Standard installation height of sockets. Installation height of sockets and switches from the floor

Agree that in our own home we get so used to the location of the light switches that we find them intuitively, without even looking. And there were such moments when you were looking for a switch at a party in the same place as in your apartment? These facts prove that the location of these irreplaceable items in the home during renovation must be chosen wisely so that their use is convenient for all family members.

In older houses, sockets and electrical switches were installed with standard offsets from the floor. Even now, in many apartments, they are also located at a height of 1.5-1.6 m. Many people, especially those already of a decent age, are so accustomed to such an arrangement of switches that they are unlikely to change their height even in a new apartment.

The desire to make home comfortable pushes people to experiment. Not so long ago, the dimmers during repairs began to be lowered much lower than one and a half meters. It is convenient for most people to turn on / off the light at a height of 80-90 cm from the floor. These dimensions are considered closer to European standards.

The height of the switch in the house is an individual decision of the owners. There are no clear rules, norms and restrictions. You can stay at standard values ​​or plan the layout for your individual needs.

It is important to take into account the characteristics of the family. For example, if you have small children, do not mount the switches too high. Surely, parents will very soon get tired of the constant requests of children to turn on / off the light. It is very convenient when children can cope with this task on their own, but in this situation, it is worth paying special attention to the choice of model and design, their safety of operation. Some parents, on the contrary, are calmer when everything related to electricity is out of the reach of children, including the outlet.

Where to place switches in an apartment and house

The location of the light switch is selected based on the definition of convenience. The generally accepted location is a place located immediately at the entrance to the room at a distance of about 10-15 cm from the door.

An exception is often a bathroom, a toilet. Here it is recommended to organize the inclusion of light outside the room also at a short distance from the door.

A few tips on how to choose the height for the switches

Despite the accepted standards, people tend to have a craving for individuality. If there are any non-standard solutions for installing switches, you should not immediately implement them, you need to think about everything well.

A few tips for making a decision.

  • Draw on the walls a plan for the location of the switches around the perimeter of the apartment. Mentally replay the scene of how the lights on and off will look like. You may find that it is best to move the switch to the other side of the door or lower it a little higher to avoid bending your arm.
  • Consider where the furniture will be located so that the light can be turned on unhindered.
  • You can ask friends and relatives if the height of the sockets at home is convenient for them. What would they like to remake, change. Take note of their responses and try not to repeat mistakes.
  • For safety reasons, do not install electrical structures near heat and water sources.
  • The most common height for installing the switch is at the level of the person's lowered hand.

It is definitely not worth lowering the switch too low to the floor so that you do not have to crouch when turning on the light. Also, do not lift it up to the ceiling so as not to stretch.

Which switches are more convenient to use and at what height to place them

By placing the switch at the level of the lowered hand of an adult, you will undoubtedly make turning on and off the light in the room convenient. In addition to the distance of the switch from the floor and its location in the apartment, it is important to choose a well-designed model. Modern switches are distinguished by a variety of models. Sometimes the installation height may depend on the model chosen.

Below is a table with some types of switches.

Variety (by control method) Installation height Dignity
Keyboards 1.Standard 1.5-1.6m

2. According to European standard 0.8-0.9 m

Easy to use and install, inexpensive
Sensory 1. Standard

2. At a distance of about 1 m from the floor surface

Aesthetic, comfortable, modern
With motion sensor 1. Wall mounted 2-2.5 m

2. Ceiling

Modern, comfortable, original
Acoustic 1. Standard

2. Any convenient height

Unusual, modern, comfortable use
Swivel same as keyboards Most often used to complement the interior in a retro style, practical, reliable, easy to install and use

Rocker switches are most common because they are familiar to people, convenient to use, and inexpensive. This model is perfect for positioning 0.8-0.9m above floor level, or for any other location.
Nowadays, switches with a motion sensor are becoming more and more popular. Such models exist not only for wall mounting. You can purchase a ceiling switch with a motion sensor, and there will be no questions at what height to install it.
For wall-mounted sensors, the optimum installation height is about 2-2.5 meters. In this case, the most convenient place for installing the sensor is in the corners of the rooms.
Touch switches are another new invention for controlling light in the home. In addition to ease of use, touch switches look very aesthetically pleasing in the interior. The installation height of such a device is chosen for reasons of not only convenience, but also visual comfort. As a rule, they do not try to hide this device from sight, since it is still considered a novelty and attracts interest.

