How to transplant a rose correctly after buying it in a store? When is the best time to replant roses? Rules and recommendations.

The pearl of the garden, the favorite of all gardeners, is the garden rose. Its flowering and fragrance is the best reward for work and care. It is a pity to disturb and transplant the rose to another place in the fall, but sometimes it is impossible to avoid such a procedure.

Soil depletion, construction, or the vision of the flower garden has simply changed - and now the rose needs to be transferred to another place. Having made the necessary preparations, having transplanted the bush in accordance with all the rules, you can not be afraid to ruin favorite plant... A traumatic event will turn into a useful one.

Preparation is the key to a successful transplant of roses in the fall

People have been cultivating roses for so long that all the rules for the care, planting and cultivation of this flower have already been tested thousands of times in practice. Even the ancient Romans knew how to grow them in huge quantities, and in winter in special greenhouses. Therefore, you should not act at random, it is enough to follow the rules:

1. End of September, beginning of October - best time for transplanting roses in the fall. In another place, bushes that have begun to outflow are easier to take root nutrients from the aerial part to the roots.

2. Prepare the plant for transplanting in advance. Already in August, feeding is stopped, watering is reduced, and wilting inflorescences are left on the branches.

3. The new habitat should be sunny, with good moisture drainage. Stagnant water in winter time leads to overheating of the roots.

4. The soil for planting should be loose, fertilized. Ideally, if the site has had time to "rest" from plantings for at least a year, otherwise it is better to replace the soil with fertile one.

When transplanting roses to a new place in the fall (pictured), Special attention pay attention to the preservation of each root. Abundant watering before removing the bush will create a clod of earth, with which the plant is transferred to the planting site.

If you need to move the dug plant over a considerable distance, it will not be superfluous to carefully lay it on a cloth, wrap a lump of earth with it and tie it at the level of the root collar. In this case, it is possible to plant together with the "packaging", simply by untiing it, the fabric will quickly decompose in moist soil.

Pruning a bush when transplanting roses in the fall to another place

The rose bush, chosen for transplantation, is dug in wide, trying to preserve root system... The main rod, when deeply buried, is cut with a shovel at the maximum available depth and the roots are carefully removed from the ground.

If it was not possible to save a lump of soil, and it crumbled, use this to check the condition of the underground part. Remove all sore and damaged areas by pruning the root with pruning shears to a white, healthy tissue. Be sure to cut off the tips of seedlings with open rhizomes, this stimulates the growth of absorbent roots and improves the nutrition of the young rose.

Note! After pruning, the length of the roots should be equal to or slightly longer than the aerial part.

There are two opinions on how to deal with branches and leaves when transferring a plant to a new location:

Shorten to columns 10 cm high, completely expose the branches, removing the foliage;

Leave the whole bush, with twigs and leaves, for the root to use the nutrients accumulated in the aerial part.

When the autumn is warm and the air humidity is high, cutting off the shoots can lead to the awakening of dormant buds. Instead of preparing for winter sleep, the plant will heal in spring mode. Young twigs will appear, which still do not have time to woody and die in winter, the root will lose a lot of strength. In such weather conditions, it is better not to touch the branches and leaves immediately. If desired, you can trim them when it gets cold steadily.

If the autumn is cool, and at least three weeks remain before the expected frost, then the transplanted bushes will have time to prepare for winter, young shoots will not appear. This means that the bush can be cut off before planting. Pruning is also mandatory in the case of planting with a bare root.

Correct pruning for a successful transplant of roses in the fall to another place

Features of transplanting roses in the fall to another place

The planting hole should exceed the size of the roots, usually 50x50 cm and up to 70 cm in depth. The distance between the bushes depends on the characteristics of the variety; roses need a lot of space for normal flowering. But sparse plantings are not so decorative, the soil dries out faster, more weeds grow.

Further actions differ depending on the state of the root system. Two ways to plant roses:

1. Landing with a clod of earth. It is simply placed on the bottom of the pit, filling the remaining voids with fertile soil mixture. Each layer is well tamped and spilled with water. There should be no air pockets - the roots die from contact with them.

2. Planting with bare roots. Pour into the center of the finished pit fertile soil slide. A seedling is installed on it, and the roots are distributed over the mound so that they do not bend up, but descend to the bottom of the recess. Little by little they cover the hole with earth, spilling and ramming it.

With an open root system, the planting process is somewhat different, but even in this case it is important to compact and shed the earth well so as not to "air" the roots.

The seedling is installed so that the root collar (and hence the grafting site) is 3-5 cm below the soil level. This will save the plant from the appearance of wild growth in the future.

