How to replace the interior doors in the apartment. What to hang on a doorway instead of a door

The traditional hinged door system is not the only solution to equip a doorway to a room. Today, there are other more functional and extraordinary options for replacing an interior door.

We list the main options for what is suitable as a replacement for an interior door:

  • curtain;
  • sliding system;
  • arch;
  • vertical blinds.

Consider all the options for arranging the doorway in order.

Curtain doorway

The curtain can be made of any materials and have any design. The main thing is that it does not run counter to the general stylistic direction in the room. Why not hang a string curtain, for example.

Naturally, there is no need to expect at least some sound insulation from such barriers. The only reason they are hung is to veil the interior of the room from prying eyes.

Arrangement of a doorway in the form of an arch

It is possible to arrange the opening in the form of an arch and turn your apartment into a studio. This option is suitable if the family consists of one or two people and has not yet had time to have children (or they are already adults).

Installation of a sliding system

The pencil case door is perfect for small rooms.

Sliding systems can be represented by several popular designs.

Types of sliding structures:

  • the pencil case door, due to its compactness, is perfect for small rooms, although it has one small drawback - it is difficult to install;
  • the coupe model will be the ideal solution if there is no desire to re-equip the doorway: such a system needs free space along the wall;
  • folding structures (accordion doors) will be more appropriate for a narrow doorway in a small room, in which there is practically no room next to the opening along the wall.

If you want to fill the room with light, air, a sense of freedom, the sliding door option in this situation is the most optimal solution to replace ordinary interior doors with it.

In order to save space, the majority give their preference to swing products. The system, the principle of which is based on the interaction of roller elements, a guide profile and a canvas moving with them parallel to the wall, does not require much space.

Such products appeared on the domestic door market not so long ago, but they have already managed to gain their share of popularity in the design of both private and public interiors.

Let's note the main advantages of sliding doors:

Diagram of a compartment door.

  1. The working elements of the sliding structures are located at the top of the doorway and are masked by a decorative panel that looks stylish and modern. Such a bar plays a significant role in the design of the room as a whole. Therefore, when deciding to replace the door to the room, it is important to pay special attention to this element of the door.
  2. Sliding systems, like swing doors in a room, can be made of completely different materials, be coated (veneer, laminate, paint, PVC film, etc.) or without it.
  3. Compliance of products with the requirements of not only aesthetics, but also practicality. Manufacturers take care to equip their products with quality parts that ensure the silent operation of sliding structures.
  4. The doors are suitable for installation in a room with a classic or modern interior style.

It is possible to personally dismantle the old canvas with a box and put a sliding product in their place only in a situation where there is experience in carrying out this kind of work. The installation of this system is fundamentally different from the installation of hinge products and requires increased accuracy.

The total cost of installing a sliding product consists of the sum of those types of work that the invited specialist will perform. The cheapest installation is to install a single-leaf door that does not include the opening frame. If it is necessary to dismantle the old block, narrow or expand the opening, install additional elements and platbands, the price of work increases. Therefore, it is best to find out about the final amount for installing the sliding system from the company that will install the doors, immediately before installation.

Installation of vertical blinds

Folding doors

The accordion doors are attached to the ceiling and pushed apart when required to pass.

Let us devote a few words separately to such a popular model as accordion doors. Now this model is quite popular, it is distinguished by its unique design. It may well act as a worthy replacement for interior doors. Its appearance is very unusual and, indeed, resembles an accordion. The principle of operation is similar to the work of vertical blinds: they are attached to the ceiling and pushed apart when you need to pass.

The advantages of such doors are also:

  • ease of use;
  • availability of prices for the product and for its installation;
  • saving space.

Minus - weak isolation from sounds, smells, etc.

Such a non-standard approach to organizing a doorway will be acceptable in any type of interior. You can choose accordions by color, texture and decorate the room with them. This form of the door today is increasingly replacing compartment doors, which are gradually going out of fashion.

Vertical blinds

Diagram of vertical blinds.

Designers also offer such an option to give an unusual look to the room (especially when space saving is required), how to install vertical blinds instead of a door.

Fortunately, the modern market is able to provide a wide range of such products for these purposes. Their advantages are the following:

  1. The model can be selected made of various materials, ranging from inexpensive artificial ones to expensive natural types of wood.
  2. The product can be matched to the overall tone of the interior in the room.
  3. Such doors are convenient to operate, easy to maintain.
  4. Blinds are affordable.

Despite their indisputable advantages, the disadvantages of this kind of products are:

  • are not able to provide sound insulation at the proper level;
  • their device is not distinguished by a high degree of reliability and strength.

In conclusion, we note once again that it is now possible to replace the standard type of hinged interior door.

If the owners have money and space resources, a more capital sliding system can be envisaged.

If not, then curtains, arches, vertical blinds are suitable.

Interior doors are such a familiar and completely invisible piece of furniture to the eye.

But it is possible to beat this detail very successfully and, as a result, get something outstanding that will delight you every day.

So what ideas is the market ready to offer today to decorate your home?

Materials for the manufacture of doors can be used completely different. The door design is also selected by the owner personally.

This way of dividing the interior space will emphasize the modernity of the interior and the owner.

The choice of replacing classic interior doors with something new is limited only by your imagination. The market offers a huge selection of building materials to make your interior unforgettable.

What ideas do you have for replacing interior doors? Share your opinion in the comments.

The usual hinged interior doors are already fed up with the order. Therefore, when changing the interior, many people want to replace them with something new.

How to replace the interior door, what ideas come to mind? There are several ways to replace the decor of the interior design. These include:

  • use of curtains;
  • sliding systems;
  • arch;
  • vertical blinds.

We will study each interior decor option separately.

Interior curtains

The use of curtains in the interior has become an alternative to walk-through doors. This decor option is suitable for dividing rooms or entering the kitchen. At the same time, the impression of delimiting space is created. There is a kind of screen. There is no need to open and close the door.

Blackout curtains made of fabric

Thanks to modern fabrics and the variety of their colors, any decor can be used for interior decoration. The design of the room is limited only by a flight of imagination, and if you try, the result will be non-standard and unique.

The design decision of the curtain fabric option depends on the choice of decor material, the size of the doorway and preferences for interior design. If you successfully combine the color of the walls and interior curtains, you can achieve a visual increase in the interior space of the room.

Plastic curtains

It is quite possible to replace the interior doors with the original decor of curtains made of fabric. If there is no time or desire for this, then order everything you need in the atelier, having previously provided the required dimensions. Decoration in the interior of the room depends solely on your individual imagination.

The choice of fabric material and color for curtains is highly dependent on the purpose of the room. In the doorway leading to the bedroom, light-colored dense fabrics are used. This room must remain intimate, you cannot look into it freely. A thick cloth is also hung in the kitchen, but in this case in order to prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

Fabric curtains

The choice of fabric material and color for curtains is highly dependent on the purpose of the room. In the doorway leading to the bedroom, it is necessary to use light-colored dense fabrics. This room is an intimate area and cannot be freely looked into. A thick cloth should also be hung in the kitchen, but in this case in order to prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

Thread curtains

One of the varieties of curtains are products made from threads for decoration. By using this option, you can achieve a feeling of lightness in the interior. Such curtains are almost weightless and do not interfere with the passage.

Curtain thread as decor

Such curtains fit perfectly into the interior of the premises. Such curtains will be a great alternative to conventional doors. They blend harmoniously with furniture and other interior items.

Wooden curtains

Roller shutters, bamboo curtains, wooden bead curtains and other decor options can be used as curtains. They differ in color schemes and design features. The choice depends on the combination with the interior decor and interior of the room.


The most widespread are bamboo curtains. The bamboo decor is practical and easy to maintain.

Thread curtains are made of nylon threads, on which a variety of wooden elements, beads, cardboard parts are strung. The result is an exclusive design option for the door opening.

Replacing the door with an arch

A modern design solution is the interior decoration of a room with an arch. This option is used in a variety of variations and forms. Arched execution in each individual case brings decorative elements into the interior of the room. For the decoration of arches, fabric, plastic, decorative stone and other materials are used that have a variety of colors and shapes.

Arched structure

If you are thoroughly tired of the doors between rooms, you should get rid of them and redesign the room. In this case, use an arched structure. With its help, you can divide a room into separate parts, give it uniqueness and originality. The decor of the arch depends only on your preferences.

Round arch

Sliding structures

In small apartments, the use of such a door replacement option is most common. Sliding structures increase the interior space of the room. Thanks to their variety, they are suitable for any interior. The model, color and even the material of the decor are selected individually. Even fabric is allowed to be used in this design.

Sliding door

There are several models of sliding structures:

  • a pencil case door, by design, will perfectly fit into the interior of a small room. The only drawback is the complexity of the installation. For such a design, it will be necessary to make a hidden compartment specially in the wall, where the door leaf will enter;
  • the compartment door differs from the previous version in its ease of installation. For it, you do not need to redo the wall, but the place along it will have to be left free so that the doors have where to move apart.

Pencil door

Many people prefer sliding systems. They combine with the interior of the room and bring fresh colors to the design of the room. Such models have been holding leading positions in the Russian market for a long time. Thanks to the material of manufacture, they will suit any consumer, from wood lovers to fabric lovers.

Pencil case device

The advantages of sliding structures include the following characteristics:

  • elements for moving door leaves are located in the upper part of the structure and are hidden under the decorative panel;
  • made from various materials;
  • have an attractive appearance and are practical to use. Thanks to the use of high-quality structural elements, smooth, quiet operation is ensured;
  • are combined with any interior of the room.

To make an independent installation of such a design will not be a difficulty, especially for patient people.

