What is the dream of unusual coins. What dreams of a trifle - accurate definition of sleep

In the people there is an opinion that it is bad in a dream, bad, because such a dream symbolizes tears. In fact, a dream associated with coins can be interpreted in different ways. Interpretation of sleep depends on various small details, with it connected.

Often the question arises: why dream a lot of little things? Usually such a dream dreams of changes that must occur in life soon. If a person sees a lot of little things in a dream, this suggests that he is very soon growling or his fame is waiting for him. In addition, to see the coins in a dream - it's for fun. A dream in which a person finds coins, dreams of what spends on entertainment will come in the near future. If a person, on the contrary, loses the coins in a dream, then this suggests that he will soon be waiting for small income.

It is very important to see the coins in a dream, remember how they looked: the material from which is minted, appearance, etc. These features will help in interpretation of sleep. For example, a good sleep is the one in which a person sees gold coins - to prosperity.

Gold coins in a dream is a good sign. A man who saw them in a dream is waiting for not only prosperity, but also a recognition of other people him as a person. If silver coins were dreamed of a person, this indicates the approach of family turmoil. For example, a dream in which the boy's guy gives silver coins, warns her about what should be ready for a dishonest act of a guy towards her. Only brilliant silver coins are good sign, which symbolize the favor of fate.

Copper coins seen in a dream symbolize heavy work and despair. If a person dreamed of a bag with trifle, then this means that soon someone will trust him some important mystery. To see in a dream, how to get wages the trifle can symbolize the fact that the manual does not appreciate you. If a person dreamed of a scattered trifle, then this could be a symbol of any trouble that will occur soon. A dream in which a man lost a coin, says that his child will bring him a lot of trouble.

A dream in which a person dreams light coins - to good. Dark coins in a dream - to conflicts and enmity, and the more clearly visible patterns on coins, the stronger the confrontation in the struggle. To see small coins in a dream - this is by the birth of a child.

A dream in which a person sees many little things, has different interpretations. It can be both a good sign and bad. Dinking trifle can symbolize trouble, wealth, prosperity, income, fun, expenses, problems in the family, etc.

Dreamed the coin to what it is, which means in a dream of a coin

Slavic Dream Interpretation Sleep Coin:

You dreamed of a coin for what it is brilliant - to problems, it is possible to small benefit. Old coins - to an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative fine influence.

Dream Dream Housewife Sleep dreamed of a coin.

Coins - the usual ideas about life. Gold coins - women's stereotypes; prosperity; Silver coins - Men's values; Family troubles; Copper coins - severe ungrateful work; Ancient coins are hard-painted templates.

Jewish dream book which means a coin in a dream:

You dreamed of a coin to what it was a dream, having doned on Monday night, says that someone will return the debt you or fulfill your promise. Sleep, disinteited on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, means that you will have the opportunity to get money. Sleep dreaming at night on Saturday or Sunday, to a quiet life. Golden coins. For a woman - see gold coins on Monday night - to vain hopes; And on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - for luck; Sleep, dreamed of night on Saturday or Sunday, to good well-being. For a man - see gold coins on Monday night - you need to consult with knowledgeable people before making a decision; And in, night on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, Warning: You must beware of provocations; A dream diskeding to Saturday or Sunday, promises a tempting proposal to which it is necessary to take great care. Digitable coin - to the threat of damage. The coin of an unusual form is to the selling.

Magic dream book in a dream What dream of a coin?

What does it mean to see in a dream What means in a dream of coins - copper - to tears, silver - profits through some trouble, golden - the visibility of chagrin. Vintage coins - random wealth or treasure.

Dream Healer Akulin What does a coin mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a coin for what it is - imagine that the copper coins hid silver. Silver coins you have a lot.

Dream Dream Catherine Great What does the coin in the dreams mean?

What dreams What do you mean in a dream of coins - you see in a dream copper coins - you are waiting for work that takes a lot of strength. You will dream of silver coins - you will have many reasons to quarrel with loved ones. Golden coins have been hardened in a dream - the case you are now busy will end with success.

If you dream that you found coins and collect them, such a dream promises you to improve the material situation. But if you scattered coins and began to collect them, then sleep can bring financial losses. The more coins scattered, the more loss.

If in a dream you collect coins into your hat, then one of your ideas will be successfully implemented, and you will receive a reward. If the hat is alien, then the profit you will get, using other people's ideas. But if you have gathered only a few coins in a hat, and you have spoiled my mood from this, sleep calls for caution and warns that your ideas can lead you to financial losses.

If you collect coins by hand, I will get a well-deserved remuneration. If you have not been able to collect a lot of coins, then perhaps you have made insufficient effort. Also a dream in which you collect coins can bring a little concern about the planned plans, which will soon be changed by a period of great luck.

Dream Gold Coins in Sind

What dreams of gold coins are shot. Interpretation of dreams

Gold coins in dreams are stuffed by wealth and prosperity. They also bring well-deserved respect to a person who saw them in a dream. The value of gold has a value. If the coin is bright, then you will have good events. The darker gold, the more obstacles to success, and there is a more fierce struggle. If the gold coin in your duck is scratched or maked, then your reputation threatens the damage. If you dream a lot of gold coins, I will have a trip and travel. Your welfare nothing will threaten. If you have found a treasure with gold coins, then expenses are expected to have fun and entertainment. If you lost them, then wait for small, but pleasant income. Small gold coins will dream that you will be unhappy with your sufficient.

Dream Interpretation: Coins to dream

Interpretation (value) sleep coin

To see in a dream, gold coins or vintage predicts a dream and a little bit, which will last long and everything will end successfully.

Finding in a dream Golden coins dream of the fact that a certain person will offer you to work for him and earn a lot of money.

Collect the coin in a dream foreshadows the ambulance buying new clothes.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about coins are dreaming, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what to see coins in a dream in online dream book Miller.

Shot coins? Tell your dream!

Jubilee coin

Dream Jubilee Coin Dreamed what is dreaming in a dream the anniversary coin? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see an anniversary coin in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - to profits, copper (pennies) - to the gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coins

See - resistance; Checking - do in vain efforts; have gold or silver - misfortune; Copper - great happiness

Money coins

Dream interpretation money coins Dreamed what dreams of money with coins in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see money with coins, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - money, salary, earnings, coins, letter of credit

Money is the subject and concern of many people. It follows from this that very often dreams about money can deteriorally mean anything, but to be only an understanding of those concerns that take you daily. At the same time, the dreams in which we see the money and get pleasure from what we have, make purchases and, in general, are satisfied with our welfare, may mean that it will actually, if only sleep does not contain routine elements with which You come across daily (visit the neighboring store, familiar road, etc.). Turn in a dream an important monetary deal - to profit or adding family. Advance to receive in a dream - a sign of future success. However, the gloomy elements of such sleep may indicate that you have ill-wishers who try to reduce the scores with you. Lose money in a dream - bad. Such a dream predicts failures, difficulties, the collapse of the plans and warns that in a short time you have to think about how to live on. The same predicts a dream in which you have taken away money or lured them fraudulently. If at the same time a dark person, a foreigner or just Roma attended your dream, then you should be ingraded and take the necessary precautions, because you will want to rob. See interpretation: Wallet, Bag, Roma. Find money in a dream - to big expenses that will significantly exceed your income. Such a dream is a warning that you should be thrifty and think about your future. Sometimes such a dream predicts receipt of news of money, which may be bad or good. However, if someone needs you a lot of money and does not give up, then sleep predicts you that it is unlikely that it will do it in the near future. Find a lot of money in a secluded place and feel in a dream a remorse of conscience - the foresight of large cash losses in which you yourself are to blame. You will be ashamed to remember this later. Save money in a dream - the foresight of the improved material situation. Distribute money in a dream - to the unexpected benefits and wealth that will go to your hands themselves. Such a dream indicates that you should not miss the case provided by fate. Squash money in! sleep - to the rapid money. If you dreamed that not - who asks for you money, and you refuse to him, then in reality you will give him money, but he is unlikely to return them to you. After such sleep, you should not give money to debt. To see a lot of money in a dream or count them in a large number means that you will have a chance to earn decently, unless you fully calculate.

New coins in a dream to see - to obstacles in affairs. Vintage coins in a dream to see, find, get - a sign of imminent random enrichment. Strange money in a dream is a sign of an unexpected incident that you grieved. Consider money - to the ambiguous material losses and unfortunately about their rampant deeds. You can count in a dream - literally means that in my life you have to consider a penny. Such a dream warns you that you should be careful with money. Consider a lot of coins in a dream - a sign of misapplement. Such a dream warns you that through your stupidity you can lose your loved ones or friends. At the same time, this dream says that your desires can be fulfilled. The dream in which you saw that someone claims to be found by the money, warns you that this person or someone will prevent you in the implementation of plans. Choose in a dream of coins - to tears, experiences and chagrins. Consider a treasury in a dream - a sign that soon you will have great trouble in connection with large material losses. If in a dream you, if you recalculate money, find a shortage, wait for monetary trouble because of the deception of partners or relatives. Sometimes such a dream indicates a lack of funds for any project. Spend other people's money in a dream mean that you are deceiving the expectations of your friends or partners. To give coins by the poor means that soon you will find devotees or partners who will help you make a conceived. In general, to see in a dream copper money - to trouble and grief, silver - to in vain trouble, and gold - to experiences due to the fact that your enterprise or idea will not be implemented. Sometimes such a dream predicts that soon in your family you will have to endure the grief. Get or find Gold Chervonians in a dream - a sign of good hopes and good news.

Salary to issue in a dream - a sign that you will find a way to deal with your enemies, and getting a salary means that your enemies will not miss the case to take revenge on damage. If you dream that you have lowered the salary, then wait for pleasant news about the failures of your enemies. And on the contrary, if in a dream you raised the salary, then your affairs will go worse, and the worst will not miss the case to take advantage of this. Earnings to find finds that with its rash actions you will be caught up with the troubles, from which you will not know how to get rid of. Losing earnings and go into despair - to victory over enemies, great change and take off the career. Stealing money - a sign of danger. Be careful and do not commit odded actions. If in a dream you managed to hide with other people's money, then you are waiting for losses from which, however, you will soon recover. If in a dream someone wanted to steal your money, then a close man will betray you. See interpretation: Thief.

Deformed coins in a dream - a sign that soon your plans will violate that they will bring you a lot of disappointments. Sometimes such a dream predicts trouble or loss of space. A bag of vintage coins in a dream - to obtain an inheritance, unexpected and significant acquisition of property or an unexpected joyful event. However, in a dream, the ringing of coins - the foresight of the speedy wealth or the conclusion of a profitable transaction.

Give money in duty in a dream - to concerns and experiences, which, however, will be in vain. Your enterprise will bring income. In general, such a dream warns you that you are inclined to rapid actions. Do not have money in a dream to pay debts - to the experiences associated with money, and failure in business. Sometimes such a dream warns that you can soon get into the number of debtors. Do not give money in a dream to a person who needs money in life, means that your debtor will return to you a minor of money. Take money into debt - a sign of possible experiences or humiliation due to cramped circumstances in which you can be. See interpretation: debt, debtors, count.

