How to drink coffee sambuca. How to drink sambuca at home

Working at the bar, I felt a little weird because many people did not know how to drink sambuca properly. In my understanding, this is a drink that for some reason still belongs to the "elite", which has long been on par with tequila or absinthe in popularity. On the one hand, liqueur has become popular thanks to the club culture, because the process of its use looks enchanting and exciting. Club life does not appeal to everyone. But today sambuca can be bought in almost any supermarket, and the price has stopped biting a long time ago. I told you how to drink absinthe in the last article (you can find it), it's time to dispel some myths about sambuca.

Italian sambuca liqueur - essence

So, sambuca is an Italian liqueur with a pronounced taste of anise. This is not anise vodka, as some sources like to write - it is something completely different. In addition, sambuca is not a liquor in the usual sense of the word, that is, not a sweet drink of low strength. It is rather a bitter tincture with added sugar. The process of its production is similar, that is, an infusion is made first, and only then it is distilled - you can read more about making homemade sambuca. The alcohol content in sambuca is about 38-42%. She insists on stars of anise and various aromatic herbs; the recipe is kept secret by each manufacturer.

The drink is credited with a number of useful properties, which, however, explains its pharmacy taste - many identify sambuca with children's cold medicine, pectusin. The healing effect has been observed by me several times 🙂 Well-warmed sambuca helps with colds, relieves cough, has anti-inflammatory effect. It is also believed that it strengthens the immune system. It is reliably known that the drink stimulates digestive activity: as an aperitif it stimulates the appetite, and as a digestive it improves digestion.

Why does sambuca burn? The question is reasonable, because the strength in it is the same as in vodka, but the density is much higher due to the high sugar content. Fusel oils burn, which have a low combustion temperature - the flame is bright blue. This means that sambuca should be consumed in small quantities, since various impurities hit the body hard and after heavy libations, a hangover is almost impossible to avoid.

As for the post-Soviet space, our drink has become quite widespread - it is an integral attribute of any bar, restaurant, and even more so a nightclub. In the domestic market, the drink is represented by several popular brands: Molinari, Itaka, Pallini. Rarer brands can also be found: Sambuca Dei Cesari Luxardo, Ramazzotti, Lazzaroni 1851, Casoni and Vaccari. However, they rarely drink this drink correctly. Let's fix this.

How to drink sambuca at home

Let's move on to the fun part. The culture of using sambuca was largely formed due to its properties to burn well. This is successfully used by bartenders, inviting their guests not only to drink, but also to have fun. I have identified 10 main ways to drink sambuca that I have come across and tried, if not on myself, then on my guests in bars 🙂

In pure form... As mentioned earlier, sambuca is both a good aperitif and an excellent digestif. Therefore, it can be drunk in its pure form before and after meals. Enough 40-50 ml to whet appetite or improve digestion.

With water or ice... Unlike whiskey (meaning the faint taste and aroma of whiskey with ice, which is described in detail in the article), sambuca behaves well with ice - it quenches thirst well, and cold water helps to fully reveal the taste of the drink. Like absinthe, sambuca becomes cloudy when water is added, which is due to the content of essential oils in it, which form an emulsion with water. The amount of water is selected individually, according to taste.

Frozen... Place the bottle in the freezer for a few hours. After that, you will get an excellent soft drink that can be consumed neat with a slice of orange or lemon.

Suitable just for medicinal purposes: the drink must be set on fire and allowed to burn out, and then drunk warm, without snacking. So sambuca is not drunk everywhere.

Choose quality pans with thick walls, as heated glass can shatter. Be careful with the burning drink - it ignites quickly and can cause burns!

Italians are used to drinking this drink a little differently. They do not set fire to sambuca, considering it blasphemy over the drink. In Italy, it is consumed in more traditional ways.

Sambuca con mosca (literally "with flies")... 3 whole beans of coffee are placed in a glass with sambuca, which symbolize health, wealth and happiness. In many sources, this method is accompanied by setting fire to the drink, but in Italy, as noted above, the drink is not set on fire - the grains act as a snack and give sambuca a spicy taste.

