Self-life garden. Useful inhabitants of the garden

If earlier people fought only with pests who riveted the harvest, such as mouse and insects, and they just admired savory and sometimes fed, then the times have changed. People to the pet are not always adequate to talk about wild hedgehogs, Cunnichs, Fox and Birds.

Even in the city you can find a wild animal. Then on the territory of the old, already closed children's house I climbed lynx and stamped there, the foxes are suitable for places where people rest, preparing kebabs, then in the urban environment multi-storey houses The cuckor catches birds on the trees. Eyewitnesses of different cities and settlements are postponing similar photos every day.

What is the reason that wild animals came out of the forest? Of course, this is a lack of food in their natural environment. They hope to find food in the city, instead of this bumping into the grave people. What can we talk about private sectors and summer cottages. There, wild animals look first. How do you coexist together and how to protect the plot for the winter from the seekers of the animals? That will be this article.

Still wild animals can carry a useful service for cottage plot . ladybugs eat TRU. BUT hedgehog Can get rid even from slugs. Hedgehogs are struggling even with mice and snakes. Of course, the whole garden is completely not cleaned, but will do everything they can.

How to attract them to your site?

First position - let it be as it is. The main thing is not to interfere with the animals that came to the site, do not deprive them of the opportunity to survive.

Second position - You can make refuge for animals. For example, do not seize small plot Herbs or leave a little hay, and also do not touch shrubs.

Third position - You can create something like a reserve in the garden. Put the birdhouses, houses for hedgehogs, frogs and toad pond.

Of course, frequent guests of gardens and gardens come birdswhich attract insects, as well as the entire berry composition of the site. In order for the birds to be comfortable and they did not eat half the harvest, you need to equip them special houses and feeders, which should be covered by rain.

They should have a drink, if there is no water in the garden in free access (in a barrel or pelvis), and also always should lie to bird food that can be bought in a pet store or prepare yourself. Birds can give cereals, savory and unsalted cookies, nuts, worms, bread crumbs. The houses must be located at such a height so that cats cannot even accidentally get to them. Even if there are no cats, they can always come to the plot of other people's curious and cunning cats and cats.

What to do with those from whom the benefit is not completely, but is there only harm?

For mice and moles you can create no possible conditions for living. If they fit, it will have to fight with the help of poisoning substances and mousetrap. But how to spend a fox or fish? After all, they, too, have nothing to eat in the forest, and therefore they stretch to people.

First of all, these are wild animals, and that they do not know anyone on the mind. It is the opinion that only mad animals go to people, but it is not. More precisely, not always so. Still, the hunger in the forest is more to blame. If the animal behaves inadequately, pounces on people, then calibrations of wild animals and veterinary doctors should be caused. Healthy foxes help to fight wild mice, and people do not touch, on the contrary, they are afraid of them and do not fit.

Often from the forest to fruit trees In the garden, hares are visiting. So that they do not brighten the trunks of the trees, make the frame. And on the border of the site it is better to throw out unnecessary vested branches that hare can eat.

Whatever wild animals came to the site, you should not immediately apply cruel measures to eviction (Grass, shooting). It is better if such a neighborhood does not suit, try to drive them by a humane way and create impossible conditions for living.

Basically, very useful animals are peeking on the site, which will not harm the garden and please the eyes of their relaxed one.

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Useful insects in the garden and other animals. Who are the pests fear? What sprayer needs your garden?

I often come to the cottage to my grandfather and grandmother. In the country there is a garden and a garden.

Plants Garden Inhabitants Report

Trees grow in the garden: apple trees, pears, cherries, plums, quince. And shrubs: currant, gooseberry, raspberry, black rowan, sea buckthorn, rosehip. There is still strawberry in the garden. Now, in May, all trees and shrubs bloom. It looks very beautiful.

But I love more when the berries are kept in the garden. My favorite berries: strawberries and raspberries. Strawberries sleeping in June, and Malina in July.

In the garden, Grandma put a radish, onions, garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, dill and parsley. Now green sprouts rose on the beds. And Rediska, green Luc, dill and parsley this year I have already tried.

In addition to plants in the garden lives a lot of different animals

Lizards live in our garden. In the afternoon, they love to get out of the pebbles and bask in the sun. This species is called: a pimping or ordinary lizard. They can reach length 25 and even 35cm. But I have not seen such large, our lizards are long 10-15 cm. They are different color: from bright green to very dark, almost black. On the back they have lanes, and the bottom - light. They are very nimble. Pope and I tried to catch them, but never caught. Once the dad in his hands remained the tail - throwing the tail of the lizard protects against danger. But it suffers from this - it becomes not so agile, the stock is deprived nutrients - Therefore, for fun, you can not pull the lizard behind the tail.

Above the roof of a barn on a big pendulum hanging a birdhouse. But instead of the starlings there were settled 2 sparrows. Now in the spring they collect all sorts of features and blades and wear in a birdhouse, build a nest. When we are in the country - we treat their bread crumbs.

On the beds and even in the midst of the shed, I saw big heaps of the earth. It turns out that moles when they make their holes make these heaps.

