Architectural styles of private country houses. Country architecture Country architecture

Each of us travels the world. Someone leaves far and for a long time, considering the world unknown to us, and someone goes abroad only once a year, on vacation. But we all understand that calendars, postcards and souvenirs are only a small reminder of where we have been and what we have seen. We offer you a completely new format for such memories - the recreation of the famous architecture of the places you have visited at the dacha. For obvious reasons, it simply will not work to completely recreate all the interesting and original of our world, and therefore we personally will start with the most famous ones. For example, let's take some wonders of the world, add the buildings of the capitals of Europe to the collection, take something incredible from Asia and Africa, and also simply recreate in miniature what is beautiful and impressive in standard form.

We want to warn you right away that such a design of a summer house is a time-consuming and expensive pleasure, and therefore, before starting a project, be sure to evaluate your own capabilities and professionalism, as well as the budget that you can allocate for such a thing.

This is the main section of the new article site about interesting and original architecture that we want to reproduce on our own site. There will be not only famous buildings, but also something that can simply decorate the cottage nicely. You have the right to independently regulate the choice and determine what you want to build. But you should only understand that the quality of the object depends on you. We offer only a method and materials, but you reproduce the architecture with your own hands ... so the result is your responsibility!

Chinese wall in the country

Yes, even so! We will start with this structure, since it is the simplest. You can build a wall from any picture downloaded on the Internet, or take images from travel magazines, there are many different angles.

We immediately choose a place and build the Great Wall of China from ordinary bricks. If at all in a miniature form, then it is possible to create a building material from high-density polystyrene foam. From it you can cut not only bricks, but also additional architectural structures.

We are building with bricks. We will need a platform, it can even be made of inexpensive concrete, which is poured with a layer of 15-20 cm on a drainage pad. It is necessary for the strength of the entire structure. Further along it, you can begin construction on a standard solution of cement, sand and water. The main thing here is to correctly depict the lines, shape, give the right atmosphere. But it is worth knowing that all this is transmitted by decor, and therefore the initial construction does not play a special role.

We build a wall of expanded polystyrene. High strength polystyrene has quite interesting qualities. From it you can cut almost anything you need.

It will be possible to glue this material with many adhesives, and sometimes even polyurethane foam. In principle, it can be used to derive many additional elements. For example, the same wall columns, turns. It will only be necessary to cut the foam in shape, and plaster on top.

Let's move on to finishing the building. All that is needed is paint of suitable shades.

You can paint both brick and polystyrene wall. Dilute the paint so that it is the same color and different shades, and work further on the original plan and image. As a result, you may end up with a very serious architectural element, around which it is now worth working with additions - creating steps, a forest, hillocks.

Eiffel tower in the country

The Eiffel Tower is a very interesting design, which will take a very long time to repeat in miniature. There is not so much physical labor as time for details, because everything needs to be displayed as similarly as possible.

The tower is boiled out of metal, mounted on concrete frame or a metal dug-in base to have good strength. But not everything is as simple as it seems right away, because the main guide towers will need to be bent, and three encircling metal belts should be made around the entire “growth” of the tower.

It is clear that it is unlikely that anyone will observe all the details and reproduce such a masterpiece with their own hands, but it’s still possible to create a good likeness.

Installation on solid foundation, attaching the four main parts that form the tower, and then tying more simple material- fittings, rod, wire. Do not forget to also install a light backlight inside, the evening view of such beauty will be amazing.

Leaning Tower of Pisa - a miracle in the country garden

The Leaning Tower of Pisa in the country is something experimentally new. But why can some architecture on your own site be repeated in miniature, but it is not?

One has only to want, and such a tower will be built. At the same time, its construction will take less time and will be easier than the same Eiffel Tower.

Why so? The answer is simple - most often duplicates, if you can call them that, are built from lightweight materials. Quite difficult to install heavy construction at an angle so that it does not collapse over time ... especially if you do not professional builder or designer. Therefore, it is enough to build a tower of plastic or even very thick cardboard, which is then sealed or opened with protective varnishes and oils.

A huge plus is that only the base will have to be built, then you just need to pull it on a plastic or lightweight aluminum frame cardboard with a picture of the tower. It can even be high-quality photo printing, which will look amazing from a distance. If you are going to draw, it is better to first apply the drawing with paints on cardboard or paper, and only after that install the material on the finished inclined frame.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon in the landscape

We talked a lot about living fences vertical flower beds and hanging gardens, and therefore this design will not be too complex an architectural element. It is also good that it is far from necessary to build it according to a strictly defined format. You can fantasize, invent, copy or even complete everything into a single project, the main thing is to make it beautiful and attractive.

Most often, such projects are based on castles and structures of that time, which are built from a variety of building materials. Further, they are populated by living plants - herbs, ornamental shrubs, flowers, sometimes even bonsai. It is very important only to pre-prepare sites, containers, compartments, balconies and other places for planting on such a structure.

