Production instruction for the operator of a gasified boiler house. Operating instructions for type de boilers Production instructions for the safe operation of hot water boilers

A variety of efficient equipment is used for heating and a constant supply of high temperature water. special attention deserve quality, which are presented in a large assortment.

The operating instructions for hot water boilers are quite simple and understandable. The consumer is offered the most different models similar equipment, so it is possible to choose exactly the one that will be most effective in its parameters in each specific case of the heating system device.

The main reason for the popularity of boilers of this kind is that their service life is longer than that of ordinary simple boilers, moreover, the quality of the hot water supplied is much better.

Now water-heating devices are being produced that are able to operate on this type of fuel, such as:

In addition, there are high-quality ones that are able to work on different fuels, they are characterized by the ability to switch modes.

Rules for the operation of hot water boilers

For the installation of heating systems, wall and floor boilers are used.

The latter are able to work on any type of fuel. Before operating the device, it is necessary to perform it strictly on the floor surface, it is better if a separate room is allocated for this. The operating instructions for the boilers must also be observed.

The equipment is equipped with all the required automation, so the operation process is simple. While the instrument is in operation, human presence may be required only to perform certain temperature changes and to shut down the equipment in an emergency.

Modern wall-mounted devices are mounted on the surface of the wall. Such equipment has compact dimensions, is convenient in the process of use, it does not require the allocation of a separate room.

All without exception hot water boilers, purchased from a trusted manufacturer, have a fairly long service life, are relatively simple and light, economical and very quickly installed.

Features of use and service life of the boiler

Gas boilers are very popular. They are characterized by a long service life, high quality operation, as well as relatively uncomplicated maintenance. Wall-mounted gas boilers can be made in several modifications.

As a rule, for heating an ordinary residential building, special two-circuit modifications are used, which are intended not only for efficient heating and for hot water supply.

Single-circuit devices are used a little less often. They are used exclusively for space heating. In direct proportion to how the air is supplied to a given heater, boilers equipped with special closed cells. It is important to note that during the installation of this device, it will be necessary to perform an air duct device.

The service life of a hot water boiler, subject to all requirements, is quite long, on average from 10 to 20 years, depending on the type of equipment. The duration of operation before the first cleaning from internal contamination is at least 3000 hours. The service life between overhauls is at least 3 years.

Full service life of boilers (with an average duration of operation of the boiler per year - 3000 hours): with a capacity of not more than 4.65 MW - 10 years; with a capacity of up to 35 MW - 15 years; with a capacity of more than 35 MW - 20 years.

The use of heating boilers with an open chamber

The process of operation of boilers that have an open combustion chamber necessarily provides for the use of air that is in the room where the equipment is installed.

Similar wall-mounted water heaters have some design features, which determines the peculiarity of their operation. This is the presence of elements such as:

The combustion chamber.
Expansion tank.
A system that is designed to remove the main products of combustion.
Automation and security system.

Operating manual for hot water boilers

Immediately after the installation work, the boiler is connected to the network, as well as to the water supply system. The device is connected to the network, the process of heating water to a pre-set temperature regime begins.

As soon as the set rate is reached, the device automatically turns off. All this greatly facilitates the operation process, you do not need to constantly monitor the state of the temperature regime.

To ensure high-quality thermal protection, a special relay is provided in this device.

During the installation process, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions that are set by the manufacturer.

In fact, this is a manual for the operation of hot water boilers. As a rule, all the main elements are supplied with the device, but it is recommended to first check the presence of all components.

Additionally, you may need some details and the device of related elements of the heating system:

Fittings for quality connections.
Water pipes.
Ventilation and exhaust system.
Electrical accessories.
Set of tools.

The basic principles of operation of this equipment are that when the fuel used is burned in a special chamber, the required amount of heat is generated. After that, the water entering the system is heated. There are several varieties of such boilers, as a rule, these are wall and floor structures, as well as gas, electric and condenser ones. The choice of a particular device is made taking into account the features and specifics of the structure.




TI 34-70-051-86


Moscow 1986

DEVELOPED by the Production Association for the adjustment, improvement of technology and operation of power plants and networks "Soyuztechenergo"


APPROVED by the Main Scientific and Technical Department of Energy and Electrification on 10.03.86

Deputy Head D.Ya. SHAMARAKOV

The validity period is set from 07/01/86 to 06/30/96.

This Standard Instruction establishes the general procedure, sequence and conditions for performing the main technological operations that ensure trouble-free and economical operation of PTVM type boilers.

The instruction is drawn up in relation to PTVM type boilers equipped with control and measuring equipment, technological protections, interlocks and alarms.

On the basis of the Standard Instructions and the instructions of manufacturers, local instructions should be developed taking into account the features of schemes and equipment, the type and characteristics of the fuel being burned. When compiling local instructions after reconstruction, certain provisions of the Standard Instruction may be changed only on the basis of relevant experimental data after agreement with Soyuztekhenergo.

When operating boilers of the PTVM type, in addition to the Standard Instructions, it is necessary to be guided by the following regulatory and technical documents: Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers (M.: Nedra, 1982); Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation: RD 34.20.501-95 (M.: SPO ORGRES, 1996); Quality standards for make-up and network water of heating networks (Moscow: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1984); Standard instruction for operational chemical cleaning of hot water boilers (Moscow: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1980).

With the release of this Standard Instruction, the “Typical Instruction for the Operation of Gas-Oil-Oil Heating Boilers of the PTVM Type” (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1979) becomes invalid.


1.1. Preparatory operations

Ignite one of the ignition burners on gas according to p. , , ;

Close the valves on the fuel oil line in front of the burner;

Make sure that the burner flame is stable;

Close the burner safety plug valve;

Blow out the nozzle with steam and slide it out of the burner.

Ignite one of the kindling burners on fuel oil according to p.p. , , , , ;

Close the valves on the gas pipeline in front of the burner:

Make sure that the nozzle flame burns steadily;

Open the safety plug valve on this burner.

Circulation scheme

Minimum allowable water consumption, t/h


4-way (main mode)

2-way (peak mode)



4-way (main mode)

2-way (peak mode)





Dissolved oxygen О 2, mg/l

Free carbon dioxide CO 2 , mg/l

Phenolphthalein alkalinity mg-eq/l

pH value

Oils and heavy oil products, mg/l

Carbonate index I K, (mg-eq/kg) 2


Not more than 0.02


0,1 - 9,0

Not more than 0.3 *

No more than 5.0

Not more than 1.0

Not more than the average annual allowable concentrations (MAC) established by the current radiation safety standards


For more than 0.02


0,1 - 0,5 **

8,3 - 9,5

Not more than 0.5

No more than 5.0

Not more than 1.0

* In agreement with the SES, 0.5 mg / l is possible.

** The upper limit is for deep water softening.

70 - 100

101 - 120

121 - 130

131 - 140

141 - 150

* For operating heat supply systems fed with sodium-cationic water, I K should not exceed 0.5 (mg-eq / kg) 2 for heating network water temperatures of 121 - 150 ° C and 1.0 for 70 - 120 ° C.

Temperature, °C

The value of the indicator for the heat supply system



Dissolved oxygen, mg/l

131 - 150

Not more than 0.05

Free carbon dioxide, mg/l

R n

8,3 - 9,0

8,3 - 9,5

Suspended solids, mg/kg

No more than 5.0

Oils and oil products, mg/kg

Not more than 0.3

Not more than 1.0

Carbonate index, (mg-eq/kg) 2

70 - 100

101 - 120

121 - 130

131 - 140

141 - 150

2.15. The quality of make-up water of open heat supply systems must meet the requirements of GOST 2874-82 "Drinking Water". The make-up water of such systems should be subjected to coagulation if the color of the sample when boiled for 20 min. Increases in excess of the norm specified in this GOST.

4.2.14. Breakage of the fuel oil or gas pipeline within the boiler.

Signs of a violation

Actions of personnel to eliminate the violation

1. Deterioration of the combustion process

The torch is unstable, has dark stripes and luminous "stars"; torch smoke, its separation, separation of fuel oil on the screens of the furnace and under the boiler; the appearance of products of chemical incompleteness of combustion, pulsation in the furnace

1. Restore the boiler operation mode in accordance with the regime map.

2. Blow steam through the boiler nozzles one by one; if necessary, remove them, disassemble and wash with light fuel. Check the injectors on the water stand.

3. Check the condition of the vanes of the burners

2. Exhaust gas temperature rise

Inconsistency of flue gas temperature values ​​with regime map

1. Set the fuel-air ratio according to the regime map.

Boiler heating capacity limitation by draft

The boiler does not take the rated load

2. Clean the convective heating surfaces of the boiler from ash deposits.

3. Check the condition of the boiler lining

3. Fistulas in heating surfaces

Water flow under the boiler

1. Determine the location and nature of the damage, report to the shift supervisor of the power plant.

2. Check the compliance of the make-up water quality with the established standards;

4. Deterioration of make-up water quality

According to the chemical plant

1. Notify the shift supervisor to take action to eliminate the violation.

2. Reduce the boiler heat output to the minimum allowable, temporarily turn off the recirculation system, if possible, increase the water pressure in the direct heating main.

3. Strengthen the control of the heating surfaces.

4. If necessary, by order of the chief engineer of the power plant (head of the heating boiler house), stop the boiler

5. Lowering the temperature of the water at the inlet to the boiler below 60 °C (for gas) and 70 °C (for fuel oil)

According to the KIP

1. Notify the shift supervisor of the power plant (heating boiler).

2. Increase the share of recirculated water at the boiler inlet, increase heating of network water in network heaters (at CHPP) to maintain the required water temperature at the boiler inlet


Safety measures during the operation of hot water boilers of the PTVM type have no specific features other than general rules observed during the operation of steam and other types of hot water boilers, and must satisfy:

"Rules of explosion safety when using fuel oil and natural gas in boiler installations” (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1984);

Annex 1

Gas-fired hot water boilers PTVM-50, PTVM-100 and PTVM-180 are water-tube, once-through, with forced circulation, tower layout, have a fully shielded combustion chamber and convective packs located above it. On PTVM-180 boilers, the combustion chamber is divided into three parts by two-light screens.

Boilers PTVM-50 and PTVM-100 can be installed with individual chimneys located above them, or connected to a common chimney. Boilers PTVM-180 work only on a separate chimney.

The main data on the design of boilers are given in Table. P2.1.

The heat output of PTVM type boilers is regulated by changing the number of operating burners at a constant water flow and a variable temperature difference. Adjustment range 25 - 100%.

The boilers are equipped with oil-gas burners with individual draft fans. The design of the burners provides for peripheral gas supply and mechanical sawing of fuel oil. There is no air heating on the boilers.

The convective part is assembled from blocks, each of which consists of sections of U-shaped coils with risers placed on the front and rear walls of the convective part of the boiler.

The coil pipes of each section are welded in four places with vertical spacers.

In the course of gases, the convective part is divided into two packages, the repair gap between which is 600 mm.

On boilers PTVM-50 and PTVM-100, switching from a two-way circulation scheme to a four-way one is provided by installing plugs on the collectors and pipelines connecting the boilers with the direct and return lines (Fig. and).

The PTVM-180 boiler is designed to operate only according to a two-way circulation scheme (Fig. ).

