Varieties of peppers for planting with a photo and description. Sweet pepper - early varieties for open ground What sweet pepper is better to plant

Sweet and tasty peppers not only serve as a good complement to various dishes, but also are a useful and vitamin vegetable. It is known that he appeared for the first time in Central America, and then gradually began to spread throughout the Earth.

Sweet peppers are believed to belong to the Solanaceae family. In Russia, pepper due to weather conditions first planted in a greenhouseand only in the summer seedlings are planted in open ground. Breeders worked hard to create such varieties of sweet pepper that would be adapted to various temperature fluctuations, and also did not forget to work a little to ensure that the color of such a vegetable was the most diverse: yellow, dark red, green, purple. The shape of such a sweet vegetable is also varied: large, cone-shaped, small, similar to tomatoes, pyramidal and others.

Growing sweet pepper

The beginning of sowing sweet pepper seeds begins in February or March, but they are planted specifically for seedlings. Seeds of this vegetable crop usually sprout for a long time, and it may take 15 to 20 days. Of course, you can speed up germination if you use a special infusion on aloe. Its method is very simple: aloe juice is poured with the same amount of water, and then the seeds are soaked in it for several days.

Unlike other vegetable crops that are grown from seedlings, do not dive the plant. And it can only be transplanted into the ground only when good sunny weather is established, for example, at least 20 or 25 degrees. But if the temperature is much higher, then, accordingly, sweet pepper must be watered. If the heat is above 40 degrees, then the roots will begin to die, the ovaries and flowers will dry quickly, and the plant itself will simply wither.

It is known that almost all varieties of sweet pepper grow well under the following conditions:

  1. Plots with good sunlight.
  2. Plots with good soil, which is rich in nitrogen and fertile.

If the pepper is planted in the shade, then it will simply stretch up, but the fruits will practically not grow.

Pepper care is simple: weed it, ridding the site of weeds, water abundantly and be sure to loosen. During watering, it is necessary to feed this vegetable plant. As feeding, bird droppings are used, which must be diluted with water. The recipe for feeding is as follows: no more than one glass of bird droppings is taken per 1 bucket of water.

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper for open ground

For salad pepper varieties important quality is the wall thickness of the vegetable. The following varieties are considered the best types of large peppers having thick and fleshy walls:

All these varieties have excellent taste and, if properly stored, can retain their freshness until the New Year. But these same varieties are also great in order to use them in canning, for example, lecho or other winter salads.

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper for the Moscow region

Bell pepper rich in lots of minerals and vitaminscontained in its pulp. It is they that positively affect the human body, giving strength and possessing some healing properties. And this is the main argument in order to learn how to grow this vegetable crop in the beds of various types: open and closed. But in order for this heat-loving plant to have an excellent harvest, it is necessary not only to invest a little money, but also to have knowledge and patience, gaining valuable experience in growing.

To date summer residents can boast a wide selection of varieties   Moscow region. All varieties of sweet pepper grown by them differ in shape, color and even weight. Among all types of sweet thick-walled pepper for beds near Moscow, the following varieties can be distinguished:

In addition to these varieties, the following species are popular in the Moscow Region   pepper: Gift of Moldova, Volzhanin, Golden rain and others. Of course, the fruits of these varieties are slightly smaller in size, but they still retain their taste and bright color.

Of course, there are a huge number of varieties for growing on the beds, and therefore, each summer resident can decide for himself which pepper is suitable for growing.

Popular varieties of pepper

Sweet bell pepper a huge number of taste characteristics. This allowed this vegetable culture to win the attention of many people, despite even their gastronomic preferences.

There are several types of sweet pepper, among each of which there are also its own varieties. The main types of sweet pepper are:

  1. Early ripe
  2. Mid-season
  3. Late ripening

Let us dwell in more detail on each of these views. So, the first type is the early varieties of sweet pepper. These include:

The second type is mid-season varieties of pepper. These include:

  1. California miracle, its maturity is 130 days. But it is worth considering that this species does not like a large number of fertilizers, especially with nitrogen. If you use it, then the bush turns out to be high, but there will be few fruits on it.
  2. Yellow bull and Red bull. These varieties are good in that they are resistant to various viruses. Their fruits are usually large, fleshy and juicy. From one square meter of land planted with these varieties, you can collect up to 7 kilograms of crop.

To such mid-season varieties of sweet bell pepper   other species that tolerate dry weather well can also be attributed. These are such varieties as Veronica, Anastasia, Red Giant, Kolobok and others.

The third type is late-ripening varieties of pepper. For their cultivation southern areas are good, as, however, for mid-season and early varieties. But they can be grown in those regions where it is cold, then only in greenhouses. The following types can be attributed to late ripening varieties:

How to choose a variety?

There are several rules for choosing a variety of pepper. So, first of all, it's worth watching   not on the appearance of the fruit or even on their size, but on the conditions under which it can be grown. For example, it is open ground or a greenhouse.

When buying seeds, you always need to study the packaging, which must necessarily indicate under what conditions it will be possible to grow this variety of pepper.

Knowing what types of sweet pepper exist, it is possible to plant this plant of different ripening periods on one bed: early, middle and late. This will help to always have fresh peppers throughout the summer. And if the variety is late ripening, then you can generally plant it in a pot and already grow it on window sills. Then the fruits will be until the middle of the winter period.

Is worth pay attention when buying and what is the height of the bushes. This is especially necessary for those summer residents who grow peppers in greenhouses or the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot is strictly limited. Then it is worth buying only undersized varieties of sweet pepper.

Lately popular began to use hybrid varieties of pepperthat are considered more resistant to disease. By the way, varieties of pepper have already been bred that tolerate various weather conditions: drought, cool or rainy weather.

And of course, when purchasing pepper seeds, you should pay attention to what light mode is indicated on the package.

Pests and diseases of sweet pepper

Pepper can be susceptible to many diseases. For example, verticillosis or columns. The first disease is caused by a fungus that lives either in the soil or in the roots of plants. There are several forms of diseases and their signs depend on this. To eradicate this disease on the site, it is necessary to completely remove diseased plants.

The second disease is columnar or phytoplasmosis. This disease manifests itself by curling leaves., and the fruits become small, and eating them is simply impossible. To get rid of this disease, chemical intervention (spraying) is necessary.

Pests of pepper bushes are spider mites, aphids, Colorado beetles and naked slugs. To get rid of them, spraying bushes with pesticides is required.

If on time carry out all necessary measures to combat disease and pests, then you can get not only healthy pepper bushes, but also a good harvest. If you choose the right variety of pepper for a summer cottage, grow it, observing all the rules, then very soon it will be possible to get tasty, beautiful and healthy fruits.

Bell pepper is one of those vegetable crops, which is distinguished by an incredible variety of sizes and shapes of fruits, their color, bush height, brightness of taste and aroma, as well as purpose. Thanks to many years of selection work, each grower can purchase exactly the kind of sweet pepper that will surely give an excellent crop in the conditions that he is able to provide this plant.

Early ripe sweet pepper varieties allow you to get a crop in a short time and are suitable for cultivation both in areas with a temperate climate and in the northern regions, where summer is not happy with its duration and warmth. In these varieties, from the time of emergence of seedlings to obtaining fruits in the stage of technical ripeness, from 100 to 120 days pass.

Among the early varieties of sweet pepper for open ground and film shelters are the following:

  • Belozerka;
  • Swallow;
  • Merchant;
  • Big Mom;
  • Winnie the Pooh.

Many summer residents with great enthusiasm grow this vegetable exclusively in greenhouse conditions. Why there is a wider selection of seeds. The best varieties of sweet pepper with an early ripening period for growing in a greenhouse are:

  • Ivanhoe;
  • Cowhide ear;
  • Orange miracle.


Abundantly fruiting sweet pepper, semi-determinant type. It has a dark green color in the stage of technical ripeness, changing to red during biological. The plants are quite compact, although they grow up to 90 cm in height.

The pluses of the variety are decent productivity and high resistance to diseases, and the minuses are sensitivity to insufficient amount of sunlight and watering the soil.


The bushes are medium-sized (up to 70 cm), quite compact, semi-stem. It grows remarkably both in the fresh air and under temporary shelter. Sweet peppers of this variety are cone-shaped. In the stage of technical ripeness they are white and cream in color, in the biological - red.

It has immunity at the gene level to many diseases: verticillin wilt, alternariosis, mosaic.


  The best grade for open ground. Bushes of medium height, usually grow to 50-70 cm. The crop ripens almost simultaneously. The fruits have a cone-shaped shape, the ribs are weak, pointed, sweet, juicy. In technical ripeness, the fruits are white-creamy or milky yellow, then redden.

Belozerka pepper variety is very good for long-term storage and long-distance transportation, resistant to various diseases and rot, as well as temperature extremes.

Big mom

The plant reaches a height of 1 m and requires tying, the bush is semi-sprawling. Fruits are smooth, cuboid, when ripe they turn orange. They have a sweet fleshy flesh and a delicate aroma. Suitable for growing, both in the open air and under the film.

Big dad

The highlight of the variety is the purple color of the fruit. At the genetic level, resistance to viral diseases, for example, the tobacco mosaic virus, is laid.

Plants are quite compact, low. Suitable for open ground. The fruits of sweet pepper varieties Big dad conical shape. Great taste and very fragrant. They endure long transportation, remain fresh for a long time.

Winnie the Pooh

  The plant is low, standard, bushes reach a height of 30 cm. Fruits of a bouquet arrangement, conical, dark red. The variety is characterized by one-time ripening, suitable for growing in a greenhouse and cultivating under temporary shelter, resistant to diseases.

Cockatoo yellow

The variety is very demanding on the presence of sunlight, so it is preferable to grow sweet pepper of this variety in the southern regions. Fruits are elongated-cylindrical 10 cm in length. Bright orange color.

Gingerbread man

This variety is equally good for growing in a greenhouse and in the open. The plant is stunted, only 40 cm high, half-stemmed, compact. It is steady against the main diseases, well knots fruits at the lowered temperatures.

Ideal for stuffing, suitable for freezing, eating fresh and any kind of preservation.


A great option, both for open ground and for the greenhouse. The bushes are tall, up to 1 m. The peppers are in the shape of a pyramid. During ripening, they have a light green color, and then turn red. They have a good sweet taste, bright aroma, high content of ascorbic acid.

The gardeners love the variety for reliability, guaranteed productivity, and versatility of purpose.


  The variety is intended for outdoor cultivation. It is characterized by amicable ripening of sweet peppers, which have a smooth skin, conical shape and a bright red color.