After filling with earth and watering the hole, check the planting depth and sprinkle dry earth around the bush.

How to cover for the winter roses transplanted in the fall to another place?

The root of the transplanted plant is not yet fully matured and needs shelter from frost. There are several ways to cover young seedlings for the winter:

Hilling with earth;

Shelter with spruce branches conifers;

Fencing with board boards;

The use of modern covering materials, films.

Each gardener chooses a shelter based on his capabilities, weather conditions and varieties of roses. The main rule is not to cover the bushes until the real cold weather. Small first frosts harden the plants.

Making the transplant useful for rose bushes

Since the transplanting of roses in the fall cannot be avoided, they can be transferred to another place with benefit:

1. Improve the quality of the soil. Fertile soil can be purchased at a garden store or prepared by yourself. Add one part of humus and peat to one part of the garden land. Sand is added to clay soil, clay is added to sandy soil.

2. Control the acidity of the soil. Usually, over time, the soil becomes acidic. This can be corrected by adding ash, crushed chalk or dolomite flour.

3. Improve the root system. It becomes possible to remove diseased areas, check them for the presence of pests.

Be careful! In the fall, it is dangerous to overfeed the plants with nitrogen; violent growth may begin instead of a dormant period. It is better to choose potash fertilizers from mineral fertilizers, they contribute to the ripening of shoots and better wintering.

Transplanting roses to another place in the fall allows you to add nutrition to the roots throughout the depth. After all, the main beauty of the garden requires a fertile layer of up to 40 cm. A competent transplant will not weaken the bush, but will make it even more beautiful. But it should be remembered that the next time roses can be transplanted only after three years, so the choice of a place and the quality of planting should be taken seriously.

Everyone knows that the best time to plant garden beauties is spring and autumn. But sometimes there is an urgent need for some reason to transplant a rose bush in the summer.

1. Why there is a need to transplant an adult rose

By mid-July, all newly purchased seedlings have already been planted and have taken root. Many roses have even bloomed. Long-planted rose bushes also bloom.

In connection with the redevelopment of the garden or construction works there is a need to move the rose bushes to a new place. The reason for the transplant may be overgrown plants that interfere with each other, an unsuccessful place of initial planting. But these reasons must be compelling enough that the transplant cannot be postponed to mid-September.

2. Preparing roses for transplanting

Try to choose a rainy or cloudy day for replanting.

For a day or two, sprinkle the plant with some kind of drug that will help smooth out stress: Epin, Zircon, HB-101.

Tear off all flowers and buds, cut off a large plant, leaving shoots about 40 cm long. From a young bush, also remove flowers and buds, cut off young shoots.

Tie wide branchy bushes with a rope for convenience. This will make it easier to move the bush to a new location.

Water the plant before digging to leave as much soil as possible on the roots.

3. How to dig up adult roses

The root system usually occupies an area equal to the projection of the crown. You need to try to dig out as large an earthen lump as possible, preserving maximum amount roots.

We dig a trench along the perimeter of the crown. As it deepens, we wrap it with an earthen lump with a cloth or film. The longest roots can be chopped off. After the bush is dug up, it can be moved to the desired location.

4. Landing

In a new place, we dig a planting hole a little larger than the excavated earthen lump. We place the dug rose bush in it, cover it halfway with earth and water it abundantly. After the water is absorbed, we fill the bush to the level to which it was buried earlier. Water again. You can add root or heteroauxin to the water for irrigation.

Whatever roses you grow in your flower garden or at home, in any case it will be useful to know how roses are transplanted correctly.

Features of transplanting an adult rose instead of a dead bush

When one of the rose bushes unexpectedly dies in the rose garden, another, also an adult bush is planted in its place

When growing these beautiful flowers, sooner or later it becomes necessary to transplant - immediately after acquisition, it must be transplanted into a larger pot with fresh nutrient soil, and garden roses have to be transplanted for various reasons:

  • it is not always possible to initially correctly plan the design of the site, or construction begins unexpectedly, and there is no other way out but to move the flower bed with roses to another place;
  • when planting seedlings, the neighboring plants were not taken into account, from which the roses began to hurt and die;
  • due to sandy loam, excessively loose soil, the roots of roses were buried, or on heavy clay soil were squeezed to the surface;
  • the main ones on the site were not taken into account;
  • the soil under the mature bushes in the old rose garden was exhausted;
  • rose bushes have grown too much and have lost their decorative effect.

