Mercury thermometer working principle. The device of a medical thermometer, its application

Body temperature is measured with a medical thermometer. Thermometers are stored in a wide-necked vessel (glass, jar) half-filled with a disinfectant solution (2% chloramine solution). A layer of cotton wool is placed on the bottom of the vessel so that the lower ends of the thermometers do not break.

The case of the thermometer is glass. Inside there is a metal column (scale) with digital marks from 34 to 42. A glass capillary (a narrow glass tube) is located on it. The mercury is at the lower, narrow end (mercury reservoir). When exposed to heat, mercury expands and moves up the capillary. The mark to which mercury rises shows what the patient's body temperature is.

The body temperature of a healthy person during the day ranges from 36 ° C to 37 ° C. On average, the normal body temperature of a healthy person is 36.6 - 36.8 ° C. Temperature measurement is usually carried out 2 times a day (in the morning , between 6 - 7 o'clock, and in the evening, between 17 - 18 o'clock). Before measuring the temperature, the thermometer is vigorously shaken so that the mercury level drops below 35 ° C. The temperature is measured in the armpit, oral cavity, inguinal folds, and rectum. In order to avoid distorted temperature readings, the armpit and inguinal areas are pre-wiped dry with a towel. Hold the thermometer for 8 - 10 minutes. After measurement, the thermometer should be wiped with alcohol or cologne and placed in a case.

It should be borne in mind that the temperature in the rectum and oral cavity is 1 ° C higher than on the outer surfaces of the body (armpit, inguinal folds).

The data obtained is entered into the temperature sheet with a black pencil.

Mercury thermometer (thermometer)- This is the most common and popular means for measuring human body temperature.


Not so long ago, this device was the only reliable way to measure body temperature. In a modern high-tech society, this procedure can be carried out using various devices and thermometers. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

Components of a mercury thermometer

The basis of a mercury thermometer is a tube sealed on both sides. Attached to one side is a small container containing 2 grams of mercury. The thermometer has a scale that measures the temperature in degrees Celsius (from 34 to 42). The design of the medical thermometer is made in such a way that, heating up and expanding while measuring body temperature, mercury slowly reaches its value and no longer changes its position. This is due to a special curvature and narrowing of the place where the container with mercury is attached to the tube. Therefore, in order to use the thermometer again, it must be shaken off in order for the mercury to return to the tank. Taking the thermometer in hand, you need to check at what value the mercury column has stopped and, if necessary, reset this indicator to 35 degrees, gently shake the thermometer

The impact of mercury on the human body

The mercury contained in this thermometer is a silver-white metal that has a liquid structure, as well as the ability to evaporate at temperatures above 18 degrees. Even with a small impact, the ball of mercury is divided into many small parts and scatters in different directions. If you accidentally break a thermometer, mercury spills onto the floor, splitting into many balls and spreading over a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. It easily penetrates into small cracks and cracks on the floor and furniture, clogs into the pile of carpets. And if it is not removed in time, it will poison the human body, evaporating at room temperature. Inhaling mercury vapor, the human body accumulates it and after a while intoxication may occur. It manifests itself in the following symptoms: a metallic taste in the mouth, drowsiness, decreased attention and memory, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney damage, abdominal pain, bleeding gums, stomatitis, anemia, dermatitis, tremor of the extremities, irritation of the respiratory tract. Mercury has a very negative effect on the body of children, the elderly and pets. Therefore, if a nuisance occurs when the thermometer is broken, a series of mandatory manipulations should be immediately carried out.

