Snapdragon flower. Growing and caring for Antirrinum

Antirrinum attracts with the beauty and variety of shades of its flowers. For its resemblance to the mouth of a lion, it received a second name - Snapdragon. Due to its unpretentiousness, it has spread widely in different climatic zones. Grown as perennial varieties and annuals. Used to decorate flower beds, lawns, curbs, alpine slides. Curly species decorate balconies, loggias, terraces, planting in suspended structures.

The flower propagates by seeds, which are either sown in open ground, or seedlings are preliminarily grown. Plant care consists of watering, feeding, loosening and weeding. If properly cared for, antirrinum does not get sick and blooms from the beginning of summer until the first frost.

Description and features of the flower

Snapdragon or antirrinum is a herbaceous or semi-shrub plant from the Plantain family. Most species naturally grow in North America, but there are specimens in the southern parts of the planet. In Russia, these flowers are often called "dogs", in America - "snapdragon", in France they are better known as "cleft palates", and in Ukraine - "mouths".

The name is associated with the legend, according to which the goddess Flora awarded them Hercules for the victory over the Nemean lion. More than 1 thousand different varieties are known, which appeared thanks to the work of breeders.

The plant has straight, branched green stems 15-100 cm long, forming pyramid-shaped bushes. The lower leaves are opposite, and the upper ones are alternate, lanceolate or oval. Colors range from light to dark green with red stripes.

Flowers with strong smell, large, two-lipped. Depending on the variety, they can be double or simple. The corolla consists of five petals that have grown together at the bottom. Above, by nature itself, a lip of two petals is formed, and the lower one is made up of the remaining three. The flower looks like the face of a lion or a dragon. If you rip it off and press on the sides, the lion's mouth will open.

Flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of an ear, most often they have white, fawn, yellow colors or shades of red. Less commonly, you can find species of two or three colors. The fruit is a multi-seeded box with two nests, one gram contains from 5 to 8 thousand seeds. The flowering of antirrinum begins in early summer and ends with the onset of cold weather.

In the wild, the plant is perennial, but in horticulture it often grows as an annual. Under favorable conditions for growth and good care Snapdragon can withstand the winter outdoors and only get better in a year. On the household plots these flowers are used as border flowers, although they look great in a flower bed or planted in a group on a lawn.

They can often be found as decoration on terraces and balconies. The ampelous forms of the snapdragon are gaining popularity, which make it possible to plant it in the hinged structures of the galleries.

Sowing seeds - step by step instructions

Breeds by seed method... Seeds maintain high germination capacity for a long time... In places with warm, in early spring you can grow a plant by sowing seed directly into the ground. Seedlings will appear in 15-20 days, enduring a slight cold snap at night, typical for spring weather. In regions where heat does not come immediately, it is better to use the seedling method of growing at home.

Sowing is desirable from April 20 to May 20. The procedure is a sequence of steps:

  1. 1. Take bowls about 10-15 cm in size with drain holes, soil is poured into them, previously treated with a manganese solution. Compost is added to the top of the main composition.
  2. 2. Next, the sowing site is leveled and compacted.
  3. 3. Then the soil is sprayed with water and chaotically sown seeds, on top they are covered with a mixture of compost soil and sand.
  4. 4. Cover the sowing with glass to create a greenhouse effect. At further care remove condensate and ventilate, giving access to fresh air. If necessary, moisten the earth with a spray bottle.

If the temperature in the room is maintained at more than 23 degrees, then the sprouts will appear in 2 weeks. When the number of seedlings becomes noticeably larger, the glass is removed. The inoculated dishes are moved to a bright, cool place. In the first weeks, seedlings grow slowly, so the main task is to water them with a spoon. Waterlogging should not be allowed, as a black leg disease may occur, leading to the death of the seedling.

When 4 full leaves are formed on the sprouts, you can move them into separate cups or disband three in one pot. It is better to put the flower near a window, which should be periodically opened for hardening. In this case, it is important to avoid drafts so as not to chill the plant. In order for the antirrinum to bush, after the appearance of 4 leaves, the top is gently pinned. When side shoots will begin to grow rapidly, they need to carry out the same operation of splitting. While the seedlings are in the house, they can be fed with mineral supplements.

Landing in open ground

As soon as the weather permits, rose and strong seedlings transplanted into open ground. They are oriented towards the end of May - beginning of June, when it is warmer at night and not very hot during the day. Do not be afraid of the night cold, as the sprouts are already ready for it. Snapdragon loves the sun. If planted in the shade, it will not bloom well. Their location must be protected from strong wind so that the "dogs" do not lie down.

The soil is required loose and enriched nutrients... A mixture of sand, peat and compost soil is excellent. When digging holes, you should pay attention to the distance between plants: tall ones are planted in increments of about 40 cm, for representatives of medium varieties this indicator is 30 cm, and for dwarf and low ones - about 20 cm.When planting, the sprouts are taken out of the pots along with a part of the earth and transplanted into the holes moistened with water. When the "dogs" take root, they quickly become overgrown with greenery and bloom their magnificent flowers.

In warm regions, snapdragons are sown directly into open ground when the weather is favorable (most often in late spring). Then the seedbed is covered with a dense transparent material. When the seedlings grow up, they are thinned out. Extra copies are transplanted to another place.

Snapdragon care rules

After transplanting, so that the anti-rhinums quickly get used to the new environment, the first week is controlled so that the soil is moist. If there is no rain, then moisten the earth additionally in the morning. Water should be done more often during the period when the plants are opening their buds.

It is important to remember that dampness and evening watering of the snapdragon can seriously harm.

For the normal formation and growth of large inflorescences, it is necessary to carry out regular loosening and weeding of the earth - best of all in the evening. In order for the "dog" to have fewer pests and diseases, weeds should be eliminated next to it.

If the snapdragon grows high, you should take care of its straight growth - tie it to a stick or a fence so that it does not break or deform from wind and rain during the growing process.

To ensure long flowering, wilted inflorescences are cut off. If it is necessary to collect seeds for subsequent sowing, then you can leave a few boxes below for ripening, others must be removed.

During the season, you need to carry out at least two dressings. The first is carried out a week after planting. For this, nitrophoska or organic matter, for example, diluted mullein or chicken droppings, is suitable. The second is performed when the buds appear. For its implementation, you will need mineral supplements for flowering crops. It is advisable to add urea, superphosphate, potassium sulfate once every 2 weeks until late autumn.

Health problems and preparation for winter

For attentive gardeners who follow the rules of care, snapdragons will not hurt. Otherwise, the following diseases are possible:

  • rust (red spots on the stem and leaves);
  • fuariosis;
  • septiriosis;
  • rot.

If a disease is detected, it is better to eliminate the plant so as not to infect other specimens. After that, the soil at the site of the diseased antirrinums must be treated with an antifungal agent or potassium permanganate. Fungicides should be sprayed on nearby plantings to prevent infestation.

After the onset of cold autumn, perennials are cut off, leaving a stem of 7 cm. Then they are covered with foliage or peat with sawdust - this will help to survive the winter. On an annual plant, sluggish flowers should be cut off in time so that the "dog" does not have time to shed seeds for reproduction. After the arrival of cold weather, the site is dug up, the remains of plants are burned to kill pests.

To preserve the most beautiful specimens in October, they are dug up and transplanted together with the soil into a container or pot. Then they put them away from the windows in the house so as not to freeze.

Collection of snapdragon seeds

Most of the plants in the garden have seeds harvested when they are ripe. Snapdragon material is harvested while it is immature. Then it is brought to the desired state in a room with good air circulation.

Collect the seeds in a deep paper bag to eliminate moisture that the paper absorbs. The collection begins when the fruits appear at the bottom of the peduncle. The top is cut off and thrown away, a bag is put on the rest of the part. Tied with a rope below the seed boxes and cut under a sling. Then the resulting structure is turned over and hung in a dry place, waiting for the seeds to fall out. Storage is carried out at a temperature of about +5 degrees, protecting it from moisture penetration.

Types and varieties of snapdragons

Today there are a large number of different types of antirrinums, the main criterion for dividing is the height of the plants. There are 5 groups:

View Description Representatives Photo
DwarfHeight from 15 to 20 cm. The main place of use - curbs, rock gardens and ridges. Indoors, they are grown in pots and pots. Distinctive feature: strongly branches up to the shoots of the fourth and third level, the main stem is at or below the shoots of the second levelSakura Blossom, Candy Showers, Lemon Sherbet (Lemon Yellow)
LowGrows about 30 cm in height. Grown as flowers for flower beds or borders. These varieties are distinguished by a large number of second and third level shoots with flowering, and the main one is at or below the first order.Tip-top (pastel colors), Hobbit, Lampion, Twinny F1 (terry)
AverageReach a height of 50 cm, are grown both for cutting and for flower beds. Strongly branched. Escape to the center is slightly higher than the restGolden Monarch (yellow), White Monarch (white), Ruby (pink), Lipstick Silver (pinkish white)
HighReaches a height of 90 cm, is grown both for bouquets and as a vertical accent in groups. The central shoot is much higher than the rest. Antirrinum stands for a long time in the cut (up to a week), the strongest smell is in yellow varietiesCanary (yellowish), Anna German (pale pink), Madame Butterfly (various shades)
GiantsThey grow up to 1.3 m in height.There are no shoots of the second and third order, the central one is higher than the second levelArthur (cherry), F1 red and pink, Goshenka F1 (orange), Swallowtail (two-color raspberry yellow)

When growing such an unusual plant, you want more variety. To do this, new ones that have just begun their growth are planted to the already blooming antirrinums. By such measures, you can get a beautiful garden with a variety of flowers.

