Losses of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. Full list

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung noted: "German intelligence agencies estimate the probable death toll of Ukrainian servicemen and civilians up to 50 thousand people. These figures are ten times higher than the official figures. The official figures are clearly too low and not credible." A 2016 report from the International Institute for Strategic Studies Military Balance - compared to a similar report from 2013 - allows high precision evaluate the irretrievable losses of personnel and ground equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the active phase of the ATO.
Alexander Khrolenko

Against the backdrop of intensified hostilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the south of the Donetsk People's Republic, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Andriy Lysenko, said on Monday that since the beginning of the conflict in Donbass, 2,629 Ukrainian servicemen have been killed and 9,453 servicemen have been injured. These figures are, to put it mildly, distrustful.

According to official UN data, 32,856 people became victims of hostilities in eastern Ukraine: 10,056 killed and 22,800 wounded.

In 2015, German intelligence counted tens of thousands of dead military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung noted: "German intelligence agencies estimate the probable death toll of Ukrainian servicemen and civilians up to 50 thousand people. These figures are ten times higher than the official figures. The official figures are clearly too low and not credible."

However, after the defeat near Ilovaisk and the completion of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in 2014, which was unsuccessful for Kiev, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko spoke openly about the huge losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: "At 60-65% military equipment in the units that stood on the first lines in the conflict zone, was destroyed.

The Ukrainian Internet portal "Apostrophe" also admitted that in the fighting in the Donbass "the Ukrainian army lost more than 300 tanks, more than half of armored combat vehicles, and almost 50% of artillery systems."

Perhaps thousands of units of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed separately from the military personnel, and all the crews, paratroopers, artillery crews remained alive?

Mathematics is the queen of losses

As a rule, in the course of hostilities, the parties do not provide accurate information about their losses, so as not to disclose the operational situation to the enemy. Discrepancies are possible in the assessments of international organizations and experts. And yet, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass are mathematically transparent.

The report of the military-analytical agency International Institute for Strategic Studies Military Balance for 2016 - in comparison with a similar report for 2013 - allows to estimate with high accuracy the irretrievable losses of personnel and ground equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the active phase of the ATO.

For three years, the number of Ukrainian tanks decreased from 1435 to 788, that is, 647 tanks burned down. Of the 3,000 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), 1,300 units remained, that is, 1,700 infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed. Of the 3350 units of barrel and rocket artillery, 1850 units remained, that is, 1500 artillery installations were lost. But on the battlefield, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles are on fire, as a rule, with crews and airborne squads.

There is no more shameful title than "ATO veteran"

The crew of the T-72 is three people. The BMP-1 can accommodate eight paratroopers (the regular crew is three people). Calculation of BM-21 "Grad" - three people. Even without touching on the losses of personnel outside armored vehicles, it can be assumed that few crews from 647 burnt tanks (1941 people) survived, not all crews and paratroopers got out of 1,700 padded infantry fighting vehicles (18,700 people), and the calculations of 1,500 destroyed artillery units on the field battlefield were defended in best case body armor (4500 people).

It turns out that the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with reference only to tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery amount to over 25 thousand killed and wounded. I believe that against the background of this figure, we can confidently talk about the thousands of servicemen who died in the trenches. Thus, the probable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the three years of the punitive operation in the Donbass amount to about 30 thousand people (German intelligence also took into account civilian casualties, so I will not deny the death of 50 thousand Ukrainians).

The figure of 30,000 correlates with the first three (out of seven) mobilizations in Ukraine (more than 30,000 people were called up), after which there was no demobilization. New military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were not created, and the number of the National Guard is only about five thousand people.

For three years, Ukraine has sold 23 tanks and 28 armored personnel carriers on the international market, which does not affect the overall picture of combat losses.

Destruction of dignity

The network also contains more systematic data on the losses of Ukrainian security forces and their sympathizers from Western European and American citizens (with weapons in their hands). For obvious reasons, it is very difficult to verify information about the death of, for example, 88 employees of the CIA, FBI, US DIA special forces, 737 foreign mercenaries from private military companies ASBS Othago (Poland), Academi and Greystone Limited (USA) and other foreigners.

