On which moon to transplant the money tree. Methods of proper landing

Many people have a wonderful house room flower - Crassula. Provincial name of this plant - money Tree or fat man. It is believed that bustard with thick rounded leaves contributes to wealth, good luck and prosperity. Caring for a living plant does not cause difficulties until the time comes to transplant the money tree in another pot. Before doing it, you should learn more about Crasus more.

Helpful information

Thoms are considered unpretentious flower. It grows well in the shade and under the open sunshine, stealing the lack of moisture and short-term drafts. The fleshy leaves are small tanks that are saved in nature during the periods of drought.

At home this is not necessary, if only the owners do not forget to water the tree, but thanks to such leaves, the succulent looks very unusual. Tolstankovye belongs to 300 with excessive species. The biggest grows up to several meters, and the height of miniature does not exceed 8-15 cm.

Until the sprouts appear, the shelter is removed daily by 1-1.5 hours, so that the air is not stood. When it is clear that most of the seeds rushed, the film or glass is cleaned with us. It is not necessary to cut forward, it is better to initially provide enough space for each seedlings. When young plants form 2-3 pairs of leaves, they are seated by separate pots.

The transplant is necessary for:

  1. The correct growth of Crassus. When the pot becomes close, the roots of Tolstanka may suffer, which adversely affects the development of the plant. If you immediately put a money tree into a spacious pot, the root system will begin to grow to the detriment of the aboveground part.
  2. Sometimes the flower may look unhealthy. If yellowed leaves appeared on the plant, it testifies to damage or reinforce the roots. Emergency transplant is required.

When it is better to do it, on what days is it possible in the spring and winter?

So, after the Crassula after the purchase, most likely, is in the transporting pot, the first time the transplant needs to spend 15-20 days after the acquisition. Before transplanting a purchased money tree, he needs to give time to adapt to the new place of residence.

The most successful season for transplantation is spring. During this period, the cracks begin to grow intensively, the fastener is actively developing and easier to transfers the change of habitat. If necessary, a transplant is allowed in the summer. In this case, immediately after the procedure, a flower is imposed on the straight rays of the sun. Autumn and winter - resting time for money trees, it is not recommended to disturb it.

Exception is an unscheduled transplant. She may need when the plant fell ill. If the Crassula stopped in growth, loses the leaves, looks weakened, spring should not be waited. You can carry out a transplant at any time of the year. Poor well-being is most often caused by the convergence or appearance on the root system of pests.

How often to carry out a transplant at home?

According to the Flower Rules, young specimens move to a new substrate and a pot every year. After three years, healthy plants transplant once every two years.

Important! Frequent transplants are contraindicated with money. Each such event is stress for Tolstanka, after it takes time to restore and adapt. In addition, the Crasus has fragile leaves that are easy to damage as a result of unnecessary manipulations.

What are the earth and pot suitable for flower?

In Tolstanka, fleshy leaves and stems, in which water accumulates. This plant belongs to succulents. For transplantation, it is suitable for a special soil for cacti, which can be purchased in a horticultural store. If there is no possibility to buy such a substrate, use a universal option for indoor flowers, adding sand in a 1: 4 ratio.

You can cook the soil mixture yourself according to the following recipe:

  • sand - 1 part;
  • cherry land - 1 part;
  • sheet land - 3 parts;
  • the ash, humid and clay - 3-4 tablespoons.

Crasusul does not tolerate excess soil moisturizing. It is important to use good drainagethat will not allow water to stammer. Suitable:

  1. ceramzit;
  2. petty pebbles;
  3. broken brick;
  4. touching the shell of walnuts.

It is not recommended to choose a plastic pot. It is better to take a clay or ceramic container. It is more stable. Fasting greatly grow up, her crown is rather heavy. You need a reliable pot with a wide bottom so that it does not turn over. At the bottom of the tank should be a drainage hole.

Crasus has superficial root system. For her, a wide shallow pot is perfect, the diameter of which corresponds to the size of the crown. In too spacious capacitance, the thickness is growing slower, in a small - can completely stop its growth. If the pot turns out to be very high, moisture will accumulate at the bottom. Each time the pot is selected during the transplant, which exceeds the previous one.

