Black mulberry, or mulberry tree. The healing properties of black mulberry

People from ancient times grow mulberry. Even in antiquity in southern countries the leaves of this plant, eaten by a silkworm, were used to make a strong and beautiful threads. Mulberry is also valued for its decorative qualities. And, of course, many people like the sweet fruits that are eaten raw, used to make juices, compotes, jams and jams.

Features of growing mulberries

Mulberry is rather unpretentious to soil conditions, but poorly develops on dry, saline, swampy soils. If the land on the plot is acidic, then the intended place for planting the mulberry must be cultivated by adding slaked lime, dolomite flour or chalk. Mulberries are planted in a sunny place protected from the wind.

The mulberry is unpretentious, but will give a larger crop in a sunny place

Mulberry planting

Mulberries are planted in April (before the start of sap flow) or in the fall. The planting scheme is as follows: on the site, retreat from the existing trees 5 m, between the newly planted mulberry trees should be at least 4 m. For a seedling, dig a hole 80 x 80 x 60 cm in size, put 2 buckets of rotted manure or compost there, mix with soil . The planted tree is watered, the trunk circle is mulched.

Video: planting and care for mulberry seedlings

Mulberry Care

Mulberry care has its own characteristics:

  • To obtain a larger crop, mulberry needs to be fed by adding rotted manure or compost to the trunk circle.
  • To protect against frost and in regions with a cold winter, mulberry seedlings can be covered with agrotex, straw, coniferous branches.
  • When growing heat-loving plants, including mulberries, in regions with sharp changes in temperature, it is necessary to remember the danger of damage to trunks and branches by spring return frosts. Therefore, in the spring after removing the covering material, it is advisable to leave it next to the tree for the fastest re-shelter in case of a threat of freezing.
  • Damaged and diseased branches are cut in autumn at an air temperature of at least -10 ° C.
  • Watering of trees is carried out in the first half of summer, so as not to cause rapid winter growth of shoots, which is fraught with freezing of the tree.
  • To add decorativeness and facilitate harvesting, it is advisable to form mulberry trees with a height of 2–4 m. In this case, leave a stem of 0.5–1 m, up to this height side shoots crop.

Recently, the interest of connoisseurs of decorative living compositions has been evoked by standard weeping mulberry. To form a weeping form, the branches are cut into the lower and lateral buds. Strong pruning with this crown shape will not spoil appearance tree, but will reduce productivity.

Weeping mulberry plank will decorate the plot

Mulberry species

Of the wide variety of types and hybrids of mulberry (according to some estimates, there are about 200), white mulberry and black mulberry have spread in Russia and Ukraine.

Black mulberry got its name for the dark color of trunks and tree branches. The plant has violet-black fruits with a more aromatic sweet taste compared to white mulberry. Black culture is more thermophilic than white.

Mulberry tree lives about 200 years.

Black mulberry has a trunk and branches of a dark color.

Video: black mulberry

Black Mulberry Varieties:

Shelli Mulberry No. 150 has large leaves and fruits.

White Mulberry

White mulberry is so named for light color trunks and tree branches. The fruits of this species can have different colors: white, pink, cream, black. The species is more frost-resistant compared to other types of mulberry, which makes it possible to grow it not only in the southern, but also northern regions Russia and Ukraine. In the south, under more familiar conditions, the tree reaches a height of 10-15 m, in the north - 5 m. Fruits have a sweet taste.

Photo gallery: features of white mulberry

White Mulberry has a light trunk The fruits of white mulberry can be of different colors. White mulberry got its name because of the color of the branches, not the fruits

White Mulberry Varieties:

  • Black Baroness. Variety of breeding agricultural company "Rostock" from the Belgorod region, frost-resistant (can withstand cold up to -30 ° C). It has black fruits of a sweet taste with a faint aroma, length up to 3.5 cm, diameter up to 1.5 cm. Fruits in June - July, high yield - up to 100 kg from one tree. When freezing, quickly restores shoots.

    Mulberry Black Baroness easily survives frosts

  • White honey. Popular frost resistant gradewell resists diseases. A plant with a dense broad-pyramidal crown. Sweet juicy fruits of honey taste, without aroma, white color. The fruit is up to 3 cm long and 1 cm in diameter. Harvesting begins in late June and continues until early August. Fresh berries practically do not tolerate transportation. In the case of freezing of young branches after pruning, the plant grows quickly and restores productivity.

