Interview: Learn about naval battles in War Thunder. "War Thunder: Knights of the Sea" and the eternal war against uncertainty

The first information about the forthcoming entry of ships into War Thunder appeared in August 2016. Then, on the eve of the Gamescom exhibition (Germany), the war Thunder developer Gaijin Entertainment provided an opportunity for all exhibition participants to try the first representatives of the fleets of the USSR, Germany and the USA.

All alpha testing participants, specially invited persons, as well as owners of one of two naval packs with unique ships (torpedo boats) available for purchase in the game store received an invitation to the test.

As of June 19, 2018, torpedo boat packs have been removed from sale in in-game stores. They were replaced by other sets with destroyers. One - with German, the other - with American. Both cost 2499 rubles and the set, in addition to the ship, includes:

  • 15 days of premium account;
  • 2000 units of game currency (golden eagles);
  • some other bonuses in the form of decals.

For those who have already purchased sets with boats, there are 25% discounts.

There are currently two ways to get into the Closed Beta:

  • buy a marine set from among those presented in the game store;
  • take part in a special event;
  • be part of the alpha testing.

Despite the fact that most players hoped to see sea monsters in the game - battleships, cruisers and aircraft carriers, the developers relied on combat boats and ships of small displacement. Will not be in naval battles and submarines.

Firstly, because the battles involving small ships will be dynamic and interesting for the players.

Secondly, huge aircraft carriers and super-cruisers would simply occupy the entire space of the map, leaving no room for smaller ships. This would not only deprive the game of any dynamism, but also outraged many users.

Thirdly, preliminary testing showed that playing on ships of a class higher than a destroyer requires making most ships unrealistic, only remotely similar to real ships.

The game currently features:

  • more than 40 ships of the Soviet and German branches of development;
  • 30 premium ships;
  • 20 ships of the American tech tree.

Naval battles will take place on one of 10 ready-made game maps. Over time, the lines of warships will receive all the nations represented in the game.

Testing takes place in special events and Naval Battles tournaments on the main War Thunder server at certain hours.

A specific release date for the ships has not yet been announced, but judging by the dynamics of the development of the project, this date may be the current year 2018.

Development and economy

There are currently 4 classes of ships in War Thunder: torpedo and missile boats, destroyers, and light cruisers. The emergence of heavier classes of ships is left to an indefinite future.

The ship research tree is very similar to the tanks and aviation trees, but there are some differences. In the trees of "ground" and "air" vehicles are distributed by rank and arranged in chronological order from top to bottom. At higher ranks - later technique, at lower ranks - early technique. However, such a system is not entirely suitable for ships. The combat power of the vessel depends not only on the year of manufacture, but also on the class of the combat unit.

In addition, preliminary tests revealed that one part of the players constantly plays on only one class of vehicles, the other - on all classes. This is partly due to the gameplay features of the game on each class. military equipment. Partly - the individual preferences of users.

One of the key features of the fleet in War Thunder is the horizontal development system. It allows each player to explore exactly the class of ships that he is interested in. It is this system that allows taking into account the above distinctive features fleet.

Vertically (according to ranks), heavier classes of ships can be opened for research. Horizontally - ships of later models within their class. Thus, you can choose an individual development strategy: either quickly open a heavy class of ships, or quickly upgrade light ships.

The cost of the experience needed to open a new piece of equipment and the purchase price increases proportionally both horizontally and vertically. At the same time, the pumping time for all equipment does not differ much from the same tanks and aircraft.

Naval armament

The aiming system is similar to the "tank" one. There is no forced target acquisition, and the player has the ability to manually set the elevation angle of the main battery guns according to the indications of the rangefinder and the lead angle.

A system of three-plane stabilization of the guns has been implemented, which makes it possible to comfortably conduct aimed fire even in heavy seas. This is a fairly realistic system - at different times, a wide variety of stabilization systems for gun platforms and gun barrels, including three-plane ones, were installed on real ships at different times.

Each ship has many guns of different caliber and purpose. It is impossible for one player to control each gun separately, and a single weapon control, one way or another, leads to the fact that fire from all guns is concentrated on one target.

Therefore, in War Thunder, guns for various purposes are divided into groups, and the player is given the opportunity to manually control one of the available classes of weapons. The rest of the classes will fire automatically at both air and sea targets, taking into account the player's target designation. It is possible to fire automatically from all classes of guns, when the player only indicates the preferred targets with a marker.

Sailing fleet and other interesting features

Back in 2016, when the fleet in War Thunder was at the stage of ideological considerations, the introduction of sailing fleet considered seriously. As entry level ships. The sailboats of the British branch of the 1st rank, the Golden Doe galleons, were even really developed.

