What guys do not change. What men do not change? Signs of male loyalty

Some biologists believe that both sexes are actually a polygamine and this can be done with it, because the thrust for different partners is laid in us from nature. Millions of years ago, the formation of married unions was something unnatural, and now people are simply covered with marriage, having novels on the side.

In fact, not everyone agrees with such a point of view, because it is precisely natural human physiology and certain hormones that can affect his loyalty to one partner.

Portrait of a monogamous man's eyes of psychologists

He has no bad habits.Most of the fleeting novels is the result of alcohol abuse. In such a state, critical thinking is often disconnected, the person begins to act on emotions, wants to make his evening still brighter at the expense of a new companion.

He does not express sympathy for other women. It should be alerted if, when choosing a man openly suggests that his familiar is a stunning figure, and some actress is generally an elephant of beauty. It may well mean that a man looks close to other women, assesses them and considers as potential objects of love. Unnoylomba so never do.

He is not self-sufficient. Men who love themselves admire their reflection in the mirror, consider themselves the smartest and ever right, are extremely proud representatives of strong sex. Such are capable of treason even in order to teach their pride and count how many women they managed to drive. If your man has an adequate degree of pride, and also respects you, then treason is unlikely.

During the study, men needed to watch the beautiful woman, which was approaching, then distinguished from representatives of a strong sex. It was revealed that despite the dose of oxytocin, which in the idea should increase the attractiveness of a woman in the eyes of men, married participants, as a rule, felt awkward if the lady approached them too close. On the contrary, the hormone's action caused them a new tide of love for their spouses, the desire to be close to them, and not with this beautiful woman.

Consequently, it is those men in the blood of which contains a large number of hormone oxytocin, change less frequently. He does not give them to feel attachment to outsiders.

Is it possible to make a man not changed?

Oxytocin is responsible for satisfaction with family life with a partner, therefore, to strengthen the marriage, it is necessary to provoke the release of this hormone into the blood.

To do this, you need to be more with your loved ones: staying with him by hands, hugging or kissing your beloved. This hormone is most often produced when people are engaged in a common matter: have some kind of hobby or a hobby that can affect them, just prepare together or watch an interesting film. Especially good on the production of oxytocin will be influenced by actions that are accompanied by bright emotions: joy, fun, lots of jokes.

To reduce the likelihood of betrayal, it is necessary to be alone with your partner more often, arrange romantic evenings, interesting trips. You can choose some lesson that will bring you closer to the chosen one.

The attraction of a man to another woman is often associated with dissatisfaction with the relationship with the current chosen or wife. Very often, the treason becomes the result of misunderstanding, the lack of care and respect in the relationship. If you want to save relationships and avoid betrayal, you need to love a partner and carefully treat his feelings. What do you think you think? Leave your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

It is believed that it is easier to meet the Mercreogo Kizlyak than a faithful man. So all do men change? It's time to figure it out.

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Of course, there is such a category of men - women. They are usually not too legible in relationships, but sometimes omnivores. They are not concerned about moralities, often dependent on sex and drags the problems of complexes. Going for this will have to come to terms with the fact that the spouse will not work out and have to tolerate all his adulterhers.

Why do men change?

We are interested in another category of men, fortunately, the most numerous. They are tuned to strong and harmonious relationships with one woman, but they, under certain circumstances, are capable of treason. So, whether all men change their wives? Statistics argue that approximately 75% of men are subject to this weakness.

He serves as a signal that something went wrong in relationships, some of his needs are not satisfied, there is not enough of some kind of energy.

For example, the wife does not show sensitiveness, does not pay him enough time, not interested in his affairs. Perhaps the family mired in the problems, and the new novel allows a man to rest from them, distracting and, perhaps, to remember the former, how he was before marriage.

It happens that some lacks ease in relations, flirting. After all, such a love game raises the mood and vital tone, but at the same time destroys the family.

So all do men change? Of course, no, but you can bring almost any of them to treason.

What if the husband changed?

If you suspected your husband in treason, act to fix everything. Spyings and scandals are not included in the list of measures. First you can try to discuss everything and ask him to clarify the situation.

To do this, you need a certain courage, you must be prepared for a direct question to get a direct answer, namely, listen to recognition in treason. Do loving men change? Unfortunately yes. Are women ready to accept this truth? Not everyone manages after such a revelation to forgive and save relationships.