Step-by-step instructions: how to move to another pot

Large adult plant

If the soil is normal and the Crasus needs only in a larger pot, recommend to carry out the transshipment. It is less painfully perceived by the plant than the complete transplant.

  1. Prepare new sad, drainage and pot. Vase must be clean.
  2. In the pot, pour a layer of drainage with a height of two centimeters.
  3. Cover the drainage substrate with fresh soil.
  4. Carefully explode the earth around Tolstanka. Around the trunk to make a hole in the depth of three centimeters.
  5. Carefully remove the trunk. Soil at the base is not deleted.
  6. View roots. Crop damaged and fired sections. Treat sections of saws of wood ash.
  7. Give the Crasus to dry.
  8. Plant along with an earthen room to the center of the new pot.
  9. Sleep the ground with a fresh substrate before the trunk.
  10. Pour.
  11. If the soil falls, add a little to the previous level.

In the case when the fastener is sick and you need to change the soil, the procedure is complicated:

  1. Substrate pour into the drain layer. He must take one fourth part of the new vase.
  2. After removing the plant from the old pot with the roots shake the ground.
  3. Weeping places are removed, the root system is washed and leave for a while to dry.
  4. Next, Tolstanka is planted in fresh soil.

We offer you to watch a video about money transplant:

Crossflower Crassula

  1. In the spring, choose a process with two and three leaves. Cut it with a sharp knife with a maternal plant.
  2. Dry for two days.
  3. Add to a glass with water corneser. Put the cuttings into the glass before the appearance of the roots.
  4. Put on the bottom of a clean pot drainage for 1-2 centimeters.
  5. Fill the Vase of the soil mixture by one quarter of volume.
  6. Locate the process in the middle of the pot.
  7. Sleep the soil.
  8. Pour.

It is allowed to plant the process without the roots immediately in the ground:

  1. Pot with a process with a glass container to create a greenhouse effect.
  2. Hiding through the pallet.

We offer to watch a video on how to plant a money outflow:


In the photo you can see Tolstanka during the transplantation.

Do I need to water it after the procedure?

When the transplant procedure is completed, the flower should not be watered within two weeks. Soil must be established. Gentle roots of the plant after transplant are becoming even more vulnerable. Even the usual portions of water can cause harm to the plant. 14 days after the transplant returns to the usual irrigation regime.

Nuances of further care

At first, the foolish woman gets used to a new place. Usually it successfully carries out if you provide good conditions:

  1. Wrap a plant from the open sun. If this is not done, the leaves will become red-purple, start fading and falling. It is better not to put the Crassus on the window, and find a place for it on the chest or on the shelf.
  2. Maintain the purity of the leaves. Periodically spray or wipe them with a damp cloth.
  3. In the first months after the transplant, you do not need to make feeding - The new substrate is rich in nutrients.
  4. After a couple of weeks after the transplant to resume watering. Use dilated water room temperature. Water after drying the upper layer of soil. In the spring, it is enough to moisturize the soil once every 3-6 days, in the summer 1-2 times a week, in the autumn-winter season - once a month. If in the winter in the room cool, do not water.

    It is important to monitor the state of the substrate and not allow the convergence, otherwise the roots can bend. Do not forget to drain water from the pallet.

  5. Money tree prefers moderate air temperature. If the transplant is carried out in the spring, the Crasus has been captured faster and will go into growth. If the procedure is carried out in the summer, keep a thickness at a temperature of +19 to + 23 ° C. It is useful to endure it in a half-day balcony. Optimal indicators for the winter period must be in the range from +10 to + 13 ° C.

Crassus can not be called a capricious plant. Her transplant does not take much time and does not require great effort. If you prepare right pot And the soil, carefully handle the flower during the transplant procedure and carefully care for it, the fat man will come true without any problems and go into growth.

Each room plant needs careful and thoughtful care. Periodically, they must be replant, which can be difficult for certain types of cultures. Plants grow and after some time, they will already be closely in the pot. Therefore, it should be restored periodically comfortable conditions For proper growth and full development. In addition to spacious tanks, houseplants need nutritious soil, because the duration of their growth directly depends on it. Having studied the question: how to transplant the money tree to each wishes will be under the power to grow up this beautiful home flower.

