How a chandelier is hung on the ceiling. How to hang a chandelier on the ceiling - mounting options

The chandelier is and lighting fixture, and an important decorative element, so many of them are quite heavy and complex structure... The installation of the luminaire becomes an important milestone repair, because even the safety of the inhabitants of the room will depend on the reliability of its fastening. To understand how to attach a chandelier to the ceiling correctly and with minimal cost, you need to know what kind of lamps for rooms are and how the methods of their installation differ.

Omitting the details of the decorative differences of the chandeliers, let us dwell on what is important for the installation process: classification by the type of fasteners. On this basis, two main types of devices are distinguished:

  • ceiling mounted with hook;
  • cantilever, which are attached to brackets or special strips.

Fastening the chandelier to the hook and to the bar (bracket)

Heavier models belong precisely to the first category, since only the hook can hold sufficiently securely massive structures... The same models, which are lighter, are conveniently mounted on different types planks that can be attached to false ceiling profiles.

Types of fasteners

How constructively arranged different mounts? The hook is most often already installed in the ceiling, however, if it is not there or it is not reliable, you can make it yourself. There are several types of designs that are used for this purpose, one of which is the collet pin. It is a collet, which is practically used as a dowel, and a stud, replacing the self-tapping screw, on which the hook clings.

Types of collet pins

You can use another option: a metal anchor or a self-tapping hook. When the chandelier is fastened to a drywall ceiling in this way, a chain can also be included in the structure. There is also a variety of hooks that are used to hang light fixtures from plasterboard ceilings and are called "butterfly" for the drop-down structure, which prevents the fasteners from falling out of the hole in the profile.

Chandelier ceiling hook

As for the mounting strips, they are fixed with dowels and screws. Long screws can also be used. Console chandelier models are often mounted using a butterfly dowel, which opens when fastened with a self-tapping screw and can be either metal or plastic.

Dowel "butterfly"

Stages of mounting a chandelier on a hook

When thinking about how to attach a chandelier to a ceiling with a hook already installed, first of all check its strength: hang a load of the same weight as the lamp you have chosen, or pull it hard. An unreliable hook that falls out or wobbles must be replaced. It is important to remember that fasteners for heavy chandeliers are only mounted on the main ceiling, since no variety suspended drywall will not withstand such a load. To mount the collet, a hole is drilled with a perforator, into which the fasteners are inserted. A pin is screwed into the collet, on which the anchor hook is hung, or it is screwed directly into the collet.

Installing the collet to the ceiling

A hole in drywall is also needed to drive a metal anchor into concrete base or screwing a self-tapping hook into wooden base... To overcome the distance separating the base ceiling from the hinged one, a chain is used: it is hung on a hook and the chandelier itself is attached to it.

With regard to light fixtures that are mounted on plasterboard ceiling profiles, the fastening is carried out as follows: a butterfly hook is inserted into the hole in the plasterboard, which corresponds to the hole in the ceiling frame profile, which automatically opens and locks.

The principle of "opening" and adopting a T-shape also applies to the "butterfly" dowels, on which the console lamps are mounted. At least two such dowels are required. They are inserted into the holes in the ceiling and profile and fixed with a self-tapping screw, after which they are automatically fixed.

Butterfly hook mounting

Installing the mounting plate

Such fasteners are mounted on plasterboard ceiling, not designed for heavy loads. Therefore, in order not to damage it, you need to strengthen the part of the coating where the lamp will hang. Even at the stage of installing the frame, you should decide how to attach the chandelier to the ceiling, and use one of the reinforcement options. For example, you can install two parallel profiles (at the same distance from each other as the holes in the plank) or build a square or rectangle from them (again, in accordance with the dimensions of the chandelier fixture).

First, you need to correctly mark the places for the holes in the ceiling: they must match the places for the screws on the strip. Dowels are inserted into the ceiling holes, to which the bar is screwed. In addition, there may be a hook in the ceiling that you do not need, but you should not dismantle it: in case of changing the chandelier, it may still be useful to you. The lamp itself is attached to the bar with screws.

Fixing the chandelier strip

There is also a very simple option that can be used for light chandeliers. small size... It consists in fastening the strip to the profiles with long self-tapping screws. For heavier structures, as already mentioned, it is possible to mount only on the main ceiling, concrete or wood.

