Rose varieties Gloria Dei (Gloria Dei). Gloria dey hybrid tea

Rose Peace is yellow with a pink edge. The height of the bush is usually about 100-150 cm. The width is about 125 cm, it is more, but quite rarely. Disease resistance rose Peace: sick in unfavorable years.

Description: Rose Peace

Everyone knows Mme.A. Meilland - although in Germany her name is Gloria Dei, in Italy Gioia, and in English-speaking countries - Peace. It is the most famous rose in the world, and probably still the most widespread. The rose is named after the hybridizer's mother, who died young. The flowers are huge: the variety is so strong that when it first appeared, it set a completely new standard for the quality of roses. The peak of popularity that came in the 1950s and 1960s, roses are entirely due to Mme.A. Meilland. the flowers are incredibly large and beautiful at all stages of dissolution, from elegant buds to full bloom, although, in fact, the cultivar is very variable in culture. For example, the color is usually pale yellow with a crimson edge, fading to creamy pink, in practice it changes depending on the season and place of cultivation. The smell also changes. Many complain that the strain doesn't smell, others describe the aroma as strong, bright, sweet and fruity. However, everyone agrees that it has a vigorous shrub, strong petals, large dark green foliage, and good disease resistance. (ARE) There she is. Number one. The most popular rose in world history. Bred by the French breeder Meilland at the end of World War II. A rose with beautiful, sometimes fragrant flowers, blooms profusely, the bush is winter-hardy and vigorous. Many people say that Peace is not as yellow and bright as it used to be. However, I have not seen clear evidence of this. (RRC) Branched vigorous shrub up to 1.2 m tall with shiny dark green foliage. The flowers are very large, bright yellow with a pink-red edge, with a slight aroma. A deservedly popular rose, the bush looks good even when not in bloom. Disease resistant and winter hardy rose easy to grow. (IER) The story of this rose is a real melodrama. The rose was bred in France during the Second World War, and was taken out by untitled cuttings in the diplomatic baggage in the United States just before the capture of France by the Nazis. The rose was propagated in an American nursery and released in 1945. The rose returned with the world to liberated France and therefore received the name Peace. Later grade decorated all the tables at the UN meeting. The flowers are luxurious, large and double, pale yellow with a pink edge. The variety is vigorous, winter-hardy and disease-resistant, in the south it is somewhat prone to black spot. (

Rose Gloria Day, the description of which is presented below, was bred by a breeder from France at the end of World War II and is the most common and famous throughout the world. V different countries there are versions of the name of this flower. Together with this, the name that is most often used, she received from the name of the mother of the hybridizer, who died at a young age. The Gloria Day rose variety is so resistant to aggressive factors that since its inception, it immediately set a new quality bar for the “queen of flowers”. Inflorescences are distinguished by their incredible beauty at all stages of their development - both in the form of buds that have not yet opened, and in the form of a fully open flower. At the same time, it should be noted that the plant is quite variable. Being pale yellow, it can fade to creamy pink. In reality, it all depends on the growing conditions and the season.

Rose Gloria Day also has a changeable scent. At one time it may seem that the flower does not smell at all, but at another it is quite possible to hear a sweet, fruity, strong aroma. Be that as it may, the variety boasts a tall bush with large dark green leaves and strong petals, as well as a high resistance to all kinds of diseases. It is not surprising that in the entire history of the world, this particular rose has become the most popular, because it cannot but attract attention even when it does not bloom.

During the Second World War, before the capture of France by the Nazis, the rose Gloria Day was transported to the United States in the form of cuttings by diplomatic mail. Subsequently, the plant was intensively propagated in American nurseries. Here she received the name "Peace". In 1945, the flower was returned back to the already liberated France. Since that time, the variety has been used to decorate tables during all kinds of meetings under the auspices of the UN.

