Cupronickel spoons will clean the potato broth. How to clean cupronickel spoons, forks and jewelry

V Soviet time cupronickel cutlery was popular. They were taken out on holidays and very much taken care of. Unfortunately, such things are no longer produced, but many families have them in their collection. However, the material is prone to darkening, therefore, it is important for their owners to know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home. Luckily, adding shine is pretty easy and can be done using the available products.

Cupronickel - what is it?

Cupronickel is an alloy of red copper, with the addition of zinc, nickel and silver. The last layer very thin and wears out quickly. But if you re-silver the cutlery, they acquire a noble shine. Of course, this is the most correct way out, but not for everyone. The main disadvantages are the price of the service and the need to contact a jewelry workshop.

The substances from which the alloy is obtained are prone to gradual darkening. The provoking factor is high humidity and constant contact with water. Of course, it is much more pleasant to eat with cupronickel appliances. Guests will also be surprised by such spoons and will appreciate the creativity of the hosts. But in order for the products to sparkle, you should know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home. There are many simple recipes, the ingredients for which can be found in any home.

The advantages of cupronickel

The material is an alloy with a small proportion of silver. Therefore, not everyone uses such spoons every day. Basically, they are kept for special occasions. Such products have a lot of advantages:

  • strength and durability;
  • not subject to corrosion;
  • elegant appearance and similarity to silver;
  • ease of care and hygiene;
  • resistance to high temperatures.

The main disadvantage of the material is its tendency to darken.

How to get rid of the problem

It is important to know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home, because the material does not react well to most household cleaners. The best way out is to use "grandmother's" recipes that have been tested in practice and time.

Soda solution

Basically, all of the methods of polishing came from the people. Our grandmothers knew how to clean cupronickel from blackness at home. They intuitively understood that the use of abrasives was not recommended, so they often used soda. For this, the following solution was prepared:

  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • soda - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 2 liters.

It is necessary to take an enamel pan, put a foil intended for baking on the bottom. Next, the prepared solution is poured in, the pan is put on fire. The procedure takes about 15 minutes. During this time, cupronickel restores its original shine.

After turning off, remove the spoons and let them cool down. Then the devices are thoroughly rinsed and rubbed to a shine with a clean towel.

Using pasta broth

Boiling pasta will help give faded cutlery a noble shine. To do this, you need to put pasta on the stove, and as they cook, stir with a cupronickel spoon. You can simply put all the devices in the water for a while. However, after such a procedure, the pasta will have to be thrown away. Of course, this method will not rid the material of blackness, but it will return the shine.

Shell cleaning

How to clean cupronickel spoons, modern housewives no longer know. But old recipes come to the rescue. One of the simplest is a solution of eggshell.

During this time, the dark bloom will go away. All that remains is to thoroughly rinse the devices and rub them with a clean cloth. The method was often used at the time Soviet Union when the hostesses were preparing for the gala dinner. Many salads require eggs, so it was possible to combine business with pleasure.

Anti-plaque garlic

Modern housewives are often interested in how to clean cupronickel from darkening. You don't have to buy household chemicals for this. You can use a fairly simple tool.

You need to collect garlic peels. Usually there is a lot of it in storage places. The husk is poured with water, in approximately equal proportions, and put on fire. After boiling, you can put cupronickel devices in the solution. In this case, heating must be continued until the desired effect is achieved. Usually spoons and forks brighten after 5-10 minutes of boiling.

There is a little trick. How to clean cupronickel and give it a shine? If the devices are very dark, then the amount of husk must be doubled. The effect will be strong, objects will regain their former shine.

Using vinegar and ammonia

With old pollution and strong blackening, heavy artillery is used. You can use ammonia and make a solution from it. The more complex the spots, the less water must be added. If the situation has gone too far, then pure ammonia can be used.

If there is no ammonia in the house, you can use vinegar. For this, a tablespoon of the essence is poured into a glass of water. How to clean cupronickel cutlery? It is necessary to moisten a towel in the solution and wipe the products thoroughly.

There is a little trick. To make the processing more effective and faster, cupronickel is pre-smeared with glycerin. In this case, the vinegar must be slightly warmed up. After this cleaning, the cutlery starts to shine like new.

Carbonic acid fights plaque

Luxurious and aristocratic look at dining table cupronickel spoons. It is important to know what to clean the appliances in order to maintain their graceful appearance. There is a fairly simple and original way... You need to buy regular soda and put cupronickel products in it.

