How to wash your hands from the nut. Than laundering hands from walnuts

Symbol of summer in childhood many had palms painted by nut.

Clean green nuts in gloves was completely uninteresting, and not to wear gloves with me, right?

How to wash your hands from a nut, did not think.

Children turned into adults, became more careful, but green nuts are still cleaned without gloves. Only now the question than laundering hands after nuts has become relevant.

Options are given a lot, but most of them are based on an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the walnut staining substance, and therefore are peculiar myths on how to clean hands from nuts.

The "cunning" of the walnut juice is that the coloring agent is not manifested immediately. While cleaning nut nuts look slightly yellowed, and you can deceive that this color is easily removed by simple hand wash. Literally after a couple of hours, the color appears and becomes brown.

The shell of immature walnuts contains a dye of Yuglon, which is quite persistent in order to be based on its basis and modern cosmetic stamps create lines of hair paints. It is due to the high concentration of the uglon, the juice from nuts stains his hands with such a resistant brown color.

How to remove walnut juice: myths and reality

Option 1. Lemon against walnut

The most typical advice, and, as they say, the least effective. Based on the whitening effect of citric acid.

Pros: availability of funds.

Cons: Terret will have long. There are burns from citric acid on very sensitive skin.

For cleansing spots from walnut, sufficient lemon. It is necessary to rub the skin until it looks. It is believed that the lemon helps to cope with small works, such as bringing the walnut spot or whiten the slightly painted skin.

Option 2. Strike green grapes

Cons: an option is available only for those who independently grow grapes.

The principle of operation is the same as in Lemon, and in vinegar.

Option 3. How to wash walnut with potatoes?

Some advise to start a lot of potatoes or grate potatoes and immerse your hands in the resulting mass of potato mashed potatoes and starch. The Council is based on the belief that walnut paints iodine, and iodine, as you know, wash out starch.

Pros: availability of funds.

Cons: the ability of a walnut of the color depends not from the content of iodine in it, but on the amount of dyeing substance of the Uglon. Yuglon, even "disguised" under iodine, is weakly excreted by potatoes, so the effectiveness of such a means can be questioned.

Option 4. Industrial tools

These include chlorine, and the industrial soap, which are cleared by the hands of the master in car salons, and whitening powders.

Pros: High Activities of Substances.

Cons: skin damage.

The mechanism of action is more similar to the impact on the skin abrasive substances that wash the top, painted layer of the skin, contributing to a faster renewal of skin cells. But at the same time, the chemical components are very annoying the skin. Use similar funds do not bring.

Option 5. How to wash the nut with the help of peels and sprinkling?

In this case, they advise to break the skin in the bath, apply peelings to remove the upper layer of skin cells. After breaking, you can use whitening cream or lemon slice. After the completion of the procedure, the hand is better to lubricate with moisturizing cream.

If it is immediately a solution of ammonic alcohol, but it has a very sharp smell and make this procedure better on the street, but if you wash with mock-smoked in sunflower oil, it will be longer - but not so unpleasant!

Symbol of summer in childhood many had palms painted by nut.

Clean green nuts in gloves was completely uninteresting, and not to wear gloves with me, right?

How to wash your hands from a nut, did not think.

Children turned into adults, became more careful, but green nuts are still cleaned without gloves. Only now the question than laundering hands after nuts has become relevant.

Alcohol: ink handle, handle, grass, wine, fruit juice, marker, perfumery, resin and cosmetics. Ammonia: It is necessary to add water to treat complex sweats and problems with fruit nails. Oxidized water can still be added to pure shell spots. A mixture of three parts of alcohol for one part of ammonia is also useful for removing old paints.

Gasoline: enamel and oil paint, mineral oils, lubricants, fats, oil, margarine, cream. Detergent: Cold solution can destroy the egg, blood and milk. Never use a warm or even warm solution, as the albumin contained in the stains may be unaffected to the tissue. In the end, and if everything else fails, do it after the usual washing.

Options are given a lot, but most of them are based on an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the walnut staining substance, and therefore are peculiar myths on how to clean hands from nuts.

The "cunning" of the walnut juice is that the coloring agent is not manifested immediately. While cleaning nut nuts look slightly yellowed, and you can deceive that this color is easily removed by simple hand wash. Literally after a couple of hours, the color appears and becomes brown.

Miracle with leaching: Penny with ink!

Whitening: White cotton or white linen fabrics and felt handles in non-washable tissues. Always check first in the area that is not visible, for example. Head or seams! Many of these products are toxic, flammable and aggressive! Use with caution using industrial gloves and mascara. Keep out of the reach of children.

Clay and lemon for clean hands

Maria Joana de Faria Bento Pessoa. Remove clean hands and nails after gardening, real problem. From homemade lemon soap, tips on efficient hand cleansing. The traditional soap is a natural detergent and an antiseptic due to its properties of the surfactant. Black soap: If you prefer liquid forms, the black soap is 100% natural can be useful after gardening or some dirty work, such as painting, the work of mechanics. Savon, disinfecting to do it yourself: from a neutral foam base Add 1% antiseptic essential oils separately or mixed: lemon, lavender, lavender super, tea tree, aromatic wounds, rosemary, eucalyptus radiation. In the perfect case, hand washing must be accompanied by nail cleaning to remove residual soil. Lemon, rich in mucous and organic acids, perfectly cleans hands and cleans their antiseptic properties. In the manufacture of lemon juice, never discard your interest before putting it on your hands. They will be well cleaned, deodorized, flavored and durable, because lemon has a blur of colored spots, often occurring on the back of the hands.