To see a lot of money in a dream - to profits and related to these big troubles (especially if you see a lot of paper money scattered in disorder). The latter may also mean that your company will not pay off and all your life will go awry. Pay money (in the store) - to losses due to excessive gulling or your inability to deny other people when they strongly ask you about anything. Pay gold chervonans in a dream - the foresight of what you will pay expensive for some kind of actions or errors. In this case, we are not talking about material losses, but rather, about large sincere flour. Getting money in a dream - to profits or to great change in life. Sometimes such a dream predicts many worries and responsibility, which will be burdensome for you. Have money in a dream - a sign that you need to look for sources of existence or a new job. Swallow money is a warning that you will act in mercenary interests and nothing will be able to keep you. Sleep points to you that in pursuit of progress or other of its own interests you should not forget about your duties or responsibilities for the fate of people close to you. Live not for funds in a dream - warns that in reality you should not twist in the clouds: you need to think about tomorrow. Sometimes such a dream predicts some incredible adventures.

Asking money loan in a dream - to new problems. Pay debts in a dream - well and promises good luck in business or execution of any obligations that you are unpleasant. Fake money in a dream to have - to losses and disappointments. Sleep warns you: do not believe in beautiful words and do not deceive yourself with empty dreams. Get fake money in a dream - to deception. This dream warns you that you should not assist people both unfamiliar and relatives. Fake fake money in a dream - the foresight of the danger threatening to you if you have conceived bad. Checking coins in a dream foreshadows in vain troubles and grief through it. Get money in a letter of credit in a dream is a sign of receiving news. If you dreamed that someone gave you in a dream paper money of an unusual look, then you will completely suddenly get money. The deposit to receive or give foreshadows success in any business. See interpretation: pay.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

To see in a dream, minor coins foreshadows pleasant family troubles, large coins of ancient chasing - to get unexpected wealth. Do or fake coins means in vain efforts. Mail coins into metal - sign of stying and korestoloby.

Distended coin the dignity of one ruble foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears. To see in a dream a piggy bank, complete coins, means that you will open the wonderful prospects to correct your financial position. The coin scattered from the broken piggy bank is aligning a minor return with high efforts.

If you have stolen a wallet or a purse, full of valuable coins, is a sign of danger threatening to you, so you should be particularly attentive and prudent in crowded places and even more so avoid deserted.

Find in a dream of a coin of minor dignity - you are threatened with losses in business because of the interference close to your work. Detect the treasure of vintage coins of vast value - such a dream foreshadows the rise of mental strength and performance.

Chest, full gold coins, foreshadowed that your desires will come true. Monisto from gold coins means that your advantages will make it possible to achieve a lot, if you also outlug your drawbacks. Golden coins get as a gift - marry a rich, but miser person.

To see the Gold Chervonians of the Tsarist Chacking - will gain honor and respect for their success on a business field. Hear the ringing of Chervonsev - to wealth and prosperity. To take the treasure with them to the state - in reality to lose the trust knowing you on the work of people. Selling gold coins - achieve deep old age in full solitude.

To see in a dream silver coins foreshadows happy times if coins are large. Small silver coins suggest that your dreams are not destined to come true. Flaped on fire, they foreshadow losses.

Copper coins - a sign that you will have to deal with the work that brings small earnings.

To see a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, without fearing to risk and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Golden - prosperity, pleasure, new travels;
Silver - failure, squabbles, family discord;
For a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will open you off-way;
copper - to severe physical work;
Nickel - you have to do a rather low property;
You are miles silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign.
See also gold, copper, silver, corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - to profits, copper (pennies) - to the gossip.

Imagine that copper coins hid silver. Silver coins you have a lot.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

The brilliant coin dreamed - to problems, it is possible to small benefit.

Old coins - to an unexpected find.

There is a danger of negative fine influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Antique coins - unexpected rich profits, inheritance.

New coins are numerous troubles and care.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Coins - see - to merry. Find - to the spending on entertainment. Lose - you are waiting for small income.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Coins - New - Random Wealth - Old - Bottles - Consider - Making In Vain Efforts - Having Gold Or Silver - Munish - Copper - Great Happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

The disease is the larger in their monetary expression of the coin, the more dangerous and more seriously serious.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If the money is in the form of coins or (exchangeless) little things: it means that time has come for change.

If you find money: this means that your financial situation should improve.

This sign may be a warning to pay more attention to its financial affairs, at least for some time.

Big gold coin

Dream Interpretation Big Gold Coin Dreamed, why dream of a big gold coin in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a big gold coin in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

To see in a dream, minor coins foreshadows pleasant family troubles, large coins of ancient chasing - to get unexpected wealth. Do or fake coins means in vain efforts. Mail coins into metal - sign of stying and korestoloby.

Distended coin the dignity of one ruble foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears. To see in a dream a piggy bank, complete coins, means that you will open the wonderful prospects to correct your financial position. The coin scattered from the broken piggy bank is aligning a minor return with high efforts.

If you have stolen a wallet or a purse, full of valuable coins, is a sign of danger threatening to you, so you should be particularly attentive and prudent in crowded places and even more so avoid deserted.

Find in a dream of a coin of minor dignity - you are threatened with losses in business because of the interference close to your work. Detect the treasure of vintage coins of vast value - such a dream foreshadows the rise of mental strength and performance.

Chest, full gold coins, foreshadowed that your desires will come true. Monisto from gold coins means that your advantages will make it possible to achieve a lot, if you also outlug your drawbacks. Golden coins get as a gift - marry a rich, but miser person.

To see the Gold Chervonians of the Tsarist Chacking - will gain honor and respect for their success on a business field. Hear the ringing of Chervonsev - to wealth and prosperity. To take the treasure with them to the state - in reality to lose the trust knowing you on the work of people. Selling gold coins - achieve deep old age in full solitude.

To see in a dream silver coins foreshadows happy times if coins are large. Small silver coins suggest that your dreams are not destined to come true. Flaped on fire, they foreshadow losses.

Copper coins - a sign that you will have to deal with the work that brings small earnings.

To see a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, without fearing to risk and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Gold Coins

Seduction, harm, passion; grief; poverty. For a woman extra. Prostitution or deception in love (Idioma: "Worship of the Gold Taurus").

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Golden - prosperity, pleasure, new travels;
Silver - failure, squabbles, family discord;
For a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will open you off-way;
copper - to severe physical work;
Nickel - you have to do a rather low property;
You are miles silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign.
See also gold, copper, silver, corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

To dream of gold - to false and delusions in any forms. Keep gold in your hands - to succeed and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered the golden custody, it means that you will be trusted hard, but the honorable thing.

Find in the dream of a gold ingot - to achieve in full success in your business. Finding golden things - to the fact that your advantages will allow you to easily advance towards honors and wealth. Lose in a dream Gold - it became, and in life risks to miss, perhaps. Your happiest case.

To see in the dream of golden sand means that the idea of \u200b\u200byou will have the idea to enter dishonest about the people you do not know. Gold in coins or decorations foreshadows a young girl marriage with a rich, but unclean on the hand of man. The Golden Chain means that you will benefit from your free time, a gold medallion - get a round sum for your services, a gold necklace - will find happiness with your loved one.

To see the Gold Chervonians of the Tsarist Chacking - will gain honor. Get them in payment for your work - hopes will come true. Clear Gold Chervonians - live to deep old age. Find a treasure with them - you will be happy. If in a dream you melts them - this is to the loss of trust in the bosses. Hear the ringing of the falling gold worms - to wealth.

Gold thread in a dream means that I will get a good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider the golden thread - in reality your work will bring big income after a while. If in a dream you see the gold spiders, then in life you will gain friends who will help you get a cash place. To see in a dream full gold, the chest foreshadows that if you do not pay attention to the curved in your address and continue to bend your line, it can lead to a bad end.

To see the gold dishes in a dream and there is an increase in work from it, to change it on silver dishes - to headaches from many hassle and experiences. Swallow in a dream gold - to successes in science or art.

To see the fake gold - to leave and deceive. Buy gold - will remain with anything, to sell - you are waiting for big changes. Getting gold as a gift - Beware of losing your head in a love fang.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - to profits, copper (pennies) - to the gossip.

Imagine that copper coins hid silver. Silver coins you have a lot.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

The brilliant coin dreamed - to problems, it is possible to small benefit.

Old coins - to an unexpected find.

There is a danger of negative fine influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Antique coins - unexpected rich profits, inheritance.

New coins are numerous troubles and care.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: Money)

Golden dishes see in a dream, eat or drink from it - to honors and wealth. The same means a dream where you will see a richly served table and many expensive gold items. However, if you are dreaming of jewels made of gold, then see interpretation: jewels and subjects by names.

Sleep to see about gold chains, icons, UBORS - the foresters of deception, flattery, warning about possible betrayal or treason, which will plunge you in poverty and deprive peace of mind. A woman getting golden baubles as a gift in a dream means her life will be a messy and prosperous. If the gold objects are lost or broken in a dream, you will be waiting for a breaking of relationships, loss, humiliation, poverty. If you dreamed that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, do not build air locks. It is better to have a blue cell in a cage than a crane in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you missed a brilliant opportunity to correct your position. Sometimes such a dream predicts you a rupture of relationships with an expensive person. Find gold in a dream - a warning that you do not need to miss your chance. Menent gold to another - you can miss the benefit. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes.

Hold gold in the hands is a sign of success and well-being. Golden core find in a dream - to great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream or others to see for such work - a sign of danger because of your excessive desire it is easy to get rich. This dream also warns you that you should be careful to avoid shame. Golden crown see on his head in a dream - sign of poverty and ruin. The patient is such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: Crown.

Carry gold to hump or back - a hard burden sign. Goldfish catch or hold in her hands in a dream - to extraordinary change in life. If the fish dwells or jumps out (do not hold), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: Tale.

Buy gold in a dream - to the troubles. Many gold metal see in a dream - to poverty and lack of family. Gilding in a dream - sign of deception, false, treason, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

The appearance of gold in your dream can be associated with the famous phrases: "Not all is gold, which shines" (the external impression is deceptive), "Mal Spool, yes Roads", "Word - Silver, Silence - Gold." There are also quite common words: "Golden Hands", "Golden Heart", "Golden Character", "Golden Hair".

If you dreamed that you lost the golden decoration, it warns you that a unpleasant event will happen soon if you have lost the wedding ring, it is especially unpleasant, because it may impose a disease or separation from your loved one.

In a dream, seeing gold coins - such a dream indicates that you are waiting for a reward for your work, only this remuneration may not be necessarily material.

If you dreamed that you are a gold quest, then it means that you are trying to find benefits in some kind of business, but because of the frank borehole desire, you will lose respect for others that will stop providing you to help you before offered.

In a dream to find a golden thing - such a dream predicts you the appearance of deceptive hopes, you are in vain look at the event you need to actively act.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Departure in all matters. In the form of utensils, dishes - sublime hopes will become a reality. In the form of money, decorations - you will be able to prevent deception. You smear gold - gossip will not be able to spoil your reputation. Embroidery Gold - Get news that will help achieve the desired one. Carry gold in handwood - to a profitable business. Buy Gold - a new acquaintance that will save you from sadness and loneliness. Find Gold - Still Mystery Guarder, which will turn your life. There is on gold - promotion. Meet gold business master - avoid fraud. Golden rain - get the inheritance. Wear gold to yourself - avoid a dangerous disease. Give me - you will be invited to the wedding. Opened the golden core - the search for a new job will be completed with a profitable proposal. Wash golden sand - your adjacent and hard work will bring tangible successes. You work on the Golden Mine - Glory and Honor will be collapsed on you.

