Industrial refrigerators for storing vegetables. Refrigerated warehouses for fruits and vegetables Industrial refrigerators for storing vegetables

Having your own vegetable garden is a great way to eat foods high in vitamins more often with a minimum of harmful additives, and even save on it. Another thing is that in our country the season fresh vegetables and fruit lasts far from all year round, and in a canned form, all these gifts of nature easily lose a certain part of their benefits.

If your own vegetable garden brings significant amounts of harvest and you want to keep it mostly fresh, you should purchase a special refrigerator for vegetables and fruits.

The necessary conditions

For most modern consumers, it is no secret that even an ordinary home refrigerator has zones with different temperatures. This is not a minus of the organization of equipment, but the ability to place each product in the conditions that are optimal for it. A typical “vegetable” spot is a special cell or box at the bottom of the main compartment, but conditions are not ideal there, and there is little space.

The optimal refrigerator for vegetarian ingredients can have very different freezing temperatures, but always with adjustable freezing temperatures. If the camera is able to do this in automatic mode, then usually the temperature inside it is from 2 to 7 degrees Celsius. But at the same time it is important to maintain the humidity inside the chamber within 70-95%. Some models allow temperature regulation in the range of 8-20 degrees, but then the maximum allowable humidity will be 90%.

In some cases, for storing vegetables and fruits, you can also use special heating chambers, in which the temperature can vary from 2 to 18 degrees above zero.

On an industrial scale, equipment with a capacity of up to 250 tons is used, but at home, of course, cameras of a more modest size are used.

Multiple compartments are highly desirable as temperatures are too low for food vegetable origin are only relevant for a short time. In order to avoid spoilage of such food, it cannot be sharply defrosted, therefore the selected refrigerator should be able to increase the temperature gradually, literally by one or two degrees.

Principle of operation

The release of special refrigerators for vegetables and fruits is not just a marketing ploy to sell the same unit under a new name, but a completely separate piece of equipment. The described products are susceptible to the influence of various microorganisms, and can also lose water during the freezing process, which spoils both the taste and appearance.

The first thing that such a unit does when loaded is shock freezing. It differs in that there is a sharp drop in temperature, which usually does not reach negative values. This approach allows you to effectively destroy all possible bacteria that could provoke rotting or decomposition processes, but at the same time, for many vegetables and fruits, the temperature soon rises, otherwise the tropical fruits will simply be destroyed from the inside.

A special temperature of permanent storage is set for each type of fruit. For example, for carrots, you need a strict zero, for grapes, you can make a relaxation - up to 2 degrees Celsius, apples will not deteriorate even at +4, but southern bananas should not be stored at temperatures below +7, although above +12 is also not worth it.

Of fundamental importance is not only the temperature inside the chamber, but also the humidity, which must be constantly maintained at a certain level. Considering that in such a unit, vegetables and fruits, being closed, can be stored for months, the manufacturer is obliged to think over the ventilation system, because it is simply impossible to regulate the humidity level otherwise. The system carefully monitors the level of moisture in the air inside the chamber and, as needed, draws in air from the outside so that the gifts of nature do not get stuck.

In most cases, such equipment performs all complex calculations by itself, therefore, no special knowledge is required on the part of the consumer. The device assumes the presence of several built-in programs, each of which is designed for a particular fruit or vegetable - the owner can only press the appropriate button and be sure that the contents of the refrigerator will not deteriorate.

Criterias of choice

If it was decided that such equipment would be very useful at home, then before making a purchase it is worth paying attention to the characteristics that should be followed when choosing.

  • Dimensions (edit)... The house is not a storage room, so the camera still needs to be placed somewhere so that it does not interfere with anyone. A separate moment - it must freely pass through the existing doorways, because usually such equipment is not disassembled.
  • Multiple temperature zones... Large stores can afford a single-chamber unit for each type of vegetable or fruit, but for a home it is desirable to have several sections so that the entire crop fits into one chamber. Each section must be regulated separately, because all products cannot be stored at the same temperature.
  • Volume... Refrigerating chambers for fruits and vegetables are available in volumes from 35 liters. The owner must think in advance how much volume he needs, since small refrigerator will not solve its problem, and a large unit is much more expensive, and even with the predominant downtime, it still does not provide adequate storage conditions.
  • Material... It is desirable that expensive equipment is durable and does not lose its attractive appearance as long as possible. These requirements are best met by stainless steel cases, but painted refrigerators quickly wear out on the outside.
  • Cooling type... Static refrigeration cabinets work on the principle of natural circulation of air mass, therefore, the temperature difference in individual zones in them often differs in the location of the shelf - top or bottom. Dynamic models forcibly blow cold air using a fan, so here the location of the temperature zones in to a greater extent subject to user preferences.

Refrigerators for storing fruits and vegetables provide:

  • storage chambers with automatic temperature control from –2 to + 7 ° С and relative humidity of 70-95%;
  • ripening chambers for fruits and vegetables with automatic temperature control from 8 to 20 ° C and relative humidity of 80-90%;
  • fruit and vegetable processing room (bulkheads, packing and packaging) with automatic temperature control from 12 to 15 ° С without regulation of the relative air humidity;
  • heating chambers with temperatures from –2 to + 20 ° С;
  • fumigation chambers (on distribution refrigerators).

Storage chambers capacity - from 50 to 250 tons and more. The storage chambers must be filled within 7-10 days, which will ensure uniform cooling of all fruits. When loading the chambers, the refrigeration equipment must be turned on. Additional loading of fruits and vegetables with a temperature above 8 ° C into chambers with a capacity of up to 200 T is allowed up to 8%, and into chambers over 200 T - 6% of the capacity of the chambers.

The degree of chamber loading influences the relative humidity of the air in it. So, depending on the degree of loading of the chamber in the amount of 100, 50 and 25%, the relative humidity in it will be 86, 78 and 68%, respectively. A decrease in the degree of loading also affects the deterioration of the circulation conditions.

Fruits and vegetables that are most sensitive to insufficient air humidity (with a weak water-holding capacity), it is more expedient to store in smaller chambers located in the middle of the refrigerator circuit and having a smaller surface of the outer fences.

With absence special premises for processing and sorting fruits during the shipment period, it is necessary to select one of the chambers in which the temperature is maintained at 2-6 ° C when preparing batches for shipment to distribution refrigerators and 10-12 ° C when shipped to the retail network.

When shipping fruits to distribution refrigerators, an increase in their temperature during the bulkhead period is allowed only for a short time not higher than 2-4 ° C.

Before shipment to the retail network in the warm season, the temperature of the fruits must be increased gradually over 2-3 days in order to avoid condensation on them. At the same time, the air temperature in the room is maintained at 2-3 ° C above the temperature of the product to be insulated, the relative humidity is 75-80%.

Some fruits and vegetables (pears, tomatoes, etc.) do not ripen during storage, therefore, several days before sale, they are transferred to a room with increased air circulation and kept there for 3-7 days at a temperature of 18-20 ° C and relative humidity 90%.

Refrigerated chambers for vegetables and fruits

The choice of a suitable storage technology ensures that the final product is preserved in its original freshness. Lower storage temperatures provide a longer shelf life. Industrial refrigeration chambers and blast freezers can help you store your products.

You can find out more about refrigeration equipment on our website

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The most common way to store fruits and vegetables is cold storage. The duration of storage is determined by a number of factors, ranging from the influence of soil and climatic conditions of cultivation of crops, varietal characteristics, rational use of fertilizers, agricultural technology, irrigation, a system of protection against pests, diseases and weeds, terms and methods of harvesting, commercial processing and, of course, methods and storage conditions.

All biochemical processes in fruits and vegetables are temperature dependent. At high temperatures, there is an accelerated metabolism, loss of moisture, vitamins, organic substances. Simply put, vegetables begin to "age" faster and become unusable.

