Strawberries are fading and need to be fed. How to fertilize strawberries in spring, summer and autumn

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Timely application of fertilizers is one of the conditions for obtaining a rich harvest. The bush directs nutrients to the formation of flower stalks and the subsequent ripening of berries. Proper feeding of the crop during the budding period increases the yield, significantly improves the quality of the fruit.

Trace elements for strawberries during flowering

For the formation of tasty and nutritious fruits, the plant requires a lot of valuable substances. How to feed strawberries during flowering? Potassium compounds increase the safety of the crop. The sugar level in a ripe berry also increases with such feeding. Potassium starvation causes wilting of young leaves or death of shoots at the end of the season. What is the best fertilizer for strawberries? A good source of trace elements is urea. The shoots can be fed with diluted chicken manure, potassium nitrate or ash.

Nitrogen promotes abundant flowering. The lack of a substance leads to pallor of the leaves, chopping of the fruit, deterioration in the taste of the berries. How to fertilize strawberries? You can feed the bushes with nitrogen-containing compounds: ammonium sulfate, calcium nitrate. In addition, the culture during the formation of the first ovaries needs phosphorus and magnesium. Bushes can be fed with ready-made preparations containing a complex of valuable substances, for example, azophos. The use of natural compounds is desirable for those who want to grow a berry without chemicals.

How to feed strawberries during flowering? You can use drugs:

  • Azofoska is a universal remedy used for any soil.
  • Potassium monophosphate is a fast-dissolving, easily digestible top dressing carried out together with watering.
  • Ammofoska is an effective complex remedy that does not contain sodium, chlorine and other harmful components.
  • Kemira Lux - granules based on nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. The drug is added to the soil in a dry form.
  • Ryazanochka is a complex of microelements intended for dissolution in water.

Feeding strawberries according to folk recipes

Nutritional formulations natural origin environmentally friendly, effective, cheaper than industrial preparations. What is useful to feed strawberries during flowering? Wood ash, yeast solution are favorable for bushes. Berry culture likes spraying with infusions of nettle, mullein, chicken manure. Useful processing of fermented milk products. Top dressing according to folk recipes enriches the culture with the necessary trace elements, eliminates the need to apply chemicals.

Feeding strawberries during flowering with ash

Wood ash is an excellent potash fertilizer. A glass of substance is required per square meter of beds. How to feed strawberries? The substance can be applied dry, when loosening the soil. Effective watering with an ash solution at the very root. So the right trace elements are delivered exactly to the address. Procedure:

  1. Pour the ashes hot water in the proportions of a glass of substance per liter.
  2. Let the mixture cool down.
  3. Strain the ash solution.
  4. Water the bushes under the root.

Timely application of fertilizers is one of the conditions for obtaining a rich harvest. The bush directs nutrients to the formation of flower stalks and the subsequent ripening of berries. Proper feeding of the crop during the budding period increases the yield, significantly improves the quality of the fruit.

For the formation of tasty and nutritious fruits, the plant requires a lot of valuable substances. How to feed strawberries during flowering? Potassium compounds increase the safety of the crop. The sugar level in a ripe berry also increases with such feeding. Potassium starvation causes wilting of young leaves or death of shoots at the end of the season. What is the best fertilizer for strawberries? A good source of trace elements is urea. The shoots can be fed with diluted chicken manure, potassium nitrate or ash.

Nitrogen promotes abundant flowering. The lack of a substance leads to pallor of the leaves, chopping of the fruit, deterioration in the taste of the berries. How to fertilize strawberries? You can feed the bushes with nitrogen-containing compounds: ammonium sulfate, calcium nitrate. In addition, the culture during the formation of the first ovaries needs phosphorus and magnesium. Bushes can be fed with ready-made preparations containing a complex of valuable substances, for example, azophos. The use of natural compounds is desirable for those who want to grow a berry without chemicals.

How to feed strawberries during flowering? You can use drugs:

  • Azofoska is a universal remedy used for any soil.
  • Potassium monophosphate is a fast-dissolving, easily digestible top dressing carried out together with watering.
  • Ammofoska is an effective complex remedy that does not contain sodium, chlorine and other harmful components.
  • Kemira Lux - granules based on nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. The drug is added to the soil in a dry form.
  • Ryazanochka is a complex of microelements intended for dissolution in water.

Feeding strawberries according to folk recipes

Nutrient formulations of natural origin are environmentally friendly, effective, and cheaper than industrial preparations. What is useful to feed strawberries during flowering? Wood ash, yeast solution are favorable for bushes. Berry culture likes spraying with infusions of nettle, mullein, chicken manure. Useful processing of fermented milk products. Feeding according to folk recipes enriches the culture with the necessary microelements, eliminates the need to use chemicals.

Wood ash is an excellent potash fertilizer. A glass of substance is required per square meter of beds. How to feed strawberries? The substance can be applied dry, when loosening the soil. Effective watering with an ash solution at the very root. So the right trace elements are delivered exactly to the address. Procedure:

  1. Fill the ash with hot water in the proportions of a glass of substance per liter.
  2. Let the mixture cool down.
  3. Strain the ash solution.
  4. Water the bushes under the root.

How to feed strawberries with yeast

It is useful to fertilize the shoots with a solution made from yeast. It is recommended to feed the berry crop twice per season. How to fertilize strawberries during flowering? Procedure:

  1. Dilute 1 kg of fresh pressed yeast with 5 liters of water.
  2. Let the solution stand before feeding the strawberries.
  3. Take 0.5 liters of the composition, dilute it in a bucket of water.
  4. Water the plants at the rate of half a liter per bush.

Another way is to use quick dry yeast to prepare the composition. Your actions:

  1. Mix a bag of instant yeast with 2 large spoons of sugar.
  2. Add a small amount of warm water.
  3. Let the mixture stand.
  4. Dissolve the yeast in a bucket of water, leave for a couple of hours.
  5. Water the berry, adding half a liter of fertilizer per watering can

Video: feeding strawberries in spring during flowering


Natalia, 47 years old

We have been using azofoska for several years. I like the fact that the fertilizer is universal, suitable for all plants. Top dressing can be applied dry, when digging the soil or with dissolved water. I spray bushes with this remedy during the flowering period. The shoots come to life before our eyes, start growing, I get a rich harvest. The ingredients are inexpensive.

Tamara, 52 years old

I have been spraying the berry with nettle infusion for the fourth year. The bushes grow well, the harvest is as in the photo in the magazine. I put the branches in a barrel, fill them with water. I water the bushes with infusion after several days of fermentation. It turns out a natural nutritional composition that cares for flowering plants. A liter of liquid is spent on one bush.

Nikolai, 42 years old

We use the usual urea to fertilize the berries during the flowering period. We do top dressing when the plant is preparing for fruiting, increasing its green mass. We dissolve 10 g of urea in two liters of water, spray the plants during flowering. It is important to carefully observe the dosage so as not to burn the plants.

