Making a syringe for feeding trees with your own hands. How to make a bee feeder out of scrap materials

This part is about the "gardener's first aid kit".
Lecturer: Dmitry Kalashnikov, Associate Professor of the Department of Landscape Architecture of the Moscow Timiryazev Academy, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

What is worth having:

1. Epin
Epin is a hormone produced by flowers (brassin). It stimulates plant growth and damage healing very effectively.
Besides helping to adapt and heal plants, it can be used to improve the appearance of uneven growth. If you want extra branching, cut the bark down to the wood and brush in a drop of epin with a brush. A kidney will be laid in this place.

2. Kornevin
Efficiency is determined by the honesty of the manufacturer (concentration of indomyl, butyric acid). Kornevin penetrates damaged roots, so its use to stimulate healthy roots is meaningless.
Effective: before planting, after planting and transplanting plants, in case of other damage to the roots.

3. HB 101
(I have it written down that the analogue is Elistin, I'm not sure if I wrote it down correctly). Contains a protein complex, active substances and a significant amount of minerals, including silicon.
The drug affects symbiotes, fungi that grow with the plant. HB 101 delivers nutrition to symbiotes, and they stimulate plant growth.

Zircon- professional means of stimulating root growth. In order for it to be effective, you need to hit the deadline for use. The solution is not stored. In the first-aid kit of an amateur gardener, the drug can be replaced with other growth stimulants, so it will go without a number on the mandatory list.

4. Kresacin
Means for seed treatment and spraying of vegetable, fruit, flower and ornamental crops and grapes. Kresacin is a plant growth stimulant, in addition, it stimulates root formation; accelerates growth, increases plant resistance to disease and frost. We use it in the spring to save roots.
The active substance of the "Krezacin" preparation: 475 g / l of orthoreoxyacetic acid triethanolammonium salt.

5. SuperHumisol
Foliar dressing for a "happy look" in the garden center. Many garden centers use root depressants. As a result, a beautiful plant on the site greatly loses its decorative effect.
SuperHumisol does not inhibit the root system. Landscaping designers were advised to go through the planting with this tool 3 days before the delivery of the object.
It can be used to soak seeds and shed roots. Used until July!
Works well with HB 101.

6. Fertilizers AVA
For late planting of large-sized plants, slow-acting AVA or Osmakod fertilizer is recommended (harder to find, available in nursery supplies).

8. Complex fertilizers
In the spring potassium-phosphorus-nitrogen
Autumn potassium-phosphorus


When the crown of a tree is high and difficult to process, injections are used to treat it. For example, from the bark beetle.
I repeat that the lectures were for landscape designers and gardeners, whose main goal is to try to save plantings as much as possible. This is not always successful. Below is the instruction that we were given at the lecture:

Injection kits are available on the market.
For example, they look like this:

The tube and container with the drug.

We drill a hole in the bark along the diameter of the tube as low as possible below the root collar with a depth of 3-4-5 cm (to white wood). We insert the tube according to the instructions so that the drug arrives. Several such holes need to be made in a circle, retreating 15-20 cm around the circumference of the trunk.

Much cheaper than purchased kits - a bottle of naphthyzine or a blood transfusion system. In the same way, we drill holes along the width of the spout.

Pour into an empty, washed bottle of naphthyzine:
Bi-58 from bark beetle
Aktara, Kinmix- systemic insecticides
Skor, Topaz, Fundazol- fungicides

Dissolve at least 10 ml volume per vial: 3 ml dimexida(in a pharmacy), 2 ml of an insecticide or fungicide, the rest of the volume is water.

Bacteriosis can be treated by injection. For this you can buy at the pharmacy trichopolum and dissolve two tablets of the medicine on the vial.

Push: I know many opponents of chemicals at the site. These are effective remedies, but you can always find another method of control instead of fungicides and insecticides. Perhaps more time consuming. Choose what is more important to you.

Addition from Natalia's commentary tasha_jardinier "The main danger is that a person makes an injection to his tree and rejoices in life: he saved it! But in fact he gave it an injection, but it is wrong and the tree will die or become seriously ill, because it received no protection at all. To correctly apply injections for trees, you need to know exactly at what depth under the bark the movement takes place. Accurately calculate the time of such an injection. Well, and have the necessary preparations. Forests infected with the bark beetle are simply destroyed and new ones are planted. In fact, there is no effective preparation for injections against this pest. for a lot of money, different firms suggest, this is most often a deception - they give an injection with preparations for deciduous trees. "

And today I will end with the beginning of a lecture by Evgeny Zhukov, an agronomist-ecologist of the Paer + company, who shared his cheat sheets with us.