Imagine gold as brighter as possible and as much as possible. This gold is located everywhere: you have at home, on you yourself, on your relatives and loved ones.

In the article on the topic: "Dream Coin of 10 rubles" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

Sometimes the financial question becomes as important that the money starts to dream. But why dream coins man who does not think about money day and night?

"Cash" dreams usually associate with financial well-being. Persian dream interpretation of the coin considers a sign of fast enrichment. Dreams with coins can fill changes in the material aspect, as well as in the career, in the social position of the dream.

Coins in a dream - a symbol of change. What these changes will be, depends on the set of nuances. Here are frequent plots of visions when people dream of metal money:

  • Coins were dressed up - gold, silver or copper.
  • Dreamed old or anniversary coins.
  • The money was shiny or darkened, dirty.
  • You scattered a trifle.
  • I had to collect the scattered trifle.
  • It happened to find coins.
  • You gave someone metal money, received them or recalculated.

Silver and Zlato

What dreams of money with coins made of metals, dream interpreters are pushing mostly favorably. The coming prosperity and impressive travel around the world - that's what it means to see gold coins in a dream, "says modern dream book. The Old Parsida Dream Interpretation complements: Golden coins were dreamed - society will be favorable.

Silver coins in vision are evaluated in different ways. Slavs believed: Silver Kreagashi in your vision - reason to draw attention to family cases to avoid disorders. Eastern female dream book considers: brilliant silver coins foreshadow and a favorable period in life. Gypsy dream book interprets: silver coins characterize sleeping as a person moderate, and in financial affairs he will have order.

Copper coins dreamed - to achieve a goal will have to work hard. And the interpreter Madame Hasse believes that such a vision promises happiness. Vintage metal money in dreams is associated with wealth, wisdom and secrets. Old "money" good chasing dreams, for example, on the eve of undeformed financial income.

Sonner Simon Kananita writes: see old money - it means that soon you will gain valuable knowledge and experience, some family mystery will open. See a rare and large coin - you are very tied to your "second half."

What is the dream of a "piece" manufacturing coin - for example, anniversary? Today, dreamers often ask what the anniversary coin is 10 rubles. Dreams of metal 10-rubles can be interpreted in the same way as a vision of copper coins: to get a good result, you will have to work pretty.

New rounded rates of 10 rubles with its glitter attract the attention of sleeping to the existing situation. If you want more, you need to be more active, and to improve well-being useful will be a change in the situation.

As any dream book says, a coin, which in your vision was new and brilliant, is a positive sign. He foreshadows changes in life for the better. See darkened metal money - you will have to make serious efforts to defend your interests. So considers the ancient Persian dream book.

Dark coin with erased lines - you still have to determine your opponent. To see that the chasing lines are well distinguished on the darkened money - you know who you will have to resist, and it means that you can think about the successful tactics of the struggle.

Scatter and collect

See the dream in which you managed to find and dig out of the ground, - your talent and work will be appreciated not only in the cash equivalent, you will also receive public recognition. To see in his Gresses, as a trifle crumbled, - you are waiting for experiences because of small troubles. These obstacles will be quickly eliminated, do they cost your tears?

It seems that I had to collect the scattered trifle, "you need to be very careful in financial affairs in order not to incur damages. If you had a chance to find and collect the found trifle, scans not by you, you will soon expect a small cash profit.

It seems that you managed to find metal money, and for some reason you have to collect them in the headdress - you will receive an award for the successful implementation of your idea. Collect coins by hand - get a decent remuneration for the work done.

See a slide coins in Gresses - to financial stability. If the trifle is decomposed with stacks - you have to make a difficult decision regarding career: change the place of work or take on new responsibilities at the present.

Consider coins on their own - such dreams talk about your drawing and the ability to deal. But if a woman had to see that she thought and shared money with her husband, the conflict is brewing in the family, and in the power of sleeping to prevent it. Consider metal money and see a small coin - the vision promises the addition in the family. Cancel coins to return duty - it means that circumstances add up in your favor.

In his Gresses, you lost my coins, and I had to consider losses - it urges to be careful with optional spending, not "throwing money to the wind." Get from someone's coins in a dream - you can improve your financial situation.

I dreamed that I saw 10 ruble modern coins on Earth, first passed by, then I saw that the Gypsy picks up, returned and began to collect and share coins with her.

I dreamed that I found a coin on the road as old and new 10 ruble and old in 200 with something million rubles came and began to wash them off from dirt road and from old age that it would be better to read

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What dreams of coins

See also:

It can dreamed of ancient with two eagles, Peter 1, 2 rubles, 5 rubles, with one eagle. It is often filmed old to consider coins, a chest with gold coins, rain out of coins, a collection in which a lot of small and find it difficult to find something, you have to collect new, and they are with a hole or number 13. No rarity dream, where you need to collect money, select Various cash units.

All dream interpretation is offered in this article.

What dreams of a big coin, big nominal, swallow

To see a big coin in a dream - to replenish the family budget in reality. The coin of a large nominal - to big money earned by honest labor. Swallow a coin - a dream, breaking for that you try to keep silent or hide from others around the source of your income.

If you have dreamed of a gold coin foreign, beautiful coins throw, collectible, find, alone

To see a dream that you have become the owner of a gold foreign coin - to new relationships and useful acquaintances that will provide financial stability. Sleep, in which you throw beautiful coins - to useless acquisitions, wastefulness. In life, you are the same as in a dream, you will "sift with money."

Find a collection coin in a dream - in reality you will fall a rare chance to significantly improve your well-being. If there was a lot of coins - the ability to get rich is distinguished in time.

Which means a dream in which the jubilee coins are shot, shiny, in water, mountain or handful of coins, ancient, dear

To see the anniversary coins in a dream - a sign that in real life it's time to summarize and make a new, more profitable, business. A brilliant coin is not quite a favorable sleep. In real life, employers or business partners may be deceived.

The coin in water is a dream indicating an unsuccessful deal if the water was muddy or buried. If the coins were lying in calm and transparent water - the profit received by the price of considerable effort.

See a dream in which coins are stacked by a hill or a handful of coins - your affairs will also go uphill, but for this will have to work pretty. Ancient coin - You will have to make a long time forgotten and once abandoned affair that will bring profit. Dear coin - Sleep, preventive loan or leasing.

See in a dream a lot of iron coins, ringing coins, collect coins from the ground, search, treasure, trifle (small)

The dream in which you see a lot of iron coins predicts that in real life you have to show perseverance and willpower before you find a source of constant income. In the dream, the ringing coins is a dream-warning about the coming material difficulties. Collect coins from the ground - a good sign. You can improve your financial situation without applying special efforts.

If in a dream you are looking for a treasure - in life you are also in search and you can not fully selfalize. Your mistake is that you are trying to take advantage of the finished decision and do not love to "invent a bike". Trifle (small coins) - a dream preventing painstaking work. In some dreams there is a statement that the little thing is to dream of tears and minor quarrels.

What is the dream of an unusual coin, give coins, pay or pay coins, fake

An unusual coin is a dream warning so that you are alert, as you want to fool. Move coins - sleep-transverse. You will receive money. Sleep in which you pay or pay coins - to failures.

If you dreamed a fake coin - be careful! Fake to deceive in your feelings, because it is not for nothing that "not all that is gold, which glitters."

If the money is shot in the wallet, paper and in the form of coins, silver

To see in a dream of a wallet, full of paper bills and coins - a sign that in real life you can easily implement everything conceived. In some dreams, the wallet with money personifies a happy and comfortable family life. To see in a dream a wallet with silver coins - to profits, if the coins of great dignity and to tears and intra-family conflicts, if the wallet was filled with trifle.

Gold Coins Muslim Dream Interpretation

In Muslim dreams, gold coins will dream of unfinished events. In real life you have to survive a period of disappointments and failures.

What dreams of coins on snow, palm, bottom of the river, graveyard, road, floor

See in a dream money in the snow is a hint of greed. In real life, one should relate to the money a little cool. Money on the palm - someone will provide you with help and financial support.

Money at the bottom of the river is the conclusion of profitable deals. If such a dream has dreamed of a girl, she will have to think about his future and take an important decision.

Money on the cemetery is in vain investments. The same dream serves as a warning not to think about money - you will not return the debt.

Money on the road is a sign that your life path is soaked with all sorts of benefits, the main thing is to see and take advantage of the chance that fate provides. Money on the floor is a dream interpreting bicon. If these were in a dream, large bills - to profits, trifle - to conflicts.

Dream book

Coins many 10 rubles

Dream Coin Many 10 rubles Dreamed, why dream in a dream coins many 10 rubles? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the coins in a dream a lot of 10 rubles, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

To see a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, without fearing to risk and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

silver - failure, squabbles, family discord;

for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will open you off-way;

copper - to severe physical work;

nickel - you have to do a rather low property;

You are miles silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign.

Coins in the dreamplace

Sleep, in which you hold gold coins in the hands, not simple, in real life will change your well-being for the better. Planned transactions will be smooth, additional bonuses are possible.

Dream Interpretation believes that the dream in which you had to find coins, and even more so collect one after another, honestly warns the dream about the upcoming unrest. At the same time, the dream promises that everything will end well and even with the benefit for you.

What is the dream of a rare coin? Although they say that not in money, happiness, however, sleep means that you will be able to get exactly the amount you are missing to realize your idea.

As the dreams notes, money, coins most often will dream to those who mistakenly puts the financial situation at the head of the corner. Sleep is trying to remind simple truths: money does not solve absolutely all human problems, but too strong desire to block its execution.

The dream in which you see ancient coins, promises you an original gift, and so unusual that its cost will not have any meaning for you. Dream Interpretation assumes that it may be a talisman, bringing good luck or a book that will give you amazing knowledge.

To guess what dreams of how you collect coins, a little thing, the dream book advises to be more careful. If your "catch" consisted of very small and non-brighter coins, then they are some troubles. If the coins came to the larger, the superstructible sleep does not promise, however, something falls.

When a lot of coins dream, a dream means it will have to attach no less effort to receive income. Dream interpretation knows in advance that you will most likely spend the remedy tools.

If silver coins dreamed, the dream book promises that you will not have to miss you. Sleep means unplanned trips, serious clarification of relations with others, which will bring some of them to clean water, adventures and adventures. As a dream promises, the coming events will make you happily exclaim: "This is life!"

To understand what the old coin is dreaming, pay attention to whether it is. If the coin has already managed to get out of use, sleep wants to say that it is time to stop living past. Dream interpretation warns that non-convertible money often dreams of deception.

Sleep, which was lucky enough to find gold coins, Dream Interpretation interpreted. Sleep promises serious profits, an unexpected valuable gift or a large legacy. Sleep means a significant improvement in your material situation.

What else to dream of coins in a dream

Involver, what the coins are shot, external factors should be taken into account. Quite often, the trifle symbolizes monotonous and ungrateful labor, routine. Your discontent with the quality of life is reflected in such dreams.

If you had the opportunity to see coins in a dream, not having the opportunity to get them, sleep hints at your inclination to exchange yourself in trifles. Sleep in this way calls for stop traffic in all directions immediately, and choose the most promising of them.

