Nouns starting with letters of the alphabet. Activity: Letter A for preschoolers

A selection of tasks for learning and fixing the letter and sound A. Completing tasks, children will not only get to know each other, learn and consolidate the letter A, but also enrich the general stock views, vocabulary . Will develop fine motor skills and graphomotor functions - many tasks for hatching, coloring, tracing by dots, writing with the letter A. Develop mental functions thinking, attention, imagination, memory, and gnosis. Will work on sound-letter analysis(determining the location of the sound A in the word).

To whom: manuals will be useful to kindergarten teachers, teachers primary school, speech therapists (teachers-defectologists) and caring parents.

Age: for children from 4 to 8 years old. Depends on individual features child. Mostly older preschoolers kindergarten and 1st grade students.

Letter A, sound A part 2

Task with the letter A for children 4, 5, 6 years old

Letter A, exercises for children 5 - 6 years old

The letter a, senior group, 1 class

Letter A, senior group, 1st grade, part 2

Color all the letters A

Learning the letter A, for a speech therapist

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter A, the formation of reading skills, the basics of an elementary graphic skill, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing.

  • introduce a preschooler to the letter A, correct pronunciation sound;
  • to teach to write the capital letter A in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.

What does the doctor ask you to say when he examines the throat? (Ah-ah-ah…)

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Astra Stork Watermelon Bus

Ask what sound the words begin with - the names of the pictures?

To say A, you need to open your mouth wide and “turn on” your voice. Repeat: AAA.

Do your tongue, teeth, or lips interfere with the free flow of air from your mouth? Notice how wide the mouth opens when we say A.

Write the letter A once on a sheet of paper without cells.

Remember and name the words that begin with A - animals, objects or names.

If the child is having difficulty, suggest a simpler task:
AAALIK, AAAN - what do you hear at the beginning of a word?

Activity: Letter A for preschoolers

Put dots in the corners of the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen; draw - sticks neatly in the cells.

In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a spelling pattern at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.

Poems about the letter A

Here are two pillars obliquely,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
The letter A is in front of you.
(S. Marshak)

Here is a letter like a hut.
Isn't it true, the letter is good!
And though she looks simple,
And the ALPHABET begins.
(E. Tarlapan)

ABC let
Starts with AISTA -
He, like the alphabet,
Starts with A!
(V. Zakhoder)

Everybody knows,
The letter A is a very nice letter.
And yes, the letter A
Main in the alphabet.
Love this sound
And Andrey, and Allochka,
Stick like that and stick like that
And in the middle is a wand.
(E. Uspensky)

Tale of the letter A

Why A first?
There was a terrible noise in the room. All the letters crawled out of the alphabet and loudly argued: why is this A the very first letter of the alphabet?

Down with impostor A - shouted vowels.
Long live Abracadabra! (i.e. confusion).
- What is it doing, huh? - the hissing ones hissed.
- The letter with which a sore throat and a shark begins, put at the head of the alphabet! Wow sh-jokes…
“That’s right,” the consonants thought silently, “it’s not for nothing that the most delicious things - watermelon, orange, apricot, pineapple - begin with A.

But the letter Y screamed the loudest.

I don’t understand why it’s still the first A, and not I ?!
“That’s why,” said A, who had been silent until now, “that the very first word of every baby begins with A.”
- What is this word? - I did not let up.
"Yeah," A said.
- And besides, I look like an admiral standing on the captain's bridge. And everyone knows that the admiral must always be ahead!
- So! - said solid sign.

Proverbs and sayings with the letter A

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step..
Accuracy of a person is beautiful.
A treasure is not needed if the family is in harmony.
Not that friendship is strong, which is concluded in words.
Under a lying stone and water does not flow.
Without letters and grammar, one does not learn mathematics.
Without labor there is no fruit.
Small and daring.
Die yourself, but save a comrade.

Riddles for children with the letter A

Maple leaves turned yellow
Flew to the countries of the south
Fast-winged swifts.
What a month, tell me!

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two brilliant lights.
(car, bus)

Day and night stands on the roof
This miracle sentry:
All will see, all will hear,
Share everything with me!

