Troubadour flowers. Luxury and poison: how to plant and care for a dope (datura) ordinary

When growing datura from seeds at home, you have to take into account their feature: a dense leathery shell. Protecting embryos from drying out, cold and other adverse effects external environment, the upper covers at the same time prevent germination. But flower growers have long learned to cope with the problem and successfully grow beautiful plant both in the garden and in indoor conditions.

Datura or Datura refers to a very poisonous plant. Everything is toxic: seeds, green fruits, and a stem with leaves. In case of poisoning, the pupils dilate, the pulse quickens, thirst and headache arise. Symptoms increase up to coma. It is necessary to grow datura in a personal plot or in a room with caution, especially if there are children in the family.

Cultivated species and varieties of Datura have large flowers with white, purple, orange or yellow color. Some of them emit a pleasant but very strong aroma. Since the plant blooms in the evening and at night, it is not recommended to put it in the bedroom.

Despite their dangerous properties, dope have taken root among flower growers and are successfully used for indoor and outdoor gardening. Beautiful, huge (up to 20 cm long and 10-15 cm in diameter), tubular flowers gave rise to the name of the datura "pipes of the archangels."

There are many varieties of datura with simple and double flowers. Among the most common:

  • plants with purple corollas covered with white spots (cv. Flore Pleno);
  • with snow-white ones (Troubadour, Sorcerer don Juan);
  • variety series Ballerina with different colors of flowers without pronounced sharp tips.

Recently, seeds have also appeared on the Russian markets. terry varieties: Golden Queen, Ballerina purple, Fastuosa, etc.

Sowing seeds

Datura seeds remain suitable for sowing for a very long time: they germinate even after 10 years of storage. By purchasing seed in a store, a grower practically cannot buy old and unsuitable seeds for sowing there. But before sowing, you still need to sort out non-viable, puny grains from high-quality ones, which will give strong shoots.

For this purpose, the seeds are subjected to flotation. Into a small but deep container ( plastic cup) pour the contents of the bag and pour warm water... Unsuitable seed floats to the top, as the grains are underdeveloped and therefore light. The same will happen if they are not ripe and dried up during storage: high-quality seeds will sink to the bottom.

After removing the shriveled grains and most of the water, leave the seed to swell for 48 hours. There should not be too much water. Its layer should be approximately equal to the size of the grains, and if it has time to evaporate, then the liquid can always be added.

Like all nightshades, datura in early age susceptible to fungal diseases (black leg). To prevent this, it is best to soak swollen seeds in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30-40 minutes before sowing. It is advisable to ignite the substrate in advance or spill it with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate (dark pink solution).

Preparing the potting mix

The soil for datura when grown from seeds should be loose, easily permeable to water and air. You can use a store-bought mix for pepper, eggplant, or tomato seedlings. If there is nowhere to buy this, then with self-creation the substrate must be taken in 1 part of sand (fine, washed from clay inclusions), garden soil and last year's humus. It is very good if sawdust was part of the rotted organic matter, as this additionally loosens the soil. If the soil in the garden is heavy, then add ground to the finished substrate eggshell or chalk (about 1 tbsp. l. per 1 kg of the mixture).

Treat the prepared soil with boiling water with a solution of potassium permanganate, as indicated above. For sowing, it is better to take a deep container. Root system the dope is powerful and develops very quickly. After germination, the seedlings will need a lot of land.

Spread the prepared seeds on the surface of highly moistened soil. Cover with a layer of dry soil 0.5-1 cm thick. Powder generously with sifted wood ash on top. Before the first watering, this measure will protect young seedlings from fungi if they somehow get into the container.

Cover the box with the sown seeds with glass or foil and put in a warm place (+ 30 ° C). Germination is very slow and lasts 2-3 weeks. Some shoots may appear even after this period. As soon as the first shoots hatch, you need to open the box so that the humidity inside it becomes equal to room humidity. After a day, the glass or film must be removed completely.

