Growing onion for greens of seeds. How to grow green bow at home planting green onions

Greens grown on its plot is always good. Therefore, the dackets try to sow dill on their "possessions" dill, Parsley, Ruhaluk, Spinach, put a long-term sorrel and other "greenship" - so that the soups salads can be prepared throughout the warm season.

As for the onion bows, the whole beds are often distinguished for him and large bulbs for stocks for the winter are grown. But after all I. about green Luke Do not forget: these vitamin features can delight you the whole summer! Grow green onions on the garden quite easily and most importantly - quickly. Even in exhausted sandy soil, what today and let's talk.

When is it better to plant onions?

There is a question different variants Answer, because it all depends on what onions you want to grow - green or on. Onions on greens get from Seed - Lucky little size (up to 2 cm in diameter) in golden peel. Typically, a seed (or "onion of the north") is sold on departures from cities - where dacnis is sent to their phasends. It is worth this sowing material inexpensive, and the results gives good: almost all the bulbs successfully germinate.

Seeding is best suited in April-May, when freezing will come down, but the soil will be still humid enough. In principle, you can replenish the garden with new seedlings throughout the summer, but then you need to regularly water the land in order to prevent the onion drying. So this option is suitable only for those who live in their dacha "deadly".

In turn, the onions can be obtained in two ways: from seeds and from Luca-Sevka. To assemble the crop of the Republic of Luke in September, seedlings should be put in the ground late in autumn, in front of the freezes themselves. Then, in the spring, wait for germs, throughout the summer generously water the garden, and in the fall, dig a harvest. In parallel, of course, you can pull the green onion feathers for salads and okroshek.

But from the seed onions grown even longer. In this case, in April or May you need to sow the seeds of the bow into the furrow and the fall of them are small ones of the seedlings. After that, to sear the bow-north on the bed in late autumn and wait for the crop in a year.
In the photo - onions from seeds, first year.

How to choose seedlings for growing green onions?

Online seedlings of two types are available:
- slightly germinated - with a green tip on top;
- Holistic - without a green tip.
If you need a quick result, take sprayed bulbs: in this case, green feathers can get a week after sowing. Well, a completely closed husk seedlings will give a "harvest" somewhat later - about two weeks.
We can slightly accelerate the appearance of green sidesies - to cut the bulbs on top of the scissors.

How to grow onions on the greens on the garden?

1. Qualitative fertile soil on the plot is half the work. But in the case of exhausting land, you will have to try, even to grow such a simple product like onions.
If on your country sand soilBefore sowing the seedlings of Luke, adopt her wood ash. Also good this way for sites with groundwatercontaining a large amount of iron: in counterweight gland, the ash is obscured by the soil, improving its properties.
Prepare a garden for sowing onion, make a parallel groove at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other and sprinkle with fine ash.

2. Pour the furrows with ash water: Let the earth get a good fit. It is necessary to plant seeds or seedlings only into a wet soil, it is possible to refuse from watering only if you plant right after the snow melted (so far the earth is still saturated with water from the melting snow). When water is absorbed into the ground, stick into the furrow on the bulbs at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Too deeply, seedlings in the ground are not worth it: their "dumping" should be in the ground with the surface of the earth.

3. Flip the furrows of dry ground on top, but do not be too fond of: a large layer of soil from above will prevent the germination of green onions.

That's all: the green bow on the garden is planted, it remains only to wait for germs! For the cultivation of the greenery, additional feeding can not be done: here the main thing in which the land will initially come from seedlings.

So that the tips of the green feathers did not fall asleep, water the bed in time in the morning or evening.

In winter and at the beginning of the spring, the body lacks vitamins. Replenish the reserve useful substances At this time, the cultivation of a bow on the feather helps. You can get a useful greens from a garden, a greenhouse or a pot on the windowsill. But that culture brought good harvestIt is important to know about the rules of landing and leaving the bow on the greens in the open soil, greenhouse or home.