All of these drugs are used because in a nursery where there are many plants, the spread of disease or pests can be very costly. It is not required in hobby gardens. However, I find it useful even for hobbyists to know what the plants were treated with before they were purchased.

According to statistics, about 15-20% of all summer residents tried to prepare fertilizers with their own hands. This makes it possible not only to make the necessary stocks of fertilizing and apply them systematically to improve the soil, but also save money on the purchase of fertilizers.

Organic and mineral fertilizers are necessary for plants for growth and development, and each of us understands this. No crop will yield a proper harvest if left alone with nature and depleted soil. Therefore, we often talk about how with our own hands, how to replace some mineral additives with green manure and what else can be thought of to enrich the soil at a summer cottage. Today we decided to continue this topic, as we talked with some experts and acquired new knowledge. Do-it-yourself fertilizers for summer cottages are no longer a problem!

At the stage of writing the material, we have not yet had time to test improvised fertilizers on our own plots, and therefore we ask you to perceive the information as experimental. Naturally, the organic additives that we prepare cannot do any harm to the plants, except if we start thoughtlessly and not rationed to introduce them into the soil!

Benefits of homemade fertilizers

The number of advantages in preparing such dressings is simply enormous, but we will point out only the main ones, which direct us away from garden supermarkets to our own site, where there is everything you need to prepare dressings.

  • So, first of all, this is a net saving of money, since we have everything in the country for laying and preparing a certain composition. These are weeds that we simply dry and burn, and more useful plants that can be used in the recipe, and the same one that is one of the best suppliers of nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, boron, zinc and other elements.
  • Further, we will say that such fertilizers are always fresh, and you monitor their quality yourself. It is not necessary to prepare fertilizers for the future, they can always be insisted for a week and a half to make additional fertilizing, so that the composition does not deteriorate and bring the greatest benefit.
  • And, finally, these are environmentally friendly top dressing, in which there is no chemistry that can have a negative effect on summer cottage plants. Agree, because you take all the materials for the preparation of dressings from your own site, where you do not use harmful chemicals for growing plants or animals.

Perhaps this is enough to motivate you to try your hand at preparing miracle products for growing garden and vegetable crops on the site!

Nettle dressing

The first recipe we offer is based on nettle. You can use fresh spring or summer nettles, the main thing is to make sure that there are no seeds on the plant. If the moment is missed, prepare the nettle, dry it, remove the seeds, and then follow the same recipe.

To make fertilizer from nettle, place it in a plastic container at the very bottom. It should be a good kilogram of greens or a can or two of dry herbs. After that, pour 6-8 liters of rain or settled water into the nettle and leave this mixture in the sun. Every day, stirring the future fertilizer several times, insist the nettle for 6-10 days. Be prepared for the infusion to foam, ferment, increase in volume, and therefore it is better to choose a slightly larger container right away. Also, a specific smell will appear, which is not very pleasant, it will have to be experienced in order to fertilize the plants. In this regard, move the preparation and settling further away from the buildings, closer to the household yard.

You need to use the ready-made infusion at the end of the fermentation process. For watering with infusion, the following recipe for the preparation of dressings is used - 1 part of the infusion to 9 parts of water, watering at the root. If you decide to spray with fresh organic matter, then the recipe slightly reduces the concentration - 1 part of the infusion to 19 parts of water.

Wood ash fertilizer

We often use wood ash for processing, but it can be made even more effective if you follow the right recipe.

Wood ash contains many vitamins and beneficial trace elements, and therefore let's try to deliver them directly to plants in need. For this, we recommend preparing a high-quality liquid fertilizer from ash. It takes only 150 g of ash and 10 liters of water, quick mixing and infusion for 15 minutes. If the question arises of where to get the same ash, then the material is perfect for the process after frying meat on a fire, after burning tree scraps.

Once prepared, this product can be used to water a wide variety of plants. So, for example, under adult trees it is enough to pour 1 bucket of ash solution, under cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, the norm will be 500 ml of solution per bush.

Do-it-yourself fertilizer from rotten grass

It would seem that there is nothing more useless than cut grass. However, it can be a wonderful food for berry bushes. It is most effective for gooseberries and currants.

An interesting fact is that you do not have to cook anything, you just need to scatter the grass in the area with plants, lay it under the bushes, and wait for a positive effect. The bacteria that live in rotten grass do a good job of suppressing many garden diseases!

Naturally, there are other recipes for making fertilizers in the country, but it is simply unrealistic to list all of them. In this case, we only decided to remind you of one of the previous materials, in which we talked about eggshells, coffee grounds and other products. It is quite possible that reading the article will help you choose high-quality plant food in pots and pots.