Pushbutton switches came to us from the distant past, but quickly acquired their audience of buyers. The distance from the floor for them is chosen individually by the owners of the house.

Acoustic lighting control is gaining interest, but is not yet very common in conventional living spaces. The location depends on the design and quality of the product. Self-installation will be difficult, as it will require certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, as a rule, acoustic switches are installed by specialists who will professionally determine the best position.

Engaged in construction or renovation, many homeowners are wondering how to install switches or sockets correctly and at what height from the floor. After all, not only the convenience of their use, but also the safety of operation, largely depends on this.

In order to deal with this issue, let us consider the rules for their placement, which existed in the recent past, and the new European standards that came from civilized Europe.

Electrical installation guidelines

To date, there are no strict regulations or rules governing the location and number of outlets and switches. "Eurostandard" is just a convention, because here only ease of use plus safety precautions are of primary importance. The only documents that affect this issue are: a summary of the rules for the design of public and residential premises (SP 31-110-2003) and the rules for electrical installations (PUE), therefore, the installation of electrical wiring should be carried out based on these recommendations. The following installation rules follow from the first:

  • It is desirable that the installation height of the switch from the floor be up to 1 m, and it is located on the side of the door handle.
  • The sockets can be placed anywhere and at the same distance from the floor.

Extract from the PUE

In the PUE, some safety rules are discussed, which must be observed during placement.

  • It is recommended that the switches are located on the side of the door handle. The height of the switch from the floor is 1 m.
  • It is allowed to place them under the ceiling, with the control of a cord that turns on the light, which slopes to the recommended level.
  • The distance from the switch and the socket to the gas pipes and heating, as well as the battery, is at least 0.5 m.
  • In the kitchen, each power point should be at least 0.5 m from the gas pipeline, at least 0.8 m to the sink, and quite high from the floor.
  • Electrical assemblies in bathrooms can be installed from plumbing equipment and the floor at a distance of 0.6 m.

Installation of electrical assemblies in a residential area

There are 2 ways to locate switches and sockets in apartments and houses. These are old Soviet standards, familiar to many, and the so-called European standards. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Old traditions

In Soviet times, in living quarters, it was customary to install switches at the level of a person's shoulder or under the ceiling. based on convenience and safety. As a rule, they were mounted at a distance of about 90-100 cm from the floor.

Ceiling switches worked as follows. To control the light, a cord was attached to a spring-loaded mechanical lever hidden inside the case. At its first pull, the light came on, and at the other, it went out.

The height of the switch from the floor was 160-180 cm. At that time, this distance was considered the most suitable and optimal for controlling light. And today, especially for the elderly, this is the most convenient option. The switch will not obstruct low furniture, such as cabinets, and will be located at eye level. In addition, small children will not reach him. Many are accustomed to this arrangement of switching devices and consider it the norm.

The specified height of sockets and switches from the floor has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Plus - the outlet is convenient to use, since you do not need to bend over to it, and the switch does not interfere with the placement of furniture and is at eye level;
  • Minus - power cords from devices hang down, and to turn on the light you need to raise your hand.


The height of the switch from the floor according to the European standard is 90 cm, the outlet is 30 cm. However, as such standardization has never existed in practice, and this concept came into our life together with the concept of European-quality repair, replacing the "Soviet standard". Of course, it has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Plus - the sockets do not "catch the eye" and do not interfere with anything, and the switches are located at the level of the lowered hand - they can be turned on without any effort, and without even looking. The height of the switch from the floor is 90 cm.
  • Minus - in order to insert the plug into the socket, it will be necessary to bend over, and the switch should not be obstructed by anything.

The height of sockets and switches according to "Soviet" standards, in terms of convenience, is recognized by many as very dubious. The notorious European standard is now given much more preference. And there are many reasons for this. For example, not so striking than the multitude of outlets with cords and "tees". The height of the switch from the floor 90 cm (at the level of a lowered human hand) is also very convenient, since it can be quickly found even in the dark.

Sockets and switches that do not have protection against leakage of current "to ground" (difavtomats, RCDs) are highly discouraged to install in bathrooms and toilets. The same applies to the outlet for the washing machine.

How do I install?

Before proceeding with the direct installation of the switch or socket, it is necessary to circle their outline on the wall. In concrete, a hole is made using a drill with a diamond crown. The socket can be square or round. Special installation boxes are inserted into the prepared holes. To fix them, use plaster of paris, plaster or gypsum glue. The box is fastened with sliding tabs or screws, then a plastic case is put on it.

