How to transplant Azalia from the shop pot. Proper transplantation and reproduction of azaleas at home

The basic recommendations on the full or partial transplant of Azalea (after buying, the end of flowering and so on). Gorgeously flowering small tree that sometimes even greens are barely visible under the pomp flowers ... After the bedroom Azalea flowed, it must be transplanted.

Azalea's complete transplantation at home is carried out only once, after the acquisition - for all the rules. Subsequently, if there are no other reasons, all in a row, dissolved azaleas and old copies, from year to year only roll up, increasing the volume of the pot.

If experience is not enough, it is better to buy one azali in a pot, over time it will turn out a well-developed plant. Of course, if several bushes are growing in one vase, then after the end of the blossom of Azalea, during the transplantation in the spring of them to divide and sear them.

If you leave them to grow in one container, then as one bush can do not affect others. For example, one can start racing the roots, after him pick up the neighboring plants, someone lags behind in development, the bloom is not lush, and the thickening interferes.

Young azalea plants at the end of flowering are transplanted annually, more adults - in 2-3 years. For any reason, Azalya is filled, a small pot and other force majeure circumstances, simply transform it, first slowly clearing the com.

What do the roots of azaleas look like when we take a plant from the pot?

It should be borne in mind that KOM at Azalea as a sponge, nor smooth, not to cleanse it possible. The roots are thin, superficial, to share with all caution, resorting even to a sharp knife.

Purchased azaleas are most often growing in the transport peat-soil, which is used to press, firmly caught with urine roots, which is not always convenient when dividing. In addition, such a soil does not contain nutrients.

Preparation for landing - the choice of suitable capacity and soil for azaleas ...

As dishes use wide clay or plastic pots, vases or a container, a little larger than the previous one.

If you pour on the bottom to the bottom of the Draenage 3-5 cm high, then the container should be higher for the same centimeters, respectively, and wider. On top of the drainage, it is possible to put a chopped pine boron, to increase the soil acidity, so necessary for azaleas.

We choose the weakness soil, pH 4.0-5.0, which is designed specifically for azaleas. It is better to buy a full-fledged nutritious soil with a note "Azalea" or "Rhododendron", adding bursting, because it will be compiled by it.

The heather earth is suitable, it is characterized by high acidity, very light, loose, rather nutritious. It can be replaced with a mixture of pine needles and a rigoric peat (2: 3) with the addition of a small amount of river sand, leaf land (1: 1).

We mix with vermiculitis or perlit, it is needed that the soil becomes more loose, air and moisture-permeable. Some add charcoal, crumble there sphagnum for disinfection. With any Azalea transplantation, the soil mixture is well added trip - from different fungi and rot.

We have at our disposal the entire necessary set for transplantation. It can be useful during the soaking of corneeling (as a growth stimulator), zircon or epin, tripides and other related materials.

The correct transplant of Azalea favorably affects growth and flowering.

Azalea transplant is taken in spring along with trimming, when the new growth of plants begins. I did not cut up bushes at the end of flowering, as the plant is low, just removed the blurred inflorescences. A week after the transplant was slightly cut off the twigs.

In the photo: Azalea is divided into several parts and has already been prepared for landing ...

I did simply, whom I froze for some time in the water, as he was inside completely dry. After it was soaked, slightly squeezed with his hands as a sponge, gave a little dragging moisture, gently cut into a sharp knife into 7 parts. So many bushes were in a pot. Hang a little along the edges of the lumps and each planted into a separate pot.

If the azalea flower does not need to be divided into bushes, transplanted by transshipment. Before soaking, they are cut off by 1 cm with scissors, longitudinal cuts are made, from top to bottom across the entire circumference, a depth of 0.5 cm, slightly rushing the earthen comes and roll into a new vase.

All this is done so that the roots make it easier to mastered the new soil. Otherwise, they will not germinate without receiving nutrients, the azalea will die.

When transplanting Azali, the roots of old bushes are trimmed.

