Your business is under pressure. Modern water supply for hotels and mini-hotels

The performance of sprinkler and deluge installations depends on their Maintenance, which consists of the implementation of a number of activities provided for in the instructions for their operation.

3. Design of a hot water supply system for hotels

3.1 Hot water system in hotel enterprises

Hot water in hotels is used for household, drinking and industrial needs. Therefore, she, as well as cold water used for these purposes must meet the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. The temperature of hot water in order to avoid burns should not exceed 70 "C and be not lower than 60 ° C, which is necessary for production needs.

Hot water supply in hotels can be:



With local water supply, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated in gas, electric water heaters, water heaters. In this case, water is heated directly at the places of its consumption. In order to avoid interruptions in hot water supply, hotels usually use central system hot water supply.

With the central preparation of hot water, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated by water heaters in the individual heating station of the hotel building or in the central heating station, sometimes the water is heated directly in the boilers of local and central boiler houses.

At district heating water is heated in water heaters by steam or hot water coming from the city heating network.

The scheme of hot water supply networks can be dead-end or with the organization of hot water circulation through the circulation pipelines system. Dead-end schemes provide for a constant drawdown.

If the water withdrawal is periodic, then with such a scheme, the water in the pipelines during the absence of withdrawal will cool down, and during the water withdrawal it will flow To low temperature water points. This leads to the need for unproductive discharge of a large amount of water through the taps, if you want to get water with a temperature of 60-70 ° C. In the scheme with circulation of water this disadvantage is absent, although it is more expensive. Therefore, such a scheme is used in cases where the water intake is unstable, but it is required to maintain a constant water temperature during the water intake.

Circulation networks are arranged with forced or natural circulation. Forced circulation is carried out by installing pumps, similar to the water heating system of buildings. It is used in buildings with more than two floors, and with a significant length of trunk pipelines. In one-, two-story buildings with a small length of pipelines, it is possible to arrange for natural circulation of water through the system of circulation pipelines due to the difference in the volumetric mass of water at different temperatures. The principle of operation of such a system is similar to the principle of operation of a water heating system with natural circulation. As in cold water supply systems, hot water lines can be with lower and upper wiring.

The hot water supply system of a building includes three main elements: a hot water generator (water heater), pipelines and water pipes, and taps.

3.2 Water heating technology

Exists good rule for hot water supply systems - maintaining the temperature at the lowest level that is only permissible for residents. It is noticed that corrosion and deposits mineral salts accelerate with increasing temperature. A temperature of 60 ° C is considered the maximum temperature for normal consumption. If the residents consider the water to be hot enough at a temperature lower than the indicated one by 5-8 ° C, then so much the better. For special purposes, when hotter water is required, for example for dishwashers in apartments or in restaurants located in a residential building, separate re-heaters must be used. Just because dishwashers need water with a temperature of 70 ° C, there is no need to heat all hot water to this temperature.

Heaters at home dishwashers usually electric type... Hot water systems for general purposes are similar heating systems... If, for example, an individual heating and cooling plant uses electricity as "fuel", the same source is provided for the hot water supply system.

On the other hand, if the plant is designed for central heating, then hot water supply is often done as part of this system. The subject of discussion is the choice of a method for heating water: using a boiler, a water heater, or a combination of both. If the project provides only one hot water boiler, the hot water supply must be heated by a separate device. This boiler can be shut down during the summer for preventive maintenance. Therefore, it is allowed to use installations with one unit only if the deprivation of hot water for several days a year will not irritate the residents.

When installing two or more boilers, it is advantageous to combine the hot water supply system with the heating system. In this case, the area of ​​the boiler room is saved and the initial costs are reduced. However, it should not be forgotten that water heating does not happen by itself. Therefore, if boilers of the heating system are used for hot water supply, their performance should be increased by the amount of heat that is consumed to heat water in the hot water supply system. The load on the boiler depends on the orientation of the hotel, the temperature of the incoming cold water, etc .;

The more boilers in the installation, the more efficiently it works in the summer. If two boilers of the same capacity are provided, they will be too large for the load in summer, except in areas with very mild climates. If there are five of them, then water heating will be economical even in the coldest regions.

The mechanism for heating water from a central boiler plant is very simple. The most popular water heaters are a shell with a bundle enclosed in it copper pipes small diameter. The heat carrier (steam or hot water from the boiler) washes the pipes from the outside, and the water for hot water supply flows inside them. The temperature or quantity of the heating medium is regulated depending on the temperature of the hot water so that it is sufficiently constant regardless of the water consumption.

The advantage of this heater is its small footprint. For example, for a 200-apartment building, the need for hot water is satisfied using a steam water heater with a diameter of 200 mm and a length of 2 m, which is easy to install in a boiler room. If an additional increase in project cost can be allowed, it is better to install two alternating heaters on the same foundation. This recommendation is often neglected for the sake of lower upfront costs, assuming that a short interruption in hot water supply is not a disaster. It is good to have a spare tube bundle for quick replacement, however, as it can take days or even weeks to repair entire water heaters.

Local water heaters can be used in the form of a boiler or heat exchanger installed specifically for this purpose. Very often, the process of heating water is carried out in one or more boilers, in which the water is heated directly by fuel, without an intermediate heat exchanger. This fuel can be gas, oil or electricity, and the heater can have some capacity for heated water.

The heat accumulators used in hot water supply systems work like a bank in which you invest money when there is a surplus, and then you spend it. This is due to the fact that water consumption throughout the day is far from uniform - the maximum is in the morning and evening rush hours. As a result, a difficult situation is created. Let us explain this with the following example. Suppose that, according to the calculation, the total demand for hot water per day is 18,200 liters, and this demand is determined based on the study of statistical data over many years. At the same time, it is expected that the maximum flow rate will be from 7 to 8 am and will be 3400 liters. There are two extreme cases. In one case, the capacity of the installation is selected based on the need to heat 3400 liters of water per hour from the temperature from which cold water is supplied to a temperature of 52-60 ° C. Another extreme case will be if we assume that water is evenly consumed throughout the day. In our example, the flow rate will be 18,200 liters divided by 24 hours, i.e. 760 liters per hour. The accumulator is calculated in such a way that it can provide the peak demand for hot water in an hour of operation. In our example, the highest flow rate is 3400 liters, of which the water heater can produce 760 liters per hour. Therefore, the battery must add 2640 liters.

