Installing a door handle on an interior door step by step instructions (with photo). How to embed a handle into an interior door and how to properly screw and install the latch How to screw a handle to an interior door

To figure out how to independently install a handle on an interior door, you should have an idea about the different types of fittings used for such structures. Then the entire installation process will go smoothly.

Almost everything is now sold without fittings. This means that the buyer of such products has to install the handles either on their own or seek help from specialists. The services of the latter must be paid. A zealous owner, of course, will not spend money on services that he can easily perform with his own hands. The installation of handles for home craftsmen does not cause any real difficulties. It is only necessary to figure out what types of fittings are currently available, and taking into account what features are installed devices for opening and closing doors of various types.

Types of door handles

All pens are usually divided into two broad categories. The first includes mortise mechanisms, the second - overhead. The first of these, in addition, are divided into:

  • Rotary (knobs). These handles close or open the latch when the handle is turned. They are made in the form of a disk or a ball.
  • Push (with a rosette and a ring, latch handles). The principle of their functioning is similar to knobs. But in this case, the opening and closing of the interior door is carried out by pressing the handle handle. Typically, such mechanisms are initially equipped with a special lock or a special device - a latch.

To install a mortise, you must first prepare a large hole in the door leaf where the mechanism will be placed.

Do-it-yourself installation of overhead handles on interior doors is much easier. For installation, it is enough to make a small hole in the canvas, corresponding in diameter to the mechanism rod. There are no differences in terms of functionality and durability of overhead and mortise handles. Choose the device that suits you best. The main thing is that the mechanism you like matches the design of the door itself and the entire room where it is mounted.

If there are several door structures in the room, it is advisable to install the same handles on them.

To quickly and efficiently mount a latch handle or a mortise mechanism that is more difficult to install, you will need the following tool - a tape measure, a screwdriver, a square, an electric drill, self-tapping screws, a chisel, a hammer, crowns of various sections and a set, a simple pencil. It is also advisable to stock up on a conductor. It is a template that greatly simplifies the operation of marking holes on the door leaf and their subsequent drilling.

Mortise mechanism

Having prepared these devices, determine the installation height of the fittings we are interested in. Experts say that the handle should be about 0.8-1 m away from the floor. In principle, you can choose a different height, given your own height. The main thing is that you and your family members feel comfortable using the pen. Now you can do the markup. If you purchased a conductor, this process will take a minimum of time. Just screw it from the end to the door structure. Subsequently, the holes on the jig will completely coincide with the tongue lining of the handle used.

If you do not have such a template, mark the installation location of the fittings with a simple pencil and a square:

  1. Measure the desired height from the floor, draw a horizontal line on the canvas (first on one of its sides), and then transfer it to the other side of the door and to the end.
  2. In the middle of the drawn line at the end of the interior design, put a mark. It indicates the place where you will drill a hole for the tongue.
  3. On the drawn line, you also outline areas for mounting the handle itself (marks must be placed on both sides of the canvas).

This completes the preparation for installation. You can proceed to the main event.

Let's see how to install the simplest type of door handle - overhead. The first step is to make a through hole in the canvas. In order not to damage the door, use crowns and an electric drill to carry out such an operation. After that, it is necessary to drill the interior structure from the end. In this case, you need to use a crown with a smaller size or a special drill-pen. Further, everything is simple:

  1. Insert the locking mechanism with the tongue into the hole made. Check if the system is working or not.
  2. Outline the overlay. Be sure to remove a small layer of material in the circled area with a chisel. Then, when installing the overlay, you will not worry that it will spoil the appearance of the door. After processing the specified area, you can easily mount this part of the handle flush.
  3. Fasten the cover with universal screws.
  4. Insert the rod inside the already delivered mechanism. Put the handle with the ring on the last one. Sometimes the ring after installation begins to rub against the canvas. In such situations, a thin layer of material should be ground around the circumference of the hole (work with a chisel). And then simply drown the ring. The friction will disappear!
  5. Fix the handle with pins of a tightening type or fasten it with self-tapping screws (depending on the design of the mechanism you purchased).
  6. Put a decorative overlay and enjoy the results of your work.