    Fresh mulberries White honey practically can not stand the carriage

  • Dark-skinned girl. Another variety of Rostock agricultural company. The name is associated with almost black fruits. It is characterized by frost resistance (tolerates cold up to -30 ° C). When freezing young branches quickly grows and restores productivity. The tree has a wide pyramidal crown. The fruits are sweet, without aroma, with a slight acidity, up to 3.5 cm long, 1.2 cm in diameter. The variety is high-yielding. Transportability is not bad (in comparison with other varieties of mulberry). Fresh berries can be stored 12-18 hours.
  • Ostryakovskaya. Another variety of white mulberry with black fruits. A tall-growing tree up to 5.5 m tall successfully tolerates frosts of -25 ° C. Large, fleshy, succulent fruit trees have a sweet and sour taste. Due to the uneven fruit ripening period starting in mid-June, light, reddish and black berries can be found on one branch. The disadvantages of the variety include instability to diseases, pests.
  • Ukrainian 6. A variety of white mulberry with black fruit. Bred at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Silkworm. Differs in frost resistance (to -28 ° C). Begins to bear fruit in the 4th – 5th year. Sweet, acid-free, large fruits ripen from the beginning of June, reach a size of 4 cm or more, with a diameter of up to 0.8 cm. Yield is average. The plant is vigorous, with a dense spherical crown. Fresh fruit can be stored for more than 12 hours. Transportability is good. The tree is decorative, used in landscaping. In the case of freezing of young branches after pruning, the plant quickly restores an attractive appearance, as well as productivity.
  • White tenderness. The variety is early ripe (the fruits ripen from the beginning of June), mating lasts about 2 months. It is characterized by good winter hardiness and disease resistance. The plant is vigorous, the crown is compact. In the first years of life, the leaves are large, with an increase in yield, they become smaller. The fruits are juicy, large, white. The taste is sweet, but worsens in rainy weather, the berries lose their sweetness.

    Mulberry White tenderness has good winter hardiness, disease resistance

  • Pink Smolenskaya. New frost-resistant mid-early variety (begins to bear fruit in early July). The plant is unpretentious, the fruits appear in the 1st year after planting a seedling. Sweet fruit of pink or red color 2-3 cm long. The plant has an attractive leaf shape and multi-colored fruits, which can be used in the preparation of decorative compositions in the garden.

    Mulberry Pink Smolenskaya - multi-colored fruits

Mulberry varieties for growing in various regions

One of the main factors of difference different regions are climatic conditions ( cold winterprobability of occurrence of returnable spring frost, the number of sunny days per year, etc.). When planting mulberry seedlings, these factors must be considered.

For central Russia

The middle strip of Russia is characterized by cold winters, unpleasant for heat-loving plants. The likelihood of spring frost return is high. In this regard, in this area, mulberries are formed in the form of a bush up to 5 m high. This is done to reduce the risk of frost damage to the entire aerial part of the plant.

In the southern part of the middle zone, the drought tolerance of the variety must also be taken into account.

For these places, the following varieties are applicable:

  • White honey
  • Black Baroness
  • Nadia
  • Dark-skinned girl,
  • Ostryakovskaya
  • Black Prince,
  • Vladimirskaya
  • Ukrainian 6,
  • White tenderness
  • Pink Smolenskaya.

For the North-West of Russia

Northwest Russia is a difficult region for growing mulberries. For most plant varieties, more familiar with the climatic conditions of the southern regions, cold winters are fatal. Failure is also adversely affected. solar lighting. In this regard, it is necessary to choose early ripe varieties, to form plants in the form of a bush up to 5 m high. Mulberry itself under such conditions will tend to grow in the form of a bush. It is only necessary to cut out dried, broken branches, and also to prevent thickening.

Mulberry should be planted only in a dry, illuminated place. The groundwater level should not be higher than 1.5 m. For the winter, plants must be covered (with straw, coniferous branches, wrapped with agrotex). Annual plants candig up and store until spring in the cellar to protect young seedlings from severe winter frosts.

You can experiment with varieties:

  • White honey
  • Black Prince.

For Ukraine

For cultivation in Ukraine, first of all, varieties of Ukrainian selection are suitable:

  • Shelli No. 150,
  • Galicia
  • Nadia
  • Ukrainian 6.

According to climatic conditions, the possibility of obtaining fruits of high taste is suitable for other varieties:

  • White honey
  • Black Baroness
  • Black Prince,
  • Black Pearl,
  • Dark-skinned girl,
  • Hope,
  • White tenderness
  • Ostryakovskaya
  • Pink Smolensk.

Non-traditional fruit crops with useful properties are gaining increasing popularity in Russia. One such plant is black mulberry, also known as mulberry. Culture is especially common in the suburbs and other areas of central Russia.

Culture Description

Black mulberry belongs to deciduous trees, reaching a height of 15 m. The plant gains the main growth in the first years of life, in the future its strength gradually slows down. The crown of the tree is wide and spreading, the bark has a brownish color, and the stems are subtle. The leaves are very large, grow up to 20 cm in length, and up to 15 cm in width. They have a lobed shape. The front side of the leaf blade is rough to the touch, the lower part is softened, felt.

