Automatic pump for increasing the water pressure in the apartment - selection and installation. Booster pump: types, nuances of selection and installation Pump to maintain water pressure


Poor water pressure in the water supply is a common occurrence, especially for residents of multi-storey buildings. This causes not only the inconvenience of waiting for a long time until a sufficient amount of water is collected, but also can cause damage to household appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. And an insufficient flow of water in the gas column can lead to burnout of the case. You can improve the water pressure directly at home, for this, a booster pump is installed in the plumbing system, which builds up pressure.

Pump types

There are two types of booster units, depending on the control mode:

  • automatic;
  • manual.

Automatic units have sensors in their design that determine the presence of flow in the system. When the tap is opened, the water starts to move and the sensor, reacting to this change, connects the forced pumping system. Such a pump will be able to independently provide the necessary water pressure to the washing machine and dishwasher, which themselves open the intake tap. Some automatic models have a switch from flow sensor operation to continuous pumping mode to maintain a constant pressure whether water is being consumed or not.

Models with manual control are activated only when a button is pressed, and continue their work until they are turned off. This type is much cheaper, but its domestic use is rather inconvenient. Indeed, in addition to opening and closing the tap, you must additionally turn the pump on and off. A connected manual model will continue to operate even when there is no water in the system. As a result of a dry run, it will quickly fail. In this case, automatic units will stop the operation of the blower motor, thereby saving themselves from damage.

Depending on the type of cooling, there are dry and wet rotor models. In units with a dry rotor, the electric motor is separated from the housing of the direct pump, where the fluid is pumped. Therefore, an impeller is used for cooling, which blows the motor housing with an air stream. Such models are noisier, and they cannot be installed in small technical niches, since there is limited air exchange, which will lead to overheating.

Models with a wet rotor use a liquid that is pumped for cooling. This is a much more efficient cooling system, and less noisy. The disadvantage of such models is the more complex requirements for the repair of the electric motor, since it becomes necessary to remove the entire unit from the pipeline.

Selection criteria

When buying a booster pump, you need to pay attention to its capabilities in order to choose the best model for your needs. The main criteria are:

  • temperature mode of operation;
  • power;
  • way to connect to the water supply.
  • noise level;
  • maximum pressure;
  • throughput.

For maximum run time, it is essential that the unit does not operate at its thermal limit. So if the maximum temperature of 60 degrees is indicated in the characteristics of the model, then it would be better for it to work up to a maximum of 40, which will extend its life several times. If you need a pump for pumping hot water, then you can choose a model with a range of up to 100 degrees, which has a high margin.

Engine power is a direct indicator of its energy consumption. Of course, a powerful model will easily maintain the required pressure, but at the same time consuming a fairly large amount of energy. Therefore, if it is necessary to slightly increase the pressure over a short distance, then there is no need for an overly powerful unit.

The method of connecting to the water supply also plays an important role in the choice, because in most cases the supercharger must be connected discreetly so that it does not spoil the interior. The inlet and outlet pipes should be located in such a way as to fit as closely as possible to the place of the line that you have prepared for installation. In addition, the section of the pipe that can be connected to the supercharger is important, especially if it is not possible to use adapters.

The noise level is especially important for use in a small apartment. If the pump is installed on the water supply in the basement, pantry or other technical room, then this criterion can be omitted, since the noise during its operation does not play a special role.

The maximum pressure is one of the most important selection criteria. It should be noted that power is not always an indicator of high pressure, since there are models that are quite economical in terms of energy consumption and have high pressure ratings.

Throughput is a direct indicator of how fast the pump is able to fill the capacity you need. This value is measured in cubic meters per hour.

Installation rules

For efficient operation of the pump, it must be properly connected. If it is installed in the pipeline on a common highway, then it will increase the pressure on all the branches of the water supply that diverge throughout the house. As a result, the pressure created at a distance from the supercharger decreases, since it is spent on a large area of ​​pipes.

As a result, the pump works to the limit of its capabilities and at the same time the effect on the final outlet of the pipes is insignificant, especially if several consumers are open at once. The solution would be to install a more powerful unit, but this will be quite disadvantageous in terms of noise and energy consumption.

A more suitable and budgetary installation option is possible, namely, installation on a pipeline directly in front of the consumer, for which it is important to maintain the required pressure level. So, by placing the pump on a pipe that directly leads to household appliances or a heating device, you can provide them with the necessary working conditions, but at the same time, the pressure on other lines will remain unchanged.

In terms of economy and noise reduction, it is sometimes more profitable to install several low-power units on key consumers than one large one on a common highway. But in order to accurately confirm the effectiveness of such a technique for each individual case, it is necessary to measure the length of the pipes, their cross section and the usual level of pressure that is constantly present in them. This will allow you to determine the optimal parameters as accurately as possible.