Non-state private educational institution

higher professional education

Southern Institute of Management

Faculty of TR and GB


By discipline: "Engineering and technology in SCST".

On the topic: "Technology of hot and cold water supply for hotels."


4th year student of group 05 Art.

Dzhalilov V.Z.


teacher Zakharova Irina Yurievna.

Krasnodar 2009


1. Water supply system

2.1 Waterworks

2.2 Cold water systems

3.2 Water heating technology

3.3 Hot water circulation and water system protection

3.4 Hotel plumbing system

3.5 Technology of hot and cold water supply in the sanatorium "Chaika"


List of used literature


V modern world in the era of scientific and technological progress and the flourishing of new technologies, in the period of economic integration and globalization, there is a rapid development of the tourism and hotel business. The process of European unification, the opening of the Iron Curtain, wide use new information technologies make the world more open. The number of people traveling for business or tourism is growing every year. A full-fledged comfortable rest, the opportunity to see new cities and countries, visit historical sites and sights, enjoy the beauty of nature is the cherished dream of many. For the realization of this dream, for the embodiment of a fairy tale in life, modern travelers go. Often the motivation for a trip may be simply a desire for a change of scenery. Therefore, the role of the hotel in the modern tourism infrastructure can hardly be overestimated. It must meet all the expectations of the client, become for him a cozy and comfortable home for a while, be remembered for something individually unique. It is the creation of a positive image of the hotel, the perception of it by the client as an attractive place where one would like to return again, that is the goal of the owner and staff and, ultimately, the key to the commercial success of the enterprise.

There are a huge number of hotels in the modern world. They differ in purpose, capacity, number of storeys, type of structures, level of comfort, location and other characteristics. To be successful in the competition, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the modern market. It is necessary to create not only excellent customer service, architectural style, but also the well-established operation of the hotel's housing and communal complex, including the hotel's water supply

Twenty-first century - century advanced technologies... And ever higher requirements are imposed on the energy efficiency of engineering equipment and systems. The novelty is fundamental for water supply, heating, fire extinguishing systems - in technology, in quality assurance, ease of installation and, most importantly, efficiency.

Therefore, the tasks of this work:

consider the water supply technology of the hotel

consider the design of an internal cold water supply system for hotels

consider the design of a hot water supply system for hotels

to deduce the shortcomings of the water supply technology of the hotel

consider the technology of hot and cold water supply of the sanatorium "Chaika

Objectives of this work:

analyze the water supply technology of the hotel

to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the technology of hot and cold water supply of the sanatorium "Chaika

Draw conclusions on the work done

1. Water supply system

1.1 Water supply system in hotel enterprises

In hotels, water is used for household and drinking needs - for drinking and personal hygiene of staff and guests; for production needs - for cleaning residential and public premises, watering the territory and green spaces, washing raw materials, dishes and cooking, washing workwear, curtains, bed and table linen, when providing additional services, for example, in a hairdresser, a sports and fitness center, and also for fire fighting purposes.

Hotels located in cities and towns, as a rule, are supplied with cold water from the city (village) water supply. Hotels located in rural areas, in the mountains, on highways have a local water supply system.

The city water supply system uses water from open (rivers, lakes) or closed (groundwater) sources.

1.2 Sanitary equipment in hospitality enterprises

In a modern hotel, each room has its own bathroom. The main equipment includes: washbasin, bath or shower, toilet, bidet. The main devices should also include heated towel rails.

Depending on the type of hotel and room, the following options for placing sanitary equipment are used:

in hotels of the highest and I category, a bathroom for individual use is required in the room, equipped with three appliances, and in a suite - four;

in single and double rooms of hotels of the II and III categories there can be a bathroom with two appliances (toilet and washbasin);

in hotels of the III category, the room must have a washbasin, and in the corridor - washrooms, showers, bathrooms and toilets of general use.

An important point is also a careful installation of the equipment itself and the creation of opportunities for preventive inspection and repair of equipment. Test chambers are often used, which are located between two bathrooms. This provides access to basic communications without entering the room.

In hotels with expensive interiors, bathrooms represent a very interesting technical and artistic solution and are the real pride of sanitary equipment. High quality porcelain in combination with high quality metal fittings, wall decoration and all additional devices make your stay in the hotel pleasant and create modern comfort.

2. Designing a system of internal cold water supply for hotels

2.1 Waterworks

Water in the city water supply system must comply with the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. Before being supplied to the city water supply network, water from open sources of water supply always undergoes preliminary processing to bring its quality indicators in accordance with the requirements of the standard. Water from sealed water supplies usually does not need treatment. Water treatment is carried out atwaterworks.When water is supplied from rivers, the stations are placed along the river flow above the settlements.

The waterworks includes the following structures (Fig. 1)

water intake devices;

first lift pumps;

sedimentation tanks and treatment facilities;

water storage tanks;

pumps of the second lift.

Second-lift pumps maintain the required pressure in the main pipelines and the city water pipeline system. In some cases, water towers are connected to the main pipeline system, which contain a supply of water and can create pressure in the water supply system by raising the water reservoirs to a certain height.

From the waterworks, water flows through the city water supply network to consumers.

Drawing. 1 Scheme of a waterworks: 1- waterworks; 2- pumping station of the first lift; 3- treatment facilities; 4- tanks pure water; 5- pumping station of the second lift; 6- water conduits; 7- pressure tower; 8- main water supply network.

Urban water supply networksare constructed from steel, cast iron, reinforced concrete or asbestos-cement pipes. On them in the wells, valves are installed to turn off individual sections of the water supply network in case of an accident and repair, fire hydrants for water supply when extinguishing fires. The pipelines of the water supply network are located at a depth of at least 0.2 m below the depth of soil freezing in winter. Steel pipelines must have reliable waterproofing.

Internal water supplya building is a collection of equipment, devices and pipelines that supply water from central external water supply systems or from local water supply sources to water points in the building. Internal water supply in hotel buildings should be separate to meet economic and industrial and fire safety needs. Household drinking and industrial water pipelines are combined, since clean drinking water is used for household and industrial needs in hotels. The internal water supply of the cold water supply system includes the following elements:

one or more inputs;

water metering unit;

filters for additional water purification;

booster pumps and water tanks;

pipeline system with control valves (distribution lines, risers, connections);

water-folding devices;

fire extinguishing devices.

