An insect from which a person dies. The most dangerous insects on the planet: an invisible threat

Scientists-entomologists have more than 3 million species of representatives of the class of invertebrate arthropods. Among them there are beautiful butterflies, and harmless grasshoppers, and useful ladybugs.

There are also monsters carrying infections or concealing deadly poison in their mandibles. And although these creatures do not have the size of a lion or a tiger, a close acquaintance with the most dangerous insects sometimes threatens great danger.

The range of reddish-red members of the huge ant family is America, China, the Philippines, Taiwan and Australia. With a 6mm body, these insects are not the largest of their kind. However, their toxin is 12 times stronger than poison honey bee and hornet. The attack of a miniature ant is accompanied by intolerable pain and poison injections into the skin. The poisonous cocktail contains 46 dangerous ingredients that have a negative effect on the nervous system.

The threat also lies in the belligerence of insects. Should a person or an animal inadvertently disturb an anthill, all its inhabitants instantly attack a potential enemy. For small mammals, such an attack becomes fatal. It threatens people with sensations comparable to a fire burn, redness of the skin, swelling and dizziness. For allergy sufferers, an attack by red fire ants can result in anaphylactic shock and coma.

Hornet Vespa Mandarinia

Hornet Vespa Mandarinia

The range of this relative of wasps is Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, India and Thailand. For a 7-centimeter wingspan and the impressive size of a brightly colored calf, reaching 5 cm in length, a flying arthropod monster is called a sparrow bee. However, unlike the harmless bird, the giant Asian hornet is deadly to humans.

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Representatives of the order of Hymenoptera live in large colonies, the basis of which is laid by the uterus. Vespa Mandarinia are not picky about their food - their menu is made up of berries, foliage, fruits and insects. Despite the fact that giant wasps are poisonous, they kill their prey with powerful jaws. But if the Asian hornet uses a deadly sting, expect trouble.

Its poison is a strong poisonous substance. Getting into soft tissue human, the toxin causes a painful effect, instant swelling, increased heart rate, fever and shock. For people who are allergic to bee stings, meeting Vespa Mandarinia can be fatal.

In our intangible world, a huge number of truly amazing creatures. Their diversity and uniqueness, at times, make you amazed. It is hard to believe that an elephant weighing 6 tons is much less of a threat than a small scorpion. Let's take a closer look at the 10 most dangerous insects on the planet. You will be surprised at how many invisible threats to humans live in different countries, we guarantee! By the way, there are about 30 million different types insects.

10 most dangerous insects in the world


South America

It is about a unique creature capable of uttering a cry. This signal indicates that the bullet ant is capable of attacking. Thus, he prepares. This dangerous insect lives on a tree. As a rule, they gather in groups to create anthills. In most cases, the height of their abode is 10 meters or more. This kind ants are common in South America. Dangerous insects attack quickly and attack, for sure. The ant is dangerous with its paralyzing poison. By the way, Bullet is a predator. It feeds on dead insects.

I would not like to meet on the territory of Asia with this species of bumblebees. Fortunately, it's not that hard to see on the horizon. Its wingspan is 7 centimeters, in fact, as well as its length. May sting several times in a row. In terms of pain, being attacked by an Asian bumblebee is like being touched by hot tin. One of the most dangerous insects in Asia contains poison, which is alarming not only in concentration, but in speed. The substance is very unpleasant to the smell! It is by the aroma of the venom of this bumblebee that other insects are found.

An amazing creature with a very specific habit. The kissing beetle stings people exclusively on the lips. Probably, the interest of a very dangerous insect attracts breath and carbon dioxide secreted from the mouth. It attacks exclusively at night. You can meet this dangerous insect in the tropics. His threat is due not only to aggressive behavior, but also to the spread of a terrible disease called Chagas. It should be noted that the disease may not manifest itself for 10 years. Then heart failure occurs.

Most in Europe

The rating of dangerous insects completes the block, distributed all over the world. People suffer from her attacks on a regular basis. However, many underestimate the danger of this creature. If you turn to historical background you can find out what exactly fleas caused the plague in the 12th century. This disease has affected all of Europe. As a result of the spread of the disease, about 15 million people died. The following types of diseases are tolerated:

  • anthrax;
  • encephalitis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • others.

