How to plant almonds in the garden: Methods and rules. Preparation for winter

In countries where winter is warm, and the summer is long, almond is considered not at all picky culture. In medium latitudes grow it more difficult, but I still decided to do it. It is very beautiful and unusual for our edges it blooms. Each bush is like a white or pink cloud. Yes, and homegrown almond nuts nice to bite.

Sweet almond or bitter?

It belongs to culture to the nature of the plum, to the family of pink. It is a tree or bushes with a height of 1 -8 m, on which they do not grow like nuts, as they say, and bone fruit.

Eashes are honeying bodies. But only the almond sweet. Gorky almonds are grown mainly for decorative and industrial purposes.

Lush flowering Plants lasts 1.5-3 weeks. Then they appear oblong pointed leaves and rounded fruits covered with a fly. At the end of summer, the airlodes dry out, open, and large bones can be seen inside them (up to 4 cm in length and weighing up to 5 g). Growing culture in one place without transplantation to 130 years!

Almonds - and tasty, and useful!

The core of the bone of edible almonds is sweetly sweet, with a spicy mustard and a kind of aroma. They are eaten dried, fried, used for the manufacture of candies, cakes, beverages and as seasoning for various dishes.

It is believed that almond nuts are useful for bones, hair, nails. They improve vision, mental activity, get rid of migraine and insomnia. Almond oil is taken inside with cardiovascular diseases, meteorism. Lubricate them throat with angina and shallow wounds, apply for cosmetics.

Almonds: varieties and types

For mid-Russian latitudes, acquire frost-resistant almond seedlings. it decorative varieties Almonds (in the photo below): Snezhana, Assol, Joy, Pink Fog, Dream, Annie.

As well as almond varieties with edible fruits: Dessert, seaside, papercurrent, Nikitsky.

Almonds - landing and care

Plant almond is best late in autumn. Soil culture loves sandy or loamy. Place under it Choose dry, light, protected from winds. Place a number of at least 2 plants of intercourable varieties at a distance of 2-3 m from each other. At the bottom of the landing holes, put drainage from the crushed stone or broken brick, suck it with a layer of sand up to 10 cm. Make a half-sized manure and 50 g of superphosphate. Burnt circles Mulch peat.

Reproduction of almonds - offspring or seeds?

The easiest way to multiply the culture of root siblings. But you can and seeds. Bones are planting in the garden under winter. For spring landing They are stratified - placed in wet sawdust and hold 3-4 months in the refrigerator. Those who have grown up to 30 cm seedlings are seated for permanent places. They begin to bloom in 2-8 years.

Used for breeding and green cuttings with a length of 15-20 cm. They need 15-16 hours. Hold in the root-forming solution, and then placed in the substrate from sand and peat (1: 1), cover with a plastic bag. They are rooted within 1-3 months, after which the plants are planted in open sad. Almonds are also vaccinated on cherochovye, alchov, plum and thorns.

Warm almonds for the winter

Water the culture moderately. Feat the plants in the spring solution: 20 g of Selitera, 10 g of urea and 1 kg of cowboat on a 10-liter water bucket. And in the fall, close in the soil for 20 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate

Before flowering, sanitary trimming is carried out with the removal of branches over 7 years old. After flowering, the forming trimming with shortening annual shoots on 1/3. (With our climate, I try to form crowns in the form of bushes.) At the end of the summer, the top kidneys cut off to stimulate the wearing the shoots and prevent their frost in the winter cold.

I insulate for winter I am almonds, linking bushes and wrapping them nonwoven material in 2 layers. Since it blooms early, then to protect flowers from frosts using smoking, spraying or byproof material.

Refers to the nature of the plum. It is often called nuts, but in biological understanding is a bone fruit, a close relative of apricot, whose seeds are also edible. Right almonds from the Middle East and South Asia, therefore is a thermo-loving plant.

Many almond varieties are possible to cultivate only in the regions where winter weather is characterized by a short-term decrease in temperature to 17-22 degrees, but frosts at 25 degrees and above can destroy flower kidneys.

It is a shrub or a small church with developed roots. The above-ground part of the plant can grow up to 11 meters, and underground - to delve five meters. Crohn can have a rounded, pyramidal, spreading shape, and sometimes - the type of wakeful willow.

