How to care for honeysuckle honeysuckle. Honeysuckle honeysuckle: description of the species

Which, with the help of special supports, grow several meters in height and at the same time have that delight the owners for a month. Consider what honeysuckle is and how to properly care for it.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: description of fragrant vines

honeysuckle support

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be supported by any surface for which the plant can catch thanks to small Velcro, which are located along the entire length of the vine.

Depending on the idea of ​​​​the owner or designer, it can be either an ordinary one, which is located between two buildings, an old tree that will be previously dug into the ground will serve as a good support.

Knowing how to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle in the spring, it is important to understand the features of spring pruning so as not to cause any unnecessary injury to the plant.

Features of pruning honeysuckle

In order not to harm the plant, pruning is carried out in the spring. Cuts are carried out only on frozen or damaged branches that cannot give new shoots. It is better to do this when the kidneys wake up so that the cut accuracy is maximum.

To stimulate the emergence of new shoots after reaching desired height cut off the tops of the main trunk. To implement a fundamental rejuvenation of the crown, a sufficiently strong pruning is used, removing everything above 0.5 m from the ground.

Plant watering and soil care

During the heat period, curly honeysuckle is recommended carefully twice a week, this will strengthen the roots after planting and ensure the right care. The rest of the time, once a week is enough. However, stagnant water in the soil is also important; for this, it is extremely important to make drainage during planting.

Top dressing honeysuckle honeysuckle

The plant needs additional feeding. For good growth he needs a lot. It is important to feed the plant directly during the flowering period.

There are plants that are the best suited for performing vertical gardening. One of them is honeysuckle honeysuckle. It grows very quickly, gives abundant greenery, beautiful fruits, is unpretentious in care, its flowers smell quite tasty. Outwardly, the vine looks like a branched shrub, its height can reach six meters. Dark green leaves have a rather dense structure, they feel like skin to the touch. Usually honeysuckle honeysuckle retains its juicy color until autumn. Habitual habitat - North Caucasus and southern Europe. With artificial cultivation, the vine requires special care. Despite this, honeysuckle is quite actively used in landscape design, the photo shows how originally it helps to decorate summer cottages.

Types of varieties

If you want to plant something similar in your garden, the gardener must decide on the choice of variety. All available varieties of honeysuckle can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Fruit bushes.
  2. Climbing ornamental plants.

To obtain edible berries, only four varieties of honeysuckle are used (edible, Kamchatka, Altai honeysuckle and Turchaninov's honeysuckle). All other types of "edible" honeysuckle are subspecies of the listed varieties, obtained by scientists with the help of complex selection.

Decorative honeysuckle, the one that is often used in landscape design, is presented in a much greater variety; varieties of shrubs, vines and even trees can be found on sale. There are among them evergreen varieties and deciduous specimens, some bloom with flowers, others do not. Flowers of each variety are of different colors. If the honeysuckle honeysuckle is trimmed in time, it can be given any shape. The photo shows how beautiful the plant looks formed by the hands of an experienced gardener.

Most often, honeysuckle honeysuckle is used to decorate unsightly fences, arbors, hedges. Honeysuckle honeysuckle has berries, but they are not edible. In order for the plant to be able to demonstrate its beauty, it must be carefully looked after. The gardener must know where it is best to plant vines, bushes or trees, when is the best time to plant, how to plant a plant, how to care for it.

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle

Usually honeysuckle honeysuckle is an unpretentious and very tenacious plant, but there are still certain rules for planting and caring that help to more rationally reveal the beauty of the vine. You can plant it anywhere, but if you want to get fruits in large quantities, you should not plant one plant in one place.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle loves the sun, so it is best to plant it on open spaces. It has been noticed that the seedlings easily tolerate shading (the vine stretches up rather quickly), but the plant does not bloom well in the shade. It is important to plant a vine in fertile soil, previously abundantly moistened. It is best to plant in the spring (no later than April), green shoots are planted immediately on permanent place habitat. First, a wide hole is dug (40 cm long, wide, and deep), then an escape falls into it. For planting several vines at once, it is advisable to dig not a hole, but a trench. It is being built at the bottom. Pieces of broken brick or large-format gravel can act as it. Compost is laid on top of the drainage, into which wood ash and superphosphate.

The seedlings are immersed in the hole, its roots straighten out and are abundantly filled with water. Only after that honeysuckle can be sprinkled with earth, sinking five centimeters into the horse's neck. After planting, the honeysuckle seedling must be watered again, and then sprinkled with mulch on moist soil. It will help retain moisture and prevent weeds from sprouting.

Note! Best of all, two or three summer seedlings take root, which have several buds, strong stems and roots at least 25 cm long. It is important to water the plant abundantly immediately after planting.

The right choice of soil is the main condition for the good growth of vines. It does not grow on too dry or clay soil. The soil should be loose, well fertilized. If honeysuckle honeysuckle has taken root, it tolerates any conditions surrounding it well. Neither the gas nor the smoke screen, which often occurs on the streets of large cities, can harm the plant. It grows for quite a long time, the life of honeysuckle honeysuckle is 50 years.