They came to us with melons
Striped balls.

On the alphabet page
Thirty-three heroes.
Wise men-bogatyrs
Every literate knows.

Look, the house is standing
Filled to the brim with water
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides.
In this house, the residents -
All skilled swimmers.

My friend was in such a port,
Where there is no water around.
But they went to this port all the time
Ships with people and cargo.
(The airport)

I'm standing on the roof
All pipes above.

Lesson summary:

  1. The pronunciation of new words from pictures increases the vocabulary of a preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and your overall learning ability increases.
  4. Riddles develop in children ingenuity, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles in teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.

¦ Silver coin worth 20 kopecks; minted by the Russian government in 1802-1832; was in circulation in Georgia, Iran, Afghanistan.

ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: "The first person I met volunteered to take me to the mayor and demanded for this from me abase." (Journey to Arzrum..)

¦ Iran, abbasi- title silver coin minted by Khan Abbas I in the 17th century.

¦ Lack of will, indecision, unreason.

PETER BOBORYKIN: "He gave himself up to some kind of sweet game, went into a new sense of danger near a captivating woman, yielded his will to her, did not want to make any conscious effort on himself. He was seized by" abulia ". The scientific term accidentally flashed through his head. " (On the damage)

¦ Greek abulia.

¦ In card game to the bank - each pair of cards when throwing to the right and left.

ALEXANDER KUPRIN: "On the fifth abtsug I am his chick." (Duel)

¦ German. Abzug- speech (military).

¦ Resignation, dismissal from service.

FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY: "Even if now the executor himself would appear in the apartment and personally declare an abshid to Semyon Ivanovich for free-thinking, riotousness and drunkenness, he, perhaps, would not deign to lift a finger now with such news." (Mr. Prokharchin)

**Resign, retire.

DENIS DAVYDOV: Tonight I will see you, Tonight my lot will be decided, Tonight I will get what I want - Il abshid to rest.

(Decisive evening of the hussar)

¦ German. Abschied- farewell; resignation.

¦ Insult, resentment.

BOLESLAV MARKEVICH: "They are sitting with me. Their sour grandes dames, wives, are furious with me for this and make me all sorts of advances." (fracture)

¦ Greek, avania- contempt.

¦ 0 people who deliberately deceive or mislead others, as well as those who turn their knowledge into some kind of secret, expound them in an incomprehensible, tricky language.

MIKHAIL LERMONTOV: "Then, looking into each other's eyes, as the Roman augurs do, according to Cicero, we began to laugh and, having laughed, dispersed satisfied with our evening." (Hero of our time)

¦ Augurs - priests-bird-readers in ancient Rome; the deceptions and quackery of the augurs were so well known to everyone that Cato wondered how an augur could look at another augur without laughing (Cicero wrote about this).

¦ Light messenger and reconnaissance vessel of the navy of old Russia.

KONSTANTIN STANYUKOVICH: “Despite the outward calmness of the admiral, his heart trembled when the cruiser, turning between the two ships, seemed about to pile on a small French advice note. Fortunately, they guessed to loosen the rope on the Frenchman, and the advice note leaned back. " (In the sea!)

¦ Italian. avviso, from Spanish barca de aviso.

Tavern, hotel; sometimes austeria.

PAVEL ANNENKOV: "We stopped either in a poor austeria, which stood alone along the road, or in a hotel in some place." (Memories)

¦ Polish. austerja, from Italian. asteria.

¦ The title of the landowner, chief in old Turkey; the person who bears this title.

IVAN TURGENEV: "Insarov's mother suddenly went missing .. There were rumors that she was kidnapped and killed by a Turkish aga." (the day before)

¦ Old tour. aha - older brother, older in general; mister.

¦ According to biblical legend - the descendants of Ishmael, the son of Hagar, the ancestor of the Arabs; Ishmaelites or Arabs; inhabitants of Arabia, otherwise: Saracens.