Plants reach a height of 60 cm, medium-spreading, standard. For a plentiful harvest requires formation - it is necessary to remove all leaves before the first branch.

Gardeners choose this variety for the sweet taste of the fruit, disease resistance and versatility in use.

Orange miracle

This sweet pepper has a bright orange color and a cuboid shape of medium-sized fruits. The plant reaches a height of up to 80 cm, the standard type, requires tying so that the branches do not break off under the weight of the fruits. A bright aroma and a very sweet taste are typical for this variety. The variety is good for making salads and lecho.

The best mid-season varieties

Varieties of bell pepper ripening medium-term ripening are suitable for cultivation both in the middle latitudes of Russia and in the southern climate. But if in warm regions this can be done in unprotected soil, then in more severe conditions permanent shelter is required. The most fruitful varieties of peppers with an average ripening period are Bogatyr, Kakadu and Gift of Moldova.


Bushes up to 70 cm tall, abundantly hung with large peppers. Each reaches a length of about 20 cm, thick-walled. The pulp has a sweet taste, very juicy. In the process of ripening, they have a bright green color, then turn red.


The plant extends to 60-70 cm, spreading. Cone-shaped peppers. The fruit during ripening changes its color from green to bright red.

This sweet bell pepper is good not only fresh, but also for preservation and freezing. Carries transportation, resistant to diseases, temperature fluctuations and low light.

Cow ear

The bushes extend up to 70 cm. The fruits are red in the shape of a cone, 16 cm long. Peppers are sweet, very juicy, with a typical pepper aroma. Perfectly stored and endure long transport. Up to 3 kg of vegetables ripen on one bush.


Middle ripening period. The standard plant, up to 80 cm high, is best grown in a greenhouse, but also in open ground under temporary shelter gives a good harvest.

The fruits are yellow in color, have a delicate sweet taste, juicy, with a delicate aroma. The variety is selected by gardeners for marketability, the presence of vitamins in high concentrations and resistance to diseases, for example, verticillosis.

California Miracle

The fruits are cubic in shape, painted at the moment of technical ripeness - in green, and at the time of ripening - red. The bushes are tall, up to 80 cm. The fruits are very juicy, suitable for food freshly picked and for any kind of preservation, freezing. It is difficult to find better than this variety of sweet thick-walled pepper for harvesting for the winter.

Gift of Moldova

One of the most picky varieties of sweet pepper, can grow on depleted soils, resistant to cold weather and dry periods. Differs in excellent immunity thanks to what it will not leave without peppers.

At the stage of biological maturity, red. Remarkably stored and tolerates transportation. Salad direction.

The best hybrids

Vegetable hybrids have improved qualities. This can be both the size and shape of plants and fruits, increased immunity to specific diseases, and resistance to not the best growing conditions. However, they have one significant drawback, they deprive gardeners of the opportunity to independently harvest planting material for the next season, since the mother plant does not transmit its characteristics when propagated by seeds.

Gemini F1

The bushes are medium-sized (0.6 m) with powerful stems and wrinkled dark green leaves. The ripening period of the crop is up to 80 days. On one bush, up to 10 sweet peppers weighing 250 g, painted in yellow, ripen. Thick-skinned (8 mm) peppers with a sweet taste and light bitterness are suitable for both preservation and salads.

It can be grown in Siberia, has genetic resistance to viral diseases. Of the minuses, the need for dressing and tying can be noted.

F1 early miracle

A compact bush, indeterminate, gives thick-chested (10 mm) fruits weighing 240 g, 15 cm long, 8-10 cm in diameter. The color of prismatic peppers is bright red. Great taste and characteristic aroma, lasts up to 3 months.

The growing period before harvesting is 95 days. The variety is resistant to viruses, for example, tobacco mosaic, bronze. Productivity 10-14 kg / m 2.

Fat man F1

Sweet peppers begin to take off at 110 days of growth. Fruits of a cuboid shape with rounded ribs. Fleshy, with a wall thickness of 8 mm, incredibly juicy with a typical smell, increased sweetness. Peppers gain weight in 300-400 g. In absolute maturity cherry red.

Varieties and hybrids for growing in Siberia

The climate in Siberia is characterized not only by low temperatures and somewhat short-term summers, but also by its unpredictability. One garden season can be great for the growth of this thermophilic culture, to please the heat and the sun for a rather long period. And another summer can turn out to be rainy and chilly with rare sunny days. Therefore, choosing sorts of sweet pepper for Siberia, it is worth giving preference:

  • zoned specimens that have time to mature within a short warm period of time;
  • early ripe specimens, the growing season of which does not exceed 110 days;
  • vegetables that feel good in greenhouses.

For cultivation in harsh conditions, about 400 varieties of sweet vegetables have now been bred. The best of them are:

Red-fruited: An early miracle, the Firstborn of Siberia, Kolobok, Swallow, Atlas, Topolin, Viking, Alyosha Popovich.

Oranges: Siberian bonus, Orange miracle.

Varieties and hybrids for growing in the suburbs

For the suburbs you can look at many original varieties and hybrids of sweet bell pepper. Even if the season will not please with plenty of sun and warmth, peppers grown in greenhouses will produce many juicy and fragrant fruits. And in a good year, an excellent harvest can be removed from bushes grown on the open ground.

When choosing a variety or hybrid, you should use several rules:

  • No need to plant vegetables bred for the southern latitudes, in the conditions of the Moscow region they will yield a poor harvest.
  • Reliable unpretentious varieties should be taken into account, even if their productivity is average.
  • If you want exotic, then you can plant several bushes for testing, and the main crop to expect from proven samples.

According to the reviews of experienced summer residents for cultivation near Moscow, the following varieties and hybrids of bell peppers are suitable:

Red-fruited: Winnie the Pooh, Agapovsky, Athlete, Swallow, Gingerbread Man, Chardash, Funtik.

Yellow fruit: Gemini F1, Apricot favorite, Bugai, Gold reserve.

Violet: Bagheera, Big Dad.

Oranges: Orange miracle, Siberian bonus.

Sweet pepper is a thermophilic, annual plant bred in America. Appreciated for its unique taste and high vitamin content.. In the article we will consider early, mid- and late-ripening varieties, tell about hybrids, and offer varieties for stuffing.

Early Varieties of Bell Pepper for Open Field

Early called varieties, allowing for a short period (70-120 days) to get a high yield. Most species can be grown in unprotected soil. Description and characteristics of the best varieties are presented below.

Big mom

Early grade of pepper Big Mama

Fruits are large (200g) of warm orange color of a rectangular shape. The bush in the greenhouse can grow up to 1 m, in unprotected soil - 50-70 cm. It tastes great both fresh and after heat treatment.


Sweet pepper grade Merchant

A medium-sized plant, with fruits shaped like a regular pyramid. At biological maturation they are dark red in color, with juicy dense pulp. Peppers are large-fruited, thick-walled.


Varieties of medium ripeness include those   the growing season of which occurs in the range from 110 to 130 days. This species is characterized by the duration of fruiting.


Sweet pepper swallow

A variety characterized by high germination of seeds. Fruits are cone-shaped, red. Ripe pepper length Swallow up to 10 cm. The bush is small, about 50 cm.


Tall Atlant Pepper

Tall variety, bringing a fairly large crop. Atlant fruits are large (400 g), sweet, rich red in color, thick-walled (1 cm). Peppers grow up to 20 cm in length. Resistant to disease.

Sweet pepper for Siberia

Sweet pepper - comes from hot countries, he likes a warm temperate climate. But even in such a harsh region, as in Siberia, you can grow peppers and get an excellent harvest. There are many varieties for the cold climate zone.   What to use in the area? Summer in Siberia is short, so it is better to use early or mid-early peppers. The most common among them are the following:


Pepper grade Schegol

Early variety with a low bush (up to 50 cm). Vegetables are cylindrical, dark yellow when ripe. The thickness of the pulp is 5-8 mm.

Fat toss

Pepper grade Tolstosum

New variety bred in Siberia. Resistant to cold, grows well in unprotected soil.   Strong bush, up to 60 cm.   Large ripened red vegetable. The thick wall of the pulp tastes sweet, juicy.

Golden Taurus

Siberian grade of pepper Golden Taurus

Mid-early culture, well adapted for cultivation in Siberia. Bushes of medium height. Fruits of orange color, glossy, cuboid. The wall of the pulp of the vegetable is very thick, up to 20 mm.

Sweet chocolate

Pepper grade Sweet Chocolate

Unusual due to its paint. The fruit is dark brown with red flesh inside. The pepper is very juicy and sweet in taste, ideal for preservation.

Varieties for Moscow Region

For the changing climate of the Moscow Region, varieties resistant to a sharp change in temperature should be selected. The following are popular among gardeners:

gold medal

Pepper Grade Gold Medal

High-yielding, can grow in unprotected soil. Bushes are high (up to 1 m).   Fruits are straight, long (up to 13 cm) with an average wall thickness.


Sweet pepper grade Belozerka

Belozerka is resistant to climate change, has a high yield.   On low bushes (50-80cm) small hearth-shaped hearths are formed. Color changes from light green to red towards the end of ripening.

Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh Pepper

Bushes are low, suitable even for the smallest greenhouses. Winnie the Pooh grows well on open ground. Ripens in 100 days.   The fruits are small (10 cm), smooth, have the shape of a sharp cone. The color of ripe pepper is bright red, the wall thickness of the pulp is 6 mm.


Pepper grade Gogoshary

Mid-early variety (95-100 days). It has an unusual flattened shape resembling a pumpkin. Bushes are tall, strong (up to 1 m). The fruits are thick-walled, fleshy, dark green at the beginning of ripening, saturated red in biological maturity. It has an interesting sweet-spicy taste, good both in fresh form and after heat treatment.

The best hybrid varieties

Hybrid seeds are not suitable for further planting. therefore seedlings will have to buy every year. But such qualities as high resistance to diseases, productivity and impressive size of fruits force gardeners to acquire seeds of hybrid plants from year to year.

Marinkin tongue

Pepper grade Marinkin tongue

Medium height plant with rather large fruits (up to 200 g) of a long elongated shape. The taste is sweet, very pleasant, but the shelf life of these peppers is not long.


Super Triton Pepper

Incredibly high yield - more than 50 peppers can grow on one bush!   The shape of the fruit is conical, the wall is not thick. The ripe bright red fruit is ideal for processing.


Hybrid Atlantic Pepper

The classic representative of culture. Large fruits of bright red color, very juicy and fragrant. Widely used for preserves and as part of fresh snacks and salads.

Description of the best late-ripening varieties of pepper

Most suitable for southern latitudessince they need 140-150 days with good weather to fully mature.


