We choose a good soil for orchid: what is the most correct composition and what is better to do at home or buy ready? Tell about the soil for orchids. Is it possible to cook with your own hands and what bark is better to use

Tell me what kind of soil is needed for orchids? Gave colleagues at work flower a couple of years ago. During this time, the orchid screamed greatly, the roots literally squinted on the windowsill, and the bush himself will soon fall out of the pot. It came to the conclusion that you need to transplant into a large dishes. This is my first orchid, and at home, except for the universal substrate, there is nothing. I heard that such a soil for these flowers is not suitable, so what to plant it?

Orchids, like other epiphytic plants, food is obtained thanks to air roots. They are "rooted", clinging to the treeproof in nature. In the ground, both in such flowers do not need, it is more served to the bush not covered and firmly took a vertical position. But at the same time, the orchid growing at home, you need to eat something and from somewhere to take useful substances. For indoor copies, special mixtures are created that are well absorbed and give water, and they will also feed them. In order for the capricious epipheit to felt well and regularly bloom, it is important to know which soil is needed for orchid. Many flower products prepare the soil on their own, including for these plants. Knowing what and with what to mix, it will not be difficult.

Choosing or mixing the soil, it is also important to take into account how your orchid belongs to. Although the apartments are most often grown epiphytic flowers, there are both ground orchids. For them, the composition of the soil will be somewhat different.

The composition of the substrate for epiphytic orchids

Phalaenopsis and dendrobiumams are required primarily reliable support in a pot. Growing on branches, these orchids feel great in pots with pine crust. She absorbs moisture and fertilizer when watering, then gradually giving them the roots of the flower, and also passes the air. In the ground, such plants do not need, moreover, they will die in it, "suffocate."

Instead of the bark of the pine bark, you can take a bark of oak or birch.

The bark is the main component of the soil for epiphytes, and the moisture can be held in it longer by adding some moss and charcoal. The latter, besides, will purify the soil from harmful bacteria.

What kind of soil is needed for the Orchid of the ground type?

Since in nature such flowers are not growing on a tree, but in the ground, the substrate in the pot also must contain it. In this case, it is he who acts as the main component of the mixture, and the bark - the secondary, additional, "ingredient". The land should be light, but nutritious, with the addition of organic components. Food ground orchid will be taken from the soil, so you need to make it rich by trace elements.

Excellent orchids are unique plants that differ in many ways from traditional room colors. In the usual soil, they grow "refuse", because special mixtures and substrates are selected for them.

Soil for Falenopsis Orchids

In plants of epiphytes, to which most types of phalaenopsis include, roots perform a variety of functions. And this is not only the absorption of nutrients and moisture, but also fastening to substrates, as well as participation along with the leaves of orchids in the process of photosynthesis.

ON A NOTE! The containers in which phalaenopsis grow should be transparent.

Roots are basic and apparent (air). Orchids roots are covered with special substance - veladen. Based on Velen - dead cells and air, representing a kind of "sponge". Thanks to this coating root system Felanopsis can accumulate moisture, which is spent during drought periods. It is because there is a long time in a wet state of the roots of orchids cannot, they are mandatory air and drying.

With conventional earthless mixtures, such conditions are difficult, so for orchids use soils with high air permeability, loose. Components for them can be seamless, the main thing is that they all correspond to certain requirements.

What kind of soil is better for Falenopsis orchids

Even experienced flowerflowers, I first encountered the cultivation of orchids, often make mistakes precisely when preparing the soil. Even the highest-quality earth mixes for these plants are not suitable, and special compositions are needed.

Requirements for the soil for the cultivation of phalaenopsis are the following:

  • it should not contain garden land;
  • the soil must have a loose structure with excellent ability;
  • the plant should be placed in the ground freely, at the same time firmly to hold in a vertical position.

In nature, most phalaenopsis grows on tropical trees, receiving nutrients From the air due to air roots. For successful cultivation In urban apartments, orchids need to ensure the relevant conditions and, above all, to prepare high-quality soil.

The composition of the soil for orchids Falenopsis

The main components of the soil for beauties orchids include:

  • bark of trees;
  • conventional coal obtained by burning wooden wood;
  • moss SFAGNUM.

Consider each of them in more detail.