Folding structures

The accordion door is becoming popular. Since in many apartments the aisles are narrow, it becomes the only worthy option for replacing the interior door. The principle of work resembles an accordion. The doors, fixed in the upper part of the structure, fold to the left and right when opening. As a result, a lot of free space on the sides of the opening is not required.

Accordion with glass

Accordion doors are made of various materials. To lighten the weight of the structure, glass or fabric inserts are used. The advantages of such structures include ease of use, space saving and low price. The disadvantage is poor sound insulation. The accordion will be an ideal decor element for any room, the main thing is to choose the desired color and structure.

Unique kind of accordion

Vertical blinds

In order to save internal space, the developers came up with such an option for replacing the interior door. The advantages of such structures include:

  • a variety of models, which are made from both cheap and expensive materials;
  • the choice can be stopped at any color suitable for the interior;
  • ease and simplicity of management;
  • reasonable construction price.

Vertical blinds

The disadvantages include poor sound insulation and a low degree of reliability.

Plastic blinds

If you decide to replace the door to the room, then there is plenty of choice to change the interior. You just need to decide on your desires and financial capabilities.

When renovating small apartments with narrow corridors, the kitchen door is increasingly being abandoned. An open entrance visually increases the space and saves space. In this case, a partition remains that performs the functions of zoning.

In large private homes, a beautifully finished entrance to the kitchen from the hall or living room can be a whole work of art and interior decoration.

A wide span can be just as functional.

After dismantling the door frame, the entrance from the corridor and other adjacent rooms, for example, the dining room or living room, can be decorated with various materials and different shapes. But there are a few important points to keep in mind.

You can't:

  1. Dismantle the door in the gasified kitchen. In this case, the claim may be a fine from the gas service. Here the door is necessary for your own safety. Gas stoves in the kitchen were common in old buildings, in modern apartment buildings they are mainly installed electric ones.
  2. Expansion of the opening is a redevelopment, which entails changes in the technical documentation. Be sure to coordinate such work with the BTI and other authorized services.

It should also be taken into account that the expansion of the entrance will require the installation of a more powerful hood. Especially if the kitchen opens into the living room. Otherwise, odors will spread freely throughout the apartment.

An open doorway is a better idea if there is a corridor between the kitchen and other rooms.

Entrance to the kitchen in Khrushchev

When entering the living room, you may need not only a powerful, but also a quieter hood, so as not to interfere with the guests' rest.

Examples of the most successful design options

In the decoration of an open opening, there are practically no restrictions on the choice of materials.

This can be a stone or brick design.

You can finish the span with the same materials as the walls.

You can use gypsum plaster to create a kind of stucco.

It is necessary to consider the possibility of maintaining the surface, especially if the entrance is located next to the stove or sink.

Here are some solutions for how to design a doorway without a door to the kitchen.

Finished rectangular opening

The most versatile and simplest option. After dismantling the door frame, the flight into the kitchen is left in the same shape.

Or they can be highlighted with plastic or wood panels, wall-paper or decorative plaster. The choice of materials depends on the style of the interior.

The entrance can be framed by narrow built-in ones, as in the photo below.

In the form of an arch

The overlap, recognizable by its graceful curve, is one of the most popular alternatives to interior doors.

The arch can be symmetrical or irregular. Such unusual shapes can be achieved with a drywall construction.

How to make an arch with your own hands, see the video:

More ideas for decorating with different materials can be found in the photo gallery below.

Photo gallery of ideas and design techniques (30 photos)

In classical styles, stucco or decorative wooden inserts and platbands in the form of a column are suitable for decoration.

Modern design welcomes simplicity in forms and restraint in decorative elements.

The following materials can be used as materials.

  • A rock;

  • Brick tile;

  • Brick decoration can be done using a material such as gypsum plaster;

  • Plastic;

  • Wood and MDF boards, laminated chipboard.

Depending on the style of the kitchen, there can be either rough wooden beams or graceful platbands.

Often during repairs, only the replacement of the door leaf is required. The procedure is much easier than installing an interior door from scratch.

  • The old canvas is removed from the hinges. Sheds usually consist of two split halves. To remove the interior sash, it is enough to pry it open from the bottom with a pry bar. If the axle bar is inserted into the hinges from above, the blade will not come off. First, a screwdriver is inserted under the head of the rod, then it is knocked out of the socket with hammer blows. Dismantling starts from the bottom hinge. After removing the rods, the sash can be easily removed.
  • Two canvases are compared in size, stacked on top of each other. If the new fold is larger than the old one, mark the borders with a pencil. Excess areas are cut off with a hand-held circular saw. Sections are adjusted with a plane, processed with a grinder.
  • The fitted door leaf is equipped with hinges, a lock, and a handle.
  • The hinging is done in the reverse order.

If a new blade was fitted, the cut points must be masked. The paint and varnish material is selected close in color or the entire canvas is completely repainted.

Opening measurement

Making a mistake at the stage of measuring the doorway is unacceptable: if you purchase a large system, you will not be able to insert it, smaller ones - you will not be able to fix it well.

The doorway is best measured after dismantling the old door, when there is access to the bare wall... Thus, you can assess the situation and make the correct measurements. It is easy to remove them: take a tape measure and determine the height and width of the entrance along the wall in the narrowest place (important for buildings where the vertical structures are poorly observed). With this data, go to the store behind a brand new door.

The manufacture of a product according to individual dimensions is not required: in houses with apartments, builders initially lay standard openings, and fillings for them are always available for sale.

Interior doors in a private wooden house may differ from the standard ones, then you will have to order new ones and wait for their manufacture.

Choosing a door

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a canvas and a box is the material of their manufacture. ... Fiberboard is used for the production of budget doors and frames

The material does not protect the room from extraneous sounds, absorbs moisture, filling will lead in the very first off-season. It is strongly not recommended to choose a fiberboard box, it quickly deforms even under the weight of the door.
MDF is a more reliable material with a high density, average in the price-quality ratio. It is strong enough to withstand mechanical stress, does not absorb moisture, muffles sounds and lasts a long time.
Solid wood is ideal for making and installing a box. It will not drive from moisture, it will support the weight of any door. Laminated wood is additionally revetted, untreated timber is not inferior to laminated timber in performance, but it will have to be painted or decorated.

  1. Fiberboard is used for the production of budget doors and frames. The material does not protect the room from extraneous sounds, absorbs moisture, filling will lead in the very first off-season. It is strongly not recommended to choose a fiberboard box, it quickly deforms even under the weight of the door.
  2. MDF is a more reliable material with high density, average in price-quality ratio. It is strong enough to withstand mechanical stress, does not absorb moisture, muffles sounds and lasts a long time.
  3. Solid wood is ideal for making and installing a box. It will not drive from moisture, it will support the weight of any door. Laminated wood is additionally revetted, untreated timber is not inferior to laminated timber in performance, but it will have to be painted or decorated.

The ideal option is to purchase a box and canvas from the same material. Do not give preference to wood fiber board, doors made of it are short-lived, they are installed on construction sites so that new owners can replace them with permanent ones from more durable materials. Ideally, it is worth acquiring a solid array as a door filling; to reduce the cost, the canvas can be replaced with MDF, which is also a durable raw material for making a door, cheaper frame.

Additional strips and platbands can be made of fiberboard, wood or MDF. They do not carry loads, they only decorate the gaps and mask the connections.

Double-leaf doors are often chosen for large rooms and halls; single-leaf blocks are installed in bedrooms and kitchens. In any case, the size of the box and the number of canvases is determined by the size of the opening.

Alternative to interior doors

How to find a solution and how to replace the doors, while ensuring freedom of movement around the apartment or house, preserving the limitations of the space of the rooms and their completeness. The answers to all these questions seem so difficult at times. Curtains, plastic partitions, roller blinds, cotton or rope curtains can easily become hanging on hinges, blocking movement around the rooms.

Curtains have long become a classic design option for door openings. If you do not pay attention to the significant weight, because they are often made of heavy fabrics, the use of curtains with lambrequins is very justified in cases of design of the openings of a children's room or bedroom.

This option will look very original in the case of a combination of fabrics chosen for the design of both door and window openings. Modern styles of interior decoration, among which such directions as high-tech, modern and minimalism should be noted, are focused on the use of practical materials. One of these is plastic.

Consider also some examples, because they complete the finishing touch in the design of the apartment.

Hinged plastic doors without a partition

They fit perfectly into the interior. Their canvas can be flat or divided into two parts. A very good option would be to use plastic partitions when decorating a doorway in the kitchen. After all, they are able to protect other areas of the apartment from the penetration of odors arising from cooking.

Roller blinds on the doorway, photo

Roller blinds rolled into a roller placed above the opening will look very original and practical in the doorway. This type of curtain is now at the peak of its popularity. And this is not surprising, because the variety of design of the curtains themselves allows you to realize very original ideas. The only drawback of such curtains is the very considerable time it takes to open them.

In the design of interiors, designers are increasingly resorting to the use of environmentally friendly materials. One of these materials, actively used in interior design, is bamboo. It can be used to decorate the walls, bamboo furniture fits perfectly into the interior, and doorways decorated with bamboo look very original.

Book door

In another way, it is called folding. In terms of the mechanism of work, it is similar to a folding structure, but unlike it, it folds once, while the "accordion" can have an unlimited number of folds. Another difference is material and thickness. This canvas is made only from solid trees, respectively, its price is higher than the "accordion". In addition, the sliding mechanism of the "book" does not need to be lubricated, it will not jam and will always open completely. Some models can be opened in two ways - like a regular door and by “closing a book”. This type of flooring can be installed in any rooms.

Image from the site

As you can see, there are many options for replacing a conventional swing leaf, but this is the case when the choice makes the task even more difficult. For each type of room there are more and less suitable interior partitions, the main thing is to take into account the interior features, the purpose of the room and the material side of the issue.