During flowering, almond tree is densely dinner with white or pinkish flowers, some varieties of petals are painted in bright pink and bordered by a white stripe.

Each flower is represented by five petals surrounding numerous stamens with a pestle. The flowering of almonds falls on the middle of the spring and is ahead of the blooming of the leaves. Blooming trees We are endowed with a pronounced pleasant aroma, for which they are valued as early honey, capable of give up to 38 kg of honey from one hectare. Green leaves have an extended shape and resemble the leaves of the olive tree, but exceed them in size. To obtain a crop, almost all varieties need pollinators, so several trees should be planted on the site.

In contrast, the pulp, the crop, is a rude green powder and is unsuitable for food. Damage and cracking of this peel signals about maturity edible boneswhich have an extended shape and covered with grooves and furrows. But the inner part of the bones is edible not all varieties. At wild almonds - they have a bitter taste and contain poisonous substances. Of these bones, valuable almond oil and milk are obtained, which are actively used in cosmetology.

The collection of sweet almond "nuts" falls at the end of the summer - the beginning of the autumn, when the octurizers are cracking. They are removed from the fruits and dried, after which they are tightly packaged and searched for storage in a dry place. Almond trees enter the course of fruiting on the third-fourth year of life and give a crop for 40-50 years, and the tree itself can live to 85 years. The nutritional value of the almond kernel is equal to bread, milk and meat. "Nuts" contain 55-63% fatty oils, 23-35% proteins, up to 8% of sugars, as well as vitamins of B. Almond nuts can be maintained for a long time without losing their qualities, and the almond oil is not at all burning.

To obtain the harvest of edible nuts cultivate almonds ordinary and its varietal varieties. The choice of varieties affect the climatic conditions of the region and the possibility of self-pollution, which is inherent in very few varieties, for example, Nikitsky 62.

Also, the varietal features affect the shape and size of trees, as well as their resistance to cold, diseases and malicious insects. From the variety depends the size of the bones, the thickness of the ocopulodnik and the amount of crop.

Almond grades resistant to frost:

  • Primorsky - has good immunity to diseases, needs pollinators and is able to give up to 15 kg of "nuts" from one tree.
  • Nikitsky 62 is capable of self-pollization and gives up to 13 kg of harvest.
  • Dessert - blooms in the middle of spring and needs pollinators.

Sorts having an average frost resistance:

  • Milos - has an average immunity to diseases and gives about six kilograms of "nuts."
  • Alushta - ripens early and gives large nuts, but needs pollinators.
  • Steppe - distinguished by medium yield and good taste.

The varieties of thermal-loving and drought-resistant minada:

  • Anniversary - late period of ripening, with yield above average indicators
  • Sevastopol - late period of ripening with high yield, needs pollinators.
  • Foros - a mediterranean large-scale variety, resistant to pests and diseases, needs pollinators.

Almond trees feel well in a lit place, they do not put forward special requirements to the soil, love lime, tolerate urban conditions and grow very rapidly.

Almond trees can be multiplied by several ways: seeds, seedlings, braids and cuttings. The first method is the most time-consuming, but allows you to feel the whole process. When growing almonds, it should be remembered that the culture does not always retain the varietal quality of fruits.

Place for landing seed should be protected from strong windsThe soil is needed fertile and well-drained. When dry climates, irrigation will need:

  • sowing seeds produce in spring, with autumn landing rise risk of rodent bones
  • earth should be deeply swore or throw
  • bones are plugged by 11-16 cm

Before planting seed, material is necessary. For this bones are placed in the sand and withstand about a month, maintaining the temperature at the level of 1 to 10 degrees. Optimal time For this event is the first half of winter. But it is necessary to conduct it 20-25 days before sowing actions. If seed roots sprouted greatly, they should be segged to stimulate the development of side roots. When seedlings reach 15 cm, they should be shortened by acute shovels. After which the plants are abundantly watered.

On one meter there are about six nuts, and if the place is chosen constant and the eyepiece is carried out without subsequent transplant, then two nuts need to be placed in one well.

