Money Tree Care Signs. Signs and superstitions associated with the money tree

Flower Tolstanka in the people called cash tree. It is believed that this indoor plant attracts money and retains financial stability. With this plant associated with a lot of acceptance and superstitions, thanks to which you can learn a lot about the future of your wallet and what energy is present in the house.

Signals about the money tree

  • Money tree requires unusual care. In addition to the watering and processing of leaves and the soil you need to talk to it. According to accept, if every Wednesday report the money tree about its incomes and expenses, then the crack will help to implement all the plans and protects from unforeseen spending.
  • Fall leaves on money tree - Bad sign. This means that in your house there is a bad energy. In this case, it is recommended to transfer the flower to another place. Also fallen leaves of money can mean that very soon you are waiting for large spending. The tree drops its leaves to financial losses.
  • Properties of money treesvery varied. It not only attracts money, but "treats" the space around you. Take a look at thick and juicy leaves of money tree - they exude life and energy.

  • It's believed that money tree from coins (souvenir) has the same force Like a lively fat man. That's just so that such a flower "worked", it also needs to water or wipe it with water coins.
  • So that the monetary tree at home has taken place, you need to bury three coins in its roots. So the flower will be more magnificent, and the wallet is harder.
  • Replancing a money tree Just need! As it is growth, it is necessary to provide this plant to this plant for a referee. In a close pot, the flower will wake, and with it you will also be invested.
  • If you hang on the money tree of billsIt is important to know that they periodically need to be removed and spent, and they hang new bills in their place. So you can run your cycle of money in your home, which will allow you to spend quickly, and quickly get.

Do not forget that money tree is a kind of indicator of your financial situation.. So if something is wrong with your green assistant - take all measures to rescue it, then there will be peace and wealth in the house. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

25.02.2015 09:20

Money is an important component of a person's life. But often all of us have to deal with material difficulties. Find out what talismans ...

Money talismans made by their own hands will never lose relevance. The thing is that manufacturing ...

I bought this vase in the same month, which put a small amount into the bank for a cumulative account. The deposit of Ros, and with him I grew up and Crasus (she is a fat man, it is the same money tree). A few years later, on my windowsill, a genle was a full-fledged church height of 55 cm.

But it was necessary to happen that as soon as I took the money from the bank to patch out an unscheduled hole in the family budget, the Vazan suddenly began to crumble. The leaves flew to the windowsill during the day and night ... And if I did not believe in the superstition, relating to this plant, now I understood - they are true!

If the plant began a sudden leaffall, this suggests that there is a bad energy in your house. For a start, try to rearrange the pot with a vasion to another window sill, in another room - maybe there is a better energy control.

In general, Esoteric Krasul really likes. They believe that its thick leaves emit positive energy, "healing" the space around him. That is, if the tree is sick, then the negative in the house or room is so strong that even it does not cope.

And if the distress is high and branched, that is, the maximum strong, you need to think if you do not live in constant quarrels and scandals. After all, if even the Vazon is sick of this, what can be said about children!

In addition, in most cases, the fallen leaves of Crassus warn you about future financial losses. Especially about the spent they say not green, but silver leaves.

Some people say: fallen leaves need to be considered. How many pieces were, your income will fall on so much percent.

And if the tree died at all

It's bad: to be bankrupt to you. But this interpretation is possible only if you have been careful about Tolstanka for a long time. In this case, the tree fully connected with your energy and can predict the future.

If the plant was bought a month or two ago, his death speaks only one thing: it simply did not fit in your home (and maybe you did not fully understand with the rules for succulents).

Important! Digging the deceased tree, do not forget to remove the coins buried near the roots, otherwise, along with them you "throw out" and your income.

But while there is an opportunity, try to treat a patient plant. Maybe you will also get it to go out - along with the tree you will improve your financial future.

About diseases from which the lot suffers, as well as their treatment, will tell this video:

Sometimes the fat man "sluggish", bending under his own weight. This sign says: your income does not run into, but their flow will become less.

Dropped? Did it break down at the same time? If yes, it is to spends or loss of income.

Well, and if someone poured a tree, but it was not injured, it means everything is fine! Your income will grow. Not even so - they take off!

However, if the tree remains as a whole, and the pot of cracked or the Earth has been poured out, the growth of income will be associated with the advent of trouble.