Regardless of the weather conditions, the Gloria Day rose is always characterized by a pleasant aroma and abundant flowering... At the same time, it should be noted that in very hot conditions, the yellow color can fade, and the edge becomes brighter. The branchy bushes of the plant are larger than the parameters of ordinary hybrid tea roses in size. The diameter of the bud of the representatives of the variety in a fully opened form can range from 14 to 19 centimeters. Individual bushes under certain conditions can reach a height of 200 centimeters. This is most often associated with a shorter growing season.

Rose Gloria Day is usually grown in flower arrays and is used to decorate flower beds, borders and other places. The plant can form shoots that tend to take root and germinate over time. True, it sometimes takes a very long time to wait for this. The color of this rose can be given a more intense look if you feed it during the budding period organic fertilizers... One of the few disadvantages of the flower is the tendency to form black spot.

Despite everything, thanks to its characteristics, the variety has repeatedly become the winner of all kinds of flower exhibitions and competitions.

Gloria Day is considered the standard among the flower growers of the planet. She was awarded the honorary title "Rose of the Century", she is called a symbol of harmony and peace of the twentieth century. But few people know that the history of the creation of this variety, its further spread throughout the world is associated with key events that took place in the first half of the last century.

Family hobby

Rose Gloria Day bred in Meilland nursery in France. The prehistory of its appearance is very interesting. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the Lyons gardener Joseph Rambaux, who was very fond of roses, was able to breed eight new varieties at once. And his son-in-law Francis Dubreuil, who is also very interested in the “queen of flowers,” as a result of crossing, has already bred sixty-four species. The family activity continued. The nursery grew so much and the popularity of the seedlings bought from these gardeners became so great that after the First World War, a new piece of land had to be acquired.


Rose Gloria Day was named a symbol of peace, harmony. At the very First UN Assembly, held in 1945 in San Francisco, the heads of delegations of each of the founding countries received this flower.

The Queen has always won prestigious exhibitions and international competitions. Gloria Day is still considered a classic - a standard hybrid rose... It is very often used as a base species for breeding new varieties. Many of the new hybrids become prize-winners at major international exhibitions. These are the varieties Prima ballerina, Christian Dior, Princess of Monaco, etc. All of them owe their appearance to this wonderful flower: the ancestor of many of them is the rose Gloria Day.

Description of the variety

Outwardly, this kind of delicate lemon-yellow color with a pink dusting. It has a very subtle scent. A large goblet bud, in the process of blooming, is first painted in a greenish yellow, then it becomes golden yellow with a slight pinkish tinge, and already when blooming, the petals at the edges acquire an intense pink color. Rose Gloria Day, the description and care of which are considered in any special literature, is equally suitable for growing both in the northern and southern regions. Its densely double flowers sometimes have forty-five or more petals. The diameter of the heads reaches nineteen centimeters.

Rose Gloria Day blooms continuously throughout the summer. The last buds appear on it at the end of autumn. The bush reaches an average height of one meter. Its erect shoots are covered with dark green leathery glossy leaves. This rose is a hybrid tea. Gloria Day is considered hardy.


This variety of roses is not only the best-selling variety in the world. Gloria Day is without a doubt considered the best hybrid tea species. For decades, she is not only the most beautiful of all existing varieties... It is called the most stable among the rest of the representatives of the hybrid tea family. Per last years, however, experts began to note in her some susceptibility to such an ailment as black spot, but this in no case can be a reason to refuse to plant a variety on her site that conquered the world.

On the basis of Gloria Day, breeders have bred about three hundred and ninety varieties of roses. The work continues at the present time. The descendants of this wonderful representative of hybrid tea species were the varieties Berlin and the Princess of Monaco, Reception in the garden and the Golden Crown, the Talking Sun and the World of Fire, Love and Peace, and many others. In the fifties, breeders from different countries completely independently bred a new variety - the Gloria Day climbing rose variety. He retained all the advantages of the original, but at the same time acquired the qualities of a vine.


It is planted in early May, when the soil has completely thawed. For this, sunny, wind-protected places on garden plots... The soil must be well drained, and it must also be slightly acidic. Before planting seedlings of roses Gloria Day, you need to lower the water so that the plant is well saturated with moisture. The holes for planting are prepared in advance: they should be up to forty centimeters deep. The distance between the bushes is the same - 40 cm.