2.2 Diagram of the cold water supply system

Input is the section of the pipeline that connects the internal water supply to the external water supply. The entry is made perpendicular to the building wall. For this, cast iron or asbestos-cement pipes are used. At the point where the input is connected to the external water supply network, a well and a valve are installed, which, if necessary, turns off the water supply to the building. Usually two inputs are arranged in the hotel, which guarantees, firstly, an uninterrupted supply of cold water, and secondly, a sufficient supply of water to the fire hydrants in the event of a fire. The water meter unit is designed to measure the water consumption of the enterprise. It is installed in a heated room immediately after the input passes the outer wall of the building. The measured water flow is carried out using a water meter. The water meter is designed in such a way that when a stream of water passes through it, the turbine (or impeller) is set in rotation, transmitting the movement to the arrow of the counter dial. Pa water discharge is indicated in liters or cubic meters.

The water meter is selected according to the reference data depending on the calculated maximum hourly (second) water consumption at the inlet.

In four- and five-star hotels, the water from the city water supply must undergo additional treatment at water treatment stations. Target additional processing get water that meets international quality standards. The scheme of the water treatment plant is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Scheme of a hotel water treatment plant

At water treatment stations, water is passed through special filters consisting of layers of quartz, river sand, activated carbon, disinfected using an ultraviolet irradiation lamp (UFO), and various additives are introduced into the water composition.

The UFO lamp kills the microbes contained in the water, softens it. The lamp life should not exceed one year.

As an additive, alkali NaOH is used, which is automatically injected into the water through special holes in the pipeline. The purpose of NaOH water treatment is to bring it to the acidity level of pH = 8.2. Salts can also be added to water: NaCl and A 1 2 (S 0 4) 3.

The choice of the scheme of the cold water supply system in the hotel building depends on the available pressure Rp (Pa) in the external water supply network at the entrance to the building. For the normal supply of water to all water points of the internal water supply, the required pressure N R (Pa) in the external water supply network must be at least:

N P = h 1+ h 2+ h 3+ h 4+ h 5

where h 1 - pressure required to raise water from the inlet to the highest point, Pa; h 2 pressure loss in the water metering unit, Pa; h 3 - pressure loss at the water treatment plant, Pa; h 4 - pressure loss in pipelines, Pa, h 5 required free head at the highest water-taps, Pa.

The pressure in the internal water supply system should not exceed 0.6 MPa.

Depending on the ratios of the values ​​of H p and H tr the building will be equipped with one of the cold water supply systems.

At N R > H tr a constant supply of water to all water points of the building is ensured and the most simple system water supply without a booster pump and a water tank .

If constantly at certain hours of the day N R < Н tr and therefore, the supply of water to a number of water points is periodically provided, a water supply system with a water-pressure or hydropneumatic tank is arranged.

During periods when N R N tr , the water tank is filled with water, and when N R < Н tr , the water from the water tank is used for internal consumption.

Provided that a significant part of the time N R < N tr, arrange a water supply system with booster pumps or with booster pumps and a water pressure (or hydropneumatic tank ).

In the latter version, the pump operates periodically, filling the tank, from which the system is supplied with water. The water tank is installed at the top of the building. The hydropneumatic tank is located at the bottom of the building. The rooms in which the pumps are installed must have heating, lighting and ventilation. The building can be serviced by one or more pumps installed in parallel or in series. If the building is served by one pump, then the second pump must be connected to the network and a standby one. Pumps are selected taking into account their performance and the generated head.

For the internal water supply system, steel (galvanized) or plastic pipes... Pipelines are laid open and closed in building structures. Horizontal sections to ensure the drainage of water are laid with a slope towards the inlet. The water supply system, depending on the scheme, can be with an upper or lower water distribution.

The diameter of the pipeline is determined according to special tables, depending on the number of draw-off (water-consuming) points and their sizes.

The diameter of the mains of the systems of the economic, industrial and fire-fighting water supply system is taken to be at least 50 mm.

Internal water supply systems are equipped with pipeline and water fittings.

Pipeline fittings are designed to shut off pipeline sections for the period of repair, regulate pressure and flow in the system. Distinguish between shut-off, control, safety and control pipeline valves.

Gate valves and valves are used as shut-off and control valves. Gate valves are made of cast iron and steel, and valves are also made of brass. Shut-off valves are installed at the inlet, risers and branches.

Safety valves include safety and check valves, to the control - level indicators, control taps, taps for manometers.

Water-folding fittings include various taps at the points of water sampling: wall-mounted, toilet, taps flush cisterns, watering, urinal, flush, and mixer taps for sinks, baths, showers, washbasins, pools, washing machines and etc.

2.3 Fire-fighting water supply in hotel enterprises

Water is the most common extinguishing medium. Possessing a high heat capacity, it cools combustible substances to a temperature lower than the temperature of their self-ignition, and blocks the access of air to the combustion zone with the help of the generated vapors. A jet of water directed under a high pressure exerts a mechanical effect on the fire, knocking down the flame and penetrating into the depths of the burning object. Spreading over a burning object, water wets parts of buildings that have not yet been engulfed in fire and protects them from burning.

To extinguish the fire, water is supplied from the existing water supply system. In some cases, it can be supplied using pumps from natural or artificial reservoirs.

Internal fire-fighting water supply is provided by installing risers with fire hydrants in the building. Fire hydrants are placed on staircases, in corridors and in separate rooms of hotels at a height of 1.35 m from the floor in special lockers marked "PC". The equipment of the fire locker is shown in Fig. 2.16. In addition to the crane, the locker must contain a 10 or 20 m long tarpaulin sleeve and a metal fire barrel (hose). The sleeve has quick-release nuts at the ends for connection with the barrel and valve of the crane. The sleeves are placed on a revolving shelf or wound onto a reel. The distance between fire hydrants depends on the length of the hose and should be such that the entire area of ​​the building is irrigated with at least one stream. The use of sleeves of the same length and diameter is allowed in the building.

