Refrigerator compressor repair and replacement: features and recommendations. Compressor replacement in refrigeration What is a compressor

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Dear Clients! Be careful! Today, the total minimum cost of replacing a motor-compressor cannot be less than 6000-00 rubles. No one will work at a loss. If you are offered to replace the motor-compressor of the refrigerator for a lesser amount, you should think about it.

We all want to get a good result for the minimum money. But think about how often you are lucky to purchase a quality product or service for a paltry price? When choosing a refrigerator repair service, always remember where free cheese is.

Replacing the compressor (motor) of the refrigerator is a complex and time-consuming process. Work on its replacement refers to a complex (overhaul) repair. In order to replace the compressor (motor), it is necessary to first remove the refrigerant from the refrigeration unit, then replace the compressor (motor) itself and the starting relay, while during the repair process, it may be necessary to replace some other components that have become unusable. After carrying out the above operations, the tightness of the system is restored using high-temperature brazing. Then the system is released from air and charged with a certain amount of a specific brand of refrigerant.

How much does it cost to replace a refrigerator compressor?

Minimum full the cost of replacing a compressor of a refrigeration unit in our service center - 7500 rbl . The price depends on both the brand and the model of the refrigerator.

Below is the estimated cost of replacing a compressor for the most common brands of freestanding refrigerators.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that it is indicated estimated cost... Only a foreman or a duty engineer (senior foreman) can name the exact cost of replacing a compressor for your refrigerator model when agreeing on an order.

Owners of refrigerators Samsung, Electrolux, Liebherr, LG, Bosch and other high-tech brands should take into account that an inverter compressor can be installed on their refrigeration units. The cost of replacing an inverter compressor is significantly different from the usual one. The minimum purchase price for such a compressor is $ 180.

In the photo below: inverter motor-compressor. As you can see, outwardly, it is no different from the piston crank-connecting rod or crank-rocker motor-compressors installed on the vast majority of refrigerators. It is usually possible to determine an inverter or conventional compressor (motor) installed on your refrigerator only after a diagnosis or serial number, product code of the unit.

Replacing a refrigerator compressor is a job for a professional

The main part of every refrigerator after the cabinet is the compressor. Usually they do not break for many years, but sometimes, due to power surges in the network, the refrigerator may fail.

Your refrigerator has stopped working and you want to replace the compressor.

As a rule, the craftsmen have many years of experience in replacing the compressor, but often yesterday's short-term student comes, whose qualifications are zero, so you need to know about some important nuances:

  • Selection of a new compressor. It is better to buy a compressor from the same company, then there will be no problems. If you have chosen an analogue, then watch carefully to specifications the new compressor exactly matched the manufacturer's installed compressor.
  • Pay attention to the cooling capacities of both compressors. They must match exactly. You can find out by checking the working diagrams of the old and new compressor. Sometimes you can choose more powerful compressor, but this is provided that all other indicators are identical.
  • Check if your refrigerator has an oil cooling system. If there is, then new compressor, should also have such a system. If you choose a compressor of a different model, then the heat exchanger coil will not work in this case.
  • It is important to remember that there are compressors with low and high starting torque. If your refrigerator has a capillary tube, then you need to install an LST (low trigger) compressor. If your refrigerator only has a regulator valve to regulate pressure, then the HST (High Trigger) compressor is the right choice for you.

Sequence of work

  • First, the refrigerator is turned off from the network. Very carefully, so as not to break off the steel tubes, bend these tubes back to create a gap. Then carefully lift the compressor and push it forward a little. No more than 5 cm.
  • Next, all refrigerant is removed from the compressor. To do this, you must have a piercing valve and a special balloon with a vacuum. If your compressor can run even a little more, it will greatly facilitate the task of the wizard. Then this procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. The refrigerant is pumped into the condenser. The master breaks the filling tube, and simply squeezes the capillary tube. Then he turns on the refrigerator, and it works for 4 minutes. Then he carefully pierces the filter drier, takes the valve, secures it and attaches it to the cylinder. Having opened the cylinder, they will easily pump all the refrigerant into it.
  • Now you need a special soldering iron in order to unsolder the filter drier from the condenser and then replace the filling tube. It is recommended to use copper tube, the diameter of which is 6 millimeters, and the length is 10-15 centimeters. Then the master proceeds to the final dismantling of the compressor. At the last stage, he must unsolder, clean and put plugs on the discharge and suction pipes.
  • Plugs are also on the new compressor. The technician removes them and connect the ends of the refrigerator piping to the ends of the tubes on the compressor. Then he solders the joints. He also needs to solder a new filter drier. When he has mastered this, he should cover the places where they were soldered with enamel paint.
  • Then, according to the instructions, the master will fill the compressor with refrigerant. Only the required volume is used. This will be done through the filling tube.