  • Did you get the nails too!
  • Clay lands effectively purify hands.
  • Make pasta by adding water, wipe your hands with this drug and rinse well.
If you are prone to "craft", these small leather, which are painfully exfoliated, rub the base of your nails in cellulose or lemon juice as often as possible.

The shell of immature walnuts contains a dye of Yuglon, which is quite persistent in order to be based on its basis and modern cosmetic stamps create lines of hair paints. It is due to the high concentration of the uglon, the juice from nuts stains his hands with such a resistant brown color.

How to remove walnut juice: myths and reality

Coconut oil is an extremely versatile product. Thanks to its components, he is an ally choices for your kitchen, your bathroom or even maintenance. You will not need anything but this! You can apply it on your elbows or knees to take care of it. This oil is also excellent after shaving. You can also inspire Jessica Alba and apply it during voting during pregnancy to avoid stretch marks.

Make an oil bath before shampoo to take care of your hair. Just generously pressing advice and length and ask at least 15 minutes. In a spray bottle, mix two glasses of water, a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of coconut oil with a tablespoon of an air conditioner. You can also put it right on the skin after the sun to ease it and calm the feelings of jerking caused by the sun.

Option 1. Lemon against walnut

The most typical advice, and, as they say, the least effective. Based on the whitening effect of citric acid.

Pros: availability of funds.

Cons: Terret will have long. There are burns from citric acid on very sensitive skin.

For cleansing spots from walnut, sufficient lemon. It is necessary to rub the skin until it looks. It is believed that the lemon helps to cope with small works, such as bringing the walnut spot or whiten the slightly painted skin.

This oil is an excellent antioxidant and therefore very well suitable for the skin of the face and around the eyes, for example, in night care. A little need to find soft skin. You can also add a few drops into creams to improve efficiency. For oily leather, use it more economically and episodically.

How to quickly wash your hands from walnuts

With his antibacterial action you can wear acne to fight acne. You can use it as oil to remove makeup to remove makeup. It dissolves in the blink of an eye! Remove it with a warm wet towel. Beat coconut oil with vitamin E butter to get a good cream.

Option 2. Strike green grapes

Cons: an option is available only for those who independently grow grapes.

The principle of operation is the same as in Lemon, and in vinegar.

Option 3. How to wash walnut with potatoes?

Some advise to start a lot of potatoes or grate potatoes and immerse your hands in the resulting mass of potato mashed potatoes and starch. The Council is based on the belief that walnut paints iodine, and iodine, as you know, wash out starch.

Get inspiration from Gwyneth Paltrow, making rinsing once a day with this oil. He will not only fight bacteria, but also bleach his teeth. Mix one dose of food soda for two doses of coconut oil. Add droplets of mint oil for breathing and give the best taste.

You have nut trees, and you wonder what to do with nuts? Here are the basic instructions for their choice. Orefish excellent raw, in nut pie or when cooking black walnuts. Other recipes are also possible, and most of them do not require many nuts, follow these steps to learn how to choose nuts and prepare them to use.

Pros: availability of funds.

Cons: the ability of a walnut of the color depends not from the content of iodine in it, but on the amount of dyeing substance of the Uglon. Yuglon, even "disguised" under iodine, is weakly excreted by potatoes, so the effectiveness of such a means can be questioned.

Option 4. Industrial tools

The best way to remove a green walnut envelope

You will have yellowish hands and fingers for a long time if you do not take into account this advice! Envelop them into fresh rainwater and warm them, preferably outdoors because of a strong smell! You must use a metal pallet or add a metal object in a mix that will act as a "protrava". You will have more permanent color. Let cool, then pour the colander. Give water to evaporate from the dye for more concentrated brown inks. Traditionally, black smoke was added to black ink. It is also possible to store leaves and envelopes of nuts in a pile of compost. The toxic effect may deteriorate for two to four weeks, whereas in the soil deterioration can take up to two months. Wear old clothes, because the stains of the core on clothes do not come off, and your hands can be stained if you do not protect them. To sort the leaves nuts, use the rake to form stacks of leaves and nuts that you place in bunkers. Then pour the entire grid, nuts ready to fire, fall back into the tray. Don t use the shell of walnuts or walnut leaves as a mulch. Spend some research and make sure that black walnuts are not toxic for your pets or any other living creature that you care about. If your animals can touch on nuts, but do not eat them, move nuts. If this is not the case, keep them away, always think about the consequences of your actions, we should always know that what we do can affect our favorite animals.

Elements that you need

Nut choose or acute item of a good cake recipe with black walnut or chocolate and nuts bun!
  • Wear-resistant rubber gloves!
  • Walnut spots are rather ugly.
  • You can make a stain of a tree or old-fashioned ink with walnut envelopes.
  • Do not touch the eye or mouth gloves.
  • Walnut caustic and can burn your eyes or be toxic consumed.
  • Do not allow children to choose nuts.
  • Sustainable rubber gloves.
  • Bucket or container.
  • A hammer.
  • Pocket knife, if you prefer to cut the shell nut.
There are many products on the market that argue that it is easy to remove fats from the hands.

These include chlorine, and the industrial soap, which are cleared by the hands of the master in car salons, and whitening powders.