To remove ash deposits from pipes of convective heating surfaces, the project provides for water washing of a stopped boiler. Wash water is supplied to the pipe system with nozzles located in the gas box above the convective part, and is distributed over the outer surface of the pipes of the convective sections. The lining of the boilers is lightweight, attached directly to the pipes and consists of three layers of heat-insulating materials: fireclay concrete on aluminous cement, mineral wool in the form of mattresses in a metal mesh with a sealing gas-tight coating that provides waterproofing of the boilers from atmospheric precipitation. The total thickness of the lining is 115 mm.



The volume of the combustion chamber, m 3

Surface of the convective part, m 2




Overall dimensions along the axes of the boiler, mm









Height of the boiler from the floor level to the transition flue, mm




Diameter screen pipes, mm

60 ´ 3

60 ´ 3

60 ´ 3

Step between pipes, mm

Pipe diameter of the convective part, mm

28 ´ 3

28 ´ 3

28 ´ 3

Steps, mm:



Diameter of convective riser pipes, mm

83 ´ 3.5

83 ´ 3.5

83 ´ 3.5

Number of burners and draft fans, pcs.

Nominal water consumption, t/h:

with a two-way scheme




with a four-way scheme


Hydraulic resistance of the boiler, MPa (kgf / cm 2):

with a two-way scheme

0,056 (0,56)

0,096 (0,96)

0,106 (1,06)

with a four-way scheme

0,096 (0,96)

0,215 (2,15)

inlet water temperature,°C

in peak mode

in main mode

Estimated flue gas temperature at rated load,°C

Boiler aerodynamic resistance, mm water column






Estimated efficiency at rated load, %







Estimated fuel consumption at rated load, m 3 / h (kg / h)




Inlet water temperature, °С

Outlet water temperature, °C

Minimum water pressure behind the boiler, MPa (kgf / cm 3)

Number of working burners, pcs.

Fuel pressure behind the regulating body, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Oil temperature in front of the burners (when operating on oil),°C

Flue gas temperature, °C

Vacuum at the top of the furnace, Pa

Appendix 4

Main disadvantages


1. Hydraulic scheme

Insufficient stability, the presence of downward movement of the medium in the screens

Changing the hydraulic circuit by organizing additional mixing of the medium, installing hydraulic jumpers, switching to the lifting movement of water in the screens. First of all it is recommended at the peak mode of the two-way scheme; for boilers operating on a network with reduced pressure; in systems with a possible decrease in flow and pressure (with open water intake); with simplified water treatment methods

2. Network pipelines

Low water pressure behind the boiler due to the operating conditions of the heating network

Installation of control valves on the direct pipeline of the heating system. Recommended for facilities with pressure behind the boiler below 1.0 MPa

3. Convective surfaces

Increased heat absorption and uneven heating of the lower convective package. Small pitches of pipes in the convective part

Changing the design of convective packs with their additional division and reduction of pipe heating unevenness. Increasing steps in the convective part. Recommended especially for oil-fired boilers

4. Water method for cleaning external heating surfaces

Increased rate of external corrosion of metal pipes of heating surfaces. The need to organize a flush water neutralization scheme

Changing the method of cleaning heating surfaces:

a) shot blast cleaning system;

b) gas-pulse cleaning system.

When using "dry" cleaning methods, the reliability of heating surfaces and their service life increase

5. Absence of a scheme for acid washing of the internal heating surfaces of the boiler

Growth of hydraulic resistance and increase in temperature of metal of heating surfaces

Design and install an acid flush scheme

6. No air preheating

Freezing of the impellers of fans and limitation of their pressure and performance

Arrange pre-heating of air using heaters or exhausted convective surfaces installed in suction air ducts; in the first case, steam and network water can be used as a heating agent, in the second - network water

7. Significant discrepancies in the performance of blower fans

Disorganization of the furnace regime

Equalization of fan performance by reducing the gaps between the impeller and the fan housing

Production instruction for the operator of a gasified boiler house

Type of document:
Sample documents and reporting forms

Receiving Authority: None

Status: none

Document type:
Effective start date: None

  • Refers to
    • On approval of the Safety Rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems
    • On approval of the Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers Decree of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on June 28, 2014) Code of the Russian Federation
    • On the rules of the road (as amended on July 30, 2014) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
    • On the approval of the "General Provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers of the National Economy of the USSR"; section "Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy" ... (as amended on September 20, 2011) Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor
  • It is referred to
  • set a bookmark

    set a bookmark


    This production instruction for the operator of a gasified boiler house was developed on the basis of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook (ETKS N 1), Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems, Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers.


    1.1. The operator of the gasified boiler house is a worker and reports directly to the foreman (head of the structural unit).

    1.2. The operator of a gasified boiler house must fulfill his duties in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction.

    1.3. A person with a secondary vocational education is appointed to the position of operator of a gasified boiler house.

    1.4. The operator of a gasified boiler house must know:

    device, rules of technical operation, specifications boiler room equipment;

    the process of generating heat, electrical and technological systems of the boiler house;

    device, purpose and conditions for the use of instrumentation;

    rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation; basic information on heat engineering;

    causes of malfunctions in the operation of the boiler plant and measures to prevent them;

    legislation on labor and labor protection, rules and norms of industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    1.5. The operator of a gasified boiler house is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, theoretical and practical training, tested knowledge of labor safety requirements in the prescribed manner and received admission to independent work are allowed to work as an operator of a gasified boiler house.

    1.7. The operator of a gasified boiler house is provided with overalls and safety shoes in accordance with applicable standards.

    1.8. The operator of a gasified boiler house must know and strictly comply with labor protection requirements, fire safety, industrial sanitation.

    1.9. The operator of a gasified boiler house must:

    observe the rules of internal labor regulations and the established regime of work and rest;

    perform work that is part of his duties or entrusted by the administration, provided that he is trained in the rules for the safe performance of this work;

    apply safe work practices;

    be able to provide first aid to the injured.


    The operator of a gasified boiler house before starting work must:

    2.1. Check your workplace: the presence of uniform lighting, the absence of clutter with foreign objects.

    2.2. Prepare serviceable individual means protection, inspect equipment, lifting equipment and tools. Boilers, all equipment, tools and devices necessary for servicing boilers must be in good condition.

    2.3. Hand tools and accessories must comply with safety requirements.

    2.4. To carry the tool to the place of work, use a special box or bag.

    2.5. Check the power tool: the power tool must have a complete hose cable with a plug, the wire insulation must not be damaged, the wire connection terminals must be securely closed. Check the power tool for a short to ground.

    2.6. During operation, the operator of a gasified boiler house is obliged to:

    2.6.1. Ignition of the burner should be carried out using personal protective equipment (glasses, etc.).

    2.6.2. If the flame goes out before ignition, immediately stop the gas supply to the burner, ventilate the furnace and gas ducts for 10-15 minutes. Only then can you start re-igniting the burner.

    2.6.3. When kindling, it is necessary to control the movement of the boiler elements during thermal expansion according to the movement indicators (benchmarks).

    2.6.4. Before putting the boiler into operation, check:

    serviceability of safety valves, water-indicating devices, pressure gauge and feeding devices;

    indications of the water level according to direct action indicators;

    inclusion of safety automatics, signaling devices and equipment for automatic control of the boiler.

    2.6.5. Monitor the health of the boiler and all equipment of the boiler room, strictly observe the established mode of operation of the boiler, check the correct operation of the pressure gauge, water indicating devices, safety valves, feed pumps (injectors).

    2.6.6. Keep an eye on the water gauge glasses and prevent the water level in them from falling below the established limit.

    2.6.7. Maintain automatic control and safety devices and devices of the boiler in good condition and check regularly.

    2.6.8. Periodic purging of the boiler must be carried out in the presence of a responsible person.

    2.6.9. Prior to carrying out any work inside the boiler connected to other operating boilers by common pipelines (steam, feed, drain, drain lines, etc.), as well as before inspecting or repairing elements working under pressure, the boiler must be separated from all pipelines plugs.

    2.6.10. Before starting work, ventilate the furnace and gas ducts.

    2.6.11. All work inside the boiler and gas ducts is carried out by two workers.

    2.7. The operator of a gasified boiler house is prohibited in the course of work:

    leave the boilers unattended until the complete cessation of combustion in the furnace, the removal of fuel residues from it and the pressure drop to zero;

    commissioning of boilers with faulty: fittings, feeders, safety automation, emergency protection and alarm systems;

    ignite extinguished gas in the furnace without preliminary ventilation of the furnace and gas ducts;

    light a gas torch from a nearby burner;

    raise the steam pressure in the boiler above that allowed by the Gosgortekhnadzor inspection;

    jam safety valves or additionally load them;

    purge if the purge valve is faulty, open and close the valve with blows from a hammer or other objects;

    during the operation of the boiler, caulking of rivet seams, welding of boiler elements, etc.;

    lubricate bearings and tighten seals during pump operation;

    use boxes and other temporary fixtures and devices instead of ladders and platforms;

    lengthen the wrenches (put pipes on them, etc.), as well as hit the wrench to avoid breaking the bolts and breaking the threads;

    allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room.

    2.8. The operator of the gasified boiler house at the end of the working day is obliged to:

    tidy up the workplace;

    remove tools, inventory, other materials and personal protective equipment to the places provided for them;

    put overalls and safety shoes in a personal wardrobe for overalls.


    The operator of the gasified boiler house is responsible for:

    3.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of the duties assigned to him.

    3.2. Organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions of the management, regulatory legal acts on their activities.

    3.3. Compliance with internal regulations fire safety and Rules of the road of the Russian Federation.

    3.4. Maintenance of documentation provided for by the current regulatory legal acts.

    3.5. Prompt action, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

    3.6. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits established by applicable law.

    3.7. For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, the operator of a gasified boiler house can be brought to disciplinary, financial, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with applicable law, depending on the severity of the misconduct.

    4. RIGHTS

    The operator of a gasified boiler house has the right to:

    4.1. Require the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

    4.2. Use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

    4.3. Pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category.

    4.4. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of its activities and the activities of employees subordinate to it.

    4.5. Interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of its functional responsibilities.

    4.6. enjoy all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


    5.1. Familiarization of the employee with this instruction is carried out upon admission (transfer) to work in the profession for which the instruction was developed.

    5.2. The fact of familiarization of the employee with this instruction is confirmed by a signature in the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of the instruction, kept by the employer.

    Designed by:

    Head of structural unit:

    (surname, initials) (signature)
    "___"________ ____ G.

    Head (specialist) of the labor protection service:

    "___"________ ___ G.

    Head (Legal Counsel) of the Legal Service:
    (initials, surname) (signature)
    "___"________ ___ G.

    Familiarized with the instructions:
    (initials, surname) (signature)
    "___"________ ____ G.

