Schedule to disconnect hot water. Hot water trip schedule to find out hot water trip schedule

Spring 2017, which has become the coldest over the past few decades, forced the energy sector of Moscow and St. Petersburg to adjust the schedules of hot water outages for the annual preventive work of heating and water supply systems.

Due to adverse weather conditions, the heating season was extended in the two capitals, and the beginning of the work was concluded on average for two weeks.

When it is started to disconnect hot water in Moscow: timing, works

A few days ago, in residential buildings and objects of the social sphere, Muscovites began to successively turn off heating, and from May 22, an updated graph of the break of hot water supply in the capital entered into force. The adjusted schedule of turning off hot water in Moscow in 2017 can be viewed on the MOCE website (Moscow United Energy Company). It shows when and in which areas will turn off.

It is known that during the disconnection period, in addition to the diagnosis and repair of pipelines, hydraulic tests will be carried out. In addition, specialists have to test the performance of equipment installed in district thermal and pumping stations, as well as in central thermal points. As a rule, all work takes about 14 days. Works on all metropolitan objects must be completed until August 25, 2017. In the future, no planned outages should not be.

According to MOCE, in the course of prevention it is planned to check the performance of approximately 33 thousand residential buildings. By the way, 3,000 residential buildings in Moscow Turning off hot water in the summer of 2017 will not affect.

Schedule of turning off hot water in 2017 in St. Petersburg: online version

Petersburgers should also be ready to quickly disconnect hot water in residential buildings. Resource-supplying organizations will soon begin preventive work.

To find out the exact shutdown schedule of hot water supply in the house during the period of annual scheduled work in the summer of 2017, each St. Petersburg team can use the convenient online service, which is offered by resulsynuting organizations. To do this, go to the company's website and score your address in the search column.

Repair works of heatplets in the northern capital will last, as expected, until the end of August. It is planned to implement the planned and preventive repair of almost 300 energy sources and more than 200 central thermal points.

- When will the hot water turn off?

Advantages: Communication Repair

Disadvantages: no hot water

Despite the fact that now the age of discoveries and modern technologies, it was not possible to avoid shutdown of hot water: every year in all cities of Russia there is a turning off of hot water supply, which, of course, brings certain inconveniences for people.

2017 hot water shutdown schedule

Moscow city

You can learn about the disconnection of hot water in advance - on many sites it is proposed a form for filling in which you want to specify the address and number of the house. By filling out this simple form, you can get a specific answer to the question about the date of disconnection of hot water supply.

Why is the water shutdown occurs annually?

This question is interested in many residents of both the capital and other cities.

Communal services respond that the annual turning off of hot water is explained by the technical necessity for the process of preparing communications to the upcoming winter season.

Hot water is disconnected at the beginning of autumn - when it is not cold outside, so as not to disturb the inhabitants. During this time, all systems of centralized heat supply are inspected.

Hot water shutdown timing

Usually, the shutdown time of hot water supply is small - about 10 days. If the breakdown is not detected, the central water supply system is in perfect order and can be reliably functioned - then the hot water is resumed.

Just 7 years ago, hot water turned off on 21 days. Currently, the process of checking highways has decreased to 10 days, and this time is justified.

If problems are detected during the verification process - then the inclusion of hot water can delay. In this case, residents inform that hot water supply will be a few days later.

In some neighborhoods that were built recently, the shutdown time of hot water can take 1-2 days, as the condition of the pipes is good and no need to repair.

No, cold water is not completely disconnected, as it is necessary to use the sewer system.

Cold water supply is thought out in such a way that it has a reserve, which means that residents should always have access to cold water.

Usually, when the hot water is disconnected, the mechanic of managers themselves overlap the house counters. But it does not always happen - they can not do this for any reason: do not bother or just forget. Therefore, just in case it does not hurt to overlap water so that the counter cannot wipe extra cubic meters.

The fact is that people continue to use that water that flows from hot crane. Water flows cold, but the amount may be able to be in the payment that the person would have enjoyed hot water (as a hot crane was used). And hot water is more expensive than cold.

What to do if suddenly it happened that you should already turn on hot water, the long-awaited date has come, and there is no hot water?

You can write a letter to email Moszhiliospect, or contact your control company (personally or by phone). It often happens that the mechanic forget to turn on hot water in a particular house, and while residents will not start calling - they do not see hot water.

Since hot water is disabled annually, and it is often delayed for its inclusion - many people bought and installed water heaters that greatly simplify life.

There are different models - from a small volume to an impressive, you can find the appropriate option. For the price they come out not very expensive, even if you take with the installation. Electricity "eat" a lot, but the comfort is worth it.

