Typical instructions for the preservation of boilers in a boiler room. Mothballing of power steam boilers

A feature of the state of the energy sector today is that the number of shutdowns and downtime of boilers has increased at heating plants, this is due to a change in the mode of energy consumption and heat supply. The equipment is reserved for an indefinite period. When the boiler is shut down, the medium pressure drops to atmospheric, there is a possibility of moisture and air getting into it, as a result, the boilers are subject to corrosion, which is considered dangerous, since there is a possibility of damage to everything thermal equipment, including pipelines. Therefore, at the moment, the issue of conservation is especially relevant, and the development of technologies in this regard is progressing.

Solid fuel boiler diagram.

Thanks to the protection against corrosion formed during downtime, the working condition of the equipment is preserved, the costs of its repair and restoration are reduced, the technical and economic indicators of the operation of thermal power plants are maintained, and production costs are also reduced.

There are several ways to preserve boilers:

  • gas preservation method;
  • wet preservation method;
  • method of applying excess pressure;
  • dry preservation method.

The daily downtime of an unmaintained boiler will lead to equipment rust in the circuit up to 50 kg of iron oxide. When stopping hot water boilers for a period of 15 hours or drum boilers for up to 1 day, it is recommended to preserve by means of overpressure, for a short period (5-6 days) - a method of dry preservation. The choice of a suitable method to exclude oxygen corrosion is made taking into account the parameters and power of the boilers, their specificity during operation.

To prevent parking corrosion of the metal of the heating surfaces of boilers during major and current repairs, only preservation methods are applicable, which allow creating a protective film on the metal surface that retains its properties for 1-2 months after draining the preservative solution, since the drain and depressurization of the circuit in this case are inevitable.

Instructions for preserving steam and hot water boilers with gas

Gas boiler diagram.

This method is intended for the conservation of boilers during downtime with a decrease in pressure to atmospheric. It is used for the preservation of steam and hot water boilers. During the proposed conservation, the boiler is emptied of water and filled with gas (for example, nitrogen), after which the excess pressure is maintained inside the boiler, at the same time, before gas is supplied, it is filled with deaerated water.

The method of preserving a steam boiler involves filling the boiler with gas at an excess pressure in the heating surface of 2-5 kg ​​/ cm² with parallel displacement of water in the drum. In this case, the ingress of air inside is excluded. According to this scheme, gas (nitrogen) is supplied to the outlet manifolds of the superheater and to the drum. The low overpressure in the boiler is due to the nitrogen consumption.

This method cannot be used for the conservation of boilers in which the pressure dropped to atmospheric pressure after stopping and the water was released. There are cases of emergency shutdown of the boiler. During repairs, it is completely emptied, respectively, air gets inside. The specific gravity of nitrogen and air does not differ significantly, therefore, if the boiler is filled with air, it is impossible to replace it with nitrogen. In all areas where air is located and where the humidity exceeds 40%, the metal of the equipment will be susceptible to oxygen corrosion.

Little difference in specific gravity Is not the only reason. Forcing air out of the boiler and even distribution nitrogen is also impossible on it due to the lack of hydraulic conditions, which are caused by the nitrogen supply system (through the outlet headers of the superheater and the drum). Also in the boiler there are so-called non-drained sections, which are unrealistic to fill. Consequently, this method is applicable only after the boiler has been operating under load while maintaining excess pressure in it. This is the disadvantage of this technical solution.

The task of the method of preserving the boiler with gas is to increase the reliability and efficiency of boilers, which are brought into reserve by completely filling the steam-water path with gas, regardless of the shutdown mode. The described method of conservation is illustrated by the diagram (image 1).
Boiler conservation scheme with indication of boiler equipment:

Steam boiler diagram.

  1. Drum.
  2. Air vents.
  3. Superheater.
  4. Air vents.
  5. Capacitor.
  6. Air vents.
  7. Superheater outlet manifold.
  8. Remote cyclone.
  9. Air vents.
  10. Boiler circulation panels screens.
  11. Economizer.
  12. Drains of the lower points of the boiler.
  13. Superheater outlet chamber air vents.
  14. Nitrogen supply line with valve.
  15. Air outlet line from air vents with a valve.
  16. Water outlet and supply line with a valve.

Scroll necessary tools, devices, fixtures:

  1. U-shaped manometers.
  2. Gas analyzer.
  3. Set of wrenches.
  4. Combination pliers.
  5. Screwdrivers.
  6. Files.
  7. Ladder.
  8. Bucket.
  9. Solid oil.
  10. Paronite gaskets.
  11. Plugs, bolts, nuts, washers.
  12. Means and medicines for first aid.
  13. Fire extinguisher.

The process of preserving the boiler with gas is carried out as follows (an example of preserving a steam drum boiler is given):

Diagrams of separation devices in the boiler drum.

The boiler is freed from water after it stops, opening all its lower points. After emptying, in some places there is a vapor-air mixture containing oxygen, which causes corrosion of the metal of the boiler equipment. In order to displace the vapor-air mixture, all boiler elements (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11) are filled with deaerated water. Filling occurs through the lower points (12). Full filling is controlled by a valve (15), after which it is closed and nitrogen is supplied through the valve (14), then through the air vents (9, 2, 6, 4, 13).

When supplying nitrogen to the boiler, it is necessary to open the drains of the lowest points of all its components. The water is then displaced and the boiler is filled with nitrogen. The nitrogen pressure in the boiler is adjusted on the supply line 14 and (if necessary) on the outlet line 16. After the water is completely displaced and the boiler is filled with nitrogen, set the excess pressure required for conservation (25-100 mm of water column). Despite the presence of a small amount of deaerated water in some parts of the boiler, the metal of the equipment does not corrode, this has been proven by research.

Consequently, the proposed method significantly increases the reliability of conservation due to the absolute disposal of the boiler from air, filling it with deaerated water and nitrogen with parallel displacement of water.

Instructions for the wet method of preservation of hot water and steam boilers

Air duct operation diagram.

The boiler is filled with preservative solutions, which create a layer on the metal that retains its properties throughout the entire period of inactivity of the steam generator. An alkali solution is added to the water that is filled in the steam generator, observing the proportions: 2-3 kg of sodium hydroxide and 5-10 kg of sodium phosphate per 1 l³ of water with the addition of 1 kg of ammonia hydrate or a 10% solution of hydrazine hydrate. This solution provides a concentration of 200 mg / kg NzH in water and is added using a plunger pump. De-preservation of the boiler and its kindling after this method of preservation takes place rather quickly. To exclude the occurrence of corrosion, use a special protective solution that contains caustic soda. The use of soda ash is also practiced, but this is undesirable, since there is a risk of local corrosion.