So how do you hang a chandelier from the ceiling? First, you need to evaluate the lamp itself: its weight, type of attachment, size. Moreover, this must be done before installation. false ceiling so that it is possible, if necessary, to install the necessary reinforcing structures.

Then the required preparatory work, the type of fastening material is determined and the installation is carried out sequentially. When the mounts are installed, you can connect the luminaire to the mains.

So, you need to replace or hang the chandelier from scratch on the ceiling in the house. At first glance, this event causes little concern and seems difficult for a novice electrician. But everything is much easier than you think, because installation work last no more than half an hour and at the same time special efforts not required.

In order to hang a chandelier to the ceiling with your own hands, you must:

  • familiarize yourself with safety precautions;
  • prepare tools and materials;
  • choose the right mounting method;
  • install the product;
  • check if the connection is correct.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the stages.

Safety engineering

Any electric installation work are not safe, because a person is dealing with high voltage currents. So that when you connect you do not get an electric shock, and itself does not break down after a while, we recommend that you take into account the following rules and tips:

  1. Before hanging the luminaire on the ceiling, turn off the electricity in the network (just turn it off in the panel).
  2. Make sure there is no electricity in the room by turning the lights on / off.
  3. Use an indicator screwdriver to check the voltage on the wires coming from the ceiling. If there is no current, proceed to work.
  4. Carry out using terminal blocks. "Grandfather's" twist with insulation is not safe.
  5. Do not buy low quality Chinese products, as most often they are the ones that fail.
  6. Take care of quality.

If you follow these safety measures, you can quickly and easily fix the chandelier to the ceiling.

Tools and materials

In order to carry out the installation, you will need the following tools:

  • electric drill or hammer drill;
  • ladder;
  • screwdrivers or screwdriver;
  • indicator screwdriver;
  • pliers.

From the materials you need to prepare:

  • connecting pads either (they are not always included, especially if the product is cheap);
  • fastening element (hook or anchor);
  • self-tapping screws with dowels.

As for the latter, it should be clarified here. If the chandelier will be fastened to a concrete ceiling, it is necessary to purchase anchors, they are better installed in the wall. In order to hang the body on a wooden ceiling, you can do without a hook, use wood screws (if the lamp is of light weight). You can fix it to drywall only if you get on the frame made of profiles using self-tapping screws for metal.

Installation methods

In order to independently hang the chandelier from the ceiling in the house, you can use one of three methods, each of which is provided in advance by the manufacturer. If the product is not heavy, it can be hung on a hook. If you weigh more than 5 kg, you must use anchor bolts... The design of some chandeliers requires the installation of a special strip (bracket). Well, the last way is to mount the back cover of the luminaire directly to the ceiling or wall. Now we will take a closer look at each of the above methods.


For installation light chandelier you can buy an inexpensive hook with a dowel (as shown in the picture) and screw it into the ceiling, then hang the loop provided by the design of the lamp on the hook.

We draw your attention to the fact that such method will fit only if the ceiling is wooden or concrete; then you can drill a hole in it and insert a dowel. If the sheathing is plasterboard, apply given view installation is prohibited, because the hook will simply vomit after hanging the lamp.

If the chandelier is large and heavy, you can hang it on anchor hook... Its design is shown in the photo:

All you need is to drill a hole of the required diameter in the ceiling, and then screw in the hook. The anchor will "break open", which will create a reliable fastening of an item of even greater weight.

Such a connection can spoil the interior of the room, so it is recommended to buy lamps that have a decorative bowl, which will hide all the fasteners.


If the manufacturer has provided a bar mount, it will be necessary to spend a little more time on installation.

The kit includes a metal bar and 2 screws with nuts. All you need is to fix the bar (bracket), and then hang the chandelier yourself tightly to the ceiling.

This option is more time consuming, but at the same time does not represent anything complicated. The main thing is to correctly adjust the distance between the screws (it should correspond to the distance between the holes in the luminaire body itself).

Back cover

If you want to hang the chandelier on the ceiling without drilling with a punch, you must choose special view luminaire, the shade of which can be fixed with self-tapping screws. In this case, you just need to screw a few screws through the holes in the back cover. Most often, this method of fastening is used if the product is lightweight and is installed on the wall (as shown in the picture).


So, so that you understand each of the connection methods, we will provide the appropriate step by step instructions for Dummies.

