If the temperature exceeds the norm at the workplace. Temperature standards in the workplace

Elevated air temperatures adversely affect the body. The state of health worsens, working capacity decreases. Work at elevated air temperatures in a production facility or work outdoors during the hot season must be carefully planned, the mode of work and rest for such work must comply with the requirements established by regulatory documents.
In accordance with MR ( Guidelines“Occupational health. Means of collective and personal protection. Labor and rest regimes of those working in a heating microclimate in a production room and in an open area during the warm period of the year, which establish hygienic requirements for the mode of work in a heating microclimate and in an open area), the permissible duration of continuous stay in a heating microclimate depends on energy consumption. On average, for temperatures of 26-28 degrees Celsius at extremely low physical exertion, the total duration is 3-5 hours, and at very high energy costs - from one and a half to two and a half; the "work - rest" mode thus looks like 25-40 minutes of work for light work, and 10-20 minutes for heavy work for one hour.
Then you need to spend time in a room with a comfortable microclimate (15-20 minutes - easy work; for more difficult work, the time increases).
Another document related to the subject of the article is " SanPiN Physical factors of the production environment. Hygiene requirements to the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary regulations and norms". This document establishes the recommended time spent at the workplace when the air temperature exceeds the permissible values.
Quote from the document (not an official publication, provided for reference, there may be differences from the text of the normative document due to the revision or change of the norms of the document):



Air temperature at

workplace, °C

Stay time, no more, at

Categories of work can be determined by Appendix 1 to SanPiN. IN in general terms category Ia includes sedentary work with little physical stress (management, clothing production, etc.). Category Ib includes somewhat heavier work (work sitting, standing, associated with walking, the work of a master, controller). Category IIa includes tot heavier work - in fact, this is the work of the previous category, supplemented by the movement of products and objects weighing up to 1 kilogram. The next category IIb is distinguished by carrying and moving loads weighing up to 10 kg. Category III - heavy work associated with movement, movement (transfer) of weights above 10 kg., Requiring great physical effort.
Some recommendations for those working at elevated temperatures (indoors, outdoors):

  1. Limit your exposure to the air. Organize a rest every 15-20 minutes in a refrigerated room or a room with a normal temperature (at the level of 24-25 ° C).
  2. Provide ventilation, turn on the fans. Avoid abrupt and / or significant cooling of the body due to changes in ambient air temperatures working area and rest rooms - especially when air conditioners are installed in the rest rooms.
  3. Work at temperatures above 37 ° C is dangerous. Plan your work so that dangerous work spend in the morning or evening.
  4. Observe the drinking regime. The temperature of water and drinks should be 12 ... 15 ° C (this is the optimum temperature). It is recommended to provide for the issuance of juices, fortified drinks, lactic acid drinks, oxygen-protein cocktails - to compensate for the loss of salts and trace elements through sweat. You need to drink often and little by little. The total amount of water, as a rule, is not limited, but it is better to regulate the volume of a single dose - no more than one glass. However, remember it is undesirable to drink more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day in order to avoid excessive stress on the kidneys. It is also not worth increasing the amount of water intake for people with diseases of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.
  5. If possible, to maintain immunity and reduce intoxication of the body, you need to eat fruits and vegetables.
  6. To prevent injuries - hot surfaces are isolated or fenced off, if necessary, a safe time (duration) of contact with the surface is established.
  7. Outdoors, hats and sunglasses are required.
  8. Give up fatty foods, minimize meat consumption (replace it with fish and seafood).
  9. Take a shower with cool water during the day.

In conclusion, we present one more general rule, applicable to all situations: in case of malaise - immediately consult a doctor, do not try to "lie down" or "self-heal". In the hot season, the load on the heart increases, the number of heart attacks increases. Do not treat your health carelessly, take care of yourself.

Region on the islands

In order to organize a normal working environment for their employees, ensure their efficiency and functional condition, the manager must ensure that the temperature in the office is observed. If it deviates from the norm by even one degree, and no matter in which direction, labor productivity may decrease, as if your employees have not worked for an hour.

In fact, this means that in the summer the air conditioner should work in the office space, and in the winter it should be properly heated.

Temperature standards in the office

Eat normative documentthe federal law No. 52-FZ. According to this document, office workers have the right to ensure a healthy environment in their workplace. The head of the enterprise must take measures to keep the working temperature in the office space for employees within strictly defined limits. She must be:

  • In summer - 23-25 ​​ºС.
  • In winter - 22-24 ºС.
  • Permissible deviation from the norm - 1-2 ºС.
  • Possible fluctuation during the day - 3-4 ºС.

There are also requirements for air humidity in the office - it cannot be less than 40% and more than 60. And if you have to sit under air conditioning, you have a legal right to demand better working conditions, because according to sanitary standards, the wind speed should be within 0.1-0.3 m/s.

Implementation of sanitary rules and regulations

Along with temperature and other standards, it was established that if the air temperature at the workplace deviates from the permissible values, the manager is obliged to limit the time spent by employees in the office.

Only on condition that it is not more than 28 ºС or not less than 20 ºС can the eight-hour working day be maintained. Every extra or missing degree must shorten the working day by an hour. By the way, the temperature should be measured at a height of at least a meter from the floor.