When choosing the described vine to create landscape design, you must remember that it is best to plant a vine on the edge personal plot. The plant grows well and will become the background for creating other compositions. Experienced designers in one place plant several varieties of honeysuckle at once, of which honeysuckle can easily become one variety.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

For seedlings, two methods of reproduction can be used: seed and vegetative. The seed method is the longest option for obtaining new seedlings. They are able to germinate if the air temperature is constant (up to +20 degrees Celsius). Only "fresh" seeds can germinate. If, for example, they have lain in a bag for three years, only 6% of the planted seeds will germinate. Seeds are collected at the end of the second summer month. After harvesting, the seeds are washed and then thoroughly dried.

The method of propagation by cuttings allows you to significantly accelerate the process of formation of an adult plant. Cuttings can be made immediately after flowering honeysuckle honeysuckle. For pruning, annual shoots are selected. The length of one cutting should not be less than 12 cm. In order for the cutting to take root, it must have at least three buds. For successful propagation, cuttings are treated with compounds that stimulate growth before planting.

How to care for honeysuckle honeysuckle

Despite the fact that honeysuckle honeysuckle is an unpretentious plant, it needs careful care. What does it consist of?

  • The plant will not grow in dry soil, so it is important to keep an eye on the ground and water the vine or bushes abundantly on hot days.
  • It is useful to periodically feed the plant. As a top dressing, it is best to use a mixture prepared from superphosphate and potassium salts (proportions 50x1). Such top dressing is carried out twice a year (in spring and autumn).
  • An adult plant must be pruned. Typically, this process is carried out late autumn, when most plants are already hibernating. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is carefully examined to identify broken shoots, dried branches and unproductive trunks. Removing them will provide effective nutrition to the healthier parts of the plant. It is useful to cut honeysuckle branches that are close to the ground. Six-year-old vines are trimmed infrequently, only once every three years. Instructions for pruning a plant are presented in the following video:

    Pay attention! The topmost branches should not be cut. In the summer they provide abundant flowering and then bear fruit.

  • Since creepers love moisture, on hot days, it is best to loosen the soil around honeysuckle honeysuckle well before watering. Such an operation will allow better moistening of the roots of the plant. Behind summer season you need to make up to five loosening. The earth is cultivated in such a way that the loosening depth is at least five centimeters.

With proper care, honeysuckle honeysuckle will increase in growth by two meters per year.

Features of preparing honeysuckle honeysuckle for winter

Winters in our strip are quite cold, but honeysuckle honeysuckle easily endures and very coldy and heavy snowfalls. The roots of the plant will not die if the air temperature drops to -40. However, this does not mean that honeysuckle honeysuckle does not need to be prepared for winter. Experienced gardeners always cover the plant with a dense synthetic bag. Such protection helps protect honeysuckle honeysuckle buds from bullfinches. They are the main lovers to enjoy such a delicacy in winter.

And one more important detail. High climbing plants, such as honeysuckle honeysuckle, it is necessary to remove them from the supports along which they curl, bend the stems to the ground and cover them with fluffy spruce branches.

Pest control

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is very often used to create landscape design, it always pleases with its flowering. The plant always feels great, but sometimes it is invaded by various pests. For him, the usual fat aphid, thyroid gland, leafworm, finger wing are dangerous. The choice of pest control products depends on the type of pest.

So, for example, if honeysuckle honeysuckle struck aphids, it is best to deal with it with a solution prepared from vodka. It is simply diluted with water at a ratio of 100 grams of alcohol per liter of water. It is better to fight other pests with ready-made chemicals.

A selection of photos shows how decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle can be. It has been increasingly used to form complex landscape compositions, so this article will be able to satisfy the interest of gardeners in this plant.

Let's get acquainted with the one that should become our dream. With a honeysuckle named honeysuckle. We will find out what conditions for its growth and development are most comfortable. There are various varieties of this plant, and we will talk a little about them. The article will have advice from designers on decorating the site with honeysuckle. And also, we will try to discover a little secret of her berries.

Honeysuckle - the queen among the vines

Honeysuckle honeysuckle, what do we know about it

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is fragrant liana, which is about 5 meters long. This is fast growing bush, in a year it can grow by a meter. The roots of the plant are powerful, pivotal, penetrate deep into the ground. Young shoots are green, without foliage. On the old, a light brown bark forms. Leaves of honeysuckle are bluish-green, dense, broadly elliptical in shape. Pairs of upper leaflets fused at the base, they fit snugly at first beautiful flowers, and then red bright berries.

Liana flowers are tubular, 5 cm long. Such tubules are collected in an inflorescence. The color of flowers varies from white to yellow and red-violet. The bush begins to bloom from the beginning of June, and flowering lasts almost a month. At this time, the plant exudes a delicate aroma.