If you use a hook, it is enough to drill a hole in the ceiling with a drill, drive a dowel (or anchor) into it, and then screw in the hook itself. Next, you need to connect the wires between the body and the lead wires, carefully insulate them (if required) and only then hang the chandelier on the hook. You need to dwell on this in more detail so that you know how to properly connect a chandelier to the ceiling.

If the design of the luminaire does not provide for grounding, two wires must be connected to the body - phase and zero. As a rule, metal luminaires provide additional grounding, so in this case you will be dealing with three wires - phase, neutral and ground. Each core must be connected in the terminal block according to the color coding of the wires, and legend... If 4 wires come out of the luminaire body, then a chandelier for two lamps and it must be connected by analogy with two lamps.

Video tutorial on connection

If you are installing electrical wiring from scratch, then you need more. You can get acquainted with the technology by simply following the link.

In order to evenly hang the chandelier on the bracket, you must first set the screws at a suitable distance. Then fix the bracket using the dowel-nails. Next, you need to thread the body through the studs, and use decorative nuts to securely fix the product on the bar. As in the previous case, the connection of the wires must be done in advance.

We also draw your attention to the very important point... When connecting the chandelier, the cores must be correctly connected: phase to phase, zero to zero, and ground to ground. If you mix up the contacts, it will happen. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Well, the last way is to mount the back cover directly to the ceiling. In this case, the design of the product has several holes on the back cover, which are simply fixed with self-tapping screws. There is nothing complicated, the only advice I would like to give is that all the holes do not have to be used. If the luminaire is light, but 4-5 holes are provided, then three self-tapping screws may be enough to hang the body.

Connecting the socket, switch and light bulb in the junction box

Control check

When you complete the electrical connection, you need to check all the work. First, visually - so that the wires are not visible (hide the cores in the case). After that, you need to shake the lamp to make sure it is securely fastened. Well, in the end, turn on the machine and if it does not knock out, and the lamp itself does not sparkle, then everything is done correctly! As you can see, you can easily hang a chandelier from the ceiling for one person or even a woman! The main thing is to follow all the rules that we told you about!

Non-standard situations

Above, we have provided you with instructions for installing the chandelier in the most standard conditions - when the ceiling is even and without defects. At the same time, sometimes you have to carry out fastening in non-standard conditions, which we will talk about briefly.

To hang a chandelier on stretch ceiling, you can use the bar as shown in the photo below. In this case, the fixing can be carried out even if the ceiling is already stretched and, moreover, the replacement of the lamp can be done without the danger of damaging the film coating.

If you decide to hang the product on a sloped ceiling, then it is best to use a hanging on a chain. When, for some reason, you have to change the location of the chandelier in the apartment, the main thing is not to get into the wiring when drilling a new hole in the ceiling. For this, it is recommended to use one that will show where the wires go.

If there is already a hole in the ceiling, be sure to use it so as not to re-drill the hole with a puncher. Too large a hole can be hidden with a special plaster shade, which is sold in most hardware stores.

If three wires of the same color come out of the hole, then in order to find the phase, zero and ground, you will have to use a multimeter. With two-wire wiring, things are easier - you can find the phase and zero with an ordinary indicator screwdriver (when you touch the phase, the light will light up).

Did you like the article? Add "" to your bookmarks and we will delight you with new available instructions with illustrative video examples, as well as electrical circuits... We hope you understand how to hang a chandelier on a plasterboard, concrete or wood ceiling!

Related materials:

Video tutorial on connection

The question "How to hang a chandelier correctly?" can be divided into two parts: connecting the chandelier to the mains and directly attaching the chandelier to the ceiling. Connecting a chandelier requires knowledge of the basics of electrical, but it's not very difficult to figure it out.

To install a chandelier with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • stepladder or table;
  • electric drill (puncher);
  • pliers with insulated handles;
  • indicator screwdriver;
  • nippers;
  • Phillips screwdriver with a thin tip;
  • insulating tape;
  • mounting block for clamping wires.

Modern chandeliers have two types of fixings. The first is a loop that snaps onto a hook in the ceiling. The suspension point is closed in this case. decorative overlay- a cup.

The second option is mounting plate, which is fixed to the ceiling and to which the chandelier is then attached. Here, the decorative strip is also a fastening element.

We hang on a hook

A hanging hook is the easiest way to attach a chandelier. At first you need to make a hole in the ceiling next to the wires leaving it, with a diameter of at least 8 mm. For this it is used hammer drill or a puncher.