As Miller's dream book believes, seen in a dream, small coins will bring you a lot of trouble. Nevertheless, you will please the result - promises sleep. Moreover, you can competently dispose of the revenue - this is what the copper wealth is dreaming.

Dinking big coins symbolize big plans and prospects. A dream foreshadows a sudden career growth or a start of its own business. A period favorable for financial success, multiplied by your own positive attitude, will be your best assistants.

If foreign or anniversary coins dreamed, sleep means that it is time to change the situation. Dream Interpretation promises you a pleasant journey, and not necessarily in distant countries.

To the question of what the copper coin dreams, the dream book meets the paraphrassed saying: it is not lucky in finances - lucky in love. Sleep means that at the moment you are unlikely to be able to earn, but on the personal front everything is going as not better.

Finding vintage coins are not often possible even in a dream, so that this dream is good luck in itself. In addition, this is a hint, where to look for what you lack the most. Sleep advises to dig in the past, no matter how distant and irrelevant it seemed.

A dream in which it was lucky to find money, coins or large bills - no matter, in any case means that luck itself goes to your hands, you want or not. The hopeless thing will be completed by success, the dubious dispute will decide in your favor, for whatever you take, bring our fruits - promises a dream.

If iron coins dreamed, the dream book advises to gain patience. Now it is not that time when it will be possible to get everything and immediately. Dream foreshadows insignificant, but permanent and guaranteed income.

If you even in a dream continue to throw coins, the dream book concludes that the decision makes it is not easy for you. The sleep emphasizes that whatever choice you do, you in any case will have to donate something. Dream Interpretation advises to focus on the main goal, then it becomes clear which of the two angry.

As a dream book believes, a lot of concerns are exactly what dream of a dream in which you got solid small coins. And at the same time, sleep reminds that even the most fasten chicken does not neglect with crumbs, and in the end gains weight even more.

Dream Interpretation believes to give coins in a dream - a very promising act. This is your chance to buy the fulfillment of the desire that cannot be purchased for money.

The dream in which you had the opportunity to consider coins, says that you know how to appreciate each penny. Sleep reminds that even small coins love the score, and at the same time those who can count them. Dream Interpretation Entertains that financial luck will continue on your side.

I dreamed that I had coins under the skin on my leg. I was not in my own, and I wanted to get them faster. What does it mean?

What type of inheritance is already yours, but to use for a while you can't.

Collect coins-share profits with competitors. Paper bills and a lot in hands-spending or lose. This I am writing about myself, maybe it is not suitable for everyone.

I dreamed of a coin in a glass depicted in the photo. However, when I tried to consider her, I broke out in a dream and sent convulsions in reality. What does it mean?

Less drink vodka - you see your money in a glass, you spend them wrong ... start life correctly, money will not be in a glass!

At the week twice the dreams were dreaming, in which I quickly collected anniversary ten-pavets from the gaps and chosen in the stairs on the street (1st) and from the sand in the cave (2nd), both sleep as a whole were alarming, gloomy, heavy.

Everything is simple - perhaps the upcoming holidays, you worry to make not thoughtful spending of the loss of money, always anxious.

I dreamed that I was given to transfer further two heavy drawers with coins. They are different sizes, decomposed on cells and some not simple. Someone ordered them, and I have to convey them. One box was discovered, and I dropped some of it some small coins. He began to collect them, but not everyone found, 2-3 did not have time, woke up. While I was collected very worried that I would not find and not have time to send. Will scold. What does it mean? The coins were gray and small as Soviet pennies.

I dreamed that I gave the passing with coins, with what a lot, guests gave out, I was even surprised why not paper, but how much I forgot.

I dreamed that I would collect coins under the bridge. As if the river retreated and all the departments opened. Among the coins were gold products.

I understand ... You dream as a gift to get something valuable, here you have a wealth under the bridge.

I had a wonderful dream: I say mentally with God ... I ask for help, I see a man in white, standing at the top, he takes a container with something and drops the contents to me ... And the rain falls on me with gold heavy coins, and I hear their ringing .... And still drops ..., and then lastly throws one more - I woke up from this ring ...

I dreamed that I was collecting the coins of the jubilee our Russian under some kind of board (or something like a table), and I collected 1ruple, and 2 rubles and 5 rubles and 10 rubles of an old sample and a new sample, there were other foreign. And there were anniversary coins not clear the coin or not, but were very large. I lay and collected, collected, collected when quickly, and when he slowly, some more time to consider .... But not everyone managed to collect, because I was told that it was time to go home and all the dream was over ...

Today I dreamed that I was going along the highway and ahead of the accident, there were coins next to the body, silver was cast, some jubilee trends, they are simply rare. I collect them, and the chase begins for me. Some gangsters, but I'm sorry from them, but crashed into a pole on the outskirts of nearby villages. Bandits lost me out of sight, and I wake up.

I held in my hands in my hands a big coin similar to Sochi 25 rubles.

I dreamed of one coin 10 rubles (modern), but there was a beautiful little flower on it (like a rose) of red. I went everything in a dream and the younger sister questioned, what it dreams. I did not hear the answer

I dreamed that I was somewhere in the cave, I collect gold coins there were a lot! What could it mean?

I dreamed that I seemed to be in the room, which for some reason and my girlfriend was called a mint, we exchanged coins on bills. We got almost 5 thousand. Then I distracted - Caucasian approached me and I gave him 10 rubles. When I got out of the room and went to the car I saw that my brother was put on the back seat of a fruit wreath puts, I touched one fruit - he burst and turned out to be empty, I decided that he was artificial, on a wreath there were white flowers and greens, I asked Brother is where my girl, he said she went home to change clothes or prepare. I seemed to me in a dream that we were going to commemorate. Please tell me what it means. The dream was very bright and memorable.

Found a lot of coins on the stairs and began to collect them, was very glad.

I dreamed that I was holding a 22 ruble coin in my hand (I clearly see the numbers), a new, shiny, solving silver.

I dreamed that I was going on the bus and an unfamiliar woman gives me anniversary coins, I did not take me at first, but then they still take them, since they are very rare.

Mom dreamed that the dead was throwing a little thing in his feet.

I dreamed that I tried to give out 78 rubles for a very long time to issue a woman. And, although in the checkout there were 5, and 10 ruble coins I considered the 2nd ruble, but the euro came across there, and it is not clear that, I could not give and could not give.

The stream of the width somewhere in the meter, the transparent clean slow flow water, I knew in the water, she was warm, and I collected money with girlfriends and sisters, the coins were from the ruble to ten, they were all in everyday life, but I were all I found a couple of coins of strange and hid them in my pocket, then took the children and went shopping, being at home I showed their husband, and he said that I would even be in his rumor about finding otherwise we will be killed for them, and they are worth a whole The state, I was awake on it.

I dreamed that I was collecting yellow coins medium and very large (10 cm.). But it seems not vintage!

My former won in a dream of some boss, and in the award we were given three huge piles of gold 50 penny coins, there they were a good currency, I just heard the ringing of coins, as they poured on top, and then I laid them down the stacks

I called a friend and said to go to the house. He had to bring me some kind of money. I stood around the house and waited, but he had difficulty. While waited, I noticed a coin in the yamke. It came up and raised it. It turned out, there was not one, but several. All these coins were anniversary. Mostly 10-three ruble, but valuable, as I myself thought in a dream. Then I once again drew attention to this pit, it became more, and I saw something like an old wallet. I dug him, and it was just a bunch of coins. At one point in the yamke, a girl was with a spatula and showed me a tubercle, excavated him and said Tori. There was also about 30 coins. I took everything, the girl went home, and I, too. What does all of this mean?

Found the coins of the jubilee new, they did not use yet sealing. And the coins on them are written 1812, they are unrealistic with the palm, probably. But in a dream, I thought it was just an anniversary such. I took them all. What does dream mean?

I got into the old wardrobe, which got from my grandfather opened it on the upper shelf lying the book of Toli, the rag pulled her on him, and the antique antique coins were sprinkled from it. What does this mean.

I dreamed that I see in front of my new coin silver.

I dreamed that I was driving in a minibus, I went with a girl, it's time to pay for the passage I opened my pocket in the bag and began to consider the necessary amount at the same time the coins were similar to big shiny wheels with a rainbow hologram, and the Naminal was adopted only to the touch in the same pocket lying A pack of 5000 bills, but I did not touch them. At the stop, the girl came out, and I remained to count, finding the right amount already drove away from the stop and went out only next. What does it mean. Woke up without power, squeezed like lemon!

I dreamed about two 5 kopeck coins of Soviet times, but they were a huge size and one of them was new and glittered. I kept them in my hands and showed mom (my mother died 3 years ago), what could such a dream mean?

I dreamed that I found vintage coins in the table in some abandoned house, what could it mean?

I dreamed that I found my iron, the anniversary ruble of 85 years old. Instead of one ruble, homemade engraving 1,000,000 rubles. Once I was so in real. What does this dream mean?

I dreamed that I shot money from an ATM, and he gave a lot of coins. I folded them in a big bag and carried a man for a gift. And then the bag with the coins gave his wife.

I dreamed that I would give two gold coins to a person so that he would not kill me.

I kept the ruble in my hands, and then someone saw the same shape coin, well, the number of numbers on the coin was a sign of the ruble, I wanted this coin and, as it were, I understood that it was a rare coin, and then the coin was divided that it could to mean.

I dreamed that I dive into the pool and collect old copper coins from the bottom. What is it for?

I found a bunch of vintage coins ... and copper, and golden, and silver gathered them all ... brought home and began to evaluate .... What is it?

I dreamed like an ATM issuing iron euros with various advantages.

Raising the coin from the water of an eagle up, the water is transparent and on it inscription - to watch your desires.

I dreamed that I was collecting scrap and notice on the ground of the coin. Looking around I understand that a lot of coins. Starting to collect coins, I find that the prevailing number of coins have dignity of two rubles, but also ruble coins also attended, and all five-stewed, which was the least of all, were inverted with an eagle to the top.

He dreamed that the familiar gathering on the trip poured into my hands a lot of little things, I kept her until I was tired. And he returned her all the trifle. Tell me what it means?

Tell me, I dreamed that I helped the old man to collect coins (rubles with a par 5,2,1) and not aloud, since he did not see. Then there are two vintage coins (very vintage beautiful) he suggests them to take me and says it may bring happiness, but I refuse and not take, because they caused alertness. What is it? Thanks in advance!

Today I dreamed of a ruble coin 1992. I have one there is. I looked at her, but I did not take it. And so I wanted to do it. Who will tell why this dream?

I dreamed that I think very old coins in the crypt to give them to the dead, while in the crypt on earth instead of this late my child, he is dead, and someone says me to take it in hand, and I'm afraid Then he took and he came to life when I'm going to get out of the crypt, I tell me that I left the child, I lie to him back, then I woke up in horror, some kind of thing that could mean?

Today in a dream I saw a lot of coins and collected them.

What exactly I don't even know.

I dreamed of a barrel with coins, all were 10 rubles of yellow, I went to spend what it was.

Allegedly my daughter swears with another girl and removes the suspension from himself (from the rope) and gives in his hand alleged my daughter. Giving the suspension - two pieces fell 50 kopecks.

