indoor bamboo. Beautiful ideas and care

Interior in oriental style is gaining more and more fans around the world due to its natural beauty and exoticism. An integral part of such an interior are natural materials, including bamboo. Europeans appreciated its merits after they started trading with Asian countries, where bamboo furniture has been made by hand for many centuries in a row. Among Asian peoples, this is the same material at hand, used everywhere in construction and design, as oak or aspen wood is in our country.

Bamboo trunks are not attached to each other with screws and nails. For this, special brackets are used.

Product features

On sale you can find whole bamboo poles different diameter, its halves (trunk cut vertically), pressed plates.

The thickness of the plant varies from 0.5 to 20 cm. Bamboo is a hollow grass with an attractive texture that does not need additional decoration. The color of the furniture remains natural, preserving the beauty of the stem of the plant. Therefore, bamboo furniture is a real decoration of the interior.

Bamboo interior items are made by hand, so their cost is quite high. And the material in the form of hollow plant stems is affordable. Exotic stems can cost less than many common woods such as oak. Use them in own production bed or table is beneficial.

Bamboo furniture should not be placed near heating appliances. Most often, to protect against climatic influences, those located on the street need to be varnished.

The herbaceous inhabitant of Asian forests differs not only in its unusual view, but also a feature of the installation of products from it. No matter what you need to do: a picture frame or bamboo furniture, you need to know the following rules:

  1. Bamboo trunks are not connected to each other with screws and nails. For this, special brackets are used. Another equally popular way to make furniture from bamboo is to tie the pieces with strong hemp rope knots.
  2. You need to cut bamboo poles with a hacksaw with fine teeth. If you use an ordinary saw for wood for these purposes, the logs will crumble.
  3. The structure is connected using holes drilled in thicker trunks. It is important to learn how to combine the elements of the plant at right angles.
  4. If exotic wood is heated, it will bend in the right direction. This makes it possible to make curved armrests, headboards and table legs. Do not overheat the tree: it can char. Under direct or acute angle the pole cannot be bent: it will break.
  5. IN finished product you need to drill holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm. This will allow the wood to breathe and increase its lifespan.
  6. It is better to wrap the log on the spot with tape. This will help to make a smooth edge and avoid damage to it.

Thick stems are used for load-bearing structures furniture or for interior elements: partitions, columns and other things. Thinner stems and bamboo strips can be seen in additional elements structures. Wicker furniture or parts of it are made from bamboo rods. Plates of pressed plant stems retain its texture. They make countertops, the bottom of the bed, partitions in the closet.

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Interior items made of bamboo

Bamboo products can be placed throughout the house: they do not cause allergies, they do not emit harmful fumes, such as chipboard or MDF.

The principle of assembling bamboo parts into a single whole is the same. Only the size of the structure and the amount of material used differ. Bamboo furniture is very durable, despite the fact that the material is hollow. To work with logs, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • drill with round nozzles (crowns);
  • gas burner, if it is necessary to bend logs;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • drill;
  • pencil;
  • hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal staples;
  • hemp rope;
  • PVA glue or another for wood;
  • spray varnish.

To assemble, for example, a bamboo bed, you need to purchase an appropriate mattress. According to its size, the number is calculated required material. The frame around the bed is made of massive bamboo poles. They are placed horizontally, stacked on top of each other and interconnected with metal staples, hemp rope or stems of a smaller diameter. For the bottom, a sheet of thick plywood or pressed bamboo is suitable.

A bamboo bed will be strong and durable. But before embarking on such an experiment, it is better to try your hand at simpler subjects. For example, make a table for tea drinking. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • bamboo trunks of different diameters;
  • woven napkin made of bamboo plates;
  • two wooden sticks 5 mm thick with a flat section and with a diameter of 7-8 mm - with a round one;
  • 4 sticks 10 cm long and 1 cm thick.

A table stand can be made from a large diameter stem by sawing it lengthwise into two equal parts. In two blanks of greater thickness, recesses are made into which logs of smaller thickness are inserted. It turns out a square or rectangular frame. All parts must be pre-sanded. Before assembly, the prepared parts with holes inside for wooden sticks, on which the tabletop (bamboo mat) will lie, and with recesses for the legs, must be covered with a layer of varnish.

The legs for the table are made from halves of a log, into which sticks are inserted, two in each. In order for the parts to better hold during the operation of the product, they are smeared with glue and then connected. The final step will be to adjust the legs so that the tabletop does not turn out to be tilted. Almost all handmade bamboo furniture is assembled using the technology described above.

