for processing, it is necessary, as in all cases, to comply with safety regulations. Of course, a weak solution cannot cause negative consequences in a person. And if strong, undiluted vapors are inhaled, it will can lead to burns of the mucous membrane and poisoning.

Therefore, you should always wear a protective mask (respirator), gloves and, if possible, goggles when working.


All gardeners are eagerly awaiting spring in order to get to work on their plots. Such a nuisance as plant lice can significantly darken the mood of the summer resident. Ammonia is the first assistant in their difficult task.

In addition to these recipes, there are other folk methods: this is an infusion of potato and tomato tops, and uses, and purchased chemicals.

But ammonia not only can help in getting rid of aphids, but also fertilize the soil. The big plus is that the drug is inexpensive and one bottle will last for several seasons.

Ammonium nitrate or ammonia contains a high concentration of nitrogen, therefore it is often used by summer residents as fertilizer for plant nutrition. In addition, ammonia has a pungent odor that repels pests. Such useful qualities the drug is very much appreciated by gardeners and gardeners, using ammonia for plant nutrition and for treating the vegetable garden and garden from pests.

Plants need nitrogen to build up green mass, develop and grow. You can fill the lack of this element in the soil with the help of ready-made fertilizers or ammonia, which is safe for plants.

That vegetable crops, shrubs or flowers lack nitrogen, the following signs will prompt:

  • thin stems and shoots;
  • underdeveloped leaves;
  • wilting, shedding of flowers;
  • the foliage below the plant is pale and yellow;
  • trees and shrubs lose their resistance to frost;
  • the plant stops growing or develops very slowly.

In these cases, garden and garden plants need nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which can be used as ammonia.

Ammonia is folk remedy two in one, since it is not only a source of nitrogen, but also with its smell can scare away many pests:

  • carrot and onion fly;
  • bear;
  • wireworm;
  • ants, which are carriers of aphids;
  • hidden proboscis;
  • midges in home colors.

Features of the use of ammonia in the garden and vegetable garden

When preparing the solution and using ammonia for spraying and watering, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves, an apron, a mask and protect your eyes.

Attention! Exposure to ammonia can burn the skin and mucous membranes, and if inhaled in high concentrations, breathing may even stop. Therefore, be very careful and careful:

  1. Spray plants in calm weather.
  2. If the product will be used for indoor plants, it is better to process them on open balcony or with open windows.
  3. In greenhouses, ammonia is used in warm weather, after opening all the doors and vents.
  4. If, during processing, drops of ammonia get on the fruits, they should be washed well several times before use.

What can be poured with ammonia

Nitrogen is necessary for all plants, but some crops need it to a greater extent, in others - in a lesser one:

  1. Eggplant, squash, cabbage, rhubarb, peppers and pumpkin- these cultures are fed with a solution of ammonia of medium concentration.
  2. Fruit and berry bushes - cherries, blackberries, plums and raspberries watered under the root with a low concentration ammonia solution.
  3. Zinnias, dahlias, violets, peonies, nasturtium, roses, clematis they love nitrogen, so high concentration solutions are prepared for them.
  4. Tomatoes and cucumbers, corn, carrots, garlic, beets, apple trees, gooseberries, currants and annual flowers fed with ammonia, diluted in medium or low concentration.
  5. Radishes, onions, onion flowers, juniper and pear nitrogen-containing fertilizers are needed to a moderate extent, therefore, solutions with a low concentration are used for them.

Dosage of ammonia for plant nutrition

Most often, it is used for feeding various crops medium solution concentration... It is prepared from 20 ml of 10% ammonia, which dissolves in 10 liters. a bucket of water.

Minimum concentration ammonia for feeding is prepared from 10 ml of the drug, diluted in that volume of water.

For preparing a solution with a high concentration you will need 10 liters of water and 25 ml of ammonia.

From 10 liters of water and 50 ml of ammonia, a solution is prepared for emergency feeding of plants that have the above symptoms of starvation.

Before watering with ammonia, plants must be watered with plain water.

Since the ammonia has the ability to erode, they use not sprayers for spraying, but a watering can with a shower head.

Attention! If you use ammonia to feed or treat plants from pests, other nitrogen-containing fertilizers cannot be used. An excess of nitrogen can cause great harm to crops and crops.

Do not use ammonia feed more than once a week and start feeding the plants at the lowest concentration.