Young sprouts need good watering... It is better to moisten the soil from the pallet so that it gets wet as little as possible upper layer soil. Fungi grow very quickly on damp ground, which can destroy datura sprouts. With the method of irrigation from below, water must be poured into a pan and left for 5-6 hours. After that, everything that has not been absorbed must be drained.

The difficulty of such irrigation is to control soil moisture. You can determine the time when the plants will need moisture by digging the soil to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. At this level, it should be constantly wet.

Pick and transfer

When 1-3 true leaves appear at the shoots of Datura, they must be dived into separate containers at least 7 cm in diameter. When transplanting, you need to deepen the stem to the cotyledons. It will be necessary to transplant terry datura when grown from seeds when the container is filled with its roots. Therefore, it is better to take transparent containers for seedlings.

At the next transshipment, the plants must be carefully removed from the pot, without destroying the earthen lump. In a container where Datura will grow continuously, a drainage layer about 10 cm thick should be provided. It can be made from large pebbles or rubble, fragments of brick or glass, ceramics and other similar materials.

A layer of fertile soil should be poured over the drainage. The surface of the earthen clod at the bush, set on the soil, should be about 5 cm below the edge of the pot. Cover the gap between the container wall and the earthen clod with the substrate, as well as part of the stem. The level of the new soil in the container should be 1.5-2 cm below its edge. In a similar way, indoor datura will need to be replanted as the soil is filled with roots. Moreover, each time the container must have a larger diameter (by 8-10 cm).

If the dope grows in street flowerpot or open ground, then the transplant is carried out only at the time of the seedlings being taken out of the house. Plant care consists in timely watering.

Flowering time

Datura blooms in the same summer. The flowering period depends on the growing conditions, but it usually happens in late June - early July. The first datura flower appears at the fork in the stem, like bell peppers or chili. It is not necessary to remove it, but it is best to pull the fruit off.

The growth and maturation of the first fruit greatly delay the appearance of the next flowers (up to 7-10 days). After its elimination, flowering continues, increasing as the bush grows and branches. Fruits, which are tied at 2-3 forks, can be left on seeds if desired. They will have time to mature even in the middle zone of Russia and Siberia. To prevent the seeds from spilling out on their own, the prickly fruits need to be tied with gauze. When their shell is completely dry, the fruits can be removed. Usually by this time they begin to crack, exposing the seeds.

Datura will not be able to spend the winter outdoors. If a florist wants to grow it for several years in a row, with the onset of autumn, before the first frost, the bush must be dug up and transferred to a container. suitable size... In a room with a temperature of about + 12 ° C, the plant will shed its leaves and overwinter. From time to time, dope needs to be watered, not allowing the soil to dry out too much.

Room dates in winter time do not bloom. They can shed their leaves, causing concern to their owners. But if the branches of the bush remain alive and do not dry out, then there should be no reason for alarm: the plant simply fell into a dormant period. In order for it to bloom well for the next season, it must be transferred to cool place until spring. Around the beginning of March, Datura will come to life again.

Reputed to be exotic decor garden plot... Its large white flowers look beautiful in many landscape compositions and, in addition, exude a unique aroma. But do not forget that this culture is very toxic! So that growing datura in the open field does not become a problem, it is important to choose suitable grade, do correct fit and ensure that the culture is well cared for.

Description: varieties and varieties of dope herb

Datura is an annual shrub with a shoot length of 1-1.5 m outdoors. It grows more in width than in length. The plant is densely covered with green-gray foliage. The young bush in the photo resembles eggplant seedlings.

Common varieties of Datura:

  • Common - huge leaves and snow-white flowers;
  • Indian - purple-white buds;
  • Indian is a highly growing shrub with white petals and an unpleasant odor.

Common dope

With proper care, Datura forms huge bells with a delicate aroma. They wither in less than a day. Flowering begins in early summer, becomes massive only in August, and ends in October:

  1. Datura first forms a shoot about 30 cm long.
  2. The shoot bifurcates and releases a bud. It gradually grows up to 20-25 cm.
  3. After ripening, the bud opens quickly. The flower is a bell 15-20 cm in diameter.
  4. The color of the flowers is usually white, sometimes with cream, lemon and other pastel shades.

