Which end to plant the avocado. How to plant an avocado

The fact that avocado feels great not only in the hot tropics, but also on the windowsill, has been convinced by many lovers of home plants. But to grow an exotic tree in the open field middle band not every seasoned gardener will risk it. This caution is understandable: culture is extremely sensitive to low temperatures... And yet there are daredevils who, despite the difficulties, managed to "tame" the thermophilic plant.

Varieties of avocado

There are 3 well-known categories (races) of avocados in cultivation. However, for open ground middle latitudes are not suitable for all of them. The Guatemalan and West Indian races are immediately excluded because of their heat-loving nature. The latter does not tolerate even zero temperature poorly. But the Mexican avocado is worth looking at. This race can withstand temperatures as low as -6 ° C. Of course, this indicator winter hardiness is very modest, but if there is a well-organized landing site, there is every chance of success.

Growing seedlings from fruit seeds

The technology of growing avocados from seeds is well known to lovers of homemade plant exotics. Trees for cultivation in the garden are grown in the same way:

  • To obtain seeds, select several ripe fruits. You will need at least two seeds, since in a single planting an avocado does not bear fruit well. As a safety net, it is better to take a few seeds.
  • The selected fruits are cut, the seeds are removed and washed under running water.
  • In the hard shell of each bone 3-4 holes are drilled into which matches or toothpicks are inserted.
  • The bone on toothpick spacers is fixed above a glass of water so that its lower blunt part is immersed in liquid. IN drilled holes water must not enter!
  • After 2–4 weeks, the shell will burst, and the roots will appear a little later.
  • When the length of the roots reaches 3-4 cm, the bone is planted in a loose nutritious soil, removed in a warm place and watered regularly.

This method of planting is very common among plant breeders, but when planting there is a high risk of root damage. If the seed is germinated in a different way, this problem can be avoided:

  • The bones are soaked in hot water (about + 50 ° C), after which they are peeled off.
  • The upper (sharp) part of the seed is cut (1 cm), the cut site is treated with a solution of any fungicide.
  • Seeds are planted in separate pots with a diameter of 12-15 cm, filled with a soil-sand mixture. Sowing depth is about 2–3 cm. The cut must remain above the surface.
  • Germination takes place in a dark place at a temperature of + 18–20 ° C. Seedlings appear in 20–30 days. During this time, crops are provided with regular, moderate watering.

At home, seedlings are kept until they reach a height of 35-40 cm, after which they are planted in the ground.

Planting place for avocado

In the middle lane, the cultivation of such an exotic crop as avocado is possible only in a specially dug trench, since on open area the plant will freeze in the first winter. Preparing a trench is a laborious process, so you should start it in advance:

  • Having determined a warm, sunny area for planting, they dig a trench with a width of 1.2 m and a depth of about 1.5 m.
  • The excavated soil is thrown on 2 sides. Fertile soil the top layer will subsequently serve as the basis for a nutrient substrate. At the end of the trench preparation, a protective wall is formed from the poor soil of the lower layers, which shelters the plantings from the northern winds.
  • The cold wall of the north side is made vertical, after which it is faced with bricks or sewn up with plywood sheets. To ensure uniform illumination of the future subtropical garden, it is recommended to paint plywood or brick white.
  • The slope of the opposite direction is made gentle, and so that it does not overgrow with weeds, the soil should be covered with a black film.
  • The bottom of the pit is drained with gravel, crushed stone or pebbles.
  • A polycarbonate "roof" is installed over the finished shelter.

In a thoroughly prepared trench, tropical trees will not only be able to fully develop, but will also comfortably endure the severe frosty winter characteristic of the middle lane. By the way, in such a shelter, you can successfully grow other thermophilic crops - figs, lemon, laurel, pomegranate.