Сaffe corretto... A very popular drink in Italy, where coffee is treated with great respect. Sambuca is added to coffee instead of sugar. Most often, 1 part anise liqueur is enough to add 4 parts of espresso. The amount can be increased to 2 parts (i.e. 30 ml of espresso and 15 ml of sambuca). You can also serve liqueur separately - drink it in small sips and wash it down with aromatic roasted coffee, which is so fond of the hot-tempered indigenous people of Italy.

Method in two glasses... It is also sometimes called the "powerful effect method." Most often, sambuca is drunk in this way in nightclubs. We need a cognac (snifter), a rock (a glass with wide straight walls), a napkin, a tube, a saucer, a lighter, 3 coffee beans and sambuca (25-50 ml). The grains in this case are a tribute to the classic Italian recipe - they need to be put in cognac, and sambuca must be added there. Before igniting, prepare a "platform" for vapors: put a napkin with a hole in the middle on a saucer, where you pass the short part of the tube.

Put the cognac on a rock, slightly warm it up with a lighter and set fire to the contents. Then rotate the burning glass by the leg around its axis for 10-60 seconds, depending on your preference (whether you like hot or slightly warmed sambuca). Then pour the burning sambuca into the rock and cover it with cognac on top - the flame will go out. Transfer the inverted cognac to a saucer. Drink sambuca and breathe through a tube of cognac vapors, chew the grains. The order can be changed: first breathe in pairs, and then drink a drink. To heighten the effect, you can drip the rest of the drink onto the bottom of an inverted brandy and inhale them through a short tube through your nose. We called it "sambuca with cocaine" 🙂

Important. Take lightly roasted coffee beans - parched coffee will give an unpleasant bitter taste!

Better to see once:

Extreme way... This option is exclusively club and requires some skill from the bartender. In the first case, you need to pour sambuca into your mouth, wipe your lips dry and tilt your head back without closing your mouth. The bartender should light the drink right in your mouth. When you feel a slight fever, close your mouth and swallow the drink. This method is impressive, but the danger is minimal. In the second case, the drink is heated in cognac and poured into the mouth while burning. Do not try this at home, as this method of drinking requires the skill and firm hand of an experienced bartender. It is very important here not to be frightened and not to close your mouth; For insurance, the area around the mouth can be moistened with water.

Sambuca at home... Take a ceramic teapot and fill it with boiling water. Then drain the water from the kettle and immediately add 50 ml of sambuca. Shake the contents and drink, but before doing so, exhale deeply and inhale the vapors of the drink through the spout of the teapot.

As part of cocktails... Sambuca is good because it has a high density, which means it can be used as a basis for. Its transparency also plays into the hands, which allows you to make the drink even more spectacular by dropping Baileys or Grenadine (pomegranate syrup) into it. It is rarely added to long drinks, because the aniseed taste dominates the cocktail and interrupts the rest of the ingredients. Of the sambuca shots, the most popular are Hiroshima (sambuca, Baileys, absinthe, grenadine), Kazantip (Kahlua, sambuca, grenadines, Baileys and absinthe) and, probably, Audi (sambuca, Malibu, Cointreau, white rum).

I also heard that sambuca can be drunk with cold milk, but not mixing, but washing it down. It's hard to imagine, but worth a try. Now you know how to drink sambuca in almost all currently known ways. Tell your friends and acquaintances about it or don't tell - you will be the keeper of the sacrament of drinking some alcoholic beverages 🙂 Read our magazine, drink only good things and do it right!

P.S. How to drink sambuca:

Anyone who has been to a cafe or bar at least once in his life probably knows about Sambuca. It is a famous Italian liqueur infused with anise, which gives the drink a strong aroma. She has no equal among alcohol in the number of ways of tasting. The picture is overshadowed only by the fact that due to the wide popularity of sambuca, some dishonest manufacturers sell, at best, liqueurs based on it. In order not to fall for marketing gimmicks, you need to know the maximum about a well-known drink. And we are kindly presenting this maximum to you.

Sambuca has a history of over 100 years. It was first released at the end of the 19th century in the town of Civitavecchia from the hands of Luigi Manzi, and then the case passed to Angelo Molinari, who brought its production to the world level.
The first liquor recipe was developed in 1851.