    Moscow 1997 Content

    1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. BUILDING THE BOILER 2.1. Preparatory operations 2.2. Igniting the boiler on fuel oil 2.3. Fire-up of the boiler on gas 3. TRANSFER OF THE BOILER FROM ONE TYPE OF FUEL TO ANOTHER 3.1. Switching the boiler from fuel oil to gas 3.2. Translation of gas with gas to fuel oil 4. Maintenance of the boiler during operation under load 5. Norms of the water-chemical mode of a closed circuit 6. Stop boiler 7. Emergency provisions 8. Safety instructions, explosion and fire safety 9. The volume of the boiler for measuring , AUTO REGULATION, TECHNOLOGICAL PROTECTION, INTERLOCKS AND ALARMS 9.1. Recommended scope of instrumentation equipment 9.2. Boiler automatic control system 9.3. Technological protections 9.4. Local defenses 9.5. Locks 9.6. Process signaling Annex 1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE WATER BOILER KVGM-180-150 Annex 2 EXAMPLE FORM OF THE MODE CARD OF THE BOILER
    Developed by Joint Stock Company "Firm for adjustment, improvement of technology and operation of power plants and networks ORGRES" Performers B . C. SHCHETKIN (JSC Firma ORGRES) and Yu.V. Balaban-Irmenin (JSC "VTI") Approved by the Department of Science and Technology of RAO "UES of Russia" on 03.06.96. BERSENEV


    RD 34.26.515-96

    It comes into effect from 01.01.97.


    1.1. Hot-water boilers are installed at many thermal power plants, however, with a low quality of network water (especially in large cities of the country) and the presence of a large amount of iron in it, intensive drift of their internal heating surfaces by deposits occurs. The greatest amount of damage to the heating surfaces of hot water boilers refers to the heating surfaces of convective packs. This is explained. mainly by their increased heat absorption due to their location in the zone high temperatures gases, which leads to an increase in water temperature sweeps and, as a result, to the appearance of significant iron deposits in individual coils. To improve the reliability of the heating surfaces, hot water boilers are connected to the heating network through water-to-water heat exchangers. At the same time, the boiler is fed (closed loop) with high quality water, continuous and periodic purging of the closed loop is performed, which makes it possible to exclude the appearance of a large amount of iron in the loop water. 1.2. All the main provisions for the operation of boilers with external heat exchangers, 1 given in this Standard Instruction, are valid for boilers of any heat output, depending on which only the number and scheme of switching on external heat exchangers change, as well as the number and type of pumps. A brief description of the hot water boiler KVGM-180-150 is given in Appendix 1. 1.3. The temperature of the loop water at the outlet of the boiler (at the inlet to the water-to-water heat exchangers) when it is operating at rated heat output to ensure the estimated temperature of the network water at the outlet of the heat exchangers, equal to 150 ° C, must be at least 180 ° C. The inclusion of the boiler according to the peak (two-way) scheme in this case is excluded, since at the temperature of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler equal to 180 ° C, its heat output will increase by about 1.8 times compared to the calculated one, which is unacceptable. 1.4. The installation of external water-to-water heat exchangers should be considered appropriate if the quality indicators of the make-up water closed loop boiler do not exceed the values ​​given in sec. 5 of this Model Instruction. The expediency of switching on a hot water boiler according to a two-circuit scheme in cases where the quality of make-up water does not meet the conditions given in Sec. 5 should be evaluated by the design organization with the performance of the necessary feasibility study that justifies the cost of installing additional water treatment devices to obtain the appropriate quality of the closed circuit make-up water. 1.5. This Standard Instruction establishes the general procedure, sequence and conditions for performing the main technological operations that ensure the reliable and economical operation of gas-oil hot water boilers with external water-to-water heat exchangers. 1.6. On the basis of this Standard Instruction, local instructions are developed taking into account the peculiarities of the water-to-water heat exchangers and equipment switching-on scheme. 1.7. During the operation of the boilers, in addition to this Standard Instruction, it is necessary to be guided by such guidance documents as: "Rules for the device and safe operation steam and hot water boilers".- M.: NPO OGT, 1994; "Safety regulations for the operation of equipment of power plants and heating networks."- M.: Energoatomizdag, 1995; "Safety rules in the gas industry."- M.: Nedra, 1991; "Typical instructions for the operation of the gas facilities of thermal power plants: RD 34.20.514-92". M: SPO ORGRES, 1994; "Explosion safety rules when using fuel oil in boiler plants: RD 34.03.351-93" .- M .: SPO ORGRES, 1994; "Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation: RD 34.20.501-95" .- M.: SPO ORGRES, 1996; "Guidelines for monitoring the condition of the main equipment of thermal power plants, determining the quality and chemical composition deposits: RD 34.74.306-87 ".- M .: VTI, 1987; "Standard instruction for operational chemical cleaning of hot water boilers".- M .: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1980; "Instruction for alkalizing steam and hot water boilers" .- M .: STsNTI ORGRES, 1970; "Guidelines for the scope of technological measurements, signaling, automatic control at thermal power plants: RD 34.35.101-88" .- M .: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1988; , ensuring the absence of surface boiling in hot water boilers: RD 34.26.101-94 ".- M .: Rotaprint VTI, 1994; "Scope and technical conditions for the implementation of technological protection of power equipment of power plants with cross-links and hot water boilers" .- M .: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987. Manufacturers' instructions should also be followed.