More than a thousand days and nights goes on Civil War, which became a natural continuation of the "revolution of dignity", the "color" project of the US and the EU. During this time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted dozens of offensive (punitive) operations, trying to capture individual settlements on the territory of the DPR and LPR. Almost all of them ended in failure.

The Kiev leadership and the "children of Maidan" did not draw the right conclusions. The Minsk agreements are not being implemented. The ATO zone and the operation itself became profitable business for individual Ukrainian politicians (military contracts, smuggling of goods and services). Periodically in Ukraine there are conflicts and even bloody skirmishes between security forces and radicals. The economic decline in the country is masked by anti-Russian rhetoric. There are about 200,000 servicemen in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and most of them participate in the ATO.

In the production of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation are 104 criminal cases on crimes in the east of Ukraine. The defendants are Ukrainian politicians, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the head of the SBU.

Meanwhile, over 100,000 Ukrainians received Russian citizenship in 2016. This is 49% more than in 2015 (67,400 people). At this rate, in 30-40 years of the ATO, all of Ukraine can return to Russia.

Ukraine will suffer a huge loss in armored vehicles and artillery during the hostilities in the Donbass Photo: EPA/UPG

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) has released its annual report The Military Balance-2016, which describes the combat capabilities and technical equipment of the armed forces various countries peace. With regard to Ukraine, it is indicated that our country suffered huge losses in armored vehicles and artillery, which can only be explained. Compared with the "pre-war" The Military Balance-2013, the losses of the Ukrainian army in weapons and equipment in some places amount to about 50% of the previous number. Notable losses suffered in technology and Russian army. This concerns, first of all, artillery and armored combat vehicles.

The International Institute for Strategic Studies was founded in 1958 and is based in London. He specializes in coverage of military-political conflicts and issues annual reports on the combat capabilities of various armies of the world. One such report, The Military Balance-2016, was recently released. A separate section of this document is devoted to the Ukrainian army. IISS experts mention the annexation of Crimea and note that the mobilization that was carried out to fight separatists in eastern Ukraine demonstrated that the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were reduced due to inadequate training and not enough resources.

The report also states that in 2015, President Petro Poroshenko signed a law to increase the number of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from 184 to 250 thousand. At the same time, according to the IISS, the Ukrainian armed forces are still "using old Soviet equipment, and the military-industrial complex has begun to restore equipment that was previously in storage, including T-80 tanks. "The United States began to supply Ukraine with non-lethal military equipment." , - noted in the report.

Currently, according to the IISS, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are armed with 788 tanks, including 710 units of various modifications of the T-64 tank, 70 T-72 tanks and 8 T-80BV tanks. In addition, more than 1,300 tanks are in storage. Among them are 10 newest T-84 tanks (BM "Oplot") and 20 obsolete Soviet T-55 tanks.

Also, the Ukrainian army has more than 1,300 units of armored combat vehicles (AFVs), including 210 infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1) and 960 BMP-2s, as well as over 1,850 units of cannon and rocket artillery. IISS specialists counted 133 Mi-24 attack helicopters, as well as 202 aircraft, which are part of the Ukrainian Air Force. These are fighters, attack aircraft, training, military transport and reconnaissance aircraft. The information on the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not exhausted by the number of armored vehicles and aviation - the report indicates enough exact amount air defense systems, warships, anti-tank weapons, various types helicopters, anti-tank missile systems, armored personnel carriers, combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicles, etc.

At first glance, the force seems quite impressive, but if we compare the data of 2016 with what Ukraine had before the start of the war, then a huge decline is striking, primarily in artillery and armored vehicles. The review of The Military Balance-2013 indicates that two and a half years ago Ukraine had 1100 different modifications of T-64 tanks (165 T-80 tanks, 600 T-72, 650 T-64 and 20 T-55 tanks were in storage); over 3 thousand armored fighting vehicles, including 994 BMP-1 and 1434 BMP-2, as well as 3351 units of cannon and rocket artillery. At the same time, in 2013, IISS experts pointed out that due to the failure of the defense reform, the Ukrainian army is only able to defend "limited territory", and a large amount of Soviet equipment needs to be replaced.