Pepper heracles

Short, has many large fruits. Hercules ripe peppers red, with thick juicy pulp.

Yellow bell

Pepper yellow bell

The plant is of medium height (up to 75 cm) with large yellow-orange fruits when ripe. The shape resembles an inverted bell. It has a thick wall of pulp and a great fresh taste.


Pepper Bogatyr

The hero is not afraid of the open ground. Bushes are small, with large fruits. Ripe cube-shaped pepper of bright red color with juicy pulphas great taste and aroma.


Pepper grade Zephyr

High yielding tall plant (up to 80 cm) with a large number of spherical fruits. The pulp is very juicy and sweet. Color changes from deep green to bright red.

Thick-walled large-fruited varieties

The wall thickness and size of the fruit for most gardeners is a decisive factor when choosing seeds. Peppers with flesh thickness from 6 mm are thick-walled.   These varieties are great for canning, drying and freezing.

White gold

Pepper grade White gold

It can be planted in open ground. The plant is low, with very large yellow fruits (up to 450g). Peppers have a cuboid shape.

Siberian format

Sweet pepper variety Siberian format

Mid-season, on large and powerful bushes grow very large peppers. The size of the fruit grown in the greenhouse can reach 500 g!


Sweet Pepper Queen

Harvest, the fruit is small in size (up to 200 g) and has a thick flesh of ruby \u200b\u200bred color. It tolerates long transport.

The best peppers for stuffing and processing


Stuffed Bell Peppers

The ideal use of pepper in food is its stuffing. To do this, usually use flat, medium-sized peppers of the same size. Among the early ones can be noted:   Lyubava, Marvel, Golden Miracle, Banana, Marinkin tongue. Among mid-season:   Antey, New Russian, Stepashka.


Long and elongated fruits are suitable for drying.. Perfect for this Sabelka and Miracle Paprika. You can dry them directly in the fresh air.


Canned Bell Peppers

For preservation, it is ideal to use fleshy thick-walled varieties. And if you take a few multi-colored peppers, the workpiece will come out not only tasty, but also beautiful. Perfect for canning:   Avant-garde, Adept, Bogdan, Ideal, Lailac bell, Chocolat beauty, Amber.


Bell pepper is an unusually healthy, tasty and beautiful vegetable. It is grown in regions with different climatic conditions - Siberia, Moscow Region, Donbass, Crimea and others. Thanks to the bright variety of colors and juicy fresh taste, he will always find a place on the festive table. Pepper is a leader among other vegetables in vitamin filling. Eating just one pepper per day, you can replenish the daily supply of vitamins C and E.   Sweet pepper is called a “beauty vegetable”, because eating it improves the skin and strengthens the hair. Pepper is also good for the eyes, due to its high beta-carotene content.

If they ask me what are the most successful varieties of sweet pepper (according to the results of last summer) I select, and which varieties and hybrids I plant again, then I will answer:

  • Red spade
  • Atlant
  • Big Dad
  • gold reserve
  • Bagheera
  • Gingerbread man
  • Cockatoo
  • Tusk
  • Fat Baron
  • Siberian bonus
  • Gemini F1
  • Claudio F1

These varieties and hybrids of peppers, I consider the best. They have passed two years of testing (and some more) and now once again will take their rightful place in my garden.

If you have large greenhouses or you like to experiment in the open field, then take a look at the other varieties and hybrids on this page - they also deserve attention, and they are all good in their own way, but my plot sizes (unfortunately) are not unlimited, so I chose only the most favorite.

Varieties of peppers with photos and descriptions, reviews

Pepper Apricot Favorite

Early ripe sweet pepper. The bush is low, only 40-50 cm.

The cones are cone-shaped, smooth, weighing 100-120 g, with a wall thickness of 7 mm. This variety is grown in open ground and greenhouses. Knits well in any summer.

Pepper productivity Apricot favorite   high.

Pepper Agapovsky

Mid-early grade of sweet pepper (99-120 days from the time of transplanting). Bushes are compact, with many leaves.

The fruits are cuboid, weighing about 130 g, with a wall thickness of 7.5-8 mm. The variety is disease resistant, intended for cultivation in sheltered soil.

Productivity of pepper Agapovsky: 9.5 - 10.3 kg with 1 sq.m.

Pepper Atlant

Mid-season sweet pepper variety (70-75 days from germination to ripening), characterized by large fruits. In biological maturity, these are red peppers with a diameter of 13-14 cm, a length of 18-20 cm with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm, with excellent taste.

Plant height 70-75 cm. This variety is grown both in open and in closed ground.

Productivity of pepper Atlas: 3 - 5 kg / sq. m

Pepper Tusk, description

An early ripe variety of sweet pepper ripening in 95-105 days from the moment of transplanting seedlings into the ground. Bushes are very high, up to 160 cm.

The fruits are cylindrical, elongated, with a wall thickness of up to 8 mm and an average weight of 150 g. Red peppers are of biological maturity. The taste is aromatic, sweet. It is grown in open ground and a greenhouse.

Sweet Pepper Tusk Yield: 2.6 kg / sq. m

Pepper Big Dad, characteristic

Early ripe sweet pepper. The bush is compact.

The fruits are thick-walled, cylindrical in shape, weighing 100 g, purple, and brown-red in biological maturity.

It is grown in open ground and in greenhouses. Planting seedlings is recommended according to the scheme: 50 x 30 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases and crop stability.

Pepper productivity Big dad: 6.8 - 7.2 kg / sq. m

Pepper Bogatyr, description, photo

Mid-early, high-yielding sweet pepper variety. On a well-developed bush, large, prismatic fruits, 15-18 cm long, with a wall thickness of about 7 mm and weighing 150-180 g each. The peppers are sweet, juicy, with a delicate pepper aroma. The height of the bush is 55-60 cm.

The variety is resistant to verticillin wilt.

Productivity of pepper Bogatyr: 3,5 - 7 kg / sq.m.

Pepper Bull

The earliest variety of large sweet peppers. Bush up to 60 cm high.

Peppers are thick-walled (wall up to 1 cm), cuboid, weighing up to 500 g, at the maturity stage of a bright yellow color. The taste of this pepper is not very pronounced, rather neutral, but it captivates that it is one of the first to keep up.

Bugai pepper yield: 4.3 - 5.5 kg / sq. m

Pepper Cowhide, description, characterization

Mid-season sweet pepper variety. The height of the bush is 50-60 cm. Pepper Volovye Ear entered in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

Fruits are large, elongated-cone-shaped, at the maturity stage bright red, glossy, weighing up to 200 g and wall thickness of 6-8 mm.

The variety has good transportability.

Pepper Cowhide Ear Productivity: 3.2 kg / sq. m

Pepper yellow bell

A very early variety (from planting seedlings into the ground until ripening 65-70 days) yellow pepper. The height of the bush is 70-80 cm.

Fruits of a cuboid shape, with a diameter and height of about 12 cm, with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm. In biological maturity, peppers are golden yellow. The variety is resistant to disease.

Pepper Yield Yellow Bell: up to 8 kg / sq. m

Landing pattern: 50 x 30 cm.

Pepper Health, description, photo

One of the earliest varieties of sweet pepper. Technical ripeness occurs on 80-90 days after germination. A bush up to 1.5 meters high, up to 15 fruits are formed on it.

Peppers are long conical, weighing 40 g, with a wall thickness of 3-5 mm. It is grown only in protected ground.

Pepper Productivity Health: 4-4.6 kg / m2.

Pepper California miracle, description, photo, reviews

Mid-early variety of sweet pepper ripening on 73-75 days from the moment of transplanting seedlings into the ground. Bush height up to 1 meter.

Fruits in biological maturity are red, with a wall thickness of 7-8 mm, weighing up to 250 g. Grown in open and closed ground.

Pepper Productivity California Miracle: 3.1 kg / sq.m.

Pepper Gingerbread Man, characteristic

An early variety of sweet pepper with thick-walled spherical fruits, weighing 100-150 g. The bush is low, about 40 cm high.

Fruits are rounded cuboid, aligned, shiny, at the stage of full ripeness of red color, weighing 100-170 g, juicy and very tasty, without bitterness. Wall thickness up to 1 cm. This pepper is very good for preservation and fresh salads.

Productivity of pepper Kolobok: 3,5-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ sq.m.

Red Shovel pepper, description

Mid-early grade of sweet pepper for open ground and film shelters. A bush up to 70 cm high. Up to 15 beautiful red fruits are formed on it, each weighing up to 150 g, with a wall thickness of up to 8 mm. The taste of pepper is sweet, with a pleasant pepper aroma.

Pepper productivity Red spade: up to 5 kg / sq.m.

Pepper Tenderness, characteristic

Early ripe (82-85 days) grade of sweet pepper. The bush is tall, up to 1 m or more, therefore it requires garter to the support. Grown in greenhouses.

Fruits are conical with a blunt tip, large, in biological maturity red, weighing 100-150 g, with a wall thickness of 7-8 mm. Etiperets are juicy, sweet, with a thin skin.

Sweet Pepper Yield Tenderness: 1.7 - 1.9 kg / sq.m.

Pepper Topolin, description

Early ripe, productive grade of sweet pepper for an open ground.

The fruits are small, cone-shaped, weighing 100-150 g, bright red at the maturity stage. Topolin pepper is well suited for stuffing and lecho.

Yield of pepper Topolin: 4-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ sq.m.

Pepper Fat Baron, description, photo

An early ripe grade of sweet pepper for open grunts and film shelters. Spherical bush 50-60 cm high.

Cube-shaped peppers, weighing about 300 g, with a wall thickness of up to 1 cm, at the maturity stage of a bright red color. The fruits are very sweet, without bitterness, there are 8-9 pieces on the bush.

Pepper productivity Fat baron: 4.8 kg / sq.m.

Pepper Gypsy F1, description

Early hybrid with good taste and bright aroma. The bush is low, only 50-60 cm. The fruits ripen in 46-48 days from the moment of transplanting seedlings into the ground.

Peppers in the form of a cone, with a blunt tip, weighing 100-120 g. In biological ripeness, the fruits are bright red. This pepper is grown both in open and protected ground. Sowing seeds for seedlings is recommended in early March, planting in the ground in early June.

Gypsy Pepper Yield: 6.0 - 7.0 kg / m 2.

Eskimo pepper F 1, characteristic

A very early hybrid of sweet pepper. Ripens on the 60th day after transplanting seedlings into the ground.

The bush is sweeping with wide leaves, medium height.