Pros: High Activities of Substances.

Cons: skin damage.

The mechanism of action is more similar to the impact on the skin abrasive substances that wash the top, painted layer of the skin, contributing to a faster renewal of skin cells. But at the same time, the chemical components are very annoying the skin. Use similar funds do not bring.

These additional degreasers erase very dirty hands, dirty from fat, dirt, glue and other stubborn dirt. Many products with many ingredients are not always very natural and filled with chemicals, just look at their composition to make sure.

So, what about doing an extra natural degreaser? Your hands will be grateful, because in addition to cleanliness, they will take care and rehydrate! Here are two simple recipes to make an additional efficient degreaser.

Indeed, citrus is consisting of a large percentage of Limonen. Limonen is used as a cleansing agent for removing the oil from mechanical parts of the machine and even as a stripper. Lemon essential oil consists of 65% Limonena! So this is a powerful material.

Option 5. How to wash the nut with the help of peels and sprinkling?

In this case, they advise to break the skin in the bath, apply peelings to remove the upper layer of skin cells. After breaking, you can use whitening cream or lemon slice. After the completion of the procedure, the hand is better to lubricate with moisturizing cream.

If it is immediately a solution of ammonic alcohol, but it has a very sharp smell and make this procedure better on the street, but if you wash with mock-smoked in sunflower oil, it will be longer - but not so unpleasant!

Coconut oil, apparently, dissolves fat and dirt inlaid in the folds and interstices of the hands. In addition, it helps to hydrate his hands when they are completely smelling. The dried orange peel also contains lemon and exfoliates the skin and properly removes fat and dirt.

Dried orange crust - 5 tablespoons Lemon essential oil - 50 drops.

  • Mix all the ingredients together in a glass jar.
  • Vigorously distribute the generous amount in the hands until the fat starts to break away.
  • Wash and clean soap and water.
Since most of us have all these things in the house, it is easy to prepare a quick and easy scrub.

If children do not even think about laundering hands from nuts, then for adult crop processing, this question sometimes gets very acute. Work in gloves gives a lot of inconvenience, and when the device fails to be faced with very resistant stains on the surface of the skin, which can hold out to several days.

Demonstration of an additional homemade degreaser

The coffee scrub was the easiest to use, but for thorough cleaning of the hands it took more time on the washing. Gardening is nice, but easy to paint hands. To carefully clean them, add 1 teaspoon of sugar in the pelvis of soapy water and wipe.

Rubber leaves for hand cleaning

This thing was sent Carol. To remove yellow tags on the hands left by the leaves of tomatoes, take the rhubarb leaf and use it as soap. Next year she will become white again. This makes them shiny and smooth, and plants feed on this oil, which has many properties.

Thoroughly clean glass vases

To clean the glass vases, apply hot water on the dishwasher.

Of course, you can simply wait, but sometimes you need to wash the pollution very quickly, while I do not want to be covered with scratches or irritation traces after intervention. People who produce the assembly and harvest of walnuts have long been used to solve the problem. True, the desired effect and with their help to get quite difficult.

Clean the blades of trimmer hedge

There are very aggressive products for cleaning the blades of trimmer from hedging and getting rid of resin. Moisten the wedge of grass and cut it with a trimmer from hedge. Contact area blades goes like new! After August 15, fruits are formed, the plant no longer need to rub, from which the plant's juice benefits only tomatoes, which throughout the day use the sun.

Accelerate the decomposition of dead leaves

To make easily the soil your beds, with an effective tool, buy a dung fang, remove two teeth at the ends, reduce the length of the teeth, install it with a good handle, commercially available, efficient and universal! Closed in our houses houseplants gradually accumulate dust on the leaves.

In the fight against traces left by pieces of peel and jumpers of green nuts, it is important not to forget about the following moments:

  1. The stains will not immediately, but, the earlier proceed to processing, the higher the probability of obtaining the desired result. Hands are recommended to be treated immediately after the end of manipulations with the products, even if it seems that they are clean.
  2. Most of the funds used are distinguished by pronounced aggressiveness in relation to tender skin, therefore it is better to prevent stains than to deal with them. It is necessary to take into account that the fabric gloves will not be saved from the juice of walnuts, they will have to use rubber.
  3. Chemical preparations will give the desired effect only in combination with mechanical impact options. For this purpose, you can use pums, sand or scrub.
  4. For one approach, it is unlikely to fully launder from the stains. Pigmented plots will come only together with the energized layer of the epidermis.

Juice peeling nuts does not harm any harm for the body, so if possible, it is just a little wait. Cleansing means must be applied only in the most extreme cases.

At home, you can use one of the following natural bleachers:

  • Lemon juice. We take a fresh lemon, cut it into two halves and process distressed areas. A couple of hours after that, we make a lemon bath for hands, collecting the juice with warm water. Spots will not immediately reach, but will become markedly lighter. In the evening it is recommended to treat hands with a nutrient cream. The next day we repeat the manipulations, all traces must pass.
  • Manual washing and general cleaning. If within a few hours methodically rubbing stains on clothes, process surfaces in the house, clean furniture items with detergents, you can count on a complete getting rid of brown formations. The procedures are best started immediately after contact with the juice of walnuts, without waiting for its manifestation.
  • The juice of non-seated grapes. It acts as actively as lemon juice. Hands are processed by separate grapes or placed in a whole bath from the squeezed composition. Then the skin must be thoroughly washed out with economic soap.