If the thermometer is broken

  • The first step is to escort out of this room everyone who is not involved in cleaning and eliminating the consequences of a broken thermometer, especially children and pets.
  • Windows are also immediately opened for ventilation, but it is important not to create a draft so that the mercury balls do not scatter over a large area. This will help to reduce the air temperature in the room, and therefore the evaporation of mercury will slow down.
  • If possible, limit the accident site using improvised means, preventing the mercury from spreading over a large area.
  • Things that were in interaction with the broken thermometer must be taken out to fresh air (clothes, carpets, etc.).
  • Prepare a glass jar or plastic bottle that has a screw cap, put on rubber gloves on your hands, on your feet - shoe covers or plastic bags, on your face - a gauze bandage that should be moistened with water or soda solution.
  • First, collect all the visible balls of mercury. This is done with two sheets of paper, a brush, cotton wool soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate or soda, a rubber pear, a syringe, a plaster or tape. All collected mercury is placed in a jar or bottle of cold water. A rubber bulb or syringe will be a handy tool for pulling mercury balls out of hard-to-reach places.
  • Carefully inspect all the cracks on the floor (at the junction of the floor and the plinth, between the laminate, and so on), if possible, disassemble all possible structures to make sure that there are no mercury balls there.
  • Close the jar/bottle tightly and place it in a place out of the reach of children, away from heating appliances. The best thing is to temporarily place this container on the balcony or in the garage. Further, it must be handed over to the Office of the Fire Service of the Civil Defense Emergencies.
  • For safety reasons, when working on collecting mercury, you need to go out into the fresh air every 15 minutes.
  • In no case should you:
    • Use a vacuum cleaner, as the heating element in the vacuum cleaner will help the evaporation and spread of mercury in the room. Subsequently, the use of such a cleaning device will be hazardous to health, so you will have to dispose of it.
    • Use a broom, as its twigs will break the balls into smaller ones. This will make it difficult to collect the hazardous substance.
    • Dispose of the collected mercury in the trash or sewer. This will contribute to the pollution of a much larger area with the difficulty of cleaning it.
    • Do not wash items that you have cleaned or that have come into contact with mercury as a result of a washing machine accident. In this case, mercury can also get into the sewer, from where it will no longer be possible to remove it. Things are taken out into the street and aired on the street for at least 5 days.
  • After all the mercury has been collected, carry out a chemical treatment of the area. To do this, make a dark brown, almost opaque solution of potassium permanganate. For one liter of this solution, add one tablespoon of salt and one tablespoon of vinegar (you can use citric acid). Using a pulverizer or brush, apply the resulting solution to the accident site and leave for 6-8 hours, periodically moistening the treated surface with water. After this period, wash the floor with a soap and soda solution.
  • Such floor treatment should be carried out for several days, keeping the potassium permanganate solution for about an hour.

It is perhaps difficult to find a family whose medicine cabinet lacks a mercury thermometer. Many people know that this item should be handled very carefully, because a broken thermometer poses a direct threat to health. However, not everyone knows how to eliminate the consequences of such an "accident", and what exactly it threatens. In the article we will try to figure out in detail what to do if the thermometer crashed.

What is a mercury thermometer made of?

The mercury thermometer is very simple, and in this regard, of course, its operation is very convenient. Moreover, unlike a digital thermometer, this one has a lower cost, and its readings are more accurate.

The device is made in the form of a glass tube, both ends of which are sealed. As a result, an absolute vacuum without air is created in the tube. At one end of this tube is a reservoir filled with mercury.

In addition, in the thermometer it is easy to notice the temperature scale, which has divisions of 0.1 degrees. It is worth noting that the place that connected the tank with mercury and the tube narrows, and for this reason the mercury does not move in the opposite direction. Thanks to this design, temperature readings can be maintained after the maximum value has been reached.

By touching the skin, the mercury tank heats up, which is why the mercury has the opportunity to expand and rise. Having reached the maximum rate, mercury stops expanding, freezing at a certain figure. Usually ten minutes or a little less is enough to measure the temperature. Given that mercury is present in the thermometer, it must be handled very carefully, in no case allowing it to split.

Before you take any action to eliminate mercury, find out exactly what it looks like and why it is dangerous.

What mercury looks like from a broken thermometer photo and description

In the presented photographs, you can see exactly how the mercury that flows out of a broken thermometer looks like. Of course, once you see mercury with your own eyes, you are unlikely to confuse it with anything else. As you can see, the droplets of mercury have a metallic color and generally resemble drops of molten metal. From a distance, these droplets can be mistaken for beads. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that mercury has a completely harmless appearance (this is especially dangerous if children stumble upon it), its vapors can bring a lot of trouble and seriously undermine health if measures are not taken to eliminate it in a timely manner.

What is its danger to humans

Mercury is an extremely toxic chemical. By the way, mercury in the body is mainly due to the inhalation of its vapors, which have no smell. Even if the time of action of mercury is minimal, it can result in serious health problems and poisoning. It has a toxic effect on the digestive system, as well as the nervous and immune systems. Dangerous for the kidneys, lungs, eyes, skin cover.

There are mild mercury poisoning (in the case of food poisoning), severe (due to emergencies at enterprises or lack of safety precautions). There are also chronic poisoning. The latter type increases the risk of tuberculosis and other diseases. The consequences of poisoning can make themselves felt even after a long period (even after 2-3 years).

Note that acute poisoning can result in loss of vision, baldness, paralysis, and even death. Mercury poses a serious threat to women during pregnancy, posing a danger to the development of the baby.

What to do if a mercury thermometer breaks in an apartment

If a mercury thermometer crashed in your apartment, then, as already noted, the consequences of this trouble should be eliminated. However, it is important to remember that when collecting mercury, it is imperative to follow clear safety rules.

It is best to collect mercury with an ordinary syringe. Ordinary napkins soaked in vegetable oil or newspapers soaked in water are also used - the drops will stick to the paper. Also, the balls will easily stick to sticky materials such as tape. Among other options, you can consider another fairly simple one: collect mercury on a sheet of paper with a soft brush. During the procedure, pay special attention to baseboards and crevices.