It is recommended to install the hook using anchor systems. There are different types of anchors.

If the chandelier is small, weighing 1-1.5 kg, you can use a regular hook with a screw thread, which is screwed into plastic stopper- dowel. For heavier chandeliers, spacer metal anchors are required, from 50 mm in length and with a cross section of 10 mm.

When using plastic dowels, it is better to take corrugated ones, with a length of 40 mm. Smooth dowels do not hold well in the slab. After fixing the dowel, a hook is screwed into it, or a expansion anchor is installed. The hook should be insulated with two layers of electrical tape.

Next, the wires of the chandelier must be connected to the wires coming from the switch using a special block with clamping bolts - a terminal block. You will need a slotted screwdriver with a narrow blade to tighten the bolts. This block is included with the chandelier. If it is not there, the wires are connected on twists and wrapped with insulating tape.

Then you need to move the decorative cup close to the ceiling, moving it along the tubular base of the chandelier, and fix it. A decorative strip will hide wiring leads and wire connections. The disadvantage of this type of attachment is that sometimes the height of the decorative cup is not enough, and an ugly gap remains between it and the ceiling. Before fixing the decorative cup, you need to check the quality of the connection of the chandelier.

Under no circumstances should the hook be attached to drywall sheets, as it may not support the weight of the chandelier. When installing a plasterboard ceiling or stretch ceiling, you need to leave a hole in it for the output of the hook along with the wires.

If a chandelier without a hook

The process of fixing a chandelier with a metal strip is somewhat more complicated. In this case, the metal strip takes over the entire load. If a hook from an old chandelier remains in the ceiling, it should be removed.

The plank is applied to the ceiling in the right place and the points for drilling holes for the dowels are marked with a pencil. Then holes are drilled in the ceiling and dowels are fixed in them. Further, fastening bolts are inserted into the strip at a distance equal to the distance between the holes for fastening on the decorative box of the chandelier, and fixed with nuts. After that, the strip is placed on the ceiling and fastened with self-tapping screws.

The next stage of the work is best done together, since it will not work alone. Need to attach decorative box to the bar so that the fixing bolts fall into the holes on the box, and before that, connect the wires of the chandelier and the switch.

One person must hold the chandelier and the other must connect the wires, since it is impossible to do this with one hand. After the connection of the chandelier is completed, and the bolts of the strip coincide with the holes of the box, it is pressed against the ceiling and fixed with decorative nuts. All connection wiring is hidden under the decorative box.

When installing stretch ceilings, you need to prepare in advance the basis for attaching the mounting plate to the ceiling. It could be simple wooden block required height. The bar is attached to the bar with ordinary self-tapping screws.

How to hang a chandelier on drywall: if the ceiling is made of gypsum plasterboard, metal dowels that can withstand a load of up to 15 kg, or butterfly dowels are used as fasteners for the plank.

Connection diagram

First of all, you need to turn off the electricity using circuit breaker located in the switchboard on staircase... The absence of voltage is checked with an indicator screwdriver.

There should be three wires on the ceiling: one "zero", the other two - "phase". The insulation is removed from the wires, the length of the bare tip should be approximately 3-4 cm. different sides to avoid short circuits.

Then you need to turn on the electricity again to determine which of the wires are phase. To do this, touch each of the wires with an indicator screwdriver. If the wire is "phase", then the indicator will light up, if the indicator is off, then it is "zero". It is advisable to mark "zero" with electrical tape. If a voltmeter is available, then it is better to use it, because it is still dangerous to work under voltage.

V modern houses the wires are color-coded: blue wire - "zero", brown - "phase", maybe even yellow - this is ground. The chandelier should be accompanied by instructions with recommendations for its installation. If it indicates that the design of the luminaire assumes grounding, this must be taken into account.

Phase wires are output to the switch, "zero" goes to the junction box.

If the switch is single-key, you first need to connect the wires in the chandelier itself. The blue from each light bulb is connected to the other blue, brown to brown. The "Null" wire from the ceiling connects to the "Null" from the chandelier. Phase wires from the ceiling and chandeliers are also connected to each other.

If there is no color marking, then you can arbitrarily connect one wire from each light bulb and similarly connect the remaining wires together. Lead one connection to the "neutral" wire on the ceiling, the other to the phase.

You should be aware that copper and aluminum wires should not be twisted together. An electron pair of these two metals causes the contact to break. A special connector is used to connect such wires.