Peppers are drooping, cuboid, glossy, at the maturity stage dark red, weighing 150-400 g. Wall thickness 7-8 mm. The taste is excellent, without bitterness.

Eskimo Pepper Yield: 4.3-4.8 kg / sq.m.

The hybrid is resistant to TMV.

Pepper Gemini F1, description, photo

Abundantly fruiting early ripe hybrid of sweet pepper. The fruits ripen on 72-76 days from the moment of transplanting seedlings into the ground. The bush is powerful, large, upright with 7-10 fruits weighing up to 400 g each.

Peppers are thick-walled, cuboid-elongated, bright yellow in biological maturity. Possess high palatability. This hybrid bears fruit well even in the "bad" summer. It is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Gemini Pepper Yield: 2.5 - 4.8 kg / sq.m.

Pepper Claudio F1, description, photo

Early ripe hybrid of sweet pepper. Fruits ripen on average on the 80th day after transplanting seedlings into the ground. The bush of this pepper is powerful, upright, well leafy. On one bush, up to 12 peppers can be tied. In biological maturity, these are dark red, thick-walled cuboid-elongated fruits.

The hybrid has excellent taste and good transportability. The average weight of the fruit is 200-250 g. Grown in greenhouses and open ground.

Claudio pepper yield: up to 4 kg / sq.m.

Pepper Tevere F1, description

Mid-season hybrid of thick-walled sweet pepper. It is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in open field in private household plots of the southern regions of the country. The plant is medium to tall.

Fruits are drooping, cylindrical, in the ripeness stage of yellow color, weighing 150-180 g, excellent taste, juicy. Wall thickness up to 8 mm.

Tevere pepper yield: 3,7 kg / sq.m.

The hybrid is resistant to TMV.

Pepper Star of the East white F1, description, photo

An early hybrid of sweet pepper. On a powerful bush 60-70 cm high, 7-8 cuboid fruits weighing 200-250 g each are formed. In biological maturity, peppers have a white-cream color.

The value of this hybrid is that in addition to good taste, it also has good transportability, as well as resistance to various diseases.

Pepper productivity Star of the East white: under film shelters 7.6 kg / sq.m.

With insufficient moisture, the fruits of this hybrid may be affected by vertex rot.

Pepper Star of the East white in red F1

An early, very fruitful hybrid of sweet pepper. The bush is medium height, semi-spreading.

Fruits weighing up to 200 g, with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm, are red in biological maturity.

The hybrid is disease resistant, has excellent taste and good transportability. You can grow in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Pepper productivity. Star of the East white in red. High.

Pepper Star of the East golden F1

Super yielding early sweet pepper hybrid. The bush is powerful, up to 70 cm high.

Prismatic peppers, highly glossy, weighing 150-250 g each, with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm. In biological maturity, these are bright yellow juicy sweet peppers. The hybrid is disease resistant.

Yield of pepper Golden Star of the East: up to 7.3 kg / sq. m

Pepper Star of the East chocolate F1, description, photo

High-yielding mid-season (111-115 days) hybrid of sweet pepper. The bush is about 60-70 cm tall, powerful, semi-spreading.

Prismatic peppers, glossy, weighing up to 350 g each, with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm. In biological maturity, the peppers are juicy, sweet, dark brown in color.

This hybrid is resistant to disease and has good keeping quality.

Sweet pepper productivity Star of the East chocolate: up to 10 kg / sq. m

Isabella F1 pepper, description

High-yielding mid-season hybrid of sweet pepper. The bush is powerful, but compact. On the bush there can be up to 20 fruits weighing 130-160 g each. Prismatic peppers, with a wall thickness of up to 1 cm. In biological maturity, they are bright red in color.

The hybrid is unpretentious in cultivation, has excellent taste and good portability.

Isabella Pepper Yields: 12 - 14 kg / sq.m.

Pepper Fat Man F1

Mid-season hybrid (111-115 days) sweet pepper. It is grown in open ground and in greenhouses. Bush 60-70 cm high.

Peppers are large, cuboid, weighing up to 400 g each, with a wall thickness of about 6-8 mm. In biological maturity, these are fleshy, sweet, very juicy and fragrant cherry-colored peppers.

Hybrid value: resistance to a complex of diseases, large-fruited, excellent fruit quality, keeping quality and transportability.

Pepper productivity Fat man: above average.

Pepper Beladonna F1

Harvest pepper hybrid for greenhouses and open ground. Fruits ripen in 55 days from the moment of transplanting seedlings into the ground. The bush is powerful, but compact.

The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 140-160 g each, but with thick walls (8 mm). In biological maturity, yellow peppers.

Yield of Belladonna Pepper: 4.2 - 4.5 kg / sq. m

Pepper Denis F1, description, photo

An early ripe, high-yielding Dutch sweet pepper hybrid that sets fruit well even in adverse weather conditions. It is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses, temporary film shelters and in the open ground. The bush is medium-sized, powerful.

The fruits are large, in the ripening stage of dark red color, weighing up to 400 g each, juicy, fragrant, sweet, without bitterness. The wall thickness of this pepper is up to 1.2 cm. These peppers have good transportability.

Pepper productivity Denis F1: up to 7 kg / sq.m.

Pepper Maradonna F1, description

An early Dutch hybrid of sweet peppers for greenhouses and open ground. Garter to a support or trellis is required. The bush is powerful, tall, up to 80 cm.

Peppers are large, cuboid, weighing 210-230 g each, wall thickness 7-8 mm. In biological maturity, peppers are yellow-orange in color. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and processing. They have good keeping quality and transportability.

Maradonna pepper yield: 7-10 kg / sq.m.

Landing pattern: 50 x 60 cm.

Pepper Rhapsody F1, characteristic

An early, fruitful hybrid of sweet pepper. Ripens on 73-75 days from the moment of transplanting seedlings into the ground. The height of the bush is 65-75 cm. The hybrid is very unpretentious, bears fruit in almost any, even “bad” year.

Fruits are conical, long (15-16 cm), wall thickness 6-7 mm. In biological maturity, yellow peppers.

The hybrid is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus and stressful conditions.

And which varieties of sweet pepper do you consider the best? Where do you grow them in a greenhouse or in open ground? Have you tried growing purple or black varieties? Which tastes better: red, yellow, or black? Please share your opinion in the comments.

Sweet pepper has become an everyday vegetable, so often it is used in cooking. This crop is grown in every garden, regardless of region. You can grow it and harvest it almost everywhere, choosing the right variety. Today we will get acquainted with the best varieties of sweet pepper.

This is a typical member of the Solanaceae family. The fruit is a hollow false berry with lots of seeds. Color from pale yellow to brown and purple. In its homeland, in Central America, it belongs to perennials, but in the Russian climate it is grown as an annual.

In the southern regions of the Lower Volga region, in the North Caucasus, in the Krasnodar Territory, it yields rich crops in the open air, and in the more northern regions, temporary or permanent shelters are needed.

Popular varieties of Bulgarian pepper

Early and mid-season varieties for open ground

Big mom

It is grown both in the open air and in various shelters. A semi-spreading bush reaches 1 m in height. Individual fruits grow up to 200 g in weight, their walls reach 13 mm in thickness. Rectangular and smooth false berries with technical ripeness become attractive orange. Ripen in 120 days. Big Mama peppers received a high tasting score. Harvest is used fresh, suitable for conservation, indispensable in cooking.


A typical representative of mid-season varieties. From the appearance of seedlings to the technical ripeness of the fruit, no more than 120 days pass.

On a tall and sprawling bush (up to 60 cm) prismatic, fairly large fruits ripen. Slightly tuberous peel with the onset of maturation acquires a pale green color, eventually turning into red. From one square meter get up to 7 kg of peppers with walls of 5.5 mm. In addition, each pepper can weigh 150-180g.

The variety accumulates a lot of ascorbic acid, rutin, and many useful trace elements in the pulp. The taste is rated very highly.

The fruits are used fresh, used to prepare hot dishes, processed into canned food and frozen.

Peppers of this variety are resistant to transportation, resistant to diseases characteristic of solanaceous.


Harvest early ripening variety Swallow can be harvested after 130 days. The fruits ripen together. It can grow outdoors and under temporary shelter.

To obtain a rich harvest, it is necessary to correctly form a bush - all leaves are removed before the first branch. The medium-spreading bush grows to 60 cm. Smooth cone-shaped fruits hang from the side branches. Lime color will tell you that the crop can be harvested. At this time, the fruits reach 70 g of weight, and the flesh is 5 mm thick.

The high yield of the variety, delicious fruits, versatility of use and resistance to diseases make it possible to recommend this variety for growing in a summer cottage.


Another early ripe variety recommended for open ground and greenhouses. Begins to bear fruit in 100 more days. Pyramidal peppers ripen on semi-sprawling bushes, growing to almost 1 meter. Ripening, the fruits turn light green, biologically ripe peppers turn red. They have excellent taste, the weight of one fruit reaches 130 g.

Peppers "Merchant" have a characteristic aroma, rich in vitamin C. The variety regularly gives a stable harvest (up to 2.5 kg / m2), universal purpose.


The large cone-shaped fruits of Atlanta do not fit in with modest, not very tall and sprawling bushes. The leaves are also disproportionate to the outstanding fruits.

Atlanta has three-chamber peppers, dense, fleshy crispy. Ripening, they become very sweet and juicy. The walls of pepper reach 6 mm, with a total mass of an individual fruit up to 165 g.

You can collect them already for 110 days. At this time, the fruits are painted in bright green color. Productivity - 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof pepper with 1 m2.


Bell Pepper Belozerka is one of the most commonly grown varieties. It abundantly bears fruit in the open ground. Matures in 112 days. Bushes up to 70 cm. Cone-shaped, drooping fruits, slightly ribbed with a sharp top, painted in colors from light cream to red. The thickness of the pulp is 7.5 mm, weight 130 g.

Delicious fruits for universal use. Rip together. Productivity can reach up to 8 kg / m2. It is stored for a long time, it does not deteriorate during long-term transportation. Plants are resistant to diseases and various rot.

Big Dad

Compact plants bear fruit in the open ground and under temporary shelter. 90 days after transplanting, you can collect thick-walled (8 mm), conical, very tasty fruits weighing 150 g. Violet fruits have reached technical ripeness, ready for harvest. Biologically ripe fruits are red-brown. Peppers are kept fresh for a long time, do not deteriorate during transportation over long distances. Productivity from 6 to 8 kg of fruits of high commercial quality.

Medium-sized bush, moderately leafy

The high-yielding variety is resistant to diseases, in particular, to the tobacco mosaic virus.