Tip: If you wash the stains with the help of fruit juices, it is impossible to try a more intense approach. The product is applied to the skin of the hands, after which they turn them with polyethylene packages and put on the mittens. Wash the composition no later than an hour.

  • Sea salt or sea water. If there is no opportunity to swim in the sea, you can make a bath based on sea salt. The procedure must be repeated every 3-4 hours before getting the desired result. In the interruptions between the baths it is recommended to apply nutrient cream on the skin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It acts only on very fresh stains from the juice of walnuts. The product is applied to your cotton disk and gently rub the product from the skin. After the manifestation of brown use is useless.
  • Summer. This product also relies well from brown traces. Welcome in alcohol and try to wash the spots first softwalls, then rubbing movements. Work should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, otherwise you can trigger the intake of headaches.
  • Stain removers. The most extreme impact option. After all, even those drugs that are intended for processing delicate tissues are able to provoke the appearance of irritation.
  • Laundry soap. In itself, it will not give the necessary result, but it is recommended to apply after the methods listed as the final stroke.

There is another way of exposure to stains. It is very soft, but not the most efficient. For the night, we use the nutritious cream on the night, turn them with packages and put on the mittens. By the morning, pollution should noticeably pale.

Of all the types of nuts, it is walnuts that are able to paint your hands in a brown color, while trying to remove the green peel with a bare fruit. Fresh young walnuts are characterized by a sweeterous taste of the kernel, pre-released from a protective brown film.

Green peel of walnuts can leave in the hands of the labor-based stains of juice

The thick green skeleton of walnut has a large number of juice containing natural dye yuglon. It is he who causes the appearance of red and difficult to do spots, manifesting some time on the skin and clothing. Such pollution is able to hold out about a week, in the absence of attempts to remove them.

Such stains from walnut are very difficult to launder in the usual way.

Wanting to protect yourself from the effects of walnut peel juice, it is enough to use rubber gloves capable of providing the necessary protection in contrast to tissue. The action of the juice that has fallen on the skin becomes noticeable only after a while, which does not allow you to take measures in time, by its speedy removal. For this reason, it is advisable to process hands immediately after completing the cleaning of green nuts, regardless of whether they look clean or not.

Rubber gloves will save your hands from pollution

Despite the rich variety of detergents, not all can cope with stains from walnuts. The fact is that being a natural dye, which is part of the majority of popular hair colors, the substance Yuglon has enviable resistance to most of the brands of soap solutions. In addition, many detergents are very aggressive in relation to the skin of the hands and can provide the required effect only under the condition of combining them with mechanical effects. Sand, pumice and scrub can be performed as auxiliary substances.

Pumice will help rain strong pollution from hand

But even their use will not provide the necessary result after a single application. It is for this reason that it is desirable to use deterioration in the most extreme cases. And in time the prevention against the appearance of spots from the juice of nuts is a more acceptable option, eliminating the need for subsequent struggle with complex pollution.

Accidentally stained with juice of nut fruits, do not worry about her health. It does not harm the human body and, after some time, such pollution will disappear by themselves.

If brown spots still manifested themselves on your hands after cleaning young walnuts, several proven folk remedies that do not apply harm will help them.

How to remove the spots of lemon sources

  1. Take a fresh lemon and cut it in half.
  2. Sections of the fetal sections thoroughly wipe the contaminated areas of the hands.
  3. A few hours later, take a shallow container, squeeze the lemon juice into it, spread it with warm water and lower your hands into the resulting solution for a while.
  4. Before going to bed, apply nutritious cream.
  5. The next day, it is recommended to repeat the described procedures.

With this method, get rid of stains at once it will not work. However, after the first application, the stains will be markedly lighter, and the re-conducting procedure will not leave them and the trace.

Lemon juice will help get rid of stains on hand

Sour grape juice from misunderstanding fruits

With the help of grape juice, you can also effectively get rid of the stains of the juice of walnut.

  1. It is enough to wipe the hands with individual grapes.
  2. Then make a bath from fresh juice diluted with warm water.
  3. After the processing is completed, wash your hands with a shopping soap.

This method is compared with the use of lemon juice.

Grape juice is also able to clean hands from walnut spots

Unfortunately, laundering such spots with juice, it does not always provide full removal. In this case, one of the specified juices can be applied, then wrapped with polyethylene, then put on the mittens. An hour later, it is necessary to wash the composition of water temperature.

No less effective to remove stains in hand, is a general cleaning. Contact of hands with detergents intended for cleansing a variety of surfaces will allow to get rid of spots on the same day. However, it is recommended to start this cleaning immediately, after the completion of the process of cleaning the young fruits of walnut.

The general cleaning will remove the stains from the hands during one day.

Attention! Some household chemicals are very aggressive and can harm the skin of your hands.

How to remove pollution sea salt

A good cleaning effect also possess the handbanks for hands with sea salt. However, such a procedure is desirable to repeat after 3-4 hours, until the complete disappearance of pollution. At the same time, the nutrient cream should be applied between such water treatments.

Hand Bath with Sea Salt will help get rid of brown spots

How to clean the ammonia

Using the ammonia alcohol, you can also get rid of brown spots in your arms.