Landing in the ground

On the appointed day of planting, work is carried out as follows:

  • The soil of the fertile layer is generously filled with matured compost or humus.
  • The resulting mixture is poured into a trench with a layer of about 40 cm and carefully trampled down.
  • With an interval of 1.3-1.5 m, slides of earth 35-40 cm high are poured along the bottom of the trench.
  • The seedlings are placed on hills without disturbing the old earthy coma, and the space around them is filled with a nutritious substrate.
  • After planting, the soil is carefully compacted and watered abundantly.

The further development of seedlings will depend on how competent the care of them will be.

Watering mode

Avocados equally poorly tolerate both drought and waterlogged soil, so watering should be regular, but not plentiful. The need for the procedure is determined by immersing a wooden stick into the soil to a depth of 20–25 cm. If the soil is dry and crumbly, the plants need water. After watering the soil trunk circle loosened, providing oxygen flow to the roots.

Top dressing

Avocados are fed quarterly with complex mineral fertilizers. For these purposes, special citrus fertilizers are also suitable. Organic matter is applied twice a season - at the beginning and at the end of the growing season. Once a year, the trees are sprayed with compounds containing iron and zinc. In order not to burn the roots of plants, top dressing is applied after abundant watering.


Avocados are characterized by rapid growth, as a result of which the trees require formative pruning. Every spring, the tops and shoots of trees are shortened so that they do not look out of the trench, since excessively tall specimens will be very difficult to cover for the winter. Saplings with a pyramidal crown are rounded by pruning. Formative pruning is not required for mature plants. For them, the procedure is of a sanitary nature, during which sick, weak or dry branches are cut out.

Wintering avocados outdoors

At the end of autumn, the polycarbonate "roof" covering the plantings is removed. So that tropical trees do not suffer from severe frosts, the trench for the winter is closed with a shield made of tightly knit boards. A thick layer of earth is poured over the shield. Until the snow falls, the structure can be additionally insulated with dry leaves or straw.

With the arrival of spring wood flooring removed, dry leaves are removed from the trench, and the polycarbonate is returned to its original place. You should not overexpose the avocado in a shelter: in the heat, the plant will begin to grow. It is best to do this in the last days of April.

After 5-7 years, the lucky ones who managed to grow a full-fledged tree will be able to taste the first harvest. Mexican avocado fruits weighing about 200–250 g have a thin skin and delicate buttery flesh. They are removed from the branches at the stage of technical ripeness, after which they are ripened, folded into a bag of thick waxed paper.

Recently, home gardeners have increasingly shown interest in exotic plants. Now the turn came to the avocado (it is also called the alligator pear). With patience and following the rules for growing at home, you can get a beautiful decorative tree.

There are no difficulties with the reproduction of avocados at home, but it will take plenty of time. It will take about 2-6 weeks to open the bone alone.

In nature, the tree grows up to 20 m, in room conditions, the ceiling becomes the limiter. But if there is a summer cottage in the southern region of the country, you can risk transplanting the avocado to the site.

At home, an alligator pear will develop for several years, subject to certain conditions, decorating the interior of the room with its presence.

Exotic plants are poorly adapted to the Russian climate, so you will have to try to create the necessary conditions for growing avocados indoors.

Requirements for modes

  • A tropical plant needs moist air.It is recommended to purchase a special device for the farm that provides a suitable microclimate. Alternatively, place the pot of avocado next to the moisture-releasing flowers. Alternatively, place the container in a pallet of wet sand. This is especially important in hot summer and heating season.
  • Alligator pear loves plenty of lightbut does not tolerate direct sunlight. An excess of ultraviolet radiation will be the reddening of the leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the blinds on the windows, allowing to diffuse the solar flux.
  • AND here the temperature for the plant should be moderate and keep in the summer about 16-20 degrees Celsius. So you can't do without an air conditioner. In winter, the temperature will have to be made even lower, dropping to 10-12 degrees. it important point, since the plant needs a dormant period during which it sheds its leaves and rests before the next growing season.