IVAN TURGENEV: "One clerk said: there was a certain country, and the Agarians conquered that country." (Living relics)

¦ By the name of the Egyptian Hagar, who lived in the family of Abraham as a servant and gave birth to his son Ishmael (Genesis, XVI, 1).

¦ City square; market, bazaar.

LEV MEY: Citizens were amazed at the market - the elders, and husbands, and wives, and everyone Who was just in the agora. (Galatea)

¦ Greek, agora.

¦ Fastener, buckle or brooch in smart clothes.

ALEXANDER KUPRIN: "A simple white cloak is worn by the king, fastened on the right shoulder and on the left side with two Egyptian green gold agraphs." (Shulamith)

¦ French. agrafe- clasp.

¦ Diamond, diamond; about a strong and determined person.

ALEXANDER OSTROVSKY: Minin He is our affirmation and pillar, He is a solid adamant in general vacillation. (Kozma Zakharyin Minin-Sukhoruk)

¦ Greek, and damas, anthos- diamond.

¦ Adam's apple is a prominent cartilaginous part of the larynx.

PETER BOBORYKIN: "[Zagarin's] eyes shone brightly, his thin neck with a steep Adam's apple shuddered from a nervous pulsation." (On the damage)

¦ The expression is based on the belief that part of the forbidden fruit eaten by Adam (in biblical legends - the first man) got stuck in his throat.

¦ Memorable times, the times of Adam and Eve; a long time ago.

IVAN KRYLOV: "(Novodomova:] It was in Adam's eyelids, my life, and not now." (Coffee house)

¦ Caucasian people Adyghe; in old Russia the same as the Circassians.

ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: Not for robbers' fun Adehi gathered so early .. (Tazit)

¦ Noon, time for breakfast or early lunch.

NIKOLAI SHCHEDRIN: "Then, since the "admiral's hour" had already arrived, gentlemen officials went to the landowner's place to eat bread and salt. (Poshekhonskaya antiquity)

¦ Initially, the time of the lunch break at work, about which the population of St. Petersburg daily learned from the shot of a cannon from the Admiralty (later Peter and Paul Fortress), introduced on February 6, 1865. Peter I, the founder of the Russian fleet, had a custom: after work, at 11 o’clock, drink vodka with his employees (naval noon).

¦ Admirer, admirer.

NIKOLAI LESKOV: "The dancer broke up with her adorator prince .." (On knives)

¦ Franz. adoreur.

¦ In old Russia, an annually published book indicating the institutions, positions and names of officials of all departments.


Repetilov His secretaries are all boors, all corrupt, Little people, a writing creature, All went out to know, everyone is now important. Look at the address-calendar. (Woe from Wit)

¦ Upper long-skirted peasant clothing (men's and women's) made of thin fabric.

MIKHAIL ZAGOSKIN: "The servant of this passerby was dressed very simply: he had on a white felt hat, a stitched azam and a long one-row single-row of thick homespun cloth." (Bryn Forest)

Azerb., Arab. adzam— Persia; tour. adzam - Persian; Polish adziamski- Persian rug

¦ Sloth monkey.

LEV MEI: I rebelled against the life of those homebodies - Landowners who, like ay In their hollow, in the corner of their fathers and grandfathers, Sit all century, no matter what you call them. (Village)

¦ Pluto (Hades).

ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: ... Isn't it possible, buddy, At your idle time To take me to the sepulchral cellar, Abounding in idle bones, And in the meantime Help me to bring one skeleton into the light? I swear to you by the God of Aides: He will be my pledge of friendship ... (Message to Delvig)

¦ From Greek, aides - the underworld The lord of the kingdom of the dead, living underground, was invisible and terrible (which means the name Hades), but hospitable (death does not pass anyone) and rich, for he is the owner of countless human souls and treasures hidden in the earth, which means his other name - Pluto.

¦ Exquisite, similar to the poses of sitters at the Academy of Arts.

MIKHAIL LERMONTOV: "They are dandies: lowering their braided glass into a well of sour water, they take academic poses .. and (Hero of our time. Princess Mary)

¦ To graduate from the Smorgon Academy - jokingly or ironically about people who have received a dubious higher education.