Replacing old interior doors door leaf installation

Hinges with modern interior doors are usually included. But if such items are not found in the box, they will have to be purchased separately. It is believed that any interior door must be fixed in the frame with at least 2 hinges. In this case, such elements should be located about 20 cm from the edges of the canvas.

Companies engaged in the manufacture of interior doors usually make grooves for the hinges at the ends of the canvas at the production stage. If the latter are not found, they will also have to be done yourself. The depth of the grooves on the canvas should be approximately 2.2-2.7 mm.

The door hinges are usually fixed using self-tapping screws. Holes are first drilled under them with a drill. After the hinges are installed on the canvas, the second part of them should be fixed on the box using the same technology. This procedure should be performed carefully, taking care not to damage the surface of the door structures. After the hinges are screwed on, the canvas just needs to be inserted into the box.

Do-it-yourself replacement of interior doors installation of the frame in the opening

This procedure, of course, must be done as carefully and accurately as possible. The door must ultimately be installed absolutely vertically in two planes - parallel to the wall and perpendicular to it.

You need to expose the box in the opening in the wall using wooden wedges. Otherwise, the uprights and crossbar may deform during alignment. Once the frame is fixed, its position should be carefully checked using a building level.

Installation of an accordion-type sliding interior door

First step. Get rid of the old door if you have one. Align the walls of the cleared opening - differences are unacceptable. It is very convenient to use wooden boards for leveling. In the grooves you nail the planks, on the ledges you cut them.

Installation of an accordion-type sliding interior door

Step two. Measure the free opening and calculate the required number of panels to assemble the door.

Step three. Cut the side profile so that it is 25 mm shorter than the opening height.

Fourth step. Cut the panels to be 40 mm shorter than the opening height.

Fifth step. Assemble the individual panels into a single structure. It is most convenient to do this on the floor.

Place special panels with channels on the sides - on the left a fixing strip, on the right a lock strip. Use end strips to connect the elements. Stoppers will provide additional fixation. In advance, make a couple of holes for the magnetic latches on the key strip and fit the latches.

Installing the accordion door

Sixth step. Prepare axial marks on the left edge of the upper end of the planks. Make holes according to the markings.

Seventh step. Insert axles. After installation, their ends should go beyond the boundaries of the ends of the panels.

There are often certain differences in the design of different "accordions". If your door structure is equipped with runners, there is no need to drill holes for the axles. In this case, the sliders need to be screwed to the end faces of the panels. Start fixing the runners from the lock panel and fasten through one plank.

Eighth step. Cut the guide bar to fit the width of the opening. Set aside a third of the length of the rail and drill a hole for the screw at the marked point. Fix the guide with a screw.

Ninth step. Install the sliders into the guide bar after lubricating them.

Tenth step. Align the rail with a spirit level and fix it with a second screw.

Eleventh step. Lock the side guides. To one of them you need to fix the side profile clip, to the second guide attach the plates of the magnetic latches.

Folding interior doors

This completes the installation of an accordion-type interior door. Check the quality of the installation, make sure the door moves smoothly and evenly. If you find any problems, fix them immediately.


The arch is the first thing that comes to mind when you are wondering about replacing a door. Naturally, you will not make an arch at the entrance to the bathroom, but if we are talking about connecting the living room with the corridor, then this option is perfect. Anything can be used as a material - plastic, wood, metal, stone and even fabric. You can make an arch with decorative elements, for example, with stained glass inserts or wood carvings. The arch is ideal for delimiting zones in a room; it is often resorted to when they want to make a minor redevelopment of the room.

Image from the site

The arch is not always an appropriate solution - if you like to listen to music loudly, watch TV late, then sound and light can prevent your household from getting enough sleep at night. The placement of the arch between the kitchen and the living part of the apartment is also questionable - pleasant smells are not always heard from the kitchen, and if there is no tightly closing partition between the rooms, the smell will spread throughout the apartment. You can make a through passage from the room to the balcony, in which case the room will increase due to the additional space, but in winter it may be colder in the room than in the rest of the apartment. Undoubtedly, this is an original solution that many designers have resorted to, but this particular replacement option requires careful thought and weighing all the pros and cons.

Image from the site

Do-it-yourself interior door installation

After installing the doors, it is possible that additional processing will have to be done along the entire perimeter.

During work, it is very important to measure the correct dimensions in order to install the door qualitatively and so that it is in harmony with the interior. As a treatment, you can use platbands or planks, these additional elements are sold in sets in the same stores where interior doors

It is better to first install the door, and then choose the desired finish for it.

It is not recommended to take it right away with additional materials, in the end they may not be needed, so there is no need to rush. When installing doors, you will need fittings that are selected for the doors themselves. Following the proposed instructions will help you solve the problem of installing doors on your own.

If you are determined to take the risk and install the interior door yourself, we will try to help by considering the main stages of this really complex process that requires not only skill, but also a professional tool.

  • First, we will carry out the preparatory work: carefully remove the old door frame by sawing in several places; We will align and plaster the doorway around the perimeter, not forgetting to remove the debris.
  • Then we proceed to the assembly of the door frame, which usually has to be adjusted to the desired size of the canvas. To do this, cut the vertical beams from above and the upper horizontal beam on both sides, and strictly at an angle of 45 degrees (you will need an end saw). It must be remembered that the width of the box must be at least 6 mm wider than the width of the door leaf so that the door does not rub against the jamb later.
  • Before installing the doors, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work

    Now we assemble the box in the form of the letter "P", fasten the joints at the top with self-tapping screws (at an angle or straight), preferably 3 screws on each side. If there is a threshold at the bottom, then cut the beams straight and remember that the gap between the bottom of the canvas and the threshold should be 8-10 mm. Note that it is more convenient to assemble the box on the floor or other hard surface.

  • We put the door leaf in the frame, be sure to leave a gap of about 3 mm around the entire perimeter. You can, for example, insert strips of cardboard from the packaging between the canvas and the box. If you have a construction of an absolutely correct rectangular shape, then you can work further.
  • We proceed to the marking of the door hardware. Having clearly defined in which direction the door will open, we take it out of the box and mark the hinges and the lock. It is best to have three loops (usually flag): one at the bottom, about 20-25 cm from the floor, two at the top - respectively 20-25 cm and 50 cm from the top of the canvas. In general, there is a more interesting option: we use overhead hinges (butterfly hinge), which are suitable for any door. These hinges are extremely convenient both in installation (no need to make grooves in the end of the web, but simply screw them in the right place) and in operation (equipped with reliable ball bearings). We cut the lock about a meter from the floor.

We circle the plates of the hinges and the lock along the contour in the right place and select the required depth with a router or chisel (the plate should be in an even plane with the end of the canvas), sand the edges, insert the plates, mark the attachment points and screw them to the canvas with screws.

  • Now we install the entire block in the doorway. Sometimes only a box with horizontal struts is installed. In any case, we add wedges around the perimeter for moderate rigidity and check with a level or plumb line the absolute verticality of the structure, even if the wall is not completely flat. After that, you can add rigidity by knocking out the wedges. We fix the box with polyurethane foam and foam the gaps between the wall and the box. Do not forget to protect the surface of the box and the canvas itself from foam (and your hands too!).

When the foam hardens, carefully cut off the excess with a knife, install the extensions (if the width of the box is less than the opening) and, finally, the platbands.

Now congratulations! If you are careful, patient and will be able to cope with an attack of self-confidence (we ourselves with a mustache!), Then we can assume that the result will not disappoint you for a very long time.

Complete set of interior structures

Installation of interior doors is carried out after finishing the ceiling and walls. At the installation stage, a sub-floor and a finishing coating are required. The skirting boards are installed after the doors are installed. Complete set of doors:

  1. Installation of interior doors is carried out after finishing the ceiling and walls

    Canvas without box and lumber. In this case, everything is purchased separately. Lumber is bought, strips are cut to fit the size of the doorway and the corners are filed. In the case of using a standard box, a cloth of the same size is used. Before buying, it is necessary to carry out all measurements so that you do not have to modify the elements. In this case, installing interior doors with your own hands will be as budgetary as possible.

  2. Box and canvas. In this case, both elements will fit each other, you just need to buy lumber, make strips and assemble the structure. It may be necessary to install additional elements on interior doors. This moment needs to be considered in advance.
  3. Assembled block. All components are assembled and fitted; all that remains is to install the unit in the opening, level it and fix it.

If you know how to install an interior door with your own hands, then you can purchase any kit. For beginners, the latter is suitable, since it is the easiest to install. For more experienced craftsmen, the first is best, it is also the most economical. Such structures are not subject to additional adjustment.

Installation of an interior door

After cleaning the opening from the remnants of insulation and plaster, you need to install the purchased one in it. To correctly determine the gap from the floor to the bottom of the canvas, you need to open the door 3-4 times in different directions. The standard height from the floor to the base of the door is 4-10mm. This value can be changed using wedges that are placed under the jambs of the box.

The installation must be carried out according to the building level. The gaps left on the sides are fixed with wedges. After that, the canvas must be removed, and with a drill, make holes in the door frame and through them mark points for holes in the opening. Then the door must be removed, holes made in the opening and dowels inserted into them. Then the box must be installed in place, screws are inserted into its holes and screwed into the dowels.

The position of the box must be adjusted using a level. Then in the block you should again install the canvas with your own hands and re-adjust and measure. This work is carried out by lining the wedges, loosening or twisting the screws.

After that, you need to fix the platbands from the side of the opening of the canvas. He platbands should be sawed off to the desired length, leaving an angle of 45 degrees and nailed to the door frame.