It often happens that when we get up in the morning and go to the washbasin, instead of a good powerful stream of water from the tap, we find only a thin, barely oozing stream. To fill a kettle or coffee pot, you have to spend a lot of time, and performing the usual hygiene procedures turns into torture. Not to mention the fact that many household appliances, such as a washing machine, simply will not work in such conditions. The problem is serious, but it can be solved by installing a pump that increases pressure. However, first you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Standards for water supply parameters

The requirements for the parameters of the water supply network in an apartment building are set out in SNiP 2.04.02-84. According to this document, the value of water pressure at the entrance to the apartment must be at least 0.3 atmospheres and not more than 6.0 atmospheres. Conventionally, 1 atmosphere can be considered equal to the pressure created by a water column 10 meters high.

When entering the building, the pressure must be at least 1.0 atm and not more than 6.0 atm. For buildings with a height of more than one floor, the pressure should increase by 0.4 atm for each floor.

It is easy to calculate that with more than twelve floors, these requirements cannot be met. To ensure normal pressure in the upper floors, for example, on the sixteenth, at the entrance to the house it should be equal to:

1.0 atm + 0.4 atm*16 fl. = 7.4 atm

This value is higher than the maximum allowed, established by SNiP. In order to comply with all norms, pumps are used in multi-storey buildings that increase pressure. They are installed in the technical rooms of houses immediately after the water supply entry point. Such pumps pump up the water that has entered the building and deliver it to the upper floors, providing the required water pressure.

Often booster pumps for water supply are already used in buildings with more than five floors. In such cases, it is more often necessary to use them to pump cold water, since the pressure in the hot water pipeline is maintained by pumps installed in boiler rooms.

Often, even in buildings with a small number of storeys or in multi-storey buildings with booster pumps, the water pressure in the apartment is insufficient. The reasons for this can be very different.

Owners of private houses also often face the problem of insufficient pressure in the autonomous water supply system. In this case, it is also necessary to find out the cause and install the appropriate equipment.

Reasons for low pressure

There can be many reasons for poor pressure:

  • clogging of filters for coarse mechanical water purification installed at the inlet to the dwelling;
  • underestimation of the estimated diameter of the pipes or its reduction due to the build-up of deposits on the inner walls;
  • the presence of defects or malfunctions of valves at the entrance to the house or apartment;
  • the presence of malfunctions of the main water supply and loss of pressure due to leaks;
  • non-compliance of water supply with standards due to the fault of the water supplier organization, which usually serves the pipelines.

In most cases, you should first eliminate the root cause, and then think about purchasing a pump to increase pressure.

Clogged filters are detected when disassembling and inspecting the filter element. As a rule, this is a brass mesh rolled up in the shape of a cylinder. It may be clogged with large pieces of rust, scale that got into the pipeline during repairs. The grid must be washed and reinstalled.

In high-rise buildings

Understating the diameter of the main pipeline is possible when several more large consumers are connected to the existing water supply network, which were not taken into account in the design. This can happen, for example, if several apartments on the lower floors are converted into non-residential premises used as hairdressers, laundries, SPA-salons. Water consumption in such premises, especially during the daytime, can increase many times over.

Deposits can accumulate on pipe walls due to poor domestic water treatment. Too hard, that is, containing a lot of calcium, water releases this element when heated, and it, especially in a hot pipeline, is deposited on the pipe walls. In both cases, if the diameter of the pipes is insufficient, they must be replaced.

If there are pipeline malfunctions, they must be eliminated, and then re-check the parameters of the water supply system.

The dishonesty of the water supplier can be detected if all previous causes are eliminated, and the pressure in the water supply has not increased. To do this, you need to monitor the pressure during the day in all rooms. It often happens that suppliers turn off some of the electric pumps that are supposed to increase pressure at night or in the middle of the working day. At this time, water consumption in urban residential areas is reduced, and such a shutdown saves energy for the organization, significantly reducing its operating costs.

In a private house

In a private house with an autonomous water supply system, everything is a little different. As a rule, water is supplied either by a deep well pump or a pumping station with a centrifugal vane pump from a well. In the event of a pressure drop, it is necessary to check the productivity of the well, the serviceability of the pump, and at the pumping station it is also necessary to check the condition of the accumulator, which is responsible for maintaining the working pressure.

Often a deep pump in an autonomous water supply system is designed for high performance. Its task is to raise as much water as possible from the lower horizon. The depth of water can be 120-140 m, and such a pump can no longer cope with the rise of water to the upper floors of the cottage. In this case, it is also necessary to connect a pump to the system to increase the pressure.