I dreamed that a lot of coins looked at a stream, I don't remember from where, but when I woke up, I thought immediately that like in Ford Boyard. The coins were beautiful, new and small in size and large, the money did not know what they were, maybe not Russian. I quickly collected themselves in a T-shirt rightly handfuls. And very happy. What is it for?

I dreamed that I would collect simple coins and everything.

I dreamed that I found a coin from the sand near my yard and as if I spent my garbage from the garbage, when I collected, some kind of woman came up, I asked to give her 1 coin, I gave, and she was very happy ... and then what Well, the man came, asked if I had money, I showed a handful of coins. And he says: "No, not, not, and large!", I say no. Well, he speaks further: "Well, okay, wait. Now I will bring, and you drive a moonshine! ", And I woke up

I gave me in a dream, and there is surprisingly old gold coins, my condition was joyful and very joyful

Money is not the main thing, but still better when they are. When they are enough for a comfortable life, this is good. And what if the money appears in a dream? Large banknotes - a favorable sign. Very often such a vision promises pleasant care and troubles.

But money is different. What is the dream of a trifle? If the dream was bright and remembered, it is not worth ignored - it is better to decipher your sleep to avoid unpleasant events.

The main interpretation says that dasing small coins are promised to you unnecessary troubles, empty conversations and classes. To reliably and accurately decipher sleep, it is necessary to study the interpretations of sleep details and information from different dreams. This article will help this.

What does the money mean in a dream?

Many people dream of money: both large bills and trifles. In a dream, see this is a one or another sign that can be solved by reading one or another dream book.

So, according to some dreams, seen in a dream, a trifle or larger iron money are an omnory of large changes in human life. But if you dreamed not a trifle, but paper money, it will already be interpreted differently.

The answer to the question, what to dream of a trifle will not be unequivocal. However, most dream books assure: to see small money in a dream is a positive sign, promising interesting and exciting events in a person's life.

Remember: the interpretation depends not only on what you saw a trifle or other types of money in a dream, but also from what actions you perform with them. Consider collecting, scattering minor money - all this is very important when interpreting.


Just look at coins

If in a dream you did not make any actions, but simply saw small money, the interpretation would depend on their appearance.

  • Golden coins are shot - you will begin to carry in matters, good luck will be on your side. If they were silver, new, glistened, you can safely be taken for the most difficult and risky affairs, everything will be able to.
  • Copper money - you have to work a lot. If you are honest with you and the surrounding people, then you are waiting for such a reward that did not even dreamed about. Also, such a vision indicates that you make a good act, and it will warm the soul.
  • To see an old money - destiny will give you a lesson, you will receive an invaluable experience that will come in handy in the future.

Many scattered trifles - to tears. But you should not be upset in advance. Dream Interpretation says that this will be ordinary tears, perhaps you will just become sad, or you look at the spiritual movie. In any case, the grief and trouble will be bypass.

One small coin dream is usually to replenish in your family.

Perhaps to observe the coins lie in the water? Dream interpretation gives two events development options:

  1. If the water was clean and transparent, then you will be able to achieve a lot with your persistence and difficulty.
  2. Water turbid - you are awaiting losses, unsuccessful deals, betrayal of partners.


Actions with coins

  • You give a lot of silver coins - a person wants to hurt you. He will come to you dishonest and unfair.
  • To give coins - you will finally be able to complete the case, which has worked painstakingly for a long time. Template coins with another person - a quarrel with a colleague at work or a scandal in the home circle.
  • Collect a trifle - you will be accompanied by luck, but only in minor, small things. For large transactions and serious work now it is better not to take.
  • Scatter coins - you spend too much time and strength to spend things unnecessary to you.
  • Find a treasure with small coins - you will start to stay in the excellent location of the Spirit, with ease will be able to manage any work.
  • Collect scattered coins - you have to rinse your nerves, but the result will be favorable.
  • Collect a penny on the cemetery - you invest money in a non-profitable business.

Collect small money in a dream

  1. If in a dream you collected a trifle, for example, lifting coins from the floor or shape with hands on the bed, expect that you are "injected" in a painful scrupulous work, the result of which will not please you at all. You will be given for money for it so little that you will be ashamed to carry them into a home piggy bank. There will be a desire to spend faster.
  2. According to another version, picking up the little things promises material problems: incomes are taken on, but unforeseen expenses will appear. You will be stupid towards anyone. Perhaps refuse to a person who comes to you to ask for loan.

If in a dream you saw that a trifle was lying everywhere, and they were going to start raising her, then waking up, be sure to remember how the coins looked like. If the most silver triviffs were most, it means that someone turns with a cunning divarce with you, but you will be able to guess the attacker.

If the casters prevailed, some scandal will soon grow up, but because of the trifles. Gold coins foreshadow significant material income.

Select the trifle

When the night gold focuses on the fact that you select a trifle from the ground, then in a short time your material condition in real life is significantly improved.

In addition, such a dream in some dreams is interpreted as a sign that in the real life period, many problems will be solved positively. If the detached coins found a lot, then such a dream plot foreshadows global positive life changes.

But if you are in a dream, you collect a trifle in someone else's hat, then you will have to realize other people's ideas in life.

Collect money in different places

Separately highlighted the plot of the dreams in which you collect money in different places. Such a dream is a harbinger of what you will succeed successfully to realize your grand plans. But at the same time, it is very important, not to save money for it, because all costs will pay for a hundredfold.

If you feel in a dream that you failed to collect a lot of trifles, it indicates that in real life is not enough effort to implement the planned plans. But on this occasion, you should not worry, just need to change your behavior and show zeal, and as a result, luck will smile at all.

Ask for challenge

Also bad sign are night dreams, in which you ask for chapter, and see how little things throw you.

This means that in real life there will be a strong dependence on someone who will be in a burden.


Scatter fine

Such night dreams may mean that someone from the enemies want to substitute you.

If you give a trifle to someone

Most dream books believe that a little thing is to give to another person or people - this is a good sign. You will be wonderful everything! You will transmit the accumulated knowledge of younger generations, other people will move valuable experience.

  1. Giving a trifle in a dream, you closer to the fortune. The generosity, manifested while you sleep, reflects on your real life. She shows that you have something to give, which means you are a kind and not greedy person.
  2. Maya's dream book sticks to the opinion that if you gave small money in a dream, for example, in debt or paid a purchase in the store, the reception in the mail, it means that soon the one who works with you will try to give your ideas for your own.
  3. Justice Vanang so disgusts the dream, in which you mercifully stretched the coin to the needy: Be more attentive to your capital, do not scatter them. In the near future, you will need very large finances, because it will be possible to implement planned plans.

It happens that dreaming seems to be going to pay for the purchase, you take out a little bit from your wallet and give her merchant for the counter. Sleep, according to the summer interpreter, tells you: Do not regret something lost. It can return.

Read the little things

  1. In general, this dream is a dual character: on the one hand, it does not foreshadow anything bad, but only characterizes a dream, like a frightened and economical person.
  2. But on the other hand, it shows the light dissatisfaction with the state of his financial affairs.
  3. It is also an important fact for understanding sleep, which results led to: consider a trifle.
  4. If there is a loss during counting, then in real life, the dream is waiting for problems with payments.

If, the other way around and the dreams can not complete the calculation due to a large number of coins, it will be a testimony soon well-being and happiness. It is still worth paying attention to what the coins in a dream (copper, silver or gold).

The worst is the worst sign, there will be a copper coin in a dream, this means that in the near future the dreams will throw all his strength to ensure the financial well-being of the family, but due to the applied efforts will not happen.

Silver, and threaten the dream with big problems in marriage or loving relationships, right up to the divorce. But gold foreshadows a strong rise in financial plan.

Another important information regarding this sleep is offered psychologists: a wallet in a dream performs, rather, not the usual role, but a peculiar symbol of human self-esteem. And suggest him, the need to revise this aspect of life, as the price is very high.

Detailing in detail in the possible variants of the meaning of this sleep, it suggests an unequivocal conclusion that it should not slip out of attention, as it carries no little important information for the dream. And it stands seriously, not only for such a kind of dreams and to any other, in order not to miss anything important.


Detect a shortage when counting in a dream

  • Intetracting, what dreams of a little thing, dream book, even in a dream, does not recommend taking a currency out of everybody. Such a dream foreshadows deception and unsuccessful attempt to repeat past success.
  • When in a dream it happens to see a trifle in a bank, without having the opportunity to get her at his disposal, it is very likely that you are trying to have time in all directions immediately and as a result everywhere late.
  • If you dreamed, as for the works, you give you a dear penny, do not hurry to upset: a slightly paraphrasing the famous saying, the dream book says that I will be lucky in love.


Dream a lot of little things

Find a large number of coins, it means that you can count on luck in the future, you may be promoting the career ladder. Another dream is promoting fast changes in life and a cheerful pastime.


If a penny is shot

According to Hasse's dream book, to see one penny in a dream or take it into hand - means that you are satisfied with your today's material condition. If you recalculate a penny, it testifies to your misfortune. Soon greed appears in the maximum strength.

  1. If, on the contrary, stretch the penny and asking, it means that people who will then become sincere and faithful friends will surely meet on your way.
  2. If in a dream you accidentally found a penny, be prepared to give a lot of strength to the embodiment of ideas. However, the case will not bring you a major profit.
  3. If you lost a penny - the same happens in life. You will lose somewhere money, however, not a lot.

However, it will be morally difficult for you to part even with this small amount. If you pay off with a penny for a valuable thing in the store, this is a sign for you: do not be such a bulk and overwhelmed.

Whether those received by another small money

Cash finds in sleep are a positive sign. A large amount or trifle is in this case it does not matter. The main thing is that you have found coins, it means you can take for any undertaking: it will bring you the progress.

If a trifle in a dream find a woman waiting for a child, she will be offered to participate in the transaction. We must agree, because the transaction will make a profit.

Stolen little things

Did you see in a dream, as if you had minced coins? Dream interpreters believe that you are waiting for a big find.

What exactly will it be - is still unknown, but the found will be extremely pleased. If you yourself had a trifle in a dream, in real life you will threaten danger. And you walked to blame for this. Do not take in various kinds of adventures, they still will not bring the desired results.

Small coins found in pocket or wallet

  1. If we thought that you were opening a wallet, and it was only a trifle alone, although you knew that there was a lot of money, it means that soon close and relatives will support you and help in a difficult moment.
  2. If you look into the wallet and discover that he is full of copper coins, learn how to control your actions: Fate all the time pushes you crimes against your conscience, seducing various intriguing situations. You should not succumb to provocations. For the sake of real love, you must stop allowing you to manipulate.
  3. If in a dream you climbed into my pocket and felt a trifle there, although in real life you could not allow themselves to afford and always kept small money in more reliable places, it means you can rejoice in the trifles and appreciate what you have. This is a great quality! Stay always with such a person.

Trifle in a bank

If you have dreamed of an ordinary glass bank, and in it - the cheese of little things, but you do not know how to get money or you are forbidden to use them, it means that you should stop and think: what do you specifically want from life?

The fact is that you are always trying to make several matters at once, but this is physically impossible.

Select one way and move on it to achieve your goal. Otherwise you risk losing everything and do nothing.

