How to drill glass so that it does not crack. How to drill a hole in glass - the necessary tools and drilling technology

How to drill a hole in glass. You may need skills in cutting and drilling glass without recourse to specialists. You may want to make your own coffee table co glass top. You have bought a new aquarium and want to make a hole in it for a problem-free drain of water. How to drill glass yourself without damaging it.

So, how to drill a hole in glass at home, you can use many options, we will describe the most famous below.

How to drill thin glass

In thin sheets, when cutting, they can easily crumble, holes are made using ordinary sand and molten tin, or lead.

A small piece of tin or lead is melted in a metal mug. While the metal slowly changes from solid to liquid, it is necessary to wet cold water sand, and then lay it carefully on the site of the proposed drilling. In a hill of sand, we make a thin and long object required sizes deepening.

Slowly pour hot tin or lead into the formed hole.

After five to ten minutes, the sand around the cooled metal is carefully swept aside. It is necessary to wait five to ten minutes, depending on the amount of poured metal, after this time the frozen piece slightly rises up. Along with it, a piece of glass of the appropriate size should be removed.

Presumably this method should work, but minor errors are possible in the form of jagged edges of the hole and chips.

How to drill thick glass

Thick sheets require considerable effort. It will not work to loafer, as in previous version. There will be no trick, but extreme caution will be required.

So, how to drill glass, put a piece of processed glass on a flat surface, which will definitely neither tremble nor shake during operation. We put a mark on the place of the upcoming drilling, around which, using the usual, known to all children, plasticine, we build a not very high round rim. Pour turpentine inside the created "crater", and fill the hole with it to the end.

After that, we take a drill or a screwdriver, into which an ordinary drill is inserted, designed for working with metal, or something that has a sharp tip covered with a win. We insert the end of the drill into the hole and start drilling.

It is very important that no significant physical force is applied during drilling and that the drill works at the lowest possible speeds.

How to drill a hole in glass of any thickness?

The methods described above are distinguished by their unreliability and impracticality. After all, it is very difficult to predict the result of these experiments, and not everyone has the opportunity to melt tin at home or do something similar.

For the same method, how to drill glass: we need to spend a little money in a hardware store to purchase a special diamond-coated nozzle. The principle of working with it is very simple: the nozzle is inserted into a screwdriver, which is set to the lowest speed, the glass is placed on a hard surface, a template is placed on top of the glass, poured into the drilling site cold water, and the drilling process begins. The template can be made in advance from unnecessary small size a piece of glass or wood - it does not matter.

Water must be added repeatedly during the process, and a short break must be taken every one or two minutes to avoid overheating the glass surface (it may crack because of this).

When almost the entire thickness of the glass has been sawn, turn the canvas over and finish the work you started from the other end. So you will avoid the formation of chips and cracks along the edges of the hole.

One of the fragile materials is glass, which must be handled with great care. To carefully drill a hole in the glass without cracking it, you should follow the recommendations, carefully select the tools for the job.

Special crowns and drills

First of all, you need to purchase special devices. For this you will need:

  • Drill with pointed end.
  • Drill bits.

Pointed drill mainly used in cases where you need to make a small hole. Spear-shaped can be conventional or diamond-coated, which provides smoother drilling. But it is difficult to work with such a product, so it is preferable to use the second option.

Used for making large holes diamond drill bits. The use of abrasive spraying is allowed, but with such a product, drilling is of insufficient quality. Therefore, it is recommended to use products with diamond coating, because with such crowns there is less chance that the glass will crack.

Depending on which hole you need to get, you can use drills of different diameters.

Necessary tools and equipment

In addition to the drill, you will need equipment for work:

  • Drill.
  • Scotch.
  • Stencil (thick cardboard or a sheet of plywood will do).
  • Water.
  • Gloves.
  • Protective glasses.

Drill should be speed adjustable. It can be replaced with a screwdriver, which is more gentle. Can be used both manually and electrically. The main thing is that there should be a minimum runout of the drill. It is recommended to use a drill with a speed in the range of 250 - 1000 rpm.

Stencil required for accurate drilling. To do this, a hole of the required diameter is pre-drilled in it, and then it is applied to the glass.

