Eclipse on September 1. Fortunately, Trin Sun and the Moon in the Virgin with Pluto in Capricorn has a softening effect

Ring-shaped solar eclipse September 1, 2016 occurs on 9 degrees of the zodiac sign of the Virgin. It can be observed in Africa, at Madagascar, in Antarctica, in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. In Russia, it will not be apparently.

Maximum phase at 09:01 UTC or at 12:01 Moscow time

Ending at 10:55 UTC or at 13:55 Moscow time

Influence of solar eclipse

During solar eclipses, the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, the sunny light for time (eclipsed) for us. These celestial phenomena march new beginnings that can be implemented on external level, in the form of events, or on the domestic, expressed in personal growth.

Employment Effect September 1, 2016 More Others Feel Representatives of Mutable Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Fish, Gemini and Sagittarius. Noticeable way, it will affect those whose birthdays comes on August 26 - September 6 (Virgo), February 23 - March 5 (fish), May 25 - June 4 (Gemini), November 26 - December 6 (Sagittarius). Who in the interval from 4 to 14 degrees of mutable signs in natal map Personal planets and important points (ASC, MC) are located, also expect big changes.

Pay attention to the events that happen on this day, even if you seem unfinished. They will contain a hint of the nature of the change or what will be in the center of your attention in the next months. All new or unusual that you will hear or see, should not be ignored, because it can be a forerunner of the future.

Eclipse value from the point of view of astrology

Eclipse September 1, 2016 takes place in the Virgin, work sign, ministry, order and health. In astrology, this sign of the zodiac is associated with prudence, desire for excellence and order. Being a sign of earthly element, welcomes a practical approach to life, much attention is paid to work, everyday affairs. From the point of view of the Virgin, care for neighbor and attention to detail is the practical service of the Divine Start.

The symbolism of the eclipse hints on the fact that it is time to "separate the grains from the spurred." It may concern ideas, plans, personal beliefs, relationships, or something else. You need to be especially legible to choose from them really valuable. Virgo is a very practical sign offering us to find out what we really want and then take responsibility for the implementation of plans. If this is not done, someone else will make a step to fill the emptiness, but then the results will not be that I would like. Virgo encourages the purity of mind, body and spirit, offering to cut out "toxic" people, places and things from their lives. Another eclipse theme is health and environment. Maybe many think about how to lead more healthy image Life.

Under the influence of this heavenly phenomenon, the spheres of life mentioned above are activated. It is capable of becoming a catalyst for the healing process, both on the physical plane and on the spiritual. Maybe health condition will push the lifestyle. Perhaps the circumstances will arise that will become more organized. Or something else will happen, which will make you more practical, insightful and sensible.

Eclipse planetary configurations on September 1, 2016 are hard enough. The connection of the Sun and the Moon in the Virgin is opposed to Neptune in the fish, which indicates the importance of healing at the emotional level. To overcome the internal conflict, it is necessary to gain the balance of the soul, mind and body. Moreover, there is a negative aspect of Mars and Saturn in the Archertere with Neptune in Fishes, which speaks about the conflict between the ideal and real, or between the heaps and the rally of the mind. To find the desired, you need to get rid of fantasies and illusions, and the analysis of situations will help dispel uncertainty.

The strong position of Neptune carries inspiration and big dreams, but all this energy is sharply focused on Saturn, which has a property of creating obstacles. On the other hand, Saturn serves the necessary anchor, not allowing to fly away in fantasies too far. It helps to clearly define the borders, know its limitations and take responsibility. Ultimately, it is better to abandon unrealistic dreams and work on what is realistic, then a tangible result will be obtained. Trin of the Sun and the Moon in the Virgin with Pluto in Capricorn has a softening effect. Pluto is a planet transformation, and the more faith you have in yourself, the easier the transformation process will pass.