The dream is given fine

If in a dream, it was wondering, as if the country's president stretches to you a handful of trivia or even one penny, you can safely go through life: all the alarms and trouble will be part of the side, and if you have already happened some kind of trouble, you will soon take care of it.

Such an interpretation of sleep with the trifle offers an ancient Old Water Dream Dream of Taflisi.

Coins of different types

If a face in the profile was carved on a donated coin and attended the ornament, you will have a fight with the enemy. The struggle will be very heavy and long.

  1. If the coin was dark, threatened unpleasant glooms and troubles.
  2. Bright money, on the contrary, are considered a positive and kind sign.


Gold, silver and copper

For the correct interpretation of the dream, it is also important to take into account the material from which coins were performed. Of course, it is not always possible to remember the next morning after Sleep such a detail, however, it turned out - it's good. In this case, the interpretation of dreams will be much more accurate.

  • A trifle made from copper is a sign of a difficult financial situation, and sometimes even poverty.
  • Silver - the sign is also bad, because it means disappointment, disorders, troubles and tears. Sometimes a trifle, made of this material, means the appearance of the disease.

  • But gold coins are good. To see them in a dream - it means to be soon recognized in society. Interest, respect, and authority - this is what the little thing is to dream (money), made of such a noble material as gold.


Many gold coins

What dreams of many little things? A huge number of coins in a dream, according to anyone will remember until the morning. In the dream book a lot of money (little things) - a good sign that says that a person will soon become rich, and maybe even famous. It is very important to remember from what metal coins were made.

For example, gold money means prosperity. The person will appreciate the advantage of all his endeavors. After such sleep, the human life will change for the better.

It should be remembered that when the bright coins lie to good, dark - to quarrels that will grow into hostility. Do not perceive the interpretation of dreams close to heart. Simply, in most cases, people are missing from the view some details that radically affect the prediction of the dream.


Interpretation of dreams in different dreams

Dream of Freud.

Trifle in a dream promises unstable sex life. You can change partners, you may not arrange everything around. You can even experience disgust for sex life, if suddenly in a dream you found coins under the bed. Such a dream may also say that someone strangers wishes you and your relationship harm.

  • Sleep, in which you give coins to your man - means that you will shed a lot of tears because of it to your relationship. It will be not only small insults and betrayal - it can be big problems, treason.
  • The dream in which you collect coins in the piggy bank - means you copy the memories of your former partners. Try to stop thinking about them and start your personal life again. Turn the page of your life and open the new one.
  • A dream in which you leave coins in the church - means that you really want a family and can not get it. You should help someone else get the desired and your cherished desire will be fulfilled.


Modern dream book

Now it is worth talking about what a dream of a little thing (money) in the dream of the 21st century. Values \u200b\u200bof such a vision mass.

  1. If a person begins to collect a trifle in a dream - this is a resolution of minor issues, which for some time worried a dream. And they will disappear by themselves. So you should stop worrying about this and calmly engage in more important things.
  2. Long to collect a trifle in a dream - to luck. Very soon in life will begin Bela Strip. Affairs will be applied at work, in personal life.
  3. Scat out a trifle to quarrels and disputes. It is worth being prepared for what will have to fight with rumors and gossip, to prove something and even swear. It is possible that the arguments will be vain. This dream sometimes means that a person deliberately someone is trying to slander, investigate his reputation and cast doubt on the good name of an honest and decent person. Well, then you should be careful and less react to provocative statements or actions.
  4. If a person sees how he asks in a dream a trifle, then it's time to think about the acquisition of independence. It is finally done to make the arrangement of your life and stop being dependent on someone. But steal coins in a dream - to the danger.

Dream Miller

It is worth talking about what the little thing is dreaming (money) by Miller's dream book, which is one of the most popular books of interpretation.

  1. If the dreams receive coins from someone who trusts, then this is to the appearance of any good idea. Moreover, in the future, a person succeeds to implement it, and successfully.
  2. But to take a trifle from whom the dream has not a pleasant relationship - not a very positive sign. Most likely he will be deceived, or will be in an unpleasant situation. And not in their will - this situation will be adjusted by someone. It is possible that the man who dreamed.
  3. If a person sees how he considers a trifle with his second half - it is necessary to mold. Probably, soon between them will arise a quarrel or misunderstanding on the basis of financial issues.


Dream Kananita

  • New coins are shot - to wealth.
  • Older - to unnecessary troubles.

The coins itself - will be occupied by an unnecessary business. Copper - fortunately, and gold or silver - to trouble. Small coins - something insignificant, whether things, relationships, troubles or joy. Something not worth your attention.

For a woman, small coins can mean the courtship of the person who is completely indifferent to you.

Esoteric dream book

In the esoteric dream book it is said that coins will dream when a person begins to fine. You ask a lot from life and, at the same time, not ready to give to life. Sleep, in which you experience fear when you are looking for missing coins in my pocket, says that you will be afraid of not to bring the case to the end.

  1. A dream in which it will seem to you that someone threw the coins to you into the yard - says you have a friend who secretly experiences hatred and envy to you. Perhaps you even know about whom we are talking, but do not want to believe it. Try to look at the situation with open eyes and then everything will become clearer.
  2. What is the dream of a coin, if you found them at the crossroads - such a dream indicates that someone is clearly trying to apply you to harm you. Try to listen to your inner voice, whether there is anxiety in you, perhaps you suddenly got sick. Such a dream says that a series of trouble is waiting for you, whose fault will become a stranger.
  3. The dream in which you minimize coins - suggests that you yourself will be to blame for your problems. Try not to exacerbate the situation and prevent unnecessary nervousness and emotion. Keep yourself in your hands, even if you dreamed that someone collapses your coins. Such a dream means that you can return the whole negative, everything is bad to those who brought it on you.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

See small coins - to some wrestling, resistance.

If they were copper, you are waiting for happiness, and gold and silver stuffed troubles and grief.

Gypsy dream book

  • Dreamed that you make money on the mint - your life will be full of prosperity, you will stop experiencing material need.
  • To see that they are fake - make a dishonest act, as a result of which you will experience shame.

This dream book believes that the easier there was a material from which a coin was created, the better for the sleeping person. Gold, as in other dreams, promises grief and trouble.

Esoteric dream book

Find coins in a dream - you love a merry life very much and spend a lot of money on entertainment, surround your dust. Just see small money - for fun pastime.

To give or lose to insignificant but pleasant income.

Dream Adskina

This dream book comes to the interpretation thoroughly, considering the slightest nuances of your dream:

  • find money - secured life;
  • give - the failure strip follows;
  • lose - family troubles, quarrels;
  • count and discover the shortage - you have a large purchase, spend a significant amount;
  • steal - you will be involved in dubious business.

Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation: Trifle, Money Money, Iron Coins In Sindies This is all insignificant, petty (small spending, stupid fears, worthless small achievements).

"Embed into a small coin" - spend strength and attention to unworthy trifles.

French dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of a "trifle to file alms" comes down to the following - in a difficult position you will behave adequately and leave him, without spoiling your reputation.
  • Dream Interpretation: A trifle get alms in a dream - soon get big money or inheritance.
  • What does it mean if you dream "trifle to ask passersby" - a love adventure will happen.

Dream Meridiana

What is the trifle in a dream - mean a trifle seen in a dream gossip, peresya or intrigue, as well as minor troubles that you will take a lot of strength and nerves.

The little thing in a dream to see is not very good, it says that you will have only a trifle in your pockets, no major transactions or large material injections.


Dream of the 21st century

A penny dreams of tears. It is also worth paying attention to the metal from which the money is predetermined in a dream:

  1. gOLD - Profit;
  2. silver - quarrel, lack of mutual understanding with others;
  3. copper is minor things, deception.

Dreamed that you hear how coins are ringing - you will be offered a business that will be not quite profitable for you.

You give money - you will be busy with troubles. We will give - incur finishes. If in a dream you wore a trifle in your pocket - changes will happen in real life.

Collect coins - Good luck smile.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Money will take off to tears, annoying incidents. For a reliable interpretation, it is worth remembering its actions:

  • you give money - in real life you will need them;
  • to give someone - incurred unforeseen expenses;
  • consider - material well-being;
  • hide - you can robbing;
  • collect - get profit;
  • see that they are fake - to the disease.



Dreams of small money can mean some little things of life complicating it, small incomes, often tears. However, it must be remembered that even a small income is better than its complete absence, and tears are the opportunity to free themselves from the accumulated negative.

In addition, such a sleep says that they should not be exchanged for trifles, but you need to outline myself a goal and move to it, without distracting. Wanted large banknotes in the wallet and stumble on a trifle - to be disappointed in the surrounding or results of their works.

Pay for something trifle - to solve your accumulated problems with "low blood" or get an unexpected income, handing out a trifle beggar - to get unexpected help himself.

If you dreamed one small, but a new coin is an unexpected luck, and often to the appearance of a child.


Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

  1. What dreams that they gave a trifle to pay for the goods - the heart will be lying on the heart.
  2. To see a trifle in his hands - there will be expenses soon.

Dream Baby Agafia

The meaning of the dreams "Trifle" comes down to one single interpretation - minor insignificant things, problems, obstacles and money.

Idiom dream book

What does things mean in a dream? In real life, such a dream is pushing literally: a trifle in your pockets and in the wallet.

What dreams of a trifle in a dream? Everything that will happen to you will be petty, insignificant and insignificant.

Combined dream book

To see small money in a dream - a symbol of the insignificant and small, minor and routine, turning and not worth your attention.

In a dream in your pocket, a trifle says that you spend your nerves, time, and most importantly.

Sleep "Trifle in Hand" says that you are chasing the momentary profit and do not notice a favorable money supply.

  1. Dream Interpretation: Collect the trifle coins in a dream - to collect in a dream a little money dreams to the fact that in reality you will show mercantility and greed.
  2. Dream Interpretation: Given a little alms in a dream - if a little thing to see in a dream, gave me in the form of alms, then after hard work and many years of poor life, you will achieve material well-being.

Sleep "Giving a little alms from the church" - you will be asked for help, but you will not be able to render it.

To see a trifle in a dream, give it to the poor - a good sign - you will share your knowledge and experience, respect from others.

Sleep "Give a trifle money for delivery" says that if in a dream they gave a little thing in the store and there was a lot of it, a whole mountain, it means that you expect well-being, and after hard work, you are awaiting a quiet life.

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: Find a trifle in a wallet in a dream - lose honor.

Summer Dream

Sleep "Complete trifle" soothes: not all is lost. Dream Interpretation: The little thing in a dream was stolen with a wallet - to bankruptcy.

Spring dream book

What dreams a penny penny - to tears. Dream Interpretation: Find a lot of little things in your wallet - to debts and money.

Dreamnie Adskina

  • Dreamed a lot of little things - you spend a lot of strength and time on a slight, petty and insignificant.
  • I dreamed of recounting a trifle in a dream - you will achieve material stability, but save the habit, you will save and further.
  • Dreamed to give a trifle poor - fate will be favorable to you.

Dream Longo

Sleep "Money, a little thing a lot, to serve alms" says that you live among others, as not in your plate, you put on a mask and cannot live as you want and show your present "I".

In a dream, a little thing was dreamed of "serve near the Church," you live a dissatisfied person, but you can not understand how to change this way of life. Contact God, and find your way yourself.

