How can you poison a hornet's nest. How to destroy a hornets nest and ways to reduce the number of wasps

Wasps build their nests under the roofs of summer cottages and private houses, thereby causing considerable disturbance to the owners. Let's not forget that wasps are very active carriers of intestinal infections. they fly everywhere, including in garbage dumps, in search of sugar-containing products, and then they may well land on a plate of already washed fruits on your table.

If you already had wasps last year, they will come again this year. In late May - early June, scout wasps fly in search of a suitable place for a nest, and they are very fond of places where there were already wasp nests. It is very difficult to get rid of wasps by conventional means, and besides, it is unsafe. wasps are insects very sensitive to odors, and if you decide to destroy them with the help of some kind of aerosol, you risk getting yourself into big trouble ... Using baits is fraught with the fact that the smell of an attractant (a substance that attracts insects) will also flock wasps from adjacent areas.

One useful tip for those who are building a house or making major repairs to an apartment.

It is much easier to do preventive treatment during the construction phase or while there is access to places that will later be closed with boxes, panels, etc., but remain accessible to insects. Thus, you will secure your home in advance from the invasion of "uninvited guests", as well as protect wooden structures from wood pests.

Wasps should be destroyed in conjunction with the removal of hornets' nests. If you poison the wasps, but do not destroy the wasp nest itself, which may not have been possible (or there was no desire) to find, then such work will be in vain, and, as they say, money wasted. The fight with wasps must be done in the evening, when all the wasps flock to their nest for the night, then there are more chances to get rid of the wasps. If the procedure for the destruction of wasps is done in the morning or afternoon, when most of the wasps fly away, then the nest remains practically empty. By removing an empty nest, you will subject yourself to a fairly prolonged attack from the returning wasps, since these insects are very vindictive. The consequences of such attacks can only be guessed at.

You can get rid of wasps yourself using a wasp control product. You can contact the pest control service.

Funds from wasps.

  • You can use a chemical insect repellent such as "Troapsil" (Trapsiel, Netherlands) - a professional remedy for household insects.
  • Aerosol "Moskitol Protection against wasps" - designed for effective and long-term destruction of wasp nests and wasps on the street and in non-residential premises (sheds, attics, open verandas).
  • You can carefully treat the nest itself with "Gett" and especially the place of entry into it. Wasps, crawling into the nest, will certainly bring there microcapsules of the drug, from which they themselves and the entire population of insects will die. If the nest itself is not accessible, but you notice where the wasps are crawling, for example, under the roof, then treat this place abundantly, the effect will be the same. Wasps will die in a day - two.
  • Smell-no: The Netherlands is a microencapsulated insect repellent, odorless. It is intended for self-extermination of blood-sucking and synanthropic insects: mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, ticks, flies, wasps, ants, etc. This is an odorless, microencapsulated, long-lasting preparation for up to 8 months.

A few more ways to get rid of wasps

  1. Traps from plastic bottles - cut the neck to the shoulders (label), turn over and, pouring sour compote into the bottle, insert the cut part with the neck down into the bottle.
    Spraying curtains or other linen decorations on doors or windows with vinegar helps. It is best to check with family members first if they like the smell of vinegar and if they are allergic to vinegar.
  2. German Velcro - remained without a name and a company, alas, the lucky owner did not have a label, but they have already run out in the store.
  3. Leftovers and crusts from a delicious melon, sprinkled with Sherpa, Intavir or some other insecticidal nonsense without a pungent and pungent odor (not Dichlorvos or other sprays). All this was left on the compost heap and produced so many wasp corpses that the inventor was shocked.
  4. Chemical methods - Dichlorvos, Super-Cobra (spray from flying insects), but there is a danger of being bitten by half-drunk wasps. Then, if you decide, put on very tight clothes, gloves, etc. to flood the nest, remove it and destroy it completely.
  5. Pour boiling water over the nests in the ground (if you find them). It is not always effective from a saucepan or kettle, there is not enough boiling water there. If you have a summer water supply system and the water in it on a sunny and hot day approaches the state of boiling water, then you can fill these nests with a dear soul from a hose. After that, it is best to cover the nest (it looks like a wormhole) with earth and tamp it.

The most famous and simple method: take a glass jar, saucepan or bucket (depending on the size of the nest), fill the container with water to the brim and gently bring it from below to the nest so that it is completely submerged in the water. "Water procedures" should last about five minutes. During this time, the nest will completely get wet, and the wasps sitting in it will die. So that the wasps rushing to help the drowning do not sting you, put on gloves and a mosquito net. You can put a plate with sugar syrup or jam in advance at a distance of 3-4 meters from the nest. All the wasps will be there and will not interfere with the "cleanup".

Wasps often make their nests in places where it is impossible to climb with a pan or bucket. In this case, another method can be used. You need to take a plastic bag, put it on the nest and press it tightly against the wall (ceiling, rafters, etc.). You can stick it with tape or pushpins. Then cut a corner from the bag and sprinkle any insecticide inside. Close the hole in the bag and leave the "gas chamber" for about an hour. After that, remove the bag and tear off the socket.

To prevent the wasps from returning to their old place of "dislocation", the trail from the nest must be scraped off with a knife and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide, sprayed with any available insecticide and hung with adhesive tape for the most stubborn insects.