When there are no grass in the beds, only black freshly walled land - birds always arrive: the shaking. They have a gray back, white belly, black head and beak and a long black tail. They catch insects, while running around the ground and shake their tail - from here their name.

Still in our garden live insects

Useful: ants, bees, butterflies. And harmful: beetles grasshoppers and locusts are such huge grasshoppers up to 10 cm long - they eat grass and leaves .. especially a lot colorado Zhukovwho eat potatoes. We are fighting with them.

Soon the holidays will begin and I will often ride the cottage for the harvest.

First of all, the garden ecosystem includes specially planted by man trees. and bushes. The most common fruit trees are apple trees, groa-sha, cherry, cherry, plum, apricot; bushes - currants, ma-lina, gooseberry. Crimean apples, Melitopol cherries are known far beyond Ukraine. A variety of weeds grow next to the fruit de reviews. They should be destroyed so that they are not taken from the soil the reserves of the genuine substances.

Among the animals of organisms, the bee and other insects participating in pollination are most often visited (Fig. 75).

There is a garden and their pest, for example, notes, apple fruit, mice, hares. TLA feeds with plants juice. Despite the small size, it is very insatiable. A large cluster of aphids on the same tree leads to the fact that the leaves twisted and dry. And the plant of small sizes (seedlings) may even die if it does not destroy the pest in time.

From the caterpillar of the butterfly of apple-tree fruit suffers, first of all, the crop of fruits. In the spring, the butterfly female laying eggs to the marking of the flower. The fruit is developing, and the caterpillar is growing inside and develops, which feeds onto the pulp. While she does not bother out a hole, no one will come to the head that the apple is beautiful outside "Chervivoy." Over the summer, one caterpillar is able to spoil a few apples.

In winter, the hare binds the bark of young shoots, causing the harm to the garden.

However, not all insects harm the garden plants. Pleam-workers are not inferior in hard work and utility cute ladybugs. Their gray with orange specks are small, but fast larvae destroy tort. One such larvae a day eats several tens of tsi. From many pests of plants, ants, bugs of bugs with a metallic sampling of wings, large clumsy toads. Therefore, seeing these animals, do not drive and do not destroy them. They are your reliable garden care helpers.

And in the garden there is a lot of birds. For some garden trees They are home, others arrive to get started by caterpillars and beetles. Of course, in the summer, Kog-yes matures a sweet sweet cherry or cherry, some of the feathers can enjoy their flesh. But in general, the help of birds in the garden is valuable, because they destroy many insects and their larvae.

In the plant ecosystem, plants and animals are combined with supply chains, for example: plum -\u003e Tlla -\u003e Ladybug; Yab-Lona -\u003e Caterpillar -\u003e Bird.

For the garden for a long time brought generous yields of berries and fruits, it should be care for it. Material from site.

There is no need to ask the amateur gardener, as it belongs to the animal, the answer is usually unequivocal. He who loves to mess around in the garden automatically makes acquaintance with large number Garden inhabitants. If you add a lot of small animals inhabiting here, they will be more than in any zoo. You just need to be able to notice them.

Here you moved from the spot flower pot - And from under it there is a nineteenth. The bee accompanies you to the flower bed to fall there on the flower smelling with honey. Immediately fluttering the motley butterflies, as Budd language is in full bloom. Live in our gardens and many mammals. Highly in the crown of a tree, he sends its acrobatic stunts protein. And not at all rare in the night sky silhouette battleHunting.

Where does such an exciting community come from?

And the fact is that in the gardens decorated by the natural pattern, the animals will settle. And live here not only in the summer. When the spring is blooming the first greens, the beginning of the new season can be cooked songs welcomed from the south of finchs and joyful after a long winter tit. In May, with the advent of other migratory birds, bird concerts reach their climax. In the summer - season of dragonflies, beetles and butterflies, and you can now see a lot of interesting things in the pond. A quiet summer at night suddenly meet in the garden of hedgehog, wandering in search of snails and slugs. In the autumn animals begin to prepare for winter.

You can find a protein, a hay or garden son and birds for the collection of winter stocks and birds. In winter, in the footsteps in the snow, we can guess that the garden and now it was not entirely empty, and it will last for a short time, until spring, when the world of plants and animals awakens new life.

If at dusk you suddenly hear a loud snort and suggestion, it means hunting was released. The prickly animal leads the night lifestyle, looking for snails, larvae of beetles, caterpillars, adult insects, worms. It can catch a mouse or wildflower, a frog or lizard, but the berries and other sweet fruits are not worried. During the night, the hedgehog passes up to several kilometers, without removing, however, farther than 300 m from his asylum. If his heavenly feels in the garden, then the female will arrange a nest and at the beginning of the summer will produce his offspring here.

Proteins attract attention, jumping over a branch on a branch on a dizzying altitude or deftly spruce in the front legs of a nut or a bump. Often these rodents are visiting the birds and feeders. In the fall, proteins are inquiring for the winter feed: nuts, acorns, chestnuts, mushrooms, and in the winter systematically searches places with their reserves. Fluffy brushes on the ears of the protein wears only in the winter dress gray, not red, as in summer.