Luigi Manzi described his product this way: "a fine aniseed vodka that is good for the stomach after a meal."

There are many legends around the drink. One of them says that the Manzi distillery was located near the temple, where Luigi made a hole in the floor and hid the alcohol smuggling. This helped him produce large volumes of liquor at reasonable prices. Hence, there is an opinion that the term "sambuca" comes from the phrase "santa buca", which means "sacred hole".

Another version attributes a connection between the name of the drink and the elderberry plant (Sambúcus), which is one of the ingredients of the liqueur. Some researchers believe this is unlikely. They operate with the fact that once medicine used elderberry wine as an emollient and diuretic, but it had nothing to do with liquor, neither for taste, nor for aroma.

The third and least plausible theory is that sambuca came to Italy from the East. The Arabs prepared the anise-flavored zammut drink. The consonance of the names contributed to the emergence of this opinion.

In the period before World War II, sambuca was sold only in certain regions of Italy. After 1945, Angelo Molinari was entrusted with the production of the liqueur. The new owner of the name expanded the boundaries of the beverage market. To this day, "Sambuca Molinari" occupies one of the leading places among the producers of strong digestif with anise flavor.

What is this drink

Sambuca is a sweet, aniseed-spicy, usually colorless liqueur. The original recipe for the drink provides for the use of alcohol, spring water, highly soluble sugars, various extracts from anise and other herbs.

Sambuca is based on essential oils obtained by the distillation of star anise and fennel. These ingredients give the liquor a strong aniseed scent. Some types of sambuca contain extracts of elderberry, peppermint, thyme, gentian, and other extracts.

It is known that some aromatic substances are prepared by distillation, others by maceration (soaking in alcohol), but the exact recipe and the amount of ingredients are kept secret by the manufacturers.

The classic version of the drink is colorless. It is called "white sambuca". Not so long ago, two more varieties of liqueur appeared: black (black sambuca) and red (red sambuca).

The black version is distinguished by the presence of extracts of licorice and licorice and a greater density. Its color is inky purple. The sugar content in it is higher in order to "mask" the high degree, since about 42% alcohol is present in the liqueur.

Red sambuca is a combination of a classic drink with extracts of berries and fruits. It is produced by a small number of factories, so this version is quite rare and stands out among its brethren at a high price.

There are many anise-based spirits in different countries. For example, in France and Switzerland you will find Absinthe, in Turkey - Cancer, in Greece - Ouzo.

Top brands

In accordance with the European Union regulation 110-2008, a drink with the name "Sambuca" must meet a certain set of characteristics. On the European market, especially in the UK, about 9 million bottles of Sambuca liqueur are sold annually, which do not meet the requirements and go against the law.

Here is a list of the best drinks from different manufacturers.


Sambuca Antica is a classic transparent liqueur from the company of the same name. The taste is harmonious, sweet, complemented by a slight sourness. Has a rich aniseed aroma. The drink contains coriander, rose, iris, orange and various herbs. The alcohol content is 38%.


Sambuca Borghetti is a colorless drink with a mild aniseed flavor produced by Branca Distillerie. It has an intense aroma of anise and magnolia. The sugar content is about 30 g / l, the alcohol content is 38%.


Sambuca Colazingari is one of the oldest drinks of the Kolasingari company. A sweet and dry liqueur with a strong but delicate aroma of anise. The alcohol content is 40%.


Sambuca Luxardo is a strong liqueur from the famous Italian company Luxardo, founded in 1821. The liqueur is crystal clear with a strong, harmonious taste and a long aniseed aftertaste. The alcohol content is 38%.


Sambuca Isolabella is the brainchild of Illva Saronno. A colorless liqueur with a pleasant velvety taste. It has a rich aroma with notes of anise, star anise and elderberry. The alcohol content is 40%.


Sambuca Manzi is an original drink, the taste of which is more than 165 years old. The liqueur is transparent, not too sweet with a pleasant aniseed aroma. The alcohol content is 42%.

Molinari Extra

Sambuca Molinari Extra is a drink that covers 70% of anise liqueur sales in Italy. It is colorless with a sweet taste, aroma of anise and Italian herbs. The alcohol content is 42%.