Which pump to install

To pump water pressure, you can use various equipment options. If you have to install a pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment, then the choice should be based not only on performance and other functional characteristics. Equally important is the level of noise emitted by the unit during operation. In a private house, this indicator can not always be guided by, since it is possible to install equipment to increase pressure in various utility rooms.

The performance of the pump must take into account the number of people living in the house. The calculation can be based on housing and communal services standards, which assume the use of 200 liters of cold water and 100 liters of hot water per person per day. Of course, such a flow rate is unlikely to be in demand, but a pump with better characteristics than required during operation will work much longer, and the price increase will be insignificant.

When choosing pumps to increase water pressure in a private house with several floors, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of creating the pressure necessary to raise water to the upper floors.

Control method

According to the method of control, pumps for increasing pressure can be manual and automatic.

Hand pumps turn on for the time required to supply water, and then turn off. Such options are used to fill storage tanks. Similar water supply schemes are also used in private homes. The inconvenience lies in the fact that the operation of the pump must be monitored and turned off in time to prevent unreasonable waste of water or running dry.

Booster pumps equipped with special sensors and controllers are able to turn on and off depending on the conditions created by the operating modes. Automation, based on the readings of pressure sensors, will determine when a vacuum appears in the water supply and turn on the pump. If all shut-off devices are closed and the pressure reaches the control value, the pump will turn off. Automation will save the pump from dry running if the water supply to it suddenly stops.

Differences in design

According to the principle of operation, the units for increasing the pressure also differ. They can be circulating, which are included directly in the pipeline, or they can be suction - raising water and directing it to the main.

Circulation pumps are used primarily to increase the pressure in the heating system, but with some tolerances they can also be used to increase the pressure in the water supply.

Installation of such pumps is carried out in breaks in pipelines, and they, using a rotary impeller, disperse running water. Such pumps are very quiet, but their performance is low.

Centrifugal pumps can be used to lift more water to greater heights, as well as to increase pressure. The working body in them is an impeller, which is installed in a housing that looks like a snail. Experts among themselves call it that. Water entering through the central hole of the volute is accelerated by a rotating impeller and is ejected under the action of centrifugal force through the side hole, entering the pipeline.

Suction pump operation diagram

The operation of the suction pump is based on the creation of a vacuum in the intake piping. These pumps can lift water from wells and shallow wells. Assembled together with a hydraulic accumulator, such a pump can turn into a full-fledged pumping station that is capable of lifting water several tens of meters.

A vacuum is created when the pump impeller rotates. Depending on its design and engine power, the suction depth may vary, but rarely exceeds 8 meters.

The horizontal distance from the pump to the well also affects the suction depth.

To correctly take into account this characteristic when choosing equipment, you must use the formula:

where H is the maximum possible suction depth,

L is the distance from the pump to the water intake,

h is the height difference between the pump installation site and the water level.

The value of h can increase or decrease depending on the weather conditions or the time of year. When calculating, you need to take into account the lowest position of the water in the well and take the maximum value of h in the formula.

Features of pumping stations

For the organization of autonomous water supply of a private house, it is advisable to use pumping stations. By design and principle of operation, they can be submersible and suction. The first are installed in the well and are designed to supply water to houses with permanent residence of people. The second can be dismantled if they are not used due to seasonal residence in houses. Depending on the chosen scheme, pumping stations may differ in design and equipment.

For schemes using a storage water tank, a simple submersible pump is suitable, which can be turned on and off manually, especially with a large tank volume. It is possible to improve the design of the pumping station by installing float water level sensors in the tank. The advantages of such a scheme are that it makes it possible to use the water supply even when the electric pump is not powered for any reason. If the storage capacity is large enough, then significant outages can be experienced.

Note! Pumping stations with hydraulic accumulators are most often used. These are metal two-volume tanks in which the cavities are separated by an elastic membrane.

A gas is pumped into one cavity, which creates pressure in the pipeline when it is compressed. Water from a source is pumped into another cavity by a pump. The design of the accumulator has a pressure sensor that turns off the pump when the maximum design value is reached, and turns it on when the pressure drops, when collapsible fittings open in the pipeline. This ensures the automation of the water supply process.

The capacity of the accumulator is selected based on the volume of water consumed. It depends on the size of the tank how even the pressure will be during the use of the water supply, how often the pump will turn on, how much the pressure reserve in the accumulator will be enough if the pump power is suddenly turned off.

Hydraulic accumulators can be used to compose pumping stations with both submersible and suction pumps. When using the latter, it is desirable to complete the station with a check valve, which is installed at the end of the suction hose.