If mercury is on the carpet, in no case should you use a vacuum cleaner or a broom! Fold the carpet from the edge to the center so that the balls do not scatter around the room. Wrap the carpet in plastic wrap and take it outside. Before you hang it, put a film on it so that the soil is not contaminated with mercury. After that, lightly knock out the carpet. Such a carpet will have to be ventilated for at least three months, therefore, if possible, it is better to throw it away.

Demercurization, disinfection and ventilation

The room can be cleaned of mercury, both by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and by one's own efforts. So, before starting this process, which is called demercurization, it is worth starting to ventilate the room by opening all the windows. By the way, thorough airing of the room should be carried out for the next week. Doors to other rooms during the elimination of mercury should be closed so that the vapors of the hazardous substance do not spread throughout the apartment. At the same time, a draft should not be allowed so that the balls do not scatter around the room and break into mercury dust, settling on the table, bed, walls, and so on. Before you start cleaning particles on mercury, you must definitely put on rubber gloves on your hands. Also, do not forget about shoe covers on your feet (can be replaced with plastic bags). During demercurization, the mouth and nose should be covered with a damp gauze bandage. By the way, even after all drops of mercury visible to the eye are collected, some microparticles of the substance may still remain in the room. For this reason, it is also necessary to carry out disinfection. Wash floors and walls with a solution of some kind of detergent that contains chlorine. In addition, a solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable.

Where to put the remains of a broken thermometer

If you are convinced that you have completely cleared the room of mercury on your own, and for some reason you cannot call the EMERCOM team, then there is another way to get rid of the hazardous substance. Take a jar of mercury, a broken thermometer, clothes that you were wearing at the time of demercurization (if there is a possibility that mercury got on it), and hand it all over to a special enterprise that disposes of waste containing mercury. If there is no such institution nearby, then the thermometer can be handed over to the sanitary and epidemiological station or the state pharmacy, where you will be asked to fill out a special application.

After collecting the substance, put it in a glass jar of water at room temperature, along with the remains of a thermometer. The container must be tightly closed with a lid. It is strictly not recommended to throw a jar of mercury into the sewer or water supply, so as not to pollute the environment. If you did not immediately call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you should do this after you collect the poisonous substance in a jar. When the team arrives, hand over to them a jar of thermometer and mercury, as well as all the materials used during demercurization. The duties of the medical unit team of specialists include the mandatory subsequent disinfection of the premises.

Where to call if you broke a mercury thermometer at home

As we have already mentioned, the best option in this unpleasant situation would be to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is possible that you will do something wrong and you will not be able to completely remove the remnants of the toxic substance from the house. In turn, the specialists will do everything to ensure that there are no traces of mercury in the room and nothing threatens your health. Please note that clothes and shoes that have come into contact with a hazardous substance cannot be washed in a washing machine - it is best to throw these things away. Also, in no case should you remove mercury with a broom or vacuum cleaner, despite the fact that these options seem to be the most obvious.

How long does mercury weather

Even after you eliminate all the remnants of mercury from your apartment, its vapors will still remain indoors for some time. In order to minimize their negative effect, after removing evaporating sources, it is strongly recommended to thoroughly ventilate the apartment. If you do not have the opportunity to ventilate the entire apartment, you must do this at least directly in the room in which the thermometer crashed. If you want to remove vapors that have already accumulated in the air, the room must be ventilated for at least 5-7 hours. If possible, it is better to ventilate the room for at least a few days! Over the next week, we recommend treating the surface where the substance was located with a solution of potassium permanganate several times a day.

Also, certain measures should be taken by the one who collected mercury, if the team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not do this. As a prevention of poisoning, you should drink as much liquid as possible, because mercury formations come out through the kidneys. In addition, fresh fruits and vegetables will definitely benefit. If soon you still feel unwell, in order to avoid deterioration of health, you should immediately consult a doctor.

First aid if the child has inhaled mercury vapor

If a thermometer breaks in the house, and the child has time to inhale mercury vapor, it is necessary to take first aid measures as soon as possible.

First, carefully inspect the child's hands and hair, and if a toxic substance is found on them, dispose of it immediately. If a child has swallowed balls of mercury, immediately call an ambulance, and while it is heading towards you, you need to cause a gag reflex in the child.

The situation is more complicated if the baby managed to swallow the fragments - nothing should be done before the arrival of the doctors. Just put the child on the bed and minimize all his activities.

If mercury gets on his clothes, then things should be changed immediately. The situation is less critical if the mercury has not had time to get on the skin, hair and clothes of the child - then you just need to take him out of the room. Once in the fresh air, give him activated charcoal.

Carefully inspect the room to find all the fragments of the thermometer and drops of toxic metal - you can remove them yourself or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations for this procedure.

After the “accident” is eliminated, drink as much liquid as possible with the child over the next few days.

Even if it seems to you that the baby feels quite normal and the mercury vapor did not affect his well-being, you should still consult a doctor for confirmation!

What not to do if the thermometer crashed

In conclusion, let us summarize what should not be done in any case if a thermometer breaks in the house.