Polyurethane foam will help to finally fix the box in the opening. So that when expanding the foam does not warp the canvas, spacers of cardboard or plywood should be laid between it and the box. To protect the door, cover the perimeter with masking tape. After preparation, the free cavities between the opening and the box should be filled with foam and allowed to harden well.

Dimensions of door frames

Each country has its own standards, they differ and sometimes significantly. Width of swing doors according to Russian standards:

  • 600 mm;
  • 700 mm;
  • 800 mm;
  • 900 mm.

The same standards are in some European countries (Spain, Italy). The French differ by 1 cm (690, 790, 890 mm). The choice of the standard depends on the owner, but it is best to use the Russian ones, since they have a clear advantage - a wider choice.

If you happen to buy non-standard doors, then it will be difficult to change them later. According to GOST, the width of the opening and the door leaf installed in it depends on the room in which the installation is carried out:

  1. For the kitchen, the height should be 2000 mm, width 700 mm.
  2. In the bathroom, the height is 1900-2000 mm, the width is at least 600 mm.
  3. For residential premises, the opening width is 600-1200 mm, and the height is 2000 mm.

But these are standards, in reality it happens that you need to adapt to a specific building. Sometimes it is better to opt for a sliding door.

Dimensions of door frames

To determine the size of the box and the canvas, you will need to measure the opening. After that, the dimensions of the block are selected. The size should be slightly smaller in order to be able to mount fasteners and spacers. You need to take these parameters into account before you install the interior door yourself.

At the stage of taking measurements, it is necessary to carefully inspect the walls, if necessary, carry out repairs and strengthening. In this case, the door frame will be much better able to hold in the opening.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the walls if you plan to install heavy doors. You need to attach a wooden beam to the wall and plaster it, if possible

This approach will allow you to install interior doors without any particular difficulties in any opening. The thickness of the bar should be 5 cm. After such an improvement, installing the door frame with your own hands will be much easier, and the reliability of the structure will increase.

Everyone can independently install doors from scratch with their own hands, if they understand the nuances and design parameters. One important parameter for boxes is depth.

According to GOST, the standard is 70-80 mm, but if the wall thickness in the house exceeds this indicator (and this is in most cases), then you need to cheat. Installation of a door frame without a threshold is carried out flush with one wall, but on the condition that the slopes and the opening will not interfere with the opening. The rest of the wall is plastered and finished like walls in a room. But you can do it with extras: a bar is mounted to match the canvas and platbands. How to assemble platbands, you can find out from the instructions for them.

Installation of a swing door

How to install an interior door correctly

Regardless of the material of manufacture, all single-leaf swing doors are installed in the same order.

First step. Dismantle the old door according to the previous recommendations. If you wish, you can leave the old box and install a new canvas in it, but this option should be considered only if the budget for repair work is strictly limited.

Step two. Measure the opening or old box. Usually, the dimensions of the boxes and openings correspond to the standard, but it does not hurt to be insured, especially in the case of replacing interior doors in a private house.

Measure the opening or the old box

If the dimensions do not correspond to the standard, the box and the canvas itself will have to be ordered according to individual measurements.

If it becomes necessary to cut a box or canvas, it is strongly recommended to do this exclusively in the carpentry shop. When doing such work at home, the slightest mistake can lead to complete damage to the product.

Interior doors

Step three. Determine the opening side of the new door and the location of the handle. Mark the door frame for the installation of the door hinges. The optimal distance between the lower loop and the lower edge of the web is 20 cm, between the upper loop and the corresponding end of the web is 15 cm.

The hinges must exactly match the end of the door. Use self-tapping screws to fix the hinges.

Door installation diagram

Fourth step. Place the door on the fixed hinges. Make sure there is nothing in the way of the door opening and closing. Adjust the position of the hinges if necessary.

Fifth step. Remove the canvas from the hinges and fix the door frame in the opening. To do this, level the box, drill fastening holes in it and in the surface of the opening and fix the product with anchors and dowels.

Sixth step. Hang the canvas back onto the hinges and check the result again.

Hang the canvas back onto the hinges

Seventh step. Secure the cashing elements with decorative nails.

In conclusion, you will need to install the door handle. Install a latch or a more modern door lock, if desired. Most modern door handle models have built-in locks. Prepare for them the corresponding recesses in the door frame in advance.

Door mounting technology

Control the evenness of installation of structural elements at every stage of work. Get rid of all defects immediately. they can lead to serious problems and inconveniences in the future.

Installation of interior doors

The work of installing a door between rooms is one of the simplest jobs that even an inexperienced owner can do with his own hands. Installation of step-by-step work begins with the purchase of any door you like, there are a huge number of them in the store and your eyes run up when you come to choose. If you still want to change the entrance doors at the same time, we advise you to purchase metal doors with vinyl leather. They are not only reliable and burglar-proof, but also have an attractive appearance.

  • Stage 1. Stage of preparation of consumables and equipment necessary for operation.
  • Stage 2. External work with interior doors.
  • Stage 3. Collecting the door frame with your own hands.
  • Stage 4. Do-it-yourself installation of the box in the opening.
  • Stage 5. We hang the door leaf on the installed hinges.
  • Stage 6. Foaming. How to fill the joints with polyurethane foam?
  • Stage 7. Final decorative finish.

The doors to the room are divided into different types. Manufacturers of interior designs present a wide variety of simple and collectible models. Ready-made doors are made from the best materials, which can include MDF, fiberboard or natural wood. 1. Chipboard is one of the most common doors. The frame is a tree and is made of wood, and fiberboard sheets are sewn on top, on top of which lamination is applied.

Such doors have indisputable advantages, for example, low cost compared to other types of doors, their lightness, which allows them to be delivered to any floor even without an elevator, and if you live nearby, then the doors can be brought home even in hands, the simplest installation. Due to all these advantages, the doors are very successful, in stores they are presented in the form of different models.

These doors also have disadvantages, which are determined by the low strength of the fiberboard sheets, which makes the door unstable if someone suddenly falls on it. Fiberboard breaks easily and can quickly become unusable. The material strongly absorbs moisture, so the structure can lead, it is not recommended to install the presented doors in places with high humidity, where there is no hood or it is inoperative. Doors are ideal for dry rooms.

A door leaf made of MDF is the best option that can be chosen if we consider the price-quality ratio. The main advantages of such doors are high strength, resistance to high humidity, sound insulation properties. If we compare MDF and fiberboard, doors will be several times more expensive.

A door leaf made of natural wood belongs to one of the most common options for doors as interior doors, their cost depends on what kind of wood for the product was taken into production. If the doors are made of expensive wood species and their texture is author's, then they will be in harmony in any interior.

They are suitable not only for a classic interior, for designers there is something to work on, you can make real masterpieces of exclusive and amazing doors from wooden doors. Depending on the opening, the doors are selected individually in width. If you need non-standard models, they are made to order. Interior doors are all glass, metal-plastic and steel, but they are among the least popular.

Types of interior doors

To begin with, we will briefly tell you about the features of interior doors.


Until recently, the main material for the manufacture of such structures was exclusively wood. The geometric dimensions and physical properties of the boards used here determine the main methods of making doors.

According to the device, the products are:

  • paneled;
  • panel board.

Paneled doors have a rather complex structure, which consists of the following elements:

  1. Standing tsarga.
  2. Baguette.
  3. Panel.
  4. Lower and upper drawers.

The supporting structure is made of solid planks and consists of lattices with several openings. The frame consists of vertical and horizontal elements joined together by glued tenon joints.

The openings in the frame are filled with curly panels, which are fixed in different ways. It can be thin bead strips and tongue-and-groove joints. Large width natural wood panels are made from a blank that is glued from two boards. This eliminates the possibility of cracking the part.

The panel door consists of:

  1. Veneer.
  2. Honeycomb placeholder.
  3. Wood frame.
  4. Elements for strengthening the frame.

Modern panel doors are made of natural wood with MDF sheathing. Cardboard honeycombs are most often used as filler. Such a door has a relatively low weight, with sufficient structural strength. The door leaf of this type can be either solid or with glazed openings. The cost of such and products is much lower than that of paneled ones.

Finish material

Previously, interior doors were made exclusively from natural wood of various species. Currently, composite materials, polymers and glass are widely used in the production of door panels. Laminated wood-fiber panels are increasingly used as coatings for common types of interior doors.

Solid wood doors are mainly made of valuable wood species:

  • hornbeam;
  • oak;
  • walnut;
  • teak;
  • ash.

Samples of premium class are often made from exotic types of raw materials: rosewood, Karelian birch, red, ebony or black Coromandel wood. Such doors are usually made by specialized ateliers for a special order and author's projects.

By design, products from the massif can be both paneled and panel-mounted. The latter have a smooth surface with an original pattern.

To improve the appearance of products made from inexpensive wood species, different types of coatings are often used. One of the most common technologies is veneering. In this case, the base of the door is usually inexpensive pine lumber or chipboard. A veneer made of valuable wood is glued to the board on both sides, which are then sanded and opened with furniture varnish.

This technology is applicable for the production of both panel doors with smooth outer surfaces and embossed ones. Veneered products are environmentally friendly, natural wood and special wood glue are used for their manufacture. When using them, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime in the room and avoid humidity.

In the production of door panels, polymer materials are widely used. Frames made of relatively inexpensive pine boards are faced with PVC panels. The structure for rigidity is reinforced with additional bars and pasted over with decorative plastic plates.

During the manufacture of polymer panels, their outer surface is given a texture that imitates wood of different species. Additionally, a film with a corresponding pattern is applied to it.

In recent years, transparent structures have become increasingly popular in interiors. At home, glass doors look quite presentable. They separate the rooms, and at the same time expand the space. For the manufacture of such doors, shock-resistant glass with a thickness of at least 8 mm is used, which gives them sufficient strength.