The requirements for growing an avocado may not be suitable for everyone. For example, in winter period in a private house it is easy to comply with the necessary temperature regime, if you take the tree out to the insulated veranda. It is not realistic to do this in an apartment if there is no suitable room.

Growing an avocado tree from a bone step by step

To grow an exotic tree, you need a ripe fruit. An alligator pear is easy to find in the supermarket. If unripe avocados are sold there, it's not scary - you can ripen it at home, putting it in a paper bag with bananas or apples for several days.

This stage is the most important of preparatory moments... First you need to properly remove the bone from the fetus. Having made a size in the center to a depth of 1 cm, using a spoon, remove the seed material, making rotational movements.

Then the bone is thoroughly washed, being careful not to damage the brown peel. The subsequent steps will depend on the chosen germination method.

This is the most common method used by flower growers. The bone is kept suspended over a container of water. To achieve this, take 3-4 toothpicks and stick them at equal distances from each other along the middle "rim". The penetration depth is maintained about 3 mm.

Toothpicks serve as a support for the bone - they are placed on the edge of a glass or jar so that the blunt end of the seed is on the bottom. Water is poured into the container so that a third of the bone is in the liquid.

Throughout the entire germination time, the water level in the container is monitored, periodically adding it. After waiting for the hatched roots to reach 3 cm, the avocado can be planted in a pot.

In this method of germination, there is another option, where the bone is not suspended, but placed on the bottom of the glass, topping up to the required water level. Instead of a liquid, you can also use a hydrogel that can retain moisture for a long time.

Private method

If in the first option it is enough to wait for the roots to appear, then with closed way it is not realistic to see the processes, since the bone is immediately placed partially in the ground with its tip up and watered abundantly. The fact that the avocado has taken root is evidenced by the disclosure of the seed.

For growing alligator pears, a universal potting potting mix is \u200b\u200bfine. Although the culture in this regard is not picky, and the only condition is the looseness of the soil.

If there is a summer cottage, then the land can be taken from there by mixing the garden soil with sand and humus. All components are taken in equal parts.

The soil mixture is placed in a prepared container, on the bottom of which they did not forget to pour a small layer of expanded clay or gravel. The pot is not completely filled with soil - you need to leave free space from the edges of about 2 cm.

If the avocado seed was germinated in hydrogels, you don't have to wait for the roots to appear. A signal that the seed has come to life will be a deep crack that has appeared on its body. From now on, the alligator pear can be transferred to a pot of earth.

A recess is made in the center, into which a burst bone is placed with a blunt end, deepening it half the length. In the same way, a whole seed is planted in a pot for germination.

If a bone is planted that has already taken root, the hole is made deeper and wider so as not to injure the processes.

While germination is in progress, the soil should be watered abundantly. As soon as the reddish sprout hatches, soil irrigation is reduced.

How to grow an avocado from a seed: video

The time after which the first sprout will appear depends on several points:

  • it may take from 3 weeks to 2-3 months from the beginning of germination to open the seed;
  • the sprout only takes 1-2 weeks to emerge from the shell.

The subsequent growth rates will simply surprise the grower - the shoot will add 1 cm per day. Having strengthened, the sprout slows down and begins to overgrow with leaves. This happens at a height of 35 cm from the surface of the earth. In just 3 months, the tree can reach half a meter.

Plant care at home

Avocados need careful grooming. It is very important to comply with all the modes (temperature, humidity, lighting) specified above. Other aspects are also included in home farming.

Watering is carried out no more than once a decade, so that there is no stagnation of water. Noticing that the leaves have turned yellow, the irrigation of the land is temporarily stopped.

In winter, this procedure is shortened, allowing the topsoil to dry completely. This will allow the tree to slow down in growth in order to calmly sit out the dormant period.

Top dressing

From spring to autumn, avocados need additional nutrition. To do this, it is enough to apply fertilizers for ornamental crops to the soil once a month. It can be purchased at the flower shop.