Snapdragon flower has whole line undeniable merits. First of all, it is unpretentiousness and bright, long flowering from mid-summer to late autumn. You can grow snapdragons not only on flower beds and slides, but also on loggias in pots and hanging baskets.

Snapdragon flower (Antirrinum) - perennial, but it blooms and gives seeds in the first year. That is why it is mainly grown as an annual. This flower can form a powerful shrub with a well-developed root system. Such bushes are able to winter safely even in the middle lane.

Thanks to the work of breeders, flower growers can grow hundreds of Antirrinum varieties. There are dwarf varieties (15 - 20 cm), medium-sized (40 - 50 cm) and tall (90 - 100 cm). In addition, ampelous forms of snapdragons with drooping shoots have recently appeared, the length of such shoots reaches 1 meter.

Growing snapdragon from seed

When to sow.

When growing a snapdragon through seedlings, sow the seeds in early March.

Seed germination substrate.

Snapdragon does not like to grow in peat soils. For germination of seeds, it is better to use soil from a compost heap and river sand in a one-to-one ratio.

How to sow the seeds of Antirrinum.

Growing snapdragon from seed is conveniently done in plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. You can sow seeds directly into cups, with several seeds in one cup. If 3 - 4 seeds germinate, then you do not need to thin them out, let them continue to grow as one bush.

Before sowing, the container or cup is filled with soil, the soil is leveled and abundantly moistened. Snapdragon seeds are very small, for convenience, snow is poured on top of the substrate and seeds are sown in the snow, then they are clearly visible. You just need to take into account that the snow in the room melts quickly. You can mix the seeds with sand, this also greatly simplifies the sowing process.

Snapdragon seedlings care.

After the seeds of the snapdragon are sown, they are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, once again moistened with dewdrops and covered with a lid or foil. For germination, the seeds will need high humidity and a temperature of 23 - 25 degrees. Monitor the moisture content of the soil; when the substrate dries, it must be periodically moistened.

Young seedlings of snapdragons

With proper care, the seeds will germinate in 10 - 15 days. After the young shoots appear, the container with the seedlings is transferred to a well-lit place. Otherwise, with a lack of lighting, the seedlings will quickly stretch out. The film can be removed a few days after seed germination.

Young plants grow slowly at first, this should not worry you. At this time, the seedlings of Antirrinum should be watered very sparingly. If signs of blackleg appear, immediately remove all affected seedlings, and sprinkle the soil with ash or crushed activated carbon.

As you probably already noticed, growing a snapdragon from seed is not unusual, in much the same way all other flowers are grown from seed.

Seedling picking.

When the second pair of true leaves appears in the seedlings, you can start diving the seedlings. In Antirrinum, already in the seedling period, a powerful root system grows, therefore it is necessary to dive the plants into large glasses with a volume of 0.5 liters.

Seedlings of Antirrinum after a pick.

If the seedlings grew densely, then sometimes the roots of neighboring plants grow together. In such cases, do not try to separate them, just put several in cups.

Snapdragon easily tolerates a pick and is quickly adopted in a new place. But while the seedlings have not started to grow, they must be kept in the shade, and taken out in the sun a few days after transplanting.

Pinching seedlings.

You shouldn't grow snapdragons in one stem. The plant looks much more attractive when it grows as a bush. To do this, pinch the shoot of Antirrinum over the fifth leaf. If lateral shoots begin to grow rapidly, it is better to pinch them too. The result is a powerful, beautiful snapdragon bush.

Growing snapdragon from seed outdoors

You can also grow snapdragons from seeds outdoors. You just need to say right away that these flowers will bloom only in late July or early August, but they will bloom until frost.

Antirrinum grown from seeds.

It is customary to sow snapdragons into the ground with the so-called krunts. The twists are formed about 40 by 40 cm in size. In one twist, 4 - 5 Antirrinum bushes are grown, but much more seeds must be sown there. Excess seedlings can then be pulled through.

Seeds are sown in the ground in late April, early May. Since spring frosts can destroy seedlings, twists are covered with some kind of covering material.

Growing and caring for Antirrinum

Florists rarely plant snapdragons in the foreground, considering this flower insufficiently spectacular. But this is because few people know how to properly grow snapdragons. Most often, snapdragons are grown in one stem, and even varieties are selected with a height of 30 - 40 cm.

Antirrinum should be grown in bushes. To do this, you just need to cut off the top of the plant. You can cut off the upper part of the shoot in seedlings, and in adults, and even flowering plants. After a while, the snapdragon will grow not one, but as many as 8 - 12 shoots.

When growing tall varieties, the height of which reaches one meter, a huge flowering bush... Fading shoots should also be removed, and then new, young shoots will grow again instead.

Snapdragon can grow in full sun, partial shade and almost any soil. It is grown in mixborders, ridges and separate twigs. Ampel hybrids are good for planting in hanging baskets.

Antirrinum belongs to the Norichnikov family. In the Mediterranean, this plant is considered a perennial, but in our harsh, frosty winter latitudes, it is grown as an annual.

He is rightfully in demand in horticulture and floriculture, although planting and caring for this plant has some distinctive features.

Flower bed lovers often ask questions:

  • are frosts scary for annuals?
  • is pinching important?
  • to grow seedlings or sow in the ground?


The stem of the pharynx branches well, creating a compact, dense bush, reaching a height of 20 to 150 centimeters. The flower is large and in shape resembles the open mouth of an animal, for which they are called dogs in conversation. Bright with a pronounced aroma, they are collected in spike-shaped or racemose inflorescences. The coloration is so diverse and depends on the type of antirrinum. The most popular are white, lilac, yellow, red flowers.

Currently, flower growers are growing about 900 different varieties which in turn , are divided into one and a half dozen groups:

  • tall, 150–160 cm in height;
  • high up to 100 cm;
  • medium height up to 60–70 cm;
  • undersized up to 40-50 cm;
  • dwarf up to 20-25 cm.

In tall varieties there is one main distinguishing detail - the central stem of the flower rises above the lateral stems, creating a peduncle with large, strong inflorescences.

All medium-sized varieties branch well and differ radically in flowering time. So, among them you can find early and late species of this annual.

Low-growing varieties of "doggie" have the shape of a ball with many stalks, form miniature bushes, the size of flowers is smaller than that of tall relatives.

All varieties are divided into several classes.

And also according to the flowering time they are traditionally divided like all other garden flowers:

  • early terms of the beginning of flowering, the first flowers open in May;
  • medium terms, bloom not earlier than July;
  • late flowering, flowers appear closer to August.

Planting and leaving

Antirrinum is a very light-loving flower, and with a lack of heat, it slows down its growth and seed cultivation. It can tolerate small frosts down to -5–0 degrees.

Dogs are grown on any soil, but it has been noticed that it grows better in light fertile soil. When choosing a place for planting in the front garden, look for a sunny, bright, protected from drafts.

Growing from seeds

Antirrinum is grown as an annual plant by sowing seed onto seedlings or directly into the ground. Each of these methods has a number of advantages.

Planting seeds in the soil.

This method is suitable for gardeners who live next to the greenhouse, in their home or in the country. The easier it will be to observe the sowing and sprouting. Sometimes it seems, that planting directly into the ground is much easier, but whether your young will survive or not, depends entirely on caring for him. The seeds of Antirrinum are sown into the soil in late autumn or early spring in early April. He is not afraid of cold weather and also tolerates spring night frosts well.

Seeds are applied to the soil directly to the flower bed and do not cover them with earth. The seeds of Antirrinum are too small, so it is better to mix them with sand for even distribution over the surface. The bed on which the flowerbed will be located will require care, it must be well cleaned of grass and weeds, because young borings will be stifled. When the first shoots appear, the flower needs care, weeding and regular, accurate watering.

The grown flowers are thinned out so that the distance between them remains from 15 to 25 cm. The "dogs" grown in the ground begin to bloom much later, around July, and end early because of the threat of cold weather.

Planting Antirrium seeds for seedlings

This concern begins from the first ten days of February until the beginning - mid-April. Seedlings from seedlings will bloom much earlier and will delight you with their diversity already in early May. The process of growing seedlings Antirrinuma has its own distinctive features, which it is desirable to know and apply to every florist:

Already partially blooming seedlings are planted in the front garden. To ensure lush flowering, the most open and sunny place is chosen. Before planting seedlings, it is advisable to season the soil with peat and add a little sand for looseness. Leave 20-25 cm between seedlings for free growth. But depending on the type of plant, the distance can be increased.

Snapdragon care

This flower is a rather unpretentious and non-capricious plant, all you need is weeding, protection from pests and regular watering. Necessarily need to follow b, so that the flower is not flooded, the roots can get sick from this and your flower bed will die. You can control humidity if you mulch the soil with peat, sawdust or old grass.

Top dressing of an annual flower

Even on poor soils, a beautiful and healthy plant can be grown if top dressing is carried out on time. It is advisable to carry out the first feeding 15–20 days after the seedlings have moved to the flower bed. All subsequent fertilization should be carried out at the same interval of two weeks, throughout the entire flowering time. For this, weak solutions of bird droppings or mullein, as well as weed infusion, are suitable.

Reproduction of Antirrium

For further cultivation and preservation of your favorite varieties of pharynx in a flower bed, it is necessary to learn how to reproduce it correctly. You can do this in several ways:

  • sowing seeds;
  • by cuttings.

For correct collection seeds for further reproduction are chosen by healthy and large individuals. The grains of the snapdragon are very small, and so that they simply do not scatter themselves, the seed part of the flower is tied with a cloth and the seeds are waiting for the seeds to ripen. It is better to save seeds for the future in cool place and no more than three years.