Flowering in the culture proceeds in April-May, and already in June, fruits are formed on the tree. Inflorescences are composed of small green-white flowers. The plant comes into fruition most often in 3-5 years of life. The crop is plentiful, it is a glossy bright black berries about 3 cm in length. To taste, the fruits are sweet and sour, very juicy.

Black mulberry

Mulberry white and black: differences

The berries of white mulberry have a slight sour taste. They are not as sweet as black mulberry, but at the same time they are less high in calories. White fruits are recognized as a dietary product. Coloring is not only white, but also yellowish, pink.

There is a difference in the chemical composition of the fruit. White fruits are high in carbohydrates, while black mulberry more organic acids.

Important! The fruits of black mulberry are sweeter. Outwardly, they resemble blackberries. Sour taste is very weakly expressed.

Black Mulberry: cultivation and care in the Middle lane

To grow mulberry, for example, in the suburbs, you need to take into account some nuances.


Mid-spring, when sap flow has not yet begun, is best suited for planting black mulberry. Widely practiced and autumn plantingcarried out before the rainy period begins. In the latter case, you can even get a higher yield, provided that the plant wintered well.

The cultivation area of \u200b\u200bthe crop in question must be well exposed to sunlight, but it needs protection from strong winds. Ground water must lie at a depth of not less than 1.5 m. Mulberry can be cultivated on different types soils, however, soil types such as:

  • sandstones;
  • swampy, drained soils;
  • salty.

Note!AT clay soil necessarily need drainage, which can be made from pebbles or brick debris.

A landing well is prepared 2 weeks before disembarkation. Its dimensions should correspond to the dimensions of the root system of the seedling. The approximate length, width and depth of the pit is 50 cm. In a soil with a low content of nutrients, the hole is made slightly larger, given the introduction of fertilizers. To do this, use rotted manure in a volume of 5 kg, mixed with 100 g of superphosphate. The resulting nutrient mixture is evenly distributed on the bottom surface of the hole and is covered with earth so that the roots do not come into contact with feeding during planting.

The seedling is placed inside the planting hole and straighten the roots so that they do not overlap with each other and do not rest against the edges of the fossa. If the plant is too thin, a wooden peg should be driven into the pit with the sharp end down and a seedling attached to it with a piece of twine. They fill the hole with soil, constantly tamping it so that there are no empty cavities filled with air. Upon completion of planting, a shallow groove is dug around the seedling immediately, into which 2-3 buckets of warm settled water are poured. Try to keep this groove for subsequent irrigation. Without wasting time, the trunk sector is mulched to preserve moisture. Peat or sawdust is usually used for this purpose, however, if they are absent, ordinary but dry soil from the same area will be suitable.

Planting a Mulberry Seedling

Watering and feeding

Irrigation is very important for a young mulberry tree. On dry soil, the seedling does not take root. The main period of irrigation occurs in early to mid-summer. In the spring it is carried out only in dry periods, and since August, plants have not been watered at all.

In the first month after planting, the plants are fed with nitroammophos, and each plant has 1 tbsp. spoon of fertilizer dissolved in water. In summer, top dressing is repeated according to the same scheme, but potassium salt and superphosphate are already used. In early August, they stop feeding the plant, so as not to provoke the secondary growth of shoots that do not have time to ripen and are very likely to die in the winter.



The formation of the crown of black mulberry is usually carried out in a dormant period - in early spring, when the movement of juice has not yet begun. Anti-aging pruning begins in the last ten days of April and ends in May, when budding begins. Sanitary pruning is carried out in the fall, when the air temperature has not yet dropped below −10 ° C.

Spring on young plant on the trunk from a height of about 1.5 m remove all shoots. Due to this, the branches of an adult tree will not bend to the surface of the earth. The remaining central conductor is maintained and its height is adjusted to 5-6 m. It is also possible to form a tree no higher than one and a half meters, which will be easier to care for. On such a plant, 8-10 skeletal shoots are left.

Sanitary pruning involves the removal of dried, sick, killed by frost, having significant mechanical damage to the stems. You also need to get rid of shoots growing up and in and thereby thickening the crown.

Note! Subsequently, when the plant is normally formed, it is only necessary to maintain the existing form for it, getting rid of unnecessary stems.

Winter Care

Black Mulberry is characterized high level drought tolerance and heat resistance, while the plant does not show resistance to adverse winter factors. In view of this, the tree should be well prepared for the cold.

You need to stop making nutrients in advance. Top dressing is carried out only if the plant shows pronounced signs of fertilizer deficiency. For the same purpose, in August they refuse further irrigation, and in the autumn they carry out sanitary pruning.

Important! In regions with very cold climates, seedlings are planted with a root of the neck in the soil. It also allows you to protect the plantings in the winter.

A certain protection against the plant’s cold is provided by the ability to form cork tissue in the space between young and mature stems. This allows you to get rid of tissues unsuitable for survival at strong negative temperatures, however, plants freeze during years with snowless winters. To prevent this, it is necessary to mulch the trunk sector before the start of winter and thoroughly cover it with fir spruce branches and other suitable materials.