The eyepiece is carried out at the end of the summer to prevent the premature germination of the eyes.

The procedure is carried out near the root cervical. For the winter, the seedlings are enclosed that helps to avoid early germination of the death of the plant from the cold. When the eyepiece will grow by 12-15 cm, it is plunged with the purpose of fixing. As the ovelaced increases, the procedure is repeated, and the divesel is released from new shoots. In the first year, the crown shape does not form. Young trees dig and transplant on permanent placeIf necessary.

The most common method of reproduction of almond is planting grafted seedlings. But acquire planting material It follows the verified seller or in the nursery to get the tree of the desired variety.

It is also worth considering that for most varieties need pollinators, therefore, several different varieties should be planted.

Planting seedlings is made according to a specific scheme, observing uncomplicated rules:

  1. Prepare landing wells whose size should be more rooted twice. The drainage layer is placed on the bottom, using crushed stone, broken brick and sand.
  2. Pits are digging with an interval of at least three meters so that future plants do not interfere with each other's development.
  3. The soil under the landing of seedlings should be easily supported using superphosphate (about 500 grams per sore), rented manure (4-5 kg), and add lime.
  4. The roots are evenly distributed along the bottom of the landing pit and the center is installed in the center.
  5. The vaccination location should not be immersed in the soil.
  6. After disembarking, each seedling should be dirt well water. As it grows it in a timely manner of the soil around the trees from weeding grass and loose.

In the first year of life, the seedlings will grow slowly, because the plant sends all the forces on the development of the root system. But in the following years, almonds actively move into growth and in four years will delight first flowering.

Special almond care requires immediately after disembarking, but in subsequent years it will be needed regular watering, timely pruning and fertilizer application:

  • In the absence of precipitation, the trees need to be at least once a week. More adult individuals can do and more rare irrigation. It is necessary to ensure that the root neck is not wet, because it can quickly bend and the plant will die. It is reasonable to carry watering with drip irrigationWhat will save from many problems.
  • Almonds need to regularly feed. In the period of active growth under the young trees, fertilizers enriched with nitrogen and potassium are made. For adult trees, manure and ammonium nitrate is suitable in the form of solutions (on the water bucket - kilogram of manure and 0.2 kg of nitrate). At the beginning of Spring, medeli-containing fertilizers contribute. Any fertilizer needs to be poured to water to avoid the burns of the plant and ensure the uniform distribution of feeding.
  • It is necessary to conduct formative and wellness almonds. They are carried out after flowering. First you need to switches the crown and remove damaged and dried branches.
  • Also grafted almond needs shelter for the winter, which is allowed to avoid extincting culture.

On the fourth-fifth hum almond trees give the first harvest. After flowering, small hard fruits are formed, sour taste. In some countries, they are applied to food. As relevance, the fruits begin to fit, become dark and crackdown. Drying the shell serves as a signal to the collection of "nuts".

Like all plants almonds can get sick and undergo insect attacks. The most susceptible to the plant with gray rot, rust, moniliosis, churrosposition and swasteriosis. All these diseases, including the pass and orange spot, belong to fungal, so you need to treat them. Processing is carried out twice a week.

Almond treatment is carried out as prophylaxis, almonds are treated with a single-survive solution of the Bordeaux liquid, and also destroy the fallen leaves by incineration.

Almond trees can be amazed, leaflets, plum-fruit, almond leaf peeling and self-seeds, as well as spider ticks. Against all insects, in addition to the latter, systemic insecticides are used, and spider ties are expelled with acaricidal drugs. Treat trees in the spring, before the start of flowering several times. Looks like prevention natural enemies Insects - birds, installing feeders in the garden. Also, the fallen leaves should be burned and pumping the soil for the winter.

Under all the rules, you can grow a healthy fruiting almond tree and rummaged with useful and delicious "nuts", which are very nutritious, but allergens and are not recommended to people with overweight. And wild almonds can be used as a combination for peach and apricot, which increase the drought resistance of these crops.

More information can be found from the video:

Almonds - a pad of shrubs or trees from a kind of plum, a height of 2 - 6m, and its "nuts" are actually kernels of the bones - the same are edible from many varieties apricot - close relative Almond.