Other Signals associated with money tree

  • The flower needs every week (on Wednesdays) to report on their expenditures and income. You need to speak alone with a vasion. This will help protect against unplanned spending and achieve the desired one.
  • So that the tree does not hurt, and your profits have multiplied, near the roots of Tolstanky, scream exactly three coins. But do not forget: money is the source of many microbes and bacteria, which even the plants are afraid. Therefore, before the procedure, we rinse the coins with soap well, and even better - drop them into a cup with boiling water. In addition, the plant can be tied with a red ribbon. But from time to time, check it - the trunk is growing, and the ribbon should not go into it.
  • To make money, on the tree branches you need to hang bills of large nominal. But they should not become just a silent decoration of the house. From time to time, remove them and waste them, and put new ones in their place.
  • Did you pretext to Crassoulu? Which one? If the sprout, it is to profit, but it "draws" only in the distant future, and to get it, you do not need to sit idle. If a gift is a large and well-kept tree, ladies (and considerable) you will get soon. Well, and if you have noticed a patient with a patient (on the leaf leaves, the pests are crawling, the pests), if possible, do not take it. Such a present will pull a lot of money problems.
  • Someone sevenched the twig of your tree: This man, most likely, just fell victim to the superstition "stolen cutlets easier to fit." True, along with a cutlets he will bring home and part of your well-being. So it is better not to put a pot with a tree where guests are sitting.
  • What tree will be the strongest monetary magnet? Preditally grown from a leaflet that you are sick. In order not to "outraget" friends, it is better to re-jeep off this leaf in a "state-owned house." For example, in the hospital corridor - such plants can often be found. However, the signs do not prohibit and buy Crassus.
  • Throwing a healthy Tolstanka - bad sign. It is better to give her friends or for "three pennies" to sell on the Internet. True, if you raised a tree for the sake of a monetary magnet, it is not worth selling it. But to give people who you want well-being (grandmother, parents, children).

All positive qualities of a living plant carries both artificial vase (say, a beads of beads, coins or plastic).

True, so that she "worked," it is necessary to treat it as a living flower - occasionally water or at least wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. This, by the way, not quite meaningless occupation - allow dust to gather on your plant unequivocally worth it.

Crasus bloomed - it's good

If you have been growing to Tolstyanka for a long time, you know that this plant is far from all.

Have you ever seen white flowers on your colts? I sincerely congratulate: the string of wealth and happiness comes in your life! Use it competently - do not waste money on nonsense and definitely do not take loans, hoping that such income will have many years.

It is better to buy something expensive, but "long-playing", or put a certain amount on the deposit - you will have a small passive income (interest from the contribution), and the "financial pillow" for the future.

Dollar Tree - Another Green Money Magnet

In this case, we are talking immediately about two types of vases.

Zamiculkas Zamiel is a plant, the people referred to as a dollar tree. It often grows economists, bankers and accountants. It is also believed that if Zamokulkas is not growing in the bank, then this is not such a good bank.

People believe that this plant helps multiply income.

In addition, some magicians advise: if you dream to say goodbye to poverty and get rich, you should decorate the interior of your house with a dollar tree, creating it my own from the present currency. At first it can be "slender", but you will not stop, every month adding new pieces into the crown of the tree, that is, leaves.

The trunk of such a decor is made from any girlfriend (out of competition - golden wire).

If there is no money at all, instead of real banknotes, you can use fakes - for example, purchased dollars (they are sold as bookmarks), or just paper with a drawn dollar sign that can be made personally.

Having exhausted paper on the tree, sentenced: "grow, trees, money to money, let my income will give me freedom."

Let's summarize ...

  • Money tree - the indicator of your wealth. If it is great, your income is normal. If it crepts, you do not avail spending. Well, if it dies, you will have to seriously tighten the belt.
  • In order for the village to become a magnet for money, throw three coins near the roots and / or impose a twig (trunk) with a red ribbon.
  • If live vases in your house do not take root, make an artificial money tree - from beads, coins or real dollars.
  • "Colleague on the workshop" of Tolstanka is considered a plant Zamiculkas - the so-called dollar tree. It also gives the income of its host.

Do you want your fastest to grow healthy and lush and never sat down? Behind the tree needs to be careful. How to do it, will teach this girl. Proof of what she knows how to manage with Crassus, serves her well-kept, flowering plant:

The mysterious plant, the birthplace of which is hot Africa, in our areas the sonorous "name", known to almost everyone. The money tree will fit literally in any interior, create an atmosphere of comfort and security in the dwelling. And even according to the signs, this plant is a powerful natural talisman, some of them are very honored in a special way and even emphasize the sacred value. Why is it not only possible, but also need to keep in the house? What folk signs about a monetary tree exist in our time? Is it possible to attract wealth and happiness to the house with the help of a magic tree? To get comprehensive answers to these questions, you will have to thoroughly understand the topic.

What is this flower?

The tree of happiness and love, monkey or money tree in the people called Tolstanka Ordinary (one of the types of Crasus). The history of this succulent has more than one and a half thousand years. The plant is still very popular due to external attractiveness, unpretentiousness and of course incredible magical properties.

According to the legends, the merchants of the Middle East are called Crassus - the leaves of the round shape resemble silver dinars (coins)

Tolstanka is also magnifying jade or greedyite plant, because these minerals have long been identified with wealth, eternal youth and beauty, power and greatness.

Fengshui specialists argue that the fastest harmonizes the atmosphere in the room and clears the energy of space. That is why the plant can be placed in offices and at home. Moreover, it will become an effective family talisman, the main thing is the right departure and regular communication with the room flower.

Signs and superstitions about the money tree in the house

According to popular beliefs, healthy and beautiful fat man, planted and grown with their own hands, will become a guarantor of financial well-being and good luck in affairs. Signs are allowed to give a plant on birthdays and other significant events. However, it is not recommended to acquire a money tree in stores, because the proof of his own tree will bring much benefits.