A more cardinal way to pruning an earthen coma around one third - it turns out the similarity of the egg. Purchased segment with scissors, as if sulfice peat. It seems to us that there are solid roots, but it is not. Machine the remaining lump for a while in any solution (corneeling, zircon, epin), we give drain moisture, plant in a mixture for azaleas with perlit.

Transplant spent in April - Azaley flowers began to appear since July, replacing some buds to others, now mid-September - see photo. However, the purchase of azalea bloom in winter.

If after buying azalea blooms, then you need to wait for the end of flowering and only then begin to prepare a plant to transplant.

If you ever seen the flowering azali, then you will agree, as far as it is perfect for perception. Blooming Azalea brings soft colors to the house when many plants in this period are in hibernation.

The flowering of early varieties of Azali lasts from December to January. The flowering of medium and late Azali - from January to March. Late varieties bloom from February to April. But, unfortunately, the duration of the blossom of Azalea is not great and the time comes when it drops its beautiful flowers, and we have a question: how to care for the plant after it hides? Let's discuss this issue.

To begin with, you should collect dry flowers with flowers that have not yet faltered. Next you need to carefully separate the dried leaves. On this until we finish. After some time, leaflets will begin to appear on new shoots, after that it is necessary to make a piece of tip of escape.

Pipher is a mechanical removal of the growth point of a young escape.

The quotient is very important for this plant, this method will increase the flowering intensity. Capture Azalia should be approaching 3 times a year, from May to the end of July. Young buds will appear on the tips of the shoots and your goal is to grow as much escapes as possible.

Do not give them greatly grow, try to form your lush crown to form your plant. Without the segments of Azalea will be like a bush, deprived of aesthetic attractiveness, and his bloom you will see extremely rarely. Next follows pruning azaleas.

Pruning azalea

Pruning is very important for this plant. Crop the azalia should be timely, as it affects the intensity of flowering. An excessive amount of greenery on shoots will be an obstacle to the appearance of new buds. Azalia should trim every spring after she blends.

Use a sharp knife or secator. Disinfect them with alcohol. First, it should be cut off long shoots that exceed the average length of all shoots. Next you need to trim shoots that grow too thick.

Weak shoots that are poorly growing, you can also delete. The more shoots you cut, the better they will be covered with foliage. The main thing is not to overtake. After trimming, use for disinfecting the location of the cut-off paste "Ranne". New leaves will appear already after a couple of weeks.

The trimming makes it possible to form a crown, the most popular is a ball-shaped crown with a bare trunk (so Azalea will resemble a small tree). After trimming, leaving the plant alone before the transplantation.

P.S. If you have a young plant, shaped the crown from an early age. The most difficult stage in the process of plant care is a plants transplant after flowering.

Flower transplantation

This stage is pretty complex. If you have seen a root Azalea root system in your life, then you will understand what we are. Azalea transplanting process requires great patience. The first and most important thing that should be remembered is that it is impossible to transplant the plant in winter, as a big chance of the loss of the plant takes place.

After Azalea is flashing, you can take it to transplancing or pulling. A good period for its transplant will be the time of growth of young twigs.

First you need to choose the soil. An earthy mixture for the plant can be purchased in the store, its value is approximately 30-50 rubles. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can prepare it at home, yourself. To do this, you will need: sheet, coniferous, heather and peat ground. It should be mixed on the basis of calculations (1: 2: 1: 1).

Small grained river sand can be used as a baking powder. The resulting mixture should be well drained. If you first engage in a flower transplant, it is better to buy an earthy mix in the store, it is not expensive. Next proceed to choose a pot.

There are no special requirements here, you can take clay, ceramic or plastic, at your discretion. The only thing worth noting just that if you had a wide pot, take the same. The main thing, it should be on the size of the previous one. Go ahead.

To transplant azaleas, we will need:

  1. Pelvis with clean warm water.
  2. Garden secateur or scissors.
  3. Priming.
  4. Drainage (can be used clay).

At the bottom of the pot, pour a layer of drainage with a height of about 2 - 3 centimeters. Next, carefully pull out the flower of the pot. Here you saw, what azalea has a root system! Then immersing the plant in the pelvis with water for half an hour. After that, get out. If little land separated from the roots, immersing more.

