Favorable days of the lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers. Alpine - Bright foliage and magnificent scenery Moon for June for Gardener

The first month of summer is the time to explore the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 of the gardener and gardery to know when to sow seeds, plant seedlings in open ground, transplant plants, make vaccinations, to make the sepure of trees and shrubs in the garden and garden. In addition, find out when you can feed cultures and fight pests, as well as carry out watering, weeding and loosening.

  1. What not to forget to do in June?
  2. Favorable landing and calendar for June 2017
  3. Tricks of gardeners and gardeners

What not to forget to do in June?

With the onset of summer for many gardeners, especially living in the southern regions and in the Kuban, the hot time has long come, but in the Urals and Siberia, Moscow region - the country season is only gaining momentum. If in the south early strawberries already collected, then in the rest of the regions of the country only prepare for the appearance delicious berries, so do not forget to make feeding sad strawberry During flowering and fruiting with a mortar of a cow, diluted 1:10, to increase the strings - spray with mortar boric acid (1.5 g / 10 l).

To prevent the sickness of the scoundrels in the currant and gooseberry in June, adjust the watering. also in middle lane Freezing is not yet excluded until June 7-10, then you can save the currant and gooseberry with smoking and spraying. For smoking, a sheet garbage, straw manure, vegetable last year's remnants, etc., first put a dry material, then heavier and tight. A bunch is compacted and covered with a small layer of land and ignite. The smoke begin with a decrease in the air temperature below the election of -1 ° C.

In early June, on the lunar calendar it is recommended to plant the seedlings of the following colors - Petunia, Ageratum, Amaranth, Velhets, Georgina, Decuilding tobacco and others. Also, plant pepper seedlings, eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Zucchini, pumpkins, patissons, salad Coched planting in open ground after June 10th.

June Month is great for mulching plants, as in most regions is established steady warm weather, it means it is time to hide the surface of the earth around the plants. It is not worth doing this earlier in order not to prevent the delay in the heat from entering the roots of plants. Mulch can be used organic material (sawdust, needles, hay, humus) and inorganic (gravel, pebbles, cardboard, newspapers, paper).

Favorable landing and calendar for June 2017

To do everything right, consider unfavorable days In June 2017, the following - 13-14, 24, is precisely at that time heavenly shone not the most the best way It acts on sowing, landing, and gardening works in general, so it is better to take the day off and transfer all the work for a more favorable time. Favorable (best) days for planting peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and other cultures in June 2017, also sowing and resetting the following:

From 23 to 25 - days are unfavorable for work in the garden, including landing and transplantation fruit trees, shrubs, the best (favorable) on the calendar of the gardener and the gardener are considered as follows:

On the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for June 2017 the best deadline for making organic fertilizers - 10-12, 15-16, 20-21, mineral - 5-7, 25. PETABLE OF EARTH, CULTURATION, PUBLICATION AND ROOMS It is recommended to conduct 13-14, 17-19, 22-23, but it is not desirable to lay compost in June. The trimming of branches and shoots is held from 13 to 22 June 2017, to produce spraying and fight pests from 18-19, 22-23. Watering plants to produce on the next days - 5-7, 15-16, 24-25, making vaccinations - 5-7, 25, engage in thinning shoots and quiet - 18-19, 22-23.

Moon Sowing Calendar for June 2017 Gardening and Gardener

Tricks of gardeners and gardeners

To save the carrot from carrot flies, before the start of the weeding or thinning, paint the solution: 1 tbsp. Ground red (black) pepper, 10 liters of water, 5-10 gr liquid soap, spending 1 liter of finished liquid to one square meter Square. The smell that is formed as a result of the weeding, just attracts harmful insects, and watering with a solution of the soil, the fragrance of carrots during cultivation will not be so pronounced. Also, after weeding, sprinkle aside ashes.

To protect the tomato from phytoofluorosis from folk remedies Use garlic - 200 grams of garlic need to be skipped through a meat grinder, dilute in a bucket of water and add 1 grament of manganese. Consume 2.5 liters per 1 m² of landing.

Fighting aphids on eggplants and peppers during fruiting - in a bucket pour 250 grams of wood ash or as much tobacco dust, pour steep boiling water and leave for 24 hours. Before spraying, the solution is well stirred and 30-35 ml of liquid soap is added. The processing is better to spend in the morning hours.