It is interesting! In fact, this liana is our neighbor. Its homeland is the Caucasus, the middle part and the south of Europe. And in the middle of the 19th century, honeysuckle began to be planted in the gardens of Russia, not only for the sake of its beauty, but also in order to create cozy corners with its help where you can retire.

honeysuckle flower

Planting a honeysuckle bush and caring for it

Decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle feels great, spreading throughout Russia. And only in northern regions countries where the continental climate prevails, vines have a hard time surviving. The southern plant does not tolerate cold winters, and often freezes out.

And even in the southern regions, for honeysuckle, it is necessary to create conditions corresponding to its nature. Not every place will accept a bush and develop. And the soil is also not suitable. And yet, with a little effort, we can hope that honeysuckle will bloom magnificently and decorate our site.


Advice! When planting honeysuckle, you need to understand that in order for it to grow, support will be required. So, you need to choose a site where a fast-growing bush will feel comfortable, and where it will be possible to install a support for the vine.

Place. If you want honeysuckle to bloom profusely, you need to choose a sunny place. But even in the shade, the plant will develop, only more slowly. And yet, it is undesirable to plant honeysuckle in drafts, or places where the plant will be constantly disturbed.

Soil preparation. Honeysuckle is a non-capricious plant. But we must remember that often the liana can live in one place for a long time, decades. It is impossible to fertilize by preparing the soil for 20 or even 30 years. So, initially it must meet some important requirements for honeysuckle.

Important! At the planting site of the liana, the soil should be loose, fertile, The groundwater should lie deep enough so that the roots of the plant do not rot.

It is advisable to fertilize the soil in advance by adding peat and humus to it. Water generously throughout the month. If necessary, for example, if the soil contains a lot of clay, then drain the selected land for honeysuckle.

Landing time. All gardeners tend to the best time for planting - early spring. If the principles of planting have been observed, then the plant will quickly be accepted and already in the month of May leaves will appear on it.

Landing. To plant honeysuckle honeysuckle, you need to dig deep, more than half a meter holes. They are half filled with drainage (sand, expanded clay, etc.) and fertilizer (humus, fermented manure, etc.). after that, the pit is filled with water and left for several days.

Having lowered a young bush into a planting hole, its roots are carefully straightened, sprinkled with earth and watered. After that, the hole is dug in, leaving a small near-stem hole in order to make it convenient to water the plant.


Caring for honeysuckle is very simple, as the plant does not need additional care. All she needs is:

  1. Watering.
  2. Top dressing.
  3. Support construction.
  4. Transfer.
  5. Pruning.

Watering. Both young and old plants love watering. And in the hot summer, it is advisable to water the honeysuckle 2 times a week. But sometimes it is worth replacing watering with loosening the soil near the bush or mulching.

top dressing. The plant will gratefully respond to timely feeding. So, in early spring full complex mineral fertilizers will help the development of flower buds and give the plant strength.

Support. For honeysuckle curly honeysuckle, support is crucial. Of course, even without support, the plant will survive, its shoots will cover the soil, spreading along the ground. But at the same time flowering and development of the bush will suffer. You can build a support, both temporary and permanent. Sometimes the trees on the site, and the fences, and even the walls of various buildings can serve as a support. In any case, the support for the creeper needs to be strong.

Liana needs support

Transfer. Although this vine is planted in one place where it will grow for many years, sometimes you have to think about how to transplant the plant. For example, the soil has become very impoverished, ground water, or you see a special place for honeysuckle in the landscape design of your site. Whatever the reason, you need to do everything correctly and accurately.

First you need to remove the branches of an adult plant from the support. Of course, this cannot be done without damaging the honeysuckle at all. And yet, you have to try. Some gardeners advise cutting the bush, leaving half a meter shoots. Then it will be much easier to keep neither young nor old shoots intact.

Everything else is done according to the principle of planting a plant: the land is prepared in advance, a hole is dug out, where drainage and fertilizer are laid, and the plant is transferred to a new address of residence.

pruning. Sanitary pruning, carried out both in spring and autumn, is considered mandatory. Dry and damaged shoots are removed. Some gardeners use pruning to form a bush. Those who are worried that the plant may not endure the winter shorten the stems of the plant so that it is easier to wrap it up.

Preparing for winter

A heat-loving vine can and should be prepared for winter frosts. To do this, the trunks of the bush are insulated with peat and humus. You can remove the vine from the support in order to lay it on the ground and insulate the plant by covering it with slate or roofing material, or a film.

Diseases and pests

Better than disease prevention, nothing will preserve the beauty of your plant. This must be remembered, and take care of the health of your honeysuckle in advance.

So, in order to scare away insects, superphosphate, lime or ash are scattered in the near-stem circle. In autumn, before the leaves fall off, they are sprayed with a 5% solution of urea, which will prevent insects from getting into the leaves.

Variegated varieties of honeysuckle honeysuckle

There are a huge number of varieties of honeysuckle. But it remains a generally accepted fact that the most beautiful of all is honeysuckle honeysuckle. It is worth noting the varieties and types of this liana, which are popular and in special demand, both among garden lovers and professional designers.