In order to significantly reduce the natural weight loss of fruit and vegetable products and maximize the shelf life, it is necessary to cool the products as soon as possible after harvest and maintain optimal storage parameters.

Refrigerated warehouses are complexes of buildings and structures for acceptance, post-harvest and pre-implementation processing and storage of products. Buildings can be interconnected to provide a single technological process... The main requirements for the preservation of vegetables and fruits are to ensure the required temperature regimes for each type of fruit and certain ventilation regimes.

Humidity and temperature

After harvesting the fruits and placing them in refrigerated warehouses, the most important processes for long-term storage are the processes of respiration and transpiration.

Therefore, for optimal storage of fruits and vegetables, it is necessary to create and maintain an optimal temperature and humidity regime, an optimal concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and the removal of ethylene.

The optimal parameters of temperature and humidity for conventional refrigerators for the main types of crops are shown in the table.

Apples -1+4 90-95 1-8 months
Eggplant 8-12 90-95 1-2 weeks
1-2 weeks
Broccoli 0-1 95-100 1-2 weeks
Cherry -1+2 90-95 3-7 days
Strawberry 0 90-95 5-7 days
Cabbage 0-1 95-100 3-7 months
Carrot 0-1 95-100 4-8 months
Cauliflower 0-1 95-100 2-4 weeks
Celery 0-1 95-100 1-3 months
Plum -1+2 90-95 1 - 8 weeks
Currant -0,5 -0 90-95 7-28 days
Cucumbers 8-11 90-95 1-2 weeks
Garlic 0 70 6-8 months
Grape 0-1 90-95 4-6 months
Melons 4-15 85-90 1-3 weeks
Onion -1-0 70-80 6-8 months
Pears -1+3 90-95 1-6 months
Potatoes (young) 4-5 90-95 3-8 weeks
Potato 4-5 90-95 4-8 months
Raspberries -0,5 -0 90-95 2-3 days
Pepper 7-10 90-95 1-3 weeks
Peach -1+2 90 2-6 weeks
Cherries -1+2 90-95 2-3 weeks

Controlled atmosphere mode

A refrigerator with a controlled gas environment allows you to sharply reduce the respiration rate of fruits, which contributes to their longer and better storage. For different crops and varieties, the minimum permissible oxygen concentration can be determined by reducing it until ethanol is formed. If the process of ethanol formation is determined at the earliest stage, then it can be stopped by increasing the oxygen concentration by tenths of a percent, thus determining the minimum permissible oxygen concentration for a given variety.

The main condition for maintaining an optimally low oxygen concentration is a hermetically sealed chamber. Another important component of the atmosphere that affects the storage of fruit and vegetable products is carbon dioxide, which is released by the fruit as a result of respiration and in high concentrations inhibits this process. A very high concentration of CO 2 leads to the death of products as a result of the conversion of sugars into ethanol.

For most fruits and vegetables, the optimum carbon dioxide concentration is between 0.5% and 5%. The excess content of CO 2 in the chambers of refrigerators with a controlled atmosphere is removed using carbon dioxide adsorbers. A quick achievement of the optimal oxygen concentration is achieved by purging the chambers with nitrogen. Currently, effective methods have been developed for creating and maintaining the concentration of a controlled atmosphere using an automatic computer gas-analytical control system.

Gas regulation equipment

  • C.A. (Controlled Atmosphere) - controlled environment (PC).
  • RCA (Rapid Controlled Atmosphere) - rapid decrease in oxygen concentration.
  • U.L.O. (Ultra Low Oxygen) - ultra-low oxygen content in the chamber.
  • ILOS (Initial Low Oxygen Stress) - an ultra-fast reduction of the oxygen level in the chamber in a short period of time.
  • LECA (Low Ethylene Controlled Atmosphere) - reduction of ethylene level in the chamber using a catalytic converter.

Scheme of implementation of storage technology in a controlled atmosphere

Our company offers a full range of equipment that allows you to keep fresh products for an extremely long time:

  • - CO 2 adsorbers
  • -adsorbers SO 2
  • - ethylene adsorbers
  • - nitrogen generators
  • - catalytic converters
  • - analyzers
  • - humidifiers

Construction of refrigerated warehouses

During the construction of a cold store for the implementation of storage technology, one should take into account the specific requirements for fruits and vegetables to maintain a high relative humidity in the chambers (88 - 95%). Therefore, it is very important to correctly calculate and select refrigeration equipment with an appropriate cooling scheme, cooling capacity, air exchange rate, technical characteristics of air coolers, air speed, etc.

The unit cost per unit of capacity for the construction of a new refrigerator depends on the project, i.e., the size and number of chambers, the availability of a commodity processing room, expedition, shipping locks, the technical level of the cooling system and the controlled atmosphere. This figure can be from 40 to 75 eurocents per 1 kg of stored products.

Control system

We offer our customers the most lightweight and intuitive storage technology management software. It is possible to use both some elements and the entire fully automatic control system, which, thanks to the monitoring of fans, hatches, heaters and mechanical cooling, ensures an optimal climate in the store. Under optimal conditions refers to the temperature required for the product, the relative humidity and the concentration of carbon dioxide.

Climate control systems have:

  • - Reliable measuring instruments and sensors
  • - Controlling the temperature in the vegetable store, humidity, carbon dioxide concentration
  • - Easy and intuitive system to operate
  • - Reliable and high quality system components



Container storage technologies

Benefits of container storage:

  • good ventilation of the fruits is ensured,
  • the ability to control and localize damaged fruits;
  • pressure exerted on lower part container, much smaller than when stored in bulk
  • containers are easily moved with a forklift,
  • efficiency of loading and unloading products.

Two types of containers.
1. Folding
2. Not transforming

Disadvantages of container storage:

  • high cost of containers;
  • containers must be handled to prevent infection from the previous crop;
  • additional space is needed to store empty containers.

Our advantages

  • Innovation, know - how, digital management in the storage of fruits and vegetables.
  • A qualitatively new level of equipment and storage automation.
  • Original software.
  • Reduction of energy consumption for storage in half compared to traditional solutions.
  • High operational reliability and technical simple system management.
  • Complete safety of products at low costs;
  • Guarantee of compliance with the normative parameters of ventilation and microclimate.
  • Careful consideration of the characteristics of the storage facility, biology and the intended purpose of the storage facility.
  • Possibility of separate regulation of storage conditions in multi-section storages.
  • Comfortable working conditions in the storage facility.
  • Qualified installation supervision and commissioning.
  • Technical support, maintenance, training.

Secrets of grape storage

After harvesting the grapes must be properly packed and chilled. These are two main factors for successful storage grapes. Storage conditions for grapes also depend on the factors of the storage environment - these are temperature, air movement in the room, relative humidity.

The lower the air temperature, the longer the grapes can be stored. The optimum temperature for storing grapes is considered to be from 0 to +1.5 degrees. The relative humidity is desirably high, more than 95%.

The increased ventilation rate of the cold air ensures the removal of high temperature during cooling, but during storage, air movement should be reduced to prevent drying out of the grapes.

The grapes are fumigated with sulfur dioxide to kill various fungi that can cause large losses of grapes even when stored at low temperatures. Any infection that is present in the berry continues to develop during storage, and the use of sulfur dioxide is imperative to prevent the spread of the disease to neighboring healthy grapes.

Composition of the gas environment for storing grapes

To date, formulas for the composition of the gas environment for storing the following grape varieties have already been derived.

V last years with the growth in the construction of suburban housing, cottages, the number of orders for refrigeration chambers for storing fruits and vegetables at a stable positive temperature increased. When stored properly in the refrigerator compartment, vegetables and fruits retain their freshness and vitamins for a long time.