First aid to the victim of a wasp sting

To make soda lotions - dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water, moisten a cotton swab and apply to the wound; take an antiallergic drug (suprastin, diphenhydramine, diazolin, etc.), and with a very strong reaction - the hormonal drug hydrocortisone.

Some recommend rubbing the wound with garlic, onions or parsley immediately after stinging - this should relieve the swelling; you can apply a cotton swab with ammonia diluted with water 1: 5. If a bitten person develops swelling of facial tissues, bronchospasm, frequent heartbeats, cramps, pain in the lower back, joints, heart area - without wasting a second, call an ambulance.


There are long-lasting poisons, borax, for example, or dohlox (cockroach remedy). If they are mixed with honey, the insects will drag them to their nest-hole, feed the children, after which the entire livestock dies out. About two weeks. It works very well on ants. And cockroaches really disappear forever. Try it, it's inexpensive. It is a pity that now I do not know where the borax is sold, I used to be in pharmacies. And dohlox is definitely on sale.

Personally, I didn't get rid of the wasps myself. I called professionals from the city sanitary service. now wasps don't fly close

The number of wasps has decreased, but the black little wild bees live under the casing of the bathhouse. While we are neighbors peacefully, the bathhouse smells of honey, but we are afraid of uninvited workaholics getting inside.

Comment on the article "How to get rid of wasps"

More on the topic "Wasp's nest in the country":

In our garden at the dacha there is a big, big Christmas tree. This year a crow has chosen the tree. And yet, tadam, I made a nest. The behavior of crows during the period of rearing chicks is sometimes inadequate, and the mother's cat, which now lives in the country, is alternatively gifted (Yes ...

Someone settled under the roof. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: buying, landscaping For the whole summer I did not see her sober, although she also stuck out at the dacha with a child, a girl of about 7. Moshkara, ubiquitous and omnivorous, hornet's nest ...

It is very difficult to get rid of wasps by conventional means, and besides, it is unsafe. wasps are insects that are very sensitive to odors, and if How to get rid of wasps? Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and suburban areas: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds ...

Took up a hornet's nest ... Doctors, clinics. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of everyday skills.

Took up a hornet's nest ... Doctors, clinics. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. Section: Doctors, clinics (mmm ... remember my situation with the outpatient orthopedist?)

My husband stepped on a huge hornet's nest yesterday. It seems that everything was fine yesterday, but now he calls, says that his leg is swollen.

Funds from wasps. for self-destruction of blood-sucking and synanthropic insects: mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, ticks, flies, wasps, ants, etc. This Section: Our garden (how to get rid of ants on a pine tree). ants clung to the pine tree. proven remedy - urine.

It is very difficult to get rid of wasps by conventional means, and besides, it is unsafe. wasps are insects very sensitive to odors, and if you decide to destroy them with the help of ... Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (fighting wasps under rooftops). How to get rid of wasps.

Vespiary. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and suburban areas: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (Tell me how you can get rid of the wasp nest. We are right in the attic, they are still sleeping ...

how to get rid of wasps. - get-togethers. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Hello everybody! I came to you from another conference but with a very important question) how to get rid of wasps? she settled in a house where, well, there is no way to infidelity (can you only get to the point of entry? maybe some ...

how to get rid of wasps. - get-togethers. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and country plots: purchase, improvement, tree planting and How to get rid of wasps? Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (fighting wasps under the roofs of houses). Wasps, crawling into the nest, will certainly bring ...

How to fight ?. Household amenities. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs How to get rid of wasps. Dakha was bitten by a horsefly at the dachas, so her face looked like an inflated balloon. Maybe someone has a company phone number, who ...

Every year we find hornets' nests in the attic of the house, under the roof. Once we found it in a folding sofa :) We are fighting with Dichlorvos. We just water it abundantly from a can and quickly and quickly We got the Wasps out of the country. Maybe there is some remedy for them. There is no nest on the site.

Dakha was bitten by a horsefly at the dachas, so her face looked like an inflated balloon. Maybe someone has a phone number of companies who are engaged.If you poison wasps, but do not destroy the wasp nest itself, which may not have been possible (or there was no desire) to find, then such work will be in vain ...

How to get rid of wasps. It is very difficult to get rid of wasps by conventional means, and besides, it is unsafe. wasps are insects very sensitive to odors, and if you decide to destroy them with ...

A huge hornet's nest was discovered at the dacha. How to destroy it? The search on the site does not work, but I need it until the weekend. Who faced this, tell me, please.

But what to do with the rest? How to get rid of them. Many suggest poisoning with dichlorvos. Did anyone use a mosquito from wasps? And yet, people, who knows, do the wasps stay in these houses for the winter, or do they remain empty?

How to get rid of shrews ?. Equipment for giving. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. How to get rid of shrews? The shrews were simply tortured, they dug everything up! Who has the same problems, tell me how to destroy them. The cat cannot cope.

How to get rid of wasps? ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits How to get rid of wasps? Wasps in the country got it. Maybe there is some remedy for them.

Wasps are aggressive insects that can sting humans for no apparent reason. Their venom can cause serious allergic reactions. In addition, they love to feast on sweet fruits and berries that grow in their summer cottage. Therefore, if you find a hornet's nest in your country house, then it must be destroyed.