Lydia, 38 years old

When flowering begins, I spray the berries with chicken droppings. I do this carefully, the litter should be overripe or well defended. It is important to properly dilute the fertilizer for spraying, otherwise you can burn the greens completely. Chicken manure consists of the same as other manure, only the concentration is higher.

Strawberries are everyone's favorite berry and an extremely common agricultural crop, which is grown with pleasure by summer residents in garden plots. But it is impossible to consistently obtain large yields without caring for plantings.

Not the last place in the list of necessary procedures is top dressing. It is especially important during flowering so that the plant can tie maximum amount fruits that will then ripen and not fall off due to lack nutrients. But inept feeding at this time can only do harm. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how and with what to feed strawberries during flowering.

Root top dressing

This method is used most often, since it takes much less time and effort to water the plants than to spray each leaf. In addition, the necessary ingredients are always at hand for any self-respecting summer resident.

How to feed strawberries before flowering? Like other plants, it needs nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for intensive formation of new leaves and ovaries.

Use the following formulations:

foliar top dressing

Foliar feeding of strawberries during flowering is a leaf treatment. More abundantly should be moistened or sprayed on the underside of the leaf, since it is she who is responsible for absorption. needed by the plant substances. The solution is prepared as follows:

  • The finished complex fertilizer is diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions. Specially created for strawberries "Hera", "Zdraven", "Rubin", "Agros". Carefully follow the instructions for dosage, otherwise you will simply burn the leaves of the plant.
  • Two grams of potassium sulfate and potassium permanganate, one gram of boric acid powder are dissolved in a liter of water.
  • A solution of zinc sulfate (two grams per liter of water). After two or three days - treatment with a solution of boric acid powder (one gram per liter of water).
  • Potassium nitrate (a teaspoon without a slide for five liters of water).

Another option for foliar top dressing is to scatter the useful substance on the surface of the soil, after loosening it well. Wood ash is best. One square meter will require about a glass.

Yeast nutrition

The use of yeast to feed strawberries during flowering has been proven in practice. Although this method has been used relatively recently, it convincingly proves that the expression "grows by leaps and bounds" has a basis.

One plant will require half a liter of freshly prepared solution. There is no need to dilute it with water afterwards. Prepare it like this:

  • Fresh pressed yeast (1 kg) is cut into small pieces, put in a five-liter bucket of warm water, mixed thoroughly and left for three to four hours in a warm place, shaking occasionally. If during this time the yeast has not completely dissolved, the infusion is filtered before use.
  • A bag of "fast" dry yeast in the form of a powder (ten grams) and two tablespoons of sugar with a slide are poured into a glass hot water. Then you need to stir vigorously until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. This infusion is poured into a ten-liter bucket and cleaned in heat for two to three hours. a glass of hot water 10 gr dry yeast 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

Natural organic fertilizers

To date, on the shelves of the respective stores in the widest range are a variety of means for feeding any crops, including strawberries.

But some gardeners fundamentally do not use them, not wanting to pollute the soil and berries with chemicals. Instead, they use natural organics to fertilize strawberries, including during the flowering period. One can agree with their position, since chemicals regularly applied, especially uncontrolled and / or with excess dosage, destroy beneficial microflora and insects, degrade the quality of the soil, depleting it.

Self-prepared fertilizers are not only safe from an environmental point of view, but will also allow you to save a lot. The main ingredients are more than available.

The following absolutely natural remedies have proved their effectiveness in most cases:

Feeding strawberries during flowering is very important for the future harvest. Both chemical and self-prepared organic fertilizers have their advantages and disadvantages. But whatever method you use, don't overdo it. Otherwise, there is a very real opportunity to disrupt the natural acid-base balance of the soil. Then you will have to deal not with a deficiency, but with an excess of certain trace elements, which is a much more serious problem.

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Feeding strawberries during flowering

You can get a high-quality harvest of any crop only by observing certain requirements of agricultural technology. The garden strawberry is no exception.

To feast on fragrant and tasty berries, you need to make an effort. Strawberries are responsive to care, gardeners note high yields with rhythmic observance of the rules of care. One of the important points is top dressing. Today we will consider the types of dressings for garden strawberries during the flowering period. It is this time of life of strawberry bushes that many gardeners drop out of the nutrition schedule.

There is an erroneous opinion that if the strawberry bushes have bloomed, now the plant can handle itself. And all further care consists in watering, weeding, removing excess whiskers and loosening. Feeding strawberry ridges is carried out at the beginning of the growing season and in the autumn to prepare the bushes for wintering.

But the plant needs nutrients and minerals throughout the entire period of its life. The soil reserves of these substances are insufficient for perennial cultivation strawberries in one place. And at the time of flowering and fruit formation, the bushes will need additional components. However, some gardeners are wondering if it is possible to fertilize when strawberries bloom? Will there be any harm to the berries from additional dressings, because they absorb all the fertilizers applied to the garden?

Fertilizing strawberries during flowering is a must. It allows you to significantly increase the yield and improve the quality of berries. They become larger, juicy and fragrant. It is these qualities that are valued by gardeners in varietal strawberries.

Bushes need to be fed during the flowering period:

  • only planted;
  • already fruitful.

The main stages of feeding strawberries:

  • at the beginning of the vegetative process;
  • at the time of flowering;
  • after the end of fruiting.

What is the importance of fertilizing strawberry bushes at the time of flowering? It provides several important options:

  1. Strawberries will recover well after winter period.
  2. There will be more peduncles and ovaries on the bushes, because the plant has enough strength for this.
  3. All set fruits will not fall off, because the bushes will have enough nutrients for their development.

We understand the importance of the procedure, now it remains to figure out how to feed the strawberries during flowering.

We choose compositions for dressing strawberries during flowering

The method and type of feeding should be determined depending on the composition of the soil on the strawberry ridges. Most often, farmers feed the bushes with mineral fertilizer compositions, which are easily absorbed by the root system of the plant. But there are also folk methods - wood ash, chicken manure, boric acid or yeast. At this stage, strawberries need potassium, so the choice of fertilizers is based on the presence of the desired element in them.

There are only two main types of top dressing - root and foliar. Consider each type of feeding in more detail. But first, let's find out what are general rules feeding culture at the time of flowering. Usually this time falls on May - early June. Before starting the spring procedure, you need to make some preparations:

  • we clean the bushes from dried parts;
  • remove the layer of mulch around the plant, if any;
  • remove weeds;
  • loosen the soil (for root application of components).

This is necessary to free the roots of the plant in order to improve the access of light and air to them, to increase the number of ovaries on the strawberry bushes.

Root fertilization

This is a convenient way to feed strawberry bushes, which is familiar to every gardener. The nutrient solution is applied to the soil to the right substances passed through the root system to all parts of the plant.