It should be continued until the moment is not over a third of the earth. In order to speed up this long process, you can wipe off the leakage. The last time you definitely wash the earth with clean water. If you are completed with the removal of the third of the earth, carefully inspect the root system. If there are rotten roots and other ailments, eliminate them.

After that, immerse the plant in the pot and carefully pour off the new soil. Do not fall asleep the flower above the level that had to transplant, otherwise you can fall asleep root neck. If you think that the soil you have a good, not affected by fungus, mold or other diseases, then just make the transshipment.

It is not such a disease, and is more favorable with a flower. If you are first engaged in a transplant, then it is better to make a transshipment, when you will have enough experience, learn the character of your plant, make a transplant.

Having finished the transplant, it is necessary to pour the zircon azali - to build roots. We put the plant in a warm place, avoiding direct sunlight.

Watering can be started only on 3 days, adding zircon. If the flower develops well, you can return to the usual flower watering schedule. The translated or transplanted plant cannot be watered with fertilizers for about two months.

So, we learned how to care for a flower after flowering. From now on, all your efforts will not be spent in vain.

Video: Azalea Care after flowering

Azalea in many flower water enjoyment is of great popularity. Despite this, some do not even know how to care for Azalia in the pot so that it does not disappear? How can it be multiplied? What are the requirements for the room? Consider all these questions more detail.

What loves Azalya

- A very whimsical plant that requires special care. Each gardener should remember that this flower loves:

  • bright, but at the same time scattered light;
  • regular abundant irrigation;
  • loose and at the same time acid substrate;
  • relatively small indoor air temperature, where it is located.

We will talk about all the subtleties in more detail.

How to care

By itself, care in full starts immediately after it was placed in a new habitat. It is necessary to understand that Azalya is not only a capricious, but also at the same time a resistant plant. In the event that it is properly put in a pot and create the necessary climatic conditions, in the reviews of gardeners talk about half of the case.

Key lighting requirements

As already mentioned, home flower Azalea loves bright but not straight sun rays. For this reason, she needs to find exactly such a place. If there is dry and warm weather on the street - at this time it can be taken to the balcony, but at the same time provide a small shadow so that it does not dry.

Temperature features

Home azaleas are very demanding of a stable temperature regime, so its main enemies are considered to be heat and stool.

It is worth remembering that the formation of the kidneys for further flowering starts at a temperature in the range of 6-10ºС. To ensure such temperature is necessary in the period from October to December.

After the kidneys begin to bloom, the temperature indicators must be lifted up to 17 degrees of heat. In the case when the temperature at the beginning of the flowering temperature for some reason, the opposite decreases, in the reviews, fans say that Azalea will be able to bloom a little longer.

Key Rules for Quality Safe Watering

Surely everyone who has this flower does not want to care for the sick azalia. For this reason, it is necessary to regularly inspect the soil for the presence of the required moisture in the pot.

In no case do not need to allow the occurrence of a dry coma.

However, no need to forget that it is not recommended to overflow. For this reason, all the water that reached the pallet must be merged.

Special attention deserves the water itself. Before pouring her flower, it is necessary to defend it for at least 2 days, and also be sure to boil it.

During the flowering period, it is allowed to watering azalea with water from a crane without prior boiling and settling.

Selection of the necessary soil

Azalea is a plant that loves acidic soil. Create such a substrate at home is simply impossible, so it's better to contact the flower shop and buy. This is considered the best option that allows you to minimize the risks of getting into the soil of various bacteria.

Is a fertilizer?

Azalia it is recommended to feed mineral fertilizers and only profile. It is extremely not desirable to use his own prepared solution, since it will extremely negatively affect flowering: possible yellowing, damage to the roots.


This plant can multiply in such ways as:

  • seed;
  • stalling;
  • either the division of the bush and vaccination.