Attention! The bud opens at dusk literally before our eyes and lives until the end of the morning coolness.

Datura: planting a plant

In the climate of the middle zone, the cultivation of datura grass is limited to frosty winters. Of course, you can practice maintenance and care in the house for 5-6 months. However, an ordinary window sill for growing will not work: only a spacious part of the room, an area of ​​at least 1.5 square meters. m. Datura seedlings are planted in open ground. This happens in May.

Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out in March, but the soil is prepared in the fall. Substrate composition:

  • 40% sifted soil from the garden;
  • 40% humus;
  • 20% coarse sand.

Pre-sort the seeds: place in a container with hot water for a few hours. Floated specimens are not suitable for planting. Moisten the soil in the seedling container, and slightly deepen the seeds. Support room temperature and soil moisture, cover the pot with a sheet of plain paper and wait for seedlings in 2-3 weeks.

Dope seeds

After their appearance:

  1. Transfer the container to a cool and bright place.
  2. Dive the plant after a pair of true leaves has formed. Planting in a new place is carried out at the height of the cotyledons.
  3. In the open field, even a compost or manure heap is perfect for a dope. The main thing is to select a well-warmed, calm place for the plant on the site.
  4. Plant seedlings at intervals of at least 1 m.The width of the fossa is 50 cm, the depth is 70 cm.
  5. Lay a drainage layer on the bottom.
  6. Datura bloom occurs 20-25 days after planting.

Attention! In warm regions, it is allowed to plant seeds directly in open ground. The depth of their embedding is up to 10 cm. Also, the cultivation of dope is sometimes carried out directly in containers. In the summer they are taken out into the air and buried in the area.

Datura care

The varieties of this culture are unpretentious in matters of irrigation, fertilization, and care. For the flower to grow and develop normally, keep the soil loose and moist. You can periodically make wood ash... Datura is poured 3-4 r. in Week. Dry summers can be more frequent. In winter, indoor watering is reduced to 1 p. in Week.

Advice. Use hard water for irrigation.

In the dope, only young shoots bloom. In the fall, all old ones should be cut off. In addition, this way you can form the crown of the shrub. Remove drooping buds during active flowering.

Fertilizing and feeding datura

Part of the plant care procedure is to maintain the nutrient content of the soil:

Datura needs additional feeding for active growth.

  1. In spring and summer, before flowering, once a week, fertilize the datura with organic matter in combination with mineral complexes (after a week).
  2. In winter, the plant does not need to be fed in a container. If the soil is acidic, water it every spring with a solution of lime: 1 g per 1 liter of water.

Advice. Granular mixtures for vegetables are often used as a mineral fertilizer.

Plant propagation at home

In the case of datura, propagation by seeds or cuttings is used. To harvest the seed, remove the seed pods after the first flowers have wither. For 2 months they should be placed in a dry and dark place. Make sure that the box does not crack and the seeds do not fall into the ground. The shrub in this way willingly reproduces by self-seeding.

For cuttings, cut off a part of the shoot with a couple of internodes. Further:

  • cut all large leaves in half;
  • prepare light soil;
  • soak the stalk in a root stimulant.

Advice. Propagation by cuttings is usually carried out in September or mid-March, with spring planting Location on.

Datura-herb diseases and pests

Since the plant is poisonous, most fungal infections and insect pests simply do not take root on it. Sometimes whiteflies or spider mites can be found on the leaves of a plant. Preventive spraying with Bordeaux liquid, in May or June, will help get rid of these pests. If signs of insect breeding are already evident, treat the plant with a special fungicide.

Datura is very rarely attacked by pests.

Outwardly, datura can wither and look unhealthy if not properly cared for. For example, when growing in a cool or too shaded place, improper watering.