A plant, acquaintance as a money tree, owns the botanical title - Crasusla or alent. This home flower has become popular in many countries, where they call him in any way. For example, in Poland, the village is called "Tree of Happiness", in the Czech Republic - " homemade tree", And in Slovakia -" Family Tree ". Popular belief that culture attracts money and fortune to the house. In addition, it is no secret that to acquire a live amulet, money flower It should be sprinkled personally.

The Crassus is considered an undemanding home flower, has a thickened obsessive trunk and leaflets similar to precious coins. Belongs to the genus of succulent, covering more than 300 varieties. The flower can have two types of trunk: peeling and straight. In the wild growing medium, the height of the culture can reach from 3 cm to 5 meters. Depending on the type of greens, there may be a variety of shape and shade, 4-7 cm in length.

Flowers a tree with large snow-white or white pink inflorescences, gathering in half blood. Blossom is observed rather rarely, approximately 7-10 years of life. During the flowering period, the boutons fill the room with a resistant sweet aroma.

Interesting! Any pair of leaves is placed in relation to the previous angle of 90 degrees.

Motherland Crasus is hot africa. Thanks to the place of birth, the village received such qualities as durability and unassumature. The bush is capable of growing autonomously, even under the conditions of non-compliance with the rules of care. IN natural environment There is a small number varietal species. The most popular among lover of indoor crops are Krasul silver and tree. But get blooming bush. in room conditions Very difficult. However, if the village gives bloom, this is a sign of success and well-being.

It is known three methods of breeding Crassus: seed, shilling, leaves. The simplest and productive is considered to be the extension method. When applying this method, the seedlings are fairly rooted, adapt to new growth conditions. A few months after planning, a healthy strong bush is formed.

The method of breeding with leaves is the most expensive. All because there is a high probability of getting prepared planting material. In addition to the extension of the roots and the creation of kids is spent quite a lot of time.

The reproduction through the seed method is the most difficult and long process, and considering the reduced possibility of flowering the tree also almost uncomfortable. If it is still possible to get the material for sowing, then it is very problematic.

Informative! For fans of the seed reproduction method, an automatic seed extensor - sprauder invented.

Although Crassus is considered an unpretentious flower, when it is resetting it is also necessary to comply with certain rules. It is from this that it depends on its subsequent growth and development. Special attention is selected with a transplant capacity. It is not recommended to choose too large pots, it may adversely affect the general health of the tree.

The crack need to systematically reset, but transplants should not be too frequent. The frequency of this procedure directly depends on the age of the coinage. Crasusla is subject to various diseases, like any other plant. Therefore, it is important not only to acquire a qualitative substrate, but also to conduct it additional disinfection.

But it should be remembered that after disinfection, the soil will need about a month for the restoration of natural microflora.
After transplanting the crack need special attentionthat will help her faster to restore vitality.

Note! Any action carried out with wood should be extremely neat, because the culture is very fragile and the likelihood of harm is harmful.

When it is better to replant

Optimal time for transplant is considered spring period. And rather the first weeks of March. It is during this period that the phase of active growth and development flower culture. Consequently, the change of substrate and container the plant tolerates painlessly.

Many people are interested in transplanting a village in the summer. The answer to this question depends on the total state of the flower. In addition, if the seedlock was acquired in summer period And the container for its growth is already cleaned, then, of course, the transplant is carried out in the summer.

In autumn I. winter No need to transplant tree. This period is resting - the root system slows down in development and disappears the need for expansion of the container. If there are signs of the disease or the presence of pests, then the transplantation can be carried out at any time of the year.

Soil for Crassus

In his homeland, Crasus grows in a ground with a high content of sand. Also, the substrate should be loose and crumbly. With room cultivation, it is necessary to ensure the treasure of the condition, the most appropriate to its natural growth medium. For the cultivation of Tolstanka, it is recommended to use the purchased soil, specially prepared for cultivation of crops relating to the kind of succulents.

If you need to prepare a substrate yourself, then they advise the use of three components: sand, peat and sheet soil in a 3: 2 ratio.

Remember! Each variety of culture is painfully withstanding impenetrable, poorly drained soil. Actually, such land will become a liquid delay in the root formation zone.

What a pot for money is better to choose

How to transplant Crasus? It is necessary to carefully select the pot for the subsequent growth of culture. The selected container directly affects the period of extension of the root system and the seedling device in the soil. Incorrectly selected vase can slow down and even completely stop the development of the flower.