Why is a hornet's nest dangerous?

One medium-sized nest (20–30 cm in diameter) can house about two or three thousand individuals. The initiator of its construction is the uterus, and the working wasps build it. Insects perceive the space around the nest as their territory, protecting it from the encroachments of strangers.

Wasps are known for their causeless aggression, and their bites are painful and can cause anaphylactic shock, in addition, these insects are spreading intestinal infections.

The main danger of finding a wasp nest on a site is that at the moment of an attack, the wasp secretes an enzyme that calls on its fellows to help it. A person attacked by one wasp may face an attack from an entire swarm, which increases the risk of damage to health.

Most of all, wasps like to arrange their nests on a wooden surface, since wood serves as the material for the construction of their home.

Methods for self-destruction of a wasp nest

Before destroying a hornet's nest, you need to protect yourself from the consequences of a possible insect attack. For this, clothes made of thick fabric, closed shoes and gloves are suitable. The face must be protected with a mosquito net.

Such a mosquito net will reliably protect the head from the attack of a wasp swarm, it is inexpensive (about 150-200 rubles) and is sold in stores offering goods for fishermen and hunters.

The best time is twilight. Immediately after sunset, insects are least active and prepare for bed.

With the help of smoke

If the nest of wasps is located on a tree branch, then in this case, you can smoke the insects with the help of smoke. This method is safe for humans, since it does not require direct interaction with wasps.

Wasps do not like smoke very much and will try to leave the smoke zone as soon as possible.

Under the tree, you need to build a fire from raw firewood and branches so that the smoke gets directly onto the hornet's nest. Soon the insects will leave their dwelling and it can be separated from the branch and burned together with the remaining larvae and pupae. However, this method will not get rid of striped predators forever, the wasps will return and begin to build a new nest.

Some craftsmen practice burning hornets' nests with a blowtorch. It must be admitted that the method is effective, but it requires knowledge and adherence to the rules for handling this tool and with open fire.

One of the popular methods for killing wasps is with boiling water. They are poured into a nest located vertically, and then they wait until all the insects in the nest die.

To destroy the inhabitants of one nest, you will need at least three or four liters of boiling water.

This method is effective, but rather dangerous. In the event that not all insects die, the remaining wasps can begin a massive attack on everyone who is nearby. So be sure to remove all household members and animals from the affected area before the procedure. This method, despite its simplicity, is difficult to implement, because the nests are often located so that pouring boiling water from above will not work.

Using a washing vacuum cleaner

This method of getting rid of wasps is original, but its effectiveness is questionable. You will need a washing vacuum cleaner with a high suction power (from 350 W).

The advantage of the wasp killing method using a washing vacuum cleaner is that it does not require insecticides.

Pour soapy water into the water tank and place the pipe without a brush in the middle of the nest. Having turned on the vacuum cleaner, you need to capture all the insects flying out of your home. At the end of the event, you must tightly close the outlet of the pipe and wait two or three hours. Then it remains to splash out water with dead insects.

The problem may arise as follows: during the procedure, part of the nest itself can clog the pipe, and in this case the angry wasps will scatter.

Boric acid

Killing wasps with boric acid is a cheap and safe method for humans. But this will take at least 7-10 days.

Boric acid powder is odorless; being a drug, it is safe for humans

Two bags of boric acid (10 g each) must be diluted in sweet water (0.5 l). Pour the bait into a flat bowl with wide edges and set near the nest.

Poisoned bait

An even more effective way to kill insects is to treat them to a melon, slices of which are soaked in an insecticide solution.

Wasps love ripe melon flesh, they will definitely bring such a delicacy to their uterus

Inta-Vir, Sherpa, Get are well suited as a poison. They need to be dissolved in a liquid (the proportions are indicated in the instructions), and then the melon slices must be kept in the resulting solution for 24 hours. Then the treat should be left in the immediate vicinity of the nest. The process of destroying its inhabitants will take 2-3 days. An empty nest must be burned.

Always wear protective gloves when handling the insecticide solution.

Photo gallery: insecticides against wasps

As part of Get against wasps, chlorpyrifos is enclosed in polymer microcapsules in an aquatic environment, which makes it easier to work with the insecticide Insecticide "Intavir" destroys insects, destructively affecting their nervous system The Sherpa preparation contains an insecticide of natural origin, cypermethrin, which is isolated from the flowers of perennial plants belonging to the Aster family.

Wasp aerosols

The bag for placing the wasp nest in it must be tight and without holes

Insecticidal aerosol should be sprayed onto the wasp nest from a distance of 20–30 cm. Then put a plastic bag on the insect dwelling and tie it tightly. After a day, separate the nest from the base and burn it without removing it from the package.

If you choose this method of destroying a wasp nest, be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory tract with an aerosol respirator.

Respirator 3M serves to protect the respiratory system from various types of aerosols in the air

Photo gallery: effective insecticidal aerosols

An important advantage of "Dichlorvos against wasps" is its availability: aerosols are sold in every hardware store at a price of about 100 rubles Dr. Klaus contains the poisons cypermethrin and tetramethrin, which penetrate the chitinous shell of the wasp and disrupt the conduction of nerve impulses Mosquitall aerosol from wasp nests acts for several minutes, as the active components penetrate the insect's body by contact, through the respiratory system

Fire against earthen nests

Wasps can arrange their home not only on a tree or under the roof of a building, but also in the ground. Such nests can be destroyed with combustible materials. This method is effective, but quite dangerous and is suitable only if there are no wooden buildings and flammable objects in the summer cottage in the immediate vicinity of the wasp dwelling.