Proper storage of vegetables and fruits means adherence to temperature and humidity conditions. It is necessary to maintain the same air temperature throughout the year. Accordingly, in the summer it is necessary to cool, and in the winter - to heat the volume of the refrigerating chamber or storage for vegetables and fruits. Cooling of the refrigerating chamber and storage is carried out using a refrigeration unit, using air coolers installed in the chamber. Heating is carried out either by heaters operating on different types energy (electrical, heat from water, pre-heated air, etc.), or using the same air coolers, turning on their heating elements.

Refrigerators (cabinets) for storing wine

For connoisseurs of good wine, having their own collection has already become a good tradition. But keeping good wine in the refrigerator or room temperature unacceptably.
Especially for wine connoisseurs, our company is ready to offer the design and installation of refrigeration chambers for storing wine.

Cold rooms for storing fur coats

Control over the temperature and humidity conditions of food storage in refrigerated chambers, warehouses, storage facilities for vegetables, fruits, etc. is performed daily with the help of thermometers and psychrometers installed in a conspicuous place, remote from doors and evaporators (Ch. 6 Sanitary regulations №

The air temperature inside refrigerators, cold rooms, refrigerated display cases, and other refrigeration equipment is checked daily as part of the production control program.

All refrigeration units in trade organizations are equipped with thermometers to control the temperature regime of food storage. Usage mercury thermometers to control the operation of refrigeration equipment is not allowed. It is recommended to equip cooled chambers with a thermostat and (or) systems of automatic regulation and registration of temperature and humidity conditions.

Refrigerating chambers

Refrigerating chambers are collapsible structures made of heat-insulated panels and are designed for cooling and storage of fresh and chilled food at temperatures from 0 ° C to + 10 ° C.

Refrigerating chambers, according to their purpose, are divided into medium-temperature, low-temperature and fast freezing chambers. Temperature regimes in commercial refrigerating chambers do not coincide with those in commercial refrigerating cabinets.
Medium-temperature chambers are designed for long-term storage of chilled products at temperatures from -5 to + 5 ° C.

Low-temperature chambers are designed for long-term storage of frozen products at temperatures from -15 to -25 ° C.
Chambers for quick freezing ("shock freezing") have temperatures no higher than -35C and are recommended to preserve the gastronomic, taste and nutritional qualities of products.
The most modern method of creating reliable and highly effective thermal insulation of refrigerating chambers is the use of three-layer sandwich panels with insulation in the form of injection-molded polyurethane foam. Polyurethane is lightweight, durable, heat resistant, shape stable and has excellent thermal insulation properties. In addition, polyurethane foam is highly resistant to water, which distinguishes it favorably, for example, from mineral wool. The main danger of using mineral wool for thermal insulation of refrigerating chambers is its hygroscopicity, and when the thermal insulation is saturated with water, the thermal conductivity increases significantly, up to total loss thermal insulation properties. Since it is practically impossible to provide full protection of mineral wool insulation from moisture, especially in refrigeration chambers (a large difference between external and internal temperatures), its saturation with moisture is inevitable. Therefore, the service life of mineral wool thermal insulation is short and in many cases does not exceed two to three years. On the contrary, polyurethane foam, due to its chemical composition and closed porous structure, has insignificant moisture absorption (up to 0.2% by volume with air humidity up to 100%), which guarantees the preservation of high thermal insulation properties in conditions of high humidity.
In addition, three-layer polyurethane foam sandwich panels have sufficient load-bearing capacity and are widely used in the construction of both small refrigerating chambers and large refrigerated warehouses.
The dimensions of standard refrigerating chambers are variable in steps of 300 mm in length and width, in steps of 100 mm in height. The volumes of the chambers can be from 3 m3 and more. The maximum panel length is 6.4 m. If the dimensions of the refrigerating chamber exceed the maximum panel length, then a supporting frame made of special profiles is mounted inside or outside the chamber. It is also possible to attach panels to walls and building frame elements.
As a standard facing of the outer and inner surfaces of the panel, most Russian and foreign manufacturers use hot-dip galvanized steel sheet 0.5-0.6 mm thick with various paints and varnishes, or polymer coatings safe for food. Floor panels are made, as a rule, with a surface in the form of corrugated sheet stainless steel, sheet aluminum, galvanized steel sheet with a special non-slip plastic coating. If trolleys are supposed to be used in the refrigerating chamber to move goods, then reinforced floor panels or a special floor covering are required. Medium-temperature chambers with temperatures above 0 ° C can be without floor panels, which significantly reduces their cost.
The connection of panels during assembly, depending on the design, is carried out in two main ways: silicone sealants, elastic seals and fixing angles, as well as more modern and technological - by means of built-in eccentric hook locks. The second way provides whole line advantages: excellent mechanical strength, rigidity, uniform and tight junction of the panels, the possibility of installation from the inside of the chamber without using special tool, which allows you to assemble the camera close to the wall of the room. In addition, the "lock" method of connecting the panels makes it possible to repeatedly assemble and disassemble the chamber without damaging the fasteners, which is especially important for those trade enterprises and Catering who rent premises.
Most manufacturers complete prefabricated refrigerating chambers made of sandwich panels with hinged or, if necessary, sliding doors of various sizes with electric heating of the opening and a compensating valve for low-temperature modes. On request, a tape curtain made of PVC film can be installed in the doorway, which significantly reduces heat flow into the chamber when the door is opened. As a rule, manufacturers or suppliers of complete prefabricated refrigerating chambers offer rack and frame-hook equipment complete with chambers.

Refrigerated display cases

Refrigerated display cases are used to sell a wide variety of food products: sausages, cheeses, meat and fish delicacies, confectionery, etc.
Manufacturers offer not only refrigerated display cases, but also heat displays, which are intended for the sale of ready-made meals in a heated state.
According to the temperature of the exposition surface, refrigerated showcases are divided into medium-temperature and low-temperature ones.
In medium-temperature display cases, the temperature on the display surface ranges from -1 to + 6 ° C.
In low-temperature models of refrigerated display cases, the temperature range at the exposition is from -18 to -25 ° C.
However, refrigerated counters with temperatures from -4 to -12 ° C are also used.

According to the location of the refrigeration unit, showcases are available with built-in and with an external refrigeration unit.
Models with a built-in refrigeration unit have a shallow exposure depth, usually no more than 75 cm, due to the static type of cooling. This refrigeration equipment is used in small shops that work on the "over the counter" principle, that is, with the seller. The installation of such refrigerated counters in the sales area does not involve a large volume installation works- it is enough to install them in the required place and connect them to the power grid.
Refrigerated display cases with a portable unit are used in supermarkets and self-service stores. They have an exposure depth of up to 1 meter and a dynamic cooling system, in which air moves in the workspace by forced convection. This type of refrigeration equipment requires special professional installation - connection to a remote refrigeration unit or to a centralized refrigeration system. Unlike refrigerated display cases with a built-in refrigeration unit, such counters have a much more uniform temperature field along the exposure depth (the difference is within 1-1.5 ° C).

Refrigerated counters can be made in several climatic classes.
Showcases with a built-in refrigeration unit are usually produced in two climatic classes: the third (refrigerated showcases operating at an ambient temperature of no more than 28 ° C and relative humidity - up to 60%), and the fourth (temperature - up to 32 ° C and humidity - up to 55% ).
As for refrigeration counters with a remote unit, then, accordingly, either a conventional refrigeration unit or a reinforced refrigeration unit (for a tropical climate) is used for cooling the same counter.

The body of the refrigerated display case consists of two sheets of metal, between which polyurethane foam is poured, which has high thermal insulation properties. There is a refrigeration unit at the bottom of the display case. The evaporator is mounted on the back wall of the case, and sometimes at the bottom of the showcase in counters under the external cold. In most models of refrigerated display cases with a built-in unit, there is a hidden chamber for storing merchandise, located under the display surface, which is very convenient.