As part of evolution, fleas learned to fly, and their size made it possible not only to pierce, but also to drink human blood.

Surely, many people know about the existence of the Tsetse Fly - a very dangerous insect that lives in Africa. We are talking about a creature that can tolerate sleeping sickness. Unlike the common fly, which can be found in Russia, the Tsetse has a long proboscis, as well as a peculiar pattern on the surface of the wings. The pattern resembles a large butcher's knife. Agree, already alarming!
Want to interesting fact? It turns out that this insect does not attack only zebras, because it sees ripples from stripes. This can be used to your advantage while in Africa.

The list of the most dangerous insects on Earth includes another unique creature with an amazing history. The fact is that the Africanized bee began to pose a threat to humans by accident. One of the scientists decided to bring the Kerr breed to Europe. As a result of the incident, he released insects that interbreed with drones. As a result of this union, very aggressive bees appeared, possessing endurance and strength that is not characteristic of this species. They are able to attack in a swarm, killing different animals on their way. Easily remove obstacles and people.

It would be strange not to see ticks in this top. The potential dangers of these vectors have long been known. They can sense blood at a distance of 10 to 20 meters. Long time predatory individuals are able to wait for their prey in the grass. Due to their small size, it is almost impossible to recognize them. Once on the skin, they use their little paws with suction cups. Easy to move under top layer cover of any victim. Ticks can go without food for several weeks. However, as soon as the opportunity to feast on human blood falls, they become insatiable.


Danger exudes directly from this insect. Probably no one in South America, who would not feel fear at the sight of this creature. This is a very beautiful and most dangerous caterpillar on the planet. This is a killer who hides a huge concentration of poison behind his interesting appearance. It is quite simple to define it:

  • has large villi;
  • crawls very slowly;
  • the whole body is covered with protective hairs;
  • the skin is very bright, catchy.

After ingestion of secretions poisonous insect into the blood, the whole body is covered with hematomas. When colliding with several individuals at once, an internal cerebral hemorrhage occurs.

Oddly enough, in the ranking of insects that can be deadly to humans, ants occupy quite a lot of positions, making up a real competition for spiders. Consider who is in the top 10 spots on this awful list.

it amazing insect has many names, like solpugi or phalanx. It belongs to the arachnids, although it is not a spider in the full sense of the word. They are distinguished by promiscuity in food, and terrifying gluttony.

There are known cases of eating termites, ruining bee nests, lizards and even birds. Fortunately, they are not poisonous, but bites can lead to quite serious consequences for a person, for example, to inflammation or blood poisoning.

2. The giant hornet, nicknamed the Japanese... Differs in impressive (for this kind of insects) size, with a wingspan of up to 6 centimeters. It does not attack first, with a clear threat, it releases a sting more than 6 mm long. The danger is the poison that the hornet produces.

The poison has a nerve effect on the victim, the bite can lead to anaphylactic shock.

3. Red ant. One of the most dangerous insects, the main threat to people at risk of allergic reactions. Toxic poison (Solenopsin) causes swelling, blistering, nausea, and dizziness.

Of the most terrible reactions - anaphylactic shock, leading to death. Another unpleasant moment - imported fiery red ants (full name) can oust ordinary ants, harmless inhabitants of certain territories.

Name with Greek translated as "killing men." It lives in the desert regions located in the Middle East and Africa, reaching a length of 10 cm.

A strong neurotoxin contained in scorpion venom causes death when ingested. Today, pharmaceutical companies have found an antidote, but it can help when administered within a short period of time after the bite.

In everyday life, the name is common - kissing bug, due to the fact that a bite in the area of ​​the lips or eyes, where the highest body temperature is, leads to serious consequences.

The main danger lies in the fact that many representatives of this genus of insects are carriers of various diseases, including Chagas disease.

The name reflects the lifestyle of one of the most dangerous arthropods - he does not weave webs, but travels in search of food. Loves bananas, hence the name - "banana spider", loves to feast on other spiders, insects, lizards and birds.