It is worth noting that exclusively professionals who are trying to bring out a new variety are used by the seed method of reproduction.

If we talk about the reproduction of the extension method, it is very popular at home. The reproduction is carried out by stroke half of the viesels. This is due to the fact that fresh green cuttings is prone to rapid disappearance, while the developed, despite the long period of growth, still rooted.

Cut the cuttings can be started from mid-winter, but to achieve a better effect, it is still recommended to carry out these manipulations in the spring, preferably in March.

To achieve a quick and high-quality rooting of the best use such substrates as: a sphagnum peat or a coniferous land. At the same time, it must be remembered that only cut cuttings must be processed by special stimulants of the root formation (they can be purchased in any flower shop). When landing, they are deepened into the ground to a depth of 1-2.5 centimeters. After disembarking, it is imperative to cover the cutlets with a glass can or the polyethylene film. Do not forget about regular watering and spraying.

For the growth of cuttings, the perfect temperature is about 25 degrees of heat, while the rooting itself occurs for 3-5 weeks.

There were ate about reproduction by the way the bush dividing, then there is a small nuance here: this method can be resorted if the age of the plant is at least 3-4 years. Due to the fact that the root Azalea system is very thin, it is necessary to separate it with extreme caution, so as not to harm her and not kill the plant.

Errors in care

Many gardeners are especially true of lovers, allow many mistakes that may threate an extinction of azaleas. The main errors in care to be considered:

  • constant rotation pot;
  • lack of necessary watering;
  • watering cold water;
  • attempts to create mineral fertilizer on their own;
  • incorrect manipulations in the process of plants transfers;
  • the content in the warm room with a temperature of 20 and more heat degrees.

You always need to remember these common mistakes, to never allow them, and then the azalea flower will delight the eyes for a long period.

Transplant and departure after purchase

Due to the fact that the azalea naughty itself, after it is purchased in the store, it needs to be replant. At the same time, this is done by turning.

The handling process itself is as follows:

  1. From the old pot is extracted together with the plant of the earth. This option for transplanting can save roots from possible application of mechanical damage.
  2. After the com with a plant is placed in the new pot (it should be a little more diameter than the previous one), the new soil is sprinkled from above.

It is categorically not recommended to abundantly water the plant, because in this case, the flower dries faster. Despite the fact that the roots themselves are in a wet soil, the plant itself is susceptible to drying. This can lead to death.

In order for the plant as soon as possible to delight the eye of its owners, when transferring, it is necessary to pay attention to such recommendations as:

  • the transplant is not desirable in winter. It will be better to do this when new shoots appear;
  • before transferring, it is necessary to crop all the buds that have already been blooming;
  • before transplanting, it is necessary to carry out its visual inspection for the removal of dry branches, leaves and so on.

If all the manipulations are correct, new kidneys will begin to appear on the plant - this means that Azalea has grown perfectly and will soon delight with its beautiful flowers.

Diseases and pests

Azalea's home flower, like many other indoor plants, can sick or pest appear on them.

According to symptoms, you can find out the view of the disease and solve this problem in the shortest possible time:

  • flower fall yellow leaves. This speaks of insufficient moisture or about excessive lighting. In this case, it is enough to create a small shadow (if the lighting is excessive) and, if necessary, pour it out;
  • during flowering azalea sharply begins to drop flowers - It is necessary to improve water quality, as well as use mineral feeding;
  • start putting buds, and also manifests a web. Wine in this is a tick. It can appear in the premises where the climate is dry and warm. It is enough to moisten the crown by the "spraying" method, and after washing the plant under a thin jet of water;
  • young leaves start rolling into the tube, Flowing flowers are a bit deformed or immediately fall, the plant ceases to go into growth. In this case, the most dangerous pest "Strawberry tick" attacked Azalia. In his power damage shoots, leaves, and even buds. To eradicate it, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialized floral shop and purchase a special solution. Otherwise, the plant will not live for a long time.

It must be remembered that it is better to start the treatment in a timely manner and not to wait for a miracle.