The shape of the front glass can be straight or curved. In the upper part of the glazed refrigerated display case there is a fluorescent lamp with one or two rows of lamps. It is also possible to illuminate a part of the counter from the floor to the glazed part. On the seller's side, there is a work surface that can be made of laminated board, stainless steel or stone.

When choosing a refrigerated display case, you should pay attention that the countertops are made of stainless steel. It is important that only food-grade aluminum is used for the interior decoration. It is also necessary that the pallets are made of stainless steel. It is convenient if the design of the pallets excludes the flow of defrosting products into the bath, and when there are additional compartments for storing goods. In addition, make sure that it is possible to install refrigerated display cases in a single line of display cases.

Refrigerated slides

Another common name for this type of refrigeration equipment is regal. Refrigerated slide (wall refrigerated display case) is a refrigerated rack.
There are specialized types of slides for each product.
"Grocery store" (cheeses, sausages, milk). Standard design: 4 - 5 shelves, adjustable in height and tilt, temperature mode - fan, 0 ... + 5 ° С.
"Vegetables fruits". Standard version: inclined mirror, 2-3 shelves, adjustable in height and tilt, temperature regime - fan, 0 ... + 7 ° С.
Meat (fish and meat delicacies, chilled meat). Standard design: inclined mirror, 2-3 shelves, adjustable in height and tilt, temperature mode - fan-cooled -1 ... + 3 ° С.
"Discount" - allows you to load goods on pallets.
Corner slides. Slides in the corner version appeared on the market of commercial equipment.
There are also slides for external cold and slides with built-in units.
For slides with a portable unit, the height of the base is 30-40 cm. The low base provides a better view, demonstration of the goods, the slide seems to recede into the background, bringing the goods to the fore.
Slides with a built-in unit have a plinth height, as a rule, from 50 cm and more, which makes it visually cumbersome. Accordingly, both in terms of display area and product presentation, it is inferior to a slide with a low base. How less height the base, the higher the cost of the slide.
The height of the slides ranges from 200-225 cm. As practice shows, optimal height the location of the upper shelf is not higher than 170 cm. Accordingly, it is quite enough if the overall height of the slide is 200 cm - this is optimal both in terms of price and functionality. But if the store is positioned in the price category above the average or as an elite one, then it is recommended to use slides with a height of 220-225 cm.In addition to the possibility of installing an additional shelf (for tall customers), such a slide looks much more spectacular, besides, the adjacent metal wall racks with frieze will look better in a single line with slides of a similar height.
The depth of the slide ranges from 100 to 110 cm. In this case, it all depends on the chosen store format and the availability of warehouse space. The most convenient depth for the buyer is 100 cm, because there is no need to "go deep" too much by looking inside. In addition, retail space is saved. Naturally, at a given depth, sellers will have to report the goods more often. For discounters, economy stores, shops for wholesalers, as well as with limited storage space, it is recommended to use slides with a depth of 110 cm, which allows you to display goods in packaging.

Refrigerated cabinets

Refrigerated cabinets are designed for storing and displaying products in shops and catering establishments.
According to storage temperatures, refrigeration cabinets are divided into 4 groups: medium-temperature, low-temperature, freezing for ("shock / shock freezing") and combined refrigerating and freezing.
Medium-temperature cabinets are used for short-term storage at temperatures from -3 to + 10C of pre-cooled perishable products.
In most models of medium temperature cabinets, only positive storage temperatures are provided. Therefore, they are not suitable for long-term storage of products under conditions of freshness. Cabinets with positive temperature conditions are used for gastronomic products, drinks, confectionery, fruits and vegetables.
Low-temperature (freezing) cabinets are designed for storage and sale of frozen foods and semi-finished products. Different models can have different operating temperatures (up to -24C), depending on the purpose of the cabinet and the manufacturer's brand. Equipment with operating temperatures above -18C is not suitable for long-term storage of frozen foods.
Fast cooling and freezing cabinets are used in catering establishments when preparing a large number of dishes at banquets.
Combined cabinets with two insulated chambers are designed for storing fresh and frozen food. Storage temperatures for pre-chilled food from -2 to +8 C, frozen from -18 to -22C.
The combination cabinet takes up less space in the room than two separate cabinets with the same volume for storing chilled and frozen food.
Refrigerated cabinets can vary in volume: small cabinets up to 100 liters, medium cabinets up to 700 liters, as well as large cabinets from 700 to 1400 liters.
Refrigerators differ in the material of the body. It can be stainless steel or painted galvanized steel. A stainless case is usually justified in catering establishments, and in trade, cheaper white refrigerated cabinets are mainly used.
Refrigerators can also differ in door design.
They can be hinged or coupe. Sliding doors are relevant for the ergonomics of retail outlets.
Refrigerator cabinet doors can be glass or blind. Models with transparent doors and bright illumination are intended for demonstration and sale of products, and also serve as a decoration of the retail space. Models with blind doors are cheaper in price.
Refrigerating chambers can be one or two doors.
Refrigeration cabinet doors can be positioned vertically or horizontally. When positioned horizontally, the doors can be opened like in a swing cabinet or moved like in a compartment.
On many models, door closers are installed, it is possible to change the direction of door opening and locking with a key.
Refrigeration cabinets accessory kits include adjustable shelves (differ in materials and design), hangers, trays, gastronorm containers different sizes and other accessories. Shelves can be installed horizontally or at an angle. Sloped shelves are preferred for storing bottled drinks.
The number of accessories depends on the comfort class and the size of the cabinets.

In recent years for the Russian consumer refrigeration technology and equipment, the latest developments of foreign firms have become available. In addition, domestic manufacturing plants began to master progressive technological solutions. The result was the saturation of the Russian market of commercial refrigeration equipment, renewal of the range and improvement of the quality of domestically produced equipment. In this situation, it is important to correctly determine the need for equipment that is adequate to the needs of the commercial enterprise, taking into account the storage modes, refrigerated capacity and design.

In Moscow alone, about 100 companies are engaged in the sale of commercial refrigeration equipment, and each of them employs from 10 to 50 managers. Many of them have no special education and, therefore, cannot conduct business in a sufficiently qualified manner. Firms are in dire need of a new type of specialists who are well versed in commercial work, trade and technological processes, marketing and advertising activities, management fundamentals, labor protection and safety and, most importantly, the subject of labor - commercial refrigeration equipment.

The growing demand for refrigeration equipment is driven by the growth in the production of chilled and frozen foods.

There is much more refrigerated food than frozen food. Most developed countries consumption of chilled products (by weight) is 10 times higher than that of frozen ones, despite the fact that the cost of the former is almost 5 times higher than that of the latter. The demand for chilled ready-to-eat foods is especially growing.

The annual consumption of frozen food in Western European countries is from 18 to 23 kg, in the USA - 55 kg, the consumption of frozen food has increased from 17.8 million to 30 million tons.

New style life forces people to make complex purchases only 1-2 times a week. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of buyers for fresh products, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of all links of the cold chain: refrigerators, refrigerated vehicles, commercial refrigerated display cases, etc. appearance, but also provides long-term storage in order to create a sufficient stock of goods, as well as seasonal goods.

To ensure the good quality of food products, they are preserved with the use of cold, that is, they are stored at low temperatures from harvesting and production to consumption. In the trading network, frozen or chilled products are delivered by specialized transport, stocks are stored in the refrigerated chambers of the store. In sales areas, products are in refrigerated display cases, chests, counters, display counters, refrigerated cabinets.

In a market economy, high-quality commercial refrigeration equipment is of great importance. One of the main factors in increasing consumer demand is the expansion of the range of products, the good quality of which is ensured only with proper storage and adherence to the temperature regime. In addition, when purchasing a large batch of products, an enterprise can receive significant discounts on goods, and high-quality storage of a large amount of products can only be ensured through good refrigeration equipment.