The bite is dangerous for people with allergies, sick or weakened people. There is an antidote, it is important to introduce it as quickly as possible after the bite.

One of the most dangerous representatives of the insect world of Australia. This insect is the main "killer" of people, ahead of deaths, where the cause is the bites of all other insects and reptiles combined.

The main consequences are allergies, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

The insect has a cute name - "Lazy Clown", while its poison is recognized as one of the most powerful on the planet earth. When it enters the human body, it causes serious damage to the brain, manifested in the form of hemorrhages.

Also, bleeding can be observed in other organs of the human body. This terrible insect lives in the tropics, prefers the forests and gardens of Bolivia, Argentina and its neighbors. A person may simply not notice it, since the caterpillar perfectly disguises itself as a bark.

Its name alone - "black widow", speaks volumes, as well as thirteen (unlucky number) points on the abdomen. The habitat is quite wide, it can be found in Asia, and in Europe, and even in the Moscow region.

Usually does not attack unless touched. The bite causes serious changes in all human organs, and also affects the mental sphere. Exists different ways, including moxibustion, the use of special serums.

10. Bullet ant. The effect of the poison on a person exceeds the effect of toxins that enter from the bite of any other insect. Distributed in South America, in tropical forests.

The length of the ant's sting reaches 3.5 mm, the poison contains over 17 components, including a neurotoxin, which has a paralyzing effect.

Fortunately, you can meet them only in special regions of the planet, where not many people live, and tourists travel already prepared.

The world of insects is so diverse and vast that even now on the planet every year, entomologists discover new species of these miniature creatures.
Most of them are completely harmless to humans, but there are also very dangerous species, meeting with whom does not bode well. In this rating, we will tell you about the 10 most dangerous insects, some of which can easily kill a person.

10. African beetle - killer

The word “killer” in the name of this deadly beetle fully justifies its title as a dangerous and poisonous predator. Despite its attractive color with bright yellow spots on the chitinous carapace, the poison of this "baby" is 10 times stronger than the poison of the African cobra and its bite can very quickly cause a slow and painful death.

9. Japanese hornet

If you suddenly stumble upon a brown hive while walking through the Japanese forest, try to get around it as far as possible. After all, it is home to the most terrible killers on the Japanese islands, whose bites kill more people every year than bears and poisonous snakes combined. Bites of Japanese hornets annually claim the lives of 40 Japanese, their nerve poison is extremely strong and sometimes one bite is enough to kill an adult male.

Unlike other striped pests, the Japanese hornet can bite repeatedly and if it decides to pursue its prey, it will be very difficult to escape from this evil insect, hornets are capable of speeds up to 40 km / h and chase a person for a distance of up to 5 km.

8. Siafu ants

These are very dangerous insects cause real horror among the local aborigines by the fact that in the literal sense of the word, they are lovers of human flesh and tear meat with their powerful jaws, after having bitten the victim and immobilizing it with nerve-paralytic poison.

Their strength lies in their number, there are many documented facts when Siafu ants attacked sleeping drunk people or tourists and killed them.

Most of the deaths were not caused by the action of the poison, mainly the victims died of suffocation when hordes of ants crawled into the lungs and respiratory organs.

Scientists say that even large wild animals such as elephants try to avoid meeting Siafu ants for obvious reasons.

7. Spider Black Widow

One of the most dangerous and poisonous spiders in the world is the black widow spider, whose venom is 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake. The females of these spiders are more poisonous than males and have a bad habit of killing and eating their partners after mating, from which this spider got its name.

The black widow never attacks a person without a reason, but if the bite did occur, the consequences can be very sad. At first, the bite site is almost invisible, but soon the tissue near the wound begins to become inflamed and the first signs of necrosis appear. If you do not take any action, death can occur within a few days.

First aid: immediately after the bite, burn the wound with open fire and immediately consult a doctor.

6. Caterpillar-coquette (Megalopyge opercularis)

Do not be fooled by the outwardly attractive appearance of this furry caterpillar, which looks more like a plush toy. Many people, at the sight of this fluffy, but dangerous insect, have a desire to stroke it, and then the coquette reveals all its disgusting essence.

