What is the height from the floor to the hanging TV. At what height to hang the TV in the bedroom: doing it right


Having bought a plasma, LCD, LCD or LED, and even with a large diagonal, it is advisable to choose the right distance from the floor to the TV on the wall. This is done so that the eye is in a calm state and the mucous membrane of the eye does not dry out, and therefore it is necessary to place the TV at the same level with the pupil.

Most men have a habit of relaxing on the couch in the living room after dinner and watching TV. The fair sex usually watches TV while cooking in the kitchen, or after dinner with the family. Children tend to enjoy watching cartoons while playing on the floor in the nursery. And in the evenings, adults watch movies in the bedroom before going to bed.

Then how to determine the distance from the floor to the TV, if every person in the family watches their favorite films or programs from different angles and in different rooms?

In order for the distance from the floor to the TV on the wall to be the most optimal from the side of health and convenience, all possibilities of placing the TV in different rooms should be considered.


In the bedroom, viewing should be comfortable from the bed and naturally watching TV in this room, you will most likely be in a lying position.

In order to correctly choose the distance from the floor to the TV, you must do the following:

  1. lie on the bed;
  2. take a comfortable position, relax;
  3. close eyes;
  4. open after a few minutes;
  5. the point where the gaze rests will become the location of the device.

In addition, you should consider the height sleeping place, the presence of other furniture in the room and the size of the plasma panel.

Ideally, the TV should be at a viewing angle of no more than 30 degrees.

The best thing is to purchase and install a bracket on the wall, which will become an assistant in adjusting the tilt of the TV by changing its position. After all, viewing the LCD is planned in a prone position, and the device will be 30 degrees higher, so the image will be better seen at the same tilt. And the cost of such a holder is low.

Adjustable TV bracket


The space in the kitchen is limited, so it may not always work out to install the TV in the place you like. This means that you will have to define it in another free part of the kitchen so that it does not get in the way, and it follows that its size should be small, for example, like Samsung UE22H5600AK

A little visual focus. People in the kitchen are usually engaged in cooking or eating, while watching television programs is done with half an eye, and television is mainly listened to.

In this regard, the distance from the floor to the TV is not so critical, but it is more important to place it away from cooking and dishes. If there is no place to place it below, then the installation of the device is best done on maximum level 175 centimeters from the floor. This is simply due to the fact that you do not turn your head up too much.

Living room

When mounted on a wall, the place where the TV is installed should be comfortable enough while watching TV programs and films for the whole family, since it is in this room that they often spend their free time. For determining best place to install a TV, it is necessary to bring the whole family together and make a decision together, and it is also important to consider the distance to the TV.

The device can be mounted according to the recommended height of 135 centimeters. But it's best to take care of the health and comfort of the whole family.

This requires:

  • Take measurements of the seating places in the room and stop at the seat that has average parameters;
  • Choose a family member with an average height and ask to sit on a prepared chair;
  • Use the special instructions for choosing the best location for the TV, which was used when installing plasma in the bedroom.

Also, do not forget that with a large living room, the device should be installed at a short distance from the floor.

At what height from the floor to install the LCD disappears by itself, if you already have a wall for a TV or a stand, and if not, then you can take care in advance and pick it up with the desired height.

TV wall

TV table


For optimal installation of the TV, it is necessary to take into account both the wishes of the family and the recommendations of medical workers. It is best to install the TV so that its middle is at the level of 1.35 meters from the floor. However, nevertheless, the distance from the floor to the TV set is selected individually, at the request of the person. Comfortable spot can be found using the instructions, and the safety rules should be known.

It would seem, what is difficult in choosing a place for a TV? But it turns out that this is a whole science. Figuratively speaking, in order to determine the height of the TV, you will have to solve the equation based on a number of indicators:

  • the height of the furniture;
  • room area;
  • dimensions of the device;
  • the growth of the viewer and his dislocation while watching programs.

At what height should the TV be hung in different rooms

Many people often ask themselves the question, at what level should the TV hang? More and more families are finding that it is not enough to have one TV set. Someone cannot share the “blue screen” because of different preferences, while someone wants to be able to watch their favorite programs in any room, without being distracted from business. Therefore, at what distance from the floor the TV is hung depends on the specifics of the room.