These plants are thermal-loving, most of the varieties in Ukraine are growing only in Crimea, Transcarpathia and in the zone of up to 80 km from the sea. In winter, the short-term decrease in temperature is maintained to -18 - -20 0 s, but with a sharp cooling to -24 0 C majority floral kidneys die.

Lancing leaves, long, green; Form resemble olive, but significantly larger.

White or pink flowers, sometimes - with white edges and a rich-pink middle, have 5 petals, a lot of stamens and 1 pestle, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. They bloom before the leaves - in March - May, depending on the region - simultaneously with plums. Express a rather strong pleasant fragrance.

Most varieties need persistent pollination for the formation of fruits, therefore, for their preparation, at least 2 - 3 plants on the site are planted.

Self-blocks are incredible - the part that makes the pulp of plum or apricot, the almond is represented by a dense green sovereign peel, which brown and cracks on the "seam" as the bone ripening. The bone on the form repeats the fruit, covered with snaps, less often with grooves.

The core of the bones is edible only in some varieties - it is a bitter to poison and is used only to receive almond oil and milk. Collect bones of sweet varieties in July - September, when the ocoloblodnik will start cracking; They are well dried and stored tightly packed.

Fruption begins for 3 - 4 years of life of the plant and lasts 30 - 50 years, and the tree itself on average lives 50 - 80 years, sometimes up to 130 years.

Growing and Care Terms

Almonds - a rather hardy plant, and problems with it usually arise from an unsuitable climate, especially if you want to get fruit: from spring frosts During the flowering period, the harvest can be significantly less or not to get involved at all, and in the harsh winters the plant simply will not survive. The general wishes are as follows:

  • Watering - Not a vital necessity, the plant will quite survive and completely without it, but to increase the period of flowering and abundant fruiting, it is necessary to pour out 10 - 15 liters of water for each plant when the soil dries at 3 - 5 cm. With a lack of moisture in the hot summer months, not only the current harvest can be lost, but also the future, because the floral kidneys at the almond are laid in the summer. Young seedlings watered every 10 - 15 days.
  • Subordinate Brought in spring and autumn, dripping the soil in the rolling circle. It can be overwhelmed manure, superphosphate and potassium sulfur. Young plants to accelerate growth need nitrogen fertilizers.
  • The soil Must be a light, native for almonds - rocky, fit and the sandy or light black mill. The soil acidity is needed at the pH level of 7.7 - alkaline, it is possible neutral; Sour soils must be lime. Also contraindicated heavy clay or saline (especially with chlorine) Earth and plots with high levels Groundwater.
  • Sveta Almond loves much - do not put it close to buildings and do not let the crown become too thick, otherwise the fruits will be formed only at the ends of the branches.
  • However, on too wind yenom The place of this tree will also be uncomfortable - especially on the northern, cold winds.
  • Preferably 4 - 5 times for the season to explode a rolling circle to a depth of 10 cm, the first time - even before flowering.
  • Trimming - Mandatory annual event to ensure the health of the plant and preventing the crown thickening. For the formation of a tree (usually on the 2nd year after disembarkation, after the end of flowering), they choose an average of 4 skeletal branches at a distance of 10 - 20 cm in height from each other, which together form a cross, or 3 tiers of branches on a little longer distance. At the same time, all other branches are cut off by the secateur until the trunk, and the top is cut off at 50 - 60 cm above the upper branch of the skeleton.

In the spring, in front of flowering, spend a sanitary haircut, removing dry, broken, damaged branches and frozen tips.

  • For prophylaxis Diseases and pests in the fall remove all the fruits that do not fall from the tree, the foliage collect and smell outside the garden, the soil in the rolling circle is rehakted and process the entire plant with a 1% solution of the Bordeaux fluid.
  • To protect the roots from frost, you can mulch their peat, sawdust or sweetheart. In more nordic regions Almonds are grown as a bush and is covered with a completely purchased material or a sweetheart, on top - sawdust, top-film.