Sambuca Ramazzotti is a strong drink from Pernod Ricard. A colorless liqueur with a bittersweet taste, complemented by notes of oranges. The alcohol content is 38%.

Vecchia Sarandrea

Sambuca Vecchia Sarandrea is a clear drink from the manufacturer Sarandrea Marco & C. Liqueur based on the distillate of elder flowers and infusions of various types of anise. Has a smooth taste and rich, fragrant aroma. Vecchia translates to "old," which indicates the age of the recipe, not the drink. The alcohol content is 42%.


Sambuca Stella d'Italia is a liqueur produced by Toschi. A colorless drink with a mild, slightly sweet taste and a long aftertaste. The aroma contains notes of anise and herbs. The alcohol content is 40%.

Of course, the list of companies producing quality sambuca goes on and on. Here we have presented drinks that can be found on domestic counters. Buying sambuca from the listed brands, you will never make the wrong choice.

How to drink correctly

In Italy, sambuca is often drunk on its own as a digestif after dinner, after being chilled. But this is not the only way to use it. Frankly, sometimes some methods of drinking sambuca do not fit in the head.

  1. Italians traditionally serve sambuca with 3 coffee beans, symbolizing the wish for wealth, health and happiness. This method is called "con mosca" and literally means "with flies" (due to visual similarity). Coffee perfectly complements the taste of a drink chilled to 6-8 degrees. In addition, sambuca is added to espresso in a 1: 4 ratio. In this case, the liqueur acts as an invigorating component that replaces sugar.
  2. One of the Flambe's options involves setting fire to liquor poured into a glass to the brim. The flame is extinguished, covering it with a palm, then the hand is slightly shaken off and the sambuca is drunk in one gulp.
  3. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the use of burning sambuca is already considered one of the forms of art. So, drinking from 2 glasses looks especially bright. In one, the sambuca is set on fire and rotated on the other for about a minute. Then the liqueur is poured, while the first glass is placed on a saucer with a napkin into which a tube is inserted. Sambuca is drunk, after which the vapors of the drink are inhaled through a straw and the coffee beans are chewed.
  4. It is hard to believe, but in the most unusual case, the liquor is set on fire directly in the client's mouth. Such a procedure requires not only the masculinity of the taster himself, but also the professionalism of the bartender and the permission of the administration of the institution.
  5. Another awesome but bland option is drink sambuca with cold milk.


It is impossible to ignore such a widespread method of "utilization" of a drink as making cocktails. Sambuca is used as an original ingredient or replaces it with harder alcohol in recipes (rum, vodka).

Among the thousands of options for sambuca cocktails are:

  • Hiroshima is the most famous sambuca cocktail. It looks like a nuclear explosion not only in appearance, but also in the effect that it has on the body due to its high degree. It consists of: Sambuca - 1 part, Absinthe - 1 part, Baileys - 1 part, pomegranate syrup - ¼ part. The first is a layer of syrup, then sambuca, baileys, absinthe completes the composition.
  • A brain tumor is a cocktail born in America with the light hand of a bored bartender who mixed all the drinks left after a hard day. It contains: Peach liqueur or Martini Bianco - 2 parts, Baileys - 1 part, Grenadine syrup - 1 ½ part, Sambuca - 1 part. The components are poured into the glass in the order listed.
  • Liquid nitrogen is a fairly light cocktail with a creamy taste. It contains: Sambuca - 40 ml, coconut milk - 30 ml, ice cream - 50 g. Ice cream is melted, poured into a shaker with sambuca and coconut milk. The contents are mixed well and sent to the refrigerator for 20 minutes in a tall glass.
  • Cocoon is a variant of drinking sambuca with carbonated drinks. It contains: Sambuca - 1 part, Coca-Cola - 3 parts, lemon juice - ½ part. All components are poured into a glass with ice and mixed. They drink such a cocktail through a straw.

As attractive as the ways to consume sambuca are, it is worth remembering that this is a fairly strong drink. The European Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends drinking no more than 30 ml of alcohol per day. In addition, the liqueur contains sugar and requires careful use by people with diabetes.