This solar eclipse occurs on September 1 and coincides with the Day of Knowledge in Russia, which is rather symbolic. In an astrological sense, it is really related to knowledge, since Mercury (information, study) has a connection with Jupiter (ideas, higher knowledge), emphasizing the role of knowledge at various levels. This gives an impulse to the comprehension of truth. Mercury, an eclipse dispositor, is retrograde, i.e. Moves in the opposite direction, which hints at return to the themes of the past. Maybe you will return to the past ideas and find something worthwhile in them.

The solar eclipse in the Virgin emphasizes the topic of health, so it is good to find time for health practices or meditations that will help withdraw physical stress and stress. Do not plan too much for this day, because eclipses often bring unexpected cases requiring urgent participation. Try not to take anything important (responsible events, meetings, trips, etc.), it is better to do the usual affairs.

It has a day strong energyAfter all, at this time a future program is laid. You can also lay your personal program, and the power of the universe will support it. For example, you can install the intention and declare it out loud, and even better, write on paper or illustrate images that show your dream. To attract the positive energy of the Virgin, you can use the stones of this sign of the zodiac (agate, jade, carnelian), wearing them in ornaments or meditate with them.

The best way to work with the energies of the eclipse of the Sun in the Virgin - to form a clear goal and reinforce it with a thoughtful plan of action. Dedicate time to reflements about the past and future, developing plans. However, before taking decisive steps, it is better to wait a week or two, so that the energies are settled.

Solar eclipse is a particularly strong new moon, it favors new endeavors. On this day, it is well to hold a new moon ritual for the fulfillment of desire. It may concern love, money, work, business, real estate and all that you want to attract in your life.

Ring solar eclipse on September 1 at 10 degrees of virgin With a rather powerful tau-square of the Sun, the Moon, Rahu, Ketu, Neptune to Saturn and Mars, is unlimited by Pluto.

2 Dean of Virgin, driven by Venus, will affect relationships with personal and business partners, love feelings and experiences, as well as financial stability.

The deanat itself is described by a ship with broken masts that fell into a storm, but continuing to resist the elements and as a result of the car. The symbolism of the dean - obstacles, unexpected problems, collapse of plans and hopes, wounds of pride, which are burned over time, the need to continue to fight and not give up.

Adds oil to fire 10 degrees of the Virgin, in which the sun and the moon - the degree of losers in alliance, marriage, business partnership, contracts, is responsible for the destruction of arrangements, and also foreshadows the danger of disasters.

Eclipse can be observed in most of the countries of Africa, Yemen, Iraq, Madagascar, Indian Ocean, South Asia, territory Saudi ArabiaAs well as parts of Georgia, Armenia and Turkey, and there is not far from Syria.

These regions will be restless. Especially Saudites will be placed by the waters of Neptune and will arrange an intrigue with oil, which will give a change in prices both in black gold and currency courses.

Since we are talking about African countries, I repeat that the conflict effect of Saturn and Neptune's quadrupter has been operating, which influences interstate relations, primarily on problems with migrants in Europe.

Since now Saturn is annealed on Antares and includes an axis of a catastrophe, then 10 degrees of the Virgin has chances to prevent a couple of terrorist attacks and cataclysms in the world, see what happens at least in the same Europe during the summer, not one thing, so the other! Some terrorist attacks are worth it!

International conflicts, political problems, exposure and scandals within power structures are expected on a global scale, domineering, closing borders, interracial conflicts, changes in power structures, financial reforms, changes in the economic course, misleading the masses of the population, fraudulent schemes with large money, ideological fracture.

Antares turns on technogenic catastrophes, disassembly on religious grounds, problems with major means of transport, environmental pollution, increased injuries, terrorist attacks, seismic and tectonic activity, which increases the risk of mass victims. Mars with Saturn in principle inclined to increased aggression. Plus still Lilith in aspects to the eclipse itself.

15 Sunny day - it will be necessary to use upholstered for the establishment of harmony and recreation of well-being, is responsible for creating unions.