For the basis of the substrate, Pillanopsis is suitable for the bark of pine, larch, birch. One of the best is the bark of oak, since it has a lot of useful and necessary nutrients for the successful growth of orchids. In such a soil, you can reduce the number of Phalaenopsis feeding.

You can buy a bark in specialized flower shops, it is also quite possible to prepare it yourself. Use the bark only from the fallen trees, while the material should be clean, without insect-tree-bodies.

IMPORTANT! It is impossible to use a bark from drums and sick trees.

After collecting the bark, it must be cleaned of resinous substances, and then boil. Usually this procedure is recommended to be carried out twice, and then dry and use to compose soil.

Moss is also collected in the forest, while it is advisable to use sphagnum orchids to grow orchids. This white-green peat moss absorbs all excess moisture, and also provides a plant with a plant. Sfagnum has a bactericidal action, creates a sterile environment, protects the roots of plants from infections, pests, which is very important for phalaenopsis.

Charcoal - This is an excellent absorbent, as well as an antiseptic. To get it simply burns a few bezen birch.

ON A NOTE! It is impossible to use coal from fires, as foreign objects (paper, plastic) can fall there. Such coal for substrates is not suitable.

One of the "classic" components of the soil for orchid plants are the roots of such a plant as a fern. They also have a lot of nutrients, in addition, they are durable and very moisture. For phalaenopsis, which are always hard enough to endure any transplants, it is desirable to always add fern roots to the substrate.

In addition to the main components, the substrates for phalaenopsis add:

  • various moisture-intensive materials (pieces of foam rubber, vermiculitis, perlite);
  • foam (in granules, as well as in plates);
  • ceramzit;
  • false foliage;
  • sand;
  • peat.

Sometimes flowerflowers add shells walnuts, small pine cones, squeezing ground, terracotta clay. Some materials are purchased in stores, others harvest themselves.

So, peat can be bought, you can take the robes of peat on forest swamps. Usually, a small amount is added to such mixtures. dolomite flourallowing to neutralize the acidity of the mixture.

For additives in the substrates, birch leaves, aspen, beech are suitable. Excellent additive to the substrate is foliage oak trees. Beech leaves, oak provide in the structure of the substrate, creating a comfortable microflora for the root system of phalaenopsis.

Such elements as perlite or vermiculite are added as baking powers, but with the help of clay and foams are arranged in pots drainage.

ON A NOTE! Ceramzite may contain lime in its composition, dolomite. With long-term interaction with water, these elements lead to the plantation of the substrate. And it is also the reason to replace the old substrate after a certain period of use.

Many flower products are used to prepare coconut chips and coconut chips. These materials are distinguished by high moisture capacity, inertia. The crumb is added to the substrate in an amount of no more than 10-15%, chips are usually up to 50% of the mixture.

Makeup options, given the variety of components, can be the most different. You can take some mixture as a basis, and therefore, after observations of plants, adjust the additives.

The cort-based substrate is common (it takes 5 parts), sphagnum (2 parts), with the addition of a small amount of charcoal and leaves.

For phalaenopsis, such a composition is also suitable:

  • nerd land;
  • sphagnum;
  • peat (horse beds);
  • pine needles;
  • polyfoam (granules).

The components are stirred, and for a drainage layer, use clay or foam slices.

All materials are processed before use. The cooked dry bark is soaked for three to four hours in water, moss is also soaked for a day in water.

ON A NOTE! To improve the drainage layer, the crushed stone shallow fraction, shells of nuts, pieces of broken bricks are used.

If the substrate uses sand (it is desirable to take a white river or quartz), then it is also boiled for 10 minutes. Many flower flowers are experimenting, making up their substrates, while focusing on the state of orchids. The indicator that the soil for phalaenopsis will be selected correctly beautiful view Plants and, of course, regular flowering.

Rules for the choice of soil

Nowadays, the primer for orchids can always be purchased in specialized stores. Substrates are offered both Russian and foreign production, but in all cases it is necessary to study the composition description very carefully.

The soil must be loose, high-quality, so if the hardened piece is offered in the package, it is better to refuse it.

On the package should be detailed description Composition with enumeration of all components. Mandatory is the note that this substrate is intended for the orchids of the epiphytic species.