1) First of all, remember that you can not collect poisonous balls with a vacuum cleaner - it will heat the metal, and this will only speed up the evaporation process. Particles of the substance will settle on the details of the device, and it will become a hotbed for the spread of toxic fumes - as a result, it will definitely need to be disposed of.

2) Do not sweep the mercury with a broom, because the drops will be divided into even smaller ones, and they will be much more difficult to find.

3) It is forbidden to collect mercury balls with a rag - because of this, the area affected by the substance will be increased.

4) After collecting poisonous droplets, do not throw them into the garbage chute - it will be impossible to get rid of them, and as a result, not only you will suffer.

5) Do not create a draft in the room until the mercury is completely eliminated, otherwise the balls will separate into microscopic particles and end up on walls or furniture.

6) If you have even the slightest suspicion that a toxic substance is on your clothes, it is forbidden to wash them in a washing machine - mercury can remain on its parts. We recommend that you simply throw these clothes away - for sure, this is easier than getting rid of the washing machine later.

Thermometers are used to measure temperature, the liquid types of which are commonly called a thermometer, although the degree is not the only unit for measuring the heating of bodies or media (there are also Kelvin and Fahrenheit). Although such a device is quite common, not everyone knows how it works. Using the example of a medical mercury thermometer shown in the figure below, we will describe how the thermometer works and describe its operation.

The thermometer consists of the following parts:

Flask with liquid (pos.1).

A hermetically sealed transparent (most often glass) tube (pos. 3) is connected to the flask, from which air has been removed.

The liquid with which the flask is filled is also partially located in the tube (pos. 2).

Case made of transparent material (pos. 6) designed to assemble all parts of the thermometer into a single unit and protect them. In the case of a medical thermometer, it is also made of glass. Moreover, the flask can be integral with the body, but between it and the environment there is no space filled with air, which reduces the accuracy of the device due to thermal insulation properties. There are no requirements for the tightness of the housing.

The thermometer scale (pos. 4) is made of paper, plastic or ceramic. Divisions and numbers (pos. 5) are applied on it, according to which readings are read. The scale is attached to the tube, and its position is set when calibrating or checking the thermometer.

How is a thermometer set up?

It explains how the thermometer is arranged on the basis of the law of thermal expansion of bodies and liquids. The flask contains a liquid with a high coefficient of thermal expansion. In this case, it is mercury, but more often alcohols or similar substances that are not hazardous to health are used, in which glycerin is additionally injected with a dye. As it heats up in the flask, the liquid rushes up the thermometer tube. An increase in its volume does not hold back the atmospheric pressure and the resistance of the compressed air, since it is pumped out of the tube, and the tube itself is airtight. The volume of space inside the tube (pos. 3) is much less than the volume of liquid in the flask (pos. 1), then its column moves a considerable distance.

According to the height of the liquid column, readings are read on the scale (pos. 5). With a decrease in the heating temperature of the flask, the process takes place in the reverse order, and the height of the liquid column also becomes smaller. By the way, how the thermometer works is studied in the school physics course.

Digital thermometer: modern and safe

It is also worth noting that there are other types of thermometers that are very successful. They use the principles of changing the electrical resistance of materials, or the shape of bimetallic plates depending on temperature. Such devices consist of sensors, electrical or mechanical converters of their signal and display devices.

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What is a thermometer

A thermometer (or more correctly called a thermometer) is a device that can be found in any apartment. With it, you can measure the temperature of the body, soil, water or air. It is used in various areas of life: medicine, cooking, agriculture, in various industries, for scientific purposes, etc. Measuring the air temperature at home and on the street allows people to navigate in weather conditions, and fever associated with an increase in body temperature is a symptom of a large number of diseases (for example, infectious diseases). The thermometer is an indispensable assistant in various situations, and it is simply impossible to imagine modern life without it.

There are several types of thermometers:

  • Liquid (alcohol thermometer, mercury thermometer),
  • mechanical thermometer,
  • optical thermometer,
  • Gas thermometer.

The history of the modern thermometer goes back to the Middle Ages. The inventor of thermometers is considered to be Galileo, whose students described that in 1597 he invented a device that records changes in water temperature. It was a tube filled with liquid and a ball that floated on its surface. When the water was heated, its level rose and the ball with it, when cooled, everything happened in the reverse order. However, this device could not be called a true thermometer, because with it it was impossible to determine how many degrees were in the room or how hot the water was, that is, it did not have any scales and graduations. And, nevertheless, this primitive device became the prototype of a real thermometer.

The history of the first liquid thermometers began in the middle of the 17th century. However, the first tests were not crowned with success - when the temperature dropped below zero degrees, they burst. The reason was that the tube was filled with water. The situation changed radically when ethyl alcohol was used as a liquid, which freezes at a much lower temperature.