Alms collecting a trifle in a dream - see how little things are served to you, then sleep wants to warn you: you have enough money enough, but you do not care about the future and do not postpone on a "black day", your financial situation may worsen if you do not stop Uselessly passing money.

General Dream Interpretation

What dreams of a trifle in a dream? Dream Interpretation: Dreamed the little thing - if a little thing was dreaming in a dream, it means that you spend a lot of strength and nerves insignificant and unimportant.

  • What dreams of a coin trifle in their hands? He dreamed of a "trifle in hand" - a whole handful of trifles in a dream dreams of those who travel for instant profit and thereby missing real favorable offers.
  • What dreams of a little money to collect money? Dream Interpretation: Collect the money trifle in a dream - it means that you will have to show greed and mercantility.
  • What dreams of a penny penny to count? Dream Interpretation: Consider the little things in a dream - thanks to their leaning, you will achieve a lot with your rational mind and hardworking.
  • What dreams of calculating trifle in the store? Dream Interpretation: Calculate trifle in a dream - it means that you will hurt, because in a dream you gave a trifle to buy something necessary and valuable.

What dreams of a little thing about the money gives delivery in the store - Dream Interpretation: Dalited the delivery in the store in the store in a dream - get a surrender of the trifle in a dream, although the amount was big and the little thing happened much, it means that there is peace of deprivation and material well-being.

Dream of flowers

What dreams of giving a little thing to the dead as alms - to wealth and material well-being. Why dream of getting a trifle as alms - you will be rich and respected.

Gypsy dream book

Dreamed the trifle in the wallet - there will be money, but they will only be enough for the most needed.


Lowish dream book

Dream Interpretation Trifle interprets like this: What does it mean to see in a dream? A trifle - to see in a dream the trifle means that in real life you spend too much strength and time to do things that do not give almost no result. Think about what you could more rationally use your time and achieve, respectively, more tangible results.

Pocket Dream

If a little thing is dreaming, what it is: a trifle - if you dream of a trifle - you are waiting for big problems on the way to overcoming the intended goal. After such a dream, you can break up a contract or a native person accuse you inattention towards him.

Dreaming in a dream, as the trifle lost - then a string of minor problems is waiting for you. It dreams that in a dream you found a trifle - then you will be brought. If you dream that you recalculate the trifle - then your thrift and scrupulsiness will help you in life.

Angel Dream

What dreams of a trifle in the dreams are dreaming: a trifle - to see in a dream a trifle means that in real life you spend too much strength and time to do things that do not give almost no result. Think about what you could more rationally use your time and achieve, respectively, more tangible results.

  • If you dream of a trifle lying in your wallet, while you expected to see larger bills there, I will have a disappointment in your loved ones. Perhaps betrayal from those from whom you do not expect it at all.
  • If you dreamed of a dream in which you recount the little thing, counting on shopping, but you understand that you are not enough for quite a bit, then in real life you can achieve impressive success in the field of finance, because you will always be careful about money.
  • If you dream that you are submitting a trifle to the poor, then I will soon have a person who will help you in difficult situations soon, does not ask anything in return.
  • If you dream that you have lost a trifle, then in the near future you will be laid a lot of unpleasant responsibilities, the fulfillment of which, however, gives you a chance to enhance or get the trust of the person you need.
  • If you dreamed of a dream in which you found a few coins, then in real life you are waiting for temptations, which will have to abandon more promising classes.


Symbolic dream book

Gold, silver and other metal coins (except copper) are an exceptionally favorable sign, which is an extraordinary profit in any enterprise. If you considered a trifle - it may indicate both your practicality and dissatisfaction with the existing position of affairs.


Muslim Dream Interpretation (Islamic)

A dream relating to any money foreshadows excitement, anxiety and unpleasant events. Make the exchange of coins in a dream - to have a skeptical idea of \u200b\u200btheir actions in real life.


Coins in a dream from the point of view of psychologists

It is believed that if the money is shot, then you should pay close attention to something equivalent to them in importance. It can be your time, internal energy, relationship with the surrounding people.

If there is not much money, it means that you feel the lack of certain things in your life. For example, you lack attention or communication. You can also feel the decline of forks - you are lacking energy, life potential on zero.

  • Pay in a dream. Large amounts - you feel your guilt, you understand that the hour of payback comes.
  • Fake coins are shot - you are a dishonest man, often deceived people. Now it seems to you that you also want to deceive, in reality beware and afraid of it.

According to the psychologist Miller, find large money in a dream along with small - to the big fortune that will be slightly overshadowed by small turmoil and troubles.

Consider a lot of coins - you may well affect to become a secure and happy person. Scatter minor coins is a dismissive attitude to some things, specific people and even to themselves. It is such an assumption that Miller puts forward.

What to do if the dream book predicted bad

Very often, people see the so-called bad dreams, which even in oblivion cause trembling in their hands and tears in their eyes. Waking up in the morning, the dreams are remembered all day. And when his interpretation finds his interpretation, gets upset and horrified it is waiting for his incarnation. How to avoid a bad omen?

First, it is necessary to tune in to a positive wave. Even if the geography foreshadows misfortune, you need to believe that it can be avoided. For example, a person is looking for what the rats and dream interpreters are being shot, they claim that it is to trouble, it is necessary to prevent it with special words. It is recommended to use one of the rites, prayers or conspiracies that have survived and reached our days from pagan times.

The most common plot is the phrase - "where night, there and my dream." These words seemed to run bad lead, protect a person from incarnation of unsuccessful disappointing dreams.

No less popular words that can configure on a good gentleman, is a little prayer.

  • "Someone has a dream come true, it does not concern me! The Lord is always with me, and a bad dream is not mine! Amen".
  • This prayer is read at the dawn, immediately after awakening.
  • Do not look out the window.

You can get rid of thoughts about a bad dream and with the help of elements. It is recommended to wash your hands under the running water, while telling the focus with the misfortunes. You can also visit the shower and flush your scary dreams and excitements.

There is another way. Waking up in the morning, you need to write my dreams on a clean sheet, after which I will burn paper, thinking that anxiety will be held with ashes.



Our dreams are a reflection of the events that occurred. It is the opinion that they are subjective, and it is impossible to create a universal interpreter. But most often the prediction of the future for dreams come true. Therefore, carefully study your dreams, pay attention to the details, and our dream book will help you with it.

If a person dreams of a trifle, it can be said that he has a spoiled mood for all day, since traditionally such a vision is considered unfavorable. But in reality, everything is not so unequivocal. The interpretation usually depends on the comparison of the parts that sleep managed to remember. Therefore, with the help of various interpreters, let's try to figure out what it means to see money, coins in a dream.

Interpretation according to modern dream

This interpreter explains to us by the dream in which you saw coins, depending on what metal they were made:

  • They dreamed of gold coins - this is a symbol of prosperity, as well as traveling around the sea, during which you will get a lot of impressions and pleasures.
  • I happened to see silver coins in a dream - such a vision may be a precursor of disagreement and misunderstanding in a respectable and prosperous family.
  • If the girl dreamed that she would receive a gift from her beloved of silver as a gift - his actions would soon be dishonest towards her.
  • If silver in a dream was in a dream bright and brilliant, or you saw money very clearly - wait from my fate of favor.
  • About money, copper coins - such a vision symbolizes despair and severe physical work.
  • Coins in night gold were nickel - in real life, the dreams can be involved in dubious affairs.
  • If the disintended metal money was yellow - some of your loved ones and friends consider you a greedy man. Most likely, there is some truth in this, and you need to change your attitude towards money.
  • I saw money in a dream, a trifle (coins) - such a vision may be a harbinger of sadness, but your experiences will be temporary.
  • I could see a large coin in the night Gresses - such a dream symbolizes your promising future, the gradual implementation of all plans. Only you have to make a lot of effort to this.
  • If the money was old - to find an answer to the questions you are interested in, you will have to plunge into our past, you may need to meet with old friends, resume communication with them.

To dream money, coins. Interpretation in the dreams from A to Z

In this dream interpretation, the interpretation depends on both the material from which money and their size are made:

  • Trying in a dream to make metal money yourself or want to fake them - in the near future your efforts to perform their tasks will be in vain.
  • Dreamed that you smear the coins in the metal - this dream characterizes you as a chaser and a korestolyubets.
  • Several money saw in a dream, coins - in reality you will come across pleasant family troubles.
  • Coins turned out to be large, old, with a chasing - this dream is a sign, you will suddenly get wealth.
  • Dreamed the metal ruble - such a vision foreshadows the troubles that bring you to tears.
  • Completed full piggy bank - thanks to good prospects, sleeping will be able to improve its financial position.
  • If the piggy bank broke up and the coins crumbled - real life, your spent efforts will lead to a minor result.
  • If in a dream you turned out to be stolen wallet with valuable coins - such a vision signals the danger. Be very careful and careful in places of crowded, and try to avoid the wasterees.
  • Dreamed that you found a trifle - this is a warning that some person who is aware of your affairs can bring harm to intervene in your business.
  • If coins in your dream were silver and large - this is a harbinger of good times.
  • Silver in a dream was small - your dreams will not come true.
  • If metal money was copper - this dream is a harbinger of labor, the income from which will be insignificant.
  • To see a lot of coins, copper money, a whole bag - you will be a successful entrepreneur, as you can respond in time to all the needs of the market.
  • I wake up to see that you found an old valuable treasure - thanks to the raising of spiritual strength, your performance will improve.

Gold coins in a dream. Interpretation in the dreams from A to Z

Many attention in the dream interpretation from A to I was given to the visions in which gold coins appeared:

  • Dreamed the chest, full of gold - the dream desires will be fulfilled.
  • In his night, Greeks saw a necklace of gold coins - if you get rid of your flaws, then, thanks to your virtues, it will be possible to achieve very much.
  • In a dream, the money, the gold coins were obtained by the lady as a gift - it will marry a person wealthy, but stingy.
  • The royal chased chervonians from gold were hardened - in reality, the success you will achieve in our affairs will bring you honor and respect others.
  • I decided to pass the treasure with jewels in a dream to the confidence of people who know you at work with the good side will be lost.
  • If you sold coins made of precious metal - in old age you will remain completely lonely.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

Famous American psychologist Gustav Miller this topic also took place in his dream book:

  • If you dreamed small coins - in the service you may encounter problems and troubles, in your relationship with the surrounding people there will be tensions, you will stop understanding each other.
  • If there was a lot of metal money - in order to earn more money, you will need to make a lot of strength.
  • There was a vision of old coins - soon you will learn about the secrets and secrets that have not yet had ideas.
  • If you saw a chest in your night gold, full of coins - this dream promises you a quick embodiment of your desires. But for this you have to work a lot without downtrend.

Esoteric dream interpretation

This interpreter also has many interesting interpretations about dreaming money:

  • If the coins in a dream were iron - such a vision may be to disappointment in something or in a com else.
  • If a person (coins) - he will spend too much the amount to relax and have fun, but he will only benefit from it.
  • They dreamed of coins worth ten rubles each - this is a symbol of appearing in your life classes that will not only benefit, but will be pleasure.
  • In his night gold, metal money was kept in their hands - in real life you are lucky to participate in the event, following which you will get a certain benefit.
  • I happened to see the dear coins in a dream, collectible - you are too little valid by the values \u200b\u200bsurrounding you, and this vision explains that you need to appreciate them now, while they are, and be more attentive to everything you have to have a relationship.