NIKOLAI SHCHEDRIN: "Well, gentlemen!" - he begins, having previously trampled in one place, as befits any speaker who received his initial education in the city of Sergach and then honorably completed the course of science at the Smorgon Academy. "(Satires in prose)

¦ By the name of the town of Smorgon (France), in which "bears" were trained. The Greek word "academy" was originally the name of a grove located near Athens, where the hero Akadem was buried, who indicated to the Dioscuri twins where their sister was hidden, beautiful Elena, kidnapped by Tesrem. In the IV century. BC, the philosopher Plato taught in this grove, then his students, and their school was called the "Academy."

ALEXANDER MARLINSKY: "The French, who so recently had the League wars, St. Bartholomew's Night, aqua-tofana and crystal daggers of Medicis, Vitry's pistol and Ravaillac's knife, who slaughtered passers-by on the streets of the middle of the day and smashed the gates easily - they were afraid of splashes in the theater blood, drops of poison, hid all catastrophes behind the scenes, and the messenger usually came in to report them in drum verses. (About the novel by N. Polevoy "The Oath at the Holy Sepulcher")

¦ Cold cruel wind.

MIKHAIL LERMONTOV: The view of the steppe is sad, where there are no obstacles, Exciting only a silver feather grass, A flying aquilon wanders And freely drives dust in front of it. (1831st June U day)

¦ Lat. aquilo, Oflis- the name of the north wind among the ancient Romans.

¦ In the Middle Ages - part of the rite of knighthood: a blow with a flat sword on the shoulder, a hug, etc.

VASILY ZHUKOVSKY: The king himself, with his own hand, hung a sword to his thigh, Gave him a kiss of peace: Only he did not give an accolade. (Sid)

¦ Franz. accolades, from lat. ad- at and column- neck.

¦ Dense silk fleecy fabric in the form of velvet or brocade.

ALEXEY K. TOLSTOY: Cats from axamite With colored stone, And the berets are entwined crosswise with golden lace. (Matchmaking)

¦ Greek, examitos - six threads, from ex - six and mitos - thread.

¦ The term of medieval scholasticism, denoting the insignificant changeable properties of a thing, opposed to its unchanging essence - substance; sometimes - an accompaniment.

ALEXANDER HERZEN: "Spinoza, who sacrificed everything to philosophy, saw only the substance, around which the world of accidents revolves." * (Diary 1844)

¦¦ Requisitions, bribes.

NIKOLAI SHCHEDRIN: "[Nabryubnikov] took almost exclusively provisions." (well-intentioned speeches)

¦ Lat. accidentia- accident.

¦ Cossack clothes from aksamit.

NIKOLAY GOGOL: "The expensive akshamet was torn on him." (Taras Bulba)

¦ Anxiety, confusion, commotion; sometimes alarm.

¦ Franz. alarme; ital. alarm e( all arms to weapons).

A clearing, a lawn in the forest.

VLADIMIR KOROLENKO: "He went out, caught an old lysanka in the alas, led him by the mane to the sleigh and began to harness it." (Dream Makara)

¦ Variety paper tissue, dyed motley; var. xandreika.

ANDREY PECHERSKY: "Aleksey was taking out a festive dress from the packing: a blue ruffle of fine cloth, plush pants, an alexandrian shirt." (In forests)

¦ Made from alexandria - paper fabric, dyed motley.

IVAN TURGENEV: “Look, gentleman, don’t flood us,” one of the rowers remarked, a young snub-nosed guy in an Alexandrian shirt.

¦ March! Out! Leave!

NIKOLAI LESKOV: "Ale mashir - at the door!" - Termosesov commanded. "(Soboryanye)

¦ Franz. aller- go and him. marschiereti- to march.

ANTON CHEKHOV: "I learned the whole Kuner, I already read the alivruver of Cornelius Nepos and Greek went through almost all of Curtius ... "(Tumbleweed)

¦ From the French. a livre Oil vert- according to an open book, from an open place (read, translate).

¦ A kind of brocade woven with gold.