Power selection

The power of the pressure boosting pump must be selected based on the conditions in which it will have to work, and the requirements for parameters and characteristics. The pump must provide comfortable conditions for the implementation of hygiene procedures, as well as for the operation of household appliances that require water supply with certain parameters.

For normal operation of the shower, a pressure of 1 atm is usually sufficient, which must be provided on the top floor of the building. For the operation of a washing machine or dishwasher, the pressure is already higher. To determine which unit to increase the pressure to put at the inlet of the water supply, it is necessary to carefully study the technical documentation of all available devices.

Note! Having chosen a pump for pressure and performance, it is necessary to make sure that the existing electrical network is suitable for operation.

Pump installation

The installation must be carried out in a place where regular maintenance will be possible. It should be noted that many booster pumps make noise during operation. If there are utility rooms that are well isolated from residential areas, there will be no problems, and if the boost pump is installed in a small apartment, you need to carefully consider the decision on where to mount this unit.

In some cases, the installation option inside a closed kitchen table slightly reduces the noise. An even better result can be achieved if, during installation, a foam rubber gasket is installed between the pump and the base.

When connecting to the pipeline, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of quick dismantling during repair or replacement in the event of a breakdown. To do this, you must use detachable fittings.

Notable Models

The most common manufacturers of pumps for increasing pressure and pressure are traditionally Grundfos, Jeelex, Wilo.

One of the best pumps can safely be called Grundfos UPA 15-90 (N). This device, consuming only 120 W of electricity, is capable of raising water by 8 meters at a minimum pressure of 0.2 atm, while providing a flow rate of up to 1.5 m³ / h. The pump is very quiet, the noise level is only 35 dB. Service life up to 10 years.

For more demanding users, we can recommend the Wilo PB-201EA model. This pump is capable of providing a capacity of 3.3 m³ / h, raising water to a height of 15 meters. Noise level during operation 41 dB. Service life up to 10 years.

One of the most powerful Jeelex Jambo 70/50 H-50 H units is a suction pumping station for lifting water. Provides a flow rate of 4.2 m³/h at a lifting height of up to 50 meters and a suction depth of up to 9 meters. The power consumption of the electric pump is 1.1 kW. The device is equipped with a 50 liter hydraulic accumulator.

Without running water, life in apartment buildings is unthinkable. But not always its presence pleases apartment owners. It's all about the water pressure, which can be so low that household appliances such as a washing machine, dishwasher, gas water heater simply refuse to work. It even comes to the point that water does not flow to the upper floors of houses at all. If it is impossible to somehow increase the total pressure, then you can do this only in relation to your apartment by installing a pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment. Of course, such a step would be rational if the reason for the low pressure does not lie in the supply water riser or clogged water pipes.

The booster water pump is designed to create an acceptable pressure in the water supply. If the pressure in the region of 4 atmospheres is the norm, then in practice we record its decrease to a value of 1-1.5 and even lower. And to work, for example, a washing machine requires a pressure of at least 2 atmospheres. A jacuzzi and a shower cabin will not want to work at such a pressure at all, since they are designed for 4 atmospheres. However, even higher pressure is dangerous for pipelines. Already at a pressure of 7 atmospheres, some elements of the water supply network may be damaged. That's why pressure must be within certain limits and be stable.

It is especially offensive for the residents of the upper floors during peak hours, when, having come from work in the evening, it is impossible even to wash properly. At the same time, the inhabitants of the lower floors have a normal pressure. In this case, a circulation pump for increasing water pressure, embedded directly in the inlet water main, is able to give residents a complete feeling of comfort.

What parameters differ in booster pumps

Pumps that increase the pressure of water in the water supply system differ in several ways:

1. By type of management.

  • Manual control, in which the device is constantly on or off. The owners only make sure that there is water in the system. When working “dry”, the serviceability of the device is not guaranteed. It can just burn out from overheating. Therefore, such a device turns on when performing some one-time operations, and after their completion it turns off;
  • Automatic control. A special sensor turns on the unit when the need arises. The same sensor turns off the automatic water pressure booster pump when there is no water in the system.

2. According to the permissible temperature of the water in the pipes.

The fact is that not all household pumps for increasing the water pressure in an apartment can transport cold and hot substances. This indicator should be guided when buying a pump.

There are 3 types of pumps:

  • apparatus for cold water only;
  • device for pumping only hot water;
  • universal device for working with liquids of any temperature.

3. According to the pump cooling method. The cooling system protects the pump from possible overheating.

Can be of two types:

  • Cooling by the flow of liquid flowing through the pump ("wet rotor"). They work almost silently. May overheat if operated without water;
  • Cooling by rotating blades mounted on a shaft ("dry rotor"). Such devices are characterized by an increased noise level, but greater productivity.