It is believed that the fat man fills the house with positive energy, and his tenants give a purposefulness and inspiration. It will take advantage of the healing power of the money tree, allegedly it can take a parable - a tree begins to wake during a person's illness, and when the patient is recovered, the plant also comes back to normal.

The money tree will be the optimal choice for air element representatives. Gemini, weights and water bodies, the fat man will help get rid of their main negative character traits - "I want everything immediately and right now," in other words, the tree will teach persistence and patience. And also the plant will suit those personalities that are constantly in a hurry somewhere, rushes from one unfinished case to another, take rapid decisions.

There is a bad superstition about the plant: under any circumstances should not take a diseased tree as a gift - thus the enemy and envious wish to harm the owners of the house.

Acquire a money tree correctly - wisdom in beliefs

It happens that the tree does not bring the expected results. If for skeptics this is another reason for a malicious "I spoke!", Then superstitious people are very upset and try to identify the essence of the problem. As a rule, the natural talisman refuses to "work" only when it was not purchased there, they were not so planted and when there is no proper care for him.

Do not confuse Tolstanka with a dollar tree

In order for the money tree to attract well-being, it should be grown independently. If you decide to purchase a plant in a flower shop, it is forbidden to buy an adult Tolstanka. But the little sprout will definitely bring financial success to its owner.

The most effective way to purchase a money tree is theft of sprout. Even better when it is possible to imperceptibly pick up the leaf of an adult tree growing in a rich house. If for one reason or another you can not steal the sprout, ask him in exchange for a couple of coins or banknotes of small nominal.

How to plant and care where to put - Fengshui secrets

What to do with the acquired or presented sprout? It is important to properly root and place Tolstanka so that it helps its owners.

Does your colt fat and juicy leaves? It is wonderful - on the signs of money will be accurate

  • Fengshui specialists recommend landing a bedroom flower into a good pot or red shades. If your vessel is of another color, it can be reapged with a bright red ribbon or pour into paints with paints of scarlet tones. Red color symbolizes a powerful financial flow and enhances the magic properties of the money tree.
  • Before placing the process into the prepared container with the earth, distribute a small amount of coins at the bottom of the pot. This magical admission will allow you to recharge the rapid plating with money energy.
  • Do not neglect timely transplantation of the flower as needed. The only one - florists do not advise to disturb Tolstanka in the winter, watering should also be reduced (not more than 1 time per month). And the Earth should be changed to the maximum once a year.
  • Succulent plants do not need daily watering, nonetheless in the warm season and offseason, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the flower. The best time for watering are those days of the weeks that have the greatest energy activity. Specialists are recommended to water the money tree on Wednesdays.
  • In addition, it is necessary to periodically wipe or spray the leaves of Tolstanka, at the same time recounting them. It is believed that the accumulations of dust weaken the action of the plant, damping its necessary energy.
  • Be sure to communicate with your natural talisman. Take the flower cherished desires, report on the shopping performed, thank for the help. The main thing is to avoid negative statements regarding financial losses, anxiety and fears about money.

A good place for a favorite village is a windowsill on the southeast side (be sure to protect the flower from drafts and cold). Or try to choose such a place that is not deprived by daylight and fresh air (however, you can not allow direct sunlight on the flower leaves). Otherwise, the fat man will begin to blur and lose the leaves. The appropriate option is to put a tree next to the aquarium. And the most unsuccessful idea is the placement of the flower near the electrical appliances used. Household appliances will interrupt the incoming flow of financial energy and, as a result, the so-called monetary succulent will not be able to work in full force.

Why you can not start two money trees

Two money in one house - not good

Does your house have some Tolstiants? Consider the flowers must be at least in different rooms, but it is best to make one. The whole salt is that two or more vegetable talismans living under one roof can have a negative impact on the monetary situation of their owners. Trees will compete, selecting energy from each other, instead of attracting prosperity and good luck.

What can and what you shouldn't do with a flower

There will be a lot to take about Tolstanka, because people sincerely believe in the magical properties of the magic tree. A pledge of financial stability and happiness is a competent appeal with this unique flower. Is it possible to give or throw away the plant and what to do if it died? Answers to exciting questions reached us through the beliefs of our great-grandparents.

By the way, the talisman in the form of a money tree, made with their own hands, will contribute to financial well-being

If the flower model is so-so, you can start a talisman in the form of a money tree. .

How to cut and what to do if one of the twigs broke

Superstitions insist: watering by third-party persons is possible, though undesirable, but it is permitted to crop cash from its owner solely. "Communication" of money talisman with foreign people is nothing more proper. Even worse, if someone else's lacquer damage the sprig of the plant. Signs are predicted by the hosts of the house unpleasant events, a series of failures and deterioration of the material situation. And if the branch doubted the owner of the flower, then the belief promises him a leak of finance.

Why you can not just throw away the deceased flower

Suverval ultimately do not advise throwing an adult tree, even if it died. After all, the plant was in your home for a long time, it was supplied by the energy of the house and shared natural strength, brought prosperity and success. Therefore, to exhibit from the house with a tree-haired tree - a terrain blasphemy. In addition, the correct ways of farewell to the dead talisman are known.

