Rituals acquisition and development of magical power. Strong shamanic practices (a detailed description of all magical techniques to

Entrance to the other side, direct contact with the dark side becomes inevitable when someone chooses the Draconian path. A dark magician seeks to detect and disclose the gates on the dark side, to the creation of contact, using the establishment of astral bonds. This connection resembles a "alive" tunnel and gates, which open and close, temporary or permanent depend on the goal of the magician and its abilities and magical experience. The livelism adds the fact that the magician does not rarely open the gates subconsciously, even unconsciously.

Entrance to the other side, direct contact with the dark side becomes inevitable when someone chooses the Draconian path. A dark magician seeks to detect and disclose the gates on the dark side, to the creation of contact, using the establishment of astral bonds. This connection resembles a "alive" tunnel and gates, which open and close, temporary or permanent depend on the goal of the magician and its abilities and magical experience. The livelism adds the fact that the magician does not rarely open the gates subconsciously, even unconsciously. Contact with a dark side - depending on the subjective experience - can be characterized as an abstract or fully defined and it can be enthusiastic or nightmarish, or both at the same time. Since our fears and phobias (metaphysical and not only) are in the dark and unknownness, as well as our shortcomings and uncertainty are clearly visible, everyone may encounter different sorts of horror. But you can always get knowledge and wisdom on return, regardless of how positive or negative could be experienced experience on the surface. In the absolute darkness of the Great Black Consciousness, the magician has the ability to work with its nourishing / her magical strength and develop magical abilities.

But is this dark side place where you can actually come? Yes and no. It would be wrong if everyone had thought about the dark side as a dark astral region. But most of all this is the state of mind. The state of mind that happens when a certain shift is achieved in consciousness; Since the magician consciously throws his perception into huge areas of darkness, a certain sense of instantaneous panic or shock appears, it can be said that this feeling characterizes a successful entrance to the other side. It is in these moments that the magician replaces consciousness. It is transferred from the worldly "everyday" consciousness to a large black (clipotic) consciousness, where an instant strengthening of a dark / devilish astral feeling occurs. From here everyone is able to find gates inside the gates and gain knowledge of the internal and external dark worlds, which exist respectively in the desert areas of its own or universal existence. Secrets behind the meters of Xon lie within the limits of conscious travels on the dark side and activation of black consciousness. Everyone must properly strengthen itself in advance before opening and enter through the gates, and also be able to cause black consciousness and maintain its activity.

Change consciousness is a very laborious task, experienced dark magicians can enter the dark side of consciousness just by transferring the focus - being here and there at the same time. The more often the magician goes on the dark, the more he will be obsessed with dark forces that support its black consciousness. This obsession is exactly what is always trying to find a dark magician, it comes gradually and is mainly associated with the process of dragonian initiation.

Conscious entrance on the dark can have many functions and serve many different goals: in the dark and unknown, the magician is able to enter into contact with the majority of his / her "I" and demons. It can cause archetypical forces to the microcosmic / macrocosmical universe, to command demons or penetrate their respective clips, and also cause demonic entities that appear in traditional grimuars and others. The same applies to magical experiments! The act of entry into the true darkness should always be based on the target, otherwise even an attempt will be meaningless and in some cases, even dangerous.

It can be considered a real opportunity to meet with extraterrestrial / non-spatial intelligence from various levels of perception and external universes. The magician can be found in these "external" or "internal" worlds, allies who - if he wishes - will accompany him the rest of his life.

Dragon Rouge has been developed by several good effective methods Opening the gates and the creation of contact with the dark side. Below is one of these methods. This can be an extremely powerful tool for a serious practice of dark magic, but, like any magical technique, it may require a lot of effort: dedication, disciplines and willpower. This is a demonic / vril method in which ceremonial work and the power of Vrill are involved in the opening of the gates to the other side.

Power Vril

A person is blessed with the environment of this huge strength, a source of energy and magical forces. Energy Vril - or external dragon - can be found everywhere (of course, meaning, natural environment). Vrill is not something stagnant, it floats around us in the form of abstract energy. An experienced magician easily feels an inexplicable strange liveliness. ambientWhen it is filled with energy Vril. The dark magician is committed to the processing and use of this force in its favor: after it is really able to capture this power, all his magical actions will lead to success.

Understanding Tyne Vril is deeply connected with the opening of the chakra manipura. Before the magician can realize this force, he must be able to open it at least in the minimum degree. This means that he must spend some time on this practice. The time required for this is different from the person to a person and when no one occurs to doubt whether he managed, or not. The magician must start with a month of everyday meditation exclusively to open the manipu. Simple, but efficient work may be the following:

Call the dragon by conducting a dragon ceremony. Sitting in Asana, start breathing deeply and slowly, as much as possible. Imagine that you breathe air as a warm gold fluid that reaches each centimeter of your body. You must fully realize that the air that you breathe is filled with ver. When you exhale air, the essence itself - the energy of Vril, remains inside your body. As a rule, it looks like a floating, emitting energy that causes an enthusiastic feeling of sweet numbness at that point of the body, which records attention. The magician must consciously bring this energy and this is a specific feeling towards the chakra manipur, which will assist in the inner Dragon Kundalini. Continue concentrating more and more energy in the chakra manipura and its root. Thirty minutes of meditation every day will be effective, at least for partial opening. After the proposed week of study, glimpses of enlightenment will appear.

The next step I. the main objective meditations described above is to learn how to transfer Vril to the will; It is necessary to start directing the force in the chakra or different points and parts of the body with visualization. When it is easy to get, you need to try to transfer this energy to specific issues (i.e., simple objects) of the environment. Visualization and consciousness plays important role. This exercise takes time and great efforts, like all serious magical exercises.

After you feel that everything is easy, and you feel comfortable, you can move to experimentation with sigils: the practice concerns how to fill and charge the sigil ver. Very often, ritual music, transient music or simply monotonous drum fight, as has already been proven, can be useful to get the charge of the right rhythm. Everyone may notice that the more he works with the power of Vril, the more his consciousness expands, and he begins to gain knowledge of parallel worlds and other universes. Astral travel may also occur.

The magician should always consolidate what he is trying to do with the help of the inner dragon. After a long practice, you can find a key place where the internal and external dragons are found and a specific sensation or feeling may appear - this is a secret, hidden behind true spells, witchcraft, fortune track, black magic, directed exclusively by the Draconian flow, lying inside this true feeling.

Black point in consciousness

It is time to go to the next level. Perform the following job: sit in a comfortable asana and open the manipuer. Gradually, start directing the power of Vril around your reptile brain. Concentrate so much energy as you can, and charge it with despair and fear. More and more. This filling should be a cyclical, similar wave and rhythmically monotonous. Rhythm and energy will lead you to achieving trance state. Free yourself and just give it to manifest yourself: this is a black sphere. It is only a poor, flat theoretical approach to the description of black as a residence of the shadow in consciousness: a black point, existing outside the human worldly pattern of thought and in the intermediate state of their functions of conscious and unconscious mind. Persistently working can be enough just to achieve the state of the black sphere. It can be shocking and terrible experience, but the strongest blow can collapse when you understand that this moment is clean black, this shadow in consciousness was always there, and you just could not realize it. Again, dedication, effort and talent will lead to success. Do not expect rapid results.

Black gate

Now it's time for the actual start of the journey. You got acquainted with the black sphere. The more you activate it, the more you become obsessed. She can appear unexpected even during your normal daily activities Like a black faint between the images of your thoughts and as the realization of this new dark consciousness as part of your usual consciousness. Here are the magical forces of the hidden nature of man.

There are the magical powers of the hidden nature of man. The activation of the Black Sphere will bring you strength and confidence in our own opportunities in magic, but also inconvenience, despair, madness and horror. It was during these negative moments that the magician must maintain control and loyalty to his magic oath and the goal ... If you feel that it is too obsessed with it, try to transfer this energy from the reptile part of the brain to another part of the body, possibly to your left hand.

Opening the gates to darkness

Call the dragon, enter in deep meditation and activate the black sphere. When you get its glimpse, focus on the sigil of the black gates (see above) with half-closed eyes. Personally peer into its depths and drag: "Zazas, Zazas, Nasatananda, Gazas" eleven times. Then visualize Sigil by moving attention to the reptile brain, where the black sphere is formed. Fill the sigil by the power of Vril. Do it desperately like what you want most in the world. Purify the energies of Vril defined movements and shape.

Let it resemble the raw sea, rhythmic movements and influx of his waves. Waves rhythmically rolling into a black sphere - but no matter how the wave did not move, her peak never comes! Instead, it enters the black sphere. All the power and rage of the wave disappears there, as if the black sphere is eating (this trance method may seem boring, but it helps to deceive his own mind and remove mental blocks)! The black sphere ultimately turns into a gate leading to the ultimate darkness. You will feel how your "I" becomes a beacon between the physical plane and dark antimiles, a vessel and the master of absolute darkness. At this moment, the magician, depending on its initial goal, decides how it will continue. It can either throw his consciousness through the gates and look for a magnificent rarity clipotic astral travel, or he can contact his demon. This is the possibility of traveling to the regions of extra measurements or direct demons. Personal ritual must be designed in advance for the purpose of the magician. Always perform the closure ceremony. Experiments and exercises should be carried out often. And do not forget that once intensifying the black sphere, it can never be turned off, and opening black gates once, no one will ever be able to completely close them.

Communication with the Earth's article - the man's support in this world, and in the spiritual sense - the base of climbing, the point of reference ,. The person is designed so that the earthly in him is closely interrelated with heaven, therefore you can argue about the higher worlds, but the loss of connection with the support is fraught with many consequences - from consumer absentiance to a serious spiritual disorder. Simply put, losing a support begins to hang out between the worlds, becoming alien to this world (because of the loss of the feeling of support) and other (for the period has not come yet). There are several ways to root - the establishment of spiritual communications with Earth. It is better to create in nature, where the currents of the power of the Earth are felt most clearly.

1. Give yourself in proper condition, clearing the mind and spirit.
Start straight, legs about the width of the shoulders and slightly bent in the knees.
Closing my eyes gradually, barely noticeably squeezing up-down begin to go to the ground.
Feel like currents of the strength of your stop begin to merge with the currents of the Earth's strength (as an option: two streams enter the roots in the flesh - roots) from your stop.