    2.1. Preparatory operations

    2.1.1. Igniting the boiler after installation and overhaul must be preceded by: acceptance of the main and auxiliary equipment , flushing and alkalizing in accordance with the Instructions for alkalizing steam and hot water boilers (see clause 1.7 of this Model Instruction). All gas pipelines before launching gas into them must be subjected to control pressure testing with air at a pressure of 0.01 MPa (1000 kgf / m 2). The rate of pressure reduction in this case should not exceed 600 Pa / h (60 kgf / m 2 / h). Fuel should be supplied to the boiler pipeline being introduced or repaired only after checking the tightness of the shut-off devices on the fuel supply to the burners and ignition devices. 2.1.2. The kindling of the boiler must be carried out by order of the shift supervisor of the power plant (dispatcher on duty of the heat network). 2.1.3. The kindling of the boiler is carried out under the guidance of the shift supervisor of the boiler-turbine shop or the senior driver, and after leaving the overhaul or installation - under the control of the head (deputy head) of the boiler-turbine shop or a person replacing him (head of the boiler room). 2.1.4. All operations to prepare the boiler for kindling must be carried out by the boiler operator under the supervision of the chief operator. 2.1.5. Make sure that all repairs are stopped, that there are no maintenance personnel at the work sites and that there are no foreign objects near the equipment being prepared for work. 2.1.6. Inspect the boiler and auxiliary equipment and make sure that: the boiler lining is in good condition, the insulation of pipelines that drain and supply water to the boiler and water-to-water heat exchangers; valves are in good condition, while paying attention to the presence of all fixing bolts in the covers and flange connections, the condition of the rods, the sufficiency of stuffing box packing, the availability of a reserve for tightening the stuffing boxes and all fixing bolts in the heat exchanger covers; the serviceability of the drives to the gates and valves, while checking the serviceability of the mechanical levers (no run-outs, cracks, the presence of washers and cotter pins in the swivel joints), ease of control of the gates, manually in place; the absence of local indicators of the position of the gates and valves "Open" and "Closed" risks on their axes; check the operating range of the gates movement, set the handwheels of the KDU and MEO of the drives of the gates and gate valves to the working position, providing remote control of them from the electric drive; serviceability of the benchmarks of the boiler, the condition of the pipeline supports; the readiness of the shot installation, the presence of shot in the bunkers; availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing means; serviceability and sufficiency of the main and emergency lighting of the boiler and auxiliary equipment; serviceability of all means of communication and signaling; serviceability and readiness for operation of the boiler nozzles. Only nozzles checked and calibrated on the water stand should be installed on the boiler, for this: during assembly, carefully inspect the nozzles in order to check the cleanliness of the surfaces, the absence of burrs, nicks, coke and dirt (do not allow the assembly of nozzle parts even with minor defects); check injectors operating with fuel oil pressure up to 2 MPa (20 kgf / cm 2) on a water stand at a water pressure equal to the nominal pressure of the fuel; nozzles designed to work with high pressure, check at a water pressure of at least 2 MPa; make sure that the air pressure when checking the steam-mechanical nozzles corresponds to the pressure of the steam used for spraying; the quality of atomization when checking the nozzles on the stand, determine visually - the cone of atomized water should have a finely dispersed structure without individual drops visible to the eye, continuous jets and easily distinguishable places of condensation (bands); check the opening angle of the cone for the set of nozzles installed on the boiler (should not deviate by more than ±5° from the factory normal); when checking on the stand, pay attention to the tightness of the fit of the individual elements of the nozzle and its barrel (nozzles with loose connections of individual elements are not allowed to be installed on the boiler); check the difference in the nominal output of individual nozzles in the set, which should not exceed 1.5%; each boiler must be provided with a spare set of nozzles. 2.1.7. All burners of the boiler must be equipped with ignition protection devices controlled remotely and locally. It shall be possible to use a manual igniter. 2.1.8. Inspect the furnace, convective heating surfaces of the boiler and heat exchangers. Through the manholes and hatches, make sure that the burners and pipes of the heating surfaces of the boiler are in a normal external condition. Make sure there are no foreign objects or debris on landings. 2.1.9. Check the closing of the valves on the supply steam pipes of the boiler, including those for blowing off the nozzles. 2.1.10. Make sure that: shut-off and control valves are closed on the lines for supplying fuel oil to the boiler, recirculation, to the drain collector and shut-off valves in front of each fuel oil nozzle; disconnection of the fuel oil pipeline of the boiler with plugs; closing shut-off and control valves on the gas pipeline to the boiler and shut-off valves on the gas supply to the burners, shutting off the gas pipeline with plugs, closing valves to the igniters. 2.1.11. Give an application for the assembly of the electrical circuit of the electric motors of the mechanisms and remote control fittings and gates. 2.1.12. Submit an application for supplying voltage to instrumentation, protection, blocking and signaling. 2.1.13. Check the serviceability of measuring instruments, interlocks, protections and remote control of valves. 2.1.14. If the plugs on the fuel lines are not installed, check the operation of protection, interlocks and valve control without opening the valve in front of the handfuls (injectors). 2.1.15. Ventilate the furnace and gas ducts of the boiler by turning on the smoke exhauster, the gas recirculation exhaust fan (DRG) and the fan; ventilation should last at least 10 minutes with a total air flow to the boiler of at least 25% of the nominal. 2.1.16. Before starting the boiler kindling, all fittings in the water path of the boiler and heat exchangers, both in the loop and in the network water, must be closed. To fill the boiler with loop water, open: valves K-9 and K-10 on the water supply pipeline from the deaerators of the boiler tanks, or from the water treatment of hot water boilers (Fig. 1), valves K-19 and K-21 on the suction side of the heating pumps of the closed circuit (NPZK); valve K-12 on the bypass of closed circuit pumps (NCP); valve-K-1 on the pipeline for the inlet of contour water to the boiler: all air vents on the boiler. Rice. 1. Thermal scheme of the boiler with an external heat exchanger:
    1 - water heat exchanger; 2 - closed circuit pump; 3 - pump for feeding a closed circuit: 4 - pump for pumping out of the drain tank; 5 - tank drain from the boiler and periodic purge; 6 - expander for drainage and periodic blowdown;
    - boiler contour water;
    - contour of the heating network;
    - periodic purge;
    - continuous purging of the circuit;
    - air vent;
    - valve;
    - gate valve with electric drive;
    - flange connection;
    - control valve;
    - flow washer;
    - transition
    2.1.17. Turn on the NPZK: open the valve K-20 on the discharge side of the pump; turn on the reserve NPZK, open the K-22 valve on the discharge side of the reserve pump and put it on the AVR; after checking the operation of the backup pump, stop it and leave it on the ATS. 2.1.18. Open the periodic blowdown of the boiler, for which: open the manual valve and the control valve P-1 on the pipeline for the periodic blowdown of the boiler; turn on the drain and intermittent blowdown expander and the drain tank pump by opening the appropriate manual shut-off valve for the drain tank pump; in the absence of a plant for the treatment of industrial condensates, direct the periodic blowdown of the boiler into the wastewater collection tank by opening the appropriate manual valve; supply the boiler blowdown water cooled in the tank with a temperature not exceeding 30°C to the TLU. 2.1.19. Fill the boiler with make-up water, after the appearance of water in the air vents, close them. 2.1.20. Fill the heat exchangers and their bypass with loop water, for which: open the bypass valve K-2 on the loop water pipeline at the outlet from the boiler to the heat exchangers; open all air vents on the heat exchangers; open the bypass valves K-3, K-5 and K-7 on the pipelines for supplying loop water to the heat exchangers; finish filling the heat exchangers after the appearance of water from all air vents and the equality of the water temperature at the inlet and outlet of each heat exchanger; close all air vents on the heat exchanger housings; open the control valve B-2 and the manual valves on the heat exchanger bypass piping. 2.1.21. The heating rate of heat exchangers should not exceed 60°C per hour for heat exchangers installed in heated rooms, and 30°C per hour (OST 26-291-87) in unheated rooms or outdoors. 2.1.22. After increasing the temperature of the loop water in the heat exchangers to almost the temperature of the return network water (D t not more than 40°C), fill the pipe space of the heat exchangers with heating water, for which open the bypasses of valves C-1, C-2, C-4, C-6, C-8, as well as valves C-3, C-5 and C -7; close the vents when water appears. 2.1.23. Inspect the boiler, make sure that there are no leaks in the elements of the boiler and heat exchangers. 2.1.24. Close all openings and inspection hatches. 2.1.25. When firing up and operating the boiler on fuel oil, prepare the boiler fuel oil pipelines for filling, in this case: Check the fuel oil pressure in the common fuel oil pipeline of the boiler room - it must be at least 2 MPa (20 kgf / cm 2). Check that all valves are closed and that all plugs are present on the steam supply line to the boiler oil pipe and on the line to the drain collector (Fig. 2).
    Rice. 2. Scheme of steam and oil pipelines of the KVGM-180 boiler: - shut-off valve;- check valve;- shut-off valve with electric drive;- flow washer;- interflange plug;- manometer;- oil pipeline;- fuel oil recirculation pipeline:- drainage pipeline:- steam pipeline Set the fuel selection key to the "Mazut" position: assemble the steam supply circuit for fuel oil spraying, for which: - install the nozzles and pull them out of the loopholes; - remove the plugs on the supply and recirculation fuel oil pipelines of the boiler, as well as on the common supply pipeline for supplying steam to the nozzles; open the valve M on the fuel oil supply to the boiler, the slam-shut valve, the MP valve and the manual valve on the fuel oil recirculation line (see Fig. 2). Open the fuel oil supply valve to the boiler from one pressure fuel oil pipeline, by opening the RKM fittings, put the boiler fuel oil pipeline into circulation, warm it up, make sure that the fittings are tight in front of the nozzles, that there are no fuel oil leaks through glands, flange connections, etc .; The fuel oil supplied to the fuel oil pipeline must be carefully filtered. Make sure that the oil temperature in the fuel oil pipe upstream of the boiler is between 120-135°C. Connect the steam and oil nozzles. Drain and pressurize the steam line to the oil burners. The steam pressure in front of the burners should be 0.8 MPa (8 kgf / cm 2). 2.1.26. When kindling the boiler on gas, prepare the gas pipeline (Fig. 3) of the boiler for filling with gas, for which: Rice. 3. Scheme of gas pipelines of the KVGM-180 boiler: - valve, gate valve;- shut-off valve with electric drive;- control valve with electric drive;- safety shut-off valve;- sampler;- flow washer;- interflange plug;- gas pipeline;- gas pipeline to igniters;- purge line
    Note . On newly commissioned boilers, in front of each burner, the installation of a shut-off valve and a shut-off device with an electric drive must be provided. Set the fuel selection key to the "Gas" position. Check for a plug on the compressed air or inert gas inlet. Close the gas supply valves to the burners (1G-1 - 6G-1 and 1G-2 - 6G-2): open the valves of the purge candles (SP-1 - SP-4) and safety plugs (1SB - 6SB), a safety shut-off valve (PZK), a control valve (RKG). Make sure the valve 1G is closed. Turn on the pressure gauge and gas flow meter. Check the excess gas pressure in the common gas pipeline of the boiler room, the gas pressure in front of the burners should not be lower than 0.01-0.15 MPa (0.1-0.15 kgf / cm 2). Remove the plugs on the gas pipeline of the boiler and to the igniters. By opening valves 1P and 1GZ, fill the gas pipelines with gas for 10-15 minutes. The end of the purge is determined by the analysis or combustion of the samples taken, while the oxygen content in the gas should not exceed 1%, and the combustion of the gas should occur quietly, without pops; Close all purge plug valves. Inspect the gas pipelines and make sure (by ear, smell and gas analyzers) that there are no gas leaks. Do not check for gas leaks with an open flame. 2.1.27. Fire up the boiler and control the fire-up process both from the control panel and directly at the burners. 2.1.28. After complete heating of all heat exchangers, i.e. if the water temperatures at the inlet and outlet are equal, open the valves K-4, K-6 and K-8 on the pipelines for the outlet of the loop water from the heat exchangers; turn on the NPC, for which: open valves K-13 and K-15 on the suction side of the NPC; open valves K-14 and K-16 on the discharge side of the NPC; test the operation of the ATS of the backup pump and leave it on the ATS; close valve K-12. 2.1.29. Open the valve K-2 on the pipeline for the outlet of the contour water from the boiler and close its bypass: open valves K-3, K-5 and K-7 on the pipelines for supplying contour water to the heat exchangers and close their bypasses; close control valve B-2 on the heat exchanger bypass pipe. 2.1.30. Open valves C-1, C-2, C-4, C-6 and C-8 on the network water pipelines to the heat exchangers and close their bypasses. 2.1.31. To maintain a constant maximum allowable pressure of the loop water on the suction side of the NCCP, open the manual valve and turn on the automatic control valve B-1 on the NCCP bypass. 2.1.32. Compare blowdown water consumption with make-up water consumption; if the make-up water flow is greater than the blowdown water, then there are leaks in the boiler path, if less, you should make sure that the individual flow meters are reading correctly.

    2.2. Boiler firing on fuel oil

    2.2.1. Control the western device from the switchboard or locally near the burners. 2.2.2. Set the total air pressure to 200-300 Pa (20-30 kgf / m 2), keep the vacuum at the top of the furnace equal to 20-30 Pa (2-3 kgf / m 2). 2.2.3. Set the "Protection" key to the "Ignition" position, this will turn on the protection against: lowering the water pressure behind the boiler; increasing water pressure behind the boiler; increasing the temperature of the water behind the boiler; shutdown of the blower fan, smoke exhauster; power failure on remote and automatic control devices and all measuring instruments . 2.2.4. Open the valve on the fuel oil pipeline in front of the burner to be ignited with a manual (when kindling in place) or with an electric drive (when kindling from a switchboard). 2.2.5. Apply steam to spray fuel oil, set the pressure in front of the nozzles to 0.2-0.25 MPa (2-2.5 kgf / cm 2). 2.2.6. Turn on the ignition device of one of the burners of the lower tier, make sure visually that its torch is ignited and burns steadily. 2.2.7. Open the valve with electric (when kindling from the switchboard) or manually (when kindling on site) drive in front of the nozzle to be kindled. The oil should ignite immediately. 2.2.8. Control the rarefaction in the furnace, maintaining it at the level of 30-50 Pa (3-5 kgf / m 2). 2.2.9. Watch the combustion process: the torch should be straw-colored, smokeless, stable, without dark stripes and luminous "stars"; pull it up to the mouth of the loophole by reducing the air supply. 2.2.10. By influencing the supply of fuel oil and air, adjust the combustion mode. 2.2.11. Subsequent burners, first lower, then upper, kindle in the same order using Western devices. 2.2.12. Turn off the ignition devices of the operating burners after the combustion in the furnace becomes stable. 2.2.13. Close the electric gate valve MP. 2.2.14. Set the control valve to the appropriate oil pressure upstream of the nozzles. 2.2.15. If fuel oil does not ignite in the first kindling burner during ignition, immediately shut off its supply to the boiler, turn off the ignition device and ventilate the burners, furnace and gas ducts for at least 10 minutes at an air flow rate of at least 25% of the nominal. After eliminating the cause of non-ignition, proceed with re-ignition. 2.2.16. If one burner does not ignite or goes out during the firing up of the boiler (with the others working), turn off the fuel oil supply to this burner, turn off its igniter, eliminate the cause of the burner extinguishing and, after blowing it with air, proceed to re-ignite. 2.2.17. In case of complete extinction of the torch in the furnace, immediately stop the supply of fuel oil to the boiler and turn off all ignition devices. Only after eliminating the causes of extinction and performing the operations of paragraph 2.1.15, you can start kindling. 2.2.18. At the end of the operations for kindling the boiler, set the "Protection" key to the "Enabled" position, this will turn on the protection against: extinction of the torch in the furnace; lowering the oil pressure downstream of the control valve. 2.2.19. After the boiler is fired up and when the iron content in the closed circuit drops to the values ​​specified in Sec. 5, close the periodic blowdown of the boiler.

    2.3. Gas fired boiler

    2.3.1. After performing the operations according to paragraph 2.1.26, start firing up the boiler. 2.3.2. Control the ignition devices from the control panel or directly on site. 2.3.3. Set the "Protection" key to the "Ignition" position, and the protections listed in paragraph 2.2.3 will turn on. 2.3.4. Set the air pressure at 200-300 Pa (20-30 kgf/m2). 2.3.5. Open the first valve on the gas pipeline in front of the burner being ignited, as well as the valve on the gas pipeline to the ignition device. Close the valve on the safety plug of this burner. 2.3.6. Turn on the ignition device of one of the burners of the lower tier, make sure visually that the igniter torch is ignited and burns steadily. 2.3.7. Open the second valve in the gas flow in front of the burner to be ignited. The gas should ignite immediately. By influencing the supply of gas and air, adjust the combustion process. 2.3.8. Subsequent burners (first lower, then upper) kindle as the first one. 2.3.9. After achieving stable combustion in the furnace, extinguish the ignition devices of the operating burners. Close the valves on the safety spark plug (SB). 2.3.10. Set the required gas pressure in front of the nozzles with the control valve and turn it on to the machine. 2.3.11. If the gas does not ignite in any burner from the group being ignited during the ignition process, immediately shut off its supply to the boiler, turn off the ignition device and ventilate the burners, furnace, boiler flues for at least 10 minutes at an air flow rate of at least 25% of the nominal. After eliminating the causes of non-ignition, proceed with re-ignition. 2.3.12. If during the kindling process the burner does not light up or goes out (when the burners of the kindling group are operating), turn off the gas supply to this burner, turn off the ignition device, eliminate the cause of non-ignition or extinction and, having blown the burner with air, proceed to re-ignite it. 2.3.13. In case of complete extinction of the torch in the furnace, immediately stop the gas supply to the boiler, turn off all the protection devices. Only after eliminating the causes of extinction and performing the operations of paragraph 2.1.15, proceed to re-ignite. 2.3.14. At the end of the operations for kindling the boiler, set the "Protection" key to the "On" position, while the protection against the extinction of the common flame in the furnace is additionally turned on; decrease in gas pressure behind the control valve. 2.3.15. After the boiler is fired up and when the iron content in the closed circuit drops to the values ​​specified in Sec. 5, close the periodic blowdown of the boiler.