Now let's see how to install a latch on an interior door without the help of specialists. You will need to drill an additional hole in the door leaf so that the position of the latch mechanism is fully aligned with it. Then you thread the axis into the lock and put a cap on it. Place the rotary latch indoors, and mount the lock with a key or plug on the reverse side.

Handle with lock

Next, you need to fix the installed mechanism (all its elements) with self-tapping screws and decorate the used hardware with the help of caps. Note! Some pens do not have caps. They are simply not provided by the latch design. One more nuance. When the handle has a tongue lock, no other action is necessary. If the mechanism has only a tongue, you will have to additionally drill a hole to install it on the door frame.

With mortise mechanisms, you will have to tinker a little longer. As noted earlier, in such a case, it will be necessary to make a special sufficiently roomy hole for the lock.

Door handle installation

In this case, the scheme for mounting the handle will remain the same:

  • mark the door structure;
  • draw a contour;
  • drill several holes in the marked area, and then, using a chisel, hollow out the required area to accommodate the mechanism;
  • remove 2–3 mm of the door covering to install the decorative trim flush;
  • mount the lock, fix its elements.

After that, insert the handle, fix it. Put the nozzle into the recess on the frame and fasten it with self-tapping screws. In cases where the handle gives a slight backlash, its axis must be filed with a grinder to a suitable length. This completes the work. Use the interior door, which you yourself equipped with a comfortable and functional handle!

Materials and tools:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • simple pencil;
  • conductor;
  • electric drill with a set of crowns and drills;
  • square;
  • roulette.

It is difficult to imagine an interior door without such an attribute as a handle. It may seem difficult for a simple layman to independently install a handle on an interior door, but all doubts are dispelled if you approach the matter correctly and with a positive working attitude.

What types of pens are there?

In nature, there are three types of door handles:

  • stationary mechanism;
  • with a pressure mechanism;
  • with swivel mechanism.

Handles of a stationary sample do not have a locking mechanism. The working process of the door is carried out by means of the action of force from oneself or on oneself.

The push type has a controlled lever shutter, in the process of pressing it, the tongue moves inward, which allows the door to open. The materials for its manufacture are most often the following: ordinary steel or stainless steel, brass, aluminum or silumin, which combines not only a part of aluminum, but also a zinc alloy. For admirers of comfort, the most acceptable option would be a sample made of brass. A material of this origin perfectly maintains a temperature similar to that of the environment, which does not cause unpleasant and sharp sensations of cold on contact.

Varieties of door handles

Representatives of the rotary type are similar to pressure ones, but do not have a lever. Due to their round shape, the lock comes off by turning, not by pressing. Hence their name comes from - rotary. There are several samples of this type:

  • models with conventional snap-on mechanisms;
  • a device that incorporates a latch, combined with a latch and a lock of a simple format;
  • model, which is equipped with an additional fixing latch.

Another sample of rotary handles is being produced, an additional attribute of which is a button designed to block the door. This is a convenient moment for privacy rooms, including the parental nest. The only negative nuance can be considered the inability to open the door in the absence of free hands, which cannot be said about lever types.

Differences in installation work

The easiest option for installation is considered to be a stationary sample of handles. Attach such a product directly to the door leaf. Screws in the form of a curved bracket are used as fasteners. When choosing a material for fastening, it is necessary to take into account the massiveness of the door, since their ratio is directly proportional to each other.

Installing a handle on an interior door with the participation of a push or turn mechanism is a little more complicated, the reason for this is that in order to fix them, it is necessary to immerse the locking part of the product into the door cavity. To do this, it is imperative to violate the overall integrity of the door structure, which leads to an expansion of the list of tools used and the cost of a little more time. This is what gave them the name - mortise.

Handle assembly

What is needed for work?

Before you get down to business, you should definitely make sure that all the tools necessary for the job are available. This will certainly save a lot of time, effort and maintain the created working spirit.

During work, you will need the following inventory:

  1. Pencil;
  2. centimeter or tape measure;
  3. Ruler in the form of a square;
  4. Drill;
  5. A set of drills, including a pen drill;
  6. Chisel;
  7. Screwdriver;
  8. Bit;
  9. Hammer.