How to grow onions on greens

Get bunches of juicy, useful greenery from Sevka at home is easy, grow green onions on the windowsill can be in winter and summer. First of all, prepare planting material, For this repka, the greens are sorted, you remove bother or damaged. The tops of the bulbs are cut to improve air access to the kidneys. The planting material is soaked in the day in warm water.

Landing in water and land

If it is assumed to grow green onions in water, repka is laid onto pallets and poured a quarter of size with liquid. With this method, the culture produces leaves suitable in food, after two weeks. It is important to remember: how much greens grow, so much need to monitor the water level.

For landing to the ground, they choose loose fertile soil. Before planting the substrate is treated with a solution of manganese or calcined in the oven.

Planting the bulbs in the container is preferably a bridge: the planting material is installed roots down into the substrate at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.

Repkah blend slightly, but do not fall asleep, otherwise the plants are drunk. The soil is watered with warm water.

Care for greens at home

After planting, the containers are transferred to the room with a temperature of 25-30 ° C. When the leaves grow up to 2 cm long, the plants are placed in the room or on the balcony. Landing is watered 1-2 times a week, for this use warm, dilated water. The leaves are cut when they reach the length of 25-30 cm. Choose feathers growing along the edges, since the growing of the green mass occurs from the center of the bulbs.

Select variety

It is possible to grow onion feathers on green from any varieties of culture. But in order to get a good harvest, it is important to choose the bulbs with a lot of routines of leaves, then repka give a thick green mass. The best grades on the feather - Black Prince, Rostov, Amber, Arzamassky, Bessonovsky. In addition, we bring a rich harvest. The following varieties of culture are brought:

  • Luk-Batun. It is valued for high yield. C 1 m² is assembled to 3.5 kg of pen. A cut of green mass is allowed 2-3 times per season.
  • Loke-slim. It has delicate wide leaves whose aroma resembles garlic. The kind of frost-resistant, is experiencing a minus temperature. But the best crop gives in a greenhouse where it can be fruit round year.
  • Schitt-bow. The kind is valued for long, narrow leaves and a strong fragrance. Feathers remain gentle and juicy for a long time. With 1 m² for the season, 3 kg of juicy greenery is collected.
  • Multitious bow-shallot. A variety is appreciated for an unpretentious character, besides, it gives a greater harvest than popular grades of the repfate onion. C 1 m² is collected 2.5-4.5 kg of harvest.
  • Leek. Plant with wide leaves, according to resembling garlic feathers. With 1 m² of landing collect 2 kg of harvest.

Separate attention deserves a multi-tiered bow. This unpretentious culture transfers very coldy, and the yield exceeds Luk-Batun.

How to plant onions on greens

Robes planted in open sad In the fall, in two or three weeks before the onset of cold. Sevov has time to take care of frosts, and in the spring it is started in growth and quickly increases the green mass. Looking on the greens is carried out on solar open areas With fertile soil. If in the soil is missing nutrients, with a popping in it contribute mineral fertilizers.

Before planting the bulbs in open ground, carry out the treatment of planting material. For this, the navod with a diameter of 2.5 to 4 cm without signs of rotting is soaked in warm water with the addition of manganese. In order for the culture faster to increase the mass of leaves, the tops are cut off.

How to put onions on the garden:

  1. Pinks are installed by the Don on the soil and blend slightly.
  2. Between plants withstand a distance of 1-2 cm.
  3. Pop by a 2-3 centimeter soil layer.

The planted onions mulch the layer of humus or manure 3-5 cm, then the plants calmly survive frosts. In the spring, the mulch is cleaned, and a film frame stretch over the bed. Thanks to this, the harvest ripens before.

Features of care

Grow green onions on the pen will be able to an inexperienced rostow. The plant is unpretentious, but in order to get a crop of juicy greens, it is important to provide plants comfortable conditions. Watering mode for culture depends on the climatic conditions of the region.

It is impossible to dry up the soil, because the bow for greenery, growing on the garden, does not tolerate drought. But it is not recommended to allow stagnation of moisture from the roots, otherwise the repoves are drunk.