Features of self-priming pumping station

In apartments located on the upper floors of high-rise buildings, water may not reach at all. The way out in this situation is to install a self-priming pumping station. A typical station consists of a pump, a pressure switch and a membrane tank (hydraulic accumulator). The pump supplies water to the tank, from which it is supplied to the water points under a certain pressure pre-set by the owner using a pressure switch.

Tip: Some pumping stations may be without a hydraulic accumulator, but it is recommended to purchase equipment with an accumulation tank into which water will be pumped. The larger it is, the longer the station will last, since the pumping unit will turn on less often.

The station pumps liquid into the tank, after which it turns off. However, the consumer can use the water from the tank even if it is not in the water supply at all. When the water leaves the tank, the relay will turn the station back on.

Note that such a pump can also be used to increase the water pressure in the country, both for water supply and for irrigation.

Before buying a station, check its maximum pressure. For example, a Grundfos JP Booster 6-24L self-priming water pressure booster can supply water with a maximum pressure of up to 48 m, and its tank volume is quite impressive - 24 liters.

What to look for when choosing

When buying an electric water pump to increase pressure, check with a consultant for the following nuances:

  • power. The more powerful the device, the more consumers will be able to enjoy its benefits. Consider the number of taps in the apartment and household appliances connected to the water supply;
  • noise level, which is different for different models;
  • certain pump models are designed for specific pipe sections. If you use a device for a water supply system with an inappropriate cross section, the pump will work with overloads, and the pressure will be less than the calculated one;
  • the height of the water level. A pump for water pressure in a water supply system, designed for a lower load, may simply not reach the liquid to the desired level (this item applies to the purchase of a pumping station);
  • the size of the unit also matters, because sometimes it has to be installed in very small rooms in which the entrance to the apartment is located;
  • An important factor is the reliability and fame of the manufacturer.

Installation of equipment in the apartment

Installation of a water pressure booster pump in an apartment is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The pipe on which the pump will be installed is marked taking into account the length of the pump and adapters.
  2. Water is shut off in the apartment.
  3. The pipe is cut in two marked places.
  4. A thread is cut from the outside of the cut ends of the pipe.
  5. Adapters with internal threads are screwed onto the pipes.
  6. The fittings included in the kit are screwed into the adapters. When installing the pump, be guided by the arrow on the body of the device, which shows the direction of fluid flow.
  7. A three-core cable is pulled from the electrical panel to the pump. It is advisable to equip a separate outlet near the pump, and connect the pump through a separate RCD.
  8. Turn on the pump and check it. Pay attention to the absence of leaks from under the fittings. Tighten fasteners if necessary. For better sealing, use FUM tape by winding it around the thread.

Popular Models

Tip: try to choose a pump made by a well-known company that specializes in the production of such equipment. These manufacturers include Grundfos, Jemix, Wilo.

Consider the most popular data models of manufacturers.

Wilo PB-088EA

This is a compact pipe-mounted model designed to pressurize cold and hot water pipes. For cooling, a flowing liquid is used. There is a flow sensor that turns on the pump when water consumption starts. The Wilo water pressure booster pump operates in two modes: automatic and manual mode. Protected against overheating and dry running. The device is quiet, with an anti-corrosion coating applied to it.

Specifications Wilo PB-088EA:

  • maximum pressure - 9.5 m;
  • working environment temperature 0 - +60 degrees;
  • power - 0.09 kW;
  • productivity - 2.1 cubic meters per hour;
  • connection diameter - 15 mm or 1/2 inch.

For this pump for increasing the water pressure in the apartment, the price will be about 4,000 rubles.

The Grundfos pump for increasing water pressure is mounted on an apartment pipeline due to its small size and weight. Works with water of any temperature. It has protection against overheating and dry running. Type of cooling - water. The pump has an anti-corrosion coating and is characterized by a low noise level.

The device has 3 operating modes:

  • "OFF" - disabled. The liquid circulates in the pipes without the participation of a pump.
  • "MANUAL" - forced activation of the pump. It works constantly, so the dry run protection does not work.
  • "AUTO" - the pump turns on automatically when a water flow of about 90-120 l / h occurs. When the flow decreases, the pump switches off automatically.

Specifications UPA 15-90:

  • maximum pressure - 8 m;
  • working environment temperature +2 - +60 degrees;
  • power - 0.12 kW;
  • productivity - 1.5 cubic meters / h;
  • pipe diameter - 20 mm or 3/4 inch.

The average cost is 6000 rubles.