  1. According to the signs destroyed by Tolstanky's disease, it is possible to simply bury in the ground somewhere in nature, in the field or in the forest.
  2. And the other belief offers to leave a tree in the stairwell or outside near the house. The main thing is to say goodbye to your talisman, express your gratitude and respect. If there are live processes on the tree, be sure to cut them down and plant them in a new land (it is desirable that the pot is also new). Probably, you will be able to explode "offspring."

Meanwhile, the tradition of farewell is relevant only for those who grow the flower themselves. If you purchased a tree in the store and it is supremely worse - throw away boldly, nothing terrible will happen.

Can I sell or give

It should not sell grown Tolstanka, even if you have good reasons to abandon the plant's care. But signs do not forbid you to give your church to close people and a good acquaintance you wish good and happiness. On the contrary, it is believed that in this way you are doing a truly sincere and valuable present, which sulmines the new owner of prosperity and harmony in the house.

A tree from coins or natural minerals will also bring financial success. The main thing is to regularly make it "leaves" with water or completely water

In addition, they do not advise to get rid of moneyflower children. It is better to dry the shoots and put them in the ground, but a little later to transplant to a new pot. Moreover, it turns out that you will become the owner of a wonderful present for a good friend or a close relative, because the signs are not advised to give purchased.

The people believe that the money tree can bring wealth and happiness in the love of newlyweds: the pot is decorated with a red ribbon or a bow, and a bill or coins are fixed to the branches.

If drops leaves

Does your Tolstanka begin with a leaf fall? This is a bad superstition, indicating the predominance of negative energy indoors. Try to transfer the pot to another place so that it fill the space with a fresh stream of positive energy. Did not help and leaves still fall apart? So, the owners of the house or office inhabitants have soil for serious reflection.

Even worse if the plant threw too much foliage. Since a long time, the people have noticed that the tree loses the leaves before financial losses or unforeseen spending.

The worst sign - the tree is dying

If you grown to the crack gets straight in front of your eyes, then global accuracy difficulties are expected. It is recommended to make all possible efforts to reanimate the flower. Otherwise, the main position of the owners will deteriorate sharply, it will be extremely difficult to restore the budget.

If a person is withering, the money trees just do not take enough money - this is a direct indication of material instability and mental imbalance

And if an adult plant has already brought into the house and it has quickly rotted or dried up, then the signs report the following: the hosts of the dwelling are not ready for the rapid growth of income.

The money tree fell - what is it?

This superstition has several interpretations associated with the incident details.

  • For example, if the village in the pot fell from the shelf or the windowsill, but did not break the pot and the pot remained, then this is a good omen. Such a sign promises budget strengthening and a peaceful life for a long time.
  • If the plant fell, but only a pot suffered, - beware of the enemies and enviousings, they have exactly.
  • A broken fat man, no matter how regrettable, foreshadows the loss of financial stability and well-being. That is why the flower should be put in a reliable and safe place.

Such superstitions and such a superstition: if the monetary tree trunk was tilted - soon the owner will overtake a series of monetary care.

And the lush krona has your beloved Tolstanka - a sign of financial stability and gradual budget growth

Fasting bloomed - what the signs say

Like any succulent plant, the fastest blooms infrequently. But if the money tree decided to please you with floweries - it's time to make a cherished desire. According to the signs, everything will certainly come true. The flowering process is a very good omen, which is a promiscuous flow of funds from unexpected sources.

Meanwhile, all the desires should be a material nature.

Rituals to attract wealth

There are ordinary household rites with a Tolstanka of ordinary to help attract well-being and good luck.

The followers of magical exercises claim: to plant a money tree only on the growing phase of the Moon, because at any other time you will not be able to correctly charge your natural talisman. If the weather is cloudless, the plant exhibit under the moonlight overnight. A suitable day for landing - Wednesday, and the optimal time of day of course the night (after midnight).

It is important to sincerely believe in what you do. This applies to any actions, rituals, conspiracies. Even the most insignificant doubt on your part can cause the full absence of the expected effect. After all, any talisman, including plant origin, acquires strength in the process of sacred interaction with its owner.

A common conspiracy when painting Tolstyanka should be read at first irrigation immediately after landing, and it is also recommended to regularly repeat this rite. The plant is placed by the window in the southeastern part of the room, and then read three times a quiet, calm voice: "To grow you, and in richness to bloom!". The tree must be stroked three times and return to the previous place.

Activation of Tolstanka Fengshui

Fengshui specialists remind: any talisman needs to be careful, proper care, regular energy feeding. Otherwise, the church will remain the usual means of home gardening.

Non-good tricks of Eastern teachings have long been helping to achieve wealth and harmony

  1. One of the most common ways to activate the money tree - "settle" a figurine of a small dragon between the branches of the plant. Red and gold shades will be a good solution. It is believed that the dragon will strengthen the energy of Tolstanka and contributes to the influx of finance.
  2. Another little trick: put a small figure of owls on one of the branches of the village. Wise feather creation will be a financial order, as well as trace the economical approach to the budget.
  3. In addition, it is recommended to put three lamp of red shades right at the base of the tree. It is done to strengthen the energy of the natural talisman.