The benches were all covered with dug velvet, brocades, Altabas embroidered. (Bova)

¦ Tat. ALTYN byaz - golden canvas woven with gold.

¦ Small trader; miser, greedy person.

IVAN TURGENEV: "Do you have any idea about Falala-ev? - None. - The first altynnik in Moscow. Bourgeois - one word!" (new)

¦ From ALTYN - the name of an old Russian coin worth 3 kopecks. Tat. alti - six.

¦ Greed, insatiability in food, drink.

NICHOLAS ZLATOVRATSKY: "He thinks: I'll have another drink, I'll be content, I'll drink when I'm full, but hunger torments him even more." (Foundations)

¦¦ Passionate desire for something.

ALEXANDER RADISHCHEV: "We incite science with greed, Lomonosov leaves parental home." (Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow)

¦ Other-Russian. alchba fasting, fasting

¦ Policeman, guard; sometimes - alchvazil.


Not for nothing vile,

Old alguazil.

To me with a daring hand

Threatened this evening.

(Desire to be Spanish)

¦ Use. algiacil- bailiff, policeman, minister in old Spain; Arab, al-wazir- vizier wasil- power.

¦ High-grade fabric made of alpaca wool (alpaca) - llama, found in the mountains of South America.

NIKOLAY LESKOV: "The strictest lines of her figure shone with silver on the breaks of the white alpagus that covered her." (On knives)

¦ Franz. alpaga (alpaca).

¦ Hostage.

LEV TOLSTOY: "Gamzat is ready to send a sheikh to teach us khazavat, but only so that the khansha sends her younger son to him as amanat." (Hadji Murad)

¦ Arab, amatia t - a thing given for preservation, pledge, hostage.

¦ Dilettante.

ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: "The other day I saw some amateur doctor at Peshchurova." (V.A. Zhukovsky, August 17 / 825)

¦¦ Lover, hunter before something.

NIKOLAI GOGOL: "[Zhevakin:] And to tell the truth, I liked it because fat woman. I am a big amateur from the side of female fullness." (Marriage)

¦ Franz. amateur, from lat. amateur- amateur.


¦ The same as the landing stage - a pier for ships or a platform at a railway station.

NIKOLAI LESKOV: "They drove away from the Petersburg barn of the Warsaw railway." (Bypassed)

¦ Franz. ebarcadere- parking place.


¦ Incense, aroma; sometimes ambrosia.

ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: Only roses wither, Breathing more ambrosial, Their light soul flies into Elysium. (Only roses wither...)

¦ Greek. ambrosia is the fragrant food of the gods, which gave them beauty.


¦ Unceremonious, inappropriately familiar treatment under the guise of a friendly one.

DMITRY MAMIN-SIBIRYAK: "What would Lea say if she saw his amiability with Gavryushka?" (A man with a past)

¦ Franz. ami- friend and cochon- pig.


¦ Pocket money.

ALEXANDER OSTROVSKY: "[Neschasttsev:] I'm happy today, Arkady; I did a good deed. [Schastlivtsev:] Yes, sir, good. And even better, if this money ... [Neschastvtsev:] What? [Schastlivtsev:] Ampo- she." (Forest)

¦ Franz. empocher- put in your pocket poche - pocket.


¦ Ancient dance; music for this dance; the name of various folk dances of English origin in Europe in the 17th-19th centuries.

LEV TOLSTOY: "At this, the last ball, only ecossaises, angleises and the mazurka, which is just coming into fashion, danced." (War and Peace)

¦ Franz. anglaise (danse anglaise)- English dance.


¦ Garden, fashionable in the XVIII century. in England.

ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: "He did not like the old garden with its sheared lindens, quadrangular pond and regular alleys: he loved English gardens and so-called nature." (Dubrovsky)

¦ ENGLISH Garden, in contrast to the old French garden, which consisted of symmetrical paths with statues, fountains, sought to imitate the natural landscape: there were regularly arranged groups of trees, lawns, ponds, light buildings were scattered everywhere.