We feed the bushes carefully. It is necessary to ensure that the composition does not fall on the leaves, but is evenly applied to the soil. For this purpose it is good to use:

  1. Potassium nitrate. To prepare a feeding solution, one teaspoon of the substance per bucket is enough. clean water. One bush will require 0.5 liters of the finished composition.
  2. The drug "Ovary". Preparation of the solution is carried out strictly according to the instructions attached to the preparation. Overdose is not allowed.
  3. Yeast. Growers use fresh and dry yeast to feed strawberries at the time of flowering. The consumption of the nutrient composition is 5 liters per 10 bushes of garden strawberries. Preparation of a solution from fresh - 1 kg of yeast per 5 liters of pure water. Then the resulting mixture is again diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Water strawberry bushes with ready-made fertilizer. One sachet of dry yeast is enough to make a sourdough starter. Let's add sugar warm water and let it brew for 2 hours. Then pour 0.5 liters of sourdough into a watering can and feed the berries.
  4. Bread (wheat or rye). Able to replace the yeast composition completely. Dried pieces of bread are poured with water and left to ferment. This may take 6 to 10 days. As soon as the composition "ferments", it is squeezed out or filtered. Then bred clean water in a ratio of 1:10 and water the strawberry bushes. Consumption per plant - 0.5 liters of infusion.
  5. Wood ash. Great natural remedy. It is very popular with gardeners. Pour a glass of substance with 1 liter of boiling water, stir and let cool. Then strain and use 0.5 liters of infusion to feed one bush garden strawberries at the time of flowering.
  6. Mullein (infusion). Take 2.5 kg of manure and pour 10 liters of water, insist for 24 hours. Then mix the infusion and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:20. In order to get rid of bad smell, experienced gardeners it is recommended to immediately add Baikal humate to the composition (before insisting). For one strawberry bush you will need 0.5 liters of top dressing.
Important! Very carefully bring the mullein infusion under the bushes so as not to burn the plant.

Foliar application

This method consists in irrigating strawberry bushes with nutrient compounds.

Useful substances are absorbed by the leaf mass, especially their bottom. This must be taken into account when spraying plants. Foliar nutrition is carried out during the period of mass appearance of flowers on strawberries. For this, gardeners often use:

  1. Ready-made compositions of mineral fertilizers. The Rubin, Hera, and Agros preparations have proven themselves excellently for fertilizing strawberries at the time of flowering. How to prepare the solution is detailed on the package, follow the recommended dosages.
  2. Zinc sulphate. Preparing a 0.02% solution for spraying strawberries.
  3. Potassium nitrate is also suitable for foliar spraying. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of the drug for 5 liters of water and process the strawberry bushes.
  4. Yeast. The recipe for preparing the solution is the same as for root application.
  5. Infusion of fresh nettle. Finely chop the grass, put it in a bucket and pour hot water (50 ° C). Insist during the day, then diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and carry out foliar top dressing of strawberries at the time of flowering.
  6. Boric acid (pharmaceutical drug). A small pinch of powder is enough for a bucket of water. Stir the mixture and sprinkle over the strawberries.
  7. Dairy products (kefir, whey). They bring not only nutritional benefits, but also contribute to the acidification of the soil. This is important for gardeners who have alkaline soil in their area. The second advantage of such top dressing is that ticks and aphids “do not like” it. Products are diluted with water (1: 1) and strawberries are fed. The composition also has a drawback. It cannot provide adequate nutrition to strawberries during their flowering period. Therefore, you will have to add treatment with infusion of nettle, mullein or bird droppings.
  8. Complex composition. For this top dressing, you will need several components. They are bred in 10 liters of water and foliar spraying is carried out. You need to take 2 grams of potassium sulfate and potassium permanganate, 1 gram of boric acid and a bag of any complex fertilizer for garden strawberries.

Of course, natural ingredients are very popular.

They are affordable, easy to make yourself, and such solutions are environmentally friendly.

Top dressing at the time of flowering, do one of the ways and the selected composition. Find the best one for your area. All recipes are given for selection and not for simultaneous use.

Apply organic fertilizers only in a diluted state. Strawberries love to feed with natural organics, but an overdose will lead to sad consequences.

At the time of root feeding, the soil should be moist. It is best if you feed the strawberries after the next watering or rain.

Foliar application is done in dry sunny weather, but not on a hot afternoon.

Any top dressing will not bring stress to the plant if you do it in the evening or early in the morning before the onset of heat.

Standard dosages are designed for sandy loam and light loamy soil. Conduct a soil analysis of your site to select the most suitable top dressing for strawberries at the time of flowering.

Properly performing feeding, you will significantly improve the condition of strawberry bushes and the yield. Help the berries become more beautiful, tastier and more fragrant. This result will cover all the time spent.


Feeding garden strawberries at the time of flowering is an important measure to increase the yield.

But be sure to follow the rules for feeding, so as not to harm the plants.

The most basic rule is reasonable expediency. Do not be zealous and increase the proportions or number of strawberry dressings during the flowering period. One procedure is enough at the time of the appearance of peduncles. Otherwise, you can disturb the natural acid-base balance of the soil, which will affect the development of strawberries. An overdose of nutrients is better to prevent than to cope with it.

How are strawberries fed during flowering and fruiting?

Many lovers of growing vegetables and fruits at home know that feeding strawberries during flowering and fruiting is a must. It is in this way that it is possible to increase the yield of the plant and make the fruits larger and juicier. For this reason, many gardeners are interested in the question of how to feed the plant while the strawberries are in bloom. In order to find out how you can feed strawberries during flowering, it is recommended to consult with a specialist in the field of agronomy or read the advice of professionals from special literature.

It is known that spring is considered the most difficult period for caring for berries. Exactly spring care affects future harvest more than all the rest. In addition, if you know how to feed strawberries during flowering, you can get an excellent harvest during the fruiting period, and in summer there will be much less work.

What do you need to pay attention to?

The most basic task of feeding strawberries during flowering is the restoration of bushes after wintering. For feeding are used various methods and the necessary substances are applied. Used:

  • method of fertilizing strawberries with yeast during flowering;
  • method of feeding strawberries during flowering with ash;
  • feeding can be carried out in various mineral fertilizers.

The choice of the method and type of feeding depends on what is the best way to feed the strawberries during flowering, and on the composition of the soil in the place where the berries are planted. Before fertilizing, all already thawed bushes should be cleaned of dried leaves. It is also necessary to remove upper layer land with which the berry was mulched in autumn. At this time, it is very important to organize good access of sunlight to the root system of plants.

We must not forget that during the fruiting period, strawberries should be looked after in a special way. To do this, you should learn in advance about all the rules and recommendations that experts give. If you stick to them, then the harvest will be good and tasty.