With ordinary weather, the soil moisturize 2 times a week. In the heat and drought irrigation increase.

Care for green onions need constantly. After irrigated or rain precipitation, the soil is definitely barely loose, otherwise a crust is formed on the ground, overlapping air access to roots. Together with loosening, we have a musting, protecting beds from weeds. Feed the culture after cutting the greenery. For these purposes, nitroammophosphate or urea solution is used. Fertilizers help plants to restore the green mass.

How to cut green onions to grow further

The crop of juicy greenery is going, as a rule, after digging the bulbs. In the future, repka is thrown or eaten, and new cultures plant in its place. But if you grow green onions in optimal conditions, you can get several yields from one repka. The main thing is to trim the onion feathers. For this procedure, sharp scissors or a secateur are used. For cutting, green feathers are selected with a length of 30 cm. The leaves are cut above the growth points of shoots.

For proper care The growing bulbs over time restores and releases new shoots. True, after pruning the yield of culture decreases, besides, the bundles lose its freight look, so the cultivation of the onion for the greens does not imply a cut of feathers.

Ever pen

It is possible to grow green onions in a heated greenhouse from autumn to spring. For distortion uses treated annual or two-year-old sample bulbs. They are planted into containers filled with peat, humus or compost. It is allowed to grow greens on sawdust.

In the greenhouse, the temperature is maintained 18-20 ° C. Care consists of watering and air ventilation. For the normal development of the eponyms, the plants are highlighted by photolimpa 12 hours a day. After 15 days, after the appearance of greens, cultures are fed by potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. The distill on the feather takes 3-4 weeks.

For the cultivation of a bow on a pen, select one of the following varieties: Arzamas, Bessonovsky or Rostov. The seeding of a large size or bow samples is landing. Best harvest It will turn out when using the sample, the diameter of the bulbs should be 3-4 centimeters.

Luke is embedded, you can do it and (in winter). In this case, it is important to root the bulbs before the onset of frosts. Place the bulbs in the ranks, at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from each other, the distance between the rows should be 6-8 centimeters. On one square meter It is approximately 5-8 kilograms of onions. On the high blood soil can be onions in another way - bridge. In this case, the bulbs are planted close to each other, and the planting material will go much more.

Plot must be pre-equipped with minerals organic substances or manure. Do not immerse the bulbs deep into the soil, their neck must remain outside. Immediately after landing, pour onions slightly warm water.

Use feeding in the form of ammonia nitrates (spread 20 selection grams to 8 liters of water), (15 grams of 7-8 liters of water), superphosphate (15 grams per 8 liters of water). The first is needed already a week after Luke landing. Second - 8-10 days after the first feeding. The duration of growing green onions in spring period - about a month. After the onions feathers reached the length of 30-40 centimeters - it is removed by hand.

In the spring, left for storage, starts growing. To not throw it away, you can green onions. Pour into the box or pot (depending on the amount of planting material) of the soil-peat soil and fall into it the bulbs, close to each other. Pight and pour and after 10 days, put on a well-lit place (windowsill). It is necessary to produce Luke watering 1-2 times a week. If the bulbs are not glowed, then they should be pre-soaked in warm water for a day, then crop the neck and fall into the ground.

Schitt-bow is a perennial herbate plant From the Lukov family. Semi-cylindrical leaves, hollow. Flowers in May, throwing spherical umbrellas of pinkish-lilac color on low blooms.

Grow it to get fresh greenery. This onion frost-resistant, almost never freezes and is great for growing in cold regions. It is closed by one of the very first plants on what is valuable with spring avitaminosis. Schitt-bow is not demanding soil, can grow well on raw, cold areas. Quickly grow up, forming thick bush thickets. This and dividing the bush. Sowing can be held in spring and autumn. Seeds of this plant are very good germination. In the spring, it is possible to observe abundant shoots of the seeds shied in the fall. When planting a way to divide the bush, the plant develops faster. In one place, the onion grows 3-4 years, and then required. In the fall, you can take bushes to pots and grow them in a house for fresh green in winter.