The latter option is possible if proper care for self-rooted roses, if you do not cut the roots of the bush in time and allow the stems to grow into different sides... At the same time, it is not at all necessary to dig the entire bush, it is enough just to cut off and transplant part of the bush, so you will rejuvenate old bush, get more from him abundant flowering... In addition, you do not have to worry about how to root the rose before planting in a new place - it will already have a developed root system.

Video about correct transplant roses

In other cases, if landscape design The site was thought out in advance, and a place suitable for all parameters was chosen for planting roses, it will no longer be necessary to transplant the established rose bushes.

When one of the rose bushes unexpectedly dies in the rose garden, another, also an adult bush is planted in its place. In this case, you need to carefully approach the choice of a plant - a rose must have suitable sizes bush, the color of its flowers should be in harmony with the environment. It is better to use the same variety, since planting, for example, a strong-growing variety among the weak-growing ones will negatively affect the rest of the plants.

A new bush can be transplanted in April or October, after having dug up the old plant and completely replacing the ground with a new one to a depth of up to half a meter, within a radius of about 30 cm. necessary work it is recommended to prune adjacent rose bushes before transplanting. And in order for an adult rose bush to take root better in a new place, after transplanting in the first year, all buds that form should be removed from it.

Rose transplant

Things to consider when transplanting roses

It is best for transplanting roses in early spring, before the buds have blossomed, or in October, three weeks before stable frosts. IN spring time roses should be transplanted in the late afternoon or in cloudy weather.

Before transplanting, overgrown bush roses are cut by 20 cm, curly varieties- by half, and standard - by a third. You should also remove weak and broken twigs, tear off the leaves from the plant.

When digging up a rose intended for transplant, it is important to know whether it is a self-rooted bush or a grafted one. In the first case, the root system is located superficially in the ground, in the second case, the taproot goes deep into the soil. Given these features, try to remove the rose bush from the ground as carefully as possible, along with an earthen lump. Do not worry that some of the roots will still be lost - everything will be restored in a couple of weeks. Roots that are too long should be pruned.

The dug rose can be transferred to a new location by tying the root system into tissue

The dug rose can be transferred to a new place by tying the root system into a cloth so that the clod of earth does not fall apart and the roots are not damaged. Plant the plant directly with the cloth - it will soon rot in the ground.

Pit preparation

They begin to prepare the planting pit three weeks before the intended transplant. The dimensions of the new planting hole should be no less than the hole from which the rose bush was dug. The average diameter of the pit is about 60 cm, the depth is 45 cm. Loosen the bottom of the pit and cover it with soil mixed with compost, and fill it with ordinary soil on top so as not to burn the roots of the roses. Shed the hole well before planting the rose.

Planting a rose

The grafted rose is placed in the planting hole so that the root collar is five centimeters below ground level. In a self-rooted rose, a lump of earth with roots should be on a par with the surface of the earth. Cover the established plant with garden soil, lightly tamp and water abundantly.

Video about correct fit roses

Fertilizers for roses

Around the transplanted rose bush at a distance of 15 cm from the shoots, add the intended for roses mineral fertilizers(at autumn transplant nitrogen fertilizers exclude), loosen the earth again to a depth of no more than 10 cm and water it. Cover the soil surface around the rose with well-rotted manure. For the winter, do not forget to spud the bushes and remove all unripe shoots.

In the next three years after the transplant, try not to move the freshly planted roses to a new place anymore - let the plants come to their senses.

Many gardeners are engaged in growing roses both at home and in the country. So that the beauty of these flowers long time pleased the owner, you need to know when, how and for what purpose they are transplanted. Very often it is associated with an improvement in the decorativeness of the territory or the growth of a bush. It happens that the plant starts to hurt and stops growing. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in spring or autumn. But each of these periods has its own characteristics.

Transplanting indoor roses - features of the procedure

Indoor rose is special view, which is significantly different from the garden. The annual plant transplant is one of the elements of care. Any time frame will do for this. The roots grow all the time, there is little space for them. Each time the new container should be larger than the old one - by 7 cm in height, 3 cm in diameter.

A home culture can be replanted two weeks after the purchase has occurred. All withered leaves, dried stems, buds and flowers are removed. The plant needs to be provided with drainage to prevent root rot. Pieces of polystyrene or expanded clay are used as a water-permeable material.

A purchased rose in a pot is lowered for two hours in warm water... At the same time, the plant itself should be watered. Old land is not taken into work, it is necessary to plant it only in a new flower mixture.