Most often, the varietal almonds are bought in the form of seedlings - as well as any fruit trees. Almonds better tolerate the "relocation" in the fall, it is possible even in winter - during the rest. Under it prepares a hole with a depth of 60cm and the same width, the bottom of the pits fall asleep with rubble and sand or broken bricks, and the land that the pit will be filling, lime and, if necessary, draining - sand or rubble. If the plants are somewhat, between them retreat 4 - 6m. Additionally, 5- 6 kg of overworked manure and 500g superphosphate are mixed into the soil. If the landing was still postponed on the spring, the pit is still needed from autumn. Sitted a tree along with an earthen room, they are clinging to the support - so that it is at least half the meter above the ground level. Root neck should stay slightly above the ground level; everything free place Fill the soil and watered a seedling, only after that it can be tied to the support. By the need for land, you can add, but do not fall asleep the root neck!

From the almond seed grows for quite a long time - it will begin to be froning about the 4th year. The bones (crude, not fried) are better to suck in autumn into the container on the street or indoors with a temperature not higher than +3 0 S. When sowing the open ground, they are most likely eaten. You can also hold seeds to spring (4 months) in the bottom box in the refrigerator, and already in the spring it is sown. Summer sowing - rows, at a distance of 45 - 60 cm at intervals in a row about 10 cm. The depth of seed seeds is 10 cm. The first time the seedlings require a particularly careful care - watering, loosening, removal of weeds and protection against frost. IN good conditions Already by July, the seeding will reach 50 - 60cm in height and about 1 cm in the diameter of the stem - then it's time to remove all branches from the base of the stem to 12 cm, so that the tree was formed and all the strength went to 1 stem.

Often, the varietal almonds are vaccinated on the wild (bitter), as well as on the turn, plum or thorn - so it develops faster and partially retains the endurance of the stock. Make it in mid-April or end of August, when the movement of the juice on the plant is as active as possible, preferably - in the evening coolness so that the sections do not swam too quickly. There are several ways to vaccinate - the kidney on the shield (eye), escape into the split or in the lining and others. The essence of each of them is that from a rooted plant, all shoots are removed (except for one, small - for food, the leaves are shortened, leaving 1cm), make a cut on it (only remove the bark or cut the entire branch under sharp angle) And this cut is closed with a part of a varietal almond with a minimum of 1st kidney. All sections should be clean, smooth, made by one movement of a special very sharp, sterile knife; Touch them with your fingers. The connection site is tightly fixed, leaving free kidneys, all shoots below the vaccinations are removed, and they are waiting for an effort 3 to 4 weeks. If, after this time of the kidney green - it means everything was successful. Do not forget the nearest spring to remove the last branch from the plant - the stock, which was left for nutrition.

Burnt shoots - usually appear after the haircut of the plant. They need to fasten and root 1.5 - 2 years and only after that, lean from the maternal almond.

The reproduction of grains is an artificial rooting of the lower flexible branches - for example, when cultivating in the shape of a bush, or if the piglery and the root shoots appeared close to the trunk, on its basis or on the stub. Such shoots bend to the ground, fixed for the middle of a few studs and fall asleep this place with a layer of soil about 20cm (you can pre-pull the hole). The decodes will be rooted 1 - 1.5 years under the condition of regular irrigation and loosening, and only after that young plant You can sit down.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Most almond varieties may be subject to such diseases:

  • Gray rot (Botritis) - originally manifests itself with brown spots on the leaves, which are rapidly increasing, and later appears gray raids - disputes fungus. It is important to catch the contaminated parts before the formation of the dispute. Particularly high risk of infection with thickened landings or hitting nitrogen fertilizers On the leaves.
  • Rust - brown spots On the leaves, with back from Toron - pads with red, "rusty" powder - disputes.
  • Monilion falls into the plant through flowers and affects the flowers themselves, leaves and young shoots.
  • The churchosposition is most often in April, expressed by red-brown stains with a diameter of about 3mm.
  • Plusteriosis, he is a holey spot - also leaves spots on the leaves, but with a characteristic dark border. Over time, the middle of the stain falls.

Treatment and prevention

All these diseases, and more - a pair and orange spot, are fungal, and therefore treated with fug-off drugs, with re-processing after 3 - 5 days. Before processing, try to remove all damaged parts of the plant. Monyliosis in the early stages is treated by the Bordeaux liquid, and the rust is a sulfur powder or colloidal gray, suspended (shaken) in water.