Scotch additionally protects against small glass fragments. Water needed to cool the surface to be drilled. For personal protection must have skin gloves, as well as glasses, which will protect the skin and eyes from splinters.

Glass preparation

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the surface on which the glass will be drilled. It is best to use a table that is stable on the floor. It is desirable to cover it with a thick cloth or cardboard, so as not to damage its surface during work. This will also prevent the glass from cracking.

It is impossible to drill glass on weight, so a flat surface is used, to which the material will fit snugly.


  • Glass is degreased with alcohol.
  • Wipe clean with a soft dry cloth.
  • It is laid on the prepared surface.
  • Adhesive tape is glued to the intended attachment point.
  • A stencil with a drilled hole is applied.

Using a stencil, you can more accurately make the required hole. It is necessary to ensure that the distance from the edge of the glass is at least 25 mm, otherwise the product may crack.

There is a second method without using a stencil. To do this, take the usual plasticine and glued to the glass around the drilling hole. Plasticine will act as the sides. Water is poured inside, which will cool the glass.

Step-by-step instruction

After the markup is done, the main part of the work is done. For this, a drill is prepared, which is tightly inserted into the drill. You need to check that it is well fixed. Then the drill is turned on and at low speed is brought to the marked drilling site. The drill must be held strictly perpendicular to the glass.

When the recess turned out to be about 3 mm, you need to stop and drop a little water into it. To remove heat from the glass, which is released during drilling, turpentine or kerosene is also used.

Water is needed to cool the glass surface.

Then continue drilling also at minimum speed. The tool must not be pressed during operation, because the glass is very fragile, and the drill can break if these recommendations are not followed.

Drilling rules

To prevent glass from cracking during drilling, you must follow a few rules:

  • Turn on the drill with a minimum rotation speed.
  • Hold the instrument at a right angle to the glass.
  • Do not press on the drill.
  • Drill slowly in several passes.
  • After each entry, moisten the recess with water.

Drilling in several passes is necessary not only to avoid overheating of the glass, but also overheating of the tool. The drill also heats up, so it must be constantly moistened with water.

When the hole is made, you can remove the small roughness that has formed around it with fine-grained sandpaper.

If the drill is held lightly, cracking can be prevented. In addition, the drill must not be swayed from side to side. It must be held strictly at a right angle.

On the video you can see the method of drilling thick glass. For this, a method is used in which a hole is made on both sides.

How to make a hole with a larger diameter than the size of the drill

If you need to make a hole with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the existing drill, than the size of the drill, then you can use a glass cutter. To do this, a hole is drilled according to the above scheme. Thereafter:

  • A nail is inserted into the hole.
  • A small rope is attached to the nail.
  • The end of the rope is tied to the glass cutter.
  • A circle is made.

The nail must be selected clearly according to the diameter of the hole, so that it does not hang out, but stands firmly. The length of the rope, which is attached at one end to the nail and the other to the glass cutter, must be calculated so that it is equal to the radius of the desired hole.

After drawing a circle with a glass cutter, you need to make gentle tapping movements. Due to this, the circle will come out of the hole. Then the rough edges at the cut point are processed with sandpaper.

What to do if there is no necessary drill

Quite often, a suitable drill is not at hand. Therefore, you can use their replacement:

  • Make a hardened drill.
  • Use copper wire.

Do it yourself hardened drill it is possible using a simple technology: an ordinary drill is taken, clamped with pliers and hold the end of the product over gas burner. When the point turns white, it must be instantly dipped in sealing wax. After a couple of minutes, the drill is taken out, cleaned of sealing wax particles.

To properly drill glass with a hardened drill, you can use the above diagram. The only difference is the need for constant wetting of the drill so that it does not overheat.

Copper wire It is used in the event that there is no drill at hand. To do this, the wire is clamped in a drill. Then a special solution is prepared from sandpaper powder (it is better to take coarse-grained), camphor, and also turpentine in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 2. When everything is ready, the mixture is poured onto the glass at the drilling site, and then a hole is made.