    3.1. Converting the boiler from fuel oil to gas

    3.1.1. When switching the boiler from fuel oil to gas, perform the following operations: check the operation of the shut-off valve and the operability of technological protections and gas interlocks with an impact on the actuators or on the signal in a volume that does not interfere with the operation of the boiler; prepare and fill the gas pipeline of the boiler with gas (see paragraph 2.1.26); apply gas and light one of the lower burners (see paragraphs 2.3.2; 2.3.4; 2.3.5 and 2.3.7); after ignition of the gas, close the valves on the fuel oil pipeline to the nozzle of this burner; make sure the torch burns steadily; blow the nozzle with a pen, slide it out of the burner and remove it. 3.1.2. Change the rest of the burners from oil to gas in the same way. 3.1.3. Transfer the steam and oil pipelines of the boiler to reserve. 3.1.4. After switching all operating burners from oil to gas, set the fuel selection key to the "Gas" position.

    3.2. Switching the boiler from gas to fuel oil

    3.2.1. When switching the boiler from gas to fuel oil, perform the following operations: prepare and fill the fuel oil pipelines of the boiler with fuel oil (see clause 2.1.25); supply fuel oil to the nozzles (one of the lower ones) and ignite it (see paragraphs 2.2.1; 2.2.3; 2.2.5-2.2.8); close the valves on the gas pipeline in front of the burner; make sure the torch burns steadily; open the burner safety plug valve. 3.2.2. Change the rest of the burners from gas to oil in the same way. 3.2.3. Take the gas pipelines of the boiler to reserve. 3.2.4. After transferring all operating burners from gas to oil, set the fuel selection key to the "Oil" position


    4.1. Do not finish the operation of the boiler without activated technological protections, interlocks, alarms and automatic regulators. 4.2. Keep the boiler operating mode in accordance with the regime map (Appendix 2) according to the indications of control and measuring instruments (KIP). Demand from the CTAI staff on duty to ensure the constant operability and correctness of instrumentation readings. 4.3. Timely detect deviations from the normal operating conditions of the boiler and take prompt measures to eliminate violations of the operation modes of the boiler and auxiliary equipment, acting in accordance with the instructions of Sec. 6 of this Model Instruction. 4.4. During the operation of the boiler, monitor: the combustion mode, the operation of burners and nozzles; the absence of fistulas in the pipes of heating surfaces, collectors of heat exchangers, bypass pipes and loop network pipelines, periodically listening and inspecting them; fuel parameters before the control valve and before the burners; operability of control systems, remote control and auto-regulation, protection, blocking and signaling; density of the gas-air path; water flow in the manhole cooling system; the state of the fittings of the water and fuel paths of the boiler; condition of bricking and isolation; operation of auxiliary equipment; serviceability of working and emergency lighting; the integrity of the communication systems. 4.5. According to the job description, perform a preventive inspection of the boiler of heat exchangers and auxiliary equipment. Record defects found in equipment in the defect log. 4.6. When walking around, inspect all gas pipelines within the boiler, identify gas leaks by sound, feel, smell or by covering possible leaks with soapy water (the appearance of bubbles indicates the location of the leak). If a gas leak occurs, immediately notify the senior driver or shift supervisor and additionally the person responsible for the safe operation of the gas facilities or the shop supervisor. 4.7. The main indicators of the boiler operation with a nominal heat output: The temperature of the contour water at the inlet to the boiler .................................................................. .....110°C Circuit water temperature at the boiler outlet .............................................. 180°С Circuit water pressure at the boiler outlet .............................................. .2.2 MPa (22 kgf / cm 2) Underheating of loop water to boiling .............................. ......................... Not less than 30°C The temperature of the network water at the outlet of the heat exchangers depends on the temperature of the return network water and its flow through the heat exchangers, but should not exceed 150 °C. 4.8. Due to the operation of the control valve B-1 of the NPZK bypass on the machine, maintain the pressure on the suction side of the NPZK, depending on their type, at the level of 1.7-2.0 MPa (17-20 kgf / cm 2). 4.9. Open the continuous blowdown of the closed circuit of the boiler, for which: open the manual valve on the continuous blowdown pipeline and the valves P-2 and P-3; in the absence of a plant for the treatment of industrial condensates, direct the continuous purge of the circuit to the waste water discharge tanks, to do this, close the valve P-3 and open the corresponding manual valve; Cooled in the tanks, the blowdown water of the closed circuit of the boiler with a temperature not exceeding 30°C is supplied to the TLU. 4.10. Put on the automatic control valve B-2, installed on the bypass pipeline of the contour water of the heat exchangers, to maintain the temperature of the contour water at the inlet to the boiler at a level of 110 C. 4.11. Do not allow the temperature difference between the contour water at the inlet to the heat exchangers and the network at the outlet of them to exceed 40°C. In case of excess, reduce the flow of network water through the heat exchangers or the heating capacity of the boiler. The value of the specified temperature difference above 40°C is allowed only if there is a calculation justification reflected in the factory instruction for the operation of heat exchangers. The rate of increase or decrease in the temperature of the loop water in the heat exchangers with changes in the heating capacity of the boiler should not be more than 60 ° C per hour for heat exchangers installed in a heated room, and 30 ° C per hour if they are installed outdoors and should be specified according to the technical documentation for each type heat exchangers. 4.12. The regulation of the boiler heat output in the load range of 30-100% on gas and 45-100% on fuel oil is carried out by changing the fuel pressure in the conditions of operation of the boiler with all burners on. 4.13. To increase the heating capacity of the boiler, first increase the draft, then the air flow, and finally the fuel flow. When reducing heat output, first reduce fuel flow, then air flow and thrust. 4.14. Visually observe the combustion process. 4.15. When burning fuel oil or gas, in order to limit local heat flows in the furnace and reduce harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides in the boiler heat output range of 60-100%, work with the DRG turned on. The permissible degree of opening of the guide vanes of the DRG is determined in the process of operational testing, depending on the use of specific gas recirculation schemes. 4.16. Maintain excess air in flue gases from the boiler at a nominal heat load of at least 1.05-1.1 for gas and 1.1-1.15 for fuel oil. 4.17. When switching on the DRG while the boiler is running, first increase the air pressure to 30 Pa (300 kgf/m2) at the nominal heat output of the boiler, then gradually open the guide vane of the DRG to the recommended value. 4.18. With a noticeable increase in the iron content in the closed circuit of the boiler during its operation, at the direction of the duty personnel of the chemical workshop, open the periodic blowdown of the boiler. 4.19. After reducing the iron content in the boiler to the standards provided for in Sec. 5, close the periodic blowdown of the boiler. 4.20. To assess the condition of the inner surface of the pipes, make cuttings of control samples from undamaged areas in the area: furnace screens at the marks between the burners and above the upper tier; the lower bending coils of the upper convective packs. 4.21. In the case of an increase in the hydraulic resistance of the heat exchanger tubes to the network water at its estimated flow rate of approximately 1.5 times, it is necessary to carry out their individual washing using a mobile high-pressure unit, which is performed by a specialized organization.


    5.1. In a closed circuit, two different water regimes can be applied: alkaline regime with the circuit being fed with turbine condensate at CHPPs of any pressure, feed or make-up water of drum boilers high pressure ; alkaline mode with feeding of the circuit with Na-katnonated water (in the case of the location of the industrial circuit in the boiler room). 5.2. Alkaline mode with feeding of a closed circuit with turbine condensate at CHPPs of any pressure, feed or make-up water of high-pressure drum boilers. 5.2.1. The quality of make-up water of a closed loop must meet the following standards: General hardness, mcg·eq/kg .................................................. No more than 3 Contents of dissolved oxygen, mcg/kg, not more than: when replenishing with feed water ................ 10 when replenishing with condensate or demineralized water .............. .................. 50 (established by energy associations) Content of iron compound, µg/kg........... Not more than 50 Content of oil products, mg/kg ................. Not more than 0.3 Content of hydrazine, mcg/kg ....................... ... Lack of 5.2.2. The water quality of the closed circuit must meet the following standards: General hardness .............................................................. ......... Not more than 10 µg equiv/kg Dissolved oxygen .............. Not more than 50 µg/kg Iron compounds......... .................................................. Not more than 100-150 mcg/kg pH value (at temperature 25°C)............ 9.5-10 5.3. Alkaline mode with replenishment of the closed circuit with Na-cationic water (in case the industrial circuit is located in the boiler room). 5.3.1. The quality of the make-up water of a closed circuit must meet the following standards: General hardness .............................................................. .......... Not more than 50 mcg equiv/kg Total alkalinity .......................... ............... Not more than 5 mcg-eq/kg Content of dissolved oxygen............. Not more than 50 mcg/kg Content of free carbon dioxide.. .............. 0 Amount of suspended solids ....................... Not more than 5 mg/kg Oil content.. ...................... Not more than 0.5 mg/kg Content of iron compound .............. ............. Not more than 100 mcg/kg 5.3.2. The water quality of the closed circuit must meet the following standards: General hardness .............................................................. .......... Not more than 60 µg eq/kg Dissolved oxygen content .............. Not more than 50 µg/kg Iron content ........ .................................................. Not more than 200-250 mcg/kg pH value (at temperature 25°С) .............. 9.5-10 Oil content .............................. ..... Not more than 1 mg/kg 5.4. The purging of the circuit in all water regimes must ensure the maintenance of the water norms of the closed circuit for iron compounds. The total consumption of continuous and periodic purge, based on the conditions for maintaining the pressure of the water in a closed circuit, should not exceed 30 t / h per boiler. 5.5. Direct addition of hydrazine and other toxic substances to the circuit water and make-up water is prohibited. 5.6. Maintaining the required pH values ​​of the water of a closed circuit should be carried out by introducing ammonia or caustic soda. The input of solutions of alkaline reagents is carried out in the make-up water supply pipeline to the suction side of the refinery. 5.7. When commissioning a closed circuit after its installation, hot water boilers with operational deposits on the inner surface in the amount of 500 g / m 2 or more must be subjected to chemical cleaning. Newly commissioned hot water boilers must be alkalized after installation and before commissioning. 5.8. Operational chemical cleaning of heating surfaces should be carried out when their specific contamination with deposits is more than 600 g/m 2 . 5.9. Heat exchanger tubes are made of corrosion-resistant steels.