Connecting the chandelier to a double switch

With a two-button switch, you need to make sure that when one key is turned on, only part of the lamps lights up, when the second is turned on, the rest, and when both keys are turned on, all the lamps together.
If there are only two plafonds, the 3-wire chandelier is connected in the same way: "zero" is connected to "zero", both phases are connected to each other.

The phases of the chandelier wires, if they do not have markings, are determined as follows: the wires are stuck in pairs into the outlet, while you do not need to touch the third wire. It is necessary to find such a position of the wires when one of them is constantly in the socket, and when you connect one or the other of the two remaining, one or the other lamp lights up. Then the wire that is always in the socket will be "zero", the other two - phase.

If there are several bulbs, you need to divide them into two groups: which will turn on from the first switch key and which from the second. Then take one identical wire from each light bulb (phase or "zero") and connect them together.

Divide the remaining wires into two parts, depending on the indicated groups, and also connect them together - you get two twists. The twist containing the wiring from all the bulbs is connected to the "neutral" wire. The other two strands are separately connected to the two phase conductors.

For reliable connection of wires from the chandelier and wires coming out of the ceiling, it is better to use terminal blocks not on screws, but on clamps. They are suitable for both aluminum wires, and for copper.

The choice of lighting fixtures plays important role to create comfort and beauty at home. Having bought a lamp home, another important question arises before the user - how to hang a purchased chandelier yourself so as not to damage the ceiling and to place the product correctly.
Today, there are two main types of fasteners that are suitable for various designs devices. The choice of mounting method also depends on the type of ceiling.

Attaching the chandelier to the hook

Hook- old and reliable way fixing lamps to the ceiling. Almost in all Soviet apartments, in every room there is such a mount. If the room where you plan to hang the lamp already has fasteners, then it will not be difficult to place the product on it.

In order to check the reliability of the hook, it is necessary to hang a load on it by knocking, which corresponds in weight to the selected chandelier. If within 24 hours, the hook will not fall out and will not be deformed, then it is suitable for attaching a product to it.

In the event that there is no hook, but there is still drilled hole, you can screw in new fasteners. Its choice must be approached with special care - it must be screwed tightly into the ceiling, there should be no gaps. The choice of the size and type of hook depends on the design and weight of the chandelier. If the user decides to choose a new place to place the chandelier, then the hook can be screwed in independently. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that there is an electrical wiring nearby.

If the fixture of the luminaire does not reach the hook, then an additional chain can be suspended.

In hardware stores you can find a hook - a self-tapping screw, which is suitable exclusively for attaching it to wooden ceilings... For other types of floors, you will first need to drill a hole and then screw a hook into it.

Mount on the bar

Plank- universal mounting method. It allows heavy structures with many elements to be placed on the ceiling. You can also hang a dimensional chandelier using the bar.
The bar is aluminum profile, which is attached to the ceiling with self-tapping screws.

The bar can be of different lengths and widths depending on the weight and dimensions of the selected lamp.

If the luminaire is too large, the bracket can be formed in the shape of a square or rectangle. This method of fastening evenly distributes the load from the weight of the product, and is more reliable in use.
Also, the bar can be mounted in the form of a cross or "snowflake".

How to hang a chandelier on a bar:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to choose a place where the lamp will be placed. The choice of place must be taken with special attention so as not to damage the wiring running along the ceiling.
  2. The selected places should be marked. At the marked places, using a drill, holes are drilled into which dowels are inserted and self-tapping screws are screwed in.
  3. A chandelier is attached to the attached bar, and the wires are connected.

The bar allows you to mount any type of luminaire, even those with a high mass. This method is considered the most reliable, since it is convenient at the time of changing the bulbs - the chandelier does not scroll. At the same time, fastening with a hook causes certain difficulties in the future.
Thus, there are several ways of fixing the chandelier, which differ in the way of work. The choice of installation method depends on the type of luminaire, on design solutions in the interior, as well as the personal preferences of the owners of the premises.

Features of ceiling slabs

In order for the purchased chandelier to please its owners for many years and not collapse due to the unreliability of the mounting method, you need to pay attention to the fact that each ceiling can withstand different weight loads. In addition, certain ceiling slabs will require special working methods and building materials.

Fixing the chandelier to drywall

Plasterboard is often used when installing ceiling slabs. Due to the lightness of the material, drywall allows you to create bizarre ceilings. However, drywall is an extremely thin material and cannot support high weight.