Like all fruit crops, black mulberry is propagated by seed method and vegetative. In the first case, the seeds need to undergo stratification. The procedure can be carried out both naturally (when the seeds are sown before winter) and artificial. In this case, they are placed in the refrigerator for 2 months in the winter. Weekly, the seeds are pulled out for several hours, and a visual inspection is also regularly carried out and diseased or decayed specimens are removed. Immediately before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a couple of hours in a solution of a growth stimulant. Then they are embedded in the soil at a not too great depth, and then mulched for their early germination. Seedling care is standard.

The above method is relatively simple. Its main disadvantages are as follows:

  • extension during artificial stratification;
  • the impossibility of reproduction by this method of varietal specimens.

To increase the quantity cultivated plants black mulberry vegetative propagation is used. Its peculiarity is that the plant practically does not breed either green or lignified cuttings - the main varieties vegetative propagation fruit crops. Therefore, in the culture in question, propagation by root shoots is used. In this case, the seedling is separated from maternal plant and moved to a permanent place of cultivation, caring for him, like an ordinary seedling. This method also does not always allow to transmit to the offspring varietal characteristics. In addition, there is a risk of growing specimens exclusively with male inflorescences (after all, mulberry belongs to the category of monoecious plants).

Mulberry sapling

To guarantee the receipt and breeding of normal varietal plants, either budding or grafting under the bark with a graft is necessary. Stumping is carried out in the summer with the help of sleeping buds, and in the spring - sprouting. Vaccination is done on a vegetative tree with cuttings with 2 buds under the tree bark. On the rootstock, you need to make a cut at an angle of about 35 °, and above the kidney on the handle is a straight cut, and under the kidney - beveled.

When cultivated in the northern regions with a harsh climate (in the Urals, in Siberia, in the north-west of Russia), it is recommended to first grow wild black mulberry. It is more resistant to freezing temperatures than varietal hybrids. Over time, when the plant gets stronger, it can be used as a stock for grafting varietal plants.

Important! Unlike other fruit crops, the mulberry graft is set with the cut side to the bark, and not to the wood.

Popular varieties

The assortment of black mulberry has several dozen copies, however, only a few of them have gained the most popularity in Russia:

  • Black Baroness. Tall variety, characterized by increased productivity and resistance to freezing temperatures. The fruits are large and sweet, ripen in the first half of summer.
  • Shelley No. 150. Highly productive variety of Ukrainian selection. It differs in very large berries (6 cm in length). Taste and commercial qualities and properties are at a high level.
  • Black Pearl. The tree reaches a height of up to 3.5 m. The fruits are about 4 cm long, tasty and sweet. Fruiting begins in June and lasts for 1.5-2 months.
  • Nadia. Srednerosly variety with large fruits. The berries are very sweet, black-violet in color, large. The plant bears fruit in the second half of summer. Features of the variety include resistance to disease and drought.

When selecting suitable grade and cultivation technology, you can get a full-fledged high-quality black mulberry crop. This culture can be considered one of the most promising in Russia for the next few years, until the breeders have not yet come up with something unusual.

In the south, black mulberry with long ago It is grown in gardens for the sake of an abundant harvest of sweet berries that children especially like. Gardeners appreciate this crop for its unpretentiousness and high drought tolerance. In recent decades, mulberries are increasingly beginning to grow not only in the south, but also in middle lane Of Russia.

Which mulberry has black berries

Many gardeners mistakenly call black mulberry absolutely any mulberry that gives dark-colored fruits. In fact, at least half of the black-fruited varieties (including the widely known varieties Smuglyanka, Black Baroness, Black Prince) belong to a completely different botanical species - white mulberry, which has fruits of very different colors, from pure white to black-violet.

Mulberry is divided into black and white, depending on the color of the bark, and not on the shade of berries.

Table: Comparative characteristics of black and white mulberry

SignBlack mulberry
Fruit coloringViolet black.White, lilac-pink, purple-black.
Tree bark coloringDark brownish brown.Light brownish gray.
Leaf shape and sizeBroad-hearted, very large.Medium in size, ovate-pointed or dissected-lobed, often different shapes on one tree.
Winter hardinessLow (up to -15 ... -20 ° С).Relatively high (up to -30 ° С).

Real black mulberry has large, wide-hearted leaves

Mulberry is one of the oldest cultivated plants, originally domesticated for feeding silkworm caterpillars, from the cocoons of which natural silk is obtained. In the regions of industrial sericulture, mulberry trees of fodder varieties, not fruit trees, predominate. They are more hardy, so they are often used in shelterbelts and urban landscaping.