How to care

Many novice flower concepts have no idea how to care for room azalia at different times of the year, during flowering period, and after. Consider all the options separately.

After the appearance of buds

During the appearance of buds, Azalea Capricious refers to possible movements. For this reason, at the first manifestations of buds, it is necessary to find her cozy place with good lighting. An excellent option will be the placement of the flower on the window overlooking the southwest or the same south-east.

It is also necessary to remember that during this period the plant will not tolerate high temperatures (more than 18 degrees), so it does not need it near the batteries.

When a spraying is made, you must try not to fall on the buds, because in this case it loses its strength.

After flowering

The key point in the care of this plant is the timely and correct transplant. For this reason, as soon as Azalia is flashing, you should immediately begin to its transplant.

It is worth noting that the transplant is carried out with a periodicity of 1 time every 3 years for adult flowers, and at least 1 time per year - for young people.

No other manipulations are not required except that it is necessary to regularly monitor it and inspect the branches for possible die off. They must be timely identified and cut.

For Azalia Stambling

In order to achieve pomp and abundant flowering of plants formed by the straw, it is necessary to make a sepure of directly the stems themselves. But at the same time it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to leave no more than 5 leaves on the branch.

The pruning itself is carried out in the summer period (you can start from the end of May and in the middle of August).

The flower itself is formed in the form of a bush or a small church. For this reason, the remaining cuttings after trimming should be rooted. If all the rules for care are complied with, on the second year it will delight with their colors.


In winter, this plant requires light and at the same time a cool room with a temperature of 6-8 degrees of heat. It must be limited to watering 2 times a week so that the flower can release the kidneys for colors.

In other cases, care is carried out in a standard way.

Knowing all the subtleties, each flower water will know how to properly care for azaleas at home.

About the difficulty of care - on video

In the material from the blog Anna Flora clarify the main complex moments in care for purchased azalia.

After buying, what pot is better to choose, water immediately or later - all these questions arise immediately as soon as you become the owner of this luxurious flower.

Carefully look at the plant - put azalea in a small transport pot. It usually happens plastic, without a pallet and does not have a slightest gap to the top edge, that is, the usual watering from above becomes impossible. Therefore, you need to transplant azalia.

How to transplant azalia in a pot

What pot to transplant the plant - in plastic or ceramic?

From the point of view of aesthetics, ceramics is more attractive, and on the basis of practical considerations, it is better to choose plastic.

In plastic pots, moisture is more uniformly distributed, it is more convenient to make good drainage holes, the pot is not so quickly heated in a strong heat and is not so cooled in winter. In addition, Azalea is more convenient to water the pot immersion, use the so-called lower irrigation. It suggests that the pot is shipped into the water for about 20 minutes. Plastic from such a procedure will not suffer, and from beautiful ceramics can start lagging behind the glaze.

You can transfer Azalia immediately after buying or do it after flowering. As you prefer.

What land to transplant Azalia.

It should be transplant to acidic or weakly acidic land - light, loose, nutritious. An ideal for planting will be coniferous-leafy earth. In the extreme case, you can use ready-made neuropogruts suitable for azaleas, backey, camellia, begonias. If you see that the quality is not very good - the soil for planting is dense, monolithic, then it is necessary to add some kind of bursting element-vermiculite or perlite.

How to transplant azali transshipment

PeresAdd plant needed to hang more size. For example, from a shipping pot with a diameter of 12 cm transplanting, it will be necessary in a container with a diameter of no more than 18 cm, this is about 1.5 liters.

We take out the azalia from the pot, we see that we are planted together 3 or 4 cuttings, the roots are very well developed.

Divide? In no case!!! You need to transplant without making someone on the part!

If you take three of one, then we will lose everything, because When dividing inevitably there will be injuries of the roots, and it is extremely painful reacting to it - can start reset leaves and flowers.

Transplant Azalia needs transshipment. At the same time, the roots are not broken, because we rearrange it from one pot to another. We make drainage holes, usually they are scheduled for 2 or 4 pieces.