  1. After the loosening of the earth has been carried out, the plants must be sprinkled with sawdust or fine straw. You can also use peat crumbs or the most common humus. At the same time, fertilizing the berries with special nitrogen fertilizers should be carried out.
  2. After the first leaves begin to hatch, a special solution of mullein should be added under each plant, to which ammonium sulfate is added.
  3. At the very beginning of May, you should feed the plant with mineral fertilizers.
  4. To avoid the appearance of various diseases, the plant should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

We must not forget that the plant must be irrigated with warm water at least once a week. It is best to do this in the morning. Until the berry blooms, rain watering is allowed; after flowering, it is better to water under the root.

How to care for strawberries in the spring?

AT spring period it is especially important to properly care for the plant. It is during this period that flowering occurs, which requires a more thorough approach to care, which is as follows:

  • in regular weeding berries;
  • in watering 1 time per week;
  • inspecting plants for the appearance of pests and diseases;
  • in adding sawdust or straw after the fruit ripens to prevent rotting;
  • in regular feeding of strawberries before flowering, during flowering and fruiting with a solution of nitrophoska and potassium sulfate, yeast feeding and ash feeding.

After we have decided on what exactly you can feed flowering strawberries in the spring, you should remember how to care for it during the rainy season. For example, if it rains heavily, then the plant needs to be covered with a film, this will help protect it from waterlogging. If this is not done, then the strawberries may start to hurt or the fruits will be too watery.

All features of care in the autumn period

After the antennae are trimmed, the strawberries should be treated with a special preparation. It will protect the plant from weeds and various kinds of diseases. We should not forget that during this period you will have to re-mulch the earth. This can be done with sawdust or peat, while the layer must be at least 5 cm.

The only thing to remember is that the bedding must be done very carefully, do not completely fill the bushes. It must be remembered that in the spring this mound will have to be removed so that the first rays of the sun can warm up the root system of the plant.

As for the solutions used to feed the plant, it must be borne in mind that there is a certain proportion that must be observed. You should also make sure that all the ingredients are selected correctly. Feeding strawberries after flowering requires an even more thorough approach.

If a we are talking about remontant strawberries, then it needs to be fed at least 3 times a year. While the growth of the leaves is not very rapid, the plant can be fed with the help of specially prepared products.

Many gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to feed strawberries during fruiting. It should be noted that this is allowed to be done, only the proportions should be correctly observed.

How and what to feed the bushes?

During the period when the plant is just planted, it is watered with a solution of mullein, which is diluted in 5 liters of water. To prepare the solution, approximately one 1 liter is used. mullein. It should be borne in mind that no more than 1 liter can be poured under each bush. such a mixture.

But that's not all. You can fertilize the plant with nettles. Preparing this mixture is quite simple, it requires one bucket of a freshly picked plant, it is poured with warm water and infused for about 3 days. By the way, this infusion is allowed to water the plants even before the start of its flowering.

There is another very effective remedy that is used before the plant begins to bloom - this is nitrophoska, potassium sulfate and water. The proportions are:

  • 10 l. water;
  • 2 tbsp nitrophoska;
  • 1 tsp potassium sulfate.

It is important to remember that it is best to fertilize in the spring. Usually, this is done along with the removal of old mustaches.

What is allowed to do when the fruits are formed?

Feeding strawberries during flowering should be done very carefully. But it should be borne in mind that the plant needs a large amount of potassium. It is because of this that they use an infusion of chicken manure, as well as ash and potassium nitrate.

Even in the process of flowering, and also after the first fruits begin to ripen, you can use a solution of zinc sulfate.

In general, caring for strawberries during fruiting consists of several stages. Among them, not only watering and fertilizing with fertilizer, but also the correct trimming of the antennae and dry leaves. It should also be remembered that re-feeding of plants must be performed after harvesting the main crop.

For top dressing, you can use special mixtures designed specifically for fertilizing the soil under strawberries.

Basic rules for plant care

As mentioned above, there are basic rules for caring for a plant. They include the following steps:

  • at least 3 times a year you need to feed the plant;
  • trim the tendrils and dead leaves;
  • properly water the bushes;
  • periodically replant the bushes.

If we are talking about top dressing, then it should be understood that various mixtures and solutions can be used as fertilizers. For example, nitroammophoska is diluted in the proportion of 1 tbsp. for 10 l. water. It is allowed to use organic fertilizers. It could be:

  • mullein;
  • chicken manure;
  • ash;
  • humus.

Do not use too much fertilizer. Moreover, this applies to both organic and artificial fertilizers. Usually mullein is used approximately 1:10, that is, 1 liter. mixtures per 10 liters. water. Many gardeners use ashes for top dressing. How to feed strawberries with ash during flowering? You need to know the approximate composition of the ash and the composition of the soil in the place where the strawberries grow. The most commonly used ratio is 1:12, that is, 1 liter. ash is dissolved in 12 liters. water.

Based on this, it becomes clear what exactly you can feed strawberries during flowering and fruiting.

What is important to remember, and what mistakes are made?

Every gardener should remember that when the first buds appear on the plant and the fruits begin to ripen, the strawberries are fertilized during the flowering period, it is at this time that strawberries need a lot of potassium. Gardeners use potassium nitrate and ash.

During the period of flowering and fruiting, strawberries should be sprayed with special solutions, which further increase the yield of the berry itself.

The last top dressing is done after the entire crop is harvested. For these purposes, a complex of mineral and organic fertilizers is used.

Some gardeners do not water the plants after fertilizing, because of this, the root system bush.

Watering should be regular and carried out throughout the entire period until the plant blooms and bears fruit.

Plant nutrition is required throughout the year.

If we are talking about watering, then this should be done in the morning. Watering is especially important when the berry blooms or bears fruit. It must be remembered that the water that is used for irrigation should not be cold.

In the process of growing strawberries, one should not forget about the recommendations regarding how best to feed strawberries during the flowering period. By following all these rules, you can achieve good harvest.

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Nature Management

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Top dressing during flowering is the second most important factor in obtaining a bountiful harvest or long lush color. In this phase, plants require abundant nutrition with a high content of potassium, phosphorus and calcium and trace elements. If in the seedling phase, i.e. before budding, the optimal average relative NPK content in fertilizer 1:0.67:0.8, then during flowering the proportion changes to approximately 1:2:3 . We emphasize that these are proportions averaged over many types of plants. Specifically, on your site, you need to navigate according to local conditions and signs of a lack of one or another element, see below.

Calcium and micronutrients

Fertilizers for flowering almost always (except on calcareous and carbonate soils) should contain calcium, it is necessary for the formation of full-fledged cell membranes on which the immunity of plants strongly depends; in the flowering phase they are especially vulnerable to diseases and pests. Calcium can be given in the form of sulfate (calcium sulphate) or infusion - 200 g of finely crushed shells are poured into 3 liters of water and left for a week in a dark, warm place. Away from housing: from the infusion, it smells deadly of rotten meat - hydrogen sulfide. For application, the infusion is diluted with water approx. 1:15 and water the plants with it. It is undesirable to use calcium chloride, because. many plants do not tolerate chloride ions well, and cucumbers are crushed and bitter from them.