Fullect your innermost connection with Earth.

More funny way of now: Stand up at the same position and imagine that someone wants you to push out, you need to resist, but it is impossible to push back (add that the so-called people are connected with rooting, when the swimins are connected , standing hard on Earth, try to fill up each other).

2. Standing right imagine the strength of the strength included in you from above through the top and passing through all the centers of power - enlightening through the spring (Makushka), he passes the man (forehead), then the throat is poured into the Ost (spine), captures the heart, the bright (sunny The plexus), according to the current remains to the stomach, and from there - to the glory (the base of the spine), here the stream stream branches into two equal parts and goes down to the knees, then to the footsteps.
Here is the main point: each of the two parts of the stream of force branches into six small streams, the two most tangible pass through the two heels, five - through each of the fingers of the legs.
These are roots emanating from Ost.
Twelve roots, your inextricable connection with the earth.
They rush down and grow into the ground.
Concentrate on the sensation of rustling.
So the intimate connection with the earth is going on.

Nutrition by the power of the Earth

You can create in two positions - standing barefoot and sitting.
Standing food is going through the feet, sitting - through the temper. Otherwise practices are similar.

1. Standing: Introducing yourself in a proper condition, as your footsteen are twelve root penetrated into the thickness of the Earth (as an option: imagine the feet as two balls, the lower half of which is buried to the ground).
I breathe: inhale - delay - exhale.
In the breath, aware of the strength, rising by the legs and the spine.
Delay - accumulation of power.
Exhaust - the distribution of force on your body and partial return.

2. Sitting: Realize your spine "Ingrown" to the ground. Exercise the same actions as in the exercise 1.


The spiritual practice of the meeting of the Sun is going on as follows:
Select such a place where the horizon will be clearly visible.
Before sunrise, during the morning twilight, stand up to the east, a little reconcile hands on the parties (open palms also turning to the east) and tuned properly.
When the sun rises, aware of the powerful stream of force, rising from your feet along the spine - to the head (as an option - you can gradually raise your hands up and also to realize the strength of them).
Realize the sun aside ascending within you, not outside.
At a certain stage, you can close your eyes.
Fully concentrate on the feeling of ascending force.
With due execution, this is the most powerful practices of the injection of energy - you will be attended by a feeling of unprecedented lifting and delight, accompanied by some "driving" in the field of solar plexus.

Charging energy

1. Before bedtime, you must imagine as if you are lying on the water of a large lake and look at the stars and the full moon (imagine even around the forest, mountains, etc.). It is very important here to feel everything to the smallest detail (as the wind blows, the temperature and how your body feels it all). Then you imagine how slowly immersed (it is also necessary to feel everything), the eyes are open, you see through the water of the stars, they gradually purre, getting less than the world, colder ... Then you find yourself on the day - darkness, cold. It is not necessary to linger there for a long time. Then, too, slowly, rising. You prevent all the only on the contrary. When you find yourself again above the surface of the water, not stopping continue to rise above - to the stars when you reach - just dissolve in them ...
In theory, after dissolving you will sleep.
The way is really valid! The next day of energy will be through the edge. And, that's what else - you need to imagine that you are naked. The main thing is fantasy, you need to feel every maximum as if it really was.

2. Imagine that you are an arrow, brushed through a tunnel, which is overflowed by all colors. You are flying at great speed, you have turns, but you have to fly all the time to the left, then when you lose long, then on the last turn you must turn to the right and fly into emptiness and dissolve there.
Also, in theory, you should fall asleep at the end and also imagine everything to the smallest detail. The effect is the same.

Daily Energy Practices

1. Each morning use 5 minutes to prepare for the next exercise. Focus your thoughts on the great matter of healing and on how much you do, applying this treatment. The best is the time immediately before each meal or after it (breakfast, lunch). During the first month, you do not need to do exercises late in the evening. They first have an exciting action, so a person will not be able to immediately cope with the influx of energy.
For 5 minutes, concentrate thoughts on the development of their energy abilities. Then set out on the sofa or in bed and relax all the muscles of the body to such an extent in order not to feel the slightest physical tension. It is absolutely no need to pay attention to any of the members of the body.
By bringing yourself into such a state, unzipped the costume, so as not to shy breathing, and make it full and deep: your abdominal cavity will expand, and the air freely goes under ribs and in the chest. Such inhalation lasts 8 seconds. Then hold the breath on the breath of 8 seconds, after which slowly, for 8 seconds, release air.
The duration of each breath will be equal to 24 seconds (inhale delay in breathing exhalation of 8 seconds).
Upon exercise, you will see that this first step of breathing development is difficult. You will feel fatigue, even faintness, a tendency to accelerate breathing, do not interrupt your exercises. After several sessions, all unpleasant sensations will disappear and they will replace all the increasing feeling of power.
The first exercise is necessary in order to learn to control the breath, develop the will and establish themselves in solving to master the energy.
We remind you that the exercise should not exceed more than 15 minutes: the first 5 minutes to prepare the remaining time directly to its conduct.

2. After a 5-minute cooking, close your right nostril and take a deep breath of the left "nostrils, for 10 seconds, expanding, as before, the abdominal cavity, ribs and the cavity of the chest. Then 10 seconds to hold the breath and finally make it Exhalation through the right nostril within 10 seconds. 18
When you make sure that you are capable, without tosing, to make exhalation during the specified time, you can be quite sure that you will learn to control your breathing. Each of these exercises will require for complete breath, breathing delays and exhalation of 30 seconds, that is, in 10 minutes of exercise, the number of such breaths will be equal to 20.
If the account 10x10x10 will be too difficult for you, you can reduce the duration of breaths and exhalations. Do not stop the exercise in the execution of this exercise until you improve in it. After the first ten breaths, you must change the nostrils for inhalation and exhalation.
Classes in the second week are limited only by these exercises. When you improve them, you can proceed to the treatment of people, but not more than three persons per day.
At the end of the second week accumulates so much vital energy (Forces), which, giving an excess of its strength to treatment, you will not feel fatigue.

3.Nogs on the width of the shoulders, the right leg is slightly exhibited. Both hands are bent in front of them, at the chest level, one before the other. Left palm turned to the chest, the right hand is also turned to the body and looks at back side Left palm, both brushes hands are on the same line. The elbows are raised and are parallel to the shoulders. The distance between the palm of the left hand and the breast is about 15 cm. The distance between the hands of the hands is also about 15 cm. We present how energy passes along the vertical axis, which is in front of you, first comes out of the ground, rises up, to the right (long) hand brushes, goes In the left brush, goes on his left hand to the shoulder, goes into the right shoulder, on his right hand returns to the right hand and leaves it back to the ground. Rather that between the palms there will be a permanent visible stream of energy.
At first it will be difficult, but then the corresponding sensations will appear.
Breathing: On the breath - energy passes from the left to the right hand, on a smooth exhalation - goes to the ground. I breathe nose and mouth at the same time.
15 minutes on the right foot, 15 minutes to the left. When changing the legs change palms. On the right foot left palm Middle to the body, the right leg of the right palm is close to the body.

4.Nogs on the width of the shoulders, hands raised up and slightly to the sides. Imagine that two posts of energy appear on the sides. The first descends from above (the stream should be bright, even a little blind.) The second comes out of the ground (there is a heavy energy, viscous) connecting to these threads, the left hand will be touched to the flow going back from the bottom, and the right to the "top" stream. (for practitioners Other types of magic threads change places) After touching the flows to the solar plexus area, where they must merge the formation of the energy you want. A feeling of filling the energy should appear, it was slightly fed and start packaged.
For packaging, simply guide the energy first in the limb, and then into each organ before the feeling of saturation (I recommend first to master the technique of an internal look). After all the organs were satisfied, the flow of the flow to the point located approximately on the width of the palm below the navel, a couple of minutes later there will be a feeling of the ball and solid.
This is your pantry energy. Limits on the duration of this stage does not exist here everything depends on your sensations (the first time can shake, it is normal) and desire.

5. Fold hands opposite the eyes - as if you look into binoculars. Slowly rotate hands by the direction from the bridges to the temples.
Aware of the movement of strength currents that you actually keep your hands and which pass through the eyes.
We are trying to feel the effect of the movement of hands not only on the eyes themselves, but also inside the skull - on the back of it.
Slowly assign hands from the eyes, without squeezing them. At the same time, aware of the effect, the streams of the eyes after the hands.
Maximum feeling the effect of this action, we spawned your hands and fix them with open palms opposite the eyes.
Slowly approach the palm to the eyes, aware of the energy flow into the eyes, and its passage through the eyeballs inside the skull.
Aware of all the sensations arising from this.

6. Rubbing your palm to the feeling of heat, as in the practice of developing hand sensitivity
Reveal palms make movements.
Aware of the concentration of energy in the hands.
We apply outdoor palms to the eyes.
Eyes draw the strength of strength.
Simplified version: rub the palm and apply to the eyes. Conscious heat from palms as power. We absorb her eyes.

The accumulation of forces from sources of nature and natural techniques:


Reception "root" performs a vertical beat, due to the energy of the Earth. Sometimes this method is confused with the reception "tree", but this is a mistake, because "Tree" refers to other traditional techniques and covers only the final part of the "root".
The reception is built on a rather complicated (to begin) a tolerantness with identification. Hands are lowered along the body, the body itself is relaxed. Below are the formula itself:
"I am a small root that stuck in the ground. I am absorbed from the cool soil. I begin to branch up to gain more moisture. Here I look out of the ground, now I have a green body. I grow up the first twigs. A kidney swell and The first leaves appear. From under the ground there is a force pushing my growth up, feeding my branches and leaves. This force comes from my powerful roots that make their way down to the aquifer. My body is hardening and covered with a bark. Branches turn into a bitch, from which appear new branches. I have a lot of leaves. I'm all in the leaves. The more power running out of the ground, the more leaves. My roots are so powerful that I am one whole with the earth. "
This exercise can be finished.