The exposure time depends on the degree of contamination, it is usually about two hours. After the procedure, the devices are thoroughly washed in water and rubbed.

Tip: It's best to use a carbonated drink without dyes. Otherwise, cupronickel may acquire a color tint.

To make cupronickel shine

The main advantage of cupronickel devices is their noble luster. Over time, it is lost, and excessive moisture exacerbates the process. To achieve desired result simple enough. You can use regular school chalk. Only white is used for cleaning to avoid color of the material.

To make the devices shine as before, a solution is prepared:

  • litere of water;
  • two tablespoons of crushed chalk;
  • two boats of soap shavings.

If there was no chalk in the house, then Toothpaste always in stock. Many people wonder how to clean cupronickel spoons forks. It's simple. It is enough to treat them with a toothpaste with a whitening effect. You can use an old toothbrush or dish sponge.

In ancient times, tooth powder was used more often. He is still found on sale. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for more efficient and budget cleaning.

Preventive measures

Cupronickel is not only important to regularly clean, but also to comply with the conditions of its use and storage. This will provide a longer cleaning effect and keep the products in their original form.

In order for cutlery to always amaze with its radiance, you must follow the rules:

  1. Cupronickel darkens on open space... Therefore, immediately after use, it must be put into a dark case.
  2. After washing, the cutlery must be wiped dry. Moisture has a detrimental effect on the material, depriving it of its luster.
  3. It is best to store each spoon and fork separately. Cupronickel does not like contact, so you can wrap the devices in paper.
  4. It is recommended to wash products in cool water. If you rinse them regularly with a baking soda solution, then browning can be prevented.
  5. Cupronickel is afraid of chlorine bleach. Their impact leads to the formation dark spots and an unpleasant sight.
  6. To add shine, you can use a special paste that is used in jewelry workshops to clean silver.


Having figured out how to clean cupronickel spoons at home, many are interested in the possibility of washing them in dishwasher... This action is permissible, however, this should be done in the absence of other metal objects. Cupronickel does not like such a neighborhood and, upon contact, becomes covered with stubborn stains.

Silverware sometimes becomes a family heirloom. But not everyone could afford such devices before. Therefore, many families acquired cupronickel products. They are cheaper, but they also look noble. But in order to maintain a graceful shine, it is necessary to properly care for the material and store it in a dark place. So that cupronickel does not darken, you can not leave it wet and use strong detergents.

Only if all the conditions are met, cupronickel cutlery will last for many years and will be passed on from generation to generation as it was once accepted.

How to clean cupronickel cutlery to restore its coating? Routine washing will not remove dark stains and streaks. I know methods and tools that effectively remove dirt on this alloy.

Alloy features: why it gets dark

The beautiful "white copper" was created two millennia ago. Cupronickel is an ancient alloy of red copper and nickel, technologically improved by inclusions of manganese and iron. Now it is also enriched with zinc, sometimes with silver.

The composition of the alloy determines the properties of the metal that must be taken into account when cleaning:

  • hot processing is possible (cupronickel alloys - solid solutions);
  • resistance to soda, but not to abrasive substances;
  • mechanical and corrosion resistance;
  • fast cleaning;
  • perfect polish.

Reasons for surface darkening

A dark coating on cupronickel products (patina) occurs due to the oxidation of the metal during humid air... This happens regardless of whether you are using the devices or not. But with the active operation of devices from cupronickel, stains are also added. This oxidation plaque is harmful to health.

Instrument recovery methods

Consider how to clean cupronickel spoons at home. This procedure is the same as routine care for silver:

  • soak in clean warm water;
  • washing with a soapy soft sponge with elimination;
  • cleaning cupronickel at home with improvised means or special preparations.

Special cleaning agents

Jewelry stores sell special cleansing wet wipes, paste for silver and cupronickel. Although spoons and forks with intricate patterned decor are easier to clean with a special liquid rather than a paste. It will penetrate into all designer curls and return shine even where you can't reach with a brush.

If you want to use professional means- buy and follow the recommendations: the instructions on the packaging usually tell in detail about the rules for cleaning, and the manufacturer guarantees a brilliant result.

Lovers of inexpensive home tricks will come in handy - folk methods.

Effective folk methods

Proven by time and personally by me folk options how to clean cupronickel spoons at home, most of them inexpensive and quite simple.