California Miracle

Very productive mid-early variety, you can harvest in 110-130 days. It can be used fresh, suitable for preservation. The fruit is cuboid in shape, juicy, sweet grows to 150g. Wall thickness up to 8mm. In technical ripeness, peppers are dark green, ripening, blush. The plant is powerful, up to 1m in height.

California Miracle can be grown under temporary shelter and outdoors. Harvest up to 3 kg / m2. Merchantable qualities are worthy.

Orange miracle

Matures in 100-110 days. Designed for temporary shelters and open ground. Zoned in the southern regions of Russia.

A powerful bush grows above 1 meter. Resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus .. On such a plant, cuboid, bright orange fruits ripen. The pulp is tender, juicy, up to 10 mm thick. The weight of a single pepper can reach 250g. Productivity of a grade is up to 14 kg / m2.

The harvested very delicious fruits have high commercial qualities, are used fresh, harvested for future use.


One of the best mid-season varieties. He has high taste and marketability. Disease resistant. It can be grown in open and protected ground.

The rounded fruits are initially dark green, redden to full ripeness. Size up to 10 cm, with sweet juicy pulp and a wall thickness of 5-6 mm. The weight of the fetus is from 50 to 75 g. After 4 months, you can collect ripe peppers. Harvest up to 5 kg / m2.

The bush is undersized, compact, not higher than 50 cm.

Gogoshary Pepper


Gladiator fruits contain an increased amount of ascorbic acid, tasty, with high commercial qualities.

The variety is resistant to verticillosis. It can be grown under temporary shelter and in the open air.
  Peppers of this variety are yellow in color, with a delicate sweet flesh with a delicate pepper aroma. Wall thickness 5-6 mm, weight up to 250g.

From crops to harvest ripeness, 100-115 days pass.
  A tall, sprawling bush feels better in areas closed from the wind. Estimated yield 4-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ m2.

Sweet pepper Gladiator

Polycarbonate Greenhouse Varieties

Miracle Tree F1

Hybrid Miracle tree confirms this name. A bush of pepper 180 cm high! When other varieties are just beginning to bloom, many fruits have already begun to blossom on the Tree. The peppers are medium sized, fiery red, up to 100 g in weight, prismatic, very tasty and juicy. The thickness of the pulp is 4-6 mm.

Hybrid recommended for growing in a greenhouse. High-quality fruits are formed even with a lack of light. Resistant to vertex rot disease. Rip together. Harvested crop is suitable for use in fresh, good for processing. Pharaoh F1

Hybrid, for greenhouses and open ground. From planting seedlings to picking the first fruits, a little more than two months pass.

The bush is medium sized, moderate in height. The drooping fruits, prismatic, are covered with glossy skin. The ripened fruits are yellow, later redden. The weight of one pepper with a wall thickness of 7-8 mm can reach 160 g. The taste of the harvested fruit is unsurpassed, the crop is used fresh, suitable for processing. With one sq. m collect 6 to 7.5 kg The hybrid does not reduce productivity in adverse weather conditions, and is immune to viral diseases.

Fat baron

The pepper bush does not grow above 55 cm. Despite such compactness, it needs support, because it can ripen up to 15 fruits at a time. The variety is resistant to infectious and viral diseases.
  The fruits are cone-shaped, pleasantly sweet, 10-12 cm long, grow up to 140 g. They are ready to be harvested in July-September, in 120-140 days. Peppers with high consumer qualities.

The fruits ripened to technical ripeness are pale green, gradually turning red when fully ripened. The walls at harvest are about 6mm. The total yield reaches 5kg / m2. Apply fresh, suitable for harvesting for future use.

Cow ear

Medium early ripening period. From sowing seedlings to ripening the first fruits a little more than 70 days.
  The bush grows to 70 cm. The peppers are thick-walled (6-8mm), elongated-conical, smooth. Sixteen centimeter fruits can weigh up to 200 g.

Biologically ripe fruits are rich red, juicy and sweet. Long stored. It tolerates transportation over long distances. From each bush remove up to three kg of fruit.


Tall bushes, up to 1.5m give up to 3 kg of pepper from the bush. Giant fruits up to 30 cm long and up to 500 g in weight. Amazing peppers elongated, cylindrical, slightly curved. The pulp is thick, juicy, sweet, fragrant. The purpose of the fruit is universal - you can use it fresh, or you can preserve it.

Harvest can be harvested 110 days after sowing seeds. Cockatoo is zoned in the southern regions, with lots of sunny days. It is very important that the place of planting seedlings of this variety is constantly lit by the sun.

Plants react painfully to a lack of lighting. The dignity of the variety is resistance to disease, rot, mosaic.

Gift of Moldova

Very productive grade. On the bush, a height of not more than 0.5 m very beautiful and fragrant peppers ripen. Peppers of this variety can grow in a greenhouse, or maybe in the open air. From seedlings to fruiting takes four months with a little. Recommended for cultivation in the south of Russia. Adapts to local conditions.

The bush of pepper varieties Gift of Moldova is compact, not higher than 45 cm. Semi-stem, with lots of leaves. Resistant to certain diseases.

The conical fruits are three-tetrahedral, about 10 cm long and weighing up to 90 g. Walls 4-5 mm thick. Ripe fruits are dark red, tasty and fragrant. Peppers of this variety ripen together, suitable for mechanized harvesting.


Mid-early variety with high quality fruits. The fruits are intended to be used fresh and for processing. Zoned in the southern regions of Russia. Taste and commodity indicators of fruits are high. The variety is resistant to wilt. Fruits suitable for harvesting are light green, with full ripeness dark red. Peppers are conical in shape, up to 10 cm long with juicy pulp up to 6 mm.

One fruit can weigh 100-150g. ready to harvest 110 days after sowing.
  A slightly spreading bush in the variety is formed in a standard form, without a garter.


Sweet pepper ripening for 115 days. High commercial and taste. Genetic immunity to many diseases and low temperatures. It can grow under temporary shelter and in the open air. Bushes up to 70 cm high, compact.

Cream-colored fruits are suitable for picking, when ripe they turn red. Cone-shaped, with tender, juicy and sweet flesh. Two or three-chamber fruit gains weight up to 140g.

The crop withstands long-term storage and long-distance transportation.
  Productivity of 7 kg / m2 is achieved only in the greenhouse.


It is characterized by high, stable productivity. Harvesting is started three months after sowing. Delicious fruits have high commercial qualities. Disease resistant.
  Fruits at first are dark green, ripening, blush.

Varietal feature - cube-shaped with a wall thickness of almost 7 mm. The mass of pepper can reach 160g.

The bush reaches 80 cm in height. Average productivity 3 kg / m2.

It’s impossible to describe all the varieties, here’s another selection of the best varieties:

  1. The best early varieties for open ground are Funtik, Chardash, Barguzin, Cornet, Accord, Pinocchio F1, Jung.
  2. Varieties for the polycarbonate greenhouse - Cardinal, Claudio, Atlas, Cockatoo, Hercules, Denis, Orange miracle, Tenderness.
  3. Sweet pepper varieties for Moscow Region - Orange Miracle, Cardinal, Atlant, Latino, Agapovsky, Atlantic F1, Pinocchio F1, Winnie the Pooh, Golden Rain.
  4. Varieties of thick-walled pepper - Kolobok, Hekules, Yellow bull, Red bull, Aeneas, Helios, Winnie the Pooh, Health, Viking.
  5. Varieties for the Urals and Siberia - Barguzin, Barin, Zolotinka, Oriole, Magician, Merchant, Pioneer.

Sincerely, Sophia Guseva

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The future crop depends on how correctly the sweet pepper varieties are chosen. Peppers, diverse in shape, differing in taste and growth rate are always present on the table in their natural form and marinades. Many vegetable growers prefer to grow super-early species, but do not forget that late-ripening plants give a plentiful harvest, which is kept fresh for the longest.

The earliest varieties of bell pepper

Summer residents and gardeners successfully grow precisely the earliest sweet peppers. They gained great popularity due to the fact that, under proper conditions and care, the first crop is harvested with the advent of summer days. For early harvests, vegetables are cultivated in greenhouses or film shelters. Pepper varieties for open ground were also developed, which ripen a little later, but belong to the early ones, we will dwell on several of them in more detail:

Sweet pepper Red square. Super early variety, ripening occurs 3 months after the appearance of the first seedling. The plant is low, up to seventy centimeters high. Peppers of a cuboid type, inside have a four-chamber structure. The weight of one fruit can be 280-300 grams. Peppers of technical maturity have a green color, then become a saturated red color. The walls of the fetus are thick 0.8-0.9 centimeters. The red square is well stored, therefore easily transported over long distances. Taste characteristics are excellent, it is used fresh and preserved. Variety resistant to viral diseases;

  in the photo - a variety of pepper "red square"

Sweet pepper Aivengo   is the most popular and earliest among many varieties of pepper. The first fruits after the entry of seeds appear already on the 105-115 day, by the end of the 125-135 day they ripen completely, have a conical shape, with 2-3 chamber compartments and many seeds. Peppers are smooth, weighing from 95 to 140 grams. The earliest fruits have a creamy white tint, when full ripening occurs, they become red. The thickness of the walls of ripe peppers is 5-7 millimeters. Appreciated for its high commercial quality. Eat and process for preservation of Aivengo can already be in technical maturity. The bushes are compact, low, formation is not required, which facilitates care during cultivation. The variety is strong resistant to mosaic diseases, verticillin wilt.

Peppers are grown through seedlings

Pepper Funtik   refers to semi-determinant varieties, the height of the plant bush is 50-70 centimeters. Thickly leafy, compact. The fruits ripen fully on 125-130 days, technically ripen on 100-110 days. Peppers are cone-shaped, uneven in shape, weighing 150-180 grams. Good and friendly productivity, up to 18 fruits on one bush. High resistance to verticelosis and tobacco mosaic. It is in great demand among summer residents and gardeners, since cultivation is possible in open ground and unheated greenhouses;
  in the photo - a grade of pepper "big dad"
Chardash pepper refers to determinant species, the height can reach 70 centimeters. The type of bush is bouquet, compact. Fruits are conical in weight up to 220 grams, wall thickness 5-6 millimeters. The fruits are tied in bunches, have a beautiful decorative appearance and are suitable for use, starting with technical ripeness. Ripe peppers are predominantly colored orange-red. The variety is characterized in that up to 17 fruits are tied together on one plant. Suitable for growing under all types of film shelters and for outdoor planting.

In addition to the above types of pepper, there are others that are not inferior in their taste and agrotechnical qualities. Also, good early varieties include, for example, Lumina pepper, Triton, Sunny, Marinkin tongue, Winnie the Pooh, Health, Orange Miracle, Siberian Prince and many others.