Every extra or missing degree must shorten the working day by an hour.

Employer's responsibility

It is the responsibility of the head of the enterprise to provide. Under the conditions laid down in Art. 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he can demand the fulfillment of the hourly rate of production only when he has created decent working conditions in a rented office. At the slightest deviation from temperature regime the manager must immediately take measures to eliminate this violation. Help protect workers' rights

Few people know that the temperature regime in the workplace has a significant impact on the health and performance of employees. For each season, there are temperature limits that every employer must adhere to. Their violation means non-observance of the rights of workers. If you are faced with a similar problem, we recommend that you pay your attention to the contents of this article.

What temperature should be indoors at work according to the Labor Code?

Every employee in the exercise of his professional activities should know that labor legislation guarantees the protection of his rights. In the relevant legal acts, aspects are noted that ensure the safety of life and the preservation of the health of workers. The temperature in the workplace directly affects the condition of the staff. In view of this, the Labor Code provides for the following rules that must be observed at work indoors:

  • According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the head is obliged to provide the working apparatus with proper working conditions. In case of violation of legislative norms, punishment is provided;
  • Carrying out sanitary, hygienic and other measures in the premises of the organization is provided for by law;
  • Each office of the institution must be equipped with mechanisms for heating, ventilation and cooling;
  • The law defines the temperature that should be indoors at different times of the year. If the temperature regime differs from that established by law, employees have the right to claim a reduction in working time. A deviation from the norm by two degrees reduces the duration labor activity.

Temperature regime for office work

The principles outlined in the labor legislation apply to office workers, as well as to other workers. This category of employees works in enclosed spaces therefore temperature norms are important for them.
The temperature for working in an office, according to the law, must be:

  • In summer - 23-25 ​​degrees. In this case, a deviation from the norm by 2 degrees is allowed. After the temperature in the room reaches 28 degrees, workers may demand a reduction in labor time.
  • In winter 22-24 degrees. It is allowed to fluctuate the thermometer by 3-4 degrees.

In the event of violations of the temperature regime at the duty station, the head is obliged to take appropriate measures. Such methods include:

  • If it is necessary to cool or heat the room, special equipment should be provided;
  • If possible, the employer should provide employees with additional breaks during work;
  • Depending on the time of year, hot or cold water should be provided to staff.

What should be the temperature in the room at work in winter?

It is difficult to work at low temperatures. In addition, the low temperature limit adversely affects the health and productivity of employees. Therefore, the Labor Code outlined the temperature regime necessary for normal activity. When working indoors in winter time the thermometer should be at around 22-24 degrees. If the heating mode of the room was violated, and the tenant did not take appropriate measures, then he can be punished.

  • He may be brought to administrative responsibility, which entails the payment of a fine;
  • Or he will have to pay compensation for moral damage to injured workers.

Temperature regime when working outdoors in winter

Especially severe weather conditions in winter make it difficult to carry out work and negatively affect the health of workers. It should be noted that the Labor Code provides for some rules that all managers must follow. The relevant rules look like this:

  • When working on the street in winter, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation notes the need to provide workers with special breaks for rest and heating. To do this, the tenant must equip the premises that will serve for these purposes;
  • The number of rest periods is determined based on a number of factors. We are talking about the temperature outside, the specifics of work, climate. Depending on these conditions, pauses should be repeated every hour or one and a half;
  • All data and rules of work at various temperature conditions must be indicated in the internal labor regulations. They must comply with the law;
  • The worker must have all the necessary equipment for the implementation of his duties on the street in winter;
  • In addition, the organization must provide personnel with medical preparations to restore working capacity;
  • If, due to low temperature, employees cannot continue their professional activities, then work time will pay double.

Operating temperature outdoors

  • At any time of the year, workers must have all the conditions that facilitate the implementation of work.
  • To work at low temperatures Only adults can be allowed outdoors. They must be informed about safety precautions, and a medical examination is also important.
  • Outdoor work is terminated at the temperature established by law. For each region of Russia there is an excellent temperature regime. In winter, the limits are -25-30 degrees. 35 degrees in summer.
  • In specially equipped rooms, the number of degrees should not be lower than 21. Special heating means should be present.
  • Required breaks in the service are included in working hours and must be paid.

The temperature at work and the reduction of the working day

The law establishes the ability of employees to count on a reduction in the duration of work if the temperature regime at the place of work does not meet the standards. There are some rules for reducing working hours:

  • If the employer does not take action to change the situation, then the staff goes on vacation. At the same time, payment for this period is carried out in double size;
  • With any deviation from the norm, the duration of the day of service is reduced by an hour. One degree of temperature equals one hour of labor.

An important condition in the implementation of labor activity is the observance of all the rules for protecting the health of workers. The temperature regime in the room or in the open area is important in the service. Legislation provides all workers with the opportunity to protect their rights under the law. Therefore, if your employer violates your rights, it is recommended to refer to legal acts.