Money tree is one of the most popular talismans that help attract wealth. Surely such a living talisman has many: a houseplant with fleshy leaves, something resembling coins. It is a fat man, or the christmas tree, as it is also called.

However, contrary to popular belief, it is absolutely not necessary to buy a real Tolstanka. To increase your income, you can also make a money tree with your own hands. Today we will talk about how to properly use both options for amulet so that the house has money, how to activate it and care for it.

Where did the tree appear to attract money

The history of money has begun more than one and a half thousand years ago. The plant itself is from Africa, but very quickly known in the East. It was the merchants of the Middle East who called the Crassus with money, because her leaflets are so similar to coins.

In Europe, Tolstanka began to apply to attract money only in the XVII century. It is connected with the introduction of a plant into horticultural reference books. The further spread of Crasus among the broad masses contributed to its magical property to attract wealth.

Money tree: Signs and superstitions

With this money talisman is connected very much. A person who knows about all these folk wisdoms, at first glance, will be able to understand which problems predicts the talisman and take measures to eliminate them in a timely manner.

Signs to pay attention to:

  • The plant falls out of the leaves or his barrel began to fade. It is likely that unplanned spending will be foreseen.
  • Crasus fell from his usual place. No misfortunes such an incident will succe. The fall and broken pot say that the material well-being of the family will be the best. But this can lead to the appearance of envious, so be careful.
  • Female blooms. Definitely, this is a good sign. The appearance of colors suggests that Tolstanka is good in your home, which means that she will soon thank you for the manifested care.

Carefully monitor these signs. But do not forget that it is not necessary to wait at all until the plant blooms. Strengthen the positive energy distributed by the Crassula, it is possible and independently.

What is needed for this:

  • Each Wednesday tell the tree about your financial achievements and spending. This will help avoid purchases that you will regret.
  • Decorate the branches of large denominations. Covers need from time to time to replace - the money circulation will be launched.
  • Transplant to Tolstanka from a smaller pot to a bigger when she grew out of the old pot. It is believed that this action helps expand the space necessary for new money.

Is it possible to keep Tolstanka at home

So that the money tree brought wealth and prosperity - it needs to be planted independently.

He heard about such an unusual talisman for the first time, many are interested, whether the money tree can keep at home. Feng Shui experts claim that it is not easy, but you need! The coin tree should be in every home whose inhabitants want to become rich.

Those who live in the apartment should not worry about the insufficient number of free space. Indeed, for residential premises, the decorative format of this plant is used - oval or egg-shaped Crasus, due to the thick barrel in the peoples called Tolstanka.

Its height does not exceed one and a half meters. So, you are with a calm soul can post a pot with a tree in any room, without fear that it will turn into an impassable forest.

Experts claim that this cash amulet cannot be bought. So that he does not lose the property to attract money, you need to take sprouts from familiar or relatives and grow the tree yourself.

Where should the money tree

Each talisman has its own characteristics and must be taken into account by buying one or another amulet. Almost each of them is placed in the zone specifically allotted for this - just as he can attract positive vibrations, passing them to their owners.

But with a monetary tree Fen-Shui is all somewhat more difficult. It is understandable, because it is a living talisman that requires much more care and attention than the usual statuette.

So that the money tree "Fruit", contain it in the right conditions.

The crack is not too capricious, but it requires care and suitable conditions:

  • The ideal temperature for wood-talisman is 20-25 °.
  • Crasusla not only does not like high temperatures and dryness, but also direct sunlight. Therefore, it can only be put on the windowsill if it is not a sunny side.
  • The tree needs fresh air, humidity and absence of dust, but at the same time it is afraid of drafts and sharp temperature differences, so it is undesirable to put it below the table level. Regularly ventilate the room, and in the warm season, additionally spray the topiary with water from the spray.

These simple tips will help find a good place in a house for money. This, where he will be comfortable and cozy. But Feng Shui teaching has its own rule as to where to put the talisman.

How to put a talisman on Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the monetary tree must be put in a special zone. She is in the south-east. According to the grid of Bagua, it is in this sector that the richness zone is located - the most suitable place for Topiaria. But the most optimal option is when it turns out to combine the rules for the departure of the tree and the order of Fen-Shuya.

To find the richness zone in Bagua, determine where the northern direction is located, and then place a sheet with a printed or drawn polygon so that the career sector is in the north. If the monetary zone is in a very inappropriate place for it, change the approach - instead of the entire apartment plan, use a separate room plan.

The money tree is a talisman for the whole family, so it is better to put it in the common room, and not in the bedroom or in the nursery.

How to plant a money tree to attract money

Skills acquired in the breeding of indoor plants, of course, will be useful for landing money. But since this tree is also a faithful from poverty, his owner must remember both the talismic rules.

How to plant money on Feng Shui:

  • Pay attention to the pot. Ideally, it should be red or green. Red will help activate the amulet and serve as a magnet for cash flow, and green in a hairdry shui is considered to be the color of wealth, so the currency tree is perfect.
  • Take the Crassoulus to a new, more spacious pot when the old has become clogged. On this score there is a superstition that, if the village is little place in the pot, it will not be able to bring new money to the house of its owners, which is why their income will gradually decrease.
  • To quickly attract money, before falling down the pot of the earth, put a handful of coins of different dignity on the bottom.