You need to water the rose warm water... Experts believe that it is best to use rain moisture for this. Tap water must be defended during the day. For this shrub, it is desirable to have neutral soil, which is enriched with organic fertilizers.

Rose Gloria Day needs periodic feeding. The best fertilizer for her, slurry is considered, although mineral supplements also play an important role. The first time the plant is fed in the spring with urea. The second time you need to give potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

When using slurry, you must first prepare it: two weeks before use, you need to mix fresh mullein with water (1: 3), add potassium sulfate and superphosphate there. The solution must be mixed well and used after two weeks, again diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Furrows, which are thirty centimeters behind the lateral shoots, are first spilled with water, and then with harvested fertilizer. Under each bush, you need to pour about five liters of solution. After the soil dries up, the furrows should be covered with dry earth and loosened the next day.

Rose Gloria Day loves to be watered late at night, after the final sunset. In this case, the roots will not only take a sufficient amount of water, but also will not be scorched by daytime rays. It is not necessary to cover the rose in winter if too severe frosts are not expected. This plant will only perfectly harden at temperatures up to minus fifteen degrees.

Save the rose from harmful organisms and diseases are excellently helped by the neighborhood with marigolds. They need to be planted around the rose garden: these unpretentious flowers release special enzymes into the air that perfectly fight many of the threats of the flower garden.

Experts advise not to let young and freshly planted seedlings bloom right away. It is better to break off the first five or six buds, so that at first all the plant's forces go to strengthen the roots. Knowing all the features of cultivation, there is no doubt that in six months a real flower garden will appear on the site, the main "hero" of which will be the rose Gloria Day.

Terry roses with a unique combination of lemon yellow and pink flowers- this is business card a hybrid tea variety known all over the world under the name Gloria Day. The variety was created by the famous French breeder Francis Meilland - the hereditary creator of unique varieties of roses. It was thanks to him that the light found hundreds of new roses of various shades and shapes, but only Gloria Day became famous and became the standard of a real hybrid tea rose.

Description of the variety

Externally, the Gloria Dei bush looks typical of hybrid tea plants. A short, upright bush covered with medium-sized dark green leaves. The bushes are medium studded, the height of the stems is about 100-120 cm. Plants are moderately spreading, up to 90 cm in diameter, compact, well branching.

The special value of the variety is dense double flowers. Depending on the growing conditions and the degree of blooming, the buds change not only color, but also aroma. When half-open, the bud of Gloria Day has a goblet shape, and at the moment of full blooming, its shape resembles a deep bowl. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 15-19 cm!

The color transformation of the rose is also of interest. At the initial stage of blooming, the buds acquire greenish-yellow shades, and later turn into golden yellow with a pink bloom along the edge of the petals. Ultimately, the edges of the petals are tinged with deeper pinks, while the center of the bud remains yellowish-golden.

The official description of the variety does not mention the ability of the flower to change colors depending on the prevailing air temperature. Meanwhile, reviews of people who grow this variety now and then mention this amazing property of Gloria Day.

So, at a temperature of 15-25 degrees, the flowers are painted mainly yellow with a small pink dusting along the edge, while at temperatures above 25 degrees, yellowness gives way to a whitish color, and the pink bloom becomes more extensive and bright.

How to plant hybrid tea roses (video)

It is interesting! The Gloria Day variety in different countries received its own name, by which it is still known there. So, in the USA it is called Peace (Peace in translation), in Italy - Gioia (Delight), and in France - "Madame Menyan".

Choosing a place in the garden and planting

Gloria Day hybrid tea rose, despite its French origin, feels good in northern latitudes, including middle lane and the suburbs. It is successfully grown in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Even in harsh weather conditions, the rose blooms throughout the summer with a heady sweet scent.

The rose tolerates winter cold well, but in Siberia, for example, it is recommended to cover the bushes relatively in a simple way: hud up the bushes high and cover them with dry leaves .. In such conditions, the plant will avoid infection with fungal infections. At the same time, you should not walk around the site with these roses. strong winds, as they can "fill up" bushes or spoil appearance inflorescences.