One of the main directions in domestic production refrigeration equipment today is the creation of its parametric series with filling thermal insulation, forced air circulation and a single module.

The unification of equipment in terms of temperature parameters, units and sizes provides a decrease in energy consumption, material and metal consumption of machines, increases the operational reliability and the efficiency of the equipment volume. It also makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of standard sizes of products that are identical in functional purpose, and to create, on the basis of one initial model, a number of single-functional types of refrigeration equipment with different operational and technical and economic parameters. Prefabricated refrigerating chambers are used in small trade enterprises where it is impractical to use stationary cameras, as well as in self-service stores for the sale of goods from packaging equipment and for daytime storage of products in order to replenish them as they are sold from counters and showcases in sales areas.

Domestic industry produces Various types prefabricated refrigerating chambers: medium-temperature KKhS, low-temperature KKhN and dual-mode KKhK

Prefabricated refrigerating chambers have:

Unified panels (top, side, etc.);

Fastening bolts and screws for panel assembly;

Refrigeration unit (corresponding to a specific type of refrigerating chamber);

Automatic regulation and protection devices;

Air cooler;


Condensate drain pan and condensate drain pipe outside the refrigerated volume;

External cladding (made of sheet metal);

Internal cladding (made of sheet aluminum);

Technical characteristics of medium and low temperature chambers

Technical characteristics of dual-mode refrigeration chambers

Thermal insulation material between the facings;

Sealing rubber gaskets:

Panel with door and shutter;

Side shelves, hooks for storing meat carcasses;

Wooden floor grates;

Incandescent lamp with glass shade;

Switch (external), etc.

Freezers KS-60, KSM-120, KSM-240 by Ostrov are designed for quick freezing of semi-finished food (dumplings, dumplings, meatballs, manti and other meat products).

Refrigerating chambers: 1 - КХС-2-6; 2 - KHN-1-8.0K

processed foods) in the process of their production, as well as fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. Freezing is carried out on stacked carts. Freezing time - 1 hour, temperature in the chamber - minus 35 ° С, temperature environment-25 ° С, temperature of the incoming product -20 ° С, temperature of the frozen product (in the core) - minus 12 ° С, overall dimensions of the trolley - 510x700x1750 mm.

Table presents the main technical characteristics of freezers.

Basic technical characteristics of freezers

The firm "Ostrov" also manufactures modern fast freezing chambers KKHN 5, KKHN 7, KKHN 10, KKHN 17, etc., designed for freezing the same products as in the chambers of the KS and KSM series. Freezing is carried out in chambers on stacked carts. Freezing time -12 hours, temperature in the chamber - minus 18-20 ° С, temperature of the frozen product (in the middle) - minus 12 ° С.

Technical characteristics of fast freezing chambers

Types of units and air coolers for KHN chambers

Fast-mountable chambers of the KHN type are equipped with 80 mm thick polyurethane foam panels with a swing door; cubic air cooler with axial fans and a set of automation (thermostatic valve, solenoid valve); electric defrosting system; condensing unit with air-cooled condenser; stacking trolleys, a set of aluminum trays and a ramp to facilitate rolling the trolleys into the chamber.

Refrigerated trade cabinets are designed for short-term storage of chilled and frozen products before sale. They are installed at the seller's workplace or in the back rooms of small stores.

Cooling of refrigerating cabinets is carried out by built-in sealed units with automatic temperature control inside the cabinets.

Refrigerating cabinets are manufactured: medium-temperature type ШХ, low-temperature ones - ШН and two-mode ones - ШКХ.

Technical characteristics of refrigeration medium and low temperature cabinets

KHN chamber: 1 - polyurethane foam panels; 2 - carts; 3 - air cooler of the VK7-230-BE type; 4 - AK-2FC-2-C refrigeration unit; 5 - door; b - ramp

Technical characteristics of two-mode refrigerators and other cabinets

Refrigerating cabinet ШХ-0.71 consists of refrigerated and engine rooms. The refrigerated compartment is assembled from prefabricated panels. The panel consists of two metal cladding, the space between which is filled with thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam 2. Compared to other types of thermal insulation (foam, etc.), polyurethane foam has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, good adhesion to metal sheets. The outer cladding 4 of the panel is made of painted sheet steel, the inner cladding 1 is made of aluminum sheet. The door panel 13 is equipped with a key lock. Around the entire perimeter of the door, there is a PVC seal with a magnetic insert. The goods are laid out on removable lattice shelves 11. The refrigerated compartment is illuminated by an incandescent lamp that automatically turns on when the door is opened. For horizontal and stable installation of the cabinet, height-adjustable supports (legs) 14 are provided.

The engine room occupies the top of the cabinet. A monoblock refrigeration machine with automatic temperature control in the refrigerated compartment and defrosting of the snow coat is installed on the insulated ceiling panel. The refrigeration machine includes: a ВС 400 (2) refrigeration unit, a filter drier, a heat exchanger, a temperature relay, an air cooler, a control panel, signaling and electrical equipment. The air cooler 10 consists of an evaporator, expansion valve and a fan. Under the evaporator there is a drip tray 3 for collecting defrost water. Cold air from the air cooler is forcibly supplied to each shelf of the cabinet, which provides

Refrigerating cabinet ШХ-0.71: a - general view; 6 - section: 1 - inner lining;

2 - thermal insulation; 3 - under the bottom of the evaporator; 4 - outer cladding;

5 - refrigeration unit; 6 - control and signaling board;

7 - signal lamp; 8 - manometric thermometer;

9 - electrical equipment board; 10 - air cooler; 11 - lattice shelves;

12 - bracket; 13 - door; 14 - adjustable support;

15 - a tray for collecting melt water

provides uniformity of temperature on all shelves, regardless of the degree of their load. Control and signaling board 6 is located on the front wall of the engine room. It contains a switch for short-term start-up and shutdown of the refrigeration machine, lamps signaling its switching on (green lamp) and the thawing mode of a snow coat (yellow lamp), as well as a manometric thermometer with a scale showing the temperature in the cabinet. The electrical equipment board 9 has automatic switches, a magnetic starter and an EU-1 device for automatic control of the process of thawing a snow coat from the surface of the evaporator.

The thawing of the snow coat occurs when the chiller is turned off. In this case, the fan intensively blows air into the evaporator. The resulting melt water flows into a tray under the evaporator, and from it through pipes into the lower tray under the cabinet. The water accumulated in the pan is periodically drained.

ShKh-0,40M cabinet consists of an engine room and a refrigerated chamber located above it with one door. Cooling is carried out by a sealed unit. Inside the cabinet there are grate shelves for storing food, a finned tube evaporator and a drip tray for collecting and draining defrost water. The temperature in the cabinet is automatically controlled by the RTXO temperature switch, which controls the operation of the refrigeration unit.

SHN-0.80 cabinet is used for storing frozen food at low temperature. There is a fan inside the cabinet for supplying; forced air circulation and tubular electric heaters with a programmed time switch, with the help of which automatic, magical defrosting of frost from the evaporator is carried out. The cabinet is equipped with an aggregate? gatom VN-630. |

The ShKh-1.40K refrigeration cabinet contains functional containers and mobile shelves 600x in size. х400х1500 mm. The ShKh-1.40K cabinet, in contrast to the ShKh-0.71, has two refrigerated compartments with doors. A monoblock refrigeration machine with a ВС-630 unit is installed in the engine room. The temperature in the i cabinet is from 0 to 8 ° С. The inner volume of the cabinet is 1.4 m 3. i

The SHN-1.0 cabinet is similar in design to the cabinets. ShKh-0.71 and ShKh-1.40. On the front side, the cabinet has four doors. | A heating wire is laid under the frames of the doorways along the perimeter of all doors, which prevents the gasket from freezing to the outer lining of the panels. A monoblock refrigerating machine MHNK-600 with an air cooler is installed on the ceiling panel. Automatic control of the refrigerating machine and the process of thawing the snow coat is carried out using the UE-2 device. Thawing a snow coat from the surface evaporate -? For and evaporation of the resulting melt water produced by hot refrigerant vapor coming from the compressor to the evaporator. The air cooler fan is switched off during defrosting. Cabinet supported low temperature- up to -18 ° С. The cabinet contains containers and racks with dimensions 650x530x325 mm. The useful refrigerated volume of the cabinet is 1.1 m 3.