How to make liquid fertilizer with your own hands (video)

We cannot say that home-made fertilizers made from grass and ash are much more effective than organic fertilizers and or can completely replace them, but we just give you ground for thought and testing. It may well be that infusion on nettles or rotting grass will appeal to your beds more than classic remedies, and if not, you can always return to them. If you wish, you can always add your comments to the article, for which we will only be grateful to you! For those who throw away plant waste, this material will be useful.

Reviews and comments

Lena 10.06.2014

Excellent methods are described in the article, almost all are used by my grandmother and mother :) Chemical fertilizers are evil. I don't understand why people intentionally poison themselves, when you can do it yourself and at the same time also contribute to your health. Another option for making your own fertilizer: you need to collect food waste during the winter, such as tea, coffee, orange peels; this mass must be stored in a tight bag somewhere on the balcony. In the spring, all this is buried in the ground. Works great:)

Dasha 17.06.2014

My mom has been making fertilizer from ash for quite some time now. This is a great option - it is economical, getting ash is not a problem at all, and there is an effect. And a friend makes fertilizers from chicken manure. He adds something else, but I did not write down the recipe. He says that he doesn't know better fertilizer, but the smell, of course, is awful. I believe that for the sake of a good harvest, you can have a little patience.

Natasha 09/07/2015

We constantly use fertilizers of our own production, compost, nettles, ash, mowed grass from the lawn, we use both as top dressing and as mulch. and even closer to autumn, we sow mustard on the vacated beds, it rises quickly and amicably, and in late autumn we dig it up and the bed is ready for a new harvest

Julia 06/08/2019

Be careful when using such fertilizers. The composition contains a large number of trace elements. It is important to know what components the soil lacks and to make the appropriate ones.

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It is necessary to apply some fertilization in order for the garden or vegetable garden to bring a high yield. If you do not have the necessary organic fertilizers at hand, but you want to get a good result, so you can use homemade fertilizers.

The article will help answer many questions, as well as the main question: how to make fertilizers with your own hands?

Usually, these products can be made from what is at hand, as a rule, these are products of organic origin. The manufacturing process will not take much time, and will significantly save the family's budget.


If you have doubts about the effectiveness of fertilizers made at home, then several of the listed advantages will completely eliminate doubts. Among the main ones are:

  • Saving. This is the very first plus, since additional investments are not required to create a solution, everything that is required is usually eaten in a summer cottage or garden.
  • Excellent fertilization quality. This point is very relevant, since the raw materials for the solution are always used fresh, and there is an opportunity to verify the quality of the product.
  • Environmentally friendly composition of the product. No chemicals have been added to the fertilizer, since the whole process is carried out independently.

These three positions are quite enough to take on the independent production of fertilizers for your garden or vegetable garden.

Manure as fertilizer

The excrement of animals is very high in nutrients for the development and prosperity of garden plants. First of all, these are:

  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • nitrogen,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • active microflora.

It is these components that have a beneficial effect on plants. But, like any additive, it has its own proportions, which cannot be exceeded. To figure out how to properly feed the land with manure without harming the plantings, you need to know all the rules of use.


The first thing to know is that there are different types of manure, which are characterized by the degree of decomposition.

  • Fresh.
  • Semi-ripe.
  • Completely rotted.
  • Humus.

The second option is more often used as a liquid fertilizer. The proportion for its composition looks like 1 kg of manure diluted in 10 liters of water. This top dressing is suitable for cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini and spinach.

How to improve yields?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there is a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield up to 50-70%.

Read ...

The third version of manure is less concentrated, therefore, for a liquid composition, the proportion is doubled.

For the fourth option, any fertilization method is suitable for any plants. It helps to improve the taste of berries and vegetables, moreover, it is used both for mulching and for fertilizing the soil.

In addition, manure differs according to the animals from which it comes:

  • Horse.
  • Bovine.
  • Pork.

Horse manure is considered the favorite among this fertilizer. It is he who decomposes in the soil faster than other options, releasing a lot of heat into the ground, and also enriching it with useful substances. It is suitable for both the vegetable garden and the greenhouse.

Cow dung ranks second in comparison to horse dung. It takes more time for complete decomposition, although it warms up the earth weaker. For greater efficiency, it is used together with sawdust.

Pig manure is usually used together with horse manure, because pork excrement decomposes for a long time, and practically does not warm the earth.

Fertilizer preparation from manure

The manufacturing process is quite simple, it is necessary to prepare special wooden boxes, where layers of moss peat with manure will be laid. Peat perfectly absorbs the released liquid.