Interpretation in Slavic Dream

In this dream book there are peaks of already known dreams:

  • The coins were dreamed - this may be an anticipation of the resentment or possible conflict. You need to be careful and follow your words and actions.
  • Found money from gold in a dream - you can in reality to wait for great success and good luck in all our endeavors, so awake to their implementation.
  • The coin you found turned out to be an old one - learn a lot of truth about old family secrets, which will lead to a cardinal change of your impressions about your relatives.
  • I happened to collect money (coins) from the ground in a dream - this is a symbol of improving the well-being of a dream, and he will not need to make a lot of effort in order to improve his financial position.
  • Iron coins were dreamed - this is the warning you, that in the near future your dreams and goals will not be achieved. Just type patience and wait for a favorable moment.

Interpretation on Eastern Dream

This interpreter is satisfied with the favorable interpretations of dreams with coins:

  • If you saw metal money in a dream - you are awaiting well-being and prosperity in the family, as well as development and growth as personality.
  • I happened to see money in a dream (coins), to get them from someone - this vision can mean the appearance of a person in your life, from which you can get financial assistance in difficult times.
  • If you yourself give someone coins - such a dream to waste.
  • You have seen money from metal turned out to be unusual - this means that the near future will bring you a pleasant news that will deliver you happiness and inspiration.
  • Dreamed that you found antique coins - in reality you will have the opportunity to improve your well-being.
  • As this dream interpretation is interpreted, there was a lot of money (coins) - you need to streamline all your finances as soon as possible, and also more closely monitor the distribution of expenses.

Interpretations in different dreams

Different dreams to such an interesting vision like coins in a dream also paid attention to:

  • According to the Dream of Tsvetkova, found in a dream. Ordinary metal money mean that negative thoughts do not give you to live normally. You should overcome yourself and live by real events, and not to raise what remained in the past. If the found coins were golden, thanks to the resulting big profit, your financial situation will improve significantly.
  • Deniz Lynn's dream book explains what it means to see in a dream a lot of coins, money - such a night vision can become a foresaw of trips, and maybe even long journeys.
  • In the dream interpretary, the dreaming jubilee coins are a sign that the dream is waiting for a great luck in some kind of business. And if I had to see paper and coins in a dream - this means that sleeping thoughts are clean and good.
  • In the modern dream book it is said that the coins seen in a dream symbolize your concern about unsolved affairs. Anxiety will pass as soon as you complete them.
  • The combined dream book explains the situation if the money (coins) happened in a dream - you will have enough strength and inspiration to fulfill your plans and intentions.
  • But according to the autumn dream book, the coins in a dream is a bad sign that foreshadowes small misfortunes and trouble.
  • In the dream interpretation of the wanderer, if you give to someone from metal from metal - in real life you will give some of the money to the debt.
  • In Star Dream Interpretation, we can find a vision interpretation if you had a chance to collect coins from the ground - this means that the money will sail themselves to you, without any effort on your part.
  • In the Jewish dream book, we can find an explanation, why the coins are unusual - this is a warning that you can be deceived. You need to be as attentive as possible. They saw the money of other states in a dream - this is to travel and unfinished trips.
  • In general, dream interpretation is the interpretation of night dreams in which you saw only two coins - this dream can mean like what you and your second half together, as well as what you are still looking for it.
  • In the French dream book we can read that silver money you found in a dream can mean your quarrel with your friend.
  • Interesting interpretation in the ancient Persidian dream book. It says that the coins seen in a dream are a symbol of fast wealth, maybe it will be inherited a large amount of money. It is believed that such a dream can dreamed of the chosen one who is still not one pleasant surprise.

What does it mean in a dream to collect money, coins

The interpretation of such night visions may depend on what actions you take with coins:

  • If you happened in a dream to collect money by hand - in reality you will be deservedly rewarded.
  • It was not lucky to collect a lot of coins - the efforts that you have attached, not enough to achieve the goals.
  • Also, if you had to see the coins in a dream, money, collect them, may mean the following - you are not fully confident in the successful completion of the plans, but you will definitely be lucky.
  • If you dreamed by yourself collecting found coins - your financial situation is significantly improved.
  • I happened to collect coins in a dream, scattered by you - it can be a precursor of financial losses.
  • If the money collected you fold into your hat - one of your projects is successfully completed, and you will receive a considerable reward.
  • I dreamed that you put money in a hat alone - your profit will be obtained on the use of other people's ideas.
  • If there were several coins in the hat, and you stopped collecting them - be more attentive and careful in keeping your affairs, as some of your ideas may entail financial losses.

What coins in a dream

Usually a night vision in which a person finds money can mean for him to receive profits, good luck. But, depending on the nuances, in the dream of finding money (coins), is interpreted in different ways:

  • If you unexpectedly found a hassle of copper little things - in reality, luck will be the same unexpected in your endeavors, which will bring you wealth.
  • If the man (coins) is gold - such a dream, on the contrary, promises many troubles, and you can also wait for the crosses to your address. Especially this interpretation is suitable for the case, if the coins were old and dirty.
  • Found silver - this is a good omen meaning that in life good people will meet you. And the cleaner and brighter will be metal, the more such people will be.
  • Money happened in the ground - you will be lucky to find a prestigious work with a good salary, but it will have to look for it for a long time.
  • If the found coin found itself collective - you are lucky to take advantage of a rare chance, allowing you to make your well-being much better. If there were many such money - you can get rich, but gradually.

Interpretation of dreams depending on which appearance was at coins

Of course, the number and denomination of the money seen play a large role in the interpretation of dreams, but considerable importance is allotted and how coins looked:

  • If the coin seen in a dream was a large size - in real life you will have the opportunity to replenish the family budget.
  • The coin doned was a gold foreign one - you will have new connections and useful dating, thanks to which your financial situation will be stable.
  • The money in a dream saw the jubilee - reveal to bring out the results of the already reached and find a new, more profitable business.
  • The coin in night vision was brilliant - the sign is unfavorable. In fact, you can wait for a trick from employers or joint business partners.
  • Dreamed the coin completely ancient - remember your once forgotten and abandoned business. If you take again for it, this time it will be profitable.
  • They saw an expensive coin in their nightly Gres - such a dream can foreshadow a loan.
  • If in a dream you saw a slide of coins or a handful - also your affairs will also go to the mountain. Only it will depend on your hard work.
  • A coin in a dream was unusual - this is a warning. Be on the alert so as not to be fooled.
  • The disinterested coin was false - this is a signal. You need to be extremely careful. It is possible that you can deceive in your feelings.
  • The coin in a dream was quite new - it is to the troubles and concerns.

Interpretation of dreams depending on where the coins lay

To the interpretation of your sleep was the most complete, you need to try to remember exactly where you saw money:

  • They saw coins lying on the snow - a dream says that you are most likely a greedy man. In reality, you need to look easier.
  • Hold coins in a dream on the palm of the palm - someone if necessary, can help you and maintain financially.
  • He dreamed that money was lying in the river, right at the bottom - you can conclude beneficial transactions. If a similar dream saw a girl - she needs to think about making an important decision, which will depend on its future.
  • I happened to see money paper and coins lying in the wallet in a dream - it can mean. What in reality you can easily implement everything that they have thought.
  • The coins were dreamed of lying on the road - such a vision promises that all sorts of benefits await you in life. From you will depend, whether you can see and use a chance presented with fate.
  • A dream in which metal money was on the floor can be interpreted in different ways: if it was a trifle - some conflicts are possible, and if the bills are profitable.
  • The coin was in water - such a dream also has two meanings. If the water has dreamed of a muddy and burly - you have a disadvantaged deal. If the water was calm and transparent - you will achieve profit, but for this you have to make a lot of effort.

Dreamed gold coin what it means

Although gold in a dream and is considered a favorable sign, the interpretation of a dream, in which the Golden coin appeared, depends on different nuances:

  • If in his night Gresses a woman received a gold coin as a gift - she will successfully marry a wealthy person and will be happy in marriage.
  • If the dreams raised or found a coin of gold - due to its own advantages and efforts that he will attach to achieving the conceived, he will be able to come to success.
  • If a man has lost money from the precious metal in a dream - he may be so inconspicuous and short-sighted, which may not notice an important chance that falls not so often.
  • A man dreamed that he smelves gold money - there are people in reality in his surroundings who dissolve gossip about him and discuss among themselves. The dreams should behave carefully and smallerly tell someone about his affairs, both in business and in his personal life.
  • If in a dream you spent gold coins - in reality, your expenses may be thoughtlessly large. You need to stop in time and take care of your financial savings so as not to stay without a penny.
  • The coin was light gold - wait for good events than it is darker, the more difficulties you can meet on your way to success.
  • Gold coins turned out to be small - in reality, the level of your well-being seems to be insufficient.

To decipher this dream, first of all, attention should be paid to what exactly the coins are we talking about, because one thing, if the vintage gold worms appeared in the plot, if the sidier was able to see an ordinary trifle.

What if the coins dream of 10 rubles?

According to the explorer of the famous Medium Hasse, seen in the dream of gold coins of 10 rubles, that is, Chervonians, foreshadow the sleeping harsh event in the sooner time. Moreover, for a more accurate determination of what the coins are shot 10 rubles, it is necessary to pay attention to what role they played in a dream, as well as take into account the sex and age of the Divine itself.

For example, unexpectedly discovered gold money with a par value of 10 rubles, they may foreshadow the sleeping honor and long-awaited recognition in society. A very good precursor is the same night image, in which the dreams heard the ringing of coins, because then he was destined to become rich, even if at the moment there is quite difficult to believe in such a development. Getting gold coins in a dream - to gain hope in reality, which will help a person to affect the spirit in a difficult life period.

In some dreams, the plot in which the sidier was able to give someone's own gold chervonans, is considered a very bad forerunner, engraving ruin, although in fact this interpretation will be appropriate only if it comes to loss of money or their stealing.

If the transfer of funds in night vision was voluntary, then in rearing the dream to live to a deep old age in full love and harmony with his own family. But a dream in which a person had to overpay his gold coins, on the contrary, promises him a dishonor and a complete loss of confidence from his professional leadership, with all the consequences arising from here.

It is considered very significant to consider a dream, in which a person was lucky to find a treasure or a treasury, headed with gold worms, because it prophesies to him unprecedented wealth and honor. At the same time, it is not necessary to dedicate much if suddenly found ten-mela coins were blocked by mud or human blood, because then in real life, the dreams will earn money with a dishonest way.

What does foreshadow?

At the same time, the bloody traces of coins may indicate that his closest relatives will be the victim of the sipping fraud, although the dirty struggle for inheritance with endless proceedings, intrigues and litigation is not excluded. If the sleeping will take such money in a dream, he will be able to win the case, however, happiness will not bring him a victory, since all the close to him will certainly turn away.

Another worst events prepares a dream fate if he had a chance to see iron ten-legged coins in a dream, because this image most often symbolizes the acute need and permanent family quarrels due to chronic lack of money. In addition, the plots of this kind may indicate excessive fineness of sleep, which acts on the surrounding extremely repulsive, often causing disappointment and strong irritation.

The only exception when small coins will dream of good events in real life, can be considered a dream, in which a person acquired very expensive things for this money, because then he can solve his material difficulties.