Others also play an important role in the flowering of plants, but they are required less and they are produced both as separate mixtures / solutions (microfertilizers) and as part of complex fertilizers. A separate micronutrient top dressing during the flowering period is often necessary, in addition to calcium, boron in the form of a 0.1% (10 g per bucket of water) solution of boric acid; sometimes - molybdenum or zinc.

Note: the introduction of boron by spraying with a solution of boric acid increases the number of ovaries, but this is not a panacea for the crop. If the plants are weak, poorly maintained, and the soil is depleted, then the ovaries will fall off. In general, do not get carried away with boron, everything is good in moderation.

Before or during?

Fertilizing plants in the flowering phase is, speaking in Old Odessa, two big differences.

Fertilizing for flowering food crops is done to help plants set as many fruits as possible. Here it is necessary to comply with the properties of the soil, the local climate, the presence of pollinators and the strength of plants, so that the fertile flowers bloom to the best of their ability. If the plants are depleted on an empty flower, then they will overwinter poorly, annuals will overly deplete the soil, and do not expect a good harvest next year.

Fertilizer for abundant flowering of ornamental crops aims, firstly, to obtain the most lush and long-lasting color, especially if the flowers are cut. Secondly, in the culture of ornamental perennials, plants that are depleted by intensive flowering should be given the opportunity to strengthen themselves for winter. As a result of these differences, fertilizers "for color" and "for color" differ in composition and preferred methods of application. Therefore, the following material is presented separately for food crops and decorative flowers.

What about potatoes?

It would seem - but where does it come from? Potato flowers are not put in vases and its fruits are not eaten, especially since they are poisonous. However, potatoes in the budding phase need to be fed - the appearance of buds is a sign that the plant has reached maturity and its enhanced development of underground storage organs. Which are very much eatable. At this moment, the potato needs to be prompted unobtrusively, so that it does not really rely on reproduction by diasporas (distribution units; in this case, seeds), but stocks up for itself, i.e. hosts on the table. To do this, at the beginning of budding, potatoes are given more nitrogen than other plants - let them feel that it is good here too, there is nothing to spread around there; see e.g. video about the basics of potato mineral nutrition. Believe me, at the 6-hundredth dacha, i.e. without any possibility to organize a crop rotation, a bucket of potatoes from a bush is stable from year to year - this is possible.

Video: about the mineral nutrition of potatoes before, during and after flowering

What is missing

The main rule of plant nutrition is better to underfeed a little than overfeed. Not only the quality of the crop suffers from overfeeding, but the plants wither, and the soil loses its fertility.

In the phases before fruit set in garden annuals deficiency / excess of a particular nutrient is determined mainly by the leaves:

  • A yellow border appears on old leaves, then they turn yellow between the veins from the edge to the center - deficiency. If there are still green areas near the veins, urgent potash top dressing is needed, for example. 1 st. l with the top on a bucket of water, and watering with this solution 0.5 l per bush. Suddenly, leaves with signs of potassium starvation twist down and wrinkle - there is also not enough nitrogen. Then, instead of sulfate, potassium nitrate is diluted, 2-3 tbsp. l per bucket, and watered the same way. If brown burns went between the veins - that's it, it's useless to feed.
  • The leaves turn pale, the ends brighten and sharpen - not enough, you need to feed with R-rum, 1 tbsp. l. per bucket of water, 0.5 liters per bush. If the moment is missed and the leaves begin to turn yellow over the area, you need to dig up a bush or two and see if the roots have turned brown. Suddenly yes - you don’t need to feed anymore, there will be a dead poultice.
  • A light green spot appears on the pulp of the leaves, then the leaves turn yellow towards the veins (chlorosis has begun), become brittle, fall off. If the color of the remaining green areas is even - a lack of magnesium, you need to pour 0.01% (1 g per bucket of water) with a solution of sodium humate with magnesium or mark +7. If the unaffected areas are reddish, lilac or pinkish - overfeeding with potassium, shade with a net, increase watering and hope that the plant will recover.
  • young leaves with yellow spots, deformed (fringe at the edges). We turn the sheet over, look - the underside is lilac or with a purple sheen. Calcium deficiency, we do urgent liming: we spray the soil between the plants with milk of lime.
  • The leaves are bent into spoons and become brittle, growth points die off, obviously pollinated flowers fall off without knitting - boron deficiency. We spray the plants with 0.1% solution of boric acid, 0.5 liters per bush.
  • The leaves are small, dense, twisted down, bluish or lilac; veins purplish or reddish. The plucked drying leaf darkens to almost black. Deficiency, watering with a solution of 1 tbsp. l. per bucket of water, 0.5 liters per bush. Suddenly, watery spots also appear on the leaves - concomitant starvation for nitrogen. Then we replace superphosphate or.
  • Chlorosis, as with a lack of magnesium, but the veins also turn pale, and the leaves curl into a tube - overfeeding with strong nitrogen fertilizers: mullein, urea, ammonium nitrate. We intensify watering, give microfertilizer with molybdenum according to the instructions for it (it is better to separately molybdenate with a neutral ballast, for example, sulfate).
  • Leaves lighten up lemon color, but do not noticeably turn yellow, then turn white slightly with yellowness. Growth points do not die off, but they do not develop either - iron deficiency. We give microfertilizer with iron (iron chelate, for example). Sometimes it is possible to improve the situation by pouring water from a rusty iron tank, but this depends on the properties of the local water, because. not all iron ions are active for plants.
  • Chlorosis spots on young leaves, then the leaves turn yellow, turn brown and fall off - manganese deficiency. Watering 0.5 liters per bush with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • There are brown spots on the petioles on young leaves, then the browning spreads over the leaf, it becomes translucent and falls off - zinc deficiency, spraying with a 0.02% solution of zinc sulfate, 0.5 l per bush.
  • The tips of the leaves turn white, starting with the young. The color of the leaves is blue, the edges are wrapped with a tube, the internodes are shortened - copper deficiency. Spraying with 0.01% p-rum as before. case.

The above signs are not always clearly expressed; for example, in quite healthy tomatoes, the leaves are already slightly blue. In doubtful cases with a lack of practical experience it is sometimes possible to clarify the diagnosis, in accordance with the properties of the soil:

  1. Untidy garden land, gray forest, podzolic, soddy-podzolic - a lack of nitrogen is likely, then phosphorus.
  2. Sands, sandy loams, light loams - most likely, there is not enough potassium, boron or copper.
  3. Alkaline and carbonate (chernozem, chestnut) - they have a chronic deficiency of manganese.
  4. Peaty, silty (for example, a drained swamp), meadow - in addition to manganese, there is probably not enough copper.