It will take 4–6 months for the complete transformation of the components into fertilizer.

And to get the composition of humus, it will take a year or two. If you do not have this fertilizer at your disposal, then it is quite possible to use other options for the fertility of vegetable plants.

Nettle as fertilizer

Nettle for these purposes is taken in summer or spring collection, it must be remembered that the harvested plant should not have seeds.

To prepare a liquid fertilizer, you need to take care of the container where the cut nettle will be placed.


For 1 kg of raw nettle take 6-8 liters of rainwater. Both components are placed in a container and left in the sun, while stirring the mixture daily several times a day. The cooking process will be accompanied by fermentation, and, consequently, an increase in volume, so the container must be large enough.

In addition, the mixture will emit an unpleasant odor, so a place for future fertilization must be selected further from the living area.

The fertilizer will be ready after 6-10 days.

Determining the readiness of the fertilizer is quite simple. If foam and air bubbles do not form on the surface, then the mixture has fermented and is completely ready for use.

For watering plants with this composition, the following recipe is used:

  • 1 part mixture
  • 9 parts water.

The resulting solution is poured under the root of the plants. If, in addition to watering, you need to spray the plants with this fertilizer, then the concentration of the solution should be weaker:

  • 1 part mixture
  • 19 parts water.

Wood ash as fertilizer

Wood ash is often used for processing or feeding garden plants in a summer cottage. In addition, the ash can be used to make fertilizers. It will be more effective than other methods, but only if the dosage is correct.

Since wood ash contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, it is very useful for any type of vegetation. To help plants get the necessary components, it is necessary to prepare a special solution:

  • ash-150 grams,
  • water 10 liters.

These two components are thoroughly mixed in any container and infused for about 15 minutes. After the allotted time, the composition can begin to fertilize the planted plants.

If you have a question about where to get exactly wood ash, then the answer will not be long in coming. Usually, after frying a kebab, many people have a heat in the grill, which will be wood ash, as well as the remains of ash after burning branches of cut trees.
Such a solution can be poured both under trees and under vegetable plants. For a tree, one bucket per root is enough; for plants of vegetable origin, a solution is added at the rate of 0.5 liters per plant.

Ripe grass as fertilizer

If the above components are not available for feeding the garden, you can use the cut grass. Many people think that the cut grass is of no value, it is absolutely useless. But experienced summer residents will never agree with this. On the basis of the mown grass, you can make fertilizer in the same way as with ash and nettle, and its value will be no less than other options. Fertilizer will be useful for any shrubs, especially gooseberries and currants.

But the most interesting thing is that with this method of fertilization, a person does not need to do anything with this raw material. It will be enough that the cut grass is placed on the ground under bushes, near trees or between plants in the beds. The rest will be done by nature, because bacteria develop in the mown grass, which perfectly cope with various diseases of garden plants.

Herbal infusion - universal organic fertilizer

This procedure is usually performed in the fall, and before the onset of spring, the grass is completely rotted. In addition to fertilizing, it covers the roots of shrubs, preventing them from freezing.

In addition to this method, you can use another one, when the mowed grass and water are stuffed into the container, and then closed with a tight lid. This composition is insisted for about 7-10 days, after which it is also used for any garden plants.

Each type of fertilizer is good in its own way, but which one to give preference to is chosen by the owners of the land plot.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not on their own;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • joint inflammation and swelling;
  • unreasonable and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints ...

Now answer the question: does this suit you? How can you endure such pain? And how much money have you already "poured" on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end it! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, only TODAY!

How to make fertilizers with your own hands for the garden and vegetable garden. Homemade fertilizers are simple, cheap and effective.

We all dream of growing a good harvest of vegetables and fruits on our backyard without nitrates and all kinds of "chemicals". That is why to feed cultivated plants with fertilizers made with your own hands. Among experienced summer residents, this type of feeding is very popular. For these purposes, they use almost everything that grows in the country. Homemade fertilizers have many benefits.

The most important advantage of using them is cost savings. After all, they can be prepared from the components at hand. Various summer cottage plants can be useful to you, even weeds, which should be dried and then burned.

If you are raising poultry, you can use their droppings as fertilizer. It is rich in nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and other important elements.

Homemade fertilizer does not need to be stocked up for future use. You can do as much as needed to fertilize a specific area. Therefore, you will always get a fresh, high-quality composition that will only benefit.

In addition, when making fertilizers with your own hands, you can always be sure of their naturalness. As you know, chemistry bears significant harm to both plant life and human health. That is why home fertilizers are much better than those sold in the supermarket.