The soil that is suitable for roses of the hybrid tea group is a moisture-absorbing and breathable substrate with a high content nutrients. The acidity of the soil is slightly acidic or neutral. If the soil in the garden is not quite suitable for growing roses, you can refine it locally by pouring a mixture of fertile garden soil with sand and humus into the planting pits (take 2 parts of the land for one part of sand and humus).

A prerequisite for the successful growth of rose bushes is the presence of a drainage layer. It is recommended to build it regardless of the quality of the soil layer and the height of the groundwater.

It is recommended to plant Gloria Day roses at a time when the threat of frost has passed and the soil warms up. In the southern regions of Russia, planting occurs already in mid-April, and in the middle lane and in Siberia - in the first or second decade of May. The seedling is placed in the prepared hole so that the root collar and the grafting site are just below the soil level. Then the bush is covered with soil and watered generously.

Gloria Day care: feeding, pruning and watering

Gloria Dei, despite her noble French origin, loves to “eat and drink abundantly,” and therefore, throughout the summer, the gardener will need to pay attention to feeding and watering the bushes. At the same time, leaving will not necessarily be burdensome, because you will need to moisten the rose twice a week, pouring from 5 to 7 liters of water under the bush, depending on the moisture content of the soil. If it rains, you can forget about watering altogether for a week after they stop.

As a top dressing rose of the Gloria Day variety prefers complex mixtures for roses. In this case, the first feeding is recommended to be done when young leaves and shoots appear, and the second - at the beginning of the formation of buds. The last feeding is two to three weeks before the onset of cold weather.

A separate topic in the care of roses of the hybrid tea family is pruning, which is divided into sanitary and formative. The first is the complete removal of dried or weakened shoots in the spring and during the summer. The second is held in the fall. At the same time, gardeners have no consensus on how strong it should be. Someone prefers to shorten the shoots by half, and someone - by two-thirds for more lush branching of the bush next year. In any case, attention should be paid primarily to the strength of growth of individual specimens. The higher it is, the more boldly you can shorten the branches.

Pests and diseases

The Gloria Day variety resists diseases and pests well, as evidenced by the reviews of those who have been growing it on their site for several years. The only disease that affects the ground part of the bush is black spot. Outbreaks of this disease are more common in cold, wet years. The fight against this disease must be carried out throughout the year:

  • before bud break, the bushes are sprayed with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate;
  • in spring, plants are sprayed with preparations with zinc and cancoceb with repeated treatment after 2 weeks;
  • when black spots appear on the leaf blades during the summer, it is recommended to use Topaz according to the instructions (it is also suitable as a prophylactic agent when the summer is damp);
  • in especially wet years, you can treat the bushes with copper-soap solutions Sistan or Fundazol, or with preparations containing sulfur;
  • with a strong spread of the disease, it is recommended to use copper sulfate, while not only plants should be sprayed, but also the soil surface with an interval between treatments of 7-10 days.

Additional measures to combat diseases of roses are top dressing with potassium (root and foliar), treatment of rose gardens with infusions of nettle and horsetail... It is also recommended to mulch the soil under the roses.

Gloria Day is one of the extraordinary experiments, her birth is a whole story of a huge number of people from different corners lands, each of which has contributed. One flower attracted the attention of too many to call it one way, so today the variety is registered under four different names: Madame Mayan (France), Gloria Dei (Germany and most Russian-speaking countries), Gioia (Italy), Peace (USA and English-speaking countries) ).


Gloria Day is a hybrid tea known for its unusual color, which changes throughout the entire flowering period. The verbal description sparsely conveys the beauty of the flower: the color of the bud from golden yellow with a bright crimson border, as it unfolds, smoothly turns into a more delicate ombre in warm, pastel colors.

Did you know? In Catholicism, the rose is a symbol of the Mother of God. White Rose symbolizes heavenly life, and red - earthly life.