A simple comparison of both documents shows that over the past two years, the Ukrainian army has lost more than 300 tanks, more than half of the armored fighting vehicles, and almost 50% of artillery systems. Such losses can only be explained by the hostilities in the Donbass, the active phase of which took place in the summer of 2014 and in the winter of 2015, and they were carried out exclusively with the weapons of the ground forces. Combat aviation was used on a limited scale, so its decline is calculated in units.

It is also noteworthy that relatively few tanks were taken from storage to make up for losses, but the losses in armored combat vehicles and artillery, obviously, turned out to be irreplaceable. At the same time, in April, the speaker of the Ministry of Defense Oksana Gavrilyuk reported that since the beginning of the ATO, as of April 2016, 46.5 thousand units of weapons and military equipment had been repaired (in January this figure was 34 thousand units). Thus, according to Ukrainian officials, the restoration of the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is proceeding at a good pace. British experts, obviously, do not share this point of view.

Who could inflict such losses on the Ukrainian army? In August 2015, the General Staff published an analysis of the conduct of the ATO in August-September 2014, in which it indicated that by the beginning of August, about 40 thousand personnel were involved in the ATO, including 32 thousand military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 5.5 thousand military personnel. units of heavy weapons and military equipment. The General Staff assessed the balance of forces with the militants as 1 to 1, however, it is likely that we are talking only about manpower, because the enemy did not have a comparable amount of artillery, armored vehicles, and even more so aviation. Their leaders often complained about this, in particular, Igor Girkin (Strelkov). For example, breaking through from Slavyansk, Girkin lost almost all of his armored vehicles: two tanks, two BMP-2s and one BMD-1. At the same time, two more tanks "strelkovtsy" were able to save and deliver to Donetsk.

After the end of the unsuccessful 2014 campaign for the Ukrainian army, President Petro Poroshenko announced the huge losses suffered by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "60-65% of the military equipment in the units that stood on the first lines in the conflict zone was destroyed. There was nothing to defend with," the head of state said. And this assessment is in many respects close to the conclusions of the IISS specialists. It should be noted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered the most damage when they tried to take control of the border section in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and came under fire from Russian artillery, which they fired with impunity from their territory.

Thus, The Military Balance data indicate that the Ukrainian military-industrial complex has not yet been able to restore the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, lost during the war in Donbas. On the other hand, such huge losses are another indisputable evidence of the invasion of the regular Russian army into the territory of Ukraine and its active participation in the battles, because the irregular formations of the DPR and LPR, which were almost completely destroyed by August 20, 2014, simply had no forces. and the means to inflict such great damage on the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

By the way, the Russian army also suffered losses in armored vehicles and artillery, which can also be tracked by reports. The Military Balance. For example, in 2013, the RF Armed Forces had more than 2,800 tanks and another 18,000 units were in storage. But according to 2016 data, the number of tanks in the Russian armed forces decreased by 100 units, and 500 tanks were taken from warehouses. True, in 2016, 600 modernized T-72B3 tanks appeared at the disposal of the RF Armed Forces, which were not in the report for 2013, so we are most likely talking not so much about heavy losses, but about the technical re-equipment of the Russian army.

But the noticeable decline in artillery and the fleet of armored combat vehicles is difficult to explain only by rearmament and decommissioning of old models. So, in 2013, the RF Armed Forces had more than 7360 AFVs, and in 2016 - already 5400, with the most lost BMP-1 and BMP-2 - a total of 1500 pieces. At the same time, the warehouses where 8500 BMP-1 and BMP-2 are stored remained untouched. As for cannon and rocket artillery, The Military Balance for 2013 indicates the figure of 5436+ units, and in 2016 - already 4180+. Apparently, the Ukrainian army did not remain in debt at all, especially with regard to artillery duels. However, unlike the Ukrainian one, the Russian military-industrial complex can easily make up for all the damage caused, and maybe it has already made up for it, if we take into account the rather numerous facts of the destruction of Russian tanks during the fighting in the Donbass.

Denis Popovich

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During the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered significant losses in manpower, and these losses are much more than official Kiev voices.

Official losses during the armed conflict in the Donbas, announced by Ukraine, were more than 1,800 people killed and 8,500 wounded, - said Lieutenant General Igor Voronchenko, head of the main personnel department of the Ukrainian General Staff.

According to the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered almost half of their irretrievable losses outside the battlefield.