You need to cut the snapdragon in the spring, cutting young shoots from the mother bush, which overwintered in your closed room, on the veranda or in winter garden... We move the rooted seedlings to the front garden by the end of May. Planting material, obtained in this way, begins its flowering much earlier than its brothers, and has a prolonged flowering period.

Diseases and pests of antirrium

Quite often, seedlings are affected by fungal diseases:

  • blackleg;
  • septoria;
  • fusarium;
  • rust.

To prevent diseases, all damaged bushes are sprayed with biological products, which is repeated after a few days to prevent spread.

Snapdragon is very susceptible to attacks by pests, which, in turn, eat away the buds, spoil the stems and leaves of the flower. Most often, the scoop is harmful. Their butterflies debug their eggs on nearby weeds, and the larvae then crawl onto the flowering bush and damage it. To prevent such damage regularly weed near flowers. Eaten up and spoiled plants are treated with special preparations and infusions several times. Snapdragon can bloom and please the eye almost until October, if there is no severe frost.

Antirrium in landscape design

All kinds of snapdragons are used in the design of flower beds and alpine slides. A huge variety of varieties and bright colors made it the leading one among all one-year-old beauties.

Dwarf and undersized flower species are well suited and look in flower beds, they are planted along the curbs or as colored circles and squares on the lawn. There are types of annual pharynx that can be grown on the balcony in a box or in a planter. Tall species of antirrinum are suitable mainly for bouquets and will remain in a vase up to the crescent and will delight you with their decorative qualities. Snapdragon flower stalks fit perfectly into many flower arrangements.

Snapdragon flowers

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum), which is also called antirrinum, is directly related to the genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the plantain family. This genus unites about 50 species of perennial plants, including climbing plants. In the wild, these plants can be found in zones with warm climates, and most of the species are found in North America. In Russia, these flowers are called "dogs", in England "snapdragon" (biting dragon), in France "wolf's mouth", and in Ukraine "mouths". "Antirrinum" in translation from Greek means "nasal", "like a nose." In the ancient Greek myth telling about Hercules, or rather, about his first feat, it is said about how he defeated the Nemean lion, the ferocity of which everyone knew. In honor of the victory, the goddess Flora presented Hercules with a gift - it was a lovely flower called "snapdragon". From that time on, the Greeks had a tradition of giving the heroes a snapdragon. This plant has been cultivated for about five hundred years, and German specialists took up its selection only in the 19th century. During this time, they were able to create about 1,000 varieties of snapdragons, while it is interesting that only 1 species was used to create various varieties, namely, antirrhinum majus.

Snapdragon features

This flower is represented by shrubs, as well as herbaceous plants, which have straight, finely grooved shoots, they are branched and colored green. Their height can vary from 15 to 100 centimeters. The bushes have a pyramidal shape. Above, the leaf plates are alternately located, and below - opposite. Their shape can be lanceolate or oval-elongated, and the color varies from dark to pale green, while the veins are colored red. Fragrant flowers have a relatively big size, they are two-lipped and have an irregular shape. Meet as double flowers, and simple (depending on the variety), they are part of the inflorescences that have the shape of an ear. Their color can be yellow, pale fawn, white, pink, red (all shades), and there are also varieties with two- and three-color flowers. The fruit is a two-celled polyspermous capsule. 1 g contains 5-8 thousand seeds. This plant begins to bloom in July, and ends after the first autumn frosts.

Often, snapdragons, which grow as a perennial in the wild, are grown by gardeners as an annual. However, if the plant is well cared for, and if conditions are favorable, the frost-resistant snapdragon can survive the winter outdoors. Moreover, the next year, its flowering will be more spectacular. V garden design such a flower is grown as a curb flower, but it can decorate both a flower bed and a green lawn (if the snapdragon is planted in groups). Terraces and balconies are also decorated with such a plant. Today, ampelous varieties of such a flower are gaining more and more popularity among florists, for the cultivation of which you can use hanging structures, and they will also become wonderful decoration galleries and terraces.


Reproduction of this plant can be done by seeds, as well as vegetatively. The seeds have good germination for several years. In the event that you live in an area with a relatively mild climate, then sowing the seeds of such a flower can be done directly into open soil. The first shoots can be seen after 2.5–3 weeks, while the seedlings are not afraid of cold snaps that occur at night. In the same places where the spring is relatively cold, it is recommended to grow this plant through seedlings. It is very easy to grow snapdragons from seeds.

Seeds are sown in the first days of March. To do this, you will need a bowl, the diameter of which will be at least 10 centimeters, and at the bottom it should have holes for drainage. Coarse sand should be poured at the bottom, and on top of it compost soil mixed with sand. Lightly tamp and level the surface, then moisten it a little with a spray bottle and spread the snapdragon seeds mixed with sand, sprinkle a thin layer of the same substrate on top. Water the crops with a fine spray bottle, and then cover the container with clear glass. Every day, condensation must be removed from the glass surface, while airing the seedlings and, if necessary, moistening the surface of the substrate from the sprayer. If there is moderate humidity and warmth (23 degrees) in the place where the container stands, then the first seedlings can be seen after half a month. After the first plants appear, the container must be transferred to a well-lit, but at the same time protected from direct sunlight, place (so that the plants do not stretch out). After the snapdragon begins to emerge en masse (after 3-4 days), the shelter must be removed permanently.


At first, the plants will grow for a long time, and during this period it is especially important to properly moisten the soil. Watering should be done in the morning so that there is enough moisture for the plants, but it would not be too much. The fact is that waterlogging can cause the development of a "black leg". If the seedling has fallen, then it should be carefully removed using tweezers, while this place where it grew, you need to sprinkle with chopped charcoal or use a cold calcined river sand... After 2 true leaves are formed, it is necessary to dive the seedlings into a box or container, while they must be placed so that they are not pressed against each other. Also, for picking plants, you can use individual pots, or you can plant 3 seedlings in 1 larger pot at once. Then the plants must be placed in a well-lit, but at the same time protected from direct sunlight, place. After that, you can start hardening the seedlings. To do this, during the daytime, you need to open the window for a while, but drafts should be avoided. When the plant has 4–5 true leaves, it will need to be pinched to increase bushiness, but if the lateral shoots are growing quite quickly, then they should also be pinched.

Landing in open ground

When to plant snapdragons

Snapdragon seedlings should be planted in the last days of May and the first in June. At the same time, you should not be afraid of cold snaps at night, since these plants tolerate them quite calmly. These flowers can be planted both in a sunny area and in a shaded area, but it is worth considering that it must be protected from gusts of wind, and also be well drained. Suitable soil should be light and nutritious. A mixture consisting of compost, sand, and peat, which are taken in equal proportions, is best suited for growing such a flower. The acidity of the soil should be pH 6–8.

How to plant

The distance between the bushes during planting depends on the variety of snapdragons. So, between dwarf varieties there should be a distance of 15 centimeters, between undersized varieties - about 20 centimeters, between medium-sized ones - 30 centimeters, and between tall ones - from 40 to 50 centimeters. After the bush transplanted into open ground takes root, it grows rather quickly and becomes a spectacular flowering plant. It must be remembered that it is necessary to plant seedlings in a well-watered soil in advance.

Care features


Such a flower is undemanding to care for and only needs timely watering, weeding, feeding, and it is also necessary to systematically loosen the soil surface. Watering should be done only during a drought, but it must be remembered that this procedure cannot be carried out in the evening. After watering, it will be necessary to loosen the soil surface and weed, this can be done on the same day or every other day. Experts advise, to make a garter of tall varieties to the support. After the flower begins to wither, it must be removed from the bush, as it takes away the strength of the plant. In order for such a plant to bloom for a long time, it should not be allowed to set seeds, and after the last flowers wither, you need to cut the flower arrow. It is necessary to cut the peduncle under the flower located at the very bottom, only in this case new arrows and flowers will grow. The first time you need to feed the snapdragon after it takes root after transplanting into open soil, and for this, use nitrophosphate and organic fertilizers... The second time you need to feed the plant during budding, in this case, a nutrient solution consisting of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate is used, while 1 large spoonful of each substance should be taken in a bucket of water.

Diseases and pests

It happens that the bushes are affected by rust, while specks of red color appear on their surface. Also, this plant is susceptible to infection with black leg, root and gray rot, septoria. Diseased plants must be destroyed as soon as possible, then it is necessary to process the soil area where they grew with a fungicidal (antifungal) agent. For snapdragons, such pests are dangerous as: fly larvae, scale insects, caterpillars, as well as butterflies that are able to lay eggs. It should be remembered that getting rid of diseases or harmful insects is much more difficult than preventing plant infection. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations for caring for the snapdragon, so it is necessary to timely destroy the sick and infected with harmful insects; flowers should not be planted very close to each other; it is necessary to water correctly, avoiding waterlogging of the soil; watering should be done at the root, while making sure that water does not fall on the surface of the leaf plates.

After flowering

The flowering of such a plant can continue until the first frost in the fall. After the fall is established, those snapdragon bushes that are cultivated as perennials should be cut very shortly, so that the height of the shoots is about 5-8 centimeters. Then you need to mulch the area, sprinkling it with a layer of dried foliage or sawdust mixed with peat. In the event that your annual snapdragon grows, then after the flowers begin to fade, you should remove them, thereby avoiding self-seeding. After all the flowers on the arrow have wither, it should be cut as short as possible. This will prevent the seeds from ripening and scattering on the soil surface. After the onset of deep autumn, it is necessary to dig up the soil where the flowers grew, and burn the remnants of the snapdragon, since harmful insects can settle on them.

