How to make a concrete staircase. How to fill the ladder from concrete

Buildings in two floors and above do not cost without staircase marches. To create similar designs, various materials are used. One of the wide demanded is concrete. The cast stairs from it are erected inside and outside buildings, have many structural alternatives that satisfy the highest requirements and exquisite aesthetic tastes.

Pluses of monolithic stairs

Staircases, cast from concrete, are operated by decades. They have the highest strength and carrying ability, fire-resistant and do not burn. Such stairs additionally enhances the construction framework of buildings. The use of monolithic stairs inside and outside buildings is predetermined by their frost resistance and moisture resistance. The carrier of the reinforcement frame is reliably protected from corrosion.

The concrete base remains monolith under the action of the external environment. The resulting defects can be simply pouring into a new solution. Inter-storey transitions are created on facilities under construction, without requiring the attraction of expensive materials, cranes.

After removing the formwork, the staircase is available for silent movement of building materials. Any options for such products are facing without backup, which allows you to rationally use the space under them. Such structures have no restrictions on the implementation of engineering ideas and decoration.


The design of stair transitions differ depending on the method of formation and placement location.

According to the method of manufacture

Monolithic stairs from artificial stone are divided into marching and spirals.


This configuration of the inter-storey transition is created inside and outside the buildings. This is a difficult design in the implementation, the creation of which is relevant due to the need for the rational use of residential space. It takes a little space, does not require the installation of the central reference pillar. The staircase is installed with a support on the walls and away from them.

The formation of such a monolithic staircase is complicated by the need to create a figure formwork with smooth circuits, planes and bent surfaces, the complexity of strengthening the autonomous rigid reinforcement frame, as well as using a plurality of temporary reference elements.


Marshamic monolithic staircase.

It is used more often than spiral design. It is easier to create, more secure, but takes a lot of space. Such inter-storey transitions are divided into one-way straight or corner (with running steps), two-billion (straight or angular, connected via the site). Marshams can be more. Single-handed structures, drunk in the side walls, are easier to form a formwork and its fittings attached to a wall base.

This option can be based on one side on the wall or only for the bearing base and overlapping the next floor. The latter will require a lot of supports when the formwork device. In some cases, two-page transitions are created under the selected corner of the platform. As a rule, they are put on the wall support (walls) on the one hand.

By installation type

Monolithic concrete inter-storey compounds by type of installation (installation site) are divided into internal and external.


Marsh goods can be molded on a prepared base (compacted soil, sand,) or "hanging" in the air with a support for two "points". Screw - mounted with a support for the facade or only to the upper overlap.


The monolithic staircase, installed inside the structure, can have any embodiment. However, in contrast to the outdoor placement, there are opportunities to redistribute the load of the march with the foundation on the walls.


Work on the construction of the staircase from the monolithic concrete consist of the following steps: the choice of an acceptable type of staircase, design, formwork assembly, mounting reinforcement steel, and decoration.

Choosing a staircase type

Screw staircase is well installed if there is little space.

What is the staircase, clearly when designing a building, which is set to place its placement. However, there is a place to clarify when the buildings are ready. If residential space is not enough, you should consider the installation of a spiral structure in the middle of the room or with a support on the wall (walls in the corner). Such an option will complicate the creation of formwork and the formation of a reliable reinforcement frame.

The route with a support for the walls on two sides is the most easy for the foundation. The support of the march on the wall on one side will increase the load on it. But the most massive option is a marching inter-storey compound, based only on overlapping and foundation (reinforced concrete beam).

In the last two cases, it will also be necessary to carefully approve the formwork. The nuances will also be selected in favor of two-day (corner, arcuate) or ladder with overtook steps. We will not be recent considerations regarding compliance with the overall design of premises and their destination.

Calculation of elements

At this stage, the slope of the product, the number of marches, the size of the platforms, the number of steps and their parameters, the corners of the reversal of running steps, the width of the stairs are, the heights of the screed and future decoration are taken into account. Calculations affect the convenience of using the design, consumption of materials, cost and duration of work. Then the drawing is created indicating all sizes.

The angle of lifting

The Sector within 25 to 37 degrees is optimal about the space occupied and safe. It defines the length of the stairs. The more gently gently, the more it is longer. So, for example, with an inter-storey height of 3 m, a march having a tilt of 35 degrees., Create a projection of a flight to a floor with a length of 430 cm, and at 25 degrees, the construction in concrete will take 640 cm of the room. Thus, the product will take more space and more materials will be required.