Naturally, the work itself workplace are different. You can not put the working conditions of a loader, a banker and a bulldozer operator on the same level. Each profession has permissible temperature standards in which people are allowed to work. According to "Appendix No. 1 GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area" all types of work are divided into certain categories, which have their own allowable ranges and microclimatic conditions.

In this article, we will talk more about working conditions in the office, or rather, about its temperature regime.

For some, perhaps the following information will be a revelation. Did you know that a temperature that does not meet the standards prescribed in labor code, reduces your working hours by the hour?

Now someone giggled, because everyone is well aware that in our country, as a rule, it is difficult to achieve justice and legality, but still. Knowing this information, of course, your working day will not be reduced to one hour, but there will be an extra reason to take time off to go home early or demand money for overtime.

Of course, the most active workers can write complaints about the management, which refuses to provide optimal temperature conditions for work. We sincerely believe that you will succeed in this undertaking.

We measure the temperature at the workplace in the office

And so, where to look at the permissible humidity and temperature. “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. SanPiN "- this is exactly the official document that you need. It contains clearly defined requirements for the temperature regime in the office. Based on these laws, boldly go to the management and demand a workplace that complies with all established rules.

According to certain temperature standards, in the workplace of office employees, in the summer, it should not be hotter than 23-25 ​​degrees. If we are talking about the cold season, then 22-24 degrees. permissible readings of the thermometer, provided that the humidity of the air is 40-60%.

Naturally there is allowable norms deviations that are only 1 or 2 degrees, no more. During the working day, the temperature can change no more than four degrees.

Approximately in such conditions, you are required to work in the office for 8 hours. When the temperature rises one degree (for example, allowable temperature 25 degrees, but, during the day, it rose by 4 degrees, which is no longer in line with the law), demand to leave work early, namely for an hour. That is, if it is 29 degrees, then the working day in the office is only 7 hours, 30 degrees - 6 hours, etc.

When the thermometer in the office crossed the mark of 32.5, after an hour you have the right to go home.

Approximately the same situation in the cold season. At a temperature of 19 degrees, the working day is 7 hours, 18 degrees. - 6 hours, etc.

To accurately determine the temperature, you must hang the thermometer at a height of 1 meter from the floor.

In general, it will be more profitable for the employer to install an air conditioner or heater at the workplace than to pay a fine under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for non-compliance with sanitary rules. Therefore, do not be shy and do not be afraid of your superiors. Make sure your workplace is comfortable and pleasant to work in. Rely on all the above laws and regulations, and you will definitely be able to restore justice.

Do you want your staff to always work effectively? Agree that it is difficult to think about business when a person is uncomfortable. And for this, it is necessary to observe at least the norms of temperature in the workplace. She should be comfortable. From this article, you will find out what standards are set by SanPiN in 2019 and what should be the temperature in the office in winter and summer, as well as what threatens the employer to violate these requirements.

Why do we need SanPiN

It follows from Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that employers are required to create not only safe conditions at workplaces in the office or at work, but also maintain a comfortable atmosphere - temperature, humidity level, etc. The relevant standards are set in order to work 8 hours a day (40 hours/week) did not cause harm to health. Besides, comfortable conditions have a positive effect on staff performance.

When introducing a temperature norm in a working room, officials necessarily pay attention to humidity, air velocity, surface temperature, etc. In addition, the indicators may differ due to varying degrees loads and types of work. For example, in foundries, their own temperature is considered comfortable, which cannot be said about ordinary office premises.

Temperature regime of the office

The less physical activity performs a person, the warmer it should be in the room. Office workers spend most of their time at the computer, and most of them move from office to office. Therefore, a favorable temperature should be established taking into account these factors.

According to SanPiN 2019, the temperature at the workplace in the office in warm time year should be 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius with a relative humidity of 60-40%. At the same time, the surface temperature is from 22 to 26C, and the air velocity is up to 0.1 m/s.

In the cold season in the office should be from 22 to 24C (humidity and air speed are similar). Optimum temperature surfaces 21-25C.

When making a decision, be guided by SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises" (clauses 5, 6, 7 and Appendix 1).

Employers need to know exactly what temperature should be in the working room, since if the norms are not observed, liability may be brought.

Consequences for violating SanPiN norms

When working conditions deviate from temperature norms, the length of the working day should be reduced. For example, office workers can work indoors at +13C for no more than 1-4 hours (during normal sedentary work).

Violation of the temperature regime is qualified under Part 1 of Art. 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Possible warning or imposition of a fine in the amount of:

  • 2000-5000 rub. – for individual entrepreneurs;
  • 50,000-80,000 - for legal entities;
  • 2000 - 5000 rubles. - for officials.

It is also possible to force the termination of activities for up to 3 months.

They can also be held liable under Art. 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for a warning or an administrative fine from 100 to 20,000 rubles. depending on the status of the perpetrator (individual, executive, IP, legal entity). But usually inspectors are guided by more stringent sanctions, that is, Part 1 of Art. 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Remember that it is the responsibility of the employer to create and maintain the temperature at the workplace in accordance with SanPiN standards. For this, air conditioners, heaters, etc. are used. By following the established rules, many conflicts can be avoided, as well as downtime associated with employee diseases.