How and When to Collect Snapdragon Seeds

As a rule, for most plants, seeds are harvested only after they are fully ripe. However, the collection of snapdragon seeds must be carried out in the phase of incomplete maturity. Then they are placed in a dry, well-ventilated room for ripening. Collect the seeds in a long paper bag (as for a baguette). It is necessary to start collecting seeds only after the fruits located at the bottom of the peduncle are fully ripe. To do this, the top of the peduncle, on which there are still green fruits, must be cut off and thrown away. On the part of the flower arrow that remains, you need to put on a bag of paper, tied with a thread below the fruit. Then it remains only to cut the stem below the dressing site. Then hang the inverted bag in a dry and warm place and you just have to wait for the ripe seeds to spill out into the bag by themselves. Ripe seeds should be poured into a small cardboard box and stored in a dry place where the air temperature will be from 3 to 5 degrees. In this case, the boxes must be protected from water ingress.

Main types and varieties

Today, experts have several classifications of this plant according to various characteristics. The most popular classification is by the height of the bush. By the size of the bush, snapdragon varieties are divided into 5 groups:

  1. Gigantic- the height of the bush is 90–130 centimeters. In this plant, the stem, located in the center, is much higher than the stems of the second order, while there are no stems of the third order. Popular varieties: "Arthur" - bush height from 90 to 95 centimeters, cherry-colored flowers; "F1 red XL" and "F1 pink XL" - the bush reaches 1.1 meters, the flowers are red and pink (respectively).
  2. High- the height of the bush is 60–90 centimeters. They are cultivated for cutting, and also as a vertical accent in groups or in mixborders. The central stem is much higher than the lateral ones. When cut, the flowers of this plant can stand for about 7 days or even longer. The most fragrant varieties are those whose flowers are colored in various shades of yellow. Popular varieties: "Anna German" - flowers are painted in light pink color; "Canary" - flowers of a rich yellow color; a mixture of varieties "Madame Butterfly" - double flowers can be painted in a variety of colors.
  3. Medium (semi-tall)- a bush with a height of 40 to 60 centimeters. The varieties are versatile, they are cultivated both for cutting and as decoration for flower beds. They are distinguished by strong branching. The height of the central stem is slightly higher than the lateral ones. Popular varieties: "Golden Monarch" - has a yellow color; "Ruby" - deep pink flowers; "Lipstick Silver" - painted in whitish-pink color.
  4. Low- the height of the bush is 25–40 centimeters. They are cultivated as border or flower bed plants. These varieties have a large number of flowering stems of the second and third order, while the central stem has the same height as the stems of the first order or slightly below them. Popular varieties: "Tip-top", "Hobbit", ampelous hybrid plant "Lampion".
  5. Dwarf- the height of the bush varies from 15 to 20 centimeters. The varieties are intended for carpet flower beds, ridges, borders, rock gardens. They are also grown as a potted flower. There is strong branching up to the stems of the third and fourth order, while the central stem is lower or has the same height as the stems of the second order. Popular varieties: "Sakura Blossom" - there is a speck on whitish-pink flowers; Candy Showers is an ampelous variety.

There is also a very popular classification of the snapdragon of Sanderson and Martin for year-round cut varieties. However, this classification is of interest only to those growers who grow snapdragons for sale.

Antirrinum or snapdragon is a perennial, annual or semi-shrub herbaceous ornamental flowering plant native to the warm Mediterranean countries. In nature, the flower also grows in North America and Europe. The snapdragon plant is also very popular among gardeners. And this is understandable, because amazing colors of buds, bizarre flower shapes and long flowering can decorate any part of the garden throughout the season.

Snapdragon - description, photo

What does snapdragon look like? The antirrinum flower is distinguished by green, straight, finely grooved, large stems, the height of which can be from 15 to 100 cm. The plant has opposite lower leaves and oval or lanceolate elongated upper leaflets. By the beginning of summer, racemose inflorescences with numerous large, two-lipped flowers are formed on the stem. They are irregular in shape and can be plain or terry. The color of the flowers can be pink, red, dark brown, orange, yellow, white. There are varieties with flowers painted in two or three colors at once. Snapdragon blooms from the beginning of summer until the onset of autumn frosts.

In nature, the snapdragon flower is a perennial, however, in regions with cold winters, the plant is grown as an annual. Under favorable conditions and good care, antirrinum in the garden can be grown as a perennial plant.

Growing snapdragon from seed

Sowing seeds in open ground

In regions with a warm climate, antirrinum can be grown as a perennial, planting seeds directly on a flower bed. Sowing is carried out in early spring or from mid to late April. It all depends on the weather in your area. Seedlings will appear in about three weeks and can survive even a slight cold snap.

Seeds are planted on a bed prepared in advance in a nesting way, sprinkled with a thin layer of earth, watered from a watering can with a shower head and covered with a film. Crops are aired daily, and the soil is moistened as needed. As soon as the seedlings appear, the film is removed on warm days. It is better to leave shelter at night.

Slightly grown seedlings will need to be thinned out, removing the weakest plants. In order not to damage the roots of closely growing bushes, it is better not to pull out unnecessary seedlings, but to pinch off. When caring for them, watering should be regular, but not frequent. Seedlings are sensitive to soil moisture, when waterlogged, young plants can get sick with a "black leg". Watering is recommended in the early morning.

Growing seedlings of antirrinum (snapdragon)

With the seedling method of growing annuals, sowing seeds should be started at the beginning of March. For this, seedling containers with drainage holes are prepared. They can be filled with potting soil from the store, or you can make your own using compost soil and sand.

Sowing procedure:

Features of caring for snapdragon seedlings

The air temperature for the growth of seedlings should be + 20 ... + 23 degrees. They are moistened in a timely manner, and after the appearance of two real leaves, they are seated in disposable cups or other containers. You can use spacious pots by planting three bushes in them at once.

When transplanting seedlings, you can use a special spatula or a simple fork, with which the plants are taken out along with a lump of earth and carefully placed in a pot filled with earth. Antirrhinums do not tolerate transplantation well, so everything must be done so as not to damage the roots. The planted plants are carefully watered.

The cut seedlings are grown in a well-lit place, otherwise, with a lack of light, the stems will begin to stretch out. Watering the bushes should be borne in mind that snapdragon does not like waterlogging of the soil. Constantly wet soil can lead to root rot and the appearance of a disease such as black leg. However, it is impossible to overdry the soil.

To stimulate the growth of lateral shoots in seedlings 10 cm high, pinch the top. At this time, they should have 4 or 5 real leaves. After this procedure, the snapdragon will turn into a beautiful, lush bush. If the overgrown side shoots begin to grow too actively, they can also be pinched.

Approximately two to three weeks before planting antirrinum in open ground, the seedlings begin to harden. On warm days, she is exhibited in the garden or on open balcony... On the first day, the hardening of plants is carried out for one hour. Every day the time spent by seedlings in the fresh air increases. In the last days before planting, the seedlings should be outdoors for 24 hours.

Planting snapdragon outdoors

For anti-rhinum, a sunny or slightly shaded area is chosen, which must be protected from strong winds.

When to Plant Snapdragon?

Seasoned and grown seedlings on a flower bed in the garden can be planted in late May or early June. Warm weather should be established, however, the plants are able to survive small, short-term night frosts.

How to plant snapdragon?

The soil for antirrinum should be well-drained, nutritious and light. It is best if it will consist of compost, sand and peat (1: 1: 1).

For each bush, a separate planting hole is made, the distance between which depends on the height of the plant:

  1. Dwarf antirrinums are planted in a flower bed with a distance of 15 cm from each other.
  2. There should be a gap of 20 cm between undersized specimens.
  3. Tall snapdragon bushes are planted from each other at a distance of 40 or 50 cm. Immediately during planting, it is recommended to install supports near tall specimens, to which the grown plants will need to be tied.

After planting, the seedlings must be watered.

Snapdragon - care

Snapdragon refers to unpretentious plants that do not require much attention to themselves during the season. The bushes will bloom magnificently and for a long time if you follow the simple recommendations for caring for them:

  1. In dry and hot weather, plants require watering. This should be done early in the morning. It is not recommended to water the snapdragon at night. If it rains, there is no need to water the flowers.
  2. After rain or watering, it is recommended to remove weeds and loosen the soil around the plantings about once a week. Such a procedure will not allow a crust to form on the ground, and air will flow to the plant roots.
  3. After about two weeks, when the seedlings take root and begin to grow, they are fed with universal fertilizer for flowering plants.
  4. During budding, it is recommended to feed the bushes with a solution prepared from a mixture of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate. For its preparation, take a tablespoon of each fertilizer. The mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  5. Withered flowers should be removed regularly so that new buds form faster.
  6. After flowering, fruits begin to form and ripen on the peduncle. If you do not need seeds, then the faded peduncle under the lowest flower is cut off. In this case, after a while, new arrows will appear on the bush and begin to grow, which will soon bloom.
  7. In regions with not very cold winters, where the snapdragon is grown as a perennial plant, the stem of the plant should be cut off in the fall when the cold days come. The remainder of the stem should have a height of 5 to 8 cm. After that, the bushes are covered with dry foliage or peat mixed with sawdust.

Snapdragon pests and diseases

Observing all the rules for caring for antirrinum, plants will not be afraid of any diseases and pests. TO preventive measures relate:

  1. Moderate wetting of the area.
  2. Planting bushes at a distance of 15 to 50 cm (it all depends on the variety of snapdragons).
  3. Specimens affected by pests and diseases must be removed immediately.
  4. Watering the bushes should only be at the root so that water does not get on the leaves.