We build pyramids in the country

You can start with a heavier building and build shell rock pyramids. Its color and texture are perfect for such an architectural masterpiece. One has only to choose a site for construction, install a waterproofing layer from a conventional film or more expensive material and get down to business.

Everything you need to play Egyptian pyramids, this is a shell rock in the volume that you expect, free hands with gloves, and an average grinder.

Having arranged the base, you build a pyramidal structure, and when building the upper part of the pyramid, you simply cut the stone with a grinder. You can cope with such a task in just a day, scatter sand dunes near the pyramid and enjoy the beautiful view.

You can build a pyramid frame type, for example, make it from a profile and plywood. The design is durable and lightweight, as well as the ability to quickly disassemble the pyramid and assemble it in the right place.

You can devote time to many historical buildings that will easily take their place in the garden of your dacha, but we cannot talk about all of them, their number is very large. But you, in view of your own professionalism, can even reproduce complex elements- monuments, the structure of the Taj Mahal, amphitheaters and others. But you can always go to more typical, but no less interesting buildings for giving, which can positively affect the landscape design of the site. It can be lighthouses, forts, more modern buildings and buildings that are world attractions.

How to arrange a summer cottage (video)

What you need for the architectural design of the cottage

In order to decorate the cottage in a similar format, completely turn the neighbors' worldview on the landscape and get world-famous architecture on the site, you you need to follow some rules:

  • Always start work only with a high-quality and prepared project;
  • Work only with quality material, which is familiar to you, and determine feasible tasks for yourself;
  • It is imperative to bring everything to the end initially, because incompleteness is the worst thing that can be in decor;
  • Correctly choose sizes, shapes and colors, be sure to determine your choice with the initially established style of the summer cottage;
  • Ability to combine multiple architectural elements, pour them into an already established, ready-made drawing of a summer residence.

Let's say right away, if such a task seems difficult or impossible at all, it is better not to start the process. Much better to buy plaster figures or plastic elements for garden decor than to waste time, money and nerves!

The architectural design of a summer cottage has many directions, and the one we have chosen is not the most popular and in demand. But it is one of those that can really “change the picture” with high quality and bring something exclusive and extremely unusual to the landscape.

The garden house is small building on the suburban area, designed for the temporary stay of the owners, as well as for the storage of agricultural equipment. As a rule, garden houses are not intended for long-term living, so there is no need to arrange all communications in them, although this can be done if desired.

Often a garden house is not a capital building, and is made from a wide variety of remnants of building materials - natural wood, natural stone, , slate and many other improvised materials. The building has quite small size, and therefore it can be built at your discretion, based on your taste preferences and the available building materials.

Features of the architecture of the building.

In my own way functional purpose the garden house is somewhat similar to, but the latter is characterized by much larger sizes, and more high level comfort. In a garden of a small area, you can build a small, neat garden house, which will be a great place to relax on the weekends.

Garden houses, as well as their interior layout do not have any specific stylistic features and design rules, so these small structures can be of the most diverse appearance. For their construction, the whole variety of building materials is used, which ultimately affects design features structures.

Windows can be made both large and very small. The roof of a garden house can also have its own different shape. Among the main types of roofs used in the construction of garden houses, the following can be distinguished:

  • shed roof;
  • gable;
  • pointed (Gothic style);
  • flat roof;
  • multilevel.

The choice for the construction of a garden house remains with the owner of the site. Often, such structures are built independently, based on their taste preferences and availability. required material for construction.

Such structures include those made of separate blocks - shields. Frame panel houses are distinguished by ease of installation, speed of construction, as well as the availability of building materials.

Garden house interior.

The interior design of garden houses is also not too difficult task. Most often in the rooms you can find various old things that have already gone out of fashion, but still retain their appearance.

Often used in room settings old furniture and decor items. It all depends on the financial capabilities and desires of the owners of the garden house.

The most common in interior design is, but design is also possible in any other style. Still, the garden house is intended for a short stay, and therefore it creates minimal comfortable conditions.

For most city dwellers, their favorite dacha is almost a heavenly place where you can always escape from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. We have prepared a review of inexpensive, original and comfortable solutions for country houses from all over the world.

Life in a container.
This creation of architects from San Antonio is easy to make yourself in your country house. They simply built a door, windows, a heating-cooling system and an innovative green roof into a conventional steel shipping container. They ingeniously turned an ordinary object into a cozy place to live. Bamboo flooring and trendy wall coverings bring their design vision to life. This small and modern building can definitely be called a real home!

For scientific purposes.
In order to explore the possibilities of small housing, interior designer Jessica Helgerson moved her family to a cottage that is only 50 square meters in size. meters. Designed by Jessica herself. It is located 15 minutes from Portland, Oregon.