To install such a canvas, sheds specially designed for these purposes are used. Considering the significant weight of the products, rather high strength requirements are imposed on door frames. Glass sliding structures are the most popular among consumers.

Read also:

How to choose the right interior door for replacement

First of all, any door is not just a door leaf. Almost always they are sold in sets, which include a box, trims on both sides and. if necessary, the so-called "extras".

There is a "golden rule": the door leaf and the frame must be made of the same material!

The choice of doors cannot be approached in the same way as purchasing furniture. With a certain external similarity of these interior items, the load on the door is tens, or even hundreds of times more intense than on the cabinets. As important as appearance is, the main emphasis is still on build quality and strength characteristics.

You should always go to the salon with a tape measure so that you can independently control the dimensions and geometric correctness of the box and door leaf. Measurements must be made diagonally - the difference should not exceed 1 mm. If it is larger, then you should refuse to purchase a rhinestone - the door or box is uneven, skewed, which means it was made by some handicraftsmen of low qualifications.

The reliability and quality of fastening of glass inserts must be checked - they should not rattle, vibrate, otherwise they will not last long. It is worth checking with the sellers and in the technical documentation which specific glass is installed on the canvas, which seals are used. High quality Belgian and Italian glasses deserve the best reviews.

  • Arrangement of a small apartment
  • Stages of repair in an apartment
  • Turnkey cosmetic repairs

It is imperative to literally "feel" all the seams at the joints of the canvas or box parts - they must be even, beautiful, stable, without any signs of divergence.

Typically, the doors will be offered the appropriate fittings in the form of locks and handles. If there is such an opportunity, then you should not take on the responsibilities of independently inserting them - this can be done by qualified salon masters.

One more thing. Interior doors do not belong to those product groups that require mandatory certification of conformity and quality. Therefore, you can rely on the honesty of the store employees, the rating of door manufacturers, your own life experience, attentiveness and common sense in this matter.

Read also:

Hanging the door leaf

Assembling the door frame.

Before hanging the door leaf, you first need to fix the hinges on the racks, for which they use a chisel for cutting, and self-tapping screws for fixing. At this stage, the lock mechanism is also inserted into the door. When fixing the hinges to the door leaf, it must be placed horizontally on the floor.

In order for everything to be correct, it is necessary to retreat from below and from above by 20 cm, then attach the loops, circle them with a pencil and then make indentations using a chisel. It is also necessary to make indentations on the frame of the door frame. When choosing hinges, you need to take into account which way the doors will open, and choose the appropriate ones. They can be left-handed or right-handed.

When it is not yet determined how the doors will open, universal hinges can be used.

And also pay attention to the weight of the doors: the larger it is, the longer the hinges.

Installing the door handle.

At the end of the installation and strengthening of the hinges in the required place, you can engage in hanging the door leaf.

Further, all the gaps that remained after installation with the door frame (between it and the wall) must be covered with polyurethane foam. To do this, you first need to spray the wall next to the door frame, which will allow the foam to better adhere to the plaster. In order for the box itself to remain clean, it must be covered with plastic wrap or masking tape.

Next, fill all the gaps with polyurethane foam. To make the filling result perfect, it is best to choose high-quality professional polyurethane foam. It takes from 3 hours for the foam to dry, and complete drying occurs after 24 hours. For 1 door block, 1 cylinder is generally sufficient.

Interior curtains

The use of curtains in the interior has become an alternative to walk-through doors. This decor option is suitable for dividing rooms or entering the kitchen. At the same time, the impression of delimiting space is created. There is a kind of screen. There is no need to open and close the door.

Blackout curtains made of fabric

Thanks to modern fabrics and the variety of their colors, any decor can be used for interior decoration. The design of the room is limited only by a flight of imagination, and if you try, the result will be non-standard and unique.

The design decision of the curtain fabric option depends on the choice of decor material, the size of the doorway and preferences for interior design. If you successfully combine the color of the walls, you can achieve a visual increase in the interior space of the room.

Plastic curtains

It is quite possible to replace the interior doors with the original decor of curtains made of fabric. If there is no time or desire for this, then order everything you need in the atelier, having previously provided the required dimensions. Decoration in the interior of the room depends solely on your individual imagination.

The choice of fabric material and color for curtains is highly dependent on the purpose of the room. In the doorway leading to the bedroom, light-colored dense fabrics are used. This room must remain intimate, you cannot look into it freely. A thick cloth is also hung in the kitchen, but in this case in order to prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

Fabric curtains

The choice of fabric material and color for curtains is highly dependent on the purpose of the room. In the doorway leading to the bedroom, it is necessary to use light-colored dense fabrics. This room is an intimate area and cannot be freely looked into. A thick cloth should also be hung in the kitchen, but in this case in order to prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

Features and types of interior doors

The interior door block consists of a door frame, a leaf (which can also be multi-piece), platbands and fittings. Each of these elements can be made from a variety of materials, or combinations thereof.

Therefore, the interior doors are very diverse - these are massive solid wood canvases, and thin "hardboard" and modern glass doors. All these structures have in common - only the composition of the door block and the principle of fastening in the doorway.

Without a doubt, if you have old "hardboard" doors (a door block with a fiberboard sheet stuffed on a wooden frame), then in case of significant damage, the restoration of such a door will be meaningless. To align the canvas and bring it to a modern look, an almost complete replacement of the material will be required.

But doors made of other materials will only benefit from repairs and will regularly perform their functions for many years to come. In addition, there are two types of non-standard doors, which we recommend not to change in any way, but only to restore:

  • high "Stalinist" doors;
  • doors made of precious wood.

In what cases should a swing-type interior door be replaced with a sliding system

The traditional swing design is not the only way to equip an interior opening. Today, it is possible to replace an interior door that opens with hinges with more original and functional sliding systems. Appeared on the domestic market not so long ago, such designs have already gained popularity in the organization of not only public, but also private interiors.

The advantages of sliding structures

Sliding structures, the working elements of which are located in the upper part of the opening and are hidden by a decorative strip, look stylish and modern. If you want to give your home an up-to-date look, before replacing the interior doors, you should be especially careful about such decisions.

Like swing products, sliding systems are made of a variety of materials, covered with veneer or laminate, paint or PVC foil. They are appropriate in modern and classic interiors of any premises.

Replacing a conventional interior door with a sliding option is also worthwhile if you want to give the room weightlessness, lightness, fill it with air and light.

Modern designs are not only aesthetic, but also practical. Manufacturers complete their products with quality elements that ensure smooth and quiet operation of products.

Installing a sliding system

The question of how to replace the interior doors becomes especially relevant when the owner is going to personally dismantle the old swing structure and install a sliding version in its place. However, this can be done only if you have previously encountered this type of work. The installation of such a system is significantly different from the installation of products on hinges and requires high precision.

If you need to dismantle the old block, expand or narrow the opening, install platbands and extensions, the price of the service rises, and only the installation company can give the final answer to the question of how much it costs to replace the door.

Types of sliding systems

To determine how you can replace a swing-type interior door, it is worth considering several of the most popular design options:

- coupe models will suit you in the event that you do not want to make complex re-equipment of the opening, but such a system needs free space along the wall;

- - an ideal solution for confined spaces, but its disadvantage is complicated installation;

- folding options are used in narrow openings of small rooms, when there is no space left for opening the sash either near the entrance or along the wall.

Castle insert

Another important step to be done with your own hands is replacing the lock. To do this, you need a suitable model. The handle consists of a rotary or pushing element, a locking mechanism, a latch plate and a counter plate.

To mount the handle, you need to drill a hole in the canvas. For this, it is most convenient to use a drill or screwdriver with a crown attachment. A rectangular recess is machined at the end, a mechanism is inserted inside and fixed with screws and a plate. Then you need to insert the handle. Trim the axle if necessary. Put a decorative rosette on top of the interior doors.

The last stage is the installation of the counter plate, into which the latch tongue goes. It needs to be flush mounted, just like the plate on the canvas. Use a feather and chisel to make a depression. Check the fit of all elements.

The sequence of installing a lock on a wooden door

Radial doors

A separate item should be written about these overlaps. They have different shapes and curvatures, the classic shape is radial, but the shape can also be convex, concave, oval or round - it depends on your choice and the wall to be installed on. Designers use such canvases in rooms where it is necessary to add a "zest". According to the mechanism, they are suspended, lifting, folding and swing radius.


The disadvantage of this type of overlap is the expenditure of additional space and the high price due to the novelty, since this type of partitions has been on the domestic market only for the third year. It makes sense to install them only in private houses or apartments with a large area and good lighting.

Coupe door installation

Installation of compartment doors

First step. Dismantle the old door according to previous recommendations.

Step two. Align all gaps carefully

It is important to get rid of all existing gaps and other defects.

Step three. Make a groove at the bottom of the panel. A chisel will help you with this. Then put the guide in the shape of the letter "P" into the finished groove and fix it with high quality. The rollers of the mechanism will move inside this guide.

Door elements

Fourth step. Insert the rollers into the fixed strip.

Fifth step. Place the door on the rail while attaching it to the rollers. To do this, you need to bring the canvas into the grooves of the rollers. It is more convenient to perform this operation with an assistant. One holds - the second opens the door.

Sixth step. Locate and mark a suitable location for the rail at the top. Check the bar below. The top plank must be placed in the wall above the opening.

Seventh step. Attach a metal rail to a timber bar. Fix the block with the guide with anchors to the upper end face of the blade. Check with the level of the correct installation of the door. It is important that the bar is placed in a horizontal position. Otherwise, the doors will close and open without your participation.

Eighth step. Install the door leaf. First, set it upright and tilt it slightly to the opposite side from you. Next, you need to bring the upper rollers to the corresponding guide, then slightly raise the canvas and bring it to the bar at the bottom, at the same time placing it on the movable rollers.