This step is very important in avocado care. The tree itself does not give lateral shoots - they must be formed by pinching the top of the plant at a certain moment. If this is not done, the tree will grow rapidly upward until it reaches the ceiling. If left unchecked, the avocado will die.

It is the appearance of lateral shoots that will make the crown of the tree attractive. To avoid excessive thickening, they resort to formative pruning. It is carried out in the spring, when the plant leaves sleep.

The first pruning of the main shoot is performed when it has about 8-10 leaves. Side shoots shorten above the 5th sheet. In the future, this procedure is carried out as needed.

If you plant 3 sprouts in one pot at once, then gradually you can braid a "pigtail" from the shoots, forming an original trunk. This will add even more decorative effect to the tree.

Initially, the bone is planted in a small container. As the tree grows, it should be replanted, each time choosing a more spacious pot. For the first time, the plant is relocated when it reaches a height of 15 cm. In the future, it is advisable to carry out the procedure once a year. The most best time for transplant - February, when the active movement of juices begins.

Even under normal conditions, the avocado does not start producing immediately. And in home cultivation it is very difficult to wait for exotic fruits. The plant gives its first fruits when it reaches a height of 1.5-2 m. Therefore, in an ordinary apartment a florist is unlikely to get a harvest.

And in private houses with walls of 3 m, it is not realistic to wait for the fruit. The tree feels the limited space and does not always expend energy even on flowering. Therefore, the avocado is better treated as a sterile ornamental plant.

Diseases and pests

Premises are not typical conditions for the development of exotic plants. Therefore, the immunity of avocados is exposed to diseases and pests. Here we should consider the most typical dangers in culture.

The disease is dangerous because harmful microorganisms multiply in the soil and infect the roots. Therefore, the problem cannot be recognized in time. After the roots turn black and become brittle, the infection spreads to the trunk, eating away from the inside.

The visual sign of the disease is ulcers crawling out over the bark. It is useless to treat the plant, it is not realistic to stop late blight, especially at this stage. Only decision - destroy the plant completely, removing the soil from the pot, and disinfect the container.

it fungal disease manifests itself immediately as a powdery coating. First, the trunk is sprinkled with "flour", then the disease spreads to the leaves, which quickly become covered with yellow-green spots.

Since dew does not penetrate into the plant, it can be controlled. The tree is treated with any of the fungicides - "Topaz", "Hom" or "Oxyhom". The Bordeaux liquid also does an excellent job.

This insect, which sucks on a plant, is familiar to indoor and greenhouse crops. Scales tightly adhering to the leaves, petioles, bark are painted in a red tint. Noticing on indoor plants at least minor signs of a pest, measures must be taken immediately - the scale insect multiplies very quickly.

To get rid of the insect, all parts of the plant are washed with soapy water. For this in 1 l warm water dissolve 1 tbsp. Laundry soap crushed into shavings.

But this option is only suitable for a small tree. If the alligator pear has reached a significant size, then it is impossible to manage here without insecticides. Therefore, you should keep "Fitoverm" or "Aktara" on hand, and "Aktellik" for advanced cases.

  • If a false scabbard attacked the tree, then it can be washed off in the shower, having previously treated it with soapy water. After 3 procedures, the pot must be replaced upper layer soil.

It is possible to distinguish a true insect from an imitator by its shell cover - in the false shield, it is an integral part of the calf.

This pest does not bypass any plant. Although the mite prefers to suck juice out of soft tissue, it can often be seen on avocados. Although the plant has tough, rough leaves.

The most favorable conditions for the appearance of a tick is dry air. Therefore, during the heating season, more attention should be paid to humidity.

A spider web, which can not always be seen on the plant, will become a sign of a pest invasion. But the shedding of foliage is already a clear symptom of defeat. Here without chemicals not enough ("Aktara", "Fitoferm", "Neoron").