In the living room

The living room is the place where the family spends time together for heartfelt conversations and, of course, watching TV. Therefore, it is important that everyone is comfortable. Experiment to determine optimal height a family member of average height should carry out the mounting and positioning of the TV on the wall.

  1. Sit on the couch and assume a comfortable position while pretending to watch TV.
  2. Close your eyes and relax.
  3. After five to ten minutes, open your eyes and look at the wall where the screen is supposed to be.
  4. Mark the point at which your gaze fell with a pencil.
  5. The same algorithm must be done, sequentially occupying all the "seats" in the living room (armchairs, chairs, etc.).
  6. Connect a set of dots to get something like geometric shape, and find its center.
  7. The center point should correspond to the center of the screen.

As practice shows, the central point of the screen in the living room rises 70-175 cm from the floor. The most common indicator is 150 cm.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is a place to relax. Doctors are categorically against the presence of a TV in front of the bed. But if you enjoy watching sports at night or watching movies before bed, it's important to properly hang your TV on the wall. A technique similar to the previous one will help to determine the optimal place. The only difference is that you will be lying down, taking a comfortable position on the bed, to determine the point of the future center of the screen.

The height of the TV set in the children's room should be at least 150 cm. This is necessary in order to restrict the baby's access to the device.

On the kitchen

Each housewife has her own source of inspiration in the kitchen. Someone likes to cook in silence, someone likes to listen to music, and someone prefers to accompany the cooking by watching TV series or shows. In any case, attention is focused precisely on working with food, and the hostesses only glance at the screen. Therefore, there are no strict requirements for the installation height.

As a rule, kitchens in apartments are small, and therefore a place for a TV is allocated on a leftover basis. Usually the technique is set quite high, which causes the image to darken. A movable bracket that tilts the screen may solve the problem.

When choosing a location for your TV in the kitchen, keep it away from the stove, microwave oven, other heat-emitting appliances, or water sources. This neighborhood significantly reduces its service life.

Safe distance

The perception of the picture, as well as the visual sensation, depend not only on the comfortable height, but also on the distance from the screen. Sometimes, when choosing a modern widescreen TV, buyers do not take into account that the size of the room does not allow maintaining the optimal distance from the viewer to the TV. The table will tell you what parameters to focus on.

Table - Dependence of the viewing distance on the diagonal of the screen

Screen diagonal in inchesScreen diagonal in centimetersOptimal distance for LCD panel in metersOptimal plasma display distance in meters
73 185 3,7-5,6 5,6-7,4
65 165 3,3-5,0 5,0-6,6
57 145 2,9-4,4 4,4-5,8
50 127 2,5-3,8 3,8-5,1
46 117 2,3-3,5 3,5-4,7
42 107 2,1-3,2 3,2-4,3
37 81 1,9-2,4 2,4-3,2

If the screen big size will be too close to the viewer, vision will not be able to cover the entire picture, and pixels will also be noticeable. In addition, it is fraught with eye strain and drying out of the mucous membrane.

There are many subtleties of how best to hang the TV without harm to health. There are seven guidelines to consider when choosing a place for your screen.

  1. Features of the wall. It is not always possible to hang the TV set. For example, a wall mounted from drywall sheets, will not support the weight of a massive plasma panel.
  2. Windows and light sources. This will cause glare to form. If it is impossible to find a better place for the screen, take care of blackout curtains.
  3. Additional manipulations. When determining the height of the TV, keep in mind that you must have direct access to the device for troubleshooting, connecting cables or flash cards.
  4. Precautionary measures. Having determined the optimal attachment point for the bracket, you should make sure that there is no electrical wiring... This can be done using a special detector (electrostatic, electromagnetic or combined).
  5. Restrictions. TVs should not be placed near heating devices as well as in cramped niches. There should be at least 20 cm of free space on each side.
  6. Personal comfort. When watching TV for an extended period of time, you should not tilt or lower your head. This is too much stress on the cervical vertebrae.
  7. Mobility. You can watch TV in the bedroom both lying down and sitting. Respectively, comfortable height the TV on the wall for vision is changing. Therefore, you will need an adjustable bracket that will allow you to change the position of the screen.