Datura: Combination with other plants

Datura creeping along the ground has excellent decorative properties. If there is a support, he can braid it, rising 1-2 m. It will be pleasant to visit the green corner in the evening or show it to friends in the photo. Date different varieties used in flower beds to replace early flowering perennials in the composition.

As soon as people hear the word - dope, cute flowers in the form of a pipe emerge in their minds, exuding a pleasant aroma. Looking at them from the outside, it is unlikely that the fact that the plant is poisonous will come to mind. Despite this, its majestic buds simply fascinate true nature lovers. But what if you lift the veil of misunderstanding and look at the flower from the objective side? Probably worth a try.

Practice shows that the use or close contact with dope leads to the appearance of vivid hallucinations. That is why shamans and witches used it for their magical rites to deceive people.

Lift the Veil of the Mysterious Flower

Datura is an evergreen herbaceous perennial. It grows in the tropical and subtropical zones of our planet. Feels comfortable in the steppe regions and hilly areas. In a cool climate, the flower is grown as an annual option. It is often found on wastelands and on roadsides. Loves moist soil, so it appears in the shade of buildings like a weed. On the Crimean peninsula, it is grown for medicinal purposes.

In accordance with various folk legends, the plant is called differently. Here is some of them:

  • angelic trumpets;
  • henbane;
  • devil's grass;
  • moonflower;
  • crazy grass;
  • foolish drunk;
  • thymus;
  • grass of sorcerers;
  • mad potion;
  • stupor grass.

Of course, the names are not very nice. In addition, the flower was used in pagan cults to communicate with demons. And ancient healers treated serious diseases with the plant. Be that as it may, if you follow the safety rules, dope can easily be grown on summer cottage.

The flower is considered a representative of the Solanaceae genus. Its close relatives are quite pleasant plants. This is everyone's favorite potatoes, juicy tomatoes or purple. Basically, Datura is a large grass that is distinguished by lodging or erect tubular shoots. They can reach a height of about 120 cm. Outside, the stems are covered with a glossy dark green or reddish bark. When the Datura grass ages, the basal shoots become lignified, acquiring a brownish color.

From the main trunk there are shoots on which successive leaves of large sizes are located (length about 15 cm, width about 10). They are either scalloped or oblong. Color outside- dark green. The back is usually lighter in color. Interestingly, along the vein located in the center of the leaf, a stripe of light tone is visible, which gives it a stylish look.

If you carefully consider the photo of a dope flower, you will notice that the buds originate in the axils of the leaf plate or at the forks of the shoots. The magnificent tubular inflorescences are composed of five delicate sectors. The depth of the funnel reaches about 15 cm. Some species can boast of bells 25 cm long. Buds appear with the arrival of the first summer days. The last inflorescences are pleasing to the eye in autumn, with the onset of frost. Datura flower can be painted in bright colors:

The original shape of the bud is in the form of a simple large bell with fused petals. Some species are distinguished by spiral complex inflorescences. It has been observed that the Datura plant does not always give off a pleasant aroma. Some varieties have practically no smell, but have an unsurpassed beauty of the buds.

Since the flower belongs to nocturnal plant species, you can admire its buds only after sunset or on cloudy days. When planting in a summer cottage, this fact should be taken into account.

When lush bloom passes, fruits are formed on the bushes in the form of large oblong bolls filled with seeds.
Outside, they are covered with a dark green skin with original thorns. The inside of the fruit is divided into 4 sectors.

Each of them contains black round or kidney-shaped seeds. The first boxes appear in July.

Enchanting views of the mysterious flower

Despite the fact that dope is poisonous plant, there are about 13 different types of it. But only a few of them are cultivated in summer cottages.

If you experience symptoms such as reddening of the skin, rapid heartbeat, severe headache, dry mouth and dilated pupils, seek help.

Datura ordinary

An incredibly resilient plant that is often mistaken for a weed, it can grow up to 120 cm in height. Its tubular erect shoots are covered with large leaves with cut edges. When Datura blooms, very few bell-shaped buds appear on it. white... But this does not prevent him from exuding an intoxicating aroma.