How will the eclipse of the personal level act:

Eclipse primarily touches mutable signs - twins, virgin, felt and fish. Especially relating to relationships - it is necessary to be very attentive.

Retrograd Mercury, the knowledge guide of the Virgin will need to turn on the head and analyze the situation, look for outputs from the established problems, leaning on the old one.

Also, the eclipse itself will affect the realism, awareness of old situations, new approach To the previous problems that were not realized. Virgo manages order, tranquility, it does not like noisy disassembly provoked by intense aspects from Saturn and Mars.

Many people who had previously stayed in poor illusions and built air locks will face harsh reality and aware of the scale of deception and self-deception. Therefore, the higher you flew - the larger it will land when the eyes, situations, relationships with people will appear in the new light and acquire transparency.

Review your plans for life from the point of view of realism and healthy planning, calculate that you already have, and what you miss, the criticism in this issue will increase the chances for victory, because this quality corresponds to the sign of the Virgin.

But it is worth being careful to those who are engaged in magical and occult practices, meditations in Eclipse - the tension from Neptune to two luminaire will give an unpredictable result, there is a risk not only not to achieve the desired, but also to entangle his brains.

Aspect from Pluto will give forces to change the situation and transformation, if, of course, go right way, not to wander in the fog. Even disappointed in the situation, it is possible to benefit from it, and follow the conditions further, changing the conditions.

Nature often indulges us with the beauty of eclipses. One of them will occur on September 1, 2016. However, astrologers advise to keep the Ear East.

With the beginning of the new month and part-time school year, another event will occur - the solar eclipse on September 1. For astronomy, it does not represent any uniqueness. But from the point of view of astrology, it, like any impact of stars on people, will not pass without a trace. At the same time, the eclipse will affect not only the areas in which it will be possible to observe, but also on all people living on Earth.

Interestingly, in ancient times, the solar eclipse was considered bad admissionwhich, like some others, warned about danger. Often it is associated with the harbinger of bad crop. What will this eclipse be and what are the predictions of astrologers?

Where you can observe solar eclipse on September 1, 2016

Eclipse will be seen in Africa and Madagascar, in the small territory of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, as well as partially in Antarctica. It will begin at the international time (that is, according to Greenwich) at 7:17, and in the maximum phase will go to 9:01. On the territory of Russia, as well as the continent of Eurasia, to observe him, unfortunately, is not possible. But even in the areas in which it will be seen, in essence the eclipse will be not strong: there will be no noticeable darkening, which would allow to see the stars.

It is assumed that the eclipse of September 1 will be ring-shaped. What does it mean? The moon will be on a fairly distant distance from the Earth. Her shadow at that moment was too small to darken the sun, that is, she closes only some kind of part of it.

Astrology of solar eclipse on September 1, 2016

For astrologers, not so much type of eclipse is important as its power and zodiac sign in which it occurs. This time the eclipse will happen under the influence of the maiden. The position of the stars will send energy on September 1 to active work.

But any undertaking can occur complexity and obstacles. In this case, they are able to cut out those cases to which you are not ready, or you are not desirable to do, even if you really want. But you can always attract Mrs. Fortune to your side, making a charm for home for good luck.

Intellect will be very active, which will not allow not to miss the most important details And fully concentrate on affairs. A practical approach to life will appear. On this day, you can give a great start to change in everyday lifeTo improve its quality.

Do not forget about your spiritual state, because thanks to him, there are changes in your life. The main thing is that it is necessary to do during the solar eclipse on September 1 is to determine what path you want to follow, to distinguish the necessary cargo necessary from the apparent and reset. That is, in fact, fate provides a chance to release a place in his life for something new and useful.

Solar eclipse is a phenomenon that strongly affects people, so even famous astrologers explore it. For example, you can find out the forecast of the Paul Globa Astrol. Good luck, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Ecology of life: In 2016, we will observe another eclipse - the annular solar eclipse, which will be held on September 1, 2016 at 13:06:53 Moscow time. You can see it in the territories of the Atlantic Ocean, Central Africa, Madagascar, the private phase of eclipses can be observed in some countries south Africa and the southwest part of the Indian Ocean.