You need to make sure that all electrical appliances are in good condition, outline the scope of work, and set up the lighting at the proper level.

Location for the handle

You can insert the handle into the door yourself only when the door is completely immobilized. This can be achieved in two cases: by removing it from the hinges, and if this is not possible, you need to substitute a foreign object that can keep it at rest (for example, a stool).

Since overhead handles are very easy to install, it is pointless to consider the process itself. In addition, the use of mortise models has become popular. It is by their example that one should learn and gain experience.

Initially, we determine the location of this unit. This refers to the height of the interior door handle. Often, its norm varies within 1 meter from the floor surface - this is the most optimal footage, suitable for both a child and an adult.

It is necessary to take into account the presence of handles on adjacent doors, if any. It is also worth paying attention to the texture of the door itself, checking for the presence of hardware components on the surface, or other distinctive bumps and protrusions that can affect the location of the handle.

Having marked the height point on the door leaf, we draw a horizontal line using a pencil and a charcoal ruler for this. We retreat from the edge of the door 60 mm, revealing the location of the central hole. Duplicate the data on the opposite area of ​​the canvas.

Next, you need to set a place for the tongue from the lock. To do this, you need to move the horizontal line to the end of the door, find the center point. After that, the striker plate is applied and circled at this point.

Making holes for latches and handles

After carefully set markings, it's time to apply the drill. With its help, without much difficulty, the necessary holes will be made. When drilling, you should use a feather drill. It will allow you to more accurately and clearly make holes for connecting handles in the form of a square.

Important to remember! You need to buy inventory for such work after purchasing pens. This is justified by the fact that the parameters for each product are different and may not correspond to the available drills.

To work in the end part, a pen model drill is also used. The recess is made similar to the length of the snap mechanism.

Door handle holes

Then, having deliberately measured the thickness of the lining, with our own hands, using a chisel, we eliminate the excess. We clean everything until the bar can tightly and completely calmly enter the door leaf.

We put the latch in the hole

After the location of the latch is ready, it is necessary to correctly place the inhabitant there. Difficulties will not arise if you follow a clear sequence.

The first thing to do is to place the lock latch in the groove that was originally cut out. Next, we screw it with two screws that are included with the product. You need to do this from the end area.

After fortification work was carried out for the castle, the core part is immersed in it, which is fastened thanks to the long screw part. A screw is placed from the decorative area belonging to the padlock.

There is a little trick to remember. For easy and smooth, and most importantly, correct entry of the core, you need to place a key in it, and the tongue must be directed to the bottom, to the closed position, and only then tighten the screw.

Mounting work of handles

The technology of embedding handles into the overall structure is perhaps one of the simplest tasks done during the entire installation period. Insert a square-shaped rod into the hole for the handle. The next step is to fix the handle on one of the sides of the door. A couple of methods can be used as strengthening work. The first is characterized by a method of fixation due to self-tapping screws. The second welcomes the method by which screwing is carried out in the presence of screeds.

Installing door handles

When the first handle has been successfully installed, you need to do the same with the second. Thus, we will establish communication between both components.

Introduction to the design of a sheer plate for the dog

In order to correctly install the sheer plate for the dog, you need to find and mark the middle of the hole on the frame box. At home, it is customary to use toothpaste for this, but another similar ingredient can also be used.

With one hand, press the handle and hold it in this state. Meanwhile, with the other hand, apply the paste to the tip of the dog along the entire vertical edge. Then close the door and release the handle. At this point, the dog will come into contact with the box part.

Press the door handle again and bring it to the open position. Opening it, we find that the paste has left traces. This area will be the mark for embedding the sheer plate. This method is the most reliable and error-free. It is used even by experts.

We circle the resulting imprint from the protruding part of the latch with a contour. Using a drill and a pen, we need to drill a hole for the dog. It is also necessary to make openings for self-tapping screws that act as a fastening system.

Upon completion of the preparatory work, we screw the lining in the area where the screws are located. For a tight and soft fit of the door leaf in the opening, the plate that lives on the opposite side of the latch is subjected to a pressing process.