Installation in a drywall wall is somewhat different, and the toolkit is different. All holes in the drywall sheets, where the cable will be routed, are made in advance. Special feet are used to fix switches and sockets. They will keep them on the sheet.

Open wiring is extremely rare and, as a rule, is fixed temporarily (for example, during repairs), because the wires spoil the interior. Agree, looking at the wall, where everything is aesthetically pleasing and neat, is much more pleasant.

When self-installing the wiring and connecting the outlet and switch without the involvement of a specialist, you should adhere to the above recommendations and certain rules that will allow all work to be performed without any problems and, most importantly, safely.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the arrangement of electrical appliances and furniture in the room. To do this, it is recommended to draw up a diagram, preferably on such a scale that it is possible to mark all the equipment that requires an electrical connection, as well as furniture.
  • Then designate the location of switches and sockets, calculate the required number for each room.
  • It is better to place sockets for equipment (computer, refrigerator, etc.) so that there is always free access to them, but at the same time they are hidden behind these electrical appliances.
  • Sockets above a desk, chest of drawers, etc. are best placed at a height of 15-20 cm from the furniture.
  • Switches or sockets must not be installed above or below a sink.
  • the wiring diagram should be selected in such a way as to eliminate network congestion.


So, there are no clear standards regarding the height of sockets and switches from the floor (euro or Soviet standards). But there are many recommendations that must be followed, primarily for security purposes.

Being engaged in renovation or construction, many apartment owners are wondering how to properly place switches or sockets in an apartment. After all, not only the convenience of using them depends on this, but also the safety of operation, and, consequently, health.

In order to properly deal with this issue, let us consider the rules for their placement that existed in the recent past and new trends that came from other countries.

Old traditions

In Soviet times, it was customary to install lighting switches in living quarters near the entrance to them at shoulder height of an adult or to place them under the ceiling. And the sockets were mounted in the wall at a distance of 90-100 cm from the floor.

An example of placing a ceiling switch in a hallway. To control the light, a cord is tied to a mechanical spring-loaded lever hidden inside the case. At the first pull, the light turns on, and at the second, it goes out.

Wall switches were placed at a level of about 160 ÷ 180 cm from the floor. This distance was considered the most appropriate, optimal for controlling light. An example of placing a switch block between a doorway is shown in the photograph.

The following photo shows the location of the outlet in the room according to the old rules.

Nowadays, residents of many apartments still use electrical wiring with such an arrangement of switching devices, they are accustomed to it, they consider it the norm.

New trends of the times - Eurostandard

In fact, the term "Eurostandard" is often used now, but it does not define anything particularly concrete in the issue we are considering, since it came to us from neighboring countries together with the concept of "Eurorepair", it is intended for a complex of calculations of structures in construction and their protection in the interests of consumer.

The current building codes, as well as the rules in electrical installations, do not strictly limit the height of placement, the number or location of sockets and switches in residential premises. They only give general recommendations, stipulating hazardous premises and methods of installation in them in compliance with protective measures.

In the kitchen, the smallest distance from electrical appliances, including sockets and switches, to gas equipment (stoves, gas pipelines) should be more than 50 cm.

Inside bathrooms, it is permissible to install sockets in zone 3, which is limited to a distance of 60 cm from sinks, bathtubs and other water equipment. GOST R 50571.11-96 defines the rules for the use of protective devices in such premises: differential circuit breakers, RCDs, isolation transformers.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose the location of electrical outlets and switches taking into account the convenience of using them, and not only traditions established in the past.

For each room, before carrying out electrical work, it is necessary to draw up a sketch, a plan-diagram on a scale with the location of furniture and electrical appliances, mark on it the points of connection to the electrical network, including low-current circuits: telephone, television, alarm and other devices.

It is important to provide a small supply of these places for future equipment. Practice shows that this is justified.

Location of outlets

For stationary equipment, such as a TV, computer, washing machine, freezer ... it is necessary to have them with free access to them, but it is advisable to hide them behind the devices themselves.

It is customary for design purposes to place periodically used sockets at the same height from the floor, usually this distance is chosen to be about 30 cm. In this case, they are less noticeable. It is recommended to choose such a number so that it is convenient to use a vacuum cleaner and portable electrical appliances in all rooms.

Electrical outlets above the desk, bedside tables are placed above the furniture surface at a height of 10 ÷ 20 cm.