The composition should not contain dust, moldy pieces. The substrate base is the crushed bark (dimensions 2-3 cm), charcoal, fiber, fern roots. If there are still many small fragments in the finished soil, it is recommended to carefully sift the composition through a large sieve.

The rules for the preparation of soil

It has already been noted that phalaenopsis is very sensitive to humidity, so the soil must die for them in 2-3 days. It is not allowed to use dense soils, since the roots of orchids will not receive the necessary large quantities air.

In addition, in such compositions, the roots of phalaenopsis are very quickly started, the plant is sick, and then dies at all.

In ready-made stores, some specific components can be added, considering at the same time. general terms and Conditions Color content (air humidity, temperature).

Preparing with your own hands soil for plants, as well as using some components to add to the finished compounds, you need to remember the main thing: all materials must be washed, sucked (some boiling or punctured hot water), crushed to necessary sizes. They are dried to storage, stored in dry rooms in special fabric bags or packages. Before use, the desired components are wrapped in water.

Substrate for orchids phalaenopsis do it yourself

Falenopsis are not such so-taking and capricious orchids, it is no coincidence that they are most often grown in apartments. But this does not mean that any soil is suitable. What formulations can be done?

  1. Take charcoal and oak bark (proportion 1: 5), stirred. Such a soil is suitable for phalaenopsis, growing in vases. Plus composition: Does not accumulate moisture for this type of orchids, provides excellent air circulation.
  2. Another common composition: wood bark, white moss sphagnum, wood birch coal (5: 2: 1 ratio). Such soil is used in pots, a variety of baskets, blocks.
  3. In the rooms with higher humidity rates use another substrate: bark (preferably pine or larch), foam, bark cork tree (Proportion 4: 3: 2).
  4. Sometimes the soil for phalaenopsis is only made of pebbles, crumples (as drainage) and gravel. But this composition is good only for summer periodSince winter roots orchids can be cool. Therefore, it is desirable to still add chopped bark to such a substrate.
  5. When growing phalaenopsis on the block (for example, a piece of cortex), a small amount of moss is also used, which is fixed to the block. Then the plant is neatly attached, cover its roots with moss, and the composition is also fixed. Usually, on such unchid blocks, they grow with leaves down or to the side, that is, in the same way as in natural conditions.

Instead of a bark, for a block (especially young phalaenopsis) it is convenient to use foam sheets.

As you know, the replacement of the soil for the flower is a kind of stress. For this reason orchid transplantation produce every 3 years with the replacement of soil (About when it is best to transplanted orchid at home, read, and you will find out if you can perform this procedure in the autumn period). So in this period, the soil is very depleted, loses valuable properties:

  • Balance of mineral salts is disturbed.
  • The substrate is aging and decomposed.
  • The supply of nutrient trace elements ends.
  • Double-permeability decreases.
  • Increases the level of acidity.

ATTENTION: Soil seal leads to a disruption of the drainage process, and the moisture stagnation can be adversely affected by the root system. For the full development of the exotion, conduct a complete substrate replacement.

General criteria for choosing soil mixture for room Orchids the same. The soil must have the following qualities:

Representatives of the orchids that are grown at home are divided into two groups: epiphytic and ground. They differ not only by the title, external species, but also a growing medium. Accordingly, the substrate for plants has a number of differences.

Epiphetic orchids include varieties:

  • dendrobium;
  • cattlei;
  • likasta;
  • phalaenopsis;
  • cumbria;
  • zigopetalum;
  • masdevallia.

For such plants, the soil is important mainly to maintain the vertical position, and then for nutrition and receiving a living moisture. Hence, epiphytians are not needed, sufficient without a ground substrate. The mixtures have variations: 1 part of charcoal and 5 parts of the cortex. Or moss-sphagnum, ash and chips of the cortex in a 2: 1: 5 ratio.

Ground orchids: Cymbidium and Pafiopedulum, which require enhanced nutrition. They are suitable for the following soil:

  • pine bark;
  • oola wood;
  • peat.

Council: You can also prepare a substrate from the finished soil for orchids by adding moss and part of the deciduous land.

Experienced flowerflowers unequivocally respond to this question - no. The familiar habitat of orchids is loose, light sad . The root system should be easily blown in air, participate in the process of photosynthesis. And in the ground it will be compressed, as if under the severity of the stone. In such conditions exotic flower It is quite difficult to grow and most likely death await him.