Dimensions of steps

Mounting scheme of a monolithic staircase.

Convenient parameters for moving people - height 17 - 21 cm (a), depth 27 - 31 cm (b). The dimensions of the steps should be the same. Next, the length of the designed design is divided into size of one step so that by the selection to obtain a number of steps (taking into account the observance of the equality 2 A B \u003d 60 - 64 cm). For every 12 - 15 stages, march is desirable to provide one platform with a length of 1.5 steps.

Width of the stairs

Parameters of the room can set already available limits on the value of the width, but the optimal values \u200b\u200bare 90 - 150 cm. These dimensions allow you to transfer furniture and comfortably move to people.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Making a robust staircase made of concrete is optimally suitable for private houses. Purchase of materials does not require significant costs, work can be carried out on its own. Before starting construction, it is important only to compile the right drawing, make calculations, conduct correct training. The concrete staircase is erected with their own hands without special difficulties: you only need to take into account step-by-step instructions and recommendations of specialists.

Collection of formwork

Before starting work, you need to prepare the stroke for the fill of the marching ground. The depth of the pulp should be about 10 cm.

After filling with concrete, the thickness of the staircase march will be 15 cm.

Construction reinforcement and concrete pouring

The manufacture of the design will be reliable only in the case of correct reinforcement. Therefore, any monolithic ladder from concrete should include fittings with a diameter of at least 10-12 mm. They should be positioned along the shields at a distance of about 10-15 cm.

At the top of the staircase rests on the stove and the fittings should be entered into it. Between itself, the reinforcement is associated with wire.

It is important that below the staircase rests on the stove in the place where the foundation wall passes (it is necessary to take into account when planning at home). If the support march of the concrete staircase will be simply located on the stove without a support from below, then the plate itself can burst, because The weight of the monolithic staircase is impressive.

Side panels from the board and timber are installed. They are attached to the construction boards for the construction of steps. The optimal height of the stage is approximately 17-20 cm, but it all depends on the angle of inclination of the stairs, the width of the sticky. If desired, the performer can make a concrete staircase to the second floor with slightly smaller or large transitions. Additionally, the boards of steps are connected to each other to create a solid design.

After installing the formwork, concrete is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Fill the first pair of steps.
  2. A similar fill of the steps is carried out up to the marching span. Next is filled with a solution itself.
  3. Further filling of the steps up to the slab overlapping the second floor is carried out.
  4. Concrete is compacted with a vibrator (it allows you to remove air bubbles in concrete).

At work it is recommended to use the M250-300 brand concrete. Before starting work, assisted backups should be established, which will exclude the displacement of the construction due to the too heavy mortar. Manually prepare the required volume of the mixture will be hard, so the concrete mixer and assistant should be used. When the correct fill of the concrete staircase will be performed, the performer will only need to wait for the time of the complete solid to the solution.

Features of removal of formwork

So that the manufacturer of the concrete staircase has been completed correctly, you do not need to rush with the removal of formwork. Delete side boards and boards of steps is recommended no earlier than after 7-14 days. It is advisable to wait 1.5 weeks - this period will be enough for a good grasp of the solution. After another 1-2 weeks, vertical supports and lower formwork are removed. At this stage, the staircase in the house of concrete can be fully used for further construction work.

The instructions with photos and video will help to understand how to make a concrete ladder on their own. But it is important to take into account and accuracy of subsequent work. Fully frozen concrete should be seized, eliminating the irregularities of surfaces. If necessary, you can finish with wood, tiles and other wear-resistant materials. But it should be borne in mind that the load on the staircase should not be significant.

Of all the existing designs, the fuel staircases from concrete are perhaps the most durable and reliable. They have a lot of advantages - are not subject to corrosion and external influences, economical at the price, as well as simple in the calculation and installation.

Make such a system with your own hands is possible even a newcomer if you follow certain rules and follow the instructions below for calculating and installing, illustrated photos and videos.

Concrete Staircase - Design Features

The concrete staircase of the filler type has some constructive features that need to know and take into account if you decide to build such a design in your house with your own hands.