The flower has inherited from the tea varieties the rich green glossy leaves of medium size, which creates a very harmonious contrast with the sunny bud.

The Gloria Day bush reaches 120-150 cm in height, the number of bearing branches is added over the years, in the first year of the growing season there can be 2-3. Flowers are large, double, blooming from dense buds. The diameter of a fully opened bud is 10-15 cm.

Variety history

The sources that participated in the hybridization of the variety were brought from America by a Frenchman named Antoine Mayan from the suburb of Lyon, who, together with his son Frans Mayan, bred this variety. To assess the scale of the work done by the French, suffice it to say about 800 seedlings, 750 of which were culled and destroyed for uselessness.

The remaining 50 that were allowed to grow and bloom included Gloria. The only bush with incredibly sunny, smelling fruits and flowers gave only 3 buds, of which only one took root. This is how, one step away from death, the future "rose of the century" began its history.

It is worth saying that the breeders did not set out to breed a yellow-pink hybrid and the appearance of the beauty was a pleasant surprise for them. In letters and catalogs, Meiyang Sr. speaks of his brainchild with great love and tenderness, it is not surprising that it was after the birth of Gloria that he first introduced color catalogs into circulation.

In the distant 1940s, when even color photo was a rarity, color catalogs were an incredibly expensive enterprise, such waste could ruin the then small pink business of the Meiyang family, but the variety was so extraordinary and beautiful that Antoine took the risk and was not mistaken.

As soon as the photographs of the rose, still under the working title 3-35-40 (3 combination-1935-40 seedlings), appeared on the pages of the catalog, an avalanche of orders fell on the family - everyone wanted to see a piece of exoticism in their yard. Soon, breeders had to expand their land in order to keep up with all incoming orders.

1939 is the year when Gloria Dei was destined to get to every corner of the world. By that time, the Meiyan rose nursery had become known not only in France, but also abroad, and in 1939, French and foreign specialists came to the suburb of Lyon to conclude contracts and view the achievements of the nursery.

Needless to say, they were delighted with one glance at Gloria? After this congress, with the attached description, they were sent to breeders and scientists from the USA, Germany, Meiyang invited his colleagues to get acquainted with the variety, study it and think together about the name, but the plans of the gardeners were interrupted by politics: the Second World War began. For six years, ties between the countries were lost.

But each of those who got a stalk of a beautiful rose managed to save it. So the Germans named the rose "Glory to God" or Gloria Dei - a name that has taken root in Russian-speaking countries. Cheerful Italians liked the name Gioia or "Joy". The Americans distinguished themselves most of all, they registered the variety on the day of the capture of Berlin under the name Peace, apparently implying the value of peace (the absence of war) and all its beauty.

Did you know? Roses are the only plants whose botanical classification is based not on species, but on stable garden characteristics (color, stem height, bud size).

For the very same breeder-inventor, Frans Meilland, the name for the rose was very personal, he named it in part of his mother who died prematurely - Madame A. Meilland ("Madame Meilland").


  • Morphology. Mir or Gloria Dei has a very good appearance. The glossy green bush, which is gaining its bulk by 2-3 years of vegetation, looks gorgeous even during the dormant period. The dimensions of the rose bush are quite impressive: 120-150 cm in height, but Gloria Dei does not differ in the density of the bush, a maximum of 5-7 large shoots extend from the root, so they are planted in a heap. The diameter of a fully opened flower is 10-15 cm; the height of the bud is about 6 cm, and the number of petals per tsvetokolozhe is from 26 to 45 (+ -). It's pretty large variety... The stems of the rose are covered with rare, but large and sharp thorns, which makes it quite convenient for decoration.
  • Aroma. Gloria has a very pleasant fruity honey aroma. Its saturation can be different depending on climatic and soil-temperature conditions.
  • Growing conditions. Like all roses, this variety loves organic-rich soils. Fertile chernozems are ideal, which are recommended to be additionally fertilized with manure and peat. But, beauties feel great without mineral dressings... Gloria Dei loves light, can be planted in areas illuminated by the sun in the morning. With moderate access to sunlight, the flower also feels good, but planting in the shade is not recommended.