The prevention of diseases is autumn (and, if necessary, the spring) treatment with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, as well as burning foliage outside the garden.

From pests can be seen, leaflets, plum fruit, almond sheet sawdress, almond seed or web tick.

Keep all except the last insecticides, and custom tick - acaricides. Processing spend in early spring, Before the dissolution of flower kidneys, 2 - 3 times with an interval of 3 - 5 days. From Tly, you can get rid of soap water (300g economic Soap 10l) or tincture of tobacco. The almond seed winters in damaged fruits, which do not fall, so break all the nuts, and in the fall, draw the prophylactic treatment of borobo liquid. Lasterka disappears from 0.2% carbofos, but in the spring it is better to admonish nitrafen, insecticides or borobo liquid (before flowering, but at temperatures above +4 0 s)

Pest Prevention is the most natural and simple lesson: attract birds (make birdhouses and feeders) - and you are pleased, and in the tree no bug will survive. Tlyuy also feed on the hollows, which can be brutally attached to dill or fennel, sowned in the rigorous circle. Many pests winter in the fallen foliage, damaged wood parts or in the ground, so in the fall all the vegetable waste beaten outside the garden, and the land around the trunk is reappearing.

The use of different parts of the almond, its useful and not very properties

Almond kernels are the most nutritious product from all the fruits and vegetables of the CIS countries, they are even more protein than in meat or milk. The only minus is an allergen and is not recommended by people suffering from obesity. But the use of bones in food is far from the only use of almond wood:

  1. Grow as decorative plant For the sake of early, abundant and fragrant flowering.
  2. In gardening, wild almonds are used as a dive to peaches and apricot - it increases their drought resistance.
  3. Almond oil is used in medicine as a mitigating, anti-inflammatory and laxative, as well as in cosmetology and for expensive soap varieties.
  4. The meal remaining after oil production is raw materials for receiving essential oils - For fragrance perfumes.
  5. The almond core food is used raw, fried, salty, added to chocolate, liqueurs (for example, amaretto), in baking. Very popular as spices to second dishes they are in China and Indonesia. Martzipan desserts (ground almonds in sugar syrup) and pralines are popular (ground kernels fried in sugar).
  6. Almond milk is a cow's substitute for strict vegetarians.
  7. The shell of the almond bone gives the aroma and color of alcoholic beverages, as well as the activated coal from it.

Types and varieties for garden growing

In gardening to obtain "nuts", only 1 type of almond ordinary (and its varieties) are used, and the shrub steppe almonds are grown as decorative, "bobulk" (and its varieties), which is much more winter-hardy.

Choosing a grade of almonds must first of all in accordance with the compliance of climatic conditions, as well as take into account self-pollization (very rarely, for example, at the Nikitsky variety 62).

Also, the height and shape of the crown of the plant, resistance to frost, diseases and pests, the size of the bone and the thickness of its shell, and the yield depends on the variety.

Consider that not any almond edible!

  1. Winter-hardy varieties:
    • Steppe almonds and varieties based on it - Annie, Dream, Pink Fog, White Sail, Pink Flamingo. Bones of these plants are not edible, they are grown only for the sake abundant flowering - White or pink. Due to the relative compactness (up to 1.5 - 2m), they can grow in personnel, for example - on a balcony or loggia.
    • Three-blade almonds (he - Louisiania is three-stamped) - a tree about 3m, even growing in the suburbs, but its bones are also not suitable for food. Flowers very plentiful, pink terry flowers.
    • Edible - Primorsky (resistant to diseases, up to 14kg of pure harvest with 1 tree) and Nikitsky 62 (self-polished, up to 12kg harvest).
  2. Mid-resistant sortes - Milos (not very susceptible to disease, gives up to 6 kg harvest) and dessert almonds (fruits regularly, up to 9kg per season).
  3. Heat-loving, heat-resistant varietiesalmonds - Yalta (regular harvest up to 14kg, sweet), Sevastopol (late, with high productivity), fragrant (very tasty and fragrant bones, late blooms) and mangup (late, drought-resistant, is not subject to disease and pests).