Schitt-bow in his useful properties exceed onion. It has more carotene, vitamins and mineral salts. Its greenery is used to prevent atherosclerosis and as an offhelder. Food use young juicy leaves-feathers, mainly in early spring And at the beginning of summer. Late in the summer they become rougher. Greens are used for salads, side dishes, cold and hot soups, filling for pies.

Video on the topic

Early spring, when there is nothing caught in the gardens yet, and I really want to have fresh greenery, you can try to equip a small grodge on the windowsill. You can grow a lot of things on the balcony or windowsill, but it is not for everyone to take it if the experience is small.

Choosing a culture for planting on the windowsill, first of all, it is necessary to focus on factors such as easy care, tolerance to the conditions of content. Since the possibilities of gardens when creating landings on the window are rather limited, it is better not to complicate the task.

Those who have already tried their strength at the simplest - to distill on the feather, dill and parsley - can be recommended to plant on the window sill Schitt-bow. For it, it will be necessary to prepare in advance - the planting material is harvested from autumn. You can grow a schitt onion from seeds, but it takes much more time and strength. If there is a ready-made onion, it is better not to complicate my work. Luke's curtains dig out of the ground, the feather is cut off, then draw the drawers or just pots into the filled earth. Keep them follows cool placeWell suited a balcony or basement.

In winter, the tanks with the ground are entered into heat and set closer to the light source. If the windowsill is not illuminated by the rays of the sun, you probably need to create an additional backlight. Otherwise, care is the same as for ordinary supreme or repove. Schitt-bow rapidly spicy juicy green feathers. It can be cut off with kestic immediately with a beam or several feathers. To taste it is softer and tender than simple green onions.

With one bulb when growing on the windowsill, it is possible to get greens twice. The plant then exhausts its strength, and careful care even with high-quality feeding makes little more. It is recommended to prepare several pots with a supasted material from the fall, which will allow you to grow greens throughout the winter. In the schitt-bow of the early spring germinates one of the first.

  • high yield of culture;
  • the possibility of using racks;
  • ability to grow onions and collect harvest throughout the year;
  • ability to grow onions all year round for sale.

Onions contain many vitamins and nutrients. Regular use of this culture in food allows carry out the prevention of colds. It is added as in fresh saladsand in soups, pies, second dishes.

Obuka species suitable for greenhouse cultivation:

  • loke-slim;
  • onion;
  • luk-Batun.

Preferably for year-round cultivation in greenhouses traditionally, leek-slimong, as this species Allows you to enjoy fresh greens year-round.

Luk-Batun is also capable of bringing a good harvest in the cold time, but it is accepted for the winter not earlier than the beginning of December: this species prefers to rest just over a month per year.

Onions are also suitable for winter or autumn plantingHe has excellent taste and high yield.

How many green onions grow in greenhouse? Three weeks after the landing culture, regardless of the type, must reach technical maturity. In this case, the length of the greenery will be about 30 cm. The yield of green onion with 1 sq m in a greenhouse up to 5 kg. From one planting, greens take up at least 5 times. How to grow green onions in a greenhouse in winter, consider below.

Due to the ability to grow a culture for such a short time, it can be fair to assume that the cultivation of the feathers in the greenhouse has become the most cost-effective and optimal in the conditions of our capricious weather. The use of racks in the greenhouse due to the practicality and obvious savings of space, energy and soil while maintaining maximum crop.

What should be a greenhouse?

How to grow green onions in a greenhouse? First of all, it is necessary to arrange a greenhouse in such a way that seedlings are reliably protected from cold and other adverse weather conditions. Due to the fact that light day lasts in winter significantly less, than in spring-summer periodIt is necessary to install daylight lamps or phytolamba.

If in the greenhouse day the temperature is below 19ºC, and at night it does not reach 12ºC, then you need to install additionally heating. How to organize, read on our website.

Useful video!