The thermometer acquired its modern look as a result of the long work of the scientist Fahrenheit (1723). At the beginning of his activity, he used alcohol as a liquid, and only after many years - mercury. He identified the main control points: the melting of ice, the boiling of water, and the body temperature of a healthy person. His work was continued by another scientist - Celsius (1742). He took for 0 - the level of ice melting, and for 100 - the boiling of water and calibrated the thermometer. He also found out that these parameters depend on the level at which the device is relative to the sea.

Types of thermometers

There are several types of thermometers, each of them works according to its own special principle. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and, accordingly, the area where they best help to carry out thermometry.

A liquid thermometer is a special device for measuring temperature, the basic principle of which is based on the expansion of a certain liquid. It is widely used in various fields of science, technology and medicine. It is a capillary that contains liquid. Depending on the increase in its temperature, it increases in volume and its level rises. A special division is applied to the capillary, taking into account the fact that one degree corresponds to a certain level of rise in the column of this liquid. Various types of liquid thermometers allow you to measure temperatures from -200°C to +750°C. The most commonly used alcohol thermometer and mercury thermometer, much less often other varieties (kerosene, pentane, etc.).

mercury thermometer

A mercury thermometer is a device that not everyone has, although a few decades ago it was mandatory in any home first aid kit. It was replaced by the modern electronic thermometer and became more popular than its predecessor for safety reasons. However, a number of experts still prefer the mercury medical thermometer, since, in their opinion, its readings are more accurate.

A mercury thermometer is a device whose main element is a thin tube from which air is pumped out. At the end of it is a special reservoir of mercury (brilliant gray). Along the tube there is a special bar on which a scale is applied. Each division of this scale indicates a certain temperature interval (1 or 0.1 ° C).

The mechanism of action of a mercury thermometer for the body is as follows: at room temperature, all mercury is in the tank, but when it enters an environment with a higher temperature, it expands and the column rises. As a result, the level stops at a level corresponding to the actual temperature, if we talk about human use, it helps to detect the presence of fever or normothermia. If the thermometer is designed to determine the weather conditions or how hot it is in the apartment, then it is attached to the appropriate surface (wall, window frame, casing, etc.). As a result, a home thermometer will help determine whether it is time to ventilate the room and how to dress outside.

A medical mercury thermometer differs from the one that is designed to determine the temperature on the street or in the apartment in that after removing it from the area of ​​​​the human body, the column does not fall down on its own. This is due to the special structure of the entrance to the mercury tank (it is slightly narrowed). Therefore, many people know that in order to delete the previous readings on such a thermometer, it is necessary to shake it several times.

A mercury thermometer for the body has its advantages:

  • Measurement accuracy (the most reliable after a gas thermometer),
  • Low cost (20-30 rubles),
  • Availability in all pharmacies of our country,
  • The possibility of treatment with disinfectants (therefore, a mercury thermometer for the body is used in all hospitals),
  • Long service life - no batteries required.

The mercury thermometer has its disadvantages:

  • Measurement duration (5-10 minutes),
  • The presence of mercury in the composition of the hazardous substance,
  • When falling, it breaks
  • Cannot be used for oral temperature measurement in children.

An alcohol thermometer is also widely used by people, like a mercury one. It has a similar principle of operation as the last one. Only unlike him, the tube contains not mercury, but alcohol. It is very easy to distinguish between these two types of thermometer: by the color of the liquid in the tank. In a mercury thermometer it is brilliant gray, and in an alcohol thermometer it is red, because it is this shade that special dyes give this solution. The red bar is clearly visible from a distance. However, the alcohol thermometer has not found its application for measuring body temperature, its niche is to determine the number of degrees in the room and on the street, the temperature of various liquids (in laboratories, in production, in cooking). It has a gradation from -40°С to +50°С.

Other types of liquid thermometers

In addition to the mercury and alcohol thermometers, kerosene and pentane are also classified as liquid. The first allows you to determine the temperature level in the range from -20°C to +300°C, the second - from -200°C to +20°C. Kerosene thermometers are used to obtain information about the course of technological processes, pentane thermometers are used in the manufacture of various alloys from several metals.

Mechanical thermometer

A mechanical thermometer has the same principle of operation as a liquid one. That is, the ability to expand various materials under the influence of elevated temperature is taken as the basis. A distinctive feature of a mechanical thermometer is the presence of two tapes with different physical properties. When the temperature rises, they begin to move relative to each other, which is reflected on the dial.

Mechanical thermometers have not found their application in medicine. Their niche is the determination of temperature in various electrical appliances or mechanical devices (for example, in a toaster), they also produce mechanical thermometers to determine the temperature in a room.

The electronic thermometer went on sale several decades ago, but its popularity is growing every day. Many families, especially those with babies, prefer this particular temperature device and believe that this is the best thermometer for children.

The principle of operation of an electronic thermometer is based on determining the temperature level by a special sensor built into its housing. The measurement result is displayed on the display, the measurement accuracy is 0.1°C. It has found its use exclusively in medicine, as it quickly determines body temperature anywhere (in the mouth, armpit, vagina or rectum).