  1. Get out the alcohol with a cotton disk.
  2. Extermine the stains with the circular movements.

Summer alcohol will help clean your hands from complex pollution

Attention! Considering the specific smell of this substance, it is advisable to clean the room after completing the procedure.

Hydrogen peroxide as a way to clean the skin of the hands

With the help of peroxide, you can get rid of fresh juice spots exclusively on hands who did not have time to darken. Take your cotton and, having impregnated with its liquid, pay the juice of walnuts, which fell into open areas of the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide effectively clean your hands from the juice of walnuts

More severe artillery used when cleaning hands from strong contaminants, are a variety of stains. However, their help should be resorted only in extreme cases, due to the existing risk of skin harm. Using even substances designed specifically for delicate tissues, you can provoke redness of the skin and irritation.

The most mild and gentle way to get rid of brown spots in the hands is the use of a nutrient cream.

  1. Apply it for the night of contaminated areas.
  2. Wrap your hands with cellophane and put on the mittens.

Hand nutritious Cream will reduce the intensity of color spots from walnut

By morning, the color of the spots will be much lighter.

After using this or that method, it is desirable to wash the hands of the hands by the economic soap, allowing to achieve maximum effect, due to a number of certain properties.

How can I wash your hands from walnuts: option on video

Detergent "Vanish"

If a stain from the juice of walnut accidentally hit the clothes, wash it easy. In this case, you can use the Vanish spot, designed for both non-colored and snow-white fabrics.

Vanish stain removes cleanliness to your things

  1. Apply a means directly to the contaminated fabric area.
  2. Give it to impregnate fabric.
  3. Lightly sweep the stain with a brush or cloth.
  4. Remove the substance with clean warm water.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice also has a good effect.

  1. They should grasp the spot.
  2. Then leave a thing in such a state for a while.
  3. And after making washing in the usual way.

Lemon juice will help to wash underwear

Summer alcohol and hydrogen peroxide

You can use the means prepared based on the use of ammonic alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

  • 5 parts of peroxide
  • 1 part of the ammonic alcohol
  • 5 parts of water
  1. Apply the resulting fabric on the contaminants subjected to pollution.
  2. Leave it in this liquid for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the product in warm clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonious alcohol will help when washing spots from nuts

Boiling water

You can try to derive such fresh stains using conventional boiling water.

  1. Take the affected clothes or towel and pull over the tank of suitable size.
  2. Then leut on a stain with a thin flowing of steep boiling water, until the contamination is completely disappeared.

Boiling water will help withdraw fresh spots from the walnut juice

If white fabric has undergone pollution, you can use a variety of bleach. However, it is not necessary to give preference to chlorine substances capable of harming the structure of tissue fibers. High-quality washing powder used in combination with similar means will also help get rid of the stains of the juice of walnuts.

For colored fabrics, you can use store stains to use that you need according to the instructions. However, as experience shows, such contaminants are easily detached and provided usual washing.

Normal wash will help get rid of walnut stains

Using these simple tools, you can clean your hands from resistant brown spots, awaiting after cleaning walnut, without applying harm to the skin. However, it is still desirable to conduct a cleaning procedure in gloves that prevent the possibility of such contaminants. If the juice falls on clothing, it is enough to resort to a conventional machine washing, or use one of the methods proposed in this article.

Those who grow and collect walnuts independently know that after the collection they need to be cleaned from the green shell. In the process, the hands quickly paint in yellow, then brown, and then at all in almost black, and just so wash them will not work. Return the skin whiteness and the usual look is quite difficult, but for the years and a century cleaning the orera, people have accumulated enough ways to speed up the solution to this problem.

Why green peel walnuts paints hands and how to avoid it

Young walnuts are different from the fully ripened sweet taste of the nuclei, they prepare a wonderful jam, so those who have the opportunity to collect a harvest from the tree, often prefer this option. Its substantial minus is that nuts have to be cleaned from green peel. In the process, it highlights juice in which a natural dye is contained in a natural dye, eating into the skin.

With unworthy walnuts, you have to shoot green leather

It is so persistent that is used in the production of paints for hair and in the textile industry. It should be appreciated for the ability to resist all sorts of soap solutions. What is interesting, on the skin of the hands of brown-black spots, similar to the traces of the remaining from iodine, do not appear immediately, and in an hour and a half after the cleaning is completed. If nothing is specifically taken, the stains hold on the skin from the week to two, depending on its individual characteristics.

For the appearance of spots in the hand in the process of cleaning walnuts "responsible" natural dye Yuglon contained in the skin

To avoid staining (or at least reduce the intensity of color), before cleaning nuts, wear rubber gloves. And not ordinary economic, but more dense and high-quality. But the practice testifies that they are sometimes not saved and they. Therefore, preventive measures that give one hundred percent guaranteed result does not exist.

Cleaning walnuts in gloves (for example, in medical) helps to avoid the appearance of dark spots or at least reduce the intensity of their manifestation

Video: Personal experience of removal of stains from hands after cleaning walnuts to shell

Effective methods of combating the problem: what and how to clean the skin

Treat hands after cleaning walnuts are recommended in any case, even if they seem clean. The efficiency of the method in each case depends on the individual features of the skin. Each time after the "cleaning" session, it is necessary to dense a nutritious, softening or restoring cream, ideally, to wear rubber and tissue gloves on top and pass on top of it.

To clean the hand, in any way you cannot be resorted if there are abrasions, wounds, scratches, any unexplored mechanical damage, as well as allergic manifestations.