“To date, the losses of Ukrainian servicemen for the entire period of the ATO are 1,842 servicemen, 831 are non-combat. 8,519 servicemen were wounded,” said a representative of the General Staff.

Igor Voronenchenko said that during the entire period of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas, about 100,000 Ukrainian servicemen received the status of a participant in hostilities. In total, about 129,700 people are eligible for this status.

At a press conference in early November, Deputy Chief of Staff of the People's Militia of the LPR Igor Yashchenko announced other real numbers of losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the ATO. According to him, real losses the Ukrainian side is several times more than the official Kiev voices.

Real losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass:

from April 13, 2014 - to November 13, 2015 - 85,880 people (cargo 200, 300 and 500), losses of foreign intelligence PMCs, NATO are not included in these figures; of which: 74560 - (cargo 200 and cargo 300); 11320 - (cargo 500, deserters or militiamen).
So 37,200 (cargo 200) - military personnel and various paramilitary formations. Of these: 4,540 (cargo 200) - militants of the "Right Sector" who became part of the National Guard; 5,600 (cargo 200) - employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and fighters of territorial battalions and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself; 3,225 (cargo 200) - other categories of armed formations (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Military Prosecutor's Office, doctors, repairmen, escort brigades, engineering service and other military).

Further, 355 people (cargo 200) are employees of the Border Troops. 1,635 (cargo 200) - employees of the SBU. "Alpha" lost 500 (cargo 200), 400 people (cargo 300). Sumy "Alpha" was completely destroyed, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kiev, Poltava, Lvov, Rivne, Volyn, Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr and Kharkov "Alpha" - suffered serious losses. Serious losses at the Omega special forces.

21,815 (cargo 200) - servicemen of the regular Ukrainian army.

For your information: near Debaltseve, about 25% of the personnel (about 2,200 people) were NATO servicemen and foreign mercenaries.

1690 (cargo 200 and 300) mercenaries from 39 countries, including: American PMC Asademi - 270; and its "daughters" Greystone Limited PMC - 180; Polish PMC "ASBS Othago" - 700; from Canada, Germany, Britain, Finland, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Croatia, France, Sweden, Turkey, Czech Republic, Arab countries and Africa.

255 (235 - cargo 200, 20 - cargo 300) - employees of the CIA, FBI, military personnel of the US SSO (Special Operations Forces), US DIA special forces, SAS - British Airborne Service, French Legion, Israeli intelligence Mossad, military intelligence "Aman" and the Shabak General Security Service, the Shin Bet counterintelligence and the Israel Army's Tsakhal.

The current situation in the Donbass

The Ukrainian military continues to concentrate forces east of Artyomovsk, in the area of ​​st. Luhansk, preparing for the offensive, finally blocked the checkpoint and traffic from the DPR in the direction of Volnovakha. Columns of BM-21 "Grad" went in the direction of Artemovsk in the morning. Artillery, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers (up to 30 units), as well as the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, have already moved into the Gorlovka area.

10 tanks took up positions in the settlement. Dzerzhinsk, 5 km to the contact line. 12 tanks in the area of ​​N. p. Novgorodskoye, to the line of contact 6 km. In n.p. Nikolaevka, MLRS BM-21 "Grad" were installed in the amount of 5 units, 8 km from the line of contact.

In the DPR, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are probing the defense of Gorlovka, there is a threat of an offensive near Gorlovka - there is a high intensity of fire and the formation of assault battalions by the security forces.

Attacks are being made on the territory of the Donetsk airport: mortars, artillery and howitzers, which, according to the Minsk agreements, must be withdrawn from the line of contact. In addition, mortar positions were fired at militia positions in the area of ​​​​the village of Peski and Spartak.

Attacks on the positions of the NAF are going along the front line around Donetsk: Staromikhaylovka, Maryinka, Oleksandrivka, Yasinovatsky checkpoint. Krasnogorovka-Staromikhaylovka: shooting battle (heavy machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, AGS). Nevelskoye-Staromikhaylovka - (mortars). From Krasnogorovka they are shelling Staromikhaylovka from tanks.

From the side of Nevelskoye, the security forces are shelling the positions of the NAF from the MLRS.