An electronic thermometer for the body has its advantages:

  • Durable: won't break when dropped.
  • It does not contain a hazardous substance - mercury.
  • Thanks to the presence of a case, this is the best thermometer for travel and travel.
  • Fast results (less than 1 minute).
  • The ideal thermometer for children - allows you to determine the temperature even in the mouth without fear that the baby will bite off the tip or accidentally drop it on the floor.
  • Modern.

The production of mercury thermometers is decreasing every year. This means that the electronic medical thermometer will gradually completely replace it from household use. After all, it is much more convenient, safer, faster to use. However, it also has certain disadvantages:

  • The cost ranges from 200-1000 rubles, which is not affordable for every family.
  • Available for sale mainly in cities, rural and rural pharmacies are not always able to provide customers with an electronic thermometer.
  • Inaccurate readings. When changing the temperature level in the same person in the same place several times in a row, it can give results that differ by a few tenths of a degree.
  • It can break down (like any electronic device), require repair or even replacement.
  • The battery needs to be changed regularly.
  • After a beep has sounded indicating that the temperature has been measured, the level may rise further if the measurement is continued. This should be taken into account.
  • It is not treated with disinfectants and sterilized, that is, it is not suitable for use in a large number of people (clinic or hospital). Therefore, it is a home thermometer that is suitable for use by members of the same family.
  • Runs on small batteries that can be taken out and swallowed by very smart kids. Therefore, the question of whether a thermometer is dangerous can be answered in the affirmative.

Optical thermometer

An optical thermometer is a rather complicated device in which the temperature is measured using various photocells and photomultipliers. They evaluate the brightness of the incident light, which bodies with different temperatures give off with different intensity. For comparison, heat is taken from a light bulb heated to 600-800 ° C. Naturally, such a device is not suitable for household use or for measuring body temperature. Its role is the use in production, in laboratories, etc.

gas thermometer

The gas thermometer is based on the Charles principle. It lies in the fact that while maintaining the same volume, the same increase in body temperature leads to the same increase in pressure. A change in temperature leads to a fluctuation in pressure. A vessel with gas is connected to a pressure gauge (a device for measuring the pressure level), respectively, the temperature can be determined from this indicator using a special calibration.

Hydrogen or helium is used as the gas, although it has been proven that the specific type does not affect the final result. A gas thermometer is the most accurate of all existing ones, but it cannot be definitely called a home thermometer: it is used in experiments, experiments, and in production.

An infrared thermometer is a novelty in the world of thermometers, which is gaining popularity among buyers. The principle of operation of this device is associated with the registration of infrared radiation emanating from a certain surface, the level of which directly depends on temperature. A sensitive sensor captures this radiation and transforms this indicator into a temperature level, the result can be seen on the display.

The infrared thermometer has found wide application in pediatrics. It allows you to quickly and accurately measure the temperature of a sleeping child without having to wake him up. There is a forehead and ear version of this thermometer, for thermometry it is necessary to attach it to the corresponding area for a few seconds.

The infrared medical thermometer has several advantages:

  • Safety. A child cannot break it, injure a hand on glass, or inhale mercury vapor.
  • The best thermometer for travel or trips.
  • Quick measurement result within seconds.
  • An infrared thermometer for children is an excellent choice, it allows you to take thermometry from a sleeping baby.
  • In addition to body thermometry, it allows you to measure the temperature of any liquids or solids, for this you need to set up a certain mode.

However, in addition to the advantages of an infrared thermometer, it also has certain disadvantages:

  • High cost (2000-3000 rubles).
  • Runs on batteries so keep a spare.
  • Ear and forehead thermometers only measure temperature in these areas.
  • In order for the thermometer to show the correct result, a person must sit still for several seconds. With kids, this is very difficult to achieve.
  • Not entirely reliable result (the error is 0.5-1.0 ° C).
  • In order to re-measure, you must wait a few seconds.
  • The ear thermometer does not show the correct result when the tip does not fit into the ear canal of the smallest patients. With active movements of newborns, it can injure the ear, so such a thermometer can be dangerous for them. Also, you need to buy special nozzles for it.

A non-contact thermometer is one of the varieties of infrared, a distinctive feature of which is the absence of the need to touch the skin with the device. This is the most ideal thermometer for children, because it can take thermometry without disturbing the child (who can sleep, play or eat mother's milk).

A non-contact thermometer is more properly called a pyrometer. The principle of its operation is to measure the power of thermal radiation from an object (which can be a person, a liquid or a solid object). However, the device takes into account only infrared radiation and transforms the result into a certain temperature indicator.

The advantages of a non-contact thermometer are similar to those already described for all infrared thermometers. However, a feature of this particular type is that it allows you to measure the temperature on any part of the body without touching it. This is especially true for babies who cannot take thermometry with a mercury or electronic thermometer.