Ammonium for cucumbers

For the formation of green mass and the development of bushes, cucumbers need nitrogen. Before the ovaries appear, you can use a solution of ammonia with a minimum concentration. The first feeding is carried out with a shoot length of about 15 cm. Plants are fed every week.

As soon as buds and flowers begin to form on the cucumbers, the bushes begin to be fed with a solution of 10 ml of ammonia and a bucket of water.

If the leaves on the cucumbers begin to turn yellow, and there are no signs of damage to the plants by pests or diseases, feed the plants once with a composition of 25 ml of ammonia and 10 liters of water.

Ammonium for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants are watered with a weak ammonia solution (10 ml of 10% preparation per 10 liters of water). Feeding nightshade crops is carried out after the seedlings planted in the ground take root and begin to grow. Tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants are fed several times with a break of one week. One liter of such a solution is poured under each bush.

Attention! If foliage begins to grow vigorously on tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, it is better to stop feeding with ammonia. Otherwise, all the forces of plants will go to the formation of greenery, and not to the formation of buds.

Ammonia for cabbage

At the beginning of the growing season, cabbage needs nitrogen and protection from pests (caterpillars, slugs, cruciferous flea, cabbage fly).

Plants are poured over the leaves with a solution of 20 ml of ammonia and a bucket of water. To keep the solution on the leaves, you can add a little liquid soap to it.

Ammonium for garlic and onions

Top dressing of onions and garlic is carried out as follows:

  1. First feeding ammonia is carried out at disembarkation. For this, a solution of medium concentration is used, pouring it into each well, half a liter.
  2. Second feeding carried out after the appearance of the arrows (about 7-10 days after the first). Use a weak spray solution (10 ml per 10 L of water).

If onions and garlic are grown for greens, they are sprayed with ammonia every week. To receive large heads spraying is carried out twice with an interval of 7 days.

Treatment with ammonia for onions and garlic will help prevent yellowing of the arrows and protect plants from onion fly.

Ammonium in the strawberry garden

Strawberries absorb ammonia nitrogen poorly, so ammonia is used for it only as protection against pests and diseases. During the season, three treatments of strawberries with ammonia are carried out:

  1. First processing it is carried out in the spring, when young leaves appear on the plants. A solution for watering strawberries is prepared from 10 liters of water, a bottle (40 ml) of ammonia and a bar of laundry soap. Water the bushes from above so that the liquid gets into the ground, on the leaves and stems. Such a procedure will destroy pests and infections that have overwintered in the soil. Some time after watering with ammonia, plants are watered with plain water.
  2. Second processing strawberries are needed after flowering. This time, a solution is being prepared for spraying the bushes. It will take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ammonia and 10 liters of water. On treated plants, the ovaries will not be affected by pests.
  3. Third treatment will prepare the strawberries for wintering. Prepare a solution of ammonia (40 ml) and iodine (5 drops), which are diluted in 10 liters of water. The product is used for watering bushes.

Ammonia can be used to feed both garden and home flowers:

  1. For watering garden flowers you can also use an ammonia solution. The leaves are sprayed with a solution of one liter of water and a teaspoon of ammonia. Top dressing is carried out after the appearance of leaves and during the formation of buds. Perennial garden flowers are prepared for winter by feeding with ammonia. The procedure is carried out after flowering.
  2. Indoor flowers are sprayed and watered with a weak ammonia solution. Flowering plants they are fed only before flowering, and decorative deciduous trees can be processed throughout the growing season from spring to autumn.

Attention! Geranium and lemon should be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers regularly, so the ammonia solution is used for the entire vegetative period of plants.

Ammonia from pests

The pungent smell of ammonia can scare off many pests:

  1. From onion flies, midges and aphids a solution of 7 liters of water and 50 ml of ammonia is prepared. They are sprayed with plant leaves twice with a break a week.
  2. From bear, wireworm, caterpillars, slugs and ants an ammonia solution should be made with soap so that it lingers on the leaves of the plants. To prepare a remedy for pests, you will need to grate or crumble and dissolve in a liter warm water about 150 grams of laundry soap. Then the soap mixture is added to a ten-liter bucket of water and mixed with one hundred milliliters of ammonia.

The use of ammonia for feeding and treating plants from pests and diseases has a great advantage over chemicals... It is possible to use solutions of ammonia without harm to health both during the formation of ovaries and during the formation of fruits.