For example, Telman's honeysuckle has yellow-hot inflorescences that, like lights, light up on a bush. This creeper is tall and strong. She is growing fast. And yields honeysuckle only aroma.

One of the varieties of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle Telman

Honeysuckle honeysuckle itself has within its family a diverse palette of colors in which its bushes dressed up. Not only colors, but their shades are full of colors throughout the month, while the plant blooms. The liana does not lose its decorative effect even when the plant stops blooming, and bright berries appear among the foliage.

Honeysuckle will decorate any area

Vertical gardening of the site will help to hide many of its shortcomings, and emphasize the advantages. So, for example, with the help of a creeper, designers create a background for many other plants, decorate gazebos, and mask outbuildings.

It has long been known how beautiful honeysuckle honeysuckle looks in landscape design, a photo of home gardens, where honeysuckle demonstrates its capabilities, clearly confirms this.

Honeysuckle delimits the areas of the garden plot

Liana can become a hedge

honeysuckle honeysuckle berries

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is best propagated by layering. No risk, just bend a two-year-old twig and press it to the ground with garden pins.

But there are 2 more ways to propagate the vine: seeds and cuttings. Seeds are harvested from honeysuckle seeds. They must be stratified before they are sown for seedlings. In the spring, young plants should preferably be planted in the ground, where they will get stronger.

In August, cuttings with 3-4 internodes are cut and planted in a sand-peat mixture, where they should take root. In early spring, seedlings are planted in the ground.

One of the most beautiful plants of our garden plots - honeysuckle honeysuckle. The photo shows that the liana is worthy of delighting us with its flowering. In addition, the plant plays an important role in vertical gardening.

How simple and original the liana decorates the garden

To get to know honeysuckle better, and to understand the reasons why you should grow this plant in your area, you can watch the video:

Photo: Honeysuckle honeysuckle in the Moscow region

Lonicera caprifolium

Once bouquets of honeysuckle were given to loved ones as a sign of fidelity and devotion, and artists depicted it on their canvases as a symbol of many years of love. Now, few people know about the former popularity of this liana in matters of the heart, but its decorative qualities are still in demand and continue to delight. Especially in the climate middle lane Russia, where the list of wintering spectacular perennial vines, and even more fragrant ones, is not so large. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is one of them. Among its merits is unpretentiousness and very fast growth. At good care it grows up to 6 m, adding a meter or more per year. And it lives for a very long time, for several decades without losing its attractiveness.

Honeysuckle is also known as fragrant honeysuckle. This name was given to her for the unusual aroma exuded during flowering, a rare quality for a creeper.

In the wild, it grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Europe - there it is often called Italian honeysuckle. Honeysuckle leaves are a favorite delicacy of local goats, for which it is also called goat honeysuckle, and the botanical “caprifolium” in translation means nothing more than “goat leaf”.

Honeysuckle has taken root in gardens for a very long time. Its attractive bright white-pink flowers with a pleasant smell and dense greenery are a real find for vertical gardening. She looks great with roses and conifers and is able to decorate walls and gazebos. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is good for decorating fences, arches, outbuildings, old trees, both by itself and in combination with other climbing plants.

Photo: Honeysuckle flowers honeysuckle


Honeysuckle honeysuckle - Lonicera caprifolium - the brightest representative of the genus Honeysuckle, which combines deciduous, less often semi-evergreen and evergreen shrubs (they are the majority) and a few lianas. Honeysuckle among them is the most fragrant.

Its flowering begins in June and lasts up to two weeks. The fragrant bush looks very impressive, every 4 days new buds open to replace the faded ones. They are concentrated on annual shoots and cover almost the entire vine. Only in old plants the bottom of the shoots remains open. But with proper care, this can be corrected by pruning or planting a number of other plants that mask this “decorative flaw”.

The two-lipped honeysuckle flowers are located near the upper leaves and are collected in bunches. The protruding stamens give them airiness. The flowers are large (up to 5 cm) and unusual in color. Inside they are light, and on the outside they can have cream or bright colors red, purple and magenta colors. Withering, they acquire a yellowish color. The flowers are very attractive to the bees, who willingly visit the vine. In July, red inedible berries (fruits) ripen on it, remaining until October. From them, you can collect seeds, they are numerous, and propagate honeysuckle (if it is not a hybrid variety).

There are two forms of honeysuckle: with numerous white flowers - alba, and more rare red-pink - pauciflora.

The leaves of fragrant honeysuckle are opposite, dark green in color, gray on the reverse side. The upper leaves are fused and form a semblance of a plate. Dense foliage does not change its color until late autumn. Expressive flowers and bright fruits stand out well on it, so the liana decorates the garden all summer and autumn.