In its natural environment, the flower grows in wastelands, near low bushes, on forest edges and river meadows. How medicinal plant it is grown in the Kuban, as well as in the southern regions of Ukraine. The photo shows the common dope in its natural environment.

The dried leaves of the plant, which are harvested in sunny dry weather, are considered medicinal. Seeds are no less valuable. They are suitable after the fruit pods are fully ripe. It is necessary to store medicinal raw materials in a dry room for no more than 2 years.

Datura indian

This species can be found in flower beds summer cottages... The plant is a one meter high branched bush. Its large, dark green foliage rests on long petioles. The shape of the plate is oblong. Indian dope buds are different colors... Much depends on the species. Here is some of them:

Datura indian

This species is very poisonous. The inhabitants of the American continent used it as a sedative. Shamans of Indian tribes used in their rituals as a magic drug that causes hallucinations.

The leaves of the Indian dope are ovoid. The color is gray-green. The buds are simple or double-flowered. Maximum length inflorescences about 13 cm.

Simple rules for flower care

Detailed description dope herbs and photos show that the plant does not require special care... It is enough to adhere to the basic rules, and the mysterious flower will linger for a long time at the summer cottage.

If there is an opportunity to grow seedlings on your own, you can safely do this business. The best option is to purchase it from finished form... Datura grass is planted in flower beds in early summer. The distance between the bushes is approximately 100 cm, so that each seedling has enough air, light and moisture.

In order not to damage the root of the plant when planting a flower, it is important to keep a small earthen lump on the seedlings.

The soil in the flower bed should be of a loose character with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. If the soil is acidic, you can add a little lime. The most appropriate place- this is a sunny, windless area of ​​the yard.

Since Datura loves moderate humidity, it needs to be watered regularly. In this case, the water should not stagnate under the bush. The wide leaves of the plant need refreshing, so they should be sprayed periodically.

When the period of ejection of buds comes, it is advisable to feed the dope. Mineral fertilizers are diluted in water and then carefully applied to the soil. To stimulate the flowering of the bush, it is better to water it with hard water. And cut off the lower part of the plant. The procedure is performed in early spring or at the final stage of flowering.

With the onset of cold weather, perennial varieties of grass are completely cut off at the root.

The majestic dope flower, the photo and description of which attracts many fans, tolerates various diseases quite well.
The only problem - gray rot... It occurs when the plants are very densely planted. In rare cases, it can settle on the crown spider mite, bedbugs or weevils. Pest control is easy with insecticides.

In mid-latitudes, where severe winters prevail, datura is grown in tubs. Some gardeners in the fall transplant the flower from open ground into deep containers. They are placed in a room where the maximum temperature is maintained at about 13 degrees. In wet weather, they are rarely watered. With the arrival of spring, the plant is taken out to warmer places, creating comfortable conditions... Thanks to the fulfillment of such simple rules, there is an opportunity to contemplate the beauty of the "Angel Trumpets" at your summer cottage throughout the season.

Everyone is accustomed to considering dope grass as a pernicious weed. But in vain! This is very beautiful bush with big flowers that smell good. We grow several varieties, the flowers of which can be of completely different colors and shapes. Terry giants are especially beautiful, as in the photos below.

Therefore, I propose to take a chance and buy dope seeds. And here we will describe in detail how to plant seeds and give some tips for caring for it.

The Latin name of the Datura genus is Datura. And among the people, as they just do not call it: stupor-grass, stinking dope, water drunk, mad potion.

Datura grass is a representative of the Solanaceae family, which means a close relative of all well-known tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes. Only her sister is also a dangerous henbane. Here it is, the insidious beauty of dope - all parts of the plant are very poisonous!

In general, datura grass is a native of the warm climate of America, lives in Asia and Europe. She also reached the European part of Russia.

Despite the fact that it is a perennial plant, in middle lane In Russia, it is grown as an annual crop. Recently, she has become very popular among fans of tall flowering plants... Who can be left indifferent by giant terry bells?

Germinate seeds faster!

