We grow and propagate lucky bamboo. How to care for indoor bamboo at home

Indoor bamboo - green shoot virtually no sheet mass. It does not change the green color, as it is a resident of the tropics, but the degree of intensity depends on the conditions of the flower and care. This is a fairly fast-growing plant that needs to be restrained in time by cutting it off.

In order for the plant to actively grow and develop, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary conditions for his life.

Lighting and temperature

plant lighting should be bright, but without direct sunlight, which can burn its foliage. Therefore, east or west windows are ideal.

Since this is a plant of the tropics, it is quite thermophilic and therefore it will feel good in the open air in a sparse shade. Summer temperature should be in the range of 25-27 degrees Celsius.

When the temperature rises above 35 degrees, it is better to bring it to a cool room. Since the roots at this temperature cease to absorb moisture, and the flower falls into stagnation.

In winter, the temperature should not fall below 17 degrees Celsius.

It is important to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 27 degrees Celsius in summer.

Humidity and watering

Watering should be balanced, but it all depends on how the flower is cultivated:

  • In the ground.

If the plant is planted in the ground, then in the summer it requires abundant watering. In winter, at low temperatures, it is watered only when the soil dries out to half the pot. If, for some reason, the air temperature in the room has become below 17 degrees Celsius, then watering is temporarily stopped.

If the plant is grown in water, then it is changed once a week all year round, and with an increase in temperature it should be changed every four days.

Bamboo should be watered only with melt water. It is not difficult to cook it at home by first freezing the settled water, and then defrosting and heating it. naturally up to 14 degrees.

Soil and top dressing

Bamboo prefers nutritious and loose soil rich in various minerals. Purchased soil for Dracaena is suitable. It can be purchased at specialized flower shops.

It is important that the soil has a high content of phosphorus and nitrogen. Therefore, if you select top dressing, then fertilizers for Dracaena are more suitable, because it is for

Bamboo is practically not produced. The frequency of top dressing in the autumn winter period is once in autumn and once in winter. In the summer they are held quite often once every two weeks. With insufficient nutrition, the plant sheds its leaf mass.

Do not remove fallen leaves from the pot - Bamboo will clearly be against it.


When choosing a pot, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it roots in the ground are horizontal rather than go deep. In this case, it is better to purchase a pot for growth.

Having examined new pot you need to make sure it has drainage holes through which excess water will be drained. Expanded clay, a small layer of earth are poured at the bottom of the pot and Bamboo stems are placed in a bunch or one by one. Then the earth is filled up to the required level around. After transplanting, it is good to shed the soil where the plant is planted.

The first three years Bamboo is transplanted annually.

How to cut and pinch

Pruning is needed, as it has a very fast growth. If it is not pinned or cut in time, it will look like a rather long fishing rod.

When cutting off parts of the top, they immediately appear side shoots, which can be left for propagation of a massive green top or put on rooting.

Diseases and pests (diagnosis and treatment)

Plants get sick so rarely that the disease can be noticed if you don’t take care of it at all.

  • Yellowing of leaf plates- it is worth adding minerals to water for irrigation;
  • Darkening sheet plates at the same time they lose their elasticity and become lethargic - most likely Bamboo is cold and should be rearranged to a warmer place;
  • black spots on the trunk and leaf plates - infection with sooty fungus due to too wet content, plus the absence fresh air. It is worth treating with any fungicide and adjusting watering;
  • The tip dries up sheet - if winter time, then the flower is cold. If summer, then too dry and hot.
  • Spider mite - it is red and dark weaves webs between the leaves and feeds on the sap of the plant. It can be withdrawn using Actara.
  • Mealybugs - they are easy to spot if you look at the axils of the leaves. There will be clusters like white cotton wool. To get rid of this pest, they are collected with a cotton swab, and then the plant treated with insecticide - Aktellik.


Flowering has not been fully studied. It is believed that he blooms once every 100 years and then dies. There were cases when flowering begins in a bamboo grove, which lasts up to 10 years, and then the whole grove dies. Now, in order to be safe in the botanical gardens, one variety of Bamboo is planted.

Growing a plant

This rather unspoiled plant does not require much care. It can be cultivated in two ways:

  1. Growing in soil.
  2. Growing in water.

But no matter what method is chosen by the florist, Growing this delicate herb at home is very easy..

in the ground

In order to cultivate Bamboo in the ground, it is worth deciding first of all on the choice of soil. Therefore, visiting flower shop you can buy soil for Dracaena or any other soil with a high content of nitrogen in it. The container is chosen wide with holes for draining water. Expanded clay is necessary for drainage.