The main thing in such a situation is not to solve anything on emotions, do not listen to draws. It is better to take a timeout, pull the couple and think, because it is possible to break the relationship at any time, but it is very difficult to restore it is very difficult, sometimes impossible.

No need to make all the responsibility on the "crucial traitor," both are always to blame for both, of course, if we are not talking about Fabniki.

How to behave if treason still happened? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. It is important to decide for yourself whether you want to save the relationship or not.

If you decide to save the family, try to switch, do not think about the bad, but on the contrary, remember everything is good that you had, starting from the day of the meeting. It can be a honeymoon, family holidays, trips, the birth of children.

Try in this period to communicate only with those who support you and believes in your marriage. Stay away from those who will try to cause guilt in you. If you cannot avoid communication, abstract, focus on some scenario, for example, to communicate with his parents as with my child's grandfather and your child's grandmother and pass by their mistakes.

Do not communicate with the "benevolers," considering their duty to keep you aware of all the nuances of the development of relations between your husband and his mistress.

If you decide that you can not save more relationships, let yourself be able to postpone. Install the stringent time limits, for example, give yourself three days for sorrow.

During this period, do what you want: Cry, set, Bates dishes. Give the grief to come out of you. After that you may want to sleep. Allow yourself to sleep and relax. Come to yourself and turn the page.

How to prevent treason

Answer the question whether a man can change if he gets everything from his wife, what does he need for happiness? Will he spend the energy in search of the fact that he and so in prosper? Unlikely.

The most difficult thing is to understand what your second half is missing. Unfortunately, people rarely talk about their problems and feelings, preferring to conjure accusations on a partner and reward his unflattering epitats. Be everything else, the situation could be solved without bringing it to betrayal.

It is necessary to teach yourself to talk about their feelings, and using "I-statements": "I am offended," "I evil", "I am upset", "I'm tired." Try not to use "you-statements": "You offended me," "You deceived", "You're guilty." It is also not necessary to attack the spouse on the throat and in an ultimative form to demand that he urgently admitted, which does not suit him in your relationship.

Start with yourself and honestly tell about your feelings. Soon and your partner picks up the relay and also learn how to talk about what feels. The main thing is not just to listen, but discuss and draw conclusions. Try to understand that I do not like the partner and correct your behavior.

Loyalty in the relationship is not a myth, it is possible, you only need to work on their strengthening together. The secret of harmony is simple - do for the partner what he loves and do not do what he does not like.

Who is guilty?

We will now understand more in more detail in the causes of change, and change. Most often, the woman is accused of male treason: he lost his shape after childbirth, did not suit him in bed, did not follow himself. The man, on the contrary, is justified, explaining hiking to the left leaning to the polygamy. What to do if the husband went into the roast and how to fix everything?

We find out to begin with, who is to blame. According to psychologists, the responsibility for the actions lies on those who commit them. According to the latest research, polygamines, by nature, and men, and women. But isn't it reasonable creatures, we should not think about the consequences of their actions and manage animal instincts? The ability to control desires does not depend on gender.

The overweight, the loss of attractiveness, the lack of sex is not the main causes of treason, because they change with young beauties, celebrities, and ordinary girls. What is the secret? Can I protect yourself from cheating?

Can! First you need to understand yourself, understand your essence, to get acquainted with your subliquidity, their desires and needs, and then get acquainted with the activities of the partner, his desires and needs.

What for? To easier to understand and take each other, do not try to fit under the generally accepted standards of the perfect husband or wife. After all, treason most often happens due to the reluctance to accept something in a partner. Most often these are the directions of his personality, which are rejected by our culture and morality.

Imagine now that a person will appear in his life who will take these features. Does not make it up and will not condemn, but on the contrary, it will also be appreciated and will take a reasonable, it will help to reveal. What is the probability that it is here and will try to satisfy his needs?

So, now everything is allowed? Of course not, but people have certain feelings that are of paramount importance and simply need to be expressed. Often, wives demand from their men so that they are not just Pai-boys, but with excellent girls in the starchy apron. They just want to make husbands comfortable, and they sometimes need to be wild and evil.

So, let's talk about the main reasons for betting and how to get out of the situation.