Recipe at home

The homemade sambuca recipe is quite simple. But, it should be noted that the home version rather falls under the name "Anise liqueur", since the exact recipe is not known to anyone except the manufacturers. To prepare 1 liter of a drink, you only need 15 minutes of time and 2 months of waiting.

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 ml of ethyl alcohol with a strength of 95 degrees;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 40 g of anise;
  • Cinnamon stick;
  • 3 pcs. carnations;
  • Zest of half a lemon.

Pour alcohol into a glass container with a sealed lid and add anise, cinnamon, cloves and lemon zest. Close tightly and leave to infuse for 30 days in a place protected from light and heat. Shake the contents periodically.

After the time has elapsed, filter the infusion through cheesecloth and prepare the syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water in a saucepan and heat for about 5 minutes over high heat until completely dissolved. Do not bring it to a boil. Mix the cooled sugar solution with the tincture, pour it into a bottle and wait another 30 days for a richer taste. Anise liqueur called "Home Sambuca" is ready to drink.


It is possible to buy sambuca in Italy at a price of 9 to 40 Euros for 1 liter of drink. Moreover, the price depends on both the manufacturer and the seller.

In the vastness of Russia, the cost of buying an Italian aniseed liqueur will be from 1,300 to 3,000 rubles per liter.

At the peak of information about sambuca, our review is complete. Live sanely, love to pain, travel soberly and remember: "Carcass sambuca before the fire and send it into your mouth for a blow!"


Sambuca is one of the most famous Italian liqueurs. Its distinctive feature is pronounced notes of anise. This alcohol is interesting not only for its unusual aroma and original taste, but also for the way it is served and consumed. How to serve and drink sambuca correctly, is it possible to organize a tasting at home? Let's look for answers to these questions.

This is a liqueur made in Italy. It is also referred to as - bitters. The composition of sambuca, in addition to purified alcohol, includes anise (its notes dominate in the bouquet of the drink), elderberry, spicy herbs, the exact list of which manufacturers do not disclose. But the method of producing the drink is known: the prepared raw materials are insisted on alcohol, after which the infusion is distilled (distilled). This makes the bitter transparent.

How to serve correctly

There is no unequivocal answer on how to drink this bitter correctly: in clubs it is mostly set on fire, and the Italians, who came up with the recipe for the liqueur, are sure that fire is inappropriate here, and consider this method barbaric.

  • The drink can be consumed as. In this case, it should be at room temperature, and you can pour it into small stacks.
  • If you decide to enjoy anise liqueur on a hot day, it is best to chill it well. Place the bottle in the freezer for at least 3 hours. Liqueur is a great refreshing drink. You can pour it into cocktail glasses, small glasses.
  • For lighting, prepare glasses made of thick glass, which are called "old fashion": they have straight walls, a massive bottom. It is such dishes that are not afraid of fire and will not burst when heated.
  • You can also use a snifter - a cognac glass, which resembles a drop in shape with a cut off "top". A drink is set on fire or served undiluted.

Important! Before setting fire to a drink, you should take care of more than just the glasses: prepare a cocktail straw, a saucer and a couple of napkins.

The optimal choice of sambuca will be for a youth party or friendly gatherings: to arrange such an event, it is enough to learn how to drink this alcohol correctly. Thanks to its effective presentation, this particular bitter will become the "highlight" of the evening.
As for the time and method of serving, it all depends on how exactly to use the bitter:

  • pure alcohol is best served after a meal, as a digestif;
  • The drink can be drunk "with a spark" throughout the evening;
  • liqueur-based cocktails will be a great end to the party.

"Fiery" feed

  • About 50-60 ml of a drink is poured into a thick-walled old fashion. The second glass should be dry and empty.
  • A napkin is placed on a saucer, in the center of which a hole is made. Insert the short end of the cocktail straw there.
  • The contents of the glass are set on fire, wait about 7 seconds, after which the burning liquid is poured into the second glass, and the first is covered on top. When the fire has extinguished, the top dish is carefully transferred to a saucer.
  • First, the contents of the glass are drunk, after which the vapors are inhaled through a straw.