Although honeysuckle honeysuckle is of southern origin, it grows successfully in Moscow and St. Petersburg without winter shelter. Only its young shoots freeze slightly, but in the spring they quickly renew themselves from new buds, growing up to a meter a year. Sellers of seedlings assure that honeysuckle can withstand a short-term drop in temperature to -40. But she is most comfortable in zones 6-9, where the temperature does not fall below -20 degrees - in such conditions she hibernates without loss. In zones 5 and 4, problems are possible after wintering.

Do not be afraid of indicators of frost resistance. After all, we have long learned to grow in our climate such heat-loving crops as roses and clematis. Compared to them, honeysuckle seems to be a completely "northern" plant.

For reference: Moscow, St. Petersburg - zone 5, Moscow region, Central Russia - zone 4, Crimea, Sochi - zone 8, Italy - zone 9.

Photo: Honeysuckle honeysuckle fruits


In addition to the natural species Lonicera caprifolium, varieties and hybrids of honeysuckle honeysuckle are cultivated. They are not so reliable and require additional care in the Moscow region.

Very decorative and resistant honeysuckle honeysuckle honeysuckle variety "Inga" (Inga) with pink buds and cream flowers. Its shoots grow up to 3 m.

From honeysuckle and Etruscan honeysuckle came American honeysuckle (Lonicera americanum) , introduced to Russia from America in the 19th century. It freezes slightly in the Moscow region, and grows better in the southern regions and in the Crimea. She has bright red corollas, yellow with inside.

natural hybrid honeysuckle Hekrot / Hekrott (Lonicera x heckrottii) appeared from American and evergreen honeysuckle, which means that honeysuckle honeysuckle is in his pedigree. Hekrot honeysuckle shoots are less curly than honeysuckle, and even sometimes it can grow like a bush. It blooms on the shoots of the current year. popular variety - "American Beauty" (American Beauty) . In the conditions of the Moscow region, at temperatures below -15 degrees, the tops of its shoots freeze slightly, but in the spring they grow back, so the flowering of the liana continues. Honeysuckle Hekrota blooms very beautifully and for a long time, it has no smell. The color of the corollas is fuchsia with orange, yellow on the inside. In the autumn, "American Beauty" is not as spectacular as a real honeysuckle, because due to the not very comfortable climate, it does not form bright fruits in this region. But to the south (zone 6-9), the berries ripen, and the vine looks elegant.

More frost-resistant variety honeysuckle Hekrot / Hekrott "Gold Flame" (Gold Flame) - zones 5 to 9. It has fragrant flowers, yellow inside, and pink-red outside, similar to species.

Photo: Honeysuckle honeysuckle variety "Inga" and honeysuckle Gekrot variety "American Beauty" and "Gold Flame"


Place and soil

Honeysuckle grows best on slightly alkaline or neutral soils, necessarily fertile, with large quantity humus. Does not like heavy and dry soil.

For landing choose a sunny place or light partial shade. Honeysuckle can exist in the shade, but there will be no flowering and fruiting here. Honeysuckles are especially comfortable near the southern walls and fences, in places that are not blown by cold winds. But in the summer, on a hot afternoon, it is desirable for her to be in partial shade.


When planting a creeper, one must take into account that it grows for a long time, and the plant needs a supply of food. A landing hole is dug at least 50 cm in size in all directions. To avoid stagnant water, make drainage. After filling with fertile soil. Make at least buckets of old manure or compost and potassium-phosphorus or complex fertilizers according to the instructions on the package.

If several plants are planted, and they are intended for vertical gardening of a wall, building or gazebo, then it is worth digging a trench in which seedlings are distributed at a distance of at least a meter.

Landing is carried out taking into account the subsequent subsidence of the soil. Therefore, the root neck is placed 5 cm above the ground level. Do not throw soil above the root neck.

Young seedlings are watered, and make sure that the earth does not dry out. trunk circle it is desirable to mulch. If this is not done, the plant is watered more often, the soil is loosened shallowly at the roots, and weeded.

For beautiful shape the vine needs a strong support. It can be made of metal or wood, in the form of slats, stretched cords, mesh, or in another way. The first shoots are evenly distributed along the support, given that the vine is twisted clockwise.

Seedlings planted in September will have time to grow and grow stronger by winter. In order for the survival rate to be good, seedlings are chosen no older than three years. In the first year after planting for the winter, the root system must be additionally mulched with peat.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering in summer climbing shrub, the earth around it should not dry out. Water not often, but deeply - for one plant at least a bucket of water. To retain moisture in the soil and protect against weeds, the soil at the base of the stems is mulched.

For better flowering and aroma from the second year use universal fertilizers or organics. They are brought in early in the spring. A good effect is given by foliar top dressing "on the leaves" with a diluted complex mineral fertilizer.

Photo: Long-term shoot of honeysuckle honeysuckle with annual twigs

Honeysuckle pruning

For the vine to be beautiful, it needs to be shaped. So that the honeysuckle shoots branch out at the base, and the trunk does not become bare, they are cut off immediately after planting, leaving 1/3 of the length.