In the event of a breakdown of the motor-compressor, a foreman is called in to replace the part. In this case, many are confused by the cost issue - the compressor itself is not cheap, and you also need to pay for repairs, the price of which can be several thousand rubles. If you manage to replace the motor yourself, just find out how much a new compressor costs and not overpay for repairs. Armed with detailed instructions and necessary tool, you can temporarily become a repairman for your own refrigerator.

We will describe below how the motor-compressor and the oil in it are replaced.

To replace a motor, you need to thoroughly know the principle of the refrigerator, be able to correctly diagnose a breakdown, paying attention to the signs. Before work, familiarize yourself with the device, the main causes of engine breakdown and their symptoms.

It can be roughly divided into three main parts:

  • evaporator;
  • capacitor;
  • compressor (consists of a motor and a relay).

If one of them does not function, and the rest of the units are in good order, the efficiency of the refrigerator is still lost.

The system is characterized by closed parameters. Freon is pumped out of the evaporator by the compressor, after which, under high pressure passes into the condenser, where it is cooled, from a gas it becomes a liquid and again goes to the evaporator. This is a continuous cycle of refrigeration equipment.

Unlike other parts, the motor is always on. It starts after a signal from the temperature sensor, which reports an increase in temperature in the chambers. The relay starts the motor to start cooling the compartments. When the set temperature is reached, the relay is triggered and the motor stalls.

The first sign by which you can determine a breakdown is a temperature jump in the main chamber. It can be so warm in there that all food will go bad. There are other signs of failure of the main part of the refrigerator:

  • ice has grown on the walls (especially important for models with the No Frost function);

  • the motor is humming, but it does not produce cold, there is no refrigerant leakage;
  • clicks, rattling and other extraneous sounds are heard: noise, grinding, vibration.
  • the motor runs constantly, without stopping;
  • the food in the chambers is over-freezing.

Sometimes a cable or a broken wiring is to blame for the breakdown, so before starting renovation works you need to measure the resistance in order to protect yourself from injury.

Look for a spot that is free of paint to test for resistance. If there are no such spots, wipe off the coating with solvent. Take the tester and place its test leads to the body and contact. If nothing is displayed, then the device is working properly, and if there are numbers on the multimeter screen, it is very dangerous to repair the compressor at home. If you decide to work with such a compressor, be extremely careful.

To check the current, make sure the start relay is working. Take a multimeter with a clamp - it is more convenient to check with such a device. If the motor power is, for example, 140 W, measuring device should show a current of 1.3 A. The ratio of these indicators is the same if the motor power is different.

Breakdowns can be classified into two groups:

  • At first glance, everything works fine - the compressor is humming, the light is on. In this case, a refrigerant leak may be relevant, and you can check it yourself - touch the condenser. If it's hot, then there really is a leak.

  • The temperature regulator is broken, therefore, if it is warm in the chamber, there is no signal about it.

If the technique does not work at all, in every fifth case the motor is to blame. If this is not the case, it is worth checking the relay and temperature sensor. If they fail, they must be replaced. If no malfunctions of parts are found, the motor is to blame, and it needs to be replaced.

It is difficult to replace this part without the help of a master, but it is possible. Read on how to do this.

Before starting work, prepare the toolkit:

  • storage for freon gas;
  • valves (needed for puncture and selection);
  • burner.

Important! It is worth giving preference to an oxygen-propane burner.

To replace the compressor in the Ariston, Indesit, Atlant, Stinol or any other refrigerator, proceed as follows:

Watch the video to get it right:

How is the oil change in the compressor

If, after replacing the compressor or relay, it turns out that there is not enough oil in the system, then you need to replace or top up it. Before draining, changing or refilling oil, you should consult with an experienced master.

When else do you need an oil fill? We decided to consider this issue within the framework of this publication, because there are cases when oil is not filled in a new engine, then you will have to do it yourself.

Important! If the compressor does not turn off after replacement, the filling technology has been violated. Follow instructions carefully when handling technical fluids.

  1. A container with new oil must not be opened until it is used.
  2. Buy liquid in a container of such a volume that it is enough for one refueling, otherwise you will have to interrupt the process and buy more.
  3. Do not transfer oil from one bottle to another or mix oils of even the same brand.
  4. When removing used oil, you need to work using PPE - safety goggles, rubber or neoprene gloves. This is due to the fact that the oil may contain acidic impurities.
  5. To understand how much oil is needed for an old compressor, focus on the amount of fluid drained.