How to try laundering yellowness quickly: detergents and chemicals

The most effective, but the most dangerous version for the skin. Someone is enough to hold general cleaning in the apartment, clean the bath or toilet without rubber gloves, wash something manually. The desired effect provides washing powder, other detergents. Previously examine the composition - rarely, but it happens that hydrochloric acid includes. Such a means, of course, cannot be used without gloves. Chlorine is less aggressive, but it is excluded for very sensitive skin.

When washing manually, the mechanical effect on the stain is complemented by the effect of purification from the powder itself

If it did not help, resort to the help of stains. Start with the means specifically designed for tissues that require gentlement, and oxygen bleachers. They are preliminarily bred according to the instructions, the hands in the solution are held no more than 10 minutes. But even they can provoke serious allergies - redness, itching, rash, skin irritation.

Preparing solution of bleach, do not increase the concentration of the active substance and do not hold your hands longer than it is recommended - it will not help get a faster and pronounced effect.

Guaranteed to make the effect of everyone known "White". But going to apply this tool, think, really you need clean brushes and right now. The case may well end in chemical burns. And in some cases, no negative effects are not marked. With a cotton disk, moistened in a breeding instruction for soaking a bleach, for 20-30 seconds wipe stains. They disappear without a trace and literally in front.

"White" guaranteed displays stains, but in some cases - along with the skin

Lemon and other folk remedies

Natural "bleachers" of the juice of green walnuts and other folk agents are quite a lot:

  • Lemon. Cut the fruit rings, wipe the most pronounced stains. After 2-3 hours, the juice of two lemons pour into a liter of warm water, plunge the brush into the resulting bath, sit until it cools. Such manipulations repeat daily, grabs 2-5 procedures. If there are no lemons, lemon acid can be dissolved - a liter bag.

    The effectiveness of lemon in the fight against spots is due to the presence of citric acid - it acts as a light chemical peeling, dissolving surface cells of the epidermis, absorbed pigment

  • Immature green grapes. Act the same as with lemon. Berries cut, wipe spots, after a while they make a bath (about 50 ml of juice per liter of water). If a lot of grapes, it is crushed into Cashitz and keep hands in it.

    To combat stains left on hands after cleaning walnuts, only green grapes are used; Red berries can also paint the skin, exacerbating the situation

  • Sea salt. The baths (a hassle of salt by 1.5 liters of warm water) 10-15 minutes are made every 3-4 hours. In the intervals necessarily apply cream. A similar effect gives a long bathing in the sea, especially if you lose the brush with small sand.

    Many know that fresh spots, for example, is recommended from the wine to fall asleep in salt - it seems to absorbs natural dye particles; In the case of the skin of the green walnuts, the mechanism of action is similar

  • Potatoes. The starch contained in it neutralizes iodine, which is part of the uglon. But there are other substances that starch is not discolored. Especially effective method against fresh spots. The peeled tuber must be grateted on a shallow grain or grind in a blender, in the resulting Cashitz on a quarter of an hour their hands are immersed. Then they need to lose their rigid washcloth or a sponge of natural fibers. In order for the stains noticeably brightened, grabs 1-3 procedures, and everything can be carried out during the day with an interval of 3-4 hours.

    Curling potatoes - the most safe way to clean hands from dark spots left after cleaning green walnuts

  • Ammonia. Ammonia - Well-known Chemicals "Antagonist" of iodine. It is simply wetted in it and wipe the skin without developing excessively. The procedure is repeated no more often than two times a day, usually 2-4 "sessions". A significant drawback is a very caustic smell. You can earn a resistant migraine. Having finished the procedure, carry out the room, thoroughly wipe your hands. In the absence of ammonia alcohol, it is replaced with gasoline, acetone, kerosene, lacquer removal fluid. These substances also have a specific "aroma", therefore, the ventilation and washing hands are necessary here.

    The caustic smell of ammonia even for clean hands will fall far from every woman

  • Hydrogen peroxide. It gives the effect only on fresh spots. The skin is abundantly wetted with peroxide, rubber gloves are put on 15 minutes. Then the hands are well wash with a shopping soap, rubbing in the process of the washcloth. Conduct no more than 2-3 procedures per day, usually enough. Note that the peroxide negatively acts not only on the skin, but also on the nails - they are often starting to get lazy, cracks appear.

    Whitening properties of hydrogen peroxide are known for a long time - many women with its help turned into blondes

We do not let down, so with a remote: mechanical peeling

Having exfoliated from the surface of the skin painted cells of the epithelium, restoring its natural color. At the same time, under normal conditions, it is not recommended to abuse peeling, spending it no more than 3-4 days. In an extreme situation, you can resort to mechanical cleaning several times a day. For this, both purchased and homemade scrubs are used (based on coffee grounds, salt, sugar, food soda, oatmeal), pumice. Two-three days of intensive procedures usually grabs to cope with the problem.

Homemade hand scrubs are not inferior on the efficiency of the purchase - the principle of action they have the same

For greater efficiency, the procedure in front of mechanical cleaning is sprinkled by holding 5-7 minutes in a hot bath. After it, it is recommended to wash your hands with an economic soap.

High-quality household soap, made according to GOST, cleans any spots better than a toilet soap

Video: Testing of different ways to clean hands from spots after green walnuts

Walnuts on the market are not noone. And therefore, many envy the lucky whose walnut is growing in the garden or near the house in the village, which also gives a decent harvest.