"Talk with the wind"

This technique performs a vortex bar on horizontal conjunction channels. Reception is performed without a formula.
Stand in the open space (in the field, in the glade) and relax. Listen to the wind movement around you. Slow and deeply breathe several times, feel the purity and elasticity of the air. Slowly slowly start lifting hands on the sides and up. Feel like around you begins the movement of the vortex of air, like this wind sweels all the dirt from you, filling yourself the whole body. First, the whirlwind is weak, but the higher the hands are rising, the stronger it becomes. Having lifted your hands, start to make circular movements, as if twisting the air whirlwind around him and over himself even faster. When you feel that the wind is weak, or comes easy fatigue. Stop the exercise, slowly dropping your hands.

"A drop in the sea"

Reception carries out a smooth run in all directions. Performed without a formula.
Choose a water with pure fixed water. It may be a lake, a creek, the sea, etc. Lie on the water so that staying lying on the surface, spreading on the sides of the hand and legs. See in the sky or close your eyes. Adjust your breath so that it is not intermittent and convulsive. Relax.
Feel the elasticity of water that surrounds you. This elasticity decreases, as if water gradually penetrates your body. You begin to slowly dissolve in it. You feel like your body mixes with water and so, you are consciousness, the soul of this reservoir. You are at the same time everywhere in it. You are available depths and shores, algae and all living crops living on the bottom and thicker water.
Slowly assemble your "I" in the body and smoothly immerse yourself. Having exhaled, just smoothly pop up. Exercise is completed.


Look at the candle, or raise the bonfire, but only from wooden wood or wood branches.
"You are a flame, roaring the raging flame. As you can brighter, you caress this feeling. You are the same" crocheted ", gusty, rapid, like fire. You also extend, not leading obstacles, as long as languages \u200b\u200bare driving. Flame. You feel your body with flame and dissolve in it. "

Manya accumulation

№1. The easiest way, is to concentrate mana generated by your own organism. As a person is a living being, he also produces Manu. To concentrate its own mana, the same method is used as in the case of an external source, but with the appeal only to its body, which is always available. Just sit down and relax, you need no one to prevent you. Take a deep breath several times. Discover from the outside world, as if it does not exist at all. When you succeed, do not pay attention to external noises, etc., you can proceed to the next step. How to look inside yourself, imagine (see ") piercing your body yields. For familiar with the eastern philosophy, it is enough to just see your chakras and now create a backup energy drive. To do this, imagine a certain cavity in your body (it is best to present the cavity in your hand, right or left without a difference) and now mentally imagine how energy from other parts of the body (from the chakra) enters this drive fills it.
Attention! It is very important which magical action you want to do in the future. If you want to heal yourself or someone else, the color of the accumulated energy in your imagination should be green! If you are going to create anything. That is yellow or white. For the attack color is red. For destruction black, well, and so on. When you mentally filled the reservoir, then you must feel the severity or burning (in some cases with a bright polarity of your energy, you can also feel ease) in this part of your body (hand). If this did not happen, then the mana did not accumulate. Try again, and still it will not work. If you succeed, it means that your inner mana is ready to use in magic. And if you already know how to any of the magical actions, quietly apply this energy. If you have this first experience for you, then you need to get rid of this mana, since with long wearing in a backup drive it can damage it. To get rid, imagine that this energy slowly spreads from the drive back according to your body (in chakras or simply evenly).
Attention! If you accumulated negative energy (as well as if you just want to get rid of mana quickly), it is necessary to throw it into the outside world, otherwise it will harm you. To do this, imagine that the energy from the reservoir (hands) instantly flies in the form of a clock and dissipates in
surrounding space. If you have happened, you must feel that the tank (hand) is empty, and the sensations experienced first have disappeared. This also applies to the case when you dispersed Manu back all over the body. If it did not work, repeat until it turns out.
When using mana of its body, it is important to know the following:
If you use this energy (for a magic action or simply discard into space), you weaken. Sleepiness may appear, general weakness, even malaise. Therefore, do not concentrate a lot of such mana (especially if you are new) at once! And the second: the amount of such mana is very limited. It all depends on the internal energy forces of your body.
One more thing. Of course, if you do not have (or just very weak) imagination, then concentrate mana of your body, as well as any other you will not work. But without imagination, it is almost impossible to do magic! So this first lesson is also one of the tests
your abilities for magic at all.

№2. Mana Elements.An unlimited source, which has a number of features and conditions for use. I hope everyone knows what kind of elements is and what are they? Fire, water, land, air (as well as nature and death, and many other). So at the beginning of the concentration of four main first elements:

The fire. Light any fire. Relax and carefully look at it. Feel the strength and heat of fire (not physically, of course). And now, start choosing a fire mana into all the same pre-created tank. Imagine that the strength and heat of fire flow into your reservoir from its source, and accumulate there. The first sign that you turn out should be the effect visible by a simple eye: the flame of the source must lean into your direction. The final effect is achieved when you feel the fullness, as well as heat in your drive (hand). Use and getting rid of this mana, as in the first case.

Water. Everything is as well as with fire, just need to feel except for power, coolness and tenderness of water, and the reservoir should become colder.

Land. Here simple contemplation is not enough. You need to take a piece of land in the palm of your hand, rub it, feeling its strength and coolness (and sometimes heat). Take new pieces and rub them until the man's man pumped by you (of course with the help of imagination, and then "magical vision") will not fill the tank to the edges, that is, while you do not have the severity and fullness. Distribute in the body is also only experienced magicians!

Air. The most difficult of the main elements. It is easiest to concentrate air manu somewhere in the mountains where it is clean and fresh. You can still in the forest. In the city you will probably get the negative energy of the poisoned air that will not be needed at that moment. For concentration, simply inhale the air with a complete breasts, representing how the mane tiny particles filling it (color, as always, depends on the purpose of use), flow through your body and collected in the drive. If you have happened, you should feel the freshness and ease in your tank (hand). This energy is almost harmless, but still beginners it is better to throw it into it, even if they gave her green (healing) color.

# 3. You can get Manu from the gods. The main condition for this method is the patronage of the gods and spirits. Just pray this to his standard prayer. But at the same time, imagine (see "), as some energy (Bajon) is poured out of your body, and then Manaa is in return from God. The color of this energy depends on the god chosen .. the main proof that you have
it turned out, as always, the severity and fullness of your backup drive, and, depending on the chosen God, the feeling of fullness will be pleasant or unpleasant. The beginners are also recommended not to distribute such manu on their body!

Methods of set of energy

Impacting other people with the help of energy, the extrasens is discharged, so it needs to be periodically replenishing the spent bioenergy resources, otherwise it can cause energy imbalance in its body and damage its own health.
Psychics "charge" different ways: From the sun, space, earth, water, trees and other energy systems, depending on individual abilities and personal preferences.
Do not seize the skills of the reduction of bioenergy in no case are not proceeding with treatment. Remember:
- Energy accumulation is best due to a person, nervous system which is completely calm and balanced.
- An irritated person loses a lot of energy. Strong emotions of fear, envy weaken energy. We produce kindness in yourself.
- When setting the energy of one of the most important components of any method of energy accumulation, the organism is a figurative representation of the process of energy accumulation.
- With a set of energy it is necessary to be able to feel how it is poured into the body, in each organ, in each cell. The more routine and brighter, the more effective the energy set.
Obtaining energy from the sun
This is the easiest way to "recharging." Raise your hands up, palms to the sun, disconnect from all extraneous thoughts, tune in to the reception of energy and mentally? Once ask the sun by the sun. To feel the entire process of obtaining energy, filling it with the body to a sense of cutting. Seven times thank the sun orally or mentally, lower your hands.

Getting energy from land

This is one of the ancient methods that yoga use.
Need to sit down, crossed legs. Hands put on your knees, connecting a large and index fingers together on both hands, and the rest of the fingers pull out so that they touch the earth. Installing deep breathing and focus on the thoughts that when inhaling the energy of the Earth goes through the tips of the fingers into the body, and when the human bioenergy is converted.

Getting combined energy from the Sun and Earth

It is advisable to make early in the morning at the sunrise in a secluded place.
Lost palms, presenting that the inlets of the channels are opening on the palms to pass energy. Losing and warm-up palm, now you need to massage the inlets by the "mental hands", representing how they increase in size to the size of the palm-minded hands, you need to iron and massage the walls of the imaginary channels of both hands. Feel how the channels are expanding in diameter and begin to respond to the impact of "mental hands". Mentally create a small glowing ball, to remember it with "mental hands." It should "swell up" to the diameter of the channel, after which this ball is "mental hands" "as the piston moves up and down the channels, reading them.
Then sense how the inlet channels of the channels open on the soles, the "mental hands" to massate them, until the hole is obtained the size of the entire foot. Then clean the ball by analogy with what was mentioned above for hands. Become a face for sunrise, concentrate in the hands of the hands and at some point there will be a feeling that the hands have become light, as if weightless. Then concentrate in the feed channels and feel like they are "wake up" to take the energy of the Earth.
The sun comes and its energy is powerful streams to enter the hands of the hands. The right feeling is the feeling of filling with light and heat, the feeling of the pulsation of the inlets of the hands and feet and the feeling of the soft and dark energy of the Earth, the feeling of harmony and purity. After a few minutes, fatigue goes, there is a feeling of cheerfulness, tide of strength.

Charging the energy of cosmos

Raise your hands, present channels with holes on the palms for the power ball. Start slowly draw inhale through the channels of the hands and inflate these energy balls. Feel like balls stretch into a long narrow beam and rushed up, to the sky, to the borders of the atmosphere, and then further into space and disclose there as flowers. And instantly through the energy rays, the energy of the cosmos is drawn through the channels of the hands, filling the body with the energy of world space. This method is especially good for situations when it is required to instantly replenish energy reserves.

Energy replenishment with rhythmic breathing

Put legs together, close your fingers. Embed to yogan rhythmic breathing. To do this, set the rhythm of breathing with the rhythm of the beat of his heart. Depending on the training, inhale can be stretched from 6 to 15 pulse blows, the exhalation is made equal to the duration of breath, the breathing delay after the inhalation in duration should be equal to half the duration of inhalation or exhalation, the pause after the exhalation is also equal to the breath delay. That is, if inhale - 6 shots, then exhale - b, pause after inhale - 3, pause after Vitdo-ha-3.
Neither in the case cannot be overwritten by this breathing, everything should take place freely with a figurative presentation of incoming energy when inhaling from the surrounding air, merging with all space.
During the inhalation, the energy is absorbed into the chest area, when exhaling, the energy exhales in solar plexus.