The culture is in all respects grateful, but also demanding. Top dressing of strawberries during flowering is done depending on the conditions of its growth:

  • Commodity first-year on well-prepared soil since autumn (peas or mustard for green manure), properly planted and fertilized during planting;
  • The same, for the 2nd year, further commercial culture of strawberries in the same area should not be continued;
  • A permanent clearing for yourself in a small dacha, etc.

Case 1

With the laying of peduncles - spraying with 0.02% solution of zinc sulfate, 0.25 liters per bush. At the beginning of budding - yeast top dressing, see below. Before blooming flowers - spraying with a composition, on a bucket of water:

  • potassium sulfate - 2 g;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - 1 g (slightly pink solution);
  • boric acid - 1 g.

The consumption rate of the solution is 0.5 liters per bush, of which 0.35 liters are given to the undersides of the leaves, lifting them, and the rest to the entire bush. The spray nozzle should produce a mist, not a spray. The fog of the solution should settle on the leaves without flowing down. Processing time - overnight in dry weather.

Case 2

All the same, but additionally 2-3 days after treatment with zinc, the plants are watered with a solution of potassium nitrate 1 tbsp. l. without top on a bucket of water at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush. Pour without splashing into the groove under the roots.

Case 3

After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, complex fertilizers for strawberries Agros, Gera, Zdraven or Rubin are applied according to the instructions. Further - according to 1 and 2, but instead of potassium nitrate, as in the next. 2, make a diluted 1:10 infusion of dry chicken manure. Litter is poured with water 1: 1 by volume, let it brew for 3 days. The uterine infusion should be used no more than a day after readiness, it is not stored. Irrigation rate - 0.5 liters per bush strictly under the roots; getting infusion on the plates and petioles of the leaves is unacceptable.

Note: fertilizing strawberries during flowering with wood (furnace) ash is a widespread mistake. At this stage, strawberries need nitrates, and ash is incompatible with nitrogen fertilizers.

Curious about strawberries

Wild, not feral cultivated, strawberries can be found everywhere in Central Russia, but it is not at all the ancestor of the garden. Wild strawberries are hard, watery, tasteless. Garden strawberries are bred from wild strawberries. To date, she has become so isolated from her progenitor that a number of botanists propose to single her out as a special type of Victoria. The snag here so far is in the nomenclature debate: there is a genus of tropical plants of the order of nymphaeum (water lilies, water lilies) Victoria with 2 species. One of them - Victoria regia - is widely known for its exotic flowers and huge floating leaves, and the other Victoria also has very large leaves. Victoria water lilies outside the tropics are grown only in large warm-water pools of botanical gardens. In general, if you meet somewhere the expressions “planting victoria”, “care for victoria”, “fertilizer victoria”, then know that victoria in this case is a strawberry, not an exotic water lily.

Video: an example of feeding strawberries during flowering

Yeast fertilizer

Suitable in many cases not just for strawberries. This fertilizer contains a rich set of microelements, vitamins and organic substances that promote the synthesis of phytohormones or serve as their basis. Yeast does not contain the NPK complex, but contributes to the activation of nutrient uptake by plants, which improves the environmental performance of products, so that they are ineffective on depleted soil, but on ordinary soil they make it possible to get by with minimal doses of fertilizers. Yeast plant nutrition can be prepared with one of the following. ways:


Top dressing during flowering requires caution, because. they easily accumulate nitrates with phosphates in fruits. Nitrogen and phosphorus should be given to tomatoes for flowering in advance - 3 weeks after planting, rooted seedlings are fed with one of the following. ways:

  • Complex fertilizer Kemira-Lux - according to the instructions.
  • Watering solution 2 tbsp. l. to a bucket of water. The norm is a liter per plant.
  • They take a cow cake, put it in a bucket, fill it with water to the top. A day later, the mullein is stirred. For irrigation, 0.5 l of mullein is diluted in a bucket of water, add 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska. Irrigation rate - 0.5 liters per bush.

2-3 days after fertilizing watering, do yeast nutrition. After throwing out the peduncles, spraying with a 0.01% solution of boric acid is carried out. When the flowers begin to bloom, it is best for beginner gardeners to feed tomatoes with complex fertilizers Senor Tomato or Tomato Master; both are bred in 1 tbsp. l. in a bucket of water and watered 0.5-0.7 liters per bush. Using homemade fertilizer mixtures at this stage, it is easy to overdo it with nitrates in fruits.

Video: feeding tomatoes during flowering


To obtain a plentiful environmentally friendly crop, it is easier to feed. Top dressing of cucumbers during flowering is done at the beginning of budding one of the next. funds, based on 10 liters of irrigation water:

  1. 200 g glass of liquid mullein, as for tomatoes, but without nitrophoska;
  2. a teaspoon of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate;
  3. a tablespoon of sodium humate, for cucumbers this is the most effective and environmentally friendly safe way, provided that fertilizer was produced at planting and planned top dressing in the seedling phase in the ground.

Note: sometimes they say - what, they say, cucumbers? One water. Under vodka perhaps or for pickle on a hangover. This is not true. Cucumbers are indeed not rich in vitamins and microelements, but they contain many biologically useful active substances(BAS), for example, pectins. BAS improve digestion and absorption of nutrients by the body, incl. vitamins, which is especially important in temperate and cold climates, where digestion switches from season to season. In winter, without cucumbers, stuffing yourself with vitamin salads and fruits is of little use, as they entered and left.

Vegetable pepper and eggplant

Sweet (Bulgarian) vegetable in terms of the content of vitamins and biologically active substances has no equal. Eggplants challenge nettles for the title of "vegetable meat" due to their high content of easily digestible proteins. What these crops have in common is that they almost do not need nitrogen during flowering, which explains most of the failures of the culture. vegetable pepper and eggplant for beginners. They didn’t prepare the soil, didn’t fertilize it when planting, didn’t feed the plants in the seedling phase - when the buds went, it’s useless to correct the mistake. Top dressing of peppers and eggplants in the flowering phase is done when the first fruits are set, but for now, be careful with nitrogen, flowering is still ongoing. Peppers and eggplants are heat-loving southerners, they do not have it explosive. Only 2 options are possible here - natural organics and its mineral substitute. Optimum - organic:

  • After planting pepper seedlings, young nettles are mowed.
  • The mowing is dried for 2 weeks in the shade with airing.
  • A third of the barrel is filled with chopped nettle tops.
  • Fill the barrel to the top with water, insist a week.
  • The infusion is drained, filtered through a cloth.
  • For irrigation (1 liter per bush), the uterine infusion is diluted with water 1:5.

Note: you can’t cook in small dishes, or it will ferment, or burn out in the light.

If there is no nettle, then a bucket of irrigation water is given 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tsp. potassium sulfate and 1 tsp. carbamide. On oily and well-filled with nitrogen soils since autumn (management, green manure), urea is not necessary to give. Irrigation rate - 1 liter per bush. An option for ordinary garden soil is 20-30 g of ammofoska per 10 liters of water. Irrigation rate is the same.