The disadvantages of a non-contact thermometer are also similar to all infrared ones. However, its cost is even higher than ear or frontal ones (3-4 thousand rubles), but given that this is a one-time purchase, this amount can be allocated from the family budget of almost any family. In addition, the readings of a non-contact thermometer are somewhat dependent on the environment, so the temperature in the room should not be too low or high.

Dummy thermometer

The pacifier thermometer is another trendy invention for pediatric thermometry. It is the best thermometer for young children who have not yet weaned from the pacifier. This device has a special sensor built into the body, which determines the temperature in the same way as an electronic thermometer. The result becomes visible on the display 60 seconds after the start of the measurement.

The dummy thermometer is a truly unique invention. It cannot be broken, which can happen with a mercury thermometer. The process of thermometry does not cause discomfort to the baby. However, it also has disadvantages:

  • Batteries need to be changed.
  • The cost is about 400 rubles.
  • Like any device, it can break.
  • Unlike a regular pacifier, it cannot be fully sterilized or boiled.
  • Not suitable for children who do not like to suck on a pacifier (and there are many).

Thus, we see that a home thermometer can be selected according to needs. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages and scope.

A thermometer is a multifunctional device that a person uses in various areas of life. Its main role in medicine is the determination of body temperature, because this is the most important parameter of the state of the body. The normal indicator fluctuates in the range of 36.6-37.1 ° C (in the armpit). In the mouth and rectum, it may differ slightly, depending on various parameters (hot food intake, phase of the menstrual cycle, etc.). Temperature in the range of 37.1-37.9°C is subfebrile, 38.0-38.9°C is febrile, 39.0-41.0°C is pyretic and above 41.0°C is hyperpyretic and potentially dangerous for life.

The task of a medical thermometer is to determine body temperature as quickly and accurately as possible. This indicator affects the correct diagnosis and the appointment of timely treatment. An elevated temperature without a thermometer can also be detected quite simply, but sometimes minutes count and it is simply pointless to neglect such an elementary device (especially for young children).

In medicine, the following types of thermometers are used:

  • mercury,
  • electronic,
  • infrared, including non-contact.

In hospitals and clinics, preference is still given to mercury thermometers due to the fact that the durable glass case is easily disinfected in various antiseptic solutions. After all, quite often a lot of people will use it during the day, so the issue of cleanliness in this aspect is very important.

For home use, electronic or infrared thermometers are more suitable, since in the vast majority of cases they are used by members of the same family and special treatment with disinfectants is not required. However, they sometimes give errors, therefore, in order to determine whether the thermometer is correct or not, its readings should be checked periodically with a standard mercury thermometer, whose operation is not affected by anything.

Measuring body temperature with a thermometer

Measuring body temperature or thermometry is an important procedure that allows you to detect the presence of fever, as a symptom of a large number of serious illnesses. The most important rules that determine where it is better to take a measurement and how long to keep a thermometer help to do this as efficiently as possible. Therefore, each person should know how to carry out thermometry in order to recognize a fever in time and seek help from a doctor.

Measuring body temperature is a procedure that directly depends on what type of thermometer is used for this.

Rules for thermometry with a mercury thermometer

When measuring temperature with a mercury thermometer, the first thing to find out is what are the readings from the previous thermometry on the device (after all, as mentioned above, the level of the mercury column does not return to the minimum mark on its own). If the indicator is above 35 ° C, then the thermometer should be gently shaken several times. Then re-evaluate the level. Next, the device must be placed in the armpit. The question of how long to keep the thermometer is very important, because if you remove it ahead of time, you can get an underestimated unreliable result. The duration of the mercury thermometer in the armpit should be at least 5-6 minutes, ideally - 10. After that, it should be removed and the readings evaluated.

Rules for thermometry with an electronic thermometer

The rules for using an electronic thermometer are described in the instructions for this device. Before using it for the first time, as well as any other, you should read it carefully. Each electronic thermometer has its own characteristics that relate to thermometry technology. Before starting the procedure, you need to look at the display and reset the previous readings (although for some devices this happens automatically). Then place it in the armpit, mouth or rectum. The waiting period for the result is determined by the appearance of a special sound signal. However, for greater accuracy, you should continue measuring the temperature for another 1-2 minutes, sometimes these results differ.

Rules for thermometry with an infrared thermometer

An infrared thermometer is a device that also requires reading the instructions. Each manufacturer makes its own nuances in the process of thermometry, so this should always be remembered. The question of how long to keep such a thermometer should also be clarified in the text of the instructions, but usually the result is displayed on the display for 1 minute.

It must be remembered that periodically any thermometer needs to be processed. A mercury thermometer can be rinsed with an antiseptic solution (you can use a weak alcohol one), but electronic and infrared thermometers can fail after such a procedure. They should simply be wiped with a clean, damp cloth after each use.