Getting energy from water.

While in water, they establish rhythmic breathing and represent that with inhale the energy of water goes through the pores into the body, and when exhaling it turns into bioenergy.

Recharge from trees.

Choose the most powerful tree with healthy shiny leaves. Will go around the tree, invoke a feeling of sympathy and goodwill to the tree, listen carefully to your feelings, catch the benevolent attitude of the tree to yourself. If there are no such sensations, it means that this tree does not fit.
Having found a tree that "harmonizes" with you, go to him for a distance at which "feels" the effect of the tree is most strongly
Standing near the tree, feel the roots of the tree, the movement of the energy of the earth from the roots on the trunk up to the crown of the tree. Then sense how the cosmic energy goes through the leaves and moves along the trunk down, reaching the roots. Identify yourself with a tree, mentally, look with him, feel the energy movement from the bottom up and on the contrary. Figure imaging how this energy is washed you. Rinse yourself in this way until the feeling of inner purity. After that, mentally ask the energy tree. Pour the energy accumulated by wood through your palms synchronously with your breath.

Golden wind

(Technique to increase the tone of "dense bodies" of the human energy industry and the activation of its vitality)

The useful essence of this technique is that it practically instantly activates the energy flows of dense bodies of a person, accumulating them in, the so-called, the average point of life (at the level of the chakra of the manipura) and, as it were, pumps the dense bodies, saturating their natural power. At the same time, there is an intensive impact on the Ajna point. Thus, at the level of the body, at blood level1, mechanisms developing, the so-called, animal magnetism (skill, useful in hypnotic work with an object at the lower levels of energy transit) are activated.
This technique combines meditation and certain passes, so it is necessary to perform it on an empty stomach (if you have treated it tightly, there must be at least two or three hours). The nasal cavity is also recommended to be cleared to alleviate the respiratory process during exercise.

1. Perform a preliminary psychophysical workout of the body.
To do this, you need to stand straight, legs in a free position, that is, on a convenient for you, a distance from each other (approximately, on the width of the shoulders). Hands are freely omitted along the body. Make a slow exhalation, passing your middle vertical stream while down. If you ever practiced autotraining or meditation, then you will understand what is meant. If not practiced, just try to visualize or vividly feel how the power inside you is rushed by the body down, passing all parts of the body and internal organs. Allow your body to give freedom to this stream. Do not cling to passing thoughts, let them flow also freely, as your descending force goes. The stream passes down, through the feet - to the ground, as if "attaching" you to it. Try not to inhale how much it is possible, but not straining overly press.
2. Fold your hands in the castle in front. In the breath, begin to raise them, turning the "castle" outside (that is, so that the clutched palms watched up).
3. Holding them above your head, pull the shut-off hands from yourself up and a little back. At the same time, the chest and the stomach also try to "pull" back. Do it with effort, feeling a pleasant muscle tension.
4. When the turnout turns out - slowly open your arms, lowering them down.
5. On the breath again fold his hands into the lock, only now they are located downstairs behind the back and palms.
6. Doing exhale - pull hands down, straining also a diaphragm.
7. Now you relax a little and begin vigorously inhales, cycling exclusively a diaphragmal breathing (dynamically and harsh reducing the press). Breathe through the nose, while maintaining the rhythm of breathing in constancy. When you exhale (this is very important to keep accuracy), your median point takes (as if draws) Earth's energy ("fire", "gold"), which expressively "pushed out" through Ajna. On the breath - on the contrary - Ajna takes the flow, saturating the warm stream of the earth, the manipura - gives (when the diaphragm is straightened). This process is felt as the swing of an internal vertical pendulum (back and forth).
In conclusion, thank the ancient forces, hidden in the womb of the Earth for the energy-given to you and fix it with a corresponding gesture at the midpoint level:

During this technique, you can feel boiling inside the heat, even the heat. This is one of her actions. At the same time with this (through the shin and feet) there is a discharge on the "bottom" of the spent energies, hawking thin bodies. Powerful fiery (burning "problem" on a thin level) stream (the so-called "golden wind") very well contributes to the restoration of human vitality, weakened by a long disease, in cases of progressive depression, with losses due to astral attack and simply with long-term subtle energy The magician when the danger of the imbalance of the "dense" and "thin" energy builders may arise.

Attention: all practices aimed at strengthening superposts cannot be performed by people suffering from mental illness. Practice is not recommended to perform, being in a state of alcoholic intoxication. A prerequisite for classes is the ability to somehow operate in intention.

Meditation reinforcement superpost.

  1. Take a comfortable position. Tune in. Enter the relaxed and at the same time collected condition. Under the assembled state means readiness for action. Those. You must be most relaxed and at the same time mentally collected, conscious. This is a special mental state necessary for such practices.
  2. Follow the following finger on: big and unnamed fingers Connect into the ring, palm up. This fingerboard is made on the collected work of all centers in the human system.
  3. Pronunciation mantra "Furaminas" Quickly in syllables (12 times).
  4. Then, keep finger, Visualize yourself with a huge, head resting in space, and standing on earth. At the same time, giving the installation to the complete awareness of itself.
  5. Say the formula: my abilities are always in me. At any time, I can activate my superpowers. Connect your intention. Do not confuse the intention with the desires of your personality.
  6. This meditation practice can be performed as an addition to the opening of one particular ability, and it is possible to disclose everyone at once. This is a very effective practice for engaged in, the newbie, most likely, will not be able to do it correctly. Therefore, if you do not have the experience of entry into a special mental state of readiness, you better have learned before performing serious practices. Works are necessary and experience. Any serious practice cannot be made newcomer, he will not receive a proper result due to the lack of necessary entry skills in mental states under which magical practices are performed.
  7. Well combine it with execution methodical complexes By disclosure of abilities.

Breath through the Pranny Canal.

Effectively fulfill immediately after practice on the saturation of the network of the smallest energy companies Prarana.

Pranny canal passes through the subtle body of a person, in the center. One of his peak is located in the area above the head at the distance of the elongated palm. Another - at the distance of the elongated palm down from the feet. The human power system consumes the energy of space and land at the same time.

  1. Aware of the top of the pranic canal above the head. In order to do this correctly, you need not just imagine in the imagination, but to concentrate attention on it with completely disconnected thoughts.
  2. Stop thinking on time. Feel Panic Canal. If you are clairvoyant to see the channel.
  3. We do in the breath. If you are a beginner and do not see energy yet, you can visualize a purple or white stream of energy that you breathe through the top of the Paradic Channel. Inhale - purple energy entered the Prananny Canal and moves along it (the speed of ordinary breath). Perform from 10 breathing and more.
  4. Move attention to the top of the Paradic Channel under the feet. We concentrate on it. Realize it. The canal passes through the power body. Feel his vertex.
  5. Making a breath of the bottom top of the channel. We continue to breathe through it, feeling how power enters you with every breath. Energy rises up the canal. Perform from 10 breathing and more.
  6. Now deliberately breathe simultaneously with two vertices of the channel. Inhale - energy is poured into the pranal canal on top and bottom at the same time. Make at least 10 times.
  7. After that, do not make sharp movements, try to experience the energy of your body.

To perform the following task, remember that at certain points there is a fusion of subtle bodies. Practical tasks and the necessary theoretical material you can get on the lessons of the full-time or part-based school of Karma-Pro.

Meditation on divine qualities.

Meditation should be combined with the practices for the disclosure of abilities.

  1. Take a posture for meditations, completely relax the body.
  2. Consciousness purely. The emotional body is in full peace.
  3. Mentally repeat and try to maximize the following formulas at all levels:
  4. I am eternal and endlessly always, in all the worlds, in all times. Repeat 12 times.
  5. I am infinitely expanded in all directions. Repeat 12 times.
  6. I have darkness and light, positive and negative. (12 times).
  7. My thought creates the universes. (12 times).
  8. I am everywhere, in the twitter bird, in the murmur of the stream. (12 times).
  9. I am in tides and lowers, in a man and in a woman. (12).
  10. I am all creation. (12 times).
  11. My vibrations lead millions of unfolding worlds. (12 times).
  12. I was. I am. I will. (12 times). If possible, it is clearly repeating the formulas mentally and out loud. Very effectively not just pronounced, but realize These formulas.

Mystical meditation "bloom in the shine of truth." Simplified option.

If you started to perform this meditation, follow the rules recommended for it: during the day it is only the truth during the day.

  1. Take a posture for meditation. Close your eyes.
  2. Transfer part of consciousness to the chest area. Try to experience the fourth chakra energies.
  3. In the fourth center ( anahata) Visualize or feel the golden lotus. Some practitioners who have the initial stages of clairvoyance describe it as a ball.
  4. Imagine (it is better to see if you can) like the lotus is revealed. The radiance propagates in all directions proportionally.
  5. Concentration on energies disamed golden lotus.

If during the meditation you will feel endless absolute love, this is a very good result. If the heat and expansion of consciousness are also not bad. Keep a positive result from meditation throughout the day. If you have this meditation with difficulty, try meditation Golden Buddha or meditation Saint.

Saturation pranay. Raising energy levels.

  • Exercise is performed standing or lying. It is possible and sitting, but, without crossing the power companies, that is, without crossing the hands and legs.
  • Inhale through the centers soles pure Prana (Qi). Continue to breathe through the soles of the legs. Inhale - Prana enters the centers of the foot soles and rises along both legs up. Here it enters the pelvic bones, strengthening them. Exhaust - exhausted energy is out, everything is not necessary.
  • Now I breathe alternately, then through the left foot, then through the right. We do a breath through the left foot - the energy rises up, enters the pelvic bone, turns and goes through the right foot - exhale.
  • Try not to just visualize it, but feel, sense the current of energy. Of course, from the first time you do not all be able to feel. You need to practice. It is impossible to feel thin if you have never been involved in such practitioners. Everything needs to be developed.
  • Now I am breathing through the right foot as well as through the left (see above).
  • Then breathe through the chakras on the palms. Inhale - pulled pure prana in the chakras of the palms, Prana rises up hand, enters the shoulder belt. Perform several times. (10-12)
  • Now inhale through the left palm, Prana enters his hand, passes the shoulder belt and goes through the right palm - exhale. 10-12 times.
  • Inhale through the right palm, but through the left exhale. 10-12 times.
  • Breathing with the entire front surface of the body. In the breath draw a clean prana to the front side of the body. Satisfy the body with clean energy of freshness. Exhaust - spent energy goes through the rear half of the body. 10-12 times.
  • Tighten Prana through the spine. For more effect or if there are problems with the back, you can breathe through each vertebra. Where there are weak points in the field, with sufficient sensitivity you will immediately feel them, and then more attention is paid to the area. Inhale - the vertebral pillar is filled with force, Prana is drawn. Exhaust - exhaust energy leaves, the energy of the locks goes.