If, nevertheless, pests have settled on the plants, then the bushes are treated with insecticidal preparations. Of the pests for snapdragons, caterpillars and butterflies, larvae of flies, and scale insects are dangerous.

Of the diseases, the flower can affect gray or root rot, black leg and septoria. All these diseases cannot be cured, and at the same time they quickly spread to other plants. Therefore, diseased bushes are pulled out and burned. The soil on which they grew must be shed with fungicidal antifungal drugs.

Profusely blooming beautiful plant antirrinum (snapdragon) will decorate the garden with its bright or delicate flowers until late autumn. Its low-growing varieties can be planted in a box or flowerpot and decorate a balcony or loggia.

Snapdragon (antirrinum) is an ornamental plant often found in garden plots. They are often decorated with flower beds in parks and city boulevards. These flowers are popularly known as "dogs". The popularity of the plant among summer residents is also explained by the fact that caring for it is not particularly difficult.


Snapdragon: growing from seed, when to plant


Antirrinum is a herbaceous plant whose straight stems grow up to 1 m in height. Elongated leaves can be either light or dark in color. The flowers have a pleasant aroma, in shape they resemble an open lion's mouth. This is the secret of such an unusual name. Smooth or double flowers growing at the top of the stem are collected in an inflorescence in the form of an ear.

Snapdragon flower

On a note! The flower is grown on balconies and loggias. On the street, he is planted both in flower beds and in suspended structures.

Luxurious flower bed with antirrinums

A riot of colorful snapdragons in a hanging planter

There are antirrhinums of white, pink, red and yellow flowers... Flowering lasts all summer, and ends in autumn with the onset of frost. The plant is perennial but is usually re-planted every year. Snapdragon blooms in the year of disembarkation. Then the seed box ripens.

Antirrinum varieties

Snapdragon large

These plants, depending on the variety, are either very small or very tall. According to this principle, snapdragon is divided into the following groups.

  1. Dwarf, maximum 20 cm in length. They are used to decorate borders and flower beds. These antirrhinums are bred in pots like houseplants... Among them there are varieties such as "Sakura Blossom" and "Candy Showers F1".

    Snapdragon Candy Showers F1 Orange

  2. Undersized growing from 25 to 40 cm. They can also be found on borders and flower beds. These include the "Tip-Top", "Lampion", "Hobbit" varieties.

    Snapdragon ampelous "Lampion"

  3. Average stretching up to 40-60 cm. Used for landscaping or creating bouquets. The most common are pink Ruby, yellow Golden Monarch and pale pink Lipstick Silver.

    Snapdragon (Antirrinum) Golden Monarch

  4. High, up to 60-90 cm long. They make wonderful fragrant bouquets or original flower beds... A cut flower can stand in water for over a week. The best ones are: terry varieties"Madame F1 Butterfly", yellow "Canary", pink "Anna German".

    Snapdragon F1 "Madame Butterfly"

  5. Giants reaching 1.3 m. These are such varieties as cherry "Arthur F1" and others.

Tulips and snapdragons in one flower bed

Breeding methods

Antirrinum is usually propagated using seedlings. Tall varieties will bloom later than their undersized counterparts. This must be taken into account when sowing.

Snapdragon seedlings

On a note! Plant seeds can also be sown directly into open ground. This only applies to small varieties of snapdragons. The right time for sowing is the first decade of May. Flowering should be expected later than seedlings.

If you do not destroy the faded antirrinums, then it is likely that, having survived the winter, their seeds will germinate in the thawed soil. Such plants produce strong, luxuriantly flowering bushes.

Vivid variety of snapdragons

When to plant seeds for seedlings

The sowing time of the seeds depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the plant variety. High anti-rhinums are sown in the third decade of February. Low and medium height - during March. Sowing dwarf varieties is allowed until April 15.

Snapdragon seeds photo

In the northern regions, snapdragons can only be grown by seedlings. Planting the plant in open ground is carried out later due to the fact that the return of cold weather is likely during almost the entire spring. This must be taken into account when planting seeds for seedlings. Growing antirrinum as a perennial plant in cold climates will not work.

On a note! Sufficiently developed plants are transplanted into flower beds only in late spring or early summer. During this period, flowers will not suffer from a drop in temperature at night.

Sowing seeds for seedlings step by step

Table. Instructions for growing a snapdragon seedling method.

For seedlings of antirrinum, a universal soil mixture is suitable, which can be purchased at a specialized store. So that the small seeds of the plant can hatch, the soil is sifted and washed sand is added to it. The mixture can also be prepared from earth, peat and sand, mixing them in a 1: 2: 0.5 ratio. To protect seedlings from diseases and weeds, it is recommended to steam the soil mixture with a double boiler. Steam for 1 hour will protect the plant from the blackleg. In order to make the soil slightly alkaline, after steaming, add to it half a tablespoon of dolomite flour or 1 tablespoon of ash per 0.5 kg of soil. The soil mixture must be slightly moistened.
Fill the container with a mixture of soil, level the surface and tamp down quite a bit. Place the seeds on the fold of a piece of paper and spread carefully over the entire surface. Pour the earth on top with a layer of no more than 1 cm.
Spray the topsoil with water from a spray bottle. However, some seeds may float to the surface. This is not scary, since more light is needed for their germination.
Cover the container with a transparent lid or plastic bag. Then install it in a lighted place. For the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of + 21-24 ° C in the room. The soil must be periodically irrigated with water, otherwise the seeds will dry out and not germinate.
After about a week, sprouts will begin to hatch. After emergence, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of + 16 + 29 ° C. Seedlings grow at a slow rate at first. During this time, it is especially important to avoid excess water. Watering should be carried out so that moisture does not get on the leaves. Frequent ventilation is required. The container lid must be removed after 7 days. Immediately after this, the plants must be protected from direct sunlight.
With an excessive density of seedlings, they are thinned out using tweezers.
The pick is made after the first two true leaves grow. Snapdragon is not afraid of this procedure. In a new place, he will feel good almost immediately. The same soil mixture is suitable, but without preliminary sieving and steaming. Fill the cups or pots with soil, lightly tamp the soil. Then you need to make holes so that there is enough space for the roots. Deepen the sprout by 3 mm and cover with soil. Lightly tamp the earth, otherwise the sprout may tilt when moistened.
After picking, the seedlings must be watered carefully. In this case, it is advisable to hold the sprouts until the moisture is completely absorbed.
It is recommended to apply liquid fertilizer to the soil every 14 days. The grown seedlings can be pinched between the fourth and fifth pairs of leaves to improve growth and further lush flowering.
In the second decade of May, you can plan to transfer seedlings to open ground. Snapdragon needs a well-lit area. In shady areas, antirrinum will not bloom so abundantly. If the seedlings were hardened, then even small frosts are not afraid of it. The soil for good plant growth must be loose. A fertile slightly alkaline soil is suitable (otherwise the roots will be underdeveloped). Heavy soil must be diluted with sand, dolomite flour or ash. Before planting seedlings in the ground, you should make mineral dressing including phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.
Planting holes must be dug up to 45 cm apart, depending on the height of the future plant. The specified distance between plants must be observed if a tall variety is planted. For medium antirrinums, this interval is 30 cm. And plants of small varieties of snapdragons will get along well at a distance of 20 cm between them.
Planting must be completed with generous watering, after which it is required to cover the soil with a layer of peat.

Snapdragon in composition with other flowers

Composition using snapdragon flowers

Video - How best to sow snapdragon

Plant care

Further care of the plant does not require much effort. It needs to be weeded periodically, and antirrinum also needs frequent loosening of the soil. During the period of active growth, the culture should be fed with a complex mineral fertilizers... It is undesirable to allow both waterlogging of the soil and a lack of moisture. Watering should be done in moderation. Withered inflorescences must be removed in a timely manner.

Antirrinum (snapdragon). Types and terms of work when growing

Snapdragon - growing and care

Snapdragon diseases

If the root system of the seedlings has been exposed to excessive moisture, then the antirrinum can get sick with root rot. This can ultimately ruin the shoots. To cope with the problem, you can use a drug called "Hom". A teaspoon of the product is diluted with 1 liter of water and the seedlings are treated. Re-processing is carried out after the transfer of plants to open ground. For this, 1 liter of solution is taken for 10 m2 of flower beds. The procedure must be done before flowering.

Diseases and pests of antirrinum

In cool, damp summers, there are favorable conditions for the development of rust. Red spots quickly spread on the foliage, which lead to the death of the flower. It is recommended to fight this disease with the help of special fungicides (Cumulus, Strobi, Abiga-Peak, Poliram) and one percent Bordeaux liquid. Products that include sulfur are effective. Plants affected by the disease must be burned.


"Abiga Peak"

On a note! Gray spots on the leaves of snapdragon with yellow edging indicate infection with septoria. This usually happens during hot, but rainy summers. To eliminate the infection, such means as "Skor", "Previkur", "Fundazol", "Acrobat MC", "Ordan", "Profit Gold" are used.


The following pests are dangerous for snapdragons:

  • scoop;
  • slugs;
  • avocado shield;
  • rootworm nematode.

To destroy them, plants and the land on which they are planted should be treated with insecticides. Infected bushes must be removed from the flower bed and burned.

Snapdragon is a beautiful flower that is undeservedly forgotten by many growers.

Snapdragon is able to surprise with its lush color until late autumn, as it is not afraid of light frosts. Subject to simple rules, these colorful flowers can be planted and successfully grown on their site by every amateur gardener.