Birth of a child

Perhaps the most common cause. Not all pairs pass through this test. The appearance of the baby changes the whole way of life of the family, all the time the woman is dedicated to the child, and if you add messy nights here, failures in sexual life, the lack of attention and elementary opportunity to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere, the child becomes for her husband not just an obstacle, but sometimes a competitor. All this makes a man looking for happiness on the side.

What to do? Select time for her husband. It is better to care for cleaning, but to find time for sex. Dust in the dresser, he will forgive you, but no closeness is unlikely, and you will agree, this occupation will like more.

Violation of personal space

Almost every man has a passion. Someone plays hockey, someone in the billiards on Fridays, someone has the largest collection of photos of Maya Plisetskaya, someone does not represent his life without world of tanks, and someone goes to the bath on Saturdays. And if women are ready to sacrifice with their hobbies, most men are not. Therefore, if you forbade your husband to do your favorite thing, it will spoil your relationship and give it away from you. My husband will have a feeling that you are soul, limit his freedom.

Of course, if you need his help, just ask the spouse this time to postpone your favorite lesson, but do not set ultimatum, do not require and do not press it. Respect his hobbies, and even better divide, it will benefit your relationship.


A disgusting feeling that destroyed many families. Jealousy you destroy the image of the desired woman who has developed in relation to you from your husband. Doubts about yourself, you guide it to the idea that there are other, more decent women, and can yourself push it to treason. Jealous from scratch, you call aggression in a man, and he gradually loses interest to you. Can a loving man change in this situation? The answer is obvious.

What to do? Work on yourself, become an independent person. Then you just will attract his attention even more.

Financial difficulties

A man is a getter. Brings home Mammoth, especially if this mammoth is big, he feels a truly steep guy. Unfortunately, financial stability is the value of the variable, and if problems with money began in the family, it hits a man's pride.

If in addition the wife begins to humiliate his dignity, constantly remind of failure and pump the situation, relationships can finally upset. Do all men change their wives if they constantly beat them in their pride? Perhaps not all, many just break the relationship.

Speak your man that he is strong that he will all work out. Inspire, and he will turn the mountains!

Lack of sex

A dissatisfied man will look for a woman on the side, and this is the law. And no matter how often you have sex, the main thing here is its quality. Nine percent of the change occurs because of dissatisfaction with the sexual life, according to statistics. Do all men change if their wives do not satisfy them in bed? Most!

Learn your man, talk to him, discuss sexual problems and share your desires. He wants to be a good lover, so let him do it, let him try for you. Otherwise, he will decide to become a good lover for someone else.

All women dream, because this is a reliable partner, next to which will always be comfortable. Many believe that there are no men who do not change, but in fact there are examples of how a man retained loyalty to his beloved.

On the Internet you can find a huge amount of tests of materials regarding which which men changeAnd how to determine their tendency. But if you are in finding a partner and want to know what he is capable, you will have to make a maximum of effort and carefully study it. You are invited to your attention on what men do not change.

Can you choose a complete man?

American scientists argue that the least change the men with overweight. Among the representatives of the strong floor with normal weight turned out to be 75% of the wrong, when among those current suffer from completeness - only 25%. How to explain it? First, full people are less active, and to ensure that it is necessary to make an effort to make a mistress. And, secondly, such men are less attractive for representatives of weak gender.

Few people want to have sex with a complete man, because they can misunderstand the girlfriends, and it's not very nice to join intimate relationships with such a partner. Therefore, it is logical than a less attractive man, the smaller he has a chance. Some of them apply efforts, but they suffer, others do not even try, really really assessing their chances.

Or is it in intellectual development of a man?

British scientists argue the other: less often they change those men who differ in high levels of mental abilities. Experts say that a clever man will not start an intrigue that can negatively affect his family life. They also do not need a permanent change of partners, because the second half chose a long time and carefully.

In any case, you should pay attention to his mental abilities, so as not to live a lot of years with a person with whom I have nothing to talk about. But if a man is not stupid, the fact of treason will not reveal in any case, even by British scientists who conduct these studies.

But what about intimate life and men's treason?

There are also those specialists who claim that the brighter and interesting intimate life from partners, the less likely that a man will change. Oral sex for many is a favorite view of intimate jellows, so it is quite logical that a man no need to go to the left. If your beloved wife implements all his fantasies, the likelihood is that it will not change.