Mulberry Leaves - Silkworm Caterpillar Feed

Mulberry blossoms in the south in April-May, in the middle lane - in May-June. Pollinated by wind and insects. In nature, mulberry is a dioecious plant in which male and female flowers are located on different trees. Among the cultivated fruit varieties, monoecious species prevail, having both types of inflorescences on the same tree. When sowing seeds, signs are split, and many seedlings appear male plants. Therefore, valuable fruit varieties of mulberry are propagated only vegetatively.

Blooming mulberry is pollinated by wind and insects.

Mulberry fruits ripen in the south in May-July, in the middle lane - in July-August. The fruiting period is very long. Ripened fruits easily crumble to the ground. With normal pollination, mulberry trees bear fruit annually and very abundantly. If the flowering was good, during this period there were no frosts (which can damage not only the flowers, but also the leaves), and there are no or very few berries, which means that the problem is the lack of pollination. It is necessary to plant nearby a tree of another variety or to vaccinate suitable cuttings in the crown.

Sweet mulberries do not ripen at the same time

Dark-colored mulberry berries stain hands and clothes, stains are poorly washed.

Ripe berries become soft, juicy, sweet, they crumple easily and do not tolerate storage and transportation at all. Therefore, the crop is processed on the day of collection. Mulberries can be eaten fresh, dried, cook jam, make wine.

AT good conditions mulberry fruits annually and is very plentiful

In the south, mulberry grows up to 15 m in height, and in favorable conditions lives a couple of hundred years, and sometimes longer. In the north, young growth freezes almost every year, and the plant often takes on a bushy shape. Mulberry tolerates urban conditions and is not afraid of car exhaust.

Large mulberry trees are rarely found in Moscow, and in the form of a bush it is grown up to the Leningrad region.

Large mulberry trees are occasionally found even in Moscow

Black Mulberry Varieties

The word "black" in the name of the variety means only the color of the berries, but not the botanical appearance of the mulberry.

Of the black-fruited varieties, the most frost-resistant are those that belong to the botanical type of white mulberry. This is Black Baroness, Dark-skinned Girl, Black Prince. They withstand frosts down to -30 ° C. Large-fruited mulberry varieties found in private nurseries of Ukraine and southern Russia, Black Pearl and Istanbul Black, have low winter hardiness and can grow only in the southern regions with warm winters.


This is the only botanical variety of black mulberry, on this moment  officially entered in the State register of selection achievements allowed for use on the territory of the Russian Federation. The variety was bred at the K.A. Moscow Agricultural Academy Timiryazev. The tree is large, tall, with a wide spreading crown. Fruits are sweet, weighing 1.5-1.7 g, ripen late. The variety is winter-hardy, drought-resistant and heat-resistant.

Dark-skinned girl

Chokeberry variety of white mulberry, bred in the Belgorod region. Medium-sized tree with a pyramidal crown. Berries up to 3.5 cm long, early ripening, sweet with a slightly noticeable acidity. The variety is monoecious, productive and unpretentious. Winter hardiness - up to -30 ° C.

Black Baroness

Chokeberry variety of white mulberry, bred in the Belgorod region. Crohn spherical, moderate density. Fruits are 3.5-4 cm long, very sweet. Ripening period is from medium to medium late. Monoecious unpretentious variety with high productivity. Winter hardiness - up to -30 ° C.

Black Prince

Another aronia variety of white mulberry. The berries are very large, up to 4-5 cm long, sweet. Ripening period is average. Winter hardiness - up to -30 ° C, high drought resistance.

Black Pearl

Large-fruited mid-early variety for the southern regions. The tree is medium-sized. Fruiting is extended up to 2 months. Fruits are large, up to 4 cm long, weighing up to 6–9 g. Winter hardiness is average.

Istanbul black

The fruits are very large, up to 5 cm long, ripen late. The tree is tall with a spherical crown. Very productive variety for the southern regions. Winter hardiness is average.

Photo Gallery: Black Mulberry Varieties

The best mulberry seedlings are obtained from rooted cuttings

In the south, mulberries are planted in spring or autumn, in the middle lane and to the north - only in spring. For large trees  in the south, the distance when planting is 7–8 m; for bush formation in the more northern regions, it is enough to leave 3 m between plants.

Regarding the preparation of landing pits, there are two opposite points of view:

  • dig a hole with a depth and a width of 1 m, fertilize generously with humus at the rate of 2-3 buckets per plant to provide seedlings with food for the next couple of years. Thus, rapid and rapid growth of the aerial part of the seedling is achieved in the first years after planting;
  • dig a small hole to fit the roots in a straightened form. Do not put fertilizers at all. This method provokes a more active and deep growth of the root system. The aerial part at the same time grows very slowly, but the plant turns out to be stronger and more durable, thanks to deep powerful roots it better withstands frost and drought.

Mulberry planting on poor soil contributes to the development of a deeper root system

Adult mulberry trees are very resistant to dry air and soil. Young trees need watering in the 1-2 year after planting, and only in the absence of rain.  Dampness in late summer and autumn interferes with the ripening of shoots and worsens the wintering of plants.