Antirrinum or snapdragon is a frequent visitor to Russian flower beds due to its ability to withstand cold weather, as well as due to its lush and bright flowering. Depending on the variety, antirrinum is used for growing in flower beds, for decorating balconies, and for creating lush bouquets. Formally, snapdragon refers to annual plants However, with proper care by a grower, this plant can successfully survive the winter and bloom again by the next summer. The flowering period of the snapdragon differs in its duration, taking about three months. How to get such a bright and unusual plant on our flower beds, we tell further.

Lion sowing is classified according to a number of different characteristics, however, the most common is the classification by plant size (height), numbering five main varieties of antirrinum.

Table 1. Types of antirrinum

Variety typeRepresentativesDescription
Candy Showers;
Sakura color;
Madzhik Karpet;
Tom Tumb
The smallest varieties thrive in pots and can be grown at home. Dwarf antirrinums look great as elements of compositions for a rock garden, carpet flower garden and other creative ideas of landscape gardening art. The average height of a dwarf snapdragon is 18-20 centimeters
The Hobbit;
Low varieties of antirrinum grow up to 30-40 centimeters, however, the scope of their use largely intersects with dwarf varieties - they are used to compose flower beds, decorate balconies and flower beds
Scarlet Monarch;
Golden Monarch;
Day and night
This group of antirrinums is considered universal and one of the most popular among flower growers. Medium-sized antirrinums stretch up to 60 centimeters in height. The plant of this variety is highly branched, and its main shoot is higher than the rest of the shoots.
Anna German;
F1 Rocket Lemon;
F1 Goshenka
The second name of this variety - cut-off antirrinums - is explained by their main utilitarian orientation. High varieties in most cases are used not to decorate flower beds, but to create beautiful bouquets, and therefore cut off. However, sometimes high antirrinums can be seen in flower arrangements, as a bright part towering over other colored mass
F1 Red XL;
F1 Pink XL;
Maximum Uniqulis;
F1 start;
Giant antirrinums can grow from a meter to almost one and a half meters in height. The bushes themselves have a narrow pyramidal shape. The main shoot in such plants stands out sharply against the background of second-order shoots, towering above them. As well high grades, gigantic are used in two directions - bouquet and garden. Most of the gigantic varieties are hybrids

As you can easily see, the range of sizes of this plant is really huge. Starting from very tiny flowers, barely growing up to twenty centimeters, and ending with one and a half meter giants, snapdragons can serve for various purposes, depending on the particular variety.

Planting methods

There are three main ways to grow snapdragon in your own garden:

  • sowing seeds in open ground;
  • sowing seeds for seedlings;
  • grafting.

It should be noted that grafting antirrinum is rarely practiced. The choice of one of these breeding options directly depends on the climatic characteristics of your region. Southern gardeners can afford to immediately plant seeds in the beds - after two weeks, the plant will already delight the first shoots. Even accidental temperature changes will not be terrible for the snapdragon.

By the way! One remarkable feature of anti-rhinum seeds is that they can be dormant in the soil for several years, and then suddenly germinate.

If the beds are located closer to the north, and the climate does not differ in its mildness, then it is recommended to choose the seedling method of reproduction of antirrinum. Seedlings will guarantee that the seedlings will be able to take root better in the soil in the flowerbed later. Of course, the seedling method is more complicated, but its results are worth the effort.

Sowing seeds for seedlings: step by step instructions

Sowing of snapdragon is carried out already at the beginning of March due to the fact that antirrinum seeds germinate rather slowly. For those flower growers whose summer warming begins earlier, it is recommended to sow seeds at the end of February.

Step 1. When choosing a container, pay attention to small containers. Despite the fact that the seeds of the snapdragon are small enough, they begin to grow quickly and if there is a lack of space, some seedlings may wither. There must be drain holes at the bottom of the container.

Step 2. Prepare the soil. As a soil mixture, you can use a universal flower soil; if desired, it is allowed to add vermiculite to it, which will improve the quality of the soil and increase its nutritional value. It is also recommended to mix the soil mixture with coconut briquette (after dissolving it) and sand. All these actions will make the soil more moisture and air permeable.

Step 3. Moisten the soil just before sowing the seeds. To make the solution more nutritious, you can dissolve in warm water a few drops of vermicompost for seedlings. Phytosporin or humate preparations are also suitable for these purposes. The solution itself is most conveniently poured into a spray bottle and already with the help of it to carry out uniform watering of the soil.

Step 4. After watering the soil, spread a thin layer of sand to give you a better view of where you are planting your seeds. Subsequently, the roots of the snapdragon will be able to catch on to the sand, which will also contribute to their development.

Step 5. For convenience, take a white sheet of paper and sprinkle the seeds on it, then fold the sheet vertically. As a result of such actions, you will get something like a homemade tube, from which the seeds will gradually pour out. A sheet of paper will not allow you to pour out the seeds in large piles, which later will not be able to root normally.

Step 6. Sow seeds shallowly without covering the top with anything.

Step 7. Spray the sown seeds with a solution of epin or zircon diluted in warm water. In addition to strengthening the immune system and improving germination, the solution will allow you to simply press the seeds to the sand and deepen them a little.

Step 8. Cover the seedlings with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. The optimum temperature for seed germination is twenty degrees. It makes sense to wait for the first shoots from antirrinum within a week and a half after planting.

By the way! Coconut substrate is perfect for preparing seedling potting soil. On the positive properties of this organic material can be read below.

Seedling care

Caring for snapdragon seedlings does not differ significantly from caring for other seedlings and includes the following mandatory points:

  • periodic ventilation of the container. A sign that the seedlings need fresh air is the appearance of condensation on plastic wrap or glass (depending on which covering material you have chosen);

  • soil moisture control. Seedlings do not need regular watering, but the soil should be moistened whenever its upper layers begin to dry out;
  • stable temperature control. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 20-25 degrees. Any significant differences will negatively affect germination;
  • compliance with the light regime. When the first shoots appear, move the seedlings to a bright place. At the same time, make sure that the sun's rays do not fall on it, otherwise the seedlings will stretch excessively, which is undesirable;
  • removing glass or film. Seedlings will no longer need a mini-greenhouse when most of the seedlings have sprung up;

  • removal of fallen sprouts. Unfortunately, not all sprouts survive to the point of picking. If you come across withered sprouts, gently pick them up with tweezers and remove them from the general container. It is advisable to treat the place of their former location with crushed coal for disinfection purposes.

Video - Sowing antirrinum seeds for seedlings


Not all growers resort to picking antirrinum, preferring to grow seedlings in a common container and after they have real leaves. However, picking allows seedlings not to be crowded on common area and live on your own - in a nutritious substrate that helps to strengthen young plants. The timing of the picking varies, but on average, you need to focus on the third week after planting the seeds.

A pick can be done in two ways:

  • each individual seedling is moved to a separate container;
  • two or three seedlings are moved to a large container.

Choice suitable option largely depends on the presence or absence of a suitable number of containers. For the convenience of growing seedlings, it is recommended to purchase special seedling cassettes, which include several small pots at once.

Among the features of transplanting and caring for dive seedlings, we will focus on the main ones:

Video - Cutting antirrinum

Landing in open ground

Transplanting the snapdragon into open ground is a very crucial moment, since it involves moving the plant to outdoor conditions with an uncontrolled climate. In order to prevent seedlings from dying, it is important to consider two main factors:

  • landing dates;
  • landing site.

Landing dates

The timing of transplanting antirrinum seedlings to open flower beds depends on climatic conditions. Florists, in whose regions the beginning of May is already accompanied by stable warming, plant seedlings during the May holidays.

The northern regions of Russia are characterized by episodic frosts, returning throughout May. Residents of these areas are advised to wait until the very beginning of June to be sure that the seedlings do not freeze in the soil.

Seat selection

Snapdragon is not picky about the soil composition and is able to take root even in unprepared soil. Antirrinum has two main wishes for the soil:

  • the soil must pass moisture and air well;
  • the soil should not be highly acidic (pH 6-8 is considered an ideal soil for growing snapdragons).

Among the various soil types, this plant prefers loamy soils with sandy patches. Like most flower plants, the flower pharynx feels most comfortable in sunny areas, sheltered from the wind. However, a slight darkening is also possible - it will not cause significant damage to flowering.

Soil preparation

If desired garden soil can be mixed with a number of "additives" that will have a positive effect on the flowering of antirrinum, lengthening its time and improving the quality of the flowers themselves. These additives include:

  • wood ash (glass of ash per 1 m 2);
  • nitrophoska or, alternatively, a universal fertilizer for flower plants (a tablespoon of substrate per 1 m 2);
  • humus (on average, three to four kilograms of fertilizer goes to a flower bed);
  • peat (kilogram per 1 m 2).

Before planting the seedlings, it is also necessary to dig the soil onto the bayonet of a shovel. This will make it looser and more breathable, which is what antirrinums require.

Landing scheme

Given that the sizes of the antirrinum vary significantly, there is no need to talk about a universal landing pattern. Depending on belonging to a certain group (dwarf, medium, etc.), there are five main ways of planting seedlings:

  • 15x15 centimeters for dwarf antirrinums;
  • 20x20 centimeters for low antirrinums;
  • 30x30 centimeters for medium antirrinums;
  • 40x40 centimeters for high antirrinums;
  • 50x50 centimeters for gigantic antirrinums.

Important! Snapdragon is cross-pollinated. Accordingly, the closer you place the seedlings, the more likely it is that young plants will differ significantly from the mother ones by the next season.