4 ways to get rid of dark plaque

Illustration Cleaning recipes

Method 1. Sodium sulfate
  1. Dilute the drug with warm water (1: 3).
  2. Treat products with a moistened swab.
  3. After a couple of minutes, a shine is already noticeable: the solution reacts with a dark patina.
  4. Next, rinse cupronickel cutlery with soapy water, then running.
  5. Dry with cotton towels.

Method 2. Ammonia
  1. Rubber gloves will protect the skin - work carefully (without a sponge).
  2. A weak solution of ammonia and warm water will remove the patina - just rinse the appliances with it.
  3. Remove traces of ammonia under running water.
  4. Then wipe the appliances with a flannel cloth or soft cotton towel.

Method 3. Toothpaste

The paste will simplify the cleaning of cupronickel as much as possible. Do not use bleach (with abrasive particles):

  1. Squeeze the paste onto a swab.
  2. Polish the surface of the spoon, knife.
  3. Rinse off the paste.
Method 4. Fine salt

Salt will help clean cupronickel spoons with a slightly noticeable dark bloom:

  1. Dissolve 50 g in 1 liter of warm water. Unwanted scratches will only appear from dry salt.
  2. Put on rubber gloves- they will protect your hands from irritation.
  3. Soak the cutlery and leave for half an hour.
  4. Wash spoons in this water with a sponge.
  5. Rinse these items with cold water.


An effective anti-patina and simple remedy is fine crystalline sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).

Recipe 1. Baking soda + salt:

  • Dissolve in a liter of water in a spoon baking soda and salt.
  • Pour this solution into an enamel bowl or glass baking sheet with cooking foil on the bottom.
  • Fold spoons, knives, forks on top of the foil.
  • Top up with hot solution to cover the appliances.
  • Then heat the basin for 15 minutes over very low heat (or a baking sheet in the oven).
  • After cooling down, simply remove the devices from the solution. They will shine like new, and patina and streaks will disappear.
  • Now polish them gently with a flannel.

Gold-plated cupronickel devices cannot be cleaned with salt and soda. This remedy will destroy the beautiful gilding.

In the photo - cleaning with soda. For gilded devices made of cupronickel, this method cannot be used - alkali will ruin the metal

Recipe 2. Powder:

This method is considered more laborious - mechanical cleaning with soda powder (wet, not dissolved). It is still better to supplement this option with soaking, because the embossed dressing cannot be cleaned. But if you want to leave the patina on the holders (handles) as a manifestation of noble antiquity, then this method will do.

Traditional folk methods

For the owners of cupronickel products, I offer the following homemade recipes that use common improvised ingredients available in the kitchen. A simple instruction for their use attracts with its accessibility.

  1. Potato... The simplest cleaning agent for cupronickel - hot water where potatoes were cooked. Spoons, knives, forks must be put into the liquid strained after boiling potatoes and these devices should be left there overnight. In the morning, there will be no patina left on them.

  1. Chalk. Slightly darkened surfaces will be cleaned with regular chalk. It must be crushed into the smallest powder and grated on spoons. However, non-rubbed particles can scratch the surface. Therefore, before cleaning with chalk, you should make sure that there are no grains.

  1. Eggshell... The shell of 5 eggs must be finely crushed. Pour this powder with water, bring to a boil, place the devices in boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, and after cooling, dry with a towel.

Prefer wet cleaning in a liquid without the laborious and hazardous abrasive wiping on the nickel silver surface.

  1. Infusion of garlic peels- verified old method purification of cupronickel devices. It is necessary to boil water with garlic husks (the calculation is a spoonful of raw materials for 0.5 liters), then place tableware from cupronickel there. The longer the devices spend in it, the cleaner they will become.


Now you can choose the appropriate method for cleaning cupronickel and choose the best product. All of the above methods are effective and proven. For clarity - the video in this article. Ask all the questions that arise in the comments, and if you have your own method, share with us!

Cutlery - important detail perfect serving. Glittering forks, spoons and knives whet your appetite and cheer you up. That is why it is so important to know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home, forks and other dishes and utensils.

All items made of cupronickel need to be cleaned, both preventive and forced, regardless of care, period of use, manufacturer and other factors. You can achieve the desired effect if you follow the recommendations below using tools and methods, both homemade and industrial.