When landing Tolstanka, choose a spacious pot of red or green colors.

According to Feng Shui to activate the talismans, you do not need to read any conspiracy. It is enough to place them in the appropriate Bagua sector and reinforce with a certain color or energy. For example, on the red ribbon is observed, and splashes with water.

But some experts believe that a reasonable combination of traditional orders of Feng Shui and beliefs from other teachings or religions cannot lead to something bad. Therefore, if you also think that the conspiracy for money will help get rich faster, try to talk to the topiary.

To do this, use the following plot:

Talisman, talisman, bring me money, bring so much to live without worries a whole year.

You can also take this plot:

Grow, money tree, grow, big and wide, flowers and money lead to our home stream.

Can I give a money tree

Tolstanka is allowed to grow not only for themselves, but also for close-seems or friends. Crasusla will become an excellent gift for the wedding and a birthday, bringing a lot of joy to its owners.

But for this, one condition should be performed - the talisman is not purchased, but its arms grown. That is, you will have to borrow from someone sprout and grow a full-fledged tree from it. It is not necessary to wait for many years. Without doubt, give a young church. In this case, the amulet will serve as a source of small but stable income.

If you are planning a wedding gift, also pay attention to or. Both talismans are wonderful gifts for newlyweds.

If the money tree gives you, it is better not to take it if the plant looks sick. A similar gift signals that a person envies your financial condition and wants you to be broken.

Is it possible to throw a thickness

Everyone who acquired the Crassus, sooner or later faces the question - is it possible to throw a money tree. Particularly impressionable personality is so afraid and superstitions are so afraid that they refuse to throw out chambers when they were in disrepair, motivating that happiness will be happy from the house.

But the broken talisman either will not bring the expected benefits. The best thing you can do in a similar situation is to get rid of amulet to prevent the proliferation of negative energy throughout the house.

But how to understand whether to say goodbye to Tolstanka or still have the opportunity to reanimate it? Specific instructions on this experts do not give, so it remains to act at their discretion. When the tree fell ill, try to cure it. Find more detailed guidelines for the care of this plant or talk to familiar gardeners.

If the Crasus is seen that it will not stand for a long time, then you have several options for action:

  • fully get rid of the plant;
  • leave yourself sprouts to grow a new tree;
  • pass another person (but it is better not to do for the reasons given in the previous paragraph).

In no case do not throw out the money tree in the trash can or on the landfill. With talismans do not appeal so. If there is no desire to hand over the plant or leave a sprout, just jump to the ground to the ground away from home.

How to make a talisman tree wealth independently

The Chinese tree for money is not necessarily grown on their own. It is clear that such a process will take a lot of time and time, and these resources are far from each. But, fortunately, there is an alternative version - production of amulets with your own hands.

Mascot Money Tree for wealth can be made from various materials, such as beads.

An artificial decorative tree has a weighty advantage over a lively plant - it never starts. And if you suddenly break, throw out it will not be so sorry.

What are cash talismans:

  • bead tree;
  • a fastener of wire and coins or paper banknotes;
  • mint painting.

We offer you to take advantage of our master classes to make yourself such a talisman!

Money tree from coins with their own hands

Production of money trees is not such a difficult thing as it could see.

To make an amulet of coins, you will need:

  • foam;
  • scotch;
  • coins of different sizes;
  • adhesive for durable materials;
  • branch or small metal wand;
  • golden tape;
  • golden beads;
  • yellow rhinestones;
  • small flower pot;
  • decorative gold leafs;
  • alabaster;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • gold acrylic paint in the form of an aerosol.

There are a lot of materials in the list, but despite this, Topiary from coins is done very quickly. Literally in an hour.

Topiary from coins will serve as an original gift.

And now the master class itself:

  1. Skate the ball 8-10 cm from the foam rubber in diameter, completely covering its surface with scotch. This will help consolidate the shape of the ball.
  2. Taking advantage of glue, attach the coins to the surface of the ball. Start from the top, falling down in a circle. The round shape of the coin will not allow the folding of them a one-piece picture, not leaving the gaps. Therefore, apply coins so that the edge of one intercepted on the bar.
  3. Do not apply the last coin from the bottom of the ball, leave a small space. In this place, you must pierce the ball and insert a wand or wire there.
  4. The end of the sticks are delayed with glue, and then insert it into the hole of the ball.
  5. Will wrap the future money tree trunk with a gold ribbon, hacked with glue stick. After that, the remaining space can be sealing with coins through which the color of the ball is searched.
  6. Stick to the trunk decorative leaves, decorated with them as beads and rhinestones.
  7. Now you prepare the pot. Cover it with paint and decorate leaves.
  8. Mixing the alabaster and sand with water, pour all this good in the pot and insert the stem. When the ground will freeze, cover it with paint.
  9. We will deal with a "collar" from the tapes. Cut the uniform pieces of tape and fold the droplets from them. Apply them to the coins in the trunk, fastening them with glue. Make a collar in a circle.
  10. 10) The last stage is the coverage of all this beauty varnish so that you can wipe the mascot from dust.