The caterpillar hides poisonous needles under its fur, which, when touched, can cause a severe allergic reaction in the victim and wild pains radiating into the armpit. There are also possible drops in blood pressure, a rash all over the body, vomiting, fever and other equally unpleasant symptoms.

This caterpillar is the most poisonous in the United States, lives in trees in the forest and a person can be hurt if the caterpillar simply falls on top of him. Therefore, be very careful when walking through the American thickets.

5. Brazilian wandering spider

Officially recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous spider on the planet, the Brazilian wandering spider deserves this terrible title. This insect is extremely aggressive and wanders all the time in search of prey, from which it got its name. He does not weave a web, but migrates all the time in search of food, is absolutely not afraid of a person and can attack him for no reason.

These huge eight-legged insects, reaching a length of 13 centimeters, are found in the forests of Latin America and Brazil. Their bite is very dangerous and if a person is attacked, you must immediately seek medical help and introduce an antidote, otherwise death will be inevitable.

4. Giant Asian hornet

The giant Asian hornet is a real giant in the world of insects, with a body size of 5 cm and a wingspan of 6 - 7 cm, it attracts attention, and for its size, in Asian countries this hornet is called "bee - sparrow". But this amazing insect is not only large, but also deadly.

In the fall of 2013, news headlines spread around the world about a massive attack by giant hornets in China. In that year, 41 people died from their bites and more than 1,600 victims required medical attention. In autumn, during the mating season, these insects become extremely aggressive and dangerous.

If several of these hornets attack a person, they can easily bite him to death or make him disabled for life.

3. Ants are bullets

In the South American rainforests, there are very dangerous insects - bullet ants. They got their name because their bites in pain are comparable to the pain of a gunshot wound. There are no other insects on the planet whose bite would be more painful.

The famous scientist - entomologist Justin Schmidt described his feelings after being bitten by only one ant: “Indescribable, fantastic pain of the highest order. It feels like it can be compared to walking on hot coals, with a 20-centimeter rusty nail in the heel. "

But the most amazing thing is that in this region there is a tribe of aborigines who have a sadistic ritual of initiating young men into men. The boy is allowed to put on a cape, in the sleeves of which ants are swarming - bullets. The poor fellow must hold out for 10 minutes until this barbaric test ends.

After that, the victim is usually taken to a hut, where he cannot even get out of bed for several days, tormented and shuddering in spasms from severe pain. But this is not the end, to become a real man, he has to go through this ritual 20 times!

2. Tsetse fly

The microorganism eventually causes trypanosomiasis in the victim. Infected people have incoherent speech, sleep disturbances, sudden changes in behavior, fever, sudden seizures, and trouble walking. Most patients eventually die because there is no effective cure for trypanosomiasis.

1. Sydney spider

This very dangerous spider lives in Australia and only lives in the Sydney area. It is unique in that its anthracotoxin poison acts only on primates and is absolutely harmless to other animals. The effect of the poison is also unusual. After a bite, the air sacs in the lungs begin to burst due to overexertion. nervous system and a person simply drowns on land.

Fortunately, a fairly effective antidote against this spider has long been created, and the last death from its bite occurred more than 30 years ago. But you should know that the antidote must be introduced no later than 15 minutes after the insect attack, otherwise death will be inevitable.

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There are many interesting and mysterious things in the world. And, probably, most of us are happy to read compilations about the very best: the biggest, the smallest. And even more interesting are the most poisonous or the most terrible. This article will discuss the 10 most dangerous insects in the world. So, we start to get scared!

The most dangerous insects in the world

Caterpillar "Lazy Clown"

Do you like insects? Or does even the appearance of a harmless caterpillar or spider terrify you? If you choose the second answer, then you still have reason to be happy. The fact is that the most dangerous insect in the world lives in South America. The locals call her "lazy clown". She is incredibly beautiful, but it is worth noting that she is just as poisonous. The lonomy poison causes internal bleeding. At the same time, the kidneys fail, and terrible stains spread throughout the body. If a person touches several individuals at once, then a cerebral hemorrhage is possible. Sad statistics say that up to 30 people die from the poison of this caterpillar every year, the same number become disabled for life.