Darkening cupronickel: the main reasons

Dark bloom - the main problem cupronickel products. It is impossible to get rid of it by simple washing, even if it is impossible with the use of a soap solution, but all because it is not just dirt. Plaque on cupronickel has a name - patina. The reason for its appearance is not old dirt, but chemical reactions in which the metal enters.

The oxidation process is natural and inevitable, especially if the air (cupronickel comes into contact with it) contains an increased amount of moisture.

If you do not promptly clean cupronickel spoons and forks from darkening, then over time the situation will worsen. In addition to a dark coating, ugly greenish stains will appear. Appliances and utensils that require cleaning not only do not look aesthetically pleasing. They should not be used due to direct health risks.

As for the harm of cupronickel alloys for humans, in principle, everything is not so scary here. The composition is based on copper - there is more than 75% of it. In addition to copper, nickel is included in the cupronickel alloy; there is only 20% of it. It is nickel that causes allergic reactions in people prone to them. But the amount in which it is contained in the cupronickel alloy is not critical even for allergy sufferers. The rest of the impurities included in the composition (5% -10%) do not pose any threat.

So that cupronickel with gilding or in its pure form does not harm your health, you need to properly care for it with regular cleaning. How to do it? Below are helpful guidelines.

Homemade care products: which ones to choose

Improvised means for cleaning products from cupronickel are chosen for several reasons. First, most of them are available. Secondly, recipes based on them are safe. Thirdly, the effect of their use is really there, and tangible and persistent.

To understand how to clean cupronickel, you need to determine their nature. Typically, surfaces are coated with a dark bloom. In second place in popularity are stains that look like traces of dried liquid. Less common, but there are stubborn traces of dirt and grayish-green plaque.

In the fight against stains and plaque formed as a result of damp storage of products, ordinary table vinegar will be the solution to the problem. They moisten a microfiber cloth and wipe the surface.

Dark spots and deposits on appliances as a result of careless use for a long time can also be cleaned with baking soda. To do this, soda is applied to a dishwashing sponge and the surface is treated without fear of damaging upper layer... As an alternative to baking soda, fine sea ​​salt... In no case, using soda or salt to clean cupronickel, you can not choose hard brushes that can irrevocably spoil the metal.

A known way to clean cupronickel is using food foil. It is neatly laid out at the bottom of the container. The products are laid out in the dishes, soda is poured and boiling water is added. A few minutes will be enough for the alloy to react with soda and the plaque from its surface begins to move away. As soon as the cutlery and utensils are clean, they are rinsed and wiped dry.

To clean cupronickel cutlery without foil, a solution of soda with the addition of salt is suitable. The main thing is to maintain the water temperature for at least half an hour. Such a solution is effective enough for conventional products from cupronickel, but not suitable for processing dishes and appliances with the addition of gilding or surfaces with blackening. As in previous cases, after processing, the products are rinsed and thoroughly wiped off.

An unusual way to return newness to cupronickel products is to use garlic husks against plaque and stains. The effect can be achieved by boiling the devices along with the garlic peel for a few minutes. The saturation of the solution will depend on the number of devices requiring cleaning. The more products and the more contaminated they are, the more husk will be needed for the broth.

The power of carbonated drinks in the fight against dirt is already legendary.

Indeed, "Cola", "Fanta" and other sodas are suitable for cleaning cupronickel products. To clean outdated dishes or appliances from blackness, it is enough to rinse them with carbonated drinks, followed by rinsing and polishing.

Alternative methods according to "grandmother's" recipes

To clean cupronickel dishes at home from improvised means, the remains of eggshells are often used. The mixture formed from 3-4 eggs will be enough for making a paste.

Before use, the shell is finely pounded until a powder is formed, poured with water and put on fire, bringing to a boil. Cupronickel products are placed in a decoction and "boiled" for 5-15 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. After cleaning, wipe the dishes dry.

A well-known remedy for the care of precious and semi-precious metals is toothpaste. It can be used to clean cupronickel utensils in combination with cotton pads. The process will take time, effort, patience and accuracy. It will be especially difficult to clean products with complex design and openwork weaves.

One of the extraordinary methods of cleaning cupronickel alloy is with the help of potato broth. It is prepared from potatoes in their skins. Cupronickel products are immersed in a boiling broth and allowed to boil for at least half an hour. You can boil products without fear of damage until traces of plaque and dirt begin to disappear from the surface, after which they are rinsed and wiped off.

You can replace the paste with tooth powder, if you first dilute it in a small amount of water until a soft mass is formed. For processing small parts use cotton swabs dipped in powder paste or toothpaste.