A chandelier weighing no more than 2 kilograms can be attached to drywall. Otherwise, the chandelier and ceiling may collapse.

If the weight of the luminaire does not exceed 2 kilograms, you will need a special type of dowel - a butterfly - to fix the chandelier. Butterfly dowel is a fastener that looks like an ordinary metal dowel, but when it is inserted into the space between the ceiling, it opens and is securely fastened. Such fasteners are sometimes initially equipped with a hook, so it will not be difficult to hang a chandelier.

When working with drywall, it is taken into account that the dowel must enter the ceiling by at least 15 cm. In addition, the ceiling is equipped with a special non-conductive bushing for safe cable outlet.

It is allowed to mount an aluminum strip on gypsum cardboard, if the chandelier is oversized. The method of fastening the bar does not differ from those described above.
In the event that the weight of the luminaire exceeds the norm, you will need to create a special mount. So, a round hole is drilled in the ceiling. After that, a strip is mounted directly to the concrete or tiled base, on which the chandelier is attached.
At the end of the work, the hole in the ceiling is masked with decorative elements (these can be chandelier elements).

How to hang a chandelier on a stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling, despite all its positive traits, is extremely inconvenient in the installation of lamps to it. The fact is that fastening the lamp directly to the tensioning web will immediately lead to the sagging of the latter and a possible breakthrough at the mounting location of the mounts.

To fix the chandelier to the stretch ceiling, all work should be carried out until the film is stretched.

So, a hook or bar is attached to the base of the ceiling. The fastening method is no different from the above-described work procedure. After this, the tension of the ceiling film occurs. A mark is made in the place where the chandelier is supposed to be placed. Next, you need to cut a hole that will be sufficient in diameter for mounting the luminaire.
In order for the edges of the hole on the film not to disperse, it is necessary to mount a special plastic circle that will hold the edges of the canvas and prevent it from sagging. In this circle, the film is also stretched and the pins for fixing the chandelier are removed through it.

Working with electricity

In addition to mounting fasteners to the ceiling, it is also necessary to correctly connect the luminaire to electricity. To do this, you should unswervingly follow the instructions written in the chandelier's passport. If you connect the lamp incorrectly, this will cause malfunctions not only in its operation, but also create a great danger to the residents of the house.

When choosing a chandelier, in addition to external qualities, pay attention to the power and the amount of electricity consumed. Otherwise, the electrical wiring of the apartment may not withstand such a load.

Before connecting the light fixture, you should deal with the variety of wires through which the lamp will be powered. The network goes alternating current, with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz. The current flows through 2 cables - phase and zero. Some rooms also have a third cable - grounding. Determined with the purpose of each of the wires easy enough:

  • phase wire has a golden color;
  • "Zero" is colored blue;
  • the earth cable is bright yellow.

Please note that this color scheme was adopted relatively recently, in old buildings the same type of color has been preserved, so you will have to figure it out on your own.

In the event that a lamp with several keys is connected in the room, then there will be several phase wires.
Before starting work, you must turn off the electricity in the house and you can start.
For work you will need the following tools:

  • pliers (for cable preparation);
  • insulating tape;
  • blowtorch;
  • junction box or terminal block;
  • multitester (to determine the type of wires).

It is not difficult to connect lamps that are equipped with one row of horns and are connected to a one-button switch. To do this, we find phase and zero cables and combine with the electrical wiring on the ceiling. On modern chandeliers these cables are painted in special colors or otherwise marked.

It is more difficult to connect chandeliers that have two or more groups of arms (rows). In this case, wire groups are connected. So, initially you need to find all the phase wires and connect them through terminal block or junction box, and then connect to the main wire on the ceiling. The same operation should be performed with neutral wires.
Terminal block- a product that is designed to connect wires of the same type.
Thus, it is not so difficult to hang a chandelier on your own; for this it will be enough to follow the proposed instructions, the rules for the operation of electrical appliances.
If any difficulties arose during the installation or connection of the chandelier, it is better to turn to the services of masters in order to avoid possible problems.

A chandelier is not just an ordinary lighting fixture that is an attribute of any interior. She also plays the role of an additional decorative element... Fashion does not stand still; for the sake of it, it often has to change the chandelier when repairing or changing the environment. However, it is not necessary to resort to the help of outsiders, you can hang the lamp from the ceiling yourself, the main thing is to follow the algorithm of work.
And even if you never have the opportunity to fix the lamp to the ceiling yourself, it will not be superfluous to at least just know how to do it correctly in order to be able to control the work of employees. Therefore, let's figure out how to hang a chandelier so that it is reliable and safe.