To protect the avocado from spider mites, measures are needed that include processing the plant. It is carried out according to a certain system:

  • primary spraying helps to destroy the bulk of the mites;
  • in 10 days with the help of "Neoron" they kill the newly released larvae;
  • after another week, the remaining ticks are destroyed.

In order for novice growers to be able to grow a tropical tree at home, it is recommended to pay attention to some points:

  • when sprouting seeds in the ground, do not touch the brown peel; but when using water or hydrogel, it is better to peel the seed to a green shell, then the process will go faster;
  • Having "seated" the bone in a pot, it is recommended to lay a small layer of expanded clay on the surface of the soil - this will allow the avocado to breathe;
  • if the trunk of the sprout is thin and too elongated, and the foliage is frail, the tree does not have enough light; therefore, it must either be transferred to another window, or use additional fluorescent lamps;
  • after 3 years from the moment of cultivation, the tree can give color; but this does not mean that fruits will appear - for the formation of the ovary, another plant of the same age is needed nearby; for pollination, they must touch each other with branches;
  • forming an openwork trunk from several shoots, they should not be tightly intertwined; you need to leave small gaps so that the trunks have room to expand.

Planting an alligator pear at home is recommended for those who are ready to sacrifice a significant size of the area, because the tree needs a lot of free space.

Avocado is a very beautiful ornamental plant that purifies the surrounding air. Its cultivation does not require large cash costs. An exotic tree only needs attention and optimal conditions development.

Avocado is a very healthy fruit, but it is not easy to buy it in our country. Firstly, avocados are often sold immature or of inadequate quality. Secondly, it is quite expensive. To solve this issue once and for all, you can grow this fruit at home. How to plant a pit avocado at home?

How to plant a pit avocado correctly?

How to plant an avocado seed at home

Do not think that growing a small avocado tree in a pot at home is extremely difficult. In fact, the seeds of this fruit germinate very often, the main thing is to perform a sequential series of actions. To grow a sprout, follow the next step-by-step instructions:

Find the right fruit first. It must be very ripe. Green avocado pits will not sprout;

Remove the brown husk from the stone;

Put some water in a glass and put the bone there with the blunt end down. Make sure that the water covers it exactly half;

Place the glass on the windowsill and be patient. Do not forget to add water periodically;

As soon as the bone hatches and a sprout appears from it, transplant it into the ground. This plant is not capricious, so any purchased land for flowers will do. However, you can also use the land collected in the garden;

Bury the bone in the ground halfway;

Make sure that the ground is constantly moist. In this case, growth will be very rapid.

Sometimes people give up and think that the seed will not sprout. In fact, you just have to wait. It can germinate from 3 weeks to 3 months.

How to care for an avocado sprout

Now you know how to plant an avocado seed, but that's not all. The sprout that has appeared must be properly looked after so that it begins to bear fruit.

Avocados are very fond of light and moisture. Place it in a well-lit place, but make sure that the direct rays of the sun do not reach the plant. Spray the leaves with a spray bottle regularly. The tree grows up very quickly. Without your help, it will simply hit the ceiling and die, and the side branches will not appear. Therefore, you need to periodically trim the top.

Avocado is known especially for being large and delicious fruit... Few know that once it is planted in a pot, it grows quickly and becomes impressive with relative ease. ornamental plant, with large, bright green leaves. It also blooms and bears fruit at home, but these are rare cases.

Natural climate for avocados in the tropics and subtropics of the United States. There the tree reaches 20 m in height and is evergreen. Fruits ripen from 6 to 8 months and can even weigh 500 grams. The fruits on store shelves are much smaller and often unripe. Despite this, you can choose a good specimen from which you can take a seed for growing a plant at home.

Plant or germinate in water?

Although opinions are divided on the question above, in fact, both methods of growing avocados at home are correct. The only difference is that a stone immersed in water germinates faster, while a stone planted in the ground takes more time to take root.