How to make a hole without drilling

If you don’t have the right drill and drill at hand, then there is another way to make a hole in the material. You can use old method. You must have with you:

  • Sand.
  • Tin (or lead).
  • Any thin and long object (you can take a wooden stick with a pointed end).

Work begins with the degreasing of glass, on which it is poured small slide wet sand. A small funnel is made in it with a sharp object. The recess is made to the surface of the glass. The center of the funnel should match the diameter of the future hole. Then a mixture of tin or lead (called solder) is melted and poured into the funnel.

For the preparation of solder, a metal vessel and a gas burner are used.

After a few minutes, the sand is removed. A frozen metal is taken out, at the end of which there will be a frozen glass. It should easily peel off the surface. The result is a perfectly smooth through hole in glass.

When drilling glass, the main thing is to adhere to the technology of work and select the right material. To make a high-quality hole in the material without damaging it, it is desirable:

  • It is better to use a diamond-coated drill.
  • Choose your drill diameter carefully.
  • Choose the right work surface: it must be stable.
  • To prevent the glass from slipping, the table is covered with cloth, cardboard or plywood.
  • Do not drill into tempered glass, which may break into small pieces.
  • Do not put pressure on the drill during operation.
  • All actions should be carried out slowly, constantly wetting the hole with water. This will help to avoid overheating of the material and prevent the formation of cracks.
  • Work should be carried out in protective gloves and goggles so that fragments do not get on the skin in the eyes.
  • Before starting work, it is better to practice making holes on an unnecessary piece of glass.

When drilling a hole, you do not need to try to do all the work in 1 time. This is a rather laborious process and takes a lot of time.

It often seems that such a fragile material as glass can only be processed by an experienced craftsman. But if a beginner treats the work with understanding, will do it slowly, calmly, leisurely, then you can ideally drill a hole in the glass.

When working with installing mirrors in a bathroom or assembling furniture, the question often arises of how to drill a hole in the glass in such a way as not to damage it. There are many ways to accomplish this task. Some require the presence of a specialized tool, others require the use of improvised materials and knowledge of the basic properties of this fragile material.

Drill glass with extreme care!

The main thing in the process of drilling glass at home is extreme caution and no haste, since the material is very expensive, and its damage can lead to large financial costs for buying a new one.

glass properties

In order to make an even and neat hole in the glass, you need to know how to properly use tools for processing it. For success, it is important to understand not only the process itself, but also the physical and mechanical properties of the material.

Glass has a disordered or, as it is also called, amorphous structure. Its molecules are arranged randomly, like in liquids. The main component of any glass is silicon oxide with various additives that facilitate the melting of the material during its manufacture.

With a quick physical impact, glass is easily destroyed.

After solidification, the molecules continue to slowly chaotically move relative to each other, so, no matter how strange it may sound, glass is a very thick liquid. Such a special state of aggregation of the material predetermines its main properties:

  1. Fragility. Although the molecular structure of glass resembles a liquid, but with a quick physical impact, it is destroyed without the manifestation of plastic deformations.
  2. Hardness. Glass is the closest relative of quartz, a mineral with a relative hardness index of 7 out of 10. natural substances 8, 9 and 10, topaz, corundum and diamond are used as strong abrasives and are well suited for cutting and drilling glass. There is a large number artificial materials with high hardness. The first thing to be called alloy will win. Its main component - tungsten carbide - has a hardness of 9. Pobedit is very often used in drills and crowns for glass processing.
  3. Strength. Glass is a fragile but fairly durable material, although given parameter is not the same and depends on the direction of deformation. Glass withstands a fairly large compressive load, while it breaks much faster when stretched. This must be taken into account when transporting, processing and installing the material.

Glass drilling tools

Glass processing at home is carried out with the help of tools, the working surface of which is made of special alloys or inlaid with materials of high hardness. These include: win, corundum and its analogues, diamond. Pobedite and diamond drills are the most common.

Diamond coating is superior to glass in hardness.

Pobedite drills have a spear-shaped structure, and the working body can be represented as a single (Fig. 1) or two mutually perpendicular hard-alloy plates (Fig. 2). Such tools are used not only to create holes in glass and mirrors, but also in ceramics, for example, in tiles.