From the above material, the following instruction emerges:

  1. Determine the point of attachment of the handle with a lock;
  2. We measure the locking units and mark them on both sides of the door;
  3. We make recesses for placing the locking apparatus and the actual handles in them;
  4. We first install the core, and then the handles themselves;
  5. We identify the location of the sheer plate and make a recess;
  6. for self-tapping screws.

After carrying out such work, you will no longer have questions about how to install a handle in an interior door. Having done this once, you can easily repeat all subsequent installations with the same success.

One more point should be taken into account. It is necessary to install handles with a crashing lock only in the door, the material of which will be subject to painting in the future. Good luck in your work!

An indispensable stage in the overhaul of any of the rooms is the installation of windows and door panels, as well as the installation of a handle on an interior door. Depending on the type of handle, the appropriate standard mounting scheme is selected, which is quite simple in its execution. But still, the procedure requires certain skills, knowledge and training.

Handles can have a stationary design or be equipped with a swivel and push mechanism. When buying, it is important to pay attention not only to the mechanism, the degree of its convenience, but also to the materials, the appearance of the product, its ability to fit into the overall interior design.

When choosing a handle for interior doors, you need to pay attention not only to its type, but also to its orientation. There are left and right versions. It is necessary to clarify this point with the seller in advance.

Work materials

Materials for work:

  • - roulettes;
  • - electric drills;
  • - screwdriver;
  • - self-tapping screws;
  • - chisels;
  • - a square;
  • - hammer;
  • - a set of drills for wood;
  • - a pencil;
  • - conductor.

The conductor allows you to simplify the process of marking on the door leaf and spend a minimum of time on it. It is necessary to attach it from the end of the door so that at the end of the work its holes coincide with the lining of the tongue of the screwed handle.


Not every owner entrusts repair work to professional craftsmen. Therefore, the installation of door handles is done by hand.

To eliminate the risk of injury, you must follow the safety rules:

  1. use of well-sharpened tools;
  2. selection of high-quality handles with a smooth texture without burrs;
  3. When using a power tool, plug it into a working outlet.

At what height to install the handle

According to the GOST standard, door handles are installed at a height of 1 m from the floor. But in their own apartments and houses, the owners often neglect this rule, since they can install the door handle at any height convenient for themselves.

What to look for when choosing the height for installing the handle?

Experts advise choosing the location at the level of the belt, which approximately corresponds to the proposed standard. The best option is a height from the floor of 0.8-1 m. But you can choose other positions depending on the height of family members.

How to make a hole for a handle and lock

Most often, interior doors are sold with ready-made holes for the handle and lock. But you can also find door panels devoid of them. Therefore, before you install the handle on the interior door, you need to prepare holes for it and the lock. Main stages:

Installing the handle

There is nothing complicated in the process of assembling the handle. It is enough to connect all the parts according to the attached instructions.

You need to follow these steps:

  1. a locking mechanism with a tongue is inserted into the prepared hole, its functioning is checked;
  2. the overlay is screwed with universal screws;
  3. a rod is inserted inside the attached mechanism, on which all the details are called in turn, the handle with the ring is put on last;
  4. the handle is fixed with pins of a tightening type or self-tapping screws;
  5. it remains to attach a decorative overlay.

Lock installation

In modern interior doors, the lock is not installed separately from the handle. Installation of such fittings will be a little more difficult, but similar to the previous one.

Installation in the door structure begins with contouring and drilling holes. With the help of a chisel, the required area is scraped out to place the mechanism, 2-3 mm of the door covering is removed to install the decorative lining.

The lock is being installed with the fixing of its elements. Only after that you need to install the handle and fix it. First, the nozzle is installed, then it is fastened with self-tapping screws.

Mounting the plate for the entry of the lock tongue into the door frame

It is not possible to complete the process of installing a handle with a lock without installing a tongue plate in the door frame. First of all, it is necessary to make measurements and accurate calculations so that when lowering the handle, the tongue does not exactly dock with the box part.

To facilitate the procedure, you can apply toothpaste on the tongue of the mechanism vertically and close the door. In the place where the imprint of the element remains on the box part, you need to make a hole for the tongue.

You can make a recess with a chisel or drill. A metal plate with an opening is attached on top of it and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Demonstration of mounting the lock plate on the door frame step by step

Installation of handles for sliding doors

To work, you will need a minimum set of tools - a milling cutter with a cylinder cutter and a drill with feather and simple drills.