In hotels located in multi-storey buildings, the internal fire-fighting water supply system also includes automatic fire extinguishing means that localize the source of ignition, block the path of the spreading flame and flue gases, and extinguish the fire. Automatic fire extinguishing systems include sprinkler and deluge systems. Diagrams of sprinkler and deluge fire-fighting water supply systems are shown in Fig. 3

Figure.3 Equipment of the fire cabinet: A- with a revolving shelf; b- with a coil; 1- cabinet walls; 2- fire hydrant; 3- fire stand; 4- fire barrel; 5- fire hose; 6- revolving shelf; 7- coil.

Sprinkler systemsserve for local extinguishing of fires and fires, cooling of building structures and signaling a fire.

The sprinkler system includes a system of pipelines laid under the ceiling and filled with water, and sprinkler sprinklers, the openings of which are closed with fusible locks. When ready, the sprinkler system is pressurized. When the temperature in the room rises, the sprinkler lock melts and the water jet from the sprinkler, hitting the outlet, breaks over the fire. At the same time, the water comes to the signaling device, which gives a signal about the fire. The area protected by one sprinkler is about 10 m 2 ... Sprinkler sprinklers are installed in living rooms, corridors, office and public areas of hotels.

Deluge systems are designed to extinguish fires over the entire calculated area, create water curtains in the openings of fire walls, above fire doors dividing the corridors of the hotel into sections, and fire alarms. Deluge systems can be with automatic and manual (local and remote) switching on. Deluge systems consist of a system of pipelines and sprinklers, but unlike a sprinkler system, water sprinklers do not have locks and are constantly open. A water supply valve with a temperature-sensitive lock is installed in the pipeline supplying water to a group of sequentially located sprinklers. In the event of a fire, the lock opens the valve and water flows from all deluge heads to extinguish the fire or create a curtain. A fire alarm is triggered at the same time.

The operability of sprinkler and deluge installations depends on their maintenance, which consists of the implementation of a number of measures provided for in the instructions for their operation.

3. Design of a hot water supply system for hotels

3.1 Hot water supply system in hotel enterprises

Hot water in hotels is used for household, drinking and industrial needs. Therefore, it, like the cold water used for these purposes, must meet the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. The temperature of hot water in order to avoid burns should not exceed 70 "C and be not lower than 60 ° C, which is necessary for production needs.

Hot water supply in hotels can be:




With local water supply, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated in gas, electric water heaters, water heaters. In this case, water is heated directly at the places of its consumption. In order to avoid interruptions in hot water supply, hotels usually use a central hot water supply system.

With the central preparation of hot water, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated by water heaters in the individual heating station of the hotel building or in the central heating station, sometimes the water is heated directly in the boilers of local and central boiler houses.

With district heating, water is heated in water heaters with steam or hot water coming from the city heating system.

The scheme of hot water supply networks can be dead-end or with the organization of hot water circulation through the circulation pipelines system. Dead-end schemes provide for a constant drawdown.

If the water withdrawal is periodic, then with such a scheme, the water in the pipelines during the absence of withdrawal will cool down, and during the water withdrawal it will flow To low temperature water points. This leads to the need for unproductive discharge of a large amount of water through the taps, if you want to get water with a temperature of 60-70 ° C. In the scheme with circulation of water this disadvantage is absent, although it is more expensive. Therefore, such a scheme is used in cases where the water intake is unstable, but it is required to maintain a constant water temperature during the water intake.

Circulation networks are arranged with forced or natural circulation. Forced circulation is carried out by installing pumps, similar to the water heating system of buildings. It is used in buildings with more than two floors, and with a significant length of trunk pipelines. In one-, two-story buildings with a small length of pipelines, it is possible to arrange for natural circulation of water through the system of circulation pipelines due to the difference in the volumetric mass of water at different temperatures. The principle of operation of such a system is similar to the principle of operation of a water heating system with natural circulation. As in cold water supply systems, hot water lines can be with lower and upper wiring.

The hot water supply system of a building includes three main elements: a hot water generator (water heater), pipelines and water pipes, and taps.

3.2 Water heating technology

A good rule of thumb for hot water systems is to keep the temperature as low as possible for the occupants. Corrosion and mineral salt deposition have been observed to accelerate with increasing temperature. A temperature of 60 ° C is considered the maximum temperature for normal consumption. If the residents consider the water to be hot enough at a temperature lower than the indicated one by 5-8 ° C, then so much the better. For special purposes, when hotter water is required, for example for dishwashers in apartments or in restaurants located in a residential building, separate re-heaters must be used. Just because dishwashers need water with a temperature of 70 ° C, there is no need to heat all hot water to this temperature.

The heaters in domestic dishwashers are usually of the electric type. Hot water systems for general purposes are similar to heating systems. If, for example, an individual heating and cooling plant uses electricity as "fuel", the same source is provided for the hot water supply system.

On the other hand, if the installation is designed for central heating, then hot water supply is often done as part of this system. The subject of discussion is the choice of a method for heating water: using a boiler, a water heater, or a combination of both. If the project provides only one hot water boiler, the hot water supply must be heated by a separate device. This boiler can be shut down during the summer for preventive maintenance. Therefore, it is allowed to use installations with one unit only if the deprivation of hot water for several days a year will not irritate the residents.

When installing two or more boilers, it is advantageous to combine the hot water supply system with the heating system. In this case, the area of ​​the boiler room is saved and the initial costs are reduced. However, it should not be forgotten that water heating does not happen by itself. Therefore, if boilers of the heating system are used for hot water supply, their performance should be increased by the amount of heat that is consumed to heat water in the hot water supply system. The load on the boiler depends on the orientation of the hotel, the temperature of the incoming cold water, etc .;

The more boilers in the installation, the more efficiently it works in the summer. If two boilers of the same capacity are provided, they will be too large for the load in summer, except in areas with very mild climates. If there are five of them, then water heating will be economical even in the coldest regions.

The mechanism for heating water from a central boiler plant is very simple. The most popular water heaters are a shell with a bundle of small diameter copper pipes enclosed in it. The heat carrier (steam or hot water from the boiler) washes the pipes from the outside, and the water for hot water supply flows inside them. The temperature or quantity of the heating medium is regulated depending on the temperature of the hot water so that it is sufficiently constant regardless of the water consumption.