Transplant algorithm:

  1. 1.In new pot it is necessary to pour a centimeter layer of drainage.
  2. 2. Get a flower from an old container with soil soaked in moisture. If there are several bushes, separate them.
  3. 3. Place the plant in the pot and cover it ready soil... Leave 3 cm between the edge of the container and the surface of the flower mixture.
  4. 4. There is no need to water the crop, just sprinkle the leaves.
  5. 5. The transplanted flower must be placed in a dark place for a day.

One day after transplant home rose it is placed on the south or east side.

If in the room heat air, then it is worth placing the pot with the plant in a pan filled with water.

Time and place of transplanting garden roses

Favorable time for transplant garden roses the other place is the end of September - the beginning of October. The flower will take root well when the influx of nutrients to its roots begins. Flowers transplanted within these periods take root faster. The advantage of autumn works:

  1. 1. The soil is well warmed up after summer.
  2. 2. Autumn is rainier than spring, which allows the plant to take root faster.
  3. 3. In autumn the weather is more stable than in spring, so it is easy to find the time for replanting.

You need to start preparing in August, stopping feeding, reducing watering of crops and leaving inflorescences on the bushes.

For the flowers to take root quickly, it is important to choose the right place for the rose garden. Basic conditions:

  1. 1. Illumination. The site should be well lit, especially in the morning. Shadows from third-party objects will negatively affect the flowering process.
  2. 2. Moisture. The outflow of moisture must be good, otherwise the plant will start to rot. And in winter, due to stagnant water, the roots can freeze over.
  3. 3. Soil composition. The soil for growing roses must be clayey and rich in minerals.
  4. 4. Protection from winds. The flower must be protected from the north and north-east winds and aggressive weathering.

Site preparation

The area should be weeded and all weeds removed. A planting pit must be prepared. The hole is best done in the spring. Its dimensions are up to 0.7 m in depth and 0.5 m in width and length. If this has not been done, then it is dug out 2 weeks before the start of work. The distance between them depends on the type of crop.

A planting hole with a saturated fertile soil is made 10-15 cm larger than the root system of a flower along with an earthen lump. On depleted soils, the deepening is made more by 30 cm.

The soil is removed from the planting hole in layers. Upper layer after mixing with organic fertilizers lay on the bottom, add one glass of bone meal or ash, a handful of lime and fill it with water. The remaining soil is used for composting.

Bush preparation

Before you dig up a flower for transplanting, it should be well watered. Two days after that, stepping back from the base to 0.3 m, the plants are taken out of the ground. The main thing is not to damage the root system. The earthen lump, together with the dug out root, is placed on the fabric for ease of carrying to a new place.

A good quality seedling should have at least 3 intact shoots with big amount thin roots. Immature or broken ones are cut, and all leaves are removed from healthy ones and shortened to an average of 0.3-0.35 m. The scale of pruning depends on the type of rose. The remaining branches should be tied together to facilitate further actions.

The root system of a bush dug out without soil is pruned from 0.25 m to 0.3 m, and if rotten roots are present in it, they are cut off completely.

For the purpose of disinfection, the culture is treated with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate. For plant survival, the roots are dipped in a pre-prepared solution, consisting of one part of a mullein and two parts of clay.

If the root system of roses is open, then before transplanting it must be soaked in water for a day.

Methods for planting a culture in a new place

To minimize stress on the plant, the new place is prepared as comfortable as possible.

A bush dug out with an earthen clod is placed in a new planting pit. The root collar of the flower should be up to 8 cm below ground level. The roots are buried gradually, alternating between watering and compaction of the soil.

The soil for filling the planting pits is prepared in advance. It includes (based on a 10-liter bucket):

  • garden land - 1 bucket;
  • humus, peat, sand - 0.5 buckets each;
  • clay - 0.5 buckets;
  • ash and bone meal - 200 g each;
  • superphosphate - 100 gr.

Roses should be transplanted on a warm and calm day.

If the culture is without land, then after inspecting the root system, planting can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. 1. Wet. A bucket of water is poured into the prepared hole, in which the drug is diluted to stimulate root growth. A bush falls into the hole, the roots of which fall asleep earthen soil... The earth is tamped and watered abundantly.
  2. 2. Dry. At the bottom of the planting pit, ready-made soil is poured, the bush is lowered, its roots are straightened, the soil is poured, which is tamped around the bush and the plant is watered.

The branches are untied, and the flower is mulched. At first, it should be often watered with warm water.

A climbing rose is transplanted in the same way as an ordinary one, only the branches are cut half the length.

Competent care of roses will allow you to admire flowers without transplanting for up to 10 years.

At rainy autumn watering stops after planting. If the weather is dry, the plants are watered once a week. But before the cold weather, each bush is abundantly moistened at the rate of 30 liters per unit.