Classification of men who do not change

1. Mamienekin Son and Men's Treason. She invested all the best in him and gave him the years of his life to bring up the best man. He grateful to her, because he knows perfectly how she loves him and how she cares about him. The problem is that he is so much used to this care, which can no longer. He will look for such a woman who will replace his mom and will perform the same functions. He will be grateful and submissive, and his love for mother will spread to his wife.

That is why he will loyal and attentive, because the model of behavior in his family has formed in childhood. But there is also the reverse side of the medal - it can become a rebel. What is it fraught with? In the fact that without a council or the order of his wife he will not be able to do anything. This applies to both domestic issues and professional. He used to get clear instructions and follow certain tasks. It is impossible to re-educate it, but if you want a faithful husband, the main thing is to evaluate its advantages and not focusing on the minuses.

2. Responsible is not capable of. The absolute opposite of the first type. She was used to take responsibility and vinit only himself. He knows well what will happen if he changes, therefore such actions are not solved.

He has all the time too A lot of things and plans, so he tries to do everything and do not climb his head with outsiders. If something happens not as he would like to blame himself in everything. That is why treason is unacceptable for him.

3. Passive man is not capable of treason. He does not need a lot of sex, often intimate moments begin with his wife's budgets. He actually does not need regular sexual acts. Such men meet quite often, and their passivity does not depend on how their wives show themselves in bed.

Passive men They like to spend time on the sofa or on the bed, visit boring events and do not get great pleasure from communicating with the company of friends. Such behavior is the consequence of not only laziness, but also the nature of man. Often such men do not take their sexuality, which is a certain deviation from the norm.

Wives passive husbands May be calm and calmly ride even on a business trip. But be careful, such passivity can be laid, to enjoy the company of another woman at the right moment.

4. A decent man is not capable of treason. Since childhood, he has been formed resistant life principles that he will not break even under the pistol don. What is it connected with? With an example that his parents filed him, and the desire to be perfect and clean in their actions.

Such men Carefully follow their thoughts and actions and constantly controllers. Usually they create strong families and are true until the end of his beloved wife. If you are looking for the perfect husband, then look at the representatives of this particular category.

Starflames / Pixabay.

"There is no such husband who at least for an hour did not dreamed of becoming a bachelor" - says the wisdom of Soviet filmlate. How would a man manage to do this? Who is like. Someone would rushed to fishing, someone wanted to friends and football, and someone entered into bed to someone else's woman. And such as stories statistics, most. Most, but not all. There are real men who, if can, do not change anyway. And if someone has any doubt about this, we will dispel them.

Are there any men who do not change?

There is. According to some statistical data, 75% of men change their wives. The remaining 25% persistently store loyalty in the relationship. The picture is not too optimistic, but still encouraging. What are these 25% of men? Do not change because they can't or because they do not want? Both. There may not be due to poor health, physiological characteristics or other causes independent of them - 14%. The remaining 11% are men who are loyal to wives stored consciously. They also often have all the prerequisites for the married treason (a tendency to polygamy, the desire to assert, the need of diversity, men's ambitions, etc.), but consciously do not go to the left.

What are these men guided? Love for a woman and respect for yourself. In cases where the family man has no love for the spouse, he remains self-esteem. A real man cannot afford to betrayal, justifying her dislike, cooling of feelings in marriage, wife's employment by children and homemade troubles, routine of married life or revenge for grasp the spouse. The persistent position of the man is possible due to its inner rod, nobility, loyalty to the male word, which he gave before the law and the altar. Of course, everything happens in life, but real men are not rushing to search for a new woman, still being in a relationship.

Why do real men do not change?

Cause 1. Emotional stability

Men to a lesser degree of emotionality, mood instability, surges of diverse feelings. They are detained and less irritable, even if the provocation is too strong. However, this psychological feature, unfortunately, is not extended to all men. Many may well afford hysterics and weakness in the form of treason, when critical circumstances happen in relationships. The real men, as it were, difficult to do not have to be guided by emotions in making important decisions.