The advantage of this heater is its small footprint. For example, for a 200-apartment building, the need for hot water is satisfied using a steam water heater with a diameter of 200 mm and a length of 2 m, which is easy to install in a boiler room. If an additional increase in project cost can be allowed, it is better to install two alternating heaters on the same foundation. This recommendation is often neglected for the sake of lower upfront costs, assuming that a short interruption in hot water supply is not a disaster. It is good to have a spare tube bundle for quick replacement, however, as it can take days or even weeks to repair entire water heaters.

Local water heaters can be used in the form of a boiler or heat exchanger installed specifically for this purpose. Very often, the process of heating water is carried out in one or more boilers, in which the water is heated directly by fuel, without an intermediate heat exchanger. This fuel can be gas, oil or electricity, and the heater can have some capacity for heated water.

The heat accumulators used in hot water supply systems work like a bank in which you invest money when there is a surplus, and then you spend it. This is due to the fact that water consumption throughout the day is far from uniform - the maximum is in the morning and evening rush hours. As a result, a difficult situation is created. Let us explain this with the following example. Suppose that, according to the calculation, the total demand for hot water per day is 18,200 liters, and this demand is determined based on the study of statistical data over many years. At the same time, it is expected that the maximum flow rate will be from 7 to 8 am and will be 3400 liters. There are two extreme cases. In one case, the capacity of the installation is selected based on the need to heat 3400 liters of water per hour from the temperature from which cold water is supplied to a temperature of 52-60 ° C. Another extreme case will be if we assume that water is evenly consumed throughout the day. In our example, the flow rate will be 18,200 liters divided by 24 hours, i.e. 760 liters per hour. The accumulator is calculated in such a way that it can provide the peak demand for hot water in an hour of operation. In our example, the highest flow rate is 3400 liters, of which the water heater can produce 760 liters per hour. Therefore, the battery must add 2640 liters.

The accumulator is a cylindrical steel tank. Hot water leaving the tank must be replaced with cold water. About 75% of the tank's capacity can be replaced before the colder mixture changes the hot water supply temperature. Therefore, the useful capacity of the tank is 75% of the full capacity. In our example, this means that the capacity of the storage tank should be 3520 liters.

A particular benefit from the use of batteries is obtained for central systems. A smaller heater means a smaller boiler, smaller chimney and more efficient operation as this heater is used more fully throughout the day. There are also serious disadvantages. The battery takes up a lot of space and costs a lot of money, corrodes, requires maintenance and finally dismantling and replacement. However, all this is not the main criterion for choosing one of these extreme systems. Each project should be judged according to its own metrics.

3.3 Hot water circulation and system protection

During the last night hours, when there is very little or no hot water analysis in a residential building, the temperature of the water standing motionless in the pipelines drops to about the temperature of the hotel. The first resident to wake up, when draining the water early in the morning, finds that the water is cold and a large amount of water must be released before it becomes hot. The solution to this problem is to install an additional piping system that allows water to circulate slowly through the pipes and through the water heater. The circulation can be carried out in a gravitational way, under the influence of the difference in the mass of the hottest and coldest water, similar to how water circulates in a heating system. A circulation pump is often installed for this purpose.

And the last issue that needs to be considered is the safety of the system. Since the water is heated by more than 4 ° C, it expands. It will be shown below that the air collectors on the water lines dampen this expansion, but with a significant expansion or if the air collectors are overfilled with water, it is necessary to have a safety valve that would open automatically and, releasing a certain amount of water, relieve the pressure in the system. It is usually sufficient to dump a small amount of water. The second danger lies in the possible breakdown of the heater thermostats, which can lead to an unacceptably high heating of the water. This also forces the installation of a safety valve that does not allow very hot water to get to the consumer. These two functions are usually assigned to the same valve, called a thermo-pneumatic safety valve. At any moment, completely unexpectedly, it can open completely. To protect people from injury, a pipeline is connected to the valve and diverted to safe place, preferably directly above the wastewater receiver. This should be especially borne in mind when installing an individual water heater in a separate house. The discharge from the safety valve must be discharged to a place where it cannot harm anyone or anything.

3.4 Plumbing system

Water pipes must be resistant to erosion and corrosion. Erosion is caused by the movement of water and corrosion is caused by chemical attack. For example, if there is air in steel pipes (and the incoming water always contains some amount of air), then chemical reaction... As a result, iron oxide, called rust, appears on them. Therefore, steel pipes for water supply are electrochemically coated with zinc. This process is called galvanizing. As materials for the manufacture of pipes, in addition to steel, a mass cast iron pipes, the less they are suitable for laying inside the house, where they are very difficult to fix.

Asbestos-cement pipes are also difficult to work with. They are mainly used for underground utilities. Plastic pipes have recently become very popular due to their reasonable price and ease of connection; they resist not only corrosion, but also the passage electric current, which sometimes complicates the application metal pipes... A serious obstacle to the widespread use of plastic pipes is their unsuitability for high temperatures... Such pipes should not be located near a boiler or furnace, the surface temperature of which is higher than 70 ° C. It is impossible to use them for the co-hotel of hot water supply networks, as it is very dangerous for human life and can lead to a serious breakdown of the pipeline system.

The routing of cold water pipes in a building is similar to the structure of a tree: the input is the trunk of the tree, and the mains and outlets are its branches. In large hotels, valves are not installed on the main highways, so that during repair work in any part of the system, other consumers would not be left without water. If water pipes are hidden in building structures, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of access to the valves, and each valve must be identified with a specific part of the system that it serves. Depending on the availability of space for laying the highways, the systems are with upper and lower wiring. (Fig. 4)

In houses, the height of which allows the implementation of a water supply system without booster installation, make the lower distribution of highways with risers, through which the water rises to the consumer. If a system with an upper pressure tank is being built, then the upper distribution of the highways is made in the attic. The hot water supply system can also be with upper and lower distribution lines. In six-story houses, a system with a bottom wiring is usually used. In the upper part of the hotel, each supply riser is connected to a circulating riser laid side by side. Then the circulation risers are combined with a circulation line, which is laid in parallel with the supply. If the number of floors is more than six, then the length of the duplicate circulation risers increases accordingly, and the cost increases significantly.