Special attention to the landing vase explains pretty fast growth The tree capable of increasing a dense heavy crone. And under the condition of improper formation of the root system, the truck will be difficult to hold on the surface.

Most florists noticed that the fastest is pulled out, it looks quite healthy plantBut falls. All because the thinned stem is not able to withstand the weight of the crown. The crack has a small secret: the stem begins to be sealing and brushed out the wrench after the root system fills the entire volume of the pot and flies in the bottom. That is why it is recommended to plant a culture into broad but low containers. In depth, the pot should not exceed 10 cm, and in diameter at least 20 cm. If you recall the Japanese bonsai, then it is such a vase that should be chosen.

The experienced flowers recommend choosing a weighty, roomy, rather deep pot. An excellent option will be floral clay or ceramics containers with a wide neck. Such recommendations are defined by a feature of rapidly forming and placed shallow roots of the kind of succulents.

It is important to remember that the representatives of the Succulent family are not often transplanted, especially if it is an adult, a fairly well-shaped flower. The larger the pot, the faster the culture is increasing the greens.

Tip! Young landings (up to three years) advise to transplant once a year, changing pots on a little longer volume.

What to choose drainage

The bottom of each container should have drainage. This is the main condition for ensuring roots. necessary quantity air. Otherwise, the root flower system will be rotated. To equip the correct air passability, add vermiculite or perlite. The drainage layer is about two centimeters. This is enough to waste excessive fluid. The absence of excess moisture is extremely important for the health of the mint. It is better to forget to moisten Tolstanka than to water too abundantly.

When you can transplant the Crassus on the lunar calendar

Tolstanka on the lunar calendar It is recommended to transplant on the second moon day. For these purposes, it's good to have a special moon calendar Gardener. It helps to determine favorable days Not only for garden, but also for indoor crops.

To keep the balance between the "magical" properties and health of the village, a particular day is chosen, but the main thing at the beginning of spring. At the same time, always focus on the phase of the moon. In parallel with the Phase of the Moon, it is also important to choose the right day of the week. This afternoon is the environment.

How to transplant: Technology Transplant Step

After all preparatory work Start directly to the falling flower. It is important to clear the zone for work so that extra objects are not distracted from an important thing. The entire transplant process is in several stages:

  1. The bottom of the tank is filled with drainage material. The drainage layer is approximately 2 cm.
  2. Over the drainage layer, the nutrient soil is covered in the volume of ¼ from the volume of the new pot.
  3. The village is removed from the old pot. This stage must be performed extremely gently. It is important not to damage the root system and keep the earth com. Yes, and the foliage in the plant is very sensitive and easily climbed with an awkward movement.
  4. If there are traces of loading and drying on the roots, then the damaged areas are neatly removed by the sharp blade.
  5. The new tank of the bus is placed strictly in the center. Formed voids are filled with fresh nutrient soil. Then the landing is moistened and as the soil sewn sucks the soil to the required level.
  6. The finished landing is abundantly moisturized. It is recommended to use the dilated water temperature.
  7. Over the first time, after transplanting, Tolstanka must be protected from direct sunlight. In the first days, the seedling is especially vulnerable and the scorching sun can destroy the flower.

Adult bushes are not very fond of frequent transplants, so they are worried only with the need for the procedure. There are moments when an adult tree begins to fall under the weight of his own crown. Then it is necessary to strengthen the trunk of the Crassus with backups from both sides. And after 2-3 weeks, the backups can be removed. During this period, the tree will have to strengthen the trunk and increase its mass.

Feng Shui

The transplant of the village on the canons of Feng Shui does not differ from the main recommendations of the flower water. However, there is a belief that for entering the plant magical properties The seedling should be stolen either purchased from wealthy people.

Pots are chosen red-burgundy, brown and black. Gold and silver shade vases are perfect. At the bottom of the tank, you can depict special hieroglyphs. For example, you can choose a sign of money, growth and wealth - they will help to direct cash flow to the owner of the flower. Everything planting It is necessary to spend only on a growing moon.

Do not allow unauthorized people to touch your money talisman. If the guests ask for changes, then it should be separated from the mother tree. Otherwise, the success and well-being will leave the house and moves to new owners.