Location of switches

It is recommended to mount them on the wall near the entrance door from the side of the handle at a distance of more than 10 cm from the opening and a height of about 90-100 cm. Such a location is convenient for adults: there is no need to raise your hand high. And children from the age of four can already use the lighting themselves.

Ceiling designs for pull-down control switches are still used in room design.

The type of room and its purpose must also be taken into account for the installation of switches. In a long corridor at its ends, you can install two pass-through switches to control one luminaire. At the entrance to nearby rooms, you can put a block of several switches to control the light in separate rooms from one place.

In the bedroom, it is convenient to position the switches so that they can turn off the lighting without getting out of bed by simply raising your hand.

The rule of installing 30 cm sockets from the floor and 90 cm switches, applied in most cases, is considered universal. If you are not sure about the future location of furniture or electrical appliances in the room, then feel free to use this method.

How to plan the placement of outlets and switches in rooms

To draw up a working sketch of the location of electrical appliances and furniture, use the general recommendations given in the picture below.

It is convenient to place inside the corridor:

    apartment switchboard with automatic circuit breakers;

    an electric meter (it can be installed in an apartment panel or separately, depending on local conditions);

    switch or block of them;

  • branch box for switching cables.

The picture below shows one of the possible options for installing electrical appliances in the corridor.

For a bedroom, the layout of sockets and switches on both sides of the bed is shown in the following figure.

Bathrooms and showers for electrical safety due to high humidity require special attention. The placement of an outlet, a fan and a button for remote control of electrical appliances in them is shown in the plan below.

The following diagram shows the installation of electrical equipment in the kitchen, taking into account the location in different places of the sockets for the hood, gas stove and electrified utensils: a multicooker, an electric kettle, a pressure cooker, a bread machine ...

Here, the height of the outlet above the table can vary depending on its height. It is convenient to install it so that it rises 10-15 cm above the furniture surface. Moreover, for a modern kitchen it is better to use not a single electrical outlet, but a whole block of them.

Electrical outlets and switches, mean height from floor and distance from corners?

Hello Svetlana!
The rules and regulations for the wiring of sockets and switches are written in the PUE (rules for electrical installations). Since you have not written in what conditions you are going to install sockets and switches, we give the rules and regulations for the installation of electrical equipment in various rooms.
6.6.30. Sockets should be installed:
1. In industrial premises, as a rule, at a height of 0.8-1 m; when supplying wires from above, installation at a height of up to 1.5 m is allowed.
2. In office, laboratory, residential and other premises at a height convenient for connecting electrical devices to them, depending on the purpose of the premises and interior design, but not higher than 1 m. this skirting boards made of non-combustible materials.
3. In schools and childcare facilities (in rooms for children) at a height of 1.8 m.
6.6.31. Switches for general lighting fixtures should be installed at a height of 0.8 to 1.7 m from the floor, and in schools, kindergartens and kindergartens in rooms for children, at a height of 1.8 m from the floor. Installation of switches under the ceiling with control by means of a cord is allowed.
7.1.48. The installation of plug sockets in bathrooms, showers, soap rooms of baths, rooms containing heaters for saunas (hereinafter referred to as "saunas"), as well as in washing rooms of laundries, is not allowed, with the exception of bathrooms of apartments and hotel rooms. In the bathrooms of apartments and hotel rooms, it is allowed to install plug sockets in zone 3 in accordance with GOST R 50571.11-96, connected to the network through isolation transformers or protected by a residual current device that responds to a differential current not exceeding 30 mA.
Any switches and sockets should be located at least 0.6 m from the doorway of the shower stall.
7.1.49. In buildings with a three-wire network (see clause 7.1.36), socket outlets for a current of at least 10 A with a protective contact must be installed. Plug sockets installed in apartments, living rooms of dormitories, as well as in rooms for children in kindergartens (kindergartens, nurseries, schools, etc.) must have a protective device that automatically closes the socket when the plug is removed.
7.1.50. The minimum distance from switches, plug sockets and electrical installation elements to gas pipelines should be at least 0.5 m.
7.1.51. It is recommended to install the switches on the wall from the side of the door handle at a height of up to 1 m; it is allowed to install them under the ceiling with control by means of a cord. In rooms for children in child care (kindergartens, nurseries, schools, etc.), switches should be installed at a height of 1.8 m from the floor.
After performing electrical work on laying the cable and connecting sockets, switches and other electrical equipment, it is required to carry out a set of electrical measurements: measuring the insulation resistance, measuring the loop resistance "phase - zero), measuring the circuit between grounded installations and elements of a grounded installation, measuring automatic switches controlled by differential current (RCD).