  • First, the filler stairs are made on the basis of a predetermined metal frame and reinforcement - in such a way, if you decide to personally make a concrete system, you should, to all of the time, also have skills to work with the welding machine.
  • Secondly, you need to know how to make a concrete mix in strictly defined proportions - the strength of the structure, its durability and functional characteristics depends on it.
  • Thirdly, think about what exterior decoration (trim) you will use - it may be a brick, natural stone, wood and other materials. In addition, take care of the reliable fencing of the filling concrete system.

Calculation of the Bay concrete ladder

To get a functional and practical staircase from concrete, before proceeding directly to its manufacture with your own hands, it is necessary to correctly calculate it.

The instruction on the calculation of concrete structure consists of such main stages:

  • Determine the height of the structure.
  • Select the angle of inclination.
  • Calculate the length of the staircase march.
  • We produce calculations of the number of steps.
  • We make a sketch of measurements and calculations.

Calculate the height of the stairs

The height of the concrete structure is determined by the experimental way: Measure a roulette distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor (it is the first level ceiling). Record the result.

Tilt angle

The most optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is the generally accepted indicator from 30 to 45 degrees. If older people live in the house or small children, then the most comfortable slope will be the corner in the range from 30⁰ to 35⁰. In any case, you should not make the staircase cooler than at an angle of 45 degrees, otherwise it will be insecable will walk.

We define the length of Marsha

In the photo below, a method is clearly represented how to determine the length of the staircase march (Cut AB) using trigonometry laws: This segment will be equal to the amount of AC and CD segments erected in the square:

Calculate the number of steps

The number of steps determine, based on the standard generally accepted width values \u200b\u200band the height of the sticky:

  • width - from 25 to 39 cm;
  • comfortable height - 18 cm.

The number of steps can be determined very simple: divide the length of the stairs to the height of the step. For example, the length of the structure is 350 cm, the height of the step is 18 cm, then:

350: 18 \u003d 19 steps.

Making drawing

According to the calculations, now we can draw a sketch of the future construct from concrete. In this picture, you should specify all the measurements and the main dimensions of the filling staircase.

Based on the measurements and calculations made, draw the sketch of your concrete construction.

Installation instructions

Now we can proceed directly to the installation of the bay system from concrete. In order to make the stairs with their own hands, it is necessary to follow such a step-by-step instruction:

  • We collect formwork.
  • Install the reinforcement frame.
  • Fill the concrete mix into a formwork.
  • We are waiting for drying and produce finishing work.

Before starting work, determine its main stages and clearly follow them

Collect the formwork

Installation of the bottomwork bottoms can be carried out with the help of a plywood sheet. It is better to do this frame from waterproof plywood with a thickness of at least 15 mm.

After the bottom it is installed, from the boards and the same plywood you need to make the pallet side, attaching them with self-draws.

Installing fittings

When the pallet is ready, it is necessary to install the reinforcement frame. For this, a corrugated rod with a diameter of about 12 mm is used, the knitting of which is carried out by metal wire and crochet.

The frame is made double - 2 crates with a cell 200 × 200 or 200 × 150 mm are connected to each other on the sides and grabbing after 50-60 cm in the center.

Fill concrete

At this stage of installation, with their own hands, a concrete mixture is poured into the formwork, which can be made, based on the video below.

Start the fill is necessary from the lower steps, because The solution will crawl down from top to bottom. On the steps should be shovel, so that there are no emptiness in the monolith.

The steps must be to block the trowel, so that when frozen the surface was smooth.

Finishing work

After the mixture fully solidifies (it will take at least a few days), you can start working on the ladder finish. You can make it brick, separate with wood or stone.

Video: how to make a ladder from concrete with your own hands

The video below shows the process of manufacturing a concrete staircase with their own hands.

Any staircase whatever it is in design requires the costs of not only physical effort, but more of its time and nerves. It is much easier and more profitable to purchase an already ready-made staircase system manufactured by real professionals of your business.

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The magnificent model "Prestige" will profitably decorate your country house and emphasize his style, product cost 44 290 rubles

Magnificent stylish and modern stairs of any type and shape you can purchase in our online store "Ladders Master." At the same time, you will pleasantly surprise not only the excellent quality of products, but also the low economic price of products.