Jemix W15GR-15A

This device maintains the optimum pressure of the working medium in the system. The engine is cooled by an electric fan ("dry rotor"). Works in manual or automatic modes. As a disadvantage, the excessive noise of the operating pump is noted.

Specifications Jemix W15GR-15 A:

  • Maximum pressure - 15 m;
  • working environment temperature 0+110 degrees;
  • power - 0.12 kW;
  • productivity - 1.5 cubic meters per hour;
  • connection diameter — 15 mm.

The price for it is within 3000 rubles.

Proper installation of a pump to increase the water pressure with automatic control will ensure the water needs of the apartment for many years to come. During the installation process, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For longer operation of the device, it is highly desirable to install a mechanical filter at the inlet to the pump. Thus, you will protect the equipment from foreign particles entering it;
  • The device must be installed in a dry place in a heated room. At negative temperatures, the water in the pump may freeze, damaging the inside of the device;
  • A shut-off valve must be installed upstream of the pump. This will make it possible to carry out preventive maintenance of equipment when the water flow is turned off;
  • Gradually, during operation, the vibration acting on the pump can loosen the device, which may cause leaks at the points of its attachment. Therefore, first check the tightness of the connections.

A properly selected and correctly installed pump to increase the working water pressure in an apartment water supply will solve your problems associated with a low level of water pressure in an apartment of any number of storeys.

The benefits of any apartment buildings are efficient communication systems, which include plumbing. The operation of household appliances, such as a boiler, washing machine or dishwasher, depends on the quality of its functioning. In some situations, the installed pump helps to increase the water pressure. It pumps the required level in the system, providing a continuous powerful flow.

A booster pump will be the best solution for the local level. It is mounted within the apartment and is designed to serve one household. The installation of such equipment will become effective if the problem lies solely in the lack of pressure, but at the same time all the pipes are not clogged and the rest of the supply system is fully operational.

The need for arrangement

Pumps to increase water pressure are introduced into the home hydraulic system, often on the upper floors. There, the established norm often reaches the planned values. The optimum is an indicator reaching 5 bar. However, in reality, the value in the pipeline sometimes drops to the level of 1 bar.

Such parameters are unacceptable, since in this situation automatic washing machines that require at least 2 atm may not even start. It will be possible to take a shower in the shower cabin only at 3 atm. Approximately 2-2.5 atm is needed to start the boiler. The jacuzzi will be in working condition at 3-4 atm.

Operating parameters of connected equipment

Before connecting, you need to figure out which booster pumps for water have characteristics. The difference in them happens in the way they start:

  • User launch option. The hydraulic apparatus is stably turned on / off by the owner. It is enough for owners to control the presence of liquid in the system, since operation without water leads to a quick failure from overheating. Often a feature of the operation of such schemes is one-time operations with subsequent shutdown.

  • Models for pumping water with automation installed in the system, thanks to special sensors, are connected independently as needed.

When choosing equipment, you should pay attention to the ability to transport a stream of a certain temperature. Structural features are manifested in the possibility of passing water in a limited temperature regime. In specialized outlets or on the websites of online stores, you can find the following types of devices:

  • units capable of working exclusively with cold systems;
  • models designed to be included in hot flow wiring;
  • universal equipment designed to interface with any liquid temperature.

A well-functioning pump, which should not overheat significantly during operation, helps to maintain the stability of the pressure level.

Cooling systems help to get rid of overheating.

According to this type, productive models are divided into the following groups:

  • The temperature is lowered by the flow passing through the housing. This technique is called the "wet rotor" method. It has minimal noise parameters, but is capable of overheating when operating without water.

  • For cooling, rotating blades fixed on the shaft are used. The method is called "dry rotor". The disadvantage is the increased noise during operation. The disadvantages are offset by a fairly high degree of performance, which the pump for water pressure has.

Introduction of step-up stations

For owners of apartments, from the upper levels, it is advisable to install a pumping station. Self-priming equipment includes the following elements in the circuit:

  • hydraulic pump;
  • manometer;
  • relay;
  • hydraulic accumulator.

The principle of operation of the unit is to pre-fill the accumulator, set the desired outlet pressure on your own using a relay, and start the pump, which distributes fluid to consumers.

In some schemes, it is proposed to exclude the accumulator, however, this approach will adversely affect the duration of operation of the entire pressure unit. It is advisable to choose a larger tank that will fit into the interior of an apartment or house, as this will allow you to turn on the boost system less often.

After the volume is pumped into the tank cavity, a shutdown occurs. In this case, the consumer receives a jet from the accumulator even in the situation when there is no water supply in the system at the moment. If the liquid is completely out of the tank, the relay will automatically turn on the pumping.