The most productive varieties of pepper

Pepper California Miracle   is popular and common for many years. A plant of medium height, can reach 0.7 meters. The mid-early variety, the technical maturity of the fruit comes to 125 from the day of seed germination. The fruits are cuboid, smooth and glossy. The wall thickness of pepper ranges from 4 to 5.5 millimeters, the mass of one fruit is 80-125 grams. Excellent crop and taste features. A distinctive feature is a persistent aromatic odor. Well suited for in-kind use and winter preparations;

Pepper cowhide, representative of mid-season varieties. Suitable for cultivation in open areas and under the film. The elongated shape of the fruit, corrugated, conical, weighing up to 200 grams. The length of one fruit is 12-16 centimeters, the wall thickness is from 6 to 8 millimeters. Turgor holds for a long period of time, suitable for long transportation. They retain their taste during long-term storage. The cow’s ear is resistant to fusarium wilt. It is used in fresh and processed forms;

  in the photo - a kind of cowhide pepper
Pepper Atlant   It is famous for its high productivity, which has earned its popularity among many vegetable growers. The plant is medium-sized, half-stemmed, with a small number of leaves. Peppers are large, up to 26 centimeters in length. The pulp is juicy, the walls are thick up to 1.1 centimeters. On the cut you can find a large number of seeds. The mass of one fruit is in the range from 110 to 150 grams. Excellent taste and aroma. Pepper is good because it prefers thickened plantings;

Pepper Eroshka fully reaches biological maturity 120-130 days after seed emergence. The plant is compact, stunted, with a height of not more than 50 centimeters. Fruits are cuboid, tetrahedral and slightly ribbed. At the initial stage of ripening, they have a light green color, which gradually turns red, reaching biological maturity. It is characterized by high fecundity, from one plant you can collect up to 15-16 fruits. Appreciated for the friendly and early return of the fruit, resistance to infections, good taste and the ability to cultivate in open, closed ground.
  in the photo - black horse pepper variety
  Also considered fruitful such as Bagheera, Golden Calf, Mammoth, Three Fat Men, Mustang, Don Pedro, Bagration and others. And in order to get a generous harvest, you need to know how to properly grow pepper and take care of it.

Highlighting the best varieties of sweet pepper is not easy. Now on the market there are a large number of varieties and hybrids of pepper, which surprise with their productivity, resistance to diseases, a variety of shapes and colors and excellent taste.

Sweet pepper is considered one of the favorite crops grown independently in the garden. This vegetable is equally good in any form. And you can successfully grow ripe pepper in the open field and collect a rich harvest by choosing its variety correctly. It is necessary to pay attention to such indicators:

  1. Ripening period.
  2. Taste.
  3. The mass of fruits.
  4. The amount of harvest.
  5. Susceptibility to diseases and adverse factors.

The choice of a particular variety depends on the personal preferences of the person, however, for most summer residents, the ripening period is considered the main indicator.

Comment! The most popular early ripening varieties, in which fruits with fleshy walls.

Why are the early varieties popular?

A short period of growth and fruit ripening is the main criterion for popularity. From the moment sprouts appear to harvest, an average of 85-125 days pass. Of course, you need to understand that to achieve the desired result is possible only under optimal conditions of detention, which include:

  • favorable climate;
  • a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • suitable soil;
  • lack of pests and diseases.

Today, probably, there is no summer resident who would not try to grow sweet pepper in an open garden on his own. The early varieties of this culture are distinguished by good tolerance and resistance to the influence of external factors. And new varieties related to cold-resistant have good protection against a number of diseases. Almost all varieties of early ripening varieties have a neat bush that is easy to care for. List of the most prevalent early varieties of bell pepper.

The most famous

A huge selection of varieties of ripe sweet peppers that can give a crop earlier than others. There are successful, precocious varieties of this vegetable in which all qualities are ideally combined. And now we will tell in detail about the most popular varieties.


Perhaps this variety can be confidently called the most popular and widespread precocious representative of pepper. On low bushes there are elongated fruits resembling a cone. This precocious variety has a light harvest color that ranges from light green to white-yellow. Ripe fruits rarely weigh 120 g, which indicates a small size of peppers. The walls of Lumina are of average thickness, 0.5 cm. The aroma of the fruits of this variety is weakly expressed, and the taste is sweetish.

Farmers and gardeners are happy to grow this early type of sweet pepper in the open field. It will bear fruit even in Spartan, arid conditions.

Advice! With a lack of water, Lumina can become bitter and pungent in taste.


The best early varieties of fragrant pepper for open ground can be safely attributed to this species. It fully ripens after 4 months. But, you can eat earlier, slightly unripe fruits. In this case, they will not have a bright sweet taste and characteristic aroma, and their color will be almost white. Ripe fruits are orange or reddish in color, the elongated shape of these peppers resembles a cone. Their weight does not exceed 120 g, and the walls are rather fleshy. The pepper cavity is divided by partitions into separate chambers with many seeds. Low bushes have a neat shape. She makes care and harvesting an easy task. This precocious variety is highly resistant to disease.

Advice! Drought or excess moisture reduces yield to a minimum.

Marinkin tongue

An early variety for outdoor cultivation, originally from Ukraine, has a rich harvest and enviable endurance. This often serves as a decisive factor in the selection of sweet pepper varieties. The bushes are hung with fruits and this directly indicates the need to tie each bush to the support. The height of plants of this variety does not exceed 70 cm. Red-brown fruits of medium size have an elongated, sickle-shaped and sweet taste. The walls are thick, however, this value decreases near the base.


This sweet pepper is especially loved by all for its attitude to the earliest varieties of pepper for open ground. Triton perfectly withstands the weather and stands out with a high yield. The weight of each pepper rarely reaches 150 g, but one bush can have up to 40 fruits. Peppers similar to a bloated cone are red or red-yellow in color. Their flesh is juicy, with a characteristic aroma and a slightly sweet aftertaste.

Important! Be sure to remove the first ovary. This is the only way to get a rich harvest.

Atlantic F1

The large fruits of this variety of early pepper for open ground ripen one of the first. On tall bushes that can grow up to a meter in height, there are weighty fruits of sweet pepper, similar to barrels. They have fairly thick walls and a bright taste. Not susceptible to disease.


On medium-height bushes, bell peppers reach maturity 120 days after the emergence of sprouts on the open ground. Scarlet fruits, similar to a stretched pyramid, are not very heavy. This variety is considered an ideal species combining a delicate aroma and an exquisite, sweet taste. The crop is small, only 2 kg, but the quality exceeds all expectations. This is evidenced even by the name of the variety.


Harvest of this early variety is harvested 3 months after planting. Small fruits, similar to a red cone, grow on bushes of medium height. Feels great in open ground and does not require special attention.

Lemon Miracle

The first sprouts of this precocious sweet pepper appeared on the beds? Perfectly! Celebrate the day on the calendar, and feel free to count 115 days. Exactly so much time is left before the harvest. On tall bushes grow small yellow peppers resembling a rectangle. The weight of each pepper rarely reaches 200 g. This early variety for open ground is not whimsical to weather conditions and is resistant to a number of diseases.

Latino F1

After 108 days, they begin to harvest the sweet pepper Latino F1, belonging to the early varieties. On tall bushes grow fleshy red peppers, similar to small cubes. Under ideal growing conditions in the open ground, they are capable of producing up to 14 kg of yield per square.

Prince Silver

You can try this pepper after 3.5 months after the appearance of sprouts. On neat bushes, not higher than 75 cm, small scarlet sweet peppers grow, the shape of which resembles a cone. This early variety, like Tenderness, is classified as an ideal species. Under optimal growing conditions in open ground, it is possible to collect up to 3 kg of fruit from each bush without any problems. The plant is immune to disease.

California Miracle

An unusually popular early grade of bell pepper for open ground in gardeners. Bright sweet taste and heady aroma won many hearts. 15-16 light red weighty peppers grow on bushes.

Fat toss

An early variety of sweet pepper, included in a large collection of Siberian species. On low bushes, weighty peppers grow densely. The main difference between the early ripening variety is considered to be a rich crop grown in open ground.


Harvesting ripe sweet fruits in red and green can begin after 95 days. Weighty early ripening peppers resembling a prism grow on tall bushes.

Sweet Funtik

Dark red early ripening sweet peppers Funtik, shaped like a cone, grow on low bushes.

Red Square

This is an early variety of pepper that will delight you with a sweet taste already in the third month after planting in open ground. A short plant, rarely reaching 80 cm, has fairly heavy cubic fruits. You can eat this vegetable 2 months after planting, when they are still green. Ripe sweet peppers for open ground are painted in bright red color. It is distinguished by a high immunity to diseases.


A neat low bush will be ready to please with an early harvest of 16-18 sweet peppers in 4 months, and they are considered conditionally mature a month earlier. Each pepper has a bizarre shape and reaches 180 g. Tobacco-free mosaic disease and verticillosis are immune to disease.


Sprouts of this variety planted in the open ground are more like a live flower-vegetable arrangement. The classic look of sweet peppers conquered more than one heart of the gardener. Weighty fruits form unusual bunches, similar to inflorescences of futuristic flowers.


The classic-looking heavy sweet red peppers grow on tall, branched bushes. Sweet and fragrant peppers in the period of conditional maturity, have a bright green color. One square of open ground can bring up to 11 kg of sweet pepper. The variety does not require special conditions and care, and is also immune to many diseases.


You can find out among many varieties of early-ripening vegetable this early variety by the unusual arrangement of ovaries of sweet pepper. They are growing up. Each pepper has a heart shape. Fragrant and unusually tasty thin-skinned sweet peppercorns are painted in a dense green color, and after full maturation they acquire a scarlet hue. Harvest can begin to harvest after 110 days of growth. These are rather tall plants, besides the branches are half on the bed. Under optimal conditions, one square meter will easily give up to 11 kg of sweet pepper.

It is unrealistic to talk about all the varieties of this cult. There are still suitable early varieties of bell pepper for open ground:

Apricot favorite

A rich harvest of early ripe sweet pepper of this species grows on compact bushes. Each pepper weighs no more than 100 g.


Very juicy and delicious sweet fruits of this early ripening variety can be harvested after 3.5 months. They, in their appearance, resemble small cubes of red color. The plant copes with various pests and diseases.

Big dad

An early variety stands out with an unusual color of fruits. Ink-violet fleshy sweet peppercorns are small and rarely weigh more than 100 g. An invariably large crop of sweet pepper for open ground Big dad pleases gardeners from year to year.