Hello. Tell me how the household switch should be installed correctly, in terms of, on-pressing up or down and off. Spent about an hour on the Internet and found nothing on this issue.

Hello, tell me. what is the standard for the installation of email. sockets for 500 mm. from grounded parts (pipelines, etc.).

Good day! Please tell me - is there a need to agree with Rostekhnadzor to install a mobile (on wheels and in a container) diesel generator designed to back up the facility's power supply? If so, what documents are it regulated by?

  • Hello Valery!
    There is no such need.

    • Hello Vlad!

  • Good day!
    Please tell me if there are rules and regulations on the number of installed sockets in residential apartments? Give an example, how many sockets should there be in a 3-room apartment, 4-room apartment?
    Not very clear explanation of the installation of sockets in the bathroom. If the bathroom is also used for washing clothes, is it impossible to install or can you install sockets in such a bathroom?

    Good day! Tell me where to put the voltage control relay correctly, before the meter or after the meter? It's just that in my house there were repeated cases of zero burnout and equipment burned. Thanks!

    • Hello Alexey!
      Your question is redirected to. You can register on the forum and discuss "" in more detail with the forum participants.

    Good day! On what surfaces can you install switches for outdoor wiring in childcare facilities (kindergarten)? For example, is it possible to put an external switch on the side wall of a laminated chipboard cabinet (respectively, at a height of 1.8 meters). And if possible - a link to legislation confirming or refuting such a possibility. Thanks in advance!

    The installation height of sockets and switches is of great importance for the comfort of further operation and distribution of electricity in the house. Contrary to popular belief, there are no specific requirements for the height of these devices from the floor in the apartment. The PUE describes only some of the key requirements for their placement in relation to house communications. The location rules used today are conventionally divided into two types - Soviet and European standards, the use of one or another is due solely to the comfort of the user.

    Existing standards

    The current rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE) and the set of rules for the design of residential and public buildings (from 2003) do not describe accurate requirements for the location of sockets or switches relative to the floor, walls, furniture and other structural and interior elements.

    However, there are still some requirements due to the need to ensure fire and electrical safety. They refer, as a rule, to the placement of switches at a safe distance from other communications. According to the set of rules for the design of residential and public buildings:

    • switches should be located at a height of 1 meter from the floor on the side of the door handles;
    • from the floor to the outlet, a distance of 1 meter must be maintained, but the specific location is not regulated.
    • the location of the switch is the same - 1 m from the floor on the side of the door handle;
    • if there is a dedicated switch for the comfort control level, the switch can be installed under the ceiling;
    • when placing sockets and switches in the kitchen, they should be removed at a distance of at least 50 cm from gas pipelines and appliances;
    • in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, these electrical devices must be located at a distance of at least 60 cm both from the floor and from plumbing equipment.

    For many years on the territory of our country there is such a thing as the European standard for the placement of electrical nodes. It is believed that according to the European standard, sockets should be located at a height of 30 cm from the floor, and switches - 90 cm from the floor. In reality, no standard exists - this is just a symbol. The definition of "euro" was given to such a way of wiring electrical assemblies during the spread of another controversial definition - renovation. In part, the name of the European standard was given due to the opposition to Soviet norms. By Soviet standards, switches were placed at shoulder or head level (approximately 160 cm from the floor), and sockets at a height of 90-100 cm.

    Despite the lack of documentary definitions, the concepts of "Soviet" and "European standard" are widely used among builders and electricians, because they can easily describe the exact difference between the two methods of placing sockets and switches. At the same time, it cannot be categorically asserted that one of them is more preferable - it all depends on individual operational and practical features.


    • convenient lighting control is provided, since there is no need to raise your hand to press the switch, it is easy to grope in the dark, this arrangement is also convenient for children and adolescents;
    • according to the European standard, you have to bend almost to the very floor in order to plug the device into an outlet - this is inconvenient if you need to turn it on and off frequently; in turn, if the device is connected to the network for a long time, this is a plus - the wires do not "hang" in the middle of the room and do not spoil the view of the room.