    6.1. Stopping the boiler in reserve for a period of not more than 3 days. 6.1.1. When shutting down a boiler operating on fuel oil, perform the following operations: thoroughly clean the convective heating surfaces of the boiler; sequentially, starting from the upper ones, turn off the burners by closing the fittings on the fuel oil supply to the nozzles; close the air supply to the off burners; blow the nozzles with steam by opening the valves (1Pr-6Pr); close the steam supply for fuel oil spraying (1P-6P); remove the disabled nozzles from the furnace; close the PZK, RK and shut-off valves on the supply and recirculation fuel oil pipelines of the boiler; visually verify that the flame in the furnace is completely extinguished. 6.1.2. When shutting down a gas-fired boiler, perform the following operations: turn off the burners one by one, starting from the top ones, by closing the fittings on the gas supply to the burners, open the safety candles; close the air supply to the burners that are switched off; close the PZK, RKG and shut-off valves on the gas supply line to the boiler; open the purge candles on the gas pipeline to be switched off; ventilate the furnace, gas ducts and air ducts for at least 10 minutes (see item 2.1.15). 6.1.3. Stop DRG, smoke exhauster and fan, close their guide vanes. 6.1.4. Disable technological protections by setting the "Protection" switch to the "Disabled" position. 6.1.5. After the boiler and heat exchangers are cooled down to a temperature of 10-20°C higher than the temperature of the network water at the inlet to the heat exchangers: turn off the NPC and close the valves K-13 - K-16 on their suction and discharge sides; to ensure the circulation of water in a closed circuit, leave one NPZK in operation; open valve K-12 on the NPC bypass; close the continuous purge of the closed circuit. 6.2. Boiler shutdown for more than 3 days. Disconnect all gas pipelines to the boiler and perform the following operations: clean the fuel oil pipelines of the boiler and the outlets to the burners from fuel oil by blowing them with steam into the drainage pipeline; disconnect the boiler fuel oil pipelines from all fuel oil mains of the boiler room and purge lines with plugs; gas pipelines of the boiler, all outlets to the burners free from gas by blowing with compressed air and disconnect from all lines with plugs; determine the end of the purge by analysis (the residual gas content in the purge air must not exceed 1/5 of the lower flammability limit of natural gas); disconnect the ignition devices with plugs from the pipelines supplying gas to them; when installing heat exchangers outdoors or in an unheated room at a negative outdoor temperature, in order to prevent a decrease in the temperature of the heat exchangers and their associated pipelines when the boiler is stopped, make make-up water flow through the heat exchangers by operating the LPAC through the bypass pipeline of the contour water of the heat exchangers, for which open the bypass of the control valve B -2; close the control valve B-2 and manual valves on the bypass pipeline of the heat exchangers, close the shut-off valve K-2 at the outlet of the circuit water from the boiler and turn off the NPC, turn on the continuous purging of the circuit; at positive ambient temperatures at the places of installation of heat exchangers, stop the NPZK, close valves K-19 and K-20 on its suction and discharge sides; close the manual valve and control valve B-1 on the NPZK bypass; close the manual valve and control valve B-2 on the heat exchanger bypass pipeline; turn off the NPC and close valves K-13 - K-16 on their suction and discharge sides; open the valves of all air vents and boiler drains; after fulfilling the requirements under s. 6.1.5 drain water from the boiler by closing valves K-1 and K-2 at the boiler inlet and outlet; drain the network water from the heat exchangers, for which close the valves С-2 - С-7 at the network water inlet to and from the heat exchangers; open the valves of all drains and air vents of the pipe system of heat exchangers; drain the loop water from the heat exchanger housings, for which close valves K-3 - K-8 at the inlet of the loop water to the heat exchanger housings and the outlet from them and open the valves of all air vents and drains from them; carry out drainage into a drain expander and periodic blowing (see clause 2.1.18); submit an application for disassembly of electrical circuits of electric motors of mechanisms and remote control of fittings and gates; carry out internal inspection, cleaning and repair of the boiler only with written permission (alongside) in compliance with the relevant safety regulations; carry out gas hazardous work in accordance with the Safety Rules in the gas industry. 6.3. When decommissioning the boiler for a period of more than 30 days (summer period) before the conservation of the boiler and heat exchangers, perform an external inspection of the heat exchanger tubes in order to assess their density, for which: turn off the heat exchangers with plugs through the network water, drain them; remove the covers from the housings of all heat exchangers; create a loop water pressure equal to 1.0-1.2 MPa (10-12 kgf / cm 2), by turning on the NPC and, if necessary, the LPC, by adjusting the pressure of the loop water with the control valve B-1; inspect the pipes, in case of damage, restore their tightness, and if this is not possible, plug them; carry out all inspections of heat exchanger tubes at a temperature of contour water not higher than 45°C. 6.4. After installing the covers on the bodies of the heat exchangers, carry out internal preservation of the boiler and heat exchangers by pumping make-up water from the deaerator tanks through the boiler and the closed circuit; turn off the NPZK and NZK and open the valves K-11 and K-12 on their bypasses; discharge make-up water through the continuous blowdown pipeline into the drain expander and the periodic blowdown pipeline with its subsequent supply to the plant for the treatment of industrial condensates or to the TLU; carry out pumping of water during the entire shutdown time of the boiler. 6.5. Internal preservation of the boiler and heat exchangers installed in heating boiler rooms should be carried out with a sodium silicate solution in accordance with the regulations in force. Guidelines on conservation of thermal power equipment.


    7.1. In case of violations in the operation of the equipment: carefully check the performance indicators and, based on the readings of the instruments and external signs, form an idea of ​​a violation of the regime; inform the shift supervisor of the CTC or power plant about the incident; establish the nature and location of damage; turn on the backup and turn off the damaged equipment; make sure of normal operation backup equipment; take measures to restore damaged equipment. 7.2. In the event of an accident, immediately provide medical assistance to the injured person in accordance with the regulations in force. Organize a call for medical personnel and notify the shift supervisor of the CTC and power plant about the incident. 7.3. Register in the operational log the available data on the accident, indicating the beginning, the nature of the flow and the actions of the personnel to eliminate it, as well as the time of individual events (turning on and off the equipment, actuation of interlocks, protection and alarms). 7.4. The boiler must be immediately stopped by the protections (see clause 9.3 of this Standard Instruction) or directly by the personnel in the event of: failure of the loop water flow meter, if this causes violations of the regime requiring power adjustment; shutdown of the NPC and failure to turn on the backup pump by ATS; shutdown of the refinery and failure to turn on the backup pump by ATS; increasing the pressure of the loop water at the outlet of the boiler to 2.6 MPa (26 kgf / cm 2) or lowering it at its indicated temperatures to a value lower than those given in the table. Note . The circuit water pressure must be higher than the supply water pressure. The pressure values ​​of the contour water in the table are given taking into account its subcooling to the saturation temperature at 30°C. rupture of pipes of heating surfaces of the boiler, collectors and pipelines at the appropriate pressure; detection of cracks, swelling, omissions or sweating in welds, leaks in the main elements of heat exchangers; extinction of the torch in the furnace; unacceptable decrease in gas or fuel oil pressure downstream of the control valve; shutdown of the smoke exhauster or blower fan; explosion in the furnace, flue, destruction of brickwork, other damage that threatens personnel and equipment; fires that pose a danger to personnel, equipment and remote control circuits of the disconnecting, fittings included in the protection circuit; increasing the temperature of the loop water at the outlet of the boiler up to 190°C; power failure at remote and automatic control devices or all instrumentation; rupture of the fuel oil or gas pipeline within the boiler. 7.5. In case of emergency shutdown of the boiler: close valves C-1 and C-8 on the return and direct pipelines of network water and open their bypasses; close valves K-3, K-5 and K-7 on the loop water supply to the heat exchangers and open their bypasses; remove the NZK from the ATS; stop the NPC and close the valves on the suction and discharge sides, close the P-2 valve on the continuous blowdown pipeline of the circuit; open valve K-12 on the NPC bypass; in case of an emergency shutdown of the NPZK, additionally open the K-11 valve on their bypass. 7.6. The boiler must also be stopped by order of the management in case of: fistulas are detected in the heating surfaces, collectors, pipelines, leaks and vapors appear in the fittings and flange connections of the boiler, as well as in the flanges of the heat exchanger housings; malfunctions of individual protections or remote and automatic control devices, as well as instrumentation. The shutdown time of the boiler in these cases is determined by the chief engineer of the power plant or the head of the boiler house.


    8.1. Basic instructions for safety, explosion and fire safety should be reflected in local instructions drawn up in accordance with the guidance documents listed in clause 1.7 of this Model Instruction. 8.2. Safety requirements for servicing heat exchangers are given in the instructions for their installation and operation, issued by the heat exchanger manufacturer, on the basis of which, depending on the type of heat exchangers, a local instruction is developed.


    To control the operation of the boiler, the following instrumentation must be installed: a registering and indicating flow meter for measuring the flow rate of contour water through the boiler; registering flow meter for measuring the flow of network water through heat exchangers; a recording flow meter for measuring the flow rate of a continuous purge of a closed circuit; indicating flow meter for measuring the flow rate of periodic blowdown of the boiler; registering flow meter for measuring the flow rate of make-up water of the circuit; indicating pressure gauge for measuring water pressure in front of the boiler (behind the NPC); registering and indicating pressure gauge for measuring water pressure behind the boiler; indicating pressure gauge for measuring water pressure in front of NPC; indicating pressure gauge for measuring water pressure in front of the make-up pump; indicating manometer for measuring the pressure of the return network water; indicating pressure gauge for measuring the pressure of the loop water in the heat exchanger housings; indicating instruments for measuring pressure drops in network water at the inlet to and outlet of each heat exchanger; registering and indicating device for measuring the temperature of the contour water in front of the boiler; recording and indicating device for measuring the temperature of the loop water behind the boiler; indicating device for measuring the temperature of the return network water; a recording device for measuring the temperature of direct network water; a recording device for measuring the temperature of the loop water at the inlet to each heat exchanger; a recording device for measuring the temperature of the contour water at the outlet of each heat exchanger; a recording device for measuring the temperature of network water at the outlet of the outlet heat exchangers; registering and indicating device for measuring gas flow; indicating pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure behind the control valve; registering and indicating pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure in the gas pipeline to the boiler; registering and indicating flow meter for measuring fuel oil consumption to the boiler; indicating pressure gauge for measuring the pressure of fuel oil behind the control valve; registering and indicating pressure gauge for measuring fuel oil pressure in the fuel oil pipeline to the boiler; indicating steam pressure gauge for fuel oil spray; registering flow meter for measuring fuel oil consumption for recirculation; indicating device for measuring the temperature of fuel oil in front of the burners; a recording device for flue gas temperature measurement; indicating devices for measuring the temperature of flue gases along the width of the convective packs (through a switch); indicating device for measuring air pressure behind the blower fan; a recording device for measuring the temperature of bearings of draft machines; oxygen meters (left and right); devices for measuring the transparency of flue gases (right to left); indicating device for measuring vacuum at the top of the furnace. The following should be installed locally: pressure gauges on the gas supply lines for each burner; pressure gauges on the fuel oil supply lines for each burner; sawing steam manometers for each burner; thrust-pressure meters on the central and peripheral air channels for each burner; pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure behind the control valve; manometer, for measuring the pressure of fuel oil behind the control valve.