Money tree from bills do it yourself

When making money, use real cash bills, and not souvenirs.

In the manufacture of money, you can use other techniques. It is more difficult, however, gives a more authentic result. In this version, Krone Tree is made not from the ball, but from the real branches. They are covered with varnish, and at the edges, as if fruits, shut real banknotes.

It is undesirable to use small bills, because then the talisman will attract only small amounts. It is also not worth replacing real money on souvenir, otherwise it will not be possible to activate cash energy and launch a circulation of money.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the interesting options for making money from bills.

Cash Christmas tree

The process of creating a New Year tree from real paper money is quite simple and die even small handicrafts. The money tree will serve as an original gift for loved ones and friends.

For the manufacture of Christmas tree, you will need a cone from foam, small bucket for indoor plants and, of course, cherished banknotes.

  1. Paper bills fold the harmonica.
  2. The center of the harmonica is fixed by the invisible hair. It turns out a kind of butterfly.
  3. We raise the wings of our monetary butterfly.
  4. It remains to fix the paper moth on the tree trunk, the insane invisibility in the green cone.
  5. Create a lush Christmas tree from cash bills. The top of the green beauty decorate the star.

Tree from cash bills

The algorithm for creating such a cash trees is also very simple and will cope with it absolutely each.

For the manufacture of wood from paper money, you will need:

  • little vase;
  • wooden wand for trunk;
  • foam ball;
  • children's polymer clay.

  1. We ride a bowl on a wooden wand;
  2. Poland at half fill with polymer clay;
  3. We form a bow of money banknotes;
  4. Using hair heel, crepaim a bow on a foam ball;
  5. In the same way, we do with the rest of the bills, forming a tree with lush "foliage".

Barrel decorate a decorative ribbon.

Panel money tree

If you have no place to put a decorative topiary, try to make a picture of coins. The manufacture of such a talisman will take much less time, and there is always a place for it. And in order not to drill a hole in the wall, just put the miniature panel on the table or bookshelf.

Materials for the painting:

  • frame for painting (A4);
  • paper embossed for background;
  • adhesive for durable materials;
  • pearl Gold Color Acrylic Paint (aerosol);
  • pearl acrylic paint of the cherry shade;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • fixing varnish (transparent);
  • coins of different size
  • oilcloth;
  • twine.

Paper color can be any, but better if it is to be harmonized with a gold tone, which you cover the coin. If the desired shade is not, take the one that is, and cover it with a suitable color using acrylic paint.

Check if all the materials you took and set to a positive way. During the manufacture of amulet, it is important to think about good for him to charge your mood.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First of all, you need to paint materials. Estate the loaf, laying on it coins, pebbles and a beam of thread of the desired length and thickness. The threads will have to cover paint from all sides, but the coins are enough to paint from one side.
  2. While the details of the future panel will dry, you can do the background. Pull out the base from the frame and stick to it paper prepared for the background. Cross all the folds, and then put a huge book on top so that the paper is sticking uniformly.
  3. If you are not going to paint the background, feel free to skip this stage. If you failed to find the paper, take the paint of suitable color and paint the background. With a golden shade of money, a silver or cherry tone will look good.
  4. When all materials are dried, you can glue them to the background. Spread threads in such a way that the crown look evenly like. At the ends of the branches ride coins.
  5. Now we wait again until everything gets up, and then cover the picture with colorless varnish. The fixation step is not worth missing, because without additional protective coverage, the picture can be spoiled when the dust is wiping with a damp cloth.
  6. Fully ready-made panels decorated into the frame and put in the richness zone.

Before placing a cash amulet in the south-eastern zone, activate it. Talk to Talisman, asking for good income or read the corresponding plot.

Money tree, or fat man, known to the wide masses of people. With a dollar tree, a huge amount of acceptance and superstitions are associated. It is believed that the money tree brings prosperity and financial well-being to the house.

Money Tree

Botanical name - Crassula ARBORESCENS. The plant has a thick trunk (which is called "Tolstanka") and round thickened leaves resembling coins (because of which they call "money tree").

The fastest is easy to care, does not require high costs and special knowledge. What she needs is a moderate watering (once in 1 - 2 weeks), feeding with mineral fertilizers (once a month) and loosening. It should be noted that the root system at the Crasus is superficial, it is easy to damage it when loosening and transplant.

Properties of money trees

The money tree has therapeutic properties.

The composition of this plant contains arsenic - the use of Tolstyanka inside is categorically contraindicated.

From the leaves make Cashitz and apply on the wound. Thus treat corns, abrasions, bruises, bruises and stretching, healing wounds.

There are folk recipes for the preparation of infusions and braveractions from the branches of the money tree, they treat varicose veins, gout, arthritis. But it should always be remembered that plant juice contains a poisonous arsenic, treatment with this plant should always be coordinated with doctors. Although, with all this, the money tree can heal the space around, highlighting phytoncides into the atmosphere.