Landing features

The procedure for transplanting seedlings is as follows:

  • water the soil in containers and carefully remove the seedlings along with the earthy clod;
  • deepen the seedlings to the cotyledonous leaves;
  • tamp the soil around the plants in such a way that it tightly fixes the antirrinums;
  • moisten the soil with a little water.

When choosing the right time of day for planting, it is advisable to stop at the evening hours, since direct sunlight causes additional stress on the seedlings and complicates adaptation. If you want to carry out a transplant by all means during the day, then it is advisable to choose a cloudy day without precipitation.


Further care of the antirrinum does not imply any key features and includes the following standard procedures:

  • watering. It is carried out as the soil dries up. If the season is rainy, then the antirrinums will practically not need additional watering. Dry summers will require more frequent moisture;

  • loosening. Carried out immediately after watering. The purpose of loosening is not only to "ventilate" the soil, but also to remove weeds that take nutrient resources from the soil;
  • top dressing. The first feeding is done not earlier than after a month of transplanting the seedlings, otherwise they simply will not be able to assimilate the nutrients. Snapdragon is fertilized every three weeks throughout the summer season;
  • pruning. Snapdragon does not need anti-aging or formative pruning. All he needs is the timely removal of wilting flowers, which continue to drain the plant's resources. Experienced flower growers also recommend timely removal of the peduncle, thereby preventing the plant from tying seeds. This will significantly lengthen the flowering period;

  • topping. Pinching can make the flower shrub more lush and showy. The main shoot, as well as lateral ones (up to the second order), are subjected to this procedure.

Top dressing

As mentioned, snapdragon fertilization is done several times per season. Of course, the same compound fertilizer for annual flowers can be used throughout the season. However, if you want to get more lush bloom, then it is important to select certain components of feeding for a specific situation:

With the correct selection of fertilizers and proper pruning, snapdragons can delight with their flowering for up to four months - from July to late autumn.

Seed collection

While snapdragon seeds can be purchased at most flower shops, experienced growers are well aware that the quality does not match the quality of seeds obtained from their own plants. Collecting seeds is not a very difficult exercise and is accessible even to a beginner.

In order to acquire such seeds, you need to take several important steps:

Self-harvested seeds are able to maintain their potential similarity for five to six years.

And Sims 2. The character plants fruits in the ground, cares for a growing plant (watering, weeding, fertilizing, chasing pests) and after a while gets a crop of fruits of a certain quality, which can be sold, planted again, used for cooking or other things. But the Sims 4 has a few new features that make gardening a lot more enjoyable.

Almost 50 plants are available in the skill. They can be grown directly in the ground or in a flower bed for 1–4 bushes or one tree to make the garden look neat. For planting, you must first drag the fruit from the baggage to the desired location on the site. In the future, bushes and trees can be moved around the site in construction mode and the excess can be removed in the family's luggage.

There is no grocery store in The Sims 4, so the main way to get seedlings is to find wild plants in the city. Some of them (for example, strawberries and onions) grow everywhere, and some need to be looked up properly (see the table of plants). The problem is that when the character arrives at the community lot, he will not find mature fruit bearing plants, but fresh seedlings. So you will have to spend several hours in the location, or even go several times. The bushes will begin to bear fruit in a day or two, with trees it is more and more difficult. Sometimes it's easier to take a scion and plant it on your apple tree than to wait two weeks for the harvest.

Several plants are often found on fishing trips, including ruminant berry and pitaya. By clicking on a garden bed, you can buy seed kits for gardeners. From level 1, seeds for beginners are available for § 35, from level 7 - farm seeds for § 75. They differ only in quality. The composition of the kits:

  • fruit seeds: banana, grapes, apple;
  • vegetable seeds: mushrooms, spinach;
  • flower seeds: chrysanthemum, daisy (chamomile);
  • herb seeds: basil, parsley.

Plants have individual characteristics. Some grow faster and bear fruit more often, while from others the first harvest can be obtained in a week or two. Trees grow especially slowly. A character with any skill level can grow any plant, the seeds of which he can get. The rarity of plants is a rather conventional concept. For example, the "rare" blackberry grows in Windenburg at every turn, but the "unusual" tulip grows in only two areas. In The Sims 4, plants became almost immortal, even the death flower bush, which in The Sims 3 could produce a maximum of 2 flowers. If you take good care of them and do not take more than two shoots from the bush, they will not die.

All fruits can be divided into fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, mushrooms, medicinal plants from The Sims 4 Go Camping! »And special plants. Fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and spices are widely used in culinary and gourmet cooking, although natural ingredients are optional (with the exception of the ragweed death flower) and many baked goods cannot be cooked without their own vegetable garden. Medicinal herbs are used in herbal medicine, and flowers are only useful for fishing as bait, but any plant is suitable for this purpose. All plants (except flowers) can be eaten raw in the travel playset. The higher the quality of the plant, the more the characters will like it. Plants are sometimes used for scientific purposes. A character with a developed logic skill can study plant samples using a microscope, scientists use them in sera, and when analyzing plants on a chemical analyzer, information about crosses can be obtained.

If you no longer have any energy to take care of the garden, you can hire a gardener or create a hobby club with the obligation to do gardening, but the club members will appropriate the crop.

Plant breeding

The fruit has 10 grades of quality: normal, good, very good, decent, fine, excellent, excellent, amazing, flawless and perfect. The higher the quality, the more expensive the fruits, but the cost of fruits of the same quality can be different, at the most high levels it differs several times. Having engaged in breeding closely, you can become fabulously rich, because fruits, which in normal quality cost 2-4 simoleons, are sold in impeccable and ideal form for several hundred each, and the cost of individual fruits of pitaya, blackberries, Siksim fruits and berries of a ruminant plant sometimes exceeds a thousand simoleons.

Plant breeding has been greatly simplified in The Sims 4. The Sims 3 grew from a good fruit nice bush yielding very good fruits, then these fruits had to be planted again, grow a very good bush, get great fruits from it, etc. In Sims 4, any bush becomes ideal over time if it is well looked after and the action "Promote growth ", After which the quality will increase. If you hover your mouse over a plant, you can see a flower in the description. His face shows the "state of health" of the bush (good, neutral, bad), and the petals show the stage of readiness before the next improvement. The better the care, the faster everything happens.

Crossbreeding and hybrids

Starting at level 5 of the skill, the character will be able to take shoots from any adult bushes and trees. They need to be grafted with any of their plants (including trees to bushes and vice versa), after which they will grow a little and begin to yield fruits of two types, although there will be less of them than from an ordinary bush. Hybrids can consist of several plants at once (more than ten), so the number of bushes in the garden can be minimal. In this case, the quality of the shoot does not matter, all the fruits will have the quality of the "mother" bush.

But that's not all. In the process of crossing two plants, you can additionally get a third, which cannot be obtained in any other way. The resulting fruit can be planted separately and a full-fledged plant can be grown. Death Blossom and Ruminant are obtained by several crosses. Information about successful combinations goes into the character's diary:

  • strawberry + daisy (chamomile) = bonsai buds;
  • strawberry + snapdragon = pitaya
  • strawberry + hyacinth = grapes;
  • snapdragon + lily = orchid;
  • snapdragon + pitaya = ruminant
  • rose + grapes = bonsai buds;
  • basil + sage = parsley
  • chrysanthemum + tulip = strelitzia;
  • apple + cherry = pomegranate;
  • lemon + pear = bananas for frying;
  • orchid + pomegranate = flower of death.

Swallow Cannibal (ruminant)

The unique cow, dog, and plant hybrid is back in The Sims 4 with a new look. Now it is a real plant that any character can grow. Previously, he devoured other Sims, luring them with a cake, after which the owner of the plant could milk the "ladybug", taking away the youth of her victims. In The Sims 4, Cannibal takes only the victim's current emotion, and any emotion, including happiness and discomfort, and spits out the character himself. Having milked the "pet", the owner will receive an essence that will give him an emotion for 12 hours.

But the eating of the Swallow by the Cannibal will not go unnoticed. After a treacherous attack, the victim is left with the Exhaustion moodlet (discomfort + 1 for 2 days). Swallowing again while this moodlet is active will result in the character's imminent death. A plant that is not fed for a long time also dies. To prevent this from happening, the owner can reproach him twice a day or occasionally throw fun parties with guests who are not sorry to lose.

The Swallow Cannibal is also a kind of pet that you can play with.

Bonsai tree

In the construction mode, a decorative Bonsai tree is sold, the haircut of which helps to pump the skill of gardening and improves the character's mood. In a neutral mood, 5 haircut options are available: waterfall, wind blowing, multi-stage, symmetrical, traditional. At the 1st level of the gardening skill, the shape will be chosen randomly, from the 5th level of the skill, you can choose the desired shape, and from the 8th, you can instantly grow the foliage of a freshly cut bush (of course, not for free). When cutting a Bonsai, the character gets the "Union with the Plant" moodlet (attentiveness + 1 for 6 hours), and when seeing a plant of any shape, the "Deciduous Calm" moodlet (happiness + 1 for 3 hours) appears.

In a playful, flirtatious, inspired and evil mood, the character has access to special tree shapes that convey to the audience the emotions in which they were created: “Successful pruning of the Bonsai tree” (playfulness + 1 for 3 hours), “Flirty flora” (flirtatiousness + 1 for 3 hours), "Exciting form" (inspiration + 1 for 3 hours), "Dislike for agriculture" (anger + 1 for 3 hours).

The character has the opportunity to independently grow such a tree in his garden, having received Bonsai buds through crossing strawberries and daisies. Having brought the bush to excellent quality and above, you can turn it into an ornamental plant for § 25, which will appear next to an empty garden.