In countries where bamboo grows, it is often used in the construction of fences, as this material is durable and inexpensive. For example, in Japan, where bamboo sale conducted almost everywhere and at a low price, bamboo is used to make neat sections from which the fence is assembled (the sections are mounted on pre-dug posts).

But in Russia, bamboo is a rare plant, and although in selling bamboo you can find it, its cost is quite high, so not everyone can afford a bamboo fence. Simple calculation: if you found in selling bamboo at a price of 100 rubles for a 4-meter trunk with a diameter of 3 cm, then running meter a fence with a height of 2 meters will cost about 1,700 rubles. Of course, not solid and low decorative bamboo fences will cost much less (2-4 times). Such fences will always find a place in landscape design made in oriental style. In addition, bamboo trunks can be used as inserts in sections of a fence made of another material - they will add originality and unusual appearance to the fence. In any case, when choosing a material for a fence, try to find in selling bamboo- you may not need so many trunks and the total cost will suit you.

Bamboo Decor - Garden Pyramid

Pyramids in the garden are used as columnar supports for climbing plants and liana. Also this bamboo decor can be used in winter to protect seedlings and stunted trees from excessive snow pressure while protecting plants from frost.

Why bamboo? First, any bamboo decor quite beautiful and decorates the site. Secondly, bamboo is distinguished by high strength. Third, bamboo material is light, it will not be difficult to transfer the pyramid from it. The design of the bamboo pyramid is foldable, so it is not only easy to carry, but also convenient, and it does not take up much space during storage.

In some countries, bamboo has historically been used as an architectural and building material. Its strength characteristics even now allow it to be used for the construction of awnings, gazebos, small structures like summer shower. Recently, however, the use of bamboo stems or derivative materials based on them in the interior has been actively developing. And this is natural, because bamboo has suitable characteristics:

Bamboo is increasingly being used for wall decoration.
  • high moisture and heat resistance, as a result of which bamboo can be used in any type of premises and even for outer skin facades of buildings;
  • good soundproofing properties;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • environmental friendliness is one hundred percent natural material, whose reserves in nature are easily restored, absolutely safe for humans;
  • Versatility It goes well with leather, wood, stone, glass and so on.

Bamboo is an environmentally friendly material

Seven ways to use bamboo in the interior

  1. Walls
    For wall cladding, both bamboo trunks cut in half with minimal processing, and various facing materials based on it are used.
  2. Floor
    Bamboo flooring looks very stylish. In addition, they are very durable.
  3. Ceiling
    For these purposes, both bamboo canvas and panels are used, as well as whole stems, installed like ceiling rails.
  4. Furniture
    Bamboo products organically fit into exotic ethnic interiors, such as those aged in African or Japanese style and modern minimalism.
  5. Accessories
    Small stylish bamboo gizmos can add coziness and originality to the interior.
  6. Partitions
    It is effective and unusual way divide the area of ​​​​the room into zones.
  7. Curtains
    Bamboo curtains are very good for decorating window openings.

Bamboo can be used for wall, ceiling, floor decoration

Finishing materials from bamboo

As mentioned above, for walls, floors and ceilings there is a whole list facing materials based on bamboo.

They are plant fibers glued to a fabric substrate. They differ depending on what part of the bamboo was taken for their manufacture. Bamboo wallpaper from the top green layer has a rough texture. From the inside of the stems, more cheap material with smooth polished surface.

  • Panels

Obtained by hot pressing from bamboo acrylic impregnation. They differ depending on the number of layers.

Wall decoration on the balcony can be made of bamboo
  • Parquet

An attractive material with a beautiful contrasting texture used for flooring. Its cost is approximately equal to the cost of a similar wooden parquet.

  • bamboo canvas

It is a thin bamboo slats glued to the fabric. Along with wallpaper, such a canvas is considered roll material.

Bamboo can be used to decorate many parts of the house.

Various items on this list are suitable for finishing different parts premises. To understand this, pay attention to the table.

Bamboo looks great in any room

How bamboo trunks can be used in the interior

Despite the fact that bamboo derived materials are cheaper and more efficient in terms of their physical and mechanical properties, designers often prefer the minimally processed trunks of this plant to them. There are several good reasons:

  • firstly, the use of bamboo stalks adds exoticism to any interior;
  • secondly, they unambiguously introduce a connection with nature into the space of the room;
  • and finally, bamboo makes the interior more original.

The main areas of use of bamboo stems in the interior are the decoration of walls or ceilings and the installation of partitions between different areas of the room.