Cause 2. Control of instincts

The notorious polygamy of men has long been soldered to everyone. But this is not an argument and not excuse to change. A person is given a powerful intelligence in order to control and manage his wild inner nature. Those men who disagree with it are probably not shy and go to the toilet to go where it is impatient. This is also, the natural need, physiology, which can be justified by nature. Real men do not justify their low deeds, because they do not.

Cause 3. No need for sexual assertion

Real men do not consider sexual victories victory. They do not lead a list of sexual partners and do not brag how long they had brunettes, brown, blondes, and if there is a difference in bed between them. A true man does not need to show their significance, conquering many women. He knows that he often lacks a lifetime to conquer and know one single woman - his wife.

Up-Free / Pixabay

Cause 4. Family Values

A true man values \u200b\u200bhis family, relations, family values \u200b\u200bthat form the basis, the foundation, the basis of his life. An intelligent man will not cut the bitches on which sits, and a real man will grow a whole tree, build a house and raises children. This is not a banality. This is a fortress, rear, protection of a man. Change your wife - it means to betray the family and handle the foundation on which his life is based.

Cause 5. Sincerity of feelings

Being in relationships, a real man is not looking for adventures, does not break the female hearts for the sake of entertainment and does not play love. He loves. One single woman with whom also connects his life. After that, all other women cease to exist for him. It can build business and even friendly relations with women, but will always be resistant to female provocations and temptations. He consciously keeps loyalty, and his spouse can remain calm: the woman who loves can not be rivals.

Cause 6. Responsibility

A man who took responsibility for the family and consciously carries it, will not be at every opportunity to look for sexual adventures. He was requaluble to confidence and high hopes are entrusted. To betray them, it means to betray love. A man who understands that the price of treason is too high, will not risk the sake of momentary pleasure. Before him, there are serious tasks and he is not to Ajulter.

Cause 7. Constancy

Among men with a lot of little women. They find themselves in one single woman and build a long-term relationship with her. This path is long, thorny and risky. Loyalty - mutual responsibility, and not all true husbands get faithful wives. Survive this testing a worthy man is difficult, but if it is real, it will not take revenge the same "coin", turn the mountain in messy sex. If such a man comes into relationships with another woman, then only after the point in the former relations.

The reasons why a man is solved to go on treason can be an infinite set: starting from lack of attention, ending with nature and temperament. What makes men never change?


"I was brought up like that. In addition, my father was a family lawyer, so I could observe the treason from orphan years about how the treason gave people and ruffles the family, it hurts to children. Once I gave myself a word that I would never go to betrayal, and I still keep this day. "

Woman loves him as he is

"You know, everything is not coming down to Intim. Yes, it is important. Yes, this is a relationship. But, most importantly, for me, this is to take me this non-ideal: a little complete, a little boring, little with oddities. I was already accepted by my wife, so I need not to look for another house. "

Too expensive

"According to conscience, it is terribly expensive. My friend in addition to his wife and two children also contains a mistress, and he never happens on his beer. "

Many experiences

"Sometimes, when I notice a beautiful girl and think about her, well, you understand what context, my pulse begins to sweat and sweat the palm. The point is not only in fear to be caught, but also in the fact that you have to lie, constantly. Even if changed once, it will still have to lie to the very end. Also remember this lie. I think the betrayal will deprive me immediately and the family, and friends, and respect for colleagues, and most importantly, after that, I can hardly be considered decent. "

Consequences worse than the process

"Of course, it is always nice that you despite age and the ring remain attractive to the opposite sex. It's nicely and the attention itself, and what they want, and maybe I myself have already stood on the border ... But then they are waiting for the consequences, and they are terrible war. And this is a ricking sense of guilt, which is so easy not to pass if it goes away. "

It is better to pay attention to my woman

"My woman is my choice. I do not see the point in looking at the passing, whatever it is. And in general, I prefer to spend mental strength and money for your beloved woman. "

No one wants anyone

"For me, loyalty exists only in two categories: either I want other women, but I restrain, or any other woman, except my wife, I do not want. I was lucky, my loyalty refers to the second category. " When I am in a relationship, I spend my time and energy only on this person, and no one else is interested in me. "


"Treason for me primarily humiliation for yourself. Then, one day, when I make purchases in a supermarket, together with my wife, she will pass, and I will feel humiliation and for myself, and for my wife, no matter whether it knows about cheating or not. "