Ready staircase with steps from natural oak will cost you only in 75 136 rubles
Wonderful wooden design from the model range "Duet" with forged elements in the fence has the price 75 000 rubles

In private houses between the floors the most popular stairs made of wood or monolithic reinforced concrete. A comfortable and beautiful tree staircase is expensive pleasure. In a private house, it is cheaper to build a simpler and durable ladder from reinforced concrete.

Advantages and other features of a monolithic ladder from concrete

Monolithic ladders from concrete are quite heavy facilities. Therefore, such stairs are made in houses with monolithic, nationals or.

Concrete stairs are built during the construction of the box at home. They can be used by appointment immediately until the end of the construction of the house.

Concrete stairs have high rigidity and durability, do not creak and do not vibrate.

Reinforced concrete stairs due to simple design and massive steps are safer.

Finishing, facing of concrete stairs when repairing easy to restore, replace.

Of the concrete it is difficult to make stairs of a complex configuration or miniature.

Concrete ladder design options in a private house

The design of the concrete ladder should be developed before the start of construction of the house, as it is necessary to provide in the floors and masonry of the walls, mortgage anchors from reinforcement steel and other elements for fastening staircase marches and intermediate sites.

In the ceiling or carrier beam make rewards of reinforcement, which are associated with the fittings of the staircase march. The staircase from the monolithic reinforced concrete in a private house consists of staircase marches and an intermediate staircase between marchs.

The stair march is a reinforced concrete plate on which concrete steps are located.

The reinforcement frames of reinforced concrete floors, staircase marches and sites are associated with each other in a single design. Thanks to the joint work of reinforcement and monolithic concrete, the staircase has a very high rigidity and durability.

Staircase with Kosource from monolithic reinforced concrete. Kosur is located along the longitudinal axis of the staircase march.

Kosur here is a reinforced concrete beam with protrusions for supporting steps. Consoles are called steps whose ends are not supported.

Stairs on the rower can be made of wood or from a monolithic concrete. Wooden steps are attached to a platter using mortgage elements from metal.

The formwork of the monolithic staircase on the koster with steps from concrete. The reinforcement frame of the console steps from concrete is connected to the reinforcement of the Kourow.

Reinforced concrete stairs and stairs also, like staircase marches, can be installed or between inter-storey floors, or between overlapping and intermediate ladder.

Console steps made from reinforced concrete pinched in wall laying.

The staircase is called closed if the gaps between the steps are closed with risers. Without risers, this is an open staircase.

Concrete for reinforced concrete stairs

Concrete is used for the manufacture of reinforced concrete stairs, which has a compressive strength of at least 20 MPa (class B20). Freshled concrete in the formwork is necessarily thoroughly seal with vibration.

Stair marches and playgrounds happens favorable to make from architectural (decorative) concrete. The surface of the steps and sites of such a staircase will not require additional cladding or finishes. Manufacturing and laying of architectural concrete is better to order specialists.

Where in the house to locate the ladder from concrete

In order for the staircase to be comfortable, safe and quiet, it is necessary to successfully choose the location of its location in the house, to properly comply and determine the dimensions.

The modern architecture of a private house for the placement of the stairs usually does not provide for special isolated staircases. The stairs are installed openly and are part of the interior of the living room, hall or hallway.

It should be borne in mind that the staircase in the living room, as an interior element, makes higher requirements for appearance. The staircase in the living room should be more refined, and therefore more expensive than the staircase in the hallway, lobby or in an isolated staircase.

Compared to wooden, stairs from concrete look more hardly, they are easier in shape and do not fit the living room in the interior.

To accommodate the concrete staircase, the location is more suitable for the wall.

Concrete stairs that emphasize the interior of your home and will serve a long time, makes the company concrete - boutique!

How to choose the size of the stairs

Choosing a staircase

A comfortable and safe staircase should be quite common. Construction rules limit the stairs to the stairs in the house. The slope of the stairs should not be greater than 1: 1.25 (the ratio of the height of the staircase march to its horizontal projection). In the figure below such the limit of about 40 o has a staircase 1.

Two options of the stairs: staircase 1. - cool with the limit bias, provides minimum comfort and safety, but occupies the minimum area in the house; staircase 2. - Comfortable and safe staircase with a recommended slope.

So that the staircase in the house was comfortable enough and did not occupy too much space it is recommended to choose a slope of a staircase of about 30 o,what corresponds to the ratio of the height of the staircase march to its horizontal projection as 1: 1.75. Such a bias has a staircase 2 in the figure above.