Long period of Louiseania Three-bladed Melted Three-blade almonds. The second name was a terry plum. And only then the scientists allocated this plant to the separate genus of Louiseania. Before today's day It continues to bring this plant from nurses located in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. So, Louiseania almond terry in the suburbs Three-blade - care, reproduction, shelter, photo - we consider today.

Mahver almonds, in the suburbs, whether shelter is needed for the winter

It should not be paid to the fact that the plant has southern origins. Almonds, without needing additional insulation. The flowering of it begins in the first half of May, before the dissolution of the leaves. Admire beautiful flowers Pink, dark pink or raspberry shade, you can not more than two weeks - exactly so much plants with rosos of miniature forms. It happens that refundable frosts damage them, but it is not scary. The blooming almond looks good in the cut, it stands for a long time in the bouquet.

Landing Rules: Mahver Three-Blade Almond

The plant does not impose special requirements for. But it is not worth risking, trying to grow almonds on heavy clay areas or places where groundwater Very close to the surface. Before planting in the soil, it is recommended to deposit under the step.

The plant loves well-lit places, a light half is allowed. Lached almonds must be protected from winds. Twenty centimeter drainage from crushed stone or broken bricks is mandatory on the garden, it is full of sand layer of centimeters in five.

It is carried out with an interval of half a meter to one and a half. The root neck at the same time should be located slightly above the soil level. A mixture for planting is made up of three parts of the leaf land, two - humidia and one - sand. A gram of three sheets is added to each landing fossa. Landing is completed with the mulching of the earth or peat.

Louiseania need care, photo

  • The plant loves the regularity of feeding. Kilo Korovyaka, ten grams of urea, twenty-nitrates add to the water bucket. In the fall on each square of the plot, twenty grams of the double superphosphate are made.
  • Watering is recommended in moderate volumes. On the sandy sections it can be carried out more often. Important condition - Do not soak root cake. It is recommended for one plant to pour from seven to ten liters of water.
  • It is useful to perform loosening, smelting weed vegetation. Excellent almond transfers trimming, quickly restarting at the expense of a young row.

Reproduction of the plant

It happens seed fashion or . Village is allowed almonds on the plum, Turn, and even a cherry. Subsequently, it is necessary to cut all the dyed sprouts that are generated below the vaccination location.

Louiseania is damaged by lopponing tracks. They are advised to spray chlorophos. The fruit of the plum is etched by carbofos, spending it processing several times. Ringlies of tri prevent the solution of the household soap, tobacco infusion, potato tops. In order to be advised to be blocked by a solution of lime and clay, adding a bit of joinery glue into it.

In case of sulfur, the damaged sprigs cut off with sulfur. The procedure is performed twice - after flowering or in winter. Appeated rust is treated with preparations based on colloidal or sulfur ground.

Almonds and. It helps with asthma, ulcers and pleut, improves eyesight. With it, the stomach is treated. Great for cultivation. Squake almonds on the plot, and do not regret at all.

Louiseania blooms very magnificent for two weeks, to the dissolution of the leaves. According to the directories, this shrub is a height of about 3 m, but it usually depends on the climatic zone. When growing in the Moscow region almonds three-blade good care reaches 2 m. The gardens are more often grown with terry flowers - Their subtle branches in May are literally sleeping with "rospets". Three-bladed almond flowers can have a shade from dark pink to raspberry and grow pairwise. Blossom begins in the first half of May and lasts about 2.5 weeks. At that time blooming bush. Very reminds Sakura. In the climate of the middle strip of fruits, it is completely a bit (these are dry chosen stoves). In October, elegant leaves of Louiseania become yellow-red-orange, and the shrub again acquires decorativeness.

Is it possible to grow thundered almonds in the suburbs?

Despite its heat-lobility, Louiseania is well tolerates smooth, moderately frosty winters, especially with large quantity snow. The situation is worse with regular temperatures when frosts are replaced by raw thaws: Louiseania can wake up ahead of time and get damage from frosts. In very harsh and snowy winters with long-term strong frosts She can freeze the ends of shoots and kidneys, it is possible to sing the root cervix. Therefore, when growing Louiseania in middle lane It is recommended to cover it for the winter.

What to plant Louiseania?