Refrigerating cabinets of models ShKhS-0.7, ShKhS-0.7DS, ShKhN-1.4 and other firms "Sovitalprodmash" are classic high-quality and practical cabinets. The compressor and automation devices that regulate the operation of refrigeration cabinets are manufactured by leading European companies. The production of refrigerated cabinets is carried out using the most advanced technology foreign firms:,

Refrigerating cabinet ШХ-0,40 М

Refrigerating cabinet ШХ-1.40 К

Refrigerating cabinet ШХ-0,40 М

External and internal surfaces of galvanized steel cabinets are painted with white polyester enamel;

Thermal insulation of cabinets - rigid polyurethane foam;

The refrigeration unit is located in the upper part of the cabinet, which allows dismantling without depressurization refrigeration system;

The air cooler is installed inside the cabinet, the frost layer from the evaporator surface is thawed automatically;

Refrigerating cabinet ШН-1,0

The tightness of the inner volume is achieved by means of an elastic seal with a magnetic insert.

Main technical characteristics of refrigerated cabinets

* DS - glass door.

Refrigerated counters are used for short-term storage and display of prepackaged, packaged, refrigerated and frozen products before they are sold. The industry produces the following types of counters: PKhS-2-1.25, PKhS-2-2, PKhS-2-2.5, PKhS-2-1.6, PKhN-1-0.28, PKhN-1-0, 28P, PHN-2-2.5, etc.

The counter ПХС-2-1,6 consists of three cooled sections, connected along the length by special ties. The outer casing of the sides and bottom of the counter is made of painted sheet steel, the inner one is made of sheet aluminum. The space between the claddings is filled with polyurethane foam. For horizontal installation

Refrigerated counter ПХС-2-1,6

The counter has height-adjustable supports. The counter has an open top opening through which customers select goods. The goods are laid out on removable lattice shelves. The upper border of the display of goods is indicated by a line drawn on the side wall linings. At the bottom of each section of the counter there are air coolers consisting of an evaporator, expansion valve and a fan. The air cooler is closed on top with a horizontal panel with thermal insulation. Discharge and suction channels are provided for air circulation. The discharge channel ends with a special grate for even distribution of air along the length of the section. The suction channel is protected by a grate from the ingress of goods. The air is blown by the fan through the evaporator. The cooled air flows through the discharge channel to the area of ​​the open counter opening, where it forms a cold curtain. The air curtain prevents the penetration of outside air heat to the product display. The heated air is taken in by the fan and flows through the suction duct to the evaporator.

Counter air coolers are connected with pipelines to the AK-4.5 refrigeration unit located outside the counter, in the engine room of the store. An electrical equipment board is fixed on the wall of the engine room, on which there are circuit breakers, magnetic starters, UE-2 device, signal lamps and other devices. The snow coat is removed from the surface of the evaporators when the chiller is automatically stopped and air is blown onto the evaporators by fans. The melt water flows down the sloped bottom of the counter to a branch pipe connected to the drain collector. A manometric thermometer is installed in the middle section of the counter to monitor temperature changes. The temperature in the counter is maintained from 0 to 8 ° C. The useful refrigerated volume of the counter is 1.6 m 3.

The refrigerating counter PHN-2-1.6 is similar in design to the counter PHS-2-1.6. The snow coat is removed from the surfaces of the evaporators with hot refrigerant vapor supplied to the evaporator from the compressor. The temperature in the counter is kept below -18 ° C.

Refrigerated counters PChS-2-2.5 and PCHN-2-2.5 have a similar design to counters PChS-2-1.6 and PCHN-2-1.6. These are island type counters. They are equipped with a shelf for displaying goods that do not require refrigeration. There are lamps under the shelf to illuminate the display of goods. The useful refrigerated volume of these counters is 2.5 m 3.

Refrigeration counter PHN-2-2.5: a - general view; b - section: 1 - thermal insulation; 2 - shelf for displaying goods;

5 - grating of the discharge air channel; 4 - shelf for displaying goods that do not require refrigeration; 5 - suction air channel;

6 - electrical equipment board; 7 - melt water drain pipe;

8 - electric fan; 9 - evaporator;

10 - insulating panel; 11 - adjustable support

In the sales areas of self-service enterprises, island refrigeration and freezing bonnets made in Italy are effectively used. Among them stand out NESOS TV freezer counters with a wide view, which is achieved by a high degree of glazing and the presence of backlighting. The counters are cooled by ventilation. The temperature in the counter is -15 ... -18 ° С.

Technical characteristics of NESOS TV counters

ECOPLINTOS island refrigerated counters are also very popular (Table 4 and Figure 6.14).

ECOPLINTOS island freezer counter

Technical characteristics of ECOPLINTOS counters

The temperature in the counter for storing food is -15 ... -18 ° С, cooling is static.

Refrigerated counters such as DURALITE discounts have proven themselves in modern trade enterprises. The counter has the largest possible useful volume with a minimum of occupied space. Cooling - ventilated, food storage temperature -11 ... -18 ° С at an ambient temperature of + 32 ° С.

Technical characteristics of DURALITE counters

Indoor refrigerated counter PCHN-1-0.28 consists of refrigerated and engine rooms. The cooled compartment 4 has a bottom 8 insulated with polyurethane foam, walls, an upper fixed panel b and two flaps 5. Each flap is equipped with a lock. The outer lining 7 of the refrigerated compartment is made of painted sheet steel and colored polystyrene, the inner one 9 is made of sheet aluminum. On the side of the insulation, on the inner linings, a smooth-tube evaporator 3 made of copper tubes of oval cross-section is fixed, the ends of the tubes are brought out into the engine room. A VN-315 (2) 10 refrigeration unit operating on refrigeration unit-502 is installed in the engine room, closed by shields. On the wall of the engine room from the seller's side, an electrical equipment board 1 with an automatic switch, a magnetic starter and other devices is fixed. The preset temperature in the counter is maintained using a temperature switch; to thaw the snow coat, the refrigeration machine is turned off and one of the doors is opened. The melt water flows through the hole in the bottom of the refrigerated compartment through the hose 2 into any substituted container. The counter is installed on four height-adjustable legs 11. The temperature in the counter is maintained no higher than -18 ° C. The internal refrigerated volume of the counter is 0.28 m 3.

Indoor refrigerated counter PHN-1-0.28: a - general view; b - diagram: 1 - electrical equipment board; 2 - hose; 3 - smooth tube evaporator; 4 - refrigerated compartment; 5 - flaps; 6 - fixed panel; 7 - outer cladding; 8 - bottom; 9 - inner lining; 10 - refrigeration unit; 11 - legs

Freezing baths "Uglich" of ARNEG firm (Russia, Italy) are designed for laying out frozen fish products, produced in the following types.

Types and technical characteristics of freezers "Uglich"

Freezing baths "Uglich" have:

Large demonstration space for displaying pro

Fences made of transparent panoramic double-glazed windows;

Rectangular mechanical thermometer;

Electronic control unit;

Protective bumper in gray;

Height-adjustable nets;

Two built-in units using R404A safe refrigerant.

Refrigerated showcases are produced in two types: open and closed. Open refrigerated display cases ОВХС-1-0.3; VHS-1-0.08; VHS-2-4KM and others are intended for short-term storage, display and sale of refrigerated food products in self-service stores.