Calculation of the size of the stairs

After determining the slope - height and horizontal projection of the staircase march, in the second stage, perform the calculation of the optimal dimensions of the stairs stairs.

The optimal dimensions of the stairs in the private house. For comfortable movement along the stairs steps, you must perform the condition specified in the green frame.

Construction rules require the height of the stairs to be within the limits h.=16-19 cm.

For example, perform the calculation of the size of the stairs 2 in the figure. Given the requirements of the rules, for further calculations we take the height of our stairs h.=17 cm.

Then, we find the number of steps in the staircase march. To do this, the height of the staircase is divided to the height of the stage. Number of steps in the staircase march: 272 cm / 17 cm \u003d 16 steps.

Construction rules limit the number of steps in one staircase march no more than 18 steps. If this restriction fails, you need to do two staircase march with an intermediate platform between them.

Knowing the number of steps look forward to the width of the staircase march. For this, the magnitude of the horizontal projection of the staircase is divided by the number of steps. For stairs 2 in the figure, the estimated level width will be equal to s. = 474 cm / 16 = 29 cm.

On the step width 29 cm. Human leg will feel confident and comfortable.

In conclusion, check whether it will be comfortable to move along the stairs. For this, we make a calculation according to the formula indicated in the figure in the green frame: 2H + S \u003d 60-65. For our ladder 2 * 17 cm+29cm=63 cm - The condition of comfortable movement is performed.

What should be the height of steps without finishing?

A comfortable staircase should have all the steps of the same height. The solution to which material is separated, it is best to take before the start of the staircase - this will avoid surprises in the form of a height difference between individual steps.

If the floor and sticking will be finished with the same material or materials with identical thickness, all steps without finishing must have the same height.

If the materials have different thickness, the height of the first stage in the open state should be selected to the thickness of the material, which will be covered with coming and floor on both floors. The thickness of the ceramic tile (along with the layer of glue) is approximately 2 cm, rolled material - about 0.5 cm, cladding from stone -3-4 cm, Wood - 4-5 cm.

Width of stair march

The width of the staircase march is the width of the passage between the railings of the stairs, and not the length of the stage. The length of the stage can be different, depending on the method of fastening the rail.

Construction rules require the width of the passage on the stairs to be at least 90 cm. For the purpose of comfort and convenience of moving furniture, the width of the passage is recommended to increase to 110 cm.

Svez steps

Steps on stairs are usually performed with a 2-3 skem cm, as in the figure above. Svez is necessary in order for the vertical surface under the step (risers) less contaminated and damaged.

On reinforced concrete stairs, which are facing with wood, the stages are arranged by increasing the width of the wooden coating.

On the stairs without facing with wood, the surface under the step (risers) is done not vertical, but inclined, so that the surface of the upper step is a little hung over the lower.

However, for stairs from concrete, the sink device is not necessary.

Decoration of monolithic concrete stairs

Reinforced concrete stairs look too massive, so require a creative approach to finishing.

On the reinforced concrete stairs, it is necessary to separate all parts of the stage:

  • horizontal planes, that is, sticking;
  • vertical - risers;
  • as well as plinths - the walls of the walls, located directly above the steps.

The sticky is covered with not slippery and resistant to abrasion material, at the same time, the risers, about which we most often hide my shoes, should be resistant to shocks.

How to choose a finish material?

The choice of material is influenced by the place in which there is a staircase, and the method of floor finish on both floors. It is also worth asking for some more important issues.

What form does a staircase march? Straight marches can be covered with almost any finishing material. For running steps, it is better not to choose the materials that will have to be cut on the place (ceramic tiles, stone cladding), - the steps will look not too aesthetic, and the material consumption will be excessively large.

Who will use the stairs? In a house where there are small children or the elderly, the staircase must be covered with a material that perfectly depreciated the falls. If children often play on the steps, the facing material should also be warm (wood, carpet).

Should the staircase be quiet?

Various finishing materials are absorbed in different ways, which can affect the comfort of the ladder.

Carpeted and wood absorb sounds well, while stone and ceramic tiles sometimes increase the noise of steps.

Will the staircase be damaged?