Skill capabilities

Lvl. Opportunities*

The character can harvest, plant, water and weed plants, buy sets of seeds for beginners, and also cut decorative Bonsai in a random way (most often spoil the plant, leaving it completely without foliage).


Sim can learn gardening on the computer. Oddly enough, this does not increase the skill, it just creates the mindfulness "Lesson learned in gardening".


The character can fertilize plants in a row, accelerating their growth.


The character can talk to plants, satisfying his need for communication.


The character can take plant shoots and create hybrids, as well as choose the shape when shearing the Bonsai.


Other Sims can compliment the character's wonderful garden.


The character can "Take care of the garden", automatically watering, weeding and spraying all plants from pests. He also has farm seed kits available.


A character can re-grow foliage on a Bonsai immediately after pruning for § 50, as well as revive any dead plant for § 100.


The character will take better care of the plants.


The character can find the entrance to Silvan Glade, the secret lot of Willow Creek. To do this, you need to "make friends" with a special tree in the southeastern residential area: water it, chat about all sorts of things. After that, the tree will "open".

* Initially, these opportunities appeared at other skill levels, but in one of the updates everything changed.

List of plants

Icon Name Plant rarity We stand.
Where to look / features Add.
1 Basil Common 2–42

Included in the Herb Seed Kit.
Willow Creek: Home of Spencer-Kim-Lewis, Silvan Glade.

2 Frying bananas Common 2–424

The result of crossing a lemon and a pear.

3 Grape Common 7–605

The result of crossing strawberries and hyacinths.
Included in the Fruit Seed Kit.

4 Mushroom Common 1–55

Windenburg: island, suburb, cliffs, Von Hont Estate.
Willow Creek: Home of Friends Forever, Pancake Home, Silvan Glade.
Newcrest: North Area.

5 Hyacinth (bell) Common 4–719

Willow Creek: Home of Goth, Home of Friends Forever, Institutions, Silvan Glade.
Windenburg: island, suburb, Von Hont Estate, cliffs.
Scientific Institute.
Newcrest: southwest.

6 Lemon Common 3–309

Windenburg: Von Hont Estate.
Oasis Springs: home of Zest, establishments.
Can be caught while fishing.

7 Snapdragon Common 5–505

One of the most common plants and good bait.

Windenburg: an island.
Scientific Institute.
Newcrest: all districts.
Can be caught while fishing.

8 Carrot Common 2–152

Granite Falls: Camp, Hermit.
Oasis Springs: Zest House, Landgraab House, Housemates' House, Institutions, Park.

9 Parsley Common 2–122

The result of crossing basil and sage.
Included in the Herb Seed Kit.
Granite Falls: The Hermit.

10 Daisy (chamomile) Common 1–137

Windenburg: Park, Von Hont Estate.
Magnolia Promenade.
Scientific Institute.
Oasis Springs: Zest House, Landgraab House, establishments, park.

11 Chrysanthemum Common 4–565

Included in the flower seed kit.
Willow Creek: the home of friends forever.
Windenburg: park.
Oasis Springs: Zest's house, housemates' house, establishments, park.

12 Sage Common 2–72

Windenburg: Von Hont Estate.

Oasis Springs: everywhere, except for the area with the Gongadze house.
Can be caught while fishing.

13 Spinach Common 1–138

Included in the Vegetable Seed Kit.
Windenburg: Von Hont Estate.

14 Apple Common 3–343

Included in the Fruit Seed Kit.
Willow Creek: Goth home, friends forever home, establishments, park.
Windenburg: suburb, Von Hont Estate.
Can be caught while fishing.

15 Cherry (cherry) Unusual 3–411

Windenburg: Von Hont Estate.
Oasis Springs: Gongadze House, Landgraab House, Housemates' House.

16 Pear Unusual 3–190

Willow Creek: Goth home, establishments, park.
Windenburg: cliffs, Von Hont Estate.

17 Potato Unusual 2–186

Willow Creek: home of friends forever, establishments (next to the pirate ship).
Windenburg: Von Hont Estate.
Granite Falls Camp.
Oasis Springs: Forgotten Grotto.

18 Strawberry Unusual 2–110

The most common plant.
Hospital + police station.
Willow Creek: all districts including Silvan Glade.
Windenburg: island, park, ruins, cliffs, Von Hont Estate.
Granite Falls: Camp, Hermit.
Scientific Institute.
Newcrest: all districts.
Oasis Springs: Zest's home, housemates' home.
Can be caught while fishing.

19 Lily Unusual 5–357

Hospital + police station.
Willow Creek: Goth House, Spencer-Kim-Lewis House, Institutions, Park, Silvan Glade.
Windenburg: ruins.
Magnolia Promenade.
Newcrest: Southwest Area, Southeast Area.
Oasis Springs: Forgotten Grotto.

20 Onion Unusual 3–256

One of the most common plants.
Willow Creek: Pancake home, Spencer-Kim-Lewis home, establishments.
Windenburg: suburb, ruins, Von Hont Estate.
Granite Falls: Camp, Hermit.
Oasis Springs: Gongadze's House, Zest's House, Housemates' House, Forgotten Grotto.
Newcrest: North Area.

21 Tomato (tomato) Unusual 3–168

Windenburg: Park, Von Hont Estate.
Granite Falls: The Hermit.
Oasis Springs: Home of Zest.

22 the Rose Unusual 4–275

Scientific institute
Willow Creek: Goth House (in the flowerbed behind Umbridge Manor), Pancake House, establishments (behind the museum).
Windenburg: ruins (by the wall next to the descent to the lower tier).
Magnolia Promenade.
Newcrest: North Area.
Can be caught while fishing.

23 Tulip Unusual 4–311

Oasis Springs: Gongadze home, Landgraab home.

24 Garnet Rare 4–242

The result of crossing an apple and a cherry.
Can be caught while fishing.

25 Blackberry Rare 11–1551

Windenburg: island, suburb, Von Hont Estate.
Granite Falls: The Hermit.
Magnolia Promenade.
Oasis Springs: Gongadze Home, Park.

26 Garbage Plant (garbage plant) Rare 1–31

It grows out of a pile of rubbish, forgotten on the ground. Virtually maintenance-free. According to rumors, it attracts pests to the site. Nice bait.

27 NPO (unidentified fruit object) Rare 24–984
28 Orchid Rare 5–556

The result of crossing a snapdragon and a lily.

29 Pitaya (dragon fruit) Rare 16–2320

The result of crossing a strawberry and snapdragon.
Can be caught while fishing.

30 Bonsai buds Rare 4–292

The result of crossing a strawberry and a daisy.
The result of crossing a rose and grapes.

31 Strelitzia Rare 4–564

The result of crossing a chrysanthemum and a tulip.

32 Ruminant berry Rare 20–1220

One of the most expensive plants, good bait.
The result of crossing a snapdragon and a pitaya.
Can be caught while fishing.
From the berry grows the Cannibal Swallow.

33 Elder Common 2–138

Granite Falls Camp.

34 Harmful elderberry Common 2–172

A wild plant to be recognized.
When eaten, gives the "Berry of Sorrow" moodlet, sadness + 2 for 2 hours.
Granite Falls Camp.

35 Chamomile (wild) Common 3–256

A wild plant to be recognized.
Granite Falls: Camp, Hermit.

36 Fructon Common 3–243

The plant appeared in March 2016 as part of a seasonal trial. The tree looks like an apple tree, but shimmers with green light. Growing everywhere.

37 Poisonous chamomile Common 3–279

A wild plant to be recognized.
When eaten, it produces the Energizing Tea moodlet, tension + 2 for 2 hours.
Granite Falls Camp.

38 Blackberry (wild) Unusual 2–68

Originally blueberry. A wild plant to be recognized.
Granite Falls: forest, hermit.

39 Stinging nettle Unusual 3–123

A wild plant to be recognized. When collecting and eating nettles, the character develops severe itching.
Granite Falls: forest.

40 Nettle Unusual 3–153

A wild plant to be recognized.
Granite Falls: forest.

41 Flower with fangs Unusual 10–1130

A freedom-loving flower that does not want to grow in flower beds, only on the ground. One of the most expensive plants.

42 Poisonous blackberry (clay berry) Unusual 2–93

A wild plant to be recognized.
When eaten, grants the Dazed and Confused moodlet, Stunned + 2 for 2 hours.
Granite Falls: forest.

43 False morel Rare 4–274

A wild plant to be recognized.
When eaten, it gives the "Unpleasant mushroom" moodlet, discomfort + 2 for 2 hours.
Granite Falls: The Hermit.

44 Glowing sphere Rare 20–1300

One of the most expensive plants. The fruits glow in the dark.
Only found on Siksim.

45 Morel Rare 4–303

Granite Falls: forest, hermit (one mycelium in distant beds).

46 Fruit with needles Rare 20–1220

One of the most expensive plants.
Only found on Siksim.

47 Flower of death Rare 1–1

Does not appear in the collection. It is part of ambrosia and the Dark Kingdom drink. Not amenable to selection, worth 1 § in any capacity.
The result of crossing an orchid and a pomegranate.

Plant appearance

Bushes and trees look a lot more interesting in The Sims 4 than in previous installments. The hybrid will have the appearance of a "mother" plant.

Icon Plant shape Plants with this shape Add.
1 Bush medicinal herb or spices

Basil, elderberry, unhealthy elderberry, blackberry (wild), parsley, sage, spinach, poisonous blackberry (clay berry).

2 Berry bush

Grapes, blackberries, strawberries, pitahaya (dragon fruit), tomato.

3 Flower bush

Lily, snapdragon, orchid, chamomile (wild), tulip, poisonous chamomile.

4 Flower bush