In this case, it is preferable to bring each riser to the attic, and then combine these outlets on this floor into one return pipe going to the heater. An inverted scheme is also possible. One hot water supply pipeline can be brought up to the top of the hotel, branched out with the help of distribution mains at this level, from which individual risers are directed downward, extending to a certain length in the lower floor. There they are united by a common trunk line going to the heater. In all variants, each return riser must be fitted with a manual regulating valve to regulate the amount of water circulating in the system. These control valves, as well as the shut-off valves, must be easily accessible. Therefore, during installation, sometimes it is necessary to lay longer pipelines than is required for optimal length tracks.

Figure 4 Hot water system

a - bottom wiring; b - top wiring;

1- control valves; 2- main supply riser; 3- compensation loop; 4- supply risers; 5-main return riser; 6-heat exchanger; 7-stop valves; 8-water make-up; 9- circulation pump; 10- safety valve to release water when pressure or temperature rises

3.5 Technology of hot and cold water supply in the sanatorium "Chaika

The dormitory building of the FGU sanatorium "Chaika" was built at the end of 1988 and is intended for accommodation of vacationers in hotel-type rooms. The water supply and sewerage systems have not changed since their construction.

To supply water for household and drinking needs, a household and drinking water supply system is adopted in the building, supplying water to sanitary devices installed in the rooms and serving 400 beds.

The sanatorium is located on the outskirts of the city 7-8 km. therefore uses the local water supply system.

Since the building has a height of 8 floors, and the volume of St. 25,000 m 3, according to the building provides for an internal fire-fighting water supply, supplying two jets of 2.5 l / s. For watering green spaces and sidewalks around the building, a water supply system is provided.

For household needs, a centralized hot water supply system is provided in the building, since there are heating network from the CHP.

The system is powered by cold water supply, to which it is connected after pumping unit.

The hot water supply system in the Chaika sanatorium is a centralized heat supply system. Water is heated in water heaters with steam or hot water coming from the city heating system. The hot water supply system includes a device for heating water, distribution and circulation networks, fittings.

We use a high-speed water heater as a water heater.

The distribution network is assumed to be dead-end with lower wiring, since there is no attic in the building. Contains 24 hot water distribution risers and 41 circulation risers with heated towel rails.

The risers are laid in the same shaft with the cold water supply risers, to the right of them. The wiring in the rooms runs parallel to the piping of the cold water supply. Heated towel rails are installed on the circulation risers, which also serve to heat the bathrooms. Networks are assembled from steel pipes GOST 3262-75, threaded.

Mixers are used as water fittings, ball valves installed at the bases of the riser for emptying the network and at the top of the riser for venting air are used as shut-off valves.

As a result, a number of problems have accumulated associated with the operation of these systems, such as:

Technically and morally obsolete mixing devices.

1.Lack of pressure can be eliminated:

an increase in pressure at the entrance to the building, i.e. at the local pumping station installation of a local pumping unit (for a building).

For economic reasons, option 2 is more efficient, since with the first solution, the cost of re-equipment is higher.

2. Technically and morally obsolete mixing devices:

Replacement of mixing devices with new ones

3. Sewer blockages:

Installation of cleaners in the most clogged places

Replacing sewerage networks, the old sewerage system was laid from cast iron pipes, replacing them with plastic ones, we get less overgrowth over time.

Taking into account the redevelopment and completion of the floor, the chosen solutions turn out to be the most rational.

4. Breakdown of insulation of water pipes and highways:

Applying new insulation to replace the broken one

Complete replacement of insulation with a new one, since we are replacing the water supply network with a new one, it is accordingly more rational to replace the insulation, and not to restore the old one.

Thus, in order to carry out the reconstruction, it is advisable:

Install booster pumps in basement building

Replace pipelines: risers for water-gas galvanized GOST 3262-75, bends from risers to sanitary fittings for metal-polymer pipes.

Replace mixing devices in sanitary facilities

Insulate pipelines

Install the sewer from plastic pipes instead of cast iron.


In the world of the hotel business, there is very tough competition, so nothing should spoil the image of hotels, even at first glance, such a small thing as switching off cold or hot water by the city.

In this work on the topic "technology of hot and cold water supply to hotels" I have considered:

Water supply system in hotel enterprises

Hotel cold and hot water supply systems

Hot and cold water supply technology in the sanatorium "Chaika"

The water supply system includes three components: a water supply source with structures and devices for the intake, purification and treatment of water, external water supply networks and an internal water supply located in the building.

I analyzed the water supply technology of the "Chaika" hotel and found that a number of problems had accumulated related to the operation of water supply systems:

Lack of water pressure in the water supply system on the upper floors of the building.

Technically and morally obsolete mixing devices.

Frequent blockages in the sewage system

Technically and morally obsolete mixing devices

And he suggested ways to solve problems.

installation of a local pumping unit (for a building).

replacement of mixing devices with new ones

to mount a sewerage system from plastic pipes instead of cast iron

The current state of one of the most important components of the housing and communal services (HCS) - internal and external pipelines - at most facilities is extremely unsatisfactory today. Moreover, the situation here is getting worse every day, due to the continuous aging of pipeline systems. And as a result - the emergence of emergency situations on pipelines, an increase in the amount of damage, and this is the loss of hotel customers.


One of the main problems is the provision of the hotel complex with water for drinking and household needs and, in this regard, equipping the facility with appropriate water supply and sewerage equipment. Hotel facilities under construction in the developed territories are supplied with water from the city water supply network. Small objects (boarding houses, recreation centers in resort areas) are being built on undeveloped territories, have an independent water supply from rivers, wells or wells.

Water supply network provides the building of the hotel complex with water for drinking and industrial needs. Along with providing the hotel with cold water, hot and fire water supply systems operate.

The quality and temperature of the water supplied to the hotel complex must meet the requirements of the standards. Water consumption is calculated separately for cold and hot water supply systems. One resident of the hotel can have up to 300 liters of water per day. The actual water consumption is also calculated by the water consumption at the points of water intake (in the room fund, in separate auxiliary rooms - in the laundry, sauna, swimming pool, for air conditioning, etc.). The specific water consumption per unit is calculated bandwidth hotel complex.

Tap water in hotel facilities, holiday homes, boarding houses, etc. must be drinkable regardless of the purpose for which it is used. Suitability is determined by the laboratories for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Tap water from the city network must meet all the requirements and there should be no need to use additional means to improve its quality.