If the home improvement is not yet completed, it is necessary to take into account that when transferring furniture to furniture, the staircase may be damaged. In this case, it is not necessary to choose soft wood varieties or carpet covers that are subject to damage.

Staircase staircase

Another inexpensive and unearmable way of finishing steps is to cover them with soft material. The staircase with elastic veneer is easy to contain clean, and the carpet is warm and absorbs well.

The finishing material must be carefully glued to the steps: in case of peeing any fragments, the threat arises to stumble and fall.

Rolled material is thin and elastic. It can be put, without cutting, but the risers trimmed in this way the stairs should be protected by a special metal profile or composite.

If it is solid cladding, then it will have to be cut, with each stage should be laid separately.

What roll coating is suitable for the stairs?

Carpet should be easily clean and quickly dry: such conditions correspond to polypropylene and polyamide coatings. Do not choose coatings with a long pile or on thick lining, for example from felt.

Woolen coatings are not suitable for stairs, as they are easily polluted and difficult to clean them. It is also better not to choose acrylic -oni -oniy have low strength.

Carpets designed for stairs are additionally strengthened. It is better to choose those of them that are marked with a special pictogram.

Elastic coatings should be resistant to erasing, non-slip and well-flame. Such requirements correspond to rubber coating. At the same time, it is better not to use a vinyl coating, because it is unstable to the appearance of a dentin, and the shoe cream can be left on it a difficult footprint.

Wood - for home with soul

Wooden staircase causes association with the interiors of old houses. Thanks to the set of benefits, the owners of modern interiors are valued.

Wood - warm to the touch, and the room it visually makes warmer. It is a spring material, well depreciates drops. Wood is eagerly used due to its plasticity and ease in processing: it can be accommodated for steps of any form.

Many people choose this material because of its natural color and pattern of layers. But the staircase from the wood can also be painted or covered with Bez, thus giving it a completely different look.

Great opportunities opens up the use of exotic wood, characterized by a rich palette of colors: from white - through yellow, red, brown, olive, green - to deep black.

Often, it is often performed from the wood only a sticky, and the risers leave in the plaster, painted in white. Such a staircase is made not only for considerations of savings - it looks easy and less monotonous.

But it should be remembered that white risers are very quickly dirty, the plaster can disappear, and the surface, painted paint, is not so easy to launder. To avoid this, the risers need to be stunned by a solid cement mortar.

Other materials can also be used for finishing the risers: plaster based on resins, ceramic tiles and even steel sheet.

The risers are decorated with mosaic plaster. On her background, shructures of light oak are expressively stand out

For recompuling, an oak board is used, and the day of risers is a stone or ceramic tile.

Dark wooden lining protect the surface of the projected and upper part of the riser

The staircase with direct march can be separated by almost any material. In this case, dark wood contrasting with the color of the walls is applied.

Due to the risers painted in white, the staircase with wooden steps seems easier

Ceramic tile - for practical

It is so diverse that allows you to equip the staircase for any interior. A richly decorated tile in southern style will create a climate of the Greek tavern, imitating the old stones of the floor tile - rural house, and sparkling polished porcelain stoneware - modern residence.

Is this a good staircase from a practical point of view? Cold tile, hard and does not depreciate the falls. At the same time, it is easy to keep clean, it is cheaper than stone, and much longer than wood. It does not burn - in case of fire, it does not contribute to the spread of fire between the floors.

However, if all the elements of the staircase are lined with tiles, it will look too monotonous. Interesting effects give a combination of ceramic tiles with other materials, such as wood.

What tile is suitable for the stairs?

For stairs, a tile, which has certain parameters, is suitable: it should have a high class of erasing, best of all IV or V, the hardness of at least 5-6 on the MOOS scale and anti-slip properties.

Such high demands are imposed only to the commepts - the risers may have lower technical parameters.

The surface of the tiles intended for coming should be corrugated (riflations are convex or concave elements on the surface of the tile) or relief (relief - convexity on the entire surface of the tile).

The staircase can also be bled by matte tiles with an uneven, rough structure.

For the inner staircase, we use tiles for the floor, gres and clinker.

Mosaic ceramic tile is used for steps and risers, as well as for flooring of the staircase

For decoration of the stairs, a ceramic tile of various colors, resembling a multi-colored carpet path, is used.