Using the wet method of preservation, the boiler is filled with a protective solution, which ensures absolute resistance to rust, even if the liquid is saturated with oxygen. During the use of the proposed conservation method, it is possible to determine the period of the permissible duration without loss of mining; determine the timing of drainage, repair of support, ventilation, lifting complex and other equipment with other reparative measures.

Wet preservation technology

Carrying out wet conservation of the boiler, it is necessary to ensure the dryness of its surface and masonry, tightly close all hatches. Monitor the concentration of the solution (the sodium sulfate content must be at least 50 mg / l). Application of the wet preservation method when carrying out renovation works or in the presence of leaks in the boiler, it is unacceptable, since the maintenance of tightness is the main condition. If steam leakage is unacceptable with dry and gas preservation methods, then with wet preservation it is not so dangerous.

Diagram of a double-turn superheater.

If it is necessary to shut down the boiler for a short period, use a simple wet preservation method, filling the boiler and steam heater with deaerated water while maintaining excess pressure. If the pressure in the boiler drops to 0 after stopping it, filling with deaerated water is ineffective. Then you need to boil the boiler water with open air vents, this is done in order to remove oxygen. After boiling, if the residual boiler pressure is not lower than 0.5 MPa, conservation can be carried out. This method is used only with a low oxygen content in deaerated water. If the oxygen content exceeds the permissible value, corrosion of the superheater metal is possible.

Boilers with shutdown to reserve immediately after operation can be subjected to wet conservation without opening drums and collectors.

Gaseous ammonia can be added to the feed water. A protective film forms on the metal surface, which protects it from corrosion.

In order to exclude the occurrence of corrosion in boilers that have been in reserve for a long time, the method of wet conservation is used, maintaining an excess pressure of a nitrogen blanket in the boiler over the liquid, eliminating the possibility of air penetration into the boiler. Unlike dry preservation, in which drainage agents act, drainage from the mine is ensured, boiler equipment maintained in a state of use when needed. At the time of conservation, the write-off of mineral reserves is not permitted.

Preservation method by creating overpressure

Boiler valve connection diagram.

The instructions on the technology of preserving the boiler by creating overpressure are applicable regardless of the heating surface of the boiler. Other methods using water and special solutions are not able to protect the intermediate superheaters of boilers from corrosion, since certain difficulties arise during filling and cleaning. To protect the superheaters, conservation by vacuum drying with ammonia gas or nitrogen filling is applied, regardless of downtime. As for the metal of the wall tubes and other parts of the steam-water duct of drum boilers, they are equally not 100% protected.

The proposed conservation technology is suitable for both steam and hot water boilers. The principle of this method is to maintain a pressure in the boiler above atmospheric, which will prevent oxygen from entering it, and is used for boilers of any type of pressure. To maintain excess pressure in the boiler, it is filled with deaerated water. This method is used when there is a need to withdraw the boiler to a reserve or carry out repairs not related to carrying out measures on the heating surface, for a total period of up to 10 days.

Implementation of the method of maintaining overpressure in stopped hot water or steam boilers possible in several ways:

  1. When the boilers are idle for more than 10 days, preservation by dry or wet methods is applicable (determined by the presence of certain reagents, gasket materials, etc.).
  2. During long downtime v winter time and in the absence of heating in the room, the boilers are preserved by the dry method; application wet way conservation under these conditions is unacceptable.

The choice of this or that method depends on the operating mode of the boiler room, the total number of reserve and operating boilers, etc.

Dry method of preserving boilers

Boiler drainage diagram.

The release of the boiler from water at a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure occurs after emptying due to the heat accumulated by the metal, lining and isolation, while maintaining the boiler temperature above the temperature atmospheric pressure... At the same time, the inner surfaces of the drum, collectors and pipes are dried.

Dry shutdown is applicable to boilers with any pressure, but provided that there are no pipe-to-drum expansion joints in them. It is carried out during a planned shutdown in reserve or for the period of equipment repair work for a period not exceeding 30 days, as well as during an emergency shutdown. In order to prevent moisture from entering the boiler during idle time, you need to ensure that it is disconnected from the pressurized water and steam pipelines. Must be tightly closed: plug installations, shut-off valves, inspection valves.

The displacement of water is carried out at a pressure of 0.8-1.0 MPa after the boiler has been stopped and cooled naturally. The intermediate superheater is stripped off to the heat exchanger. At the end of draining and drying, valves and valves of the steam-water circuit of the boiler, the manhole and gate of the furnace and flue must be closed, only the revision valve remains open, if necessary, plugs are installed.

During the conservation process, after the boiler has completely cooled down, it is necessary to periodically monitor the ingress of water or steam into the boiler. Such control is carried out by probing the spaces of their probable hit in the area of ​​valves, opening drains of the lower points of collectors and pipelines, valves of sampling points for a short period.

If water is found to enter the boiler, the necessary measures must be taken. After that, the boiler must be fired up, the pressure in it is raised to 1.5-2.0 MPa. The specified pressure is maintained for several hours, and then nitrogen is produced again. If the ingress of moisture cannot be eliminated, they resort to a conservation method by maintaining overpressure in the boiler. A similar method is still used if, during the shutdown of the boiler, equipment was repaired on the heating surfaces and the need arose for pressure testing.

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After the end of the heating season in gas boiler houses, a period of repair, cleaning and conservation of boiler units and auxiliary boiler equipment begins.

Preparation for storage of boilers

Gas boilers (steam and hot water) are disconnected from the main gas and water pipelines with special plugs that cool completely, after which through drainage systems water is removed from them. Then the boiler equipment repair specialists proceed to the internal cleaning of the boilers from scale. Scale significantly reduces the shelf life of boilers and reduces their efficiency by an average of 40%, therefore, the internal elements of the boilers are thoroughly cleaned annually. Despite the fact that boiler water undergoes preliminary chemical treatment from heavy salts of calcium and magnesium, for heating season a significant part of these salts is deposited on the internal heating surfaces of boiler units.

mechanical; manual; chemical.

With the mechanical cleaning method, the inner surfaces of the drums and collectors are first cleaned, and then the wall tubes. Cleaning is carried out using blunt chisels, as well as special heads powered by an electric motor according to the principle of a drill.