¦ Blue ribbon over the right shoulder, badge of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: "St. Andrew's Ribbon, the rank of senator and the rank of colonel of the guard did not find him alive." (History of Pugachev)

¦ The order was established by Peter I in 1698 in the name of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, who, according to legend, preached Christianity in the territory Ancient Russia. Signs of the order: 1) cross of blue color in a two-headed, crowned with three crowns, eagle with St. Apostle Andrew crucified on it, Latin letters at the four ends of the cross S.A.P.R., meaning Sanctus Andreas Patronus Russiae; on the reverse side order, in the middle of the eagle, a charter on which the order's motto "For Faith and Loyalty" is written, 2) a silver star, having in the middle, in a golden field, a double-headed eagle crowned with three crowns, and in the middle of the eagle - St. Andrew's Cross, in a circle on the other hand, in a blue field, at the top is the order's motto in gold letters, and below are two tied laurel branches; the star was worn on the left side; 3) blue ribbon over the right shoulder.


¦ The order in the form of a cross in old Russia (since 1742), given to officials and the military.

FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY: "And it's curious if Mr. Luzhin has orders; I bet that Anna is in the buttonhole and that he puts her on dinners with contractors and merchants." (Crime and Punishment)


¦ Additional badge of the Anninsky order.

ANTON CHEKHOV: "[Krylin] was in a uniform with Ann's ribbon and white trousers." (Indian kingdom)


¦ Preceding circumstance, act, example.

BOLESLAV MARKEVICH: "With what right, by virtue of what antecedents?" (fracture)

¦ Lat. ante-cedentis - an antecedent circumstance, an effective cause.


¦ A surviving work of ancient Greek (Hellenic) or Roman art.


I saw them: open antiques in the ground,

In the halls of the dear ones, the faces of the Mythical gods and valiant people are erected.

(After visiting the Vatican Museum)

¦¦ 0 all kinds of objects bearing the imprint of antiquity; about rarities.

ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: Under the image of a simple night lamp made of clay Slightly illuminated deep wrinkles, Drag antique, great-grandmother's cap And a long mouth, where two teeth chattered. (Dream)

¦¦¦ About the person: an eccentric, a rare person, not of this world.

ALEXANDER OSTROVSKII: "[Kuligin:] You take a closer look, or you don't understand what beauty is spilled in nature. [Kudryash:] Well, yes, after all, what can I say with you! You are an antique, a chemist." (Thunderstorm)

¦ Franz. antique, from lat. antiquus- ancient


¦ Very good, excellent (with a playful expression of praise, admiration).

DMITRY MAMIN-SIBIRYAK: "Try our Dvina salmon, it will be better than your Pechora. And Little Russian lard - antique with cloves." (At some time)


¦ Gangrene; inflammatory erysipelas.

KOZMA PRUTKOV: Antonov is fire, but there is no law for it to always belong to Anton. (Landlord and grass)

IVAN TURGENEV: "Yes, Vasily Dmitritch, it's bad: if you had come to me a couple of days earlier, and nothing would have been removed by hand, and now you have inflammation, that's what: look at Antonov's fire." (Death)

¦ Franz. fetl d "antoine- originally the name of an epidemic disease that spread in the XI century in Western Europe; from it, according to legend, the relics of St. Anthony of Padua healed. Thanks to this healing of one young nobleman, the father of the young man established in 1095, the brotherhood of St. Anthony.


¦ Front entrance to the building.

ALEXEY POTEKHIN: "Entering after them into the entre of the theatre, he saw Nadenka." (Krushinsky)

¦¦ At ceremonial dinners - the first course, an appetizer before dinner.

LEV TOLSTOY: "Yes, you are my father, I had forgotten. After all, we also need another entree on the table." (War and Peace)

¦ Franz. entree- entrance (to the building); first course).


¦ Umbrella; anything suitable for any occasion.

NIKOLAI LESKOV: "Now some kind of antuk style prevails in everything - something ready just in case and suitable for any weather: from rain and from the sun." (Antuka)

¦ Franz. en-tout-cas- just in case; umbrella to protect from rain and snow.


¦ Keep up appearances.