Before purchasing a station, it is recommended to clarify its maximum pressure. You can use the popular model Grundfos JP Booster 6-24L, which will provide a pressure of 48 m and has a considerable tank with a capacity of 24 liters. Its cost is approximately 24 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right pump to increase water pressure

When choosing the right booster pump, there are important factors to consider:

  • Power characteristics. The more productive the unit is, the wider the number of points that it can effectively serve. In the calculations, it is necessary to monitor the number of consumers, washers and plumbing fixtures.
  • Noise. Of course, less noisy devices are preferable, but they may have a higher cost.
  • Patency. It is important to pay attention to what diameter of water pipes the pump can be combined with. Working sections are specified in the user manual. Failure to comply with this parameter can lead to work with overloads, breakdowns and a decrease in pressure below the calculated value.

Appliance device

  • lift height. When buying a pumping station with a lower load, it may not reach the required level.
  • Equipment dimensions. The hydraulic assembly must fit neatly into the allotted space.
  • Reliability. It is preferable to choose proven well-known brands that have a long warranty period.

VIDEO: What is the difference between a vortex pump and a centrifugal pump

The main selection criterion is the outlet pressure indicator, which should not be less than 4 barrels. Further, they are already determined directly with the characteristics of the electrical appliance - dimensions, noise level when turned on, wet or dry, etc. Since we are talking about a high pressure pump, for many it will be a matter of principle - manual or automatic control.

Pumping equipment for hot water supply is different from that which is installed in a system with cold water.

In most cases, when choosing, preference is given to well-known brands. Having overpaid, relatively speaking, just for the brand, the user receives high-quality working equipment and warranty obligations, which the seller or the manufacturer will definitely fulfill.

Among the priority companies:

WILO- the leader in consumer demand according to reviews and store statistics. It is considered elementary in operation, has been operating for more than 7 years in extreme conditions and is very reliable in operation.

Grundfos- in some regions, even Vilo bypassed. The obvious pluses are silent operation and low weight. The factory warranty is 12 months.

OASIS- easy to operate, high-quality equipment, which is only striving for the TOP-10, but has not yet come close.

The leader of domestic production, although it does not enter the European market. All without exception are compact and low-noise. Branch pipes for installation are unified for Russian water utility systems.

Wiring diagram - right and wrong

Water low-pressure pumps on collectors work non-stop. In order for the pressure to increase gradually (in steps), a multi-wheel system is used. During operation, the device is able to create a pressure in the system up to 10 bar.

The best models of pumps for increasing water pressure

In order not to be mistaken with the desired result, choose well-known brands: Wilo, Grundfos or Jemix. They are widely represented both in online online stores and in traditional construction supermarkets.

Wilo PB-088EA

Small in size model, capable of working with water of different temperatures. Heat is removed by means of a jet passing inside. Equipped with a built-in flow sensor that helps start when liquid appears in the system. The hydraulic apparatus has the ability to work both in manual mode and on the machine.

The noise level is minimal. The outside is protected against corrosion. Dry running blocking. The power is 90 watts. The price is about 4 thousand rubles.

  • Installation and operating instructions Wilo PB-088 EA

Grundfos UPA 15-90

Grundfos UPA 15-90

Compact dimensions allow you to mount such a pump to increase water pressure in almost any convenient place. It is used for any temperature conditions. It has protection against overheating and dry operation. Cooling type - water.

The device has three modes in which it can be turned off, started by hand or started in automatic mode when the flow rate drops below 100 l/h. Power - 120 W. Price - 2634 rubles.

  • Grundfos UPA 15-90 installation and operating instructions

Jemix W15GR-15A

The booster pump maintains the discharge at the set level. The lowering of the operating temperature is created by a fan or a dry rotor. The advantages are versatility and an affordable price tag, and the disadvantages are noise during operation. Power - 120 W. Price 3 thousand rubles.

  • Installation and operating instructions Jemix W15GR-15 A

VIDEO: Why is it needed and how to assemble a storage tank

A pump to increase the water pressure in the water supply is purchased to stabilize the pressure in the system. Indeed, for the simultaneous operation of several points of consumption, for example, two taps, the pressure in the system must reach 1.5 atmospheres. A washing machine or dishwasher will only work at a pressure of 2 atmospheres (and no less). And jacuzzis and showers with a hydromassage function “start” at a pressure of at least 4 atmospheres.

At the same time, in domestic water supply there is often no minimum pressure (1.5 atmospheres), not to mention the standard indicators (4-4.5 atmospheres). As a result, installing a water pressure booster pump is the only way to provide any acceptable living conditions in the house. Indeed, without this pump, neither the shower cabin nor the washing machine will function.