In places inaccessible for mechanical cleaning, manual cleaning is carried out, for which special scrapers, wire brushes, abrasive tools and blunt mild steel hammers are used. During manual cleaning, it is forbidden to use chisels and other sharp tools in order to avoid disturbing the metal surface.

The fastest and most effective cleaning method is chemical, which, in turn, is divided into acidic and alkaline. The specialists of the boiler house carry out alkaline cleaning independently, using soda ash or caustic soda. Acid cleaning is carried out by a representative of a special organization. In this case, solutions of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid are used.

Methods for preserving boilers

Preservation is necessary * to prevent the corrosion process. The preservation of boilers for the summer period can be done by any of four methods:

  • wet;
  • dry;
  • gas;
  • overpressure method.

When preserving boilers wet method the boilers are filled with a special liquid that forms a protective film on the inner heating surfaces, which prevents the penetration of oxygen.

In the dry method, water is removed from the boilers, and stainless steel trays are installed inside the drums and collectors, which are filled with desiccants (granular calcium chloride or quicklime). The boilers are then sealed.

The gas method involves filling the boilers with any inert gas, which also prevents corrosion.

The overpressure method is used in cases where boilers need to be shut down for a short period of time (up to 10 days). In all other cases, the first three methods are used.

Observing the rules for cleaning and preserving boiler equipment during the summer period, you can achieve high efficiency of boilers during the heating season, as well as significantly reduce the cost of repairing them.

*) extract from PUBE:

4.1. Mothballing of boilers and auxiliary equipment

4.1.1. To reserve steam and hot water boilers without taking the necessary measures to protect the metal of the boilers from corrosion is prohibited.

4.1.2. Boilers must be preserved in one of the following ways: for up to one month - filling the boiler with an alkaline solution; for a period exceeding one month - the use of desiccants or sodium nitrate solutions.

4.1.3. For dry preservation of boilers, dehumidifiers must be used: calcium chloride (CaCl2), MSM silica gel, quicklime, as a result of which the relative humidity of the internal environment in the boiler must be kept below 60%.

4.1.4. Before shutting down the boiler, it is necessary to carry out the following preliminary measures:

A) install plugs on the steam, feed, drainage and purge lines of the boiler;

B) drain the water from the boiler;

B) clean the inner surface of the boiler;

D) carry out acid flushing of the water economizer if mechanical cleaning is not possible;

E) clean the outer heating surfaces of the boiler and gas ducts from fly ash and slag;

E) dry the boiler heating surface with a fan through the open hatches of the boiler drums and collectors.

4.1.5. The amount of desiccant per 1 cu. m of the internal volume of the preserved boiler must be at least (in kg):

Calcium chloride - 1 - 1.5;

Silica gel - 1.5 - 2.5;

Quicklime - 3 - 3.5.

Quicklime is used as an exception in the absence of other desiccants.

4.1.6. Upon completion of all work, an act on the conservation of the boiler must be drawn up.

4.1.7. In case of alkaline conservation, the boiler water volume must be filled with deaerated condensate with the addition of up to 3 g / l sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or 5 g / l trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4).

4.1.8. When up to 50% of softened deaerated water is added to the condensate, the addition of caustic soda should be increased to 6 g / l, and trisodium phosphate - up to 10 g / l.

Hot water boilers KVr.


The technical description is a guide for the installation, operation and transportation of the hot water boiler "ASK Group of Companies". Contains information about the boiler design.


A hot water boiler with a heating capacity of 0.688 Gcal / hour is designed to heat water up to 95 0 С, intended for heating systems of residential, industrial and warehouse premises with a total area of ​​up to 8000 m 2 ... Simultaneously with the boiler, a heater can be used to produce hot water used for domestic and industrial purposes for emission.

Water tube boiler, creates natural circulation water in the heating system, in which you need to have at the highest point expansion tank, open type. Using circulation pump, creating pressure up to 6.0 kg / cm 2 , the heating system is closed using a safety valve at the boiler outlet.

The boiler is designed for layered combustion of any type of solid fuel (wood, coal, peat). Atthe installation of the boiler in a specially equipped room, with the use of additional devices, is allowed to burn liquid and gaseous fuels (clarified kerosene, diesel fuel, diesel oil, natural or liquefied gas).

The high degree of softness of the used water creates conditions for the long-term operation of the boiler and heating system. WITH outside boiler pipe system is thermally insulated mineral wool and sheathed with a casing of steel sheet 2 mm thick.

The installation of the hot water boiler and the heating system must be carried out in accordance with the heating scheme of the building. To ensure normal circulation in horizontal sections, it is necessary to create a slope of at least 0.01 0 hot water pipelines from the highest point, with a decrease to heating elements, and the slope of the pipeline return water down to the boiler.


Basic technical data and parameters of a hot water boiler.


Boiler brand





Heating capacity, MW (Gcal / h)





Estimated efficiency,%

Temperature water chart, o C





Working pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2 )

0,6 (6)

0,6 (6)

0,6 (6)

0,6 (6)

Fuel (coal) consumption, kg / hour


Boiler volume, m 3




Boiler heating surface, m 2


The product includes an all-welded structure of the boiler tube system block. The boiler is thermally insulated with mineral wool, sheathed with a casing, equipped with three doors: a firebox, a blower and an ash pan. Manometers and thermometers, five grates, safety valves.

Installation, lining and adjustment work can be carried out at the request of the customer, by the field team of the enterprise, at the installation site of the boiler.

By agreement with the customer, the boiler can be equipped with furnace tools and auxiliary equipment


5.1 Boiler design

The boiler is a transportable, non-separable unit in the form of a furnace and a convective part, installed on an ash pan unit (Fig. 1). In the lower part of the boiler there is a belt of collectors (longitudinal Ø159x5, transverse Ø133x5 mm), to which water cooled in the heating system is supplied through the inlet DN 100. 5 grates with dimensions 900x220 mm are placed inside the lower belt of collectors.

The boiler furnace is a closed volume, shielded by walls made of pipes Ø51x2.5mm.

A 400x400 mm door is installed in the front part of the firebox. Under the firebox, in the ash pan block, there is a blower with a 400x400mm door and a 250x250mm blast air inlet window.

The convective part of the boiler is made in the form of descending and ascending gas ducts in each of which 12 sections are located. Stands from pipes Ø83х4 mm, convection from pipes Ø51х2.5mm.