Is it possible to use ordinary earth? Soil for exotic plants You can buy ready-made, prepare yourself or purchase individual components, and the proportions to choose yourself. Garden stores have a considerable selection of various soil mixtures for orchids. When buying a substrate, you should pay attention to:

Unfortunately, even in proven stores you can buy a low-quality product. To avoid this, the substrate for orchids is prepared independently. All ingredients of the substrate are not necessarily assembled personally sold separately in specialized stores. Thus, the substrate is easy to assemble himself, mixing the components in the necessary quantities. Not bad products of natural material from the manufacturer "Auriki Gardens".

How to make a mixture yourself?

For the purpose of economy moneyAs well as for complete confidence in quality, the soil is prepared individually. The main composition of the substrate contains:

  1. Pine bark. This is the main component that is easy to find in a pine forest, on the fallen trees. Corah should be chopped up to 2-3 cm.
  2. Moss-Sfagnum. Collected in the forests, in shorts, after a complete snow distance. Moss has bactericidal properties. Use fresh and dry form.
  3. Roots of fernwhich contain many useful substances. Add to a mixture with dry.
  4. charcoal Easy to find on the ashes. The ash is needed the same size as other components.
  5. Ceramzit, inexpensive I. light material. Granules are perfectly suitable as a drainage.

Use options for the preparation of the substrate with the addition of the sand of large fractions, granulated clay, cork material, Perlite, polystyrene, leaf land, peat, humus.

Watch video about collecting materials for orchid substrate:

With the soil replacement? A detailed description of the transplant process will exclude bustle and unnecessary errors. It is important to comply with the sequence:

Watch the video O. proper transplant Orchids:

Many want to decorate the house with beautiful orchids that can bloom round year. This is a tropical flower, which in nature grows almost without soil, fluttering to other trees or rocks. His roots need ventilation and sunlight, which is very different from European flower cultures. Growing a fine variety of this flower - phalaenopsis - at home it is possible when planting it in a special soil for orchids, which is called a substrate and must imitate the natural wedense of this species.

What kind of soil is needed for orchid

Growing tropical cultures requires an understanding of their epiphytic entity. They receive nutrients from slowly decaying plants residues, moisture from the atmosphere, energy from the sun. It is advisable to create favorable conditions for growth and flowering them at home. The first step is the competent selection of the substrate and proper placement Orchid roots in a pot. The choice of components should proceed from the understanding of the need for root ventilation and the presence of inclusions capable of accumulating and for a long time to retain moisture.


It is unacceptable when creating a substrate, the use of elements capable of forming compressed lumps. It will violate ventilation and lead to the root system. The perfect local ingredients of the soil will be pieces of pine or oak bark. Well absorbs moisture and has antiseptic sphagnum properties. If necessary, raise the pH level of the substrate is desirable to add charcoal. It is possible to use porous inorganic materials when creating the base of the soil. The filler can perform coconut fiber or chips.

Ready soil for orchids

Buying ready-made substrates, carefully read their composition, tackle bags or review the contents in order to determine the size of all components. It is worth avoiding mixtures containing small elements, earth, dry leaves, peat or moss. Given the presence of a large number of pine plantations in our country, the pine bark for orchids is easily harvested. Collect in the forest or remove the top light layer from the barrels.

You can buy a finished substrate for orchids in specialized stores or household supermarkets of Moscow, St. Petersburg, other cities of Russia. Active Internet users can find out how components are on sale and a ready-made substrate in online stores in which you can choose a product in a photo, order a product for promotions, sale, discount, make a profitable purchase. Delivery of all goods is carried out by courier services, but the cost of standing it is better to send usual mail.

One of best fillers The substrates is a pine tree for orchids. Its sizes must correspond to the size of the plant, be able to hold the trunk and the flower bud. Pine in abundance grows in our country, so there is always the opportunity to choose the size you need:

  • model Name: Pine Bark Small;
  • price: 240 rubles;
  • characteristics: Size of pieces - 1-2 cm, volume - 50 l;
  • pros: Angarsk pine;
  • cons: not marked.