Pruning and wintering

Mulberry tolerates pruning well. In the south, it is usually grown in the form of a tree, and all pruning is reduced to removing excess thickening branches and limiting the height. The first years after planting, the plant can not be pruned at all.

In regions with frosty winters, multi-stem bush formation is advisable:

  1. In a young seedling, the top is cut off immediately after planting to cause abundant branching in the lower part of the trunk.
  2. In the first years of the tree’s life, it makes sense to pinch the tops of actively growing shoots in mid-August for their better ripening.
  3. In the future, a multi-stem bush is formed with branches of different ages extending almost from the soil level. The places where the main skeletal branches leave should be in the winter in the snow so that they do not freeze in severe frosts.
  4. Every spring, all the frozen tops of the branches are cut out, cutting them to a healthy part. Large sections are covered with garden var.

With a bushy formation, all the major forks winter in the snow and are less damaged by frost.

In the spring, especially in the middle lane and to the north, mulberry awakens much later than most other trees. Therefore, with the definition of winter damage, you must wait until June. Frozen specimens in most cases are well restored.

Very young trees 1-2 years after planting can be wrapped with agrofibre for the winter, and the soil under them can be insulated with lapnik. Wrapping adult mulberry trees does not make sense.

Diseases and insect pests Mulberry is usually not affected.  Berry crops can be significantly damaged by birds (starlings, thrushes, sparrows), to protect against which trees with ripening fruits can be covered with a protective net.

Video: Mulberry growing

* Black mulberry - mulberry tree - a long-lived tree that has been cultivated since ancient times. Probably, it came to Europe from Iran; in the wild it grows in Asia Minor. Wild forms growing in the warm regions of Europe and North America are often found in Spain and Italy, mainly on the outskirts of meadows and forests. However, there, mulberry was used mainly as an ornamental tree in parks and home gardens. Added benefit  trees are very sweet and sour berries. We have mulberry spread in Central Asia, Crimea, the Caucasus, Ukraine, although it adapts well to low temperatures  and successfully grows in more northern regions, up to the Leningrad region. In the northern latitudes, varieties of white mulberry are often grown, which is called so because of the color of the bark, and the fruits after ripening may have a purple-black color - the same as that of black mulberry. For this reason, these two trees are often confused. The fruits of black mulberry, however, are more tasty, therefore it is preferable in cultivation.


Black mulberry - a tree with a thick, spherical, sprawling crown, reaching up to 15 m in height. The tree is covered with large, dissected, variable-shaped leaves of dark green color. Leaf blades are smooth and shiny, unlike white mulberry, whose leaves are very hairy. Mulberry blossoms from May to June. Male and female flowers are on different trees, although, quite often, there are specimens with both male and female flowers. After flowering, male flowers show off, and fleshy fruits form from female flowers. They ripen gradually from mid-July to August. Dark red, almost black berries have a spherical shape, about 3 cm. Mature ripe quickly. Their juice paints hands and mouth in intense color.

Growing requirements

Black mulberry, as well as white, is not particularly demanding on growing conditions. It is quite tolerant of various soils, but more fond of warm, well-drained sandy or loamy soils. It does not tolerate waterlogging and heavy soil. The mulberry tree has a deep-lying and well-branched root system, so it can extract water and nutrients from deeper layers of the soil. This thermophilic tree grows well in a sunny, sheltered from the wind. Black mulberry is less resistant to low temperatures, as is white and in colder regions, especially young ones, tree stems can freeze. It tolerates air pollution, so they are recommended to be planted as a decorative tree in the green areas of cities. The mulberry tree is easy to grow, it grows quickly, can grow up to 8 m in height and up to 5 m wide within 10 years. Mulberry does not require pruning, although they can be cut in decorative purposesFor example, to create high hedges. This procedure should be performed during the winter, when the plant is completely asleep, because mulberry produces milk juice that oozes from copiously damaged tissues. However, strong trimming should be avoided. If necessary, remove dry and intersecting branches of the crown. This plant is rarely infected with pests and diseases, does not require chemical protection  and suitable for organic farming.

Mulberry propagation

Mulberry tree can be propagated by lignified cuttings. Stems 30 cm long are harvested in early spring or autumn, so that they would include 2-year-old wood. All side shoots are removed, at least 3 healthy buds are left, and then buried 10 cm into the ground. The cutlery can be planted right at the place where you want the tree to grow, but in a colder climate it is better to root it in a warm room. Young trees can also be obtained by sowing seeds. Seeds germinate better during 2-3 months of stratification, that is, after overwintering. Plants grown in pots should not be planted in a permanent place before the threat of spring frost passes. It is advisable to plant a seedling in an open sunny place, it is good that the pit is tucked organic fertilizer. Special attention  must be given so as not to damage the fragile roots.