VHS-1-0.08 is used in stores to store bottled pre-chilled beverages and mineral water... At the same time, 70 bottles of 0.5 liters can be installed in the showcase.

Closed refrigerated showcases VKhS / V-1-0.08; VKhS / V-1-0.1 and VKhS-1-0.8-3 are intended for short-term storage, display and sale of refrigerated goods mainly in stores using the traditional form of sale.

Low-temperature showcases (VSN 1200; VSN 1500; VSN 1800) have gravitational cooling, heating of the lower part of the front glass, fluorescent lighting, automatic defrosting of the evaporator. Work surfaces are made of brushed stainless steel, side panels are made of impact-resistant ABS plastic. In addition, the panels and the body are made with polyurethane casting. Showcases are equipped with an Aspera refrigeration unit (Italy), an electronic control panel, and a set of mesh baskets. Temperature range - from -18 ° С, refrigerant - R404A, power supply - 220 V / 50 Hz; frontal curved glass.

Technical characteristics of open refrigerated display cases

Confectionery showcases (VSK 1350 and VSK 1600), like the above-mentioned low-temperature showcases, are produced by the domestic firm CRYSPI. The same refrigerating unit Aspera (Italy) is built into the showcases. They are gravitationally cooled. Operate at temperatures from +1 to + 10 ° C on R22 refrigerant. Showcases have three glass shelves, pull-out trays for displaying goods, located on the first level. Otherwise (material of surfaces and side panels, power supply parameters, bent

Closed refrigerated showcases: 1 - ВХС / В-1-0.08; 2 - VHS-1-0.8-3

front glass, etc.) confectionery showcases are similar to low-temperature ones.

Technical characteristics of low-temperature and confectionery showcases

Technical characteristics of GAMMA series showcases

Showcases of the GAMMA series: 1 - type ВС; 2 - KNP type; 3 - angular type ВС (external); 4 - angular type ВС (internal)

Refrigerated display case ВХС-2-4КМ is adapted for installation of packaging equipment. The showcase consists of two refrigerated sections connected in a line at the place of operation.

Each section contains top, side and back panels. The outer cladding of the panels is made of painted sheet steel, the inner -> - of sheet aluminum. The space between the claddings] is filled with polyurethane foam. On the front side, the showcase has an open opening. In the lower part of the opening there is a frame 12 with guides for moving container equipment 13, a panel 1 and an adjustable support 11. In the upper part of the opening there are a fluorescent lamp 4 for illuminating the showcase, a curtain 6 for closing the showcase at night and a thermally insulated decorative panel 2.

Refrigerated display case VKhS-2-4KM: a - general view; b - diagram: U - panel; 2 - heat-insulated decorative panel;

3 - lattice; 4 - fluorescent lamp; 5 - manometric thermometer;

6 - curtain; 7 - pallet; 8 - evaporator; 9 - fan; 10 - suction channel;

11 - adjustable support; 12 - frame; 13 - container equipment

Above it is mounted an air cooler, consisting of an evaporator 8, a thermostatic expansion valve and two fans 9. Under the evaporator there is a tray for collecting melt water 7. The melt water is discharged into the sewer. Cool air from the evaporators is supplied by fans into the display case through the grill 3 in the upper decorative panel. In front of the container-equipment with the goods, a cold air curtain... Heated air enters the suction channel 10, formed by an additional cladding in front of the rear panel of the showcase. Showcase air coolers are connected to a refrigeration unit (AK-10), installed outside the showcase, in the engine room of the store. Next to the unit, an electrical equipment board with automatic switches, magnetic starters, UE-2 device and other devices is fixed. The thawing of the snow coat from the surfaces of the evaporators is carried out by the automatic stop of the refrigerating machine without turning off the fans of the air coolers. On the left section of the showcase there is a 5 manometric thermometer for temperature control and a light switch. The temperature in the display case is maintained in the range from 0 to 8 ° С. The useful refrigerated volume of the showcase is 4 m 3.

Refrigerated display cases "Lux" by ARNEG (Russia, Italy) are produced in the following models.

Types and technical characteristics of ARNEG refrigerated display cases

Showcases have overhead lighting; four rows of shelves with adjustable inclination without lighting, 435 mm wide; ventilation cooling system; automatic defrost mode; automatic device for condensate discharge; built-in unit using safe refrigerant R404A; overview side panels with double glazing.

The Italian company STYLOS for large trade organizations produces wall-mounted display cases with ventilated cooling for the sale of dairy products, sausages, vegetables and fruits of the following models: SP with a product cooling temperature from -1 to + 50 ° С; and FV with a product cooling temperature of 5 to 12 ° C. Other technical characteristics are shown in table. 1.

Technical characteristics of showcases models SP and FV

Wall-mounted refrigerated display cases from STYLOS: 1 - SP; 2 - FV

The wall-mounted refrigerated display cases of the SP and FV models have modern design, effective lighting and the ability to join in a row along the walls of the trading floor.

Modern high-quality refrigerated display cases EURO LX with a large variety of versions (linear sizes and color options) are produced in the following standard sizes: 134; 200; 268; 334 with general and individual characteristics

General characteristics of showcases EURO LX

Cooling type .......................... ventilated / static

Product temperature, ° С ...................................- 1 ... +10

Evaporator temperature, ° С .....................................- 12

Individual characteristics of showcases EURO LX

Refrigerated showcases TNEKE (models 150; 200; 250 and 300) are supplied only with remote units. Showcases have general and individual (table 6.23) technical characteristics.

General view of the showcase EURO LX

General view of the TNEKE showcase

Product temperature, ° С .................................... - 1 ... + 7

Evaporator temperature, ° С ......................................- 8

Ambient temperature, ° С ............................... 32

Individual characteristics of showcases TNEKE_

General view of the FOS showcase

General view of the wall showcase AKRON GLASS

An elegant wall-mounted refrigerated display cabinet FOS, capable of bringing uniqueness and exclusivity to the interior of any trade organization, is shown in fig. 6.22

Technical characteristics of the FOS refrigerated display case

Wall-mounted display cabinets AKRON GLASS perfectly combine the capabilities of a freezer and a freezer or refrigerator cabinet, which allows you to really save the area of ​​the sales area.

ISETTA LX refrigerated display cases for the sale of soft ice cream are most widely used in Russia due to their reliability, versatility and affordability. ISETTA LX showcases have the following models: 4 STD; 6R STD; 7R STD T; 9R STD and others.

ISABELLA refrigerated display cases have a larger volume than ISETTA LX. They complement the lineup showcases for the sale of ice cream.

Volume, l ............................................... ...... 183

Cooling type ..................................... ventilated

Product temperature, ° С .................................... - 1 ... +5

Power consumption, kW .................................... 0.85

dimensions, mm .............................. 1030X787X1280

Weight, kg ............................................... ..... 183

Technical characteristics of showcases AKRON GLASS

showcases ................................................. .238

cabinet ................................................. ... 274

Cooling type:

showcases ........................................... static

cabinet .......................................... ventilated

Product temperature, ° С

showcases .............................................- 15 .. .-eighteen

cabinet ................................................. +2 ... +8

Power consumption, kW .................................... 1.45

Overall dimensions, mm .............................. 1040X915X1990

Weight, kg ............................................... ..... 235

Technical characteristics of showcases ISETTA LX

Refrigerated display cabinet Firenze

Refrigerated display cabinet Firenze

ISABELLA showcase technical characteristics

(Model 180)

Volume, l ............................................... ... 660/237

Cooling type ........................................ static

Product temperature, ° С ..................................- 14 ...- 16

Power consumption, kW ............ ....................... 0.97

Overall dimensions, mm .............................. 1664X876X1274

Weight, kg ............................................... ..... 180

In food trade organizations, refrigerated display cases with a portable unit are used. Particularly convenient are refrigerated display cases of Italian production, such as Firenze, which are equipped only with a remote unit, dock in a line, have a static “fish on ice” counter, self-service versions.