Picking up a pine bark, sift pieces with a resin, wood particles burned in the sun, dark plots. For adult orchids, parts of the upper layer sizes of bark pieces of at least 2 cm are well suited:

  • model Name: Pine Bark Middle;
  • price: 250 r.;
  • characteristics: Size - 2-6 cm, volume - 50 l;
  • pros: good breathability;
  • cons: not marked.


For the first landing or transplant, ready-made purchased primer with correct proportions Components. The submitted primer is used when disembarking in pots of 1-1.5 liters of phalanopsis, dendrobium, cattleya, cymbidium with mandatory drainage:

  • model Name: Orchid Substrate;
  • price: 69 r.;
  • characteristics: peat, moss sphagnum, bark and needles pine, charcoal, superphosphate double, potassium sulphate, microfertilizers, pH of the soil 4.0-5.0, weight - 375 g;
  • pros: Balanced soil for phalaenopsis;
  • cons: Drainage is not included.

When transplanting epiphytic orchids, it is important to keep the soil ventilability and add trace elements that cause re-blossom. Special Substrate Seramis (Germany) has a loose, porous structure with optimal ventilation roots and water balance:

  • model name: Substrate Seramis;
  • price: 590 r.;
  • characteristics: Glanches made of clay, bark, microelements, acidity pH - 5.7, shelf life is not limited, volume -2.5 l;
  • pros: optimal set of trace elements;
  • cons: it is expensive.


Our climatic conditions require the use of special soil for exotic plants. High-quality Pokon soil has a ventilated rich in oxygen structure, necessary orchids Nutrient elements:

  • model Name: Pokon Soil;
  • price: 335 p.;
  • features: Wooden bark, riding peat granular, scattering, short, lime, fertilizer NPK 14:16:18, pH acidity - 5.2-6.2, shelf life - at least 3 years, package 5 l;
  • pros: High Acidness;
  • cons: High cost.

For the cultivation of phalaenopsis, cattleia, cymbidium, Miltoniopsis, Derdrobium, Pafiopyurum and other epiphytes need nutritious land for orchids. The submitted soil will be able to provoke blossom or give a healthy plant plant:

  • model Name: Soil Flower Happiness Orchid Specialized;
  • price: 46 p.;
  • characteristics: larch bark, coal, riding peat, rubberzite drainage, volume - 1 l;
  • pros: Sale in a plastic bucket;
  • cons: not marked.

Soil for orchid do it yourself

Make a substrate for orchids with their own hands, knowing the main necessary components, simply. The main components are the moisture elements - sphagnum, charcoal, bark, inorganic porous materials. The thicker the roots of the colors, the larger it is necessary to select the elements of the filler. A competent approach to creating high-quality soil includes three stages:

  • selection the best way combined with each other components;
  • establishing the proportions of each of the components;
  • the right process of cooking soil.


There are several types of soil composition. The need to add to the main substrate additional elements There occurs with the problems in the development of the flower. The main criterion for the selection of the soil, watering and everything complex care Behind orchids is the disclosure of buds. If the flower begins to fade, a brown raid appears at the bottom of the stem, the additive of clay or coal will be required. When twisting the leaves or drying air branches, the addition of organic moisture is needed.

General list Possible primer components include:

  • pine bark or bumps;
  • minerals - perlite or vermiculite;
  • peat marsh moss sfagnum;
  • deciduous humus or leaf land;
  • polystyrene;
  • fern roots;
  • coir;
  • ceramzit;
  • charcoal.


There are classic proportions of the substrate and their modifications that are used in the correction of growth defects or plant treatment. The land for orchid phalaenopsis should not be tamped, its drying should occur for a period of at least 3 days. The smaller the humidity in the room, the greater the content of moisture components. The pot is desirable to choose close for the roots of the plant, it is necessary to provide holes for draining excess water, try to avoid its stagnation in Kashpo.

Several main variants of proportions can be distinguished and their applications:

  1. Charcoal and pine grab 1: 5. This composition of the soil for orchids is used for pots and greenhouse breeding. Such soil has a reduced moisture intensity and excellent air circulation.
  2. Charcoal, crushed dry moss, pine sinters 1: 2: 5. Such a soil for orchid is better for colors grown in baskets, premises pots with normal humidity.
  3. Pine bark, peat, charcoal, deciduous humus 1: 1: 1: 3. Such a proportion is used to feed the orchid phalaenopsis.
  4. If necessary, fertilize the soil of AVA granules, compost from oak leaves, beech, aspen, birch, nuts, shells, red wood sawdust. To combat pests, it is recommended to add a spoon of cinnamon in the ground.