What you need:

  • Vacuum pump;
  • filling hose with shut-off valve and screw connection;
  • pressure gauge.

Replacement process

  1. Vacuum the system.
  2. Close the service valves on the motor.
  3. Connect a vacuum pump to one of the valves.
  4. Reduce compressor pressure to minimum (approx. 0.1 bar). Stop the pump.
  5. Unscrew the oil plug on the compressor and screw on the charge hose with shut-off valve.
  6. Open the suction valve and run the freon into the compressor to slightly increase the pressure. Close the valve.
  7. Open the shutoff valve on the charge hose to bleed air.
  8. Open a can of oil and immerse the end of the hose in the container so that it reaches the bottom.
  9. Close the shut-off valve. Start the vacuum pump again.
  10. After the pressure in the motor is below atmospheric pressure, carefully unscrew the shut-off valve. You can now fill the compressor with oil.
  11. To determine its level, observe the filling through the sight glass on the motor.
  12. Close the shut-off valve.
  13. Stop the pump and apply a slight positive pressure by adjusting the opening of the suction valve.
  14. Remove the filling hose. Screw on the oil plug.

The video below will help you better understand the refueling process:

This filling method ensures that there is no moisture or air in the system. There is a possibility of a minor refrigerant leak, which can be replenished with the right tools.

Important! During refueling, make sure that the container with the oily liquid does not empty to the bottom, otherwise air will enter the system. If the precedent occurs, the oil filler plug is closed and the system is evacuated.

If oil needs to be added, this is easier. Use for this purpose oil syringe. Do not be afraid that air will enter the system when you open the oil plug, this is impossible.

If you have an oil pump, then use it - it doses the oil charge without reference to the pressure in the engine.

How long does the refrigerator work after replacing the compressor? It all depends on the thoroughness and accuracy of your work. If your Liebherr, Samsung or any other refrigerator is broken, you know how to replace the compressor and refill the oil. If this work seems difficult to you, do not take risks and call a mechanic.

Having made a step-by-step diagnosis of your Atlanta, have you established that the cause of the breakdown is in the compressor?

Remembering physics

From the school physics course, we know about the structure of the internal combustion engine. The compressor functions in a similar way. The scheme of his work for Indesite or Atlanta is the same. A piston and valve system compresses the freon, sending the heated refrigerant to the condenser. There he goes into liquid state, enters the capillary expander. The compressor compresses the freon, then cools the gas in the condenser, allowing it to circulate in the refrigeration system. The process is continuous and cyclical. The compressor shuts down, including from time to time to perform the refrigerant compression function.

What refrigerator do you have - a Belarusian Atlant or one assembled according to the Italian patent Indesit, they all have the same motor, a similar arrangement of internal circuits. Reciprocating compressors are used in Atlanta and Indesite. Piston compressor equipped with an electric motor with a vertical shaft. The structure is insulated with a sealed casing. The included motor starts the crankshaft, which rotates and moves the piston. The refrigerant is pumped out of the evaporator by the piston and pumped into the condenser.

How to start replacing a refrigerator compressor with your own hands

Repair of refrigerators and replacement of the compressor can be done by yourself, having established the cause of the malfunction. If the compressor heats up after being connected to the network, the thermostat relay is most likely out of order. Replacing the refrigerator compressor relay is carried out even by an amateur. Does the motor suddenly turn off for no reason when the refrigerator is started? It is better to leave the replacement of the refrigerator compressor motor to professionals.

But you can try to replace the entire compressor.

What is needed

Check out the video and photo step-by-step process do-it-yourself refrigerator compressor replacement.

Then prepare the necessary tool:

  • oxygen-propane burner;
  • two valves: for piercing and withdrawing refrigerant;
  • leak detector;
  • electronic thermometer;
  • small pipe cutter;
  • filter drier:
  • copper tube 6 mm;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • pinch pliers;
  • Hansen clutch;
  • charging cylinder;
  • storage tank for freon;
  • new compressor.

Observe safety measures. Do not start work with the device turned on. The repair equipment must be grounded. Work is done with gas - the room must be well ventilated. Free the refrigerator so you can easily lift and turn it.

Work process

When replacing the compressor of the Atlant refrigerator, any other refrigeration device, it is necessary to slightly extend the compressor. Having lifted it, break off the tube filling the freon, having previously cut it with a file.