Decoration of monolithic concrete staircase with porcelain stoneware

Steps for stairs from porcelain stoneware are plates specially designed to decorate the steps of concrete stairs. Porcelain stove plate has dimensions 300 - 350 mm. width and 1200-1300 mm. in length.

Steps from porcelain stoneware can be with anti-slip shells or without them.

Plates of porcelain stoneware can be bred both sticky and risers.

Plates from porcelain stoneware under the tree, under marble, under a natural stone, as well as the steps of clean colors (monocolors) and many others.

The steps are straightforward shapes with the processed front edge, as well as with a curved "nose" - in this case the choice depends on what appearance you want to give the concrete staircase.

Steps made of porcelain stoneware are very durable, do not let moisture, are not subject to chemical effects, do not fade from sunlight, are environmentally safe and do not require replacement for a long time. This is one of the best options for price-quality ratio for concrete stairs.

Steps from porcelain stoneware as material for finishing the inter-storey stairs are distinguished by a large variety. Depending on your preferences, you can choose for a concrete staircase as a finish of matte, laptic, embossed or polished steps.

You can finish with a stoneward in a single style as the most concrete staircase and the entire parking space.

Modern private houses with a rare exception are built in two or three floors. Accordingly, the private house is equipped with two or three staircases - the inlet staircase and one or two inter-storey structures.

The best, simple, inexpensive and at the same time a durable option is a staircase made of concrete, which can be made on your own without the involvement of expensive wage.

Stages of construction

In general, work on the construction of a concrete ladder consists of the following main stages:

  • Determination of the type of stairs: Single-hour, two marching, screw.
  • Design calculation: quantity and dimensions of steps, width and length of the structure.
  • Production and assembly of formwork.
  • Installation of reinforcement belt.
  • Pouring concrete.
  • Dismantling formwork.
  • The decoration of the ladder from concrete with wood, artistic forging, ceramic tiles, mosaic or other available materials.

Two Marsh and Screw Staircase from Concrete is a fairly complicated project in realization. The spans of two march stairs are built at an angle of 90 degrees, with an intermediate platform, run-down steps and other features.

The spiral staircase requires a complex special calculation of the spiral line and the subsequent manufacture and proper installation of the curvilinear formwork. Therefore, the construction of stairs of these types is better to trust experienced professional builders. Within the framework of this article, the option will be considered - the single-meadow staircase from concrete to the second floor, which can be made with your own hands without having experience and special education.

Calculation of the design of one-time staircase made of concrete

The angle of inclination of the march and the dimensions of the steps should be determined in each case depending on the size of the room. Standard, frequently used tilt angles: 25, 35 and 45 degrees. The most preferred option is the angle of inclination of the march - 45 degrees. In this case, the staircase in the house from concrete is not only safe and convenient for lifting, but also optimal on the cost of building materials.

Having determined the height and angle of inclination of the march, determine the height and width of the steps. Optimum option: The height of the riser is 160-200 mm, the width of the nuts 270-300 mm. The march width is also accepted individually in each case.

If the staircase is located between the two walls, the design width is taken distance between the walls. If the march on one side adjoins the wall, and the other side "hangs" in the air, the minimum width of the structure is 800-900 millimeters.

It is highly desirable to create a drawing or sketch of the future staircase, for the correct calculation and installation of layout parts.

Important moment! Taking one or another height of the stage, do not forget about the possible finish, the thickness of which can significantly change this size. For example, the decoration by wood will raise the height of the step at least 20-25 millimeters.

Formwork for ladder from concrete

The assembly and installation is a very important stage of construction, on which the durability of the staircase depends. Even a small lack and hope of Russian "Avos" can lead to the destruction of the formwork during the fill or hardening concrete with all the ensuing consequences. In general, the following materials will be required to assemble the formwork:

  • Waterproof plywood with a thickness of 12-18 millimeters, or a edged planed board with a thickness of 25-30 millimeters per shields for the formation of opponse, side and lower part of the structure.
  • Bar 100x100 millimeters to touch the lower shields (bottom) formwork and compounds of plywood sheets or boards.
  • Steel corner and tapping screws with a diameter of 3.5-4.5 mm for assembling shields.

Formwork surfaces facing concrete should be perfectly smooth. You can get the desired result in several ways: grinding, upholstery with polyethylene film or using laminated plywood.