In 2016, we will observe another eclipse - Ring-shaped solar eclipse, to be held September 1, 2016 at 13:06:53 Moscow time. It will be possible to see it in the territories of the Atlantic Ocean, Central Africa, Madagascar, the private phase of eclipses can be observed in some countries of South Africa and the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean.

And now it is worth understanding what the annular eclipse means. So, such a name is due to the actions of heavenly mechanics. Simply put, as the shadow of the moon can not completely close the heavenly luminaries, a thin ring of the photosphere can be seen around it.

Affects solar eclipse on man

Often, astrologists are opposed to make any decisions during eclipses. This is due to the fact that it is often because of the emotional burst, people cannot think objectively and practical. All actions are performed under emotions, which leads to poor consequences.

However, not today, everything will be with an accuracy of the opposite. You finally can look at many things with practical side, objectively judge what you are really important and what is not. This is a good day to implement your plans and tasks.

In addition, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that all the plans and changes that you exercise will be a fateful nature and change something will not work. Therefore, before doing something to do everything to the smallest detail, so as not to regret it.

Also, according to specialists in this area, all changes, whether they are dependent, or not, carry only positive characteristic. But not everything is so simple, initially you will have to try to fit in a ripple of a new life. If you do not make any effort, then everything will remain as before.

This day can be called an ideal period to sort out yourself, your plans for the future, analyze your value system and generally dig in yourself. Thus, you simply argue order in your soul, getting rid of unnecessary installations and thoughts.

And remember - that everything that surrounds us is a reflection of our inner "I". If you think everything is so gray, boring, dull, then this reason to think about, maybe this chandra is only inside you and if you change the image of thoughts, then the world will play with new paints.

The energy of this solar eclipse is significantly different from the previous one, since among other things he carries the wellness potential. Do not miss the moment, since all procedures aimed at your health will not necessarily go to a sanatorium or a specialized center. It is enough to hold such house procedures - it can be gymnastics, a healing bath with essential oils, therapeutic massage and so on.

It will be interesting for you:

Despite all practicality and grounding of this day, conflicts will also be, if they are better to avoid and try to solve the problem peaceful way. If not, then most likely, the usual quarrel can grow to war. And since all changes carry a fateful character in themselves, then such a conflict will not bring anything good, just that it will pull out all your strength from you, so you can also lose that you are important and necessary - the work of the family and so on. Agree about it only everyone will lose and nothing will receive any replacements.published

The annular solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 occurs on 9 degrees of the zodiac sign of the Virgin. It can be observed in Africa, at Madagascar, in Antarctica, in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. In Russia, it will not be apparently.

Maximum phase at 09:01 UTC or at 12:01 Moscow time

Ending at 10:55 UTC or at 13:55 Moscow time

Influence of solar eclipse

During solar eclipses, the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, the sunny light for time (eclipsed) for us. These celestial phenomena march new beginnings that can be implemented at the external level, in the form of events, or in the inner, expressing in personal growth.

Employment Effect September 1, 2016 More Others Feel Representatives of Mutable Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Fish, Gemini and Sagittarius. Noticeable way, it will affect those whose birthdays comes on August 26 - September 6 (Virgo), February 23 - March 5 (fish), May 25 - June 4 (Gemini), November 26 - December 6 (Sagittarius). Those who in the interval from 4 to 14 degrees of mutable signs in the natal map are personal planets and important points (ASC, MC), there are also big changes.

Pay attention to the events that happen on this day, even if you seem unfinished. They will contain a hint of the nature of the change or what will be in the center of your attention in the next months. All new or unusual that you will hear or see, should not be ignored, because it can be a forerunner of the future.