    9.2. Boiler automatic control system

    The system includes the following regulators: main; fuel; general air; rarefaction at the top of the furnace; circuit water pressure on the suction side of the NPC; circuit water temperature in front of the boiler.

    9.3. Technological protections

    The values ​​of the protection response time are determined by the manufacturer of the boiler equipment and the current instructions. The equipment switched off by the protections, after the elimination of the reasons for the operation, is put into operation by the duty personnel. On boilers using two types of fuel, a switch is installed for input and output of protections, which has separate positions for each type of fuel. Boiler shutdown is protected by: extinguishing of the torch in the furnace; lowering the gas pressure behind the control valve; lowering the fuel oil pressure behind the control valve with a time delay of up to 20 s; turning off the smoke exhauster; turning off the fan; failure of the loop water flow meter, if in this case a violation of the regime occurs, requiring re-adjustment of the power supply; shutdown of the NPC and failure to turn on the backup pump by ATS; shutdown of the refinery and failure to turn on the backup pump by ATS; increasing the pressure of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler up to 2.6 MPa (26 kgf / cm 2); increase in the temperature of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler up to 190°C. Protection to reduce the undercooling of the loop water below 30°C is introduced if there is a device for setting the set point by the difference between the actual temperature of the loop water and the saturation temperature of the corresponding pressure of the loop water at the boiler outlet (see Table 7.4) and is performed instead of the pressure reduction protection . For previously designed boilers where such protection is not installed, protection is set to reduce the pressure of the loop water at the outlet of the boiler with a setting of 1.9 MPa (19 kgf / cm 2) and a time delay of 10 s. Tolerances for the values ​​of protection settings depend on the class of devices, the supply of which is determined by the design organization.

    9.4. Local defenses

    9.4.1. In case of non-ignition or breakdown of the burner flame, the oil burner or gas burner is turned off, as well as the ignition device by closing the electrified fittings in front of the burner. 9.4.2. If after 10 s the torch of the switched on igniter does not appear or goes out, then it is switched off by gas and electric spark.

    9.5. Locks

    9.5.1. When the smoke exhauster is turned off, the boiler is stopped, the valve on the gas supply to the igniter is closed, the electric spark, the blower fan and the DRG are turned off. 9.5.2. When the guide apparatus of the smoke exhauster (fan) is fully opened and its electric motor is running at the first speed by blocking it, the electric motor switches to the second speed with a time delay of up to 3 s. 9.5.3. The electric motor of the smoke exhauster or fan does not turn on if the guide vane is not completely closed. 9.5.4. The fan does not turn on if the exhauster is not turned on. 9.5.5. When the fan is turned off, its guide vane is closed. 9.5.6. The valve on the gas pipeline to the boiler does not open if at least one of the electric valves for each burner is not closed.

    9.6. Process signaling

    Signals of deviation of the main parameters from the set values ​​should be sent to the control panel of the boiler, causing the inclusion of light panels and an audible signal: boiler shutdown; extinction of the torch in the furnace; decrease or increase in fuel pressure behind the control valve; change in vacuum at the top of the furnace; increase in water temperature at the outlet of the boiler; increase in the allowable temperature difference between the contour and network water in heat exchangers; decrease or increase in water pressure at the outlet of the boiler; reduced consumption of contour water through the boiler; shutdown of the smoke exhauster; shutdown of the blower fan; shutdown of the recirculation smoke exhauster; shutdown of burners; loss of voltage in protection circuits.

    Annex 1


    Gas-oil hot water boiler KVGM-180-150 is installed at the CHPP. The boiler is a direct-flow, T-shaped layout, designed for burning gas and fuel oil. The front and rear screens are made of pipes 60x4 with a pitch of 64 mm. Intermediate screens separating the furnace and convective gas ducts are made gas-tight from pipes of the same diameter, pitch - 80 mm. In the lower part of the firebox, the front and rear screens form the slopes of the hearth. The top of the combustion chamber is closed with ceiling panels that pass into the side screens of the downcomer gas ducts. The ceiling and side screens of the convection shafts are made of pipes with a diameter of 38x4 with a pitch of 42 mm. Collectors inside the boiler are accepted with a diameter of 273x14 mm; the material of the heated pipes of the heating surfaces, collectors and bypass pipelines is steel 20. In the latest modifications of the boiler, all combustion screens are gas-tight. The design of ceiling and side screens in convective gas ducts has also been changed, which are now made of 60x4 mm pipes. The strength of the combustion chamber is provided by stiffening belts. Sheathing consists of sheet carbon steel. The firebox with the help of special rods is suspended from the ceiling frame of the frame. In the first samples of the boiler, the combustion chamber is equipped with six vortex gas burners, which are located on the side screens of the firebox in two tiers opposite, with triangles with the top up. Steam-mechanical nozzles equipped with a movement mechanism are inserted into them. Each burner is equipped with an ignition-protective device. Subsequently, the manufacturer produced boilers KVGM-180-150 with twelve direct-flow burners placed in the furnace according to the MPEI scheme, as well as six and eight vortex burners on the side screens of the furnace, respectively, in three and two tiers in height. In subsequent modifications of the boiler (model KVGM-180-150-2M), to organize the combustion process on the front and rear walls in the corners of the furnace, eight direct-flow gas-oil burners are installed, placed in two tiers with a tangential direction to an imaginary circle in the center. Burners of the lower tier are kindling. Each burner is equipped with an ignition protection device (IPD). The convective heating surfaces are located in two drop shafts with fully screened walls. Enclosing surfaces of gas ducts are: side screens of the firebox; side panels of gas ducts; front and rear walls of gas ducts. The front and rear walls of the convection shaft are made of pipes with a diameter of 95x5 (steel 20) with a pitch of 136 mm. A fin 40 mm wide is welded in between the pipes to ensure tightness. The pipes of the front and rear walls of the convection shaft serve as collectors U-shaped coils made of pipes 32x3 mm (steel 20). The location of the pipes in the downcomer duct - chess with a step S 1 = 68 and S 2 = 60 mm. lower collectors of the right side screen of the furnace, the right side screen of the convection shaft and the ceiling screen, from which water enters the front and rear panels (risers), into the upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the right downcomer flue. From their lower collectors, water enters the left half of the lower collectors of the front and rear screens of the furnace, into the lower collectors of the left side screen of the furnace, as well as the left side screen of the convection shaft and the ceiling screen. From the specified heating surfaces and from the left half of the front and rear screens of the furnace, water is supplied through bypass pipes to the front and rear panels (risers), to the upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the left downcomer gas duct, from which it enters the common outlet chamber.
    Rice. P1.1. Hydraulic diagram of the hot water boiler KVGM-180-150 (main mode):
    1 - front screen of the furnace; 2 - rear screen of the firebox; 3 - right side screen of the furnace; 4 - the right side screen of the convection shaft and the ceiling screen; 5 - front panel (risers); upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the right downcomer gas duct; 6 - rear panel (risers); upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the right downcomer gas duct; 7 - left side screen of the firebox; 8 - left side screen of the convection shaft and ceiling screen; 9 - front panel (risers); upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the left downcomer; 10 - rear panel (risers); upper, middle and lower convective half-sections of the left downcomer; 11 - inlet chamber of the boiler; 12 - outlet chamber of the boiler; Cleaning of heating surfaces When the boiler is operating on fuel oil, shot cleaning is provided to clean the convective heating surfaces from external deposits. Transportation of shots with a size of 3-5 mm is carried out using an air injector. In the scheme of the installation, an avalanche discharge of shot is adopted, which provides more efficient cleaning of pipes. In order to prevent shots from being thrown into the furnace, the height of the "threshold" from the top row of the convective package is about 1500 mm. To eliminate the drift of shots, a protective grate is mounted in the outlet gas duct. Instead of a shot blasting plant, it is recommended to use gas-pulse cleaning. Boiler lining The boiler lining consists of insulating and reinforcing materials, an asbestos part applied by spraying, polymer coated. The lining thickness is 110-130 mm. The collectors on the side of the gas ducts are protected with fireclay concrete: the outer part is covered with asbestos insulation. Air intake can be carried out both from the room and from the street. To heat the air to positive temperatures after the draft fan, the installation of water heaters KVV-12P is provided. The draft is organized by a smoke exhauster DN-24x2-0.62 GM. The recirculation of flue gases taken before the last convective package and supplied to the air duct behind the draft fan is created by the VDN-21 recirculation smoke exhauster. In subsequent modifications of the boiler, it is equipped with a VDN-26 fan, KVB-12B-PU-3 water heaters and a VGDN-17 gas recirculation smoke exhauster. Design data and design characteristics of the KVGM-180-150 hot water boiler Nominal heat output, MW (Gcal / h). .............................. 209(180) Water pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2), calculated ..... ................................................. 2, 5(25) Water temperature, °С: at the inlet .............................................. ................................................. ...................... 110 output ......................... ................................................. .................................. 180 Water consumption, t/h........... ................................................. ................................... 2500 Minimum hydraulic resistance of the tract, MPa (kgf / cm 2).. ...... 0.3(3) Range of regulation of heat output, % of nominal....... 30-100 Overall dimensions, mm: width................ . ................................................. .................................................. 14400 depth........ ................................................. ................................................. 7300 height................................................. ................................................. .......... 29880 Note . The indicators of the main version of the boiler are given. The design characteristics of water-to-water heat exchangers are not given in this section, since heat exchangers are ordered by the design organization at various manufacturing plants. Their data are reflected in the factory operating instructions for each type of heat exchanger.

    Annex 2


    Operating mode: main Fuel: gas, fuel oil


    Heat output, % nominal

    Water pressure at the outlet of the boiler, MPa (kgf / cm 2) Water temperature at the boiler inlet, °C The temperature of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler (at the inlet to the heat exchangers), ° С Return network water temperature, °C Temperature of direct network water. °C The temperature difference between the contour water at the inlet to the heat exchangers and the network at their outlet, °С Circuit water consumption, t/h Network water consumption, t/h Hydraulic resistance of heat exchangers for network water, MPa (kgf / cm 2) Number of working burners, pcs. Fuel consumption: m 3 / h kg/h Fuel pressure behind the control valve, MPa (kgf / cm 2) Fuel pressure in front of the burners, MPa (kgf / cm 2) Air pressure behind the fan, kPa (kgf / cm 2) Air pressure in front of the burners, kPa (kgf / cm 2) Steam pressure for fuel oil spray, MPa (kgf / cm 2) oil temperature. °С Vacuum at the top of the furnace, Pa (kgf / m 2) Oxygen content in the regime section, % Flue gas temperature, °С efficiency boiler gross, % Specific emissions of nitrogen oxides, g/m 3 The degree of opening of the guide apparatus DRG, % Note . Regime card issued as of ______

    Heating water heating boilers with thermal power from 9 to 50 kW

    (KV - 200, KV - 300, KV - 400, KV - 600, KV - 1000)

    Technical description.

    Installation and operating instructions


    1. Purpose and mode of operation.

    1.1. designed for water heating of residential and industrial premises, garages, greenhouses, as well as hot water supply.

    1.2. The boiler can be used in non-electrically organized areas, because. does not require electrical appliances and email. engines

    1.3. Designed to work around the clock

    1.4. Attention. The boiler operates with high efficiency up to 80% and is safe only when open system heating, i.e. with an open-type expansion tank according to the thermostat principle! The expansion tank is also a safety device in case of sudden boiling of water in the boiler, be careful!