Selection and preparation of seeds

In the event that the onions plant seeds immediately into the soil, first need to choose a suitable view and grade of onions. If you decide to grow a bowbun, for example, the Mayski-7 and Mushroom-21 varieties are suitable; If there is a desire to grow onions, then you can take the seeds of the Strigunovsky local or the Bessonian yield. Thereafter seeds are washed and soaked For a day in a slightly warm water.

Soil can be pre-fertilized and moisturized. Looking onto the greenhouse, lies in the following:

Seeds are placed in the ground not deeper than 2 cm, while the distance between them is desirable to maintain at least 1 cm. Top is permissible sprinkle Or humoring, suitable in this case and ordinary earth.

One of the conditions for obtaining in the future a decent harvest is feeding. It can be performed twice for the entire period: immediately after landing or immediately before the seed room in the soil and 10 days later. As fertilizer normal manure are suitable, ammonium nitrate.

Both components are bred with water in a ratio of 1:30. Some gardeners love to add to the ground woodwoodBut it is recommended to use to enrich the soil before culture is planted.

Onion loves moisture, but also the overaffect of water can bring him harm. Watering the soil is carried out by water room temperature (approximately 25ºC) times in a few days as the soil drying.

Growing onion for greens

How to grow onions on the feather in the greenhouse in winter? For the cultivation of a bow in a greenhouse in winter, it is originally necessary to determine the materials from which the greenhouse will be made. Good material For the basis of the design are considered metal base and frameCompleted from.

Lower strength and wear resistance has a foundation base, but here there is a way out: the frame can be covered with a primer composition, so it will be able to serve longer.

The use of conventional, glass and polycarbonate is permissible as a shelter material. The film will have to be changed every year, the glass will last for several years, but it is subject to destruction and deformation due to possible strong gusts of wind, hail, snowfall. Polycarbonatetoday is one of the most practical and durable shelting materials.

Can be carried out using electrical heaters or gas. Sometimes it is possible to maintain heat using a conventional wood stove.

For lighting will fit daylight lamps. It is desirable that the light day in the end amounted to at least 12 hours a day.

Watering is carried out as the land drying is warm to moderate water. The feeding is carried out at least 2 times over the entire period. In order to optimize the costs spent on the cultivation of onions on the feather in the greenhouse in winter, it is very effective use of high height greenhousesallowing you to install within additional racks for growing onions on the feather.

In general, the cultivation of a bow for greens in the greenhouse, throughout the year - the task is simple. In order to regularly collect the harvest and get an outstand, it is enough to install a competently equipped greenhouse, choose seeds suitable species And Luca varieties and prepare the ground to land. After completing three of these conditions, you can collect onion greens in abundance and winter, and in the summer.

Green onion growing technology in a greenhouse in the video below:

Luke does not happen much - the favorite surcharge of cooks. Indeed, if in nutrition it is in third place, then medical properties, far went around others vegetable crops. Onions are especially necessary in nordic regionswhere people constantly lack fresh natural vitamins. According to biological properties (rapid, early biosynthesis) onions - an indispensable vegetable for residents of the northern regions with a short cold summer. Therefore, the practice of growing onion for greens in the greenhouse is common.

Onion green in greenhouse

What types of onions can be grown on greens

The homeland of Luke is considered to be the regions with a very short optimal period for growth. Genetically in the bulbs, the property was entrenched in the shortest possible time to give offspring and get away from the all burning heat on peace. Therefore, the onions green so rarely, has time to drive out for 27-30 days the necessary biomass for laying organs seed breeding. On this property and the cultivation of a bow for greens is based. Luca varieties are divided into one- and multitility. The latter form a lot of greenery and are suitable for home and industrial distances.

For greenhouse cultivation, it is advisable to use bows with a short period of rest. These include several species, including onions onion, onion bobber, bow-slim, a multi-tier bow, bow-shallot. On an industrial scale, for the purpose of business development, optimal option It is the distillation of the onion of the onion of the vegetative material (bow of the navigation). For the winter months, the living onions by the conveyor can be obtained 4 yields with green bulk mass. For domestic consumption, you can carry out trampling and seeds (Chernushki).