Chemistry in the fight against dirt and plaque on cupronickel

It is not always possible to achieve the desired result with foil, eggshells, and even vinegar and baking soda. In especially neglected cases, one has to resort to "heavy artillery" based on chemical compounds.

One of the active agents is sodium thiosulfate solution, which is easy to buy at the pharmacy. No less effective will be a solution based on thiosulfate diluted in water from a count of 10 ml to 30 ml.

Before processing, products are washed in warm soapy water. Clean surfaces while still warm with a cotton pad.

A proven way to bring back the shine and shine to devices is electrolysis. It is about the galvanic cleaning method, which gives a 100% result, but is associated with certain difficulties. To carry out electrolysis, a working current source is required.

You can build a device for such cleaning with your own hands at home. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • the glass container is filled with water;
  • place cupronickel products there;
  • additionally put any metal object in the dish.
  • a minus is connected to the product requiring cleaning, plus is connected to the metal auxiliary product.

The processing time is adjusted depending on the voltage. The higher it is, the faster the cupronickel surface will become clean again. So, for example, at a voltage of 24 V, products will sparkle clean in just one minute.

Industrial methods and tools - which are suitable

When "home recipes" do not inspire confidence or do not give the expected effect, it is worth trying special preparations developed for the care of cupronickel surfaces. With their help, it will be faster and better to clean cutlery from dirt, but only if the manufacturer's instructions are followed. The most famous remedies:

  • Gel "Sif";
  • Emulsion "Amethyst";
  • Polymet paste.

Paste products for cleaning stainless steel kitchen surfaces without abrasive particles are also suitable. For delicate processing of products self made or jewelry use jewelry pastes that are not capable of damaging their surface.

As a more practical and affordable alternative to silverware, cupronickel products are unrivaled. Sets of spoons, forks and knives made of this metal look solid and elegant, but only when they shine with cleanliness, do not have any bloom or streaks. Keeping your appliances shiny and tidy is easy with regular maintenance.

Rule number one for cupronickel appliances - correct storage exclusively dry. Spoons, forks and knives should be stored in a clean and dry place in the vicinity of the same cupronickel products. Additionally, you can use foil or paper to protect the devices from humid air.

It is equally important to timely clean cupronickel spoons from darkening, followed by rinsing with warm water. Under no circumstances should the appliances be left to dry in the dryer. After processing, it will be correct to dry them delicately with a soft towel and sand with flannel.

It is recommended to regularly polish cutlery and utensils for special occasions and store them in special cases, separate from the sets for daily use. It will be appropriate to polish them every 2-3 weeks. The easiest way to do this is to use a special polishing paste. More affordable and cheap analog- chalk powder mixed with laundry soap grated. Hand-made pasta is used to process products, rinse and dry.

Cupronickel is a silver-colored alloy of copper and nickel, which is used for the production of various products. Most often used for the manufacture of cutlery, dishes, coins and jewelry. Has pronounced anti-corrosion properties. Products from have disadvantages, the main of which is darkening and arising from prolonged use and exposure external factors spots. Many people wonder how to clean cupronickel? This can be done easily at home using certain tips.

Why does cupronickel darken

There can be many reasons for the darkening of cupronickel, they depend on the type of product and the conditions of their storage. It is worth highlighting the following main reasons for darkening in the case of dishes and cutlery:

  1. High humidity. Moisture is the main enemy of cupronickel, causing stains. Store dishes and utensils only in a dry place, after wiping them off after washing. It is recommended to use a dry soft cloth to prevent stains.
  2. Care. Cupronickel surfaces require special care, since the remnants of food and other substances can get into microcracks, which significantly affect the brightness and appearance of products.

Coins darken over time due to many factors. Unlike cutlery, coins are not washed, they are stored in the most different conditions... Therefore, cleaning the coins requires a lot more effort.

Coins are usually cleaned by numismatists, since old Soviet cupronickel coins are very popular, but most of them are in a terrible state.

A similar situation is observed with jewelry: improper care and storage space causes a decrease in the attractiveness of jewelry. Cupronickel cleaning should be carried out periodically to maintain the acceptable appearance of the jewelry.

Methods for cleaning cupronickel

Cleaning cupronickel from blackness at home can be done in several ways. The choice of method and means depends on the type of product and the degree of darkening. For cleaning, you can use cleaning agents, abrasives or foil. Next, we will consider how to clean cupronickel and what is needed for this.