KONSTANTIN STANYUKOVICH: "She is a girl so pretty that no one can say that he got married solely because of the money - you can suspect a little love, therefore," aparances "are observed." (Frank)

¦ Franz. carder les apparences.


¦ Not recognized as reliable; false; untrue.

NIKOLAI LESKOV: "This society itself considers all the considerations about Sentyanina to be apocryphal." (On knives)

¦ Greek, apocryphos- hidden, secret, secret; fake.


¦ Nervous stroke, withdrawal of members; cerebral hemorrhage accompanied by paralysis; paralysis; kondrashka.

NIKOLAI NEKRASOV: There have been cases: the whole century It was considered smart man And in the book he turned out to be stupid: The mind, and the syllable, and the fever were gone, As if an apoplexy had happened to the poor! (Bear hunt)

¦ Greek. APOPLECTOS- paralyzed.


¦ A caustic, ironic word addressed to someone; offensive phrase; shout.

NIKOLAI SHCHEDRIN: "Hello, salamalika! How are you in the first grade?" But oriental man only smiled affably at this apostrophe." (Cultured people)

¦ Greek, apostrophos- turned to the side; apostrophe - disgust, rejection. Franz. apostrophe- a shout, a sharp remark.


¦ Address someone with a speech, sometimes with abuse.

NIKOLAI SHCHEDRIN: "Vlas! You're an honest man!" he apostrophed. "You understand me! You understand how deeply, deeply unhappy I am." (Poshekhonskaya antiquity)

¦ Franz. apostrophe- call out to someone.


¦ A short witty saying; moralizing sentiment.

BOLESLAV MARKEVICH: "As a lawyer, you probably know the old apothegma: 'look for a woman'!" (fracture)

¦ Greek, apothegma - saying.


¦ Superimposed silver.

NIKOLAI GOGOL: "It will even be possible as fashion has gone: the collar will be fastened on silver paws under the appliqué." (Overcoat)

¦ Franz. application- application; overlay.


¦ Underweight, cut or worn gold coin (a gold coin worth three rubles; in colloquial use, a dignity of both five and ten rubles); sometimes - a rapper.

ALEXANDER OSTROVSKY: "[Agrafena Kondratyevna:] Apparently, you should ask Samson Silych for a couple of Arabs for you." (We will count our people)

¦ Chervonets were erased not only from long treatment, but also because some people deliberately rubbed them hard on the cloth in order to burn out the gold adhering to it, while others simply cut off the gold pieces along the edges. Such underweight chervonets were accepted in banks and treasuries below their face value.


¦ A strong alcoholic drink (barley, wheat, etc.), sometimes araka.

DENIS DAVYDOV: Burtsov, yora, bully, Dear drinking buddy! For God's sake and...araka Visit my little house! (to Burtsov)

¦ Turk, arak, from Arab, araq- sweat; alcoholic drink.


¦ 0 vigilant watchman; about an inseparable observer of someone (usually ironically).

DMITRY MAMIN-SIBIRYAK: "The doctor spent several hours with the girls every day, and, of course, Miss Doodle was present as an argus." (Bread)

¦ Lat. Argus, FROM Greek. Argos- a many-eyed giant whom the goddess Hera assigned to Io, the daughter of the king of Argos, who became the beloved of Zeus. Fearing the wrath of a jealous wife, Zeus turned Io into a snow-white heifer, but Hera demanded her as a gift and assigned Argus to her.


¦ To live, to stand for the eyelids - about longevity

NIKOLAI LESKOV: "The buildings were all very dilapidated and, apparently, stood for centuries." (Pechersk antiques)

¦ On behalf of the biblical patriarch Yared, who lived, according to legend, 962 years.


¦ Introduced in the 20s years XIX v. a form of punishment for soldiers is imprisonment in companies sent from the central regions to the outskirts of the empire, with the use of hard forced labor and increased penalties in the service.

FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY: "About the prison companies in Russia, all our people who were there spoke with horror and assured that in all of Russia there is no harder place than prison companies in fortresses." (Notes from the House of the Dead)


¦ Strict critic; scholar-pedant.