Wasps often occupy rodent burrows or look for abandoned anthills suitable for life.

The nest is generously poured with gasoline or kerosene (at least 1 liter) and carefully set on fire. After about half an hour, the fire can be extinguished with sand, clods of earth or a foam extinguisher.

Never fill burning gasoline or kerosene with water! This can lead to increased combustion and loss of fire control.

How to prevent the appearance of a wasp nest in the country

For this you need:

  • regularly ventilate all buildings on the site and spray the walls and ceilings with a detergent solution;
  • prevent the accumulation of trash and debris in outbuildings and attics;
  • to seal the gaps between the boards and in the sheathing;
  • constantly inspect places attractive to wasps;
  • tightly close the organic waste bins located at the summer cottage;
  • pick fruits and berries in time, preventing them from rotting.

In the spring of this year, we found a large hornet's nest in our summer cottage. Insects settled in a barn, under the very roof. At first, we ignored the appearance of another tenant, but at the beginning of summer this neighborhood began to be very stressful. First, it is impossible to work normally on the site. Wasps fly incessantly, buzz, crawl over the plants. Secondly, any food deserves their close attention. There is no way to quietly have breakfast on the open veranda or serene coffee for an afternoon snack. Thirdly, striped parasites shamelessly eat the first berries that are not meant for them at all. Helped to get rid of annoying insects "Dichlorvos against wasps". They worked the nest once, then detached it from the wall and burned it in a large tank.

A set of preventive measures will prevent the appearance of a wasp nest in the summer cottage. But if, nevertheless, unpleasant neighbors settle in your country house, then you should get rid of them using proven methods and in compliance with safety rules. Otherwise, there is a high risk of multiple injuries caused by angry wasps.

Wasps living in your neighborhood can cause a lot of inconvenience, interfering with a calm and comfortable rest. They can carry dangerous pathogens, react aggressively to sudden movements and some odors, are able to behave unpredictably, and their bites very often cause severe allergic reactions. The favorite places in which these insects prefer to build their nests are the roofs of houses and summer cottages, nooks and crannies on the veranda. You will probably be interested to know how to get rid of hornets' nests in your summer cottage.

At the initial stages of construction, while there is still free access to various places that can later be closed with panels and boxes, you can carry out the necessary processing to protect the building from attacks of various insects and extend the service life of wooden structures.

To get rid of wasps in the country, you need to find and destroy their house. If there are a lot of insects, you can try to reduce their number with the help of poisoned baits. To do this, take pieces of fragrant melon or watermelon, spray them a little with insecticide and put them in places where wasps are found. You can also make from plastic bottles by cutting off the neck and pouring fermented jelly, sugar syrup or jam to the bottom, to which you also need to add an insecticide.

When you want to get rid of a wasp nest in the country, it is recommended to carry out all work in the dark, when all the insects are in their house. Try not to use lanterns and other lighting fixtures, as the wasps will perceive them as a signal to wake up and may attack you.

Quite simply, you can destroy the wasps with fire. To do this, you will need a large old aluminum or enamel bucket, a lighter, lighter fluid or kerosene, a nimble and nimble assistant. Your task will be to quickly knock down the hornet's house so that it hits right into the bucket. Immediately pour over it with kerosene, which almost instantly soaks the walls of the house, penetrates inside, and then quickly set it on fire through the covers of the wasp's body, preventing its breathing.

To remove and destroy the nest, you will need a strong and tight plastic bag, scissors, tape or pushpins, and any insecticide in the form of an aerosol. Quickly put the bag over the nest, secure it with small pieces of tape or with buttons so that there are no gaps. Next, you need to cut off a small corner, inject insecticide into the resulting small hole as abundantly as possible so that more gets into the nest. After that, glue the corner and leave the bag in this form for an hour, then carefully tear off the house, tie the bag tightly and destroy or burn it.

In the event that a hornet's nest in a summer cottage is located in the ground, try simply pouring boiling water over it. The insects will die, and you can simply cover the entrance with earth. Try a powdered insecticide that will need to be sprinkled over the opening. Wasps, penetrating inside, will bring poison with them, due to which in a couple of days the entire colony will die.

If the nest is in a hard-to-reach place, then ordinary polyurethane foam will come to your rescue, which should simply be injected into the flight hole.

After the destruction of the nest, the place where it was located must be treated with an insecticide or covered with a layer of paint or varnish, since wasps are very fond of rebuilding nests in the same places.

If it is necessary to remove the wasps from the country house, treat all surfaces, windows and curtains with a weak solution of vinegar essence, the smell of which will help scare off the wasps, they will leave the premises very quickly.

Wasps, who have chosen their homes close to humans, are a rather serious danger. It seems that it is not a secret for anyone why wasps are so dangerous. Almost everyone has seen a hornet or a wasp, but it's still very interesting to get to know them better. After all, knowledge about the enemy is a great help in the fight against him.