But the owners of walnut during the collection accounts for hopeless. After all, it is necessary not only to collect the whole harvest and clean it from that peel, which covers the fruit itself, but after all the works work your hands. Especially after collecting green nuts, for example, to prepare an amazing jam.

But it will be later. In the meantime, you need to try all the well-known ways to wash your hands. The fact is that the composition of the green peel of walnut is a natural dyeing substance Yuglon, which many is identified with iodine - they are so similar in color and, it seems, even by smell.

But the peel juice is so entry into the skin that it is almost impossible to wash it! And if iodine, gradually absorbed into the skin, the next day it does not give itself anything, then the juice of green peel walnuts can stay on the hands of a week. Not less! As a rabbit from a cartoon about Winnie Pooh.

And to drop this very juice, you need to apply all familiar tools that come to mind.

But you need to warn that this process is long, and not always the result turns out to be positive. But it's worth trying. What if it turns out?!

Lemon, Lemon Juice and Lemon Acid

Lemon juice has a good natural bleach.

Cut the lemon in half and start rubbing them all stains on your fingers and palms. The procedure is not instant, so take patience.

Brown spots on hand can gradually litter. But it will be very surprising if someone squeezes them completely.

Instead of rubbing juice, you can make lemon baths for hands.

Pour in the basin heated water, squeeze the juice of one or two lemons in it (can be replaced by diluted with citric acid) and immerse your hands into the water. Keep them in water - the longer, the better. The skin in the arms sprinkled.

Then take the usual pumice and start methodically, but carefully consider the top layer of the skin. Together with him will go and paint.

The method is not bad, but takes a lot of time, which the hoses are not enough. Therefore, you can recommend another option How to Clean your hands from the juice of the peel of green walnuts.

Grand wash

Everything is so accustomed to wash linen in washing machines, which no longer remembers those times when a woman has been holding all the clothes of her numerous family manually.

At the end of the washing, her hands were red from hot water, swing, but flawlessly clean. Therefore, such a way should pay attention.

Take care of general cleaning or "boot" a grand washing. True, you have to forget about rubber gloves and work without them.

Your hands in the water will sparkle, skin softening. Erasing things, you will be methodically rubbed and brown stains on your palms.

This will help you and washing powder (well, if it is with a bleach), as well as other detergents that you will use during the floor washing or cleaning the sink, baths.

Of course, you should not fall into extreme and clean your hands, for example, a Blitz toilet remedy. Salonic acid, which goes there, together with the paint "Eat" and all the skin. But the chlorine is less aggressive.

Some experimenters with a solution of chlorine derived spots from the juice of the peel of green walnuts.

They apply a brown chlorine on the cotton and clutch brown spots on their hands. They say helps. But you need to remember that chloric is an aggressive substance. And it is possible not only to spoil her skin, but also to get strong irritation in the form of ulcers. Therefore, the Council with Chlorine may be good, but to use it or not - to solve you.

The juice of the unreliable (green) grapes

Most likely, the juice of unheated grapes has the same whitening properties as lemon juice.

Those who used such a cleaner were completely satisfied. But again, it is not worth waiting for the instant result. After all, this is a process of long, though not so unpleasant as he, with chlorine.

If you have little grapes, then take the grape, give it out and start rubbing the stains, choosing some kind of one piece. Then take the second berry and go to the next spot.

But if you are the winner of the vineyard, then you are very lucky. Distribute so much grapes in the bowl so that the brush hands can be immersed in Kashitz from it. Hold them there for about twenty minutes. Then wash the household soap. And also swee pembia.

Some advise Cashitz to put on their hands, put on gloves and some time do not shoot them. Then wash your hands with soap, losing pumice.

Salt or sea water

Cleansing spots from juice of peel of green walnuts can be combined with a pleasant SPA procedure.

Pour in the bath heated water and add naval salt. Keep your hands in the water until the skin is sprinkled. Then, with the help of Pumice, start rubbish the wrapped palms and fingers. Part of the paint will take advantage.

Swimming in the sea (in salty water), and then rubbing the palms with small sand also gives a positive result.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol

Hydrogen peroxide is also in the list of those substances with which you can remove brown stains from green walnuts. But this solution is practically not valid. Unless on fresh stains ...

Tools for removal of labor-based spots

There are many different means in stores for removing hardwood spots. But all of them (or almost all) are designed to fight stains by no means on human skin, but on the "inanimate" surface: fabrics, furniture, glass, metal. And in their composition there may be substances not only badly affecting the skin, but also dangerous - the same hydrochloric acid, for example.

Therefore, such funds need to be used. The main thing is not harmful!


Whatever of these funds you choose to remove stains from green walnut peel, remember:

  • Before removing spots from the hands, you should think not only about the effectiveness of this fund, but also about possible consequences.
  • All these funds themselves are not very effective. They must be combined with pumice cleaning. Since the juice of the peel is not washed away by itself, and it only comes off with the top layer of the skin, which is also believed to be pumice (scrub, salt, sand).
  • Therefore, in one day, you can hardly get rid of stains. And if you can, then you will find yourself in the rare rows of lucky.
  • But that there were no spots from the peel of green walnuts, or there were quite a bit of them, it is necessary to clean the peel or process green walnuts only in rubber gloves. And not thin, and better quality. Although, as practice shows, they are not so protecting the peel of green walnuts from juice, as I would like.