Cleaning cupronickel products with foil

The use of foil can be combined with the use of baking soda and salt. Place the foil on the bottom of a saucepan or similar container. On the foil, you need to lay out the devices and pour water so that it completely covers them. The use of baking soda and salt will help get rid of the stubborn dirt that has accumulated in the micropores. You can add about three tablespoons of each substance.

Then the water needs to be boiled and kept on fire for about 20 minutes. For copper and nickel alloy heat will not affect in any way, you should not worry. After the required time has elapsed, the pan must be removed from the heat and left to cool completely, without removing the devices from the water.

After cooling down, the cutlery can be removed from the water and rinsed under running water. It is very important to wipe the products dry with a dry towel. So that the evaporated moisture does not leave new stains.

Foil peeling is pretty effective remedy which can also be used as part of a coin cleaning complex.

Use of means for cleaning cupronickel industrial production

The development of the chemical industry allows the use of special cleaning agents made in the form of gels, solutions or powders. Such funds are quite effective, allow you to make less effort and time than when using folk remedies and methods.

The most optimal is the use of liquid products and dry cloth. You can use special napkins pre-impregnated with the product in production. Abrasive cleaning powders are just as effective, but they can scratch the surface and are rarely used for cleaning cutlery.

Some products create a protective film on the metal surface. Such a film protects against repeated darkening and damage to products. Therefore, it is recommended to use special gels to restore the appearance of old cutlery.

Removing browning with vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda are easy to find in any kitchen, so they are primarily suitable for cleaning.

Soda is used in the form of a solution. For 1 liter of water, add 50 grams of baking soda. The resulting solution can be rubbed with a napkin, or rinsed in a container. After cleaning, the product must be rinsed in clean water and wipe dry.

Vinegar should be used in the same way. The solution is prepared by adding a teaspoon of vinegar to a glass of clean water.

Such remedies will not help to cope with old dirt penetrated into the micropores of the alloy, it is perfect for periodic cleaning of spoons. Its advantages are the simplicity and affordability of cleaning products.

Preparation of a decoction for cleaning cupronickel

At home, you can prepare decoctions based on various substances that can be used to clean cupronickel. Eggshells, potatoes, or garlic skins are usually the basis.

A decoction based on eggshells is a fairly effective remedy that can fix even old stubborn dirt. It is prepared by adding shells from two eggs to one liter of boiling water. Cupronickel products should be dipped in a boiling broth for a few minutes. After that, they can be taken out and rinsed with running water.

A decoction of garlic husks is prepared in a similar way. The effectiveness of the product depends on the amount of husk. The duration of boiling spoons and forks depends on the degree and age of the contamination.

Potato broth is the least effective but gentle on coatings. Therefore, it is recommended for use when cleaning products with gilding or blackening.

The use of ammonia

A solution of ammonia is prepared by adding 2 tablespoons of alcohol to half a liter of water. Polishing cutlery with this solution can quickly remove old dirt. You just need to wipe the forks or spoons with a sponge with an applied solution. So that cupronickel products do not have to be cleaned of significant contaminants that are difficult to wash, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. Correct care and storage prevents the alloy from reacting with oxygen and water. It is this chemical reaction that causes darkening and staining.

You need to store cupronickel in a dry place, protected from water and moisture.

After using the devices, they must be thoroughly washed using ordinary detergents. Additionally, you can use special gels to create protective film... But it is categorically impossible to use products containing chlorine. It negatively affects the appearance of the metal, causing it to darken and lose its gloss.

After thorough washing, cupronickel must be wiped dry. This will prevent staining and water from reacting with the alloy. Proper care of cupronickel allows you to maintain its appearance for many years.

On festive table I want beauty and gloss. And here cupronickel cutlery comes to the rescue, pleasing the eye with a soft shine. However, housewives often have to tinker with them, since this metal quickly oxidizes and turns black. Therefore, it is important to master a few simple rules for caring for cupronickel products.

Pros and cons of cupronickel

Cupronickel is an alloy of copper and nickel, sometimes with an admixture of other components, for example, iron and manganese. In color, it is similar to the third most important noble metal - silver. For this feature, he received another name - "the silver of the poor."