What a wasp looks like - photo

All over the world, there are about twenty thousand species of wasps, differing in color, body shape, type of housing, size and degree of aggressiveness. In addition to being aggressive stinging insects, wasps are known for their distinctive nesting structure, which looks like paper jugs. It should be noted that the types of nests are quite different. For example, there are open nests with honeycombs, and there are closed ones. Some Hymenoptera prefer to build nests in hollow walls and other inaccessible places. It is in such cases that we can say that there are wasps, but where they fly from is unknown.

A wasp nest can be found in a barn or garage.

Wasps can also take refuge in a tree, in the corners of terraces and other similar secluded places. Sometimes the nest is made up of combs held together.

The body of the middle wasp (16-21 mm) is black, on the head and chest there is a yellow pattern.

Wasps nest in the ground, for example in burrows abandoned by rodents. They are even able to expand their home to a significant size that more than one thousand individuals can settle in it. Their length is 13-19 mm.

Below you can see a closed hornet's nest in the ground, which was destroyed, apparently, by a forest beast.

Hornets prefer to settle in trees in a hollow, in birdhouses, under a roof and in the ground. Hornets are much larger than wasps, working individuals have a body 22 mm long, and females up to 35 mm. Their color is brownish with a yellow pattern on the head and abdomen, the tint of the wings is yellowish.

Wasps in a house or dacha are found on the surface of old buildings and fences, where they scrape off the wood that they use to build nests.

Hornets love the bark of trees.

When building a nest, the female first creates a cell in which she lays eggs, it turns out that along the edges of the nest there are cells in which one egg lies.

Wasps feed on meat, insects, fish, berries and tree fruits. They gnaw off pieces of food and feed the larvae with them.

Getting to know the wasps better, it becomes clear that in nature they should be quite comfortable. Then why do they fly to houses and apartments?

Where do wasps come from in an apartment

Often, wasps in the house settle just next to people, considering that this place is convenient for placing their colony. With the onset of spring, females go in search of places where they can equip a nest. They fly into the room through a window, an open window, or even through the cracks of window frames. In the apartment, the female is looking for a secluded place and begins to build a nest there. In a large house or apartment, you may not notice insects right away. But, in a month, when the offspring appear, it will be impossible not to notice the wasps.

Most often, wasps settle in attics, loggias and balconies, and make their way into the premises to look for food.

Insects can gnaw through passages even through cement mortar, let alone wooden blocks.

The destruction of wasps is a necessary measure, since their bites are very dangerous for humans.

Why a wasp sting is dangerous

A wasp bite is extremely difficult for a person. And if the bees sting, only to defend themselves, then the wasps are very annoying, they fly into vehicles, climb under clothes and into bags.

With the help of a sting, a female wasp lays eggs, but in case of danger, she releases a toxin from there.

By the way, only the female has a sting. The danger of bites in the introduction of poison, and more than once. The poison contains serotonin, histamine, amino acids, peptides and a powerful neurotoxin. Substances act on erythrocytes and hepatocytes in human blood. Re-entry of poison into the bloodstream provokes an allergic reaction. The consequences can be dire - Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis and death.

In addition, a wound will appear on the skin, and bacteria can enter it, after which inflammation will develop, developing into a purulent process.

According to experts, insect venom can cause partial paralysis, myocardial ischemia, vascular collapse, bronchial spasms, hemorrhagic vasculitis, and this is not a complete answer to the question of what is dangerous for a wasp sting.

By the way, not everyone has allergies. Many, after being bitten by a wasp, experience discomfort and after a couple of days forget about it. The causes of an allergic reaction depend on heredity and sensitization (the allergen was encountered for the first time, a false reaction).

Allergy symptoms - redness and itching at the site of the bite, pain, swelling, dizziness, Quincke's edema, loss of consciousness.

Being bitten by wasps is very unpleasant and even dangerous, which means you need to minimize the risk of their appearance in advance.

How to protect your home from wasps

Wasps and hornets are attracted by sweets, open food, and strong-smelling perfumery, so you should definitely put mosquito nets on the windows. Do not leave sweets, pies or sugar on the table and nightstands. You can also put a grid on all cracks and ventilation wells. The smell of vinegar and the preparation "SOCHVA" with the smell of smoke repels insects. Wasps will fly around windows if the curtains are sprayed with a solution of food vinegar. After half an hour, a person will no longer feel the smell, and insects have a keen sense of smell, vinegar will definitely scare them away.

If the wasps have already settled in the neighborhood, then it's time to act more harshly.

Wasps - how to get rid of insects in an apartment

Since the hornets' nest in the house causes a lot of trouble, the question of how to get rid of the wasps is acute. Fighting them primarily involves. To find their home, you need to track the movement of insects. You can even go for a trick, put meat or fish on a saucer, workers will take food and fly to feed the female and the larvae.

The nest in the room does not need to be immediately sprayed with pesticides. So the wasps will get angry, and then there will be no mercy for anyone. Better to wait until the insects fall asleep and carefully prepare for the "operation". It is necessary to find clothing with a dense fabric, leather gloves, reliably protect the eyes, face and neck. Make sure that every area of ​​your skin is covered and protected from bites. Children and pets must not be in the room.