Features of the variety

The variety is quite unpretentious:

  • resistant to fungal diseases and rot;
  • winters well, in regions where the temperature drops below -20 ° C, spruce branches or;
  • blooms a little later than most roses: from early June to early July;
  • the color of the flower petals changes with the stages of opening the bud to a lighter and more delicate one, the aroma also changes over time - from thick honey-fruity to light fruity.

Choosing a place in the garden and planting

Features of planting and care depend on what "form" you have a rose: cuttings, seedlings or seeds. Let's say right away that growing a rose from seeds is not a task for the lazy or impatient, because the whole process from start to finish will take about a year, and germination and preparation for germination is generally a separate conversation. To quickly build your own, it is best to use seedlings or cuttings and we let's figure out how to properly prepare the plants and plant them in the ground:

The stalk is taken from the bush in the period from the formation of buds to the end of flowering. They choose a strong stalk, which appeared this year, at least 8 cm long, on which there are at least 3-4 five-leafed leaves. The upper part with the bud is cut even cut, and the bottom obliquely, at an angle of 45 °, developed sheets also need to be cut to reduce moisture evaporation.

One of highlights in cuttings - the correct cut relative to the growth buds, we can say that the life of the plant depends on this.

Further, immerse our cutting with a sharp end in moist nutritious soil so that 1-2 growth buds go under the ground. You can pre-treat the slice with drugs, for example. Two weeks after planting, we carefully monitor the soil moisture, if the air is too dry, cover the cutting with a jar or other transparent cover to reduce moisture evaporation.

Cuttings can be planted in open ground in early summer or in pots in the fall. The best results are obtained summer cultivation but if you decide to start in the fall, check out some rules.

4 weeks after planting, in case of rooting, the cuttings are transferred to a dark, cool place until the very spring (late March, early April), and in the summer, seedlings with an already developed root system are planted in the open ground. , minimal moisture once a month will be enough, otherwise rot can be provoked.

Planting seedlings. You can plant seedlings in open ground from mid-April to mid-October. Plants need to be prepared:

  1. Refresh root system by trimming the tips of the roots by about 0.5 cm, this will give an impetus to growth and help to identify non-viable roots. A healthy living root should be white on the cut, if the cut is brown, you need to remove the dead part until a white cut appears, sometimes you have to remove the entire root.
  2. Treat the root system with Kornevin, or another rooting agent, will do.

After the seedling is ready, take up the planting site:

  • the hole should be slightly larger than the root system of the seedling;
  • 1/3 of the finished hole must be filled with a mixture, and, but if you have black soil, you can limit yourself to the preliminary introduction of humus;
  • a seedling is "placed" on the formed mound, making sure that the tops of the roots are not lifted up;
  • holding the seedling by the upper part, 1-2 liters of water are poured into the hole, depending on the dryness of the soil;
  • the hole is wrapped with soil, lightly tamping the ground at the roots with your fingers.

Important! If Gloria Dei, you need to bury the seedling so that the beginning of the Gloria growth zone is 3-5 cm in the ground. This will allow the cultivated rose to develop its own roots and prevent wild rose hips from emerging.

Gloria Dei is not picky about leaving, resistant to low temperatures and diseases. Needs a standard set of rose care: pruning, watering and sometimes feeding.


Water the rose as the soil dries up, since the flower does not like stagnant water. It is desirable that the water for irrigation be warm and settled for at least 24 hours. When watering with a hose, you need to make sure that the water does not get too much on the bush, because despite the evening time, burns may remain on the sheets.

Top dressing

The rose needs twice a year, before each of the flowering periods. As a rule, the first time is in the middle of April, and the second is around the end of July, but this is roughly and depends on the variety.

The first top dressing is wet, such as humus and containing nitrogen. Nitrogen will help the shrub gain a rich green mass and make the foliage color more intense. In the second feeding, exclude and focus on - - this will give an impetus to the ripening of young shoots.