The basics

Initially, the installation of the chandelier begins with an inspection of the existing fixing system.
According to the type of attachment, there are three types of suspension - they are used most often (meaning precisely for chandeliers).

  • mounting on heavy-duty ceiling-mounted hooks.
  • suspension on the mounting bar.
  • installation on an extended platform

Mount installation

The first option is most suitable for massive lamps that have a leg or are suspended on chains (or wires) of different lengths. The hook is able to withstand constant, substantial loads. Previously, it was always built in by default - even at the stage of laying floor slabs. Today builders do not always do this.
Modern lamp models are made, as a rule, of lightweight materials, and for them it is not at all necessary to make powerful fasteners. In addition, usually the hook is located clearly in the center of the room, and designers often shift the visual center or zone the space with the help of lighting. And then what to do with the ugly hook, which is tightly mounted in the ceiling?
Therefore, in the buildings of a new model, new settlers, at their discretion, plan the location of the chandelier, shifting it in the desired direction. A simple and reliable fixing strip (shown in the second photo) is used to hang the luminaire, which successfully copes with small loads. This mounting option allows you to use flat models of lamps, which, according to the idea, should fit closely to the ceiling. Such systems can be mounted on suspended ceiling structures.
The latter type is used on hollow stretch and plasterboard ceilings. By themselves, these materials are not strong and stable, so the holder (in the form of a wooden block, for example) is attached directly to concrete slab... And then a lamp is suspended from it, flush with the suspended surface.
Holder profiles must be strictly parallel so that there is no increased load on one side. The only exception is a significant difference in the planes of the ceiling, when it is necessary to level the platform using suspensions of different heights.

Work safety

During work, you need to remember three main rules: adhere to the basics of safety precautions, observe polarity when connecting wires and use reliable fastening... These prescriptions, like the three whales, must be strictly observed.
In addition, in order to correctly (and without health consequences) carry out the installation ceiling lamp remember also the recommendations below.

The most important thing is to ensure absolute safety at work. This means that you need to replace the lamp during the day in order to be able to completely de-energize the apartment throughout the entire installation period.

Even if the circuit is de-energized, be sure to check it with a special tester screwdriver with a built-in light bulb. Sometimes the residual stress can hit very hard.

Always de-energize and check the lighting circuit when hanging fixtures from the ceiling. Fastening chandeliers is work at height, so even a slight electric shock is enough to get more serious injury when falling from a ladder.

New chandelier and old wiring

You need to be especially careful if your wiring is old and made of aluminum wire. Ideally, it should be completely replaced with copper, with a large cross section. This is absolutely justified, since much lower rated loads were previously placed on the chain. Therefore, it would be correct to expand it. throughput... If it is not possible to change the wiring, then protect yourself as much as possible by following our recommendations.
Remember - never connect directly copper wires chandeliers with thick cable aluminum wiring. With close contact, both substances react, and as a result of corrosion, there is a real threat of a short circuit, and, as a result, a fire.
Therefore, put insulating soldering on the copper wires, and only then screw them to the aluminum ones. Thus, all three wires are processed, for fidelity, additionally solder all the joints (especially if the chandelier is installed in wet rooms, such as a bathroom). And it is better to use special clamping terminals, which provide a safe and reliable connection... Models their mass and cost is very small.
Do not be lazy to ground both the lamp itself and the switch. This will minimize the risk of electric shock if the neighbors suddenly flood you.

Let's analyze the features of the installation in rooms with different starting conditions in order to carry out the installation correctly. We present three main types of ceilings: concrete, tension and plasterboard.

Concrete ceilings

Chandelier hook

The most common option for attaching chandeliers to concrete surfaces- regular hooks. If you do not have a hook, or after a long time it has become unreliable, it is better to play it safe and change it, strengthening the structure properly.
To do this, you will have to re-embroider the seams between the plates, going slightly to the sides. A strong metal plate (or pin) is inserted into the resulting opening - it is much easier to do this if the floors are hollow. For wet rooms, it will not be superfluous to process the plate with any enamel paint, then it will corrode less.