The first stage of the operation - the destruction of wasps - consists in putting a bag on the nest, preferably very tight and tightening it at the attachment point. Then, after cutting through a small gap, insert a spray cap ("Karbofos", "Dichlorvos") there and fill the hornet's nest.

In those places where it is not possible to put a bag on the nest, the fight against wasps looks a little different. In this case, a tube is attached to the spray, on which a rag is pre-wound to block the exit from the hive. A tube is plugged into the tap hole and an insecticide is injected. The wasps will die in ten minutes. Now the nest can be removed and burned, and the room can be ventilated.

On the balcony and loggia, the nest is destroyed in a similar way. You can also pour boiling water over the nest, although there is a risk of scalding your own body. The place where the hive was attached must be well cleaned, treated with a solution of vinegar, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. Otherwise, the remaining smell will attract wasps, and they form a new colony here.

The wasp nest under the roof, under the eaves of the windows is also dangerous, because the wasps may or have already made moves inside the building. It is necessary to inspect the surface, insect passages are holes 4-6 mm wide.

At night, these moves must be processed using any remedy for wasps, after which, in the moves, push pieces of cotton wool soaked in insecticides - "Fufanol", "Sipaz". Plaster the holes with the addition of "Karbofoos" to the mixture.

If self-destruction of wasps is impossible, let the appropriate services solve the problem.

Earth wasps - how to get rid of insects at their summer cottage

The surest way to get rid of earthen wasps on the site is to call a specialist. After processing, the problem will be solved for a long time. But if the hornet's nest is small, you can get rid of insects yourself.

  1. Wasps do not tolerate the smell of petroleum products. If possible, douse the nest and the soil around it with diesel fuel. This must be done carefully so as not to anger the inhabitants of the nest.
  2. Another way to get rid of wasps in the country is to pour poison or gasoline into a sprayer. The contents are sprayed gently near the nest. The surviving wasps will leave this place forever.
  3. The nest can simply be burned, but this should be done in the fall, when there is no one left alive except the uterus. The place where their dwelling was located must be treated with chemicals.
  4. Ground wasps will die from exposure to various powders and gels. Chemistry is poured near the nest, applied to the bait, the insects themselves will bring the insecticide into their abode. Then all that remains is to get rid of the nest.

What means can effectively get rid of annoying insects without negatively affecting people's health?

Effective remedies for wasps - drugs

Almost all insecticides are currently universal, and are aimed at destroying many insects. But the fight against wasps requires taking into account some nuances.

One hundred percent result for getting rid of adult wasps, uterus and larvae will give a fast-acting insecticide. Baits and traps are effective against insects that fly to the site in search of food.

Wasp drugs are conventionally divided into two types.

The first group is the means for preparing traps and baits. They are highly toxic to insects, but safe for humans, and do not have a persistent strong odor.

The second group - means for the rapid and reliable destruction of wasps.

Form of release of drugs - concentrates in the form of a spray, aerosols, powders and gels. There is also a special glue to which the wasps stick.

Wasp killing drugs:

  • powerful remedy for wasps - "Get". The drug has a faint smell, is not dangerous to humans, it is included in the composition of baits and is used to completely destroy the nest;
  • also include boric acid in the bait. The substance is odorless, harmless and accessible, and has a powerful toxic effect on insects;
  • "Dichlorvos" has been used for a long time, it can be replaced with another aerosol preparation. But its use requires precautions;
  • "Delta Zone" is an effective preparation with a low odor, which makes it possible to use it in baits;
  • "Karbofos" is an effective and inexpensive remedy, but it has an unpleasant, pungent odor;
  • an insecticidal gel is both poison and bait at once. The gel can be conveniently applied to various surfaces or poured into nests. Will destroy wasp gel "Absolute", "Fas" or "Globol";
  • cardboard is smeared with special glue, and a sweet bait is placed in the center. Naturally, they will flock to the delicacy. It is very easy to get rid of the stuck insects afterwards. Adhesives "Kapkan", "Apcoll", "Alt" and many others are equally effective.

It is difficult, almost impossible to get along with wasps, and fighting them is a harsh necessity. Do it yourself, or with the help of specialists - everyone decides for himself. It is not easy to destroy wasps, usually the fight takes place in several stages. Since an ordinary person does not have experience in using pesticides, the quality of processing may suffer from this, and professionals will carry out a set of work, after which insects will not appear for a long time.

And of course, the most weighty argument to turn to specialists is the skills of professionals in the field of wasp breeding tactics. It is worth noting here that the technique or technology for breeding wasps in the case of a closed type nest (in a wall or other inaccessible place) should be very delicate, as with ants. This is achieved by luring out workers and gradually poisoning the entire hive, as well as some other tricks. Otherwise, guided by the approach "stir up, burn, grind, etc.", having achieved the destruction of wasps, you can cause significant damage to property or even burn down the house.

Effective hatching of wasps should make it possible to get rid of them with the least possible loss. It is important to avoid catastrophic consequences, as in the following video.

Wasps are a real "scourge" of summer vacations. These annoying and dangerous insects, biting a person, bring pain, severe redness and swelling to the skin. They often live and build their nests next to people, because sweet fruits and berries grow in the gardens, attracting with fragrant nectar. Therefore, information on how to get rid of wasps using a variety of methods is always relevant. Especially for those who spend the summer or live outside the city.