The gas ducts of the convection part are separated from the furnace and betweenare double-height gas-tight walls (strip 4x30mm). Under the convection block, in the block, there is an ash pan with a 400x400 mm door on the left or right side. In the upper part of the boiler there is an upper belt of collectors made of pipes (longitudinal Ø159x5, transverse Ø133x5) with 4 strapping ears. The ceiling of the boiler is shielded with pipes Ø83x4mm embedded in a collecting collector Ø133x5mm from which hot water, through the DN100 branch pipe, and then into the building heating system.

On the outside, a 4x30 mm strip is welded between the pipes. The entire pipe system of the boiler is lined with heat-insulating mats made of basalt wool and sheathed with a casing made of 2 mm sheet.

Water flows along the shielding walls and boiler elements are in accordance with the circulation diagram.

5.2 Boiler operation

5.2.1. Flue gases, reaching the top of the furnace, turn 180 O and through the convective part they are directed to the gas duct, from where they enter the chimney of the boiler room.

5.2.2. Water enters the boiler through the inlet pipe. It is possible to install a mixing water pump, which is installed between the direct and return water supply. With the help of a mixing pump, the temperature of the return water entering the boiler rises to 60 ° C.The water from the boiler is discharged through the outlet pipe.

5.2.3. Design and operation of instrumentation and automation according to the documentation attached to the set.


An indicating pressure gauge and a thermometer are installed on the return water connection.

A pressure gauge is installed on the direct water inlet.


7.1. The boiler must be installed in separate rooms that meet the requirements of SNiP 2.01.02-85

7.2 The installation of the boiler must be carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the construction and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of not more than 0.7 kgf / cm 2 : hot water boilers and water heaters with a water heating temperature not higher than 115 ° C "and according to the boiler room project.

7.3 During installation, pay attention to the fact that the boiler is installed strictly horizontally to the level of the boiler room floor.


8.1. The boilers can be transported by any type of transport in compliance with measures to ensure their safety.

8.2. The boiler may only be lifted using the lifting lugs provided for this purpose. During lifting and installation, special care must be taken to avoid dropping or shaking the boiler so as not to damage the boiler lining or insulation.

The conditions for transportation and storage of boilers must comply with the requirements of group 5 of GOST 15150-69.

8.3. Storage of boilers from 1 to 3 months is considered short-term. Over 3 months - long-term.

8.4. Short-term storage is allowed under enclosing structures that protect the boiler from precipitation.

8.5. Long-term storage produce in special premises which must meet the following requirements:

    the premises must be dry, ventilated, and protect the boiler from precipitation;

    the premises are maintained at a positive temperature in winter;

    the dimensions of the room provide free placement of boilers.

8.6. During storage, the outer surfaces of the boilers must be cleaned of dirt, washed and dried.

8.7. Clean the flue gas ducts of the boilers from contamination. Drain the water completely. After draining the water, dry the interior of the boiler.


At the same time, in order to avoid the formation of condensate in the heat exchange elements, the initial start-up of the boiler, and its transition from a cold state to a hot one, should be slow. The recommended water heating rate in the boiler should not exceed 1 + 1.5 ° С / min.

When starting up the boiler after a short downtime, the boiler load and the water heating temperature can be increased somewhat faster, but not more than 2 ° C / min.

If these requirements are violated during the initial start-up of the boiler, condensation may form in the heat exchange elements.

9.1. The stopping of the boiler in all cases, with the exception of an emergency stop, must be carried out only with a written order from the administration.

When stopping the boiler, it is necessary:

Stop the fuel supply to the furnace;

Disconnect the boiler from the pipeline after stopping combustion in the furnace. If, after disconnecting the boiler from the pipeline, the pressure in the boiler rises, feed the boiler and purge;

Cooldown the boiler and drain water from it;

Ventilate the furnace and flue gas duct for 10-15 minutes, turn off the pump and blower;

Disconnect the voltage shield;

It is forbidden to drain water from the boiler without the order of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation boiler room. The drainage of water should be carried out slowly, the pipe part should be in communication with the atmosphere using an air collector and a three-way valve of the pressure gauge.

The order of conservation of a stopped boiler must comply with the instructions in this manual.

There is no need to interrupt the water circulation to stop the boiler for a short time.

Despite the fact that the boiler room has the necessary technological equipment, and all the necessary measures were taken to prepare boiler water, however, during long-term operation, due to the lack of proper control by the operating organizations over the operation of the water treatment equipment, solid deposits in the form of scale form on the inner walls of the heat exchange elements of the boilers. The boilers are chemically cleaned to remove scale. Chemical cleaning boilers are produced using alkalis or acids (trisodium phosphateNa 3 PO 4.sodium hydroxide NaOH, hydrochloric acidHCL).

Purification with trisodium phosphate is carried out in the following sequence:
The boiler is disconnected from the heating network, the water pressure in the boiler is reduced to 0.5 Atm and introduced into the boiler from a special chemical tank. reagents trisodium phosphate at the rate of 1.5kg per 1m 3 boiler water, include a mixing pump. After 2 hours, part of the boiler water is drained and added trisodium phosphate at the rate of 0.75 kg per 1m 3 boiler water. The mixing pump is turned on again to circulate water in the boiler and for 5-6 hours the boiler is "boiled down", while it is necessary to monitor the temperature and pressure of the water in the boiler, after which the boiler is cooled, the water is drained, the boiler is washed and filled with chemically purified water.

Acid boiler cleaning is more effective in descaling than alkaline cleaning. But since acid wash belongs to the category dangerous species work, its implementation can be entrusted only to organizations that have a license for this type of activity.

9.2 Emergency stop of the boiler

9.2.1. The boiler must be immediately stopped and turned off by the action of the protections, or by personnel in the following cases:

Safety valve failure detection;

If cracks, bulging, gaps in welds are found in the main elements of the boiler;

Reducing the flow of water through the boiler below the minimum permissible value;

Decrease in water pressure in the boiler hydraulic circuit below the permissible value;

The pressure has risen above the permitted by 10% and continues to grow, despite the interruption of the fuel supply and the increased water supply to the boiler;

The feed pump stopped working;

The power supply is interrupted, as well as the elements of the boiler are damaged, creating a danger for the operating personnel or the threat of destruction of the boiler;

Malfunctions of safety automatics or alarms, including the loss of voltage in these areas;

A fire in the boiler room threatening personnel or the boiler.

9.2.2. The emergency stop procedure for the boiler must be specified in production instructions... The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift logbook.


10.1 Procedure

After installing the boiler and connecting to the space heating system, it is necessary to fill the system and the boiler with water and conduct an inspection. The grates are installed after hydraulic test and inspection.