It is possible to separate the roots, as on these photos, can slightly separate the roots.

At the bottom, we put a small layer of drainage, about 1 cm, mound to it and try the azalia.

Align in the center and have it so that on top, on whom it was possible to pour 1-1.5 cm of the Earth and at the same time before the top edge of the new pot remained about a centimeter of free space for convenient irrigation.

Now the free space fall asleep the earth and neatly weave it.

Transplanting the plant turned out to be easy and simple!

Water well, it is plentifully that the water reached the pallet. After 20 minutes, the excess water is cleaned! If you neglect by this, then water, remaining in the pallet for a long time, blocks air access to the roots. Explosive oxygen, they will gradually begin to rot, and the plant can die from this.

In order for the azalea after the transplantation better in a new place, after the transplantation it can be shedding Kornin or spray and pour the zircon.

Azalea - Garden and indoor plant. Refers to the genus Rhododendron. In winter, the flower blooms richly, so it is in great demand among the flower water.

Opened the culture in the con. XVIIIF. XIX century in England. Then the Dutch botanist Yakov Breinius opened the plant. He brought him home, but the flower was died without causing. After a time, the scientist conserv repeated an attempt to grow azalia, but unsuccessfully. In the beginning. XIX century Captain Vellebenk brought flower from India, and he stuck. With the help of breeders today in the market of the flower industry, many varieties and species of plants affecting their beauty are collected.

In a natural environment, culture is growing in China, North America, Japan, in the south-east of Asia. In the pots, only two types of flower are grown: Japanese (frost-resistant grade, you can plant after flowering in the soil) and Indian (characterized by small leaves and is more often grown in room conditions).

Azalea adaptation period after shop

So that the plant grow well, he needs to get used to new conditions. For this, the gardener examines the soil for the presence of mold. If there is a disease, the flower is treated with the drugs against fungus. Next, Azalia is involved in another habitat.

Camera condition

By bringing home the culture, which, by the way, is picky in growing, you can not put it to the existing pets in the house. Even if Azalea looks beautiful, it does not mean that the plant is healthy and does not threaten it. For this, the flower is placed in a separate room, creating quarantine for at least two weeks. If there is no problem after the time, the plant put to the rest of the green mass.

Do I need to transplant Azalia

The change of soil and a flower vase is needed if necessary. Transplant three-year culture once a year. If the plant is older, the procedure is made 2 times a year. Transplant the flower with abundant radiating roots or winding the soil. Immediately after buying a flower, it is better not to disturb as much as possible. First, the adaptation period must pass.

When to transplant Azalia

Usually the flower is transplant in the spring. Pre-cleaning the above-ground part - remove dry branches, leaflets. During the transplant, you need to damage the roots, if possible, replace the fully old substrate to the new one.

Selection Pot and Substrate

For a flower, prefer deep and wide vases. Speaking about the material of the pots, clay and plastic containers are suitable for azaleas.

Room Azalia Care After Shopping

Growing plants at home requires certain skills. Not always the flower can be "winning." Culture Capricious and picky. Frequently after the acquisition, the plant resets flowers. To achieve re-flowering gardener, you need to try.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

Comfortable temperature for Azalea - 10-15C. In other words, coolness. In winter, on which flowering plants, the blood flowing conditions are easy to ensure. An excellent choice will be the windowsill, isolated from batteries.

For Rhododendron, the most responsible period is the formation of buds. At this time, the temperature should be at level 6-8c. To achieve the necessary azali temperature, sometimes manage to put even in the refrigerator. I would like to highlight that this method helps to restore a weakened plant. During flowering, the temperature rises to 12-15 ° C.

As most of the room plants, Rhododendron loves saturated, scattered light.

The next important factor for the flower is the increased humidity. At home this rule is difficult, so the plant is constantly sprayed from the sprayer. You can not allow large droplets of water to flower. Otherwise, he covers stains.

How to water Azalia

When growing a plant, watering plays an important role. The main thing is to comply with the correct substrate humidity balance. The soil in the vase should always be wet. Sanding the earth is unacceptable, otherwise the flower will throw leaves and flowers.