General rules for dealing with wasps

Wasps are well-organized insects with their own behavioral characteristics. They can be used to combat a swarm.

  1. All wasps build their own dwelling - a nest. They fly out of it every day and return in the evening. Therefore, if too many of these insects have appeared on the site, most likely there is a hive nearby. If it is not destroyed, the fight against wasps will be superficial. It is necessary to carefully study the site, and it is better to do this in early spring. During the summer, it is recommended to inspect the territory once a month in order to notice the construction in time. The nest can be located in trees, in the attic of a house, in outbuildings, under roof slopes. A separate species of wasps - earthen - makes a dwelling in the soil, and you can find it by its characteristic round hole.

    It will be useful to discuss the problem with neighbors so that they also join in the destruction: perhaps the hive has settled on their territory. You should join forces and think about how to deal with the wasps together.

  2. Wasps are diurnal: in the daytime they constantly fly out in search of food. To destroy the nest, it is better to choose early morning or late evening. So all individuals living in it will die.
  3. With the onset of autumn, wasps become very aggressive. It is more rational to wait until late October or early November, or leave the nest until spring. With the arrival of cold weather, these insects leave their homes to hide in the deciduous litter, crevices of stumps and trees. This makes it much easier to remove a twisted hive.
  4. It is important not only to destroy existing individuals, but also to prevent the appearance of new ones. To do this, you need to maintain order on the site and in the house: fruits, berries and fruits should not be in public access. Some gardeners cover trees and shrubs at the time of ripening with gauze or agrofibre that allows sunlight to pass through. All openings and crevices in buildings must be sealed.

Knowing how to get rid of wasps according to all the rules will greatly facilitate the work.

Personal safety

Wasps are insects dangerous to humans. The place of their bite turns red and swells, begins to hurt a lot. Especially "gets" people with an allergic reaction to their poison. Therefore, when approaching a wasp nest or dealing with individuals when using folk remedies and removing traps, it is important to take care that insects do not harm:

  • wear clothes made of thick fabrics;
  • prevent the presence of bare body areas and possible loopholes through which the wasp can get under the clothes (tuck trousers into shoes, sleeves into gloves, wrap around the neck);
  • be sure to wear a hat with a mosquito net;
  • do not use the stairs to get to the hive located at a height (there is a high risk of falling and getting injured after a possible insect attack);
  • carefully creep up to the nest without making any sudden movements.
  • antihistamines must be at hand, which may be needed with a bite.

Another hazard arises from the use of chemical insecticides. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions and follow the recommendations given in it. So, it is necessary to try not to inhale vapors of toxic substances, and even more so not to direct the aerosol stream towards yourself, and when using concentrates, avoid contact with the liquid on the skin or mucous membranes.

Canisters in which the active substance is supplied under strong pressure are flammable: this must be taken into account during storage and use.

Destruction of wasps on the site and in residential premises

The destruction of wasps in the open air or in outbuildings is fundamentally different from the fight in living quarters. Toxic insecticides should not be used in the home because they can harm family members due to chemical fumes. Therefore, they act in softer ways.

  1. Only those insecticides that are approved for residential use may be used. Information about this is in the instructions. The modern range of products allows you to make a safe choice for households.
  2. Simple traps can be used, such as placing a saucer full of jam or special jars purchased from a hardware store. Wasps, deciding to feast on, will get bogged down in a sticky composition.
  3. Windows and entrance doors are protected with mosquito nets.
  4. Also, there should be no gaps in window frames and door frames.
  5. It is effective to use scarers working on ultrasound or aroma lamps with essential oil of coniferous trees. They will fill the house with a forest smell that wasps cannot tolerate.
  6. Pots of attractive geraniums can be placed on the windows: the plant contains odorous substances that repel most insects.

The main rule when dealing with wasps in the house: "do no harm." Safety must come first.

Mechanical socket removal

If a wasp nest is found on the site or in the house, it must be removed. The best option is the scheme "Pesticide treatment - removal". But mechanical removal of the nest without preliminary spraying is allowed. True, this is very dangerous, it requires dexterity and speed.

Ways to manually remove a socket:

  1. Spraying it with combustible material followed by burning or using an impromptu "flamethrower" from an aerosol. The most dangerous method that can only be practiced outdoors is to prevent a fire.
  2. Put a tight bag on the bottom of the hive, or even better, use several garbage bags inserted one into the other. Immediately grab the attachment point with your hands, tear off the socket or cut with a sharp knife. When the loot is in the bag, it should be destroyed.
  3. Knock down the hive with a long stick so that it falls into a bucket of boiling water placed under it. Insects will die in minutes.
  4. If the nest is not far from the ground, then you can try to "put" a bucket of plain water on it from below. Soon the insects will suffocate.
  5. A hive of earthen wasps is poured with a bucket of water in which 100 g of boric acid powder is diluted. It is sold in every pharmacy.

It is important to consider that wasps can act very aggressively, suspecting a danger.

Insecticidal pesticides

The most effective remedy is a chemical insecticide specially formulated to kill insects and, in particular, wasps. They bring almost instant results. After about 15 minutes after processing them, you can begin to remove the hive: the vast majority of individuals in it will already die.

Each of the tools has its own individual characteristics and recommendations for use, which you must definitely familiarize yourself with before starting work.