Then you need to release the gas. Turn on the refrigerator for no more than 5 minutes. The refrigerant will move to the condenser. Attach the piercing valve with a hose connected to it from the cylinder, unscrew it for 30 seconds. The gas will collect in a container.

Solder a copper tube in place of the broken tube. Here is involved gas-burner, in the absence of a torch - a soldering iron will do. An incision is made on the capillary expander a few centimeters in order to break off the tube and unsolder the filter from the condenser. The compressor is connected to refrigeration unit two tubes (one for building up pressure, the other for removing excess gas).

It must be unsoldered from these tubes or cut off with a pipe cutter. The filter drier is cut off at a distance of 15 mm from the condenser. Remove the starter relay. Dismantle the compressor and remove it from the refrigerator. Strip the piping before brazing the new compressor.

When installing a new compressor, all steps are repeated in reverse order:

  1. place the compressor in refrigerator cabinet by fixing it to the traverse;
  2. the plugs on the pipes must be removed;
  3. it is important to depressurize the unit 5 minutes before the start of soldering;
  4. when removing the plugs, check that there is no excess air pressure in the compressor (this will be indicated by the noise of the outgoing air;
  5. connect the discharge, suction and filling pipes to the compressor nozzles in stages, the filling pipe must be 6 mm in diameter and 60 mm long;
  6. start soldering the seams on the pipes, adhering to the following sequence: filling, suction, injection, make sure that the burner flame does not go into the compressor branch pipe;
  7. after removing the plugs from the filter drier, attach it to the condenser, connect a capillary tube to it;
  8. solder the filter along the seams;
  9. and put on the valve coupling half on the filling pipe;
  10. check the quality of the soldering of all seams, they should be smooth, without unsoldered spaces;
  11. fill with freon by connecting a vacuum filling station to the coupling and removing moisture from the system;
  12. fix the start-up relay on the compressor by connecting the electrical wires;
  13. turn on the refrigerator, fill the system with freon, leave for 5 minutes;
  14. check with a leak detector if the tightness of the seams is not broken;
  15. perform a secondary evacuation of the refrigerator, leave to work for 20 minutes;
  16. squeeze the filling pipe, remove the coupling, solder the pipe.


Your refrigerator is ready to go, start the engine. Then you need to check the functioning of the relay. If it starts, then you have completed the task.

Having gained a positive experience with your own hands, you can now give advice if a similar problem arises from someone from your family or friends. And in difficult times, you can earn extra money by performing the now not difficult operation for you to repair the refrigerator.

The motor-compressor is the "heart" of the refrigerator, one of its main parts. Unfortunately, engine breakdowns are not uncommon. He suffers from time, and from surges, and from too intense work. It is possible to repair this part, but as a rule, the repair is extremely expensive, painstaking and cannot guarantee that the breakdown will not occur again. Therefore, if a compressor breaks down, it is usually replaced with a new one. Installing the motor is not an easy task, which, in addition to "removed and set", requires evacuating the system and refueling it with freon. You cannot cope with it on your own. Entrust the replacement of the compressor to the specialists of "RemBytTech", and they will promptly perform the work - within 24 hours after receiving the application!

Compressor replacement procedure

  • Dismantling the defective motor-compressor. The master will cut and break off the filling tube through which the system is filled with freon. You will need this tube for a new compressor. Then, at a distance of 20-30 mm from the filter drier, he will cut off the capillary tube so that freon will escape from the system. After the refrigerant has evaporated, the master evaporates from the faulty motor (or cuts off) the suction and suction tubes, they are soldered at a distance of about 10-20 mm from the compressor. Next, it remains to unscrew the motor mounts to the refrigerator body and remove the motor.
  • Replacing the filter drier. The third stage is changing the zeolite cartridge, it is also a filter drier. The craftsman will either unsolder or cut off the old one and solder the new one. Filter drier - small but very important detail... It prevents small particles and moisture from entering the capillary tube, which could damage the refrigerator. The filter drier must be changed every time the refrigeration system of the refrigerator is opened. Its cost in relation to the total cost of repairs is low. Keeping an old part in place, however, can significantly reduce the operating time of a new compressor.
  • Installation of a new motor. The wizard will fix the motor in the housing and fit all the tubes of the refrigerator (suction, suction and filling) with the corresponding nozzles on the compressor. Then he will solder the joints of the tubes to the motor.
  • System evacuation. After sealing all the seams using a special pump, the master will vacuum the refrigerator, during which excess moisture is removed from the system.
  • Filling the refrigerator with refrigerant. When refueling, the master will also check the tightness of the soldering of all joints.