Birds are found in our gardens round year. At the end of winter, local species like the sinicles are already looking at the places suitable for the nest device.
In May, when appear migratory birds, the first offspring hatches. The bird concert in the garden in the morning is magnificent and always passes in a certain sequence: from the night of it starts the nightingale and garden movie, at sunrise, before sunrise, the voices of the Drozda and Zaryanka are first served, and a chant and lights, starlands and slats are connected. And now rings in the sky of the larks, and the crust in the forest is once again and in summer the fraction of Dyatlas.

Is it possible to imagine a garden without buzzing bees and their like? True, while the bee workers are engaged in collecting nectar from flowers, the wasps can occupy the terrace, taking into account sweet, so never leave jam or honey open. Similar to OS Fly-Burning, as if helicopters hanging over the flowers, do not have sting at all. Striped black and yellow body drawing protects them from enemies.

Dogs and cats feel in the garden especially abolished. If you comply with some rules on your part, their stay in nature and you will not deliver trouble. Four-legged friends can calmly frolic on lawns, inhabited by sustainable lawn herbs: When there are children and dogs in the family, it is better to start a sports or gaming lawn. On the flower beds, dogs and cats will not allow a low fencing from the painted green paint wire mesh, through large cells of which plants can germinate.

Pahores for scaring cats and dogs that are on sale, act only a short time. Durable Mesh Op garden pond It will prevent the animal in it. Squeeze on empty places of thick growing expanding plants that will prevent the cats first of all on the flower beds unwanted "gifts". Bird feeders and drinkers should always stand so that cats cannot get to them unnoticed.

by Notes of wild mistress

All are known to benefit from god's cows. They have semitamine, with two, five and fourteen dots. Winter in the forest litter. Appear in April. Gardeners who truly evaluated the role of ladybirds, track where they winter, collect along with the bedding and transfer to themselves to the site.

Carry out not only adult individuals, but also larvae. If you see in May on the dark crust of trees, as well as on the underside just blossomed leaves, bright yellow eggs, pointed from one end, 2-3 mm in length or purple larvae with yellow dots on the sides of 10-13 mm sides, then know - It will grow up your assistants. But orange dolls - do not touch. On the back they are already visible "the birthplace" points.

Adult beetles and larvae feed by pawless ticks, blues, eggs and small tracks. As far as they are useful, judge by ourselves: the larva destroys 600-800 tools during its development, the beetles are 40-50 to the day.

Some, especially beginner gardeners, seeing at the beginning of summer on the underside of the leaves hanging on thin threads of eggs, hurry to destroy them. Stop! This is a breastfall breeding, one more useful insect. Soon, transparent, little gray larvae will be taken out of these eggs.

These inseptuous insects will serve you a good service. They eat tool, ticks, shields, small caterpillars. One larvae until it takes off, destroys about 4 thousand tool! Pupae in white cocoons can be seen in the cracks of the crust. An adult gold-eyed to know is not difficult: she has four transparent greenish wings with a lot of residences and brilliant eyes with a golden tint.

Many gardeners, not knowing their assistants "in the face", destroy and very useful bugger. This, with rare exception, beetles with a metal tump, dark color, very movable. The larvae looks like worms, on the chest they have three pairs of long legs. They live in the soil. Both beetles, and larvae eat a large number of harmful insects, snails, slugs. Day Beetles are hiding under all sorts of shelters: pebbles, leaves, lumps of soil. They hunt mostly at night.

Useful and spiders. For your networks, some of them catch up to 500 insects per day. So do not hurry to break the cobweb on trees, fences and buildings.

Flowering dill flew fleece mums-hoverings (sirphids). Their larvae destroy young caterpillars and tool. These flies are distinguished by bright color, black and yellow stripes. They look like a small OS.

Differently belong to ants. They eat many pests. Where they live, no mice are found. But, at the same time, contribute to the reproduction of the tool, damage fruits and berries. To get rid of them, seek to detect their nests. Most often, they settles in the peep of garbage, especially if they are covered with precipitation.

Mortgele the ants is not difficult. It is enough to trace their chains. Nests or pour urine, or moved to safe place, burn. You can protect the trees from ants, pouring ash or chalk around them, and you can mix on the beds upper layer With sawdust or peat crumbs impregnated with Colavin. Sometimes on the trunks there are funnels with a smooth surface, lubricated from the inside with a vaseline.

It is also necessary to take care of frogs, toads, lizards. They will help you in the fight with many pests, even those who "disgust" birds. In addition, they hunt, as a rule, at twilight or at night, when garden robbers leave their shelters.

Toads, for example, eat snails, larvae and butterfly caterpillars, multi-ninexes and many other insects. Lizards - Medvedok, various beetles, flies, caterpillars and even, if very hungry, Colorado beetles. Therefore, - take care of them! If there are no reservoirs from your site, ditch with water where the frogs could have a frog in your garden and do not allow children to kill these useful animals just because they are unattractive in appearance.

Women's Internet logbook Notes "Wild" mistress