For a fiery feed, you can use not only old fashion, but also a snifter, which is preheated with a lighter - so the glass will not crack when the contents are ignited.
If you don't want to bother with the transfusion, you can pour the bitter into a vodka glass, set it on fire, and after 5-7 seconds put it out with one exhale and drink it in one gulp.

There is another option, in which alcohol is set on fire directly in the drinker's mouth. This is an extreme method that cannot be tried at home, because all the manipulations must be carried out by an experienced bartender!

What do they drink sambuca with?

The classic use does not involve snacks at all. Italians sometimes serve this alcohol with three coffee beans ("flies"), which symbolize good luck, wealth and health. The coffee is gnawed after tasting.

Important! Choose lightly roasted grains, otherwise the bitterness will overpower the aroma of anise.

Another point worth mentioning is how many degrees are in the original sambuca. Its strength is 38-42 turns, therefore, when consumed in its pure form, many still prefer light snacks. Usually unsalted cheeses or olives play this role.

Snack options

Anise is a part of sambuca, which is combined with many products. General rule: the snack should not have a pronounced aroma, so as not to drown out the bouquet of the drink.

Sweet snacks

A win-win option is fruit cuts (apples, papaya, mango), grapes. You can serve a drink with desserts, cakes, pastries, chocolate. If the bitter is drunk chilled, it can be accompanied by slices of oranges or lemons.
The drink goes well with ice cream and fruit jellies.

Salty snacks

  • Cracker-type dry biscuits.
  • Pickles or olives, olives.
  • Salty cheeses.
  • Fish cuts, canapes with caviar.
  • Pickled vegetables (such as cherry tomatoes).

Drinks you can drink

  • Milk - oddly enough, sambuca goes well with dairy products. For this method, milk is well cooled, and then drunk in small sips. Choose the product with the lowest fat content.
  • Milk can be replaced with fresh cream or sweetened cream.
  • Mineral water is another worthy pair for this alcohol. For one part of sambuca, take two or three parts of cold mineral water. Ice cubes can be used instead of mineral water. Please note: the mixture should become cloudy (essential oils are to blame for this).
  • Coffee is better than espresso. They drink it in small sips, having tasted alcohol. Sometimes liquor is added directly to a coffee cup: the proportions should be 1: 4 or 1: 2.
  • Champagne is an option for the most resilient. The sambuca is set on fire and then poured into a glass of champagne. Inhale the vapors, and then taste the resulting mixture.
  • In the cold season, a couple of tablespoons of bitter can be poured into black tea with bergamot.
  • Citrus and berry juices are suitable for mixing and drinking.

Other filing options

  • Frozen. A bottle of liquor is kept in the freezer and then poured into glasses. Add ice if desired.
  • offered in almost all bars. You can also make them at home by mixing the bitter with alcoholic or non-alcoholic ingredients. Shots are made on the basis of liqueur, since it is quite dense. For a spectacular presentation, a little grenadine is added to the transparent layer of aniseed alcohol,. Simple mixes with anise liqueur: Hiroshima (sambuca Molinari, grenadine, Baileys), Audi (, bitter, and), Kazantip (except for anise bitter, it contains grenadine, absinthe and Baileys). To reduce the overall degree of the mix, non-alcoholic counterparts can be used instead of alcohol.
  • A bit strange, but original way. The ceramic teapot is properly warmed up (for example, boiling water is poured into it and kept for several minutes, then drained). 50-70 ml of bitter is quickly poured into the prepared dishes, shaken, inhaled through the nose of anise vapor, then take a sip.

All of these uses are appropriate for homemade anise liqueur made at home. Italian bitter with aniseed aroma and taste is not only tasty, but also very useful - of course, if you drink it in reasonable quantities: for the prevention of colds, viral and respiratory diseases.

Hopefully you are now ready to taste the sambuca, know what that drink is, and figured out how to drink it properly. Share your impressions of this drink in the comments!

It is important to know how to drink Sambuca liqueur. Why him? Because if you drink this liqueur incorrectly, which tastes more like a cough syrup than an elite alcoholic drink, it will not bring any pleasure.

In the article:

Why is Sambuca popular?