During installation, it is important to pay attention not only to comfort, but also to safety. It is necessary to hide the wires as much as possible to limit the access of children and pets.

Does it make a difference at what height to hang the TV? Definitely. The viewer's gaze should be directed directly to the center of the screen or to its upper third. This will provide a good image quality and minimize the strain on the neck. It is difficult to determine the optimal position if you are a mobile person or family members of different heights. In this case, be guided by the experience of doctors, who consider 135 cm to be the optimal height from the floor to the center of the screen.

The design of a bedroom with a TV on the wall is gaining more and more popularity in modern interior... This became possible with the advent of plasma and liquid crystal television panels.
In this case, a flat TV receiver acts as a wall decoration, and its installation allows you to make the presence of modern technology in retro or classic interior where it looks like a painting. How to properly arrange a TV in the bedroom with your own hands is invited to learn from this article.

According to the recommendations of doctors and psychologists, it is allowed to watch TV only for a strictly limited period of time, and for this there should be a special place, for example, in the living room, in the home cinema, but not in the kitchen-dining room, and what is even more harmful in the bedroom.
This explanation, of course, is:

  • Sitting behind dining table or being in bed, for a long time "sticks" to the TV receiver, which is harmful to the preservation of vision and brain.
  • Watching TV, like reading, is not recommended while lying down.

In the bedroom, you need to rest and relax. And the sound and flickering of the TV screen make the rest absolutely incomplete.

  • The presence of a TV in the bedroom can cause persistent insomnia.

Tip: Before planning a TV in a bedroom, you need to think: is it really necessary here? If you have trouble sleeping and relaxing quickly, it is best to skip the TV in the bedroom.

  • it is undesirable to place the TV. In a compact room for sleeping, you need to use as little technology as possible, an increase in the number of electrical appliances worsens the microclimate in the room, which is especially noticeable in small rooms.
    Here it is already difficult to arrange everything you need. And by by and large TV is not a necessity, which, moreover, will "eat" valuable centimeters.

Basic rules for installing a TV

Tip: Wall mounting a TV that weighs more than 25 kg should be done by two people to avoid unexpected falling of the equipment.

The operating instructions for TVs that are produced by manufacturers indicate that only a qualified specialist should hang the TV, with an illiterate wall mounting TV it can get dangerous.

Tip: Anyone who has the skills to work with a drill and can do everything neatly himself should not be afraid of installation if the TV is not too bulky.

  • Before you hang your flat panel TV on the wall, you need to make sure that the structure can support its weight.
  • The cables are connected after hanging the TV on the wall.
  • Do not install the device in closed space, the air must circulate freely, passing through all its openings for ventilation.
  • When hanging the TV on a movable bracket, you need to make sure that the wire for its power will not be pulled when turning the device, which may cause a spark and fire.

How to choose a TV

After the person has decided how to place the TV in the bedroom, you can start choosing the model of the product. Currently, the most popular are plasma TV receivers, LCD, LED, OLED, in which organic materials are used to build a matrix.
Some want to have a small screen and modest characteristics of the device on the wall, others prefer huge screens, their price is an order of magnitude higher, which not everyone can afford.
There are some guidelines on how to choose a TV for your bedroom.
It should be borne in mind:

  • Diagonal of the product. Its size depends on the distance between the TV and the place from which it is supposed to be watched. With increasing distance, the screen should be selected more.
  • The technical side. These include:
  1. the ability to connect cable TV;
  2. game console;
  3. watching DVD;
  4. is the media player built-in;
  5. the presence of the interface.

At what height should the TV be located

The height at which you need to place the TV depends on the viewing position. So, when watching programs while sitting, it must be placed low enough.
There is a simple rule: a third of the top of the TV screen should be located just opposite the eyes of the person who is watching the device while sitting.