The lower design is possible on pedestals or closed.

The counter is produced in various modifications: with front pillars-glass holders, with rear pillars and without pillars. Depth of display of goods is 900 mm.

Technical characteristics of Firenze showcases are presented in table. 5.

Technical characteristics of Firenze showcases

Currently, the variety of refrigerated display cases with external units is huge. Pastry cabinets Tecfrigo (Italy) - ideal equipment with temperature regime from +4 ... + 16 ° С for the demonstration and sale of cakes, pastries and other confectionery products in stores. Available in three- and four-sided glazing models, the R models are equipped with revolving round glass shelves. For example, the Snelle 600R pastry cabinet has a volume of 600 liters, a temperature range from +4 to + 10 ° С, rotating shelves. In addition, special refrigeration cabinets with a volume of

from 300 to 800 liters, intended for the sale of various varieties of wine that do not require special temperature storage conditions.

The design of wine cabinets Enoclima (Italy) allows you to provide the necessary temperature regime and position the bottles in the position in which it is provided for by the storage conditions of this wine variety. Glass doors (one or two) guarantee a good view of the wine bottles.

Refrigerated display cases from Framec (Italy) are also produced with a built-in unit, have an original design and high technical characteristics. Exposer slides (models SL, MT, FV) have triple illumination as standard, canopy with illumination, holders for price tags (fig. 6.25 and table 6).

Slide Exposer

Slide Exposer Specifications

With a built-in unit, Rumba chests (10/13 EXTRA LUX) are manufactured by Framec (Italy) for weight ice cream, with a temperature regime from -10 to -20 ° C.

The Suzdal counter (models 100, 200, 300) (Russia) is also a refrigerated confectionery display case (the environmentally friendly refrigerant R 404A is used) with a built-in unit and differs original design specially designed for installation in shops and pastry shops. The Suzdal model has a large exposure area, wide view and increased illumination. The glass of the counter opens downwards, which is very convenient. The showcase can be assembled in a line (fig. 6.26 and table 7).

Cabinets and chambers of intensive cooling / freezing are equipment specific for their purpose, aimed at

Refrigerated confectionery showcase Suzdal

improving the economic performance of any grocery store and an expanded assortment of semi-finished products high degree readiness. With the help of high-speed cooling and freezing cabinets, you can quickly chill a large number of pre-prepared meals or comply with the strictest sanitary standards and store them until ready for sale. This approach will reduce both operating costs and energy consumption, while ensuring microbiological safety while maintaining all the organoleptic and nutritional properties of various products.

Technical characteristics of refrigerated display cases Suzdal

* At an ambient temperature of 25 ° C and a humidity of 60%.

Cabinets and chambers of high-speed (shock) cooling from Zanussi professional, Sagi, Lainox (Italy) are made of stainless steel, the corner joints of the inner chamber have a rounded configuration, the purpose of which is comfortable use and maintenance of the equipment. In fig. 6.27 presents a high-speed (shock) freezer from Lainox with two temperature modes: from +70 to + 3 ° C and from +70 to -18 ° C with a capacity of 11 and 7 kg / cycle, respectively. The cabinet has electronic control, a temperature sensor, the ability to install a temperature sensor with heating.

In fig. 6.28 presents a shock freezer cabinet from Lainox with a temperature regime of +70 to + 3 ° C with a capacity of 12 trays 600x400 mm and a productivity of 30 kg / cycle. The cabinet has electronic control and a temperature sensor.

Zanussi professional manufactures high-speed cooling cabinets with a drain hole, which also facilitates maintenance and service of the equipment. In addition, a simple and user-friendly electronic control panel allows you to select one of several high-speed cooling cycles. In high-speed cooling cabinets, the electronic memory is designed for recording six programs, in high-speed cooling / freezing cabinets - for 10 programs.

Freezer cabinet DX 005E high speed freezer from Lainox DP 112S from Lainox

All operations are carried out automatically using a temperature probe or manually set by the operator. In high-speed cooling cabinets, the operating cycle ends when the temperature of the product reaches + 3 ° С, and in high-speed freezing cabinets, -18 ° С. At the end of each working cycle, an acoustic signal sounds. The standard equipment includes a magnetic seal to ensure a perfect fit of the door and a microswitch to block the fan when the cabinet is opened.

Additionally, Zanussi professional has developed the ARKKT system - risk analysis and control over critical points of the process, which is performed by the "Active" function, which has an eye-shaped indicator light. If the indicator flashes red, it means an alarm: microbiological safety conditions have been violated. The green eye of the indicator indicates that the current parameters are in full compliance with safety standards. Zanussi professional uses only environmentally friendly refrigerants and insulation materials that do not contain ozone depleting compounds.

Technical characteristics of high-speed freezer cabinets

Refrigerated closed display counters are designed for short-term storage, display and sale of refrigerated goods mainly in stores using the traditional form of sale. The industry produces closed showcases PVCS-1-0.4; PVCS / B-1-0.315, etc.

The counter-showcase PVCS / V-1-0.315 is formed by a joint on the common body of the closed counter PHS / V-1-0.25 and the showcase XC / V-1-0.08. The counter-showcase consists of a refrigerated cabinet 1, a showcase 2 and an engine room 3. The showcase is located above the engine room, between them there is a built-in box. A box and a double row of glasses inserted into a special profile form a useful cooled volume. Functional containers are installed in the showcase. A high-speed refrigeration unit ВС-630 (2), which is mounted in the middle part of the engine room, is used to cool the cabinet and the showcase. The temperature in the counter-display case is from 0 to 12 ° C, the internal volume of the cabinet is 0.33 m 3 and the display case is 0.08 m 3.

Showcase counter PVCS / V-1 -0.315 1 - refrigerated cabinet; 2 - refrigerated showcase; 3 - engine room

Refrigerated showcases Moscow by ARNEG (Russia, Italy) are produced in the following models.

Types and technical characteristics of refrigerated display cabinets Moscow

Refrigerated showcases of the Moscow model have:

Extra clear glass and overhead lighting;

High strength working surface;

Static and ventilated cooling;

Refrigerated storage chamber;

Built-in unit using R404A safe refrigerant;

Automatic defrost mode with water collection tank.

Can be mounted in a single line: settlement and cash register

table; a set of accessories and fixtures designed to optimally display products.

Chest freezers manufactured by JUKA (Poland), DERBY and Caravell (Denmark) and others have found wide application in trade organizations in Russia.

Freezers from JUKA are equipped with Electrolux compressors, are completed with baskets, operate on environmentally friendly refrigerant R134a, supply voltage -220V / 50Hz.

Chests manufactured by Caravell (Denmark) are of the following types: T 300; 206 and 225. Their technical characteristics are presented in table. 1.

Specifications chest freezers by JUKA

External / internal volume, l

Temperature condition, ° С

Electricity consumption, kWh / 24h

Overall dimensions, mm

Number of baskets, pcs.

Weight, kg

Freezers with flat horizontal glass

Chest freezers with a blind horizontal lid

Chest freezers from Caravell 1 - CaraveIl-TZOO; 2 - Caravell 206; 3 - Caravell 225

Technical characteristics of Caravell chest freezers

Volume, l (internal)

Temperature condition, ° С

Power, W

Overall dimensions, mm

Freezers with a flat horizontal chest

Freezers with curved inclined glass

Caravell 206 (2 baskets)

Caravell 306 (4 baskets)

1040x650x765 / 886

Caravell 406 (5 baskets)

1305x650x765 / 886

Caravell 506 (6 baskets)

1535x650x765 / 886

Caravell 606 (7 baskets)

1710x650x765 / 886

Chest Freezers with Steel Lid

Caravell TZOO