In the second year in spring, 3-4 of the strongest shoots are selected from the regrown shoots, which will form the main skeleton of the vine, and the rest are removed. During the season after pruning, the liana will overgrow, and dense greenery from the ground itself will close the gazebo or wall. When the height of the support is reached, the shoots are cut or directed in the right direction.

Subsequently, thickening, broken and dried parts of the plant are cut annually. If this is not done, then the vine will look abandoned. If you overdo it with pruning, honeysuckle will lose its attractiveness and splendor.

If, after a frosty winter, honeysuckle does not turn green for a long time, do not rush to remove seemingly lifeless shoots. With the onset of heat, additional dormant buds wake up in her (her feature!), After which the branches start to grow. If this does not happen, then it is not too late to cut the dried shoots.

If on an adult plant there are fewer and fewer flower buds every year, it is rejuvenated by complete pruning of the stems. Then new shoots grow from the buds on the base, and the life of the vine is revived. It is necessary to carry out anti-aging pruning every 5-6 years, preferably in two years, cutting out half of the old shoots at a time.

Diseases and pests

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is very rarely affected by diseases and pests, but still has its enemies. It can be cabbage caterpillars, aphids, powdery mildew, rust mushrooms. Fight them with the help of specially designed drugs, which are presented in the distribution network.

Shelter for the winter

Honeysuckle does not need shelter for the winter, but its varieties and hybrids may suffer more from frost (young shoots). Although all of them are capable of regrowth, it is better to protect them for the winter. In October, creepers are lowered from supports to the ground like clematis and covered, for example, with spunbond, dry foliage or spruce branches.


Growing new honeysuckle plants is carried out from seeds, cuttings or using layering.


This is the most time-consuming process, starting with the stratification of seeds. It is carried out in wet sand for 2 months at a temperature of 0 to + 5 ° C (basement, refrigerator ...). Prepared seeds are sown in a nutritious light ground based on peat, humus and sand, taken in equal parts. Lightly sprinkled with sand on top, cover with any transparent material, creating a greenhouse, ventilate daily and moisten if necessary until seedlings appear. Keep in a warm and bright place, but not in the sun itself. Sowing is carried out in March (for seedlings) or in open ground after spring frosts. At winter sowing in open field seeds often germinate only a year later in the fall.

After sowing, seedlings are looked after, planted in a timely manner. The seedlings will be ready for planting next spring, and flowering will come in the third or fourth year, fruiting will begin a year later. Until this time, it is advisable to cover the plants for the winter, for example, spud with peat, or put spruce branches, or cover with lutrasil.


The easiest way is to propagate by layering. The lower branches of the vine often grow to the soil themselves, and this happens very easily. Therefore, if necessary, it is necessary to pin the shoot and do not forget to water it. In autumn, you can plant rooted branches in a permanent place.


Cuttings for propagation are cut after flowering and planted in a greenhouse. They are taken from the middle part of the shoot. The cutting must have at least two internodes. The lower one is placed in the ground, having previously removed the leaves, and the upper one is placed above the soil level, its leaves are slightly shortened.

For rooting, cuttings require a moist environment and a non-solar bright place. They can be planted in a greenhouse or in a special box under the film and shaded. The substrate should be light and fertile and contain a lot of peat and sand.

Growing honeysuckle honeysuckle from green cuttings - standard process, requiring periodic watering, weeding, loosening, airing. The fact that the cuttings are rooted, that is, they have formed root system, it will be possible to judge by the new leaves that have appeared on them.

For the winter they need to be covered (leaves, peat, spunbond or another choice). The following year, seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place. In the second year after transplantation, honeysuckle blooms. This propagation method is suitable if a large number of plants are required.

In addition to summer cuttings, autumn ones are suitable for propagation - they are cut and planted before winter or early spring, keeping them in the sand in the basement in winter. You can take spring cuttings, they are cut before flowering, when new shoots have grown at least ten centimeters.


Admiring the aroma and decorativeness of honeysuckle, many do not assume that it has healing powers. These medicinal properties people have used for hundreds of years.

An infusion of dried leaves, stems and flowers of honeysuckle honeysuckle has an antiseptic and diuretic effect.
A decoction of dry leaves is used to gargle with sore throat, pharyngitis.
Crushed fresh honeysuckle leaves with leaked juice are applied to wounds and ulcers, which then heal quickly.
Infusion of honeysuckle flowers has antipyretic and diaphoretic properties.

To prepare the infusion, you need a teaspoon of dried raw materials and a glass of boiling water. It is insisted in heat for 30 minutes. At the reception - a tablespoon of infusion. Frequency: 3-4 times a day.

A decoction will be obtained if, instead of insisting, a weak fire is used for 5 minutes or a water bath.

Today hedges are very popular. This is due to several factors. Firstly, the purchase of seeds or seedlings requires much less money than building materials or a finished fence. Secondly, nothing compares to a hedge of lush inflorescences. Thirdly, using climbing plants, you can close an unsightly wall or divide the site into zones. If we talk about the shortcomings, then the plants need constant care. This is not only pruning of branches, but also feeding the plant, its fertilizer and soil care. And in autumn, when hedge drop the leaves, the entire area will be visible at a glance. Of all the plants that can be used as hedges, only ivy is not deciduous.