Having acquired everything you need, we plant according to all the recommended rules. Further care consists in timely watering and top dressing.

Very often in offices you can see Bamboo living in beautiful water containers. Care with this cultivation is a constant change of water. This is done once a week, or if the weather is very hot, then once every four days. Mineral supplements just added to the water.

The water that will serve as a substitute should be at room temperature and settled during the day.

This plant has always been grown for its rich, fast-growing greens.

What is the difference between "Happy Bamboo" and "Lucky Spiral" species

It's not two certain types, Bamboo happiness grows straight up, and the Lucky spiral is intricately twisted stems. Their care is exactly the same, as it is one type of grass called Bamboo.

Feng Shui Importance of Bamboo in the Home

This plant brings health and longevity. Depending on this, the number of sticks growing in one container is selected. The Chinese not only plant bamboo at home, but also embroider pictures with its image. Chinese garden near the house provides for the planting of several varieties of Bamboo, because swaying in the wind, each one sounds in its own way.

For the sake of well-being in the family, you can not only plant bamboo in your home, but also embroider panels to decorate your home.

Bamboo at home is it good or bad

Many signs indicate that it is rather useful flower because his content in the house significantly improves family well-being and health. But care must be taken to ensure that children and animals do not reach the foliage, as they contain cyanogenic glycoside, a toxic substance that is killed after the plant is thermally treated.

This magnificent plant should find a place for itself in the house, as it brings a lot of positive energy. Cultivation of it comes down to timely watering and replacing the water in the container in which it is grown.

The flower, which in everyday life is commonly called bamboo, actually belongs to the dracaena family. With a real wild-growing bamboo it has in common appearance: dense knotty trunk and narrow long leaves. Their condition indicates the well-being of the plant. Healthy bamboo has a rich green color, the leaves are shiny, do not fall off and do not turn yellow.

The hollow thick stem can be twisted to create fancy compositions. For this feature, the flower is very much appreciated by florists and interior designers. With unlimited growth, bamboo reaches a height of about 1 meter.

ATTENTION! IN room conditions the plant does not flower.

Homemade bamboo is especially loved by Feng Shui fans. It is believed that it creates a favorable atmosphere in the room, attracts good luck, pacifies and soothes. Feng Shui experts are sure that spiral stems are especially useful, as well as compositions of 7 plants combined together (intertwined or tied). They guarantee their owner health, prosperity and well-being.

A photo

Home care

When planning to get bamboo at home, you need to get acquainted with its preferences. Bamboo does not require special, but there are some features. The plant is very moisture-loving, but unpretentious to the composition of the soil. Juicy dense stems grow well in a nutrient substrate, the usual garden soil or water.

Decorative bamboo at home needs good lighting, but does not like direct sunlight. For greater decorativeness, the plant is shaped; it tolerates any fantasies of home-grown florists well.


Bamboo can be grown in pots filled with water. The stems are placed in containers so that the roots are completely immersed in water. It should be soft, settled or thawed. Store-bought spring water will also work.

It needs to be changed at least once a week, avoiding stagnation. Instead of water, you can use a transparent or colored hydrogel, the moisture content of which must be constantly monitored.

Much better plants feel in the ground. It is undemanding, it takes root perfectly in a universal substrate for indoor plants. Soil for bamboo is suitable as part of ordinary calcined garden soil mixed with peat and washed river sand.

The root system is not too powerful, plants can be planted in containers different size and depths: ceramic bowls, traditional clay or plastic pots, glass vases, wooden or stone planters. Often several stems are placed in one container, creating beautiful compositions from them.

IMPORTANT! During the period of active growth (spring and summer), fertilizers are required. The plant is fed once a month with fertilizer for indoor flowers, including potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Trimming and twisting

Indoor bamboo can be a great interior decoration if it is designed properly. Excessively long stems lose their decorative effect and become bare. Timely pruning will help to make them more compact and increase the number of leaves. The top is cut off with a sharp disinfected knife, it can be used as a cutting for propagation. After this procedure, lateral shoots begin to actively develop on the mother trunk, the flower becomes elegant. The growth of cut bamboo stops.

Another decoration option is to twist the barrel in the form of a spiral.
However, the question arises: how to twist bamboo at home? The answer is quite simple: you can create beautiful curls in two ways:

  • Young shoots are placed in a tube bent in the right way; during growth, they will repeat all the given turns. After the tube is cut and removed, the flower retains its desired shape. In order for the plant to stop growing, the top is cut off.
  • The shoots are carefully bent and fixed with a thick, not too stiff wire. When the curl is fixed, the support can be removed. Thus, it is convenient to create group compositions by intertwining shoots different plants together.