    1.5. When installing and operating the boiler, operational documents are additionally issued

    2. Technical data.


    The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room (m 2) at a height of 2.7

    Thermal power kW

    Nominal heating capacity Cal/h

    Efficiency, not less than %

    Exit to the operating mode, min.

    Consumption of the main fuel (firewood), per bookmark (m 3)

    Overall dimensions, not more than (mm)

    Weight without water, not more than (kg)

    Chimney diameter, dy mm

    Firebox door diameter,(mm)

    The total volume of the furnace, (m 3)

    The volume of water in the hot water furnace, (l)

    Scheduled maintenance No. 1 (TO -1)

    1. Perform ECT operations.

    2. Clean the smoke path from carbon deposits and soot.

    3. Clean the internal surfaces of the boiler from carbon deposits, remove the ash

    Cleaning percentage 80 - 100%

    Ash removal 100%

    Scheduled maintenance No. 2 (TO -2)

    1. Perform operations TO-1

    2. Remove and clean the chimney from carbon deposits.

    3. Clean the oven from dirt and dust and restore damaged paintwork.

    4. Carry out the replacement of the instrumentation at the FMC checked by the laboratory.

    5. Carry out preventive maintenance of electrical equipment (electric boilers, electric pump)

    Cleaning percentage 80-100%

    Cleaning percentage 80-100%

    Instruments must bear the label of the laboratory.

    9. Packing and transportation.

    9.1. The boiler is delivered without packaging

    9.2. Operational and shipping documentation is handed over to the buyer

    9.3. Safety devices are packed in a box and handed out.

    9.4. The boiler can be transported by any means of transport, but the chosen mode of transport must not cause malfunctions.

    10. Storage rules.

    Boiler storage is part of maintenance. Proper storage ensures the safety of the boiler.

    10.1. When storing TO-2:

    Carry out maintenance of TO-2;

    Clean damaged surfaces, degrease and paint;

    Dry the interior of the boiler warm air, remove moisture;

    Do not allow vapors of acids, alkalis and high humidity into the room.

    Seal the boiler by tightly closing the door, regulators, put plugs on all pipes.

    8. Maintenance.

    During operation on the internal surfaces of the boiler washed with water, scale is formed, and on the surface from the side of the flue gases soot and soot. A layer of scale and soot reduces heating output and causes excessive fuel consumption.

    When operating the boiler, it is provided:

    Daily maintenance (DTO);

    Scheduled maintenance No. 1 (TO -1), performed after 240 hours of operation;

    Scheduled maintenance No. 2 (TO -2), performed after 1440 hours of operation;

    The list of works performed for each type of maintenance is given in Table No. 3.

    Table #3

    Technical requirements

    1. Before starting work, you must:

    Check the condition of external fasteners and connections;

    Tightness of the furnace door, tighten if necessary

    relaxation is not allowed

    Check for the presence of condensate in the sump of the T-bend of the chimney, drain it

    condensation is not allowed

    Check the presence of water in the expansion tank, if it is absent, find the cause of the leak and add water to the expansion tank

    Operation of the boiler without water in the expansion tank is prohibited.

    Check for faulty instrumentation (pressure gauge, thermometer)

    Operation with faulty PB is prohibited

    Outlet temperature without pump (0 C)

    Same with the outlet pump.

    The number of bookmarks of firewood per day when operating in the gas generation mode (times)

    Firewood consumption per month (m 3) in gas generation mode

    Approximate consumption of firewood for heating season 7 months in gas generation mode

    Note: The main parameters of the boilers are ensured when using the main type of fuel (wood) with a low calorific value of 2500 Kcal/h.

    3. The device and principle of operation of the boiler.


    The hot water boiler KV (Fig. 1.) consists of: a combustion chamber (furnace) - 1 with a transshipment sheet - 2 and nozzles for afterburning secondary gases - 3.4; chimney - 5 with gasifier - 6; front plate - 7 with firebox door - 8 and power regulator - 9; instrumentation -10.11; nozzles, inlet - 12, outlet -13, drain pipe - 14, energy rivets - 15.

    3.1. The boiler is a single-fire steel horizontal welded structure and consists of two cylinders of different sizes, inserted one into the other and interconnected with power rivets. The inner part (combustion chamber) is divided horizontally by a transshipment sheet into two parts, in which nozzles for afterburning secondary gases are located. The combustion chamber is made of 4 mm steel; the outer part of the boiler (drum) is made of 3 mm steel.

    Attached to the front plate of the boiler furnace door, on which the power regulator is located (natural air supply to the combustion chamber).

    According to the principle of operation of the boiler to thermal devices long burning, i.e. combustion of fuel occurs on the principle of gas generation, which can significantly reduce its consumption. One bookmark of fuel is 50% of the total volume of the combustion chamber.

    Boilers are manufactured in several modifications depending on the volume of the heated room.

    4. Index of security measures.

    4.1. The person responsible for the operation of the boiler is obliged to know well and strictly observe the "Rules for the design and safety of operation of hot water and steam boilers with a pressure of not more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kg / cm 2)"

    4.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, trained and certified are allowed to service hot water boilers.

    4.3. When servicing the boiler with EVP and el. the pump must be guided by the current "Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations of consumers."

    4.4. The insulation resistance of the wiring with connected equipment must be at least 1 MΩ.

    7. Possible malfunctions and methods for their elimination.

    The main causes of a malfunction in the operation of the boiler can be:

    Violation of the rules of service;

    Eating contaminated water;

    Long breaks between cleaning the boiler from soot and soot;

    Natural wear.

    Table No. 2 summarizes information about the most likely malfunctions during the operation of the boiler.

    Table number 2



    elimination methods

    The appearance of water in the furnace, the flow of water in the heating system is increased.

    Leakage of water through the welding seam of the firebox

    Weld a seam, carry out hydraulic. boiler and heating system testing

    The appearance of condensate in the furnace in large quantities.

    Insufficient thermal insulation smoke. pipes, firewood of high humidity

    Check smoke insulation. tubes. Warm up the smoke. pipe with intensive heating of the boiler with dry wood

    Violation of the gas generation process.

    Insufficient traction. Clogged nozzles.

    Increase the length of the pipe, clean the nozzles

    Boiling water, sharp seething

    Water leak. Supply tap closed. The pump is not working.

    Check pump and valve operation.

    The appearance of smoke through the nozzles.

    Low pipe. Chimney clogged. Ash content of the transshipment sheet

    Enlarge the chimney. Clean the chimney. Remove ash.

    6. Order of work.

    Before starting work, make sure that there is water in the boiler cavity and expansion tank!

    6.1. Ignition is carried out as follows:

    Fully open the power regulator and gasifier regulator, load firewood into the firebox and light it;

    Solid fuel, accumulate the amount of burning layer approximately 100 mm thick;

    Load the firebox completely with wood, close the door tightly, open the power regulator and leave it in this position until the external water heating parameters in the system are reached.

    6.2. Ignition is considered complete when the coolant parameters reach the required values.

    6.4. Add fuel to the furnace after 308 hours (depending on the quality of the fuel, its calorific value and ambient air temperature), as well as the draft in the chimney.

    4.5. When operating the boiler, it is necessary to immediately stop the boiler in the following cases:

    With an increase in pressure above the maximum (0.7 kg / cm 2) and its further growth;

    If cracks, bulges, leaky welds in the boiler elements are detected;

    When the temperature rises above 95 0 С;

    If water leaks from the heating system and the expansion tank is empty

    4.6. It is forbidden:

    - use flammable liquids and explosives when kindling!

    Operation of boilers with closed valves of the supply and return lines;

    Store or place explosive and flammable substances near the boiler;

    Analyze hot water from the heating system and abruptly fill the system with cold water;

    Use high pressure pumps in the heating system;

    - install shut-off valves from the boiler to expansion tank;

    Install the pump on a falling line, it can only be installed on the return line of the boiler;

    Use boilers for industrial premises categories A, B, C on fire safety.

    5. Preparation for work.

    5.1. The boiler must be installed in rooms that meet the requirements of SNiP 11-3507

    5.2. Install the boiler on a prepared foundation or concrete floors with a thickness of at least 100 mm, with a slope of 5 mm towards the front plate.

    5.3. Maintain the following dimensions of passages:

    From the front side of the boiler - at least 2 m

    Right, left and rear side of the boiler - at least 1m

    5.4. The boiler must be connected to a separate smoke channel (pipe). The chimney must not have horizontal sections longer than 0.5 m.

    5.5. The chimney must be sealed. The chimney should be cleaned twice a year.

    5.6. Connect the chimney of the boiler to the main chimney (vertical pipe) through the T-bend. There must be a fireproof cut at the place where the pipe passes through the ceiling and the roof of the room. The cutting device must meet the requirements of SNiP. The distance from the edge of the groove to the edge of the pipe must be at least 280 mm all around!

    5.7. In places where the chimney comes into contact with cold atmospheric air, it must be insulated (wrapped with basalt fiber and fixed with a tin casing or foil) to prevent condensation inside the chimney and improve draft.

    5.8. Scheme of mounting the pipe in height relative to the roof of the building:

    The total height of the boiler pipe must be at least 4 meters (Fig. 2.)

    5.9. Connect the main pipe and expansion tank to the outlet pipe. If the tank is in the attic, insulate it.

    5.10. Connect the main pipe and the network pump assembly (if needed) to the inlet pipe.

    5.11. Connect the main water to the boiler drain pipe to fill the heating system with water.


    1. Connecting the boiler to the heating system is considered correct when the outlet pipe is welded into the upper part of the boiler no more than 50 mm from the back wall, and the inlet pipe into the lateral lowest part of the boiler on the opposite side from the outlet pipe is not higher than 50 mm from the bottom.
    2. If necessary, a pump is connected to the heating system (only low pressure and flow type pumps are allowed). A water filter (sump) is installed in the inlet system before the pump.
    3. The recommended diameter of the main pipe is selected depending on the modification of the hot water boiler from dy 32 mm to dy 50 mm.
    4. All welding work must be carried out by qualified welders, the ingress of scale and metal drops into the system is not allowed.

    5.12. Adjustments and installation tests boiler. After installing the boiler, inspect the boiler and electrical equipment.

    5.13. Open the shut-off valve from the supply tank or main water supply, turn on the pressure and fill the cavity and system with water (if it has not been filled before) to top level expansion tank overflow pipe. Make sure that air has completely escaped from the boiler cavity.

    5.14. Check pump operation.

    5.15. Check the pressure gauge setting for the maximum allowable pressure in the boiler 0.7 kg / cm 2. (Models of pressure gauges DM-0.2-0.63-1m up to 2.5, DM-0.2-100-1m up to 2.5 atm .) Check if the thermometer is working. (Model thermometer TBP -0.3 (2.5) to 120 0 С)

    5.16. If more than 2 years have passed since the manufacture of the boiler, it is necessary to hydraulic test pressure 1.7 kg / cm 2. To do this, it is necessary to remove all control and measuring devices and wrap the plugs, completely fill the boiler cavity with water and bring the pressure to 1.7 kg / cm 2. Under this pressure, the boiler is considered to have passed the hydraulic test if no leaks and residual deformations are detected.