Ninth step. Install guards to prevent the blade from flying out of the guide strips. Install the handles. Hide the top rail with the trim. Use self-tapping screws or decorative nails to fix the platband.

Check that the door is working properly. The blade should move smoothly and smoothly. Eliminate any defects as soon as they are found, without delay.

Do-it-yourself compartment doors

Attaching handles and finishing work

You can fix the handles at any time, both after installing the door leaf, and in front of it. In this case, it is only necessary to observe the symmetry of the holes on the vertical slope and the door leaf. If this symmetry is poorly observed, the door may jam during operation.

The final stage will be the application of polyurethane foam to all existing gaps.

In order not to stain all structural elements, it is necessary to cover them with any protective material (film, tape, etc.). If this is not done, then the dried foam will have to be peeled off. This is very difficult to do and can damage the surface of all elements.

When the foam is applied, you need to wait 3-4 hours until it hardens completely. At this time, you can cut out the platbands. This should be done at an angle of 45 ° using a miter box. When the foam hardens, platbands can be installed. This is done with furniture nails that do not have a cap. The fixing step should be 15-20 cm.

If everything is done correctly, then replacing the interior doors will not be difficult. Most importantly, you must remember that you should not rush, but it is better to carefully make all measurements and only after that proceed with the installation.

What door frames are used in interior doors

In order for the door to be installed correctly, you need to install a reliable frame in the opening. The quality of the installation will depend on how well the door is installed and how long it will last, as well as how beautifully the door itself will be framed, whether it will not stand crooked. There are three main door frames: 1. The frame is made of fiberboard. Decent enough, but not as durable as other materials.

In order for the door to be installed correctly, you need to install a reliable box in the opening

The material can bend due to its own weight, not to mention other possible deflections of the door leaf, it can even tear out the strips. If we talk about the main components of the fiberboard box, then they include glue and paper, therefore, their fragility and the absence of such characteristics as durability are necessarily taken into account. Wooden doors made of natural wood cannot be installed in such a frame.

Untreated wood box. It is also inexpensive, made from dry timber, which has high strength. It is worth purchasing such a box only, as a last resort, and it must be borne in mind that it will have to be finished, since it is sold without final finishing.

Door frame made of wood with a laminated surface. This is a ready-made box, it will have to be finalized, but it is worth noting one point that when choosing, the quality of lamination is sure to look. The paper for lamination of the coating should not be thin, otherwise scuffs, microcracks, chips will appear on it very quickly, and the appearance will become unattractive.

Professional installation of door blocks

If you decide to put new doors between rooms in a Brezhnevka, Khrushchev or other type of house, it is better to call an experienced specialist for installation work. Skilled craftsmen will perform all types of work quite cheaply, including removing old doors and adjusting the doorway to the parameters of a new door frame.

Professional specialists will carry out the installation of interior doors in the following sequence:

  • dismantle the old canvas, remove the platbands and boxes
  • clean the doorway from the remnants of finishing materials, increasing it if necessary
  • carry out installation and carefully fix the structure
  • carry out installation of accessories and decorative elements

Upon completion of the dismantling work, the Yuda performers will collect the waste remaining after the repair and take it to a special place for disposal. After replacing the frame and door leaf, experienced specialists will close the gaps and check the doors for smooth running (opening and closing).

Restoration of an entrance wooden door

Restoration of a wooden entrance door is what you should start with if you are tired of drafts in the hallway and suffer when it is locked

Restorers, first of all, pay attention to the condition of the door frame and door leaf.
First of all, the gap between the door and the frame is adjusted in order to remove cracks and eliminate jamming

Suspend the swollen plate, change the location of the hinges, install sealing strips in the door gap. For a complete restoration of a wooden door, cracks are closed and chipped chips are removed from the ends of the box and the canvas. These defects grow rapidly and provide a shelter for mold and mildew.

First of all, the gap between the door and the frame is adjusted in order to remove cracks and eliminate jamming. Suspend the swollen plate, change the location of the hinges, install sealing strips in the door gap. For a complete restoration of a wooden door, cracks are closed and chipped chips are removed from the ends of the box and the canvas. These defects grow rapidly and provide a shelter for mold and mildew.

The second moment in the restoration of wooden doors led out onto the porch or vestibule is the state of sound and heat insulation. External thermal insulation helps to retain heat inside buildings and protect the wood base from atmospheric moisture. Outer insulation is selected according to the client's choice. We use expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam and mineral wool for these purposes. Sheathing on top of the insulation is made with wooden clapboard, veneered plywood or leatherette.

Preparation of the working area

Since it is possible to replace the interior door correctly only if a certain sequence of work is observed, all stages should be considered in more detail. You need to start, of course, with surface preparation. If a door was installed in your opening, it must be removed.

Remove the canvas first. Then you need to remove the trim from the door. How to do this will depend on how you attach them. If the structure was installed with glue or with the thorn-groove method, it is enough to slightly pry the elements and pull them to the side. It's a little more difficult if the trims are nailed to the box, in which case you can use an ax to pry them off and pry them off the base. After that, you need to carefully remove the door frame. It is recommended to remove all fittings, namely the lock and hinges, they will also need to be replaced.

The first step is to dismantle the old door.

To simplify the process, use a grinder and a crowbar. Saw the box in half and tear off its parts from the wall in the opening. This is not difficult to do, but at the same time it is necessary to minimize the destruction of the walls in the room.

If it was not possible to avoid serious damage, preliminary alignment of the sides will be required.

Installing handles

Installing handles in new doors does not require much effort:

  • You need to buy a new pen;
  • Then the handle mechanism must be installed in the door leaf. It is attached with two self-tapping screws at the end of the door leaf.
  • After that, the handle itself must be bolted to the canvas.
  • Then the decorative element should be fixed on top.

Many shops selling door fittings have a rich assortment of locks and handles. For interior doors, push-button and lever handles are often used. Handles can be made from aluminum, zinc alloys and brass. In addition, the surfaces of door handles, coated with a spray method, can imitate various metals: bronze, gold, nickel and others. Therefore, if you wish, you can always find suitable fittings for a new interior door.

Making a doorway in a kitchen without a door is a popular design technique, which implies not only savings, but also the original appearance of the interior, as well as the absence of the need for complex care.

In the case of the kitchen, the latter is especially important - the room in which they cook is filled with steam and smells of food for a long time, it has high humidity.

This makes the room quickly polluted. Just imagine how cumbersome it will be to take care of your doors if they are made, for example, of valuable wood species.

The issue of saving money is joined by the question of saving space - why reduce the already small kitchen area by installing doors in it. Especially a lot of space will be "eaten" by a standard swing design - professional designers claim that it is about one square meter.

Whereas a free doorway will visually expand the room and combine a functionally divided space: for example, a kitchen and a living room or a kitchen with a dining room.

Let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of a kitchen doorway without a door, what materials can be used, finishing options and some decoration features.

The main advantages of open doorways:
Saving moneyRegardless of what materials and what finishes will be used, they will cost less than installing interior doors
Visually merge adjacent spacesIf rooms such as a toilet or a bathroom are extremely important to be separated from other rooms, then the kitchen will not suffer from the absence of a door. Moreover, there are others.
Aesthetic appealThe non-standard appearance of open doorways, with proper design, looks extremely impressive and original.
A wide range of materials and decoration methodsThe design allows you to use almost any material for decoration and decoration. Plus, the geometric shape of the opening is also limited solely by your imagination.
Good room ventilationThe absence of obstacles in the form of a door leaf will allow air to circulate freely.

5 best materials for decorating a kitchen doorway

In deciding how to arrange a doorway to a kitchen without a door, the finishing method is of great importance. In theory, you can use almost any material. But practice confirms that the choice of finishes should be consistent with the rest of the interior.

If the design of the opening is not in harmony with the overall design of the room, the perception of the room will be irretrievably spoiled.

Another important nuance is not to forget that the kitchen is a kingdom of high humidity and temperature. Plus, the doorway is a high-risk place, it is often subject to friction and shock. Therefore, it is wiser to use high-strength wear-resistant materials here.

1. Stucco

Unfortunately, not very popular, but extremely attractive and original material for decoration. Both natural gypsum and polyurethane can be used. The second one has a number of advantages - it is not heavy, unlike gypsum, it is easy to stick and firmly adheres to any surface. Initially, polyurethane stucco molding has a snow-white color, but it is easy to paint in any chosen shade.

This design is perfect for the Venetian style, baroque, rococo, classics or similar stylistic solutions. In the case of choosing restrained design styles, it is better to refuse stucco molding.

2. Artificial or natural decorative stone

It is more difficult to work with natural stone than with artificial one, and it is much higher in cost. Artificial is also produced from natural rocks, but with the addition of various dyes and polymers.

The shades and texture of this material are quite diverse - you can choose an option for almost any interior. For finishing the doorway, it is better to select medium-sized stone elements.

Decorative stone is perfect for a Provence, country or oriental style kitchen. The design of the doorway can be organized both in the form of even borders and using the "torn edge" technique.

It is quite difficult for a non-professional to perform this type of decoration with his own hands - the stone is quite capricious in laying. To ensure the adhesion of the stone to the surface, the walls are pre-treated with several layers of primer. Each element should be held for some time during gluing for a stronger attachment.

The tree does not lose its popularity due to its environmental friendliness and relative cheapness. Inexpensive wood can be processed in a way that cannot be distinguished from expensive wood species.

Choosing the shape of the doorway - a timeless classic or an original bend?

The classic shape for the construction of a doorway is a regular rectangle. But since the door is not needed, you can beat this moment in a more original way.

At the peak of popularity, arched-type designs. They are versatile and can be easily adapted to any interior style.