Informative! The supporters of Chinese beliefs believe that when replanting the culture, a magical phrase must be pronounced: "To grow you - I will have blossom in it. This will will be so! "

How to transplant the Crassus to be money in the house

Crassus owners are confident that for attracting financial energy only proper care For a culture of little. It is necessary to put and speak the plant correctly, for the execution of the oldest beliefs about the prosperity and well-being. To ensure well-being in a family when replanting the flower, certain recommendations should be followed:

  • when transplanting pay attention to the current phase of the moon. Singing the village on a decreasing moon is considered a badge;
  • the plant itself is not a source of energy of wealth and well-being. All the energy culture draws from external environment. therefore best option will get the escape from people with high levels wealth;
  • in the process of transplanting should be signed by the phrase "I attract money. I will be rich. My income is multiplied ";
  • it is important at this time not to be distracted by other conversations or actions;
  • at the bottom of the bottom, the pot certainly lays coins, thereby attracting financial energy;
  • water for Tolstanka Three days insist on gold or silver. It is impossible to use jewelry for this - they already have their own, not always positive energy. It is better to use coins.

Know! Gold coins and red threads protrude with auxiliary amulet for attracting money. They can be thrown on the leaves of the flower, thereby forming an additional flow of material energy.

Of particular importance is the location of the pot with Crassula. It is important to avoid the adjacent location of metal objects. Only metal coins fall under the exception to the rules. Geometric forms in amules have a negative impact on the growth of the plant. The coinage tree is not recommended to place near prickly and curly plants, otherwise the money will escape from the owner. It is also recommended to keep the flower with a flower away from aquariums, waterfalls and other vessels with liquid.

A couple of months after the transplant will come precise definitionwhere it is better to arrange a pot with a talisman. After you can enjoy the final decoration of the amulet:

  • under the container, you can put a couple of bills of a large nominal or a monetable napkin (scarlet or gold color with the image of the hieroglyph wealth);
  • the bumps are decorated with red threads;
  • at the top of the crown, you can put a dragon figurine;
  • around the flower can be placed Chinese lanterns of the scarlet tone or a small statuette of the Buddha.

According to the beliefs of Feng Shui, the cash talisman may not be real. Artificial tree will become no less effective talisman if it is issued according to the rules and will receive a sufficient amount of attention and care.

Cash care after transplantation at home

Each plant requires time to adapt to new growth conditions. In most cases, the fat manner perfectly carries out in a new capacity. However, it is necessary to own information on how to transfer the flower correctly to give an active growth and proper development.

Fresh soil has a certain reserve of nutritional components, so the first two months the culture does not need fake. Then mineral complexes are entered once a month. Most of all feeding are needed during the period of active growth of culture. For fertilizer, you can use any mineral complex for cacti and succulents.

Immediately after transplanting, the flower is not watered for 10 days. Also, the pot should be left away from direct sunlight. The meaty greens must be regularly sprayed and free from dust. Fat prefers moderate temperature modeTherefore, in the summer period, the culture is better to transfer to the balcony, and in the winter - in the cool room away from heating devices.

Crasusu is a light-affiliated plant, therefore needs a sufficient number of scattered light. Optimal option Will be the location of the vase on the windows from the south-east side. With this location, the flower will get enough light, and in a nooning heat, the sun leaves the walls of the house and it is not able to harm the gentle green culture.

Know! From the lack of light, the thickness can often be sick and lagged in development. Therefore, when the windows are arranged from the Northern side, it will take care of additional lighting.

An important criterion is air humidity. Crasusu is a succulent and puts dry air well. But here's constant changes in the level of humidity adversely affect the plant. It simply does not have time to adapt to changing conditions.

In winter, when the air is reheated heating devices, It is necessary to regularly irrigate the green of the bush with a pulverizer. Irrigation can be replaced by daily rubbing of the leaves with a damp cloth. In addition, this is a great option to rid a plant from unwanted dust and other possible pollution.


Money tree - a popular indoor plant that loved by its appearance and original shape foliage. The name of the culture went from ancient teachings and beliefs. Ease of cultivation and minimal care makes culture available even for beginners in room gardening. It is important to observe simple rules Care, perform timely feeding and transshipment. And the village decorated with coins and red threads will become a magnet for positive energy.

If you bring a little seedling of Crasus and grow beautiful adult plantThe house will be filled with sufficient and well-being. The main thing is to explore the information on how to transplant the money tree and surround the flower with warmth and care.