Stages of work with an oblong handle

  1. you need to disassemble the handle, remove the plastic insert and decorative trim from it;
  2. determine the location of the handle;
  3. draw a contour;
  4. with a 25 mm pen drill, make several holes through the contour to a depth of 12-13 mm;
  5. remove the rest with a chisel, you can entrust the work to the router;
  6. a plastic insert is placed in the recess, attached with screws;
  7. a decorative overlay is put in place, which should click.

Mounting the handle with magnetic lock

In fact, the design with a magnetic latch is installed by analogy with the installation of a handle with a lock. A little difficulty may arise when installing the striker so that the lock closes smoothly.

You need to do the following:

  • with the door closed, mark the top and bottom of the magnetic latch;
  • outline the contour of the recess for the magnet;
  • make recesses with a pen drill or a milling cutter in the center;
  • Using self-tapping screws, fasten the bar and check the operation of the lock.

When installing a magnetic lock, it is not worth deepening the striker to the same level. It is highly likely that over time the magnet will no longer smoothly enter the hole, so it will need to be shifted.

Handle and lock maintenance

The best prevention is timely care of the handle and lock. It refers to periodic performance checks in case of downtime and regular lubrication of the lock. In case of loose fittings, it is necessary to tighten the handle so that the mechanism does not break in the future.

For a long service life of the lock, it is necessary to lubricate it annually. It is best to use machine oil or silicone grease for this purpose.

  1. Preliminary it is necessary to carry out careful calculations after that to carry out any actions.
  2. When creating a through hole, be very careful not to drill the door on only one side. This can cause chips on the back of the door leaf. As soon as the drill begins to show, passing through, you need to continue working on the other side.

After the installation is completed, it is necessary to double-check the tightening force of the bolts or screws used so that poorly fixed parts do not soon disable the handle.

Video on installing a handle on an interior door

This video demonstrates how you can embed a lock and a doorknob into an interior door without expensive professional tools:

The process of self-installation of handles on interior doors requires not only strict adherence to the instructions, but also patience and accuracy. The work performed in accordance with these recommendations will allow the fittings to perform their function qualitatively and serve the owners for a long time.

It is difficult to imagine how to use an interior door without such a mandatory attribute as a handle. At first glance, its installation may seem complicated. However, with a serious approach to the task, the availability of the necessary tools and materials, and the correct organization of work, you can cope with the task yourself. In the presented material, we will consider how the handle is installed on the interior door.

Handle types

There are several types of handles that are suitable for inserting into an interior door:

  • rotary;
  • with a pressure mechanism;
  • without locking mechanism.

Stationary handles, which do not have a mechanical part, allow you to open the door by pulling on yourself. As for pressure systems, the latter have a shutter in the form of a lever. In the process of pressing such a handle, the lock tongue slides inward, which allows you to open the door.

What is an interior door lock with an oval handle? Installing such a system allows you to open the door without pressing the lever. Due to the round shape of the handle, the operation is carried out by turning the holder. The design may be provided with a lock button, which allows you to fix the tongue of the locking mechanism. Thus, you can lock the interior door from the inside.

Tools and materials

What does the installation of handles on interior doors require? During self-assembly, you may need the following tools:

  • pencil;
  • hand or electric drill with a nozzle in the form of a pen drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel for woodworking;
  • hammer.

Interior door handle installation height

Before you insert a lock into an interior door, you need to decide on the choice of the optimal location for placing the handle. To do this, it is enough to simulate the opening of the door, to think about what height is most acceptable for each individual user. As practice shows, the right decision is to install the handle on the interior door at a distance of at least 1 meter from the floor plane. The presented footage looks optimal for both adults and children.

Cutting a hole for the handle

Having found the necessary tools and determined the location of the structure, you can proceed directly to creating an opening for mounting the mechanism. First you need to mark the height of the future handle on the door plane and its end part. This is required to determine the exact location where the opening for the double-sided structure will be made.