But over time, this idea was abandoned and at present, ships of the era of the Second World War, pre-war and post-war periods are represented in the research tree. Ready-made models of sailboats are left for special events dedicated to certain holidays.

Of interest are the weather conditions in which the naval battles. Initially, the most different types weather: from complete calm to a wild storm, and the change of weather could occur right in the middle of the battle, which forced the players to change their chosen tactics and strategy in accordance with the changed weather conditions.

Subsequently, storms were completely abandoned. They left only calm with varying degrees of excitement. The fact is that the strength of the waves seriously affects the speed and maneuverability of boats - the lightest class of ships in War Thunder. Stormy weather greatly reduces the capabilities of this class of vehicles to the point of their absolute uselessness in battle. And this cannot be allowed.

In the future, storms may be introduced, but only in battles where only heavy ships participate - destroyers and cruisers.

The fight for the ship's survivability - module repair, fire fighting and flood control - is activated by pressing a special button on the action bar. Moreover, the activation of several actions at once reduces the execution time of each of them. This forces the player to think about what is more important to him in this moment: Extinguish the fire, repair the hole, or repair the module. In addition, the activation of any action leads to a significant reduction in the rate of fire of ship's guns.

In the early stages, the activation of each damage control system was automatic, and the execution time for each action was the same regardless of how many actions were performed at the same time. Now things have become a bit more complicated.

Today, multiplayer computer games dedicated to the theme of war are gaining immense popularity. Gamers get into tanks and planes, lead entire armies or go into infantry combat themselves. The military theme is again becoming popular, as at the beginning of the century, but at the same time it is gaining new form- now it has a multiplayer coloring. And one of the most popular today. computer games this direction is War Thunder. Here you can choose any of the sides that took part in World War II and fight for it against real opponents. However, more than once attention has been drawn to the fact that there are no sea battles here - the fleet does not exist in the game in principle. Therefore, it is worth answering a very important and interesting question for many - when will the ships appear in War Thunder?

What kind of game is it?

Before considering the question of when ships will appear in War Thunder, which is of such great interest to all gamers, we need to take a look at what this project is. So, here you have to choose one of the parties that fought among themselves in World War II, and then start pumping on various units of military equipment, earning points for more advanced models. At the moment, a fairly large number of models of tanks and other combat vehicles have been implemented in the game, as well as aircraft have been introduced, which makes it very diverse and exciting. For many, this is enough, since other games like this one do not even offer such variety - for example, projects from Wargaming allow you to sit in a tank or plane, but only in two separate games. But in the case of War Thunder, everything is different, and gamers want to know when ships will appear in War Thunder.

Ship announcement

You are mistaken if you think that reflections on this subject are lengthy and groundless. In War Thunder, the ships have actually already been announced by the developers. Of course, it is worth noting that no one has named specific dates, and the work is just beginning, but the fact that the developers have listened to the opinion of gamers and started working in the right direction is important. Of course, this may have been their own initiative, but this will no longer play any role if the ships do appear in the game. So far, there is not a lot of information, but it is still there - and quite interesting. Of course, the developers do not admit when ships will appear in War Thunder, but they have already provided basic information about what exactly will be added to the project, so that gamers can guess how it will all be implemented.

in War Thunder

The question of whether there will be ships in War Thunder has already been answered in the affirmative, so it's time to take a deeper look at this question - for example, figure out what exactly will be added. According to the developers, three types will be available in the game - aircraft carriers, destroyers and battleships. You can choose any of these types, but at the same time, of course, you will have the opportunity to decide on the models that interest you. Naturally, no one has yet announced the specific names, so you will only be able to find out the models much later. But it has already become clear that, for example, there will be as many as ten aircraft carriers in the game - this gives us the right to believe that other types of ships will be presented in approximately the same ratio. However, there are already some questions about the implementation, since it is very important point which should never be forgotten.

Implementation of ships in the game

As all gamers know very well, in this project realism decides a lot - all models of combat units are reproduced with maximum accuracy, and it will not be easy to do the same for ships. It is very likely that when the ships come out in War Thunder, there will be enough problems with the balance, as well as simply with their use in the game. It will be necessary to think over not only the specifics of the battles of ships among themselves, but also the features of the confrontation between aircraft and ships. In general, this puts developers in front of a very complex and large-scale work. And this brings us to the final question - when will ships be added to War Thunder?

release date

So far, unfortunately, there is no concrete information about the release dates of the ships. They may appear quite soon, but so far this is very unlikely, since there is still a lot of work ahead of the developers. However, if we take into account the fact that on the Internet you can already find images of ship models in a fairly finished and playful version, then we can assume that there is not so much to wait. On the other hand, if we take into account all the features of the confrontation between the three types of ships, as well as all types of ships with aircraft, the work may be delayed - it is already very, very difficult to implement such a large-scale project. One can only hope that the developers will succeed, and gamers will eventually be able to enjoy new types of technology that until that time had not been competently implemented in any project, either modern or old.