Tip: To choose the best place, you need to sit in bed or in an armchair, close your eyes and relax for a few seconds. Then the eyes open and it is necessary to glance at the opposite wall, imagine that there is a picture pleasing to the eye.
The point where the gaze is directed is remembered. This should be the top third or center of the TV screen. A high-positioned TV screen, when viewed while sitting, has a harmful effect on vision and the spine.

When viewing the device lying on the bed (see), the TV on the wall in the bedroom should be hung much higher, and even better, tilted towards the bed. You can use a bracket for attaching the unit, which has the ability to change the angle of inclination and turn.

It is permissible to mount the TV on the ceiling in the bedroom when watching it while lying down.

How to beautifully place a TV in the bedroom

The TV area in the bedroom can become one of the main highlights of the interior. As a rule, the TV wall is accent, it stands out from the whole space, which makes the interior more effective.
To create an accent TV wall, you can:

  • Paste the plot with wallpaper contrasting with the main finish, cover with a stone, execute decorative plaster, sheathe with wooden dies, glue photowall-paper.
  • The section of the wall where the TV will be placed can be framed with strips or moldings. It all depends on the style of the interior in the bedroom.
  • A section of the wall, for the device, can be omitted in a classic or minimalist bedroom. Here, it is permissible to simply hang the device panel on an empty wall.
  • Under the product hanging on the wall, it can stand dressing table or a bedside table. If the screen is high, you can place a whole chest of drawers under it.
  • A TV set, you can not hang it up, but install it on a curbstone. This option has its advantages. There is no need to hide the wires here and it is much easier to arrange an outlet.
  • Can be purchased with a TV, which will be very convenient.
  • In a large bedroom, a TV receiver hanging on the wall can be "built" into the rack, as shown in the photo.
  • The product "disguised" as a picture looks good. In this case, you just need to make a frame around the screen.
  • The TV receiver is built into the door of the wardrobe or hung directly on it. it practical solution to save space in a small room.

What options for placing TV receivers in the bedroom is well shown in the video in this article.

There are no dogmatic rules that determine at what height to hang a TV on the wall. There is helpful advice experts that every user should consider. This is the only way to choose the correct position for installing the TV.

Everyone is able to independently correctly calculate the height and determine the place to install the TV. There is nothing complicated about it. Take into account the specifics of the room, the diagonal of the TV screen, as well as other important factors, which will be discussed below.

The square of the room and the diagonal of the screen largely determine the location of the TV on the wall. Experts believe that the distance from the viewing area to the TV should be approximately 3 diagonals.

Before calculating the height, you need to choose a place to install the TV. In many ways, this aspect has an impact on the viewing comfort. To calculate the optimal point, you need to position yourself at the viewing location. Get into a comfortable position. When you are at the viewing point, it will automatically become clear on which of the walls the TV should be installed.

Experts constantly emphasize that best location- a straight line (from the center of the viewing area to the wall). As for the height of fixing the TV, it is calculated a little later. If you set up the LCD TV in this way, everyone at the viewing point can enjoy the movie, TV series or TV show without any convenience.

The size of an apartment or a house directly affects the choice of a place for TV installation. For example, if you have studio apartment, then the screen should be diagonally from the center of the sofa, chair or bed. This position avoids discomfort while watching. The screen will be visible from anywhere in the room.

Certain adjustments to the calculation process are made by the arrangement of furniture and interior items. It is possible that you will have to slightly change the position of the sofa or bed. When you have determined the best point for installing your TV, you can proceed to calculating the height.

There are two ways in which you can determine the height for the position of the TV screen. The first is based on the experience of regular users. It was the maximum comfort that was taken into account. The second approach to the calculation is based on the recommendations of doctors and equipment manufacturers.

Method one

First, you need to determine the height at which the elements of the bracket fastening system will be fixed. Take a comfortable position at your viewing point. Close your eyes for a few moments. Now open them, take a look at the wall in front of you. The area you are looking at is the center of the TV screen. The main bracket is fixed at this point.