    "Soviet" standard:

    • the location of the switch at a level of 160 cm from the floor makes sense if it is necessary to save space - you can put furniture under it against the wall;
    • a socket located at a height of 1 meter allows you to easily use it all the time, which is important for a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, microwave oven, toaster, air conditioner and other appliances that are not plugged into the network for a long time;
    • an additional plus of the high placement of sockets is the safety of small children.

    In a kitchen environment

    Neither the PUE nor the joint venture speaks directly about the principle by which the sockets should be located in the kitchen. Therefore, in this case, one should focus on the basic requirements, and also take into account the characteristics of the room itself (due to the use of powerful appliances such as a washing machine or an electric stove). First of all, based on the requirements of the PUE, the following rules are formed:

    • sockets and light switches must be at least 60 cm from the floor and water communications: sinks and water pipes;
    • a similar rule applies to the placement of electrical assemblies relative to the gas pipeline and stove - you need to remove sockets and switches at least 50 cm from them.

    A very large amount of furniture is installed in a modern kitchen, combined with a considerable number of electrical appliances of various capacities. During competent breeding, many problems arise: the placement of communication systems should be taken into account, separate power lines for high-power devices (electric stoves, dishwasher or washing machine) should be taken out, and sockets and switches should be installed so that easy practical access to them remains. The vast experience of builders and users has led to the formation of a conditional standard for the placement of electrical units in the kitchen, dividing into three levels:

    1. The lower level is 10-15 cm from the floor. At this height, sockets are installed for those electrical appliances that are planned to be connected to the network for a long time. For example a washing machine, dishwasher, waste disposer, refrigerator, electric stove, etc. This arrangement has two advantages: the cords, which do not need to be in frequent contact, do not sag against the walls and do not interfere, but at the same time remain in relatively free direct access.
    2. The second level is 100-130 cm from the floor. At this height, light switches and sockets for appliances that are on tables or work surfaces are located: a blender, toaster, kettle, microwave, multicooker, etc. The exact height depends on the configuration of the kitchen furniture. It is necessary that the sockets are slightly higher above the table top, so that it is convenient to connect the plugs of this technique to them.
    3. The conditional third level, located at a height of 2-2.5 meters from the floor. There should be sockets for turning on the hood and lighting for the work area. This allows you to easily connect equipment with cords of any length. These sockets do not spoil the interior in the kitchen, because they are practically invisible behind the furniture.

    An additional advantage of this method of organizing the electrical network is the distribution of devices along the wall. There may be a large number of electrical appliances in the kitchen. They can be permanently or periodically connected to the network, and some of them also need to be powered from a separate branch. Moving some outlets out of sight makes them less flashy.


    The principle of placing sockets in the bathroom and toilet is basically the same as how they will be placed throughout the apartment. The main criterion here is still safety. Therefore, more attention should be paid to how ready the installation is for operation in high humidity conditions. And the very pattern of the arrangement of devices must be chosen taking into account functionality, convenience and personal preferences. As a rule, a standard 60 cm is considered the optimal height, but for a washing machine it may make sense to put a separate outlet below.

    Please note that a 60 cm leave in rooms with high humidity applies not only to the height from the floor, but also to the distance from water communications. If there is a water heater installed in the bathroom, it, like the washing machine, can be assigned a separate power outlet located nearby. Electricians, as a rule, today use a height of 1.5 meters from the floor for boilers and hoods, 1 meter for an electric shaver, hair dryer or curling iron, and below 1 meter for a washing machine.

    There is no talk about light switches in the bathroom or toilet. According to the rules of the PUE, it is taken out of the room. For example, in the corridor or hallway.

    In the bedroom

    In bedrooms, children's rooms and other rooms, switches and sockets should be located based on their need in specific places and comfort of use. The "classic" scheme is considered when the paired installations socket + switch are installed on both sides of the double bed. This allows you to easily connect low-power devices (charge your phone, for example) and easily adjust the lighting. Devices can be at the same or at different heights. Please note that at a low height (about 30 cm from the floor) you need to place a socket for the vacuum cleaner - from this place its cord should easily stretch in any direction. The power supply for computer equipment should, accordingly, be located near the desktop, given that one outlet will not be enough for it.

    In this case, the European standard comes in handy. Neat sockets, as if hesitant to interfere with the appearance of the room, are combined not only with modern styles. And for those who are afraid of low outlets due to the curiosity of children, you should pay attention to devices with special plugs and covers that exclude injury.

    In all cases, safety and comfort are the main guidelines in choosing the location of the devices. The second, perhaps, can sometimes be sacrificed in favor of design, but the first factor is always key.