Asian hornet

Continuing the top ten titled "The Most Dangerous Insect in the World", the second should be noted This insect is the largest hornet in the world. Its body length reaches seven centimeters. And it's incredibly aggressive. And if a hornet attacks a person, then we can say with confidence that the poor fellow will not get off just like that. The sting of the monster is about six millimeters, and the poison literally eats away at the flesh. In addition, this insect secretes a special pheromone that attracts other hornets. This monster lives in China, Japan, India, Korea, Nepal. Hornets feed. Attacking the hives, they literally in a matter of minutes deal with the bee family and eat all the larvae, leaving behind a mountain of torn corpses.


Androctonus is the most poisonous It lives in Africa. This is a real giant: the size of a scorpion is about ten centimeters. The poison contains a powerful neurotoxin and is incredibly dangerous to humans. Every year, several people die from the bite of this insect.

Bullet ant

These ants with such a combat name live in South America. They arrange their dwelling in the trees and attack everyone who approaches their house, falling right on their heads. Poor tourists are often attacked. When an ant attacks, it emits a battle cry, similar to a high-pitched squeak. The insect venom is toxic and the bite is very painful. People who had the misfortune of being bitten said that the sensations were comparable to a gunshot wound, which is why the ants were called that. The natives have a ritual of initiating a boy into a man. So, the young man must thrust his hands into the den of these monsters and keep them there for ten minutes. Often after this ritual, the child is paralyzed for several hours. To become a warrior, this procedure must be repeated twenty times.

African bee

She also falls under the category of "The most dangerous insect in the world." African bees do not differ at all in outward appearance from the usual. But this is only in appearance. Winnie the Pooh I would say about them that these are the wrong bees. The fact is that these insects are abnormally aggressive. They won't give you any chance as soon as you get closer than five meters to their home. And they will chase for several kilometers, while biting very painfully. Having received a horse dose of bee venom, you can die. So be careful.

Brazilian wandering spider

Another dangerous creature lives in South America. And his name is the wandering spider. According to the statistics of the Guinness Book in 2010, it was named the most poisonous in the world. The venom of these spiders is caused total loss muscle control, leading to paralysis and suffocation. There is an antidote for the bite, but in many cases it cannot save the victim's life.


Another one entered the top ten most-most. Karakurt is a very dangerous spider, its poison kills instantly. The poison of karakurt is fifteen times stronger than the poison. Spider size is average: 10-20 mm. The body is black. On the abdomen of both males and females, there are characteristic red spots. Fully mature individuals are black in color, without red spots. And what's interesting is that they stop being poisonous. An adult spider cannot bite through human skin.


Surely you have heard about this insect more than once, and maybe even met. They live all over the world. There are many varieties of gadflies. There are horse gadflies, cows and, horror, human ones. They were divided into subgroups for a reason. The thing is that each species needs a certain host, in whose body the larva of this insect will grow. And it will grow where this gadfly puts it. It doesn't matter what it will be: a leg, a head, an eye socket or some other organ. There have been cases when large larvae were removed from the human brain. So be careful while relaxing in nature.

Fire ants

The homeland of these insects is where they came from in North America: the climate for breeding was very favorable, there were no natural enemies, and they bred to an incredible amount. These ants have become a real disaster for the country. They have a sharp sting and strong poison. The poison, of course, is not fatal, but very painful. And these insects eat everything that they meet on their way, and what cannot be eaten, for example, electrical wiring, traffic lights, etc., will definitely spoil. And the poor state suffers losses every year in the amount of six billion.


And the tick closes our top "The most dangerous insect in the world". These unpleasant creatures belong to the class of arachnids. The favorite habitat of ticks is small bushes, tall grass. The tick hangs on them in anticipation of its prey. And when it does, it bites into the flesh. But, as a rule, the tick bite is imperceptible, it injects an anesthetic and begins to screw into the victim's body. And having sucked, he drinks blood. They are dangerous, in particular, because they carry such terrible disease like encephalitis. The disease can cause disruption of the central nervous system, and sometimes paralysis. And often fatal cases are recorded.