To make a hole in glass big size, for example, to install an outlet, the diameter of a conventional drill is not enough. In such cases, they resort to the use of crowns with abrasive - mainly diamond - coating (Fig. 3). These tube drills have different diameter- from 3-4 to 120 mm. Drilling a hole with such a tool is much faster and safer than carbide drill, but due to larger area crowns in contact with glass require the use of fairly powerful drills.

There are also folk methods the use of improvised tools and materials for drilling glass and ceramics, but we will consider them a little later.

Rules and sequence for drilling holes in glass

Because glass is a very fragile material, it must be handled with extreme care. Regardless of the drilling method and the tools used, the sheet of material to be processed must be placed on a flat and non-slip surface. Carefully check for dirt, sawdust or grains of sand on the work table, as any foreign object that gets under the glass can cause it to crack during drilling.

A few common ways to create even holes in glass are:

Screwdriver provides low speed when drilling glass.

  1. When using a carbide drill, use a powerful screwdriver or electric drill with speed controller. The number of revolutions of the tool per minute should be minimal - no more than 350-500. Before starting treatment, the surface is degreased with alcohol or turpentine. A very important action, on which the outcome of the operation largely depends, is the cooling of the drill and the surface to be treated. It is carried out as follows: around the place of the future hole, an annular limiter made of plasticine or putty is installed (Fig. 4). It will act as a “pool” filled with a heat-removing liquid and prevent overheating of the drill and glass. In order to prevent the appearance of cracks during drilling, the hole is first made about 1/3, after which the glass is turned over and work continues. After the hole has become through, its edges are treated with sandpaper rolled into a tube or a round diamond-coated file.
  2. The use of a diamond-coated bit also requires cooling, but since the diameter of the limiter in this case will be quite large, it is possible to create simple system from a dropper connected to a water source or bottle. This method makes it possible to work even on a vertical surface, which is especially important when processing ceramic tiles. One of the features of working with a crown is the need to constantly maintain its parallelism with glass. Even the slightest distortion should not be allowed, otherwise the voltage difference in this place will destroy the material.
  3. A hole in the glass can be made with a conventional drill, having previously hardened it. To do this, warm up white color the tip of the drill, and then sharply immersed in oil. After the final cooling, the drill can be used in the same way as the carbide drill.
  4. If there is a situation in which it is not possible to get the above tools, folk methods are used. The first of them is based on the creation of a drill from improvised materials - a steel rod with a cut at the end, into which a roller from a glass cutter is inserted and fixed (Fig. 5). The method is quite artisanal, since there is a high probability that during operation the roller will simply fly out of the clamp, which can lead to damage to the material.

The second method is much more interesting, the history of its application goes back far into the past. It is based on the property of glass to crack when exposed to contrasting temperatures. In order to make a hole with this method, a small cone of wet sand is laid out on the surface of the glass. Through its top to the very bottom, a channel is made with a wooden stick or a metal rod, the diameter of which should correspond to the size of the future hole. Next, molten lead, tin or solder is poured into the channel (Fig. 6). After cooling, a pile of sand is removed along with the metal, and an even hole is formed at the point of contact of the solder with the glass. The explanation is very simple: at the point where the temperature is elevated, the glass begins to crumble, and the wet sand around it does not allow the heat to spread further.

Creating holes in glass may seem like a simple operation, but in practice it is a rather complicated and responsible procedure. The glass structure is malleable but very fragile. Therefore, the peculiarity of the operation lies not so much in the choice of force of influence, but in the approach to its organization. The main task of the master is not to lead to the formation of cracks, chips and breaks in the main surface. How to make a hole in the glass without violating this condition? You can accomplish this task with the help of special technologies and tricks that are available to almost any master. The most popular and effective methods will be discussed next.

Preparing glass for processing

Before any operation for creating holes or simply cutting, appropriate preparation should be made. Working surface the glass must be clean and, if possible, have no defective areas - during drilling, they can give a third-party chip, which will ruin the workpiece. It is recommended to mark the lines of the future hole so that the physical flaws of the surface are inside the circle, but do not go beyond. As an additional measure, glass can be treated and chemicals, which, in particular, will save him from oil traces. If the question is how to make a hole in a small glass, then you will have to prepare a fixing tool. The method of fixing the workpiece will depend on the technology for creating the hole, but in most cases such elements are mounted on a vise of a suitable configuration - damping soft material is placed directly into the contact areas.