Sades advise to water the cucumbers after each assembly of fruits, the greenfly solution (10 drops / 10 l) to protect the plants from the roasting rot. The tool not only treats, but also serves good prevention. From false muced dew It will help the composition - water bucket, 10 ml of green, 1.5 liters of serum (milk), 1 tbsp. urea.


Many are confident that our lives in outer space, where everything is interconnected, astronomical bodies affect. The well-being and behavior of most people, the outcome essential events, Theft-rings of ocean waters and favorable days for planting determines the lunar rhythm. This in the moon - the crop of plants will be doubly, the Russian peasants rumored.

Divine world of plants

The full lunar cycle, which lasts an average of 29.5 days, represent 8 phases of the lighting of the moon by the Sun:

  1. new Moon (the moon is not visible);
  2. young (sickle, horns are directed to the left, connecting them imaginary straight to get the letter "P");
  3. I-I am a quarter of the moon (covered by a quarter);
  4. arriving;
  5. phase of the full moon;
  6. decreasing;
  7. II quarter of the moon;
  8. an aging moon (thin crescent horn to the right, similar to the letter "C").

Each phase is reflected in its own way on plants. How the lunar rhythm affects, has been established for a long time. There was still confusion: "Since we live in a sublunary world, we need a lunar calendar." But many today doubt these knowledge. Rarely who use the lunar calendar.

Good to know

American scientist Clark Timmens confirmed the influence of the Moon with experiments over vegetables.

Astrologers argue: on the day of the new moon the plants are alone and the juices fill the roots. In the days of the arriving moon, there is a coating from the roots to the fruits developing above the Earth. Maximum accumulation is achieved in the full moon nutrients In the fruits, thickening the color and aroma of flowers. With an aging moon, the sludge is directed from top to bottom to the roots, the accumulation of nutrients in tubers and root plans occurs.
Three rules exist on the lunar calendar for gardened gardens.

  1. And the new moon - prohibited days for all sowing and landing work.
  2. Rightproof plants need to be planted on a decreasing moon.
  3. For lush colors good harvest Fruits, vegetables, giving edible tops (fruits above the surface of the Earth), the extensive phase will be the best on the lunar calendar.

Following these rules, the farmers are enough to take into account the new moon, a full moon, growing and decreasing moon.

Planetary impact

The moon is constantly influenced by some of the 12 zodiac signs. And this effect on plants is transmitted through different energies (power magnetic field, light pulses, other impacts, including unexplored).
Astrologers are determined by the lunar calendar the favorable days for planting plants, depending on how the sign of the zodiac is the night shone. Productive moon days - Those when the moon is in cooperation with "prolonged" constellations.

Malcreic signs for plants: Earthwood - Virgo (wet and cold), Fire - Sagittarius (Male, moderately dry and warm).
Unfavorable (fruitless) signs: Fiery - Aries (dry, moderately hot), lion (the hottest, arid); Air - Aquarius (Dry, Cold), Gemini (dry, warm).
Fiery marks (fruits) are unfavorable for sowing and planting plants.

If in the lunar calendar of the moon today under fruitless signs, set aside seeds of vegetables, colors and transplant seedlings. During this period, the benefit is small - both for plants and for the gardener. You can do other garden matters.
Moon Sowing Calendar for May 2017

Forbidden days in May:

    • 11 (full moon - the beginning of the phase at 00:42; here and then indicated Moscow time);

25 (New Moon - begins at 22:45).

Lunar sowing calendar for June 2017

Forbidden days in June:

  • 9 (full moon - comes at 16:11);
  • 24 (New Moon - Phase begins at 05:33).

When sowing the lunar calendar, use the specialized publications, which showcase the exact time:

  • moon transition to full moon;
  • transition to new moon;

12 hours before and after that time it is not recommended to plant.

Moon days

The ancient Russian calendar "Moonnik" defined the days for vegetables, colors, when what can be sowned. The first lunar day begins with new moon. 1,2,6, from 8 to 12, 20,21,23, 24th, from the 26th to 28th, are considered favorable. moon day. For flowers, the 27th day is especially favorable. It is impossible to sow and plant on 3, 5, 15, 16, 29th lunar day.