Gamers' opinion

Initially, gamers supported a similar initiative to introduce ships into the game. Naturally, this is such an incredible step forward. It will allow you to get experiences that you could only dream of before. But over time, the fuse subsided a bit, and the reason for this was the game itself, or rather, the actions of the developers in the process of updating it. If earlier this project was considered the best and most realistic, now it is gradually starting to lose popularity. The reason lies in the fact that in the pursuit of entertainment and attracting large crowds of gamers to the project, the developers began to change the balance, and now some sides have become practically unplayable.

Almost three years ago, the developer company Gaijin announced the imminent release of ships as the third available equipment for the player. Since then, on the forums and in in social networks From time to time there are topics about when it will be possible to fully enjoy a controlled naval battle. Take command of a battleship or submarine. Most often, topics are closed by moderators with the words "you have to wait." There is not even an approximate date for the release of the controlled fleet in War Thunder.

At the beginning of 2015, there were enough messages on the net that the ships could be controlled. However, this is only available in closed testing, only to a small number of human testers. And this is most likely true, since in the fall of 2014 some information sites close to Gaijin even posted video reviews about Japanese aircraft carriers times of the Second World War.

At the same time, an approximate list of future equipment was announced - battleships, destroyers, aircraft carriers. However, given Gaijin's desire for realism, they will not be able to limit themselves to this technique. The above fleet will not do without smaller vessels. And don't forget the submarines. Without the famous wolf packs, it is simply impossible to imagine the fleet of Nazi Germany. But, more reliable and accurate information has not yet been provided.

However, there is still a fleet in War Thunder! The only pity is that while it is controlled by a computer. It is present on many sea and coastal charts. Such as Wake Island, Guam, Merchant Marine, Rocky Coast, etc.

Types of ships in the game.

The fleet in War Thunder is currently represented by the following ships - heavy cruiser, light cruiser, aircraft carrier, destroyer, battleship, cargo ship, landing ship (landing ship).

The role of the fleet in War Thunder.

Despite the fact that the fleet is still under the control artificial intelligence games, he sometimes plays a significant role during the battle. It plays both an auxiliary function for the attack and the role of a protected object.

On maps like "secret Pacific base" dropships land tanks to capture a land point, which provides a win. If you miss the enemy ships to the shore, it will be much more difficult to destroy the tanks. And in the mission "merchant fleet" you need to protect your transports and destroy enemy floating targets.

It is worth noting that the role of the fleet is more traceable in arcade games. dogfights.

The ships featured in War Thunder are equipped with air defenses. The shells of anti-aircraft guns and heavy machine guns, which ships are equipped with, can damage structural elements aircraft, which will affect its flight characteristics. A leaky radiator, a broken oil pipeline, shot ailerons can lead to an early destruction by the enemy. But the ship's air defense itself is not bad at knocking down gaping pilots.

How to destroy the enemy fleet in War Thunder.

To prevent a tank landing on the coast, it is necessary to destroy enemy landing ships. They are equipped with weak air defense, but they can harm or shoot down. It is also worth noting that the landing force is almost always covered by enemy fighters. But this type of vessel is easily shattered into chips by aimed shots of 20 mm Berezin, ShVAK, Hispano and the like cannons. There is no need to talk about heavier aviation artillery, like the Yak9-K and the like. Large caliber destroys small vessels with a bang.

Destruction of small landing ships brings victory in the mission closer and brings additional points to the pilot who destroyed them.

And if it’s easy to destroy boats with landing forces, then it’s worth tinkering with a cruiser, battleship, destroyer. There is no need to fly headlong into the bristling vents of the ship's air defense with your machine guns and small-caliber cannons. Well, you can inflict some damage, as well as become an additional frag for artificial intelligence. It is optimal to destroy large ships with bombs from a height inaccessible to the air defense of the ship. Or torpedoes, launching them from the appropriate type of aircraft.

For the destruction of large enemy ships using torpedoes, you can be awarded the title "sea wolf", "sea hunter". For bombing strikes on ships, the titles "destroyer", "thunderer" are counted.

Still, it is worth hoping that the current modest presence of ships in War Thunder will not last long. And each of the players will soon be able to say to the other "seven feet under the keel to you."

Let's start right away with what War Thunder Fleet will be part of the WT game world. Already now, players taking part in air battles can see various types of ships, have the opportunity to interact with them, and even land and take off from aircraft carriers. At the same time, the detail of the ship models is very pleasing to the eye and does not raise doubts about the readiness and quality.