Bamboo in the interior will add a little exoticism

Features of how bamboo trim works in the interior

What makes people prefer bamboo finishes to all other alternatives? Of course, this is both the environmental friendliness of bamboo and its wonderful properties, which have already been mentioned above. However, there is another important aspect. What visual effects can be achieved with bamboo cladding. Warm, with a unique structure pleasing to the eye, it makes the surrounding space more saturated with details. Bamboo stripes give the room rhythm, dynamics and pronounced graphics. In other words, bamboo is a material with very rich artistic possibilities. Using it one way or another, you can:

  • visually expand the room;
  • increase its height;
  • to place compositional accents.

Bamboo in the interior looks very beautiful and unusual

bamboo furniture

Due to its lightness and strength, bamboo is suitable for making furniture. The list of what can be made from bamboo includes many items:

  • cabinets;
  • sofas;
  • armchairs, chairs and stools;
  • beds;
  • tables;
  • bar counter and much more.

Bamboo furniture is easy to use, attractive and can become a highlight of any interior.

Bamboo bed will perfectly complement the interior of the bedroom

Bamboo accessories

A variety of little things like accessories made of bamboo fill the room with life and make it cozier, more expressive. Such things leave an imprint of the owner's personality on the house. You can buy them or make your own. Among the bamboo little things that fill the space with additional content, we can distinguish:

  • frames for photographs, paintings or mirrors;
  • various lampshades for lamps;
  • bamboo dishes;
  • baskets;
  • flower pots.

Of course, this list can be continued.

A variety of little things like accessories made of bamboo fill the room with life and make it more comfortable.

Bamboo partitions: whole trunks

This kind of partitions are divided into two types: with adjacent to each other or with trunks installed separately. The first variety allows you to delimit individual areas of the hall, highlighting independent areas. The second kind will make the division conditional. However, it will look like a sculptural composition that transmits light. With the device of additional lighting, this can be very effective and memorable. design solution.

Bamboo partitions are divided into two types

Bamboo Partitions: Panels

This type of partition is essentially an easily transformable semblance of a wall. If at the same time you choose bamboo wallpapers or panels for facing other surfaces of the room, then the screen will completely cease to stand out as something introduced, organically dissolving in the interior. This good method make additional functional zoning in your home. Depending on the type of weaving, this kind of section will look different. And, as a result, they are able to bring the aspect of creativity into your existence.

Bamboo will perfectly enliven the interior and make it interesting.

Unconventional Bamboo Applications

In addition to the examples already discussed in detail in this article, such as bamboo wallpaper, blinds, mats and other things, there are also rarer options, which, however, are very effective.

  • Panel on the wall

The production of such a panel, of course, should be left to professional artists. Those, combining panels of different weaving with bamboo stems, can create a real work of monumental and decorative art that can decorate any apartment.

Bamboo decorations slightly diversify the interior of the room

It is unlikely that anyone will actually put a modern reinforced concrete floor on bamboo columns. However, decorative columns, and beams, and stair railing from this material make the space sound in a new way. Therefore, they are sometimes used to enhance the feeling of lightness and closeness to nature.

  • Camouflage and protection

The stem of this plant, if cut in half, can be used as a plinth, hiding the junction of wallpaper and parquet. Or in order to disguise pipes, communications, wiring, while protecting them from moisture, temperature extremes and mechanical damage.

Video: Bamboo in the interior

Video: Bamboo in the interior of an apartment or office

If pandas respect bamboo solely for its gastronomic value, for people it is just a storehouse of benefits - they build houses from it, and furniture, and it is a decoration, and an ornamental, real all-rounder. In our climatic zone, bamboo houses are only souvenirs, but this natural material is becoming more and more common as a decoration. Bamboo interiors and bamboo decor are not yet classic, but are no longer exotic. Bamboo wallpapers are considered the most popular, but this wood is also used in other variations. In this article, we will talk about bamboo interiors, loved by many members of our portal for their high environmental friendliness and functionality.

Bamboo interior is...

Bamboo in modern interior country houses not uncommon at all. Bamboo wallpapers are a special fabric base on which narrow, thin strips (2-4 mm) cut from bamboo are glued.

Depending on which part of the trunk the slats (lamellas) are cut from, it will differ appearance and material properties.

Wallpaper from the outer part of the trunk is characterized by a pronounced natural ornament, a heterogeneous surface and a large range of colors - shades from soft olive to rich chocolate. To increase the decorative effect, the lamellas can be fired unevenly to achieve the color of wenge wood. The outer part of the bamboo is impact resistant solar radiation, so that the surface does not need a protective layer.