If you collect a nut harvest, then after cleaning the blaming hands inevitably. For quick cleaning, use the ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, lemon or grape acid. Prepare from the means of the bath and rub the brush thoroughly brush. After each procedure, soften the skin with a nutrient cream.

Spots from nuts are removed hard, so people can walk with disfigured palms and fingers up to 2 weeks. In order to bring the brush to the normal look as soon as possible, you should know why the dermis is black and what to wash your hands from nuts (walnuts).

Why walnuts are packing hands

It was noted that the hands are black only after contacting the skin with immature fruit and especially with its green leather. This is due to the fact that the skin is enriched with a strong pigment substance - the Yuglon, which is a powerful source of iodine. It is it that is useful for the body, so often the crust of young green walnut is used to prepare healing tinctures.

At the mature fetus, the concentration of these substances is much lower, and if the shell dried, the nut almost does not dock hands. But when harvesting the cropping limbs (as in the photo), not to be avoided, so you need to have the ingredients necessary for cleaning.

Note ! Yugnon pigmates dermis not immediately, but gradually. This is a characteristic feature of the substance. If after assembly you do not notice pronounced spots, still treat your hands, after all, after a day, they can blame.

Effective methods that allow you to quickly wash your hands, soaked with green walnut

To eliminate black walnut stains, both underwear household / cosmetic / food: citric acid, sea salt, grape berries and medicines: ammonia alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

Each ingredient has its own features of application and in different ways affects skin. If you have injuries at brushes (scratches, cuts, cracks), use gentle methods, even if they require more effort and less effective.

How to remove stains from nuts with lemon juice

Lemon acid or lemon juice allow you to rack the blackness, which appeared after cleaning walnuts safely.

Due to the acidic properties of the lemon, the dermis is brightened and comes to the proper look, but you need to handle your hands immediately after contact with nuts and spend several procedures according to the following scheme:

  1. Sick with lemon juice.
  2. Lower in him hands.
  3. Hold 10 minutes.
  4. Thoroughly wash your brushes with detergent, rubbing a rigid brush.

If the lemon was not at hand, use citric acid. Divide it 1: 4 with water and conduct manipulations on the principle described above.

Note ! If there are microcracks and injuries on hand, do not wash your hands with lemon / acid. They act on the amazed skin aggressively.

Acid grape juice from misunderstood

Wash the dirty hands from nuts (walnuts) using late grapes. Acid, existing in the fruits, works on the principle of citric acid and also effectively removes stains from walnut greenery.

  1. Sick with immature grape juice.
  2. Hold your hands in it 10 minutes.
  3. Thoroughly wash your brushes with soap and speck the stain with a rigid sponge.

Iodine spots do not stand in front of acid, but as in the previous case, give up the cleaning of the hands of the grapes, if there are damage on the brushes.

How to remove pollution from nuts sea salt

Sea salt helps effectively clean the blackened hands from nuts (green), even if the brushes have cracks and other damage.

The removal of black is performed by scrubbing and sprinkling, for which you need:

  1. Prepare hot water.
  2. Put a handful of sea salt.
  3. Lower into the solution of your hand and knead the salt in the water.

When the water cools, clean your hands with a brush and thoroughly wash with soap. If for 1 time the stains did not disappear, repeat the procedure through the day.

Note ! If there are injuries in the hands, do not make water hotly or give her a little cool so as not tolerate pain. On the amazed places do not affect the brush, so as not to injure the dermis even more.

Clean the skin with hydrogen peroxide

If after harvesting you need to quickly bring your hands in order, then use hydrogen peroxide. It is used to eliminate stains on fabric and skin.

It can be used in 2 ways:

  1. Dimulate the hands abundantly with hydrogen, wear rubber gloves and rinse the substance after 15 minutes.
  2. Divide hydrogen in the proportions of 1: 1 with water, plunge the hands there and hold 15-20 minutes.

After conducting procedures (in both cases), it is necessary to wash your hands with a detergent and lose particularly contaminated areas. It is usually enough to get rid of walnut blacks.

Purification by ammonia

Naming alcohol well cleans his hands after collecting and cleaning walnuts from husk. The drug is especially useful in combination with hydrogen, since it enhances the effectiveness of peroxide.

2 methods for cleaning the hands from walnut peel is ammonia:

  1. Pour the ammonia alcohol (1: 1 with water) to the plate and hold for 15 minutes in the solution.
  2. Wayed a cotton disk undiluted with ammonia and rapidly terrible.

After that, wash the drug with liquid or bars soap (in the advantage of economic). Be sure to spend the brush.

Note ! It does not matter what kind of cleaning recipe you select, after the procedure, lubricate the brush with a nutrient cream. It will restore regenerating properties and soften the skin.

Eliminate the blackening from nuts in the hands is quickly possible with the help of ammonia and hydrogen. The latter will be useful not only to clean the brushes from spots, but also disinfection of cracks (if any). But in the presence of amazed skin, avoid the processing of ammonia alcohol.

In the process of cleaning walnuts, the hands are smeared very easily. And after a heavy working day, flush them is not the slightest desire. To save the attractiveness of the hands and not clean them, use rubber gloves. They will take the juice of the peel on themselves and protect your skin.

Larisa, May 2, 2018.