Watering culture, use soft water. You can take snow or rain. Excellent reacts azalea mixed with lemon or apple vinegar (enough drops to add to the water).

Fertilizing and fertilizer

If you want to fertilize the culture that is done only during flowering, it is best to buy prepared mixtures in specialized stores. Fertilizers are brought according to the instructions. The most famous drugs are considered to be epin, zircon, eco-cell antistress, ferry, HB-101, phytoosporin-m.

Azalia Care Rules after flowering

Typically, plants are resting after frowning. Many flower trees believe that at this time you can relax, but this is a delusion.

After flowering, Azalia needs to trim, replant, form a crown, pinch. The first thing from the plant is removed all the dried leaves, buds, flowers. Transplant the culture after flowering, since the extension of young twigs. If there is little experience, it is recommended on the first to do the transshipment, in order not to disturb the root flower system. The peculiarity of the procedure is to flush the earth from the roots. It is impossible to wash the roots strongly in order not to remove all useful microorganisms from them.

Forming "Bonsai" from Azalea

In the home flower growing, the trees of Bonsai without side shoots are popular. Creating a crown for a flower in the form of a small tree with a thick barrel and a fluffy top will require a lot of effort. This form is not inherent in nature for the plant. Recall that bonsai is also made from, Tolstanka. In other words from varieties with miniature flower and leaf leaves.

To get from Rhododendron Bonsai you need to form a crown from the first year of life of the flower. Plant must be young. For this, it will take place for one year. The amount of trim will need at least five.

The first trim is to choose the main massive escape, from which the trunk of the future bonsai will turn out. Side branches are completely cut. The first 12 months the top is not cut. Thus, azalea is growing rapidly. An important point of the 1st stage is the formation of the stem, the cultivation of its length. In order for the main escape to be straightforward, it is attached to the support by turning in every other parties to the light. When Rhododendron becomes the necessary height, the top is cut. Further all the forces are directed to the creation of the top. It can be a pyramidal, rounded, elongated.

How to multiply azalia at home

Having learned all the rules and nuances of care for azalia, you need to practice our promotion skills. Culture is multiplied with cuttings, seeds, vaccinations, dividing the bush. The seed method is commonly used by professional gardeners for reproduction of new varieties. All other ways are available for inexperienced flower water.

The most common method of reproduction of azaleas in room conditions. In the spring from the flower, the cutlets are cut 5-8 cm. Scroll is treated with a drug stimulating root growth. For rooting, a peat mixture is used, a coniferous substrate. Pagon is frozen at a depth of 2 cm vertically. From above it is covered with transparent capacity, cellophane to create a greenhouse effect. The sprout is grown at 25 oh temperatures, constantly moisturizing soil.

The vaccination of the flower is carried out by choosing a side escape with a kidney and a pair of leaves on it. Under the kidney make an incision. The tanks are pressed against the ground and climb the bracket. The ground is embanked from above. After the escape stops the root, it is carefully separated from the bush and transplant.

Choosing a method of breeding Rhododendron dividing the bush, takes a large flower and carefully, without damaging the root system, it is divided into small parts. Each part is planted with a separate pot. For the newly minted azalia, care is necessary as the same as an adult flower.

Azalya cultivation complexity

As with many other indoor plants, the flower breeding may be accompanied by a number of difficulties. All of them appear due to insufficient lighting, incorrect temperature and watering, incorrectly selected substrate or feeding. The main diseases of Azaleas are tracked by such signs:

Read once again about the rules for growing culture and care at home and your beauty Azalea will delight with its blooming not one year.

Pest of indoor flower

A frequent unexpected guest azalea is. It appears with a lack of wet air, watering. On the stalks of the plant formed a web, the buds fade, fall. Fight with "inland" with a soap solution and washing the flower under the warm shower.

Care for azalia at home requires special skills and skills. In order for the flower to grow well after purchase, you need to own full information on culture. This will require constant attention and observation of flower flower.