Wallpaper from the inside of the wood is smooth, in their range there are only light shades, and there is no pronounced pattern. This wood is less resistant to external influences, and a colorless varnish is used for sun protection. To increase the decorativeness of the coating, bamboo is pre-tinted or fully painted.

Bamboo processing technology for interior decoration makes the wood dense and durable, so the wallpaper made from it is wear-resistant and durable. They come up to different types premises, and large open spaces, and in Japanese small rooms. They are almost impossible to scratch if you do not set such a goal, they are not afraid of moisture and are able to maintain their attractiveness for many years. In this they are similar to, also resistant to almost any impact.

Since the bamboo coating is not afraid of moisture, it can be glued in the bathroom and in unheated rooms, even outdoor use is allowed if direct precipitation is not allowed.

It is convenient that the embossed bamboo canvas is able to hide minor defects in the base, there is no need to bring the walls to the ideal, spending extra time and strength. enough to remove old finish, if it was, and carefully primed with a deep penetration agent.

Bamboo wallpapers are glued or on specially designed for them adhesive compositions, or on "liquid nails".

Ordinary universal glue will not withstand the weight and subsequent deformation of the web during operation - the hitch must be elastic.

Some got used to replacing the glue with putty, pressing the wallpaper into the uncured layer. But although the mesh base of the canvas will really tightly grab the gypsum, it will penetrate through it to the front side, and removing it from there is very problematic. Yes and temperature regime in such a room should be constant - the slightest dampness, and the wallpaper will fall off.

The process itself largely depends on the chosen adhesive - one is applied only to the wall, the other - to certain areas of the wallpaper, the third - to all the wallpaper and to the wall. Since the canvas is strong and heavy, it is put in place with effort, slammed by hand or rolled with a rubber roller. Longitudinal cutting is not difficult, the wallpaper is cut along the base, at the junction of adjacent lamellas. With the transverse - more difficult: you need a good electric jigsaw and an eye gauge, since it is more convenient to half the roll rolled up.

After sticking and drying, the wallpaper is not afraid of any external influences and temperature fluctuations (if good glue), and all care comes down to dry or wet cleaning. Due to the solid cost of the coating, it is most often used zoned or in rooms with a small quadrature - corridors, hallways, for accent walls and panels.

Bamboo slabs in the interior

Another popular way to use bamboo in the interior is slabs. The same bamboo tes, but not glued to the base, but pressed into slabs with a groove fastening system. Another difference from wallpaper is a smooth texture, when pressed, a flat surface is obtained, but with a characteristic natural bamboo pattern. Bamboo panels are assembled by simple joining, fixed with glue, cut if necessary with a jigsaw. They are used in interior design, like wallpaper - even on the walls, even on the ceiling.

Bamboo panels in the interior

And again tes, but already woven by hand into a single canvas (see photo). Rich fantasy masters results in a huge variety of patterns in ethnic style. Panels can consist of several layers - from one to seven, the scope depends on their number. The thickest woven slabs, in five or seven layers, are used as a pleasant warm floor covering, thin - trim the walls and ceiling. Unlike smooth plates, the surface of the panels is textured, the severity of the relief depends on the weaving pattern.

Although the panels themselves are strong and durable, in order to increase the resistance external factors, they are additionally varnished.

This is especially true for the floor - it will be easier to care for it. There is also bamboo parquet, but it does not differ much from the usual one and, in fact, is a kind of pressed boards.

Stems (trunks) of bamboo in the interior

Processed dried bamboo trunks are a versatile material for decoration and decor, the only limit to use is your own imagination. Of these, you can make a panel in the living room, stick on the walls, at the head of the beds, they also zone the space. Fashionable accessory - partitions and portable screens, assembled from bamboo trunks. As an option, bamboo trunks are placed at a distance from each other so that they do not so much block the room as they designate separate zones.

Bamboo decor

Bamboo decor can change typical cabinet furniture. If you cover it bamboo wallpaper- you get an exclusive with an ethnic bias. Even more interesting are the various frames made of thin trunks, for paintings or photographs. Bamboo mats, blinds and roman blinds have long been a fixture in our homes, combining functionality with decorativeness. They look great in any home. The plant itself is also in demand, and not just dried wood - it is grown in high decorative pots or indoor pools. Such a green bamboo decor will well enliven the most austere interior.