Practices for the opening of Sakhasrar-Chakra.

  1. Perform the lying, immediately before falling asleep.
  2. Log in to a relaxed condition. This is the state of the passivity of the body, disconnect the process of thinking and active contemplation. This state is usually achieved before falling asleep. It commemorates the transition between consciousness states. In this state, you can send consciousness according to any one of the selected paths. You only need to know these energy routes well.
  3. In this case, for our practice, visualize in the third eye of the crystal. Crystal from the inside illuminates the head with a soft golden flowing light. Concentrate on it. Try to enter the crystal energy. It can take you for a while.
  4. Then imagine how the line of light goes from the third eye sakhasrara Chakra, And binds these two chakras together. Fist this moment.
  5. Now concentrate B. Sahasrar-Chacra. Try to experience vibration or buzz in this area.
  6. Visualize how the flow of purple light is pioned on top of this chakra.
  7. Concentrate on chakra and on the stream.
  8. If consciousness will carry the spiral up, do not resist this. Perform seven days in a row, then at will.

Practice gives merger with space and is necessary preparatory stage For techniques to achieve Nirvana, with which we will get acquainted in the classrooms of the karma-pro school with a full-time or correspondence form of training.

Successes in class!

Rituals acquisition and development of magical power

There are only two possibilities to acquire special witchcraft forces - either be born with them, or try to develop them in yourself. At the same time, the second method according to the final result may not give up the first, and sometimes exceed it. A lot of examples are known when a person with bright natural abilities does not suspect them at all and, just starting them to develop, finds new opportunities and forces. Note that everyone has the abilities, but someone is on the surface, and someone is deeply hidden. Therefore, for some very easy to look into yourself and immediately get the right answer, others need for this time and great persistence. However, in any case, without trying, you will never recognize your secret parties and hidden opportunities. Starting the same movement and search, you can hardly stay formerly.

Making various witchcraft, you will use the energy of the four elements of nature: water, fire, earth and air. You will need to manage these energetics with your imagination, faith and will. It is from these three aspects - faith in yourself and their actions, imagination that creates real pictures of possible events, and will, the energy orientation of your thought - the basis of the spiritual impact on the astral and real world. To these three beginnings of the witch reality, it is necessary to add the fourth constant of magic - a secret capable of exciting faith, to strengthen the will and give birth to hidden images of our imagination. Therefore, the first thing you need to start are to learn to own all aspects of your mind and learn how to perceive the energy from the space around you.

Tip: Before any spells, call the space-or-don-OS-SI-TEN (three times) in the form of a blue fog, ask for safety when conducting a ritual. "This will bring harmony to your intention.
Skhe Manu-Aridos-Sham-Wei High will allow you to give the intention to a great power. These mantras have power in any spaces ...

When you leave the bodied bodies, ask the strength of Aranan (call: Takhoma-Maat Sagir-SAA) to protect you in the astral or parallel worlds from aggression ... you never know what.

Increase magic forces

Moon time: Dark, or in some cases decreasing.

At this time of destruction
Read spell for income
Let power grow my day from day
May my power leave me
Let both the creation and the destruction will be subject to me
Internally and starting
I'm firmly going on this step
Such is my will and so it will be so!

Power awakening spell

Moon time: new moon or full moon (but to accurately), draw the symbols of God and the goddess of the lotus oil on the body.

The power of God and the power of the goddess
That there is always and from now on
Fire and land forces
Air and water power
I beg you, help
Ancient forces in me trying
Make to change occurred
Around me and inside
So that the magical power in me awakened
And so that my power is infinitely lasted
All creatures and elements to submit me
In the sea, in heaven and on earth
I'm so drove and so it will be so!

A few more methods:

1. Sit down in a comfortable posture, relax a little and you begin to look at how to deeply, the consciousness moves down like mine. At a certain point, you will see something similar to the lake it will be calm or there will be ripples on it as a river during a light wind, fix the attention on it for a while, as if to touch it and order him to rise. It will begin to ruin, throw, let him push the consciousness back, so it fills the whole body, let him break out. Perhaps this technique is not the first time, but if it turns out there will be a lot of strength, so even in place it is difficult to resist. In such a state, it should not be too long, after performing all actions, specify the power to return back, imagine how the fact that I still splashed the beginning began to go deep into depths again.

2. Sit or lie so that you are comfortable. To begin with completely relax. Imagine how warm wave passes through your body and relaxes it. Then you need to activate your inner power. Imagine that strength overwhelms you. That she overflows in your blood. Fills head. Flows from fingertips and hair tips. When it fully fills your body and consciousness, proceed to the ritual.
And remember: confidence - half of success

3. We read the words:
IA IO Io Io!
I AM God Gods
I AM Mistor of Darkness and Lord of Cagraine
I AM Power and Knowledge
I am above all
Nothing was created before me
I am above all the gods
I am above all days
I am above all people and legends about these.
I am an ancient
No one can find my place rest
I zrew the sun at night and the moon during the day
I am a recipient of the victims of the Skaltsev
Mountains of the West shelted me
Mountains of the Wolves cover me,
I am an ancient day!

4. Slavic mantra "Arrival Magnification". We read 15 times until the filling force.

"Awaken an ancient Mochv
In the veins in my flesh
Open in me Mochv
Those doors of mine
And bring the ancient Mag
Wind in the door open "

Complex of exercises to improve the level of magical abilities

The complex includes five necessary exercises. Make only the first exercise daily during the week. Then connect the second exercise, in a week - the third, after another week - fourth, then add the fifth. Continue to do all five exercises daily until you feel the required level of energy. To support this level, continue to do exercises periodically, but at least once a month.


Make 20 minutes.
Socks are relaxed, legs are slightly bent (on the width of the shoulders). Hands are lowered down, palms ahead.
Imagine that you are in a swamp bog, or something viscous, in the belt. Make a roll from the heel on the sock, all the body ahead, the legs are still bent. In parallel with the roller, you dull with your hands with the hands of this viscous liquid and raise the elongated hands forward and up. Feel like a liquid slowly flows through the fingers and flows down. As soon as the hands rose up, start to smoothly lower them down, turning the palms to the floor. In parallel with the lowering of the hands, rolling on the heels, throwing back all the housing. Knees are always semi-bent.
Breathing: to raise hands Slow breath, to lower the hands - slow exhalation.


The goal is to accumulate as much energy as possible in your hands.

Legs on the width of the shoulders, the right leg is slightly exhibited. Both hands are bent in front of them, at the chest level, one before the other. The left palm is turned to the chest, the right hand is also turned to the body and looks at the back side of the left palm, both brushes hands are on the same line. The elbows are raised and are parallel to the shoulders. The distance between the palm of the left hand and the breast is about & nbsp15 cm. The distance between the hands of the hands is also about 15 cm. We present how energy passes along the vertical axis, which is in front of you, first comes out of the ground, rises up, to the right (long) handbrush, goes into The left brush, goes on his left hand to the shoulder, goes to the right shoulder, on his right hand returns to the right palm and leaves it back to the ground. Rather that between the palms there will be a permanent visible stream of energy.
At first it will be difficult, but then the corresponding sensations will appear.
Breathing: On the breath - energy passes from the left to the right hand, on a smooth exhalation - goes to the ground. I breathe nose and mouth at the same time.
15 minutes on the right foot, 15 minutes to the left. When changing the legs change palms. On the right leg, the left palm is close to the body, the right leg of the right palm is neighboring to the body.

"African drum"

The hands bent in the elbows, palm on the width of the shoulders at the chest level, turned insight, one to the other. Imagine that there is a long (width of shoulders) an African drum between the palms. The right half-bent foot is a little exhibited. We make a smooth breath and at the same time around the circles of both sides of the drum by hand in the direction up and forward, from ourselves, half of the circle is passed - exhale and palm leading down around the circumference. When the hands are moving forward around the circle, we carry the severity of the body on the right foot, with the reverse movement of the hands (to yourself) tolerate the severity of the body to the left foot. We change the leg - do the same, but in the opposite direction, you first move down from yourself, along the circle upstairs and to yourself.

"Board with dough"

The right semicooched leg is slightly exhibited, the hands are bent in the elbows at the chest level, palms down. The distance between the brushes is about 15 cm, the elbows are slightly diluted. On the right foot, we run on the right side (clockwise) both palms in a circle synchronously (we present how we rolling two balls on the board). When driving the palms in a circle, the weight of the body is transferred to the right leg, we continue to move towards ourselves, tolerate the severity of the body on the left foot. Inhale - half of the distance - exhale.
We change the legs, the left half-bent ahead. The movement with your hands the same, but already counterclockwise, forward, left and in a circle back, towards yourself. When the hands are moving to the left, we carry the severity of the body on the left foot. When returning to the initial position, we transfer the weight of the body to the right leg.
Making 16 movements in a row on each leg.

"Energy ball"

The right half-bent leg is slightly exhibited, the hands are bent in the elbows at the chest level.
Mentally imagine that there is a large energy sphere between your palms. You begin to slowly compress her to a bowl of 15 cm in diameter, slightly pulling it away from myself and slightly leaning onto the entire body forward, carrying the heaviness on the right leg. Feel the elasticity of a compressed sphere and return to her former sizes, slowly collecting hands and rejected by the body to its original position.
When compressing the sphere, do an exhale, with the reverse movement - inhale.
Change your legs, exhibiting the left, and repeat the exercise.
Make 32 movements in a row for each leg.

Ritual, Awakening Consciousness for Magic (for beginners)

Ritual is not dangerous and does not require special tools. As a result of the action of the ritual, perception is sharpened, the level of vital energy increases. Other effects depend on the personality and the abilities of the one who spends the ritual. It is recommended to perform simultaneously with the exercise complex to increase your magic level.