Placement, watering and other subtleties

Happiness bamboo is photophilous, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The hot sun provokes burns, the leaves turn pale, brown spots appear on them.

It is best to place a flower on the windowsill of a western or eastern window, slightly shaded by a translucent curtain.

With a lack of natural light, you can use fluorescent lamps capable of providing the plant with a long daylight hours.

Very important point- hydration. Moisture-loving bamboo is watered with warm soft water 2 times a week, the air around is sprayed from a spray bottle.

To increase the humidity will help special Appliances, as well as water containers placed next to the plant.

Several stems, decorative aquarium or indoor fountain make up an integral composition, in such a neighborhood the plant will feel especially comfortable. The leaves should be sprayed regularly, the dust is removed from them with a soft, damp cloth.


The plant needs a stable temperature (18 to 25 degrees). The flower does not tolerate drafts; Bamboo in winter, when airing, it is better to remove it from the windowsill. IN warm time the flower can be moved to a balcony, loggia or open veranda, cleaning indoors only when there is a threat of frost or strong wind.

Transplant and reproduction

It reproduces very easily. It is enough to cut off the top or part of the stem of 5-7 cm. The cuttings are rooted in vessels with water, you can immediately plant them in the prepared substrate and water them often.

For better rooting, the container with young plants is covered with a glass jar or film. Phytohormones, which are sprayed with cuttings, work well.

REFERENCE! To improve growth, young plants need to be placed in heat. They cannot be placed on a battery or heater, the soil will dry out quickly.

Reproduction by seeds is possible, but this method is longer, germination depends on the condition seed and other factors.

You need to repot 1 time in 3 years, The best time to travel is March or April. The transplant is carried out together with a clod of earth, after 3 months the plants are fed with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer or diluted bird droppings. Bamboo should be well watered before feeding.

Benefit or harm

Can you keep bamboo at home? Of course you can. Dracaena Sandara is an ideal plant for any room. Among its advantages:

  • fast growth;
  • the flower is not poisonous, harmless to children and pets;
  • well cleans the air of dust, enriches it with oxygen;
  • multiplies rapidly;
  • does not provoke allergic diseases.

Homemade bamboo is very loved by doctors and specialists in hygiene of premises.

The beneficial properties of bamboo help purify the air, pulling dust out of it and neutralizing harmful radiation from household electrical appliances. Vases with bamboo can be placed throughout the house, including bedrooms and nurseries.

He normally feels in the bathroom and hallway, he is absolutely indispensable in offices. The flower can be placed next to a computer or printer, protecting itself from the effects of office equipment.

Contraindications to the placement of dracaena in living rooms or no offices. Plants are not harmful to allergy sufferers, they do not cause irritation, do not require treatment with pesticides. From traditional healers or psychics, there were no claims to happiness bamboo either. Floriculture experts are sure that a flower brings only benefits, everyone can start it in the house.

Useful video

With more detailed description bamboo plants you can see in the video below:

Bamboo - exotic plant which is very popular. In addition to its main functions of decorating a room and a source of oxygen, bamboo also performs an important function of a fashionable detail today. modern interior. They actively decorate offices and apartments.

And homemade bamboo, according to the ancient art of Feng Shui, attracts wealth and good luck to your home and office. A tempting offer, don't you agree? Moreover, the care of this plant is simple, and with the help of its beautiful appearance, you can create unusual compositions in the interior.

In contact with

Types of homemade bamboos

Low plants are most suitable for growing at home. These include types:

Indoor bamboo - how to properly care

When purchasing this plant, you must be aware of the features:

  • Appropriate place. The room in which the flower will be located should be bright and warm. It is not advisable to put the plant near heating appliances, since the air there will be too dry;
  • Priming . For cultivation, it is better to use organically enriched soil, which must be constantly fertilized. To do this, you can use special mixtures containing phosphorus and nitrogen. IN summer period top dressing is carried out once every three weeks, in winter its amount is reduced;
  • Watering . Homemade bamboo should be watered moderately, while making sure that it does not flood. With an excess of water in the root system, the process of decay may begin, which will lead to the death of the flower. To avoid this, drainage is made at the bottom of the pot. Lack of water can also adversely affect the plant. A sign of the necessary watering are twisted leaves. The air near the plant must be periodically moistened.

Bamboo in water (bamboo spiral): home care

In addition to soil, water is quite suitable for the plant as a place for growing. Choosing this method, you need to consider all nuances:

How to trim bamboo at home

Exists several methods of propagation of bamboo:

  • offshoots;
  • tops;
  • cuttings;
  • Seeds.