When firing up the boiler, do the following:

1.open the chimney damper, firebox and blower doors;

2. remove slag and ash from the furnace and from the ash pan;

3.Place in the firebox on the grate required amount firewood;

4. put lumpy coal on the firewood;

5. set fire to the wood in the firebox;

6. close the firebox door and adjust the supply of the blower fan or the opening of the blower door for combustion;

7. with stable burning of wood and coal, pour the required amount of coal evenly over the furnace.

10.2 Maintenance

10.2.1 Maintenance consists of periodic inspections, blowing, boiler cleaning and repairs.

10.2.2 List of maintenance measures.

In order to ensure reliable work hot water boiler, it is recommended to perform the following measures:

Visual inspection of leaks;

Checking the drainage pipe;

Checking flange connections;


Complete cleaning, inspection of heating surfaces.

10.3 Boiler ventilation and cleaning

10.3.1. In order to ensure a flawless and more economical operation of the boiler, blowing must be carried out quite often. With an increase in the temperature of flue gases by 30-40 O With a higher gas temperature of a clean boiler at the same load, the boiler should be blown off. The boiler must also be blown off if the resistance of the gas path of the boiler increases significantly.

10.3.2. The boiler is cleaned from soot through the doors of the firebox and ash pan. Cleaning can be done either manually or with a mechanized brush (brush). When cleaning with a power brush, care must be taken to avoid damaging the pipes.

10.3.3. Internal inspection and cleaning of the firebox is carried out during summer downtime boiler. All accumulated soot and dirt is removed from the walls of the furnace and the convection part with a steel brush.

10.3.4. Internal inspection, flushing and cleaning of the water path should be carried out annually during the summer period of boiler shutdown. Inspect the boiler through the doors of the furnace and ash pan.

The boiler is cleaned from boiler stone and sludge. chemically... Chemical cleaning is carried out with a 5% solution of hydrochloric acid, inhibited by a mixture of PB-5 - 0.1% with urotropin - 0.5%; or a mixture of PB-5 with urotropin and OP-10 at a temperature of 60-65 ° C. The circulation time of the solution is from 6 to 8 hours at a speed of movement along the path of 1-1.5 m / sec.

After cleaning, flush the boiler, removing all deposits of dissolved scale and sludge from it through the lower drain pipe. Then it is necessary to fill the boiler with treated water as soon as possible. In the absence of such a composition, the boiler should be heated to working temperature and efficiently aerate.

10.4 Boiler repair

The boiler may be repaired during the warranty period only with the written permission of the manufacturer.

After the warranty period, boiler repair can only be carried out by the company that has the technical means necessary for quality execution works.

10.5 Safety measures

10.5.1. Maintenance requires strict adherence to safety measures. Repair work must be carried out in strict accordance with the rules and regulations for the production of repair work.

10.5.2. Repair, cleaning and inspection of the boiler may only be carried out after proper instruction at the workplace.

10.5.3. Work inside the boiler can only be carried out when the boiler is sufficiently cooled. The boiler must be ventilated before starting work.

10.5.4. It is forbidden to work in the firebox and convection part, which have a temperature higher than 60 ° С.

10.5.6. Repair the boiler with disconnected: water, air, when the power is removed from the automation system.

10.5.7. Inspection, lubrication and repair of accessory equipment is carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for the corresponding product.

10.5.8. Do not allow burning coal to fall on the floor. The distance from the boiler to combustible structures must be at least 2000 mm.

10.5.9. It is unacceptable to leave firewood, coal, flammable objects or dry clothes near the melted boiler.

10.5.11. It is prohibited to use flammable fuel or explosive substances (gasoline, kerosene, acetone, etc.) for kindling the boiler.

10.5.12. When the boiler is running, the water temperature must not rise more than 100 0 C, when the temperature rises, it is necessary to reduce fuel combustion by closing the blower fan gate or blower door and reducing the draft or increasing the water consumption.


The procedure for preserving the boiler for long-term storage must comply with these instructions.

The preservation of the boiler for a period of up to one month should be carried out by the wet method, for this it is necessary:

Stop the boiler according to the instructions;

Disconnect the boiler piping from the common lines;

Fill the internal volume of the boiler with a protective solution: sodium hydroxide 1000 mg / l, phosphoric anhydride 100 ml / l and sodium sulfate 200 mg / l;

Before starting the boiler, which has passed wet conservation, open the system, release the alkaline solution and rinse with clean water;

In case of a long shutdown of the boiler (more than one month), conservation must be done dry, for this it is necessary:

Stop the boiler according to the instructions;

With a pressure in the boiler equal to half the working pressure, purge the boiler according to the instructions;

After the temperature has dropped to 50-60 ° C, drain the water from the boiler;

Clean the heating surface from scale and sludge;

Dry the interior of the boiler by blowing it with compressed air;

Insert previously prepared trays filled with quicklime(1 kg in each collector, or anhydrous calcium chloride, 0.5 kg each in each collector).

Before starting the boiler, which is in dry conservation, it is necessary to remove the baking trays with lime (calcium chloride) from the collectors.

Preservation and re-preservation of devices, protection, control and auxiliary equipment in accordance with the instructions for installation and operation of the manufacturers of these devices and equipment.

The power supply to the mothballed boiler must be excluded.


12.1. Capital and current repairs hot water boilers must be manufactured in accordance with specially developed schedules. Minor defects discovered during operation must be eliminated as soon as possible on the operating boiler (if the operating rules allow) or whenhis stop.

12.2. Safety measures during operation, preparation for work, operating procedure, measurement of parameters, adjustment and adjustment, check technical condition during operation, typical malfunctions and methods of their elimination and maintenance should be carried out in accordance with the relevant sections technical description boiler.

If the boiler is shut down for a long time, then it must be preserved. When preserving boilers, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the manufacturer's instructions for installation and operation.

To protect boilers from corrosion, dry, wet and gas preservation methods are used, as well as, in some cases, overpressure preservation methods.

The dry method of conservation is used when the boiler is stopped for a long time and when it is impossible to heat the boiler room in winter. Its essence lies in the fact that after removing water from the boiler, superheater and economizer and cleaning the heating surfaces, the boiler is dried by passing hot air (thorough ventilation) or a small fire is made in the furnace. Wherein safety valve must be open to remove water vapor from the drum and pipes. If there is a superheater, open the drain valve on the superheated steam chamber to remove the remaining water. After the end of drying, pre-prepared iron baking sheets with CaO quicklime or silica gel (in the amount of 0.5-1.0 kg CaC12, 2-3 kg CaO or 1.0-1.5 kg of silica gel per 1 m3 boiler volume). The drum manholes are tightly closed and all fittings are closed. When the boiler is shut down for more than 1 year, it is recommended to remove all fittings and install plugs on the fittings. In the future, the state of the reagents should be checked at least once a month, and then every 2 months, depending on the results of the check, it must be replaced. It is recommended to periodically monitor the state of the lining and, if necessary, dry it.