Oval, trapezoidal, domed, triangular arch - the choice is yours. Arched structures are usually made of plasterboard, under which a metal base is hidden. It should not be forgotten that arches with a rounded or oval vault require partial dismantling of the wall.

For other complex shapes of arches, drywall is also used. Even shelves, rods or other decorative details can be organized in openings of this type.

The primary principle that should be followed when choosing the shape of a doorway for a house or apartment is compatibility with the general style of the room:

Matching finishes with the general style of the room
Baroque, Rococo and EmpireGravitate towards symmetrical lines replete with decorative elements. At your service are gilding, stucco molding, complex reliefs in the upper part of the arched openings.
Classic styleIt implies the use of three-center, semicircular or oval arches.
East styleHis favorites are the arches of the most unusual and original form: keeled, in the form of arrows, hearts, etc.
RomanticSelects the restraint of materials and shapes: gentle or semicircular arches.
Techno, hi-tech, minimalismGeometric and strictly symmetrical lines.
Modern, pop artThey prefer brighter and more relaxed solutions and sinuous shapes.

Another important nuance when choosing the shape of the opening is taking into account the features and disadvantages of the room:

  • For low ceilings, the option is more profitable when the radius of the corner of the arch exceeds one second of the doorway. Thus, the ceiling will visually appear higher.
  • If the ceilings are high, then the best solution for the "door without doors" design would be to use an arch with a radius equal to half the doorway.

Making a doorway with textiles

As a finishing touch, you can arrange a doorway without a door with screens or curtains. This will give the room a touch of comfort and completeness. Plus, it will protect the space from prying eyes, completely hiding the doorway, if necessary.

If isolation of the room is not necessary, you can fix the classic fabric curtains with beautiful tapes, hairpins or special cords.

Textiles look equally good both on the classic P-shaped opening and on the arched structure. The curtains that replace the door should be stylistically consistent with the curtains on the kitchen windows.

An interesting technique is the use of hanging curtains instead of fabrics. They can be purchased ready-made or made by hand from the following material:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • beads;
  • shells;
  • pebbles;
  • bamboo;
  • cords, including hand-knitted;
  • sequins;
  • wooden elements.

You should not try to introduce curtains with vertical closure such as Roman, French, Japanese or English into the kitchen decor. They will prevent free passage from one room to another.

There are a huge variety of doorway options without the doors themselves. You can arrange such a design either independently or by entrusting a professional designer. The main thing is that the doorway does not violate the general style of the interior, but organically fits into it.

The usual hinged interior doors are already fed up with the order. Therefore, when changing the interior, many people want to replace them with something new.

How to replace the interior door, what ideas come to mind? There are several ways to replace the decor of the interior design. These include:

  • use of curtains;
  • sliding systems;
  • arch;
  • vertical blinds.

We will study each interior decor option separately.

Interior curtains

The use of curtains in the interior has become an alternative to walk-through doors. This decor option is suitable for dividing rooms or entering the kitchen. At the same time, the impression of delimiting space is created. There is a kind of screen. There is no need to open and close the door.

Blackout curtains made of fabric

Thanks to modern fabrics and the variety of their colors, any decor can be used for interior decoration. The design of the room is limited only by a flight of imagination, and if you try, the result will be non-standard and unique.

The design decision of the curtain fabric option depends on the choice of decor material, the size of the doorway and preferences for interior design. If you successfully combine the color of the walls and interior curtains, you can achieve a visual increase in the interior space of the room.

Plastic curtains

It is quite possible to replace the interior doors with the original decor of curtains made of fabric. If there is no time or desire for this, then order everything you need in the atelier, having previously provided the required dimensions. Decoration in the interior of the room depends solely on your individual imagination.

The choice of fabric material and color for curtains is highly dependent on the purpose of the room. In the doorway leading to the bedroom, light-colored dense fabrics are used. This room must remain intimate, you cannot look into it freely. A thick cloth is also hung in the kitchen, but in this case in order to prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

Fabric curtains

The choice of fabric material and color for curtains is highly dependent on the purpose of the room. In the doorway leading to the bedroom, it is necessary to use light-colored dense fabrics. This room is an intimate area and cannot be freely looked into. A thick cloth should also be hung in the kitchen, but in this case in order to prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

Thread curtains

One of the varieties of curtains are products made from threads for decoration. By using this option, you can achieve a feeling of lightness in the interior. Such curtains are almost weightless and do not interfere with the passage.

Curtain thread as decor

Such curtains fit perfectly into the interior of the premises. Such curtains will be a great alternative to conventional doors. They blend harmoniously with furniture and other interior items.

Wooden curtains

Roller shutters, bamboo curtains, wooden bead curtains and other decor options can be used as curtains. They differ in color schemes and design features. The choice depends on the combination with the interior decor and interior of the room.


The most widespread are bamboo curtains. The bamboo decor is practical and easy to maintain.

Thread curtains are made of nylon threads, on which a variety of wooden elements, beads, cardboard parts are strung. The result is an exclusive design option for the door opening.

Replacing the door with an arch

A modern design solution is the interior decoration of a room with an arch. This option is used in a variety of variations and forms. Arched execution in each individual case brings decorative elements into the interior of the room. For the decoration of arches, fabric, plastic, decorative stone and other materials are used that have a variety of colors and shapes.

Arched structure

If you are thoroughly tired of the doors between rooms, you should get rid of them and redesign the room. In this case, use an arched structure. With its help, you can divide a room into separate parts, give it uniqueness and originality. The decor of the arch depends only on your preferences.

Round arch

Sliding structures

In small apartments, the use of such a door replacement option is most common. Sliding structures increase the interior space of the room. Thanks to their variety, they are suitable for any interior. The model, color and even the material of the decor are selected individually. Even fabric is allowed to be used in this design.

Sliding door

There are several models of sliding structures:

  • a pencil case door, by design, will perfectly fit into the interior of a small room. The only drawback is the complexity of the installation. For such a design, it will be necessary to make a hidden compartment specially in the wall, where the door leaf will enter;
  • the compartment door differs from the previous version in its ease of installation. For it, you do not need to redo the wall, but the place along it will have to be left free so that the doors have where to move apart.

Pencil door

Many people prefer sliding systems. They combine with the interior of the room and bring fresh colors to the design of the room. Such models have been holding leading positions in the Russian market for a long time. Thanks to the material of manufacture, they will suit any consumer, from wood lovers to fabric lovers.

Pencil case device

The advantages of sliding structures include the following characteristics:

  • elements for moving door leaves are located in the upper part of the structure and are hidden under the decorative panel;
  • made from various materials;
  • have an attractive appearance and are practical to use. Thanks to the use of high-quality structural elements, smooth, quiet operation is ensured;
  • are combined with any interior of the room.

To make an independent installation of such a design will not be a difficulty, especially for patient people.

Folding structures

The accordion door is becoming popular. Since in many apartments the aisles are narrow, it becomes the only worthy option for replacing the interior door. The principle of work resembles an accordion. The doors, fixed in the upper part of the structure, fold to the left and right when opening. As a result, a lot of free space on the sides of the opening is not required.

Accordion with glass

Accordion doors are made of various materials. To lighten the weight of the structure, glass or fabric inserts are used. The advantages of such structures include ease of use, space saving and low price. The disadvantage is poor sound insulation. The accordion will be an ideal decor element for any room, the main thing is to choose the desired color and structure.

Unique kind of accordion

Vertical blinds

In order to save internal space, the developers came up with such an option for replacing the interior door. The advantages of such structures include:

  • a variety of models, which are made from both cheap and expensive materials;
  • the choice can be stopped at any color suitable for the interior;
  • ease and simplicity of management;
  • reasonable construction price.

Vertical blinds

The disadvantages include poor sound insulation and a low degree of reliability.

Plastic blinds

If you decide to replace the door to the room, then there is plenty of choice to change the interior. You just need to decide on your desires and financial capabilities.

Tips for housewives: decorate the doorway with curtains

When developing a room design, the subtle nuances need to be thought out even at the stage of image formation. This is important in any room, because people are here and they should be comfortable. If the room in question is often visited by guests, then this is especially important, the interior should be perfect and unique. Any minus will be noticeable and immediately catch the eye of people, so we will try to figure out how to create a cozy home.

Original curtains instead of interior doors

It is often impractical to install doors in apartments - they take up a lot of space and get in the way. Then a curtain is hung instead of the door, which closes equally, but does not take up so much space. In addition, correctly selected window and door curtains complement each other and cover each individual opening. The type and condition of the door curtains, window curtains and other textile parts of the room are immediately evident, so their condition should be perfect.

The choice of color and type of matter is noticeably different from the analogous operation for a window, so you need to figure it out. The article will help you understand the nuances and draw conclusions for yourself - do you need interior curtains or not.

Basic nuances

The door should always be able to close, even visually with some kind of matter. It is advisable to choose the type of fabric and curtains at the design stage of the room, so as not to waste time on this later. Here are the situations when it is relevant to use curtains instead of a door:

  1. The presence of several arches and passages in one room;
  2. Covering transitions to adjacent rooms.

Sometimes also curtains instead of doors in the kitchen are put on purpose instead of the door, it's just more convenient. People go to the kitchen more often than to other rooms, so the constant slamming of doors annoys people and hangs curtains there. Also, in rare layouts, they build a passage from the kitchen to the bedroom, so in order to separate the kitchen from the bedroom with interior curtains, it is better not to find an option for thick curtains.

The design of this type of door is different - you can choose the original interior curtains for any interior. It is not a problem to find common options and photos on the Internet, but you should not treat them as a single example, here you need to show your imagination. A sense of style and design inherent in people will tell you how best to act in a particular case.