The internal plumbing system consists of the following elements:

- input (perpendicular to the building section of the pipe from the external main to the water metering unit);

- a water metering unit, the main part of which is a water meter, which is used to measure water consumption;

- water supply network of the building with fittings from the water metering unit to the places of consumption;

- water-storage tanks, which are installed at the highest point of the system, allows you to create not only a certain supply of water, but also the required pressure in the internal network, which ensures uninterrupted water supply to high and remote points of water draw-off, regardless of the water pressure in the external main ;

- pumps are used to supply water to the internal network when the water pressure in the external network is insufficient for this.

In the event that the city pressure does not provide water supply to the upper water points, a water pumping system is assumed in the hotel building. There are two types of paging: rush hour and permanent. Pumping during peak hours is carried out using a pump installed at the input, and is carried out, as a rule, in automatic mode... If the city pressure does not constantly provide a round-the-clock water supply to the upper water points, constant pumping is provided, i.e. around the clock.

According to its intended purpose, the internal water supply system is potable, industrial and fire-fighting. In hotels, industrial water supply is practically not used.

The sewerage equipment of hotel facilities is closely related to the water supply system, both in terms of design and operation. Sewer pipes remove contaminated water (from kitchens, baths, laundry, swimming pools, etc.) and precipitation (rain and melting snow).

Sewer drains through various sanitary devices(sinks, washbasins, toilets, grilles in the floors) fall through the drain pipes into the collector of the city network or into its own network. Since rotting processes take place in the pipes during the drainage of sewage, siphons are installed between the drain and each wastewater receiver, preventing gases from entering the room from the network. The flow of air (oxygen) into the pipes is carried out using exhaust pipes, which are displayed above the roof of the structure - this is the so-called. open sewer deaeration.

Sewer pipes are divided into horizontal, vertical and branch pipes. The main canal connects the building to the street sewerage system.

Sewer and water pipes, as well as their protection, can be masked, but are easily accessible for maintenance. Vertically and horizontally laid sewer pipes must be carefully and tightly connected to prevent flooding of hotel rooms and restaurant halls, gas emission due to a loose connection of sewer pipes and undermining of building foundations.

Branch pipes must be grouped and laid so that they can be accessed from all sides; it is undesirable to lay them through frequently visited premises. It is also worth providing for additional branches that could be used if necessary. The selection of diameters and cross-sections of sewer outlets is accepted in accordance with the current sanitary standards and rules.


Buildings of tourist and hotel complexes should be equipped with: heating systems, plumbing with cold and hot water supply, sewerage system, ventilation and air conditioning, power supply and electrical equipment, gasification, mechanical devices and systems, communication systems, signaling and broadcasting, etc. Uninterrupted operation of heat supply systems, cold and hot water supply "ventilation and air conditioning of sewerage, power supply, as well as elevator equipment allows you to improve the quality of service for guests, create the necessary conditions labor of personnel and ensure the protection environment,

Heat supply

The functioning of the sanitary-technical systems of the building is based on the use of heat obtained from the combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. In the heating system, heat is needed to heat the coolant, which is supplied to heating devices and maintains the required temperature in the hotel premises. The heating system operates during the cold season. In ventilation and air conditioning systems, heat is used during the cold season to heat the outside air to a certain temperature before it is supplied to the premises. In a hot water supply system, heat supply is required for heating tap water from a temperature of 5-15 ° C to 65-75 ° C. The hot water supply system must function all year round. The use of heat by sanitary systems during their operation is called heat consumption. The heat supply system includes four interrelated processes:

Heating of the coolant due to fuel combustion in the heat generator;

Moving the coolant to the sanitary system;

Use of the heat of the heat carrier by the sanitary-technical system;

Return of the coolant for reheating,

Heat carrier is a substance that transfers heat from the heat generator to the heat-consuming devices of the sanitary-technical system. The heat carrier can be water (temperature over 100 ° C) and water vapor. Depending on the type of coolant, heat supply systems are divided into water and steam. In heating systems of residential areas of cities, water is used as a heat carrier. Steam is used mainly in enterprises where it is needed for technological needs, which is due to large heat losses when steam moves through pipelines. According to the radius of action and the number of buildings that consume heat, central and centralized heat supply systems are distinguished. Central heating systems operate on the basis of local boiler houses (houses, courtyards, neighborhoods) serving one or several buildings. Boiler rooms are equipped with hot water boilers that heat water at AO temperature of 105 ° C. District heating systems serve large urban areas and industrial enterprises... They are based on the operation of central district boiler houses, thermal stations and combined heat and power plants (CHP). In this case, the coolant is overheated water with a temperature of between 110 ° C and 150 ° C, which is in the pipelines under pressure. Hot water heating systems are connected to city heating networks in special heating points serving several buildings. At the points of connection of hot water heating systems, devices are installed for admixing to the overheated network water return water from a heating system with more low temperature, which makes it possible to reduce the temperature of hot water in the system to the desired level (up to 95 ° C) and regulate it within the required range (45-95 ° C). City enterprises can be supplied with heat from their own (local) boiler houses, from central district boiler houses and thermal stations or city CHPPs. Heat supply of hotels from heating networks is carried out under a direct agreement between the hotel and the management of the heating network.

Water supply system.

Cold water supply system

In hotels, water is used for household and drinking needs - for drinking and personal hygiene of staff and guests; for production needs - for cleaning residential and public premises, watering the territory and green spaces, washing raw materials, dishes and cooking, storing overalls, curtains, bed and table linen, when providing additional services, for example, in a hairdresser, a sports and fitness center, and also for fire protection chains. The water supply system includes three components; a water supply source with facilities and devices for water intake> purification and treatment of water, external water supply systems and an internal water supply located in the building. Hotels located in cities and towns, as a rule, are supplied with cold water from the city (village) water supply. Hotels located in rural areas, in the mountains, on highways have a local water supply system.In the city water supply, water is used from open (rivers, oe-ra) or closed ( The groundwater) sources. Water in the city water supply system must comply with the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. Before being supplied to the city water supply network, water from open sources of water supply always undergoes preliminary treatment to bring its quality indicators in accordance with the requirements of the standard. Water from sealed sources of water supply usually does not need treatment. From the waterworks, water flows through the city water supply network to consumers.