Wet way. Wet preservation of boilers is used when there is no danger of water freezing in them. Its essence lies in the fact that the boiler is completely filled with water (condensate) with increased alkalinity (the content of caustic soda is 2-10 kg / m air and dissolved gases and tightly close the boiler. The use of an alkaline solution ensures sufficient stability at a uniform concentration protective film on the metal surface.

Gas method. At gas method preservation, drain water from the cooled boiler, thoroughly clean the inner heating surface from scale. After that, the boiler is filled through an air vent with gaseous ammonia and a pressure of about 0.013 MPa (0.13 kgf / cm2) is created. The action of ammonia is that it dissolves in a film of moisture that is on the surface of the metal in the boiler. This film becomes alkaline and protects the boiler from corrosion. With the gas method, the personnel performing the conservation must know the safety rules.

The overpressure method consists in maintaining the steam pressure slightly above atmospheric and the water temperature above 100 ° C in the boiler, disconnected from the steam pipelines. This prevents air and therefore oxygen from entering the boiler, which is the main corrosive agent. This is achieved by periodically heating the boiler.

When the boiler is brought into a cold reserve for up to 1 month, it is filled with deaerated water and a slight excess hydrostatic pressure is maintained in it by connecting it to the tank with deaerated water located above. However, this method is less reliable than the previous one.

For all methods of preserving boilers, it is necessary to ensure the complete tightness of the fittings; all hatches and manholes must be tightly closed; in the dry and gas method, idle boilers must be separated from the working ones with plugs. Equipment conservation and its control are carried out according to special instructions and under the guidance of a chemist.

Russian joint stock company
energy and electrification "UES of Russia"

Department of Science and Technology


RD 34.20.591-97

Expiration date set

from 01.07.97 to 01.07.2002

Developed by the company for the adjustment, improvement of technology and operation of power plants and networks "ORGRES" and JSC VTI

Performers IN AND. Startsev (JSC "Firm ORGRES"), E.Yu. Kostrikina, T. D. Modestova (JSC VTI)

Approved by Department of Science and Technology of RAO "UES of Russia" 02/14/97


These Guidelines apply to power and hot water boilers, as well as turbine installations of thermal power plants.

Methodical instructions determine the main technological parameters of various conservation methods, establish criteria for choosing methods or combinations (combinations) of methods, the technology for their implementation on boilers and turbine plants when they are put into reserve or repair, taking into account a sharp increase in both the number of shutdowns and the duration of equipment downtime at power plants.

With the introduction of these Guidelines, the “Guidelines for the conservation of heat and power equipment: RD 34.20.591-87” (Moscow: Rotaprint VTI, 1990) are no longer valid.


The water discharged from the boiler must be used in the steam-water cycle of the power plant, for which it is necessary to provide for pumping of this water to neighboring blocks at block power plants.

During processing, the hydrazine content is monitored by taking water samples from a sampling point on the feed water line in front of the boiler.

At the end of the specified processing time, the boiler is stopped. When shutting down in reserve for up to 10 days, the boiler can not be drained. In the event of a longer downtime, a CO should be performed after hydraulic fracturing.

If the concentration of hydrazine in the first hour of treatment decreases in comparison with the initial one by 25 - 30%, then it is necessary to introduce an additional amount of reagents into the boiler.

The treatment ends when the content of hydrazine in the water of the salt compartment is 1.5 - 3 times lower than the initial one. The total processing time should be at least 3 hours.

During processing, control the pH, the content of hydrazine in the clean and salt compartments.

At the end of the treatment, the boiler is stopped and, when it is taken out for repair, after the pressure has dropped to atmospheric pressure, it is emptied, directing the solution to neutralization.

When putting the boiler into reserve, the preservative solution can be drained before starting the boiler firing up.

At the end of the FV, the boiler is stopped and after the pressure drops to atmospheric, it is emptied, directing the solution to neutralization.

Rice. 3. Scheme of conservation of power boilers KI:

conservation pipelines

During processing, the hydrazine content is monitored by taking water samples from a sampling point on the feed water line in front of the boiler.

At the end of GO, CO is performed.

The inhibitor solution is fed from the preparation tank to the deaerator.

It is also necessary to provide for the drainage of the solution from the feed lines and the boiler after conservation into the storage tank using drainage tanks for this purpose.

Notes (edit): 1. On boilers with a pressure of 9.8 and 13.8 MPa without treatment of feed water with hydrazine, maintenance should be carried out at least once a year.

5.2.9... When withdrawing to the reserve, the boiler is left filled with a preservative solution for the entire downtime.

5.2.10... If it is necessary to carry out repair work, the drainage of the solution is carried out after holding in the boiler for at least 4 - 6 days so that after the repair is completed, the boiler is put into operation.

The solution can be drained from the boiler for repairs after circulation of the solution through the boiler for 8 - 10 hours at a speed of 0.5 - 1m / s.

The duration of the repair should not exceed 2 months.

5.2.11... If the boiler remains with a preservative solution during its downtime, an overpressure of 0.01 - 0.02 MPa with network water is maintained in it by opening the bypass valve at the boiler inlet. During the conservation period, samples are taken from the air vents once a week to control the SiO2 concentration in the solution. When the concentration of SiO2 decreases to less than 1.5 g / kg, the required amount of liquid sodium silicate is added to the tank and the solution is recirculated through the boiler until the required concentration is reached.

6.1.2... Preservation of the turbine unit with heated air is carried out when it is put into reserve for a period of 7 days or more.

Mothballing is carried out in accordance with the guidelines "Methodological guidelines for mothballing steam turbine equipment at TPPs and NPPs with heated air: MU-34-70-078-84" (Moscow: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1984).

6.1.3... If the power plant has not yet had a conservation unit, it is necessary to use mobile fans with a heater to supply heated air to the turbine unit. Air can be supplied both to the entire turbine unit, and at least to its individual parts (central heating center, low pressure cylinder, boilers, to the upper or lower part condenser or in the middle of the turbine).

To connect a mobile fan, it is necessary to provide for the installation of an inlet valve.