Note: it is possible to grow peppers and eggplants in greenhouses up to the Leningrad region, but caring for greenhouse sweet peppers is in many ways not the same as for ground ones, see for example. track. video:

Video: about feeding peppers and eggplants

About foliar top dressing

Experienced gardeners from the same area harvest 20-30% more, giving the plants foliar top dressing with the main nutrients. But, firstly, this is a separate issue. Secondly, it is better not to get carried away by beginners in foliar nutrition of food crops: plants "eat" without measure and indiscriminately everything that is absorbed through the leaves and stems. Without experience and the necessary knowledge, you can lose your crop or harm yourself.

flower garden

They don’t eat, so fertilizing flowers for abundant flowering is not so critical to the dosage of nitrogen and phosphorus. The main thing here is not to burn the plants, not to spoil the soil and not to disfigure the flowers with an excess of nutrients. Feeding flowers for flowering, as a rule, is inextricably linked to the general order of caring for them and is meaningless separately. Exceptions are rare; let's look at examples of crops that are especially responsive to top dressing for flowering or that definitely require it.

These flowers are able to grow, as you know, anywhere. But all the splendor of varietals is manifested only with the right top dressing for flowering. By the way, south of approx. In Stavropol and on the South Coast, petunia can sometimes be grown as a tree (on the right in the figure); more and more new varieties can be grafted onto the trunk. In this case, it is better to take a stock of a distant relative of petunia - brugmasia, see fig. right below. Its powerful roots are able to feed a large collection of petunias on a single trunk. But to the point.

Feeding petunias for lush, early and long flowering is possible with one of the following. ways:


An example of the opposite genus is hyacinth. Hyacinths for their short growing season must be fed three times:

  1. After the appearance of sprouts, a mixture of granular urea and nitrophoska 1: 1 by volume is scattered at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 1 sq. m.
  2. At the beginning of budding - in every 10 liters of irrigation water, 1 tsp is diluted. urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate, or ready mix Agricola-7.
  3. At the end of flowering - for the same every 10 liters of irrigation water give 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate, potassium sulfate and 2 tbsp. l. nitrophoska. Watering is plentiful, 5 liters per 1 sq. m.

Delphinium not an ephemeroid, but to the next. year, he needs to lay renewal buds, so feeding delphiniums is also 3-stage, but completely different:

  • After the appearance of 2-3 leaves - with a solution of mullein 1:10 (see above), 0.25-0.3 liters per plant.
  • The flower arrow has gone - give any complete complex mineral fertilizer with trace elements according to the instructions.
  • After flowering - no nitrogen! Give phosphorus and potassium at the rate of 50 g / sq. m active of both.

iris give NPK in the ratio of active substances 3:2:2.5 at the beginning of the growing season, 1:2:3 during the budding period and PK (without nitrogen!) 2:3 after 3 weeks (!) After flowering, at this time they grow new roots. Small-bulbous ones are fed for flowering even in the snow with urea. Clematis evenly, 2-3 times a season, they feed NPK, but spring shedding of the soil with lime milk is much more important for them.

In general, there is no single recipe or similar top dressing recipes for abundant flowering of decorative flowers. And for a successful culture of the queen of flowers - - top dressing during the budding period can be decisive, see for example. video clip.

Strawberries are the queen among garden berries. It is beautiful in every respect - juicy tasty pulp, unique aroma, bright color. This is an undemanding culture, you just need to know the basic rules of care. Top dressing during flowering and fruiting is the basis for obtaining an abundant and high-quality strawberry crop.

Strawberries are planted in late summer in August or early September. When planted at such a time, rosettes have a chance to take root in the ground, adapt and winter well. Fertilizers are applied to the ground before planting - rotted manure, mullein, wood ash.

Mineral fertilizer is added directly to the strawberry holes. The composition must necessarily contain phosphorus (2 parts), potassium (1 part), urea (1 part). Such top dressing will stimulate the growth of the root system and enable the seedling to lay flower buds for the next year. After laying the fertilizer, shed the ground, the next day you can plant strawberries.

At this stage, care is completed.

Rules for the care of flowering strawberries

In the spring after planting, you should evaluate how well the strawberries overwintered. Strawberries take root well and usually a small part of the seedlings falls out.

At the moment when new leaves began to grow at the outlet, the bed is cleaned from last year's garbage, the mustache is cut off and mulched. Mustaches must be cut off during the entire growing season, otherwise, instead of the abundant formation of peduncles and berries, a new outlet will grow.

During the formation of peduncles and the actual flowering, the plant consumes a huge amount of nutrients. The fertilizer that was planted during planting went to the formation of a powerful root system and now strawberries need regular feeding. When choosing how to fertilize strawberries, give preference to proven products.

Fertilizers for strawberries during flowering

Flowering is the most crucial stage for a gardener. It is necessary to feed the strawberries correctly and on time during flowering, and she will thank with a bountiful harvest.

When fertilizing, the yield increases on average from 40% to 70%.

The first feeding of strawberries is carried out when it has gained buds or bloomed. Top dressings are divided into two categories: root and foliar.

organic top dressing

The fertilizer is laid under the root. Methods for preparing fertilizers that stimulate budding, abundant flowering and a bountiful harvest at the time of fruiting:

  1. Mullein infusion is an organic, completely ecological top dressing, which contains all useful microelements. Insist two glasses of mullein in a bucket of water, add two tablespoons of urea, feed at the rate of 0.5 liters of infusion per bush;
  2. Chicken litter. Bird droppings is one of the the best fertilizers stimulating flowering, budding and fruiting. One liter of chicken manure is poured with a bucket of water and allowed to brew for 6 days. Then this infusion is bred again immediately before feeding (1 liter of infusion per bucket of water). This solution is used to fertilize strawberries, at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush. It is strictly contraindicated to apply dry chicken manure under the bushes due to the high urea content, it can burn the root system;
  3. Wood ash contains a large amount of potassium and other trace elements and is good fertilizer. Bookmark wood ash you can use two methods - just pour it under a bush, slightly planting it in the ground, or dilute the infusion with which to pour the bushes. For one bucket of water with a volume of 10 liters, you need to take 1 glass of wood ash. Water at the rate of 0.5-1 liter per bush;
  4. Yeast top dressing - purchased in recent times popular among gardeners as a fertilizer for strawberries. I would like to say right away that it does not replace top dressing with organo-mineral complexes, but is rather a stimulator of immunity, the development of the root system and the aerial part of the outlet. Any yeast (fresh or dry) is diluted at the rate of 10 grams per liter;
  5. At the stage of bud formation, additional foliar top dressing can be carried out with the Baikal EM preparation. This is a preparation containing a culture of live bacteria that promote regeneration, improve immunity, restore soil and fix nitrogen. When foliar processing "Baikal" actively stimulates budding and flowering. Sockets are processed with a solution diluted 1 to 1000, which should stand for several days.