The method of propagation by seeds at home is almost impossible. This is due to the difficult process of growing seeds and caring for seedlings.

by the most in a suitable way propagation at home is considered cuttings:

  • Spring is the most right time years for this process. During this period, shoots appear on the flower, which are used for planting;
  • For planting, it is necessary to use special soil;
  • Pot big size- the most suitable container for planting bamboo. Despite their small size, the shoots and their root system grow very quickly.

You should also transplant the main plant once every 2-3 years. In addition to watering, you need to constantly loosen the soil in the pot for greater oxygen enrichment of the flower roots.

Bamboo diseases and possible problems

Bamboo, like many plants, is susceptible to various diseases and. Some main problems can be identified:

  • Fungal diseases. The main sign of fungal infection is black spots on the leaves. In this case, for treatment, it is necessary to treat the flower with fungicides. To prevent fungal infections, you need to constantly ventilate the room in which the bamboo is located;
  • slow growth plants may indicate a deficiency useful substances. To solve this problem, you need to periodically fertilize the soil;
  • Change in leaf color and density. The reason for this may be the low room temperature. To return the flower to a healthy appearance, it must be rearranged to another room or the temperature must be increased in where it is located.

Why does indoor bamboo sometimes turn yellow?

Despite the fact that the plant is considered unpretentious, sometimes its leaves may turn yellow. There may be several reasons for this:

  • The plant is in direct sunlight;
  • Fungal disease. Affected leaves in this case must be removed;
  • Dry air. It is necessary to periodically spray the leaves of the flower;
  • Too much or too little fertilizer added. Feeding once a month will suffice for bamboo.

Bamboo is beautiful home plant. arrange for him proper care even a novice florist can. A well-groomed healthy plant can be a decoration for any room. In addition, every flower lover will be happy with a gift in the form of homemade bamboo.

Watch the video about the care of the Bamboo of Happiness (bamboo Lucky):

Bamboo propagationat home is completely different from what a wild namesake needs. The difference lies in the fact that they are not related. The room handsome man is not a grass. This is a type of such a common flower for home conditions as dracaena.

It is difficult to imagine that a bare stem with several shoots and leaves, growing straight or spiraling, can be propagated in some way. And yet it is so. Otherwise, flower nurseries could not boast of the diversity of this species. Learn the technique- easy and possible.

What does an unusual dracaena look like and what does it prefer

indoor bambooone of the most visual unusual plants. With all the flexibility of the trunk, it is very stable, unpretentious to the conditions. With the help of the plant, you can find the most unusual compositions at home and in the office, the exotic basis of which will be directly bamboo.

In pots, this plant is original, refined, extravagant, in water it is remarkable, in a hydrogel it looks not only attractive, but emphasizes the aesthetic taste of the owners. Such a dracaena seems to want to talk and boasts of its charm. There are species with different shades of trunk and leaves, but the colors range from dark green to straw-gold. Also, the shade of the plant depends on the amount of sunlight that has fallen on it.

Bamboo of happiness - this is the name this plant has earned from Feng Shui fans.

Such a dracaena is sure to be in the southeastern part of the home for those who are waiting for good luck and financial stability. If a toad with coins stands nearby, then you should meet a bird of prosperity. They say that good mood and health also depend on this extravagant flower.

East window - the best place for bamboo growth. Direct sunlight is unacceptable. Light-loving plants are provided in a different way. Also, it must be a window that will not be opened. From winter airing, the plant may die altogether. When losing leaves, bamboo should be supplemented with diffused sunlight. Air humidity is an important factor for the stability of the plant stem.

How to Get Lots of Healthy Bamboos

Home exotic handsome does not require much attention. Nevertheless, there are several unshakable rules for planting and breeding.

As mentioned earlier, Sander's dracaena (bamboo) grows in:

  • water;
  • hydrogel;
  • soil.

The last way to grow is the classic one. Buying soil for dracaena is not difficult. Choose not a cramped pot - too. But if the soil mixture is not found, it is not difficult to prepare it yourself. A soil is needed, which includes clay turf, peat, humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Seating required once every 12 months. Fertilization - once every 2 weeks. Top dressing with minerals - once a year.