The following should be considered as the main factors when choosing curtains instead of a door:

  • Layout type and arrangement of rooms;
  • General style of the apartment and individual rooms;
  • The shape of the opening in the wall.

An advantageous solution will be able to visually expand the room, stretch the boundaries at the expense of the adjacent one. And if the walls are also in light colors, then the room will become noticeably larger than it really is. But round arches or openings without symmetry must be approached responsibly. If you hang the curtains with an accordion here, then all the uniqueness of the idea will come to naught. Therefore, when choosing a canvas, one must take into account that it must repeat the shape of the passage.

Possible types of design

There are many types of curtains instead of interior doors on the market. But not every option that is sold in the store is suitable for home use. The fact is that many in restaurants, cafes and bars prefer such interior curtains to doors. With the help of them, you can divide a large room into many zones without taking away useful space. But we will focus on those options that can be hung in an apartment or house.

Fabric curtains

The classic style of apartment decoration does not accept blinds on the windows and non-standard solutions on the doors. Instead of interior doors, only floor-length curtains or curtains are suitable here.

It is advisable to give preference to massive fabrics, which at first glance seem heavy. Fringe or wide drapery is suitable for them as a decor. If the length of the eaves allows, then decorate such curtains with garters. Such curtains should hang on both sides of the door and collect in glasses.

Using wood

Wooden curtains between rooms are a beautiful decoration that dissolves the smell of wood throughout the house . They are environmentally friendly and can be used in the homes of people with allergies. Such a curtain consists of many wooden sticks that are fastened together with harsh threads. The advantage of wood is that after the assembly of such a curtain, painting and patterns can be very different. This plus allows this type of curtain to fit into any type of interior.

Such curtains are made of bamboo, a neutral color is suitable for decorating any rooms. It perfectly complements the exquisite oriental style, you can often see bamboo there. An interior door curtain can also be made from trees familiar to us:

If the apartment or a separate room is in a rustic style, then such curtains will come in handy. You can decorate the curtains using inserts from another tree or applying drawings.

Thread curtains

This type of curtain is called in different words, but in fact, more than one name does not convey the essence. A curtain instead of a door of this type was first seen in the countries of the East, where it was used to protect premises from the bright sun. The threads woven together in this clever way allow you to close windows and doors from the sun, but do not interfere with the passage of air through them. In hot climates, this is an indispensable option.

Such a curtain door is woven from thick and strong threads that are resistant to tearing like bundles, they do not tear just like that. That is, roughly speaking, the curtain as a whole is a woven wide ribbon. On the cornice, they are held by Velcro, no hooks can be woven here. The decor is varied and is characterized by the interweaving of ribbons, balls and other decorations into the curtain structure. In textile stores, you can buy various quite effective options.

Roller blinds

Roller shutters instead of doors have become common today. The difference lies in the ability to roll the fabric up, where it is collected in a roll. It is believed that roller shutters instead of an interior door are a convenient way out of this situation. This type of curtain incorporates the elegance and virtues of fabric curtains and retains the high functionality of standard blinds.

Technically, this type of curtain looks like interior blinds made of a solid roll of fabric, which, if the owner wishes, can roll up into a roll state. It is fixed on top of the arch, and is controlled with a chain or thread, which does not cause difficulties in adaptation.

Difficult choice

Decorating an interior doorway is not an easy task, but you can cope with it, the main thing is desire. As is the case with window shades, curtains can be bought at a store or made yourself. The main thing to remember is that hanging curtains on doors made of lightweight fabrics is fraught with the danger of tearing, so you need to choose thick fabrics. The latter do not transmit light and sound, even smells pass through thick matter worse.

And if you need a wardrobe shutter, consider bamboo curtains to blend elegantly with the wood of the closet. So there are many options, the main thing is not to be too lazy to choose an individual one for yourself.

Door curtains - the best design ideas for beautiful curtains (85 photos)

Any interior will look more comfortable if curtains are present in its design.

Possibilities of door curtains

Door curtains are used where noise insulation is not required, most often these are apartments with one tenant, or vice versa, multi-room apartments and houses in which there are enough doors to ensure the isolation of the required premises.

Hanging door curtains are often used, allowing you to freely pass through them. The visibility of insulation and free movement through them will be a good solution for the living room or dining room, as well as in other rooms that do not require isolation from free passage.

One option is to separate the living room and dining room, which allows you to separate the room in one second and create a smaller, isolated and cozy space. If necessary, it is enough just to tie the curtains and open the passage completely, visually expanding the room.

In addition, for doorways, compositions can be used in which the doorway is not closed, and the curtains form a decorative component of the interior. With the help of folds, bows and other decorative elements, designers achieve the best combination of door curtains with the rest of the room, avoiding angular door designs.

This creates a cozy atmosphere that allows you to relax in the evening with your family.

Curtain materials

The following materials are used for the manufacture of curtains:

Bamboo, straw or jute, and other natural materials. Bamboo curtains on the doorway look very original if the entire room is decorated in a natural style;

Fabrics. They are used to create rich draperies in the room, decorative curtains on the doorway made of fabric must be combined with window curtains;

Plastic. Found its application in the form of various blinds. On doorways, such material is used extremely rarely, mainly in the form of vertical stripes;

Rope. This material allows you to use both the strings themselves, knitted in the macrame style, and various decorative stripes on them. The originality of this type of curtain is very high and the designer's imagination is not limited to a standard canvas.

Curtains on the door

In some cases, the doors do not fit into the interior. In this case, a drapery is used with decorative door curtains. This type of curtain is attached directly to the door leaf. The door leaf itself is masked, the emphasis is on the decorative component. This is clearly seen in the photo of door curtains, and the material is most often fabric with various folds and ruffles. It is imperative that the curtains used for the door leaf are combined with the material of the window curtain.

Also, this type of drapery is used on glass or partially glazed doors and allows you to create extremely interesting compositions with partial curtain of the glass surface. By creating a decorative effect, you can additionally control the light transmission of the door.

An important point will be to attach the curtain to the door, because when you open and close the doors, the curtains can simply fall off. In addition, the curtains should not interfere when closing and opening the door, therefore additional fasteners can be installed along the edges of the door.

Can curtains be hung on a doorway

Today it is fashionable to make arches or leave open doorways between different rooms. Depending on their own preferences, they can be decorated in different ways.

To create a complete interior, you need to pay attention to the design of the doorway. Therefore, you need to carefully consider which curtains should be hung. If you strive for harmony in the interior, then you should first get acquainted with the recommendations of professional experts.

What tasks should the curtains on the doorway solve

Open passages separate rooms of different purpose:

  • kitchen and living room;
  • living room and corridor;
  • living room and hallway;
  • corridor and hallway.

The rooms may differ from each other both in color and in style. Therefore, it becomes necessary to make a conditional division of space. A similar task could be handled, for example, by curtains on a doorway made of natural bamboo. Curtains are required to:

  1. Delineate the space of different rooms.
  2. Hide unaesthetic elements and complete the interior.

How can you arrange a doorway

Manufacturers on the market today offer many options. It is difficult to choose something from the wide variety. For example, it is not easy to figure out for yourself whether decorative bamboo curtains on the doorway are suitable for you if you have never done this before. The most popular types of door curtains are:

Bamboo curtain

The bamboo curtain looks great in an environment created with sustainable materials. It will be preferred by people - connoisseurs of real natural beauty. It will look good in a room where an exotic lover or a fan of African style lives. Bamboo products give warmth and comfort. Their benefits include:

  • antibacterial;
  • antistatic;
  • easy care;
  • uV resistance.

Plastic curtains

Plastic curtains on the doorway in the photo look quite impressive. This is the most modern decor option. In this case, both vertically and horizontally directed elements can be used. This is a great designer find for hi-tech or minimalist rooms. Contamination is simply removed with soapy water. If a part breaks, then only it can be replaced.

Thread curtains on the door

Filament curtains as decoration on the doorway came to us from the countries of the East. They are strings that are evenly distributed along the entire length. The colors of such products are amazing. Curtains are made from natural and artificial materials.

They are decorated with beads, bugles and other elements. The durability of products depends on proper care. If they get dirty, they can be washed. Make your home unique!

Roller blinds on the door

Modern roller blinds on the doorway are a modern design with a chain mechanism for easy operation. This curtain is a solid sheet of fabric that completely covers the doorway. Roller blinds are the latest fashion trend in the design world today.

Hanging curtains on the doors

Curtains-hanging on the doorway are presented in the form of structures made of threads with various materials strung on them:

These products are made by hand. They can make the interior more personal. This detail often adds playfulness and originality. It may turn out to be exactly the zest to which your guests will not be indifferent.

Why decorating with a curtain is important

As you can see, the design of the doorway with curtains in the photo can be very diverse. Whatever it is, passing through it, you will experience moral and visual pleasure every time. Here you will feel the calming effect of the products, as well as feel the charge of positive energy and good mood.

Just imagine how you pass through the curtains on the doorway made of multi-colored beads, on which the sun's rays play, transferring to you part of your radiance and energy. It is, indeed, a bewitching sight. Choosing amber beads can create a precious curtain. Surprisingly, the options for creating this jewelry are countless. Beads will generously give sun bunnies to all surrounding objects, thereby creating a fabulous atmosphere in the room.

Filament curtains for an interior door are considered universal. They have many names:

It appears as an ideal option for a balcony door. Passing the curtain, you seem to be under a warm rain, after which a rainbow appears in the sky. It is an inexhaustible source of positive emotions that can relieve you of stressful experiences.

It is difficult to advise definitely the best model, each of them is original in its own way. But if, while making the decoration of your home, you follow the tips given here, then you can turn your home into a real masterpiece, where each room will harmoniously end with a beautiful curtain on the door.