The nuances of making holes by drilling

It is impossible to process glass with the usual drilling method. If we are talking about a workpiece of the same small dimensions, then you can use a standard set of drills and drills, but before that, the working equipment should be prepared in a special way. First of all, a drill of a suitable size is heated to a white tint. Next, it must be immersed in sealing wax and held until the latter melts. After that, the tip is wetted in turpentine and you can start the workflow. There is another option that allows you to make a round hole in the glass by drilling - it step-by-step instruction presented below:

  • Camphor and particles of coarse-grained sandpaper are crushed.
  • The prepared elements are poured into a small container and diluted with turpentine.
  • A small piece of copper wire is prepared for the drill, which must be clamped in the chuck.
  • The previously prepared paste is placed on the cleaned glass surface.
  • To position the copper equipment, a plywood guide is prepared.
  • You can start drilling.

Creating large holes

Drilling methods are not always theoretically acceptable for making holes in glass, and not only because of the high risk of the formation of the same chips. In the case of holes with a diameter of more than 10 cm, no household equipment can cope with this task. But even in this case there is a way out, in which the drill is also involved. It is necessary to make a small through point in the prepared surface in the very center of the planned hole. To do this, you can use any small-format glass with a diameter of less than 1 cm. You should not be afraid of third-party chips, because they will fall on the area that will be removed anyway. Now another question: how to make a hole in the glass, having a small through hole in the center? A piece of wire is pushed into the created small hole and fixed. The other end is fastened with a glass cutter. Further, after checking the reliability of fixing the elements and the smoothness of the tool in a circle, you can start cutting in a circle.

Hole smelting

In this case, you will need to initially prepare equipment for the preparation of liquid tin or lead. The glass surface is also prepared accordingly. It should be treated with gasoline, acetone or alcohol. Next, wetted sand is poured onto the marked zone of hole formation. There should be enough of it so that you can create a funnel, the bottom of which will fit the edges of the hole in size. After that, metal is poured into the created funnel. It will cool down in 1-2 minutes, after which it will be possible to remove the sand equipment along with the poured mold. This the best option if there is a question about how to make a hole in glass without a drill and with smooth edges. But the problem may arise in another aspect. No matter how precise the sand funnel is, it will be impossible to control the diameter that will be formed when the glass is melted with metal.

Cutting with a soldering iron

This option, in terms of the quality of the result, can be called the opposite of the previous one. In this case, the master will be able to relatively accurately maintain the boundaries of the marked hole diameter, but the edges may be uneven. The process begins with creating risks using a needle file. The task of this operation is to carefully mark for the future melt with a soldering iron in depth. Now you can proceed to the next step - how to make a hole in the glass without drilling with a soldering iron? After warming up the sting of the device, you can start cutting. Moreover, you should not rush into this process. It is advisable to perform melting in small segments, cooling the glass if necessary - otherwise there is a risk of deformation and areas not intended for processing.

How to make a hole in heat resistant glass?

A very time-consuming operation, and in such situations, the limitations in methods due to the fragility of ordinary glass no longer matter. In some way, such cutting is similar to processing metal surfaces. If we are talking about thin glass, then you can try drilling using diamond and solid nozzles. In any case, they cope with metal. But how to make a hole in the glass of large diameter? To do this, you can use a powerful puncher with a crown equipped with the same diamond elements. As an alternative, you can try cutting with an abrasive wheel, but it will provide a very rough result, which is not always suitable.

High-tech processing methods

This category of methods for creating holes is more likely to be industrial, although private craftsmen acquire appropriate equipment for their needs. It's about about lathes and units providing sandblast abrasive cutting. It is waterjet that gives the highest quality result - how can you make a hole in the glass using such equipment? First, the installation is fixed in machine clamps - there are practically no restrictions on dimensions, including thickness. Next refuel expendable materials. They are sand and water. The hole is created as a result of circular cutting with a water-sand jet along a predetermined line. Automation itself will position the direction of the cut, providing an almost perfectly even cutting.