Planting avocados in the ground

Having decided to grow avocados in the ground, you need to prepare a seed, a deep pot, soil and material for creating a greenhouse, for example, a piece plastic bottle or transparencies. Place the newly removed bone with its wide end into the previously prepared ground to a depth of 1-2 cm so that the narrow part protrudes slightly above the ground. Avocado substrate should be light and close to neutral acidity. You can use a mixture of sand and peat (in a ratio of 1: 2). Water and cover the pot to keep in it constantly high humidity... The pot should be placed in a warm and sunny place. Of course, one should not forget about constant watering. Planted in this way, an avocado should emerge in about 6-8 weeks.

Germinating avocado seeds in water is the most the right procedure... In this case, the seed is gently pricked from several sides on a toothpick and lowered about 2/3 of its size into a glass vessel with water. The main function of the toothpick design is to maintain the seed over the top edge of the vessel. A seed fixed in this way theoretically germinates faster, after 2-4 weeks. However, in practice it happens differently. Typically, the avocado can be transplanted into the ground when it is visible in the glass root system and a protruding green stem.

Growing at home

Avocados grow quite quickly, but for this they need the right conditions. The basis is to provide the plant with warmth and optimal humidity soil. The plant will feel best at an air temperature of 21-24 degrees Celsius and with daily - skillful watering. Leaves can be sprayed from time to time, but not with tap water. From such water, the plant may appear white bloom, which then often becomes a hotbed for the development of bacteria and ends with the final death of the tree. Be sure to remember that avocado does not tolerate cold, and even more so frost. Thus, when opening windows in winter, it should not be on the windowsill. Another question is solar radiationwhich should also be moderate. It is best to place the plant on a southeast or southwest window.

In summer, the avocado can be lightly fertilized (every two weeks). Mature trees can also be displayed on the balcony, but be careful not to let the sun burn their leaves. Young specimens need to be transplanted into larger pots. It is best to do this every spring. It is also worth knowing that young avocados grow in height quickly. To avoid this and cause branching of the plant, the highest shoots are cut off.

Flowering and fruiting avocado

Home-grown avocados look beautiful and often grow to sizes that make them difficult to grow in city apartments. IN winter time the temperature should not drop below 10-15 degrees Celsius. In our climate, these plants rarely bloom and barely bear fruit. If a it comes avocado bloom - you should pay attention to a certain curiosity. Gardeners who had the opportunity to see the flowers of this plant were not at all delighted. The inflorescences give off a very intense and not very pleasant smell.

Fruit can appear on a tree for which the ideal conditions have been created. But this will not happen earlier than 5-6 years from the moment of planting. In addition, as already mentioned above, it rarely comes for fruiting. Despite this, it is worth planting and growing this plant at least in decorative purposes... In addition, there is always some possibility that we will wait for the fruit grown at home.

Avocado can be grown at home, this fruit is exotic and has an unusual taste. It is not possible to grow an avocado on the windowsill, since the plant has long leaves that reach 35 centimeters. The tree is shade-loving, if the direct rays of the sun do not fall on it, then the plant develops favorably. For it to bear fruit, it is better to choose a lighted area, but hidden from the direct rays of the sun.

What is needed to grow an avocado at home?

First, you need to choose the right site, it should be free so that the plant can develop well not only in breadth, but also in height. The site should be periodically in the shade so that the leaves of the plant are not burned. The tree is placed in a place where there are no gusts of strong wind.

You can choose any soil, the tree is not picky, and tolerates acidity well. It is necessary to make drainage, and add humus in large quantities. The plant should not be located near water, as it will erode the roots.

The plant needs to create suitable climatic conditions that will be familiar to it.

Growing an avocado at home is not difficult; for planting, you need to take a bone from a ripe fruit, for this it is cut in half. There are two ways to plant a bone, with and without germination, but first it is washed and dried.