Crasusul can even smooth family conflicts, and establish an energy environment in the house. But of course you should not forget that no talisman will bring good luck, if inactive and not make any effort to achieve the goals.

Video: money transplant in another pot

How to plant a monetary tree on Feng Shui? Have you heard that one small indoor plant can bring material well-being in your home and attract cash flows? About how to do this, we will tell in this article.

Live money talisman

After that, you can land a plant and sprinkle its land. For Tolstanka fits well ready sad For cacti and succulents. You can also prepare hidemone yourself, mixing coarse sand, peat, deurn and leafy ground.

Secrets of growing money on Feng Shui

To grow real money tree on Feng Shui, pay attention to such subtleties:

  • Vase for planting should be green, red or gold, as it is these colors that are associated with richness along a hairdry shui. Also on the accepted and faster tree can be tied with a ribbon of such a shade.
  • Put the ripple on the red scatter, which is placed under the coin.
  • On an adult tree, hang coins and feng shui figures, nodules or any other monetary symbols.
  • Near the pot with a plant you can put a dragon figurine, figurines, candles or lamps.
  • Money is carried by the power of fire, which does not combine with the energy of water, so the money tree needs to be located at a distance from water sources or its images. Otherwise, water can "slope" the flow of money energy.
  • Avoid the neighborhood of money tree with cacti and curving plants. They are accustomed to protecting the house from foreign energy, so they can prevent cash flow.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the southeastern side of the house is responsible for financial well-being. Therefore, all magical objects aimed at attracting money should be in the southeastern part of the dwelling. In addition, such windows will be well covered with the sun.
  • Very important! Magic of money can manifest itself in a warm and loving setting. The plant must feel your love, take care of him with pleasure, do not spare your time and attention for him. If you do not feel love to room colors, you should resort to other magical ways to attract wealth.
  • Only his owner can care for money. It turns out that this plant has very good memory, so it feels good energy of its master. If you need to leave - you should not worry about this, because you can not water the Tolstanka for a couple of weeks.
  • Do not forget to wipe the treet leaves, because the dust layer prevents the free flow of money.

In terms of our climate, the money tree blooms very rarely. However, if this happened, know that a large profit will be awaited soon. And, on the contrary, if the plant suddenly began to wake, financial losses are possible.

Do not forget that the money tree is extremely sensitive to the energy of the owner. It feels all his negative thoughts and emotions, so never take care of the plant in a bad mood. Fill your magic pet with love, tenderness and kindness, communicate with him, ask him for advice. In this case, you may not even doubt that the monetary tree will thank you by the fruits of wealth, prosperity and success.

At the end of the topic, look at an interesting video:

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

Money tree, fat manner or Crassus - all this names of the same flower of the kind of succulents, which can be found in almost every home. Many people believe that this plant attracts money to the house and gives well-being. But in order for in the house to be always wealth, it is necessary not only to have an amazing tree in the house, but also provide him with the correct transplant, watering and care.

Than magnish krona Plants, the more wealth and wealth will be in your home. That is why it is extremely important to know the basic rules of transplanting, leaving and reproduction of the plant. Even if you do not believe in these stories, the plant is still very beautiful and must take care of your home.

Since Crasusla refers to the category of succulents, then perfect soil It will become soil for it, which is sold for cacti and aloe, as well as for other plants with fleshy leaves. If there is no such soil in the nearest store, you can buy anyone that is suitable for indoor plants. Only it is required to improve a little - add a quarter of the sand. Such land for money tree will be perfect.

It is extremely important to know not only how to correctly transplant the money tree at home, but also what conditions it loves. Crasusul does not tolerate a large amount of moisture, so it should be done good drainage. In the pot itself it is required to make a small hole in which the excess water in the pallet will be retended. At the bottom of the pot should put a layer of at least 2 cm, for this, the bark, small pebbles or broken bricks are perfect. Such an action will help protect the roots from posting.

Choosing a pot

Before thinking about how to transplant the money tree, it is worth choosing the right pot for Tolstanka.

The root surface system is superficial, and therefore it will be perfect for him to choose a container with a wide throat, but low. For greater stability of the plant, it is necessary to pick up a pot so that its necks fully corresponded to the volume of its crown.