To build her micro-mansion, Jessica used mostly recycled materials. Thanks to this, and the use of a green roof, the house cost her much less than she bargained for. In addition, such a house does not consume much energy for heating and cooling. Such a fairly economical house is suitable for people who like to spend several months in the country. Such a house optimally combines all the necessary amenities and compact size.

Self sufficient house.
If you don’t have water or electricity in your country house, don’t despair! Better take advantage of the experience of American architects from the state of New England. They managed to build a hut that is completely self-sufficient solar energy. It has a hinged roof and is covered with corrugated siding. A rainwater container and a boiler that instantly heats water provide a home drinking water and water for domestic needs. Louvered doors protect the hut from bad weather.

Perfect square.
This square house, with an area of ​​73 sq. meter, located in Minnesota and has a bright blue exterior and a cheerful interior, painted in bright yellow. However, not only such an unusual combination of colors makes it special.
This house consists of two modules, which are flawlessly interconnected by a massive porch. Protective screens with magnetic traps keep insects out of the house on summer nights, making it just the perfect place to live. summer period time.

Utilized beauty.
It is not necessary to purchase expensive building materials for the construction of a country house. For example, Brad Kittel of Tiny Texas Houses believes that there are already enough building materials in the world and there is nothing to use new ones. His little houses are 99% recycled building materials (including doors, windows, siding, furniture, door handles, flooring and pillars supporting the porch).

Do it yourself.
Dreaming of a small cozy house, the construction of which would not take you a lot of time and money? There is nothing easier! In the Jamaica Cottage Shop, in the USA, a building kit is sold, from which you can easily build a wooden cottage measuring 5x6 meters. The assembly of such a micro-house takes about 40 hours. The interior of such a residence can be assembled according to your own taste. You can also add a partition that forms sleeping place as the second floor.

Will not grow moss.
Are you going to the cottage? Don't forget to take your house with you! Such a mini-house, located on a platform with a trailer, will always be with you, wherever you go. In just six square meters, the craftsmen from Tumbleweed Tiny House managed to accommodate a bathroom, a kitchen, a built-in desk and a sofa, as well as a bed. Such a house costs about $ 160 for square meter disassembled, and $390 in "semi-finished" condition.

Micro home.
Do not rush to send old household rubbish to a landfill. Perhaps it will come in handy for you to build a country house! Follow the example of Derek Didriksen, who lives in Massachusetts, and applies his practical view of things to the construction of tiny houses. He builds them from unnecessary things. For example, he adapted a torn door washing machine as a window. The cost of his micro-houses does not exceed $200.

House in a cube.
Originals and lovers of everything unusual can try to build a box house in their country house, hallmark which is a highly functional design. The area of ​​the box house, designed by the architect Semi Rintala, is only 19 square meters. meters. Surprisingly, it even has a guest room. The seating bench in the living room turns into a bed. The style of this house is a cultural blend of Finnish summer houses and Japanese traditions.

Hidden treasure.
Hidden in the forests of Hilverstum in the Netherlands, this house was designed by architect Piet Hein Iik. It is created in the traditional style of wooden huts. Instead of jagged wooden beams the exterior of the house consists of logs cut across. This design move allows the house to get lost among the surrounding forest.

Victorian era.
Lovers of beauty can turn their country house into a true work of art, just as Sandra Foster, the new owner of the former hunting lodge in Catskill, did. She converted it into a romantic house in Victorian style. She did the carpentry work herself and used mostly recycled materials. In this way, she managed to create a cozy secluded corner filled with books and lit by a crystal chandelier.

Magnificent garden house near Washington, D.C., designed by architect Robert Gurney. A pavilion with an adjacent pool was built in the backyard of a private house next to a forest. Secular trees surrounding the site and a well-planned landscape design on the property of the owner inspired Gurney to create a project that allows you to admire the surrounding landscape in any season.

The task of the architect was to coordinate the architecture garden pavilion with existing house and geometric garden layout. This determined the architectural style and choice of materials for the creation of the present, new paths and adjacent areas. Traditional stone and wood are used alongside concrete, glass and metal on the roof of the garden shed. Natural woodland surrounds a modern-style site with an original garden sculpture, precise geometry of landings and platforms, a strict rectangular pool and a minimalistic Summer shower on the end wall pavilion.

The degree of glazing is impressive: part of the facade is created by frameless glass walls, in addition, there are five high doors filled with tempered glass. This exterior design provides excellent visibility from inside the house to the outside. Perfectly arranged plantings in the garden, the nearby swimming pool and the wall of trees behind the fence guarantee spectacular views in different seasons.

Unlike most garden houses, this building can be used all year round. big fireplace and underfloor heating are designed to provide a comfortable atmosphere even in winter. laid out large slabs floors, mahogany walls and fir-tree paneling give the charm of natural materials, and stylish furniture and a steel kitchen island bring a modern style to the interior.