True, supporters of this drink claim that its medicinal properties are beyond doubt. It turns out that he:

  • treats cough;
  • relieves sore throat;
  • improves digestion, therefore it is very good to use it as a digestif;
  • enhances the secretory activity of the stomach, therefore, it is also quite acceptable as an aperitif.

What is beyond doubt is that this liqueur is very good in cocktails. There are countless cocktail options, some of the most popular, we will focus our attention below.

How to drink Sambuca? - differently

  • It can be served neat and very chilled.
  • There is no better way, how to set fire to Sambuca in a glass and, after extinguishing, drink it warm.
  • A great refreshing drink with aniseed flavor is obtained by mixing ice water with liqueur. The proportions of water and liquor are a matter of taste.
  • There is another way in which burning Sambuca is consumed. You need to take two glasses. In one, set fire to liquor and pour into another glass while burning. Place an empty glass upside down on a napkin. There is a tube in the napkin through which the vapors of the burnt drink are inhaled, and these vapors are washed down from the second glass.
  • Our liquor behaves perfectly in cocktails. Beat them in shakers, pour in the ingredients in layers. Just stir in a glass with a spoon. Sometimes the incompatible is combined in cocktails. But the taste is original.
  • Now we will tell you how to drink Sambuca with coffee beans. Such a serving is called - con mosca, which literally means "with flies." The whole secret here is in symbolism - three coffee beans, thrown into a drink, symbolize health, happiness and wealth. Grains can be chewed while drinking, or you can not touch them at all.

What you can drink Sambuca with

As we already mentioned, you can drink it as an aperitif without having a snack at all. It is possible with cheese and cold meats, if you are not embarrassed by its sweet taste and this combination is acceptable for you. Therefore, what to eat Sambuca, everyone decides for himself. This liqueur goes well with fruit, dark chocolate. For dessert, it will be not only acceptable, but also desirable.

When it is used in cocktails, the appetizer does not really matter.
Many, quite justifiably, simply ignore it, not wanting to dilute the unique flavor of the cocktail with anything.

Sambuca cocktails are popular with almost all alcohol lovers. And most importantly, there is room for improvisation. Although, the recipes that have become classic have won the staunch affection of their admirers. Let's turn our attention to them.

"Deceiving Clouds"

Deceiving clouds

The cocktail under the poetic name "Deceiving Clouds" looks gentle and serene, but its strength is suitable only for a strong half of humanity. And that it is not harmless is evidenced by its composition:

  • sambuca and - 20 ml each;
  • absinthe - 10 ml;
  • liqueurs and - 3 ml each.

Layers, without mixing, are laid out in this order: liqueur, Tequila, Baileys, Blue Curacao. All this is poured with Absinthe and set on fire.


Light refreshing cocktail "Cocoon" is deservedly loved by both ladies and gentlemen. It includes:

  • sambuca - 50 ml;
  • cola - 150 ml;
  • crushed ice;
  • lemon or lime juice - 50 ml.

All ingredients are placed in a glass and mixed. They drink such a drink through a straw.

"A liquid nitrogen"

A liquid nitrogen

And one more light and tasty cocktail "Liquid Nitrogen" will surely please the lovers of light alcohol. You should take:

  • sambuca - 80 ml;
  • coconut milk - 60 ml;
  • ice cream - 100 g.

Whisk the melted ice cream, coconut milk and liqueur in a shaker, pour into a glass and garnish with a slice of lime or pineapple.

If you are interested in this topic - even more

Liqueurs are special drinks, and many do not consider them to be alcohol, completely unreasonably. If not pure, then in combination with other types of drinks, they are certainly good. Try it, experiment. There is a version that our stay on earth is due to the need to experience as many sensations as possible. Add these to your piggy bank.

In general, today the post will be dedicated to one of the funniest and uh-uh ... karkolomnykh drinks -.

I will not talk here for a long time about the history of this drink, the curious have already read everything, because I am clearly not the first in Google for the sambuca keyword;)

So let's give a photo instruction on how to imbibe this nectar. I practice my own way, the main difference of which is the absence of coffee beans (well, I don’t like to bite them, I don’t like it!), While coffee taste is added with coffee liqueur (for example, Kahlua). The traditional way con mosca we will consider, so to speak, in passing.