Then the hook itself clings to the plate. As a result, it turns out reliable system capable of withstanding heavy loads.
A strong concrete base allows you to use two other methods of fastening, if suddenly there is a need for this.

Stretch ceiling

Many inexperienced craftsmen often have a question - how to hang a chandelier on tension surface(canvas or PVC foil)?
In fact, if you have a stretch ceiling installed in your room, you can fix the chandelier as described above. With the only amendment that you need to hang the lamp away from the canvas so that the heated lamps do not touch the bulb's surface with the bulbs. However, most often installers resort to the third type of fastening - with platform extension.
In order to attach the chandelier at the same level with the canvas, you will need to make a strong frame. It can be a simple wooden block, set flush with the film surface. Screwed onto it with self-tapping screws mounting plate... The fastening of all elements of the base must be rigid so that the vibrations of the tension film do not cause the luminaire to dangle.

Fixing the chandelier

In addition, special spacers are installed on both sides of the stretch film, which reinforce the perforation site. They do not allow the canvas to stretch under its own weight, and also serve as a thermal insulating layer that protects the canvas from heating. They look like rings. The one that needs to be attached from the outside is usually transparent and cannot be seen at all behind the decorative chandelier cover.

Stretch ceiling preparation

The wires also need to be well insulated at the joints. And it is better to use special clamping terminals that connect and seal the joints with high quality.

Plasterboard ceilings

You can attach a chandelier to a plasterboard ceiling using the same technology as on a stretch one. The second type of attachment is also used - if you plan to install a heavy chandelier. Then a bar is used suitable size... It is attached to the ceiling using a special collet pin. It allows you to significantly enhance the potential of the structure.

Drywall mount

A mounting plate is screwed to the base, and almost any chandelier can be safely attached to it.

Low ceilings and other nuances

Usually than bigger room, the larger pendant lights can be installed. And they weigh a lot, and in fact represent a real danger to residents - in the event of an unforeseen breakage of fasteners and fall.
Depending on the type of chandeliers, there are some mounting features. For example, traditional hooks are not suitable for hanging flat luminaire models that do not have a rod. Therefore, if you have low ceilings, and you want to smooth out this drawback with a flat lamp, you will have to redo the mounting base. Change the massive hook to a flat bar. If the chandelier is small and light, it is enough to mount it on aluminum ceiling hangers.
A massive and heavy chandelier must be hung on a thick steel hook deeply embedded in the ceiling. Today you can buy a special, very easy-to-use and practical hook. It is equipped with spacer bars that unfold during installation - like butterfly wings, and do not allow the mount to dangle and fall out.
After installing such a hook, the hole surrounding it must be primed and cemented. Wait at least a day for the mixture to set. As a result, such a mount will be able to withstand even a heavy chandelier.

Fixing the chandelier

Please note that the wiring is not attached to the hook. A special chandelier holder is suspended on it, and the cables are freely, without tension, located next to or around.


Another important point in the installation of a ceiling lamp is to connect the wires correctly. Typically, three wires are used in lighting systems: phase, earth, and neutral.
It's great if they differ in the color of the insulation - then you don't have to guess where which one.
The "phase" has brown (or black) insulation, the yellow braid can be used to identify the ground, and "zero" is usually blue. In high-quality chandelier models, the wires are always marked different colors so that there is no need to "ring" where is the phase, where is zero. Then your task is reduced to connecting the wiring with the luminaire cables - by color.
If all three cables look the same, you will have to empirically determine where the "phase" is. It can be identified by holding an indicator screwdriver in turn to each wire. When the light comes on - this cable is the "phase". Although this popular method is far from safe, it is better to use a special tester. To avoid confusion, mark the cables with a colored marker or electrical tape.

When it is planned to install a luminaire with the most simple control- a one-button switch is sufficient. The lighting circuit assembly diagram is as follows:

Single switch

If you want to be able to turn on each lamp separately (or all together) - put two-button switch... Then the connection diagram will look like this (for example, a chandelier with three bulbs is taken).

Double switch

By analogy, a three-key switch is installed.
Before twisting (or terminal connection), strip 3-4 cm of wires from insulation. Do this carefully so as not to damage individual wires. It is better to use for this special tool for stripping insulation.
Now you can connect the luminaire, it will be correct to first connect the "zero", and then the "phase". If you have three wires in the circuit (that is, an additional ground is laid), then the corresponding cables with yellow insulation are also simply connected in pairs.