If you preferred this option, you need to understand that such indicators as the distance from the viewing area to the TV device, the diagonal of the monitor are completely ignored. With a high degree of probability, we can say that your eyes will get tired while watching. Despite the simplicity this method, it is wiser to choose the second option.

Second way

This approach involves performing mathematical calculations. The recommendations of the doctors were taken into account. First, there must be a screen at eye level. If it is higher or lower, then the image is distorted. Second, the optimal distance from the viewing point of an LCD TV is the diagonal multiplied by 3. If it comes about plasma, then the display size is multiplied by 4.

When installing LED or 3D TV equipment, consider not only the diagonal, but also the screen resolution. 720p or 1080p? These parameters affect the image quality and, with it, the viewing comfort. The calculation of the mounting height of such devices is carried out according to the following principle:

  1. For 720p devices, the height of the mount will be 2.3 times the diagonal.
  2. For 1080p models, the mounting height is calculated by multiplying the diagonal by a factor of 1.6.

When determining the height, take into account the distance from the viewing point to the screen, as well as from the eyes to the device.

Optimal distance

Almost all ophthalmologists agree that the minimum distance from the eyes to the point where the TV device is located should be no less than the diagonal of the monitor multiplied by 2. This recommendation is more than justified, but the type of display and resolution are not taken into account. Therefore, according to this principle, the distance to old TV models is calculated.

The optimal values ​​for plasma and LCD TVs were mentioned earlier. By adhering to the recommendations, you will be able to successfully post on the TV wall.

Watching TV can be made comfortable and safe at the same time. Consider the following tips:

  1. The largest angle of deflection from the TV should not exceed the 30 ° mark.
  2. What is the distance from the floor to TV? Minimum height- 1 meter. Otherwise, there is a risk that the user will accidentally touch the device, causing it to fall.
  3. The sockets should be spaced 45 cm from the center bracket (this is maximum value, you can make a smaller gap).
  4. Consider the height of interior items, furniture. Since the screen can be above them. In this case, the minimum distance from the cabinet or the edge of the sofa should be 25 cm.
  5. It is advisable to use a bracket whose position can be adjusted. This allows you to correct the tilt angle of the TV while watching.
  6. When buying a bracket, make sure it will hold your TV. The priority option is a bracket designed specifically for your TV model.
  7. Over time, the bracket attachments may loosen. Therefore, at regular intervals, check whether the device is securely fixed.

Now you know what points to consider when hanging the TV on the wall.

Here is a table that clearly demonstrates how the distance changes depending on the diagonal of the screen.

If the TV screen with a large diagonal is too close to the viewing point, then the viewer will not be able to capture the entire image. Pixels will be visible. This will strain the eyes, which negatively affects human health. Headaches are not excluded.

Types of fasteners

Not sure how to do it right? Start by examining the available fasteners. Mostly users buy three types of brackets:

  • with rigid fixation;

  • with a vertical slope;

  • multifunctional.

The easiest way to properly hang the TV is using the universal bracket. This is the most convenient and expensive type. Rigid and inclined fasteners are mounted only by those users who are sure that in the near future there will be no rearrangement of decor items, furniture. Let's consider each type of bracket, highlight its strengths and weaknesses.

Rigid mounts require little clearance for the TV vents. This is a gap of only a few centimeters. The device will be secured "tightly". The user does not have the option to change the viewing angle in the future.

Tilt mounts are purchased for installing the TV on the wall in the bedroom. After mounting, you will be able to adjust the vertical position of the screen. This is very useful when viewing from different angles. For example, during the day from a sofa or an armchair, and in the evening from a bed. Leave a distance of 10 centimeters between the wall on which the device will hang and the back panel.

Universal moveable brackets are an expensive but practical solution. The name speaks for itself. You can hang a TV in your living room or bedroom. The user will be able to set the angle of inclination, as well as adjust it, if such a need arises. The screen can be rotated left and right to increase the viewing experience.

If the TV is mounted using a universal bracket, there is no need to save money: the presence of an impressive number of movable modules requires the appropriate quality of bolts and metal. The weight of the device exerts constant pressure on the structure. Therefore, saving in this case is an inappropriate decision.