This ritual can be carried out at any secluded place, where at least half an hour can persist complete silence.

Daily for several weeks. For deeper changes, it is recommended to hold regularly for several months.

Wear loose clothes of neutral colors. Remove the clocks, decorations, shoes and other items that interfere with free blood circulation and irritate the skin. Well, if before starting the ritual, you take a bath or at least sing your arms and face. Remember what you invite spiritual consciousness In the temple of your body.

Put on small table, bedside table or other supporting surface white candle, so that it is at approximately at the level of your belt. Light a candle. For a few minutes try to calm down. When you feel inner silence and calm, stand up before the candle face south. Widely spread your hands, raise your head, taking a traditional appeal position. Look at infinity and focus on an imaginary distant star. Say a cleansing prayer, turning to the one who is the highest deity for you:

Smoom to me about God.
Forgive my injustice.
See me all my misconduct,
Clean me from sins.
Clean me, and I will become white like snow.
Coordinate my pure heart
Riddy's revival.
You who made the crown,

(touch the forehead with the exact finger of the right hand)

And kingdom

(touch the groin)

(touch the left shoulder)

And glory

And the Eternal Law,

(specify on the flame)

Giving this cleansing prayer, visualize a cascade of radiant water, which, dropping, cleans and refreshes your head and body and takes all your concerns.
Turn around the clockwise, mentally drawing a shining circle of white light with an index finger of the right hand, which burns in the astral above the place where the ritual is held. Try to clearly imagine this circle at the heart level, visualize the energy that fills it: based on your cardiac center, it passes along the right hand and emitted from the index finger. Be sure to mentally connect the end and the beginning of the drawn circle. If necessary, expand it so that it contains all the ritual space. Drawing a circle, say the following words:

From the heart of his creature, I gave birth to this shining circle of fire. Neither evil nor chaos will penetrate into it and will not cross his borders.

Turn back to the south, legs together, the hands are widely spread to the sides: the body is a cross. Visualize a red flame post, rising from the ground right below the circle and outgoing. Concentrate its attention on it and say the following words:

In front of me, Mikhail, Lord of the flame, Lev South.

Not moving, visualize behind your back from the north of the same pillar of yellow fire. Say these words:

For me Rafail, the lord of the air, the angel of the North.

From the west, visualize a pole of blue fire. Say the following words:

To the right of me Gabriel, the lord of the water, the eagle of the West.

Visualize in the east post of green fire and say:

To the left of me Uriel, the Lord of the Earth, the Bull of the East.

Then tell me:

Four elements surround me
(Raise your hands high above your head)

Fire from above,
(Lower your hands to the belt)

Water downstairs
(connect hands at heart level in a prayer gesture)

I am the heart of four elements, I am the center of the Universe.

Imagine a shining cross, the center of which is located in your heart. The vertical pillar of the cross - red, passes between your feet and, rising through the head, disappears in infinity. Horizontal blue-colored crossbar is under your shoulders. Another crossbar that passes between your palms and comes out of the back, yellow color. Your heart center shines a clean white color that fills all your body as if it is a glass vessel.
Sit on the floor in front of the candle and contemplate her flame some time. Let your breath be smooth and easy. Try to catch the movement of the air and wait until it calms down, so that the flame stood smoothly and did not break. Sit so that your breath does not hurt the candle flame. Try to clearly feel your body and the fire of each of the angels. Immerse yourself in them. Imagine that you are surrounded by this fire and he does not bother you. You seem to be in a flying droplet of sunlight.
Gradually, lengthen the breaths and exhalations, making them deeper, but try not to strain. Save a relaxed state. Having made a full breath, for five or ten seconds to hold the breath and concentrate on the point located right above the flame of the candle - on the place where it disappears in infinity.
Making an exhalation, cover the candle flames by consciousness. Again, inhale, for a few seconds to hold your breath and focus on the tip of the flame. Try at each breathing delay approaching the barely intact disappearing point.
For the successful implementation of this technique it is necessary that you do not make yourself breathe too deep and did not delay your breath on for a long time. If all your attention is directed to breathing, you will not reach the target. You may have to practice for some time to learn to breathe easily and evenly without effort. There is no optimal duration of breathing delay and the number of delays, since this is not so important. It is important to learn to rhythmically switch attention from the body to the fading point of the flame. Each time you concentrate on the tip of the flame, try at least a split second to send all your attention and the will on the line where the fire dissolves in the universe.
Make a dozen breath and exhale and, even before you feel the fatigue, stand up again to the south. Raise your hands in the ardition gesture and say calmly, but confidently:

I thank you for the successful performance of a ritual designed to awaken the true perception of spiritual light.

Stretch in south forefinger Left-hand and turning against a clockwise - left, - Mentally pull the ring of the astral flame into your heart center. At the same time, say the following words:

I absorb this circle of magical strength in my heart, returning a ritual place to its former state.

Stand up to the south and, having accepted the same pose of the cross, which you opened the ritual, say:

The power of light
Leads and protects me
The one who created the crown
(touch the forehead)

And kingdom

And strength,
(left shoulder)

And glory
(touch the right shoulder)

And the Eternal Law,
(touch the cardiac center)

(specify on the flame)

Four times clap your hands, spread your hands to the sides, widespread your fingers. Say:

This ritual, awakening awareness of light, was carried out effectively and fully.

Fill the candle (in no case do not be blown it out!), And sit calmly a few minutes before you begin to any work. Do not attempt to mentally return to the ritual. Just relax and let him work with your subconscious.

"Merge with the elements"

the fire
Call in the consciousness of the bunch of fire, and pump it with energy, spill throughout the body, does not stop pumping energy, after which we mentally press into each point of the body (continuing to pump the power of the fire). Do not use real fire, the exercise is considered successfully completed if the fire begins to pour back.

It is necessary to hold the mental flame throughout the exercise.

P.S.: Talismans of fire are also made (but the force is poured by the same principle in the subject).


One of the most effective methods of developing a witchpill will is the concentration of attention. Put a candle in front of you. Give it the flame. Surround yourself with silence, comfort and tranquility. Focus your attention on the flame of the candle. Look only on the flame, do not take a look at him for a second. Think only about this fiery substance. Become to the other completely indifferent. Do not get distracted and do not blink. Try to extend this exercise as long as possible. Repeat it if possible, and very soon you will notice how easy you will concentrate your attention on other subjects and circumstances.

Such a concentration of attention should be your daily practice. It is not necessary to divert a certain time for it. As soon as you have the opportunity, focus your attention on any fixed item: on a pencil lying in front of you, at a point drawn on paper, etc. Imagine that this item is currently the most important thing that is now in All the world is focused on all the universe. This item must be the only object in real space for you, nothing can distract you from contemplation of it. external view and the feeling of his inner essence.

Next, go to the concentration of will and attention on moving objects. Follow, without tearing off the eye, for the movement of the second clock arrow. Focus on the man passing past you. It is not necessary that your concentration continues for too long. Ultimately, you must learn to quickly include and turn off your attention.

During the day, you may have many cases to train your will and attention. Try reading a book with outsiders, trying to completely not be distracted and clearly understood read. Try to draw a circle with one hand, and the other is a square. Do this without the participation of will, and if you do not succeed, accept the volitional decision "be sure to do it" and be sure to achieve this solution.

The same applies to your actions and actions that you do not want to make, but which are necessary. Implement them with the help of a volitional solution, and you will definitely notice the tide of a special force, a special type of energy that gives you a new feeling, the desire to make something else and apply this secret force.

Try the effort to cause those or other emotions. Feel joy, fun, excitement, anger, rage and delight. Create various moods and sensations for yourself. All this will be necessary for your witchcraft, when, wanting to attract and arrange others to yourself, you will need to experience the same feelings as you want to call other people.

Effect the will make yourself see any object that is not next to you now. For example, the flame of a candle or a person familiar to you. And your will will become part of your imagination capable of moving you to other witching time and measurement.

Crowdish imagination

Create various situations and objects in your imagination. Start with the simplest - imagine different colors: Blue, red, green. Feel different types of matter - gas air, it is barely tangible movement and strong wind gusts. Imagine the water - what it is for the touch, how you flow from your fingers. Create a picture of the calm sea and the raging ocean. Add to these pictures of smells, sounds and colors inherent in the sea and the ocean.

If you represent a burning candle, "Hear the sound" of its flame if the water is the sounds of the rain and the ocean. If you have a magnificent red rose in front of your mental eyes, touch it with soft magic petals, feel it fragrance. Make a mental journey to an unknown country. Visit on a tropical island, in the jungle, in secret caves and dense forests. Imagine that you are in your friend's room familiar to you. Recall all its atmosphere, items and things that were in it in your last visit.

Add dynamics and action. Imagine specific situations Your communication with people. See all in paints, colors and sensations as if it really happened. Learn to think (dream) not with words, but by images and real pictures. The clearer and the paintings you created willing, the greater support will be received by your faith.

Crowd vera

So we are arranged that we often believe in what we want to believe, and discard the reality unprofitable for us. Sometimes our dreams are more believable and real than valid events. So, already one of our faith is able to change not only our perception of the surrounding world, but the world itself around us. Of course, in everyday life, it is not necessary to somehow specially train faith. She comes or exists in us by itself. But in magical practice, Vera has several different meaning and meaning, and above all, it performs the role of a magnet that attracts certain events to us.

To strengthen your witchcraft faith, start with submission and approval (loud or mentally) for the most situations and events that must soon happen. For example, tomorrow you have an important meeting and conversation. You must connect your faith and the conviction that the situation will develop in the most advantageous direction for you. When will come tomorrow, you must apply the will to make your confidence completely implemented. In other words: put yourself a goal, believe in her already accomplished reality and confirm your words and thoughts to the act. Feel the connection between the Word (Thought) and the events occurring. If you feel and believe that your business will be fine, then you will have a real opportunity to avoid trouble and succeed.

Watch for yourself for other people - and you will notice that simple self-confidence or indecision can largely predetermine the position of a person in society, its success in affairs and business. Therefore, faith in yourself and in their strength is able to solve very many of your problems. And when the will is connected to the faith, the biggest success is possible. So quite often and happening in life when a person who does not have any knowledge, no other special abilities, but having a goal (and therefore will) coming down and holy refreshing in his case and infallibility, achieves more than others, knowledgeable and Decent people. Faith and Will cleaned him the road and benefit from scratch.