When choosing fertilizer for strawberries during flowering, gardeners and gardeners give priority to organic fertilizers. They are better absorbed by the plant, do not accumulate in various parts, and are the best choice for environmentally friendly gardening and horticulture.

Inorganic top dressing

Inorganic top dressings include a complex of mineral fertilizers that are applied under the root or along the leaf to cause rosette growth and bud growth.

  1. Potassium nitrate - improves the process of fruit formation and their quality. About two teaspoons of fertilizer are bred in a bucket of water. Water under the root or on the leaf.
  2. Foliar feeding of strawberries with zinc sulfate in the proportion of 2 grams per 10 liters of water also stimulates the active growth of buds;
  3. Foliar spraying with boric acid will increase the number of buds several times. For 10 liters of water, only 1/3 teaspoon of boric acid is needed;
  4. Urea - improves the formation of green mass, which is necessary for good growth and flowering. In one bucket of water, a matchbox of urea is bred, watered at the rate of 0.5-1 liter under a bush.
  5. Specialized complex formulations that can be bought at the store. They are released separately for the flowering period. Bred according to the instructions. They can produce both foliar and root top dressing.

I would like to recall that from the moment the bud blooms to the ripening of the berry, an average of four weeks pass. Fertilizing with mineral inorganic fertilizers during the flowering period, it is better to give preference foliar top dressing. They are better absorbed, used by the plant in full, and are not stored in reserve in berries.

How to fertilize strawberries during fruiting

Most gardeners and gardeners are trying to plant several varieties of strawberries in order to stretch the fruiting for as long as possible. Therefore, the first mass harvest wave is usually followed by a second and third harvest. During fruiting, you can feed the strawberries again, this will give the plant the opportunity to form the same large berries as during the first harvest.

It must be remembered that during fruiting, strawberries are fed exclusively with organic fertilizers, which will not enter the berry in the form of nitrates. It can be an infusion of mullein, ash, chicken manure, or an infusion of humus (a bucket of humus in a barrel of water).

General rules for fertilizing

  1. Before fertilizing and even planting strawberries, you should at least roughly study the soil on the site. What is she? Dense clay or loose sandy? Determine the acidity of the soil. Perhaps the reaction of the soil in the area is acidic, and the introduction nitrogen fertilizers you will exacerbate the problem;
  2. The application of all fertilizers, especially inorganic ones, must be carried out in moist soil, otherwise burns of the root system are possible, even at low concentrations of the substance;
  3. It is better to fertilize in warm, but not hot weather; in such weather, fertilizer is better absorbed. Foliar feeding is best done on a cloudy, quiet day, or after 5 pm. At this time, the likelihood of sunburn of the leaves decreases;
  4. If you mulched strawberries with humus, then the need for fertilizers is significantly reduced;
  5. Organic fertilizers are a priority form for growing an environmentally friendly product. Use organics during flowering and fruiting, and inorganics during planting and preparation for wintering.
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In order for the harvest to be good, and the strawberry bushes do not begin to wither after fruiting, they need to be fed during the flowering and fruiting period. But this is a very important period in the development of the plant, and even at the time of the ripening of the berries, not every gardener will decide to use fertilizers, whatever they may be. Top dressing of strawberries during flowering and fruiting, the methodology for its implementation, the type of substances suitable for the procedure, all this will be described below in the article.

Why fertilize strawberries?

It is believed that during fruiting, the berries feed on substances from the bush. So it is, but if the bush is weakened, and so it will be (it takes a lot of strength to form berries), there will not be enough berries useful substances. Even if the berries grow, the chance that the bush will be able to recover is extremely small. Therefore, gardeners make fertilizing for strawberries even during flowering and fruiting.

Is it correct? It all depends on the tool that is used. Yes, chemistry can significantly spoil the harvest, it is unlikely that such a berry can be offered to a child, and an adult should not eat it either. But if you use only natural substances, folk, then the chance to harm the berries is reduced to zero.

What means to give preference?

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mineral or organic matter? A difficult question, but almost all experts in this case are of the same opinion - mineral supplements you can contribute in early spring, and during the appearance of the first flowers and the ripening of berries, organic matter should be preferred.

Mineral fertilizers can be harmful if used a week before the berries are fully ripe. This is the period when they are filled with taste, color. Yes, such top dressing will make the fruit more beautiful, but it will not be possible to eat it, such fruits lose their taste, become “plastic”. Deadlines for the use of minerals 12-14 days before the fruit turns red!

As for organic matter, it is of natural origin, therefore it cannot significantly harm. Harm can come down to a bad smell (if you use onion skins, manure) or something like that. Sometimes, when organics are abundant, the taste can become bitter, but here the problem is not in the agent, but in its quantity. You need to know the measure, then there will be no problems.

How to feed strawberries during flowering?

Top dressing of strawberries during flowering and fruiting should have a rich composition, otherwise there will be little sense from it. During flowering and fruit formation, the plant primarily needs potassium. Thanks to this mineral element, it not only becomes stronger, more beautiful, but also increases the number of fruits, shelf life and their future taste too!

The first sign of potassium deficiency is the brown tips of the leaves. If the situation is not corrected, the crop can be completely lost. For some gardeners, this problem appears at the first fruiting, for others closer to the second (middle, end of summer), but in any case, it needs to be addressed!

Below are a few recipes with organic and mineral fertilizers that will not harm the plant during the flowering period.

For spraying, a 0.02% solution of sulfate is also used, but only at the very beginning of flowering. Sometimes the Baikal EM-1 fertilizer is also used. This biological substance is completely safe for plants and humans, does not cause harm, but thanks to the microorganisms in the composition, it improves the quality of the soil and the absorption of useful microelements by plants.

How to feed strawberries during the fruiting period?

During fruiting, only organic products can be used. Nitrates accumulate in berries, spoiling their taste, and completely destroying all the benefits that they could bring to the body.

Top dressing of strawberries during fruiting is necessary if the berries have become smaller, they have a bad shape, the wrong color, or they are sick with something. You can make top dressing from ash, mullein. The recipe described above is quite suitable in this case.

With the right approach to feeding strawberries, you can significantly increase their effectiveness.

  • Top dressing is carried out in sunny weather after abundant watering.
  • In some cases, it is necessary not only to feed the plant, but also to cope with diseases or pests. During the fruiting period, only natural remedies can be used. When flowers are formed, folk and chemical preparations should not be used at all for spraying against pests. The reason is that insects may then not pollinate them, and this will lead to crop loss.
  • It is impossible to introduce yeast products into acidic soil, otherwise the plant may completely disappear.
  • In order not to apply fertilizer, you can simply mulch the ground with peat or humus at the beginning of the season. Even if you need to feed strawberries during flowering and fruiting, the rate of necessary substances will still be lower (you can make less concentrated solutions), which means there is less risk of spoiling the crop.