The name speaks for itself. Large heavy fruits of saturated lemon color grow on small bushes. The weight of each sweet ripening fruit easily reaches 500 g. Its taste is neutral, but it is this vegetable that ripens the fastest in the garden.

Having picked the right kind of pepper, you can get a good harvest in your garden.

How to grow sweet pepper in an open garden

Following simple rules, you can grow an excellent sweet crop, even in open ground. These recommendations need to be adopted by gardeners who cannot be constantly in the country.

Among the helpful tips are some.

  • Choose open areas of the garden for planting, because the early varieties love the sun.
  • Loam is suitable for planting, and light chernozem will be an ideal place for a pepper bed.
  • Planting seeds is possible, but not necessary. You can spend time and get nothing. Better to use seedlings.
  • Be sure to temper the young growth before meeting with open ground.
  • The last decade of May is the optimal period for planting seedlings in open ground.
  • Water the plants with water at room temperature.
  • Do not forget about timely top dressing.
  • All tall plants must be tied up.
  • In the open ground, early varieties of pepper will be attacked by pests and all kinds of diseases. Watch the appearance of the plant.

To summarize

An early ripe sweet appearance in the open ground can easily be grown in various climatic zones. A large collection of early varieties resistant to cold is suitable for cultivation not only in temperate regions, but also in more severe areas. Due to its coloring and a whole set of useful elements, sweet pepper is far from the last place on our table. He is equally good in any form. It is quite possible to get a rich harvest on the open ground, independently growing this vegetable in your garden. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and cultivation technologies. Be consistent in your actions and then any early varieties for open ground will please you with a juicy, sweet crop from year to year.

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The best early varieties of sweet pepper for open ground and greenhouses

Which grows with a neighbor.

When choosing and buying seeds, pay attention to the note: “Sweet pepper. Varieties for Siberia. " Specially selected or bred varieties for this climatic zone guarantee you to get the proper quality of the crop with proper care.Pay attention to the compactness and height of the bushes. This is especially true in cases where the landing area is limited or the height of the film tunnel shelter is small. In this case, preference should be given to low-growing plants.

Also one of the popular early varieties bred in recent years. The first fruits reach technical ripeness already on the 103-112th day after the occurrence of gatherings. They still do not have the full taste and aroma as fully ripened peppers, but they are still suitable for food. At this stage, their color is white or cream. Complete biological maturity occurs on the 128-139th day. Fruits are light red, orange or red. Medium, weighing up to 110-130 g, cone-shaped, elongated, narrow in shape. Wall thickness 6-9 mm. Inside are divided into 3-4 chambers by partitions, with a large number of seeds. The period from seedlings to the beginning of fruit ripening is up to 130 days. The plant is vigorous, straight bush. The fruits are very large, cuboid, four-chamber, with thick walls. The mass of fruits is 180-200 g. Taste is high. Suitable for outdoor cultivation in the southern regions of the country. Differs in high productivity and resistance to diseases. Suitable for salads and canning.

Cube-KCow's Ear

. This is an unusual middle grade of Siberian selection pepper. From the appearance of seedlings to fruiting takes about 110-135 days. The bush is about 70-80 cm high, with elongated pyramidal fruits, weighing up to 130 g. The color changes from dark green to chocolate, inside the fruit is red. This is one of the best varieties of sweet pepper, recommended for cultivation in the open ground and in film shelters. Resistant to major diseases. Designed for salads. Mid-early variety. From the appearance of seedlings to ripening, about 110-115 days pass. The bush is 70-80 cm high. The fruits are yellow-orange in color, cuboid in shape, very large weighing up to 250-500 g, fleshy. Taste is high. The variety is very productive. Suitable for growing in open ground, in film greenhouses and film shelters. Resistant to certain diseases. Used for making salads.

Latino F1When choosing varieties of bell pepper for growing in a summer cottage, it is important to pay attention not only to their productivity, but also to the conditions under which these crops are best grown. It is not recommended to grow some varieties of pepper in the open ground, as they are too heat-loving and place high demands on air humidity. Other varieties of pepper are fruitful, but not suitable for canning. Third grades of pepper are suitable for open ground, but ripen too late.

Medium Early Pepper Varieties

Gingerbread man, small, but very productive.

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the seeds. On the packaging bag there can be several types of inscriptions: In order not to spend extra time and money on the chemical treatment of bushes, you need to choose varieties and hybrids that are highly resistant to diseases. Peppers with good resistance to bad weather conditions and capable of bearing fruit well in drought and in rainy, cool weather have been bred today. In addition, different varieties need different light conditions. And if pepper is not grown in a well-equipped greenhouse, you should pay attention to the zoning of the plant.

Bushes are compact, half-stemmed, medium height. It is not necessary to form them specially; it is convenient to collect and process the plant. Aivengo is resistant to many diseases, however, in a cool, protracted spring or in a hot, dry summer, it can produce a very low yield. The variety is ideal for growing in greenhouse conditions, with proper care, you can collect 7-8 kg per sq m. "Kapro F1"

. The period from seedling to fruiting is over 120 days. The plant is 50-60 cm high. The bush is semi-spreading, cubical fruits, smooth. Unripe fruits are dark green, ripe dark red. The average mass of the fetus is 120-160 g. The wall thickness reaches 7 mm. Recommended for cultivation in unheated greenhouses. Productivity under such conditions reaches 5 kg / m2. It is used both fresh and for canning. From the appearance of the first seedlings to ripening of the fruit, 110-135 days pass. The bush is tall, up to 80 cm high.

The best medium grades of pepper for Moscow region

Golden Tamara

The Red Elephant. From the appearance of seedlings to ripening, approximately 100-110 days pass. The bush is up to 1 m high. The fruits are red in color, cuboid, reaching a mass of 200 g. Depending on the growing conditions, the yield is up to 14 kg / m2. The variety is intended for growing in a greenhouse. Resistant to tobacco mosaic disease and potato virus. It is mainly used in salads suitable for fresh consumption.

Here are photos and descriptions of varieties of peppers early ripening.Buy pepper in the store and take the seeds. Especially from Europe, pepper does not seem to be there right now. We don’t have GMOs yet. A low-yielding variety will not be put up for sale.

Expiration date. "Good for ..."The video tells how to grow strong, developed seedlings at home, reveals the nuances of further plant agricultural technology to get a larger crop, what to look for when choosing seeds.

This variety, bred in Dnepropetrovsk, is highly resistant to bad weather conditions and guaranteed high yield. High yielding variety. The period from seedlings to the beginning of fruit ripening is about 130 days. The plant is medium-sized, the bush reaches a height of 1 m. The fruits are trunk-shaped, glossy, with thick walls. Fruits in the technical maturity of green, in biological - red. Weight is 120-130 g. The variety is recommended for cultivation in open ground and in film greenhouses. Suitable for salads and canning.

"Ruby"Fruits are elongated-cone-shaped, smooth, red in color, weighing up to 140 g, sometimes up to 220 g. Productivity from one plant is up to 2, 8 kg.

. From the appearance of seedlings to ripening, approximately 110-135 days pass. The bush is sprawling, medium-tall, up to 60 cm high. The fruits are very large, weighing 200 g or more, flat-round in shape, fleshy, juicy. This variety is recommended for cultivation in the open ground, as well as in film shelters. Resistant to a number of diseases. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning. From the appearance of the first seedlings to ripening, 90-110 days pass. A tall plant with a powerful bush reaching a height of 90 cm. A high-yielding variety with elongated conical fruits, weighing 130-210 g. The fruits are dark red in color, tasty. This early grade of pepper is recommended for open ground, resistant to major diseases. Well suited for salads, canning, used fresh.

"Prince of Silver""Tenderness"

Kolobok, Belozerka, but I do not put these salads, I like thick-walled for these purposesPacking date. Remember that no more than two years should pass after the packing date. This is the maximum term for pepper seeds.

Who doesn't like bell peppers? This sweet vegetable has long and firmly gained popularity. In addition to a pleasant taste, pepper also has healing properties that have long been used in traditional and traditional medicine. The composition of pepper includes most of the vital minerals, nutrients and vitamins. Sweet pepper is very useful for people with skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, suffering from edema, depression and insomnia.

Due to this, almost all gardeners choose it. Due to the abundant fruiting, more than 12-15 fruits per bush, the plant must be tied to a support. The bushes are medium tall, 60-75 cm high. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 160-195 g, with sufficient care they can reach 220-250 g. The shape is narrow, conical, elongated, slightly curved. Ripe peppers are even, dark red or cherry. They have good sweet taste, pleasant smell and high market value. The pulp is juicy, crisp, but the wall thickness is not the same, in the upper part 10-13 mm, closer to the stem - 6-8 mm. They are transported well, but are stored relatively long - 1.5-2 months.

Varieties and hybrids of late pepper with a photo, names and description

Among the modern variety in the seed market, you can choose the most varied varieties of sweet pepper, which will differ not only in color, size, taste and aroma, but in terms of fruiting and nature of growth. Since the ripening period of this plant is longer than the duration of the warm summer period, most gardeners, both amateurs and professionals, plant mainly superearly and early varieties of sweet pepper.

. Technical ripeness of the fruit occurs through 130-138. The plant is semi-spreading, medium-tall, reaches a height of 45-60 cm. The fruits are flat-round, 5-7 cm long. In the phase of technical ripeness, the fruits are light green, in biological maturity - dark red. The wall thickness is 8-10 mm, the mass of the fruit is 116-150 g. The yield is about 5 kg / m2. It is used both fresh and for preserving, and fruits can be stored for a long time. Designed for growing in open ground and film greenhouses. Like many other varieties, this pepper hybrid is suitable for fresh consumption, canning.

"Golden-maned lion"Below you will find a description of the ripening varieties of sweet pepper.

. From the emergence of seedlings to full ripening, 90-110 days pass. The plant is medium-sized, 45-68 cm high. The fruits are cone-shaped, red in color, average weight is 95 g. The yield per plant is up to 2.6 kg. This one of the best varieties of early pepper is recommended for growing in film greenhouses, and is suitable for open ground. Resistant to a complex of diseases. It is used fresh and in salads. The ripening period of the variety is 110-120 days. The bush is medium-sized, semi-spreading, up to 80 cm high. Fruits of red color, elongated pyramidal shape, juicy, with a thin skin. Fruits weighing up to 100 g. Productivity - up to 2 kg. This is one of the best varieties of pepper, but is recommended for growing in film and glazed greenhouses.

I liked the varieties "red bull", "orange bull" and "yellow bull", all F1, tall, large, thick-walled and very good. Duration of special germination analysis. Such seeds, even the most expensive ones, justify their purchase and delight you with an excellent harvest.