The flower does not need feeding in the fall after transplanting, since fertilizers are applied during the preparation of the soil, which will last until spring.

Since autumn is the breeding season for rot and bacteria, the bushes should be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

As soon as the air temperature outside becomes negative, you need to start covering the rose garden. Hilling is one of the ways to protect the root system from frost. Soil from earth, peat and sand should not be raked from the place where flowers grow, but brought from another site. Additionally, the upper shoots of the bush are covered from above with fallen leaves from the garden.

Can be done wooden frame or buy a special metal one in the store. It is installed over the bush and wrapped around the top. plastic wrap, burlap, thick rags or agrofibre.

Growing any roses will not cause difficulties, provided that all the rules required for the growth, transplantation, care and flowering of the culture are observed.

Every gardener knows that there is nothing permanent in the garden, therefore, plants on the plots can often change their place at the request of the owner. At the same time, it is necessary to plant and transplant not only young and recently purchased seedlings, but also already adult plants, for example, rose bushes. And in order to properly transplant a rose, you need to know a few subtleties of this process.

When to transplant a rose?

The best time to transplant an adult rose is in early spring or late autumn. In regions where frosts come earlier, it is worth giving preference to spring, then there should be no problems with the wintering of bushes. If you cannot transplant in the spring, then it is better to do it at the end of August - mid-September.

Should you replant roses in summer?

In most cases, it happens that the redevelopment of the garden is a spontaneous decision made against the background of already blossoming "newcomers" in the midst of summer, when no one thinks about winter yet. Summer is not the best time to transplant roses, but if there is no other way out, then this option is possible. Then the gardener will need additional trouble to help the plant take root in a new place: you will have to sacrifice flowering and make "strong" pruning.

A large shrub is pruned to 40-50 cm, and some of its shoots can be completely removed to save the strength of the rose in the future. It can also be a chance to give the bush the desired shape. If the bush is still small, then it will be enough to cut off the unripe shoots and remove the existing buds and flowers.

A rose transplanted in summer will need abundant watering in the first month. The ground around it should not dry out. A good solution will shade the plant for a while and carry out daily spraying of the leaves with plain water. Naturally, the transplant itself should take place on a cloudy day, when there is no scorching sun rays.

Transplanting an adult rose

At the very beginning, you need to make sure that the conditions for growth and flowering in the new place will not be very different from the previous ones. It is better to try to provide the rose with the usual amount of light and protection from the wind at least in the first 2 weeks after transplanting.

After choosing a place, a planting pit is prepared, from which all the roots of weeds are removed. The bottom is filled with compost mixed with horn shavings, which should provide the bush nutrients, and most importantly - with nitrogen. Compost can be replaced with rotted manure. It is advisable to let the pit settle so that the earth and fertilizers settle inside, after which you can start digging out the rose.

It is best to dig up the plant approximately along the projection of its crown, but this is not always possible, so it will be enough to try to dig a bush with the largest possible earthy clod. In rose gardens, equipped according to all the rules, it is quite difficult, because the earth is usually light and loose. Therefore, you need to water the rose well so that the soil holds better around its roots. The lump must be of such a size that it is possible to transfer the plant without damage to a new place.

First, it is better to dig around the bush, and then gradually deepen the resulting trench, trying to get to the base of the bush. In order not to damage the earthen ball and roots, you can wrap the earth from the side of the bush with a cloth or plastic wrap. Long roots that interfere with the extraction of the bush can be chopped off. With continued proper care, the rose will be able to quickly restore its root system.

If you have difficulty pulling out the bush, you can use a lever, which is best suited for a simple crowbar. A shovel and a wooden stick are unlikely to work as a lever, as they can break. After you managed to get the bush, it should be immediately transported to a new place. If a long journey is required to reach a new place, then it is better to wrap an earthen ball and protruding roots with a damp cloth from drying out.

After that, the earth (or a mixture of compost, rotted manure and horn shavings) is poured up to half of the pit and watered abundantly. Then the earth is poured to the required level and watered again. When the water has soaked into the ground, more earth is poured around the bush and compacted well so that there are no large air voids around the roots.

If during digging it was not possible to save an earthen lump, then you need to carefully examine the root system and get rid of diseased and damaged roots. Places of cuts can be processed with liquid clay. Then the bush is placed in a planting hole and gradually buried in order not to damage the roots.

There are times when plants do not notice the changes that have taken place. However, in most cases of summer transplantation, the rose “sits” for a long time before starting active growth again. But do not forget that roses are tenacious enough to endure the manipulations described above.