Curly honeysuckle looks very beautiful as a hedge. The number of varieties of this plant reaches 200. However, conditionally, all of them can be divided into 3 categories. The criterion will be appearance. The first category includes varieties that look like a small tree. The second category is represented by plants in the form of shrubs. They can be both creeping and high. And the last category is represented by climbing vines.

Curly honeysuckle attracts attention with luxurious inflorescences. Her flowers are unusual shape. And the color scheme is represented by almost all the colors of the rainbow. There are bushes with delicate cream, white and golden flowers. And you can find honeysuckle with bright raspberry or purple inflorescences. Any site will acquire a special piquancy if honeysuckle is planted on it. The description of this plant does not in the least exaggerate its beauty. You can dream up and plant several types of honeysuckle on your site. During the flowering period, your site will be filled with bright colors. Korolkov's honeysuckle is considered the most flowering. And in the fall, the shrub will be decorated with decorative fruits. The fruits of some varieties are edible. Decorative honeysuckle, due to its unique aroma, can be used to decorate a recreation area. This plant is successfully used both in landscape design and in vertical green architecture. From it you can create unique arches, slopes and gazebos. The presence of varieties of different size and shape makes it possible to use honeysuckle in creating various compositions and alpine slides.


No plant has such a flavor as climbing honeysuckle. Landing and care will not be difficult. First of all, you need to decide on a place. The decisive factor should be the aroma, which is hallmark honeysuckle. Therefore, it is advisable to plant the plant in the corner of the garden where you spend a lot of time. For lush flowering The shrub needs sunlight. However, there are forest varieties. For them, a large amount of light is undesirable. They will feel great under the arch of a tree. But windy places will not be to the taste of the plant. If you have chosen a climbing variety, then in parallel with planting, you need to take care of creating an arch or support.

It is desirable that the earth be saturated with organic matter. Honeysuckle does not like acidic soil. During planting, drainage must be used (it may be broken brick). If you are planting more than one bush, but several, then they should not be placed close to each other, and for planting it is better to use a mixture consisting of 3 parts of soddy soil, 1 part of humus and 1 part of sand.

If necessary, honeysuckle can be transplanted. However, this should not be done during the flowering period. It is better to wait until autumn or have time to transplant in early spring. This must be done carefully so that the root system is not affected.


Honeysuckle decorative during growth lets out a lot of shoots. Some of them begin to creep along the ground and, therefore, take root. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the growth rate and remove unnecessary shoots.

Some varieties have high frost resistance. These include, for example, honeysuckle honeysuckle. However, most plants tolerate winter quite well. Honeysuckle and spring thaws are not very favorable. This is due to the fact that the kidneys wake up early enough. And since this happens at the end of January, the shoots do not withstand frost. However, honeysuckle quickly recovers, shoots grow from dormant buds, which are located closer to the ground.

Curly honeysuckle often suffers from pests. The most common are the smoky moth, honeysuckle mite and leafworm. She is also prone to phytovirus diseases, fungi and suffers from powdery mildew.

Leafworms can be fought with more than just chemicals. Peppers, tobacco or garlic are suitable from improvised means. If honeysuckle is attacked by pests, then they should be collected manually. Only in the case of a massive attack, which is extremely rare, you need to use chemicals. fungal diseases develop, as a rule, if the air has high humidity. If honeysuckle is sick with phytovirus diseases, then it cannot be treated. It needs to be dug up and burned.


Unpretentious and in this regard, curly honeysuckle. Reproduction can be done by all known ways. You can purchase seeds and plant them according to the instructions. And if possible, it is better to propagate honeysuckle by cuttings. If in the case of seeds no guarantees can be given, then 90% of the cuttings take root. You can also propagate the plant by layering and shoots from the stump.


Honeysuckle should be watered 2 times a week if the weather is dry. If the heat season has not yet arrived or has already passed, then it will be enough to water the plant once a week. Insufficient amount of water can cause bitterness in berries. It is highly undesirable for water to stagnate in the soil. That is why drainage must be used during planting. It is necessary to monitor this moment during watering.

top dressing

Curly honeysuckle needs feeding. She needs a lot of minerals. You also need to feed the plant before flowering. Due to the large number of inflorescences that delight the eye for a sufficiently long period, the shrub needs a lot of strength. To do this, you can use a special liquid fertilizer. And in the fall, it is advisable to pour wood ash under each bush.


Like many other shrubs, curly honeysuckle needs pruning. However, this should be done only in order to give shape to the plant. If you have edible varieties growing in your area, pruning can slow down the rate of fruit ripening.