The question of how long to keep the thermometer is very important. After all, its premature extraction leads to an underestimated result. The result is an underestimation of the severity of your condition. Therefore, for different types of thermometers, this parameter is individual:

  • Mercury thermometer.

Preferably 5-6 minutes, ideally 10 minutes.

Preferably - before the sound signal (1-2 minutes), ideally - 1-2 minutes after the sound signal.

Preferably - before the sound signal (60 seconds). After that, further measurement is meaningless. A non-contact thermometer shows the result on the display after 30 seconds.

How to determine elevated temperature without a thermometer

Fever is a symptom that, as a rule, has a very specific effect on the patient's well-being. Therefore, elevated temperature without a thermometer can also be diagnosed quickly enough. Here are a few signs to suspect a fever:

  • Feeling, trembling (during the process of raising the temperature), or heat - when it has already risen to high numbers.
  • Redness of the skin of the face, chest.
  • Headache, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness.
  • Pain in muscles, joints, bones, a feeling of aching in the body.
  • Thirst, dry mouth, loss of appetite.

Children behave in a very specific way when they have a fever. They become lethargic, whiny, refuse to eat and play, ask to be held by their parents. It is possible to determine the presence of a high temperature without a thermometer, however, only the device can determine its specific level, so do not neglect it.

Young children often get sick, and colds occur in them much more often than in adults due to the immaturity of the immune system. Fever in a child often develops, and it can quickly reach pyretic figures. Babies in the first 2 years of life are very vulnerable to high fever, because one of its potential complications is febrile convulsions. They occur against the background of an increase in body temperature to a level of 39 ° C and above and are the result of an underdevelopment of the nervous system. In order to prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to determine the presence of a fever in the baby as soon as possible and urgently take measures to reduce body temperature. Therefore, the presence of a thermometer in a house where there are children is mandatory, and its absence is a negligent crime of parents.

best thermometer for baby

An increase in body temperature in infants up to a year is an extremely serious and dangerous symptom. Any mother should be able to measure this indicator, despite the fact that the child himself may not be enthusiastic about this procedure. Fortunately, to date, various types of thermometers have been invented that help to carry out thermometry in the smallest patients. These include thermometers - pacifiers, electronic and infrared thermometers. The best option: a non-contact thermometer, it helps to measure a sleeping baby.

A mercury thermometer is the most extreme option, because a baby can react specifically to a cold glass device - by hitting a handle or a leg, break the thermometer.

The right thermometer for preschool children

Children between the ages of 1 and 6 years differ greatly in terms of development. Six-year-old children are conscious people who can sit quite calmly for several minutes while measuring temperature with any kind of thermometer, which cannot be said about two-year-olds: this procedure can cause a storm of negative emotions in them. Therefore, when choosing the type of thermometer, you must first take into account the temperament of the baby. A dummy is an option that will only suit a one-year-old child, so after 2 years, infrared, non-contact or electronic thermometers should be preferred.

Cases when preschool children accidentally broke a thermometer are not uncommon. Therefore, this option should be left first of all in order to find out whether the correct thermometer is infrared or electronic, or the batteries or the device itself should be replaced.

The question of whether a thermometer containing mercury is dangerous and whether mercury poisoning from a thermometer is possible worries all owners of this device. Around him there have always been many myths and legends that are not entirely true. Therefore, this issue, as well as what to do if the thermometer is broken and how the thermometers are disposed of, should be given special attention.

Is mercury poisoning possible from a thermometer?

Is mercury poisoning possible from a thermometer? This is the main question that is spinning in the head of a person who sees small shiny balls of this liquid metal on the floor, which got there as a result of careless handling of a thermometer. However, experts say that the dose of this substance in one device is so small that real mercury poisoning from a thermometer is very unlikely. However, the chances increase if the balls hit a hot stove, frying pan, then the metal evaporates and this increases the likelihood of them getting into the respiratory tract.

Also, the likelihood of getting chronic mercury poisoning from a thermometer increases if the balls rolled somewhere in a secluded place and stayed there for a long time. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary, after breaking the thermometer, to take all the necessary measures to prevent this serious condition.

What to do if the thermometer is broken

If such a situation has occurred in the house, the first thing to do is to isolate all animals and children in a separate room. After that, you need to tightly close the doors, open the window wide open and start collecting mercury balls. This must be done with rubber gloves, by sticking them on tape or paper in a large glass jar. After a thorough inspection of the scene of the incident, it is necessary to close the jar tightly and call the rescue service so that they conduct a control measurement of the residual level of mercury and dispose of the thermometer.

How is the disposal of mercury thermometers

An old or broken mercury thermometer is a potential environmental hazard. Therefore, the disposal of thermometers based on mercury is the task of specialists. Ideally, they must be handed over in a tightly closed bag or bank to the employees of the city rescue service. Do not throw them in the trash or take them to the landfill yourself.

Disposal of mercury thermometers is a serious job that must be carried out by specially trained professionals.