Louiseania will look good in the shrubs group. You can put in front of her varieties that all summer on her background will bloom. Landing near blooming perennialsEspecially with broader leaves, such as, will also be appropriate. The contrast in the form of foliage will make the composition spectacular and after the plants are swinging.

Planting almonds three-blade

Three-blade almond prefers sunny places covered by wind. It is not very demanding soils, but prefers light, fertile, well-drained and with enough lime. Landing in shaded and raw places is categorically contraindicated.

For landing of Louzeania, the soil mixture of 3 parts of the leaf land, 2 parts and 1 part of the sand fit well. It is advisable to add 200-300 grams or lime. Drainage is laid on the bottom of the landing pit: 15-20 cm rubble or broken bricks and 5-7 cm of sand. It is impossible to plunge the root neck of the plant at the landing: it should be located above the ground level. The optimal distance between the bushes is 1 - 1.5 meters. After landing surveillance Circles Mulch earth or, mulch layer thickness - 5-7 cm.

Louiseania care

Watering. The plant drought resistant, but during flowering it is necessary, it is necessary to irrigate, especially on sandy soils. On thin soils, watering should be more moderate. Three-bladed almonds do not tolerate the convergence and stagnation of water - this leads to disgusting the root neck, so it is recommended to water only when the earth dries to a depth to 1.5 cm.

Podkord. Louiseania needs regular fertilizer. In the spring it is fed by a mixture of 1 kg of a cowboat, 20 g of ammonia nitrates and 10 g of urea. The mixture is bred in 10 liters of water. In the fall contribute mineral fertilizers: Double superphosphate and potassium sulfate for 20 g per square meter. m soil.

Trimmingalmond Three-bladed is necessary for the formation of the crown and recovery of the plant. After flowering, all flowering branches are shortened by 2/3 of length - it stimulates the growth of new shoots, especially in young plants. All branches growing inside the crown are also removed. Louiseania is prone to thickening, so too scorched bush need to cut forward: it will save the plant from diseases and will retain his decorativeness.

Transferlouzeania, if necessary, is done in August. The plant usually tolerates a transplant.

In the suburbs, good results gives the reproduction of Louiseania horizontal gag. For this, longitudinal cuts are applied on the bore along the branch from the bottom side, the branch is tightly pressed with cuts to the ground and fall asleep from above. The free end is tied up vertically, so that it does not lay on the ground. Watered infrequently. Separate out parent plant not necessary. Roots usually appear only in a year.

It is somewhat more complicated to multiply almond with three-bladed green cuttings: they hardly come true and in most cases fall into the first wintering.

Diseases and pests

Three-blade almonds are susceptible, especially when growing in unsuitable conditions and insufficient care. For prophylaxis to dissolve colors on buds, the bush is treated with "Horus". It is advisable to do that when low temperatures (+3 ... + 10 ° С). When signs of monilial burns appear (withering the leaves on the branches of the branches), the affected branches are cut to the lower healthy sheet or on the ring. Be sure to sterilize the secateur before and after pruning the patient plant! After flowering, the bushes spray "Sorrow".

Louiseania is often amazed by gray rot. The prevention of the disease lies in good care and mandatory pruning of the affected parts of the plant at the first signs of the disease.

Almond Treaty Grade

The most common varieties grown in the middle lane - Captivity and Kievskaya.

Louiseania captivity - Pretty scattered low bush with terry pink flowers 4 - 4, 5 cm, having about 40 petals. Blooms in early May, after the dissolution of the leaves, blooms about 2 weeks.

Louiseania Kievskaya - Legged, the bush can reach a height of 3 - 3, 5 m. Flowers from pink to dark pink, with a diameter of about 3.5 cm, with 10-12 petals. Have a strong pleasant almond fragrance. Blossom abundant, to dissolving the leaves, what does Kievskaya more spectacular in comparison with the previous variety. Duration of flowering - about 7 days.

The thermal-loving plant needs shelter for the winter.

Prefers solar places protected from wind.

It grows well on lungs, fertile, drained soils.

Does not tolerate moisture and stagnation of moisture.

It reacts well to making organic and mineral fertilizers.

Propagated by vaccination and gag.