Curly honeysuckle, planting and caring for which is not difficult, will decorate any site. Today, gardeners have about 200 varieties of this plant. Depending on the trait taken as a basis, there are several classifications. Some are based on the shape of the plant, some on its height. There is also a division of varieties depending on the timing of ripening berries. If we talk about the height of the plant, then varieties such as Ramenskaya honeysuckle, Lakomka, Souvenir, Yulia and Kamchadalka are undersized. Their height does not exceed 150 centimeters. Medium-sized, whose height is from 150 to 200 centimeters, include Korchaga, Kuminovka, Cinderella, Shakhinya and Kingfisher. Shrubs are considered tall, the height of which exceeds 200 centimeters. Prominent representatives are Nymph, Blue Spindle and Fortune.

According to the maturation period, early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are distinguished. Blue spindle, Princess Diana, Ulyana, Gzhel early and Roxana are early ripening varieties. Omega, Cinderella, Shakhinya, Bakchar Giant, Souvenir and Yugana are mid-season varieties. And later than all ripen Kingfisher, Nympha, Ramenskaya, Bakcharskaya jubilee, Moskovskaya 23 and Lakomka.

Honeysuckle "caprifole" curly

This variety is unpretentious. This factor makes him especially popular. Honeysuckle "honeycomb" is climbing liana. It is perfect for wrapping a fence or a gazebo. However, goats should not be allowed near it, for which there is no better delicacy than honeysuckle leaves.

During flowering, the vine is covered with inflorescences that have an atypical color. The flowers are golden on the inside and dark pink on the outside. The size of each bud reaches 5 centimeters in length. The shape of the petals is also unusual. They are curved into different sides. Four petals look up, and the fifth - down. The stamens also resemble an arc in shape. The leaves of this vine are bluish-green.

Honeysuckle "Caprifolia" is not afraid of frost, and therefore survives the winter easily. It is unpretentious, can survive even in the conditions of rocky forests. This is due to the ability of its shoots to attach to a rough surface. Honeysuckle has another feature, thanks to which it attracts special interest. On its stem is whole line buds, which cannot be said about most plants in which only 1 bud is hidden in the leaf axil.

Curly honeysuckle "serotina"

This variety of honeysuckle belongs to the liana-like. The height of an adult plant reaches four meters. Over the course of one year, serotin increases by an average of 1 meter. The flowering period falls in mid-summer and early autumn. Lush inflorescences have a tubular shape. Bright purple-red on the outside and soft cream inside, the flowers have a delicious aroma. The leaves are elliptical in shape. As soon as the flowers have faded, red decorative fruits appear on the shrub. Honeysuckle "serotina" is quite unpretentious to soils. But the place for its landing you need to choose a sunny one.

Honeysuckle "Tatar"

This variety is popular due to its light pink flowers, which bloom in the second half of May. The length of each flower reaches 2 centimeters. And in August to replace delicate flowers decorative fruits come, the color of which can be yellow, orange or red. These decorative fruits hang on the branches for a long time. This variety is one of the most unpretentious. Honeysuckle "Tatar" can grow even in conditions of severe air pollution and drought. Due to these qualities, it is often used for landscaping cities.

Honeysuckle Brown

This variety has great decorative value. Its flowers are large and bright. The flowering period falls on the summer months. As soon as it ends, bright red fruits take the place of flowers. However, the disadvantage of Brown's honeysuckle is that it does not bloom every year. As for the features of this variety, it does not belong to frost-resistant. Therefore, it is better to cover it for the winter. And when choosing a landing site, you need to know that cold winds have a detrimental effect on Brown's honeysuckle.

honeysuckle alpine

Already from the name it is clear that this variety is suitable for decorating alpine slides. This variety of honeysuckle belongs to undersized. Its height does not exceed one and a half meters. During the flowering period, which is 2 weeks, the shrub is covered with yellowish flowers with a red tint. At the end of summer on the bush you can see the fruits of bright red color. They have interesting shape and resemble scarlet cherries. This variety is frost tolerant and does well in shade. But he is quite whimsical to the soil. He needs calcareous sandy soil. You can use it to create hedges.

Honeysuckle Maak

This species cannot be confused with any other. Maak's honeysuckle belongs to tall varieties. The height of an adult plant reaches four meters. In early summer, its shoots have a snow-white color. And the leaves in the form of an ellipse reach 10 centimeters in length. Along the perimeter they have long cilia. The flowering period is 1.5 weeks. At this time, the plant is strewn with golden flowers. And in late summer and early autumn, the shrub is decorated with coral berries. They are arranged in pairs.

Honeysuckle Morrow

This variety is low growing. Its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The flowering period begins in late spring. Snow-white flowers appear on the shrub, which look charming against the background of rich green foliage. It is no less attractive at the end of summer. It is decorated with red and orange, arranged in pairs, fruits. You can use them to decorate alleys.

Curly honeysuckle, the varieties of which are now difficult not only to list, but even to count, is irreplaceable plant to create cozy corners in your garden, magnificent arches or hedges. No wonder it is so often used for landscaping. Curly honeysuckle, the photo of which does not exaggerate the true beauty of the plant, will make any site inimitable.