Bamboo for interior decoration is a very interesting material, but you should pay attention to other equally worthy options, or. Popular and giving scope to the most daring ideas and artistic impulses. Budget ways of finishing - in a video about a house for a large family.

Neither a tree nor a shrub - you won’t understand what, but very beautiful plant - indoor bamboo, unusual plant with green shoots of a spiral or zigzag shape. Shoots can be of various heights and have small green leaves. On the price tags, they are called "happy bamboo", but they have no relationship with the real one, except for the similarity in appearance. In fact, this is a variety of a completely different plant - dracaena.

Today, indoor bamboo is sold in all florist shops, they were brought from Asia, there are about 80 plant species. IN last years indoor bamboo can be found in many homes, and for good reason. Firstly, indoor bamboo has an original, even exotic appearance. Secondly, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, indoor bamboo helps to bring good luck and prosperity to the house. How to care for and how to propagate indoor bamboo - read below.

Caring for bamboo in water is an opportunity to let your fantasy and imagination come true. From bamboo shoots, you can create various interesting compositions, add to them decorative stones, red and gold ribbons or mascot figurines. " lucky bamboo» looks great in a transparent vase with colored hydrogel. Do not forget about its purpose - 3 stems for good luck, 5 for prosperity, 7 affect health, and 21 stems will affect all areas of life. A composition of twenty curled bamboo stems is called the tower of love.

Growing Basics

Indoor bamboo is unpretentious, but requires compliance with quite simple rules caring for him. First of all, indirect sunlight, a little coolness and periodic ventilation of the room where it grows.

In winter, happiness bamboo should be kept at a temperature of at least 12, and preferably 14-16 degrees. The comfortable air temperature in the room for him is about 22 degrees. At temperatures above 35, it dies. Does not require constant spraying, occasionally it is worth wiping the leaves from dust. Pebbles of various sizes or expanded clay are placed at the bottom of a vase with water. As top dressing, special mineral fertilizers for dracaena are used.

Feeding bamboo is recommended every three months. If top dressing is carried out regularly, the leaves and stems will retain their green color throughout the life of the bamboo. Yellowed leaves and stems must be cut off, allowed to dry and smeared with soft wax.

water for bamboo

In many apartments and houses, bamboo is grown in water, because its straight or twisted shoots look very impressive in various glass vases. But then you need to feed him mineral fertilizers to keep the leaves green

The water in a vase with it must be filtered, and preferably distilled, room temperature. It needs to be updated every 2 weeks.

You can also use rain or melt water - filtered or plain water pour from the tap into plastic bottle and place in the freezer until the water completely turns into ice. Then let the bottle thaw at room temperature. The resulting water becomes softer and more suitable for growing bamboo in it. If the water has acquired bad smell or a suspicious color earlier than 2 weeks, then you should change it and subsequently change the water in the bamboo vase more often. If his leaves turn yellow, then the water also needs to be changed.

Happy place in the apartment

A vase with bamboo is best placed on the east side of the window or closer to it. You can not leave it on a sunlit windowsill, because the direct rays of the sun burn the leaves. Ideal for bamboo in water is a place in partial shade. If there are no such places in the apartment, then you can place a vase with bamboo on the windowsill or floor, covering the glass with a curtain, blinds or newspaper, protecting the plant from sunburn. When airing the room, the plant should not get cold air, this has a negative effect on him.

Pruning and propagating bamboo in water

If the bamboo has grown too much and has ceased to look attractive, then pruning should be done. It is made with special scissors, above the knots, otherwise the cut will come out ugly.

Pruning can be carried out annually, cutting long shoots from all sides, if necessary, removing external reeds at ground level.

Removing side shoots from the right sides, you can model the shape and appearance of bamboo as you wish. Pruning can also be used to propagate bamboo. In this case, either the upper cuttings are cut off and rooted in water, or the stem is cut into several parts, lubricating the cuts with soft, but not hot wax. Never use yellowed areas of bamboo for propagation. If there are no shoots, then you can cut the top and after such an operation a shoot should grow, if it does not appear, then repeat pinching the stem.

And as a bonus, one natural element for home decoration:

Flowers and decor ideas from twig cuts

Publication for lovers of eco-style in the interior. See how you can use saw cuts of fresh twigs to create flowers, snowflakes, and to create flower vases and planters. The vases below are made from plastic buckets, pasted over with saw cut branches, sanded, painted and varnished.

Decorative balls from saw cut branches

Flowers - pendants on a jute rope can decorate the design of a garden plot