And in this article, we will discuss the choice of devices used to stabilize the pressure in domestic water pipes at an acceptable level.

Firstly, if there is water only on the lower floors of the house. Secondly, if you open one tap, it is no longer possible to use the second source of consumption. And, thirdly, if the system has a frankly weak pressure, which is not enough to service household or plumbing fixtures

In a word, both a conventional pump and a powerful self-priming pumping station are used if there is no stable pressure in your water supply. Moreover, problems with plumbing will certainly affect the overall level of comfort, reducing the very “quality of life”.

Therefore, you will have to buy a pressure pump or pumping station:

  • Firstly, it is quite powerful, but no frills: after all, an increase in pressure to 6-7 atmospheres can destroy the internal elements (seals, valves, and so on) of shut-off and control valves.
  • Secondly, it is relatively cheap: after all, money needs to be spent “wisely”.
  • And, thirdly, it is compact and quiet: after all, the immodest dimensions of the unit will spoil the entire interior of the home, and noise pollution will disrupt the comfort of living.

But both a conventional pump and a pumping station fit these criteria. What's better? Let's figure it out.

Domestic water pressure booster pumps

Such devices are installed in the internal water supply of a house or apartment. Therefore, pumps should not be large and noisy.

Moreover, there are two schemes for operating such equipment:

  • A permanent option, assuming almost round-the-clock operation of the device.
  • Automatic option, including the unit "on demand".

In the first case, we only need a pump, and in the second, we will have to add a flow sensor to it, which, of course, will affect the price of the equipment.

But the more expensive automatic option is still more profitable than the cheaper permanent one. We will explain why: during operation, the pump heats up and fails due to overheating. Therefore, continuous operation of such equipment is strictly contraindicated.

And the automatic pump that works from time to time turns on only when the flow is provoked by water consumption (an open tap, a washing machine on, and so on). Therefore, it will never burn out. And such a pump consumes much less electricity.

As a result, any prudent homeowner will choose the automatic option, despite the slightly inflated cost. And permanent pumps are good only in one case - if they will be used in one-time operations. Suppose, if necessary, to stabilize the pressure after activating the irrigation system. In this case, the pump is simply “plugged in” and turned off after the procedure is completed.

Pumping stations

In fact, this is the same high-pressure vibration or centrifugal water pump with a hydraulic accumulator or hydraulic tank. However, unlike pumps, stations are mounted between a water source and a water supply. As a result, it is the pumping station that generates the pressure in the water supply system.

Moreover, almost all autonomous water supply systems are equipped with similar installations. And in order to stabilize the pressure in the system, it is necessary either to replace the existing station with a more powerful one, or to replace only the pump or station accumulator with a more productive analogue.

In addition, to increase the pressure in the pipeline, you can even change nothing! It is enough to simply adjust the operation of the pressure switch. The essence of this solution lies in the fact that a special device is “responsible” for the pressure of the station - a pressure switch that monitors the operation of the pump and accumulator.

Let us explain in more detail: the pump pumps water into the drive, which gives it to the water supply. In this case, the pump does not work constantly, but only when the pressure in the accumulator is less than the minimum. Then it turns on, pumping water until the pressure in the accumulator rises to the maximum possible.

The maximum and minimum pressure in the accumulator is determined by a special relay. Increase the time the lower pressure limit in the accumulator, and it will increase in the entire water supply.

How to choose a pump?

The selection of a high pressure pump is based on the following rules:

  • Firstly, the pump must work as long as necessary, without pauses and long breaks, without overheating and without shutting down. Therefore, you need a unit from a trusted company with a good reputation, and not a Chinese-made clone.
  • Secondly, the pump must increase the pressure in the system to an acceptable level of 4-5 atmospheres, and no more. Therefore, the purchase of a heavy-duty station for deep wells is not always justified. And if you cannot calculate the required performance of the unit yourself, contact the specialists. In specialized stores, this service is offered to all pump buyers absolutely free of charge.
  • Thirdly, the pump must fit the budget of the purchase. Good equipment is expensive. But it pays for itself through trouble-free operation. Cheap pumps require frequent maintenance and almost self-repair. After all, no-name manufacturers simply do not have service centers. Therefore, if you do not have plumbing and locksmith skills or do not have time for such work, buy a reliable unit from a trusted brand, for example, a wilo water pressure booster pump. This technique will pay for itself 100 percent.

As you can see, the selection rules are very simple. But if you have doubts about your decisions, contact the experts.

Most specialized companies offer a turnkey solution to the problem of insufficient pressure. That is, with the call of the master for diagnostics, calculation and selection of equipment and the subsequent installation of all units in the water supply system.