In general, the formwork assembly technology consists of the following steps:

  • Installation of the bottom made from shields collected from sheets of plywood or boards. A combined option is possible: plywood + boards. The lower part is placed at the estimated angle of inclination on the retaining bars. The step and number of bars coincides with the step and number of steps. The fastening of the formwork elements is performed using selflessness, and not traditional nails. After soaring the concrete, disassemble the formwork, assembled on self-drawing will be much easier than the design collected on nails.
  • The next step is to install the side part (in case one side of the staircase adjoins the wall) or two parts, if one side of the staircase is "hanging in the air". Side parts are assembled from plywood or boards, and from the outside reinforce the belt from the bar.
  • Formation of risers. In accordance with the calculated quantity and dimensions of the risers, they are formed by boards or plywood fixed to the side parts or wall using steel corners.
  • Walking step. In order for the staircase of the filler from concrete to separate with one or another material, all the joints facing concrete should be carefully cleaned and smoothed with a corner-glare machine and grinding with cement-sandy solution. The formwork is ready to install the reinforcing belt.

Installing and knitting reinforcing belt

So that the staircase from concrete in the private house was durable and durable, its design should be strengthened. In this case, the monolithic durable concrete is obtained, which will serve as much as the building is just like.

The span in several steps can be strengthened with a mesh from the reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 millimeters laid along the bottom of the formwork at a height of at least 20-30 mm from the formwork surface to be converted to concrete.

To exhibit a gap of 20-30 mm use pieces of bricks or special plastic coasters. The longitudinal and transverse rods step takes such a cell 50x50 millimeters. The reinforcement is associated with a single soft steel or copper "knitting" wire with a diameter of 0.7 to 1 millimeter.

For the reinforcement of large-scale stairs, several longitudinal and vertical reinforcing grids are used, which are necessary to attach to the wall in one way or another. For example, with the help of twisted holes in which the pins of the corresponding diameter are dripped.

Pouring stairs made of concrete

For filling the design, heavy concrete M200 brand is used. Concrete prepare either independently according to the following recipe - 1 kg of cement CEM I 32.5N PC (M400), 2.8 kg of sainted washed career sand, 4.4 kg of granite rubble with particle fractions at least 10-20 mm, 10 milliliters of liquid soap (Plasticizer), water 0.7 liters, or place an order for ready-made material, contacting the nearest concrete plant. The first option has twice as smaller cost, and the second option is better quality components and more prompt construction time. Stages of fill:

  • Fill the formwork concrete starts with lower steps. Initially, 2-3 steps are filled, after which the concrete tram is a uniform pinch of a piece of reinforcement throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe flooded design.
  • With the help of a trowel and a spatula, they give steps the final kind - they burn the plane of coming, achieving horizontality.
  • Poured the entire design, after which it produces a rambling and burning projected as in the previous case.
  • The resulting structure is thoroughly covered with a plastic film by 5-7 days. In the hot time, the film is wetted several times a day with water.

Dismantling formwork

With this stage of construction, it is not worth a hurry. After 5-7 days, side panels and formwork of risers are carefully removed. If concrete is still very wet and "alive", dismantling work should be stopped and waited for a few more days.

The best option is to wait from 20 to 28 days (if the surrounding air temperature is located, within 20 to 25 degrees Celsius and above). This is the estimated period of time for which concrete is gaining 70-80% of the vintage strength.

Concrete stairs

immediately after removing the formwork, all the surfaces of the stairs are carefully cleaned with corner grinders, equipped with a corresponding tool: BaumesSer Beton diamond cutters, diamond discs for Long concrete grinding, a diamond disk for grinding Bosch concrete and another similar tool.

Next, it all depends on the imagination and personal preferences of the developer. To finish the surface of the stairs, you can use: a tree of valuable breeds, porcelain stoneware, ceramic floor tiles, or natural stone. Side surface and bottom can be simply plastered and covered with water-free paint.

The readers of the article may be interested in the question of how the entrance staircase in the house from concrete is erected. Street staircase from concrete is calculated and built , almost analogous to the stairs to the second floor inside the house. The difference of technology is the absence of the lower sign of the span and the need to build the foundation, the depth of the corresponding depth of the foundation of the house.

Now, knowing how to make a staircase from concrete with your own hands, you can make her calculation, purchase the necessary building materials and build this construction without attracting expertly experts.