Luca varieties and hybrids for pastures in greenhouse conditions

It is best to drive out the multigray varieties and layer hybrids (early and early and early), with a short time of vegetation and a rest period. The most common onions, whose grades in the regions of the Russian Federation there are more than 70 in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Best varieties and hybrids for pastures on feather are considered to be Strigunovsky local, Spassky Local Superior, Danilovsky 301, Karatsky, Bessonovsky Local, Masta Local and others. Old early varieties With established indicators are multigray varieties: Rostov, Rezonovsky local, Ryazan, Skopinsky. From the new varieties, the globe, stuttgarter rizen, centurion F1, supra, can be distinguished.

For a family, except for the onions of the Republic, you can grow by other types of onions: sometimes (synonymous pearl), chalot, Schitt (cuta), slim, multi-tiered (Egyptian), Batun (Tatar, Sandy). All of them are disticted with a delicious taste, a light garlic aroma, a high content of trace elements and vitamins. Long Green Feather (Leaves) for a long time It remains gentle, in food in perennials you can carry up to three cuts of greenery. Spend the pearls for whiteish very tasty stem.

If there are no local zoned grades (they entered part of To the name of the variety), it is possible to offer for pastures in industrial quantities, Arzamas's varieties, black prince, amber, Bessonovsky, Trinity. The best for industrial distances are varieties of Emerald Island and parade. The variety of the parade is especially allocated. When trampling for greens, a juicy and sweet feather forms, is not damaged by pests, it is well tolerating drought and frost. Does not need additional nutrition at a good refueling fertilizer to planting Sevka or sowing Chernoshka.

Annually updated a spectrum of varieties with attractive properties and performance indicators of products in Luke Seed catalogs with brief characteristics economic destination. You can choose a variety or hybrid that you liked the description.

Green onion growing in greenhouse

The reversal of Luke can be carried out in unheated and heated indoors (greenhouses and greenhouses). In the unheated premises of the distillation, you can engage in the limited period in the fall and spring, and in winter greenhouses you can always create a microclimate, which is most relevant to the requirements of culture to environment.

Parade - Onions on Feather

Regardless of the placement of the junction begins with preparatory work. The preparation of the soil is in the peopling of the soil and refueling it fertilizers before landing the seed. If the pasture is carried out in small quantities, but it is necessary year-round, it is sufficient to prepare several wooden or plastic boxes with a size of 40x60 cm, which are stabbed in advance by the soil specially prepared mixture and are placed in a tier or rack in a greenhouse.

For packing tanks, the soil mixture is where the basis serves the garden soil from the places, without the use of herbicides and other pesticides, peat, sand or humus. You can add compost. The soil should be lightweight, air. Before packing capacity, carbon disinfection is carried out by one of the methods used. The easiest soil is treated with 1-2% solution of manganese and cover with a light-tight film. After a week, remove the film, make 20 and 15 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride per square meter. M Square of folded boxes. Soil soil moisturize. You can make a cormar, crystal or refuel the soil before landing material.

Soil preparation with ground growing in greenhouses and / or greenhouses

In the fall, after cleaning the previous cultures and garbage, the soil is drunk, after pressing 30 and 20 g per square meter. m, respectively, superphosphate and potassium chloride, as well as humid and / or compost. Carefully align, disinfected, moisturize.

Preparation of planting material

Regardless of the type and grade of the bow, they are prepared for landing material planting, which is as follows:

  • sorting by groups, if the landing is scheduled for a vegetative material - bulbs (bow of the navigation), optimal diameter which are 1.5-2.0 cm. To get a high-quality standard pen (15-20-25 cm), each group is planted into a separate box or a bed;
  • disinfection and stimulation to accelerate germination. Disinfection can be carried out by mangartee-acid potassium, biological preparations according to recommendations (Planries, Gamiir, Alihin), in other ways.