6.3.2... To preserve the turbine, air saturated with an inhibitor is sucked in through the turbine. Air is sucked through the turbine using a seal ejector or a starting ejector. Air saturation with an inhibitor occurs when it comes into contact with silica gel impregnated with an inhibitor, the so-called linasil. Linasil is impregnated at the factory. To absorb excess inhibitor at the outlet of the turbine, the air is passed through pure silica gel.

Conservation with a volatile inhibitor is carried out when withdrawn to reserve for a period of more than 7 days.

6.3.3... To fill the turbine with inhibited air at its inlet, for example, a cartridge with linasil is connected to the steam supply pipeline to the front seal of the HPC (Fig. 5). To absorb excess inhibitor at the outlet of the equipment, cartridges with pure silica gel are installed, the volume of which is 2 times the volume of linasil at the inlet. In the future, this silica gel can be additionally impregnated with an inhibitor and, during the next preservation, installed at the entrance to the equipment.

Rice. 5. Preservation of turbines with a volatile inhibitor:

Main steam valve; 2 - stop valve high pressure; 3 - high pressure control valve; 4 - medium pressure safety valve; 5 - medium pressure control valve; 6 - chambers for suction of the vapor-air mixture from the end seals of the cylinders; 7 - sealing steam chamber; 8 - pipeline of sealing steam; 9 - existing valves; 10 - a collector of a vapor-air mixture for seals; 11 - collector for suction of the steam-air mixture; 12 - inhibitor supply pipeline; 13 - cartridge with linasil; 14 - newly mounted gate valves; 15 - ejector of seals; 16 - exhaust to atmosphere; 17 - cartridges with pure silica gel to absorb the inhibitor; 18 - pipeline for suction of the steam-air mixture from the chambers; 19 - intermediate superheater; 20 - air sampling; 21 - flange; 22 - valve

To fill the turbine with inhibited air, standard equipment is used - a seal ejector or a starting ejector.

To preserve 1 m3 of volume, at least 300 g of linasil is required, the protective concentration of the inhibitor in the air is 0.015 g / dm3.

Linasil is placed in cartridges, which are pieces of pipes, to both ends of which flanges are welded. Both ends of the pipe with flanges are tightened with a mesh with a mesh size that does not allow linasil to spill out, but does not interfere with the passage of air. The length and diameter of the pipes are determined by the amount of linasil required for conservation.

Linasil is loaded into cartridges with a spatula or with gloved hands.

6.3.4... Before the start of conservation, in order to exclude possible accumulation of condensate in the turbine, pipelines and valves, they are drained, the turbine and its auxiliary equipment are disconnected from all pipelines (drains, steam extraction, steam supply to seals, etc.).

To remove the possible accumulation of condensate in the undrained areas, the turbine is dried with air. To do this, a cartridge with calcined silica gel is installed at the inlet and an ejector is sucked in air along the circuit "cartridge - HPC - CDC - LPC - collector for suction of the vapor-air mixture from the seals - ejector - atmosphere".

After the turbine metal has cooled down to approximately 50 ° C, it is sealed with a packing of asbestos impregnated with a sealant at the air inlet from the turbine room to the suction chamber of the air-vapor mixture of the end seals.

After drying the turbine, cartridges with linasil are installed at the inlet, and cartridges with pure silica gel are installed at the outlet, the ejector is turned on and air is sucked along the contour "cartridge-pipeline for supplying steam to the seal - HPC - collector for suction of the steam-air mixture - cartridges with silica gel - ejector - atmosphere". When the protective concentration of the inhibitor is equal to 0.015 g / dm3, the conservation stops, for which the ejector is turned off, a plug is installed at the air inlet to the linasil cartridge and at the inlet of inhibited air to the silica gel cartridges.

1 ... Applied reagents:

hydrochloric acid, chemically pure concentration of 0.01 mol / kg;

sodium hydroxide, chemically pure concentration of 0.01 mol / kg;

the indicator is mixed.

2 ... Determination of concentration

Through a bottle containing 0.1 kg of a hydrochloric acid solution with a concentration of 0.01 mol / kg, 5 kg of air containing an inhibitor is slowly passed using an aspirator; which is absorbed by the acid solution, after which 10 cm3 of the acid solution is taken and titrated with sodium hydroxide with a mixed indicator.

where V- the volume of passed air, dm3;

k 1, k 2 - respectively, correction factors for acid and alkali solutions having a molar concentration of equivalents of exactly 0.01 mol / dm3;

Aqueous solutions of hydrazine with a concentration of up to 30% are non-flammable; they can be transported and stored in vessels made of carbon steel.

When working with solutions of hydrazine hydrate, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of porous substances, organic compounds into them.

Hoses should be connected to the places of preparation and storage of hydrazine solutions to flush spilled solution from the floor and equipment with water. For neutralization and neutralization, bleach must be prepared.

If it is necessary to repair the equipment used for the preparation and dosing of hydrazine, it should be thoroughly rinsed with water.

The hydrazine solution on the floor should be covered with bleach and washed off. big amount water.

Aqueous solutions of hydrazine can cause skin dermatitis, and its vapors irritate the respiratory tract and eyes. Hydrazine compounds, entering the body, cause changes in the liver and blood.

When working with hydrazine solutions, it is necessary to use goggles, rubber gloves, a rubber apron and a KD brand gas mask.

Drops of hydrazine solution that fall on the skin and eyes must be washed off with plenty of water.

2 . Water solution ammonia NH4 (OH)

An aqueous solution of ammonia (ammonia water) is a colorless liquid with a pungent specific odor. At room temperature and especially when heated, it liberates abundantly ammonia. The maximum permissible concentration of ammonia in the air is 0.02 mg / dm3. The ammonia solution is alkaline.

The ammonia solution should be stored in a tank with a sealed lid.

Spilled ammonia solution should be washed off with plenty of water.

If it is necessary to repair the equipment used for the preparation and dosing of ammonia, it should be thoroughly rinsed with water.

Aqueous solution and vapors of ammonia cause irritation of the eyes, respiratory tract, nausea and headache. Eye contact is especially dangerous.

When working with ammonia solution, protective goggles must be worn.

Ammonia that gets on the skin and eyes must be washed off with plenty of water.

3 ... Trilon B

Commercial Trilon B is a white powdery substance.

Trilon solution is resistant, does not decompose during prolonged boiling. The solubility of Trilon B at a temperature of 20 - 40 ° C is 108 - 137 g / kg. The pH of these solutions is about 5.5.