War Thunder Fleet- one of the most anticipated client online games. The sea wolves missed worthwhile games. How many worthy projects where the fleet is implemented can you name? Usually only Silent Hunter is remembered with its great graphics, gameplay and realism. For many, nothing else comes to mind.

It is important and obvious that the company that occupies this gaming niche first will be able to win more players. "Snail" and "Potato" are simultaneously working on their projects.

But we can already see the progress and activity of the "snails", which cannot be said about the "Potatoshki" marine project, which did not find much popularity.

At the moment, information on the fleet is scarce. War Thunder ships Already available in closed beta testing! Our prediction is that War Thunder fleet release date this is 2017. Most likely, in 2017 the game will be released officially, because the beta test of the game started on 11/25/2016.

What kind of ships can appear in the game?

Flying enthusiasts may have noticed that a large number of various types ships. So the game now has destroyers, battleships, cruisers, transport ships, landing craft and cargo ships. That is, we see that there is already a certain basis for the war thunder ships client, and it is implemented very well. At the moment, the developers have said that light ships will first appear in the game - boats, boats and small destroyers.

In theory, submarines can also appear in the game. After all, War Thunder already has a system for launching torpedoes, although only from aircraft. But such a basis is clearly a positive fact, saying that there will be submarines in War Thunder. At least we, as well as hundreds and thousands of other players, really hope so ...

At gamescom, seasoned Scotsman Keith Donaghy, International Community Manager for Gaijin, kicks off the Knights of the Sea story from afar.

“I love to launch and fly in real time from London Heathrow to, say, Cologne. I don't care that it's long and tedious. I like it. But at the same time, I understand that I am an exception. Most of the players get bored with that."

Donaghy has played every conceivable (and unimaginable) simulation (and not quite sims) sea ​​battle so he had a lot to say. In his story about the ships that will soon appear in, he gave a thousand examples of how not to do it.

It was suspicious to listen to him.

"...For example, . A beautiful, beautiful game... but it had four-by-four-kilometer maps. If anything, the real ship battles of World War II lasted from several hours to several days. One of the fastest battles in history took place in two hours, ending with one successful hit from a distance of fifteen kilometers - and even before that they had taxied into position for several hours to shoot.

Oh yeah, you do know that warships usually only come into line of sight when they need to finish someone off...?

Naval battle and the time factor

It is clear what Donaghy was leading all this time to.

“Good in their own way,” he says. - But the time factor is greatly compressed there so that the matches do not drag out: huge battleships or, say, aircraft carriers in WoWs swim five times faster than in reality.

Now think about it: in War Thunder, ships can meet in the same batch with planes (just like tanks with planes - the ability to collide in one battle different types Gaijin technicians use diligently). Imagine a ship accelerated for play, moving at two hundred kilometers per hour to get into position. And above it is an airplane flying at a normal speed of two hundred and fifty kilometers an hour. So the game will definitely not work, you will have to speed up the planes too, and as a result, the whole game will break.

Well, if the ship moves at normal speed, imagine how disappointing it is when you go to the firing position for three hours, so that one bomb is successfully dropped on you, forcing you to take a new ship and enter the position again for three hours. I repeat, I do not mind, I love this. But most players won't agree to that."

As a result, the Gaijin problem is solved radically: there simply will not be large ships in the game. There will be small nimble vessels such as torpedo boats, patrol and assault ships. Larger samples of equipment may appear as, for example, targets for escort. Taking control of ships heavier than destroyers in person will be allowed in some modes, but only if the upcoming CBT shows that it makes sense. The test will start later this year.

There were no health points in War Thunder either on land or in the air, and there won't be any at sea either - ships are also subject to a complex zonal damage system. A new concept has appeared in the mechanics of the game - buoyancy. If the ship's hull is pierced below the waterline, it starts to leak, and if the onboard pumps fail, sooner or later the ship will go to the bottom. With a fire, everything is similar: if there is nothing special to burn on the tank, then on the boats the fire walks as it wants, spreading from one system to another. Ships are destroyed beautifully and always in different ways.

At the start of the add-on, a total of thirty ships are promised, including ships from all five major nations. In the future, Gaijin intend to display all the theaters of war to the maximum: the Mediterranean Sea, the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the North Sea, and so on. Several maps will be available in CBT - part of open waters, some - in coastal areas, with large and small areas of land, between which it is convenient to set up ambushes.

And in most cases, aviation is connected to ship battles. Talking about all this, Donaghy talks a lot about the scenarios that can be played out. When I ask how about ships and tanks in the same batch, Donaghy gives the example of Vietnam, where they shot from the water at the jungle: maybe one day we will get to that.

Open testing of ship battles will begin in 2017.