Folk signs

Are considered bad (rot) 1st and 3rd week of the month, 2nd and 4th weeks - good, favorable not only for sowing gardening crops and colors, but also for all new cases.

From the days of the week Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - the best for landing of all vegetables, colors, trees. But if we plant cucumbers on Fridays, they will be bitter.

Landmark on May and June served as a calendar of Flora. Oak blooms -. Flower aspen, violets - it's time to sow, carrots, onions,. Earrings appeared on Maple - Seita beets. Feed the flower petals of viburnum - you can search for the beds of beans, cucumbers. Daricissians were blocked - Seita in the ground salad, radish, colors seeds (phlox, daisies). Fractional of peony colors (end of May, June) - Pumpkin, cucumbers, beans.

Russian calendar of the farmer

In May and June church calendar Days are the name of the saints. Orthodox people, having the memory of martyrs using the centuries-old observations of the ancestors, knew what day what work can be carried out.

The month of May. From 6 to 21 - the height of spring. Maja came in the garden in the garden: lay on time the basics of growth, fruiting, flowering plants. Maja ends, and from the 22nd the pretext begins. Since June 11, summer comes.

In May, you can sow:

  • 2 (Ivan) - Carrot Crichery Singing;
  • 5 - onions, planted, early peas;
  • 6 (sighting free) - you can sow cabbage to the rampant board, beets for the beds, continue sowing carrots;
  • 7 (EVSEY) - OSSI OXEV, planting early potatoes;
  • 9 (Glafira-pea) - Late pea landing;
  • 10 (Semyon) -;
  • 12 (martyrs) - sow dill, mustard, basil, coriander (nectarial plants attracting bumblebees, bees);
  • 15 (Seatheli Boris and Gleb) - It's time to transplant in the greenhouses;
  • 18 (Arina-shotgun) - Seat cabbage for ridges, cucumbers (under the shelter);
  • 20 (Ivan Brazhnik) - Sowing late carrots;
  • 22 (Nicola Sprint) -; Onions, peas late;
  • 24 (moka) - transferred seedlings of cucumbers to the ridge;
  • A special day in May - the 23th number (Simon Zvytot) - the peasants were revered on this day by the birthday man, did not plow and did not sow.

In June, from 1 to 3 and 5 numbers, the cucumbers were planted. They did not sow, did not plow on June 4 (Vasilisk) - they have lost this day so that the fields of bread did not climb the cornflower. Beans (valued peasants culture can be searched by the 12th (Isaic) and the 13th (Eremeze). Last - 25 numbers (Petrov Day). At Akulin (in June, this is 26 numbers) to plant cucumbers - the curves are frightened.

Orthodox calendar

In 2017, believers celebrate the two-month holidays:

  • may, 25 numbers - the Ascension of the Lord;
  • june, 4 numbers - Trinity,
  • june, 5th number - perfumes day.

These holidays refrain from landing.

You can check in fact, favorable or no days of planting colors, garden crops, fruit trees on the lunar and church calendar or folk signs. As Plato said, who himself does not see, not to convince.

in June 2017, on the lunar calendar in an open soil and a planting table of seeds of various cultures. When it is best to engage in planting and transplantation of plants, when to carry out horticultural work in the garden. What vegetables are best planted in June 2017, and what days for this are the most suitable. When it is best to feed plants, glow and water.

So the first summer month came. June, as a rule, eliminates dachants from cold, so you can safely plant vegetables, greens and flowers. During this period, it is necessary to especially follow the pests of weeds. June Great for transplant indoor plants and colors.

Favorable days For planting seedlings in June 2017 on the lunar calendar in open ground: Seed planting table.

New moon - forbidden period for summer residents, do not touch root system Plants, do not make vaccinations, and indeed, it is best to refrain from crops and transplants.

Waxing Crescent - Excellent time for thinning plants, transplants, landing, trimming of mustache, etc.

Full moon - Plants are very vulnerable during this period, so you should not experience them for strength. Relax and take care of cleaning cottage house or house.

Waning moon - due to increased pressure In the underground part of the plants, it is recommended to start landing root and trimming shrubs and trees.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 on the lunar calendar in open ground: planting table of seeds.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 on the lunar calendar in open ground: planting table of seeds.