Eclipse value from the point of view of astrology

Eclipse September 1, 2016 takes place in the Virgin, work sign, ministry, order and health. In astrology, this sign of the zodiac is associated with prudence, desire for excellence and order. Being a sign of earthly element, welcomes a practical approach to life, much attention is paid to work, everyday affairs. From the point of view of the Virgin, care for neighbor and attention to detail is the practical service of the Divine Start.

The symbolism of the eclipse hints on the fact that it is time to "separate the grains from the spurred." It may concern ideas, plans, personal beliefs, relationships, or something else. You need to be especially legible to choose from them really valuable. Virgo is a very practical sign offering us to find out what we really want and then take responsibility for the implementation of plans. If this is not done, someone else will make a step to fill the emptiness, but then the results will not be that I would like. Virgo encourages the purity of mind, body and spirit, offering to cut out "toxic" people, places and things from their lives. Another eclipse theme is health and environment. Perhaps many think about how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Under the influence of this heavenly phenomenon, the spheres of life mentioned above are activated. It is capable of becoming a catalyst for the healing process, both on the physical plane and on the spiritual. Maybe health condition will push the lifestyle. Perhaps the circumstances will arise that will become more organized. Or something else will happen, which will make you more practical, insightful and sensible.

Eclipse planetary configurations on September 1, 2016 are hard enough. The connection of the Sun and the Moon in the Virgin is opposed to Neptune in the fish, which indicates the importance of healing at the emotional level. To overcome the internal conflict, it is necessary to gain the balance of the soul, mind and body. Moreover, there is a negative aspect of Mars and Saturn in the Archertere with Neptune in Fishes, which speaks about the conflict between the ideal and real, or between the heaps and the rally of the mind. To find the desired, you need to get rid of fantasies and illusions, and the analysis of situations will help dispel uncertainty.

The strong position of Neptune carries inspiration and big dreams, but all this energy is sharply focused on Saturn, which has a property of creating obstacles. On the other hand, Saturn serves the necessary anchor, not allowing to fly away in fantasies too far. It helps to clearly define the borders, know its limitations and take responsibility. Ultimately, it is better to abandon unrealistic dreams and work on what is realistic, then a tangible result will be obtained. Trin of the Sun and the Moon in the Virgin with Pluto in Capricorn has a softening effect. Pluto is a planet transformation, and the more faith you have in yourself, the easier the transformation process will pass.

This solar eclipse occurs on September 1 and coincides with the Day of Knowledge in Russia, which is rather symbolic. In an astrological sense, it is really related to knowledge, since Mercury (information, study) has a connection with Jupiter (ideas, higher knowledge), emphasizing the role of knowledge at various levels. This gives an impulse to the comprehension of truth. Mercury, an eclipse dispositor, is retrograde, i.e. Moves in the opposite direction, which hints at return to the themes of the past. Maybe you will return to the past ideas and find something worthwhile in them.

The solar eclipse in the Virgin emphasizes the topic of health, so it is good to find time for health practices or meditations that will help withdraw physical stress and stress. Do not plan too much for this day, because eclipses often bring unexpected cases requiring urgent participation. Try not to take anything important (responsible events, meetings, trips, etc.), it is better to do the usual affairs.

The day has a strong energy, because at this time the future program is laid. You can also lay your personal program, and the power of the universe will support it. For example, you can install the intention and declare it out loud, and even better, write on paper or illustrate images that show your dream. To attract the positive energy of the Virgin, you can use the stones of this sign of the zodiac (agate, jade, carnelian), wearing them in ornaments or meditate with them.

The best way to work with the energies of the eclipse of the Sun in the Virgin - to form a clear goal and reinforce it with a thoughtful plan of action. Dedicate time to reflements about the past and future, developing plans. However, before taking decisive steps, it is better to wait a week or two, so that the energies are settled.

Solar eclipse is a particularly strong new moon, it favors new endeavors. On this day, it is well to hold a new moon ritual for the fulfillment of desire. It may concern love, money, work, business, real estate and all that you want to attract in your life.