Planting and growing datura is very easy! On the market planting material a huge number of seeds of all kinds. Any self-respecting company will surely hide the cherished 3-4 seeds in a multi-colored bag.

The seeds are rather large, covered with a dense seed coat. Germination rate is very high - 95%, lasts up to 10 years.

One obstacle is that it usually takes a very long time to wait for the first shoots, sometimes up to 30 days.

To rush the cute miracle of nature a little, you can soak the seeds in cool water or a growth stimulant solution for a couple of days. This will help loosen the tight bonds of the seed coat a little and give the light of new green life more quickly.
Practitioners recommend using a zip pack with a little water. Place the seeds there and wait until they hatch, then boldly plant them in the ground and enjoy the shoots.

Seedlings or directly into the ground?

In our country, it is better to plant datura on seedlings - it will bloom faster this way. Do not miss the opportunity to watch how a real giant grows from a small seed and will thank you for your efforts with the light and music of huge flowers-gramophones!

Suitable time for sowing seeds: March-April. In open ground, seeds are sown in May.

How to grow seedlings?

When the first shoots are born, 2-3 weeks after sowing, they will develop very quickly. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the size of the pots. It is advisable to immediately sow one seed at a time in a container in order to subsequently avoid the stage of picking seedlings.

The seeding depth is 0.5-1 cm. The soil with the planted seeds is well watered, covered with glass and placed in a warm, dark place (18 - 20 ° C). Periodically planting should be ventilated and condensation removed from the glass surface. The upper soil layer must not be allowed to dry out. Don't forget to water!

When the first shoots appear, the containers with the shoots are transferred to a well-lit room and ensure regular watering.

Hardening of seedlings

Finally, the first real leaves appeared - it's time to start hardening the seedlings.
At first, 1-2 hours of walking is enough. fresh air... When the seedlings get a little stronger, you can give them free rein for a longer period.

After 1 month of such walks, you can leave the seedlings outside overnight. Of course, only if night temperatures do not drop below +10 ° C.

When the time spring frosts behind and the ground has warmed up enough (16-20 ° C), the seedlings can be placed on permanent place into the ground with a step of 20-30 cm between specimens. By the time they are planted in the garden, the seedlings should be 15 cm in height. Do not deepen the root collar!

The soil. It is better to choose the soil rich in organic matter. Datura grass loves loose nutritious soil, well-drained.

Place in the garden... There are several conditions required for a datura to develop properly. First, there is enough room to grow. Second, a sunny place or slightly shaded is ideal. In the shade, the flowering time will be shortened, and the plant will be strongly elongated. Last, no strong winds! Otherwise, the plant will tilt to the sides, break, lose buds.

  • A bush with beautiful large flowers looks great as a single plant in the green of the lawn.
  • Perfectly complements group plantings and mixborders.
  • The plant can be used to fill voids in a flower bed after perennials have flowered.
  • Datura Indian species is suitable for growing in a pot or container. However, in this case, it does not grow large.

Watering. Datura herb is very demanding on water quality. Soft water and regular watering will improve the flowering of this plant.

It grows actively in spring and summer, therefore, during this period, it requires additional fertilizing and abundant watering, spraying the foliage. With a lack of moisture and humidity, it sheds buds and leaves.

Withered flowers must be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of fruits, but is completely devoted to flowering.

Fertilizers. It responds very gratefully to organic fertilizing (compost, droppings, manure). Developing well on compost heaps... It is advisable to apply mineral fertilizer 2-3 times a month.

You can find out what types of datura can be grown with us and see their photos in our about types of datura grass

Detailed review: datura or garden dope - description, planting, care, growing from seeds, what it looks like, photos of flowers and other secrets!

Datura decorative (Datura) is becoming more and more popular among the population in last years and that's why.

Datura (garden dope): planting, care and cultivation

Datura (dope) - unpretentious plant, blooms for a long time, flowers are beautiful, resemble a bell or a gramophone, have a pleasant aroma.