Near the Donetsk airport, a fighter of the organized crime group "Legion of Freedom", the 93rd Motorized Brigade, the chairman of the IPO "Sokol", volunteer Yuriy Cherkashin "Chernota" was seriously wounded. As a result of shelling from the Ukrainian self-propelled guns "Acacia" near Uglegorsk, two soldiers of the NAF were killed.

In the LPR, the hottest spots now are the districts of Sokolniki, Zhelobka, Shchastia, Popasna, st. Lugansk. Ukraine made three attempts to infiltrate the DRG. All three groups were scattered or destroyed. There is high activity unmanned aerial vehicles Ukrainian military. One device was shot down.

Mothers of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are horrified: real data about the losses of ATO soldiers during the three years of the war with the civilian population of Donbass got into the Network.

On April 7, 2014, the then Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov made a statement that is considered to be the official announcement of the ATO.

"An anti-crisis headquarters has been set up tonight, and anti-terrorist measures will be taken against those who have taken up arms," ​​Turchynov said in a televised address.

It is now known that the "measures" have been dragging on for almost three years and there is no end in sight.

From the very beginning of the "anti-terrorist" operation, the ATO soldiers began to suffer losses. Its first victim is an employee from the Poltava "Alpha" SBU captain Gennady Bilichenko. In total, according to official data, since the deployment of hostilities in the Donbass, Ukrainian security forces have lost more than 2,000 people killed and more than 9,000 wounded. Andrey Lysenko, the “talking head” of the Ministry of Defense on ATO issues, announced this on Monday.

"The total combat losses of our military in this war are 2,629 people," Lysenko said.

He also clarified that 2220 are military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the rest are representatives of the National Guard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Border Service, and the State Emergency Service. Lysenko added that 9,453 members of the ATO were injured, including 7,664 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

However, these figures are significantly underestimated. First of all, there are no deaths outside the ATO zone in all statistical data, including the wounded in hospitals, deaths from diseases, and so on. In general, the dead Bandera and Nazis who fought in units that were not part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are never taken into account. And such, by the way, in 2014 was the majority.

We all remember the famous gravedigger of the Donbass battalion, Semyon Semenchenko, who at least three times in the spring and summer of 2014 went to the Maidan in Kiev to collect the next battalion, in exchange for those he had previously disposed of. Today, even he himself will not remember how many there were - but an order bearer, an officer, an untouchable deputy of parliament.

Do not forget that to this day there are battalions of foreign citizens, such as the Dudaev (Munaev) battalion. Americans and French, Poles and Georgians serve in the regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Azov". At the same time, they serve illegally - according to the law, foreign citizens do not have the right to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There are also parts of Bandera and Nazis that are not controlled by state structures, in the form of separate detachments of “right-wingers” and the like - their losses are also not included in the statistics. That is why fewer and fewer people, even in the remnants of Ukraine, believe in official figures and try to find out the truth on their own.

Thus, Ukrainian programmer Evgeny Dokukin, relying on open sources, published on his Facebook page data that 4,209 Ukrainian soldiers died during the ATO in Donbass. Moreover, Dokukin does not include in this number the "warriors" who were missing and held captive by the militias - he counted only those who had ever been mentioned in open sources as dead.

“As of March 19, 2017[...]3746 dead. And also 34 soldiers and 429 unknown soldiers are mentioned separately, so in the end we have information about 4209 dead Ukrainian servicemen. There are still soldiers who are considered missing or in captivity, there are separate statistics for them, ”the programmer wrote.

If Dokukin's calculations are correct, then the number of wounded ATO soldiers should be different. If we take the proportion based on the data provided by Lysenko, then this number could be about 15 thousand people.

Thus, in three years, Ukraine lost about 20,000 security officials killed and wounded. But even this figure may turn out to be greatly underestimated, since for various reasons the Ukrainian military is trying to hide their losses. And the ATO soldiers suffer losses every day.

For example, according to the news agency Novorossiya, on March 20, as a result of an attempt to break through the defense of the militia in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Kominternovo (DPR) near Mariupol, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost ten people killed and five wounded, and one BMP-1 was also destroyed. Given the losses of the Nazi volunteer battalions, the exact figure, apparently, no one will ever know. Especially since the war continues...