Is it possible to keep a monetary tree at home? Signs

Tolstanka content is braided by folk signs. We will figure out the apartments:
  1. If you decide to purchase Crasus in the store, choose a young little flower. He must grow in the house, soaking with its energy. Then finances will be attracted to your home. When buying an adult plant, how beautiful it would not be, its energy is already tuned to the store (or greenhouse, depending on where it was raised). Your home such a plant will not bring benefits.
  2. It is even better to take leaflets or processes in a wealthy family, or unnoticed to break it in rich buildings, whose work is associated with money. It can be a successful shopping center, business center, bank. Choose the processes with air roots. So the plant will be easier to take root. If you tear off the leaflet, it should be small. The smaller the size of the leaf, the more it will bring wealth to your home.
  3. The flower pot must be red, green, golden colors. It will help make money in your home.
  4. You need to trust Tolstanka on a growing moon. It is said that you need to perplex at night during the lunar light. It charges the money tree with the necessary energy, sets it up for attracting wealth.
  5. During the planting of the sprout or transplant of an adult plant, you need to read a plot three times: " Money comes, money grow, money road in my pocket will find».
  6. At the bottom of the pot lay or three, or eight coins, it is necessary that the number of "5" present in the nominal coin. It is even better to put a piece of gold, for example, a broken chain.
  7. The correct energy brings only a tree with a smooth, beautiful crown. So that your fastener has not grown one-sided, it needs to be twisted from time to time, alternating all sides to the sunlight.
  8. With each receipt of finances, you need to put a coin in your house in the pot, this is a gratitude to the money tree for his work.
  9. It also follows every Wednesday to tell the tree about their luck.
  10. On the twigs you can bind several bills, and these bills need to be used, and in return to tie new, fresh. It is impossible to use non-secrecy bills and souvenir coins. Only the real day attract financial streams.
  11. Also tied on twig red threads or ribbon will be removed your home from financial losses.
  12. The pot with a thickness is located on the south-east window. According to the science of Feng Shui, this is the sector of the house responsible for wealth, good luck and well-being.
  13. It is impossible to place Tolstanka next to cactus and other barbed plants (for example, we rush). Spikes and spines protect the house from alien energy, protect against strangers. In the neighborhood with the money tree, cacti will suppress the plant's energy.
  14. Electromagnetic fields from operating instruments suppress Tolstanka, which can lead to material difficulties.
  15. The dried and fallen leaves are not thrown away. They are folded into a special rag bag, create a kind of talisman. The bag is kept next to money and savings. One leaflet can be put in the wallet.
  16. Well interpreted and dreams about the money tree. We put a tree - you will be waiting for an ambulance profit, just a beautiful money tree - everything you do in the financial side of your life is right.
  17. Feed the leaves - wait for problems and spending. The plant dried or rotted - you are waiting for large cash losses, collapse.
  18. If you put a souvenir in the apartment, for example, a monetary tree from beads so that he "earned" him like a living tree.
  19. A good sign is the bloom of Crasus. Promises sudden great wealth.

Tolstanka bloom occurs extremely rare. It is believed that if at this time to make a desire, it will surely come true.

The following activities are held to stimulate flowering:
  • Correct selection of space. More sunlight, with artificial blossom lighting, you can not wait.
  • Moderate watering. The crack is succulent, i.e. Plant, accumulating moisture. Excess moisture will lead to reinforcement.
  • Do not forget about feeding. You can use fertilizers for cacti.
  • Transplanting Tolstanka to a new pot, slightly larger. In general, the money tree does not like frequent transfers.
  • The soil should be loose, better to add sand.
  • Very good, the Crassus grows in the fresh air. As soon as the threat of frosts - take a plant on the balcony. You can even leave for the whole summer.
  • Treat the soil and plant from pests. Remove dried and sick leaves.

Is it possible to throw a money tree. Signs

It is believed that throwing a tree, the money will come from your home. But sometimes it is impossible to do without it.

If the recently purchased Crassus suddenly began to die - boldly throw away. This plant did not come up with the energy of your home. No benefit of this plant will not bring you, even after recovery.

All plants once break their time, begin to fade, drop leaves and dry out. Money tree is no exception. If this is your case, then do this.

Find young leaflets and shoots at the dying plant and put them again.

If the plant died not from old age, it is better to throw out without regret. Often the dying money tree promises financial collapse, ruin.

There are situations in life when you need to get rid of unnecessary things. For example, during the move. But here you have to be careful. Just throw away or put out on the street, you can find other people. Do not regret the time and land your tree somewhere in the park or forest. Then your energy will go into nature.

When parting with a plant in your fault, talk to him, ask for forgiveness for this act.

Is it possible to give a money tree. Signs

Give a Tolstanka is not considered a bad admission.

It may be an original gift, for example, newlyweds. The barrel obliges a red ribbon, large bills are fixed on the crown - in fact, the main gift. You can with a light heart to give money to native and close people. In this case, cash flows will not leave you to the side.

The magnitude of the money tree can tell a lot.

  • Little tree - your finances will grow with him.
  • Big tree - wait for improved well-being in the house.
  • Sick tree - loss, waste.
  • A dying tree is very large troubles associated with loss of money. If he managed to return to life - everything will be fine with you.
It is impossible to expect that only one presence of a money tree in the house will relieve you from a lack of money. The better care for the money tree - the more return. Only a healthy, beautiful, large plant brings wealth and well-being to the house.