There are several recipes for making homemade fertilizers:

Top dressing from wood ash

Many experienced summer residents use wood ash to fertilize their site. It is a product obtained after burning various plant material. This can be tops, dry grass, or tree branches.

Ash significantly improves the composition of the soil and does not clog it with toxic substances. Having organic substances in its composition, it can be an alternative to mineral fertilizers. In addition, ash can reduce the acidity of the soil, as well as make it looser.

To prepare a liquid fertilizer from wood ash, you need to take it in an amount of 150 grams and mix it with 10 liters of water, and then leave it for 15 minutes.

This means you can water trees, cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage. For greater efficiency, wood ash can be mixed with compost, humus or peat. But combining it with poultry droppings and nitrogen fertilizers is highly undesirable, since most of the nitrogen is lost.

Rotten grass fertilizer

Who Said Cutting Grass Is Useless? It turns out quite the opposite. It can be used to feed various shrub plants: gooseberries, currants, raspberries.

To do this, it is enough to simply spread the cut grass on the site, paying special attention to the base of the bushes. Experienced summer residents recommend doing this for the winter. So you will protect the plants from the cold winter and will be able to prevent the appearance of some plant diseases.

Nettle fertilizer

If you want to feed flowering plants, then ordinary nettle, which grows in almost any area, is useful for these purposes. It is better to mow it before the seeds appear. One kilogram of grass is placed in a plastic container and poured with settled water in an amount of 6-8 liters.

The mixture should be infused in the sun for 10 days. In order for the infusion to turn out to be of better quality, it must be mixed periodically. It is advisable to do this several times a day. The herbal mixture will expand, ferment and foam. In addition, an unpleasant odor may appear.

This must be taken into account when making such a fertilizer. The finished infusion is diluted with water and used for root feeding or for spraying plants. The ratio of water and infusion is selected taking into account the procedure being performed.

Nettle is also used in its pure form. If you mulch the beds with it, this will significantly improve the growth and development of cultivated plants, as well as scare off some pests.

Top dressing, organic fertilizer for do-it-yourself beds

An impeccable lawn at your summer cottage all summer!

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, 49 years old... I have been planting grass near my house for many years. Therefore, there is even experience in this area. But my lawn has never looked as gorgeous as it did after using Aquagrazz! Like heaven and earth. The lawn is juicy, dark green even in the heat. Requires minimal watering.

Of course, such fertilizers are not highly effective and cannot replace organic and mineral analogues. Still, it is better to start with natural substances, and, if necessary, switch to chemistry.

How to make fertilizer with your own hands for the garden

Do-it-yourself fertilization for the garden is a guarantee of an environmentally friendly harvest. Plus, there is a financial benefit when you don't have to spend on expensive supplements. It will be enough to collect waste from horticultural and livestock activities as it accumulates. Any vegetation is used, as well as the droppings of domestic animals.

Benefits of homemade fertilizers

It is vitally important for any crop to receive organic and mineral supplements. Without this, it is impossible to get the proper harvest. In order to save money, gardeners are looking for an alternative replacement for purchased options.

Source: Depositphotos

Do-it-yourself fertilization is no worse than ready-made formulations

Self-made fertilizers have many benefits. They are always fresh and of high quality: prepared as needed. Do not harvest large quantities for future use so that the fertilizer does not deteriorate.

All the necessary raw materials for production are always at hand. Even weeds, which are customary to destroy, are suitable. In the presence of chickens, droppings will become the best source of minerals: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, boron, iodine. The main thing is the complete absence of chemistry in the composition.

How to make fertilizers for the garden

Select the fertilizer material taking into account its composition and the needs of the cultivated cultures. Homemade dressing recipes:

  • From wood ash - a complete replacement for mineral compounds. Increases soil looseness, reduces acidity and fills with missing nutrients. The product obtained in the process of incineration of plant waste. Dissolve 150 g of powder in 10 l of water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Water or process from above with this solution. It is permissible to mix flour with peat, humus and leaf compost. Do not combine with poultry droppings - this leads to significant nitrogen loss.
  • On rotted grass - spread the cut grass at the base of shrub plants: raspberries, gooseberries, currants, sea buckthorn. In addition to feeding, it will serve as mulch protection for the winter.
  • Nettle - suitable for flowering representatives. For 7-8 liters of water, take 1 kg of grass and leave for at least 10 days in the sun. Stir several times a day. Dilute the finished infusion in clean water, water or spray the plantings. In its pure form, nettles can close the root space for insulation from winter frosts.

Such manipulations will not take much time and effort, but will become a significant contribution to the successful development and growth of vegetation.

Scatter all unnecessary grass around the garden regularly until autumn. This will not only enrich the soil, but will also prevent many diseases.