In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, it is enough to take the latch mechanism, and then measure the distance from its eyelet to the visible edge with a tape measure. The parameter must be marked at a preselected height on the door leaf. As soon as the appropriate markup is made, you can proceed to the selection of a suitable crown for drilling holes.

Having completed the openings, you need a diameter on the plane and the end of the door leaf, here it is necessary to attach the opposite parts of the handle design. If the thickness of the plane does not allow assembly of the product, excess wood should be removed using a chisel. Next, you need to strip the canvas on both sides until the handle fits snugly into place.

Latch mounting

After completing all the preliminary work, it is necessary to position the latch in the prepared hole. handles on the interior door involves screwing it to the door leaf in the prepared opening using fasteners that are included with the product. It is convenient to perform the work using a screwdriver. However, in the absence of the latter, you can use a regular screwdriver.

After strengthening the lock part of the structure, a core is built into it, which is strengthened thanks to the screw, long part. In order not to have problems with the installation of the core, it is necessary to first insert the key into it by moving the locking tongue of the mechanism to the closed position. Only then should the screw be tightened.

Installing a door handle on an interior door

Directly inserting the handle into a previously assembled structure is the simplest stage of the work being done. Here it is enough to insert a square-shaped rod into the corresponding opening of the locking mechanism.

The next step is to fix the handle with fasteners on one side of the door. To do this, you can use self-tapping screws or use screeds. As soon as the first handle is successfully mounted, it is necessary to do similar operations with another part of the structure, which will be placed on the back of the door leaf. Thus, a connection will be established between both elements of the system.

Mounting the plate for the entry of the lock tongue into the door frame

In order for the installation of the handle on the interior door to be considered complete, it is necessary to make an appropriate hole for the entry of the locking part of the locking system into the door frame. To prevent an error in the calculations, applying toothpaste to the tongue of the mechanism along its vertical edge will allow. When closing the door leaf and releasing the handle, the locking element docks with the box part. The remaining mark from the toothpaste will tell you where to make a hole for the tongue.

Using the above method is the optimal solution for determining the correct location of the sheer plate. Despite the primitiveness of the method, even experts resort to it.

The formed imprint from the protruding tongue of the door latch must be drawn with a stable contour using a pencil. Next, you should use a drill and a chisel, with which a hole will be made for the entry of the locking pawl, and then a metal plate with an opening. Previously, it will also be necessary to make openings for fasteners to fix the plate on the boxed part of the door.

After creating all the necessary holes, it is enough to attach the plate to the corresponding area. To fit snugly to the box, the metal element must be firmly screwed to the wooden surface.


So we looked at how the handle is installed on the interior door. This material provides an example of how to embed a simple mechanism into a wooden plane. Now you have enough knowledge to cope with the task on your own, without resorting to outside help.

Sections of the article:

In most cases, canvases for interior doors are sold in one piece without holes for fittings, which you will have to cut yourself. How to install handles of various types on interior doors with your own hands - we will tell in this article.

Types of handles

On the shelves in specialized departments there are many models of handles for room doors. Overhead, push or rotary (knob) mechanisms are usually placed on swing doors, which can be equipped with latches or locks. For compartment doors, mortise models in the form of an oblong ellipse are most often purchased, but it is also possible to use elongated overhead handles in the form of brackets or handrails.

List of tools

To install the handle on the door leaf, you will need the following tools:

  • Electric drill;
  • Crown for wood with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • Wood drill 15-25 mm;
  • Crosshead screwdriver;
  • Roulette;
  • Pencil;
  • Chisel;
  • Hammer.

For easier installation of door handles on interior doors, you can use a paper template that looks like a 1: 1 handle body diagram. Such a scheme is attached in the box along with the product or printed on a printer. According to the template attached to the canvas, markings and grooves under the handle are applied.


Installation of the handle begins with determining the height of its location on the interior door from the floor, most often this figure is 90-100 cm. All handles on room doors are placed at the same level for harmonious visual perception.

The next step is to mark the holes and grooves for the product. Experienced installers recommend tapping the canvas before marking, since most interior doors are made in the form of a frame and lintels made of bars, covered on top with MDF panels, natural or eco-veneer. The locking fittings must be installed exactly in the bar, since the outer panels are not able to support the weight of the mechanism due to the presence of a void between them.