We light up the sambuca. Step 1. Equipment and materials.

To use sambuca, we need a certain set of equipment: a snifter (cognac glass), old fashioned, jigger, a bar spoon, a napkin, a tube with a corrugated ring, matches. (If your table is not very clean, then also a saucer).

At this stage, I will make a small lyrical digression. Snifter (mind you! A real bartender should not be ashamed of this word, replacing him for fear of saying the sphincter with some village term like "cognac"), so the snifter should be quite large and not thin-walled (it will burst).

We light up the sambuca. Step 2. Pour in.

Next pour dose(ok, pour portion) sambucs in snifter and dash kalua in old fashion. If you are a sambuca traditionalist, put three coffee beans symbolizing health, wealth and happiness (it is clear that putting one or two beans is unacceptable) also in the snifter.

It is better to choose a small dose - 3/4 - 1 oz (20 - 30 ml), so that the sambuca can warm up optimally, the attempts of some of our domestic bartenders to light a draw with 100 grams at once make me laugh. I will not say anything about the sambuca brand, because it has not been paid for :), but I warn you that domestic crafts are money down the drain, it is better to buy a sam from old women on the same grandmother and set it on fire. Okay, we'll come back to this later. After pouring the ingredients, everything looks like this:

Nuance! If you are a chronic loser, then your fire extinguisher should still blush there.

We light up the sambuca. Step 3. We light the night.

Let's get down to the most important and wonderful moment! Flammable draw!

With rotational movements, holding the snifter in the position shown in the photo, we turn it a dozen times so that the sambuca, being distributed in a thin layer on the inner surface of the glass, begins to intensively evaporate flammable components - alcohol and essential oils. Then we light a match and carefully, CAREFULLY YOUR MOTHER, we ignite these vapors of combustible components inside the snifter. Rotate the snifter pretty quickly for a couple of tens of seconds.

Here we will make another small lyrical digression about the brand. Sambuca should be set on fire with a match, well, you can also use a lighter, of course, although personally I prefer a match or a lit toothpick - there is less risk of being burned by the flame. Here the key word is set on fire, i.e. upon contact with a flame, the vapors flare up and then the sambuca burns itself, i.e. I will hint, it is not necessary to burn it further with a fucking healthy flame of a lighter, more like Shebelinka. Those. if you have, and more often ( for some reason!) the bartender's sambuca does not burn, but he is firing it, then do not flatter yourself, this means that you did not burn anyone, but loot :) Get up and leave with dignity, but quickly, here the option with a spoiled mojito, for humane reasons, I will not recommend you ...

We light up the sambuca. Step 4. Fire show.

These tricks with fire are very fascinating, you know ... After scrolling the sambuca for 20 seconds or even a little longer, with a light and smooth movement of the hand, pour this fire into the glass, while moving the hand upward from the glass, as if stretching the flame. Over time, when this movement becomes automatic, you will be able to admire at this moment the enchanted faces of your guests illuminated by a blue flame, who are watching this fiery show with primal curiosity, which is also stimulated by cheating to booze. Yes! This picture is beautiful, no doubt even a couple of 2nd degree burns received during training will be more than redeemed by it;)

Again, if you took a fufel instead of a normal sambuca, then you will not get such beauty, and your guests (or visitors!) Will look at you like a complete idiot.

Oh, how beautiful it is.

A long stream of fire escapes from your hands and smashes against the bottom of the glass! The most wonderful picture ...

We light up the sambuca. Step 5. Stew.

At this point, you can exhale. If the picture looks like a photo, then you succeeded, if the glow remains - call 01, well, or 122 there from your mobile ...

We light up the sambuca. Step 6. You can finally have a drink.

Remove the snifter and cover the tube on the napkin with it.

Repeat 3 - 5 (well, or more) times a night, remember, inhaling the vapors of the essential oils of star anise and black elderberry is an excellent excellent prevention of colds! Highly recommended before going to the club :)

ZY Contrary to popular belief, sambuca still causes a hangover, with excessive consumption, of course. Enjoy sambuca responsibly.