Commercial Trilon B is supplied in paper bags with a polyethylene liner. The reagent should be stored in a closed dry room.

Trilon B does not have a noticeable physiological effect on the human body.

When working with a commodity trilon, you must use a respirator, gloves and goggles.

4 ... Trisodium phosphate Na3PO4 × 12 H2O

Trisodium phosphate is a white crystalline substance, readily soluble in water.

In crystalline form, it does not have a specific effect on the body.

In a dusty state, getting into the respiratory tract or eyes, irritates the mucous membranes.

Hot phosphate solutions are hazardous if splashed in the eyes.

When carrying out works accompanied by dust, it is necessary to use a respirator and safety glasses. Wear protective goggles when working with hot phosphate solution.

In case of contact with skin or eyes, wash off with plenty of water.

5 ... Caustic soda NaOH

Caustic soda is a white, solid, very hygroscopic substance, readily soluble in water (1070 g / kg dissolves at a temperature of 20 ° C).

A solution of caustic soda is a colorless liquid heavier than water. The freezing temperature of a 6% solution is minus 5 ° С, for a 41.8% solution - 0 ° С.

Caustic soda in solid crystalline form is transported and stored in steel drums, and liquid alkali in steel containers.

Caustic soda (crystalline or liquid) that gets on the floor should be washed off with water.

If it is necessary to repair the equipment used for the preparation and dosing of alkali, it should be rinsed with water.

Solid caustic soda and its solutions cause severe burns, especially if it gets into the eyes.

When working with caustic soda, it is necessary to provide a first-aid kit containing cotton wool, a 3% solution of acetic acid and a 2% solution of boric acid.

Personal protective equipment when working with caustic soda: cotton suit, goggles, rubberized apron, rubber boots, rubber gloves.

If alkali gets on the skin, it must be removed with cotton wool, rinse the affected area with acetic acid. If alkali gets into the eyes, rinse them with a stream of water, and then with a solution of boric acid and contact the first-aid post.

6 ... Sodium silicate (sodium liquid glass)

Commercial liquid glass is a thick solution of yellow or gray, SiO2 content, in it 31 - 33%.

Supplied in steel drums or cisterns. Liquid glass should be stored dry closed spaces at a temperature not lower than plus 5 ° С.

Sodium silicate is an alkaline product that dissolves well in water at a temperature of 20 - 40 ° C.

Upon contact with the skin of the solution liquid glass it should be washed off with water.

7 ... Calcium hydroxide (lime solution) Ca (OH) 2

Lime mortar is a clear liquid, colorless and odorless, non-toxic and has a weak alkaline reaction.

Calcium hydroxide solution is obtained by settling milk of lime... The solubility of calcium hydroxide is low - no more than 1.4 g / kg at 25 ° C.

When working with lime mortar, it is recommended that people with sensitive skin wear rubber gloves.

If the solution comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse it off with water.

8 ... Contact inhibitor

Inhibitor M-1 is a salt of cyclohexylamine (TU 113-03-13-10-86) and synthetic fatty acids fractions С10-13 (GOST 23279 -78). In its commercial form, it is a pasty or solid substance from dark yellow to Brown color... The melting point of the inhibitor is above 30 ° C; mass fraction of cyclohexylamine - 31 - 34%, pH of an alcohol-water solution with mass fraction basic substance 1% - 7.5 - 8.5; the density of an aqueous solution of 3% at a temperature of 20 ° C - 0.995 - 0.996 g / cm3.

Inhibitor M-1 is supplied in steel drums, metal flasks, steel drums. Each package must be marked with the following data: name of the manufacturer, name of the inhibitor, batch number, date of manufacture, net weight, gross.

A commercial inhibitor is a flammable substance and must be stored in a warehouse in accordance with the rules for storing flammable substances. An aqueous solution of the inhibitor is not flammable.

If the inhibitor solution gets on the floor, wash it off with plenty of water.

If it is necessary to repair the equipment used for storing and preparing the inhibitor solution, it should be thoroughly rinsed with water.

Inhibitor M-1 belongs to the third class (moderately hazardous substances). MPC in the air of the working area for the inhibitor - 10 mg / m3.

The inhibitor is chemically stable, does not form toxic compounds in the air and waste water in the presence of other substances or production factors.

Persons working with the inhibitor must have a cotton suit or dressing gown, mittens, and a hat.

After finishing work with the inhibitor, wash your hands with warm water and soap.

9 ... Volatile inhibitors

9.1... The volatile atmospheric corrosion inhibitor IFKHAN-1 (1-diethylamino-2-methylbutanone-3) is a transparent yellowish liquid with a pungent specific odor.

The IFKHAN-1 liquid inhibitor is classified as a highly hazardous substance in terms of the degree of exposure, the maximum permissible concentration of inhibitor vapors in the air of the working area is 0.1 mg / m3. The inhibitor IFKHAN-1 in high doses causes excitation of the central nervous system, irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes, upper respiratory tract. Prolonged exposure of unprotected skin to an inhibitor can cause dermatitis.

The inhibitor IFKHAN-1 is chemically stable and does not form toxic compounds in the air and wastewater in the presence of other substances.

IFKHAN-1 liquid inhibitor belongs to flammable liquids. The ignition temperature of the liquid inhibitor is 47 ° С, the autoignition temperature is 315 ° С. When igniting, fire extinguishing means are used: felt mat, foam fire extinguishers, OU fire extinguishers.

Premises should be cleaned using a wet method.

When working with an IFKHAN-1 inhibitor, it is necessary to use individual protection- a suit made of cotton fabric (robe), rubber gloves.

9.2... The inhibitor IFKHAN-100, which is also an amine derivative, is less toxic. Relatively safe exposure level - 10 mg / m3, ignition temperature - 114 ° С, self-ignition - 241 ° С.

Safety measures when working with an IFKHAN-100 inhibitor are the same as when working with an IFKHAN-1 inhibitor.

It is forbidden to carry out work inside the equipment until it has been deactivated.

At high concentrations of the inhibitor in the air or if it is necessary to work inside the equipment after its de-preservation, a grade A gas mask with a filtering grade A box (GOST 12.4.121-83 and GOST 12.4.122-83) should be used. The equipment should be ventilated beforehand. Work inside the equipment after de-preservation should be carried out by a team of two people.

After finishing work with the inhibitor, wash your hands with soap and water.

If a liquid inhibitor comes into contact with the skin, wash it off with soap and water, in case of contact with the eyes, rinse them with a copious stream of water.