Aerosols and sprays

Aerosols and sprays are the most popular form of insecticide, of all options than to poison wasps yourself. Thanks to the design of the spray can, you can handle insects from a distance and reach nooks and crannies. Most of these drugs include substances from the pyrethroid group. The way of their penetration into the wasp's organism is contact-intestinal. Soon after infection, paralysis occurs, and the insect dies due to the stoppage of the work of organs.

Popular aerosols and sprays that are effective against wasps:
  1. COMBAT PowerSpray allows you to spray insects and their hives at a distance of 1 m. According to the instructions, it does not pose a threat to human and domestic animal health, so if you need an effective way to get rid of wasps in the country, this spray will be an excellent purchase. It has a pleasant scent with a delicate aroma of pine needles, which quickly disappears after spraying.
  2. "Dichlorvos NEO" is similar to its famous predecessor only in name. In contrast, the modern version does not have a pungent smell. The composition contains a triple formula of poisons, which in combination with each other provide the desired result.
  3. Aerosol from MOSQUITALL “From Wasp Nests” is a professional product for fighting wasps. High efficiency is ensured by the presence of two powerful toxic chemicals in the composition: biolletrin and cypermethrin, therefore, Moskitol can be used only in non-residential premises and outdoors. An important advantage of the aerosol is that it is sprayed at a distance of up to 6 m from the nest. For example, this is a great way to get rid of wasps on a balcony or open veranda.
  4. "Raid", like "Dizlofos NEO", contains 3 toxic substances. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the product is approved for use in residential premises. But after processing, thorough ventilation is required.

These sprays and sprays are available from your local hardware store or specialty section of your supermarket.


Less commonly, concentrates are used to combat wasps in everyday life. They must be diluted in plenty of water and used to spray the nests with a spray bottle. Their use is rational if several nests are found on the site, and the aerosol cylinder may not be enough for everything.

List of popular concentrates:

  1. "Get", which contains an organophosphorus compound - chlorpyrophos. It is a systemic insecticide. It has a microencapsulated structure: the smallest particles stick to the legs and body of the wasp, therefore, before its inevitable death, it can infect other insects.
  2. "Delta-zone" with the active substance deltamethrin. It enters the body by the contact-intestinal route. Sell ​​"Delta-zone" in bottles of 50 ml.
  3. "Karbofos" is produced in the form of a liquid concentrate nut. The substance has a significant drawback - a pungent odor, therefore, with the advent of analogues, it is used less and less.
  4. "Executioner", which includes the organophosphorus compound "fenthion".
  5. Tetrix is ​​an expensive concentrate used in professional processing. Very effective but also toxic. You can buy it by finding an intermediary on the Internet, because you cannot find "Tetrix" in free sale.

When using concentrates, follow the universal rules for the use of insecticidal chemicals.

Wasp traps

Traps will help you catch individual individuals flying into the area in search of delicacies. They can also be used in a complex to combat these insects.

All designs can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. The simplest: an open container with bait or a board smeared with bait. Often insecticidal components are added to the "treat" for the speedy death of insects.
  2. Homemade from bottles and other containers into which a fragrant liquid is poured.
  3. Special vessels purchased in the store (can be empty so that a person pours the bait into them himself, or with ready-made liquid - for example, from the Raptor company.
  4. Complex appliances powered by the mains. They lure insects with the light emitted by ultraviolet lamps. For example, Ecosniper.

The disadvantage of traps is that they cannot catch all the insects that enter the area. Although they significantly reduce their number. In addition, the destroyed individuals must be removed regularly.


As bait poured into traps, you can use:

  • diluted jam;
  • fermented compote,
  • light beer,
  • a solution of sugar in water,
  • diluted honey, etc.

Pieces of fruit, fruits, meat, fish are placed in the liquid.

To make insects die instantly, you can add a solution of boric acid powder (10 g per 1 l) to the bait or use a special insecticide with sugar "Adamant".

Folk remedies

There are also folk tricks to deal with wasps:

  1. Spraying with gasoline, kerosene, thinner or diesel fuel helps to drive the wasps out of their nest. This can only be used outdoors because the substances are toxic and flammable.
  2. A way to get rid of wasps in nature or in an area near the house is to light a fire with coniferous wood. The odorous substances released during combustion scare away insects.
  3. Laundry soap helps fight wasps due to its pungent odor. Its pieces can be spread out in places where wasps accumulate. Having made a hole in the soap and threading a string through it, the piece is suspended near the nest. Insects, most likely, will not like such a neighborhood, and they will go in search of a more suitable home. True, it takes about a week to wait for the effect.
  4. A similar effect is produced by red hot peppers. Its pods are placed or hung next to the nest.
  5. Wasps are discouraged by the smell of some plants. For example, wormwood, mint and lemon balm, basil and pelargonium (geranium). They contain essential oils, the smell of which is not to the liking of dangerous insects. These plants are recommended to be planted in plots or windowsill. The dried bundles also have an insecticidal effect.

The use of folk remedies does not guarantee the destruction of wasps on the site. They are recommended for use if spraying pesticides is undesirable or if there are very few arriving insects.

Starting to fight wasps, you need to approach the matter responsibly: do not forget about safety and follow the instructions. If one remedy is ineffective, another should be tried.