Orchids - Surprising beautiful flowersBut rather capricious in care. They require certain conditions of content. We need a special soil that can be purchased in flower shop in finished video. But the substrate suitable for plants is quite realistic and with their own hands, even though it can be a somewhat troublesome occupation.

What kind of soil is suitable for orchids

In the content and care of these flowers are fundamentally different from others. indoor plants. The usual garden land does not fit them. In such a soil, they are fast enough. Need a special soil for. It can be done independently, preparing and mixing certain ingredients. But that the nutrient medium is optimally approached by the plant, it is necessary to know exactly what kind of orchid belongs to.

Structure suitable soil For orchids will depend on what other groups include this or that plant:

  • flowers, which grow in nature on trees - their air roots do not require a rich nutrient medium, but the soil must be loose and well-transmitting moisture;
  • orchids growing in the ground are at least their root system and is located in the soil, but in composition it is quite different from the soil used to plant other indoor colors.

In detailed flower growing, the varieties of orchids from growing on trees are more common. The substrate for them can be taken purchased, already fully ready for planting the plant, or partially change it depending on the needs of the flower. But to be exactly confident in the safety of the soil for orchids, it is possible to make it yourself.

What is part of the substrate

The basis of the soil for these colors is:

  • The bark is more often used pine or oak bark. But it can also be taken from larch or aspen. The boron does not need to cut off the tree, it should be easily separated from the trunk, to be dry and without signs of mold. And it is better to shoot it from the tree falling at least a year ago.

Attention! The fresh boron for the substrate is not used, since, together with it, any disease can be reached.

  • Charcoal - it can be taken from the burnt birch bark, oak or beech. And in order to be confident in the absence of extraneous impurities, which can be harmful to the plant, burn the appropriate is better to burn independently.
  • Moss - best suited sphagnum, it can be bought or bring it from the forest.
  • Ceramzit, Pumice, Pieces of foam - used for drainage when planting orchids.

When compiling the soil for orchids, other parts are used. Skins of nuts, coconut fibers, sunflower seed husks are a good teeth of organic origin. You can also add a piece of ferns root, breathing a healthy and quite large instance of this plant.

And to protect the flower from the development of fungal diseases and small pieces of minerals such as perlite or vermiculite contribute to the breaking of the substrate.

In the preparation of the soil, sand is also used (white river or large quartz), peat and leaf land, which in the warm period can be fully prepared independently. They are used for the substrate of certain varieties of orchid. The fallen leaves are also added not for all types.

Council. The fallen foliage takes from trees such as oak, aspen, apple tree. And to protect the substrate from the appearance of mold, add peach leaves to it well.

Processing components for soil

All components of the substrate, prepared in the forest or in the swamp, must be appropriately processed before use. All components need to rinse well in clean waterAnd then dry. Course and moss must also be boiled or pampering in the oven, after which he is dried, and after a few days, repeat this procedure.

Other components are also desirable processing boiling water. And Moss many flower products advise additionally process insecticides. After such treatments, the bark, moss and everything else can be safely used to prepare the soil under the planting of plants.

Preparation of soil

The easiest recipe for soil can consist only of 5 parts of the cortex and 1 part of charcoal. But it is impossible to call the best option For plants. Optimally for most orchids will be, if the composition of the soil will also include moss (1 or 2 parts) and clayzite or crushed pumice for drainage.

Orchid transplant

Other components can be used for substrate depending on the needs of the flower by adding them to the ground if necessary. It is important that all parts are disinfected, well sucked and thoroughly mixed. It is also necessary to disinfect the plant for planting the plant.

Orchid can not be called ordinary room flower, because it requires a special approach to growing. The soil for it also needs to be prepared very carefully. And at least such a procedure is somewhat troublesome, many flower products are always preferred to prepare the substrate on their own. The same who does this for the first time, it is better to first see the entire process of preparation of step by step on video or photos.

Substrate for Orchid: Video