What is the best mount for hanging the TV in the corner? Any bracket is suitable for such a task, but the universal one will be the priority choice.

TV height in different rooms

To relax comfortably while watching movies or TV shows, you need to take into account the height of the room. The value will change depending on which part of the house or apartment is being discussed.

The height of the TV set in the kitchen is of the least importance, since it is listened to rather than watched during the cooking process. Mostly TV in such rooms is located above the optimal level. This is for convenience. It is less likely that the user will hook on the TV, causing it to fall. This measure will not negatively impact your viewing experience.

Installing TV in other rooms also has its own specifics. It is about her that will now be discussed.

In the living room

Here you receive your guests, as well as organize festive feasts. Mostly everyone spends most of their free time in the gym. It is important to correctly select the most suitable height. This allows you to watch your favorite shows from different points.

There are no exact rules for determining the most suitable location and height for your TV. We talked about this at the very beginning. However, there are generally accepted guidelines that need to be followed. The ideal point in the middle of the TV screen is considered to be the distance from the floor - 70-175 centimeters. Mostly the height at which the TV is located is 1.2-1.4 meters.

What factors need to be considered in order to calculate the most suitable height to place the device? Most important points:

  • from what point the viewing will most often be carried out;
  • TV screen diagonal;
  • average height of family members.

Watching TV directly from your couch? Then you can hang the device slightly below the recommended level. Users who prefer to view from the table should hang the device higher.

  1. Do not throw your head back while watching TV. This position causes additional stress on the cervical vertebrae.
  2. The distance from the screen to the eyes is calculated according to the diagonal of the TV device. For example, if the TV screen is 100 centimeters, then the viewer should take a seat in the range of 200-400 centimeters. This takes into account the type of TV screen, the square of the room.

Remember, the center of the TV display will be in front of your eyes in an optimal layout.

Watch out for the negative effects of TV on vision. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. In the process of viewing, the cervical vertebrae are involved. Do not overload them. Therefore, take note of the recommendations of the doctors.

Many users place TV in special niches with which furniture is equipped. This is not an entirely correct approach, since the height may be higher or lower than necessary. It's very hard to find a balance. Not all sofas have standard height... As a result, additional difficulties arise. You also need to take your own growth into account.

Check the comfort level for yourself. If during the viewing process you feel uncomfortable or notice image distortions, then it is better to change the position of the TV device according to the tips discussed earlier.

In the bedroom

How high should the TV be placed in the bedroom? Answer so difficult question only a few can. As in the previously described situation, the placement of the TV is influenced by the arrangement and dimensions of the furniture. Optimal solution- hang the equipment on the wall, placing it perpendicular to the viewing area. This will make watching TV in the bedroom as comfortable as possible. You will be able to lie or sit on the bed. Your location won't play a key role.

However, some users also hang the TV at a height parallel to the bed. The center of the screen should be located opposite your eyes. When it comes to seated viewing.

Note that the LCD screen will need to be bent about 30 degrees. This is the only way to achieve maximum convenience... Monitors created using this technology differ from analogs in that if you look at the screen at an angle, the contrast is lost, the picture becomes too dark. All this together will make viewing very inconvenient. Tilt for the LCD TV - the ability to create a direct view in different positions: lying, sitting and half-sitting.

Prefer adjustable brackets if you intend to hang your LCD TV. Such mounts will allow in the future to change the angle of inclination of the TV screen, turn the TV to the left or right. The presence of a universal bracket allows you to adjust the position of the screen, change the angle of inclination according to the position of the viewer.

TFT LCD screens have a wide viewing angle, but they are too sensitive to vertical deflection. Too low a position will noticeably increase the contrast, the picture will become unnecessarily dark. If you place the TV too high, the picture will be very bright.

On the kitchen

Partly about the features of the placement have already been discussed earlier. Now we will consider specific recommendations, after studying which, it will become clear at what height to hang the device. The optimal TV placement point is determined in accordance with the location working area and squared kitchen.