The pot is very important, because the incorrectly selected container can lead to the fact that the plant will not only cease to develop correctly, but will completely stop in growth. So, if the money tree grows poorly, new leaves appear on it extremely rare, it simply should be transplanted into a wider pot.

Transplantation Plants

Before replanting the money tree at home, you need to clarify its age. A young trees are recommended to replace the soil in a pot annually. Adult - no less often than once every two to three years. After the crack is bought, it is recommended to transplant in two weeks. If the land for the plant is normal, then you can only change the pot and perform the transshipment of the plant. Such a procedure is transferred to the plant less painful. The process of execution of the transshipment is made by removing the plant from the pot together with the earthen room, and then the soil is shoved in it for money.

If you think about when it is more convenient to transplant the plant, you can do it in spring or autumn. At this time, it perfectly tolerate the pot. But if the plant is sick, it is allowed to transplant at any time of the year. It often happens so that the roots of Crassus begin to make sure due to diseases or due to excessive moising of the soil. If it happened, then transverse part Plants should be cut off, and the root system of the plant is in the air and let it dry a little.

Cash trees should be treated very carefully, its sensitive leaves are easily falling. And also need to closely monitor what land is needed for money to do not harm him.

Ways to cure a tree

If the tree is peeling, poorly growing, new leaflets are rarely appear on it and it constantly comes, then you should not wait for the time of transplant, you need to urgently deal with the reasons why it feels bad. Such a state can be developed due to the fact that the plant has too raw land, the roots start racing or in its root system, minor worms started.

To deal with this, the plant should be removed from the pot thoroughly shake the soil and examine roots for damage. All missing sites should be immediately cut. Rinse thoroughly rinse under flowing waterThereby washed off not only the old soil, but also old diseases.

If Tolstanka does not water for a long time, then it starts to lose their attractive appearance. To correct the situation, it is enough to put a plant for several hours into water tank. If, after the transplantation, Tolstyanka cut roots, it should not watered for two weeks. This is explained by the fact that excessive mooring can greatly harm the root system.

There are cases when the plant is completely deprived of the entire root system. How does the plant save in this case? It is recommended to place it in the water for several days until the roots appear or immediately put into a special soil for money.

When the fat man suffers from the presence of worms or insects, it is worth purchasing a means to destroy them in the store. At the same time, the roots are recommended to rinse under running water and process special means. Processing the plant, you need to strictly follow the instructions.

Care rules

In most cases, the fat man is perfectly leaving in the new soil. He usually has a wonderful stock nutrientsTherefore, feed the plant in the first few months is not worth it. After the transplant to water Tolstanka should not be about two weeks. It is important to protect it from direct sunlight.

The leaves of the plant should be constantly clean, and therefore they should be periodically sprayed and wipe off with a damp cloth. Fat man loves moderate temperature, so in hot summer days it will be good on the shaded balcony, and in winter in any cool place, away from the battery.

Basic rules for plant care are simple:

  • sunlight;
  • timely moderate watering;
  • abundance fresh air in summer time;
  • the temperature is not higher than 12 degrees in winter.

Features of watering

Tolstanka transplant is carried out in spring or autumn. Therefore, many think about how often watered a money tree. The air temperature at this time is moderate, fresh iris The tree is not needed. After all, it is much easier to experience drought than the convergence.

If the plant is correct to care, then it can bloom, however, it will happen after a very long time.

Formation of a beautiful crown

Cash transplantation at home involves the formation of a beautiful crown. To do this, you need:

  • scissors or secateurs;
  • an approximate picture of what you want to get in the end.

Crasus girl looks great in the form of a small tree. In this form, it is easier for her to hold the trunk and branches with heavy thick leaves. To receive you need to beautiful plantYou need to transplant Tolstanka at home to perform so that in a pot there is only one process. Several sprouts in one pot create a bush, which looks far from presentable.

To obtain a beautiful crown, Tolstanka should be quenched in a timely manner. When four leaflets appear on the process, the middle pair should be pulled out with tweezers or nails. The kidney can be unscrewed or just pull out. In her place soon, several new kidneys will appear, which will be based on new twigs forming beautiful krona. So the tree will gradually accept beautiful shape. Since the tree grows quite quickly, it will soon be possible to enjoy the fruits of his work.