In order to germinate a seed, it must be partially immersed in water. Several holes are made in the bone, and toothpicks are inserted into them, placed on a container with water so that part of the seed is dipped into the liquid. Thus, the bone is supported by the edges of the toothpick, while the level of liquid in the container is controlled. As a result, the sprout and root hatch. If you put part of the bone in water without using toothpicks, the sprout may be damaged. To avoid this, you can purchase germinated sprouts, which are immediately planted in pots.

You can plant a bone without germination, for this they pour earth into the container, make a depression three centimeters, put the bone in it with the blunt part down. Then the top is covered with soil, and watering is carried out, it should be done regularly. With constant moist soil, the plant begins to hatch after two weeks.

The soil for planting should be loose so that it does not condense when watering, otherwise the sprouts will hatch poorly, and the roots do not receive oxygen. To do this, you need to mix ingredients such as coarse sand, humus and earth in equal amounts.

Taking proper care of your avocado sprout

The plant needs regular watering, but an excessive amount of liquid can lead to poor growth of the sprout, as a result, it will die. The water should be kept warm. In winter, the soil surface should remain dry for two days; in spring and summer, the plant requires abundant, but not excessive moisture.

The container with the plant should be placed in a lighted place, hidden from the direct rays of the sun, this will help the sprout to develop favorably and avoid burns. To provide the plant with light in winter, phytolamps are installed.

Also in winter, it is necessary to spray the free area around the plant. Wood loves warmth, so the room temperature should be from 18 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is low, then the leaves begin to fall off.

Top dressing is done in spring and summer period, for this use mineral fertilizers or special products for citrus fruits, in winter such actions are not carried out.

Pruning the plant is considered important, if this is not done, then the tree will be overly elongated and rare. In order for the tree to branch out, you need to clip the top above the eighth leaf.

The tree is developing rapidly, therefore it requires regular replanting. When the plant is fifteen centimeters high, it is moved to a freer container. Then, together with the earth, the trees are moved into large containers annually. This procedure is performed in springwithout changing the composition of the soil.

The plant is transferred to the site when it has a height of forty centimeters. After transplanting, the tree becomes thicker and begins to prepare for fruit. The tree begins to bear fruit in the sixth or seventh year. If you don't want to wait, then you can purchase ready-made trees.

How to grow avocados at home

Avocados can be grown in three ways:

  1. Landing on open area... To land, it is necessary to remove the shell from the bone, and immerse it in the ground with the wide side down to a depth of two centimeters.
  2. You can germinate a bone open way, on water and air, using toothpicks, as described above. In this case, the planting material is not processed, that is, the shell is not removed. The plant is transplanted into the ground after the roots appear.
  3. IN large garden use grafting. To do this, the root shoot is grafted onto an already grown seedling, such a plant can be moved to an open area after ten months.

When a crack appears between the cotyledons, it means that sprouts will appear soon, so the bone can be removed from the water and moved to the ground. It is better that the soil has low acidity, and consisted of sand, humus and earth, while it will be loose, and oxygen is supplied to the roots of the plant.

How to properly pinch a plant?

The tree develops and stretches quickly, so you need to do constant pinching so that it has the shape of a bush.

When the crown is pinched, the plant begins to branch out so that it has a low shape, the stem is broken. This procedure is performed at fifteen centimeters from the ground, while leaving up to four shoots.

When the trunk grows to twenty centimeters, the tops are pinched, while the next tier of branches begins to form.

The first time the pinching is done over the eighth leaf, then branches grow. After that, the branches are pinched over the fifth leaf. This procedure helps the tree to form the correct shape.

What problems can arise when growing avocados?

The plant can be exposed to various diseases and pests, they start spider mites and scabbards. To prevent this, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room, that is, spray, then remove the insects with your hands, and process special means... If the leaves are severely affected, then they are cut off.