Even in such an unfavorable climatic zone, in which Siberia is located, they learned to successfully grow such a useful product. This practice is more than twenty years old. During this time, new varieties of sweet pepper for Siberia were carefully selected and bred. For its cold climate, early varieties and bred hybrids are most suitable. The practice of growing medium early varieties is also successful, and this super early variety, like the previous one, tolerates adverse weather conditions. Suitable for cultivation in the southern regions of Siberia. It calmly tolerates lower temperatures and prolonged rains. Differs in big productivity. Fruits are medium or small, weighing 120-140 g, however, up to 35-45 fruits can be tied on one bush. The shape is conical, slightly rounded, wall thickness 5-7 mm. Ripe yellow, orange or red peppers, with a pronounced aroma and sweet taste.

A variety is the result of selection. It is initially selected and adapted to certain climatic conditions and regionalized by area. When pollinated, the seeds give a similar variety, with the same taste and external characteristics. It is from these peppers that seeds can be harvested. For this, the best and characteristic fruits of the selected variety are selected, from the most tall, developed bushes. As a rule, an amateur gardener seeks to collect a larger crop with less effort and time. Therefore, specially bred domestic varieties are much better than foreign ones adapted to the conditions of Russia and Ukraine. In order to compensate for the cold weather for the plant in the spring and too dry in the summer, it is necessary to make a lot of effort, and hybrid varieties will not become local in the coming decades. In addition, it should be borne in mind that plants planted in open ground, even with good and proper care, yield a much lower yield than the same varieties planted in a greenhouse.

Here are the names of varieties of pepper with a photo and description, whose ripening period is more than 130 days. From the appearance of seedlings to the ripening of fruits takes about 110-135 days. The bush is sprawling, medium-tall, reaches a height of 45-50 cm.The fruits are very large, cuboid in shape, intense yellow in color, weighing up to 270 g. This is a high-yielding variety of pepper, the best for the Moscow Region, intended for growing in open ground and film shelters. Resistant to a number of diseases. It is most often used for fresh consumption and the preparation of salads.

HerculesIn this section of the article you will see photos and descriptions of sweet pepper varieties of medium early ripening.

A review of the best early varieties of sweet pepper


Which is better hybrid or variety?

In general, soil and care mean a lot.

“Sweet pepper”, the best varieties that amaze with the yield and taste of vegetable culture, are the best varieties: “Triton”, “Merchant”, “Korenovsky”, “Red Flame”, “Belozerka”, “Player”, “California Miracle”, “Viking”. The climate of Siberia is awkward and not suitable for growing anything, let alone heat-loving peppers. But the great desire and enthusiasm of the gardener, constant supervision and top dressing make the impossible possible. Every lover of sweet and hot peppers has their own ways and secrets of getting abundant and beautiful crops every year, overcoming all the vagaries of nature.To get a bigger crop, you must remove the first ovary after planting, otherwise the development of the bush is inhibited, and the possible number of fruits decreases. A.

The most successful early grades


Hybrids are the result of crossbreeding. On the package are marked with the letter F1.


. Late ripe hybrid. The period from seedling to ripening is 135-140 days. The plant is standard, 120-150 cm high. The fruits are prismatic, slightly wavy, slightly ribbed, slightly curved, weighing 100-140 g. In technical ripeness, the fruits are purple, when ripe, they are red. The wall thickness of the fetus is 6-7 mm. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. Recommended for fresh use.


Marinkin Tongue

"Iolo the miracle". The ripening period is approximately 110-135 days. The bush is compact, sprawling, 40-60 cm high. The fruits are cuboid, red. Weight -120-140 g. Productivity up to 3 kg. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses and open ground. The variety is resistant to a complex of diseases. Suitable for salads and canning.


The Orange King

. The ripening period of this early variety of pepper is 90-110 days. The plant is semi-spreading, medium-tall, 60-70 cm high. High-yielding with fruits weighing 60-80 g. Fruits are conical, smooth, bright red. Recommended for outdoor cultivation. Suitable for canning, used fresh.

Atlantic F1

Harvest depends on care

How to choose a variety?

Do not forget that for good growth and harvest of peppers, they must be fed. Without this, the fruits become fibrous, smaller and thin-walled. The soil in the greenhouse or in the garden should correspond to the usual nutrient medium for peppers. So seedlings are less susceptible to stress during transplantation and take root more quickly and gain strength for full growth and abundant harvest.

When planting in the ground, the immediate age of the seedlings is very important - eighty to ninety days. And if you hurry and do not wait for the right time, then instead of an excellent vegetable crop, “sweet pepper”, the best varieties of which were specially selected for this region, you will get something small and incomprehensible.

Large-fruited hybrid, early ripening. Bushes are tall, 85-105 cm tall. The fruits are very large, fleshy, weighing 350-450 g, elongated, barrel-shaped. Suitable for both growing in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. It has high resistance to many diseases.

They are characterized by higher productivity, size, appearance and taste characteristics of fruits, compact bushes, which greatly facilitates care, and high resistance to many common diseases and pests.

Video "Selection and cultivation of sweet pepper"

The Black Cardinal.

Sweet pepper. The best varieties for Siberia

. The period from seedlings to the beginning of fruit ripening is approximately 130 days. The plant is medium-sized, compact. Fruits are cuboid in shape, weighing 120-130 g. The wall thickness is 6-8 mm, with delicate juicy pulp. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. Recommended for fresh use.

. From the appearance of the first seedlings to fruiting, 110-135 days pass. The plant is medium-sized, up to 60 cm high. Compact bushes. Fruits are red, fleshy, juicy, cuboid in shape, weighing up to 300 g. The variety is recommended for cultivation in open ground, film shelters and greenhouses. Resistant to a number of diseases. Well suited for salads, used fresh and for canning.


. Mid-early variety. From the emergence of seedlings to ripening takes about 90-110 days. The plant is tall, bushes can reach a height of up to 110 cm. Large-fruited, high-yielding variety. The fruits are orange in color, reaching a mass of about 150 g. Productivity - 7-14 kg per 1 m2. Recommended for growing under film shelters. Resistant to potato virus and tobacco mosaic. Suitable for salads.

"Lemon Miracle"

Buy hybrid varieties. I like Maradonna F

With proper care, up to forty kilograms of an excellent crop can be removed from a small greenhouse of five square meters.

The bulk of fans of their own garden is preoccupied with winter sunsets, and bell pepper is, of course, the leader among all vegetables. The best varieties for canning are medium-sized hybrids. Peppers of various colors look very elegant in the bank: red, white, green and yellow. And the hybrids of brown and black colors during conservation lose color saturation and become dark green.

  • When choosing a variety, one should focus not only on the appearance and size of the fruit, but primarily on the growing condition - greenhouse or open ground. Since not all varieties that give an excellent crop in a greenhouse or film shelter, similarly develop and bear fruit in the open ground. Information about this is usually indicated on the packaging with seeds.
  • However, hybrids require higher and higher quality agricultural technology. At the same time, seeds are not collected from them, since plants grown from collected seeds will not have similar genetics. Therefore, each season, planting material must be purchased again, and the market value for hybrid seeds is always high.
  • Late variety of Italian breeding. The period from seedling to fruiting is more than 118-120 days. The plant is medium-sized. The height of the bush is 40-60 cm. The fruits in technical ripeness are black, in biological - bright red. The shape of the fetus is a truncated pyramid. The pulp is dense, tasty. Productivity is about 10 kg / m2. It is used fresh for salads and canning.

Hottabych F1

"Star of the East F1"

. The ripening period is approximately 110-135 days. The bush is spreading, medium-tall, 36-70 cm high. The fruits are conical, red, weighing 85-120 g. The yield from one plant is 2.3-2.7 kg. Designed for film greenhouses and open ground. Resistant to a number of diseases. Good for fresh consumption and for canning.

which Bulgarian sweet pepper is the most fruitful?

Vasily S.

Golden Taurus

Vladimir Petrov

. Approximately 110–115 days elapse from emergence to fruiting of this early variety of sweet pepper. The plant is tall, the bush can reach 1 m in height. The fruits are large, rectangular in shape, golden yellow. The mass reaches 180 g. It tolerates adverse weather conditions, resistant to certain diseases. Suitable for growing in open ground and under film shelters. Used for salads, good for fresh consumption.


Beginning of July. In the greenhouse.


Of a couple of dozens of tested varieties, Montero F1 had the highest yield, appearance and best taste. All neighbors in the country appreciated. The variety is greenhouse, tall, fleshy, large-fruited. But seeds are not cheap either.


If you want to grow bitter types of pepper, and not just sweet pepper, look for the best varieties from companies with an established positive reputation. Prepare another greenhouse for them in advance, since sweet and hot peppers cannot be grown side by side - the taste of a sweet variety deteriorates. Bitter peppers look great all season, and they can be planted in flower beds. The crop that you take from a small plot, literally with five bushes, is enough for the whole year until the next season.

◄ without GMO

Plants differ in maturity. There are late, mid early, early and super early varieties. If you plant several bushes with different ripening periods on the site, you can constantly have freshly picked fruits. In addition, some plants of late varieties can be transplanted into a pot and grown at home. At the same time, they are able to bear fruit until the middle of winter.
One of the most common early varieties of sweet pepper. It is characterized by low standard bushes. Fruits are medium or small weighing up to 100-115 g, golden white or pale green, sometimes with a pinkish tinge. Cone-shaped, elongated. Wall thickness 5-7 mm. They have a pleasant sweetish-watery taste, unexpressed aroma. This variety is very popular among farmers, and it is Lumina who is most often found on store shelves, since it is not fastidious to the soil, is not demanding in maintenance, and yields crops even in dry summers with poor watering. However, in such a case, pepper can acquire a bitter, pungent taste. Ripe fruits in suitable conditions can be stored for up to 2.5-3.5 months without loss of commercial appearance, well transported. The market value is quite low.


Aristotle F1

Me, me and me

. The ripening period is 170 days. The fruits are long, slightly curved, weighing 75-100 g. The wall thickness is 4-6 mm. In technical maturity, the fruits are green; when ripe, they are red. The pulp is tender, sweet. It has excellent taste. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. Good for fresh use.
. From the appearance of the first seedlings to ripening of the fruit, 110-135 days pass. Powerful medium-sized plant 60-70 cm high. Prismatic fruits, dark red in color, weighing up to 300 g. The flesh is juicy, sweet. Very productive hybrid. Recommended for growing in film greenhouses and open ground. Resistant to verticillosis. Used in salads, suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

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