As you can see, there is nothing new in the laws and rules of magic. All of them stem from everyday life. The feature and uniqueness they acquire only when they are connected to a single whole, and most importantly - when the fourth face of the witchcraft pyramid is added to them - the mystery and mystical truth.

Skolding Mystery

The mystery is impossible without will. It is a volitional impulse forms it. The strongest faith (or dimmability) occurs when a meeting with mysterious and incomprehensible. The brightest images are born in our imagination when we represent the unknown and inaccessible to our gaze space.

Mystery - energy and power capable of influencing the events next to you. Try to remember how something unknown, mysterious and mysterious, as known to anyone (but not) mystery, the mystery, or truth does not give you peace, makes it constantly thinking about it, make some actions and actions. And how quickly the energy disappears and the attractiveness of the mystery at the moment when it became available and understood.

Observing secrecy and inexpensiveness, you create special currents of energy, forcing in a different way to move the astral space around you, and therefore, have a very real impact on the physical world. At the same time, your mysteriousness will feed your own witchcraft forces and contribute to their accumulation. Create in yourself and around yourself. And she will definitely attract success and new opportunities to you.

If you continue this experience and repeat it several more times, then once unexpectedly notice that this action completely stopped calling internal resistance and irritation. And even on the contrary: this is the intentional preservation of the mystery gives rise to you new special feelings that you are extremely pleasant. You will definitely feel the joy and satisfaction from the feeling of complete control over your feelings and energies. And this feeling of the witchcraft will immediately become part of your witchcraft faith. You will understand that there is nothing more inaccessible to you, and the fact that it used to seem to be unattainable and far, now with ease of execution. At the same time, you will immediately notice how the attitude towards you to other people has changed. Attached to you your inner strength and mystery, they will definitely begin to search for your society. Your mystery and energy will give you the opportunity to manage others and make decisions, and not be dependent on the whims and will of other people.

Think what people you are especially interested. Probably those in which there is some kind of mystery. But their mysteriousness does not mean impairment. Just such people know what to say, and what and from whom to keep secret. As a rule, they are perfectly owning the tongue of semi-shafts and inexpensive, when only the visible part of the iceberg arises, problems or images, and it is very difficult to find out (but I really want), which is in the depths of the waters. Having excited in a person curiosity and leaving him alone with his guess and thoughts, you make it work in the direction you need and make a profitable deed for you. By the way, this built not only magical activity, but all connected with a love game or business, where the visuality of seductive nudity, and kindness and fiction - already success.

To create a special witchcraft halo around your personality and the acquisition of a new success, practice the following exercise. When someone informs you "stunning", "unheard of" news and, of course, it is waiting for the reaction from you, stay completely calm and do not comment on it. Be at the same time extremely polite - you do not neglect the opinion of another person, just this news is not able to cause any strong emotions from you. Such your reaction (metering) invariably will cause a certain displacement of feelings at your interlocutor, when its excitation energy does not find a response, but will face indifference. Such behavior gives your companion the opportunity to feel your inner power, spiritual equilibrium and calm and thereby be sure to arouse his interest and respect for you. Such a distribution of energies subconsciously adjusts your interlocutor to the role of the giving, providing you with the role of taking. In other words, he gives you his energy and eager to be accepted, and you decide what and when to accept or reject.

That is how everything usually happens in real life. Just people rarely think about it, and the roles are distributed spontaneously - by virtue of your personal natural abilities or shortcomings. Using the same wizard or any other secret knowledge, you yourself choose roles and life positions, decide whether you are weaker or stronger, attract or repel, rejoice or be in sorrow.

Connect your faith, will and imagination together. Enople and yourself with witchcraft mystery. Believe in your images. Worship your secret. Take a volitional solution and take a step towards the development of a new beautiful world.

Magical Power of Natural Elements

The physical world consists of four elements: water, land, fire and air. Their combination gives all the diversity of things and items that surrounding us. Each of these elements of nature has its own energy and the strength necessary to change the physical and astral space. Aspects of these four elements are present in our soul, it is energetically nourished, they have a constant impact on the formation of our character and may be the cause of more or less of our vitality. Having found the presence of these elements in itself, right way Their use, you get the opportunity to manage your own and the forces of all of nature.

Of course, all influences various elements Nature is very diverse and individual. So, the element of fire is responsible for our conscious will, the air is for our thinking and creativity, water is responsible for the sphere of senses, and the Earth shapes actions and actions.

Thus, if you don't do in your work without thinking of intelligence or you just want to increase your ability to mental work, then use the air force. If you want to have deep and long feelings for you, it means you will need a ritual of water. Testing a special need for money and feeling the ability to achieve great results in itself, refer to the impact of the earthly element. If your goal is to be like, as bright Star, constantly carrying strong emotions and feelings next to them, it means that the power of fire should be your main fellow traveler. Using equal to the patronage of all four elements, you can count on the maximum success in all your affairs, feelings and relationships.

In all cases, the perception of energy and the magical force from the spatial elements must necessarily imagine that you yourself become the substance with which your communication takes place. At the time of his ritual, you ourselves must become a fiery flame, water stroke, earthly solid or air flow. You must feel that all those qualities that are the basis of this element or an element of nature are inherent. At the fire, this absorption and passion, the water is soft, penetration and drift, in air - an infinite movement, and in the earth - hardness and fertility.

Try to take energy and strength from all elements in an equal number so that they are equally sufficient. Do so initially, in the future you can give more preference to the strength of those elements in which you will feel a great need.

Witchcraft magical power is not at all determined by its number. Only its quality - flexibility, all permeability and mobility - are its main characteristics. And these qualities are just originating from proper and harmonious communication with nature and its main aspects. Someone needs more fire, for someone air element is the main source of his vitality and inspirations. There are "people of the Earth", "People of the Seas and Oceans". The other strength of the forest and the mighty trees is necessary for their life and witching incarnations. But in any case, even having preferences, it is impossible to forget that the witchcraft is the work of four elements. And only the complete use of all natural phenomena Can bring the real success of witch transformations.

Magic Power of Water Element

What can give us water? Of course - life. Our birth and staying us on this planet depends on the water. She is an important part of our physical world And the most important part of the world of astral, the world of high emotions and deep senses. Under the auspices of water elements are our top Qualities: spirituality, faith, dedication and loyalty. Therefore, the energy of this element is indispensable to maintain any unions and friendly relations, it also defines our perception of the outside world, gives us rest, calm and satisfaction.

From personal qualities, water element is responsible for intelligence, intuition, flexibility of thinking, the ability to make compromises and seek success where power and power were powerless. This is the elements of professional players whose play is life itself. And if your plans include the development and use of all these advantages and qualities, then committed rituals dedicated to the water element.

To obtain the energy and witchcraft power of the water element, learn how to drink ordinary water with small sips, presenting that with each sip, your body gets the necessary energy.

Take a bath or pour into the Cup's Clean Spring Water, go to the splinnik, to the river, to the ocean and watch them slowly or rapid flow, behind their tides and lowers. Imagine yourself part of this movement. Find inherent quality water. At the moment, the cup with water, water in your bath or reservoir, next to which you are, must be for you the symbolic association of all forms and conditions inherent in water elements. Here and the power of huge raging oceans, and the calm of the forest lakes, the mystery of underground sources and the purity of mountain springs. Summer rain, morning fog, crystal cleanliness Snow and transparent ice also familiar to water.

Still your connection and unity with water elements, uttering a secret spell:

The boundless surface of the transparent sea,

Sacred mother of all living things

Lady of heaven and groundwater,

Whether to me.

Give me compassion and sympathy

Cleansing and exemption,

Faith, hope, love.

And execute unfulfilled.

Feel like each cell of your body absorbs energy supplies. You must feel complete unity with water elements. Looking at a flat surface of water, imagine when and how the qualities belonging to this element will lose you need and helpful. First of all, these are all those cases of emotional and strong love, which may not be so passionate as the passion and the desire of fire, but it is more prolonged and stable, calm and wise. Sometimes it is just such a calm form of love is the most important for a woman. After all, a man often (subconsciously or quite consciously) is looking for calm, comfort and reliability of the family hearth.

Of course, a dustless passion is able to drive crazy, make adopting new solutions and make a new choice. However, will it last forever? Passion may be present in the first days, months and years of communication. But she must be replaced by spiritual stability, internal satisfaction or, on the contrary, disharmony and discomfort. In this case, the magic of water element is the best assistant to reconcile and strengthen the love, creating the conditions under which your feelings will not be destroyed by time.

Water element strengthens any connections, friendly relations, partnerships and unions. Wherever interconnected work is needed and where your success depends on how much you can work in the team and contact with people, the strength of the water element should have its own representative offices.

The magical forces of the water element are most valuable to reflect the mental attacks, to cleanse the negative energy, getting rid of the evil and damage, to create mental images, progress and predictions. As key water cleans our hands from black, so the energy of this element cleans our souls from evil. Looking at the surface of the water, poured into the magic cup, and seeing reflection real MiraHe is trying to recognize the picture of future events reflected in the Astral Water Element Mirror.

The astral influence of this element imposes an imprint on your personal qualities, develops and increases your intellect, gives you a flexible reaction to what is happening, makes you an interesting and sociable person in terms of education and the ability to beautifully state your thoughts, attract your feelings and deeds to yourself.

Now if you ever be labeled the energy of water elements, then imagine the raging ocean or a calm sea surface. Mentally or loudly say a secret spell, and the power of water will eliminate all the flaws, will attract what you want, protect against unnecessary problems and experiences.

Magic power of earthly element

Stand up, sit down or lie on a flat land. Put your palms onto her surface or feel its warmth and softness with barefoot feet. You can stay at home, then put a flower pot with a black loose land in front of you or a plate, on which you pusher salt. Imagine a magnificent earthly landscape, a field with fresh polaria, huge mountain ranges, valleys among these mountains, the beauty of the earth, the beauty of her meadows and forests. Also imagine deep caves and gloomy dungeons - the kingdom of the gnomes. Create in your imagination all that belongs to the earth. Feel that you are also part of the earthly nature, which gave you blood and body. Touch the ground or keep your hands over it. Mentally or aloud, say the appeal to the earthly element:

Sacred flesh of the earth

Dark dungeon keeper,

Vladyka Mountains and Valley, become a support for me.