For example, small kitchens are designed to accommodate only 1-2 people. In such rooms, TV equipment is turned on for the background. Medium-sized kitchens are distinguished by a free dining area, where you can arrange comfortable chairs, a sofa, and a table. Therefore, you can fully delve into the cinema, TV show, TV series.

There are three optimal points for placing a TV device:

  • on a nightstand;
  • over the refrigerator;
  • on the wall.

If you choose the latter option, then keep in mind that the TV screen should be at a level of one and a half meters from the floor. Some users put the TV directly on top of the refrigerator. Is this a valid option? Yes, but there is certain subtleties... First of all, there may be problems with signal reception.

  • in no case should you hang the TV next to the kitchen household appliances or sink;
  • the center of the TV screen should be located opposite the eyes, in the event that you are standing (touches small kitchens when the owners turn on the TV to listen to music channels);
  • if the kitchen is large, and it is equipped with a dining area, then the TV should be in front of your eyes, provided that you are sitting;
  • the rays of the sun become a catalyst for glare, they light up the screen. Such nuances must be taken into account, therefore, buy textile curtains of maximum density.

Be sure to take your opinion into account. You cannot choose the location of the TV based solely on useful recommendations. Adjust the height according to the main viewing point. In addition, there are such individual characteristics as growth, having a significant impact on the viewing experience.

In the nursery

How to put a TV in a children's room? Consider the age and height of the child. It is recommended to install the TV so that during active games the child did not accidentally touch the device. If the equipment is placed too low, it can cause injury to the child.

V general outline There are a few tips for placing LCD TVs in any living space. Everything primarily depends on how large the room's space is, as well as on the parameters of the TV itself.

  1. The height of the TV should be comfortable - it is best to install it at the level of vision in a seated position.
  2. Try not to exceed two diagonals of the TV from the viewing position to the point where the device is placed.
  3. There is no need to place the TV directly on the table. This place can be unstable, which is unsafe for both equipment and family members (especially kids).
  4. Arrange a place for a TV in advance, for example, attach a shelf with the appropriate dimensions, make sure that the device fits securely in it.
  5. Speaking of the kitchen space, you can use special niches or brackets. This principle of placement is especially relevant for small rooms.
  6. Do not install the TV receiver directly above hob or near heaters. They will significantly reduce the lifespan of your TV.
  7. For the best viewing angle, choose a location so that the sun's rays do not fall on the screen - ideally, use a pendant swivel bracket with which you can correct the direction of the TV.

New models of plasma TVs do not distort the image at any angle of rotation of the panel. Nevertheless, it is unacceptable to look at the screen from the side, so immediately install the device so that it is comfortable to view it from any place provided in the room for such a purpose.

At what height should the TV be hung on the wall in different rooms

It is necessary to calculate the installation location of the TV only after preliminary calculation of the viewing area. It is also worth paying attention to how much time you plan to spend at the device.

Optimal height for a TV in the living room

Guests are always welcome in the living room, and most family members or friends will watch TV from different angles at the same time. This is where the problem arises with the choice of the optimal height. First of all, it is worth calculating the average height of all people who often stay in your house, and the dimensions of the room and the plasma panel itself will also be useful to us.

Our experts have determined such standards using the example of a TV with a diagonal of 100 cm:

  • comfortable viewing from the sofa, because of writing desk or armchairs. You should sit comfortably in each of these zones in turn and find a point on the wall where it is convenient to look. In this case, turns or tilts of the head are not allowed. Any discomfort you feel indicates that the LCD TV is not hung correctly;
  • the optimal distance for such a TV diagonal should be 2-3 m. Moreover, this indicator should not have even an insignificant error;
  • Place the TV receiver in the bedside table niche in the living room only after making sure that it meets all relevant standards. Most pedestals are not suitable for correct installation of the device for harmless viewing;
  • if you tilt your head back or, conversely, look down from the viewing position, the position of the device must be changed, otherwise this will create an extra load on the cervical spine.


It is allowed to place the TV on the floor if the living room has a low furniture- sofas, inflatable chairs or bag ottomans. But even in this case, it is often necessary to use stands-stands.

Please note that the distance of the midpoint of the TV screen to the floor in rooms with average dimensions should be at least 70 and no more than 175 cm, usually about 1.4 m.