Plant diseases can occur due to improper care, leaves will fall off if excessive watering is done, the tree is exposed to drafts or is located in a room with a low temperature. This also happens when there is a lack of moisture, so watering should be moderate. When insufficient lighting, the leaves lose color, then special lamps must be used.

If the plant is sick powdery mildew, then it is immediately processed with special compounds.

What are the benefits of avocado for humans?

Avocado fruits are of great benefit to the body:

  • skin aging slows down;
  • atherosclerosis is prevented;
  • symptoms of menopause are relieved;
  • work of blood vessels improves;
  • has a protective effect against arrhythmia.

The fruits contain a large number of beneficial elements that have a beneficial effect on health.

Characteristics of the avocado tree

In a closed room, the tree does not have a great height, and will not be large, it can reach two meters. In an open area, the tree can grow up to seventeen meters. The leaves are dense, brightly colored and oval in shape, they always retain their green color.

The trunk of the plant is long and bare; if not properly maintained, the tree may only have a few leaves. If the necessary temperature and humidity have been created for the plant, timely watering is performed, and there is enough illumination, then it can become high and strong.

The plant is capable of releasing a large amount of oxygen, which helps to purify the indoor air. The leaves and seeds of the plant are not eaten, as they contain many toxic substances.

For planting, seeds are used, which are taken from ripe whole fruits. In unripe fruit, the seed has not yet matured, and therefore may not germinate, and if this does happen, the plant will be weak and may die.

Basic rules for planting avocado seeds at home

  1. Planting material must be taken only from ripe fruits so that it can be easily pulled out. Also, the fruit should not be spoiled, not show signs of rot.
  2. When piercing a bone to germinate it in water, the depth of the holes is up to five millimeters.
  3. When a part of the seed is placed in a glass, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not evaporate, to add it constantly, and this area does not dry out, since as a result germination will not occur.
  4. Germination can begin in the fifth week, in order for this to happen faster, charcoal is placed in the water.
  5. If the bone was planted immediately in the ground, then the ground should be constantly moist, then sprouts will begin to appear.
  6. The soil for planting should be loose so that air can freely flow to the roots. For this, ordinary earth is stirred with humus and coarse sand.
  7. After the seed germinates and the roots appear, the plant is moved to the ground, this must be done carefully so as not to damage anything.
  8. The container for the plant should not be too tight so that the roots can develop well. Further required permanent transplant into a large container due to the rapid growth of the plant.
  9. This plant is very fond of heat, so the temperature should be at least eighteen degrees, if the tree does not have enough lighting, then this must be done additionally by installing phytolamps, especially in winter.
  10. If you do not pierce the holes in the bone, but simply immerse part of it in water, the sprout may die.
  11. The water in the germination container must be clean, if it acquires any shade, then it should be periodically replaced. To do this, remove the bone, replace the water, and put it back on the toothpicks.
  12. If the plant is not planned to be moved to an open area, it is better to use the acquired land for planting. And if the land is taken from the site, then it must be pre-processed in order to prevent the development of diseases that have a negative effect on the plant.

How is the avocado plant propagated?

You can propagate such a plant using seeds or cuttings. Cuttings are hard to root, so they are treated with a special growth stimulant.

In order to propagate an avocado by seeds, it is necessary to plant a bone in a composition of peat and crushed expanded clay. The blunt end should be immersed in this mixture, while the sharp end remains above it. The container is covered with a film or glass, then the humidity remains, but the condensate is periodically removed, while the temperature is not lower than eighteen degrees. This procedure is performed in the spring, it is favorable for good development... If the work is done correctly, the sprout will hatch after a month.

Avocado is exotic plant, requires some care, if done correctly, the plant will actively develop and bear fruit. It is not difficult to grow it at home, the main thing is to create favorable conditions for the tree, since the plant is considered to be thermophilic, it also needs high-quality and correct watering, required humidity and temperature conditions. When planting, you must use only high-quality material.