It is believed that for the first time an alloy similar to silver appeared in China long before new era... The alloy was called pakfong and was used for minting coins, creating jewelry and other things. Then the Pakfong came to Europe, where it gained extraordinary popularity. It got to the point of ridiculousness: Pakfong items were more expensive than silver items. After all, the Europeans did not know that the light beautiful metal looks like silver only externally, and there is not a grain in its composition precious metal- only copper and nickel, with minor impurities of other metals.

The European birth of the alloy took place in Germany, where it was dubbed Neisilber - “new silver”. But then there was a war with Napoleon, during which all the documentation on a promising alloy ended up in France. After a while, two Frenchmen, Mayo and Shore, took up the alloy of copper and nickel. Without the slightest doubt, they named the successful metal with a new name, in which they combined parts of their surnames - major.

But the Germans reared on their hind legs, protesting against such impudence. Unable to return the name given to the metal, they changed the French: instead of the major, the metal began to be called cupronickel. By Christian tradition Cupronickel was the name of one of the wise wise men who brought gifts to the newborn Jesus in Bethlehem.

Since German terminology has always dominated in metallurgy, the Pakfong Major became cupronickel.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Alloy advantages:

Cons of cupronickel cutlery:

  • quickly lose their original shine and are prone to the formation of black spots;
  • require constant care.

Where do black spots come from on cupronickel

Cupronickel is 50% copper - an easily oxidized metal. Despite the fact that the alloy also includes nickel, manganese and iron, the oxidation process remains unchanged, since these components have practically no effect on it. As a result of oxidation, brownish spots appear on the devices, which eventually darken and acquire a bluish-black color.

Darkening most often occurs due to non-compliance with storage conditions or improper care. It is not recommended to wash copper-nickel appliances in the dishwasher. Metal will not tolerate contact with chlorine or abrasive cleaning agents. Chlorine cleaning products cause oxidation reactions and abrasives will scratch the finish.

How to clean cupronickel products

For regular care of cutlery made of this alloy, use:

  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • shell of eggs;
  • foil;
  • toothpaste.

Cleaning cupronickel with soda or ammonia

For the most easy way cleaning will be needed:

  • 50 g of soda or 50 ml of ammonia;
  • 1 liter of warm water.

Operating procedure:

  1. Dissolve baking soda in warm water.

    Baking soda solution perfectly cleans dirt from cupronickel products

  2. Wash the appliances in a baking soda solution.

    Baking soda is diluted warm water and cutlery is washed in the solution

  3. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.

    After cleaning with soda, rinse the cutlery with cold water

  4. Wipe clean appliances dry.

You can also use ammonia instead of baking soda. Both of these products are good for cleaning minor dirt from spoons, forks and knives. The dull cupronickel, washed in this way, will acquire a soft sheen.

Eggshell decoction for heavily darkened products

The method is effective even for the most stubborn stains. You will need:

  • the shell of two chicken eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. table salt;
  • 1 liter of boiled water.

Cleaning procedure:

How to get rid of darkening with food foil

For this cleaning method you will need:

  • food foil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. table salt;
  • about 1 liter of water.

Operating procedure:

As a result chemical reaction which occurs during boiling, the food foil darkens and the cutlery brightens. If there are strong darkening on cupronickel, repeat the procedure again.

Video - how to clean cupronickel devices using foil

Chalk polishing

The most common chalk will help to cope with small dirt and polish cupronickel products to a shine:

If you don't have chalk on hand, use a non-abrasive toothpaste that contains silicon oxide: apply it to moistened cotton pad and wipe the products.

How to clean gilded appliances

For chic gold-plated appliances, there are some simple ways to remove dirt:

  1. Wipe the gilding with a piece of cotton wool dipped in wine vinegar or turpentine.
  2. Rub cupronickel appliances with gilding egg white applied to a flannel cloth.

Gilded appliances are cleaned with wine vinegar, turpentine or egg white

What to do to avoid black stains on cutlery

Use a few simple rules so that cupronickel cutlery always has a flawless appearance:

  • store products in zip bags: a convenient lock will completely protect the contents from dust and moisture;
  • also use tight-fitting seals for storing appliances. wooden boxes with a piece of chalk inside: it will protect the devices from oxidation;
  • always wipe dry spoons, forks and knives from cupronickel;
  • Wipe the garments regularly with a coarse woolen cloth, soft flannel cloth, or a silver-cleaning cloth.

The described methods of cleaning cupronickel are effective and not time consuming. Each housewife will be able to choose the most suitable one for herself and always keep her cutlery in perfect condition.