At what height should the TV be hung in the bedroom

To be completely honest, the TV in the bedroom is not always appropriate, or rather, it is not needed at all, because this room is intended for relaxation and healthy sleep... Especially for those who cannot get used to these rules and still place a TV receiver in the bedroom, we recommend that you read some tips.

  1. As a rule, in the bedroom, the TV is viewed most often lying or half-sitting, and in order to comfortably set up TV for regular viewing and forget about poor eyesight, you need to install the device perpendicular to the bed. However, it is always best to be able to adjust the tilt and swivel angle. Here special brackets come to the rescue.
  2. The angle of inclination of the TV relative to the wall, if the user is lying on the pillow, should be 30 °.
  3. If you have a TFT-matrix TV, it will distort the picture if it stands strictly vertically or, conversely, has an inappropriate angle. Therefore, always adjust the device to suit your personal comfort. A clear image is the key to healthy vision.

How to properly hang a TV on the wall in a children's room

The first thing you need to know to place a TV in a nursery is the height of the child. Toddlers are always very mobile, and programs will often be viewed from different angles.

When doing this, ensure maximum safety. It is important that children do not touch or overturn the appliance in any way. Accordingly, it must be fixed either higher or more reliably. It is important to remember the main rule: it is necessary to allocate a special area for watching TV, and to do it so that there is no strain on the eyes and spine.

At what height should the TV be hung in the kitchen

If the kitchen is spacious, then it provides for the location dining area where the sofa is installed. We choose a larger TV model for such rooms. For a kitchen with small dimensions, the receiver serves as a background and an additional accessory, and turns on for a short time.

However, in all cases, the TV should be installed at practically the same height for kitchens and dining rooms. Usually, in such rooms, a TV is placed in three zones: above the refrigerator, on the wall, on the bedside table. The installation of such a plan is allowed if the height from the floor to the middle of the screen is within 1.2-1.5 m.

How far is it better to stay from the screen when watching TV

The diagonals of all TVs are different, and the viewing area will also be different. The main rule here is that viewing should be carried out at a distance of two or three diagonals. But this is not the only rule: the distance from the area where the TV is located to the viewing area also changes depending on the type of screen resolution.

Watching TV in Full HD format: useful nuances

When setting up a room, it is best to start with the furniture, and then mark the place for the supposed placement of the TV. Based on this data, you can buy a TV of the required diagonal. If we talk about plasma with images in Full HD, it is worth noting the optimal viewing angle equal to 30 °.

4K or Ultra HD TV viewing distance

Updated 4K TVs are different high quality image and good matrix response. However, it also has its own standards for watching TV channels. For example, for consoles with a minimum diagonal (from 32 inches), you need to maintain a distance of up to two meters, and if you take a model with a diagonal of 95 inches, then you need to sit at a distance of 4 meters or more.

How to independently hang a TV on the wall, taking into account all standards

Now you no longer need to try to hang a bulky box on the wall, because TVs have evolved quickly, and today they are quite successfully mounted even without special skills. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main steps.

  1. Prepare your chosen location. Make markings for attaching the bracket, use a drill to drill the holes and anchor the bracket in them.
  2. Then fix the TV receiver on. It usually has special connectors for such fixation. Fix the TV well, set the optimal tilt angle and.
  3. It is better to perform this manipulation with an assistant: one determines the distance, the other corrects it and changes the position of the screen.

More detailed instructions for reliable installation, see the video below.

At what height to install the socket for the TV

In our case, the TV is mounted in a hinged way - using a bracket. Accordingly, the power outlet must be located directly behind the LCD panel. Approximate distance from bottom frame plasma TV for an outlet it should be at least 10-15 cm. In this case, it is better to place it so that the receiver does not come into contact with it, because this is fraught with fire.

It is better for such purposes to equip a special niche in the wall and complete it with a special filter and c. Remember that no wires should stick out from behind the shield.

We have covered all the important points regarding the placement of the TV in the rooms. for different purposes... Dear readers, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments. We wish you a successful installation.