Remember the song of Anna German, with the line: "Sweet dope smelled when the gardens were blooming." It's about him! Garden datura blooms almost from early summer to late autumn.

Among the species among flower growers, the following are especially common: fragrant dope (Datura suaveolens), golden dope (Datura aurea) and Indian dope (Datura metel).

  • Among the common dope, there are also several species that have proven themselves well in the garden: "Datura stramonium tatula" lilac-blue flowers and "Datura stramonium Inermis" with thornless fruits.

LANDING. It is advisable to choose a sunny and wind-protected place.

WATERING. It is necessary to be careful about watering: it is advisable to water with hard water, and if soft, then water once a summer lime milk... The flowering of the datura greatly depends on watering.

THE SOIL. Loose and rich nutrients soil, dope acquires a truly luxurious appearance... If you do top dressing mineral fertilizers and organics with the addition of ash, the dope will thank you with floral splendor.

BLOOM. Like other plants, vigorous growth takes place in spring and summer. For maximum flowering, remove faded flowers and water abundantly 1-2 times a day, and in hot weather, ideally, 2 times a day. Moisture is very important for large flowers to appear.

CUTTING. Datura must be trimmed occasionally as flowers appear only on young shoots. The seeds are harvested from capsule fruits, which are placed in pouches for ease of collection.

Datura decorative: growing from seeds and reproduction


Reproduction of decorative dope is carried out stem cuttings... Cuttings, with several internodes and trimmed leaves, are usually harvested at the end of September.

  1. Cuttings hibernate at home, then planted in open ground in the spring, at the end of the spring frost. After planting in the soil, they quickly take root.
  2. Then it is necessary to remove the tops of the shoots from them to give the dope a more attractive appearance.


  1. Datura seeds are sown in March in a prepared soil mixture in a special container. Before sowing, it is necessary to soak the seeds overnight, preferably together with a growth stimulant.
  2. The first shoots usually appear in 10-12 days, but in general they do not sprout very quickly and synchronously. Optimum temperature for seed germination 24-27 degrees Celsius.
  3. Datura is planted in open ground from late May to early June, depending on weather conditions. In the same year, the decorative garden dope blooms.

Datura (dope herb): wintering

Datura, in our latitudes, in the open field freezes in winter. Therefore, it is important to properly preserve the dope for the next year. There are several wintering options.

  1. The plant is dug up in the fall, and after pruning for the winter is planted in ordinary pots. It is better to move the pots to a cool and dimly lit place (balcony or basement).
  2. In winter, the plant sheds its foliage, and then new shoots begin to grow.
  3. The soil substrate is moistened about once every two weeks. Pruning is also carried out in spring, cuttings root quickly and are an excellent planting material with great vitality.

For this reason, datura is cultivated as an annual crop.

Datura decorative (Indian dope): description + photo

The species is called "Indian" as it has long been considered a sacred herb in India. medicinal plant... It is called the "flower of Shiva" in those parts and received the widest distribution.

  • This type of dope ( Datura metel) has very large fragrant flowers (up to 20 cm in length), which fascinate at first sight and create a particularly heady aroma at night.

Among early flowering varieties, it is popular with flower growers. "Ballerina"("Datura metel Balerina"). This variety is recommended for container planting due to its compact size. "Ballerina" grows about 40-50 cm in height, flowers about 9-10 cm in diameter.

The color of flowers, depending on the variety, can be: purple, white, orange, beige, yellow and purple. For example: yellow - "Yellow Ballerina", purple and white - "Purple Ballerina".

Datura grass of these varieties thrives on balconies and terraces. The pleasant scent of datura saturates the air, especially in the evening and at night. Therefore, it will be sweet for you to spend time on the terrace with a book and a cup of coffee.

In general, datura is actively used to decorate the main entrance, personal plot and greenhouses.

Datura grass, what does it look like? I almost forgot a photo, but like this:

Datura indian

  • We must not forget that the garden dope is decorative, but also poisonous. So be careful!


We wish you to successfully grow a beautiful and fragrant dope - datura, so that it delights you and cheers you up!