Properties and Application

The berries of black mulberry can be consumed immediately after harvesting or processing, they are not suitable for long-term storage. The fruits are juicy and slightly sour, have a refreshing taste and are ideal for desserts or preserves, marmalade, juices and liquors. In addition to taste, they contain many important nutrients  and vitamins, in particular vitamins A, C, B vitamins, flavonoids, coumarins and tannins. Mulberry tree is also one of the anthocyanins with a cardioprotective effect, contains natural dyes, so the juice can be used to color products. In addition, these compounds have strong antioxidant properties.
  Almost all parts of the plant have long been used in Chinese medicine. Fruits increase the body's immunity, cleanse the body and have diuretic properties. Fruit juice is useful in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels, in addition, it has hematopoietic and hemostatic properties, it is recommended for anemia. Leaf preparations, especially white mulberry leaves, effectively lower blood sugar. Leaf extracts have antibacterial, astringent and diaphoretic properties. The bark has an antitussive, expectorant and diuretic property, and infusions are used to treat asthma, cough and bronchitis.

Among the usual garden crops in many areas you can find black mulberry - healthy plant  with delicious and juicy fruits. It is this type of plant that enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners, since the tree has high decorative qualities, and the berries stand out for their sweetness and unique chemical composition.

Varieties and their description

As for the classification of the Tutov genus, which includes mulberry, at the moment there are more than two hundred kinds of culture, but about 17 varieties, including black mulberry, are more popular in terms of cultivation in private gardens. And this plant has several dozen varieties that are grown around the world. Iran is considered the birthplace of black mulberry, where the fruits of the tree were actively consumed.

The berries are notable for their high taste characteristics, which, as practice shows, several times surpass the similar qualities of white mulberry fruits. Since the south is considered the birthplace of mulberry, the plant belongs to heat-loving crops, however, among the wide variety of varieties there are a lot of hardy ones.

With regard to the transportability of the crop, not all the fruits of the plant have very good keeping quality, in light of which they cannot withstand transportation over long distances.

Among the most popular varieties of black berries, it is worth highlighting such crops.

  • "Black Prince".  The plant is self-fertile and resistant to frost, in addition, berries of this variety stand out against the rest of the representatives with satisfactory keeping quality, which makes it possible to transport useful black mulberry for subsequent sale in other regions. The culture is quite unpretentious in terms of care, drought-resistant, ripe berries have a honey aftertaste.
  • "Ukrainian-6."  The harvest of this variety of black mulberry is also amenable to transportation. This plant is appreciated by gardeners not only for the taste of berries, but also due to the decorative features of the culture.
  • Mulberry "Istanbul".This variety belongs to large-fruited species, in addition, the tree itself in adulthood is able to reach a height of 5-7 meters. The fruiting ability of the culture acquires only 3-4 years after planting, mulberry tolerates low temperatures well, so the variety is often cultivated in the suburbs.
  • The Black Baroness.  The culture is distinguished by early fruiting and large berries, the size of the fruit can reach 4 centimeters, outwardly the berries are very similar to blackberries. The plant is undemanding in terms of care and tolerates drought well.

   "Black Prince"

   The Black Baroness

  • Hartut. A popular variety of black mulberry used for rural garden plantings. Ripe berries can grow up to 5 centimeters in length. Harvest is often used to process juices.
  • "Shelley No. 150."  The culture was bred by a Ukrainian breeder, the berry of such a plant is very large and tasty. In addition, plants of this variety are distinguished by a fairly high yield. In some cases, the Shelley No. 150 mulberry leaf can grow up to half a meter.
  • Fruit-4. The plant bears fruit with berries, the size of which is about 4-5 centimeters, the tree itself, as a rule, grows to a five-meter mark. Mulberry stubbornly tolerates negative air temperatures, it is very often used for industrial cultivation, even in the regions of Siberia.
  • Galicia 1. Culture is the result of the work of Ukrainian breeders. The popularity of the variety is due to the very large berries that the tree bears fruit, usually their size is about 7-8 centimeters. In addition, in the taste of the fruit there is an amazing berry freshness.
  • Ostryakovskaya. Fruits in large berries, the variety belongs to winter-hardy crops, the yield is stable, the fruits have a taste of minimal acidity. The plant reaches 6 meters in height.

   "Shelley No. 150"

   Galicia 1

Difference from white

Despite the fact that white and black mulberries belong to the same family, cultures have a number of fundamental differences.

  • This primarily concerns external differences, which relate to the color of the bark and shoots of the tree. In the black species, the color of the trunk and branches will be much richer and darker.
  • The foliage of the black variety is larger and stiffer.
  • Adult crops can reach a height of fifteen meters.
  • It is noteworthy that black mulberry has the property of rapid development in the first years after rooting, however, over time, growth stops.
  • Dark mulberry blossoms with subtle inflorescences, which are barely noticeable in a dense green mass.
  • The ripening of black berries is quite extended over time, so harvesting continues from June to August.
  • Black berries have found application not only in food Industry, but also in the role of natural dye. Vinegar and sugar are obtained from the fruits.
  • Mulberry can be used for the preparation of soft drinks and alcoholic drinks, unlike white berries, the fruits give the drink a very beautiful color.