Ammonium hydroxide is ammonium hydroxide dissolved in water. it Chemical substance has the appearance of a liquid without color, but with a sharp unpleasant odor... Some call it ammonia for abbreviation, but it is a different substance. One of the areas of application of ammonia is work on personal plot.

One of the areas of application of an aqueous solution of ammonium (ammonia) in a personal plot is as a fertilizer.

Plants use nitrogen to synthesize chlorophyll in their cells. It is this chemical element stimulates the formation of chlorophyll, as well as the growth of green mass of foliage and shoots. Therefore, in order to accelerate the growth of plants (both flowers and fruits and vegetables), they are fed with minerals containing nitrogen in their composition. As such a top dressing, you can also use ammonia.

Nitrogen is also found in organic. Rather, it is released during their decomposition. But such transformations of a natural kind take a long time. Easier and more profitable to use mineral dressing... To use ammonia as a fertilizer, you need very little, and it costs quite cheaply in pharmacies, which allows you to save money.

In addition to fertilizing with nitrogen, which is carried out by the gardener at his own request or according to the recommendations of growing plants, the latter themselves will make it clear when they lack nitrogen:

  • the lower leaves turn pale and turn yellowish;
  • rapid fall of flowers or lack of ovaries;
  • fragile weak stems;
  • slow pace of development.

The largest amount of nitrogen is consumed by:

  • Zucchini, eggplant, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, rhubarb.
  • Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants, plums,.
  • Dahlias, lilies, clematis, peonies.

First aid for ants - ammonia

It should be remembered that undiluted ammonia is poisonous, it can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes in humans and the surface tissues of plants when drops of a saturated solution of the substance get on them. Therefore, when preparing nitrogen feeding, it is necessary to work with gloves and avoid contact of ammonia vapors in the eyes and respiratory tract.

When calculating the saturation of the ammonia solution for fertilizing plants, the established dosages must be observed. Otherwise, you may get a completely different result than you wanted. When plant cells are oversaturated with nitrogen, the following is observed:

  • excessive development of deciduous mass;
  • late and weak flowering;
  • increased risk of fungal diseases;
  • accumulation of nitrates (nitrogen salts) in edible tubers.

Different plants need different dosages of nitrogen fertilizers:

  • Onion. To obtain juicy and large feathers, half a tablespoon of ammonia is diluted in one liter of water. For good harvest planting is watered with a solution of one tablespoon of ammonia in 10 liters of water.
  • - one tablespoon of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • Tomatoes and cucumbers - 3 salt spoons of ammonia are diluted in 10 liters of water.

The dosage can be increased slightly if necessary.

The use of ammonia in the fight against insect pests

The ammonia solution can also be used to protect plants from harmful insects. To do this, prepare a solution and spray it on the ground parts of plants from a spray bottle.

The following ammonia concentrations are used for pest control:

  • From aphids - 20 ml of solution and 100 g of crushed laundry soap, mix and dilute in 8 liters of water.
  • For ants - 40 ml dissolves in one liter of water. The anthill is watered with this solution.
  • For wireworms - 10 ml per 8 liters of water. The solution is poured into the soil in the planting holes.
  • From a weevil - 25 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • From a bear - 10 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • For onion flies - 5 ml of alcohol per 10 liters of water.
  • For cabbage whites - 100 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • From the lurker - 25 ml per 9 liters of water.

Weak aqueous solution ammonium can be sprayed on ripening fruits and berries in order to scare away birds from them.

How to work with ammonia

When ingested into the human body, ammonia causes severe poisoning. If the dosage is exceeded in 10 g, a lethal outcome occurs.

The ingress of ammonia vapors into the respiratory tract leads to their spasmodic contractions and respiratory arrest.

Ammonia causes burns on contact with human skin.

In this regard, working with ammonia requires great care.

Ammonia should not be mixed with active chemical compositions... The preparation of the solution should be carried out with a good flow fresh air... You need to work in rubber gloves and preferably a respirator.

Clothing should cover all parts of the body as much as possible.

While watching the video, you will learn about ammonia in the country.

Ammonia is an effective and budgetary remedy suitable for use in gardening works... Its solution can be used both in the fight against and as plant nutrition. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules of dosage and work with the substance.

Attention super FLY!