Selected for disturbances The material is stimulated in different ways:

  • lukovka 20-24 hours warmed at +35 .. + 40 ° C. After warming up the tails to the "shoulders";
  • soaked in warm (+30 ° C) water, withstanding up to 10-12 hours. Sound as room temperature And cut cervix. If it is necessary to prepare the planting material in industrial quantities, the selected bulbs are referred to in heaps in the warm room (the warm floor is required), watered with water heated to +30 ° C and are covered with burlap for 3-4 days. They dry and disembark.

Agrotechnology landing material landing

The sample is planted in boxes or prepared racks heated greenhouses in October-November, repeating multiple landings with a break in 2 weeks.

Drawers with landed bulbs are placed by stacks in the utility room, covered with a light-tight material and transfer directly to the greenhouse on permanent place In 2 weeks. During this time, the bow forms root system And small feathers (leaves) of white, light yellow, sometimes greenish colors. When transferring to the light, the feather is started into growth, it acquires a green color.

Lukovka landing in protected ground is carried out only by a bridge. When landing, the bulbs are tightly stacked throughout the area. A compacted landing saves an area and creates a microclimate that helps to obtain a standard juicy greenery. Per quarter. M Square is spent from 10 to 12 kg of standard planting material. Other landing schemes are on an amateur, like sowing seeds (in Chernushka).

Loos care

Caring for the bow in heated and unheated closed rooms (film greenhouses and greenhouses) is the same. The amount of distillation depends on the room temperature. In heated greenhouses, the distillation can be carried out yearly, in greenhouses and cold greenhouses only upon the occurrence of a suitable external air temperature on the prepared warm substrates (use of manure, humus, peat, compost and other materials). While creating optimal conditions (Temperature, humidity, lighting) planting is green in 4-5 days, growing biomass up to 3-4 cm per day. Thus, the period of distillation occupies, depending on the variety or hybrid, from 15 to 24 days.


Luke lighting in the initial phase of development allows temporary breaks, but since the age of 12-15 days the culture requires round-the-clock lighting. Otherwise, the pen becomes more rigid and yellow.


Temperature B. closed room Before starting growth in the daytime, it is supported within +22 ° C, then it can be reduced to +18 .. + 20 ° C. In order for the retineed culture normally, the soil temperature in the first week of the surveillance should be +12 .. + 15 ° C, and in the rest of the period before the end of the distillation is about +20 ° C. With non-industrial production, night temperatures can be reduced to +12 .. + 13 ° C to suspend the growth of plants. Further decrease in night temperatures negatively affects the culture and quality of the green pen.


Watering is carried out every 7-9 days. At first, water is heated to +25 ° C, and then it can be reduced to +20 ° C. The abundance of moisture and lack of heat causes the disease with root rot.


For home use Underfoots during the distance, it is better not to spend better, but if there are feathers that differ in paleness, thinned, can be held extra-corner subordinate Urea, crystallon or kemira solutions. 10-15 g of fertilizers are divorced by 10 liters of water, spray plants. Finish the fabric of watering clean water, for washing the fertilizer with green mass of plants.

With industrial distortion where you need in short times Get a large amount of products, spend 2-3 feeders after 7-10 days, and the last 10 days before the cutting of the harvest. First 1% solution nitrogen fertilizer In the mixture with chloride chloride, the subsequent best bio-fobilities of "Gumisol", "Baikal Em-1", "Verministim" and others.

Protection against diseases and pests

Onions on the pen can not be treated with pesticides, so it is necessary to carefully comply with the requirements of culture to grow and care. If pests appeared, root fungal diseases, it is necessary to dry upper layer Soil, climb sand. You can treat plants and soil with biofungicides and bioinsecticides, which differ in the shortest period of waiting and after 1-3 days, the products can be used.

When growing in industrial quantities, pay attention to the variety of a parade that does not need protective events from diseases and pest damage, and is very unpretentious when traded in large volumes.

Video about green onion growing in greenhouse in winter, like a small business

Growing onions on the feather in heated greenhouses on an industrial scale, (as a business) products with proper agricultural engineering get on 24-25 days. In winter, it is possible to remove 4 yields of greenery, organizing an income business. Planting onion Sevka repeat every 10-15 days, creating a conveyor of growing products for constant deliveries to the market.