Hot water system

Hot water is also used in hotels for household, drinking and industrial needs. Therefore, it, like the cold water used for these purposes "must meet the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. The temperature of hot water in order to avoid burns should not exceed 70 ° C and be not lower than 60 ° C, which is necessary for production needs. Hot water supply in hotels can be local, central or centralized. With local water supply, water coming from the cold water supply system is heated in gas, electric water heaters, water heaters, In this case, water is heated directly at the places of its consumption. In order to avoid interruptions in hot water supply, hotels usually use a central hot water supply system. With the central preparation of hot water, iodine coming from the cold water supply system is heated by water heaters in the individual heating station of the hotel building or in the central heating station, sometimes the water is heated directly in the boilers of local and central boiler houses. With district heating, water is heated in water heaters with steam or hot water coming from the city heating system.

Sewerage system

The hotel building, which has a cold and hot water supply system, must also be equipped with a system internal sewerage, in which waste fluid is removed from the building. Waste water is water that was used for various needs and received additional impurities (pollution) that changed its chemical composition or physical properties... The internal sewerage system is connected to the city sewerage network. Waste liquid is transported through the city sewerage system to the treatment plant. After purification, the water is directed to reservoirs. Treatment facilities are located downstream of the river below settlements. Depending on the origin and nature of the pollution, the sewage system is divided into domestic, storm and industrial. Domestic sewerage in hotels is designed to drain wastewater from sanitary appliances. Storm canonization (gutters) serves to drain atmospheric water from the roofs of buildings with the help of drain pipes, sewage from the sinks and sinks of the catering unit, utility rooms, laundries, hairdressing salons, etc.


A distinctive feature of this summer was the growing interest of Russians in travel within the country. So, according to VTsIOM, more than a quarter of fellow citizens are planning to spend their holidays in Crimea. First of all, the strong volatility of the ruble influencing the final cost of the tour affected the cooling of interest in foreign travel. However, the crisis affected not only vacationers, but also, possibly, even in to a greater extent entrepreneurs in the tourism sector. To stay afloat, many of them thought about how to save money and not lose on the quality of the services provided.

This approach is especially relevant for the owners of mini-hotels, who are forced to compete with hotel chains, but do not have the resources of the latter. In cities such as St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kazan (Top 3 attractive destinations in Russia, according to TripAdvisor), hotels of this type are often located in the historical center, where hot water supply was initially absent. If the premises have access to gas, the most obvious solution is gas. instantaneous water heater... Modern devices are almost nothing like their predecessors familiar to many. Besides modern appearance, the speakers got reliable system security and intelligent control. So, the Ariston Marco Polo Gi7S flow-through gas water heater is equipped with an electronic board that analyzes the current parameters (inlet water temperature and its consumption) and changes the current power, thereby maintaining a stable water temperature in the tap, reducing the risk of getting burned or getting under the stream to zero. ice water... The owners of mini-hotels can cut costs due to inexpensive energy resource - gas. The only drawback is not very high performance: one column is capable of providing hot water without compromising quality at the same time for 2-3 users. In other words, the device will need to be installed in every room. But it is worth considering that this solution is recommended specifically for small hotels, since only in this case they will save money.

If we talk about other devices using blue fuel, it is worth mentioning double-circuit gas boilers. They make it possible to organize both an independent heating system and hot water supply. The most economical in this segment are condensation models that are used to obtain additional resource the energy of the transition of steam to liquid state... For example, boilers Ariston are able to save up to 35% of fuel per season compared to their traditional "brethren". In addition, single-circuit gas boilers can be paired with an indirect heating boiler. In fact, this device is a heat-insulated tank with a coil through which the coolant runs and transfers its temperature to the water, while the coolant itself is heated by heating. The obvious advantage of this DHW option is the ability to get a large amount of hot water, but at the same time avoid additional expense energy resource.
In addition to heating double-circuit boilers, gas storage water heaters will do well with the organization of hot water in mini-hotels. They are distinguished by increased power, a large tank volume and a much longer service life compared to household appliances. But on the other hand, design goes into the background, because they are not mounted in prominent places, but in specially designated rooms. Modern technologies make it possible to prepare a large volume of water in up to 20 minutes. For example, gas model Ariston NHRE will warm 315 liters in 12 minutes.

Another solution that can be used to organize the hotel's hot water supply system is an electric water heater. Despite the fact that it uses an expensive energy resource, the opportunity to save money is inherent in its very principle of operation: the main consumption of electricity occurs only when the volume of the tank heats up. Further, the temperature in it is maintained by the thermal insulation system. In addition, the most advanced models, such as the Velis QH, are endowed with the ability to set a specific work algorithm. For example, in the case when the time of arrival of guests is known, the device can be programmed so that it warms up by a certain hour. Not working "idle", he will not waste energy. In this way, electricity consumption can be reduced by up to 20%. But it is worth considering that such household devices must be installed in each room separately. If the hotel project provides for a common hot water supply, then it is better to stop the choice on industrial models. In addition, they are economical enough: to prepare 1000 liters - a volume sufficient for a medium-sized enterprise - electric model only 12 kW are required.

The following solutions have long been actively used by foreign hoteliers. Despite the initial high costs for the purchase of equipment and installation, they can quickly pay off due to the full or partial attraction of free renewable resources. We are talking about solar systems and heat pumps. The former are more understandable and well-known, while the latter are still exotic for Russia. An example of such equipment is the Ariston NUOS series of heat pump water heaters. Devices of the line make it possible to extract heat directly from the air and use it to provide hot water supply. This can save up to 70% energy. For example, consuming 1 kW of electricity, the user receives 3-4 kW of heat. That is, he gets 2-3 kW free of charge from the environment.

Compared to traditional water heaters, NUOS only uses energy to run the fan and compressor motors. The devices work optimally when the outside temperature is kept within the range from -5 to 37 ° C. Thus, they allow saving on conventional energy sources for most of the year, and in the southern regions of the country - even in winter. In addition, the exhaust air helps natural ventilation premises, creating a refreshing effect.
Summing up all of the above, we note that today the market for water heating equipment is very wide and is able to satisfy even non-standard requests: for example, it is possible to match devices for a hybrid hot water supply system or fully operating on renewable sources. Hotel owners can only calculate which option will be the most economically viable.