The fragility of the material significantly limits home craftsmen who need to make a hole in it. However, almost every traditional way the formation of round cutouts, subject to improvement, turns out to be effective in solving this problem. It is quite possible to make a hole in the glass at home using a drill, glass cutter or soldering iron. Another thing is that the quality will not always meet expectations. Yet manual processing always involves risks of deviation from the direction of the cut. If the diameter does not really matter, then you can also turn to the smelting method - at least it allows you to count on the smoothness of the edge. If a high-quality hole is required, moreover, it will not be possible to do without special equipment.

Mirrors and glasses are an integral part modern interiors. But the material is quite fragile and expensive, and drilling holes in glass and generally working with it requires special skills and knowledge. How to drill glass so that cracks do not go? What should be considered in this case and what tools are better to use?

Tools for making holes in glass

How can you drill glass so that it turns out neatly and quickly enough? To create a neat hole in a glass or mirror, you will need a drill or screwdriver with a special tip. For glass, special drills are used: tubular or feather drills with abrasive or diamond coating. Drilling holes in glass with spade bits is more economical, as they will last you longer than tubular bits. Since glass is very fragile, it is better to use small diameter drills - 8-10 mm.

How to make a hole in glass bigger? For round holes of medium and large diameter, special crowns are used. On sale you can find crowns with a diameter of up to 120 mm.

Drilling holes in glass without special tips for glass and ceramics is possible with the new fire-hardened metal drill bit. Doing it yourself at home is quite difficult. It is also possible to drill a hole in the glass with a carbide drill for concrete. Working with glass with such tools is not as convenient as with special ones, but it is possible.

Attention! You won't be able to drill through tempered glass! When you try to drill with any tool, it just crumbles!

Several effective ways to drill glass

Let's now look at how to drill a hole in glass. There are several ways to do this.

  • Drilling a hole in glass at home is easy enough if you have everything necessary tools. Glass should be completely laid on a flat surface. It should not hang and play. The place where the hole will be drilled must be degreased with acetone or alcohol. A bounding circle is made from plasticine or clay around the proposed hole, where you should pour a little turpentine, machine oil or plain water for wetting drill and glass. The mandrel can be bought industrially. Usually they are sold made of plexiglass.

Drilling holes in glass is done with a drill or screwdriver at low speed (400-700 rpm or 1 speed). It is necessary to hold the tool evenly and not press it hard during operation. When cutting a hole with a crown, you must carefully monitor its position. This will help you with an industrial-made plexiglass mandrel or a home-made one made of chipboard or cardboard.

They are usually attached to plasticine, which is easy to remove at the end of work. This will allow you to hold the crown correctly, parallel to the glass, and add water or other liquid so that the material does not heat up. Sharp movements and uneven cutting of a circle from any side are unacceptable, cutting should go evenly.

  • How to drill glass at home without wetting with liquid? This will require a special homemade drill. Pull out the diamond roller from the glass cutter, which you fix in a metal rod. To do this, you must first prepare a slot. The roller is fixed in the rod with a rivet so that it does not rotate. Such a drill allows you to drill holes in glass without lubrication with liquids.

  • Is it possible to drill holes in glass without liquid or a special homemade drill? Yes, but this is quite risky, so it is better not to use this method with large expensive items. In this case, the place where it is necessary to make a hole is sealed with electrical tape or chewing gum. Then everything, as in the previous two methods, is a drill or screwdriver at low speeds without pressure with a special tip.

Advice! To make the edges of the hole smooth, it is necessary to drill it on both sides of the glass. It is more convenient to do this with a mandrel.

  • How to cut a hole in glass without a drill or screwdriver? This is how our ancestors used it. First, degrease the glass surface in the area of ​​​​the future hole with acetone or alcohol. Then wet sand should be poured on it and the contours should be scratched out with a sharp object. required hole. Pour molten tin or lead here. This results in a neat through hole.

Now you know several ways to make a hole in glass without ruining the material. Which method you choose is up to you, but we advise you to stick with 1 or 2 methods, as they are the fastest, easiest and least risky.