Give me the goal and the desire

Stability, strength and recovery.

Give me the power and power to conquer the uncompressed

And execute unfulfilled.

Feel how terrestrial currents are passed. Feel like the power of the Earth, its vitality, hardness and fertility becomes your strength.

Earth element is responsible for action, behavior and act. Of course, all the material aspects of life respond to the names of this element. And what could be more material than money? The ability to extract them and earn, find them the right approach and loyal ways to use them, be more agile and lucky - earthly elements are responsible for all these qualities and opportunities. Any business affairs do not cost without the participation of the forces of the Earth.

Probably, you met people to which earthly elements are especially located. These people seem to be anything special and do not, but various material benefits and wealth fall into their share. Other people are constantly in debt and unnecessary spending. And even if the money comes to them, they are not able to keep them. In many respects, wine or merit for it falls on the astral forces of the Earth. Any imbalance and violation in the Earth Energy of a person can cause its material drawback. But by correcting such a state of affairs, you will probably change your situation for the better.

The energy of the Earth is especially valuable for therapeutic practice, physical healing and recovery, to protect against coarse energy impacts, for carnal love and increasing instinctive sexual implies. Under the auspices of earthly elements, such qualities and abilities, as reliability, stability, taste and ability to understand fashion, architecture, history and agriculture. Element of land is responsible for fertility. Its harmonious development will bring health as you and your child.

Magic power of fiery element

Light a candle. Keep your hands as close to her flame. Close your eyes. Listen to yourself. Feel like the fire you are close, how close to your nature is his strength. The fire always lived in you, unconsciously attended each of your actions and act. Now in the form of a flame candle for you must be represented all types of fire. First of all, remember a huge sun, consisting of a raging plasma, next to which everything has the form and quality of fire and cannot exist in a different state. The power and energy of the Sun are so great that, even having passed the huge path of the cosmic vacuum, the sunbeam is able to bear the heat and the life of everything alive on our land.

Imagine a clear sunny day, scorching sun, hot dry air, stoolness and dryness. Mentally fill in these sensations your room. Imagine that you yourself become plasma and that all the forms and types of fire are inherent. And this is not only your physical sensations. This is part of your soul, its condition and energy. Feel all the growing presence of new secret forces next to you and inside you. And when you feel that peak comes, the culmination of these inner sensations, say, directing your words to the fiery element:

Sacred eternal flame,

Creation of heat and light,

Spark of life, brilliant and bright,

Lit the way of truth

Be a faithful companion of my quest.

Give me the power and power to conquer the uncompressed

And execute unfulfilled.

Imagine how your hands are transmitted by the power of fire.

Take the candle in the hands and, without having a look from her flame, imagine the life situations and circumstances where the power of fire could be useful to you. First of all, these are those cases in which all your most stronger emotions should appear, situations associated with love, passion, anger and hatred, where the ability to influence other people, to give orders and steadily follow their personal goal. Sports, any competition, career, struggle - all that implies professional success is under the auspices of this fiery element.

Fire magic will help you and in cases where you need to resist harmful influences, have reliable protection From physical and astral attacks, keep health, strength and success.

Magic Aerial Power

Go outside at a time when the storm starts, the wind rises when all the air element prepares a serious test of someone who will not be afraid to resist her rapid movement. Stand up to the wind, inhale with full breasts. Feel like all his power becomes your strength. Feel that you have the power to manage this element.

If you stay at home, turn on the fan or only your imagination. Close your eyes and imagine air movement, first lightweight, barely tangible breeze. Next, its power begins to grow, develop. Gradually, it acquires the shape of a gust, hidden power capable of everything to crush in its path. Then you notice that all hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoon and storms ended up in the closed space of your room. But despite their power and power, for you they do not bear troubles and dangers. On the contrary, they seem to you in the form of a single creative force, in whose authorities is the development and solution of issues, movement and connection of time and space. They say quite loud, so that your words were consonant with the gusts of the wind:

Wind Lord,

The rulers of the endless sky

Guardian heights, be me cover.

Give me flexibility and penetration, thought and insight.

Give me the power and power to conquer the uncompressed

And execute unfulfilled.

Feel like your words conquer a storm, send wind in the direction you need and make you part of the mighty element. Imagine that it can be useful for you and necessary in the image of the air element. Basically, the element of air personifies the thought, thinking, intelligence and new knowledge. This element is responsible for the presence in our spiritual, astral Plan those qualities that are necessary for all the cases of the intellectual plan. Memory and training, the development of intuitive thinking, the ability to various sciences and all types of art, creativity, dexterity, trick, analytical mind and hobbies - all this is included in the competence of the air element. That is, where your intelligence is able to attract attention to you or lead the situation to the permit you need, the use of air element energy is most efficient.

Space and Planetary Energy

The energy and influence of the planets close to Earth just as the influence of the four elements of nature are used in different types of magic. It is not by chance that all these planets wear the names of the Olympic and Italian gods, which patronize various fields of human activity. So, Venus - the planet and the goddess of love, and the appeal to her charming secrets gives you this beautiful feeling. Planet Moon and Goddess Selena - Queen of fragile night beauty and female influence on the earth's world, and this influence is especially important to us today. Jupiter - Planet Majesty. Saturn is responsible for time. Sun - for the beauty and vitality. Mercury is the God of Trade and Entrepreneurship. Mars - God of war and confrontation. The most important influences on all areas of human activity are the moon and the sun. The energy of these shining feeds your personal forces and quality, and without only any witchcraft activity, but life itself is impossible without this energy.

Magic power of the Sun.

At noon, when the sun is right above your head, stand up in the place where its influence will not be reduced by any shadow. Divide your hands on the sides and close your eyes. Substitute a face and palm under warm sunlight and say:

About the shining sun, the rule of all heaven,

Give me your greatness, your strength and power,

So that I could conquer the uncompressed

And execute unfulfilled.

Imagine that with each you breathe your skin absorbs heat and energy of the sun. When you exhale air, you must feel how the heat you purchased diverges throughout the body and becomes your own energy and strength. Feel the heat of the sun on their palms. Start slowly cut your arms ahead in front of yourself and in the end to fold their cross in the chest. If you feel that the energy of the Sun is especially needed in your work, then spend a similar ritual three times a day - at dawn, at noon and at sunset.

The sun is inherently male planet, so the man should make a greater emphasis on the restoration of solar energy. For female sorcerer, the influence of the night shone is more necessary. But still it is just the general rules. The main thing is that all the energies and forces you perceive are equally sufficient and harmonious. All this will be determined by personal practice. Therefore, only starting your first witchcraft experience, use generally accepted rules, and in the future determine their own energy sympathies.

Waste power of the Moon

On the night of the full moon, when the moon is particularly clearly visible, find such a place where no one could prevent your secret action. Stand so that you are completely lit by the charming moonlight. Stay in clothes or choose nakedness. Direct your view and plenty to the moon:

About the mistress of the night sky

Queen of the Star Night,

Goddess of Light and Love!

Give me witchcraft and power

Which you possess you to turn simple

Things in actions, actions - in the events,

And events - in reality.

Light your soul will turn out

Your body will be filled with my body,

Your acts will be marked by your acts.

May it be so!

Feel like the light of the moon becomes your personal luminescence. Every breath should add a new feeling, every breath is to bring. new power, and exhale to make this power your personal advantage.

If you do not have the opportunity to spend such a ritual, then use the property of water that can absorb well and transfer the witch lunar fluids. To do this, fill the crystal vessel with pure spring water and leave it all night in such a place where it would be well lit by moonlight. When will the morning come, remove water soaked water in a dark place and use it for taking a bath. Just pour your lunar elixir in already filled ordinary water Bath. And then, entering this enchanted water, imagine how the lunar energy belonging to her becomes your personal witchcraft strength.

If you feel a great need for moon energy, then spend the ritual-related rituals more often. Make them only on the growing moon if your witchcraft is aimed at creating. Communication with the moon in its dark days leave for representatives of "black art".

The moon is the main planet of female magic, so its patronage is indispensable for the practitioner of the wizard art of a woman. But as already noted, all types and forms of energy should be used for witchcraft. The Sun Grant Men's Witchcraft will give a woman the promptness and the opportunity to overcome serious obstacles, and the female power of the moon will add you flexibility in the fact that it is impossible to solve direct and fast methods.

The patronage of higher power

We are very infrequent in our everyday life we \u200b\u200bhave the presence of the forces that we refer to the manifestations of the Higher Divine Mind. For someone, a visit to the church temple is a touch towards the secret of eternal life, for someone communication with nature in its natural form is approaching the truth. In any case, the choice is yours, decide that it gives you the strength to exist in this world.

Turning to the power of an endless space, go out to the street at the very midnight, stand up to the east, lift your hands up and expand the palm to the center of the universe. Pay your internal and external eyes to the star sky. Feel all the importance and intact of the upcoming moment. Now you are between the two worlds, beyond the time, outside the reality, where, there are death and birth, infinity and eternity. At this moment you are as close as possible to nature and to its secrets that the highest mind commands. It is for him that your words and thoughts should be sent:

I'm standing east.

I ask about the patronage.

Endless wisdom of the endless universe,

He whose voice is heard in the night

Filling it with light and hope,

He who stands on top of the world

Manages life and death

Ordinary people and heavenly shining

About the great deity of all deities

I pray for you and I ask

Direct and protect your slave (your name)

From the forces of evil and challenge, give me strength and mind,

So that I could conquer the uncompressed,

And execute unfulfilled.

You must feel the answer of the higher forces, feel the breath of space - the energy movement, hear the words of support and approval. Now, so that you do and so that your main support and patrons should be the highest forces of nature.

Make this ritual when you decide that it has come for it, or use the general rules that define the night from Thursday to Friday the best time for this witchcraft.

It is not necessary to reproduce all words given here exactly. You can and should designate with your own definitions to designate the spatial and spiritual measurements to which your prayers are addressed. Only then, when the common words and phrases are followed by your Witchcraft Will, sincere desire and desire to change everyday reality, only then the witch transformation in real life occurs.