Bamboo also feels comfortable in water. It is enough just to pre-rinse the roots and pour sterile (boiled) multi-colored pebbles into a container. If damage to the root system is found on the plant, root pruning is allowed for 1/3 of the total volume. The water in which the bamboo will be located must be distilled or settled. Usually, moisture is changed every 2 weeks, but if water turbidity is detected earlier, then it is replaced immediately. Yellowing foliage is also a reason to change the water. Feeding is done every 4 weeks by special means for dracaena.

rules breeding in hydrogel are simple. In a glass container filled with water and hydrogel, bamboo looks enchanting. Changes in the color and shape of the hydrogel capsules only add spice to the visual effect of growing a plant in this way. Fertilize in this case should be minerals once every 6 months. Pure distilled water is added to the vessel as the capsules dry.

With any method of growing bamboo, an excess of a dose of fertilizers leads not only to yellowing of small foliage, but also to its complete necrosis, and then to the death of the plant.

Bamboo secrets: how and when to propagate

reproduction most often produced during transplantation. Make it easy and convenient. The stem must be divided into two parts and cut. Sections should be covered with wax. It should be soft, but in no case hot. This will keep the moisture in the plant. So simple regulations even a novice gardener can do it.

The bamboo is then exposed to the water. It will take weeks, sometimes months, for the plant to take root. Bamboo should not be rushed or worried. Everything will happen on time. You can even lower the cuttings into a wide bowl filled with water. They can literally swim there, but not more than half the cut into the liquid. After the appearance of the roots, it should be transplanted into the ground. Multiply cuttings in this form the plant is easy. But you can choose another way to grow. Strong roots and the presence of new leaves and shoots indicate that the bamboo has grown stronger and is ready to please the hosts and guests again, bring them good luck and other benefits.

breedsthis is a plant by cuttings, which is carried out by gardeners in a different way. To do this, make a cut of the upper or side handle. Then, before the formation of roots, it is exposed to moist soil or water. Do not confuse soil moisture with its excessive"dampness". The place of cut of the main plant is also treated with wax. The viability of bamboo should not be tested for strength and let the plant lose its internal moisture, otherwise it will die.

To get a new onepossibly seeds. But it is impossible to see them at home. This is the method of nurseries and breeders.

If it is decided to provide the bestcare and reproductionplant, you should remember the following patterns:

  • when choosing a pot, they are based on the rapid growth of the plant itself and the root system, so it must always exceed the required dimensions;
  • the plant perceives traditional fertilizers positively, but it is better to purchase specialized ones for dracaena;
  • infrequent watering in the soil mixture should be supplemented by loosening the soil to saturate root system oxygen necessary for the growth and development of bamboo.

Reproduction of bamboo at homeas simple and affordable as caring for the plant itself. The implementation of several available rules will ensure beauty in the gardener's house and, according to the Feng Shui system, will attract prosperity, good luck, health and good mood to all household members.

Dracaena sander or bamboo of happiness (Lucky Bamboo) - quite common indoor plant. It is believed that indoor happiness bamboo is able to bring good luck and wealth to its owners.

Being very unpretentious plant Bamboo can grow indoors for many years, growing up to 2-3 meters in size with proper care. At the same time, Sander's dracaena is very simple and easy to propagate at home from lateral and apical shoots, of which a large number is formed in dracaena.

So we present to you step by step instructions with a photo on the propagation of happiness bamboo (Sander's dracaena) at home.

  • We choose healthy bamboo stems with shoots 10-15 cm long. Determining a healthy stem is very simple - it is green and hard. If the stem turns yellow, darkens or is soft to the touch, it is best not to use it for propagation. An example of healthy stems can be seen in the photo:
  • Next, we remove excess leaves from the stems. It is best to leave only a few top sheets on the shoot. This will allow the bamboo to put all the energy into root growth.
  • We cut off the process from the main stem. The easiest way is to cut it along the upper edge of the main bamboo stem (see photo). It should be noted that the cut off shoots must have at least one node (thickening on the trunk of the dracaena), from which the roots of the new plant will then grow.
  • We place the cut off shoots of the Sandera dracaena in a container of water so that they take new roots. This is usually not a quick process and can take two to three months. In this case, you should regularly change the water in the tank to avoid the death of the plant. In this case, the water should be as clean as possible (after the filter).
  • If you want new shoots to form on the old stem, then you need to cut it 1-2 cm below the cut shoot, but up to the first node on the stem. It is from this node that a new bamboo shoot is formed in 1-2 months.
  • To prevent rotting of the top of the cut stem of the dracaena, it is necessary to treat it with wax. For this, we take the usual wax candle, a small piece of wax is melted on fire (it is best to do this in a tablespoon), and then the top of the plant falls into it. You should not keep it in wax for a long time, a couple of seconds is enough. After that, the top will be covered with a thin layer of wax, which will give it a good appearance, prevent it from drying out and getting various kinds of infections and bacteria into it.