Useful properties and harm

The main advantage of mulberry is its chemical composition, in particular, the presence of a large amount of potassium is considered outstanding, which is important when there is a deficiency of this trace element. As for the presence of vitamins, then in black mulberry contains:

Among the existing trace elements, manganese, iron and zinc can be noted, as well as a group of macroelements where calcium, sodium and phosphorus are released, which is important when there is a deficiency of important substances in the body. At the expense of the rich chemical composition  berries are considered medicinal, so their use is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Unripe fruits that have astringent properties will help get rid of heartburn, and ripened mulberry acts as a natural antioxidant and a mild diuretic. Berries that are ripened are used in folk medicine as a laxative.

Black mulberry is indicated for use in the recovery period after undergoing surgical interventions or great physical stress. Due to the presence of B complex vitamins in the complex, the berry is indicated for normalization of work nervous system, which favorably affects the quality of sleep and the ability to withstand stressful situations. Micro and macro elements normalize the work of hematopoiesis, as well as increase hemoglobin.

Due to the low-calorie composition, mulberry is recommended for inclusion in the diet menu - one hundred grams of fresh product contains no more than 52 kcal.

It has been established that regular consumption of mulberries helps to reduce swelling and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and kidneys. Black mulberry bark is used in folk medicine as an anthelmintic, and decoction from the root of the culture is indicated in the treatment of wet cough.

With the juice of fresh fruits, plants treat gastritis and oral ulcers, for example, stomatitis. In addition, complex compositions based on mulberry bark are used for compresses in the treatment of skin ailments, as well as burns and ulcers. However, the benefits of berries can in some cases have a completely opposite effect for the human body. This applies to moments when low-quality fruits are used for food that have been grown in adverse environmental conditions.

It is also worth refraining from the joint use of mulberry juice with other berry drinks, since such a composition can cause fermentation processes in the digestive tract. Unfortunately, in some cases, the fruits can cause allergic reactions, so familiarity with the berries should be gradual. There are a number of restrictions regarding the use of mulberries in hot weather by people who suffer from hypertension, since the fruits can cause an increase in pressure. Due to the presence of sugars, which in the composition of ripe mulberry contains about 20%, this berry is contraindicated for diabetics.


Since most varieties of mulberry are dioecious plants, rooting berry tree  the garden should be produced in pairs so that there are trees with female and male flowers. But among the available varieties of black mulberry there are also self-fertile species that are perfectly pollinated in a natural way.

The plant quickly adapts to the landing site, in addition, on one tree you can grow several varieties of berries at once. In nature, there are trees whose height reaches 30-35 meters, but in conditions of private planting such crops are unlikely to be appropriate, therefore, the formation of the crown is required. The tree usually lives about two to three hundred years, and begins to bear fruit 3-5 years after rooting.

Planting mulberries to obtain a stable and tasty crop should be carried out in the appropriate soil. For such a crop, loose loam or sandy loam soil is preferable. In the sandy land, mulberry will form additional roots for a more reliable fixation, a well-developed culture in saline soil. Experienced gardeners  recommend planting young seedlings in early spring  or in the fall. At the beginning of the year, it is better to root the trees in April, if the plant is planted in the fall, then it is better to plan work at the end of September or October.

Before planting a mulberry tree, it is necessary to properly prepare the pits for rooting, it is more correct to carry out these works in advance so that the earth can survive. The optimal depth of the hole will be 70-80 centimeters, however, in the issue of size, you should rely on the size of the root system of the seedling. The bottom of the hole must be fertilized with a complex mineral composition, which will increase the likelihood of quick adaptation of the plant in the garden. The technology for planting mulberries does not differ from similar work with other garden crops - the seedling is located in the middle of the pit, straightens root system, after which the plant is covered with earth.

However, the young culture needs additional strengthening, therefore, a peg must be placed in the hole for subsequent garter. To cultivate mulberries in your own garden, planting material can be grown with your own hands or purchased in a specialized nursery. Reproduction of a mulberry tree is possible in two ways - by cuttings or by seed method. The latter option is rather time-consuming, since the gardener's primary task is to pass through mandatory planting material stratification. After that, the sowing of hardened seeds is carried out in the greenhouse with the advent of spring. Rooting in open ground  maybe only in a few years.

Cuttings take root in only 15-20% of cases, to obtain material, fifteen-centimeter shoots are selected, after which all foliage is removed, and the branches themselves are kept for about 10 hours in water. The next step is to deepen planting material  in a special soil mixture with constant maintenance of 95% air humidity and temperature in the range of +23 +30 C.