It is better to put the handle on the canvas removed from the hinges or carefully fixed in the open position. Products for opening / closing the door may differ in size, location of mounting holes and installation methods, therefore, before installation, read the manufacturer's recommendations in the instructions.

Installing the Knob

Before installation, the marking of the main recesses for fasteners is first applied according to the template, in the absence of which the marking is carried out simultaneously with the insertion of the components.

At a height of 90-100 cm from the floor and an indent of 6 cm from the outer end side of the canvas, the first mark is outlined. An axial line is applied at the end and the center of the recess for the tongue is marked.

In order for the reciprocal latch plate to be flush with the leaf cover, a small rectangular recess is selected in the outer end of the door with a chisel and a hammer according to the size of the side plate and a depth of 0.3-0.4 cm.

Using an overlay in the form of a 50 mm crown, a drill cuts a hole through at the site of the first mark. Try to keep the edges of the saw cut smooth, without damage and loss of attractiveness of the door.

From the end of the door on the marked center, a recess is sawn with a pen drill, the depth and diameter of which correspond to the body of the constipation. Do not cut through the hole, as this can cause damage to the panel. The latch is inserted into the recess and fixed with hardware.

Before you put the knob-knob, it will have to be disassembled into parts using the hex key that comes with the kit. Half of the knob with a rectangular pin is inserted into the through hole through the latch on the interior door and screwed on one side. On the other hand, the second part of the knob is strung on the pin and screwed with a bolt. Self-tapping screws are screwed from each part, which are then hidden behind decorative overlays.

The sash with the handle installed is slightly covered, the location of the upper and lower parts of the tongue is outlined on the door frame. The square measures the gap between the edge of the sash and the center of the end plate of the lock, after which the resulting parameters are duplicated on the door frame.

A second bar is superimposed on the markings made on the door frame, according to the dimensions of which a small recess is knocked out with a chisel and a hammer. The box is knocked out to such a depth that the extended tongue and side bar fit there. After that, the bar is screwed with hardware over the groove.

Some models of knobs are equipped with special plastic inserts that are inserted into the grooved hole under the tongue and hide the fasteners. Such an insert can be purchased separately in specialized departments.
The installation of lever handles is carried out in a similar way.

Installation of handles for compartment doors

Before you put the handle on the interior compartment door, you need to prepare an electric drill, a Phillips screwdriver and a chisel. Handles for this type of door opening are made in the form of a plastic insert in the form of an elongated oval and a decorative latch in the plastic part.

The size of the plastic insert is marked on the canvas with a simple pencil. With a pen drill and a chisel, a recess is knocked out in the full-bodied part of the canvas along the height and length of the liner. An insert is inserted into the prepared groove and fixed from above and below with hardware. The decorative part of the product simply snaps into place inside the plastic component.

A similar procedure is carried out with the second part of the handle on the back of the canvas.

Installing a door handle with a magnetic lock

Handles for room doors with a magnetic lock can have different handle shapes, and the locking mechanism itself is shaped like a conventional mortise lock and is mounted in the same way as it is. For smooth slamming of the sash, you will need to set the striker of the handle as accurately as possible. On the door in the closed position, the markings of the upper and lower edges of the lock are carefully transferred on the loot. A reciprocal bar is superimposed on the markup and the position of the groove for the magnet is outlined, which is then drilled using a pen drill of the desired diameter. After that, a magnet is placed in the prepared recess, which is fixed on top with a counterplate with self-tapping screws to the frame. On the interior door, the bar on the frame of the magnetic lock is never flush, because over time, in a similar position, the magnet weakens and ceases to hold the sash tightly.

Installation of fixed door handles

Stationary handles are divided into two main categories according to the type of attachment: overhead and mortise. The first, in a matter of seconds, are screwed in the right place of the canvas onto hardware that is suitable in size. Before installing the embedded stationary door handle, holes are drilled through in the interior door leaf, into which the threaded stud is screwed. Handles are screwed along the edges of the stud.

The presence of both basic locksmith skills and the necessary tools allows you to put the door handle on the interior door without much difficulty. The main condition is to accurately mark and not get into possible voids in the door.