In Moscow, annually from May to the end of August, hot water is disconnected for preventive work. The hot water disconnection schedule is compiled and published before the start of the planned shutdown season.

2. Why in Moscow every year turn off hot water?

The disconnection of hot water is a technical need for the preparation of communications to the heating season to ensure that during the cold weather, to ensure reliable operation of all elements of a complex system of centralized heat supply - heat stations, trunk and distributing heat networks, central and individual thermal points. Conducting preventive work, as a rule, requires disconnection of hot water from consumers for a short period of time.

3. What time does the hot water turn off?

Today in Moscow, the duration of the shutdowns is not more than 10 days. At the same time, in 2011, the water turned off for 14 days, and even earlier - for 21 days. 10 days - this is a reasonable time to disconnect hot water without loss of quality and reliability of the heat and power system of Moscow.

In the new microdistricts where new generation networks are laid, modern thermal points are equipped, the shutdown period can be reduced to the minimum necessary for conducting preventive work, ensuring high-quality equipment training. Replacing old engines, pumps and heat exchangers requires more time and attention. For this reason, the shutdown time may differ in different areas, quarters and even neighboring houses.

The time of turning off the hot water for the period of prophylactic work is indicated from the time and date of starting off until time and the date of the end of the turning off of hot water supply, but cannot exceed 10 days, that is, there must be less than 240 hours.

4. In which houses in Moscow, hot water is not turned off at all or turn off for a short time?

In homes with an alternative pipeline, hot water can be disconnected not every year, or for a short period of time, because it is possible to check and repair the main system until hot water comes on the backup pipes. However, even the most modern equipment requires prevention, so completely abandon the disconnection of hot water in the metropolis with a centralized heat supply system is not possible.

5. Why do not turn off cold water?

Because the water supply system provides backup pipes. Water passes through them when the main pipes are repaired.

6. Do I need to pay for hot water during a trip?

Payment of cold and hot water consumption is carried out in accordance with the testimony of individual accounting devices installed in apartments. So that the meter of hot water during the preventive disconnection has not screwed extra cubic meters, we recommend that you block it and use it only with cold water - especially since it is cheaper. Often, the management companies for the disconnection period themselves themselves closes the intrama valves, but additional prudency does not prevent.

With an unscheduled disconnection, if you have not received hot water in the desired volume or there were interruptions in its delivery, you can count on recalculate the size of the board in the direction of its reduction up to complete liberation from paying such a service. And for each hour of supplying hot water, the temperature of which is below 40 ° C, total during the estimated payment of the water consumed at the rate of cold water.

Every year in Moscow, as in other cities of Russia, turn off the hot water supply. Since hot water is a pledge of comfort, many people are interested when it happens to adjust their plans under these inconvenience.

When will the water turn off?

Typically, the water is disabled not throughout the city, but gradually in different areas (microdistricts, sites from several streets and so on). All water shutdowns occur according to a predetermined plan, so residents may, if desired, adjust their plans.

Enter the address of the house to determine the date of turning off hot water in Moscow in 2018

Learn off date

Since MOEK is engaged in the maintenance of water supply networks, a chart of turning off hot water in Moscow you can look at the company's official website. Please note that in rare cases there are small deviations from the graph, if the scheduled works do not have time to be fulfilled on time. To see the hot water trip schedule of 2018 at home, follow the link.

How long does the trip usually last?

The lack of hot water delivers a lot of inconvenience to a modern person, so many people the question of the duration of turning off the water is very relevant. Usually hot water disconnect for a period of 10 days. If the hot water supply has not resumed within 2 weeks, you have the right to demand the revision of utility payments.

Often the water is disabled only for a few days. Refers to new districts where new pipes and other equipment used to ensure hot water and heat in apartments are installed. Checking the performance of networks and their readiness to the heating season in this case takes 3-4 days, although it may vary depending on the characteristics of the system and the area. Since annually increases the number of new pipes and equipment, the time of turning off the water for many areas is reduced. But about 70% of communication networks in the capital remains still Soviet times.

What are water turn off?

The annual shutdown of hot water is necessary to check the health and availability of them to the next season. Terminate hot water supply for preventive work. They necessarily include hydrotesting under high pressure, which allows you to identify the weak points of highways. Troubleshooting and weak points reduces the risk to emergency situations during the cold season.

Not only heating networks, but also heat exchangers, pumping and other equipment need regular maintenance. During the time of turning off the hot water, maintenance is carried out and various prophylactic works that allow you to prevent many troubles in the heating season.

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