The lunar sowing calendar appeared a long time ago. Man always tried to prepare in advance for the new season. People noticed that the moon affects the processes occurring in nature. As an example, these are tides and flow, the impact on biorhythms in the human body and planting plant cultures.

The moon satellite land, the closest body to the planet, so the processes have affected all the processes around us. The greatest influence of the moon has on the water.

The main periods of moon motion affecting the life of all living on the planet: new moon, full moon, periods of growing and decreasing moon. Scientists managed to learn, favorable and unfavorable days for planting plants in the garden and in the garden.

The moon acts on the water due to the strength of attraction.

All plants for the most part consist of water, so contacting help sowing calendar For 2017, you will learn when the moon can favorably "attract" plants to him, increasing the growth, and when to "push", leading to illness and even death.

Maximum attraction force during the full moon. This is a period of aggravation of diseases, change in the work of technology, aggressive splashes of mood in humans.

Gardener is important not to land planting material On this day with a strong energy impact, Plants are badly joined in transplantation.

The minimum activity of the moon during new moon. A person feels a decrease in activity, the plants lose most of the forces necessary for growth, and therefore almost never strengthen in the ground.

Sowing lunar calendar 2017 Formed specialists from different directions, and can help modern manworking on the garden and in the garden, save resources and time, get a big and high-quality harvest.

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting plants

Plants like wheat, cucumbers, flowers - there are growing up, it is necessary to trust in favorable days on a growing moon. And plants with tubers - potatoes, beets, parsley - growing under the ground, planted in a period of decreasing moon.

Favorable days sowing and planting plants in 2017

With the onset of summer in the garden, the number of works only increases, and the landing days of June in 2019 on the lunar calendar and recommendations for every day will help to competently plan affairs. At the beginning of the first decade you can sow late carrotfor winter storage, as well as black radish. In June, the seedlings of cucumbers, zucchin, tomatoes, pumpkins, beets are transplanted in the open soil. The colors are transplanted by the seedlings of dahlias, gladiols and flowers of annuals.

Regarding other works in the garden at the cottage, it will be necessary to make the raspberry, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins. Route onion and garlic arrows, dip potatoes, remove weeds.

In the garden, follow the black currant - it may appear small orange spots or major bloating. Then it will be necessary to treat it with a phytosporin or zircon. If the weather dry on the trees may appear. Here it will be necessary to spray them with the preparation of "Healthy Garden".

Strawberries and raspberries with wet weather can pick up a gray rot.

Do not forget in June on cucumbers and black currant, a web tick appears.

At the beginning of the month, a smallest welfare can be overwhelmed with raspberries with a strawberry, then spray with Malina with phytooferm.

Planting Days

In these June days, it will be good for a transplant and landing of the following garden crops:

Unfavorable days of June for resetting and landing

  • 13, 14, 24 numbers

Favorable days for work in the garden in June 2019

June 1st Growing moon in the world sign. On this day, it is good to fight pests by spraying. Take a rolling and thinning of shoots.
2 June Rasta in sn. Virgo. Continue spraying plants and fight pests. Shoot shoots. Spend weeding. You can make a sepure and steaming of vegetables.
June 3 Rasta in sn. Libra. Today you can only cut forward shoots and process the land.
June 4th Rast. Moon in scale sign. Today is a favorable day to make transplant seedlings, as well as for thinning, removing weak and patient plants. Place the tomatoes and cucumbers in open ground.
June 5. Rast. l. in sn. Libra. Good day for watering, transplants, as well as making mineral fertilizers and vaccinations. A favorable day for planting strawberries and rooting musty.
June 6. Rasta in sn. Scorpio. Favorable landing days for potatoes and rooteplood. It is good to continue watering plants, make fertilizers, carry out henies and canopy.
June 7. Rasta in sn. Scorpio. Complete the earlier, new cases do not start - the day is unfavorable for this. Today, do not overdo it, be careful to your health. But today is a good day for planting bulbies, as well as the division of the roots of Floxes, Irisov, Peonov, and TD. You can make organic fertilizers, To be filing indoor bulbies. Take the sowing of the seeds of the turnip, trousers, parsley of root varieties. Site onion And Topinambur ..
June 8 Rasta In the sign Sagittarius. Good day to work in the garden - Remove torn pigs, deal with the formation of trees and shrubs. Today you can draw feeders, including an extraordinated way. Spend the struggle with pests of plants.
the 9th of June Full moon. In the sign Sagittarius. Not a favorable day for planting, plants transplants. In the afternoon, you can sow seeds of carrots, radish, turnips, radish.
June 10th Descending moon in the sign of the Sagittarius. Plants, which are rapidly growing and can not be stored, but immediately eat - onions on the feather, a cooked salad. Today you can work out, and weeding. As well as spraying and struggle with pests. In the greenhouse today it will be well a piece of chipping and steaming of vegetable crops.
June 11th Decreasing in sn. Capricorn. An unfavorable day for landing and sowing. But today you can deal with the struggle with pests, the processing of land, feeding and fertilizer.
12 June Descending order in sn. Capricorn. Today, you can make plants transplant, thinning, removal of weak and patient plants. Good day, for feeding plants in a garden and kindergarten. Destroy weeds. Burn with pests of plants.
June 13. Descending. l. in sn. Aquarius. Start the bookmark computer coupTo do this, use vegetable residues - Plant tops, old leaves. Spend feeder and make mineral fertilizers in vegetable garden and kindergarten. In the evening, pour and adopt the houseplants.
June 14. Descending. l. in sn. Aquarius. In the garden, ride shoots, burst out the aisle. Today they hide potatoes, spending weeds. Continue the fight against pests and diseases of plants. In the garden, process plants, remove the affected branches, the piglet of fruit trees and shrubs. Put spicy herbs.
June 15. Descending. l. In the sign of Aquarius. A favorable day to start watering young landings, berry shrubs. Treat trees, collect pests from them, remove bad branches.
June 16. Descending. l. in sn. Fish. Continue on previous days. New cases do not start. This day is good to complete the started.
June 17 Descending. l. in sn. Fish. Very nice day for planting plants and beds. This transplantation, thinning, chipquarters and steaming. seedlings.
June 18. Descending moon in sn. Aries. Take care of the formation of trees and shrubs. Remove the root piglery. Spray the plants and spend another fight against pests and diseases by processing champs and herbs.
June 19 Descending. l. in sn. Aries. An unfavorable day for sowing and landing. But today you can deal with the fight against pests and diseases of plants, processing of the Earth, feeding, the occurrence of fertilizers., Weeding.
June 20. Descending. l. in sn. Calf. Watch for health. Reduce physical activity. Put woodwood In the soil under the currant and gooseberry. And also support other shrubs.
21st of June Descending. l. in sn. Calf. Today do not transplanted, do not seit, do not spend the pickup. But you can cut forward, loosen, remove weak and sick plants.
22nd of June Descending. l. in sn. Twins. This day is considered unfavorable for health. Sew seeds today spicy herbal and medicinal plants. You can sow tomato seeds, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower. A good day for planting flowers - petunias, Queenia, velvetsev. Spend feeding and watering. Do not engage in trimming and thinning.
June 23. Descending order in sn. Twins. The day unfavorable for health. Today you can sow seeds spicy and medicinal herbal. Press the tomato seeds, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower. Place the flowers - velvets, petunia, qiony. Spend feeding and sprinkle plants. Cutting and thinning today can not be engaged.
June 24 New Moon. In the sign of cancer. Today is a favorable day to sow tomatoes, cauliflower and broccoli. Place flowers. You can water the plants and feed them.
June 25. Rising in sn. Cancer. An unfavorable day for planting sowing. You can easily feather flowers in open soil And feed indoor.
June 26. Rising in sn. A lion. Today you can: reload, loose, delete extra shoots. You can feed indoor flowers. Good day for sowing climbing plants.
27th of June Rast. l. in sn. A lion. A suitable day for planting plants and beds: Slip, transplant, spend the seign and steaming seedlings of vegetables. A favorable day for landing. Before boarding will learn fertilizer.
June 28. Rast. l. in sn. Virgo. Today, fall out the seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, patissons. A good day for transplantation, watering, fertilizer, vaccinations.
June 29 Rast. l. in sn. Virgo. Today, spend watering and make liquid feeding. Remove the crop of fresh greenery, radish. Take a home preservation. Today do not spend trimming.
30 June Rast. l. in sn. Libra. Good day for rooting the mustache strawberries. Scroll potatoes. Take yourself by quiet and soil looser.
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